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Furry twins have fun.
Alexandra woke with a groan. Beside her, she heard Bell also waking up, mumbling something about a strange dream. Bell was always first to rise, with Alexandra taking her time. They had something of a marital relationship, in the sense that Bell kept the house tidy, cooked dinner, while Alex worked as hard as she could, earning enough to own a rather large apartment in Finland. Despite being separated at a young age by their parents, who had divorced and moved to different countries, Bell being taken by their mother to Finland, while Alexandra remained in Romania with their father. Despite this, both were able to remain in contact, having formed a rather powerful bond as children. Over the years they learned the language of each other's countries, just in case in they went to see each other. Once Alexandra had turned eighteen she had left home and headed for Finland.

She quickly found a job there as both a decorator and model. Once she was settled in, one month after moving, Alex contacted Bell, saying that she was in the country and wanted to meet, she was hoping to surprise Bell with her new occupations and residence in Finland, but her sister already knew, having seen Alex on the front page of a fashion magazine. When they met, it was like a dream, both unable to believe that they were seeing the other in the flesh. The joy they felt after the initial shock, was only matched by those who saw their loved ones returning from a war zone. In the following weeks, Bell had moved out of their mother's house, and was living with Alexandra. Neither of them could bare to be apart for very long.

Now they slept in the same bed. This was in part because Alexandra couldn't yet afford an apartment with two bedrooms, but also because they wanted to be near each other, though neither was interested in the other in the sexual sense. However, there were hidden desires, buried deep within both of them, yet they couldn't consciously accept these desires. Letting out another groan, Alexandra sat up, watching as Bell went to the kitchen. She looked to the bedside table, seeing her Voluptus Ludum deck sitting there, completely unmoved. She sighed in relief remembering the weird dream she had, and picked it up, staring at the back of her cards. Even though she knew it to be a dream, she couldn't get the words out of her head, the ones that said she and Bell would participate in an tournament unlike any other, and with all new decks. Chuckling lightly to herself, Alex turned the deck over. It took all of her willpower not to drop it.

In the other room she heard Bell let out a small cry. Still holding the deck, she rushed to Bell's aid. In the living room, she saw her dear sister kneeling at the small coffee table, staring in utter disbelief at her cards.

"Alex?" She asked, her voice low and shaking.

"I-I know, Bell... I know." She said, sitting down beside Bell, taking her petite twin in her arms. So it wasn't a dream, Alex thought.

"What are we gonna do?" Bell asked, "I don't want to have a sex slave." Despite her usual behaviour, Bell was extremely confident in her ability, rarely taking defeat into account. As it stood, the only other person in the country who rivalled her was Alexandra. Despite herself, Alex let out a small chuckle.

"I don't either, and we won't have to, so long as we refuse to play." The second the last word left her lips, a pair of letters suddenly appeared before the two, each one hovering before their eyes. Looking at each other, the twins took the letters, opening the envelopes and reading the contents. The further they read, the paler the pair got.

"We-we have to play?" Alex stated in disbelief.

"And we have to choose whether to be what we play, or to have it be separate from us." Bell said, her voice lacking any emotion. The sisters threw the letters away and sat there in silence for what could've been a lifetime.

Bell was the first to break the silence.

"You know," Alex looked at her, "It wouldn't be so bad having a slave, I mean, we don't have to use them for sex do we?" Alex thought on it for a second, but nodded in reply. Bell's face immediately lit up slightly. Alexandra was concerned, even though she had only glanced at her new cards, she knew they were all sexual in nature, and she had no idea how it might affect the user, especially considering the fact that they were dealing with a goddess.

"We don't have much of a choice Alex, we might as well try to make the best of it." Bell said and picked the letter up. In her other hand a ballpoint pen materialised, using it she wrote her decision on the letter, which vanished in a puff of smoke the second she finished. Taking her sister's advice, Alex also took the letter, jumping slightly in surprise as the pen also appeared in her grasp.

"What did you write?" She asked her sister.

"I wanted to become what I play, I mean, think about it; wouldn't you want to feel something new, something only we and the others get to experience?" Bell's excitement had always been intoxicating, but now it was more so, practically taking over Alex's own mind as she wrote the same thing as her sister. Alex smiled at Bell as the letter disappeared.

The two began to look through their decks. They knew what could happen, and they were gonna take every precaution, however that was easier said then done, as the pair constantly found it hard to look at the illustrations on the cards. In Alex's deck, each creature was humanoid, though many had mostly animalistic traits, muzzles, tails, fur all of that, yet some were completely human, with the exception of animal ears and tails. Each one were highly sexualised, with breasts at least four times as big as Alex's own, and capped with large nipples that looked the size of a large thumbnail. They also had toned stomachs, muscular legs, with shapely thighs. Their faces were those of animals, though most seemed to be of the dog family, but they seemed capable of human expressions, even somehow appearing to smile in several images. The equipment weren't much better, most of it being centred around sex.

Bell's deck was similar but entirely different at the same time. Most of her cards lacked the hyper endowments of Alex's, and seemed to be comprised solely of the feline family. She couldn't deny they were cute to look at, but when she had signed the letter, she had been hoping for a change from her petite form, however there seemed to be only a few and they weren't what Bell was after. She sighed and let it go, instead focusing on the texts. As she studied it more and more, she found a small heat building within, as though the cards had an effect on her, simply because she held them. Bell struggled to control her body, but it was becoming harder and harder the longer she looked.

After somehow forcing herself to read the cards abilities over and over, learning as much about her deck as she could, Alex put it back, her face red with the heat building deep within her. She looked to Bell, but found that it was a large mistake; her sister was also flushed, however she was finding it harder to resist the sexual images, often catching her hand before it could wander too far down. Through her thin top, Alex could see the hard nubs atop Bell's small breasts, the bumps appearing far more attractive than ever before. Unable to look away, Alex continued to stare at her otherwise oblivious sister, as she too learned the ins and outs of her new deck. When done, she mimicked her sister and set it down on the table, then looked to her twin.

Neither could look away. They wanted to, the feelings that coursed through their minds at the sight of the other was alien to them, yet it completely overpowered their will. Despite the cards being the farthest thing from their minds, they still felt the heat from looking at them, only it continued to intensify as they looked each other up and down, taking in the full glory of the other. Alexandra was unable to hold on any longer, leaning in, she subconsciously parted her lips, her eyes half closing. Bell did likewise, no longer able to keep herself in check. As the two leaned closer, they could feel each others breath against their lips, gradually feeling the warmth from their faces as they came within an inch of kissing. Just as the twin sisters' lips connected, a sharp knocking at the door made them jump apart, gasping as they stared in utter disbelief at the other. Alexandra was first to regain her composure as she went to answer the door.

Over the course of the day, the two laid about. Neither had any obligations to attend to, Bell not having a job yet, and Alex having the day off, yet they couldn't speak to each other, unable to think of words to say. Even though they tried to forget, their minds were focused on the memory of their lips meeting, of the electric thrill that went through them from the touch. Bell, despite being the more intelligent of the sisters, had much less experience in matters such as these, while Alex had many a sexual partner before moving, as such she was less confused by what she felt, but that only made her more worried. It was past midday before either said anything.

"Bell," The smaller twin looked up from the book she was reading, "I think we need to talk about, you know... what happened." Bell simply nodded, closing the book, she sat up on the couch and patted the cushion beside her, motioning for Alex to take the seat. Taking it Alex simply looked at her sister, a small blush creeping across her cheeks as the memory resurfaced, stronger than before.

"Do you know why we did that?" Alex asked.

"No. All I remember is feeling," She paused to think of the right word, "Warm, but not in the usual sense. It was like I had a fever, but I wasn't sick. Then I got it in my head that... if I kissed you, it would stop." Bell said, despite her voice staying calm and clear, she too had a blush on her face now.

"Me too." Alex simply said, and looked down, she didn't know what else to really say in this situation.

"Hey Alex," Bell began, "Want a game?" Alex looked at her sister like she was mad.

"With these cards?"

"Of course!" To Bell cards were cards, even if their imagery was sexual in nature. Not wanting to deny her dear twin, Alex simply smiled and agreed. Bell grinned widely and went to get their game mats.

When she returned she was noticeably less happy.

"What is it?" Alex asked out of concern.

"The mats are different; there's only one creature slot." Bell stated.

"Didn't that person say that would happen?" Alex said, taking a second to think, the two recalled something like that being said. Somewhat calmer, Bell laid the mats out on the coffee table. The two shuffled their decks and drew their cards, each one blushing as they once more took in the art.

"Who goes first?" Bell asked.

"Does it matter? You can." Alex said. Bell took a few seconds to decide what creature to use, and finally made her decision. The creature she used was one of the more animalistic cards, much like a cat in appearance, yet it stood bipedal, and had various human attributes. For a second the twin sisters sat in silence, but cried out as a bright light emanated from the card. Suddenly Bell's cry was cut off, by a grunt of discomfort.

"Bell?! What's wrong?" Alex asked, terrified that something might have happened to her sister. She went to Bell's side, hugging the small woman to her chest, as she let out a small sob. What's happening to her, Alex thought in horrified worry.

It wasn't so much painful as greatly uncomfortable. Bell was sobbing out of fear, as she felt her body shifting from within, her bones were changing, not growing, rather they seemed to be shrinking. Bell was never happy with her height and the thought of becoming even shorter was far from desirable. Even as this thought crossed her mind, she felt her skin become incredibly itchy, as well as a sudden pushing sensation just above her rear end, as though something were attempting to push out of her. Bell's mind flashed to a scene from the Alien franchise, of the chest burster exploding from someone's torso. She cried out as she began to think it might be happening to her.

To Bell is felt like hours before the discomfort faded, but in actuality only took a few minutes. When it ended, she was panting heavily, as she pushed away from her sister and stood. She looked down at Alex, and noticed how close she was despite the fact that Bell was standing, then she looked down at herself, and nearly fainted from the shock. Bell raised a hand, only it wasn't quite a hand anymore, in fact it resembled a cat's paw, though she still had her thumb, however it was padded and, at the thought of a cats claw, she watched as her nails extended becoming a great deal sharper. As she looked over her arm, she let out a mewl in surprise, as she took in the smoky grey fur that covered every inch of her form. Raising a hand, or paw, to her face she felt her slightly elongated mouth, now more of a muzzle, going further up she felt the cat ears atop her head.

"Oh my god." She gasped in disbelief as it was finally too much for her. As she fainted Alex caught her.

Alexandra, despite being in shock herself, still felt a sisterly duty to look after her sister. Even though Bell now looked more like a cat, with whiskers and all, Alex knew it was still Bell and that wouldn't change, no matter what she looked like. Laying the little cat on her bed, Alex left to make something to eat. No sense fretting about it, she thought, she may as well make something for Bell to eat when she wakes. Wait, should I pour some milk into a bowl, Alex thought, or get some tuna. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she simply laid on the bed beside Bell, stroking the head of her sleeping sister. After an hour, Alex felt sleep clawing at her mind. Unable to resist she closed her eyes, and joined Bell in slumber.

Alex woke as she felt something soft and furry moving about beside her. Opening her eyes she almost gasped, seeing two feline eyes starring back at her, before she remembered what had happened.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, reaching up to scratch her sister behind the ear. To her surprise, Bell began to purr and pressed her head against Alex's hand.

"Pretty good I guess." To both their relief Bell's voice was still the same, if a little higher.

"Hungry?" Bell simply purred loudly.

"Keep doing that." The transformed sibling said.

"Sorry kiddo, but I'm famished." Alex said, pulling away to stand up. Bell simply looked imploringly at her, but Alex was already walking out to the kitchen. The smaller sibling stood up, amazed that she didn't feel any balancing issues, despite the change in height and added appendage, which swished back and forth leisurely as she walked. Stepping out of the bedroom, she was amazed by how much more powerful her senses were, as she stared about, her eyes shooting from every slight movement to the next, while her eyes twitched, hearing several sounds she never really heard before. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she was just as surprised.

"How you holding up?" Alex asked from the kitchen, guessing correctly that Bell's senses would have grown much stronger.

"Alright I guess." Bell replied.

Alex was still on the fence about what her sister would want to eat. All things considered she should try something predominantly for cats, but would Bell take that as a joke at her expense.

"Hey, Bell!"

"Hmmm?" Bell answered, still under the spell of all the new things she could hear, see and smell.

"What do you want to eat?" At the question, Bell's stomach gave a rumble and an image of fish flashed through her mind.

"Fish." She called back, answering without thought. She heard Alex laugh, as she went about preparing a meal. In the meantime, Bell's eyes fell on the games mats that were left out, her sight falling on the single face up card. Maybe, she thought and walked over. Taking a loud gulp, she picked the card, almost instantly she felt her body reverting to normal, the change beginning and ending so suddenly that she didn't have a chance to cry out.

"I'm back to normal." She said in disbelief. Bell stared at the card in her hand, her mind centred on what it felt like to be that creature, if only for a short time. As she mulled it over, Alex called out that the food was ready. Bell jumped slightly at the sudden shout, the card falling and, amazingly, landing directly on the creature slot. Bell braced herself to feel the flare of discomfort as before, but it never came, instead she moaned lightly as the transformation took place. When it was over, Bell felt even better than before.

"I guess it's not so bad to be like this." She muttered as she went into the kitchen.

After a late lunch comprised of nearly raw fish and several glasses of milk, Bell laid back in the chair, purring in delight at having her stomach filled to the brim. Alex giggled slightly at the sound, still trying to fully process the strangeness of having her sister be a human cat. Despite how adorable her sister looked, especially since she was now barely five feet tall, she still wanted to know if they could reserve it.

"All I've got to do is take the card of the mat." Bell said. Alex looked at her in disbelief.

"You tried it?" Bell nodded, "And you didn't just leave it off?" Alex all but shouted, more surprised by her sister's decision than angry.

"I-I, uh, well I kind of... like it." She finished under her breath, looking down, away from her sister's gaze.

"What?" Alex said.

"I like... being like this." Bell said, stronger this time, though Alex could see a blush on her face, even through the fur.

"Bell, honey, you could've just said so." Bell looked up, as Alex reached over and scratched her behind the ears, grinning as she heard the soothing purr.

For the rest of the day, the two got used to Bell's new state. Often the two would be on the couch, with Bell laying her head on Alex's lap, purring softly, while Alex would constantly stroke her. As they were watching TV, Alex suddenly got an idea in her head.

"Hey Bell?" She only purred in reply, "I want to see what it's like." Bell's purring ceased immediately as she sat up and looked at her sister, her eyes alight with a natural glow, but also excitement.

"Sure go ahead! It's kind of uncomfortable at first, but it feels really nice afterwards." The little cat girl said. Alex reached out and picked up her discarded hand from the earlier game. Picking out the one she thought looked best, she placed it on the sole creature slot. A few seconds passed and once more they saw the bright light. Bell looked away, her enhanced vision almost completely blinded by the flash. Alex let out a grunt of discomfort, as her body began to change, becoming the creature she had placed down. She stood up as she felt her bones reforming to make her grow slightly taller, while also strengthening, then a strong itch came over her entire body, while she felt the pressure of something trying to push out from above her behind. Over the next few minutes she groaned in discomfort until the change had ended.

"Hey Bell close your eyes for a minute will you?" Alex asked, keeping her head low.

"Oh, uh, sure." She replied and did as she was asked. Alex stood and walked over to the bathroom. Despite not having any lights on, she could see clear as day, though the colours were severely muted. She raised her head and looked into the mirror, struggling not to cry out at the sight before her. Alexandra stared in disbelief at how utterly different she looked, but calmed down quickly and studied her new appearance. The creature had been a white humanoid wolf, an animal that Alexandra always liked, and now she was covered in white fur, her long muzzle contained several sharp fangs, which could no doubt easily tear through flesh if needed, her ears standing tall and listening for anything sudden noises. She looked lower and actually let out a gasp of shock; her breasts had grown by at least four cup sizes, she also noticed how the floor seemed a great deal lower. She estimated that she had grown a whole foot taller from her previous five foot nine.

Bending over she saw her new legs. While they hadn't changed to digitigrade as she had feared, they were far more muscular, though not unattractively so. In her excitement, Alex had failed to notice, that the transformation had made shred through her clothes, the new muscles making short work of the shorts she wore, while her longer torso and enlarged breasts had torn through her tank tops, though a single strap remained, barely keeping her nipples covered. Looking behind her, she saw her new tail, wagging about in happiness, despite her bare lower body. She ran a now padded hand along her body, amazed at how much she felt despite the thick padding, while also taking in her much larger hand, her nails now permanently claws. I'll have to be careful with these, she thought and went back to the couch, where Bell still had her eyes closed, though her eyes twitched at hearing Alex's footsteps.

"You can open them now Bell."

Bell did as she was told. Turning her head to the voice of her sister, though it was somewhat deeper now, she opened her eyes, seeing the large bipedal wolf before her. Even though Bell's new instincts wanted to flee, her conscious mind quickly recognised the wolf as Alex, changed though she was.

"Wow." She simply stated.

"Yeah." Alex said. The two stared at one another for some time, each one with their enhanced vision seeing every little detail of the other's changed form. It wasn't long before they began to feel tired, the time and events of the day taking their toll quickly.

"Should we change back for bed?" Alex asked, yawning.

"Hell no, I wanna stay like this." Bell said, causing her sister to let out a small bark of laughter.

"Me neither." Alex said and went about trying to find a pair of sweatpants, "Bell, do you know where my sweatpants are?"

"I thought you threw them away." Shit, Alex thought, guess I'm sleeping bare bottom tonight. To her surprise the thought of doing so actually sent a delightful chill through her body.

The two fell asleep not two minutes after laying down. Throughout the night though, neither could stop squirming about, their new forms almost seeming to react to the other, not that the dreams they experienced helped much. The pair both dreamed of one of the girls from the previous night, Emily, seeing her as she played a game in Sors Nepellus's twisted tournament. The twins bodies reacted to the dream, as they watched Emily transform as they had done, into somekind of demonic version of their own forms, though this one had an additional appendage, in the form of a penis at least as long and thick as Alex's human leg had been. In the real world their bodies began to enter a type of heat at the image, but they weren't able to wake up, their sleeping minds glued to the battle before them. In the final round, Emily transformed again, though this time it was more of an Elf than anything, however its penis was even bigger than the previous creature's. In this form, Emily fucked Rebecca's creature, each time it or its master came they took one damage, quickly losing, though Emily refused to stop until she too came. Both Alex and Bell felt their dream selves orgasm just from the sight alone.

Alexandra grunted as a stream of sunlight shone on her face. Rolling over in an attempt to escape back into darkness, she felt someone against her body, this wasn't new, but it felt... furry? Opening her eyes, she saw what looked like a cat's face sleeping soundly beside her. At the sight, her groggy mind woke up completely, causing her body to jump out of the bed. As she stared down at whatever it was, she noticed how much lower the bed seemed, looking down at herself, Alex let out a mute cry of shock, as she saw her body was covered in fur. Then the events of the previous day played over in her mind, putting her mind at ease, she sat back on the bed, stroking her cat-like sister as she slept. It was all still very strange, but it felt right in a way, Alex thought, as she leaned down to give her sister a kiss on the forehead. She stopped just before contact, as a scent she hadn't noticed before assaulted her senses.

Sniffing around Alex found it was coming from her sister. The strange scent almost seemed to toy with her mind, as Alex felt her body heating up all over, her tail wagging in excitement, but over what she couldn't quite figure out. She ran her nose over Bell's sleeping form, stopping when she came to her crotch, where the scent was strongest, and sent Alex's mind into a frenzy. Throwing the covers away she gazed at her sister, whose small body was curled into a ball. She was only wearing a pair of shorts, but they were swiftly dealt with, as Alex tore them off with her claws. She gently urged her sister to uncurl and lay on her back, giving Alex a full view of her transformed twin. She had seen Bell naked many times before, but that was before they were drafted into this tournament, and, as she stared, she found that she preferred this new form. The scent seemed to wash over Alex once more, erasing all thought.

Alex straddled Bell, leaning down to inhale the wondrous scent her sister gave off. She began to rub her now wet pussy against the cat girl's stomach, coating the fur in her juices. She began to kiss Bell as best she could, despite the two having muzzles and Bell's unconscious state, moaning out loud as she tasted her darling sister's saliva. Alex pressed her tongue into Bell's mouth, trying taste everything, while she pressed her wet heat against Bell. As Alex's tail wagged about, she felt something warm and wet against it. On instinct she knew this to be her sister's own pussy.

With a grin Alex began to rub her tail against Bell's lower lips. Soon enough the fur on her tail was soaked, but even then Alex simply continued to kiss, grind against, and pleasure Bell, seeking only release. She began to sink her tail into Bell's vagina, which elicited a small moan from the small cat girl, as her unconscious form began to hump against the tail, seeking orgasm. With Alex straddling her stomach, Bell could only move her hips, but that was enough. The larger sibling was in paradise, as she pulled back from her sister's muzzle, gasping for air as Bell's stomach muscles worked to thrust her hips into the air, causing Alex to feel everything against her own vagina. Alex moved one hand to her breast, roughly kneading it in an attempt for further pleasure, not caring about her knife like claws. Thankfully her skin was tough enough to withstand her claws.

It wasn't very long before Alex's moans turned into small cries of joy. She could feel it in her bones, the orgasm she so very desired was within reach, all she had to do was push it a little further. A sudden thought entered her head. With all her willpower, Alex stood up, moaning at the loss of sensation against her dripping cunt, before manoeuvring the source of her lust over Bell's mouth. She hoped that her sister's instincts would know what to do, and let out a cry of bliss as she found out that they did, Bell's muzzle opened, her rough tongue reaching out to Alex's delicious pussy. With a loud moan, Alex returned the favour, lowering her muzzle to Bell's sopping wet cunt, and began lapping at it, her long, wide tongue running completely over Bell's lips. Alex's mind was bombarded by sensation overload, as she not only felt Bell's rough tongue pleasuring her moist centre, but also tasted her juices, the taste of which was incomparable. Alex felt her insides clench, as an orgasm far more powerful than any she had previously experienced shot through her.

Removing her muzzle from Bell's nether region, Alex let out a howl of pure delight. She quickly returned to her sister's pussy, wanting to return the favour, even as the climax coursed through her. The larger sibling could feel her pussy clenching powerfully, actually spraying her cum over Bell's face. Even unconscious Bell was drinking the juices, moaning continuously as her body began to spasm from the beginnings of her own climax. Alex could feel it, even in her own delirious state, and she wanted her sister to cum, almost as much as she had wanted to. Pressing her muzzle against Bell's dripping pussy, she forced her wide tongue deep inside, lapping at the walls of her sister's virgin cunt. It wasn't long before she felt it clenching around her.

Alex nearly came once more as a flood of her sister's delicious fluid washed over her tongue. It filled her mouth completely, forcing her to swallow, less she waste even a single drop of that glorious liquid. Even with her mouth occupied, Alex let out gargled cry after cry of pure ecstasy. After nearly a full minute of constant orgasm, Bell finally seemed to come down from her climax. Alex rolled off her sister, panting from both lack of air and the pure pleasure of it all.

"Oh god, Alex that was great!" Bell moaned, sitting up.

"Yeah." Her sister gasped, "How long... have you been... up?"

"Ever since you jumped out of bed." Alex bolted upright, staring at her twin in horror.

"So you-"


"And you-"


"Was it as good for you as it was for me?"

"Oh hell yes!" Bell practically yelled as she laid back, purring contently.

After that the two could hardly get enough of each other. For the rest of the day, the sisters would lazily caress one another, occasionally slipping a finger into the other's constantly moist pussy. This would often escalate quickly, becoming a passionate session of love making, or rather, one sibling trying to fuck the other into submission. To both their displeasure Alex's agency called, asking her to come in for a photo shoot, and that it was rather urgent. In the back of her mind she wanted to tell them to fuck off, but she was still relatively new, and, while she was quickly becoming a top model, she hadn't built up enough of a repertoire to ask for favours of this kind yet. Sighing, she took her card from the mat and felt herself transform back. Looking down at herself she let out a grunt of disapproval at the human form.

Bell was more than displeased by this.

"Can't you just say you're sick or something?" She whined as Alex went about getting dressed and applying make-up.

"Not unless we want to be on the streets, or go live with mum. Sorry sis." She added seeing the beginnings of tears forming in Bell's eyes.

"Maybe we could start our own company or something." Alex looked at her sister, her human brow furrowed in confusion.

"I mean, there's lot of people out there who like furry porn," Alex almost asked how her sister knew about that, but stopped herself and let Bell continue, "We could get a video camera and, uh... you know?" Bell explained. Alex stood there, still and silent, as she contemplated what her twin had said. Could they really make enough money to live on? Wouldn't it take time?

Alex looked into the eyes of Bell, seeing the nervous excitement there. It was obvious Bell wasn't a hundred percent certain, but it was also clear that she wanted Alex to stay with her. Mulling it over, she finally gave her answer.

"Alright." Bell was about to yell out in happiness, but was stopped by Alex, "But, if this falls through and I get fired from my agency, you have to get a job." Bell simply nodded wildly and went to her sister, brushing her soft head against Alex's human bosom. What have I gotten myself into? Alex thought and held her feline twin against her breast.

Alex phoned her agency, putting on her best sick voice. She told them she had caught a bad cold and couldn't come in, they said they understood, but she could practically feel the thunderous anger of her boss when she found out. She put her cell down and looked to Bell, who was playing with a ball of yarn she had found, rolling it from side to side with her humanoid paws, and occasionally pouncing on it when it got away from her. It almost looked ridiculous to Alex, but at the same time she couldn't help smiling at how adorable her sister was. Bell stopped playing when she saw Alex was putting on her jacket.

"Where're you going?" She asked, a sudden sense of dread coursing through her veins as thoughts of her sister leaving and never coming back ran through her mind.

"To get the video camera," Bell looked at her blankly, before she remembered what she had proposed before.

"Oh, yeah... that." She grinned and went back to playing, her fears alleviated. A few minutes later, Alex left to get the camera.

A creeping sense of panic began to creep through her mind. Bell constantly glanced at the clock on the wall, watching as the seconds ticked by, seeming to take minutes at a time.

"I-I need to relax. Alex'll be back... I know she will." Her own words did little to keep her calm. As the minutes crawled by, she came to a realisation; she couldn't live without Alex, not now, probably not ever. She needed to know Alex was near her, by her side constantly. Bell began to pray silently, praying that if she had to battle anyone in this messed up tournament, let it be Alex. She knew she would win, based on past experiences, and when she did Alex would have to listen to her. Bell smirked, thinking of all the things she would do with her sister, once she would be unable to leave the house. Soon, you will be mine. Bell thought, staring at a framed photo of Alex and herself when they were younger.

This is hell, Alex thought. Walking through the streets were a nightmare now, as her body craved to be near Bell again. She could hardly stand the feeling of her clothes, often having to resist the itching. The cards had changed her she realised, even if she no longer looked like a human animal, she now identified as one. It was baffling in a way, since she had only been in that state for a relatively short period. She wanted nothing more than to shed these restrictive clothes and turn back into her animal state, but she needed to get this camera, at least if she wanted to have money to live on. She shook the thoughts off as she stepped into the store.

Bell was so bored. Aside her struggle to maintain her sanity, she had very little to do. She watched television, but was soon bored, she played a video game, quickly got tired of that too, tried to read a book, threw it away in boredom. Grasping at straws, Bell turned on her laptop, hoping that something on the internet would be entertaining. She searched through YouTube, but found nothing all that interesting, as she was scrolling through the videos an ad suddenly popped up, one for some adult dating site, then she remembered; she hadn't exhausted all her options, there was still one more hope... porn. Opening Google she simply typed in porn.

It didn't take very long before she found she couldn't care less for guys. It was the first time she had actively looked at pornography, and she was somewhat unaware of most of the genres. She had only heard of Furry porn from a random ad she'd clicked on one day, and even then she had closed the site pretty fast, seeing the indecent imagery. But now, now she was actively searching through various porn sites, trying to find something she could get into, and then she clicked on a video simply title 'hot lesbians'. It was beautiful, the women caressed one another, kissed one another, fucked one another, but there was still something missing. She realised it was the women themselves.

They were gorgeous by human standards, but Bell was no longer human. She once more opened Google and typed in 'furry lesbian porn', and clicked on the first link. It wasn't animated, only drawings, but it was so much better to her. Soon enough, Bell had her hand between her thighs, lazily stroking herself to the images. She could feel herself warming up all over, her pussy drooling heavily in her lust. Not long after she began flicking through the images, Bell could feel her orgasm approaching. She plunged her fingers into her cunt, moaning in delight at the feeling of her walls clenching around her small limbs. She mashed her thumb against her engorged clit, panting in pleasure. Minutes passed by, as she continued to masturbate, the sensations rising without end, but still she hadn't cum.

Bell worked herself faster and harder, trying desperately to feeling that sweet release. Her orgasm remained illusive to her however, and she was quickly becoming frustrated with her body. More time passed and still she had not cum. Throwing her hands up in frustration, her juices flying from her fingers, she closed her laptop and went into the kitchen. She stopped halfway when her eyes fell on her's and Alex's new decks. She checked the time, Alex would've bought the camera by now. Bell grinned madly to herself, as she strode over to her sister's deck. Picking up the deck, she went through it looking for the creature she found most attractive. She settled on the one Alex had used before, with a small giggle she placed it on the mat.

Alex was walking up to the counter with the new video camera in hand. Looking down at it, she hoped it would be worth the money, and her thoughts strayed to what she and Bell would be doing in front of it. A warmth flared within her and she picked up the pace, almost desperate to get home and fuck her sister. The warmth rose, alarming the young woman. She practically let out a cry as she recognised this heat, it was the same type that preceded her transformation. Looking around desperately, she was relieved that no one was in the aisle as she felt her body shift, becoming the creature she had begun to identify as. Once the change was done, she realised that she needed to get out the store and fast. Knowing that no one would be able to recognise her, and that the police wouldn't very well believe a young woman just turned into a bipedal animal and ran off, Alex did just that. She ran, or rather leapt over the various shelves, various people staring at her in a mix of awe and terror. In no time at all she was outside.

This wasn't the best idea. She thought as she stared around, catching the eyes of several shocked people, all of whom struggled to comprehend what they were seeing. While she wasn't much taller than the average man, she still appeared more animal than human, and this naturally scared the common people. Many let out screams, running from Alex, while younger, more curious people stared at her. In very little time she heard police sirens heading her way, though with her sense of hearing she couldn't quite tell if they were nearby or far away. Not taking chances, Alex began running through the remnants of the crowd, everyone moving to the side of her like the Red Sea. Thanks to her new form, Alex was back at her apartment building in very little time.

This only raised another question: how to get up to her home, without being seen? She looked through the glass doors, seeing that no one was on the ground floor, but she soon noticed the security cameras, with the reports the police would most likely receive she didn't want anyone to have her new form on film. She looked around, eyes searching any form of life, but thankfully, everyone seemed to be either inside or just somewhere else. She took a step back, look the building up and down, before deciding where her apartment was. Once more looking around, she walked to the brick wall and proceeded to dig her claws into it. She almost began to question how her claws were strong enough to sink into brick as though it were butter, but she quickly remembered how she'd become like this and didn't give it any further thought. Once at the window of her apartment, she knocked on it quickly, hoping to get Bell's attention.

Bell was lazing about, going through her own deck at this time. She hadn't really given much thought to the illustrations, besides the one she now chose as her true state, but now she was studying them intently, finding that her deck held not just anthropomorphic cats, but humans with cat qualities. She was almost tempted to try one out, but a sudden rapping on the large window brought her attention to it. The curtains were drawn and she couldn't much more than a silhouette, but she could practically smell who it was. Walking over to it quickly, she pulled the curtains aside, revealing the somewhat panicked face of her sister, one hand embedded into the wall and the other holding the box of a brand new video camera. Bell opened the window and welcomed her sister back.

She was expected be greeted with a grin or a hug, or maybe a kiss, but instead Alex simply glared at her.

"Is something wrong?" Bell asked, unable to comprehend what she had done wrong.

"Do you have any idea what you did?" Alex questioned in reply, her voice strained from her anger.

"N-No, I mean, I, uh, I put your card back where it belonged, but..." Alex cut her off,

"You do realise that if someone finds out about this we're gonna be put away? Probably experimented on," she took a deep breath and added, "They would separate us. Forever." As she said this, tears began to form in Bell's eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think what would happen, I just..." She didn't say anything else, instead she pressed her petite form against Alex's shapely body, lapping affectionately at the nape of her neck, since this was the highest Bell could reach without standing on the tips of her paws. Alex understood what she was going through, as she too had felt the same urges.

"It's okay baby, just as long as you don't try anything like this again." Alex said sternly, pulling Bell away to look into her eyes. Her twin nodded and mewled in adorable agreement. Alex couldn't keep a straight and smiled at her impossibly cute sister and now lover.

"Shall we adjourn to the bedroom?" Bell said, already walking to it.

"Of course." Alex said and was about to follow, before remembering the new camera she'd been forced to steal, "Wait, let me figure this out first."

"What? Oh that thing," Bell growled lightly, but restrained herself, "Just don't take too long, I've been needing this for a while now."

"Don't worry. I mean, how hard can it be?"

As it turned out it took over an hour to figure everything out. By this time Bell was on the edge of pouncing on her sister, but she kept herself restrained, if barely, and waited. When she was at the point of resorting to violence, Alex walked in, carrying the now fully functioning camera. Bell looked at her hopefully, but she shook her head.

"One more minute babe, I've gotta find a tripod for this thing." Bell yowled in displeasure, but let Alex go about her search. Luckily the former model had managed to sneak a spare tripod from work, it was on a whim and she didn't think she would have any use for it, but was glad she had done so now. She went about setting it up while Bell watched from the bed.

Fortunately the room was big enough to set it up and leave enough space for to do as they pleased.

"Okay and... Action!" Alex called out, immediately jumping on the surprised cat girl that was her sister. In short order, the torn remains of Alex's clothes were removed and they were kissing passionately. Bell had been on the cusp of orgasm not long ago, and quickly the sensations came flooding back, even as her sister did little more than caress her back and small chest. Her pussy was soon dripping and Alex could smell this, grinning in amusement. She began to run her padded fingers down Bell's body, the cat girl purring in delight, as she felt Alex's fingers run over her tight ass. The claws ran over the skin, sending delightful sensations through her, even her body hypersensitive due to her previous activities, her juices practically pouring now. She heard Alex give a small laugh as she suddenly felt the tip of finger stretching her asshole.

A dozen thoughts raged through Bell's mind at once. Her human mind came surging back, telling her it this was disgusting, that she shouldn't even be doing this with her sister. It was so filthy... so very filthy, this thought surged to life and Bell knew what she wanted. She began to push back against the fingers, trying to force them deeper into her filthy hole. Only later did she realise that she was a true anal slut; nothing else would compare to the feeling of her ass being stretched open. She knew Alex enjoyed seeing her like this, and that only urged her on further.

"Deep, ah, deeper Alex." She mewled, begging for more. Her sister was more than willing to oblige, as she reached around with her other hand, using it to held spread her meagre ass cheeks apart, exposing her ass for the camera to see. Bell only just remembered the audience she would have, but it only pushed her further. She got up and told Alex to lay on her back, with her head towards the camera.

Alex knew pretty quickly what Bell was up to. She wanted to please and be pleased, but she also wanted her most filthy of holes to be seen by all, she wanted anyone who saw this to know she loved this. Soon enough, Bell had her rear planted over Alex's head, the wolf girl's long tongue reaching out and lapping at her pussy, tasting the abundant juices. Both sisters were too far gone to care about the camera anymore, as Bell lowered her hips to Alex's mouth, her bigger twin pushing her tongue into her petite sister's pussy, moaning at the taste of it, while Bell worked her rough tongue over Alex's clit, the nub swollen with desire, while her pussy sporadically sprayed her juices in a series of mini-orgasms. Neither one could care less about the day's events.

They remained in that position for what could have been hours, the pleasure of it all seeming to stop time itself, before Alex pushed her sister off her. Bell laid there in a daze, disoriented by the sudden change, before she saw Alex move between her boyish thighs, raising her hips up so that her ass was in the air, above Alex's muzzle.

"Wha-What?" She asked groggily, before letting out a yowl of pure pleasure, as she felt the long, flat tongue of her sister licking at her rosebud, before pressing inside, the heat and sensation of her saliva sending Bell into her long awaited orgasm.

"Oh GOD! Alex, I'm Cu-CUM-CUMMING!!" She screamed and Alex felt the spray of her sister's juices, as they landed across her back, coating her fur in Bell's orgasm. Alex brought her fingers to Bell's ass as well, hoping to prolong this for as long as possible. She began to tease the lightly stretched entrance, her claws running over the ring of muscle, before she forced them in, knowing on some instinctual level that her claws couldn't harm Bell, no more than Bell could harm her. She could feel Bell's ass clenching around her, as she continued to cum.

Suddenly feeling parched, Alex removed her tongue from Bell's ass, quickly moving to cover her squirting cunt, in an attempt to drink the continually spraying juices. This seemed to set Bell off once again, as Alex felt her muzzle filling quickly with her twin's cum, forcing her to swallow in fear of drowning, and still more came. Neither wanted this to end, however all good things must. Eventually, after what could've been a gallon of cum, Bell finally started to come down from her euphoria, Alex pulled away and laid on her back, her stomach slightly swollen from all the fluid inside. Both laid still, panting from the experience, until Alex said,

"I still haven't cum yet." Almost instantly, Bell was between her twin's thighs, pressing her face into Alex's swollen pussy. She began to lap along it, lingering at Alex's large clit, twitching in desire. The taste alone was enough to bring Bell to full attention, as she began to press her face against Alex's cunt, smelling, feeling and tasting her all at once. Soon the larger twin was moaning in ecstasy, her juices flowing into Bell's mouth. The cat girl drank it with glee, reaching up with her hands, she placed one at Alex's clit, stimulating it roughly, knowing that any discomfort would only add to the pleasure, while the other reached out to her large breasts. Finding the mountainous globe of soft flesh, she soon found the nipple, as hard as rock, but no doubt as sensitive as a clit. Bell began to roughly knead the breast, pinching and occasionally twisting the hard nub atop it.

Alex was so very close now. She could feel her juices flowing freely, her clit pulsing from her sister's ministrations, likewise her nipples ached with a need for more. She reached up with her own hands, pushing aside Bell's, granting herself full access to her large mammaries, roughly kneading the soft yet firm flesh, and practically attacking her inch long nipples. Bell simply turned her other hands attention to her primary target, Alex's drooling cunt, however there wasn't much room; her pussy was occupied by her muzzle, her clit already under assault. Even as she pondered her predicament, Bell continued to pleasure her sister, moaning in harmony with Alex as the wolf like sibling sprayed her juices, essentially feeding Bell in return for pleasure. Through this haze of glorious sensation, Bell found her next target. She began to gently run her free hand along Alex's crotch, going lower until she found her shapely rear.

If Alex had caught onto Bell's intentions, she didn't let it show. Even as Bell ran her fingers along the large curve of her ass, occasionally smacking a cheek and feeling it shake like jelly, before she slipped between the cheeks, finding her new favourite part of any woman. Alex let out a loud moan as she felt Bell's finger lightly tracing her rosebud, the ring of muscles clenching protectively despite both their wishes. Bell moved her hand to the dripping cunt, gathering a large amount of the natural lube on her fingertips, before returning to her true desire. She pulled her muzzle away, licking up all her sister's juices she could.

"I'm gonna finger your ass, Alex." She said, her voice low with desire, "I'm gonna make you cum from it, from having your asshole violated by your dear sister." Bell continued in that vein of speech, Alex moaning from the information, but seemingly helpless to stop her smaller twin. She yelped as she felt the wet fingertips on her hole, her juices being rubbing around it, effectively relaxing her muscles. Alex let Bell have her way.

Without mercy, Bell suddenly forced a finger in to the knuckle. Alex went silent, her mind struggling to comprehend that her asshole was being penetrated, and by her sister no less. Her darling sister, whom she believed to be so innocent and cute, was now attempting to bring her to orgasm via her virgin ass. The thought, combined the reality of the situation, brought her to her much needed orgasm.

"Bell! Oh God, Bell! Gonna, ahhh, gonna cum!" In response to this, Bell simply forced another another finger into Alex's hole, wriggling the two against her anal walls, which clenched delightfully around the invading digits. Bell replaced her muzzle at her cunt, mouth open in preparation for the coming flood. She began to stimulate Alex's clit once more, her twin letting out a continuous cry of ecstasy as the first squirt of her orgasm filled Bell's muzzle. Nothing compares to this, both thought.

After coming down, Alex surveyed her sister. Her fur was soaked with Alex's cum, yet her stomach bulged from the amount of fluid she had drunk, while her tail swished about in a sort of lazy euphoria. Alex stood and went to the bathroom, where she gasped at the sight of herself. She was worse off then Bell, with the fur on her face practically still dripping wet, her stomach distended, though not as noticeably as Bell's, while her back was soaked. Her pussy was still swollen with the remnants of desire, and continued to lazily drool her juices along her shapely thighs.

"I need a shower." She said to herself and did just that. When she was done she noticed the time was surprisingly quite late, half past four in the afternoon. She would need to start making dinner soon, though she didn't feel hungry at all. Alex grinned as she guessed the reason. Back in the bedroom, Bell was asleep, curled into a large ball very much like the animal she now embodied. Looking around, making sure that most of the furniture, as little of it there was, had been spared. Only then did she notice the camera she'd set up.

Blushing fiercely beneath her fur, Alex picked up the camera and stopped the recording. She thought about simply throwing the complimentary SD card away and simply getting a new one, but she remembered what had transpired only an hour or so ago, and her curiosity got the better of her. In the main room she opened her laptop and booted it up. She put the card in and opened the only video file there.

Almost two hours later, Alex was shaking Bell awake. The cat girl groaned and mewled in protest, but then she caught a scent that was becoming all too familiar to her, the scent of arousal. Almost instantly the two were repeating the recorded events, only now they focused on each other's asses more than anything, Bell actually managing to fist Alex's, while her own hole was too small and tight to take more than three of Alex's admittedly large fingers. Not long after reaching yet another climax the two passed out, Bell curled against Alex who laid on her side, one arm laid protectively around her sister. Both slept peacefully despite the dream that greeted them.

They once more saw the girl, Emily, but she was with a different girl, one they recognised but couldn't name. They watched as spectres as the two top ranked players fought one another, using the hyper sexualised cards to fuck one another into submission. Both were amazing players, and seemed to know their decks despite having little practice with them. After a while, it seemed the other girl had Emily on the ropes, but then she played a card, one that seemed to give off a light of pure sexual prowess. In that same turn, Emily had won but didn't cease fucking the other girl, who was distorted heavily by the massive phallus that rampaged within her. Eventually Emily came, and the girl's abdomen quickly became the size of an elephant, if not larger. After that the twins returned to the realm of dreams, devoid of the tournament they had been drafted into.

The next day, Alex awoke to the smell of cooking food. She felt amazing, if a little tired, as though she had been excising in her sleep. As she sat up, she heard and felt the bed squelching beneath and noticed that it was drenched, as she realised this a new scent made itself known, one that she knew all too well. The scent of her's and Bell's cum. Despite how tired she felt, she could her nipples growing erect and her pussy drooling from the scent alone. Her stomach let out a loud growl, forcing her desire for sex to the back of her mind. She stood and walked on unsteady feet to the kitchen.

Bell was there humming happily to herself, while making a full english breakfast.

"You seem happy." Alex noted, moving behind the small cat-girl and wrapped her arms around her small waist.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Bell giggled, leaning her head back and placing a small kiss on Alex's muzzle. Alex let out a small laugh at that.

"Yeah, you've got a point there." She breathed in the scent of the food, her stomach growling ravenously, her drool quickly filling her mouth.

"It'll be done in a minute, but if you need something to eat..." Bell trailed the sentence off suggestively. Alex let out a playful growl, before moving between her twin's thighs.

Later the two lazing about the apartment. They were both mentally and physically exhausted, having fucked each other to a point where they could hardly move. Despite this, Alex was busy on her laptop, looking for a way to get their own site up and running, while Bell had curled into a large ball at her feet, the sounds of her soft breathing indicating she was asleep. Hours passed, and Alex let out a sigh of relief as she finally finished creating the site, now all that was left was to edit the video. This proved to be far more difficult then she had initially guessed.

As she opened the very standard editor on her laptop, she saw the world around her go black. Before she could question it, Alex fell into unconsciousness. When she woke, she felt soft grass against her. Opening her eyes, she sat up and looked around, seeing a familiar landscape stretched before her. The grassy plains seemed to go on forever, no matter what direction she looked in.

"Wait, isn't this-"

"You are correct. This is where you will do battle." A disembodied voice spoke, the distinctly husky feminine tones echoing within Alex's mind.

"Who are you?" She asked, or rather snarled as a defensive instinct awakened within her.

"You already know who I am." The sudden memory of the dream that started it all flashed through her mind.

"You're Sors Nepellus's rep!" She said in realisation.

"Very good. Now, your opponent is awake. Shall we begin?" Alex stood and looked around, her eyes falling on the slowly rising form of her opponent.

"I don't have my deck," The second she finished the sentence, her deck materialised in her hand. "I don't have anything to play on." Like before, the second she said this a hovering table appeared, her game mat already laid out on it, though the creature she had placed there was gone. Panicked, Alex looked down at herself, but let out a sigh of relief at seeing her fur coated body. As she mentally prepped herself for battle, her opponent finally stood.

Alex's eyes went wide as she saw Bell standing before her.

"I refuse to battle her, please, anyone else but her." Alex begged the spirit, but she received no answer.

"What's the matter, Alex? This way no matter who wins or loses, things won't change." Bell said, but Alex was unable to catch the subtle undertone in her voice, one that implied the opposite of her words. Alex still breathed a sigh of relief once more.

"You're right. Okay, let's do this!" Caught up in her won thoughts, Alex failed to notice the mischievous smile on Bell's face. They shuffled their decks and placed them on the floating tables, before drawing their opening hands.

"Who goes first?" Alex asked, to which Bell simply motioned to her. Alex grinned and drew the extra card from her deck.

She was somewhat familiar with her deck, having looked it over with Bell only a couple days ago. Yet it was strangely different in an actual game. The illustrations seemed to draw her attention even more than before, but she forced herself to play. Even if this was little more than a friendly game, she wouldn't let Bell win, it just wasn't in her nature. She studied her hand, and summoned a high powered creature, though one that lacked any abilities. The creature was only marginally different to her current appearance; her muscles bulged and her height increased, the rest of her body growing to keep in proportion. When all was done, she the same as before, except with an added foot of height and almost a hundred pounds of additional weight. She then passed the turn over to Bell.

The small cat girl likewise studied her hand. She was far more level headed than Alex, and simply looked at the card text, the images not holding any sway over her. She decided on a weak level creature, but one with a dastardly effect. It was a literal kitten. Bell let out a low moan as her body changed more dramatically than Alex's. She felt herself growing closer to the ground, the table moving with her, while her legs to those of a cats, her hands also moving to the ground, the thumb disappearing. When all was done, it looked like Alex was fighting a large cat, but one look in its eyes confirmed the presence of human intelligence.

Alex's creature had a power level of nine thousand, while Bell's only had one thousand, no way to beat it, except with effects.

"I attack!" Alex knew instantly an effect was coming, "I activate my card's effect; by losing one damage counter and discarding one card from my hand, my opponent's creature loses power equal to the power level of that discarded creature." Alex looked to her hand and saw the perfect card.

"I activate a card effect from my hand; when my opponent uses an effect that would lower my creature's power below five thousand, I can discard two cards from my hand and negate the final effect. Meaning you still take a damage and lose one card from your hand!" Bell's fur stood on end at this as she took two points of damage, one from the effect, and the other from the attack.

"I end my turn."

Alex drew, but didn't do anything. She had no other creatures better than her current one, at least none that could be used at her current damage count. She simply attacked, assuming Bell's effect could only be used when she declared the attack.

"I activate an effect from my hand," Bell declared, her voice almost mocking Alex's somewhat gruff tone, "When my creature with a power level less than two thousand is attacked, I can lose two more damage counters, and then replace it with a creature from my hand, the requirements for its summoning negated." Alex's eyes widened at this, as Bell summoned a high powered creature from her hand.

The change before was minor at most, but this was far beyond anything Alex could've expected. Bell transformed from a large cat, to a true monster in its own rite. She once more stood on two legs, however they had changed to digitigrade, while growing longer and more muscular. Her chest ballooned out, growing a set of breasts any pornstar would've been proud to have, though on her now seven foot and still growing form, they looked little more than C cups. Her face remained mostly unchanged, except growing to stay in proportion with the rest of her. When all was said and done, Bell stood above her sister, whom had always been the taller of the two, looking down an additional two feet above Alex's own six feet. The former small sibling let out a roar that would put lions to shame.

The creature had a power level of twelve thousand. Alex searched her meagre hand desperately for a way to keep from taking damage, but out of the few remaining cards, all were useless in the current situation. She merely continued with her attack and took the damage. To her surprise it didn't hurt, but rather felt like a small electric shock. With that, Alex ended her turn, almost dreading what Bell might do next. Bell drew, and looked through her hand. She had a much more powerful creature in hand, however the skull count was three, and she was only at six. She searched for a way to cut it in half, however nothing would work. As such she settled for just attacking. Alex took it and drew as Bell's turn came to a close.

Having a damage count of 8 meant she could hardly make use the overpowered creatures in her hand. Alex felt frustrated at this, but knew she had to be calm and patient. She could do nothing that turn, and simply ended it, however Bell had no intention of letting this happen.

"I activate my creature's effect. By losing one damage counter I force my opponent to attack me, also their creature loses three thousand power." Alex felt a sudden surge of rage and leapt at her sister attacking viciously, as though she truly were a wild animal, however she was batted away like a fly. As she flew through the air, her mind cleared. As she landed back where she had started, Bell had already drawn, the effect ending the turn after the attack. Once again, she simply attacked Alex and ended her turn.

As Alex drew she could feel a sense of dread consuming her. She wasn't drawing anything that could help, nor did there seem to be anything she could do. Her current creatures all had skull counts of five or lower, and even then they didn't seem worthwhile, having fairly mediocre power and effects. As Bell once again activated her creature's effect, forcing Alex into a rage, and causing her to take yet another damage, the wolf like sibling came to a realisation; her sister was taking damage from her effect. In fact she was already down to four, while Alex had six. She could win this.

Bell once more attacked. Pushing her sister down to five counters. She once more ended her turn, keeping a neutral expression, as though she were bored with this whole battle. In truth she was crying out in jubilation, the sense of overwhelming power, the thrill of taking away her sister's will, it all served to bring her new levels of happiness. She wanted to see Alex struggle, but the way she seemed to have accepted defeat was just as delightful.

"Get ready, Bell. I'm coming for you this turn." Bell was forced from her internal happiness as she saw Alex play an equipment card.

Alex had very nearly forgotten about this. She had noticed it in her deck before, it being the only card to have a single copy, but had read its effect and forgotten about it, thinking to be suicidal. However, she had very little to lose in this battle, and it seemed to be the only one that could possibly win in this battle. It didn't add anything to her appearance, except surrounding her in a warm glow to show it was active.

"By removing ten cards from my deck from the game, and discarding two cards from my hand, I take three damage." This confused Bell, the cost seeming too great for a card that could be played at five damage counters, "However, the equipped creature becomes completely immune to all other effects, it also gains the power level of whatever creature it attacks. But that's not all," Alex said with a wicked grin, "If this attack hits, I regain damage counters equal to the amount of creatures that have been removed from the game." Bell let out a laugh of terror. This was far from what she had been expecting.

However, that didn't mean she couldn't handle it.

"I attack!" Alex called and leapt at Bell.

"I activate a card effect from my deck!" Bell countered.

"Effects don't work on me anymore." Alex retorted.

"Oh, it's not for you. By losing all but one damage counter my creature's attack power multiplies by the number I lose."

"What?" Alex yelped in surprise as she continued her attack, unable to control her actions once she had declared her move. She took yet another damage, leaving her tied with Bell at one each.

"I must say, sister," Bell said, "You almost got me there. But now, it must end." With that Bell drew and immediately summoned a new creature.

Alex stared in absolute shock, as Bell once more transformed. Her deck was almost entirely anthropomorphic cats, but this was completely different. The former creature disappeared, leaving Bell in her human state, but only for a moment. Her human ears disappeared, cat ears sprouting atop her head, a fluffy cat girl grew from her rear, while her nails turned to claws. However, that was all the cat like changes, but there were still more. From her back grew four wings, strangely dragonic in their appearance, with leathery skin stretched thin. She looked up at Alex, the once again taller sibling stepping back in fear, as she saw the reptilian eyes, once human and filled with affection, now demonic and filled with lust and hate. Then the final change; her hair grew out, thick locks it extending like tendrils. As Alex looked, she noticed the Bell's hair was actually taking on a fleshy appearance.

When the change was complete, Bell was hardly recognisable. If not for the familiar shape of her face and body, Alex would've thought her to be a stranger. Her smaller twin had four dragon like wings extending from her back, a long fluffy cat tail from above her tight rear, cat ears, which admittedly looked adorable, and an expression Alex could hardly recognise on Bell, one of lust and hate, but there seemed to be something else, the kind of a look someone could get when they see something they own being used by someone else without their permission. But that seemed ridiculous, Bell didn't own Alex... though something deep within said differently, however Alex silenced it and focused on how she would survive this turn. It didn't seem possible.

The creature had a power level of fifteen thousand, and Alex's equipment only worked when she attacked, not vice versa. Her hand was scarce, save one card that was useless in that situation. Then Bell put the icing atop the proverbial cake;

"I activate my ability," Strangely Alex picked on the use of 'my' rather than 'my creature's', as though Bell had completely embraced this form, "If I am tied with my opponent my power doubles. Then, if I discard my entire hand my opponent's equipment is nullified, with the effects transferring to me." Alex looked terrified as she felt the warm glow leave her, only for it to surround Bell. On Alex the glow had been a comforting colour, however on Bell us turned to black, red occasionally streaking through it maliciously.

"This is my victory, sister." With those words Bell attacked. The moment Alex's damage counter reached zero the world around her faded once more to black.

When she awoke, Bell was looking down at her, still in her demonic form.

"Morning, Alex." Alex wanted to ask what Bell was doing still in that state, but she found her mind clouding, new thoughts she had never even considered suddenly becoming all she could think about. The words out of her mouth were not what she had initially intended, however they were definitely her own thoughts.

"How may I serve you, Mistress?" Bell grinned evilly, her plan was complete. Almost immediately, she began to think of acquiring more servants, more women to serve her every need. But for now, she needed to work off some steam. She took Alex's hand and led the changed women to the bed room.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-02 06:00:00
Please tell me you intend to continue this series

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