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I decided to do this story menu style (see below for more details). For starters with we begin with the aperitif. The main course and desserts will follow.
It was another Friday night closing at the bookstore. I was working with my all-star crew. My manager, Carol wanted to get out on time and pushed that, because she had to be back here in the morning for the opening shift. I was her back up as the supervisor, and we had a dream team of booksellers to make sure that the customers tonight were taken care of and the store would be put back together after it was inevitably torn apart by the weekend throng. We had Bonnie and Marty as cashiers so we knew checkout would be a breeze with only occasional calls for backup when it got too busy.

Then there was the café; that was the only wildcard: Kelsie and Melissa were on tonight.

Kelsie came at 4 for her shift barely in uniform. She was a looker, if a bit on the trashy side. She wore black, form fitting yoga pants that really shouldn’t be part of dress code; but that only required black or khaki non-jean pants. I could’ve sworn there was something about no spandex but I know if I were to bring it up, she’d say they were cotton or something, so I let it slide. They showed off her round and shapely posterior, a bit too much. Her top was the standard issue polo shirt that seemed to be a size too small and unbuttoned so the tops of her very round, almost spherical breasts were visible, along with her collar ‘popped’ in some ridiculous fashion statement. Her curly dark hair spilled over her shoulders to complete the look. Carol would have to be the one to mention her pants or cleavage; I wasn’t going to do that as a male superior.

Actually she wasn’t in uniform… and I did end up having to have a talk with her.

“Kelsie, you can’t have nail polish in the café. You know that.”

“Oh come on Mark, I just got them done yesterday for a college night party. I can’t take it off after one day.” Thursday nights were for college partying as no college student in their right mind would take Friday classes. Clubs inevitably did Thursday night college nights with no cover for pretty girls with college IDs. I doubt anyone paid any attention at all to her nails though.

“You know the rules Kelsie; if Steve (the café manager) were in he’d tell you the same thing.”

“I know, fine.” She asked Carol for some nail polish remover and went to work removing the pink from her nails till she was natural again. I think she must’ve known I was watching her, though to be honest I couldn’t tell you why I was. I just found it entrancing. She finished and looked up directly at me, “There,” wiggling her long, now-natural fingers to me, in a fake sweet voice she asked “can I go to work now?”

I laughed, “Go on you brat.” She smiled and went out to the café.

Melissa came in at 5:50, ten minutes early and ready to start her shift in the café. She was a sweet girl, and I was glad to have her in the café that night. She was really pleasant to the customers, with a sunny attitude. I wanted her to take care of the customers while Kelsie, who had a tendency to be caustic, handled the drink making and behind the scenes stuff.

Melissa was perky and peppy saying ‘hi’ to everyone. In fact ‘perky’ is just about how I’d describe every bit of Melissa. Her attitude and her body, her chest certainly. Her form fitting black polo uniform was less filled out than Kelsie’s, but her smaller breasts still looked good. They seemed more triangular than round, and I found myself pondering the artistry of bra makers as well as silently thanking the company for requiring the black polo shirts that make the café girls look so good. Melissa wore khakis that weren’t as revealing as the rounder Kelsie, but still made me think that ‘perky’ was the right word for her rear asset as well. Even her light straight brown hair bounced as much as she did.

I didn’t have much contact with the café during the course of the night. I had my lunch at 7 and got an employee coffee from them. At 8 and 9 I went over to collect slush (the inevitable pile of books left by bastard customers when they decide not to spend any money and leave whatever they pick up where ever they please) from the café and to check that things were good with them.

During the 10 o’clock hour I got busy directing my folks to get the store put back together. I made the announcements at 10:30 that the customers had a half hour left to make their final choices, etc. and went for a last check of the café…

…At the exact wrong moment. A guest with a small child (who incidentally had torn apart the entire kid’s book section) had just gotten a hot chocolate for the brat before the café closed down. The child, obviously curious about the effects of gravity, held the drink upside down watching as it poured out of the sipping hole before the lid gave way entirely and the rest of the contents splashed to the floor.

I literally face palmed, and then muttered, “Clean up, aisle 6.”

The Mother, not missing a beat, immediately went right back to Melissa and started complaining about the poor quality of the cups that was the obvious cause of the spill, and not the fact that the kid at 4 or 5 hadn’t mastered the concept of ‘this side up’ when it came to beverages. I heard Kelsie respond with an indignant “What!?!” and knew I had to rush in to action. I jogged up to the café. Before the idiot mother and Kelsie started swapping attitudes; that could only end badly.

“Hi Ma’am I’m so sorry about that. My names Mark I’m the supervisor on the floor at the moment. I’m sure Melissa can get you a replacement hot chocolate for this little guy. Kelsie and I will go in the back and try to find a mop for that spill, sorry about your inconvenience again.”

Once Kelsie and I got in the back, she spun to me to protest. I cut her off before she got the chance. “Kelsie I know it’s bull shit, trust me I know, I saw the whole thing but you can’t yell at the customers and she could’ve made your life difficult if she called Steve or the GM complaining about you. It’s really just a quick mop to fix it and the time it takes Melissa to make another one; so no real harm done.”

“She’s full of shit.”

“Of course she is Kelsie, her little brat has been tearing the whole store apart and she’s done nothing to stop it. She’s one of those that will blame her kid’s awful behavior on everyone but the brat and her own shitty parenting. Just take a breather back here. I’ll make sure the kid gets out of the store without making another mess and then once that bitch is gone give it a quick mop please.”

“Fine. She is a bitch though.”

“A raging one,” I agreed.

I went back out as Melissa was finishing the new hot chocolate. The mom put it in the brats hand and started leading him towards the door once more, again not paying any attention as the little bastard started tipping the cup upside down again.

“Whoa buddy, be careful not to spill there.” I caught him and twisted the cup back upright. “There you go,” to the Mom I said, “Here let me get the door for you Ma’am.” The woman walked hand in hand with the child, who still seemed confused as to why the cup was still right side up, into the parking lot towards their Mercedes. Where I hoped the little fucker would spill the entire thing on the expensive interior.

All this put us a bit behind in the closing procedures. I made the five minute announcement and set my team on their final assignments; made sure my cashiers were okay and headed once again to check on the café…

… at the wrong time, again. This time Kelsie was arguing with a young man. I let out another mutter of “Christ on a biscuit” and walked over again.

“Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, how may I be of assistance?”

“Mark, this is my boyfriend Tim. He misunderstood when I got out.

Tim interrupted, “You said you got out at 11, let’s go.”
“I said we closed at 11, I don’t get out till 11:30, 11:15 at the earliest.”

Tim started again “Look, we’re already late for the party. Do you expect me to hang around in a fucking bookstore for another 30 minutes?”

“Actually since we’re closing in about 2 minutes I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’ll make sure to get everyone out as soon as possible as we’ve all had a long day,” I said. I didn’t want to deal with the argument and it was holding up Kelsie from getting her work done. She was almost done mopping the chocolate mess the kid made but she stopped to argue with her boyfriend.

I usually let the significant others who are able to act more maturely hang out in the comfy chairs to wait, but calling my store “a fucking bookstore” made him lose that opportunity.

“I’m not waiting; if you’re not out by 11 you can walk to the party.” He stormed off.

What an asshole, I thought, “Hey Kelsie, I’ll try to get you out as soon as possible. Just get this chocolate mopped up and get the café closeout done for the day while Melissa gets the café register, then we’re good.”

“Thanks Mark. I totally did tell him the right time though. He just wasn’t listening to me.”

Closing took longer than expected, Melissa, who overheard the spat between Kelsie and her boyfriend tried to go too quickly, but made a mistake and had to start over and in her nervousness from that screwed up more till I had to sort out the cash with her and calm her down.

Carol came over about 11:05 to say that Kelsie’s boyfriend just pounded on the door demanded Kelsie leave then, and when Carol told him it shouldn’t be too much longer he called Carol a ‘fat bitch’. Not that this was Kelsie’s fault but Carol felt she should be aware.
Kelsie blushed, “Carol, I’m sorry. He’s been acting like a real jerk all week and I’m really going to have a long talk with him. You don’t deserve to be called names just because he has a stick up his butt.”

“Look Carol I’ll get café finished you have to be back early in the morning; why don’t you split now?”

“Yeah, thanks Mark, I am really tired…”

We all turned toward the window as we heard a squeal of tires. We saw a blue car peal out of the parking lot with its radio turned up too loud. “Shit,” I heard Kelsie mutter.

Her boyfriend had left her.

After a moment’s puzzled silence I said, “Sorry Kelsie, I was going to tell you to go too so you wouldn’t be that late.”

“Kelsie, I’m so sorry I was nervous and kept screwing up,” Melissa said.

“It’s not your fault, sweetie, if he wouldn’t have made a scene you wouldn’t have been nervous in the first place.” Kelsie smiled at her. “But if he thinks I’m going to walk all the way to a party to hang out while he gets drunk, he’s really stupid.”

“Look I’ll give you a ride to the dorms; we’re both going there anyway.” Melissa said.


Carol left with the rest of the bookstore side crew. I had to spend a few minutes counting the totals and locking the cash in the safe while the café girls finished the last of the mopping, the dishes and wiping everything down.

They came back ready to go just as I had locked everything away. Kelsie still looked a bit shocked at the events of the night, and stressed. Melissa looked sad. “Okay ladies I think we’re all ready to call it a night.”

I set the alarm and let us out. I went to my car making sure they got to Melissa’s. My car started and my music came on… her car didn’t. I fought the desire to face-palm again. An already late night wasn’t going to end yet.

“A perfect end to a perfect night, huh girls?”

They didn’t smile, I couldn’t blame them really. “Do you need a jump? I have cables.” Melissa agreed and set up the cables but after fifteen minutes the car still wouldn’t start. It was beyond my limited car knowledge I told them that I’d wait around for them to call a tow truck and give them a ride home.

“I’ll call the tow truck tomorrow I have Saturday off. It looks like everyone is having a crappy night. First I slow us down with stupid mistakes and Kelsie’s boyfriend drives off without her, now my stupid car won’t start and Mark has to drive both of us back to the dorms.”

“Don’t worry about me I have the day off tomorrow too. I was just going to go back to my place and read anyway. Hop in.”

Melissa took the passenger seat while Kelsie clambered in the back I couldn’t help noticing her ass sticking out as she ducked behind the seat of my two door coupe. Her yoga pants brought out the bubble in her butt. I think Melissa might’ve caught me looking; it’s possible she was just catching a peek as well. She smiled and got in herself. I got in and started the car.
Kelsie apparently felt the need to explore the contents of my back seat. “Hey what’s this Mark?” I heard the clinking of bottles.

“That is wine, young lady it’s what adults drink when they’ve had a long day.” I teased at her. “I actually tried a new one last week and ended up drinking half the bottle, so I decided to pick up a couple more.”

“Mus-cat-o Bi-an-co,” She said in a cheesy Italian accent, “Is it any good?”

“Yeah it is. I actually drank too much of it too quickly, it’s light but has a kick.”

“Then what the hell are we doing going back to the dorms we should be going back to your place and drink up your wine. I could certainly use it after the night we had.”

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t expect Kelsie to say something like that, she was wild enough to; except it wasn’t Kelsie’s mouth that the comment issued from but Melissa’s; sweet, innocent Melissa.

“Huh?” I said.

“Yeah!” said Kelsie.

“Man, Melissa you must be feeling the stress if you’re up for drinking.”

“I’m eighteen for crap’s sakes. I’m in college. I’ve been to some parties. It isn’t like I’ve never touched alcohol before, it’s only wine anyway. It’s not like I’m saying we should do tequila shots and get naked.”

Now she was just putting images in my head… except I remained eloquent and replied “Umm…”

Kelsie then joined in “So how bout it Mark, don’t ya think we could all use a big glass to relax after the shit show we had tonight.”

“Well I don’t mind sharing. My place is on the way to your dorms anyway just don’t let me get too drunk to drive you home.”

Both girls just made the “YESSSSS!!!!” gesture that usually accompanies underage kids getting alcohol.
I wouldn’t usually be bringing two underage girls in for drinks. Plus, since it’s a bachelor pad my apartment wasn’t exactly spotless. It wasn’t a pigsty. I keep the living room fairly straight though the blanket on the couch wasn’t folded and the kitchen was, if not spotless, clean enough that there were no bugs. In my bedroom my bed was unmade, but book store supervisors don’t usually get all that much company. I put both bottles in the freezer to cool them down quickly. I had enough from the original bottle in the fridge to get us all a half a glass.

“There you are ladies. Here’s to angry boyfriends, broken cars, and asshole customers.” I took a sip, it’s definitely sweet but I know that it will hit you.

CLUNK* Kelsie’s empty glass was set with force on the table. I looked from her to Melissa who smiled and downed the rest of her glass as well slamming it next to Kelsie’s with another CLUNK*

Kelsie looked at me with defiance and expectation. “Look little lady I still have to drive you home in a bit. I’m not going to be throwing back any glasses that fast.”

I opened the freezer again got one of the still warm bottles out and rummaged for my corkscrew in the drawer. “Now since you were impatient you have to drink this next one warm.” I filled up their two glasses and topped up mine. “Let’s sit in the living room.” I went and sat in the big chair leaving the couch for the girls. I saw that Kelsie had brought the bottle with her. I rolled my eyes which made Melissa giggle.

“What?” Kelsie complained, “We’ve had a wicked rough night.”

I shrugged, not really minding.

I have a pretty big couch, big enough for them both to stretch out but Kelsie sat in the middle and Melissa sat right next to her, shoulders pressed together.

Kelsie drank the next glass almost as quickly as the last. In fact it only took her about three gulps. Melissa must’ve felt some spirit of competition because thirty seconds later she had emptied her glass as well.

“There you go Liss you’re not so innocent after all.” Kelsie said to her, giving her an affectionate shove from her shoulder to Melissa’s.

“Everybody seems to think I’m so innocent. I’m not. Just because I don’t do some things does that make me innocent?”

“Yes.” Kelsie and I both answered at the same time. We all started laughing. Kelsie took the opportunity to fill up hers and Melissa’s glass.

“I’ve drank, I’ve had sex before. Everyone just thinks I’m a little girl because I don’t fuck everybody or do drugs.”

I was still chuckling. “I’m actually surprised you used the ‘f’ word.”

“It’s just prejudging. If someone looks or talks a bit with me and Kelsie they think she’s the crazy one and I’m the innocent one. I could be crazier than her. It’s prejudging her too she could be not wild at all and I could be an absolute freak.”

“Hear, hear, sister,” Kelsie said smiling and toasted her both of them clinked their glasses and took a big gulp each.

I sat back in my chair still smiling. “So Melissa,” regaining her attention, “are you an undercover freak?”

Kelsie thankfully didn’t laugh but smiled and turned to her coworker awaiting her answer.

“Well…” but rather than answer she fell silent and blushed.

“Maybe we should ask, ‘What have you done?’”

“Or what haven’t you done?” Kelsie added, looking intrigued at Melissa.

“You guys are just making fun of me again.”

“No we’re not.” Kelsie and I both answered at once.

“Come on, you called it prejudging, you can’t blame us for being interested after that.”

“Yeah, come on Liss tell us something kinky you’ve done.”

Melissa just blushed more in silence.

“Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to. I better get you guys to the dorms before I drink anymore.”

“Aww,” whined Kelsie.

“Oh come, on don’t kick us out, just cause I’m embarrassed,” Melissa pleaded.

Jeeze, I hadn’t even meant it as an ultimatum, I was trying to give her a means of escape.

“I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean in order to get you guys home alive I can’t drink much more; and I really don’t want to sit around sober while two eighteen year old girls drink all my wine.”

“So drink with us,” Kelsie said.

“Yeah; none of us are working tomorrow,” Melissa chimed in.

I was surprised once again that Melissa was encouraging this.

I must’ve been out of my mind for considering getting drunk with two girls this much younger than me. But fuck it, you only live once.

“Alright, but the rules are everyone needs to loosen up. We’re going to play ‘never have I ever.’ Do you know it?”

Kelsie nodded and smiled, Melissa shook her head.
“Okay here are the rules; we go in a circle, someone says ‘never have I ever’ done… something, whatever. If you have done that then you have to drink a big gulp. If you’re the only one drinking then you have to tell the story of what happened.”

Kelsie said “I’ll go first. Never have I ever performed oral sex.” We all took a big gulp.

“Wait a sec, you drank on your own turn?”

“Yeah well I have performed oral sex and I want to drink too. Plus I’m curious about how much Liss has done.”

“Stop thinking I’m so innocent. My turn; never have I ever made out with a woman.”

I drank and so did Melissa herself, but Kelsie didn’t. Kelsie’s mouth dropped open. “Really?”

I was a bit surprised myself, but Melissa just said she didn’t have to tell any stories because she didn’t drink alone. Melissa looked smug at having one that Kelsie didn’t.

“We’ll see about that,” It was my turn now. “Never have I ever made out with someone of my own gender.”

“Shoot.” Melissa said drinking a very big gulp of wine alone. She stayed quiet for a moment, then said, “My friends in middle school practiced kissing each other after school; got pretty good at it too.” She shrugged and went back to looking as innocent as ever.

Kelsie apparently wasn’t buying the innocence, “Just to make sure, never have I ever gone down on a woman.” I drank, as did Melissa.

“What?!” Kelsie exclaimed.

“Kelsie for Christ’s sakes I’m trying not to drink too much. You could’ve said ‘own gender’ then you would’ve gotten a story too.”

Kelsie looked abashed, “Sorry.”

And of course I’d have to ask it on my turn just to get the story, but it was Melissa’s turn next.

Melissa laughed and looked at me “Let’s just get this one out of the way too; since it seems I’m going to be way kinkier than Kelsie, never have I ever had anal sex.”

She drank a big gulp herself, and I joined her since I had with a very kinky ex of mine. Kelsie didn’t drink but continued looking shocked at Melissa.

“Poor innocent Kelsie,” Liss smirked taking another swig of her wine finishing the glass.

“You whore,” Kelsie replied, but she was smiling and they both resolved into laughter.

It was my turn and I didn’t know which one to ask to get the story about” the ‘girl on girl action’ or the anal sex. I could never have I ever about being anally penetrated with a penis. I realized both would be picking on Melissa. Kelsie hadn’t drunk in a few rounds now… and there was a rumor I had wanted to confirm.

“Never have I ever been pierced in an unconventional area.”

Kelsie got angry. “God I hate that bastard. Tim was shooting his mouth off in the café again.” Then she took a big gulp alone. She knew she had to tell the story.

“I got both nipples pierced on my eighteenth birthday. That stupid bastard can’t keep his mouth shut.”

It was her turn and she re-asked about Melissa’s girl on girl, so that she would have to tell the story.

Melissa told us that her friend in high school used to practice making out and then one night they went further. The friend later admitted that she was truly a lesbian. Even though Melissa wasn’t they still remained good friends.

Melissa looked at me and must’ve known I was going to ask about her anal experience to get the story, when it was my turn. She didn’t want to be the only one telling stories. So she singled me out.

“Never have I ever done anything to a woman’s asshole.”

I drank and I drank alone, both girls turned their attention to me, waiting for the juicy details.

“Right after college I dated this girl Kathy, she was on the wild side, I’d say a bit like Kelsie but given what I’ve been learning about Melissa maybe more like her, heh heh. I used to go down on her and she squirmed all around and I rubbed her pussy and (beats me how it started but) eventually I made contact with her ass. She moaned like crazy and I guess I just kept it going. The first time I just rubbed her asshole, maybe barely poking my fingertip in; the next time I inserted a finger and then two while going down on her. The next time we were in the shower together I kissed and licked her asshole. I was nervous at first about it so it was after a good soaping, but after that I was hooked and licked her asshole regularly. She loved it all and one day she told me to fuck her ass and she seemed to like it more than I did. But some girls aren’t really into it. Most of my later girlfriends didn’t like it.”

Damn it! I looked down at the dregs left in my glass. I wasn’t supposed to drink down past half the glass. I said, “Girls, I have to switch to water and I still will need to wait about an hour to drive you home. I wasn’t supposed to finish this glass.”

“No way, you can’t quit now.” Kelsie protested.
Melissa tried convincing me too, “We still have a bottle and a half left. None of us work tomorrow, we don’t have school. Let’s keep going we can sleep here and we can all go out for breakfast tomorrow.”

“Come on Mark, you know if we go home now I’m just going to be stuck thinking about my stupid boyfriend possibly ex-boyfriend, and Melissa is just going to worry about her car. Let’s drink and keep playing.”

“Actually when you put it that way, let’s have shots and then keep playing.” Melissa chimed in. “Do you have anything we can take shots of Mark?”

I wasn’t going to turn down the girls if they wanted to stay. I was having a blast with them the game was fun and even though I drank too much to drive I felt I could use some more since the responsibility seemed to be now lifted. “Okay, okay, c’mon there’s some vodka in the kitchen. Let’s do a couple of shots then go back to the game. I want to know about your anal experience Liss, and still want to know which of you is dirtier; right now it could go either way.”

I own quite a few shot glasses so I grabbed three and poured the vodka, we each took them and only Melissa gave a tiny cough from it.

“Whooo!” Kelsie hooted, “Nice let’s do another one.”

I poured another three and we took it down again. I was feeling much more relaxed now that I knew I didn’t have to drive anywhere tonight.

We sat back down with the wine and kicked off our shoes. I said “Before tonight I wouldn’t believe that Liss had more varied experiences than Kelsie or me.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m dirtier. I was with my ex-boyfriend for 3 years and my friend I messed around with was when I was just getting into high school.”

“You’re dirtier than I expected you to be; you little slut,” laughed Kelsie.

“I’m not a slut either. Besides my friend and that boyfriend, I only had two other boyfriends and one one-night stand at my first college party.”

Then gameplay resumed but Kelsie still looked like she couldn’t believe that Melissa’s did all the things she admitted to tonight. A few rounds later she still looked at her friend with a glazed expression.

Melissa noticed, “Come on Kelsie. What? Are you jealous of me?”

“I just still can’t believe it all,” Kelsie replied, “maybe a bit jealous, that I didn’t have a sexy girlfriend like yours growing up.”

“You want to make out with a girl. I bet Mark would really like to see that.” Melissa said smiling at both of us.

“Only if you are both topless,” I laughed.

“Don’t tempt us,” said Kelsie winking at me.

“You wish,” retorted Melissa with a smirk.

“Come on, there’s an extra vodka shot in it for you,” I coaxed.

“How about get us the extra shot, we’ll make out, and then decide if we want to take our clothes off?” Melissa responded.

That was good enough for me. I poured the shots. Kelsie looked nervous and Melissa looked mischievous, the exact opposite of their work personas.


End of Part 1

This is continued in part 2, after this appetizer comes the main course. You can choose between either:

The (approximately 6000 words/ 11 MS Word pages) Full Flavored Meat and Potatoes option,

or the (approximately 4500 words/9 MS Word pages) Lighter Fare, less filling option.

I should put these up within the next day or two.


2014-11-20 06:58:18
part 2 should be uploaded to it's awaiting approval.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-16 12:53:22
I not quite sure I understand the meal metaphors, but good story, I like where it's going.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-16 12:44:26
Part 2 please!! Interesting!!!!

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