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Chapter 3 – Truth or Consequences
Chapter 3 – Truth or Consequences

“Alright, let’s go.” I said.

The two of us headed up the stairs to the attic, to find out that it was finished like our rec-room. Instead of a couch there was a queen sized bed. There was a TV with an old VCR and a bookshelf lined with tapes with dates for labels. I walked over to the bookshelf to examine the tapes while Emma went to the bed to examine the nightstand. The nightstand had a photo album on it. The tapes were dated from 10 months before our birth up until just shortly after we were born.

“Emma. These tapes seem odd.” I said.

“Why?” She asked.

“They’re dated on the labels. There’s one for every week starting from ten months before we were born, until a month after.” I said.

“Well pop one in that VCR, maybe we’ll see our father on one of them.” Emma said.

I picked up the first tape in the sequence. I walked over to the TV, and slid it into the VCR. I turned on the TV and Emma and I sat down on the bed. Emma had the photo album in her hands, and we both watched intently as the tape played. On the screen was a younger version of our mother.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself to the camera?” A male voice said on the tape.

“Hi everyone, I’m Julie, and I just turned 18.” Our mother on the tape said.

“You ready to do this?” The male voice asked.

“Not really, but I know what’s at stake. We can make a lot of money if I can break into pornography.” Our mother said.

“So why don’t you strip for the camera?” The male voice said

My mother bit her lower lip and then began stripping. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My 18 year old mother was getting naked on camera and her body looked just like Emma’s. Her tits were a 32C, with the same nipples as Emma, and her pussy was fully shaven.

“Now, show off that young body for the camera.” The male instructed.

My mother did a slow twirl for the camera. My cock began getting hard at the site of my young naked mother.

“Now what?” My mother asked.

“Now we get to the real show. Let me put on this condom first.” The male voice said. “Go sit on the bed.”

My mother went to sit on the bed, which was strikingly similar to the bed that we were sitting on. I felt Emma’s hand go down my pants, but I wasn’t going to stop her. She began jerking me off as the man moved the camera’s focus on the bed. The man came from around the camera as she laid down. He got on top of her and slipped his erect cock inside her.

“Oh yeah, sis, that feels great.” He said.

We both knew who this mysterious guy was. It was Uncle Paul, mom’s older brother. He was fucking mom on camera now. I had a full blown erection now.

“Wow. This is sorta trippy.” Emma said as she freed my cock from my shorts. “I’m sorry Cyrus, I know you wanted to take it slower, but this is driving me nuts watching this and not getting any.”

I looked into her eyes. There was a passion and a need there.

“Should I find a condom?” I asked.

“No. I don’t want you to use one. I just need it in me so bad. You don’t have to fuck me, just put it in me while I rub off.” She said.

“Maybe we should get you a dildo then.” I said.

“No, I don’t want that.” She said. “Just your cock, and just this once, then I’ll start controlling myself.”

“Alright.” I said.

She took off her shirt, revealing her tits.

“I want to see how this ends.” Emma said.

“Me too.” I said. “But I think you can watch while I get you off.”

Emma laid down on the bed with her head on the pillow. I got on top of her, and slowly slipped my cock inside her tight, wet pussy. She let out a groan of relief, as I slipped it all the way in. It was wonderful to be inside of her again, even though my brain was now telling me that it was too soon for us to do this, but given the circumstances, I didn’t listen to it.

“Thank you for this.” She whispered in my ear.

I began humping against her, nice and slow, which was taking all the self-control I had, as I wanted to fuck her hard and fast and get off.

“Oh come on Cyrus! There’s no reason to hold back. I want you to go full force.” She begged as I continued. “I need it hard and fast.”

“Don’t worry, Emma, I’ll give it to you.” I said.

All she needed was a quickie, so I began thrusting at full force and speed. Before long, her pussy was clamping down on my cock, and my balls were emptying my incestuous seed in her womb again. When we were both done cumming, which felt like ages later, I looked into her eyes.

“That’s the last one for a while.” I said.

She sighed. “Alright.” She said. “If it’s for you, I think I can wait a while.”

“And next time, we’re going to enjoy it more.” I said. “Cause we need to have foreplay and make each other feel good, not just have mindless sex.”

“Oh, you’re getting it all planned out.” Emma said with a smile as I pulled back a bit. “You know, I might have to get on the pill or get some other birth control before then.”

“We really didn’t plan for any of this. I hope you’re not pregnant already.” I said as I pulled out of her.

“Oh? You would mind having me pregnant? Having put a baby in me?” Emma teased as she put her hand on her lower stomach. “Don’t worry little one, daddy still loves you.” She laughed.

“That’s fucked up.” I said to her.

I looked at my sister’s body for what would be the last time for a while. She was so incredibly sexy. Especially with my cum dripping from her pussy.

“So are you gonna stop teasing me?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Walking around letting your tits hang out? Talking about masturbation? I mean if you don’t count the sex, we’re still only at the kissing stage.” I said.

“Sure, how long should we hold off on doing that kind of stuff?” She asked.

“Oh, I’d say the groping stage.” I said.

“Deal. I can work with that.” She said. “Especially since were doing alright at the kissing stage. I’m sorry that I kinda forced you into the sex today.”

“It’s alright, frankly I was finding it hard without it too.” I admitted.

“God Dammit Paul!” Our mom said on the tape.

I turned my head to see a close up of Paul’s dick with a broken condom. The camera then turned to mom’s pussy where there was cum dripping from it.

“This is bad. This is really bad, Paul.” Mom said on the tape.

“What do you mean?” Uncle Paul said on the tape.

“This is why I didn’t want to chance things today! Why I wanted to wait two weeks! I’m ovulating!” Our mother on the tape said.

“Ten months. She was pregnant with us for that amount of time, Cyrus.” Emma said.

“Yeah. Uncle Paul… is our father.” I said.

“So mom tried to get into porn, and ended up getting knocked up by her brother.” Emma said.

We were both in a bit of shock of it all. Our mother had never told us who our father was or why he didn’t live with us. Now it was perfectly apparent why she didn’t want us going in the attic. Uncle Paul lived a couple states away and I wanted to know more about their relationship. I wanted to know if it was a matter of not finding another guy for the video, or if they had a relationship like Emma and I were building.

“Cyrus, how do we handle this? He’s our dad! We have to let her know that we know.” Emma said.

“Emma, calm down.” I said, as I turned back to look at her.

Tears were welling up in her eyes. I could hear the tape reach the end, then stop then start auto-rewinding. I pulled Emma’s head to my chest and began stroking it.

“It’s alright. Everything is gonna be better from here on out. I have a plan.” I told her.

“A plan? For what?” Emma asked.

“For Mom and Dad to get together. She has some time off coming up before school starts. First thing I want to do is head down stairs after we clean up our mess. I want to leave the door open, so she knows that at least one of us has been up here.” I told her.

“How’s that gonna help?” Emma asked.

“It’s gonna force her to address it. She’s gonna have to talk to us about the situation. It’s like the time when we were kids and got separate rooms. She’ll know that she’s gonna have a sit down talk.” I said.

“Oh. That actually makes sense knowing Mom.” Emma said. “So what’s the plan after that?”

“We insist on taking the vacation time to go see Dad.” I said.

“How will that help get them back together?” Emma asked me.

“Well if the relationship was like ours, them both finding out that we know and approve might be just what they need.” I explained. “But it might not matter if it was a spur of the moment thing.”

“You’re betting they had a relationship before the video was made?” Emma asked me.

“Yeah. Look at the facts. Mom was willing to act as directed by Dad for the camera. She wasn’t a virgin for the video, and they had talked it through enough where he used a condom. There are videos up until after we were born. I’m betting there’s more evidence here that not only did they keep fucking, but kept together until just after we were born.” I said as the tape ejected and the TV went to static.

“Those are some good points.” Emma said looking up at me. “but there’s one thing you left out.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

Emma pulled away from me and looked me right in the eyes.

“If they were in a relationship, I want them to know why we approve. I want them to know about what we’ve done. The whole story.” Emma said.

I hadn’t factored that in. My mother would undoubtedly want to know why Emma and I approved of her and Uncle Paul getting back together. New questions plagued my mind. Would she approve ultimately of what Emma and I were doing because of what she and her brother did, or did she feel that what they did was a mistake? If she did think it was a mistake, why didn’t she put us up for adoption, or have us aborted? If she didn’t approve of us, would we be able to keep what we were bound to end up doing a secret from her and the rest of the family?

“Cyrus.” Emma said, snapping me back to reality. “No matter what happens, I don’t wanna lose what we’re building here. I don’t want to lose us.” Emma told me.

“Neither do I. But we have to break it in a way that she won’t object.” I said. “In a way that she can’t object.”

“How long do you think we have until all of this starts going down?” Emma asked me.

“If we leave the door open, she’ll want to talk to us in the morning.” I said. “If we wait on that, we’ll miss our chance.”

“Yeah. She might just lock up the door again, and think that she left the room this way.” Emma said.

“So what was in that photo album?” I asked.

“You know, I never looked.” Emma said.

Emma reached over and picked up the photo album and leafed through it.

“No wonder this is up here. Its pictures of when we were born… with mom and Uncle Paul in them… and judging by the pictures, it looks like they were in a committed relationship.” Emma said.

I looked at the photo album, there were pictures on every page of them laughing, hugging or kissing. There were even pictures that had an intimate tone. I looked up at Emma.

“You two have the same body type, even now.” I told her.

“Really?” Emma asked looking up at me. “I thought her boobs were bigger.”

“No, I think they’re the same size.” I said to her.

She smiled. “Well I guess I know where I get my body from then.” She giggled.

“Let’s head down stairs and grab some lunch.” I said.

“Good idea, I’m starved.” Emma said.

We left the room, leaving the photo album on the bed and the tape sticking out of the machine. I planned to return to the room later and watch other videos, but the album had more than answered my questions about them. I had a plan and over lunch I explained what we would do when she got home, how we would confront her, and how we’d do different things based off of her reactions. Emma was more than happy to do what I asked of her. After lunch, Emma hit the shower and I went to my room. The two of us just needed to bide some time before she got home. When Emma was done with her shower, she joined me in my room. She was wearing one of those off the shoulder t-shirts that looked huge on her, and hid her chest better than the other t-shirts that she wore, but it did show a black bra strap, which told me she was wearing a bra for the first time since our “incident”. She was also wearing some baggy black shorts. I had changed into my red shorts that had black and white stripes going up the sides and an old t-shirt that had used to have a decal on it, but it had peeled off long ago. It had a few holes in it, and was an off white color. It hugged my muscular chest. I was sitting at my computer, and had turned to look at her when she entered.

“How do I look?” Emma asked me.

“You look great.” I said.

“Thanks.” She said before coming to sit on my lap and snuggle my chest. “So what’s on our afternoon plans?”

“Movies, popcorn, that kind of stuff, why?” I asked.

She gave me a kiss on the lips then snuggled back into my chest.

“No reason. You just seem to have everything planned out this time.” Emma said.

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

“No. It’s good that you’re prepared.” Emma said to me. “At least one of us is this way.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, I was just kind of thinking. If I had been prepared, you wouldn’t of been worrying about me getting pregnant. I think I should’ve started on birth control long ago.” Emma said.

“Emma.” I said.

“No, it’s true!” Emma said.

“Don’t get all down on yourself. You didn’t see anything like the cave happening, and as for the attic, well, it had been less than a day since the cave.” I told her.

“So you don’t hate me for not being on birth control already?” Emma asked.

“How could I ever hate you?” I asked her.

She leaned up and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

“You’re so sweet.” Emma said.

We got up and headed down to the basement to watch some more bad movies. We snuggled on the couch, watching some more Mel Brooks movies, and then we started in on the Fast and the Furious movies. We snacked on some microwavable popcorn, and spent a good deal of time just making out.

“Okay, so from here, we go to our rooms, and wait for her to get in?” Emma asked later that night.

“Yeah. I wanna hear her reaction. I know she won’t try to wake us, but she’ll definitely want to talk first thing in the morning.” I said.

“Alright.” Emma said.

She got up off me, and stood up and stretched.

“Well, I’m going to bed then.” She said as she turned to me.

She leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss.

“Good night, my dear big brother.” She said after the kiss.

She started up the stairs, and I jumped to the other side of the couch to watch her walk up. As she was walking up, she took off her shirt, revealing the black bra that I had noted earlier. Things were going smoothly between us, but the next twenty four hours would end up being the most crucial for the two of us. I soon made my way to my room. I shut and locked my door behind me and laid down on my bed just in time to hear our mom come in the door. I heard her come up the stairs and see the open attic door.

“Shit.” She said softly.

I heard her walk up to the attic. She took what felt like forever, then came back down stairs.

“Damn. They know. Or at least one of them does. I’ve gotta talk with them tomorrow.” She said quietly before entering her room and closing the door.

The next morning I was the first one up, even before Mom. I only went down stairs to grab a glass of orange juice then returned to my room. When Emma got up, she too grabbed a glass of juice then joined me in my room. Emma was wearing a long t-shirt, and nothing else from what I could tell. She had her hair back with a head band. She had trimmed it a little before bed the night before. We sat and quietly talked waiting for our mother to wake up. She mentioned that it had been getting tangled while she slept and it was driving her nuts. We heard a knock at my door and it was on. I answered the door.

“Good, you’re both here.” Mom said. “I’d like to talk to the two of you. Come to the dining room.” She said.

Mom was wearing just a cushy bathrobe. Her hair was down and it looked as if she hadn’t gotten much sleep. I guessed to myself that she had been up all night worrying about what we thought. I nodded and closed the door. I turned towards Emma, who just smiled. She knew what we had planned, but I doubt our mother had any idea. It was my hope that by the end of this that she’d be trying to get back together with Dad… err… um… Uncle Paul… um… my father. I’m sorry folks. At this point in the story, the titles were a bit confusing. I think I’m gonna stick to calling him dad for the rest of this. A few minutes later we made our way down the stairs to the dining room. Mom was sitting there, sipping on coffee from a white cup. She had a cigarette lit and between her fingers, which was a bit of a surprise since she usually didn’t smoke inside the house, but as far as I figure, she was kinda stressed over all of this. Emma and I sat down in the chairs opposite her.

“So which one of you was in the attic? I’m betting it was you, Cyrus.” Mom said.

“Why do you think it was me?” I asked.

“The cum stain on the blanket.” Mom said.

My mom was right, we really didn’t clean up the blanket while we were up there.

“We both were.” Emma said. “I saw the tape too.”

“So you both know?” Mom said as she put down her coffee cup.

She took a sharp drag from her cigarette. She was mentally preparing herself in the same way I had to before I started writing. She was expecting hatred, harsh words, and anger, but she wouldn’t get any. Not from us, we didn’t care, and all of you readers know why.

“Who our dad is? Yeah. How you two had a relationship? Yeah. We don’t care, Mom.” Emma said.

Our mother was dumbfounded. She didn’t know what to say. She had just gotten approval from her own kids about fucking her older brother.

“Mom, if you love Dad so much, why did you leave him?” I asked.

“I didn’t want you kids knowing the truth. My parents don’t know, no one does besides Jason and I and the two of you.” Mom said. “So why are you kids so accepting of all of this?”

I sighed deeply. It was time for our secret to be told for the first time.

“You know that Earthquake two days ago?” I started.

I started telling my mother all of the details, showing her the bruises on my back that I had hidden from even Emma. I told her how my only concern when it started was protecting my sister. I told her how the earthquakes had ended up not only stripping us but forced us to have sex. As I recounted every detail of the “incident”, my mother’s mouth dropped slowly.

And that’s where I’m gonna cut the story for now, I’ll pick this up again in the next chapter. For now, good night, all.


2015-02-07 21:10:24
"Sex With My Sister - Book 5, Chapter 3"

My apologizies for the "double tapped" comments, below, due to the download of my computer running sllooooow!


2015-02-07 21:06:30
"Sex With My Sister - Book 5, Chapter 3" - Nineteen Year Old Virgin Sibling Twins, Brother Cyrus and Sister Emma, and Their Thirty-seven Year Old Mother, Julie.

The pace is slow, but very well detailed, with indepth character action and intelligent, caring and understanding dialogue of mother, and her twin kids, brother and sister. I could read this story chapter after chapter, day on end, leisurely and with tantalyzing excitement! Cyrus and Emma are fast becoming comfortable in their own skins and their recognized, very deep feelings for each other!

Now that they have discovered in the attic the video and picture album of their thirty-seven year old, single mother making her first love and sexual activity with their father, their Uncle Jason--their mother's brother Jason, they understand their mother being single, their own incestual attraction for each other! All things considered they also approve of their mother's love for her brother Jason, their father!!


2015-02-07 21:06:20
"Sex With My Sister - Book 5, Chapter 3" - Nineteen Year Old Virgin Sibling Twins, Brother Cyrus and Sister Emma, and Their Thirty-seven Year Old Mother, Julie.

The pace is slow, but very well detailed, with indepth character action and intelligent, caring and understanding dialogue of mother, and her twin kids, brother and sister. I could read this story chapter after chapter, day on end, leisurely and with tantalyzing excitement! Cyrus and Emma are fast becoming comfortable in their own skins and their recognized, very deep feelings for each other!

Now that they have discovered in the attic the video and picture album of their thirty-seven year old, single mother making her first love and sexual activity with their father, their Uncle Jason--their mother's brother Jason, they understand their mother being single, their own incestual attraction for each other! All things considered they also approve of their mother's love for her brother Jason, their father!!

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