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Readers should consider all characters to be 18 years old.
Shelly’s Secret Chapter 1

A True Incest Story

By Greg & Shelly

Readers are forewarned that this story and series contains graphic details of sex between a father and his daughter. If incest offends or disgusts you, please enjoy your day and read something else. For those wishing to continue, let me explain that this story is a four-part series about sex between a father and daughter. I know that in most cases, incest can have a devastating impact on families, but there are situations like this. I am not condoning these activities in any way, but simply stating that not everyone involved in them is permanently harmed. It happens more frequently than you might think.

My name is Greg. I was 18 years old when this all started, but I looked much younger because of my size. My growth spurt hadn’t kicked in yet. I was always teased about this at school. Mom always blamed it on me being a "preemie." Due to some medical complications, I was born over a month early. Still, I was going through the changes that all guys do. During this time and place, parents didn’t often speak about the things we needed to hear. Girls might have gotten a warning from their moms to not be "that girl," but that was about it. The guys were pretty much on their own. Sex was just something parents weren’t good at talking to their kids about.

Listening to guys at school had clued me into parts of it. Sure, I was always playing with myself, but I was not all that sure how exactly the sex part with the girl worked just yet. I had heard all the colorful words, but I didn’t understand all the actions behind them. I had been having wet dreams for quite a while. I’d wake up at night feeling really good, and the damp area of my underwear would be cooling by then. I felt really embarrassed about it all and quickly changed. I’d stuff the soiled underwear deep into the dirty clothes hamper. I hoped the spot would dry by the time my mom washed it, or she'd assume a wet towel in the basket had dampened them.

My dad was a roofer and worked steadily, unless the weather was bad. He had been a strict father and had been pretty tough on us. I had an older sister named Shelly.

Mom worked a lot. She had a good job at a local car assembly plant. It was good pay and steady, but she was always gone. She didn’t have enough seniority to get the good shifts yet, so she mostly worked in the evenings. She’d get home after midnight, sometimes even later if she stopped at the bar with her friends for drinks.

Anyway, this all started one day when I had been nosing around, just being curious. I had gotten into my parents' closet and was just poking around when I discovered an old crumpled box on my dad’s side of the closet. It was on an upper shelf, partially covered by some old hats. As I lifted the lid, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a stash of pornographic magazines. I knew right then that I should have gotten out of there. My head was pounding as I picked up the top one and flipped through the pages. My mouth was as dry as dirt, and I remember shaking so badly that I thought I might lose my balance. I was standing on a chair to reach the shelf.

I grabbed the one magazine, got down, pulled the chair away, and made a dash for the bathroom. Our house was small and had only one bathroom. It was about the only place that I could be alone. At the time, my bedroom door didn’t have a lock on it.

Shelly was outside in the yard. This was during the summer, and Mom and Dad figured Shelly and I were responsible enough to be left alone during the day. Mom had gone into work early. She always got a lot of extra overtime in the summer.

Locking the door, I sat down on the cool linoleum floor and, with almost reverence, started studying the magazine. It had an old glossy cover. The pages were worn, and the corners were all bent. I don’t think there was much text. If there was, I didn’t waste time with it.

The pictures inside were of everything. On the first few pages, women were pictured laid out on beds with guys sticking their dicks into them. I didn’t know much about sex then, but I knew your dick was supposed to go into the girl. I wasn’t even sure at the time what a girl’s private parts looked like.

As I paged through the book, my little dick was at full attention. I remember not even wanting to waste time getting out my pecker. I just shifted my jeans to make more room in the front and kept on looking. I could not believe that girls actually did this kind of stuff for real. One page showed several girls with a dick in their mouths as they sat on another one. I had to force myself to swallow every once in a while, just to wet my throat.

I was only about halfway through when I heard the screen door slam. I knew Shelly was now in the house. I had to stop, so I stood up and flushed the toilet just to cover my tracks. I stuffed the magazine under some towels by the sink and tried to bend my pecker so it wouldn’t show.

Finally, I had to just pull it up straight against my stomach and hope it wasn’t going to be noticed. I wasn’t particularly big or anything, but the sucker was rock hard and wouldn’t go down. Shelly’s banging on the door startled me. She had to go.

"Hurry up!" yelled Shelly.

I was still pale, and my heart was pounding as I exited the bathroom.

"What do you want for lunch?" Shelly yelled from the bathroom.

I was making my way to my room when Shelly hollered, saying she was making hot dogs.

"Okay," I said, even though I wasn’t the least bit hungry.

As soon as I heard Shelly go back into the kitchen, I raced back to the bathroom to retrieve the magazine. As quietly as I could, I replaced it in the closet, making sure to put everything back the way I found it. All through lunch, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had seen. Visions of those girls being naked and actually having sex played over and over in my head. I probably hadn’t said a word at all. Shelly startled me back to reality.

"What’s wrong with you?" she asked.

"Nothin'; I just ain’t hungry, I guess," I told her.

Shelly was a nice sister. We were always very close. We didn’t have a lot of neighbors with kids our age, so we had grown up as playmates together. We had always been together when we were young. We really never had many fights or anything like that. Mom and Dad did all the fighting. That was maybe why we stuck together so much. Dad and Mom were always at each other about things. Honestly, it was probably a good thing Mom’s work kept her away so much. Dad was home in the evenings alone with us, and that was probably best.

Dad never did much at home. He’d work all day on someone else’s house, and he seemed pretty beat when he got home. Mom had shown Shelly how to cook early on. Most times we just ate simple meals that Mom had gotten ready in the morning.

Dad was not someone to mess with. If you had chores or homework to do, you had better have them done. He wasn’t a warm person you could talk to. Mostly, he would just grab a beer and settle in on the couch to watch TV.

"Coming outside?" Shelly asked.

"Naw," I said. "I’ll just probably sort out some ball cards in my room." I lied.

Nothing would keep me from getting another look in that box. She went out to the yard again.

As soon as I felt it was safe, I raced back to my parents' room and dug into that box again. I couldn’t believe all the stuff in there. Mostly magazines, but other stuff too. There were some playing cards, like for poker or something. The edges of the cards were all worn and curled. The deck was just wrapped with a thin rubber band. I remember the top card being a joker, and instead of the normal kind of picture, there was a full-color picture of a woman holding two dicks against her face. I pried the other cards away and was shocked as I realized each card was a different picture with sex positions on them.

Real stuff too, not just naked poses, but actual close-ups of girls doing sex. I held on to the cards, grabbed another magazine, and went to the bathroom again. I was sitting on the floor with the magazine in my lap, thumbing through the cards. Each one was a jaw-dropping shot of some sex position I had never dreamt of before.

I was taking care to keep each card in order on the cover of the magazine, just in case Dad had them in some kind of sequence. I must have had ten cards on my lap when the bathroom door burst open. In my hurry, I must have forgotten to lock the door. Shelly had returned to the house without my hearing her.

"Shelly, God dammit!" I cried.

The door bounced against my legs. The magazine flipped off my lap, and the cards slid off across the floor.

"What the hell, Shelly? Get out!" I yelled, trying to cover as much as I could, but it was useless.

Shelly just stood there for a moment, not saying anything. I couldn’t think of anything to say either. Just awkward silence and dread on my part. Finally, she stooped down and picked up one of the loose cards near her foot. It was one of a girl sucking on a guy’s huge cock. I could have died right then. She seemed to study the card for some time and finally said something I’ve never forgotten.

"Do you like looking at this stuff?" she asked softly.

I started muttering something about it not being mine.

"I’ve got to clean up the lunch mess," she interrupted.

"We can talk after I’m done." She handed me the card she was holding and left.

I didn’t think I had the strength to even get up off the floor. I just sat there, wishing I were dead. Finally, I started rounding up the cards, trying to re-order them as if it mattered now. I walked back towards my room, carrying the cards and magazine right out in the open. I went into my room and sat on the edge of the bed. I was dreading the next few minutes. Finally, hearing Shelly in the hall, I knew it was coming.

Shelly walked into my room. She came over and just stood right in front of me. She didn’t seem especially mad, but I was too ashamed to even look her in the face. I remember sort of fidgeting with the edges of the cover of the magazine. After what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence, she reached out and put one hand on my shoulder and the other right on the stuff in my lap. She sort of bent over and leaned really close to me. She spoke softly, almost in a whisper.

"I understand," she said, "I know what you are going through."

I was still bracing for an ass chewing, which I was sure would follow, but she kept her quiet tone and continued.

"Look, I know how you guys are," she said.

"Sis, I’m sorry you saw this stuff," I interrupted, "I was just curious and wanted to know about stuff the older guys at school are always talking about."

"I understand," she repeated. "Anyway, you know this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this stuff."

My jaw must have dropped in my lap as I stuttered to say something. She knew about Dad’s stash.

"Huh," I said, "You knew about this stuff?"

"Have for several years now," she said, sort of as a matter of fact.

I could have almost slid off the bed at this point. She already knew about this kind of stuff. Suddenly my eyes were on her, and I was studying her face for a clue as to what she was up to.

"Why didn’t you ever say anything about it?" I asked.

"Because you weren’t ready yet," she said.

"But how did you find it?" I stuttered.

"I’ve known all about sex for a couple of years now," she said.

I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with my sister. We were close, but I don’t think I would have ever discussed private stuff like this with her.

Shelly started to say something, then paused. She seemed hesitant about something and at a loss for words. I was still watching her intently as she kind of turned away from me and took a couple steps toward the door. She caught the edge and quietly moved it closed. She had her back to me as I heard the door click shut. She kind of stayed there for a moment with her forehead touching the door. I knew something serious was on her mind. Finally, she turned around and came right up beside me and sat down on the bed. Her face seemed only inches from mine. She took a deep breath and shocked the hell out of me.

"Dad and I do sex all the time," she blurted out.

"WHAT?" I must have shouted, because she hushed me.

"We’ve been doing it for about two years now," she said.

"Naw, huh, no way; I mean, how?" When? "Does Mom know?" I was just kind of stuttering. I couldn’t believe any of this conversation.

"Quiet," she scolded me. "Keep your voice down."

I couldn’t believe this. She was having sex with Dad and worried about me making too much noise.

"Look," she said, "It started a couple years ago."

"Dad started coming on to me when Mom was gone, which is like always."

"You let him?" I whispered. "You let him stick his thing in you?"

"Well, duh!" she said.

"Does he squirt cum too?" I asked.

Shelly looked at me kind of funny and said, "Well, what do you think he does, silly, just go limp?" "He always gets his nut off with me," she said, as though she was right proud of it.

I just couldn’t get used to Shelly talking like this. "His nut!" She had never let on that she was anything more than a shy, innocent young girl.

This is incredible, my sister, fucking my dad, I thought. My own fears over being caught looking at dirty pictures were now gone. The conversation was now all about Shelly and Dad.

"When, how?" I pressed.

"Usually in the evenings if you’re out and gone somewhere," she responded.

"Does Mom know?" I asked.

"Probably not," said Shelly. "Not that she’d really care." "I don’t know if Mom and Dad even do it anymore."

"He’s always on to me." I don’t know if he’d have enough stuff left to do for Mom too. She sort of laughed nervously.

"Wow!" I said, "But won’t you get a baby?"

"NO!" she answered real quickly. "Dad said he had an operation." He told me he was safe now.

"Isn’t he really big?" I asked.

I couldn’t believe the questions I was throwing at her or the cool manner in which she replied.

"He stretched me out some at first, but now I can take him without a problem," she answered.

"What does he do?" I mean, does he just jump on you and DO IT?" I persisted.

"Well no, silly, we usually fool around awhile before we get down to the fucking part," she chided me.

"Fool around?" Huh. I wanted details now.

"You mean like sucking off too?" I asked.

"Well, most times," she said.

"Where do you do it?" I asked.

"Lots of places, but mostly in Mom and Dad’s room now," she said.

I was dumbfounded. This was incredible! Shelly and Dad were screwing away in Mom’s bed when she was at work, and me, stupid me, was out playing ball or something somewhere. My hormones are doing all the talking now. I had a million questions, and Shelly seemed okay at answering all of them.

I’ve always thought later that she was probably tired of keeping the secret, and ready to share it with someone. All this time, damn! I thought. Sis was getting it on with Dad, and I was just wacking off to my silly fantasies. Dad and she were actually doing it!

Incredible! I had completely forgotten about the stuff on my lap, which now paled in comparison to this news. I even left it lying on my bed for a moment, forgetting completely about it.

"We really need to put this stuff back," said Shelly, picking up the porn. "You don’t want Dad to catch you with this."

"You’ve seen this stuff?" I asked.

"Sure, and a lot more," Shelly smiled.

"What? "MORE?" I asked.

"Movies, videos, lots," she replied.

"Where? Can I see? Please?" I was almost begging her.

"Maybe," was her only reply, "Now let’s get this stuff put back."

At this point, my balls were ready to explode.

"No, we have to talk about this more." I begged.

"I want to see it," I started to say.

"See it?" she laughed nervously. "You mean the sex?"

"Huh?" That thought had not crossed my mind. But now that she had brought up the idea, it stuck in my head.

Shelly knew exactly where the porn belonged. She had dragged the chair over to the closet as if she’d done it a thousand times. She even arranged the box contents exactly as they had been. Jumping down off the chair, she was now face-to-face with me.

Whatever came over me, I’ll never know, but I said, "Yes."

"Yes, what?" she said, looking at me strangely.

"Yes, I want to watch."

Shelly looked stunned for a moment. She turned her head away and started to brush past me.

"Watch me what?" she asked.

I was so into all this that I figured, "What the hell?"

"Really, I mean it," I continued, following her.

Shelly seemed to be trying to get away from me at this point. Suddenly, she stopped at the door and turned to me. "How? Really, How could you watch? "Dad would know."

"Not if you help," I said.

"Where?" and "How?" she asked.

"Here!" I said, "Right in here." We were standing next to the bed in which he had apparently done "it" with her maybe a hundred times.

"I could hide in there," I said, pointing back to the closet.

"No way," said Shelly. "He’d see you."

At this point I was so excited that I was desperately trying to formulate some plan, some way. I just sort of began making it up as I went.

"No, he wouldn’t if I moved around the junk on Mom’s side." "I could slip in here, and you could tell him I went to Rick’s."

"You could do it in here, and I could watch. Then after he does you, I’ll slip out and "pretend to come home later."

"Please, please, Shelly?" "I've never wanted anything so bad," I said. "Please, I’ll never tell anyone or ask anything of you again." " PLEASE?"

Shelly had moved back over to the closet again and was peering in and studying the mess inside. For some reason, Shelly didn’t seem outraged at my suggestion. Instead, she actually seemed to be considering the possibility of it.

"How would you get out of the house?" she asked.

"Out my window," I said, "It’s at the back of the house, and I can get to the woods without being seen."

"Dunno," she said, shaking her head.

I knew I had her and with a little more begging, she might actually let me watch her do a fuck with Dad.

"Let me think about it, Okay?" she said.

I figured I was better off not pushing the issue at this point and let it rest. What a day! I couldn’t believe these events. I went from a horny, desperate kid with only my fist as an outlet for sex to possibly getting to witness my first real fuck. Dinner couldn’t come soon enough for me. Dad usually got home around five, and dinner was usually right away.

Dad’s pickup pulled into the driveway right after 5:15. He looked rough and headed to the house. I stayed outside until Shelly called out that dinner was ready. Shelly was cool to me during dinner and didn’t say much. Dad even noticed and asked about it.

"Nothing is wrong," she said when he asked. "Just quiet, I guess."

I wasn’t sure how to read Shelly, so I figured I would "grab the bull by the horns," so to speak.

"Dad, is it okay if I go to Rick’s tonight after supper?" I asked.

I gave a look to Shelly to see if she was following my lead.

"Chores done?" Dad barked.

"Yep!" I answered.

"Alright then, but not real late." was the reply.

"Yes!" I thought.

Shelly said nothing, and we finished dinner. Dad said he was going to take a shower after dinner, which he did sometimes. This would be my chance to hide. Shelly seemed to still be undecided as I helped her carry the dirty dishes to the sink.

"Take out the garbage when you leave Greg," Dad shouted as he headed into the bathroom.

"Shelly?" I looked, pleading.

"That’s a good sign he’s horny," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Shower, silly. He always wants to shower first and then fuck," she said.

Damn, I thought. How many times had this happened, and I was unaware. Now that I thought about it, I was usually at one of my friends' houses right after dinner. All this time they had been in his room fucking, and I was out somewhere.

"Please?" I begged.

Shelly hesitated for a moment, but I think she was feeling sorry for me. Finally, she said,

"Alright, but you've got to promise you’ll be careful."

The words I had waited for all day.

"I love you, sis,” I said.

"GO! Take the trash," she said laughing.

I ran like a crazy person to the garbage pile and pitched the bag in. I then raced back to the house. Dad was still running the shower as I snuck past the hall door and into his room. The closet in their room was really deep. We didn’t have a basement or cellar. I guess the builders put in extra storage by making the closets really deep. Mom’s end is always piled high with every kind of box or piece of crap you could imagine. I scooted to the back and slid down behind some tall boxes. I left the sliding closet door open just enough to get a good view of the bed. I pulled some long dresses hanging down in front of me together, but left a small gap open.

Shortly, the running water stopped. I figured Dad was toweling off. It wasn’t long before he walked into the room. He was wearing only a green towel wrapped around his waist. Shelly was still finishing up in the kitchen.

"Shelly?" Dad called impatiently. His loud voice startled me.

"Just a minute," she called back. I heard her go into the bathroom, and the water in the sink ran for just a little, and then it stopped.

Dad was stretched out on the bed and was leaning back against the headboard. The towel still covered his waist. The bed was sideways to the closet. I watched him picking at some gray hairs on his chest. Before long, Shelly walked in. She stood at the edge of the bed. To my shock, she was naked from the waist down. She put one knee on the bed. Her hair was pulled up in a twist. Her body was exquisite. I’d never guessed her to be so sexy before. She showed absolutely no shame or embarrassment about being half-naked in front of my father.

Up until then, I really didn’t know if I believed her or not about this whole thing. The seriousness of the situation was now beginning to dawn on me. Here was my older sister, parading around partially naked and obviously not kidding about any of this. She was actually going to do a fuck with my father and do it right in front of me.

For some reason, I started trembling almost uncontrollably. I wasn’t necessarily scared or anything like that. I think just the reality of the whole thing is finally beginning to sink in.

Shelly’s legs seemed so long. Of course, I had never seen them all the way up before. She had the kind of shape that left a gap between her legs at the crotch when she walked. Dad reached for her, but she teasingly turned away and walked right over to the closet door in front of me. The doors were mirrored, and she stood by my end, looking into the glass. With one hand, she grabbed the end of the partially open door, pretending to be adjusting it. She slid the door open a little more. She was acting like she was interested in just how her hair should be done up.

My sister had just the faintest patch of light brown fuzzy hair covering her pussy area. Dad was getting an eyeful of her backside. I couldn’t believe my eyes when Dad undid his towel. As he flipped it open, a huge man-size pecker, which was half-hard, flopped out and lay across his one thigh.

Shelly saw this in the mirror and stopped primping. She turned around towards him. Shelly was still wearing a small, light-colored pullover top. As she turned towards my dad, she lifted the shirt over her head. As she lifted the top, it caught on her hair and caused it to unfold and drop over her shoulders. She shook out her hair with a sexy toss of her head. She still had a little white bra on. Facing right at Dad, she reached back and unhooked it. She hunched her shoulders forward and slipped the bra off in front.

I couldn’t see her breasts right off because she had turned away now and was walking over to the bed. This full-frontal view of her had certainly brought my dad’s cock up to full size. She tossed her top and bra toward the dresser. She missed. Both landed on the floor next to the bed, but she continued on towards my father. Dad patted a spot next to him. Shelly leaned over and, without hesitation, crawled across the bed on her knees. Leaning down over him, she scooped his now stiff prick up with one hand and, holding it straight up, just lowered her mouth right down on to it without him saying a word.

She was on all fours, kind of sideways to him, with her butt sticking up in the air and aimed right back at me. Her head began moving slowly up and down. She seemed to deliberately reposition her legs wide apart so that I would be able to see. Dad reached over to her and started rubbing her back and neck. After a little bit, his hand moved down to her butt. His fingers slid up and down the crack of her ass. Shelly didn’t seem distracted in the least, and kept on bobbing away on his cock.

Shelly had not been sucking on him too long when she straightened up and turned around. Now facing me, I got my first fantastic view of her tits. She was heaven. I’d never dreamed anything could be so erotic. Her breasts were firm and round. They were about the size of a couple of tennis balls. Her small nipples had the bright pink color of small cherries. Her smooth, young skin was tight and lightly tanned.

Shelly crawled on her knees to the edge of the bed, in as straight a line with me as she could. She was now kneeling at the edge of the bed, straight up with her legs apart facing the mirror, and me. Her mouth and lips were all wet with saliva, and she drew the back of her hand across her face to wipe them dry. She placed her hands on her hips and sort of slid her hands along her sides. She asked her dad if he thought she was putting on too much weight.

"Do you think I’ll get fat like Mom?" she asked, teasing.

Dad laughed and rolled over. He knelt up and came up behind her. He pushed his dick right through Shelly’s open legs. It poked out in front of her by several inches. The end of it had a glistening, wet shine from Shelly’s own saliva. She reached down between her legs and lifted the huge thing up against her. She toyed with the dick as if it belonged to her.

"What’s it like to pee standing up?" she asked, holding the cock as a guy would when he pisses. She was playfully tugging and aiming it around.

Dad pulled her shoulders back against his chest, causing more of the cock to jut out even farther.

"Sometime when I ain’t so hard, I’ll let you do it for me," he laughed.

I was shocked at the casual conversation they were having during all this. Shelly was acting as if this whole business was the most natural thing in the world. Shelly let go of the cock, and pressed her hands back on her hips. Dad was nibbling at the side of her neck now and feeling up her titties. This must have been tickling her because she drew her shoulder against her neck.

Dad’s frame was probably twice as wide as Shelly’s. He almost encircled her body. Shelly was staring straight into the mirror, watching herself. Finally, she reached around her back and spread her butt cheeks open and closed several times. Dad needed no further encouragement.

Dad stopped pawing Shelly, and now sat on the edge of the bed alongside her. With his feet on the floor, he laid out on his back. He patted his stomach as a sort of invitation for her to get on top. Shelly was playfully teasing him, and taunted him by raising only her one leg. Shelly seemed to be stubbornly refusing to move from her spot. Finally, he relented and scooted over and underneath her. Only then did Shelly lower herself down.

Dad’s cock waved around out in front of her belly like a steel spring. His head was now behind her back, and I knew he could not possibly see me this way. I think Shelly was arranging this position just for me. With Shelly sitting astride him, she caught hold of his dick and held it straight up. She now began playing with it by batting it back against her stomach. Shelly started gently slapping the sides of it and waving it side to side. I think she was maybe just testing it for proper stiffness.

Satisfied, she raised a hand to her mouth, spit in it, and then stroked the shaft a couple of times and finished off by leaning over and dropping a gob of spit over the cock’s head. She raised herself up on one knee and used a couple fingers to hold open her pussy. With her other hand she held the cock shaft steady and pressed it firmly against her. She kind of pushed herself against it.

Shelly’s pussy resisted at first, then split open like a ripe fruit, and the cockhead disappeared and then the rest followed. I couldn’t believe how easily the darn thing went into her, or where it all went. Halfway down it must have gotten tight. With just a slight little wiggle from her hips the whole god-damn thing just up and disappeared inside her. She gave another little wiggle to get it set in and then flattened right out on his hips.

To this day, I still vividly recall that wildly erotic moment. The first time I actually saw her penetrated by that dick. Dad’s balls were covered with dark hair, and against her young skin, the contrast was truly amazing. I was sort of shocked when I noticed the expression on Shelly’s face. Her mouth was partly open and her eyes rolled back. I realized at that point Shelly was actually enjoying the sensation of having that bull size cock of Dad’s buried inside of her. It hadn’t occurred to me that a girl would enjoy sex the way a guy would.

When Shelly did finally snap back to reality, she leaned forward a little, pushing her hands between his knees, spreading them open just a bit. She needed to do this so I would be able to watch his prick doing its thing. I guessed that Dad was under the impression that Shelly was doing all this to watch herself in the closet mirror.

I was already about to come in my pants when she slowly began to work her hips up and down. The shaft still buried inside her, now pulled at her pussy when she lifted up. I remember looking up at her face as she rode that big old fat dick. She was actually smiling now, and flashed me a wink.

I couldn’t see Dad’s face anymore. He had settled down on his back. I could hear him moaning. His hands came up and held Shelly by the hips. He was pulling her down tight against his crotch. She was still leaning forward pressing her hands into his thighs for balance. She was also holding them apart so they wouldn’t block my view.

After a dozen or so thrusts, she’d settle down completely, and give that little wiggle again, grinding her pussy against his hips. Shelly was controlling the tempo and depth of his thrusts at this point. I was surprised at the way her body flexed. It was very obvious that she had become quite skilled at fucking. At one point she reached down and caught Dad’s ball sack, and pulled it tight up against her. This caused Dad’s entire cock to disappear into her. I remember wondering how there was room for that much inside of her.

Shelly seemed to really be enjoying this part too. The grin on her face was not just for show. She had total control over Dad at this point. Maybe the only time she ever did. He was completely submissive to her, maybe only because of the pleasure she could give him. Shelly lifted herself up completely off the dick, and it popped out. It was still standing stiff as a steel rod. It was all shiny and wet. She used her fist to give it a couple of quick, hard strokes, then raised back up and stuffed the thing back up inside her.

Sometime during this, I looked down and noticed Dad’s legs. His heels were arched upward. Only his toes were still touching the floor. His calves and knees were shaking wildly. His whole being was caught up, in an effort to drive his cock as deeply into her as he could. With only his toes for support, he was straining to thrust upward. I remember being so stunned at the reaction he was having.

Dad didn’t last long. After a couple of series of this, he suddenly slammed his hips against Shelly and let out a loud moan. He slammed his hips about three or four more times urgently against her and then started jerking spastically. I thought Dad’s thrusts might actually launch Shelly off, but she hung on, keeping her balance. Dad’s grip on her waist was intense. She just rode the whole thing out.

Dad’s orgasm lasted probably fifteen to twenty seconds before he started to slow down. Shelly had settled back down on his hips, and was doing that little wiggle thing again. She was grinding herself slowly. She seemed to be trying to milk out the last few jolts out of the old man. His moans were letting us both know that he was really enjoying this. Then, Shelly just kind of sat still. I think at this point she was just enjoying the sensation of having Dad’s cock twitching inside her.

After a little bit she sort of lifted herself up some and just stayed there. Dads cock pulled at her pussy lips almost as if it were stuck. It was then that I noticed globs of white cum sliding down his cock. Dad’s head was back down on the bed, and I could only see his clenched fists at his sides. Shelly was leaning forward and seemed to be waiting for this. I couldn’t believe it when she began using her fingers to trap the goo. I’m not certain what she was trying to do, but she seemed to enjoy just playing with the stuff. The white slime continued to ooze out mixing with Dad’s pubic hair.

Shelly continued playing with the cum. She was stretching out little strands until they broke. I glanced up and saw she was smiling the whole time. While she was still doing this, she looked up and gave a look right in my direction. I was stunned when she brought her one hand close against her chest and gave me a secretive thumbs-up signal and mouthed the words;

"I told you so!"

Readers, if you enjoyed this story, chapters two, three and four continue to chronicle our lives. An easy access is just to click on the yellow highlighted “Doll1” at the top of this story.


2025-02-21 04:08:27
Excellent story. Looking forward to reading more.


2024-06-13 23:31:53
Great story well written - Shelly really knows how to please aman.


2024-06-05 19:13:43
Very sexy incest story. Well written too. Looking forward to reading the others in this series


2024-05-11 05:44:30
Aah, it’s good to read something by someone who can string words together in a readable fashion and who can spell and punctuate. Not only that, I liked the story and the other sections. I must admit to stroking myself whilst reading - and wishing I was Greg or my sister was Shelly.


2023-08-21 05:38:53
In rexible story. Gave me one hell of a chubber which i had to take. Are of

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