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Learning about life
RAISING PETER, Chapter One (Learning about life)
This is a total work of fiction. The story includes incest bi-sexual, group sex, and water sports, among other things. If you are offended by any of these, this is not the story for you. If you’re reading just to make smart remarks about the errors in the story, save your time, they are there. I just do the best I can and try to improve with each story. To those who have given constructive criticism, thank you for your advice and your votes.

They always say the best place to start is at the beginning. For me, I guess that would be when I was about five years old. As I grow older and think back that was the first memories I can recall.

From the title you may think this is a story about making a cock rise to full erection. This is true to a certain extent but it is more about my life.

My name is Peter Bishop and I‘m the only child of Horace and Beverley Bishop. My Dad is the senior loan officer at the local branch of a large banking system. Mother is the manager of the woman’s department at the local department store, which is part of a worldwide chain.

We lived in a nice house in a good neighborhood and with their combined income, money was never a problem.

Mom and Dad were always neat, well dressed and made sure I was the also. They were always so polite, with a big hello and a hand shake for everyone. Only problem was, that was as far as it went, it was just a big front they put on. They had no close friends, almost never went our socially and I never saw any signs of love and affection between them or toward me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, they were never mean or abusive to me. It was more as if I wasn’t even there. What made it even tougher, there were no other kids in my neighborhood, so I didn‘t have any close friends either.

Growing up, my closest friend was our fifty-five -year-old neighbor, Mrs. Molly Wheeler. From the time, I was two months old until I was fourteen years old Ms. Molly was my babysitter while my parents worked

In her younger days, Mrs. Molly was a schoolteacher. She went to a substitute after their first child was born and a stay-at-hone mother after the second child. Then there was a third and forth child. Her husband was the general manager of a large manufacturing company and his salary allowed her to stay home with the kids. All four graduated high school and collage, got jobs in other states and eventually all four were married and starting their own families.

After the last child completed collage and all four had landed good jobs Mr. Wheeler retired and they looked forward to growing old together. Nine months after her retired, (four months before I was born), Mr. Wheeler died of a massive heart attack.

After I was born, Mrs. Molly volunteered to baby-sit if Mom wanted to go back to work, I enjoyed my time with Mrs. Molly and I come to love her as if she were family. She was a very open minded, cheerful, loving person that showed me more attention in one day than my own Mom and Dad in fourteen years.

Everything I knew about life I learned from Mrs. Molly. Of course, I have no memory of my infant years with Mrs. Molly. I guess my first memories was when I was about four or five years old.

She would talk to me about things and explain things to me. If I had questions, she would take the time to answer them.

When I was still too small to be left alone in a bathtub , she would draw us a tub of water and we would take our bath together.

For a sixty + year old mother of four grown children she was still a nice looking woman. Even at my young age, I could see the difference between men and women. When I asked her questions about the difference in our bodies, she would explain in terms that I could understand.

She told me, as I grew older, my body would go through many changes and that I should keep an open mind and welcome, not fear the changes. She also told me it wasn’t wrong for us to be naked and take our baths together but most people wouldn’t understand. She thought it would be better if I didn’t tell anyone.

As I grew older, I found a lot of pleasure in rubbing my little wee-wee. Mrs. Molly told me I had reached the age when it would be safe for me to get in the tube alone. I always enjoyed that time, I would take plenty of time rubbing and stroking my little pee-wee.

I had also found it quite exciting to rub my finger around my asshole. One day, when I was about eleven years old, I was in the tub pumping my growing cock and fingering my sensitive ass when I had the strange feeling come over me. My whole body was tingling and my legs were getting week and wobbly.

Just as I though I was going to pass out, liquid come out of my pee hole. It scared the hell out of me and I started screaming. When Mrs. Molly come running into the bathroom I had one hand on my cock and one hand on the rim of the tub to steady myself. Small drops of the liquid were still dripping out of my pee hole.

Mrs. Molly started laughing, “My little baby is on his way to becoming a man, you just ejaculated, you had your first orgasm.

She was still smiling when she walked over to the tub, pulled my hand from my slightly softened cock. She gently washed my hand and then my entire genital area. She helped me out of the tub, dried me off. Then, still naked, she led me to the kitchen, set me down and began to explain what had just happen to me.

After the first time, that became one of my main goals in life, to make my little cock CUM as much and as often as I could.

About a month before my fourteenth birthday Mrs. Molly told Mom and Dad that she was going to sale her house and move to Texas to be near two of her children and three grandchildren. She told them she and I had talked about it and she was sure I was old enough and very capable of taking care of myself.

Mom and Dad didn’t have much to say about it but they didn’t seem to disagree. I knew I would miss my good friend. We spent a lot of time during the last weeks talking about us and how life would be so different for both of us. She had some long talks with me about becoming a man. She was very open about sex, the fun, dangers and cautions I should be aware off. I really didn’t understand all that she was telling me at the time but I listened because I knew she had my best interest at heart.

Her oldest son, John and youngest daughter, Becky was there the last week to help her pack everything and get ready to move. The moving van was loaded and on it’s way. Mrs. Molly was planning for then to spend their last night at a motel. The were going to go out to Rivers Edge, our town’s best restaurant. I was surprised and honored when they ask me to join them.

I was even more surprised when we arrived at the restaurant and found a birthday cake and the staff came over and sang Happy Birthday to me.

Before we left that night Mrs. Molly told me she would always think of me as part of her family and she hoped I would remember our years together. We were all crying by then and I assured her she would always be in my heart and on my mind.

I was up early the next morning to be sure I was there when the three of them come by for a final good-by. I felt like I had lost my only friend in the world as I watched their car pull away from the curb and out of sight.

A For Sale sign was placed in the yard that same day. The house was on the marked for almost a year. A crew would come by about every two weeks and mow the lawn and clean inside.

It was a Friday in the middle of July. Mom and Dad had already left for work. I was in the kitchen cooking up one of my favorite, French toast and bacon when I heard all the commotion next door. I looked out the kitchen window and saw a van, with a trailer filled with mowers and other tools, in front of Mrs. Molly’s house. People were busy cutting grass, cleaning windows and getting everything spick and span. I saw a SOLD sign over the For Sale sign

Next morning I heard the loud rumbling of a big truck. I hurried to the window to see what was happening. There was a large moving van parked at the curb next door and I could see a late model pick-up truck and an SUV parked in the driveway.

I watched several men in coveralls moving furniture and boxes into the house. Then I saw a couple that looked to be about Mom and Dad’s age walk out to the truck and talked to a couple of the workers.

I heart sank, “Another older couple” I thought as I watched them walk back to the house. I was just about to walk away from my window when the couple came back out of the house, followed closely by a boy and girl. My heart jumped for joy when I saw they both looked to be about my age.

The four of them stood and talked to one of the workers for a couple of minutes. The man and woman walked back into the house but the boy and girl stood on the sidewalk, talking and looking around. I guess they were sizing up the neighborhood.

When they turned sideways to me, I got a good profile of the girl. She was wearing a pair of very short shorts and a snug pullover top. Even from this distance, I could see a great set of breast and a bubble ass that looked like it was going to burst out of those tight shorts.

I felt a little tingle in my cock and it started to stiffen a little. Without even thinking, I reached down and started rubbing my cock.

A knock on my door snapped me back to reality. “Peter, are you awake?” Mom asked in her pleasant business tone. “Yes Mom, I’m up and getting dressed.” “Wear something nice, we have new neighbors and we need to go welcome them to our neighborhood.”

I had seen our new neighbors in their simple shorts and shirts and I knew, as usual, we would be overdressed. I took a quick shower, shipped on a pair of dress slack and a dress shirt but no tie.

When I got to the kitchen, Mom had bacon, eggs and toast ready. She and Dad were already dressed and event though it was Saturday Dad was dressed in a coat and tie and Mom was dressed in one of her fancy work dresses that always come about two to three inches below her knees.

We ate a quick breakfast, and then the three of us walked next door to meet the new family. The four of them was walking out the front door just as we walked up.

Dad made the interdictions, “Hello, I’m Horace Bishop; this is my wife Beverley and my son Peter. We’re your next-door neighbors and we just wanted to welcome you to our little neighborhood.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Alex Morgan and this is my wife Susan, our fifteen-year-old daughter Kay and our fourteen-year-old son James.

It was easy to see there was quite a difference in the two families. Alex was about six feet, brown hair and eyes and in his shorts and t-shirt, he had that fit outdoor look about him. Susan was about the same height as Mom but she was wearing shorts that showed of a pair of very shapely legs and a sleeveless blouse that buttoned up the front. She had only one button fastened and a bowknot tied just below her nice 38-C cup breast. Her short blond hair just framed her face to make her bright blue eyes seem even brighter.

Kay was a smaller version of her Mom except her blond hair was about shoulder length. When I looked at James, it was almost like looking at myself. We were about the same height, dirty blond hair and light blue eyes.

James and I were the last to shake hands and he just held on and asked if I would like to help him move some of the thing to his room. Dad started to say something but Alex spoke up, “Hey, that’s a great idea if Horace and Beverley don’t mind. Dad just nodded then told Alex he and Mom would leave and let them get back to work.

I followed James into the house. He found a couple of boxes in the den with his name on them, he grabbed one and I followed him with the other box.

James had the room that I used when I stayed with Mrs. Molly. It looked different with his furniture and different drapes.

The boxes we had were filled mostly with under shorts, knit golf shirts, t-shirts, and socks. I was handing the clothes to James and he putting them where he wanted then. Susan came to the door and told James to find me a shirt and pair of shorts so I didn’t mess up my nice clothes.

James picked out a pair of shorts and a shirt about the same as he was wearing, then went to the closet and found me a pare of topsiders.

He and I were so engrossed in our conversation that I forgot I was commando. I changed my shirt and without even thinking I had kicked my shoes off and had my pants down around my knees when the cool air hitting my exposed privates before I remembered I wasn’t wearing underwear.

I was hoping James hadn’t noticed but I realized it was a little late, “Nice package there Pete, I’ll bet you have a lot of fun whacking that tool.”

I could feel my face turning hot. I quickly put the shorts on and as I was pulling them up, I heard a female voice behind me, “Nice cheeks there new neighbor.” I quickly turned just in time to see Kay walking away from the door. I felt like my whole body was blushing.

James laughed, “Lighten up Pete, I hope it don’t piss you off but your Mom and Dad seem a little up-tight and straight laced. You don’t seem to be like that and you’ll find we’re a very laid back, easy going family”

“This wasn’t a very good first impression and I’m sorry for exposing myself like that,” I said. James laughed again, “Well, you sure impressed Kay and me and from the rise in your shorts, I would say you’re not too embarrassed.”

James asked me if I would go to the den and pick up another box with his name on it. As I entered the den, I saw Susan bending over, looking through one of the boxes. “Where the hell is it at, I know it should be in this box.”

One look at that full, heart shaped ass sticking in the air caused my sensitive cock to stand out even more. I adjusted my semi-erection so it wouldn’t be as noticeable, “Susan, can I help you find something”

I startled her, causing her to jump as she turned to look at me. She didn’t stand up as our eyes met, then she looked down at the front of my shorts and smiled.

“I was looking for the corkscrew, I thought it was in this box but I don’t seem to be able to find it, can you help me look for it Pete?”

I saw another box with “Kitchen” written on the side of it. I opened the box and found the corkscrew stuck down in the corner.

I handed it to her and she leaned over, hugged me, and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Pete, you’re a real sweetheart.” I could feel my face getting hot again and knew I was blushing a bright red.

Susan called James and Kay as we walked to the kitchen. Alex was already there with the bottle of wine and a plate with crackers and cheese.

Susan mixed fruit juices with the wine for us kits, then poured her and Alex a glass of wine. We set around the table, sipping our drinks, munching on the snacks and getting to know each other a little better.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom. On my way back when I got close to the kitchen I could hear Alex and James talking. I didn’t think anything about it until I heard my name mentioned, and then I stopped and listened.

“James, do you really trust him that much. I know you two seem to really hit it off but we have just met him today and that would be a lot of trust.” “I know Dad, I understand all that but there is just something about him. He is like the brother I never had and I really trust him.”

Everyone was quite for a couple of seconds then Susan spoke up, “I really like him, and I don’t think he has much of a family life at home. Maybe we could just let him know he is welcome here any time and James can spend some time with him and see how things work out. Once our secret is out of the box, good or bad, it is out for ever.”

I heard them all agree with Susan’s ides but it left me very confused. I knew they were talking about me but I had no idea what it all was about.

I quietly backed up to the hallway, and then started walking with heavy steps through the den to be sure they could hear me coming.

When I started to set back down Kay started laughing, “Did everything come out alright” Susan punched her to be quite and before I even realized what I was saying I come back with, “Yes it did, I kept a firm hand on everything.”

This time Kay and I were both blushing but we all laughed about it.

Alex slapped me on the back, “Hay Kido, I know we’ve worked you hard today and we still have a few more things we need to do. If it’s okay with your Mom and Dad, would you like to continue helping? Then if you know of a place close by, we will all go out to eat.

I told him I was having fun and would love to help. I told them about a family restaurant near by that Mrs. Molly and I often went to and I thought they would enjoy it.

Susan asked for our phone number then left the room to call Mom and Dad. She returned shortly with a big smile and thumbs up, “Your Dad said it would be fine and I told him it may be a little late when we got back and I asked if it would be okay for you to spend the night.

James and I started taking the boxes to the different rooms while Alex, Susan and Kay put their things where they wanted them.

We found four boxes marked for Kay. One was marked shoes, two was marked underwear and one was marked mixed.

When we set the boxes down, James opened the one marked underwear. He pulled out a pair of very sheer bikini panties. He put both hands inside and held them up, “Gee sis, these sure are very small and thin,” he laughed.

“Give me those, you would do anything to get into my paints, you fucking pervert’ Kay was laughing as she jerked the panties off James’ hands and stuffed then in a drawer.

I knew I was blushing but I was also getting turned on thinking about how Kay would look in those panties.. Kay looked at me, “I guess you also want a pair of my panties to play with?” I immediately shot back, “Not unless it’s the ones you’re wearing right now.”

I was expecting to get my blushing face slapped. Instead, Kay and James both laughed and Kay said, “Damn Pete, you’re bigger pervert than my brother.

We worked a couple more hours, then Susan suggested we stops for the day. Susan told me James would have a change of cloths I could wear after our shower. James and I headed to his bedroom and Kay followed us up the stairs to her bedroom. Both bedrooms had it’s own bathroom with a shower.

James started undressing as soon as we walked into his room. At first, I set down on the edge of the bed. James looked over at me and laughed, “You know the shower is big enough for both of us and your cock is bigger than mine, so if it don’t bother me, it shouldn’t bother you. We’re not gonna have time of jack off now anyhow.

I had spent most of the day shocked and blushing but enjoying the hell out of it, so why should it change now.

I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped the shorts to the floor. As I fallowed James into the bathroom I was a little surprised that I was rock hard and bobbing up and down as I walked.

As James reach in to turn the shower on, I saw his cock was as hard as mine.. I though about some of my talks with Mrs. Molly, how I would change as I grew older and the things I would encounter.

With both of us in the shower together, it was impossible not to rub against each other from time to time. Once, when we were both turning in the shower our rigid cocks bumped together. We both blushed a little then laughed as James took his cock in hand like a saber, sticking my cock on either side.

I wasn’t sure this was something we should be doing but it felt so good I was not about to stop him. When he stopped playing, he handed me a washcloth and asked me to wash his back. As soon as I was through with him, he took the cloth and return the favor. I had never had a male hand touch me before and I had mixed emotions about it but I didn’t want it to stop.

We finished the shower, dried off and James picked out two sets of pants and shirts. They were the same style, just different colors. We dress and headed for the den.

As we stepped into the hall, Kay’s door opened and she walked out at the same time. I stopped dead in my tracks and I could feel my mouth drop open.

Kay had pulled her hair back in a French twist. She had added a little makeup and was wearing a tank top and skintight dungarees.

She was beautiful. When our eyes met, I had a feeling run through my whole body that I had never felt before. Sexually, she was smoking hot but there was something else and I was not sure what it was.

When James turned and walked down the hall, Kay handed me a tissue wrapped around something. As she walked in front of me I looker and saw it was a pair of her panties wrapped in the tissue.

I inhaled quickly when I saw what I was holding. Kay looked over shoulder and laughed, “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.”

As I started to stuff the panties in my pocket, I felt a little dampness. I took them back out and felt the crock. It was very damp and when I held it to my nose I could small the mixed odors of sweat, what I though might be urine and a kind of musky, sexy small.

I found the dampest spot, put in my mouth, and sucked on it. It was like nothing I had ever tasted before but my brain and my cock told me loud and clear that I wanted more.

We had a great dinner at the restaurant and we were all very tired by the time we arrived back at the Morgan’s house.

We were all ready for bed. Susan asked me if I would have a problem sharing a bed with James. I told her we would be fine, that we would have plenty of room.

I followed James up the stairs with Kay close behind me. Just as James walked into his room Kay call me, “Hey you, can I have them back now?” I knew what she was talking about, “No way, I’m keeping them for the time being.” She was smiling when she asked, “What are gonna do, sniff them while you jack off?” “I just might, that would be very hot.” Still smiling she said, “Just so you know, I pissed in them a little before I gave them to you.” “I know, I’ve already smelled and tasted. them”

Kay didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds, and then she smiled again, “You are a dirty little pervert. I’ll try to save you another pair. Maybe I can soak them with a little more piss next time, you don’t need to tell me what you think of that, I can see it from here,” she laughed as she looked down at the bulge in the front of my pants.

She turned and walked into her room, giving a little extra twist of the hips as she walked.

When I walked into James’ room, he was already naked, stretched out on the bed, pump his very rigid cock. I was already way past anything I had experienced before and I saw no reason to stop now. I stripped and crawled in the bed next to James and started stroking my own cock.

I watched as James spit on his fingers, pulled his legs back toward his chest and started rubbing his wet fingers over his asshole. He looked over at me and smiled, “Damn this feels good, do you ever finger fuck your asshole?”

I was so nervous and excited, I couldn’t even speak, and I just nodded my head. I followed James’ lead, wetting my fingers and started rubbing them over my own asshole. Then I pushed my middle finger passed my sphincter and into my anal passage.

I knew I wouldn’t last long and just before I shot my load, I heard James let out a long, loud moan. I looked over just in time to see a stream of hot cum shoot out of his hard cock and land on his stomach. Just as the next shot flew out I felt my first shot blast out of my own cock and landed on my chest.

I was flowing like a river; I had never cum this much. It was covering my chest, stomach and was now slowly flowing down the back of my fist.

I glanced over at James. He was fairly well covered in his own cum and he was looking at my cum soaked fist as it was still wrapped around my deflating cock.

“Pete, do you ever eat your own cum” James asked as he continued to stare at my wet fist. “Hell no man, I’m not gay” shocked that he would even ask such a question.

He laughed, “Neither am I but it dose make me hot to lick my cum. You should try it, no one will know but you and me if you do it,”

I watched as he moved his hand to his mouth and made a show of licking his tongue over his fingers. He showed me the cum on his tongue, then swallowed. He smiled as he licked his lips as if it was the best thing he had ever put in his mouth.

I held my hand up and looked at my cum coated fingers. I moved them closer to my mouth, still not sure this was something I wanted to do.

James laughed again, “It’s not going to make you pregnant. By the way, I don’t think in terms of gay, bi-sexual or lesbian. I think of it more as sexual freedom. You should at least try it to see if you like, if you don’t you don’t have to do it again.”

I moved my hand to my mouth and touched my fingers with my tongue. I rolled it around in my mouth, I looked at James and smiled as I licked my tongue across my fingers, showed him the cum on my tongue and swallowed.

I thought back to some of my talks with Mrs., Molly about encountering new things and being bold enough to try them before I ruled them out.

James surprised me again when he reached over and scoped up a large wad of cum off my stomach and sucked it into his mouth.

My head was spinning, I was in a state of confusion and my cock was hard as a rock again. I didn’t even remember either of us moving but before I realized it, James and I had our tongues in each other’s mouth as we locked in a passionate kiss,

When we broke the kiss, I started laughing. James gives me a very puzzled look. “I was really looking forward to my first kiss but I never expected it to be another guy.”

“Fear not my friend, if you hang with this family, there will be lots of them from everyone, we hug and kiss a lot” James said as he jumped out of bed and headed to the shower with me following close behind.

I had so much on my mind I was a little slow in falling asleep. Finally I drifted off and don’t thing I moved until James woke me the next morning.

We dressed and started down to the kitchen. When James opened the bedroom door Kay was standing in the doorway across the hall. “Morning sis” James said as he walked on down the hall.

When I started out of the room, Kay reached out and took me by the arm to stop me. She then pulled down on my chin, causing my mouth to open. She stuffed something in my mouth, I could tell it was another pair of her panties. They were much wetter and the taste was much stronger.

She put her mouth up next to my ear and whispered, “Try sucking on them pervert, I just cum and pissed in them, nice and gooey,”

I was even surprise at myself when I looked her dead in the eyes and bit down and sucked on the panties. Kay just looked at me, I thing a little in shock. Then she gives me a lingering kiss on the cheek and whispered, “Pete Morgan, I’m not sure what it is but you make me feel a little unusual. I asked, “Is that a good or a bad thing, “I’m not sure but as soon as I decide, I’ll let you know.”

As I turned and started down the hall, Kay reached down and took my hand in hers. James was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. Alex joined as we walked through the den. We entered the kitchen together where Susan was busy at the stove cooking bacon and eggs.

Alex walked over and gently kissed her in the lips, “Good morning my darling.” Then James and Kay followed with their kiss on the lips and, “Good morning Mom. I started to set down at the table, “Pete, didn’t you forget something?” Susan said in a very firm voice.

I looked around and all eyes were on me. I walked over to the stove, put my arm around her shoulder and gave her a soft but lingering kiss on the mouth. “Good morning Mom and thanks for everything.

“Kay, you’ve been up to your shits again haven’t you.” “Sorry about that Mom, I just couldn’t resist” Kay said with a big smile on her face. Suddenly it dawned on me that Susan could taste Kay on my lips as I kissed her. I felt my first blush of the day but I was sure, hanging out with this family, it would not be my last.

After breakfast and the kitchen was cleaned, I told everyone I was going to go to my house for a short while but if they didn’t mind, I would be back shortly. No one said anything but Alex walked over to a desk, took a couple of keys out of a small box and handed them to me. “Pete, the only doors you’ll find locked in this house is the front and back door. Here are your keys to those doors so you can come and go as you please.”

I tried to think of something to say but words failed me. Alex smiled and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the door. No need to say anything, just make your self at home.

As I walked across the yards to my front door a thousand thoughts were bounding around in my head. I wished I had Mrs. Molly here to talk to.

When I walked in the house, Dad was setting in the den looking at some papers and watching TV. I spoke as I walked through, he just grunted but never even looked at me. I walked on into the kitchen where Mom was taking dishes out of the dishwasher.

I though of this morning greeting with Susan and thought I would try the same with Mom. Mom turned from the dishwasher with some cup and glasses in her hand. I was standing at the end of the table as she walked up in front of me; look at me, “Peter you need to move so I can get by to the cupboard.

I just turned and walked out, heading for my bedroom. I did notice that Mom’s eyes were red like she had been crying. That just added to the questions and confusion.

I set down on my bed and started reviewing all this in my mind. Why were my Mom and Dad always so distant and cold? Why couldn’t they be more like Alex and Susan? I thought about James and the two of us jacking off in front of each other and me licking up my own cum.

I realized I was still holding the house keys Ales gave me. I reached in my pocket for my key ring with our house keys on it. When I pulled it out the pair of Kay’s panties I had stuffed in their earlier come out with the key ring.

My cock was already stiffening a little just thinking about James and me. I lifted the crotch of Kay’s panties to my nose and I could still smell the combination of piss and pussy juice.

My cock imminently went from half-mast to a throbbing, rock hard. I pulled Kay’s dirty panties in my mouth, pulled my cock out and start slowly pumping and I sucked on the crock of Kay’s panties.

I jerked my pants down around my ankles, removed the panties from my mouth long enough to spit on the head of my cock, then the fingers of my other hand. With the panties back in my mouth, I laid back on the bed and started jacking my cock and fingering my asshole.

It didn’t take long until I was shooting ropes of cum all over my chest and stomach. As I drained the last few drops of cum out of my softening cock, I removed the panties from my mouth, dipped them into my warm cum then put the panties back in my mouth.

As I laid there catching my breath I started laughing, just thinking about how I must look, stretched out on my bed, my cum coated cock in one hand, a finger jammed up my ass and a pair of soiled panties in my mouth that belong to a girl I had known for less than two days.

The main thing that made me laugh was the fact that it was all very exciting to me and I knew it wouldn’t be the last time I would do this same thing and more.

I knew I needed to talk to my old friend, Mrs. Molly. She would tell me the truth, was there something wrong with me or was this what life was really like outside of my little sheltered world.

I had Mrs. Molly’s phone number and she had told me to call collect (this was before I had a cell phones) if I ever needed to talk with her.

I told Mom I was going out for a few minutes. She didn’t even question where I was going. I walked down to the corner store where they had a phone booth.

I dialed the operator and giver her the information. She held me on the line as she made the call. I heard a hello on the other end but it was Mrs. Molly’s youngest daughter, Becky who answered. When the operator told her it was a collect call from Peter Bishop, I was afraid she would refuse the charged.

“Yes operator I’ll accept the charges….Mom, its Peter calling.” In just a couple of seconds I heard Mrs. Molly’s pleasant voice, “Hello Peter, is everything alright. I told her I hoped she wouldn’t be mad with me for calling but I needed to talk with her.

I quickly filled her in on everything, meeting the new neighbors, jacking off with James, he and I kissing each other and me tasting my own cum, Kay giving me her dirty panties and what I did with them. I even told about overhearing all of them talking about a secret and if they could trust me enough to share it. Then I told her about everyone, including me kissing Susan on the mouth this morning.

When I finally stopped talking Mrs. Molly was very quite for a few seconds then she told me, “Peter, please hold on for just a minute.” I could hear Mrs. Molly and her daughter talking but I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

Then she was back on the phone, “Peter, over the years we have talked about a lot of things but there are some things I didn’t tell you but I’m going to tell you now. It is about what some call family love, open family or family sexually freedom.”

As she started talking, I could hardly believe what she was telling me. She and her husband had raised their children in this way. When she first started baby-sitting me, they had all discussed if she should share this lifestyle with me. They decided that since I wasn’t blood kin it would not be safe to go that far with me. She had shared as much as she thought would be safe but never allowed me to have any real sexual contact with her or any of her family.

She told me she thought that was the big Morgan family’s secret. If they liked me and learn to trust me, more doors would be opened too me and I would need to decide if this was what I wanted or not. I should always remember, it’s a secret I would have to keep forever. If the wrong people found out what was going on, it could cause many problems, maybe even going to jail.

“Mrs. Molly, can I ask you a very personal question?” “Of course you can Peter, you can ask me anything.” “At your age, do you still have sex?” Mrs. Molly started laughing and I could hear her talking to daughter.

“Hello Peter, this is Becky, Mom’s youngest daughter, I hope you remember me. The answer to your question is YES, Mom still has sex. As a matter of face my husband, David, says she still gives the best blowjob of anyone in the family and just so you know, you are now part of our love family, so hopefully you’ll get to judge for yourself some day.

Mrs. Molly come back on phone, she was still laughing. “I love you Peter and as long as I live I’ll always be here for you. I think I’m right about the Morgan’s and I think you’ll fit right in. Give it some time and just let it happen.


2019-11-11 15:38:38
The 15 chapters have a great story line, but also an unfinished disappointment from 2015! The spelling is bad, needed a good proof reader. If you can overlook the grammar, and spelling, it's a good read.

Jim hendrixReport 

2017-05-27 02:08:21
This is a great story of family love. I look forward to hear more about Pete and his new family.

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