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NASA heroine is shipwrecked on an alien world
The Major just couldn't see a thing. The cockpit was a blinding orange, even her flight visor struggling to diminish its brilliant intensity. The bird rocked around like a bronco pitching and banking the Major wrestling with the controls. For the first time in her distinguished career she had doubts that she was up to the job. A space shuttle was still just a glorified glider even now after so many years in use; you just couldn't put it down anywhere.

The nervous shouts of the flight crew were drowned out by her thoughts. Was it better they didn't make it down? She pushed those thoughts away and gripped the controls tighter, steal determination at hand; she was Major Connie Reborsky captain of this crew, first woman on the moon and the second on Mars and she had a ship to land.

Connie looked to the ceiling of her stone prison the sweat pouring down her face as she recalled what had happened that day. The memories of the crash seemed to play over and over. She remembered the orange haze turning to green fields below as they descended; as she desperately searched for an open space to land. The impact had been enormous; it must have been hours before she awoke to drag herself from the flight deck carnage.

She'd found the young lieutenant McGuire outside the smouldering hull. The brave girl had tried to pull one of the crew clear before collapsing herself. It had been a waste of her energies everyone was dead apart from the two women.

Connie thought back to pre launch; the front covers of Esquire the title something about 'babes in space'. She'd just gone along with it for NASA's sake, oh and her husband had thought it great too. At 36 she still looked fabulous and along with her young blonde co pilot they had made a quite professional cover girl edition.

Like that happier memory the crash now also seemed so far removed. It had only been a few days ago surely? She struggled to tell time in this dungeon. The heat of the room was intense and she glistened with sweat. Her short tightly curled brunette hair was almost black with grime her high cheek bones and tight bronzed skin giving her that sensuous mature look. Her eyes gave a piercing stare across the room to her captors. Her long lashes and pouting full lips still retaining her that vision of loveliness the magazine photographer had captured in that pre-launch photo shoot.

Why had it happened?

Even now in her predicament the professional astronaut took over, she had to go over every last detail.

First there was the loss of power and then the worm hole. Was there such a thing? Her crew had talked about suicide rather than running out of oxygen just before this planet had come into view. Maybe a rescue party would have followed them if they had remained drifting in space. But as the planets gravity slowly drew them in, they had no choice but to crash land.

She tried to relieve the pressure on her stretched arms. Looking up they were bound together with rope suspending her on to tip toes. Not that she could see below her ribs. The large wooden vat she was in stunk to high heaven her naked body gently stirring the warm contents as she wriggled. The fire below kept the vat at a hot but bearable temperature the white slimy liquid clinging to her tummy dripping from her toned firm olive breasts like she'd been dipped in cream.

How many bull type creature it had taken to fill this she couldn't guess but her captors were not averse to adding their own load of semen to the mix from time to time.

The inquisitor entered through the iron door his minions stopping for a moment before continuing their attentions on the cells other occupant; the moaning Kitty McGuire. The gut ugly creature reached out to caress Connie's defiant face.

"Have we a confession yet?" It giggled looking into her long lashed eyes.

"We crashed here in our ship!" She spat back having answered this so many times.

"Oh of course you come from another world." He laughed sarcastically. His firm armoured skin crackled as his arm moved to her breast his pointed talon hands caressing her fabulous hard domes. "My Lord thinks otherwise."

Connie winched at his firm but gentle grope. "But just look at us," she said rationally but forcefully. "Surely we're not from your world?"

The inquisitor admired the flesh and diminutive bone structure. Both these female creatures were soft and fragile but had an exquisite arousing beauty. No wonder his Lord needed to know the truth.

It had been lieutenant Kitty McGuire who'd seen them first. A cock sure naval pilot even she had momentarily lost it when the creatures had found the women still camped at their smouldering ship. Connie had backed under the side of the damaged hull a few feet away from the screaming girl. Four large humanoid creatures had surrounded the young blonde. Dressed in leather and iron they appeared like medieval troops their mounts six legged bull like beasts. The riders armour was black and oily their faces like that of gargoyles on some ancient cathedral facade.

The Major saw the saddled troops throw a heavy rope net over the blue flight suited Kitty the weight making her long legs crumple under her. Connie backed further away planning her next move. Suddenly there was blade to her throat and a claw grip around her waist onto her bust. She had met her first Gronk.

Both women struggled but were bound at their feet and arms before been carried in nets slung between two riders each. Reborsky tried to speak to them but with no effect they either couldn't understand or wouldn't reply to her. At this closer range she realised that the black oily armour was in fact mostly there own rhinoceros type skin. Their sunken eyes looked evil but afraid, the huge black and white craft they'd found like nothing they'd ever seen or imagined.

"Keep calm," Connie had shouted to her young charge as she lay bound in her net." They'll be someone who we can negotiate with."

Negotiate! It hadn't worked out as she would have hoped.

The Gronk lord had watched from the balcony of his black tower as the huge white bird had thundered past. His lands were in turmoil his enemies plotting his downfall and now this sign of evil if ever there was one. He had immediately sent a search party to discover what he had seen. It had been the next evening before he had the two strange females presented to him; long enough for his fears to have grown ten fold.

The two women had stood before him as he admired their shape and skin, their breasts bulging from strange fabric clothes. The younger one had long flowing blonde hair like gold cloth. She was tall her legs thin and delicate her eyes piercing blue. The other, the one that spoke also had admirable curves her face commanding yet like a fine sculpture. Her green wide eyes looked straight into his and he felt himself bewitched. The woman spoke again and he looked toward to his inquisitor in surprise. The language coming from her lips was ancient and only recognisable to the educated few.

"Please we mean you no harm."

The Major saw creatures eyes light up in amazement. The huge Lord sat across his battle mount shield at hand his robed colleague standing at his side. He was larger than the rest and had a majestic air about him; terrifying yet noble. Behind him his ancient black tower blotted out the setting orange sun.

He had understood her words!

"A trick!" He yelled his mount rearing up. "Sorcerers, witches! Vipers sent to seduce and betray!"

He bellowed his words in broken English only his inquisitor and the two women able to understand. Both women looking at each other in worry.

"Or perhaps a gift from the Gods?" His inquisitor added, his eyes lingering on the officers curves.

The dread Lord was a true Gronk; a breeder. This was a duty and a aristocratic curse his appetite or stamina knew no bounds in carnal pleasure; his seed fathering 5,000 off spring so far. The inquisitor had always felt it his duty to find his lord new mates to slight his desires.

Both Connie and Kitty tried to speak but the Lord waved his hand and they were forced to the ground. He bent down from his battle beast pulling his inquisitor close.

"Even now their charms excite me. My loins are stirring; they're bewitching manner filling me with desire to seed in them. I need to know, are they witches or a heaven sent delights!

The inquisitor looked back at the two protesting women and gave a wicked slavering reply.

"That is a question which may take me some time to answer my Lord."

The women were dragged towards the monstrous tower, its black stone glistening in the evening light.

"To the dungeons with them." The hunched inquisitor barked.

Once in the deep dark place the Gronk interrogator gave a wry smile his beak lipped mouth showing a pink lizard like tongue.

"You will remain here until it can be proved you are not witches."

Kitty gave a nervous murmur.

"But how can we prove that?"

The inquisitor caressed her hair tracing his claw over her heaving chest.

"No witch could survive the trials of the flesh. Only a creature capable of becoming a brood mare to my lord's loins would pass."

The captain shook her head still trying to reason.

"Please this is not right; we are visitors to your world."

The inquisitor signalled to his men to begin.

"If that is so rejoice for you will experience the carnal attentions of the finest breeder of his royal linage." Then he narrowed his eyes. "If not you will burn for witchcraft."

That's how it had begun two days ago. The women had been stripped, the creatures groping their tits, slapping their round asses binding their hands with rope. Kitty had been crying and sobbing, Connie more subdued all most like it was a dream. Both women had been lowered naked into the holding vat, the bubbling bull semen making Kitty retch.

The Gronk's had laughed thrusting the young blondes head under, making her mouth and nose fill with white filth, both women arms above their heads tits thrusting out. She spluttered and coughed her cute upturned nose frothing at the nostrils.

The inquisitor had started with their breast. Reaching from behind he groped Connie's impressive hard mounds pinching her nipples feeling the firm soft texture. Then he moved onto Kitty's larger cupped pale white melons; holding then as if he was guessing their weight once again pulling her long pink nipples. Both women grunted in disgust Connie tugging at the rope suspending her.

He swung the two women around so they faced each other their tits rubbing together both embarrassed by their intimacy. He had two bone type 6 inch tubes in his hand. They were ornately carved with hollow ends like a pipe. Connie thought they reminded her of an ancient earth device; the Chinese finger trap.

"Uggggg shitttt!"

She gave a yelp as he pressed the pipe tip onto her nipple. Snap! She felt a mechanism bite down gripping her nipple inside the tube. Kitty tried to resist but he easily snapped the other end on her long thick point. "Awwwww!" They were unable to pull back from each other their tit ends now bound together by a 6 inch tube.

Snap! Snap!

The other nipple trap had been attached, both women trying not to sway too much on their tip toes to save pulling on the others mounds.

He then clicked his fingers and one of his men came running with a bucket. He tilted it so all could see inside. Kitty began to moan, her captain open mouthed in horror. In the bucket appeared to be eel type creatures. They were green, slimy, their heads bulbous their tails tapered to a vibrating tip like a rattlesnake. They twisted and wriggled in their own slime white glazed eyes never blinking.

"Burrowing worms we call them," the inquisitor explained. They seek out a warm dark place to nest and birth their young." He pulled Kitty's hair making jerk backward her tits spring up making both her and Connie yelp with hard nipple tugging.

He spoke into her ear." The deeper the worms can get the happier they are."

And with that his minion poured the writhing mass of green creatures into the thick bubbling vat. Both women began to panic as the liquid began to stir with rapid moving worms. As they bucked and jostled they tugged at each others tits making them moan and grunt. Connie felt one slide across her butt its skin incredibly oily even in such a sticky bath.

She felt Kitty pull back making Connie grunt in discomfort. The young officer's eyes were wide in terror a long pitiful moan escaping from her clenched teeth.

Kitty could feel the bulbous head of an eel twisting up into her pussy. Jane tried to twist her hips but it was useless almost at the same time as Kitty began experiencing the penetration a filthy green eel creature pushed into the Majors cunt while another forced open her anus.


She made a high pitch shriek Kitty screaming in horror realising what had happened to her commander at the same time feeling a worms head on her own shitter.

"No, no, no, noooooooooooooooo!"

The thing thrust into her ass, snaking up deeper and deeper. She jerked around like she was dangling from the end of a noose, Connie too; biting her lip and making huge animal groans. Both women were pulling back tugging their tits to death, but they didn't care the twisting slimy worms were pushing further and further up their holes.

"Oh God," Cried Connie as her ass worm began to disappear completely inside her, all 9 slimy inches of it.

Kitty was incoherent her ass worm finding the burrowing hard work; struggling to twist up her tight chute. Her pussy one was already fully nestled in her void twisting back on itself as its rattling tail was sucked in by her quivering lips.

"Ug, ug, Uggggggg!!"

Connie felt the head of another pushing at her pussy trying to follow the fatter first one. Already another was opening up Kitty's pussy slit sliding in to meet the one inside and as it entered she began to convulse foaming at the mouth as both slippery beasts battled inside her for deepest point.

"Captainnnnn help! ukkkkkkkkkk!"

The inquisitor folded his arms in satisfaction watching he women jerk on their ropes unable to pull away from each other, unable to stop the things nesting as deep inside their bodies as they could go. Both women were moaning loudly the room echoing to their sensation filled gasps.

The torment was never ending. As one worm settled down to nest another would wriggle and squirm for better position starting the creature off again, over and over. Their tales rattled constantly and bit by bit both women began to moan more in sensation than disgust.

"Ug, ug, ug make it stop pleaseeeeeee!" Moaned Kitty her anal intruder twisted completely around so it buzzing tail probed into her lower intestine its head forcing her sphincter open like a permanent shit that just wouldn't come out.

Connie was almost unconscious. The big monster in her pussy had nestle so deep she though she could see her own tummy bulging. The other beast had given up trying to get in her slit and was now half was up her rectum battling head to head with the deeply curled occupant both unwilling to give way in her tight leathery tunnel.

It must have been quarter of an hour of burrowing before Kitty came.

"Ug,ug,ugggggggg eeeeeeeeeeeieeeeeeee!"

The anal rattling had sent her over the edge her pussy walls tightening, massaging the two pussy worms who wriggled in appreciation. At the same time her nipples exploding inside the clamp tubes.

"Awwwwwwwww nnnnnnnn!"

She squeezed her rectum so tight the alien worm began to shit out its head popping from her ring, and only after her orgasm subsided could it spiral back up.

One of the Gronks pushed his hand into the vat down under Jane's ass. He could feel her pussy eels tail still protruding so fat was this one compared to the other. He grinned as he gripped the tail the creature instantly panicking twisting and squirming turning to escape up deeper into her womb.

"Ugg, ugg, uggggg no no stopawwwww awwwwwweeeeee!!!"

Kitty started to scream as Connie shuddered with sensation

She came adding to the slime filled inside of her pussy the worm twisting more now in a heavily lubricated tunnel. Her two anal eels felt the contraction of her ass and the toned brunette felt the body of one eel pop as her insides squeezed its guts out like meat from a sausage skin.

"Awwwwww jezzzzzzzzzz uggggggggg!!" Cried the Major her face contorted with revulsion and ecstasy.

An few hours later both women hung limp, softly moaning, still bound at the wrist and held together by the tit tubes. Neither was fully conscious the constant internal wriggling sending them into a half crazed world of their own.

The inquisitor had left them long ago and now only two sweat covered guards watched over them. The vat was beginning to ripple with exhausted worms, one by one the creature vacating the women's anal cavities after failing to find suitable lairs to gestate in. The pussy deep ones however had found their ideal nests. By the evening of that first day these worms had shed their skins and rather like some strange insects pupated into thick green cocoons.

A few hours later both women hung limp, softly moaning, still bound at the wrist and held together by the tit tubes. Neither was fully conscious the constant internal wriggling sending them into a half crazed world of their own.

The inquisitor had left them long ago and now only two sweat covered guards watched over them. The vat was beginning to ripple with exhausted worms, one by one the creature vacating the women's anal cavities after failing to find suitable lairs to gestate in. The pussy deep ones however had found their ideal nests. By the evening of that first day these worms had shed their skins and rather like some strange insect pupated into thick green cocoons.

The Major could feel the pod slowly ever so slowly growing wider and wider in her pussy shaft. She couldn't see her groin but she could tell the tip of her cocoon was poking from her slit as it enlarged to the size of some crazy toy American football.

"Uggggg Major," Kitty moaned her eyes looking beaten and resigned. "They're ugg too big I feel so...ugggggg"

The young officer had two of the cocoons inside her tight young shaft. One had been forced hard against her cervix deep inside her the other was almost half way out of her slit her pussy forced to remain in a gapping grip on the pod at its widest point. She tried over and over to force it out with her pussy muscles but it was stuck to the deeper one making her unable to eject it.

Both women could feel tiny worms, hundreds of them wriggling inside their protective eggs, slowly growing getting ready to hatch.

The women fell into an uncomfortable suspended sleep. The Major dreamed of home, of her husband then of the crash, the hopeless decent to an alien uncharted world.

Connie was awoken by the sound of a struggle. Her long lashed eyes flicked open the stench of hot semen in her nostrils. Kitty was screaming and yelling as she was been lifted out of the vat. The two Gronk guards had unclipped the tit tubes from the women as they slept then argued about which one to take before finally picking the porcelain white figure of Kitty her fabulous tits more than a hand full even for a Gronk. Connie shifted on the ropes then felt her bulging groin.

"Hell" the pod was massive now, forcing her thighs apart her pussy lips in a constant exhausted gape. Kitty was even more open and froglike and as the Gronk's lifted her young officer from the vat Jane could see the fat green dome of one egg sprouting from a incredibly open pussy.

"Uhh get off me you bastards," She screamed unable to resist much more than verbal abuse, her cat walk long legs kicking fruitlessly.

Both officers knew what they wanted.

"Oh God Major they're going to fuck me. Oh Jez no no ohhhhhhh!"

The Gronks were already refastening her wrists behind her sweaty back pulling hard making her large melons thrust up and out invitingly. One pushed her onto her ass, her legs apart egg pod gaping; the woman looking so pale against the dark stone and jet black oily Gronk bodies.

The Major could not take her eyes away as the creatures unbuckled the little clothes they had on and suddenly both creatures stood there naked and aroused. Kitty gave a moan of horror as she sat legs apart tits thrusting between two standing wanton males, like a photo still from a porno shoot.

The Gronk's had strange twisted cocks bent like bananas but also warped like the branch of an old oak. They were about 7 inched long with a bulbous almost tulip like head; below was a fat sack with what she would come to realise were three testicles. But it was above the cock riding piggy back that made Kitty begin to shudder in revulsion. It was another writhing tiny cock about the size of an index finger. It appeared to move on its own like a worn or snake sniffing the air its tip a large hole almost all its width. It looked like a ting animated segmented pipe.

Kitty screamed to the Major for help as both Gronk's peered down touching her buried pussy egg. They chattered in their language oblivious to her moans and pleas. They tapped the hard egg making the creatures inside rattle around Kitty going cross eyed with the sensation.

Kitty felt so humiliated the young blonde gritted her teeth as the beasts lifted her legs at the ankles pushing them back towards her shoulders. Her ass came into view and her cheeks parted under the cramping position they were putting her in. The Gronk's wiped away hours of semen bath to find her tight little ass hole. It had been at that point the inquisitor had entered to continue his interrogation.

The Major had spat her answers back at him and he felt his own lust growing. Such a feisty and determined one; maybe his lord would bestow her to him as a gift?

He looked at his impatient minions naked and erect, both now frozen to the spot awaiting his order.

"You may not be witches after all." He surmised, stroking his beaked chin. "To survive a night in the worm vat is a feat no witch temptress could bear." He felt down into the semen vat to Connie 's firm groin and she shuddered at his pressure on her tummy.

"Hmmmm good they have nested," he looked to the thigh wide Kitty. "They have nested well indeed. You're bodies have proved very elastic and resilient, two traits vital for a breeders mare."

The inquisitor moved over to Kitty.

"The eggs are ready to birth. You must do this to prove your worthyness."

Kitty was wide eyed shaking her head in refusal.

The Inquisitor nodded to her. "Yes you must or they will continue to grow to an undeliverable size. And we will not remove them!"

Kitty moaned in horror. "But, but I don't..." The inquisitor waved his hand. "Use your muscles to push, the guards will press from above." And with that she felt herself pulled almost onto her back a Gronk claw hand on her groin pressing down hard.

"Ugggggggg!" Kitty gave an animal cry of effort her lips trying to spit the first pod from her.

"Ug, ug, ug uggggggggggg!"

As Kitty moaned and thrashed the other Gronk turned to Jane his cock waving like a flag pole in a storm.

"Get this one into position," the inquisitor hissed pointing at Jane. "I want to birth this one myself."

Kitty was screaming over and over the effort almost unbearable she could feel the pod coming slowly and bit by bit it appeared from her pussy a huge green leathery egg the skin showing wriggling shadows of worms inside.

"Ugggggg no no please ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Major Reborsky was now in the same birthing position along side her companion. Her toned bronze skin glistened, her perfect athletic body hiding her years, domed prize tits pointing to the ceiling.

The Inquisitor was dealing with her, pressing hard on her tummy, himself now naked his black cock erect, piggyback worm cock also stiff in excitement. He saw Connie 's eyes widen as his phalluses waved closer and closer to her face.

"Do you like our cocks," he said in amusement as he pressed down Connie groaning in ejecting effort.

"Although not breeder Gronk's even we mortals produce from our seeding cock." He stroked the finger size tube the end dripping clear oily precome.

Connie was hardly listening the effort to push the egg overbearing.

The Gronk continued." In our race the female is only a receptacle we plant and seed the egg." He held the tip of his twisted trunk cock the tulip bulb throbbing.

"Here is my egg ready to plant in you, yet I know my seed has neither the power nor linage to fertilise it."

Connie gave another moan of effort the shrieks from Kitty telling her she was at her limit, the point of no return the egg was about to birth.

The inquisitor looked up the two other Gronk's gripping their cocks in excitement.

"Its birthing!" He shouted in delight

Kitty gave a scream of effort her pussy lips clenching harder than ever. The egg exploded half in and half out of her worms spilling from her slit green thick liquid filling her chute up to the deeper egg.

The blonde began to convulse the sensation electric. She had no control her flesh reacting to the cocoon fluid her muscles spasming in a horrendous forced orgasm.

"Ug ug shit uggg awwwwwwwwwwww noooooooo!" She gave an animal cry of pleasure and horror. Her slit was spilling tiny eels like creatures onto the floor the liquid belching from her hole as she convulsed.

The first Gronk wasted no time in mounting the gasping hole his twisted gnarls cock ramming up her just as far as the second throbbing egg.

Connie gasped at the sight, Kitty thrashing on her ass to and thro long legs gripping the huge fat rear of the oily Gronk as he banged up her. He too was in pleasure overload the egg juices a renowned aphrodisiac on this planet and Jane understood the creatures eagerness to savour Kitty's soppy pussy.

It only took seconds of locked rutting pleasure before the Gronk came. His finger size cock began to spit white come over the young woman's bulging tummy, two, three meagre spurts of liquid. Inside her his tulip head popped, depositing a thick mass of eggs the consistency of cottage cheese; then it was done.

It pulled back from her satisfied, the other moving into position pressing down on her tummy again. Time for her to birth the second cocoon!

Connie looked up at the Inquisitor her pussy so wide she knew she was about to birth. The inquisitor held her hand and gently rolled her over so she knelt on all fours.

"That's it my dear push harder now do it now."

Connie face was contorted with effort, she felt the egg almost leave her hole then...


Her tunnel was awash with tiny wriggling worms the liquid feeling like fizzing sherbet.


She gave an aroused bellowing scream as her pussy began to climax. Her tits were on fire her nipples about to explode the whole world was spinning.

"Ugggggggg Jezzzzzz!" She shrieked as the inquisitor mounted her doggie style his egg cock ramming into her quivering pussy the tulip tip shuddering to the intense orgasm inducing liquid. At the same time his little seed trunk twisted into her anus. It burrowed only a few inches enough to pass her sphincter muscles, its open hole end ready to spurt in her rear void.

"Yes, yessss!" It grunted its talon hands gripping her shoulders as it rammed home. Connie screaming with discomfort and total embarrassing pleasure.

The evil creature erupted inside her as she rocked and shivered with excitement

"Ugggggggg you fucking ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She was orgasming over and over.

She felt his tip explode and her innards fill with foam like deposit, then his seed cock shoot hot liquid egg piss into her ass.

She thrashed her head and as she pressed her cheek to the stone she could she Kitty looking back at her. She was shaking her head in denial as she now sat open legged on the knee of the other seated Gronk. His black cock was pumping in and out of her ass his smaller tube wiping precome onto the slowly emerging pussy egg. The Gronk was buggering her to push the deep egg out into birthing position.

Kitty was almost delirious the first eggs fizzy juice was just subsiding; now she had a twisted alien cock up her virgin ass hole at the same time her body was slowly squeezing out another egg.

The Gronk gripped onto her tits twisting then in delight his seed cock rubbing against the worm egg. Connie gave a grateful groan as the inquisitor pulled out just as Kitty's second egg exploded.


Everyone watched in awe as she bucked and bounced on the grimacing Gronk her ass gripping his member the creature stuffing his tiny seed cock into her eel spewing slit then ejaculating almost instantly. Kitty hardly noticed his come, so full of liquid and worm creatures was her pussy hole; however she felt her gut churn as he frothed inside her rectum. At this point Kitty passed out.

The inquisitor stood upright his hand caressing the back of Major Reborsky in appreciation of his unwilling whore.

"You are a fine wench and not a witch that I am sure."

The Major cough and spluttered her body slowly coming down to earth.

"Then you accept we are visitors here." She coughed her tits still tingling with arousal.

" That we are emissaries from another world?"

The creature gave a bellowing laugh.

"Gifts from another world you mean." He added. "Now you must accept that before this inquisition will cease!"

Connie Reborsky strained her neck to look out of the tiny barred skylight of her cell. Her piercing pupils stared up into the sky transfixed on a silver scar across the black night. The inquisitor had shown true insight earlier pointing it out to her describing it as a tear in the blanket of the heavens through which she had fallen. He had also mentioned with a sickening glee that each evening it was getting shorter and shorter till soon it would be gone forever.

"We're not getting back are we captain?" Asked Kitty almost as a matter of fact statement rather than question; and she too peered out of the skylight at the distant route back home.

Connie felt her heart sink as she gave a dry gulp.

"Even if we get out of here, how could we possibly take off again?"

Kitty clutched to straws.

"A rescue party might…" Then she stopped; knowing that that was even more unlikely than taking off again.

The women astronauts had been in the cell for what seemed like an eternity; but was probably no longer than a full day. The inquisitor had satisfied his mind and also his body that they were not witches and now he'd tasked himself with getting the two women to accept their fate.

As they'd looked skyward that evening the inquisitor had bid them a goodnight.

"The sooner you realise there is no escape the easier it will be for you to adjust." He had sneered

"Adjust." Kitty said softly her hourglass figure glowing in the torch light.

The inquisitor had given a beaked smile of wickedness.

"My Lord," he said proudly," is the finest breeder of his generation. It may take you some time to adjust to his carnal requirements."

That last taunting sentence had been almost a day ago and in that time the women had remained in their cell unable or un willing to contemplate escape. Kitty sat in a tiny cloth smock long legs together her heaving chest barely contain in the linen. Her hair was now a bedraggled cascading mix of blonde and dirty roots her blue eyes in dark tired eye sockets. The Gronk rape had been obscene, but both the lieutenant and Connie felt their faces blush as they remembers the pods exploding and their bodies betraying them.

The Captain also glowed with the same bronzed oiled look. Her brunette hair short and curled her fabulous eyes deep in thought. She remembered the past few days of interrogation. The inquisitor had taken great delight in finding out she was married. "Had been married," as he had sarcastically corrected.

"You'll find your new husband a most impressive replacement." He had added.

She was an experienced pilot and officer knowing death was always only a mistake away. But this wasn't death only a living hell. The crew had talk about suicide before crashing and there were many ways to make it happen, but she knew she wouldn't; there was always a chance.

Finally they heard footsteps and the clatter of beaks; Gronks talking in their own tongue.

Both women moved together as the cell door opened.

The women yelped in surprise as guards burst violently; dragging them back into the flame lit torture dungeon.

The inquisitor was there hand on his beaked chin in thought.

Reborsky was frog marched towards him arms pulled behind her back, chests thrust out, chin up in defiance.

"You are the stronger one." He said looking at Connie's icy stare. Then he turned to Kitty her mouth trembling. "But you my beauty seem ready to accept."

Kitty shook her head and snarled back desperately. "Never you bastard."

The inquisitor shrugged a knowing shrug

"We'll see."

He pointed to a deep slit trench in the stone floor. It was about 15 foot long and 5 foot wide. Its walls were greased black, slime dripping from the stone and as the edged closer they could see it went maybe twenty feet down into a glistening blackness.

At that moment there was a flurry of action as guard snapped to attention

The Gronk Lord had entered!

Up close his black armoured skin crackled with each movement his deep red eyes looking lustful and triumphant. His massive hips and thighs hid under a roman centurion like leather armour skirt. He looked at his new mistresses in satisfaction the inquisitor rubbing his hands together like a hopeful salesman.

"They have passed the trials?" He growled in question, the inquisitor nodding in satisfaction.

He looked again at the two women.

"They have such beauty yet so different from our race." He added. Then in his ancient English he spoke to them.

"Kneel before me my concubines."

The women looked at each other and he bellowed the order again.


Kitty dropped first then as the lord glared at Connie she too dropped to her knees.

The magnificent Lord stood legs apart his leather skirt twitching then slowly parting as his erection grew.

"By the moons of my ancestors these creatures stir my loins!"

Connie's eyes widened as she looked at the emerging penis head then up to the massive Gronks face. His banana shaped pale cock curved upwards, its head slightly bulbous a deep hole at its tip. It was maybe 8 or 9 inches long parting the leather strips rising up in front of the kneeling women's faces.

Suddenly it twitched and Kitty screamed. Connie bit her hand seeing the cock curl and sniff like a maggot. Instantly both women understood and they gripped each other was a gasp as slowly rising from under the darkness of his skirt was a new bigger monster.

"Oh Jesus it's only his seeding cock!" Cried kitty, Connie unable to speak her sexy mouth open in shock as she realise this twisted fat maggot was riding piggyback on his noble breeders main erection.

This would be a mere finger size on the other Gronks not a man size tool.

"Am I not impressive?" He laughed his massive prime erection rising up like a flag pole. "Much more impressive than your husband I think." he added in noble arrogance.

The women began to cough in disbelief. The cock was a dark oily night time blue the size of a mans forearm its head like a mans fist. Connie could see the finger wide spunk hole the skin drawing back to pull the tulip like head tight the whole cocks length maybe an impossible 17 or 18 inches

The lord gripped the huge shaft pointing it straight at the kneeling women his smaller human size cock wriggling above sniffing the sent of the two females. The humid air of the dungeon had a feint musky smell of manhood and the women's minds threatened to slip into a feint.

"Service your lord." He commanded

Both women shook their heads cowering back lips quivering. The inquisitor gave a apologetic bow explaining to the lord they were still undecided. He in turn gripped his rampant member in frustration

"Explain they have no choice." He ordered.

"I'd rather die than touch your fucking cock!" Snarled Connie. Kitty nodded in agreement but with fear in her eyes.

The inquisitor took a torch and lit oil laps on the side of the dark pit.

"Maybe." He snarled. "But dying is nothing compared to the pit." He added illuminating the trench.

Connie was pulled to her feet and dragged to the edge by the Gronk guards their powerful arms almost lifting her.

"Spend some time in the company of the pit and then decide." The lord laughed.

Kitty put her hand to her mouth Connie looking away in disgust. The bottom of the pit was a writhing mass of fat snakes like limbs. It was one bulbous long creature with countless tentacles of different sizes. The tips were of each tentacle were dripping penile heads. The whole beast no more than a mass of limbs twisting and writhing no mouth, eyes or features just tentacle after tentacle.

Kitty began to shudder still on her knees bay watch breast heaving as she hyperventilated.

"Oh Jesus no please don't." She screamed as she looked over to Connie teetering on the edge herself also now panting in terror.

The inquisitor bent down to Kitty's ear to explain.

"The pit creature's ejaculations and the writhing of its limbs would feed and exercise her for many months as it slowly raped her to death. Pain and pleasure in one continuous dance"

"NO Please! No don't push her in. I'll do it. I'LL DO IT!"

Kitty crawled forward her head raised up looking into the eyes of the Gronk lord.

"Please My Lord." She said her hand reaching up to grip round his huge erection; her finger and thumb only just touching as her hand encircled his shaft near the massive end.

"Please I'll do what you command."

She opened her mouth to try to take the cock end in but coughed as her lips were unable to opened wide enough. Her tongue felt for his tip and it slid a fraction into his spunk hole so big was the tube.

The lord gave a groan his hand ripping apart her meagre sack cloth top exposing her magnificent tits. He pushed forward his cock forcing her head back as she struggled to lick and gobble its end. The spittle began to run down her chin as she coughed and spluttered her one hand holding this monster back the other pulled up to grip his wriggling second cock.

Connie wrestled on the brink of the pit her feet slipping as she nearly tumbled in. Kitty could see her out of the corner of her eye as she tried to swallow the tulip like bulb of the Gronk's egg cock.

The lord was also tugging at his gnarled length grunting with delight his other hand on the back of Kitty's head pulling her mouth onto his tip. Kitty felt the eye hole widening her tongue almost able to slide down into it as his bud expanded, flowering.

Both women were amazed. He was coming almost instantly!

"UGggggggggg kkkkkkkkkkkkkk!"

The Lord gave an enormous bellow, the tip exploding as the hole widened into a hose releasing copious amounts of sticky chunky egg come. Kitty's mouth was filled instantly her cheeks bulging her lips pulling away as she struggled to breathe. The thick chunky stuff was like porridge dripping from her chin. She gulped swallowing some but coughing big splats out over her tits.

"Ukk, ukk, uggggggggg!"

The Gronk lord gripped her hair and she squealed as he tugged her up off her knees to bend over his deflating prime trunk, and then rammed his man size maggot twisting member into her already stuffed mouth. The segmented worm like cock curled against her cheeks making thick toothpaste like streams of egg spill from the side of her lips. Kitty was still jerking this cock and she began to retched and shudder as it suddenly went stiff and pole upright pressing deep into her mouth spurting a long stream of piss seed down her throat

"Ujjjjjjjjjjjjjj!" Kitty's eyes rolled her hands going limp; her gullet blocked her senses passing out



She collapsed to the floor thick egg and runny seed come bubbling from her mouth over her mountainous domes pooling in her curvaceous hipped lap.

"Jesus! You've killed her!" Connie screamed; but then Kitty arched her back coughing and spewing mouthful after mouthful of ejaculation over her exhausted face like an erupting volcano. Finally she lay there her beautiful body coated with thick strands of alien semen.

The Gronk lord bent down to caress the exhausted blondes face and hair then fastened a massive clawed hand around her neck. As she tried to scream he pulled her to her feet and dangled her over the pit. Connie screamed in horror seeing her colleague eyes wide in terror her long legs kicking franticly.

"Until you accept," he growled looking at Connie, "she will be our pit whore."

And with that he dropped the screaming Kitty into the deep shaft. She fell in a crumpled pile all legs, hips and ass onto the writhing body of the creature. Her hands move to fend off dripping cock heads but almost immediately one, a fat python like appendage had begun to push in her pussy.

"Oh no, nooooooo uggggggg!"

Her beautiful fat lip mouth was engorged on another black fast snaking probe, almost countless others entwining her tits, wrapping her sweating thighs pinning her wrist. Connie saw her eyes widen and her mouth try to bite as two battling tentacle cocks pressed on her anus eventually one gaining slippery access ramming deep and then begin to pump back and forth.


Her lips were foaming as the beast began to ejaculate in her mouth and Connie realised the pussy deep python cock was also now thrusting in animal urgency. The Gronk's lined the pit edge staring down to watch like in a theatre.

"It has over a hundred tentacles!" The inquisitor said with glee. "By the time she has service all of them the first will be ready to seed in her again. In maybe a day she'll be a gibbering shell"

"Well?" Asked the lord standing over Connie," what is your answer?" And his talon hand gently rested on her delicate shoulder.

The captain stared in to the terrified girl's eyes, her body now a dark greased complexion, her fabulous figure distorted by thick branch like appendages smaller baby tentacles trying to fuck up her nose and in her ears as slowly she began to go crazy.


At the very pinnacle of the black tower you could see for miles. The evening sky was a deep red the final sun receding below the horizon. The bedchamber of the lord was topped with an amazing glass roof using ornately decorated beam, a wonder of his kingdom. And in the darkening sky Connie could see the thin slither of light that was a quickly shrinking route back home.

She felt up to the metal collar around her neck the grease chain dangling down over her naked breasts so it almost made no sound as the links twisted together. Her hands went to her breasts in a subliminal reaction her nipples aching with sensation and she gave a small groan of discomfort and pleasure as her fingers felt the hard weight of her mounds. They now feed them potions of aphrodisia almost constantly since she had accepted keeping her body in a constant state of readiness for service.

As she knelt on the bed the sounds of Kitty brought her from her skyward dream. The Gronk was on his back his hand around the lieutenants tight waist lifting the woman slowly up and down on his cock. Kitty was groaning in pleasure the massive arm like phallus sliding deep into her as deep as it could go. She could feel the head almost busting into her belly her pussy rim screaming as it was opened wider and wider by his monster erection. Her head was to one side as she bounce in delirium her pale white skin brilliant against his black hide.

The Gronk lord barked an order pulling the chain and Connie knew what to do. She slid closer holding Kitty's sweaty nape of her back her other hand gently lifting one of the woman's melon size tits; the nipple aroused and wanton feeding in into the nipping bite of the Gronk Lords beak.


The twisting slurping beak tongue could only raise a semi groan form Kitty as it slurped on her fat pink bud the sqealsh of her pussy juices almost drowning it out as she slopped up and down on the impossible to swallow cock.

Connie had come to realise the Lord was a master at love play only ejaculating a soon or as late as he chose and no amount of gasping or groaning could bring him to a climax without his own consent.

He pushed Connie's head down onto his piggy back cock as it slid up and down on Kitty's greased flat tummy. As the captain swallowed its weeping head she felt the tip of the naked Gronk's tails press then enter her anus, twisting and darting as it explored his concubine's orifices.

"You are looser each day my dear." He groaned as he enjoyed his delightful blonde mount.

The lord decided it was time to climax. His new mistresses had so far served him well and indeed their bodies were elastic enough for him to enjoy. Even the short haired one had began to groan and thrash in pleasure these last few nights.

"Get on your back!" He commanded and Connie nodded reclining on the bed her hard tits pointing to the glass roof her arms out her pussy shaven and pouting with arousal.

The lord lifted Kitty from his cock and she gave a long deep groan as his enormous length slipped from her wet twat.


"Lay on top of her." He growled and Kitty sluggishly responded.

Connie helped her as slowly Kitty slid up the woman's body her melons finally pressing against Connie's eager nipples.


There faces met and Kitty's lips pressed against her captain's cheek as she nestled her head in comfort.

"Oh god captain," she moaned in a pitiful way. But Connie just ignored her holding the girl fat round ass cheek steady.

The lord was over them and he gripped Connie's ankles pulling the up and back making her hook her legs over thebase of Kitty's back. He then pushed the lieutenants hips higher so she knelt exposing her pussy and Connie's winking anus.

Then there was a scream from Connie then an almost chuckle of disbelief.

"Uh god uggggggg uggggggggggg!"

The lord was pushing his mammoth cock into her anus. It felt like she was sitting on a street cone. She arched her back pressing her busom onto Kitty's


The cock was burrowing deep as it had finally achieved it goal over the last few weeks of effort. She felt like she would split inch after gnarled inch deep in her rubbery tube. Eventually it was deep enough for his second cock to push hard up Kitty's pussy and she gripped Connie's shoulders with her nails.

"Oh My lord," she gasped hoping to please.

The Lord began to thrust, hard, uncaring, unashamed.

Connie screamed as the cock fuck up her rear hole making her eyes pop, Kitty also gasping as the mans size pussy cock twisted like a demented dildo in her loose shaft.

"Ug, ug, ug, ug!"

The huge bed tattled as he pistoned into them, Kitty foaming at the mouth, Connie in one continuous bellow.


She could see the night sky and as Kitty's hair billowed over her see saw the silver slither in the darkness finally shrink to a brilliant star then disappear forever. The worm hole was gone and her chance of freedom. With it her family and her husband and now all that was left was this; an Alien lords plaything. She looked at the tall oil filled jar of green eel pods near by and knew she'd be in forced screaming ecstasy before they slept this night. He so much enjoyed watching them birthing the wriggling revolting contents.

"Kiss!" he barked as his hips became a blur, "I'm about to come my beauties!"

Kitty's mouth pressed hard onto the oval wailing lips of her captain as second later Connie's rear was stuffed full of wet alien egg chunks like a long soft shit had been sucked up her ass and above her young lieutenants pussy began to belch a torrent of semenal piss the girl giving a sluttish groan as her tongue licked her own full pouting lips.

The End

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-01-29 17:54:55
Wow!wow!wow! Enthralled and speechless.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-17 03:32:41
I've enjoyed the Garden Reports. Love what you're doing. I love plntas and have a green thumb & arms but have no patience for a garden. I always buy the seeds and tell myself that I WILL plant a veggie garden. It's not gonna happen this Spring so I will watch and learn from your experiences.Oh the Yellow wagon. I remember playing with a yellow wagon as a child. Oh the memories *CHEERS*

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-04-17 20:57:46
pls write a second part!

anonymous readerReport 

2011-01-01 17:31:33
Wish there was a second part

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-07-26 01:40:00
just too fuckin hot. Need part 2 with gorgeous slaves from other planets. Ummm

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