My wife Cindy spends the day with a Fireman she met on the river.
Sharing Cindy
Chapter 31
“Cindy Meets a Fireman”
Over the years, my wife Cindy has had sex with many men; with my blessing and usually my encouragement. Some of these men were a one-time thing and great for a night of fun. However, some of them seemed to have a little something extra. These are the men that are lucky enough to be invited to play more than once. And a select few have become somewhat of a “friend with benefits” who regularly get to enjoy spending time with her. Jim was one of these men.
Every year we have several festivals during the summertime that are held along the riverfront. It was a hot July day when Cindy and her friend Judy decided to head down to the Great Inland Seafood Festival. I usually go, as you can get whole Maine lobsters for less than $10, but I was home nursing a busted up ankle, an didn’t feel like spending the day on crutches. I watched them climb in Judy’s car around noon, thinking how good they both looked in their short shorts and tank tops.
I spent the day watching a ball game and then fell asleep out back in my hammock. I was woken up being eaten alive by mosquitoes. The sun had gone down and those little bastards had decided to feast on me. I hobbled into the house and after finding the hydrocortisone; I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 9:30 pm. I was wondering where Cindy was and just beginning to get a little worried when I heard the front door open.
Cindy came in through the door and she definitely looked a lot different than when she had left many hours ago. She and Judy had done themselves up earlier, with their hair curled and make up applied to look their best out in public. The both had on shorts and cute summer tank tops. She now had her hair hanging limp and was only wearing a large oversize t-shirt that had the initials WCFD on it. She had what appeared to be her clothes in her hand and a huge smile on her face.
“It looks like you had an eventful day” I said.
“Uh huh” She said as she walked up, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.
“Nice outfit” I said, glancing down at her shirt.
She giggled. “You like it?” she asked as she stepped back and smoothed it down over her chest. Her nipples were very noticeable under the fabric of the shirt.
“Want to tell me about it?” I asked, my eyebrows rising. I knew this was going to be a good story. My mind was working overtime, trying to guess, but I was nowhere close.
“Let’s go get comfortable” she replied as she took my hand and led me into the living room. “Then I can tell you how bad your girl was today.”
There it was….My Bad Girl. I knew right then that she had been fucked that day. I always ask if she was a bad girl when she comes home when I know she has been out with another man. It had become our code for letting me know that she that had some form of sex. And now she was going to tell me all about it. My cock had responded accordingly and had already started to grow inside my shorts.
I plopped down on my recliner and she climbed up into my lap. She smelled like she had just stepped out of a shower. When she leaned against my chest I could smell shampoo in her hair, but I knew it was not her usual brand. I was trying to figure out how she could have taken a shower at the festival. I didn’t try too hard to figure it out though, because I knew she would fill in all the blanks.
“Start at the beginning and don’t leave anything out” I told her.
“Judy and I were having a good time walking around the festival. You know how much I love seafood and after a couple of beers we were ready to get some lobster. We each got one and we finally found a table to sit at and eat them.”
“Were they good?” Actually as much as I wanted to hear her story, a big hunk of lobster claw meat dripping warm butter sounded very good too.
“Yeah, they were. But it was so hot outside. Our table didn’t have an umbrella and we were sitting in the sun, sweating. Judy grabbed us a couple more beers and we were finishing up while watching some of the boats cruising up and down the river. Judy said she wished we could be on one of those boats as it looked a lot cooler than sitting there in the sun. Just then a guy sitting at the next table asked if we wanted to go on his boat. He said that he had his boat tied up down on the waterfront and if we wanted to, we could join him and his friend out on the water when we were finished eating.”
I could feel her shift around in my lap as she told her story. She had pulled her legs up and hung then over the arm of the chair. The t-shirt slid up her thighs, almost to her crotch. Of course my hands went to her legs and began to caress them. Her soft skin felt wonderful to my touch.
“He introduced himself as Jim and then he introduced the others with him. One of the guys was Darren and there were another couple with him, Jenny and somebody, I don’t remember. Anyway, he said we were more than welcome to come out with them for a spin around the water. I asked Judy what she thought and she was all for it. We finished up and told them we would be right back; that we wanted to grab another drink before we left. He said not to worry because they had a cooler full of beer and we could just drink with them.”
“He had a speedboat and he seemed to be showing off a little for us, running over the wakes of the bigger boats. We stopped for a little while to drink and we found out that the three guys were all firemen and worked together. Damn baby, you know I have always had a thing for firemen. They had all taken off their shirts and I loved looking at their bodies. All of them were very fit. We talked and drank for a long time and after awhile, Jenny said she had to pee. Judy and I said we both had to as well and expected them to pull in somewhere so that we could find a bathroom. She stood up, slipped her shorts down her legs and started to climb off the end of the boat. She had a bikini on under her shorts and just lowered herself into the water and peed like that.”
“I tried to get them to take us back somewhere because I didn’t have on a bathing suit. They all laughed and said we could just pull off our shorts and hop in the water in our underwear. I said that I didn’t want to sit around in wet clothes but they said that they would dry fast in the sun. I thought I could hold it, but Judy couldn’t so she jumped up and whipped her shorts off. The guys were loving it as she climbed over the back of the boat and we all saw her cute little butt.”
About that time in her story, I had moved my hand up her leg and found that she didn’t have anything on under her shirt. I began to play with the little tuft of hair above her pussy as she continued.
“When she was done she climbed back up the ladder and asked for another beer. I couldn’t hold it any longer and jumped up and pulled my shorts off. I had on a little lacy tong and knew that they could see through it. I tried to cover up but it was hard to do when you are climbing over the seat in a boat. But once I got in the water it felt so good and by the time I emptied my bladder I was feeling very good. I climbed back over the seat and sat down. Thankfully Jim handed me a towel to cover up with.”
“You know you liked them seeing you like that? I’ll bet those guys were loving it,” I told her.
“Ok…it was kind of exciting. I’ll admit it. Beside, those guys were sexy.”
“It was turning you on, wasn’t it baby?” I said as I slowly began to stroke her slit with my fingers. I felt her start to get wet and used it to lubricate my fingertips as I let them dance over her clit a few times.
“MMM….yeah it was” she cooed in my ear.
“Go on,” I said. “I know there is a lot more, and I want to hear it all.”
“Well……Darren said he wanted to tube. They had a big round tube that they pulled behind the boat. You lay the upper part of your body on the tube and let your legs dangle in the water. Jim kept trying to whip Darren around and flip him off the tube. After he came in, Darren did the same to him. When Jim was done he asked if I wanted to try it. You know that I don’t like to swim in rivers, but he said he would go with me and they would go slow. I guess the beers and the fact that it was so hot both made me do it. I told him I would only do it if they went very slow and he was there with me.”
“I laid down on the tube and grabbed the handles. The water felt really cool on my legs, but it felt even better when Jim laid down on my back and grabbed the handles too. I guess I didn’t really think ahead how we both would go since there was only one set of handles. It felt great feeling him press up against me. “
“They pulled us around for a few minutes but it was sort of freaking me out, so I told them to stop. I told him that I didn’t care for the tube thing, but that the water felt too good and I wanted to stay out in it a little while. Darren grabbed the rope and began to pull us back to the boat, but Jim hollered and told him to stop and that we were going to float for a little while.”
“You just wanted to feel Jim pressed up against you, admit it,” I teased, just as I slipped a finger into her.
“Oh yes baby.”
“Oh yes, that feels good? Or, Oh yes you wanted to feel Jim’s hard on against your ass?”
“Both. Don’t stop baby.” I felt her shift a little in my lap, giving me better access.
“I won’t stop if you don’t stop. Go on” I instructed her.
“You’re right, baby, it did feel good having him pressed against me. I could feel his dick start to get hard so I started to wiggle my butt against it. He started to tell me I was a tease. I told him I wasn’t a tease because a tease never follows through. With that I reached back and felt his bulge under the water. It felt so good. He surprised me when he reached down and pulled it out of one of the legs of his trunks. I looked around and couldn’t believe he did that while we were in the middle of the river and there were hundreds of people not too far away at the festival. “
I had to adjust my own cock at that point. I had her stand up, and I pulled off my shorts and underwear, and sat back down. I pulled her back into my lap and positioned myself so my hard on was poking up between her thighs. She reached down and wrapped a hand around it and idly began to stroke it.
“Is this what you were doing to Jim?”
“Uh Huh…I was pumping him back and forth. It made me so hot, Baby. You know once I have a hard dick in my hand I need to feel it in me.”
“No way. You didn’t, did you?” I could feel the pre-cum leaking out of my dick and begin to coat the head of it.
“I had to, Baby, I had to,” she moaned as she continued to pump me. “I pulled him up against me and pushed my panties to the side. Oh god Baby, it was so naughty when he slid inside of me. I felt like everyone out there knew what was happening. I know we were probably covered under the water, but it was intense.”
“Did he make you cum?” I asked her as I slipped my hand down to tickle her clit.
“Not that time,” she replied.
“There was more than one time? “ I knew I had to get my dick in her soon, so I grabbed her hips and lifted her up. She reached down and lined me up with her wet pussy and I lowered her back down. When I was fully inside of her she let out a huge moan and leaned into my chest. It was a little odd having her sitting sideways to me, but it felt incredible all the same.
“Yeah Baby, he took me back to his house after that and fucked me twice more.” I could feel my balls start to tighten when I heard that.
“Wait, go back to the boat. Tell me what else happened there,” I had to refocus or I wasn’t going to last.
“After he came in me, we decided we better get out of the water. When we climbed back in the boat, Judy said she was almost dry and wanted to head back. Of course I was soaking wet still, and not just from the river. I told her I wanted to hang around a while and she asked me if I was sure. I smiled at her and gave her a wink as I nodded. We dropped her off at the dock and Jim said he was ready to head home himself. He asked if he could drive me.”
“After dropping her off we cruised upriver to the marina. He stores his boat at that marina with the good restaurant off of Kellogg Ave. He pulled the boat up and we gathered our stuff. Then he pulled Darren aside and was whispering something to him.”
“Did you fuck him too?” I asked, feeling myself get harder.
“No, no, he was asking him is he could catch a ride with the other couple so he could drive me home. He was hot too, but at that point I was just thinking about Jim. I had to put my shorts back on when we were in the boat and they were all wet, so he gave me a towel to sit on. As we drove back, I mentioned that I smelled like river water. He said I could take a shower at his house if I wanted, so that you wouldn’t find out. I laughed at that because if he only knew…well, he does know about you now.”
I raised my Eyebrows at her, wondering what she meant by that.
“Yeah I told him all about us.”
With that I began to pump my dick into her a little more. I don’t know why, but when someone finds out that I get off on her being with other guys, it turns me on even more.
“mmmm, that feels good,” she purred. She then shifted around until she was facing me and then she pulled the shirt up and over her head. I could now enjoy her big tits while she told me everything.
“ I told him that a shower sounded like a great idea and he lit up like a Christmas tree. It was kind of cute. He lives in a big old Victorian home he is restoring. He showed me the bathroom and when I saw the big claw foot tub I asked if I could take a bath. He said only if he could join me. The tub was huge and it sounded like fun. He filled it up and even put some bubbles in. It felt so good to get into that warm water after being in the river water”
“It was so sexy being in that huge tub. He spent a long time washing my body for me. I did the same to him. I reached down and grabbed his dick and told him I had to make sure that it was clean. Once it was nice and hard I couldn’t resist and I climbed up over him and slide my pussy down on it. MMMM it felt so good.”
“I was on him just like I am on you right now, baby. It was great being in that tub, bouncing up and down on him. I think we splashed water all over the bathroom. Oh baby, you feel just like him inside of me. Oh yeah baby ………mmmm.” She closed her eyes and I could tell she was back in that tub riding that hard cock.
“Go on, lover, fuck that cock again. Ride that hard cock, baby” I teased her. “Does his hard shaft feel good inside of you?”
“Oh fu……oh shit……….oh…..Oh……….OH” It must have been intense thinking about the experience once again as it was only a couple of minutes and she was cumming while bouncing on me hard. She jammed her pussy down all the way against me and yelled out as her orgasm hit her.
I was very close myself, but she had told me earlier that he had fucked her twice at his house, and now I wanted to hear about the rest of the story. “Was that good, Babe? Did you imagine it was him inside of you again?”
She looked up into my eyes sheepishly and just nodded as she said “uh huh.”
“There is more, isn’t there? I prodded her, while twisting her nipples between my fingers.
“Yes, there is. I came twice while I was on him in the tub. He finally came just as I thought I might be able to cum again. We turned on the shower and rinsed off. He even washed my hair for me. We got out and he said he was hungry and asked if I wanted to stay for pizza. I really wasn’t ready for it to end so I said I could stay a little while longer. I tried your phone but got voice mail. He was nervous about what I would say to you and whether you would be mad. I told him to order the pizza and then I would tell him something.”
“We walked out into his living room and he called while I looked around. It was a little better than a typical bachelor pad. He at least had nice furniture and paintings on the walls. It was sort of funny watching him pace back and forth while on the phone with his soft dick swinging back and forth. He got done and came over and sat by me on the couch.”
As she said this, I had her wrap her arms around my neck and then stood up and carried her over to our couch, trying hard not to slip out of her warm, wet pussy.
“I decided to tell him all about us and how you were going to be turned on by hearing about today. He couldn’t believe it at first but the more I told him the more excited he was getting. He said he had heard about couples like us but had never met any. He kept asking more and more questions, ‘How long have we done this’ ‘How many other guys I have been with’ ‘ Did you get to fuck other girls’ and a bunch of other.”
“So did it turn you on to tell him everything?” I asked her as I began to pump her in the missionary position.
“You know, it was actually a bigger turn on seeing how excited he was getting by it all. Every time I told him something, I saw his dick get harder and harder. He finally said it was so hot to hear about, that he needed to jack off and hoped I didn’t mind. “
“I told him to let me do it for him and I started to pump him as he kept pushing for details………oh, baby, that feels so good. I love when you fuck me”
“Did you tell him how much I loved when you came home to me after getting fucked so good?” I asked as I continued to pump deeply into her.
“Yes I did. He was so hard at that point that I just stood up and bent over the back of the couch and told him to fuck me again. He got behind me and grabbed both of my hips and slid it inside of me. God it felt so good. He is really very good baby. He knows just how to work his dick in a pussy. He had me dripping wet in no time.”
After a few more minutes he reached up and pulled the cord to open the blinds on the front windows. I asked him what he was doing and he said he had to keep an eye out for the pizza guy! I think he just liked the thought of fucking in front of the window. “
“Oh yeah…..that is hot” I said. “ Could anyone see you?” I began to pick up speed.
“No, I don’t think so, but it was just getting dark and I worried that with the lights on some of the neighbors could see. I’ll admit, it did make me hot thinking about it. He was pumping me so fast when all of the sudden he yelled ‘Oh Shit’ and he pulled out. I guess the pizza guy had just drove into the driveway.”
“Haha….that is funny” I said as I continued my own assault on her pussy.
“Jim grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and pulled them on and went to the door. I ducked down on the couch. I figured he would just pay the guy and grab the pizza, but he opened the door and told him to come in! I was naked on the couch and he invited him in!”
“Oh shit…” I lost it. I began filling her with my cum, thinking about the pizza guy seeing her like that.
“It wasn’t funny,” she said as she slapped me on the shoulder. “ I didn’t have anything to cover up with. Guys don’t have comforters or afghans on their couches like girls. I just pulled my legs up and made myself into a little ball while Jim ran to get his wallet in the bathroom. The pizza guy was all smiles.”
I slowly kept pumping her slowly and realized my hard on was hanging in there. That was too funny. “And then what happened?” Of course my evil mind immediately went to her giving the pizza guy a big tip……
“Jim paid and set the pizza down on the coffee table. He pulled off his shorts and turned me back around so that I was facing the window again. Just as he slipped back into me, I saw the pizza guy glance over as he drove away. I am not sure if he saw me or not, but I imagined he did and soon I was ready to cum again. Jim was really power fucking me now and saying how hot that was. I wasn’t listening too much as it felt too damn good. He really fucked me good right then, baby. I love when a guy just grabs my hips and shoves inside of me real hard.”
I felt my own cock begin to get firmer again and I grabbed her by her asscheeks and began to pound into her harder. I was thinking about how Jim must have really fucked her hard being so turned on and I realized he was having the same feeling I have when another guy sees her naked. No wonder he was so intrigued about our lifestyle.
“Oh yes baby….yes……fuck me………fuck me hard………..oh yes……….YES………YES!……..” Cindy was cumming very hard right then and I amazed myself by filling her with another load in less than ten minutes.
As we both came down, I pulled out and scooted around to lie behind her and spoon with her. She told me how she really enjoyed Jim and that he wanted the chance to see her again. I asked if that was a good idea, thinking that maybe she might get too close to him or maybe he might get the wrong idea and become possessive. I told her I would think about it and let her know. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at me with those big blue eyes.
“Please……..? He said he would video it for you.”
I really treasure all of the videos they made together.
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