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A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared to be sold into slavery
Cheerleader Sale

Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared to be sold into slavery
Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy

Eighteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into the room built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled and fought, but the more powerful man forced her down on onto the top of a leather covered table and sat down on top of her. He straddled her to keep her from escaping as he pulled her hands up above her head and locked each of her wrists into leather restraining cuffs attached to the end of the table.

Once he had her hands secured he turning around and he forced each of her legs down. She tried to kick him as he buckled and locked her ankles one at a time into leather restraints, forcing them off to each side of the table. He bent her legs backwards at the knee and attached the leather cuffs to the sides of the table, forcing her to leave her thighs spread wide apart.

All the while he was doing this; she was screaming obscenities at him, yelling at him to leave her alone and to let her go.

Finished, he climbed down off of her and pulled a leather strap across the table and buckled it down tight right across her abdomen.

The strap bit into her belly and made it difficult for her to breathe in deeply. Though she still continued to scream, yell, curse and plead with him to let her go, it now wasn't as frequent nor quite as loud as she had to suck in air in short breaths.

The man then hiked the skirt of her cheerleader's uniform up to her waist, exposing her ruffled blue panties. Taking a pair of shears in his hand, he made short work of cutting her panties off of her body leaving her virginal flower exposed for the enjoyment of his gaze. He balled the cut up panties inside out in a tight wad and before Mandy knew what was happening, he had forced opened her mouth and shoved the wad of smelly, sweat and bodily fluid stained panties into her mouth, silencing her. Just as quick, he pulled another strap across the table, directly across her mouth and buckled it down tight to the other side of the table.
Now, she could not lift her head off the table or move it about, nor was she able to eject the wad of panties he had stuffed into her mouth.

With her bound to the top of the table, he took his time moving around the room and gathered a few items which he placed on the table between her legs where Mandy wasn't able to see what they where. She was able to watch him from the corner of her eyes as he drew a bowl of water from a sink and brought it over to the table with everything else.

Looking down toward the end of the table where the man stood, she could see him as he dipped a wash cloth into the bowl of water and then rung out the excess water. Unfolding the now wet cloth, he spread it out and dropped it on her so it covered her Venus mound and her exposed sex.

The water on the cloth was hot! Taking Mandy by surprise, she screamed into her panties as the hot cloth felt like it burned the sensitive area of her body, though it did not.

Mandy got used to the heat on her sex as he left the cloth on her for several minutes before removing it. While he allowed the cloth to sit on her he was busy shaking up a can of something. After removing the cloth he sprayed the contents of the can into the palm of hi right hand and then began to rub the foamy substance all of her cunny and surrounding area. Only then did Mandy realize it was shaving cream! Mandy's stomach began to turn queasy as she felt his hand touching and rubbing her secret private place as he spread the shaving cream around.

Taking a small hand towel, he wiped the excess cream off of his hand and picked up one of those three bladed disposable razors. Then starting at the top of her Venus mound, he began using the razor to scrape away the shaving cream and along with it, her soft blond pubic hair.

The man worked slowly but methodically, relishing every moment as he scraped away all the hair covering her sex until she was completely bald as the day she was born. Then, taking up the towel again, he wiped away any left over shaving from her sex and thighs. Her now naked cunny felt cold from the air without the soft pubic hair to keep it warm.

The man placed his hand on her sex feeling the smoothness of her shaved puss as he cupped her mound and squeezed gently. His hand stroked her all over her sex including her inner thighs which he squeezed several times. His fingers lightly toyed with the lips of her sex as they lifted apart the petals of her rose.
Bound as she was, Mandy couldn't help herself as her body responded to his touch and began to heat up. His fingers stroked her up and down between the lips of her sex as she felt herself become wet with her love juices. Within a few minutes, she began to breathe rapidly as she tried to suck in air despite the tight restraints as her body responded positively to his touch. She hated herself for it, yet, the pleasurable feeling as if an electrical current surged through her body began to overwhelm her thoughts as her mind began to swim away as his fingers penetrated deeper between the folds of her flower until he touched the membrane blocking the entrance to her womanhood.

The man watched her face and saw her eyes glaze over in pleasure as his fingers fondled her pleasure knob. He stimulated her clitoris by flicking, squeezing and rubbing it, her eyes rolling upwards as her body strained against her bonds. Suddenly she began to quiver and shake as her a powerful orgasm over took her mind and creamed his fingers with her sweet sticky cum.

When he was finished fingering her, he put his fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. He then bent over and buried his face into her pussy. Using his tongue began to lap up the sweet honey flavored cum which had drenched her sex.

More pleasurable than his rough fingers, his soft tongue stroked her pussy between the folds of her lips starting at the bottom and sliding upwards slowly until it reached her clit where he used his tongue to pop it up and down sending waves of pleasure to crash over Mandy. Again and again he repeated the actions with his tongue as he took his finger and used it to press against the puckered rosebud of her anus.

Mandy could feel the pressure of his finger against her ass as he slowly pushed it inside of her passed the sphincter ring. She tried to keep it out by keeping her rosebud puckered tight, but with his tongue driving her into another cycle of a pleasurable orgasm, she realized she was fighting a loosing battle.
Suddenly his lips were wrapped around her clit as he sucked into his mouth causing Mandy to relax. The man felt her body go and that was the moment he was waiting for! He shoved his finger into her ass up to the knuckle of his hand and at the same time he sucked her clit into his mouth and bit down hard with his teeth.
It was more than Mandy could handle as she screamed into her panty gag from the pain of the bite as well as the pleasure of the most powerful, intense orgasm she ever had. So much so, she had actually blacked out for a few moments as she exploded over and over, drenching his face with her cum.

The man stood up over smiling. He picked up the hand towel and just before he wiped his face and his chin, he licked his lips in a discussing manor and udder the word, "Sweet."

Exhausted from her ordeal, Mandy was too tired to struggle as he un-strapped her from the table and removed the gag from her mouth and made her stand up.
Her hands hung loosely at her sides tugging her skirt down as he pushed her to the center of the room where he placed a short spreader bar between the ankle cuffs which were still locked around her legs. This forced her to stand with her legs wide which prevented her from trying to run away or kick him. He then removed her shoes and socks leaving her barefoot on the cold stone floor.

Next he took a leather harness set and buckled the first part around her right arm pinning her forearm up against her bicep in a chicken wing fashion against her right shoulder. A single strap from the harness passed across her back where the other end of the harness did the same to her left arm. He then adjusted the strap across her back so tight that it held her arms in place pinned against her body.

Next, he picked up two leather mitts and pulled each one over her hands and buckled them tight over her wrists. The one on her right wrist had a strap extending from it. This one he pulled behind her neck over to the other one which had a buckle attached to it. Pulling the strap through the buckle forced her hands to bend towards each other on top of her shoulders.

Once again Mandy was bound with no hope of escape.
The man picked up a hard rubber ball with several straps attached to it. He told her to open her mouth and forced the ball into her mouth. He buckled one set of straps behind her head while the second set was buckled up under her chin. The ball gag didn't fill her mouth like the panty gag did, but it was much more effective as a gag.

Picking up a black leather collar, the man buckled it around Mandy's neck like a dog.

Picking up a large hinged ring, he opened up the ring separating the blunt ends and inserted them into her nostrils, snapping the ring shut. The blunt ends came together with only her nasal septum separating them. It hurt like hell and the pain was so awful that she cried out and tried to shake the ring loose from her nose. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she stood there with this large ring hanging from her nose as if she was some kind of animal.

The man grabbed the ring and yanked it upwards forcing Mandy up, lifting her heals off the floor so she stood balancing on the balls of her feet. He then attached the ring to the end of a small chain hanging down from the ceiling leaving her in her precarious situation.
Mandy was totally helpless once again as he pulled her cheerleading sweater up over her breasts exposing her nice round globes hidden behind her white cotton bra.

Reaching between her breasts he unlatched her bra allowing her firm orbs to be free of their captivity. Pushing her bra aside, the man grabbed each of her breasts with his hands he first caressed them and then he began to squeeze them. He squeezed them harder and harder until it was painful. Releasing her breasts his fingers found their way to her tender nipples. As he began to play with them they grew to form two hard pebbles from the stimulation He grabbed each of them between his fingers and pulled on them. Mandy, bound as she was, she could not get away from him or the pain he was inflicting upon her breasts and nipples. All she could do was cry into her gag as he pulled her nipples, stretching them forward, forcing her to arch her back as she strained against her bonds before letting them (her nipples) go, laughing at her as she struggled to keep her balance on the balls of her feet while her head continued to be held upwards by the nose ring.
A scissors made quick work of her bra straps as he pulled it off her body and threw it aside. Walking over to a table, he opened a drawer and pulled out a long needle and a pair of rings. He moved back over to Mandy, leaned forward and taking her left breast in his hand, placed his mouth so it covered her nipple and began to suck on it as well as play with it with his tongue. It didn't take long before her nipple began to turn hard again.

The man stopped sucking and stood up. He grabbed her harden nipple between his fingers and taking the needle in his other hand, pressed it horizontally against her nipple.

The sharp pain from the needle poking her nipple hit her brain immediately and she began to scream into the ball gag when suddenly there was a pop of cartilage as the needle slid completely through her nipple. Mandy screamed as loudly as possible as the pain from the piercing hit her.
The man slid the needle out of her nipple. Swabbed it in alcohol and inserted a permanent nipple ring. Once the ring was clasped, there was no way of removing it except to have it cut off.

Finished with her left nipple, the man leaned forward for a second time and began to suck on Mandy's right nipple. This time Mandy new what to expect and dreaded every moment leading up to the piercing of that tit. She even tried to beg him not to do it, offering to give him or do anything he wants, but with the ball gag in her mouth, her pleas were useless. The pain was just as fierce the second time around as he pushed the needle through her other nipple and ringed that one.

Finished, he left the room and left her standing there on the balls of her feet, spreader bar between her ankles, arms pinned to her shoulders with her hands bound to each other by the leather mitts and her head tilted backwards as the ring in her nose was pulled wards by the thin chain hanging down from the ceiling. Her sweater was pulled upwards over her breasts exposing her newly pierced nipples and though her cheerleading skirt was on covering her bottom and sex, she had no panties on and her recently shaved pussy was cold from the bare exposure.

Though it seamed like forever that Mandy stood there in that position, it wasn't much more than an hour when the door to the room opened. This time when the man returned he had someone else with him. As they got closer to her, Mandy could see it was another older man. A well dressed man. Very well dressed. As if he was rich.

The man who had captured Mandy and brought her to this place said, "Just as you like sir. Blonde, blue eyed and young. I believe she's thirteen or fourteen years old."

The other man walked around Mandy, looking t her as if he was inspecting a piece of meat. He moved up behind her and reaching around her he groped her breasts. "Hmmmm, nice and firm."

"I took the liberty of piercing her nipples for you."

"Yes, I see that." He said as he pulled them forward. Mandy tried to move with them to relieve the pain on her nipples as her breasts contorted into cone shapes as he steadily pulled the rings outward, but her bonds would not allow her to do so. She wailed in pain behind her gag until he released the rings in which her cries were then reduced to muffled groans.

Still pawing one of Mandy's breasts with one hand, he moved his other hand slowly downwards, gliding over her semi-flat belly, down past her skirt to her bare thigh. There his hand changed directions and traveled upwards on her thigh, under her skirt, lifting it as he went along. He then gripped a large part of the soft flesh of her inner thigh just below her sex between his thumb and index finger and pinched it painfully.

Mandy screamed into her gag and wriggled in her bonds begging him in muffled noises for him to release her. He just laughed in her ear as he felt her squirming in his arms as he continued to pinch her thigh, creating a bruise.

Finally, he let her thigh go, but before Mandy's body had a moment to relax, she felt him cup her pussy with his hand.

"Hmmm, a nice smooth, hairless puss." The man said.

"Yes, I shaved her clean shortly before your arrival." The other man responded as he watched the older gentleman inspect Mandy.

Mandy tensed and tried to will his hand away from her sex as his fingers unfolded the petals of her sexual flower and slipped up inside of her.
She became embarrassed when she realized how moist and excited her pussy was. Her mind told her it was wrong what he was doing to her, while her body betrayed her and she responded with pleasure to his touch. As his fingers slipped past the protective shield of her sex he found her clitorious and began to stimulate it with his finger.

Mandy's eyes half closed and a small pleasurable moan could be heard coming from behind her gag as his fingers began to make her body quiver.
"Is she would you say... intact?" He asked as he continued to rub her clit, but at a faster pace now as Mandy's breathing grew rapidly through her nose.
"You mean, is she still a virgin?"

"Yes. Exactly." He answered, while rubbing her clit even faster, bringing Mandy close to a climax. "Is she still a virgin?"

"Yes. I checked her out already. I grantee that her hymen is still there."

Mandy was on the verge of the most powerful orgasm when suddenly the man stopped rubbing her clit and removed his hands from her body. Mandy groaned in frustration at him through the gag.

"Excellent!" The man who had been rubbing her said. "I'll take her." And the turning to Mandy he said, "Don't worry my new little sex slave. They'll be plenty of time for you to have orgasms later when you are busy serving me as my new toy. But first I need to write this man a nice hefty check and make arrangements for you to be delivered to my estate. So, I'll see you in a few days, and then we'll have lots of fun together as we spend our days and evenings training you to serve me." He told her and kissed her on the center of her gag.

Both men then turned and left the room, turning out the light as they went to complete their deal, leaving Mandy alone, scared and in the dark.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-29 16:16:11
A+ this story needs more chapters. The more perverse the better

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-27 01:50:21
I know this is hypocritical because I am anonymous myself. But have you noticed that everyone that gives negative comments about the "white wall" always does it anonymously


2014-12-29 12:59:47
Who the fuck cares about paragraphs and verbs, it's a good story, if you can do better, write a story, until then shut the fuck up

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-12-14 18:58:48
So that person's a dick. The point stands, but no need to be a cunt. Find out how to make paragraph doesn't differentiation. Also, your verbs had a little lot of tensing issues. Just prof read before you post


2014-12-14 15:39:07
guys if you do not like the story or you think you can do better yourself instead of being a armchair critic get the fuck writing or shut the fuck up yes i said it put up or shut up

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