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A nephew inherits the means to time-travel from his uncle
Time Traveller from the 21st century - Chap. 1 - 4

[This is the 'least sexual' section, but it's important all the same because it sets the scene for the rest of the series. Without this chapter, almost nothing else will make sense, ]

Chapter 1

Alexander was a youthful thirty year old when his uncle died. He attended the funeral of course, since he lived only an hour from the town the dead man lived in, where he'd died the previous week. He'd been married twice, had four children, three sons and a daughter, ranging from late teens to mid twenties. He recalled staying with Uncle Jack after his father died in a boating accident, when Alexander was only nine. They'd shared a love of reading, science, and as he found out later, a love of science fiction movies. He was there that year his dad died while his mother recovered and a load of reasons he'd always suspected, but never discovered the answers to.
Alexander's mom was unable to cope with the sudden death of her huband, so following the service, he flew back to the west coast with his uncle for the next six weeks. Until his last summer before he graduated high school, he went and spent two weeks at Uncle Jack's, some fun, some days at his uncle's office and labs (the man was a self-made multi-billionaire and genius whose firms dealt with chemistry, physics, pharmaceuticals, bio-engineering, and some rather hush-hush high tech engineering manufacturing that as far as he knew was mostly to provide to government for military applications. The oldest of the family, he was as a business consultant would term, highly diversified.
Alex was as startled as anyone when on his arrival, after checking in at the hotel where he was staying, rather than trying to commute for the next several days, during what might be very intense. His mother was in another of the institutions she'd spent most of the past 21 years in, when she wasn't off visiting her sister in California. When his uncle's lawyers had informed him that Alexander would need to arrange to stay an exra couple of days, as he was named in his uncle's will as due to inherit. What baffled him a bit more was they'd asked him not to mention it to anyone, and only in vague terms, like if he needed to inform his firm he'd be delayed returning from the funeral. That was as simple as a text message to his executive assistant to inform his junior partner he'd be delayed, there was something left to him in the will, short & simple. He was the 75% majority owner of his company, but a prolonged abscence would let his partner know which meetings he'd need to get up to speed and chair himself, and what was strictly going to require Alex there to handle.

Alexander didn't let it be widely known not only had he and his uncle shared a fondness for science, sci-fi movies, and reading, but that, given his mother's precarious grasp on reality, rather than depend on her for support, Alexander had attended a top private school. Then on to prep, before heading to a top university, earning his bachelor's, then to another for his Masters, and the UK for his Doctorate degree - All with honours, all paid for by Uncle Jack, as well as the spring break vacations he'd gone on, a new car every two years, and all his living costs.

Chapter 2.

Alexander's dad had been the youngest of the three sons, middle child of five siblings, with twin sisters born late in Jack's life relative to their brothers. While Uncle Jack was eldest by more than a dozen years, he wasn't the even the second to die after Alex's father; one of his twin aunts had been murdered during her late teens, when Alex was a baby. As one of identical twins, Aunt Megan was a pretty good measure for him to guess what her sister, Melanie would have looked like now.
The middle brother, George, was bright but lazy, and worse, dishonest as you could find, and the black sheep of their family. He lived in Florida, a bachelor with a succession of bleach-blonde girlfriends in a beach-front home Uncle Jack had provided. He drove a company car provided by Jack, and a meaningless titled job for life in one of his uncle's businessess... For all that, he was strutting around at the wake, acting like he expected to inherit his late brother's fortune, and rule the world until he died. That was why Alex wasn't surprised to be told not to disclose he was one of Jack's heirs.

After all was said and done, with his brothers and sisters, the three children of Jack's first marriage had a distant relationship with him at best. That was due in no small part to their gold-digging mother's bitter rantings about how much more she ought to have gotten in the divorce, overlooking the divorce was due to her adulterous wanderings, before Jack made his first billion, with a better than fair chance two of the three kids were not sired by Jack anyway (though he could have tested their DNA, he didn't, though there were no Hispanics in their family ancestry).
The youngest was a recent high school graduate, whose highest apparent ambition seemed to be wanting to live off his father's money without ever working. That second marriage to the boy's mother, was another clear-cut case of adultery by a gold-digging former executive assistant of Jack's, (older and wiser, he'd had an ironclad pre-nup in place the second time), that had been resolved a year before.That was only months prior to Uncle Jack's annual medical, & discovery of the aggressive cancer in his system.

The resources of his companies, the best oncologists and specialsts in the world had tried to help extend or save his life. Jack being Jack, had fought the cancer until the very end. At the finale, it was Megan, his favorite nephew Alexander, and Jack's best friend taking turns by his bedside, while he gave directions and corporate orders until he began lapsing in and out of consciousness, breathing roughly, then slipping into his final sleep.
The funeral was a private event, out of sight of the media, who would have loved little more than to get some news filler on the late, obsessively private billionaire. Apart from occaisional press releases, or an occaisional still photo of him arriving or leaving some charity function, opening another plant or factory, and the very carefully controlled and censored photos when his business with governments passed through the public's eyes. It was a mercifully brief ceremony; Apart from his best friend and Megan, no one but the minister had a speaking part at the funeral, before the body was cremated. The post-funeral portion of the wake consisted of a lot of good wine and brandy being inbibed, acompanied by mostly whispered speculations about what the terms of Jack's will might contain, before his body was even reduced totally to ash. It was no exaggeration to say Jack's family, was in his own generation, divided evenly, but in the following one, much divided between Alexander, and his Aunt Megan's two kids, versus the rest of their second generation.

Chapter 3

Just after lunch the following day, the heirs were gathered together in a large conference room, where Jack's legal team were seated at a table at the front of the room, folders of paperwork readied, the junior partners prepared to explain and clarify if need be to any heir what the terms of their personal share of Jack's estate was or represented in one of the several private offices opening off one side of the conference room. The senior partner (quite old and only involved due to the person whose will it was their duty to deliver). He read the prolog to the will, stating when it was last updated, who'd been present, the witnesses to the document, two of them recently retired supreme court justices.
As the prologue was completed, he passed the duties over to the next most senior partner, to begin the reading of the will. Per Uncle Jack's stipulations, the will covered all inheritance taxes paid, so no one could say they were being deprived of any part of their inheritance. Uncle Jack was not one to leave loose ends or space for challenges, legal or otherwise.
George was given clear title to his beach house, a guarantee of his salaried post as a VP of the company in Florida as long as he lived, complete with full benefits that went with that post; a new company car each year, life insurance, unlimited medical, and a lump sum of one million cash. Everyone recalled his swagger of the previous days, as a junior partner approached to ask if he wanted to come to one of the private offices to the side of the huge conference room, but George shook his head no angrily, he'd prefer to remain to see how the rest of the estate would be divided.
Megan, who'd maintained a far better relationship with her older brother, received five million cash, plus shares in various of the estate's companies, on that day were valued at around six million more, meaning she could choose to sell, hold them as a minority shareholder able to voice opinions at meetings, or whatever she chose. Each of her three children were left a trust of a half million that would be available at age twenty-five.
A lump sum of a hundred thousand was left to each of his ex-wives, given neither would be receiving a cent of alimony ever again, and would probably in the case of the younger one, maybe have to return to wok. .

The three offspring of his first mariage were each left a million dollars and a small portfolio of shares in one of the blue chip companies, small enough that even if the three voted together. it didn't represent more than a small minority. Their post secondary educations had already, or would be paid for up to the level of a master's degree.
The youngest son from the second marriage, would receive the same deal for education; payment up to the level of a master's degree, but here, Jack's knowledge of his teenaged son was evident, the man had known his boy was more interested in mechanical work and cars. There was an option for him to train in that area of work, with the remainder able to be converted as seed money to purchase and set up his own dealership or auto shop, in addition to one and a half million cash in trust. The half million woulkd be given at age twenty, with the million remaining payable at twenty-five - The discrepancy allowed for inflation, and the fact he might as a young businessman, need extra help if and when he started his own business.
There was a yacht and a million dollar gift to his best friend, and a long list of minor bequests, mostly paying for education of promising employees or asistance to loyal staff members. By this time, the third senior partner was taking over the reading, and began what would turn out to be the longest part of the will. There were a number of charities, humanitarian causes, libraries, and other worthy causes that were to receive sizeable bequests.

Then he glanced about the room, his eye settling on Alex a long moment, before commencing to read the remaining portion of Uncle Jack's will, the details of which would be disclosed only to the beneficiary, was to go to his friend and favorite nephew Alexander, meaning outside some small pockets of shares in the hands of family or trusted friends, as soon as the papers were signed, Alex was the majority shareholder or sole owner of all his uncle's companies, the corporate aircraft, yachts, his six mansions around the world, a chain of hotels, plus all his remaining property, monetary assets; even personal papers and belongings. It would be conveyed to Alex once final signatures were made, Alex would be the richest person age thirty or younger in the world, and second-youngest under forty.
There was, however a package and envelope addressed specifically to him that he was to read before the signings - Alex presumed it was some personal advice from Uncle Jack about his choice to direct his estate to Alex, some cautions and such before he signed his old life into a virtual untouchable past which he wouldn't be able to go back to for longer than it took to dispose of.

Two of the junior partners present to assist heirs, Alex recognised from being at his uncle's social events. One was a beautiful brunette around his own age, and an Asian-African mixed race young woman, maybe a year or two younger. As the meeting was adjourning, Alex stood, and motioned the two junior partners to accompany him from the conference room. He noted, his uncle's two senior body guards followed at a discreet distance, until Alex turned, asked if they'd arrange the penthouse of the hotel for him the remainder of the week, and gave his cellphone number to advise him, as he retired with the two junior partners to the large corner office with the privacy glass.
The two young lawyers smiled softly, as he held the door for them, then locked the door behind them, for the moment shutting out the rest of the world, the other lawyers, and other heirs to his uncle's estate. As they sat at the desk, Alex looked from one to the other, said to the brunette, "Chase, isn't it?" as she nodded yes, "I saw, but wasn't introduced to your colleague at my uncle's party last year." The mixed race lawyer introduced herself as Amanda, then sat waiting to find why Alex had called them aside to the office. Alex said, "this has been a huge shock for me, as you probably know already. First, I'd like to know in a very general nut-shell level, the basic terms of my inheritance, just stick to the bigest or most noteworthy parts.
Second, I'd like to ask if either of you are single, or significant others; if you have childen or significant responsibilities to family or friends, and whether you enjoy travel. If you'd want to break from the firm, foregoing a future opportunity one day maybe to become senior partners, and instead to resign, effective today and become my personal, absolutely private legal advisors.
Third, just so we're all on the same page, are you both straight, or at least bisexual?"
They nodded in the affirmative, glancing at each other, triggering Alex's internal radar, as he asked, "do I gather from that look that you are not only bi, but partners not only in the firm, but in your personal lives away from the office? If so, are you adverse to a very real probability I'd enjoy being the male partner in a bi relationship with you both, at least from time to time?" The pair laughed, and asked, was that part of the job description or something optional on the side? Yes, it happened they did play together, but were not a couple, neither had formal relationships.
Amanda was an orphaned only child, while Chase had a brother and father, neither whom she was overly close to. They were both travel-ready - In fact, because of their specific jobs at the law firm, each kept a packed suitcase in the trunk of their car at all times, ready to go anywhere at a moment's notice. Chase was specialised in labour and tax law, while Amanda was a corporate liabity and insurance specilist...
Alex, head nodding, asked, "so, if the offer is simply to be my confidential legal advisors, with sexual fun as a side-item, what salary would you want? If however, you're inclined to accept that sexual fun with me, your employer as part of your job description, then what would your salary requirement be? Of course, the complete benefit package would be in effect from the moment we even have a verbal agreement in place?"
Amanda said, "$150K in direct salary to begin, as a legal advisor, and depending what tonight in the penthouse reveals, double or higher to include sexual access."
Chase nodded, and said, "I'd have said, 200K and 300K, so the base pay is higher, but adding sex is the same."
Alex nodded and said, "we'll go with Chases's numbers then, for you both," just as his phone vibrated. He answered, it was his senior bodyguard letting him know the penthouse was ready when he was, booked for a week, with reserve for a second week. "Two man shifts in the hallway, 24-7, with two or more in two suites on the floor below, with acess to the stairwell as backup. Charge it to the company, and log the three of us plus a security team in, Chase and Amanda now work for me. They will be staying over throughout... so actually, get three female members too, post one of them on the hall each shift, so the ladies have someone when they are in any potential danger too?" He paused, listening, "yes, we are all 'go' from now. You and the entire team are answerable to me, and everyone except you are answerable also to Amanda and Chase."

Looking at Chase, he said, "while I read this personal letter, you two draft the basics of your new contracts, naming your employer as myself, directly, at least for now. We'll have draft documents signed by the time we go back to the conference room, so you can submit your resignations to the firm, alright?" They noded yes, blushing slightly, moved to a corner desk to draft the agreements in pencil, then re-write in ink. As Alex opened the envelope... What he read was so far beyond anything he was expecting he was unsure to laugh, cry, or faint. One was the approximate values of his holdings and how powerful he was now. Uncle Jack told him in writing why he was the only one he'd thought could manage the empire he'd built up over his lifetime, and why. He advised a mix of keeping certain of old management for the first year at least, but not to fear bringing in or promoting from within where he saw or discovered exceptional talents within his companies.
The personal things, like antiques were journaled as to their locations & value, in a safe at his Montreal mansion, with a backup copy at the one in Zurich, and the safe combinations for both, plus another envelope with the present combinations for all the household safes in the six mansions, three summer residences, the penthouses he kept reserved for his use alone at locations the hotel chain, and the safes in the yachts. The yacht he'd left to his best buddy included that particular safe, with his title to the yacht in his inheritance.

Last, but far from least, there was an invention he'd created while doing work, trying to achieve certain thngs for the government, but this one he never shared, or even disclosed to another living soul, unless he was certain he was able to legitimately entrust his life into their hands forever. To be blunt, his uncle had happened on a way to create a time machine. It was possible to use as an enclosed unit, meaning it held up to the size 4 adults occupied, or the equivalent - Or under the appropriate circumstances, in a vault in a secret basement of the mansion in Montreal, was a portable console version, that could be attached to a boat or other vehicle, that would time travel the machine and everyone in or on that vehicle or structure at the time. It could even be carried in a briefcase or pack making it very portable indeed. Alex would need three chips implanted - one in each shoulder, and a 'home chip' next to his heart, that in the event of his death, would send the body through time to "home" - The present time - In other words, it was currently located at Montreal. He outlined how to get to the secure area where the time machine was, how to have the operating manual allow him access, as well as where in time-space to go and who to see to have the chip implants done.
The package was something he felt Alex might find helpful during the next weeks, as he settled into his new life. Alex told his assistants to remain back on while he opened the parcel, examining the contents. Inside were several packs of condoms, a rare single malt scotch, a bottle of very exclusive amber rum, and a few bottles of Alex's favorite wines and spirits. He grinned as he saw the scotch was tagged 'Chase,' and the rum, 'Amanda,' meaning, at a time in the past, for a moment at least, his uncle had time-travelled to the penthpouse where Alex and his advisors were staying. To a time following his own death... Alex made a mental note to watch for the visit, if he could catch his uncle, for a moment at least.

He and the girls reviewed the draft copies of their employment contracts, at starting salaries of $300,000 each, a $50,000 signing bonus, plus benefits. He had them sign, after rapidly adding an absolute lifetime non-disclosure codicil and signing it, before signing both contracts himself. They exited the room, smiling, and were approached by the third senior partner of the law firm, and two older junior partners. Alex asked them to come meet him the following afternoon in the penthouse at 3 p.m., bringing the first most urgent, important, and sensitive documents with him. He glanced at Chase and Amanda, who each silently passed the senior partner a letter.
He opened them, an eyebrow raising as he read the contents, before looking at Alex, who said, "as your firm's largest client, I expect my two personal executive assistants to have their office space at your firm, for a fee of course, and their own legal secretary - again, billed to me. Do we have an agreement for use of office space, plus hiring by my assistants of their own legal secretary? Their case load at your firm will be transferred to other members of course, once they've made any final entries that are required?
He gave Alex a serious appraising look, "You met them at the party last year ddn't you?" he sighed, "two of the best junior partners we have, and in an hour talking, you have them signed to a contract working out of the firm exclusively for you - setting their own hours or following your hours at any rate," he sighed, "will you at least please not swipe our best senior legal secretary?"
Alex pulled the girls aside, and asked if there was one they favoured that would burn the partners? They replied none they liked well, but two of the best there in the last few years were a gay guy who was very 'together,' and a 40-ish second career single mom. "So you have no problem if I take the gay guy, pay him a litle extra since he's working for us now??" Absolutely no problem, and it'd sure shut up the homophobes and haters, since he wouldn't be answerable to anyone but them anymore. Alex grinned, asked the guy's name, asked the girls were they in private ofices now or shared one? Private, but opposite corners of the building, and having their own legal secretary would require a move anyhow, so they'd be clustered together. Alex sent Chase to call the secretary, while he and Amanda went to continue the conversation with the senior partner - Just as Alex was telling him the girls would be incorporated under their own names, literally a firm within the firm, they'd need offices next to each other with the space for a legal secretary of their own.
Chase returned just then, and told her former boss who they were hiring. He shrugged and said to Alex what other choice did he have, and Alex said, well, make it three offices, and acces to a conference room when needed, since he recognised they'd need at a minimum, someone familiar with a lot of the International aspects, whether they hired another junior partner from within the firm or went outside, but this way, his legal people could be on-site if anything needed to be negotiated, but would facilitate information sharing of their dealings too. The man opened his eyes wider, having to agree this was in fact a lot better way to mange his own afairs, since so much day to day landed on the first available desk the way his uncle ran things, while this would set up clear liasons but ensure ease of operation too. Confirming the time for the next day, he bid them farewell

Alex took the girls each by an arm looped through his own, and went to the elevator banks to head for the penthouse. "Where are your cars now?" Alex asked, "you said you both carry loaded suitcases all the time..." It turned out their cars were in the basement carpark, so he tasked one of his security to take their keys, go down to retrieve their bags, and bring Alex's bags from his former room in the hotel, to the penthouse. As they ascended in the elavator, he asked what they were driving. Chase was driving a five year old VW, while Amanada had a four year old base model "cheapest car out there" import, to which he asked then if they were given say, a new company car each year, leaving them both to keep or sell their old ones as they wished, they were both happy to accept. "Okay, first thing next week we go see to that," he said, as the elavator arrived at the penthouse level, met the three security on duty, said they'd want the bags asap, and would let security know when they were sending for room service.

Inside the room, Alex walked to the fridge , stopped and took down some glasses, asking each girl how they prefered their alcohol. He got a 'depends what they have' reply, which is when he withdrew the parcel and opened it, passing each woman her special favorite, as he took down a wine glass for himself, and passed them tumblers... They asked how he knew, which he replied he hadn't, but had an inside source who tipped him off. They all kicked off their shoes as they walked through the penthouse, noting there were two bedrooms, both with Ultra-king-size beds... Amanda gave a soft whoop of happines, "alright, one for play and one for us to sleep in!" which made Chase almost choke on her drink, as she agreed.
"Ground rules and honesty time, here," said Alex drily,"everyone here tested and clean?" their heads nodded, "Good, because latex makes me itch; thanks to a run in with mumps as a kid, I can't father a child, so we're barebackers, alright? Anyone outside the three of us, we'll take 'precautions,' agreed?" They were in agreement, laughing, as the knock by security signalled the arrival of their bags, all of which went to the 'sleeping' bedroom.

Chapter 4
A few glasses later, they were leaning back on the big leather sofa wearing nothing but under wear, cuddling each other, when Alex asked if they wanted to eat before or after they showered - Order, then we shower before they get here... and have them bring the night snacks with the meal, Chase suggested. They flipped open the menu, chose their meals, and suitasble midnight snacks, with more wine and spirits... Alex called it down to the desk, walked into the washroom to shave before showering, Amanda had the water running, heating the room up, a they walked in, shedding their underwear, grabbed Chase by the hand, headed to the shower... They lathered and shampooed, washing away conference room grime from what had been a long day for the three of them.
Nobody played favorites as they washed each other, familiarising themselves with their partner's nude bodies... He noticed Amanda was bare, while Chase's pussy had a slim strip above her slit, looking like an exclamation mark. Both had well-toned bodies and small-medium sized breasts, The two women soaped and groped Alex, so once he was fuly hard, Amanda knelt in the steaming spray to suck his stifness, while Chase bent, grasping her ankles for Amanda to guide his wet hardness inside her, as she curled at their feet, kissing with Chase while Alex pounded deeply inside her, the moans and muffled screams almost lost in the sound of the running water. As Amanda kissed Chase, she was fingering herself with a free hand, coming a moment before Chase's slender body went taut, as her vaginal muscles grasped his erection while she climaxed, which triggered Alex, causing the pressure in his balls to unravel as his come gushed deep inside her, wave after wave, while she pressed her as back against him, creating a near-perfect seal, so none of his creamy semen was lost. As he softened, Amanda licked her slit, sucking lightly as she tasted Alex's come on her friend's freshly fucked labia, then turned to clean the leftover come from Alex's cock...
By the time they were clean and dry, wearing big terry towel robes, reclining on the big curved leather sofa, room service arrived. They ate & drank until they were sated, put the night snacks in the fridge, turned off most lights as they switched on some music, and retired to the fun bedroom for the first night of Alex's life as a billionaire, dropping their bath robes on the carpet as they walked, arm in arm.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-25 18:13:04
Jesus fuck if you put half as much detail as you did in the boring the legal stuff as you did with the sex it would've lasted more than one fucking paragraph

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-25 05:19:11
These people are tough critics. I enjoyed it. Solid effort.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-25 00:25:57
Your story is proceeding too quickly, and without enough detail. More conversations among the characters would help. You do need help with editing; several times I noticed that you had forgotten to put down an important word or three while you were speeding along.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-23 21:19:31
So many typo's in the first paragraph I stopped reading.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-11-23 06:53:04
You need to go into more detail. You need to explain who people are better. Your jumping to your next though to fast

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