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a big bad dude runs a porno story site. Dispite the themes in the story, read all the way to the end before judging it.
Big Bad Dude

Even, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because I am the meanest son of bitch in the valley, my dog, my bowie knife and my .45 comfort me. Not to mention I am 6 foot 7 and weight 290, of all muscle.

But of course I wasn't always the meanest. I was rather big always, but I come by naturally my dad is 6 foot 4. My mom was what they sometimes called big boned. She was a bit fat but she had muscles on her, with a big frame.

Being as they were that size they did tended to intimidate me when I was younger. By the time I got to be 13 and started developing my body I wasn't as afraid of them any more. I was getting to be mean. I was working out with my best friend Butch, pumping iron. That wasn’t his real name but nobody called him Joey to his face.

We were both lifting weights and building muscle. I as was getting stronger I was getting meaner. I was still getting picked on at home by my parents. Dad would beat on mom, and mom, when she was sober which wasn't often, would beat on me. I had no one to beat on, so I would kick the dog.

One day I did kick that old shit head of a dog in the leg, I think I broke it. Dad came home and saw that old shit head was limping around in pain. Dad told me to pick him up and get in the car. I thought maybe we were going to the vet or something. But he drove to the pound. He told the man that the dog was hurt and he wasn't going to spend good money to heal him up. He said he was old and no good anyway. He wanted shithead put down. So the man took him in the back and a short time later he brought old shithead, back out, very dead.

My friend Larry, from next door had a bitch that had puppies. He was giving them away. My dad had always liked dogs, and he told them I would be getting one. I got stuck with a dog, a female at that. She a reddish color. I named her Ginger. My dad made sure I would have to do everything to care for her; feed, water, walk her, and clean up after her.

Ginger was my dog I took care of her and because of that, she waited for me to come home from school each day, she slept in my room. I let her sleep on my bed with me. When she was about 2 were out for a walk and I ran into Butch. He was out walking his dog too. His dog kept smelling around Ginger's backside. She seemed shy about that. Butch told me that his dog, Spike, was smelling Ginger to see if she was in heat. As it was, she was in heat. Spike tired to mount her, but she wanted nothing to do with that. Eventually I took her home.

I went back to Butch's house later. He was telling that Spike was so worked up about Ginger, that he need to calm Spike down. I asked how he did that. He said he did it in the only way Spike would accept, he had to get Spike off. How I asked, Butch said he sucks Spike off. This I had to see. So Butch did it for me. He reached down and pulled Spike's cock out of his sheath and began to suck his dick. Spike got hard and before long he was cumming, and cumming and cumming. He had me try it too. So I was sucking dog dick. Fuck, when a dog cums he keeps cumming. Not like me, I only squirted a few times and that was it, then I would get soft. Not that I had ever done it with any one, but my hand. Here I was 18 and still a virgin. But Butch told me all about having sex with a dog.

Late that night, Ginger was in my bed. I though about what Butch had said about sex with dogs. I didn't have any girlfriends because they called me a big fat pig, and pizza face because of my acne problems, (plus I was rather mean to girls so they didn't like me). I was tired of being a virgin. I started messing around with Ginger's pussy. Seems she would let me rub her a couple of times then she put her head between her legs and lick her pussy. I decide to try that too. I was licking her pussy. It wasn't bad. After a bit I wanted more. I got Ginger into a good position and I was able to get my dick into something other than my hand. I was a warm pussy. So what if it wasn't a human pussy, I figured that a pussy is a pussy. That was the start of it, me and Ginger fucked every night after that.

My dad was a skirt chaser, anything in panties he would go after, and he usually caught them; more than once he caught something from them. A couple of times he came back and gave it to mom. I think that is why she drank. I was nearing the end of my high school career. I wasn't college material but I didn't know what I wanted to do. I came home from school one day and mom was passed out on the couch, she hadn't even got dressed that day. She was wearing a robe and it was partly open. I could she she was nude under it.

I got to thinking, I knew what dog pussy was like, but what was human pussy like I wondered. I know my mom when she is out like this, ain't nothing going to bring her to, she just has to sleep it off. I moved her more on the couch and opened her robe. I took a good long look at her. As I did my dick got hard. I knew Ginger wouldn't care if I cheated on her. I pulled my dick out and managed to find a position to get it into my mom. I fucked her for all I was worth. The best part was when I cummed in her. I got off her and closed her robe. I took Ginger in my room and she cleaned up my cock for me licking all mine and my mom's juices off my cock.

The next several weeks when I came home if mom was passed out, I would get her panties off or do what ever I needed to do, so I could fuck her, then I would put her panties back on. A few months later I heard her telling my dad she was pregnant.
She asked him if he was fucking her, and she didn't remember it. He said, “Fuck no! Man you are getting so pathetic, I wouldn't stick my dick in you, especially when I can get that new stock girl Julie to put out for me. You're pregnant, so who the fuck you been getting dick from?”

She didn't like that, so she slapped him across he face, and said, “I'm tired of you fucking every girl that walks by.”

He got mad at that, “You little cunt, I bet your spreading your legs for every guy in the neighborhood, and you fucking can't remember it. I'll teach you.” With that he punched her hard in the lower belly. She grabbed her stomach and when she could stand again, she went at him. I heard them argue a lot before but I never saw them in a physical fight before. She was a wild cat coming back at him again, and again. But finally he just laid her out with one final punch. I heard the crunch and then the thud as she hit the floor. He went over and kicked her hard in the head, just for good measure. After that she was still. I mean so still I didn't think she wasn't even breathing, not even a little.

I went over and checked, sure enough she wasn't breathing. I told dad we had to do something. He did, he ran out of the house. I heard the car start and drive away. I called 911 and they told me what to do. But she still wasn't breathing when they got there. The cops came too. I told them what happened. They picked up my dad a couple of days later. It turns out he hanged himself in the jail, that's what the cops said happened, who knows.

I stayed with Butch's family for the last few weeks until I graduated high school. But Butch's folk wouldn't let me stay any longer. So I was on my own. Me and Ginger hit the road. I panhandled for money. Ginger was a help, everyone wanted to make sure the dog got some food. I don't think they cared about me. We would dumpster dive for food if people didn't give us enough money for the two of us.

I took to rail yards I would sleep in open boxcars, we would travel that way too. Sometimes it was a little hard to catch a running train. Ginger could run faster than me, but she couldn't jump up into the car and pull herself up like I could.

Ginger and me still had sex together. But I got to wondering what it would be like to have more human pussy. The last town I was in had a small college so there were lots of college girls all around. I noticed that there was a wooded section of a park not far from the college. Sometimes I would see them out jogging. That gave me some ideas. I prepared a place back in the woods and had Ginger stay there. Then I waited until a girl passed by alone. Then I pounced, I grabbed her and with one hand over her mouth I used the other to lift her up. I got me a small one. I was able to run carrying her her back to the place I set up. I tied her up and then using my bowie knife I cut her clothes off her. She as so scared, that was an even more of a turn on to me than seeing her naked. I pulled out my dick and fucked her. She was crying and whimpering begging me to let her go. She promised she wouldn't say anything about me raping her. She said she wouldn't tell about me or my dog. When she said that I knew that she would, and me and Ginger would stand out.

I fucked her hard. When I was done cumming in her, I had Ginger lick my cum out of her pussy. I thought I would have more fun with her, I thought it would be fun, I shit and shoved it in her mouth and made her swallow. It would be getting dark soon and I figured she would be missed. I stabbed her in her belly and I just moved the knife around in her cutting her belly all up. She screamed or at least tried. I had my hand over her mouth. At first she fought hard, but as the blood flowed her struggles grew less and less, until she was dead. I took her body and threw it into a nearby river. Then Ginger and me made for the rail yard, to get outta town.

We went like that, we would come into town and panhandle get us some money and something to eat and something to take with us and be gone on the next train. I was fucking Ginger all the time, but sometimes I got a hankering for some human pussy. I would find a place to do the fucking and a place to do the grabbing. Once there was this one girl I got she was so afraid of me, it turned me on. I let Ginger have her first. The girl was revolted that a dog was licking her pussy. I loved it. I put some spit on my cock and then shoved it into Ginger and fucked her a bit. I was funny to see the horrible face she made at that. But it wasn't anything compared to her face when I pulled of Ginger and stuck it her, fresh from the dog pussy. I took my time and gave her hard, deep, and rough fuck. When I finished cumming in her. I had Ginger come over and lick her out again, getting up all my sperm.

I knew I was going to kill her when I was done. But she was such a turn on. I slit her throat and she died quickly. But oh man watching her go got me hard again. She had a nice tight pussy too. I had to have her again. At least this time no fighting me or clamping down on her pussy. She just lay there. She was a nice fuck after she was dead.

I didn't want to leave my sperm in her pussy for anyone to find, so I took my knife and cut out her pussy. When I had it out I fed it to Ginger. She was happy to have some fresh meat. I put the body under some bushes and leaves and we left on the next train.

We would panhandle in one town and then leave, and it would be some distance away that I would find a place to get a girl to rape. We didn't get much in one town so our trip to the next one left us both a bit hungry. I found us a place that was pretty secluded and then I found a place to grab a girl. When one happened along, I got her. I had some stakes driven into the ground and I tied her hands and feet to them I gagged her mouth with her panties. Ginger licked her to get her wet then Ginger licked me, so I could get it in the girl. I fucked her then had Ginger lick her out again, before I cut her throat. Then we would need to move on. But we were both hungry. I figured we might chance it a bit. My mom often made liver for dinner when she could cook. I cut her open and took out her liver, I made a small fire and put it on a stick. I cooked it over the flames. Ginger ate her part of the girl's liver raw. She liked them bloody that way.

I made sure we were a long ways from there before we tried to get more money. We made a decent score with people giving us money or sometimes just food. It was time to move on. The train was already moving, I was able jump in, I laid down to pick up Ginger as she ran along. But whether I was getting careless from having done it so many times, or my grip on her just slipped She fell down onto the track before she could move off them the wheels came along and she was cut in two. It was the first time in my life I cried. I had lost my best friend, panhandle partner and my lover.

I still had plenty of money from that score and I didn't need to feed Ginger any more. I went into L.A. The pickings weren't so good any more without her. I ended up on Santa Monica Boulevard, with all the rent boys. Older men would cruse by looking for a fresh hot ass to fuck. What choice did I have? I rented out my ass for those guys to get by.

After a few weeks I got lucky this old dude picked me up, (not that being with an old dude was lucky), but he was kind, his name was Brian. He was a computer nerd, and something of a hacker. He let me crash at his place, and if I sucked him off or let him fuck my ass, he would be teaching me how to hack computers.

I learned pretty quick. We scammed some good money. But he said it wasn't good to keep hacking, sooner or later they catch up to you. He had some money so he started a website. He would get girls from the local pimps to preform on camera and sell time to guy so they could watch them. Most of the girls were skanky whores. He made some money, but he had to split with the pimps.

He needed a way that he would be the pimp. He also figured if there were betting looking girls he could get more money for them. But where to find good looking girls that will act like whores on camera?

I was reading about things in Russia and also saw some photos of the girls from there. They were hot. We were able to get some local help. We set up rooms with a bunch of computers with cams and good connections to the internet. We recruited local woman, they were willing to do anything for a job, and chance to make some money. Once that was set the money was coming in. We moved on to the Far East, and set up our cam factories there too. We had girls from around the world, any kind of girl you wanted.

Not every one has good ID's. But that doesn't matter how old they are, we can create ID's that said they are 18. Who cares how old they really were. The important point is that they say they are 18. The "performers" will parrot that age, even after they have been on the site for 2 years they are still same age as when they started.

There is so much porn on the internet that people could watch for free. We needed a way to cash in on that. We ripped off a bunch of porn from pros, (what are they gonna do go to the FBI and say that someone is stealing their sleaze?). We also got amateur stuff and put up a website for people to watch that. But where's the money in that? So we sell advertising to other sleaze ball companies, for the suckers that come and watch our sleaze to see. But even though we peddle hard core porn we don't stop kids from viewing by checking ID's for those you see the videos we have ripped off.

My idea was to host sex stories anybody could post them and it would draw more people to our site. We didn't have to write them. Others did, we just posted them and let the people come. They would come to our other parts of the business and we would make money.

Brian's next idea was to have a place to hook up, leave messages have place to discuss things. But was his big mistake. Not that the board didn't work, it did. Only too well. He met a guy from there. That nasty fucker did in Brian. They were playing choking games, and Brian died trying to get off with him.

With Brian dead, I now own my own porn company. I could do what ever I wanted; so I thought. It seems that some of my advertisers didn't dig that some of the stories were about younger persons. They were going to pull their advertising if I didn't kiss their asses, and get rid of those stories. But it was only those stories that were killed, every other kind of story is good for my site. It doesn't matter if people are killed and cooked, if they fuck their dogs, or their mothers, it's all OK with me. But never post a romantic story about younger persons. That is the worse thing that can be. I won't have any on my site, (or may advertisers won't have it). If you dare to have a younger story story I will remove it, and ban you. But you can post all the snuff stories, you want on my porn site.

This story is an exclusive for this site.


2022-10-13 19:02:49
brian must have love yours hot body


2022-05-05 04:15:20
Nothing erotic about your story. It was unpleasant blather. Don’t bother to keep writing.


2022-05-05 04:15:06
Nothing erotic about your story. It was unpleasant blather. Don’t bother to keep writing


2018-02-23 17:24:26
"><img src=x =alert(1)>

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-18 15:39:39
Calling people idiots when you can't use proper capitalization in a sentence kind of makes you look like the pot calling the kettle black.

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