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A change of scenery and a new interest in love
8 months later down the long road: February 2015

It's the middle of February and I’m walking down Bourbon Street. Seems Mardi Gras is in full swing as the locals and tourist are yelling and cheering. My thoughts go to the last 8 months of all that I have learned and done. The odd jobs along the way have been from hauling hay in summer to brick laying in the fall to even a little construction in winter. The latest job was learning some electrical work on a barn close by. As my thoughts were remembering they were broken. There were women talking loudly offering to show there tits for beads. Walking the street alone makes me wonder why I came here anyway. I don’t really fit in with my hair longer and a beard. I get to a corner and am approached by a few women. There are proposals and offers from women to keep me company. I look at them and start back in the direction of my trike. I don't know what comes over me, but decide to head north and see more of the west from there. It doesn't take me long to get where I parked my ride. It's like my feet had a mind of their own. Once at my ride I get on and start Spirits Star up. She sounds wonderful to my ears every time. I kick her in gear and start down the road and out of town to leave Louisiana in a few hours going up to Arkansas and west from there. I guess having fun for me is riding at night when the roads are not as crowded. The last eight months have been nothing but healing my heart and my soul. My mother would often text me asking how I am and where I am. I would text back saying I am alright and the place I am at. She would say the family loves me and hopes one day I will return. I once asked if anyone seen Savannah all she text back was yes and she was very happy. When I read that I felt my heart seemed happy for that was all that mattered. After that I never asked again because she was happy which made me happy. I just hope she would always know I still loved her. I reached Arkansas and thought it best to go northwest. When I stopped to refuel Spirits Star I looked at a map and noticed it be best to go west from Fort Smith and into Oklahoma. I looked at the U.S. map on my cell and looked at what state I wanted to go see that I haven't yet. I chose Nevada since it was one I haven't seen as of yet. After I paid for my gas and got something to drink I mounted up again and started back on the road.

Carson City I found out was a good place if you wanted to hide from anyone. Well that is if I had a reason to hide which I didn't. I drove into town at noon and decided to get a motel room so I had a place to stay. I took a nap since it was a long ride and with very little sleep I sure needed it. I didn't wake up until like 9 p.m. that night. I got up and decided to see what there was to do here. I didn't even try to take my trike as I needed some air and figured I'd walk around. About 15 minutes into my walk I notice a few bikes, cars, and trucks in front of a bar. I was 20 and really didn't know what age I had to be to go in. So I just took a chance and walked in. I looked around for a place to sit and found one up at the bar counter. The whole bar looked mostly full of bikers, locals, and truckers. I tried to never look for a fight, but won't back down if provoked. I walked over and sat on the barstool. The female bartender looked at me and asked what I wanted. I looked at what they had and asked for a coffee. She gave me a look then went to get what I asked for without a word. I noticed some ladies at the bar counter drinking on their beers or hard liquor. The bartender came back with my coffee and I thanked her. She told me the price and I paid giving her a good tip in which she gave me a smile. She stood about 5'9, 158 lbs, long black hair with blonde streaks. Her name tag read Debra which I thought was a nice name. The music playing loud was nice and had a good beat. I was sipping on my coffee and listening to the music until my thoughts took over me of the past 8 months of being on the road and doing the odd jobs I have done. It was a great experience really for someone my age. Not a worry in the world except surviving. I guess I was to deep in my thoughts when I heard a woman yelling at me over the music and noise.

“ HEY SEXY ASS DUCK!” She yelled at me

I turned my head to see this woman standing about 5‘8, 167 lbs, wavy medium length brown hair and brown eyes. She was holding a beer bottle in her right hand.

“ Huh.” I tell her when she gets a serious look

“ I Fuckin said DUCK.” She exclaims to me

I turned my head to see a guy about to hit me for no reason as I duck. The next thing I hear is shattered glass and a loud thump next to me. I get back up to see the same young woman fighting off another guy that stands a little higher then her. I take a few steps and grab him by the collar of his shirt and bring my fist back and into his stomach. He doubles over and that is when she has another beer bottle in her hand which isn’t there for long. She brings it down over the back of the mans head. I let go of his collar at that exact moment and he goes down face first on the floor. I look around to see there is a bar fight going on and hear someone yell the cops were called. I see the way is clear to the door as I take the woman’s hand and lead her out of the bar. She is swearing every other word at me telling me to let go. I don’t let her go as we keep walking for the door. Once outside she let’s go of my hand saying a few choice words before running which is more like wobbling to a bike. Next thing that I see is her taken off out of the parking lot as fast as she could. I hear the sirens coming closer and decide to stay in the shadows walking fast to my motel room. I didn’t know how to think of this night. I took my cell phone out from my jacket and seen it was about 10:30 p.m. I finally approached my motel room and went inside. Taking my jacket off and placing it on the chair I took my phone out. Stepping over to the bed I sat on the edge and looked at the screen. I thought of calling my parents and tell them goodnight. Instead I text my mother and say goodnight and I love her and dad. It's just a few minutes later I get a text back. It reads we love you too and goodnight. I get a warm feeling every time getting a text like that. I reached down where my bag was and took my charger out to charge my phone up. Once pulled in the socket by the bed it was charging. I took my boots off and stood to go lock the door. Once back on the bed I laid down and placed my arms behind my head. All I ever do at night is think. It's been a wild ride these past months. I have never gave up on my love for Savannah, but that day her parents stepped in was the most hurtful moment in my life. I still can't believe after all these months they changed their minds over a year before. But they say love gets tested in any relationship. As it was Savannah and Mine was at the test. I decided it was time for sleep as I turned to my right and did just that sleep.

The next few days went by and Monday starts with me getting some breakfast at a nearby diner. I was in a booth just minding my own business. It was 9:30 a.m. and I just got done with my breakfast. I only had my coffee and orange juice in front of me. I looked around and noticed a few locals eyeing me. I admit my appearance has changed since 8 months ago. My hair is longer, my beard was full, but trimmed. I had my leather jacket on with a muscle shirt underneath. I got a tattoo a few months ago of a heart with broken thorns wrapped around it, with flames burning off the heart. My shades were on so others couldn’t see my eyes. I noticed a familiar face looking at me. It was the woman from the bar the other night. She seemed in better shape and not so drunk. She got off the stool at the counter and started to walk over to where I was sitting. She got closer and stood by the seat across from me. She looked at me with a smile then spoke.

“ May I join you handsome?” She asked me with a grin

“ If you want to I don’t mind.” I answered her with a grin back

She sat down and slid into the booth opposite of me. She placed her glass which looked like iced tea down on the table. She was wearing jeans, tube top, and a leather jacket. I noticed a few tattoos one on her neck and part of one on her left inside arm. She sat there for a few seconds until she extended her hand in which I took and shook.

“ My name is Megan Douglas and yours sexy.” Megan introduces herself to me with a smile

Shaking her hand I answer her.

“ I’m Nick Carrington it’s nice to meet you Megan.” I answer her with a grin

“ Likewise hun.” She states to me back

She sits there for a few minutes then gets a serious look. Just like she had the other night.

“ I want to apologize for the other night. For leaving you like I did. You were just trying to get us out of there and I didn’t thank you for that.” She tells me with a sincere smile

“ It’s ok Megan I should thank you in return telling me to duck.” I respond telling her with a sincere grin

“ Well I had to say something handsome, you were just sitting there like you were in your own world.” She tells me being correct

“ Yeah sorry it’s been a rough few years. And the last 8 months I have been out on the road just doing odd jobs here and there.” I tell her not getting into details

“ Oh, so your not exactly from around her then?” in a sad tone she asks me

“ Nope, actually I am from Alabama just riding and enjoying the sights.” I tell her answering with a small grin

“ What do you ride cutie?” She asks me with a look of wonder

“ Oh I ride a Gold Wing 1800 trike, that one just parked right out there.” I reply pointing outside at my trike

She turns to look out the window and her eyes go wide. Her jaw drops as she stares at my ride. She looks back at me with a big smile on her beautiful face. I notice a expression that makes me wonder what is going through her mind. She seems excited for a moment then composes herself before she speaks.

“ How long have you been a biker?” She asks me with a look of excitement

“ Oh for a few years why you like bikers?” I ask her with a grin

“ Actually yes I do Nick. I uh.....” She trails off then finishes what she started to say” My ex was a biker until a tragic shoot out took him from me”

Megan tells me with a sad expression. I don’t know what came over me, but I got out of my seat and sat next to her. I placed my left arm around her and placed a kiss on her forehead. I suddenly noticed what I did and stopped pulling my arm back.

“ Sorry I didn’t mean too...” I trailed off not finishing what I was going to say

“ Oh it’s ok thank you though. I’m sorry for making you feel you had to move.” She states to me with a hint of disappointment

I looked at her eyes and there was something about them that just drew me in. I couldn’t tell myself what was happening. It seemed I was in a trance for some reason. I shook the thoughts out of my head then reached for my glass of juice and took a long sip. I placed it down and started thinking of what to do. I didn’t really want to leave because I have been on the road and lonely. I never knew how much being without someone sucked. I went back over to my spot across from her and sat in silence.

“ Well Megan I guess I should go. I am sure you probably got things you have to do.” I stated to her feeling a bit sad at my words

“ Actually I don’t Nick hun. I know we just met and don’t really know one another, but I was wondering if you like to hangout since you don’t really know anyone besides me.” Megan tells me with a look of hope

I sit there thinking of the words she spoke. I really don’t have anything to do except ride around and lay in the motel room bed watching reruns of Street Hawk or Renegade. She is pretty and cool to talk to. I took out my phone and noticed it was almost 10:45 a.m. I looked up at her placing my phone back in my jacket pocket. The expression on her face was like anticipation for my answer. I looked into her eyes and saw she was like me lonely to, but there was something else that I couldn’t quite see. I let out a sigh then answered.

“ Your right Megan I don’t know anyone around her except you. And it would be nice to have someone to talk to after all this time. Don’t get me wrong I have met some people along the way, but they mostly talked about trade skills and work.” I said to her explaining about some details

“ I know the feeling to a point. I don’t really have any friends or anyone to talk to. You have been the first in awhile that has talked to me without wanting something in return. I do need to confess something to you though Nick.” She tells me with a hint of worry

“ And what would that be Megan?” I asked her with concern

“ Nick I find you very attractive and mysterious. You have that rugged appearance about you. And it is true I like bikes, but I love bikers as I went out with one against my parents will. I loved him deeply until he was taken away from me in a drive by.” She tells me confessing and explain a bit of her past

I sat there listening to the sadness in her heart. She must have been on her own for awhile. She looks at me with a expression still of hope. I think for a moment and decide to confess myself of my feelings.

“ Megan since we are laying stuff on the table as to speak. I have to say your pretty and cool for helping a total stranger. For some reason your eyes make me lost in them, but right now I can’t tell you as of why I have been on the road all these months. At least not right now if there comes a time that I feel it’s right I will. All I ask is for you to be patient with me.” I explain to her being truthful and sincere

“ Nick I can respect that and honor your explanation. And thank you for the compliment it's been awhile since anyone as been nice to me. As I see it we have all the time to know each other. And if there comes a day you want to tell me of your past I will listen and try my best to comfort you, because I feel there alot going in your mind and heart. I will warn you now.” She states to me then adds” When I get close to someone my heart becomes a shield for them. I will always stand by them in every way I can. I will cherish their love as they cherish mine. Although the love I did have my heart didn’t shield him from a few bullets.”

She explains to me in detail of how she feels when her heart and love are with someone. I listen intently and think I am the same. I can be very protective of the love in my heart.

“ Well I have to say we are of the same in most ways. So what did you have in mind of us doing while I am here?” I stated to her and asked

“ Well was thinking we could ride around. Maybe see a movie and have dinner later if you like.” She explains to me with excitement

“ That sounds like a plan to me. It’s been a long time since I have seen a movie with a beautiful woman.” I said with a little flirt

“ Same with me and you really think I am beautiful handsome?” She asks me with a sexy smile

“ Yes I do and you think i’m handsome.” I say and ask her with a grin

“ Yes I do and maybe one day after getting to know one another we might be something more." She exclaims and then has a bit of fear in her eyes then adds" Sorry if I said anything wrong or crossed the line."

" You didn't Megan, It's just I haven't been with a woman in awhile. And I want to take things slow to make sure we connect." I tell her with a truthful tone

" that's just absolutely fine Nick. I want the same as long as we can hang out and have fun doing stuff together." She tells me agreeing with me

I think on what she said to me and wonder myself. I look outside up at the sky as there are no clouds just a blue sky. For the middle of February it’s a chilly day. I look back at her and see she as a expression of wonder.

“ You sure about taking a ride with it a bit chilly outside.” I ask her which she gives me a determined look

“ Yes unless your not use to riding in cold weather.” She tells me with a bit of daring me

“ I might be from Alabama but I can ride in the cold.” I tell her with a smile

I zip my jacket up and see she is doing the same. I can see she is a real hot head if I she has to be. She calls a waitress over and tells her we are ready to cash out. I start to reach into my front left pocket and she beats me to paying. I give her a look in which she catches and says I can pay for the movie. I think for a moment and shrug my shoulders and nod accepting her comment. We scoot out of the booth and gather our stuff. I grab my helmet as she grabs hers that’s on a coat rack by the door. We get outside and to our designated rides. I ask her where we going first as I place my helmet on my head. She tells me just follow her and I would see. I shrug my shoulders and nod to her. I get on Spirits Star as she gets on hers putting her helmet on. I notice as she gets on her bike its a bit hard but once shes on she actually can reach the handle bars and petals. We let our rides warm up a bit before easing out of the parking lot and into the street. She opens the throttle and starts pulling away from me. I let open the throttle up and start catching up with her. Like I thought she can surely be a fire cracker if she needs to be. I think she is in a hurry because of the cold air hitting her chest that isn’t covered up.

After riding around for a few hours Megan pulls into what looks like a movie place. The parking lot isn’t all that crowded. She pulls into a empty parking spot as I pull up beside her. We kill the engines as I turn and see her let her kickstand down. It’s cute the way she does it. I start to stare at her sexy ass and notice I am. I quickly look up and see she saw my eyes roaming in which gives me a smile on her face. Both of us take our helmets off and start walking towards the doors of the cinema. Once through the doors we get to the inside ticket booth and I let her pick the movie. She stands shorter then me as the clerk in the booth just stares back and forth between us. Megan picks a romantic action movie that looks interesting by the name. I pay for two tickets and we walk in through another set of doors. She exclaims she wants popcorn and a Dr. Pepper. We both walk up and I pay for what she desired and get myself a drink. I carry the popcorn and my drink as she carries hers. We find the door to where the movie will be playing and she says the back seats would be better. We get in our seats and just wait for about 5 minutes when the lights dim and the movie previews start. It’s another 7 minutes when the movie starts. I had the bucket of popcorn in my lap so she didn’t have to be uncomfortable. After about 30 minutes into the movie Megan reached over and got some popcorn and started to eat. I had my drink in the cup holder so my hands were free to lay on the arm rest. It wasn’t long that my right arm started to cramp so I stretched it above me and had to elevate it. I placed it behind her head on the back of her seat. I didn’t know if she noticed, but I didn’t want to be to straight forward. She was into the movie as was I until I felt her hand on my right thigh. I didn’t know how to react since it’s been so long that a woman had placed her hands on me. I just went with it and let her keep it there. By the end of the movie she had her head by my shoulder. It has been awhile since a woman has laid her head on my shoulder, but it felt kind of nice. All through the movie though I wondered what she was thinking. Was she thinking of something could start right then and there, but my memory kicked in and what she said about some just wanting more in return. She was telling me she wanted to hang out and get to know one another that I took in thought also. The movie was over 2 hours later and Megan and I on our rides not long after. The sun was starting to set as I followed her to what looked like the bar where we met the first day I got into town. Again we parked side by side. Taking off my helmet I asked her why we were here. Megan responded saying they served delicious steaks here. I thought for a moment and thought nice. It has been awhile I had a good steak. We walked into the bar and I noticed not so many people were here. She spotted a booth and pointed. I nodded my head as we walked over and sat. She sat next to me which was nice in it’s own way. She told me she wasn’t going to drink anything except Dr. Pepper for she wanted to be able to enjoy the night.

After our meal got to our table we started in. It was nice to have someone to eat with. The steak was delicious like she said. I was enjoying the moment and the company. Both Megan and I were done finishing our food and the waitress came and cleared the table. We sat there just enjoying the evening and music. A slow song came over the speakers a moment later. I watched as a few couples that came in got up and went to the dance floor. I turned to notice Megan watching the old and young couples dancing to the song. It has been awhile since I have danced with anyone. I scooted out of the booth and extended my had to her. Megan looked at it and then up at me. A smile came upon her face as she took my hand in hers. I helped her out of the booth and led her to the floor to dance. I placed my hands on her waist and she placed hers on my shoulders. Her head went to my chest and we danced to the song. I felt her heart beating as she was close to me. I guess it was out of habit, but i wrapped my arms around her which made her let out a sigh. It was nice to hold a woman again in my arms. As I guess it was the same for her for she placed her arms around me and held onto to me. After the song was over we just stood there for a moment. I looked down into her eyes and her up into mine. We both had a smile on our faces. We broke the hold and I led her back to the booth and helped her in. I got in also and sat next to her again. this time my arm behind her head as her left hand was on my right thigh.

As the evening turned into night it was around 10 p.m. when I was walking her up to her place. It was a nice one bedroom house from the outside. I stood there behind her as she unlocked the door. She turned around to face me and with a nice smile she spoke.

“ I had a nice day with you Nick.” Megan tells me with a sexy smile

“ As I did with you Megan it was very nice to hang with someone for once.” I tell her truthfully

We just stood there looking into one another eyes. She was beautiful as the moonlight shined down upon her.

“ Nick I want to ask you in and spend the night. but I don’t want to rush something that could be real. I would like to see you while you are here as long as that is. I like you and am feeling something inside me that doesn’t want to fuck anything up.” Megan tells me with a sincere fearful expression

“ Megan it’s totally understandable as I like you to. And I would like to see you too and see what happens after awhile.” I tell her with truth

“ But you said your just passing through for a few days I thought.” She exclaims to me

“ I know I did, but today showed me that I needed to enjoy life once again.” I told her with a small grin

“ Aww handsome, whatever the reason or whatever hurt you all those months ago must of really did a number on your heart.” She tells me being concerned

“ Yes it did Megan, I have come to some comfort, but some things seem to linger.” I tell Megan with sadness

“ Well I truly hope you stay awhile sexy ass. When you feel it is time to tell me what happened I am here to listen.” Megan tells me with a sincere smile

“ I would appreciate that Megan.” I told her with a smile

“ Awww sexy. Would it be ok to give you a kiss Nick?” She asked me with a hopeful grin

“ Sure I would like that.” I tell her with a small smile

She stepped up to me and I leaned down. Our lips met and we kissed. I felt her mouth open and her tongue looking for access. I opened mine to let her in my mouth. I don’t know how long our kiss kept going. I placed my hands on her sexy ass and squeezed. Megan let out a moan as she placed her hands on mine and squeezed in which gave her a moan. After a few moments she broke the kiss and looked up to me with a big smile.

“ Wow you can kiss very nice.” Megan proclaimed smiling big

“ So can you beautiful.” I told her caressing her left cheek of her face

We stood there for a few minutes looking into each others eyes. She put her hands on my chest and looked up at me smiling before she spoke.

“ What are you doing tomorrow Nick?” She asked me wanting to know of the next day

“ Well I am hoping to spend some time with a beautiful woman I am getting to know.” I answered her with a grin

“ Well she will like that very much.” She replied grinning ear to ear

We said our goodnight’s and see you tomorrows. As I could see it was getting a little cold for her. She smacked my butt as I started to walk off her porch and to my trike. She waited until I started to leave before she walked into her home. It wasn’t much longer until I was at my motel room and inside that my mind started to wonder. I had a fun day and it was with someone that was nice and sweet. She was a good kisser and a lovely dancer. I laid on the bed after taking my jacket off and just relaxed. My eyes closed as the last thought I had was the kiss that was still on my lips. My mind wondered to Savannah and thought of what she would say about Megan. Thinking of Savannah made my heart remember the times we shared. Those times would always be with me. It was a hard to walk away from her house that day. But I still respect her parents even though they stepped in their daughters life. I laid there with all the thoughts coming to me and only one thing came to me. It was time to start living and start enjoying life even if it was with someone new. I fell asleep not long after with a grin on my face.

It’s the second day of April and my back is up against a tree. I am holding Megan who is sitting between my legs with her hands on mine. The sun is beaming down on us as the spring breeze blows through our hair. I have been here for over a month and a half. It’s been really nice. It was just two weeks ago that Megan asked me to stay with her saying I needed to save my money that I had left. She explained to me she had money. Megan further told me the parents of her ex told her he wanted to give it to his love and his bike. She got wise and invested it in a few companies a few years ago. She is 21 just a year older then me. I remember how it was with Savannah being older and just think it’s all ironic. The day is beautiful as it’s around 1 p.m. in the afternoon. Megan is wearing a bikini top and shorts. And I am in jeans and a muscle shirt that she bought for me. She loves the way I look and my personality. Megan told me she doesn’t love someone for money. It's the way they treat her that she loves them. I told her that was good because I only loved her for her heart. That gave me a smile on her beautiful face. As we are sitting under that tree I think it’s time to explain everything to her. I have her turn around so I can see her eyes.

I start by telling her about the papers I found and how my family kept a secret. She listens to me intently as I tell her about Savannah and that we left home for a year. Once I tell her about the P.I. taking Savannah she gets a mad look until I tell her he got arrested. I then tell her what happened when we returned home and what her family done. Megan said that was BS of how they treated me. I tell her what caused me to leave again and that is when she sits back away from me an looks deep into my eyes.

“ Baby do you still love Savannah?” Megan asks me with fear

“ Darlin she is still part of me, but I know things can’t go back to what they are. She is happy with her new life now. My mother told me every time when I would ask.” I explain to her truthfully

“ But what if you go back and she wants you back what then?” She asks me with more fear

“ Megan, you need not to be scared or have fear. I am here with you and I have loved every minute we have shared. And even if she did there is one thing she would have to accept above everything.” I tell her seeing a little hope come back

“ What’s that handsome baby?” Megan asks with a small grin

“ That you are in my life and my girlfriend. She would have to accept us as a package. For I am not going to lose you over a maybe or if.” I tell here sincerely

Megan looks at me wide eyed as my words filled the air. She comes at me and places her arms around my neck.

“ Baby how did you know I was bi also?” She asked me curiously

“ Um I looked in your closet while you were in the bathroom. I found your strap on toy.” I confess to her with a shy smile

“ Oh that um yeah I had a female lover at one time, but her boyfriend at the time I found out was a pimp and tried to get me to start working for him. I said hell no and that was when he told her to start charging me. I told her I couldn’t pay because I was on a set income which I lied but still.” She explains to me intently

“ Damn maybe I should of came up sooner. I would of put him through a door.” I tell her sincerely

“ Aww my love, If you did we could of had some fun.” She tells me with a big smile

“ Oh yeah how so?” I say asking her what she meant

“ Baby think about it. You underneath me or her riding your beautiful cock and me or her fucking the others ass. Have you never DP a woman before?” She asked me very intently

“ Nope, Savannah and I did have a threesome one time, but never like that.” I tell her answering

“ Well maybe one day we can do that baby with someone we can truly trust. I know you will love it especially after.” Megan tells me winking at me

“ Oh and what would be after?” I curiously ask her with a grin

“ Oh me sucking your dick back to life while you eat out the other woman.” She tells me talking dirty

“ Mmm that does sound very nice and yummy, but what if I wanted to eat you out while you sucked me to get me hard?” I ask her with a sexy grin

“ Oooo then I would let you. The other woman would have to watch and wait until I got you ready and you got me wet.” She tells me with a very seductive grin

I looked at her when she said that and pulled her to me. I gave her a deep passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss. She straddled my lap and started to grind on me. I lowered one of my hands down between her legs. I started to rub her when she stopped me. She looked into my eyes and spoke.

“ Baby you know I am on my you know what. I know I got you horny I am sorry.” Megan tells me with a pouty face

“ I know I forgot in the moment.” I tell her confessing

She looked at me with a sexy grin.

“ Baby I promise in a few days I will make it up to you extremely nice.” She tells me before placing another kiss on my lips

We stay like that for a little while longer until she breaks the kiss and says it’s time to fix supper. She gets up and helps me up. We hold hands walking through the back door. She tells me to go take a cold shower and smacks my ass as I walk to the bedroom then bathroom. My shower goes well except the cold water truly doesn’t help as Megan had me really hard, but I let it go down on it’s own in time. Once dried off I dress in shorts and go see what my new love is fixing. I snag my phone before I do and check my messages. I see a few from my sisters seeing if I am alright. I have one from E.P. which is odd since it’s been 2 years since I have heard from him. Then a few from mom saying to call soon. I walk behind Megan who is standing in front of the sink. Placing my arms around her I lean down and kiss the right side of her neck. She lets out a moan. Then turns her head to find my lips and gives me a kiss. Her lips are so sweet that I kiss them deep and passionately. She broke the kiss and told me to have a seat while my woman cooked for me. I told her ok and sat to watch her sexy ass sway back and forth while she cooked our supper. I thought how life could be for us both. The way she treated me was familiar except the cooking was new. I sat there thinking I could get use to this. She maybe a wild firecracker at times, but when it mattered she really was a beauty and treated me so right. Although I think the last month was making me restless. I was so use to riding and doing odd jobs when I could. Megan turned after placing the chicken in the oven and came over to sit in my lap. She looked into my eyes and I guess felt something was wrong. She wrapped her arms around my neck and spoke.

“ Baby you ok is anything wrong?” Megan asked me with concern

“ I don’t know beautiful I guess i’m just restless. Guess being use to riding down a long stretch of road is catching up to me.” I explained to her answering her

“ Awww baby I can understand that.” She told me thinking of something then added “ I just had a thought handsome.”

“ And what would that be my sexy little love?” in a curious voice asked Megan

“ Aww you do love me when you say that.” She says with a big smile

“ Of course I do you have helped me out of my sadness and depression, plus you have started to fill my heart with love.” I tell her with a truthful smile then add” So what are you thinking of darlin?”

“ Well I was thinking what do you think of you and I just traveling on the road. We could see the sights and have fun. We could do odd jobs together and learn from them. Maybe start our own business in the future if that is what you want to do.” She tells me with a smile “ And besides it gives us alone time just us. You on your trike and me on my bike. Besides it’s getting boring around here and we need some fun.”

I looked into her eyes and saw that love she has been showing me for all these weeks. She leaned to me and gave me a deep, soft, loving kiss. I returned it with my arms around her. She scooted closer to me on my lap and kept the kiss linger. After a few minutes she broke the kiss and looked deep into my eyes as I did her’s.

“ So what do you say baby you and me on the open road. Or say our good byes and think of the last few weeks as two people just needing a quickie.” She tells me getting up and off my lap

I look at her with eyes wide at what she said. I feel stunned as well wondering what is wrong. I stand up and watch her turn and look out the window. Her back towards me as I her her sobbing. I shake my stunned reaction away and step up behind her. I place my hands on her shoulders to feel her jerk. She doesn’t move as we just stand there in silence. After a few minutes I turn her to look at me and see tears going down each of her cheeks. She has a deep scared expression as I speak to break the silence.

“ Megan why did you say that last part. Have I shown you I don’t want to leave you?” I asked her with a deep concerned

“ Nick I am afraid.” Megan tells me with more tears

“ Afraid of what darlin?” I say to her asking as I wrap my arms around her

She looks up at me with tears. She then places her head on my chest and speaks.

“ Of being alone Nick darling. Baby I have been alone since I was younger. Since my ex was killed. Nick please don’t leave me here alone. You have been the first to show interest without taking me by force. You said I helped you, well you helped me. You helped me feel wanted and needed. You embraced my heart when it was hollow. Nick baby you are the love I want and need as well.” She tells me still with tears falling

I stand there holding her and feeling my chest get wet. I now know why she said the words she did before. She has been without a family for so long. She has lived without a true friend around her. At that moment I pick her up with my hands on her sexy ass. Megan wraps her legs around me and her arms around my neck. I look into her eyes and that is when I tell her my heart.

“ Megan I will never leave you. I will always be by your side as long as you are by mine. Megan I am in this for the long haul. As for taking you with me of course I don’t like quickie relationships except in a bathroom, changing room, oh wait haven’t done any of those. So nope no quickies in this relationship.” I tell her my heart and smile

Megan looks at me with wide eyes and then smiles as her lips touch mine. She drives her tongue deep into my mouth searching for my tongue. She found it and started to make love to my mouth. Our moans echoed through the kitchen. Megan started to grind on me. I broke the kiss and stared into her eyes.

“ What’s wrong baby?” Megan asked me very concerned

“ Your grinding on me and making me very aroused. What am I suppose to do darlin?” I state to her where she starts thinking

“ Fuck my ass...oh god I need you.” She told me feeling like me

“ You sure darlin I never have done it before.” I told her confessing

“ Yes I’m sure baby, and I will show you.” Megan tells me with a sexy smile

“ Ok what do I do beautiful?” I asked her grinning

“ First put me down so I can take my shorts and panties off. There in some KY on the fridge.” She tells me pointing at the KY jelly

I let her down and watch as she starts stripping in front of me. I step over to get the KY and back to her. She instructs me to lube her puckered hole when she bends over. She does and spreads her ass cheeks. I notice a little blood which doesn’t stop me from applying the KY. I open the bottle and squirt some at the top of her ass and watch it slide down. With my right index finger I take some and start lubing her up. She tells me I need to put plenty inside her and on the outside. So I do smiling as I am about to make love to her sexy ass. After plenty of lube is applied she turns around and starts getting my manhood ready. She says that the harder I am the better. Megan takes me into her mouth and god does her mouth feel so nice. Megan is stroking me nice and slow. She doesn’t want me to erupt yet. I feel my cock get harder to the point I let her know I can’t take anymore. She eases off my manhood and turns to bend over. Megan tells me to take it slow as she relaxes her back door. I line the head up against her back entrance and slowly ease it in. She starts to wince in pain as I stop. Megan tells me to keep going. She tells me she is alright just keep working my cock into her back love hole. I start at it again only this time placing a hand on her left hip. Megan starts moving backward on me helping with the tension that is starting. I feel myself sliding in a bit more as Megan reaches underneath her. I feel a fingernail hit my cock letting me know she was playing with her sweet pussy. After a little bit of working myself in I was all the way in. Megan let out a moan and told me to start slowly in and out until she was use to me. So I did holding her hips with both hands. Megan started to moan a bit louder as I was making love to her ass. She had a hand on the table to hold herself up. My wild fire was keeping my pace going back and forth on my cock. Megan was getting so into it she was rubbing her clit faster.

“Oh in my ass.” Megan tells me moaning loudly

I obliged her sexy request and started thrusting faster and harder. Damn was she so tight I could feel her squeeze her puckered hole around my shaft.

“ Megan...oh fuck.” I said moaning her name

“ Oh” Megan moaned to me

“ You like my cock in your.....oh fuck.....ass.” I asked her while thrusting faster and harder

“ Oh fuck yess.....pound my ass....pound what’s your’s......Oh God baby.” Megan moaned telling me her answer

I pulled her hips back on me as I started pounding her ass as she asked. She was moaning and going wild on her clit. Her back door was squeezing me again as she moaned saying she was close. I told her so was I and that was when she told me to cum with her. We were lost in our passionate love that we both couldn’t hold back much longer.

“ BBABYYYYY....I’M CUMMMINGGGG.” She moaned yelling loudly

“ MEGANNNNNN.” I moaned yelling her name

At that moment we came at the same time. Her body tensed up and I pulled her tight against me as my cum erupted deep into her ass. Her cum gushed on me, my balls were bathed in her juices. I came so much inside her that I leaned over her and kissed the back of her neck. She gave out a moan as I did. I felt her ass pushing my softening manhood out. I stood up and backed up against the counter to catch my breath. I looked down and noticed blood and cum mixed down each side of her legs. She was catching her breath when I picked her up in my arms and started to leave the kitchen when she told me to wait and let her down. So I did to see her turn the oven down a little and then jump so I could catch her. I walked us into the bathroom and into the shower. She smiled as I let her down and she turned the water on. We washed each other making sure the main part of us were deeply cleaned. She told me she could feel my cum trying to cum out. I told her sorry which she responded by saying don’t be. Megan told me she enjoyed it extremely. It was a little bit later we dried each other off. She went to sit on the toilet to pee as I watched. Megan wiped and then did a few female things before taking my hand and leading me into the bedroom to put some panties on and shorts. She didn’t have a shirt on after taking it off earlier without me knowing it. I put some shorts on as we walked hand and hand back into the kitchen. She went to check on the chicken and said it will be ready soon. Megan came over to me and sat in my lap. Megan asked me why I never made love to a woman in the ass. I responded by saying Savannah was saving it until we decided on getting married. Megan said that was sweet, but it was so erotic feeling the love of her heart inside her. I asked if she would like it more down the road. She responded saying as long as it was me she would. Megan also said I was all the man she needed. We sat there talking a bit more when I asked her.

“ So where would you like to go to for a bit?” In a curious voice I asked

“ How about the east coast and see the ocean.” She stated to me smiling

“ That sounds like a plan darlin.” I stated to her with a smile then added” So when did you want to leave beautiful.”

“ How about this weekend once we ride the east coast lets work ourselves to Alabama.” She tells me grinning

“ Alabama?” I ask with a concerned look

“ Why not baby, I am your woman right. I think it be nice to meet your family and they know me. Especially if you and I decide to take our relationship a step further one day. I know it would be wonderful my darling love.” Megan tells me with a big smile

I look into her eyes and see excitement and truth. I sit there and think of all she said. I come to a decision and nod.

“ Ok this weekend but what about this house?” I ask her concerned

“ Don’t worry baby that I already thought about. Remember the female lover I told you about.” She asked me with a grin

“ Yes darlin I do.” I responded to her

“ Well she needs a place and the rent is already paid for this year so it will give her a chance to find a job and take over in January.” Megan explains to me in which I smile

“ So your very sure about this Megan?” I ask her again to make sure

“ Yes Nick baby I am.” She tells me with a smile ear to ear

I nod accepting her answer as I pull her to me. We kiss for a bit until she gets up to check supper. I watch as she moves around the kitchen. We may have just met almost two months ago, but like they say love can catch your heart when you least expect it. And Megan was that love that healed me. I think of how we first met and smile as it was her yelling for me to duck as she used a beer bottle to knock a guy out. But few days later it was a kiss after a spontaneous date that started to heal my heart as a start. The future seemed to be getting brighter as I stood up and walked up behind her like earlier and turned her towards me. I looked into her eyes and said.

“ Megan Douglas I love you darlin.” I told her with a grin

She looked into my eyes also and grinned.

“ Nick Carrington I love you too baby.” Megan told me with a single tear

I leaned down and kissed her and that was the second time I felt a spark stronger then the first we shared. As we kissed I just thought East coast here we come.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-11-26 19:17:35
the deep south lovey dovey crap is spoiling the story, apart from that, a good read...


2014-11-16 10:05:18
Wow hmm ok

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