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At the end of this chapter I include a preview of the other novels in this series. Good reading, friends.

Mike feels all warm and tingly. Soft azure eyes regard him under arched brows of gold. She massages his manhood as her luscious lips curve up in invitation. She wiggles her pert nose and leans forward to run her tongue across his chest, circling first one nipple and then the other. She is unclothed and well proportioned. Mike feels his manhood throb in anticipation but he can't quite move. Not yet.

Her head goes down his chest to his stomach, trailing her tongue and leaving a wet trail of fire. She inserts her tongue in his belly button while her hands become more insistent on his organ then fingers spread down around his sac and he can take no more. He must have her now!

He reaches and clutches her to him. He comes fully awake as he kisses Marlene. She grins and scratches his balls then moves her hands around on his ass. "You woke up too soon. You'll never guess what I was going to do next."

"Wow, woman! What a sensation to wake up to. You better be ready for some lustful action."

"That's what I been waiting for."

After sex Marlene goes to get the kids up for school. Mike lays there looking at the ceiling and trying to recapture the image in his dream of the blonde with the azure eyes. He wonders, where did I ever dream her up from? He gives up and goes for a shower.

He ponders his future as he showers. Next week at this time he'll be on his way to load Nina and Jeff's furniture. Some time Sunday night he will hit the road with a co-driver for Ontario. By a week Wednesday he will be in Markham and by a week Friday he'll be home again.

He could make it by Thursday but he knows he'll take his time with Nina, one more time. Somehow, they'll work it out. Today is her last day at the detachment. She'll be leaving there before noon. No nooners no more. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe Jeff would be interested in a swap tonight. No good, he has no idea what time he'll be home tonight. He has to take Trudy to Tony's tonight. Oh well, they have a week yet. He'll find Nina or she'll find Mike somehow during the coming week. He's sure of it. Unless he has a run.

He finishes his shower and gets dressed. He can still smell Marlene's musk around the bed. She's heady stuff and he's glad he found her back then. She’s nice to come home to.

He comes down for breakfast and slaps her on the butt as he goes to the table. She hardly feels it through her robe but she yelps and says he's fresh. His reply, "Fresh out of the shower, my love."

She puts a cup of coffee in front of him and asks how he wants his eggs. When she puts his food on she puts on hers, as well. They sit and eat together. Jan comes into the kitchen and says, "I'm hungry."

Mike puts her up on his knee and feeds her half his breakfast. He grins and says, "Next year your going to school and I'll get fat if I have to eat all my breakfast."

She says, "Oh daddy." She takes off into the living room.

Mike says to Marlene, "I have an auto claim to check in Chilliwack this morning and another suspect to question in POCO this afternoon, late. I wish I could get a few days off to get the car painted. Maybe when I take Jeff and Nina's stuff down east I'll leave the car with the mechanic."

"I wish I could make the trip with you down east but I can't leave the children that long. Remember when I used to ride with you and we screwed on the wide old bench seats. Then you got that truck with the bucket seat for the driver. I was pregnant then, and we used to go into the bushes by the road or even in the trailer. We were so young."

"The years have been good to us, my love. You've matured and become more lovely than ever, while I have just gotten older, but with a few more shekels in the bank."

"You were just a kid then, all legs and gangly. Now your solid and handsome, the man I knew you would become. If you didn't have such an eye for the ladies I'd be quite content, you know. But I still wouldn't love you more, I couldn't because I love you with my all."

"No woman could put up with me as you have. I loved you almost from the first time I saw you. Whatever it was that drew me to you, it hasn't changed except to grow stronger."

"Get out of here before you turn my head. You don't want to still be here when Jeff gets here, do you?" She giggles and Mike says, "Seriously, will you miss him?"

"I will although not as much as you will her. I see the pain in your eyes grow each day as the time comes nearer for them to go. You've been seeing her, haven't you? Don't answer, I know. You will either lie or tell me the truth. I don't want to hear either. Go to work."

Mike goes downstairs and picks up his briefcase. He comes up and kisses Marlene good-bye. Then he sets out for Chilliwack. He notes the black van as he leaves home and on the freeway, sees the gray car in his mirror. It’s nowhere in sight as he pulls into Clarke Drive. He figures the police don't have to tail him here. They know where he is.

Trudy meets him in the doorway in a robe with a hug and a kiss. "Crystal was asking about you this morning. She's getting used to the idea that Mommy has a man in bed with her once in a while in the morning."

"It better be the same man." He grins.

"There's only one man good enough for me, buster, and your it. What're we doing today?"

"I thought you said you had something for me to do this morning?"

"Mmmmm. I did. But it didn't involve any work, just love. You game?"

"Wellll, let's start off with a coffee. Didn't we have an auto fraud case?"

"No, you solved them all, except that one where you couldn't come up with anything and we had to send it back." She pours coffee.

"Did we send that one back?"

"You said to, so I did."

"Do you always do what your told?"

"Not always, but I do when your the one telling." She gives him a mischievous grin.

He looks at her in a sober manner and says, "Seriously, I'm having second thoughts about you going with me to Tony's tonight." He tells her about the boot print with the S carved in it. "I'm sure he's wearing Ray's boots. That could mean the ones the cops have are Tony's. Or they could be someone else's'. Tony has been trained as a killer for Vietnam by the American military. I don't think I want you to go near him, even if he isn't our killer."

"I'll drive down on my own and meet you there. I'm no quitter! I'm your partner, your back up and your mistress, too, as far as that's concerned. Dammit, don't cut me out now! If you’re in danger I have to be there, don't you see?"

"But I'm not sure. I still only have circumstantial evidence. Nothing concrete I can put my hands on and say; it’s him. It still could be someone Rita Harrison hired or her ex, Bob Hanson. I have to confront Tony with what I have and find out. Even if he's innocent, he may become violent when he finds out how much I know about his drug operation. Won't you reconsider, short stuff?"

She explodes, "Don't ever, ever call me that again! My ex called me that until I was so sick of it; I hit him with a chair. I picked it up and lambasted him with it. Broke the damn chair. Call me anything you want but don't call me short stuff. Never!"

"Whew! You can become violent, too, can't you?"

"I'm sorry. You didn't know. You caught me off guard when I was already arguing and I really blew my cool. At least I didn't pick up a chair." She giggles and Mike grins.

"You can come with me on one condition. If anything happens, you butt out and call the cops. You'll carry my cell phone and that is the best back up I can think of. Any thing goes down and you’re out of there to call for help. Got it?"

"Yep, I got it. Now, finish your coffee and let's go to bed. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?"

"Where's Cookie and Crystal."

"Out. They went shopping at an early bird sale over at Cottonwood mall. Zellers, I think. Cookie talked me into letting Crystal take the day off from school. They both worked on me, so I gave in. I thought you would be here this morning or I'd be on a run with you. So here we are." She hops into his lap and kisses him. "Come on to bed."

She slides down out of his lap with his hands in hers. She pulls on his hands as he slowly rises and pulls him to the bedroom door. He acts reluctant but when the door closes behind him, he picks her up and carries her to the bed.

He lays her down gently as he kisses her and starts removing her robe. She teases him while he's trying to undress then he teases her while she's dying to get going. Eventually all the teasing pays off and they stay in bed until afternoon.

Crystal comes in and bounces on Mike's chest. "Your home! Your home! Mommy, look, Mike's here!"

Trudy laughs and says, "I noticed he was quite a while ago. Now you go and help Cookie put away the groceries and stuff. We'll get up and be right out. I was helping Mike to sleep but he's all rested now, aren't you, Mike?"

Mike grins and says, "Your Mom sure knows how to put me to sleep." Crystal jumps down off the bed and runs out.

Trudy slaps Mike's arm, "You bastard! So I put you to sleep when I go to bed with you, do I? I'll have you know you’re more awake and alive in bed with me than you are when you’re driving your damn truck. So there!" She sticks her tongue out at him. They tumble out of bed together and reach for robes. They take a shower together and get dressed.

They while away the afternoon with Crystal then grab a quick picnic lunch in the back yard. Soon it's time to head for POCO. Mike makes sure she has the cell phone and can keep it out of sight. They drive the freeway all the way in to the Port Mann Bridge.

After they cross over they swing to the right and drive the Lougheed into Port Coquitlam. They turn right at the Coquitlam Center mall and drive west over the bridge. Right again takes them under the CP mainline and they are downtown on Shaughnessy. Then it’s straight ahead to Wilson and right half a block. Mike parks by the curb and they walk up to the house together. Mike rings the bell and they wait. As he reaches to ring the bell again, the door opens and Tony greets them.

"Come in, come in. You brought the charming little lady. I'm so glad. I thought you would and I have coffee with fresh cream just for Miss Trudy." He takes her hand and leads her into the large main room. "Sit here, my dear. Michael, grab yourself a seat anywhere. Coffee?"

"No, I'm all coffee'd out for today. I meant to say last time we were here what a lovely home you have."

"You can say it this time." He laughs.

"I will. Watch this guy, Trudy. He's likely to stick a sign on your back saying 'Kick Me'. He's a real prankster."

Tony and Mike have a chuckle and Trudy looks mystified.

"So Michael, you had some more questions for me. I presume they are in connection with the death of poor Florence Hanson."

"Yes, I did. I spoke with Angela Barteloni the other day and she said you and her did not play cards all night with Ron Harrison and his date. She implied you accompanied her to your bedroom around midnight. Is that true?"

"Well, she's certainly not very discreet. I wasn't going to say anything about that but yes, it's true."

"Then Harrison and the lady do not have an alibi, do they? I mean, after all, you were busy with Angela and cannot vouch for where they were after midnight."

"Hmmm, I guess your right. Do you think Ron would do such a thing? I've known him quite a while and I don't think he could have done it."

"Quite frankly, neither do I. He's all bluster, but for the nitty gritty, he hires it done. He had his friends take a shot at me. Came quite close to wiping me out, too."

"He did? That's a shock to me, but he does associate with the weirdest people. That cab driver for one. Scanlon is his name, I think."

"Yes. I've met Jay Scanlon. Unfortunately he has been cleared by an impeccable witness who knows where he was that night."

"How interesting. Oh, Trudy, we are neglecting you. How is the coffee?"

"Delicious. Do you always keep fresh cream on hand?"

"I would drink it no other way, my dear."

"I have another question for you, Tony?"

"Go ahead, dear boy."

"When you invited me over the other day, you were wearing Ray's work boots. Why is that?"

"Ray's? Ray Chauffe's boots? Why do you say that?" This time Tony looks startled.

"Simple, really. They have an identifying mark on them. I noticed the other day as we were coming out of the locker room."

"Huh. I don't know. I left mine by the locker one night and when I came back to work I thought that they were the same one I'd left. You say they are Ray's. I wonder who has mine?"

"When did you do that, Tony?"

"Must be two month's ago now, I guess."

"Speaking of months, I am curious to know why you told the police and myself that you had only gone out with Flo once or twice, when in fact, you dated her discreetly for months and even stayed at her place a while." Mike was guessing there but thought it worth the gamble.

"Oh, you have been busy, haven't you? Yes, I was one of her secret admirers, but the secret was on everyone else, not Flo. I'm surprised you uncovered it. May I ask how?"

"You left hair in her shower drain and bristles in the razor in her medicine cabinet. We even found a copy of the note she left you to meet her after work, plus the trip to the Vietnamese Restaurant in February was attested to by her coat and the match books she picked up to write a phone number on. Do you want more?"

"Ingenious. I'm amazed by what the modern sleuth can come up with. You are quite correct. But since our dating was so discreet, I sought to avoid a lot of hassles with the police and told them I had only dated her a few times. Now you know. As for the note you refer to, she gave me that in February or March, I'm not sure which, and I met her as requested. Do you think I was the one who killed her?"

"Were you?"

"Don't be absurd. Of course I didn't. It was some sex pervert, I'm sure. I mourned her death like any lover would."

"By taking Angela to bed the night she died."

"Well, I didn't know she was going to die that night. We weren't exclusive lovers. Only when the mood struck us. After all, look what she did for spare cash."

"Yes, that's another puzzle. She is the only one of Scanlon's girls who could get away with defying him. Almost like she had a protector. Were you her protector, Tony?"

"Me? Why me?"

"Could be because of your Vietnamese war training. Your not just the jolly fellow that the guys see at work, are you? Scanlon is scared to death of you, isn't he?"

"Hah, you've caught me out again. I did have to put some moves on Jay one night. He didn't bother Flo again for the duration. So what?"

"So it's interesting how much we didn't know from the information you didn't give us. Quite a complex web you weave."

"Yes, isn't it."

Trudy speaks up, "Don't forget I'm here, guys. Do you mind if I try to open your puzzle box again, Tony?"

Tony is glad to change the subject and flashes Trudy a smile as he says, "Of course not, my dear. It would be fascinating to see someone actually open it after all these centuries. You go right ahead. You sure you won't have a drink, Mike?"

Mike studies Trudy for a minute and says, "Coffee would be fine. I'm closer. I can get it."

Tony laughs and says, "Still leery of any pranks I might have up my sleeve, Mike?"

Mike grins and says, "I'm not taking any chances." He sips on the coffee. Trudy has levered the side piece out and clicked it in. She is now turning the box over and depresses the ivory section and it clicks. This is as far as she got the last time. Now she studies the four sides of the box and the top. She moves a section of the wire lattice and slides her nail under a mahogany shape so it seems to change shape, but in actuality it’s turning on it's long axis with a click.

Tony watches her in fascination. "Impossible." He breathes heavily. Now Trudy turns the box over and taps the ivory section that was a trap. It clicks. She smiles and murmurs, "As I thought, the trap is a trick. Now what?"

Tony speaks up, "I can't believe this. She's opening it. It's not possible!"

Now Trudy studies the sides again. She stops and takes a drink of coffee. "Logic says the next move should be in the top, so it won't be. It will be in a side and the least likely is the side we have already used, so that is where I'll look." She studies the side with the ebony protruding then puts her finger on a tiny square of ebony near the edge and pushes. It slides out away from the box on the next side and as it is fully pivoted, it clicks. She shakes her head with a smile and presses the ebony shaft in for another click.

Tony says, "Oh god, I've got to write this sequence down." He goes to a low table and opens a drawer on the far side of it. He draws out a pad and pen. "Tell me what you've got so far, love."

Tony sits on a hassock behind the table and writes the sequence she dictates. She then studies the box looking for a new move. On the top she depresses an ivory square for a click. Then seeks a long mahogany shape to turn. It clicks. She's smiling and moves faster. She turns the box upright and presses another ivory square for another click. She says under her breath in a voice hardly audible, "Three latches, not four." Mike glances at Tony. He is staring at her and appears stricken.

She goes back to the side with the last ebony piece protruding and seeks the small ebony square in the far edge. Triumphantly she pushes and it pivots out for a click. Her eyes light up and she pushes it in to hear a 'chunk' and the top of the box opens.

Tony is still just staring. She pushes back the lid and Mike sees a necklace, Flo's necklace.

Trudy lifts it out with a shriek, "It's Flo's, torn from her neck by the murderer!"

They both look at Tony who is holding an automatic pistol in his hand that he has lifted from the drawer. It is pointed directly at them. He speaks in a low menacing voice, "Mike, you know I know how to use this. Warn Trudy not to try anything. I would rather not kill either of you in this house, but if it becomes necessary." He shrugs his shoulders.

"You are such snoops. It never occurred to you that if I have films of Angel and I, I must have recorded them in the bedroom. There are camcorders in every bedroom that come on when the door is opened by a motion sensor. It's too bad Trudy couldn't talk you into trying the waterbed with the satin sheets. I would have enjoyed that."

He looks Trudy over and says, "I might still enjoy you, my dear."

Mike says, "So you murdered Flo. Why?"

"You mean there's something you haven't figured out? I'm surprised."

"Oh, I figured it all out. I just don't understand why."

"Then you haven't figured it all out. It's too bad, Mike. I always liked you. But then, I always liked Flo a lot more." He gets a mean look in his eye.

"Just out of curiosity, how close am I. You dated Flo and when she left you the note to meet her, you went to the Garden and proposed Fantasy Sex. She was elated. You came back here and Angel arrived. Then Ron and his date showed up. You played cards, sent them off, or they went on their own to the 'mirrors bedroom' and you took Angel to the master bedroom where she got high on drugs. While she was tripping, you left and you picked Flo up after work at her place. You had in the car a costume, Ray's coveralls, work boots and a pair of gloves. You drove her to the lot next to CPX and she followed you back to the hollow by the main line. You played with her and teased her so she removed her panties. Then you tied her hands and started to get rough."

"You tore her clothes and raped her with a piece of lead pipe, tearing her up pretty bad. You must have done this while the one fifteen was rolling through to hide the noise then you knelt on her pelvis with your knee and cracked it. You must have had a job holding her down but finally you choked her with your hands until she was dead. Then you opened her legs and poured artificial semen in and around her opening to make it appear a sex fiend had murdered her. Then you crept back to the yard and changed your coveralls and boots for Ray's. How am I doing, Tony?"

"Like you had a crystal ball, Mike. Go on."

This is where I'm stumped. I don't understand why you did it. Why Flo? I think you thought a lot of her."

"Hah! I did. Did you ever see the way the Vietnamese kill someone. It's sport for the drug dealers. They try to see how long they can keep you alive as they kill you. Flo got to know too much. She was against drugs. She threatened to call the police. She even wrote their number on a pad under the phone. She didn't think I'd find it. I just wanted to rough her up but she had seen two of the Vietnamese and could identify them. She wasn't supposed to be with me that night in Vancouver. They said, kill her or we will take care of you both. What could I do? They have made me rich. They would have replaced me like that. I tried to make it appear the work of a madman if the false rape was discovered. I didn't count on you coming along. They never could have made the charges stick on Ray. They would have lost that case and the murder would have gone unsolved. Too bad you butted in. They will be here soon for both of you. You will disappear. I feel sorry for you."

Trudy speaks. "The necklace is what did you in. Hiding it in this piece of junk was a foolish mistake."

"It's not junk! It's ancient and valuable. I paid a lot more than I told you for it. It's an art treasure of Vietnamese culture."

"I don't believe you." She says this quietly and tosses it into the air towards him. He grabs for it and Mike dives forward, pinning his arm to the table with the gun in it. It fires and punches a hole in the wall behind where Mike has been standing. Mike applies his knee to the arm as he raises the wrist and hears a snap. The gun drops to the floor.

Tony pulls free and rushes towards the far end of the room with Mike right behind him. He spins and a fist flies in a left hand uppercut, rocking Mike back on his heels. Mike shakes his head as Tony goes through the door to the basement.

Mike goes after him and Trudy calls, "Be careful, Mike." She's dialing the cell phone. Mike goes down the stairs and into the main room where the lights have all been turned off. Car lights flash beside the house and two cars come around towards the house at the back. Tony laughs in the dark and says, "You’re done now, Mike. They're here." The car lights light up the room and Mike sees him standing near the far door that was locked. He's nursing his right arm but in his left he has a wicked looking sword with a bamboo handle.

"Why don't you come and get me, Mike. Or you can try to run away. But they will find you now. It's too late, Mike. Your dead." Figures run from the cars around the house as two approach the glass door.

Mike sees their oriental features and knows the game is up, but he won't quit now. He approaches Tony cautiously and wait’s his chance. Tony glances at the figures entering the room and Mike's foot flashes to connect with his hand on the handle. The sword flies as Mike grabs Tony in an arm lock on his injured arm. He twist it and says, "Stop resisting now or I'll grate those bones till they stick out of your arm." He gives a tug and Tony almost faints with the pain.

Tony whispers, "What's the point, Mike. They are going to kill you anyway?"

Mike says, "Shut up." In the car light illuminated room the two shadows are trying to figure out what is going on. They call back and forth in singsong Vietnamese. Mike holds Tony in the shadows. He can see they are looking for a light switch. They find it and switch it, but all remains in darkness. Mike thinks Tony did that. He pulled the breaker so I couldn't turn on the lights. He watches the confusion with some satisfaction.

He wracks his brain for some way to stall events. If Trudy has called the police, they're on the way. Suddenly one of the Vietnamese calls to another outside and he comes running with a flash light. Mike's heart sinks but he keeps hold on Tony.

Suddenly the room is flooded with light and police are everywhere. Lindross smiles as he approaches Mike and says, "Can I take that fellow off your hands, Mike?"

"You sure can. This is your murderer of Florence Hanson. Trudy has his confession on tape upstairs."

"I know. I've been listening to it. Good work, Mike."

"How long have you been here?"

"Since before you arrived. Your tail kept us notified as to where you were and we waited for you. We had to wait for the heavies to arrive before starting to mop up. When we heard the gunshot we moved in. Trudy was just dialing us. We've been upstairs trying to figure how to get you out in one piece and not lose any of the Vietnamese gang members. Looks like you were handling things not too bad on your own."

"Before you take him away, have him open this door for us. I think you'll find a treasure back there in drugs."

"I'm sure we will. We know his business and he must be stocked up for tomorrow night and Sunday.

Back at the detachment, Mike shakes Staff Sergeant Lindross' hand and says, "I'm glad that's over."

"I'm going to miss you and Nina. Even you, Trudy."

Trudy says, "Hell, we'll be around. Just watch us."

As they drive back towards Chilliwack, Trudy starts singing, "Oh, this is number one, and the fun has just begun, Lay me down, roll me over and do it again. Roll me over, in the clover, Lay me down, roll me over and do it again."

Mike joins in, "Oh, this is number two, He's taking off my shoe, Lay me down, roll me over and do it again. Roll me over, in the clover, Lay me down, roll me over and do it again. The song goes on though many verses before they run out of steam and start laughing. When he drops her off he says he'll call her Monday... or maybe before. They kiss and she sees him off with her hand waving good-bye.

On Sunday night she calls. Mike answers the phone in his office. "Trudy. Why are you calling me at home?"

He can tell by her voice she's been crying, "It's Crystal. I had to bring her into emergency tonight with an awful stomachache. They're taking out her appendix now. She's going to be in for a few days, but she'll be all right. I had to let you know I won't be any use to you until I get her home."

"That's alright. I understand she comes first. You stay right with her and don't worry about the business. It'll survive until your ready to go back at it. Tell her I love her and her mom. I'll try to get down in the next day or two. Goodnight, love."

He hangs up and hears Marlene coming down the stairs. She calls, "Was that CPX. I forgot to tell you they called while you were out this evening."

"No, it was business. What did CPX want?"

"Run to Calgary in the morning. He said they'd be finished loading it by eight."

Next morning he is waiting at eight at the dock. During the night the midnight shift goofed off and they haven't started loading his yet. He goes down the dock and talks with Ray. "Good to see you again, Ray. How about joining me for a beer one of these nights."

"Any time, Mike. Your always welcome where I'm at."

Mike goes to the parking lot and jumps into the car. He goes for breakfast and comes back. Still not loaded. By the time he's ready to roll it's nearly one PM. He makes a quick stop in Chilliwack at the hospital. He tries to cheer Crystal up and sees Trudy when she comes in. Then he has to leave.

Out on the highway again he's highballing for Alberta. Things are working just fine as he stops in Sicamous for a bite. He flies along making good time through Revelstoke and into the park. He climbs the Rogers Pass and checks his brakes.

All's well and it's on for Golden. As he rounds the turn and sees the lights of Donald far below on the Columbia River, he checks his watch. It's nearly ten and he should make Calgary before three. Down the long grade to the ninety- degree turn at the bottom he uses little brakes relying on the Jake. But she picks up speed so he hit’s them a little harder and is jarred by the clanging of a bell.

"Shit!" He says the word as he glances at the air pressure gauge; pressure below twenty pounds and dropping. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" He takes his foot away from the brake pedal and watches the air pressure climb slowly back up over twenty-five pounds. The tack is climbing as well and he has to touch the brakes again. The pressure fades fast and the clanging begins again, but he slows a bit. He starts looking at the shoulders as the turn comes rushing at him. The clanging stops and he touches the brakes again. Clang clang.

No air pressure again. He watches the gauge and disregards the clanging bell. With the turn fast approaching he wait’s for just the right moment and steps hard on the brakes. The truck shudders as trailer brakes lock and the trailer swings across the road but the whole mass slows considerably and he enters the turn aiming at a point he thinks he may be able to make if it doesn't upset.

Weight shifts in the turn and tires slide leaving black trails of rubber to the edge of the pavement but it rights itself and flies across the Kicking Horse bridge. Mike uses the jake brake to ease down the speed and gears down to bring the rig to a halt about four miles past Donald. He climbs down and has to hang on to the door for a moment. His legs are like rubber.

After a few minutes rest he crawls under the rig looking at air lines. With his Mag light he finds the culprit. Not far from the compressor is an airline worn through on one side. It looks like the bracket that was supposed to support it has broken off at some time and the line has scrubbed away at the frame and worn a hole about two inches long. He climbs back up and shuts down the diesel. He climbs back down and bleeds off his air pressure.

He digs through his toolbox and all he can find is black electrical tape and gray duct tape. He takes those with him and chews a stick of gum. Under the rig he goes and plugs the long hole with chewing gum. Over this he pulls black electrical tape and wraps it tightly. Then he wraps over that the duct tape. He closes his bleeder valve and puts his tape away in the toolbox.

Back in the cab he starts her up and watches the air pressure gauge. She climbs up past thirty then forty then forty-five. Gradually it climbs to just under sixty where it levels out and won't go any higher. He pulls into the Husky in Golden just after eleven thirty, local time.

He calls Central Dispatch and they say wait there for a truck from Calgary to bring his trailer and an air line. They can swap trailers and the Husky service center can install the air line. They give him a PO number. It's almost midnight so he goes for coffee. He notices a sharp looking shapely red head waiting on a table in the next section but Jena has already come to him, so he says, "Coffee, my dear. Where's that Cathy got to? I keep watching for her."

"You mind your manners. She's safe now. I pride myself that none of you guys got to her before she left us."

"Where'd she go, Jena, I might look her up."

Jena laughs and says, "You do that. She's gone back to Quebec and joined the order of our Lady of Cashmere, or Cashew or something. If you see her again, it will be Sister Cathy. She's gone to be a nun."

"You’re kidding. None of the truck drivers got her in their rigs?"

"Not a one. I taught that girl right and kept an eye on her. I know you had your eye on her, too, you rascal."

"You know, Jena, I've always had a failing for red heads. Who's the new little filly over there?"

"Now never you mind with Vicki. She's another good girl. You just go on and behave yourself." Sipping his coffee he says aloud, "Vicki, Vicki, Vicki. I like that."

The red head peeks through the plants in the divider and winks at him as Jena says, "Now Mike, don't you be thinking about that."

Mike finishes the coffee and gets up beside the divider to say, "Well, Jena, I'm going to catch a few hours sleep in the sleeper in my big blue Kenworth out there. I might see you at breakfast." He leaves and pays for his coffee. He takes a shower and climbs up in the rig. He sits in his seat and watches the shadows. A shadow moves and he opens the door. He hears, "Mike? Is that you?"

He holds out a hand and says, "Vicki, can I give you a hand up?"

She takes the hand and climbs up into the big blue machine.

Be sure not to miss the next thrilling, titillating detective story of Mike Claymore, entitled: A Hunting We Shall Go


A Hunting We Shall Go:
another Mike Claymore Mystery (2)
copywrite 2000

This is the second novel in the Mike Claymore series. It takes play on a hunting trip and involves an accidental shooting (or is it?). Mike and Marlene join the Zeller's department store staff to hunt in the wilds of the northern interior of British Columbia, Canada. They leave their children in the watchful care of Trudy who, unbeknownst to Marlene, is Mike's mistress. Join the crew of misfits who venture into the woods with weapons, I think you might agree that anything can happen.

This novel & the rest of the series is available from Amazon or other online book stores.

Bare & Dead:
another Mike Claymore Mystery (3)

This is the third novel in the series and it takes place in a nudist park in British Columbia, Canada. Have you ever visited a nudist park? I think you might be surprised at some of the details revealed in this novel. It was carefully researched in an actual resort where the author has membership and the model for Pauline is also a member there.

You can find this novel in online bookstores for less than five bucks. Check it out.

Death Falls:
another Mike Claymore Mystery (4)

Jane Doe is all the name they know her by at first and she washed down to them over the falls in a local park. Suicide or homicide, that is the question? Cascade Falls, north of Mission in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada is the setting for this whodunit. Mike's business is growing and once again he becomes hung up in a murder mysteery.

This novel and others of the series are available in many online bookstores.

A Cruise To Die For:
another Mike Claymore Mystery (5)

An Alaskan cruise, the goal of many a couple throughout their working careers. Likewise for Mike and Marlene so when the chance comes up with a deal they cannot refuse they take advantage of it, of course. Sail away with them up the western coast of North American and into another murky murder plot. With a cast of thousands this novel is sure to satisfy your discerning pallet.

Find "A Cruise To Die For" under Mike Claymore mysteries at your online book store.

Homicide in Hollywood North:
another Mike Claymore Mystery (6)

This time the victim's name is Maxine and she's an actress. Join the cast and crew of "The Highlander" or "X-Files" as they film in Vancouver. Look over their shoulders as they party and carry on in wild night life. Find Marlene, Janine, Trudy, Nina and many others seeking Mike's hot companionship.

These mysteries can be found at your online book stores.

An Offer He Can't Refuse:
another Mike Claymore Mystery: (7)

His name is Carlyle and his brother is Luigi, they are the Caprioni brothers. Mike is going to work for them because they make him an offer he simply cannot refuse. Mike is not thrilled by working for the 'family' but an honest days work can glean him a just reward (and there are perks for Mike).

Mike Claymore Mysteries are available online from your favorite online book store.

Murder Close to Home:
another Mike Claymore Mystery: (8)

This case takes place in the CPX Terminal and Abbotsford, B.C., Canada and involves another driver named Carmine. It involves a wild chase across western Canada and the usual sexy antics of the many participants. Check out Mike's new offices and business.

This novel is still in development and hasn't been released yet. You can find me working on it in the BookRix site. It's due for release soon. Happy reading, my friends.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-01-15 08:55:23
Excellent story I thoroughly enjoyed reading it I will be buying the others. Thanks for releasing this one on here

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