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Hope you enjoy! Please tell me what you think about the story. Also, I recommend reading the other parts of the story first, if you haven't done so.
"The syllable pattern for haiku is five-seven-five, so-- Aaron, are you paying attention?" Mr. Harrison halted and gave me a stern look. He was a stodgy old guy, but he was usually nice enough. 

"Yeah, yeah, five-seven-five, I got it." I assured him. 

"Hmm..." He continued lecturing about the origin and rules of haiku. "As you can see, there's no rhyme scheme. Instead..."

His voice faded into the background as I turned my attention away from him again. It was the first week of December, several weeks since Emily and I had officially gotten together, but she had been so busy working on term papers that we couldn't hang out for the last week, so we were trying to make up for it by texting or talking at every opportunity, including during school. 

Me: How's that paper coming?

Emily: Ugh... I'm thinking I'll finish faster if I do some cocaine

Me: Definitely faster lol. Don't know about the quality, though

Emily: Lol maybe. Hey, are you free next Saturday?

Me: Just gotta clear some stuff up with my coke dealer, but after that, yeah. 

Emily: You are so nuts... Anyway, the parents' day luncheon at my sorority is next Saturday, so you can meet my parents if you want. I think it's only fair, since I know your mom already. 

I paused for a minute. 

Me: Sounds good. Should I wear my tux?

Emily: Duh, no. Just wear something a little nicer than what you usually do. 

She was referring to my habit of wearing either plain white or black T-shirts with jeans. Sometimes I would throw in a hoodie or a rock band shirt, but my wardrobe didn't really have much variety other than that unless the weather demanded it. 

Me: Roger that, Private Osbourne. 

Emily: Please. I'm at least a captain. 

Me: Yessir, Captain Osbourne, sir. 

Emily: I gotta go. See u sometime this weekend?

Me: Absolutely, snookums. ;)

Emily: Blech. 

I grinned. 

"Something funny, Aaron?" Mr. Harrison had noticed that I wasn't paying attention again. 

"Just loving class, sir." I smiled innocently, surreptitiously sliding my phone back into my pocket. 

The class erupted into laughter. Most of them had seen that I was texting, but I'm well-known for talking my way out of trouble, and this situation was no exception. 

"Well, see that you don't enjoy it too much." He raised his eyebrows knowingly before he returned to his lesson. 

I stretched out in my chair and prepared to go through the motions for the rest of the day. 

Before I knew it, Parents' Day had arrived and my mom had dressed me in a sweater and pair of corduroys that I didn't even know I owned. 

"You have to look nice for her parents," she explained, "we can't have them knowing what a ruffian you are."

"Gee, thanks, mom." I groaned, more nervous than I expected to be. 

"You look nice." Nicole smiled. 

"Thanks, Nicky." I hugged her. She had become a little more reserved and quiet recently, so I was glad to see her smiling and happy. I still hadn't figured out who the mystery man was, but it wasn't for lack of trying: I had asked every friend of hers that I knew about him, even some that I didn't know. 

I drove to her house and walked in. Girls and their parents were milling about, some of them holding champagne glasses. I spotted Emily in the living room area, talking to a middle-aged couple that I could only assume were her parents. She happened to glance toward the door, so I waved my arms to get her attention. Beckoning me over, she smiled broadly. I pushed through the crowd and took a deep breath. 

"Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Aaron."

Her parents turned to look at me, so I got my first good look at them. Emily's dad had short-clipped graying hair and looked to be in good shape, wearing a fitted gray suit. Though some of his features were visible in Emily, Emily's appearance obviously drew more from her mother, who was blonde and gorgeous: she was bustier even than Emily, had green eyes, and her incredibly tight dress showed off her long legs and hourglass figure. Also, she looked about fifteen years younger than her husband. 

"Nice to meet you," I smiled warmly, "I'm Aaron Moody." 

"Hmm..." Emily's mom began in her posh accent, sizing me up, "he's quite fit, dressed nicely... I guess he seems alright." She pinched my bicep and nodded, as if agreeing with her own assessment of me. 

"Thanks, Mrs. Osbourne. I can see where Emily gets her good looks." I decided that a little flattery wouldn't hurt, but I added a suck-up grin, just in case. 

"Ooh, this one's quite the charmer." She laughed breathily."And please, call me Alice. 'Mrs. Osbourne' makes me sound so old."

"Tell me, Aaron, what kind of car do you drive?" Mr. Osbourne chimed in. He had a sort of military demeanor, straight-backed and serious-looking. 

I was taken off guard. "Um... A V8 Mustang convertible."

He gave me a small nod. "An excellent choice; I quite like American muscle cars. There's a certain power in them that you can't find in British cars."

I was starting to like this guy. "I agree, but British cars do have a sense of style and sophistication that American cars just don't."

"Indeed, they do." He turned to Emily. "I like this one."

Emily and I both let out relieved laughs. 

"How about you show it to me?" He requested politely enough, but the tone of his voice indicated that he was used to getting what he wanted. 

"Sure." I agreed, leading him to the lot, where my car was parked. 

"Now, while I am interested in seeing your car, I also want to make sure that you're going to treat my daughter well."

"I understand, sir."

"I'm not going to give you a speech or anything, but I do want your word that you will treat her the way she deserves to be treated."

"Absolutely, sir. I promise." As I said that, I realized that this was the first time I'd ever been on the receiving end of a situation like this: usually I was grilling Nicole's prospective boyfriends. 

"Alright then," he offered his hand and I shook it, "show me that car of yours."

After he inspected my car and gave me his seal of approval, he told me about the origin of his interest in cars. "I actually used to be pretty high up in an illegal auto-trafficking organization. I've got the tattoos to prove it."

When my eyes widened, he laughed for the first time that day. "I'm just kidding. About the tattoos, anyway. But remember, I am a doctor. So if you hurt Emily, I'll know how to break you."

"Only sort of kidding this time." He added. "Come, it's only fair that you see my car, now."

We walked around to the other side of the parking lot. "Wow!" I exclaimed when he gestured to a sleek gray sports car. "A Vantage? Is that a V12 S?"

"Indeed it is." He proudly confirmed. "I've always had a soft spot for Aston-Martin."

I admired his car for a few more minutes, eagerly asking questions. The Vantage has always been one of my favorite sports cars. Eventually, I realized that we had been out there for quite a while and apologized for keeping him so long. 

"It's no problem at all. Come, let's go get some refreshments." He beckoned for me to join him on a quest for champagne. "So, Emily tells me you're a fan of classic rock?"

"Yes, sir. The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Eagles..."

"I think we're going to get along just fine." He assured me. "You know, I've performed surgery on some famous rock stars."


"Yes, but I'm not legally allowed to tell anyone who they were." He winked in a way that showed that he had a subtle, but devilish sense of humor. 

"Very mysterious." I laughed. 

I did my best to continue impressing him until we returned to the ladies with champagne for him and Mrs. Osbourne. 

"About time, dear. I thought you'd finally left me." Mrs. Osbourne teased him. 

"I thought about it." He said in a serious voice that was accompanied by his characteristic eye-twinkle.

"Now, Emily, dear, talk to your father. I'd like some one-on-one time with Aaron; I have to see for myself if he's as marvelous as you say he is."

"Mom!" Emily blushed. 

"Marvelous, eh?" I grinned at Emily. She gave me a look that said I'd pay for that later. 

Mrs. Osbourne led me to one of the large couches in the sitting room and sat me next to her. 

"So, Aaron, I assume that my husband gave you the whole 'be good to my daughter' speech?"

"Sort of." I admitted. 

"Well, I promise I won't do that, then. What I want to know is what you like about my daughter."

That was sort of a curveball. I thought for a moment before speaking. "I like that she's smart, funny, energetic, beautiful, and down-to-earth. She always keeps me on my toes, but she's also incredibly kind and caring. She's like no girl I've ever met before." I felt a slight twinge of guilt as I thought about Ashton, who also fit most of those criteria, but I pushed it out of my mind. 

Mrs. Osbourne leaned back and swirled her champagne around in the glass with her long, elegant, perfectly manicured fingers. "I have to say, I'd expect no less from you."

"What do you mean?" I asked her, though it seemed like she was pleased with my answer. 

"Emily speaks the world of you, so I expected you to do the same of her." She explained. "She also said that you have quite the way with words."

"I like to think so." I quipped. 

"I've always liked men who are articulate," She went on, "there's something so attractive about a man like that."

I was starting to get uncomfortable, so I tried to change the subject away from me. "I assume that that's how Mr. Osbourne wooed you, then?"

She leaned in and her hand lighted on my knee. "Between you and I, Damian never did have a way with words like you do. Though, you do remind me of him when he was younger: handsome, fit, full of life. Now he's rather droll and austere..."

"Ah..." I mumbled, not wanting to get involved in her marital issues, but unsure of how to escape. 

"Dreadfully sorry, dear, I shouldn't bother you with this."

"No, that's alright." I raised my hand slightly to wave away the awkwardness. 

"So," she said, crossing her long legs slowly, "what does a boy like you do for fun?"

"Well, I teach karate in the summer, I play guitar, I paint, I write, I play video games..."

"Very much the Renaissance man." She noted appreciatively. 

"That's what I like to tell people." I smiled impishly. 

"How old are you, Aaron? You look quite young."

"Ah, um... I'msixteen..." I mumbled. 

"Come again?"

I cleared my throat and spoke up. "Sixteen, ma'am."

"Hmm. You look much older..." She said absent-mindedly. 

I didn't know how to take that, so I was grateful
that Emily and her father came over at that moment. "Are you two behaving?" Emily asked mock-sternly, one hand on her hip. 

"Well, he is," Mrs. Osbourne answered casually, getting up from the couch, "I, on the other hand, have been very bad."

"Glad to hear that." Emily kissed me softly and quickly with a small, sweet smile on her face. 

"Come along dear, let's give them some time to themselves." Mrs. Osbourne looped her arm through her husband's and led him away. 

I waited until they were out of earshot before talking. "Your mom is..."

"Creepy?" Emily interjected. "I know, she hits on every boy I introduce to her. It's weird."

"She looks very young." I observed. 

"Yeah," Emily sighed, "she's my dad's second wife. They had me when she was about 19."

"Do you have any siblings, then?" I wondered aloud. 

"Two," she answered, " a half-sister and a half-brother: Hannah and Michael. They live back in England, though."

"Do you ever miss England?"

"Not really. I left behind a lot of... unhappy memories."

"You alright?" I squeezed her with a single arm. She had a melancholy look in her eyes, but it slowly melted away when she leaned into my hug. 

"Yeah. My mom and step-siblings and I used to fight a lot. It got better when I went to college, though."

"I know what you mean." I comforted her. "My mom and I argued a lot more often for a while after my dad disappeared. Then, we realized that we needed each other more than ever, so now, we're closer than ever."

"Hopefully not too close." She teased. 

"Ew. I thought I pushed the limits with comedy." My nose wrinkled in disgust. No offense to my mom, but... gross. 

Emily's parents returned and they looked like they had an agenda. Her mom spoke. "Aaron, how would you like to join us for dinner at the house later?"

"If Emily doesn't mind hanging out with me a little longer." I smiled at her. I would also have to get the "okay" from my mom, but I decided not to mention that. 

"Of course I don't mind, dummy." She smacked my arm and planted a big kiss on my cheek. 

"In that case," her mom declared, "we should probably go shortly after the luncheon. We don't really want to drive on those winding roads in the dark."

"Sounds good." Emily said, settling down next to me on the comfy couch to wait for lunch. 

I quickly sent my mom a text asking for permission. She said yes, so I was good to go. 

We made small talk until lunch had passed and it was time to go. Emily's mother took the lead again, saying, "Emily, you ride with Aaron: you know the way."

"Ok, mom!" Emily agreed cheerfully. 

We got into my car and cranked up the heat. It had gotten colder and colder as the night progressed, and there was a chance of snow. 

"I think my parents really like you." Emily beamed. 

"I hope so," I grinned, "I've been pretending to be a nice guy for the whole time and I don't know how much longer I can keep it up."

"You've never had any trouble 'keeping it up' before." She smiled mischievously. 

I laughed. "That's because you," I said, reeling her in for a kiss, "are sexy as hell."

I kissed her soft lips until I heard the roar of the Vantage's V12 engine coming up behind us. Mr. Osbourne pulled up next to us and motioned for me to roll down the window. "Just follow us, yeah? Emily knows the way in case we get separated."

I gave him a thumbs-up and waited until he drove in front of us to turn to Emily. "Ready to go?" I asked. 

"Yeah," she responded, "but it's such a long ride. I don't know how I'll entertain myself..."

"You could read a book or something." I suggested playfully. 

"Mmm..." She bit her lip thoughtfully, "I think I have a better idea."

"Do you?"

"Definitely." Her eyes twinkled impishly. 

She started walking her fingers across the edge of her seat and into mine. Her hand continued moving until it hovered right above my crotch. 

"Uh, Em? Don't you think this is a little risky?" I warned. 

"I think it's dark enough," she began, "and you can keep some distance."

While I started following the Osbournes, leaving a few car-lengths of distance, Emily unbuckled, took my cock out of my pants, and stroked it to a full erection. It was pretty dark, but I was still a little nervous about getting caught. However, that nervousness faded into my unconscious when Emily started to work her oral magic. 

"Fuck, you're making it hard to drive..." I murmured with a quiet laugh, trying to remain focused on the road. 

The drive was mostly quiet, save for the muffled growl of the engine, the low grumble of the tires on the road, and the small squelching and slurping noises caused by my cock sliding in and out of Emily's throat with ease. During our time together, Emily had taken every available opportunity to hone her blowjob skills, and now she had it down to a science. On the downstroke, when my cock was fully buried in her throat, she would lick and caress my balls with her tongue, and on the upstroke, she would suck on the head and swirl around it with her tongue. 

I did my best to last as long as possible, but against deepthroat skills like Emily's, I was no match. "Em, I'm getting close." I cautioned. 

She continued as if she hadn't heard me, sucking away. When the first spurt of cum shot out of my dick, she jammed my cock all the way into her throat, licking my balls and contracting her throat muscles around my shaft. She continued milking me until I was completely drained, sucking the last vestiges of jism from my cock. My orgasm was so powerful that my head dipped forward and my foot actually went down on the gas, but I quickly got the car under control. 

This might not have been a problem on a different road, but, as Mrs. Osbourne had promised, the road that we were on was narrow and full of hairpin turns. The front right tire briefly went off the road, kicking up some gravel. 

After that slightly harrowing experience, Emily sat back up and buckled herself in again. Because of my awkward position, neither of us could tuck my cock back into my pants, so I drove the rest of the way with it hanging out comically. As soon as I saw the wrought-iron gate that Mr. Osbourne stopped in front of, I knew that this house was going to be impressive. I still wasn't prepared, though, for what I saw when I followed him through the gate and onto the circular driveway. 

A massive Gatsby-esque mansion loomed over us. In the style of the great Italian villas, it was adorned with several flat roofs, archways, and flower boxes under most of the windows. My jaw dropped when I saw the view from the hill that the house perched upon; the whole city was visible from here. 

"What a dump." I muttered, still amazed at the sight before me. 

Emily laughed in an embarassed way. "Welcome to my family home!"

I parked next to Mr. Osbourne's Vantage after he motioned to an empty space in the five-car garage. Emily hastily tucked my cock away and zipped up my pants for me before we got out. 

"I see you made it in one piece." Mr. Osbourne noted taciturnly. 

"Yeah, it was a real test of my driving skills." I replied, surreptitiously nudging Emily with my elbow. 

"Nice place you've got here." I added with a grin. 

"We'll give you the grand tour, darling." Alice announced from the walkway leading up to the huge wooden front doors. 

She then took me by the arm and led me throughout the house, ending back where we started, by the entrance. "Dinner will be at eight, so I think Emily and I are going to take a dip in the pool."

"Won't it be cold?" I wondered. The weather had really worsened, and it looked like it might start snowing at any minute. 

"It's heated, darling," she explained, "so join us."

"I'm afraid I didn't bring a swimsuit." 

"Well, are you wearing underwear?" She demanded. 


"Then strip down to that and hop in. Emily and I will be out in a moment."

I walked out onto the deck with the pool and stripped, leaving me shivering in my boxer-briefs. It looked like it was indeed heated - steam was rising off of the water because of the temperature difference - so I jumped in. Instantly my shivers went away; the pool was as warm as a hot bath. I reclined in one of the corners and relaxed, waiting for the ladies to join me. 

Moments later, the door opened and Emily walked out, followed by her mother. Emily looked gorgeous, as always, in a white bikini that was made of so little material that the designers apparently hadn't even bothered with a pattern. Alice, though, was the real shocker: her large breasts strained at the thin material of her green top, her nipples just poking through it; her matching thong bikini accentuated her round, perky ass by barely covering it. Before me were the two best bodies I'd ever seen on women, even though Alice was in her late thirties. 

"Don't stare, Aaron." Emily teased when she saw my eyes running up and down her near-naked body. 

"Sorry," I sputtered, "it's just... wow."

"You like what you see?" Emily asked, twirling around to give me the full effect of her skimpy swimwear. Her mother did the same, which both surprised me and turned me on immensely. 

"Very much." I nodded vigorously. 

Emily giggled and stepped gracefully into the pool, her mother right behind her. She glided over to my corner of the pool, sitting on the same underwater bench as me and laying her head on my chest. Her mother sat in the same corner, but on the opposite bench. 

"Well, Aaron, we showed you our beach bodies. Let's see this Adonis-like figure of yours that Emily always talks about." Aice gestured for me to stand up. 

"Mom!" Emily was aghast at the ease with which her mother revealed her secrets. 

"What, darling? I have to see for myself!"

"Showing off isn't really my thing." I protested weakly. The real reason that I didn't want to stand up had to do with the concentration of blood in my crotch area: I was at half-mast, despite my best efforts, and my soaked boxers would make that plain to see. 

"Come now, don't be shy." Alice urged. 

I bit the bullet. I stood up, making no effort to conceal my erection: I knew it would be impossible anyway.

"Very nice." Alice said. "Such... definition. May I feel?" With that, she came over to me and began feeling my muscles, running her hands up and down my arms and abs. 

On the way down, her hands stopped right above my throbbing hard-on, which hadn't gone down at all since I'd gotten out of the water, despite the cold. I glanced at Emily in a plea for help, and she came to my rescue. 

"Mother!" She exclaimed. 

"Right, sorry, dear," Alice quickly withdrew her hands, "I forgot myself."

"Very impressive, Aaron." She added. 

"Thank you, Mrs.-- um, Alice." I said awkwardly, sitting back down in the pool. 

Before Alice sat back down, I noticed that her nipples seemed to have grown larger, straining the material of her bikini even further. I attributed it to the cold and tried not to think about it. 

A few minutes later, clouds filled the dark winter sky and light snow began to fall. 

"It appears to be snowing." Alice noted. "Rosario!" She called to one of the maids. "Bring us some towels, please!"

Rosario returned with the towels, so we all got out of the pool and dried off quickly. 

Mr. Osbourne had left; apparently he had to do some last-minute surgery on an important client, so he would be spending the night at the Osbournes' apartment in town. The snow was falling too heavily now for him to return, which also meant that I had to spend the night. Luckily, my mom acquiesced to my request to sleep over at Emily's house. 

Alice brought Emily and me upstairs to pick the sleeping arrangements. "Aaron, you can sleep in Emily's room since the guest beds aren't made. I'm going to take a nice, long, relaxing shower before dinner, and I suggest you two do the same." She pointed to a guest bedroom. "Aaron, there's a full bathroom in here, so take your shower in there." Then, she opened the door to the master bedroom and disappeared behind the door. 

"No time for a quickie, I suppose." I grinned at Emily. 

"Our quickies aren't quick," she grinned back, "So, no. But maybe later." With that, she twirled around on one foot and walked off toward her room. 

I watched her amazing ass and toned legs walking away, their muscles flexing slightly with each step. Just to tease me, Emily pulled off her bikini before she went in and squeezed her naked perfect boobs with both hands, sticking her tongue out at me. 

I flipped her off before I went into the guest room, peeled off my boxers, and stepped into the tiled bathroom. To my disappointment, there was no soap in sight. I searched through the drawers and found nothing useful. Hearing Emily's shower running (her room was adjacent to mine), I decided not to bother her. Instead, I wrapped a towel around my waist, crossed the hall, and knocked on the door to the master bedroom. Maybe Alice hadn't gotten in the shower yet. There was no answer, so I tried the door. The knob turned and the door swung open. 

Upon entering, I didn't see Alice. However, the light was on in the bathroom and the door was open. As I got closer, I heard the spray of the shower and briefly considered turning back. Curiosity got the best of me, though, and I crept over to the door. I peered inside and saw that the bathroom was as lavishly decorated as the rest of the house, but that wasn't what surprised me. 

What surprised me was the sight of Alice in the shower, naked but for the foam from her shampoo, which ran down her body. She had as great a body as I had thought: her nipples were large, but not too large, and her pussy was completely shaven and looked like a much younger woman's. Alice rinsed the shampoo from her hair and reached for the faucet, but stopped and pulled her hand back before her hand touched it. 

She then grabbed a bottle of soap and upended it over her hand, pouring out a large amount. She briefly rubbed her hands together before lathering up her boobs, squeezing them and pinching their nipples like I would do for Emily. My fascination got the best of me, shutting down my urge to leave and replacing it with an uncontrollable lust. When Alice moved her soap-covered hands down to her beautiful pussy, my brain almost shut down completely. 

My cock had hijacked control of my body and was directing my every movement. I wrapped my steel-hard cock in my fist, pumping enthusiastically. Alice was in full masturbation mode, now: one hand remained on her big breasts, tweaking and playing with her nipples, and the other hand flicked her clit. 

She surprised me even further by suddenly stepping out of the shower. I quickly hid behind a wardrobe in case she came out. A few moments after I heard her step back into the shower, I poked my head around the corner once again. Alice had grabbed a huge flesh-colored dildo. 

I nearly passed out from a potent mixture of shock and excitement. She sucked on the tip of it for a few moments before shoving it down her throat. "I guess I know where Emily got her deepthroat talents..." I thought to myself. Alice continued sucking the dildo for a minute or two, but then pulled it out. She stuck its suction-cup end on the bench of the shower and squatted above the toy. Then, she lowered herself onto it, guiding the tip into her entrance. 

After letting her pussy expand to take the huge toy, Alice started bouncing faster and more wildly, moaning louder and louder as she approached a climax. My fist pumped in time with her bouncing, speeding me to my own orgasm. Alice came hard, back arched and tendons protruding, with a small scream. "Fuck... Aaaron!"

For a second, I thought she had seen me, but her back was to me and her eyes seemed to be closed. I realized that she had been fantasizing about fucking me, and that nearly sent me over the edge. Before I came all over the floor, I sprinted out of the room and hopped into my own shower. Jerking my cock furiously, I shot my cum on the shower wall. When I started washing, I realized that I never ended up getting any soap, so I did my best to get clean using only water. 

I clambered out of the shower and reached for my towel. "Son of a bitch!" I muttered, angry at myself. I'd left my towel in the master bedroom, so Alice would probably know that I'd been in the room while she was showering. "Oh, well." I sighed, resigned to the fact that Emily's mother would think that I was a creep from now on. I picked out another towel, dried off, and put on the clean clothes that the Osbournes had found for me: basketball shorts and a long-sleeved t-shirt. The shorts fit right, but the shirt was incredibly tight. Also, there were no boxers, and since I hate wearing dirty underwear when I'm clean, I made up my mind to go commando. 

By the time I made it downstairs, the table was set and Alice and Emily were already seated. Both of them greeted me with bright smiles, which made me think that Alice might not have noticed my towel. Both women were dressed to impress: Emily was wearing a deep v-neck sweater and tight jeans, and Alice was wearing an extremely short skirt with a v-neck sweater that showed off even more cleavage than Emily's. 

We were served three courses: a salad, soup, and some excellent steak, with sundaes for dessert. The food was delicious, and after the meal, we all stretched out in the living room to endure our food comas. 

"How about a movie?" Alice suggested. 

"I second that motion." Emily raised her hand lazily from her spot curled up against me. 

Emily and I had squished into the corner of the two-person couch, and Alice was stretching out languidly on the couch that was diagonally adjacent to ours. When she got up to grab a remote from one of the ottomans, the material of the couch hiked up her skirt quite a bit. Either she didn't notice or she didn't care, because she made no move to fix it, even when she sat down again. I did my best to ignore the sight: the curve of her round ass was justbbarely uncovered by her skirt. Luckily, I was able to divert my attention when the largest TV I'd ever seen flickered to life on the wall. 

Alice scrolled through the various genres on Netflix until we decided on an old favorite. "Have you seen 'Airplane!', Aaron?"

"I love that movie!" I exclaimed. 

"Do your impression of the pilot asking the kid all of those weird questions." Emily begged. 

"Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison?" I said in Leslie Nielsen's voice. 

Both Emily and Alice cracked up, and I had to join them. "Airplane!" is one of my favorite movies, full of irreverent and deadpan humor. 

We put on the movie, but Alice stopped it almost right away. "Who wants popcorn?" She asked, turning to face us. 

"I do!" Emily and I both replied enthusiastically. 

"Alright then! Don't go anywhere; I'll be back with popcorn in just a minute." Alice moved to get up. 

My jaw dropped. While she was getting up, Alice slightly spread her legs, giving me a perfect view of her pantiless shaved pussy. I tore my eyes away, hoping that she hadn't seen me, but briefly made eye contact with her. Then, she did something I never would've expected; she winked at me. My heart started beating so hard I thought it was going to pop out of my chest like the baby alien in "Alien". 

Alice stood up and stretched gracefully, but sensually. She ran her hands up her sides, stroking the outer swell of her breasts on her way into a spread-armed stretch. "Be right back." She smiled. 

As soon as she left the room, Emily pulled my head toward hers to whisper into my ear. "I'm having trouble restraining myself from ripping off those ill-fitting clothes of yours."

I laughed quietly. "Let's get in a quickie before your mom comes back with the popcorn."

Now it was her turn to laugh. "Y'know, it's very obvious that you're not wearing underwear."

"Is it really?" I asked, looking down at my shorts. "Now that you mention it..." I noticed the substantial tent in my shorts; my cock was at half-mast. 

"Did I do that?" Emily asked innocently, rubbing my erection with one hand while maintaining eye contact. 

I chose not to mention the real reason for my arousal. "You might've;" I grinned, "I really like that sweater."

"Do you?" She asked. "It's so soft; I love how it feels on my skin. That's why I didn't wear a bra." With that, she pulled the hem of her sweater up and gave me a glimpse of her beautiful bronzed breasts. 

Before she could even let her sweater back down, I wrapped her tightly in my arms and kissed her. As usual, our lips felt like they were made to match. One thing that never failed to amaze was the fact that, despite just having eaten a three-course meal, Emily still had her trademark spicy-citrus breath. Our tongues danced the "tonsil tango", as I am fond of calling it, and I massaged Emily's jeaned thigh with one hand. Thankfully, Emily had the foresight to hurriedly pull her shirt down, in case her mom came back suddenly. 

As if it were scripted, Alice re-entered the room at that very moment. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked, one hand on her hip and the other clutching two buckets of popcorn. 

Emily and I broke apart with a very-unsexy squelching smack. We looked at each other and Emily broke into giggles. 

"I was... We were..." I stuttered, unsure how to avoid embarassment. It seemed inevitable. 

"Uh huh." Alice said, handing us the larger popcorn bucket and lighting gracefully on her couch once more. 

Emily laughed at my helplessness and snuggled back up against me to watch the movie. We finished the movie in silence, save for the many occasions of laughter. If you haven't seen "Airplane!", I really recommend it, especially if you like oddball humor delivered by perfectly deadpan actors. After the movie ended, Alice excused herself, saying that it had been a long day. 

Emily and I waited for about thirty seconds after Alice left the room before picking up our kiss where we had left off. We made out with a furious intensity, as if it were our last day on Earth. She rolled on top of me and pinned my hands down with her arms, giving me one of her gorgeously mischievous smiles. 

"Where do you wanna do it this time?" She prompted. 

"Mm..." I kissed her neck, right near her collarbone, "somewhere risky."

"Ahh..." she sighed in ecstasy, "how does the kitchen sound?"

"Perfect." I confirmed, lifting her off of the couch to carry her to the kitchen. I had to break off the kiss so I could see where I was going, but Emily kept kissing at my neck and jaw. 

"How come when you kiss my neck, my knees get weak, but when I kiss yours, nothing happens?!" She cried indignantly.

"We men are simple creatures."

"Humph." She frowned. 

I responded by pausing my steady march to the kitchen and kissing her neck again, this time adding in some gentle sucking and biting. 

Emily gasped. "Fuck it, let's just do it here; I can't wait any longer."

We were in the dining room and the only available surface was the giant mahogany table, so I cleared some space on one end. Immediately, she pantsed me and threw off her own top. I was already completely hard from our making out, so Em wasted no time in sucking my cock all the way to the base. In and out it went, from base to tip, until I helped Emily to her feet and threw off her jeans. 

"No panties today? I like that: easy access." I commented. 

"I wouldn't have worn anything if we were alone." She assured me. 

"If only." I sighed in feigned melancholy. 

Then, Em lay back on the table and waited for me to insert myself. I did so enthusiastically, pausing only to allow her pussy to accommodate my size. Once it did, I sawed away at her pussy, watching her boobs bounce with each powerful thrust. 

"Fuck, baby..." Em moaned, "your cock feels so good inside me."

I grabbed her boobs and squeezed them, still thrusting vigorously into her. When I rubbed her nipples with my thumbs, though, was when she couldn't take it anymore. 

"Aaron... Aahh!" Her pussy pulsed and constricted intensely with her orgasm. 

I kept up the strength and the depth with which I thrusted, but I slowed down to give Emily a break. Once she had suitably recovered, I turned her ass-up and bent her over the table to enter from the back. My thrusting picked up intensity again until I was fucking her as hard as I had been before, but this time, I added a twist. 

After soaking my index finger with spit, I pressed it on Emily's asshole and then gently pushed it in to the first knuckle, still fucking her hard. She gasped at the surprise, but her moans only intensified from then on. The same happened when I added a second finger. 

Her breathing became faster and more erratic until I realized that she was seconds away from another orgasm. Just for added effect, I stuck my hand under her and played with her clit. When her orgasm arrived, Emily's back arched and she screamed, clapping a hand to her mouth to muffle her unintentional outburst. 

"Aah! Aaaaarooon!!"

I kept up all three sources of stimulation for Emily until I felt myself nearing climax, at which point I pulled out and shot a veritable fountain of cum on her beautiful ass. After our mutual orgasm, Emily collapsed, facedown, on the table and I lay down on the table next to her, facing up. 

She mumbled something. 

"What?" I asked breathlessly. 

"That was..." she paused to catch her breath, "the best cum I've ever had."

I laughed. "We might have to try more stuff involving the back entrance in the future, eh?"

"Just for science." I added reassuringly. 

She giggled shyly. "Maybe if you're good."

"Where's the fun in being good?" I protested, turning my head to face her. 

"Mm. Good point." She closed her eyes and craned her neck toward me. 

I kissed her softly, rubbing her naked back with one hand. After we ended the kiss, Em's sweet smile made another appearance. 

"Ready for bed?"

"I think I need to get clean, first," I admitted, "'cause I'm all sweaty again."

"Well, I suppose we should shower together to save water." She slyly suggested. 

"Good plan." I affirmed, sitting up and picking up our clothes. 

Em took her clothes, but didn't put them on. "Should we just streak for it?" She asked, grinning. 

"Race ya." I said. 

"Ok. Three, two--" she took off, sprinting for the stairs. 

"Cheater!" I gasped, running after her. 

I caught up to her at the top of the stairs and shoved her sideways, cackling. 

"Hey!" She protested, laughing despite her indignance. 

I took the lead, making a mad dash for her room. I ran past the master bedroom's door, thankful that it was closed. It would be difficult to explain to Alice why Emily and I were sprinting thought the house, naked, in the middle of the night. 

I beat Em to her room, standing in front of her bed triumphantly. When she arrived at the room a few seconds later, she kept running toward me, barely slowing down. By the time I realized that she was going to tackle me, it was too late to get out of the way. She pounced on me, knocking me backwards onto the bed with an evil laugh. As she landed on top of me, her evil laugh turned into uncontrollable giggles. I joined in, laughing at how lucky we were to not have gotten caught and how absurd the scenario was. 

"Oh my god," she wheezed, "I wish you could've seen your face when you realized that I was gonna tackle you." She made a face that was a mixture of surprise and horror and then dissolved into giggles again. 

"I did not look like that!" I cried. 

"Okay, maybe not that scared, but you looked pretty stupid." She assured me. 

"Whatever." I siezed her neck and pulled her closer for a naked make-out session. 

Somehow, without interrupting our kiss, we made it into her giant shower. We then took the longest shower I've ever had, mainly because we spent about four times as much time kissing as we did washing each other. Afterward, we fell into Emily's bed and cuddled together in the classic spoon position. Her hair was in my face no matter which way I turned and I was boiling hot, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-01 18:04:16
Great series! Sad to not see another chapter yet! Keep it up!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-01 16:57:02
Great series! Sad to not see another chapter yet! Keep it up!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-01 09:49:17
Great series! Sad to not see another chapter yet! Keep it up!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-10 21:07:02
Any updates?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-05 13:32:11
Don't just leave us hanging.

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