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Lana and Ivy are at it again
Changing Sides at the Glory hole
Part 3
New Limits

Since Lana and Ivy's recent activities had led to every Friday night being 'Gloryhole Night', where they would drive down to the services and suck off random strangers through a hole in the wall together, they had not missed a single night.

This friday night however was different. Lana had to work late, and Ivy wasn't feeling so great so they decided to give it a miss. The arguments they had experienced had been forgotten, and their relationship was stronger than ever, with both of them enjoying their time at the gloryhole and neither of them ever visiting it without the other. Needless to say the two girls were back living in perfect harmony together, with nothing more than a new hobby they enjoyed together.

Friday turned to saturday and Ivy awoke, feeling much better than the day before, still not 100% but she had definitely improved. The alarm signalling 11 o'clock was buzzing, but was quickly turned off. As she got up and made a cup of coffee, Lana walked in carrying shopping bags. They greeted each other, shared a kiss, then Ivy went off for a shower leaving Lana the cup of coffee she had made.

Lana sat down and began flicking through a magazine on the table, while drinking the coffee, and it wasn't long before Ivy emerged from the bathroom wrapped in only a short towel that barely covered her. Lana bit her lip at the sight of Ivy's beauty. "I got you something baby." Lana said softly.

"Oh did you? Did you see I'd made you a coffee?" Ivy replied.

"I did, thank you, it was lovely. And this..." She fumbled into her pocket and pulled out a small box and threw it to Ivy "is for you."

Ivy caught the box and looked at it, 20 Marlboro Brightleaf. She smiled. "Thank you," she replied, beaming a smile.

Lana smiled back and then went back to her magazine. Ivy went off to the bedroom to get dressed.

When she returned once again to the living room, she opened the door onto the balcony and went outside for a cigarette. Lana joined her.

They stood together in silence for a few seconds before Ivy spoke. "Okay, so I was thinking. We missed out night out last night, but I'm feeling alot better today, so if you fancy going down there today, we could do that?"

Lana turned to look at her girlfriend, "that sounds like a wonderful idea, I didn't have any other plans."

The pair of them smiled. "When were you thinking?" Ivy asked.

"Well, anytime really. We could go down there tonight."

"Hmm...." Ivy replied.

"What babe?" Lana enquired.

"Well..." Ivy began. "We always go down there at night, how do you fancy a day trip?"

Lana smiled again, "yeah, that would be cool."

Ivy smiled back, "it's a date."

They laughed.

After talking for a while, they decided to get some lunch then take a visit to the gloryhole. Lana drove and by half 2 they were parked in the service station car park. It looked alot busier than normal, and the two girls looked at each other.

"Plenty to pick from today." Ivy jested.

"Pick from? We could have them all." Lana joked back.

They both climbed out of the car laughing. Lana locked the car and they began making their way over to the toilet block. Ivy smoked a cigarette on their way over, flicking it before enterring, like the first time she had been there, but this time her heartrate was only increasing through excitement. The two girls were getting giddy, as they always did before their gloryhole visits.

It wasn't until they were in there that they realised something had changed. Some of the holes in the booths had been boarded over. Only the five booths down the far end still had the holes in. The girls looked at each other confused.

"Why have they done that?" Lana asked rhetorically.

"I don't know," Ivy answered regardless. The two looked bewildered but made their way into the second to last cubicle anyway. The one they picked had a hole in both walls to 'double the chance of gettin some dick' was what Ivy had said.

As the girls waited for someone to show up, they began kissing and touching each other. They were waiting quite a long time for someone to come in, as it turns out, just because the services is busy, doesn't mean that the toilets are.

They were already naked and Lana was licking Ivy out before they heard the door open. She stopped and they stared at each other, hoping for something good to come of it.

"What the fuck?!" They heard a deep guys voice.

The two girls smiled. "Down this end baby." Ivy called out, and they began to giggle.

The heavy footsteps approached and she heard the cubicle next to them close and lock.

"You charge?" Came the deep voice, booming through the hole.

Ivy looked at Lana, "Yeah." She replied sounding slightly uncertain, but the deep voiced guy didn't pick up on it.

"How much?"

"What do you want?" Ivy replied cheekily.

"I thought you cubicle types only did blowjobs?"

'Cubicle Types' Ivy mouthed to Lana who chuckled silently. "Well I guess today is your lucky day. How much do ya normally pay for it?"

"50." Replied the guy, followed by grunt as he realised he could have said less.

'Okay, not the sharpest tool in the shed,' Ivy thought, "How about 80? I'll suck you off, give you a bit of pussy, then you can cum in my mouth?"

There was no talking for a while and rustling from the cubicle next door, Lana and Ivy looked confused. Then four £20 notes came through the hole, Ivy grabbed them and gave them to Lana, followed quickly by a short stubby cock.

She looked at Lana with a 'what the fuck' expression on her face, but figured it wasn't a normal situation, she had taken money from this guy, she had to deliver. She shrugged and squatted down infront of the dick and wrapped her lips straight around it, not fucking about with handjobs or anything.

She sucked the small dick for a good 10 minutes until it grew completely hard. It wasn't a great deal to work with, but it was something. She kept sucking it, poking her hand through the hole and cupping his balls, gently massaging them as she did. She could easily suck the cock right to it's base without any worry at all of gagging so that's what she did. She figured the quicker she made this guy blow the better.

Whilst Ivy was having a really crap time sucking this guy off, Lana was loving it, okay sure the guy wasn't big or anything, but she was still watching her girlfriend sucking off a total stranger. She slid her fingers down between her thighs and began to gently massage her pussy, growing wetter and wetter.

Ivy stopped sucking and decided to get fucking him out the way, she really wasn't enjoying it.

"Do you want me to fuck him?" Lana whispered to her. She nodded.

"Yeah, not feeling this guy at all." She whispered back.

"You still look beautiful sucking him off though." Lana smiled as she turned her back to the wall and backed her pussy up against the guys cock.

She struggled to get the guy in, and had to bend herself right over to allow the guy entry to her, but eventually he was in her and it didn't feel too bad. The guy grunted every time Lana pushed back on him, trying to get his cock as deep into her as she could. He needed an extra inch, it was like he was teasing her. Gettin close but not quite reaching the spot.

His cock was beginning to get harder and Lana knew what this meant.

"Oh yeah, you gunna let me cum in ya?" The guys deep voice boomed.

Lana shook her head, but a mischeivous smile broke across Ivy's face. "For another £20 quid ya can." Ivy winked at her.

"Fucking right," the guy groaned as he carried on fucking, but Lana pulled off.

"Get the money now," She whispered.

Ivy nodded, putting her hand through the hole. The guy cursed and muttered but soon Ivy's hand pulled back through with another £20 note. She smiled and looked at Lana, but now it was Lana who looked mischeivous.

"Go on then, let him cum in you." Lana whispered. Ivy's mouth dropped. "You said he could for another £20." Then she gave Ivy an overexaggerated wink, to make a point.

"Fine," Ivy said, "watch me." She backed herself up to the gloryhole and the guys cock pressed against her opening. It wasn't long until he forced his way into her, she bounced herself back against the wall. This was a first time for her at the gloryhole, she had never let a guy cum in her before. The guy gasped and wheezed from the other cubicle, and the girls knew he was close.

Lana bent over and whispered in Ivy's ear, "I hope you like this baby." Then kissed her cheek.

Ivy flipped her off as she carried on fucking the cock.

"Oh fuck!" He was cumming.

Ivy cringed as she felt the guys cock thicken up then pulse his thick, sticky goo into her pussy. He carried on pumping her pussy until every drop of his vile spunk was inside her then he pulled his cock out and left.

Lana couldn't help but smile at her small victory. Ivy sat down on the edge of the toilet seat and opened her legs to reveal the huge load of spunk draining out of her pussy.

"Clean me up." Ivy faked a smile at Lana.

Lana squatted down between her lovers legs and began licking all the thick cream from her pussy.

When she was done she stood up and Ivy looked at her. "We gotta start using condoms." she said.

Lana shook her head, lifting Ivy off the seat she said "Nah, it's amazing with some of the nice cocks." Then she planted a kiss on Ivy's lips.

"Yeah, but that's the first time a guy has ever cum in me!" Ivy pointed out.

"Well, next time don't try and fuck me over." She replied sticking her tongue out.

"Okay, fair point." Ivy commented shaking her head and getting a cigarette out of her handbag.

The two girls waited in the gloryhole for people to turn up, and it wasn't long. About two minutes after Ivy had put her cigarette out they heard the door open and a pair of voices, both male, making jokes and laughing about a road trip, told the girls that they could be in luck. They looked at each other and smiled.

They heard the footsteps coming closer to their end of the room but to their disappointment they heard the sound of the cubicle doors closing about half way down the corridor. The two guys carried on laughing and talking about their 'road trip' as they used the toilets and very soon the two girls heard the doors re-open.

One of the guys made his way to the end of the room right by the girls cubicle and they heard him insert some coins into the condom machine on the wall. The girls smiled at each other. Lana put her fingers through the hole into the last cubicle, hoping that the guy would see. As he turned around her nearly missed it, but her waving fingers caught his eye.

His lips curled into a smile as he beckoned his mate over, putting his finger to his lips to hush him.

The two girls heard him tiptoeing to end of the room, and then heard the guys whispering. They knew this meant victory.

The tiptoeing guy stepped back a few paces and looked into the cubicle the other side of the occupied one, giving his mate a thumbs up. With huge grins they both stepped into the two cubicles and tried to silently close the doors.

The girls looked at each other grinning madly as well as they heard the two guys unzip. Looks like everyone was gunna be happy today. Lana felt the first guys cock touch against her fingers as they wiggled so she pulled them back, and a reasonable sized cock followed. Ivy decided to follow suit and put her fingers through her hole, it wasn't long until she had a cock through her hole.

To her joy, this one was slightly better endowed than the first guy, and about twice the size of the deep voiced guy earlier. While Lana was busy fucking around with handjobs, and tossing the guy off, Ivy just decided to get straight down on her knees and suck it.The guy instantly stiffened in her mouth and was rock hard in no time.

Lana's guy took a bit longer to stiffen up, but she got him there in the end, gently stroking him with her hands. Once he was hard she decided to stick the guy in her mouth, getting down on her knees and taking him as deep into her throat as she could.

It wasn't long before Lana was ready for the next step. Fucking the guy earlier had left her half satisfied and desperately wanting more. She turned round, bent over and let the guy penetrate deep into her pussy. As he slid inside her she felt the satisfaction of a good sized cock and instantly began to slide her wet pussy back on him, the pair of them thrusted rhythmically against the wall, his cock hitting just the right spot deep in her pussy.

Lana began moaning quite loudly which cause Ivy to turn and look. Ivy's pussy grew wetter at the sight of her girlfriend fucking a total stranger bareback through a gloryhole, she decided to follow her girlfriends example. She turned and backed her once cum filled pussy onto the guy sticking through the wall.

Unlike Lana, Ivy fucked her guy slow. She was enjoying this cock, and she wanted to feel every inch of it slowly penetrating her. As she slowly rocked herself backwards and forward, up and down the length of his shaft, she felt her pussy beginning to quiver. She grabbed Lana's hand and positioned on her clit.

"Play with me baby." She whispered passionately as the pair of girls fucked total strangers. Lana complied gently massaging Ivy's pussy. It wasn't long before Ivy was shaking, the cock in her pussy, and the fingers on her clit worked her into a powerful orgasm and her twitching pussy caused the cock inside to twitch with her.

It was however Lana's guy that blew first. Just as Ivy's orgasm subsided Lana heard him knock against the wall.

'Must have done this before.' She thought to herself. She felt him begin to pull out, she reached her hand back through her legs to grab the cock, "Don't go anywhere." She moaned, but it was too late, she already felt a spurt of cum spray against her pussy instead of inside it. She bowed her head with disappointment as she felt a warm load drip down the back of her leg as another squirt splashed against her pussy.

Ivy's guy however, was still going strong. Lana put her lips to Ivy's ear, "Let this one cum in you too!"

Ivy shot her a surprised glance. "Really?!" She whispered back. She bit her lip, "would you find it really hot?"

Lana nodded. "Go on baby, let that stud fill you up." She whispered as she began kissing Ivy's neck.

"You gunna cum for me?" Ivy called to the guy behind the hole.

"Yeah, I'm close." He replied panting.

"Good, babe." Ivy replied then looked at Lana, who stared back into her eyes and nodded.

"Do it." Lana whispered.

Ivy looked worried, but Lana just nodded at her again. "Do you wanna cum in my pussy baby?" Ivy called out.

"Fuck yeah!" The guy gasped back.

"Go on then, cum in me baby!" Ivy called out. Panic began to set in on her face. She couldn't believe she was gunna let two strangers cum inside her in one day.

"Enjoy it baby." Lana whispered then kissed her on the cheek. "Enjoy it." She repeated.

Lana began massaging Ivy's shoulders and Ivy carried on fucking, her stress was retreating, the pleasure was overwhelming. She could feel his cock hitting just the right spot inside her. She could feel her legs begin to quiver again. "Oh, fuck yeah." She moaned.

"Oh yeah." She heard through the hole. "Oh yeah baby, I'm cumming!"

She pressed herself back hard against the hole.

He carried on sliding himself into her, his cock pulsed and twitched inside her, spewing and squirting his thick, creamy load deep inside her fertile, raw pussy. Her eyes were clenched shut with pure euphoria as she felt even more cum being dumped inside her.

As his cock retreated through the hole she didn't move, couldn't move. She was rooted to the spot wit pure ecstacy. The she snapped back to life when Lana whispered in her ear, "was that better baby?"

Ivy nodded frantically, "oh yes! Oh my god, Yes!" was all she could say.

Dirty SamoneReport 

2020-01-03 20:54:16
I'm saddened. No ass fuckin.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-13 11:39:51
Great series, no obvious errors


2015-06-08 14:56:10
i just read all three parts while using a dildo on myself. i loved it and saw no mistakes in it great story thank you.



2014-11-24 16:31:57
Art-and-Passion - This was a Good story.. a Good series. I'm surprised I haven't come across your stories before.

I'm sorry to disagree with ANONYMOUS but I didn't see any errors... at least, Not spelling errors - Mind you, normally I hate to see glaring grammar errors, typo's and bad translation errors (or English as a second language mistakes).... but I didn't get hit over the head with such mistakes, this time.

Anonymous reader, perhaps you should cite some examples, next time? I may have missed a few... but I'd still like to know what YOU saw that I didn't?


2014-11-24 02:11:48
I did proof read it.. :/ what errors are you referring to?

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