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Virgin daughter and MILF mother have sex in front of father!
Lesbian. Virgin. Nymphomaniac. Seemingly eclectic, all those words could be used to describe Barbie Lez. But the word most often used to designate this tight-bodied eighteen-year-old was hot. And sometimes even fucking hot!

But Barbie did not care about her appearance. At least, she had not for the past few days. Her father had recently suffered a heart attack and the doctor had made it clear that his life was now in constant danger. His heart could give out at any time and each moment was now a blessing. But the scariest part was that he was in great shape. Since fitness was not the problem, there was nothing anyone could do to help him.

But that did not keep his loving wife Candy from trying. The incident had taken place mere days before his fortieth birthday and Candy decided to throw him the best party in history. She may not have been able to fix his defective heart, but she sure as hell could make the rest of his life enjoyable. Unfortunately for Barbie, she was roped in by her mother and the two had spent the last three days getting everything ready for the big bash.

Barbie had been so busy helping her mother that she had barely had time to sleep, let alone perform her customary masturbation session. Due to her nymphomania, the young woman had to vent her sexual energy at least once a day to keep from doing anything she would regret. And given how she refused to lose her virginity until she found the love of her life, that meant anything to do with sex, be it with a man or a woman, was off limits. But given her lesbian nature, men were the farthest thing from her mind. Well, except her father, of course.

And that was exactly how she had gotten trapped in the bathroom. Her father’s birthday party had gone off without a hitch. Of course, they could not make it a surprise by fear it would end his life, but the man of the hour had nonetheless appreciated their hard work. Unfortunately for Barbie, the party was not hot young woman friendly. Most of her father’s friends were middle-aged creeps who were not shy about glaring at her with perverted looks. Eventually, she had been unable to bear the constant ogling and had taken refuge in the bathroom. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before someone would come a knocking and she would be forced to give up her shining spot. And that was exactly what happened next.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Barbie sighed.

“I’ll be right out,” she called. But before returning to the party, she took a second to glance at her reflection in the mirror. She may not have enjoyed all those men staring at her, she was a beautiful young woman and was not afraid to show it.

The first thing her sparkling blue eyes came across was her long, platinum-blonde hair and the few bright-pink highlights that were scattered throughout. They then traveled past her fleshy, pink lip gloss-covered lips before reaching her firm, D-Cup boobs. The material that made up her skimpy pink dress was not only see-through, but it clung to her body like a second skin, making it clear she was not wearing a bra. Her lack of panties was also made obvious by the garment’s low cut, which only barely covered her firm, bouncy ass and tight, clean-shaven pussy. Only one detail about her flawless appearance remained hidden. It was the large, bright-pink birthmark that stood between her pussy and navel. Shaped like the lesbian symbol, it was what had first made her realize she was attracted to women. And since then, she had not once wavered in her sexual orientation.

Once she was satisfied with her appearance, Barbie took a deep breath for courage and stepped out of the bathroom. But instead of finding one of her father’s creepy friends, she came face to face with a beautiful blonde she bore a remarkable resemblance to.

“Mom?” asked the teen. “What are you doing here?”

“I could point out you were the only hiding out in the bathroom, but the truth is, I wanted to let you know the party is over,” explained Candy.

Barbie glanced around and, sure enough, all the guests had left. The teen felt sort of guilty for abandoning her father during his party, but she knew he had probably been too busy having fun to notice her disappearance. But apparently, her mother had.

Barbie took a step back to study her mother. Candy once was just as beautiful as her daughter now was, but time had eventually gotten the better of her and her days of being a perky teen were now behind her. But she still looked breathtakingly hot. Just like her daughter, she wore a skin-tight dress that molded her flawless body with utter perfection. Candy may have been in her mid-thirties, she did not look a day over twenty-five. But that was only because of the firm, D-Cup boobs and bouncy ass she paraded around so effortlessly. Though Barbie did not know it yet, her mother’s clean-shaven pussy was still as tight as the day she had lost her virginity.

“I need your help,” said Candy, snapping her child back to reality.

“Where’s dad?” asked Barbie, ignoring her mother’s latest comment.

“That’s precisely why I need your help,” admitted candy.

Barbie immediately got nervous.

“Did something happen?” she asked, fearing the worst.

“He’s fine,” assured Candy. “I just need you help to give him his special birthday present.”

“What special birthday surprise?” asked the teen. She had spent the last three days helping her mother prepare for the party and this was the first she was hearing of this mysterious birthday present.

“You’ll see,” she said with an enigmatic wink. And with that, she strode off.

Barbie stood there for a few seconds before hurrying after her mother. Candy led her up the stairs and down the upstairs hallway before they reached their destination. The master bedroom.

“What are we doing here?” wondered the teen silently as she followed the mother into the room. There she found her father. He went by the name of Will and was quite handsome for a now forty-year-old. But the giddy expression that was plastered across her face made him appear more like a boy than a man.

“What’s the surprise?” he asked eagerly.

“That’s what I said,” mused Barbie.

Unfortunately for both family members, Candy did not answer. Instead, she asked Barbie to take a seat on the bed. The situation was getting odder by the second. Still, Barbie knew better than to try and get her mother to talk before she was ready and decided to do as told. Upon reaching the bed, she noticed a towel that seemed to cover up a few small items. Obviously, she wondered what lay beneath the towel, but assumed she would find out soon enough. So she took a seat and waited for her mother to speak. But instead of revealing the nature of the mysterious birthday present, the beautiful MILF joined her daughter on the bed.

The next few seconds were spent in silence. It soon became clear Candy would not just come out and say it.

“What’s the surprise?” asked Barbie, beating her father to the punch by mere seconds.

A wide smile appeared on Candy’s lips. And with that, she finally revealed the surprise.

“This,” she answered as she grabbed the towel and threw it on the floor.

“Oh my god!” gasped Barbie as she laid eyes on the most unexpected and shocking sight of her life. Laid out on the bed were no less than a dozen different sex toys. There were plain old dildos, different-colored vibrators, an assortment of butt plugs and even a strapon. A massive, bright-pink strapon.

The young woman stared at the eclectic collection of pleasure toys for a few seconds before she realized something. Whatever her mother’s special birthday surprise was, it was sexual in nature.

“I shouldn’t be here,” she said as she got to her feet. But before she could head for the door, Candy grabbed her arm.

“You can’t go,” said her mother.

“Why not?” asked the busty virgin as she turned to her.

Candy let a few second tick by before answering.

“Because you’re the surprise,” she finally said.

Barbie just stood there, a confused expression plastered across her face. What her mother had just said made no sense. How could she be the surprise? And if she somehow was, why was the bed covered in sex toys? Though the answer was obvious, it was not until her mother got to her feet and pulled her in for a passionate kiss that it all fell into place.

“MMM?!” she moaned in total shock as she felt Candy’s tongue slither past her lips. Moments later, her mother’s tongue was dancing around her oral cavity, exploring its every nook and cranny.

Barbie was so taken aback by her mother’s sexual attack that she just stood there. And there she remained for almost a minute before she realized what was going on. As soon as her body came out of its statuesque state, the busty virgin pulled away from Candy.

“What the hell was that?” she asked. “What the fuck is going on?”

Candy looked at her with an amused grin before answering.

“It’s a long story,” she said. “Why don’t you have a seat?” she added as she gestured to the bed. Barbie considered running out of the room screaming, but there were too many unanswered questions for that to be a viable option. So she took a seat on the bed and waited for her mother to explain herself.

“It all started a few months ago,” explained Candy, “when I discovered your father had a crush on you.”

Barbie was so taken aback by the implications that she did not react. Her father was not so calm.

“What are you talking about?” he asked in a falsely offended voice. But it was clear he was lying. He knew perfectly well what he wife was referring to.

Candy chuckled.

“Don’t even try and deny it,” she said. “I saw you masturbating while looking at a picture of Barbie.”

Will winced. He was caught in a corner and there was no way out. His only option was to tell the truth and live with the consequences.

“Okay. It’s true,” he admitted. “I knew it was wrong, but I could not deny the way I felt,” he explained as his head and shoulders slumped in defeat.

Barbie was totally overwhelmed. Being kissed by her mother was one thing, but discovering her father had the hots for her was quite another. And knowing he had pleasured himself while thinking of her was even more perverse. Things were getting worse by the seconds and she was not sure if she had the nerve to see what would happen next. Unfortunately, she did not have a choice.

“I may have had a moment of weakness,” said Will, referring to the incident with his daughter’s picture, “But I would never actually do anything about it.”

Before Barbie could figure out if this made things any less perverse, her mother intervened.

“That’s where I come in,” she said. “When I first discovered your father had feelings for you, I felt betrayed. But then I realized I could not really blame him. You are a truly beautiful young woman.”

Barbie peered into her mother’s eyes and found them filled with lust. Incestuous lust. Though the kiss they had shared pretty much made it clear, it was not until now that Barbie realized her mother was a lesbian. Or at least bisexual. Could it be true? Could her mother like girls? However, Candy’s sexual orientation could be determined at a later date. For now, Barbie wanted to know what her mother had planned for her.

“When your father had his heart attack, I realized he needed something to live for,” explained Candy. “And what better way to ensure his wellbeing than by making his deepest, darkest fantasy come true.”

Unfortunately, his deepest, darkest fantasy involved Barbie and a lot of incestuous sex. As much as she loved her father, she was not about to betray her true self by having sex with a man. Especially not one she was related to.

“But I knew his heart was not strong enough for that to happen,” continued Candy. Barbie breathed a sigh of relief. But her hopes were crushed moments later. “But I could not bear the thought of losing him, so I decided to act as his proxy. Watching may not be as good as participating, but it was the best I could come up with.”

Barbie was totally shocked by everything she had just learned. But before she could totally freak out, she had to make sure she had interpreted her mother’s explanations correctly.

“Just to be clear,” she said, “You want us to have sex, right?”

Candy nodded.

“In front of dad?”

Another nod.

There was now no doubt in the busty virgin’s mind and she was free to freak out. Unfortunately, she was too shocked for that. Not only had she just discovered her father had a crush on her, but her mother was bisexual and was also attracted to her. Even worse, she was not expected to perform incest for her father. It was wrong in so many ways that Barbie wondered how she had not gone totally insane. But if she kept thinking about it, losing her mind was a definite possibility. Fortunately, Candy stepped in before that could happen.

“Do you love your father?” asked the MILF.

“Of course,” was Barbie’s immediate answer.

“And I know for a fact you’re a lesbian, so that can’t be the problem,” continued Candy. Barbie wondered how her mother knew her secret, but realized it did not matter.

“Maybe you don’t find me attractive,” offered her mother.

“What are you talking about?” asked Barbie. “You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever met.”

This brought a smile to Candy’s lips. But it vanished after only a few seconds.

“Then what’s the problem?” she asked.

Barbie tried to come up with a suitable excuse, but nothing came to mind. She was a lesbian. Her mother was a total knockout. And the loved her father more than anything. The only question was: How far she was willing to go to keep him alive? Was she willing to commit incest?

“Oh my god!” gasped Barbie when she realized the answer to that question was yes. A resounding yes. She loved her father and if having sex with her mother was what it took to keep him alive, then that was what she would do.

“All right,” she finally said. “Let’s do this.”

Candy was so ecstatic that she reached out and pulled her daughter in for another passionate make out session. But unlike last time, Barbie reciprocated her mother’s eager tongue strokes.

“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she started wiggling her tongue around. As the seconds ticked by, she got more confident and her tongue strokes got more passionate. Before long, the arousal that had built up within her from a total and utter lack of masturbation exploded. It now coursed through her veins, making it impossible for her not to enjoy the passionate make out session she was sharing with her mother. In fact, she soon got so aroused that she put an end to the kiss.

“You’re so hot!” she told her mother as she grabbed hold of her dress and literally tore it off. She took a few seconds to study her parent’s flawless figure before leaning forward and burying her face in her bosom.

Though the young virgin was far too busy to figure this out, her subconscious mind came to realize something. She had spent her entire life saving herself for her one true love. And even though her mother was not her soul mate, she definitely loved her. And that was enough for her.

The teen’s conscious mind remained oblivious to this, too busy thinking. “I can’t believe I’m sucking my mom’s boobs. I haven’t done this since I was a baby.” But it felt just as good now as it had back then. Better even, because she was now old enough to know how perversely sexual it was. And against all odds, it was this perverseness that send her into arousal overdrive.

Using her tongue, lips, teeth and hands, she did her best to stimulate her mother’s breasts and nipples using what little knowledge she had from playing with herself and watching porn. Candy seemed to appreciate her child’s eagerness, because she started moaning. Unfortunately, it was not meant to last.

“Stop!” suddenly said Candy for no apparent reason.

Barbie pulled away, a confused expression plastered across her face. Before she could even inquire as to the reason for her mother’s odd request, Candy lay down on the bed. It was not until she spread her legs and beckoned her child forward with her index that Barbie finally understood.

Now with a wide smile of anticipation curling her lips, she hurried over to the bed and lay between her mother’s legs. She peered up at her parent and the two shared a lustful glance.

“Lick my pussy, Baby,” said Candy in a sweet, sensual voice.

“Yes, Mom,” answered the teen as she lowered her head and outstretched her tongue. Somehow, using her mother’s title helped increase the wrongness of what she was about to do and that of course turned her on even more.

“Mmmmm!” moaned the tight-bodied virgin as her tongue made contact with her mother’s engorged labia. The intense heat emanating from Candy’s lower lips sent a shiver of arousal running down her spine. But that was nothing compared to the spike in arousal she experienced when her taste buds gorged themselves on the sweet pre-cum that coated the MILF’s cunt. Eager to get her hands on every last drop of it, she started flicking her tongue back and forth.

Unfortunately, she soon ran out of the sweet nectar. Fortunately, there was an easy way to get more. With a wide smile, she clenched her tongue muscles and propelled her it deep into Candy’s poon.

“Fuck!” moaned the woman as she felt the teen’s tongue slither deeper and deeper into her. Simply knowing it belonged to her daughter was enough to send her arousal level skyrocketing. Mere seconds later, she had started releasing powerful moan after powerful moan, encouraging her child to escalate things.

“I can’t believe how sweet she tastes,” thought Barbie as she started darting her tongue in and out of her lover’s soaking-wet pussy. She swallowed every last drop of pre-cum that filled it while doing her best to stimulate the MILF’s clit with her lips. Unfortunately, she was once again asked to stop before she could get any real work done.

“What’s wrong?” asked Barbie as she pulled away from Candy’s cunt and peered up at her.

Candy did not answer. Instead, she handed her the six-inch vibrator she had just grabbed from the nearby pile of sex toys.

“Put this in my ass,” she said as she handed the toy to her child.

Apparently that was enough for Barbie, because she grabbed the toy, turned it on to full power and thrust it all the way into her parent’s rectum. She had not meant the penetration to be so rapid, but her eagerness had gotten the best of her. Luckily, Candy did not mind and started moaning again. Encouraged by this, Barbie started sliding the vibrating shaft in and out of her rectum while once again burying her face in her cunt. Moments later, she was furiously tongue fucking her parent’s twat.

“Faster,” soon begged Candy.

Barbie was happy to oblige and increased the speed of both her hand and tongue thrusts. It seemed to pay off, because Candy’s moans intensified and she started squirming. Having masturbated on a daily basis for the past five years, Barbie knew when a woman was about to climax and her mother was showing all the signs. Sure enough, she soon felt the MILF’s vaginal walls start to convulse around her tongue.

“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she got ready for her first taste of cum. Though the dealt with cum each time the pleasured herself, she had never worked up the nerve to taste it. But now that she was about to get a mouthful of her mother’s hot orgasmilk, she could not wait.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” moaned Candy at the top of her lungs when the first wave shot up her cunt. A split second later, it squirted into her child’s mouth, filling it up instantly.

“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she got her first taste of cum. She was not quite sure what she had been expecting, but one thing was certain; she had not thought it would be so sweet. But it was and the tasty nectar flowed down her throat.

She swallowed wave after wave of it, doing her best to keep up with her mother. Unfortunately, the MILF’s orgasm was too intense for her to contain and the hot orgasmilk soon started spewing out of her mouth. It flew through the air for a few seconds before splitting into tiny drops and raining down upon the incestuous couple.

Barbie continued propelling both her tongue and vibrator into her mother’s holes while somehow managing to ingest almost half of the cum released. By the time the final wave oozed out of her, Barbie was fully, but proud of her accomplishment. Though she was still a virgin, she had managed to make her mother climax. And from the looks of it, it had been of her most powerful orgasms.

Short on oxygen, Barbie pulled away from Candy’s cum-covered body and took a few moments to catch her breath. It took a little over a minute, but she managed to rectify the problem. After wiping the cum that clung to her eyelids, she turned off the vibrator and glanced around. Though the thick layer of cum that covered almost everything around her was quite a sight to behind, it was not what caught her eye. She had just noticed her father sitting in the nearby chair. She had been so busy enjoying her first taste of incest that she had forgotten all about him. But obviously Will had not forgotten about them, because his pants were now on the floor and the man was stroking his rock-hard cock. Barbie’s eyes traveled down to his manhood and was stunned by how massive it was. However, her lesbian nature made it impossible for her to be aroused by it. In fact, it did just the opposite. Fearful that a prolonged exposure to the manhood would drive all arousal form her body, the cum-covered teen turned back to her mother.

Just like her husband, the beautiful MILF was busy stroking her cock. But unlike Will, hers was made out of silicone, not flesh. A smile curled Barbie’s lips as she realized her mother had put on the large strapon she had noticed earlier. It was bright-pink in color and measured an impressive twelve inches in length by two inches in width. Will’s spear may have been impressive, it was nowhere near as big as the schlong that now stood perfectly erect between Candy’s legs.

“Come here, Baby,” said Candy as she beckoned her child forward with her index. She was now standing next to the bed, which her cock in her hand and a wide smile on her lips.

Barbie hurried over to her parent and waited for her instructions. But none came. Instead, Candy reached out and grabbed hold of her child’s cum-soaked dress. Barbie had been so busy having the time of her life that she had forgotten she was still dressed. Fortunately, her mother soon fixed this, revealing the teen’s flawless body.

“Kneel!” ordered Candy as soon as Barbie was naked.

The tight-bodied virgin immediately dropped to her knees. But it was now until she rested her firm behind on her heels that her head was level with the silicone cock. As much as she wanted to reach out and grab hold of it, she decided to let her mother take charge.

“Suck it!” soon instructed Candy in a firm, yet loving voice.

Barbie would probably have smiled had she not been busy opening her mouth wide and wrapping her lips around the massive shaft. Not wasting a second, she started bobbing her head back and forth. Though she was a lesbian, this primarily heterosexual activity somehow felt right. So right that it brought even more arousal to her body. Desperate to escalate, she grabbed hold of the spear and started jerking it off while using her lips and tongue to stimulate the tip.

Though all of this was absolutely useless, both Candy and Will enjoyed it. There was just something about watching a tight-bodied virgin sucking a huge cock that was irresistible. Even if the teen happened to be a lesbian and the cock happened to be fake.

Barbie continued giving her mother’s plastic dick the best blowjob she could for almost a minute before she was finally asked to stop. Though she had enjoyed her first blowjob, she was thrilled at the thought of escalating things. Even if she had no idea what her mother had planned next. Fortunately, she was about to find out.

“Lie down!” instructed Candy as she pointed to the cum-covered bed.

Barbie was not quite sure what position she was supposed to take, so she just lay down and waited for her mother to do the rest. Apparent that was enough, because Candy climbed on next to her and, after spreading her child’s legs, lay atop her.

“Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she felt the plastic cock rub against her engorged labia. But the massage was soon interrupted when Candy reached down and took control of the situation. It only took a few seconds before she guided the cock toward her daughter’s cunt. Once the head was pressed up against the busty virgin’s labia, she released the shaft and peered into her child’s eyes.

“Ready?” she asked.

Barbie considered answering, but instead opted for another approach.

“Fuck me, Mom!” she begged in a sensual voice as she shot her mother a lust-filled look.

That was all it took to convince Candy to jerk forward.

“FUCK!” moaned Barbie as she felt the spear slide into her soaking-wet cunt. Though she owned quite en extensive collection of toys, it was the first time her pussy was invaded by anything other than her fingers, a vibrator or a dildo. And the feel of Candy’s silicone cock diving deeper and deeper into her felt better than anything else she had ever experienced. But it was nothing compared to when her mother started jerking back and forth.

“Oh yes!” she moaned. “Faster! FASTER!”

And that was exactly what Candy did. She may have been a woman, but she knew how to handle a cock. She twerked back and forth with such force and speed that a powerful orgasm soon started growing within her daughter.

The incestuous pounding continued for a few seconds before Barbie said, “I’m gonna cum! I’M GONNA FUCKING CUM!”

Unfortunately, that did not have the desired effect. Instead of convincing Candy to increase the speed of her thrusts, it made her stop. She froze mid-thrust, leaving no less than six inches stuffed up her child’s cunt. But that half a cock was soon pulled out, cutting off the busty nymphomaniac right before she could climax.

“What the fuck?” she asked angrily as she peered up at her mother. But Candy just ignored her and pulled away. Fortunately, that was not the extent of the woman’s plan.

“Get on all fours!” she ordered as soon as she her feet had touched the floor. She stood there for a few seconds and watched her child get into position. It was not until Barbie had her hands and knees pressed down against the cum-covered mattress with her feet hanging over the edge that she made her move.

Stepping up to the bed, she reached out and grabbed the teen’s waist with both hands. She then pulled her backwards until her crotch stood mere inches from the strapon. Momentarily releasing Barbie’s waist, she grabbed the cock and guided it to the virgin’s body. But instead of aiming for her cunt, she pressed the tip against her asshole.

“Oh…” started Barbie as she realized she was about to get sodomized. Though she had played around with anal before, never once had she inserted anything as big as the shaft her mother was getting ready to ram into her. Unfortunately, she never got a chance to protest.

“…FUCK!” she finally finished, a split second before Candy jerked forward. She felt the massive toy shoot past her anus and fly up her rectum, stretching it past all previous limits. But against all odds, not a single drop of pain accompanied the oversized penetration. Only arousal. Massive amounts of arousal.

“…” said Barbie as her mother started forcing the strapon in and out of her. She was so stunned by how blissfully enjoyable her first anal pounding was that she had lost the ability to speak. However, she was still able to release powerful moan after powerful moan.

“Take it, you bitch! Take it!” growled Candy. She was not doing this to degrade her daughter, but because she knew her husband loved dirty talk. And seeing how this was all for him, it made sense for her to optimize the experience. She stole a look at Will and found him furiously jerking himself off. This brought a smile to Candy’s lips and enough encouragement to increase the intense pounding she was giving her daughter.

Before long, three quarters of the massive cock was being repeatedly forced in and out of the busty virgin’s rectum. And she was loving every second of it.

“Faster! Harder! Deeper!” begged Barbie as soon as her voice had returned. As intense as her first anal pounding already was, she wanted more. Not only because she was enjoying the feel of that huge cock darting in and out of her ass, but also because she loved her father and wanted to give him the best show possible.

Candy reached deep and used what little energy she had left to once again increase the speed of her thrusts. Within seconds, the pounding had gotten so intense that Barbie became unable to tell when the spear was in and when it was out. But that was fine by her, because her body was filled with more arousal than ever before and it was only a matter of seconds before the orgasm that had been building within her exploded. Sure enough…

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” she moaned at the top of her lungs as the first wave shot up her cock-free pussy. The sweet nectar shot past her labia with such force that it reached destinations previously unattained by Candy’s orgasmilk. The millions of tiny drops that filled the air rained down upon everything within range, covering both lovers in a thick layer of cum. The bed, the floor, the walls and even the ceiling were also stained with orgasmilk. A few drops of it even reached Will, but he was too busy jerking off to notice.

Candy continued pounding the shit out of her daughter, forcing her cock deeper and deeper with every thrust. By the time the final wave was produced, almost every last inch was being swallowed up. But it was not until every last drop of orgasmilk had oozed out of the tight-bodied blonde’s cunt that Candy performed her most powerful thrust to date. And with that, all twelve inches of silicone were shoved up Barbie’s asshole.

“Fuck!” moaned Barbie, using the last few drops of strength she had left. As soon as the cry escaped her, her muscles gave out and she slumped over. But it was not until Candy pulled out that she crashed to the cum-covered bed.

And that was where she remained for the next few minutes. As she struggled to keep air flowing in and out of her lungs, it gave her time to realize a few things. First of all, she was defiantly a lesbian. Second of all, she was no longer a virgin. But unlike she would have thought, she felt not an ounce of regret. In fact, she was happy her mother had been the one to take her virginity. Third of all, she was happy that her first sexual encounter had fulfilled her father’s deepest, darkest fantasy. She sort of felt bad that he was unable to join in, but she mostly felt relieved. As much as she loved Will, the thought of that large cock of his coming anywhere near her was a total turn off.

As soon as her strength had returned, Barbie sat up and wiped the cum from her eyelids. Once her vision had returned, she peered around the room. But she was not interested in the thick layer of cum that coated everything in sight. She was more interested in her father. He still sat on his chair and the flaccid cock between his legs, combined with the puddle of cum he now sat in told her he had enjoyed his special birthday present as much as she had.

Candy had already recovered from the intense pounding and had even found the time to remove the strapon. Now fully naked, she strode over to her husband and sat in his lap.

“So,” she asked, “did you enjoy your present?”

Will nodded.

“Best birthday ever,” he said.

A wide smile appeared on Barbie and Candy’s lips as their hearts filled with pride. They had done it. They had given Will the single best reason to stay alive. Unfortunately, it had consequences neither of then had taken into consideration.

“I can’t wait to see what you two come up with next year,” said Will.

The smiles immediately vanished from both mother and daughter’s faces. As much as they loved Will, they had never planned on this becoming a regular thing. But it had and there was nothing they could do to change that. The only question that now remained was: Could they come up with an ever better show for Will’s next birthday?

Fortunately, they had a whole year to get ready and, as they say, practice makes perfect. And the two horny women were planning on practicing each and every chance they got. The next year of their lives would be filled with sex. Load and loads of incestuous sex. And neither of them would have wanted it any other way.

The end.

Dirty SamoneReport 

2019-11-03 22:30:02
Oh I so love to read about ass fuckin. I was wanting dad to shove mom out of the way and ram his cock in his daughter and blast off a load. Maybe next time. OK?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-05 18:01:43
Orgasmilk? What a retarded word, just call it what it is cum. No need to make up "clever" words, put the creativity into the story. Other than that stupidity, your stories are pretty good.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-16 02:59:05
Omfg I shot my/ load in my mums mouth over this she was sucking me off whisltcreading it and my dad caught us it made me cum

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