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A man`s introduction to canine sex, and the Love which can come from dogs, male and female....
A total fantasy story written by one who has never had sex with a dog…but who would like to…


From Chapter 1:
“Or I might report you having sex with dogs, complete with photos….do we have a deal, husband?”

“We have a deal.”
“Take your shorts off; I feel like being fucked by a cock.”

Part 1

I took my shorts off, turned the light off, and went to her standing at the dining room table.
I pulled her work shirt off her, unclasped her bar from behind, and reefed her pants and panties off.
“Here” she asked, amazed perhaps at my brazen behaviour, but my cock hadn`t been used since last night, and if she wanted a fuck, I wanted it over and done with.
My cock had risen to the sight of her tits, big beautiful breasts she had, and so long since I had had them in my mouth.
“I love these” I said, “I couldn`t wait…” and I jammed my cock up her cunt, and dropped my mouth around her breast, my teeth nipping her nipples and my tongue licking and sucking as if she was one of my dog companions.

She groaned, and her cunt produced fluids and I sent my cock hard up and deep inside her, while my major concentration, and lust, was on her tits.
She was shorter than me, and I bent my knees and drove my cock up and in, my mouth never letting go of one breast or another, stretching them as I went down, filling my mouth to overflowing when I came up to hit her uterus with my full length, and bent her up and back over the table top.

It was actually quite a nice fuck, but my thoughts were on my puppy lover, the flowing milk of his Mother, and the domineering cock of his Father.

But I seemed to be doing enough, and I noticed her climaxing, again I thought absently, and when she muttered “oh god, enough…” I banged into her with all I had and let my balls fill her with the semen she knew was useless, but which gave her a 3rd, or continuance, of her orgasm, and she squealed, and held my face up to hers, and stuck her tongue in, her legs quivering, and her body shaking, and her voice a series of moans and almost dog-like yelps.

Part 2

My wife stayed at the table for some minutes, recovering enough to say, “If dog sex makes you that good inside me, keep going, but wait until I bring my friends – as per our agreement!”

I didn`t answer her, just returned to my bathroom for a rinse, and she went upstairs to shower, walking slowly, mumbling to herself.

I didn`t want to stay at home – well, I did, but not if my wife was here without any of her lovers, so I dressed in my `going out` shorts and shirt, ignored underwear as I would have to go upstairs to my wardrobe in my wife`s master bedroom, and rode my bike the short way to where I drank beer and read my book, something I hadn`t done for days now.
I got my own glass, ice, bottle and sat at my usual table, opening my book and lighting a cigarette, alone at this stage of the early evening: as I enjoyed it.

Halfway through one page, a dog came nosing beside me; I didn`t recognise it, but the owner of the shop didn`t shoo it away, as I patted his – he was a he – head and ran my fingers down his brown flanks, so I guessed she knew him as ok to have at her outside tables, where I was sitting.
He wasn`t a huge dog, but quite large standing alongside my leg on the bench seat, as his tongue lolled out, looking up at me, and I sensed he knew, from neighbourhood gossip among dogs perhaps, who I was, what I was perhaps...

Finished one bottle, enough, I paid, and the dog trotted beside me as I rode my bike home.
He waited patiently for me to open the gate, put my bike inside, and open the door, sniffing at my wife`s shoes before entering behind me.
I heard no noise, but it wasn`t late, so I assumed my wife was on her phone, on Facebook, watching TV…didn`t matter, as I got a bowl of water for the male, changed into my house shorts, and came back to sit in my sofa chair, a new glass of beer beside me.
“So, might I ask what you would like” I asked him, as he lifted his head from the bowl: but it was easy to see: his cock was already appearing.

Belying his medium size, the tip of his cock, well indeed his sheath, was very big, broad – bigger than my own cock`s head surely, and I stared as it came further, his head turned up to me, sure of the mesmerising effect his cock was having, and I put my glass down, spilling my beer and not caring, as I went down to sit on the floor and fondle his ears as I watched under his belly at the monstrous appendage still appearing.

So much for dogs not achieving erection until after penetration (as I had read on Google one day): if his wasn`t erect, then he would split me in two pieces after penetration, if not before!

But I wanted him, and he wanted me, so I took a mouthful of `brave` juice, i.e. beer, and crawled to my mattress, spreading a new towel down, and I submissively presented my buttocks to him.

He lightly jumped on my back, claws out but soft and short, as if someone cut them for him, but he was on my cuts from the puppy, and they were sore, but that was nothing compared to the feel of his cock`s head hitting my hole, and immediately spreading it wider than ever before!
“Any bitch ever tell you how big you are” I gasped back at him, as he thrust his rear legs forward, one at a time, working his cock inside.
He made no sound at all, just shuffled and stuffed his cock nowhere it should really have ever gone, but he wasn`t going to stop, and if this was the price of submission for a good fucking, I wasn`t about to try and stop him.

He was so big, belying his body size, and though I wanted him satisfied, I needed his spurting pre-cum to get some lubrication, and that eased the pain somewhat, but only marginally, and I shoved my hips and buttocks back at him, deciding getting him in fast was better than slow, though there was the fearful prospect of his knot to come!

But he was inexorable, and I felt it coming, and as he began silently shoving his cock further, his shaft fully in, it was his great bulb of a gland spreading me and I croaked and squeaked and wanted to scream, but his paws lightly moved as if soothing me, and I calmed just a little, perhaps relaxing a little, and he pushed his haunches hard and a great ball-sized intrusion came inside me, and I bit my bottom lip until I could taste blood, and, heavens above, we were well and truly sealed from any exit, any air, any dust, anything at all from entering or leaving while his cock began truly fucking and doing his very best to make me pregnant with his babies.

His streams of sperm were as powerful as the size of his cock suggested, and they pounded my insides, going anywhere there was a space for them to coat with his gooey juices, and he howled once, but very quietly, and fell silent again immediately, as he pumped and pushed and his cock emptied his balls of all they had – but surely he knew it was a wasted journey for his mighty load of potent sperm!

I was exhausted, and hurting, but, until he finished, and was sure his sperm wasn`t going to escape, he stayed locked in me, not turning, but lying his face and drooling mouth on my back, and I had to fall down, dragging him with me, but my limbs were shaking and couldn`t stay up.
I fell asleep, a way of escape myself perhaps, until I felt him sliding backwards and a rush of cum – and I feared, blood also – gushed out, but I still felt full of him, but couldn`t move to check anything, until I heard him whine at the door.

Not wanting to upset him, I crawled to the door, to let him out, never so happy to see a dog leave as I was him, and I locked it after he jauntily walked out: without even a `thank you` kiss!

I leveraged myself up by the door handle and frame, and turned to look at my mattress: amazingly: no blood, just a huge wet covering!
I staggered to my bathroom and collapsed on the toilet seat, just sitting there, waiting.

Part 3

I gushed him out of my bowels, fluids only, no blood could I see rushing into the bowl, not even any solids, just opaque coloured goo.
Amazed he hadn`t torn me, surely I was ruined for any other `normal-penis` sized dog, but when I used the bottom washer nozzle to wash, I understood my anus could retract after swelling – just like a woman`s cunt.
The human body is quite flexible, is it not?

I walked gingerly nevertheless, after cleaning my teeth, dragged my bathroom towel with me, and laid it over the already wet one on the mattress, and fell on to it, loved to exhaustion.

Thankfully, the night was not interrupted, nor did my wife wake me in the morning, and it was only the heat of mid-morning which roused me.
A shower: and I felt fine!

Made a café and sandwich, put the washing on, washed my small mattress and put it out in the sun, and threw the towels to be washed next.
The big mattress was nowhere near dry and still too heavy to even turn over, so I left it another day to dry further.
No visitors all day, washing dry and folded or taken upstairs on hangers; evening I went out for a beer and read my book, even had desultory conversation with my group of associates/friends, older ages like myself, and drank 2 bottles of beer at their urging to stay; 2 bottles for me is about 2 hours, before I said my `Sawasdee krub` and rode home.

Home, noting my wife`s shoes outside, and another pair I didn`t recognise; I didn`t want to be interrupted by them, so turned the TV on low sound and watched Rugby with another beer to hand, the fan on high, and a cigarette: like a normal night a few weeks ago, before my first dog found me.

No dogs came calling, though I wanted one by now, and sat out by my gate for a while, but there was a party next door, people coming and going, and I didn`t want to be dragged in there for food or drink, so I soon went back inside.
So another restful but frustrating night: alone.

I was awake in the morning when my wife and her guest came downstairs; too early to get up, so I just pulled the sheet over my lower body and waited for them to leave before I could throw it off again.
“Don`t cover up for us, husband; I have been telling of your virtues to Mary here, and she was very excited.”
My `virtues` were why I had woken: bulging balls and a throbbing, hard cock, in need of solace, and an empty rectum which needed even more solace.

“Just pull the sheet off, Mary; he won`t complain – we have a deal, don`t we husband” and my wife was clearly stretching the boundaries of the blackmail she had over me: fuck her or her friends, as she demanded, and she wouldn`t report my aberrant behaviour with dogs, or show the photos she claimed to have.

I looked at Mary; quite young actually, but I noted she was dressed and made-up to go to work, I presumed, so she wouldn`t be staying; ok, a look I could do, and I threw the sheet off myself, and stood up, pausing for a few seconds before starting to walk past them to my bathroom.
Mary tentatively reached her hand out as I passed her, and touched, then held, my hardened cock, a rod at the moment, and I allowed it for as long as it took her to say, “Oh god, he has to be twice the size of my husband!”
I gently took her hand off me, thrust my mouth at hers and my tongue inside, and fucked her there while my cock pushed between her skirt-covered thighs for a few seconds.

She`d need to fix her lipstick, I was smiling, as I presented my buttocks to them and went on to my bathroom, and heard them leaving, talking animatedly.

It was another frustrating day; my cock hardly went down, anticipating a visit, but no blacks or browns or grey came to relieve me.

It became a frustrating week; all I had was an occasional stray, mostly very late at night, mostly males to fuck me, but none were very satisfying, and none showed me the love I had found with some of the others, or with the puppy.

My wife became more demanding, however, her coterie of lovers/friends seemingly endless and seemingly all told of my cock, and if they wanted it…well, just ask her.
I fucked them as directed, needing to empty my balls regularly I found; some had bigger breasts which I mauled and fed on, and once asked my wife to bring me a milk-filled woman some time.
Her response was to demand an extra fuck from me, and I was quite brutal with her on these occasions, ramming her cunt at the exact location she told me `it`s time`, mindless of any friend who might be there looking on in surprised fascination, mindless of her comfort, and when she had orgasms enough, and blurted out `enough`, I left her immediately after filling her, satisfying myself and my balls, for now.

Part 4

It was perhaps 2 months and the black male came one morning, the much larger puppy following.
I was so happy, I hugged and kissed them both, tongues and jowls and mouths filled with my own, my hands roaming their coats and muscles.
The male wanted little of this, though the puppy seemed to enjoy the caresses and cuddles and kisses, so I dutifully removed my shorts, spread out the towel I always kept handy every day, and gave my body for the black`s comfort, and a release from my own frustration.

It was actually a quite perfunctory mating: he didn`t seem at all interested today, just needing to show dominance perhaps – over me, and to keep the puppy in second place.
I could look over at the puppy, well, adolescent now, and he was sitting on his haunches, his cock out and waiting, looking bigger for sure, and his tongue lolling out of his dripping mouth.
Smiling at him, I let his Father do as he wanted, and was rather relieved when he had hardly knotted and given me his sperm, than he pulled quickly out and off, his knot not even feeling so large.

He sat and licked himself; I didn`t offer to help, but rose and went to my bathroom, wanting to be clean and virginally refreshed for my younger lover.
When I came back, there was only the youngster sitting, waiting on my bed; I closed the door this time and came to cuddle him, but he pushed me down on my back and lay on me for a cuddle and kisses, his cock wet on my pubic hairs, and my own cock hard and throbbing at the contact of my missed-lover.

He hadn`t forgotten our love-making position, and shuffled backwards as I shoved a pillow under my buttocks to raise myself a little for him, and he slipped his cock inside at the first jab: it was heavenly to have him back, and he was measurably bigger.

His cock sliding in made me sigh, his forepaws came up my chest and wrapped me to him, his larger-size meaning he could fuck and kiss at the same time: ideal from, and to, lovers.
As his ready juice spurted, and he shifted his haunches around, I did the same with my pelvis, and his erection grew quickly, his licking and kissing more intense, and I waited for his knot, to know how much bigger that would be.
He sealed us and began ejaculating, and I understood this first time for him and me would be quick, and hoped he was still as young and virile, stronger even, than before, and his second time would be followed by more…

Surprising me, he didn`t back away and pull out, not even his big locking gland.
What he could still do was bend his neck and head back and suck my dick, lying hard and long up between our abdomens.
He wasn`t wilted inside me, but certainly somewhat softer; rather, he was just not moving, but as he licked my cock, it seemed to give him impetus, and I could feel it when he began moving his haunches again, and his cock immediately responded, as did my hips, and now he stopped his ministrations of my cock, and went back to fucking me so very nicely, and with youthful enthusiasm.

He seemed to be able, this time, to go straight to ejaculations, and he was even more powerful jetting it inside my body, and there was no less of it, but combined with his first, locked-in load, I was getting full to capacity.
He kept going, and I was now enduring, rather than fully enjoying it, but his love was unmistakeable in his fucking, and his grasping of my body, and drooping saliva as he laid his head on my chest, for my hands to fondle his ears and stroke him gently.

Perhaps it was his haunches which grew tired, but eventually he did finish, and was able to drag his knot out without too much pain, and he lay down, looked at me, and waited for me to clean him: he hadn`t forgotten anything about our special relationship.
I dragged my towel off the bed and scrunched it under my arse, in case I emptied while my tongue and mouth licked him clean and quite dry, and then he closed his eyes, his head lolling on the bed somewhat – but his cock was out and I knew it would be ready again soon.
I exulted in his desire for me!
Getting up, albeit slowly, I shuffled to my bathroom; emptying myself into the toilet, the towel still dry.

I didn`t get a chance to have him love me again for quite a while.
He yelped, and I ran out of the bathroom to see whatever the problem was; he was at the door, and his Mother was standing up outside.
When I opened the door, he ran outside, and they both trotted out the front gate – why: I had no idea.

It was lunch-time; didn`t really have a meaning, only that I had half a day and all the night to get through so I could feel `1 day older`: there wasn`t seeming to be anything more than this, when I was abandoned yet again.
I wasn`t hungry – well, I was, but it was for a lactating female my body craved, not ordinary food.
I watched some TV: nothing; I thought of going for a drive: dismissed the idea; I took off my shorts and read my book for a few minutes and closed my eyes, hoping for sleep.

Actually, I did, so I wasn`t at all happy at being woken by a knocking at the locked screen door, and my wife saying, “Husband, I`m home; you might want to put on shorts: we have visitors.”
Standing up, waking, I could see some new friend behind/beside my wife, staring in the door; she was holding a baby.
I fumbled and put on my shorts, opened the door and put my bed in order, as they entered.

“This is Emma, and her daughter; Emma`s husband ran out on them, and baby Amy has stopped drinking from her, and only wants a bottle. I suggested you might help her: she is still making milk….”
I didn`t say anything, and did nothing other than look at the big, full breasts of Emma.
I went to my bathroom, washed, cleaned my teeth, told my cock to `get down`, and went out, finding Emma lying on my bed, the baby in her arms, drinking from a bottle.
“You didn`t ask, husband, but I am early because the Manager told everyone to go home as he was going to the airport to fly to Singapore, so he gave us a free weekend; must be something good he was going for, as he never gives us `free` anything, does he Emma?”
She smiled and said “not in my years there, no.”

I went back to the kitchen and made a café, even being polite enough to ask if they wanted anything: my wife was going upstairs for a shower, Emma asked for a glass of water, so I took that for her.

Baby Amy was asleep, the bottle almost empty; I took it from her outstretched hand, gave her the water in exchange, and she laid Amy on the bed beside her, propped on her side by my pillows.
Handing me the glass back to put on my side table, she began undoing the front buttons on her dress; “Do you want your café - or something more nutritious perhaps, Khun Steve?”
I asked her “are you sure you want this; you could just express the milk yourself and keep in bottles…?”
“I do that” she nodded, “it is my milk she is drinking; for some reason, she doesn`t like it from my nipples, and I am making more than she can drink, and I have a freezer full of bottles!

Her front-opening bra came undone, and I didn`t understand why her baby didn`t like her nipples – I did, and I had just glimpsed them this second!

And so I gorged on Emma`s milk; I drank from one, but couldn`t touch the other as it spurted as soon as my fingers caressed her nipple, and I wanted the milk to fill me, and to nourish me.

“But, you have to fuck me by return” she said, sighing as I emptied her little by little.
Her boobs wouldn`t fit in my mouth, and they had raised my cock`s excitement level as I drank, feeling as if I was replenishing my strength, and she had a point: quid pro quo.

She pushed a hand inside my shorts` waistband, where my prick was lying between us, and she pushed the material down; `ok` I thought, and I undid the rest of her buttons as my mouth stayed on her tit, and pulled her dress aside, and her panties down until she sat up and wrenched them off very quickly: “get inside” she moaned, pulling me on top, my mouth back to her other tit, and my body on hers, on top, my cock burrowing.

My cock could fuck a female cunt on `automatic`, because my concentration was on her milk, but she seemed immediately satisfied, and she was already wet and my prick slid in and out and back again very easily.

But then my wife came back downstairs, and she wanted some attention too: in return for sucking one of Emma`s breasts, she wanted me to fuck her too.
I didn`t want her sucking milk!
She lay on my bed beside Emma, her mouth ready, so I pulled out of Emma and immediately pushed it hard into my wife, almost jumping across Emma to get to her – Amy was still sleeping on the other side safely – and I jammed my mouth on my wife`s breast, and sucked as if she too had milk for me.
I fucked her hard for a minute, bit on her nipples and gave her an orgasm: I was rather proud of that accomplishment!
But I wanted Emma satisfied, and so I swapped again, sucking milk and giving her my cock back, and fucking her hard and rather mercilessly, until I gave her the reason to spurt fluids at me from another orifice, and while milk spurted in my mouth, she wet my prick – and my mattress, yet again.

“If you can do that every time, you can have my milk every time” Emma said before they left me and went upstairs to shower, leaving a sleeping Amy with me to watch over her.
Then they went out for dinner.

Part 5

For 2 weeks, Emma and Amy came every day, and so I had a regular supply of milk to feed me, and a regular emptying of my balls.
But, every day, every night, I waited for `my` dogs to come to my home.

One afternoon, I went to a temple and remembered my best friend, died these many years past.
After sitting inside for a while, I went outside the walls and sat on a wooden bench with a beer and cigarette.
Another single man was also sitting there; we swapped pleasantries a little, as I watched a large group of dogs a few metres away, sitting, lying, licking, looking: at me, at us.
They had a patch of grass to themselves and clearly lived here, perhaps in the temple compound, a normal residence for many dogs.

One male came over to the other man, in between his legs, nuzzling his groin.
I watched, my own cock hardening, wanting.
The other man looked at me, smiling; “They are all friendly: I come here quite often for a petting, and play with them, though generally around the corner there – where it is very private behind the wall” and his tone and various emphases were conveying a meaning I could easily understand, as he indicated where `there` was.
2 dogs stood, stretched, arched their backs, and ambled over – to me, their ball sacks, actually on all of them, hanging down slackly and bouncing and bobbing as they walked.
One motley white/grey shoved his muzzle between my legs, but up the open underside of my shorts, his tongue coming out to lick the back of my thigh, his head almost hidden in there.
The other jumped his forepaws on to my lap, where they slid into my groin; his breath was awful, but I would never push a dog away because of that.

The man said “Today, I can`t stay, but it seems to me the dogs will be fine – with a new friend; I`ll see you again, perhaps….” We exchanged a wai and he walked to a car and drove off, the dog, who seemed to be his personal favourite, receiving a final cuddle of his ears.

The dog in my shorts pulled his head out, looked at me and began walking away, looking back; the dog in my lap did the same, and I stood, checking if people were watching: there were some food trolleys nearby, but the owners/workers seemed preoccupied, so I followed the 2 dogs along a trodden path through some trees and around the corner of the wall, the evening light fading as I trod carefully.

There was a small lean-to, like a dry spot for the dogs perhaps, when the rains came.
I felt a muzzle behind my leg: 2 more dogs were behind me, joining the parade as I bowed down under the low roof and went inside, unafraid, excited even at this new experience looming.

One dog behind poked at my bottom, and I knew my place, so I went down to my hands and knees, thankful there was still soft grass as something of a cushion, and I pulled my shirt up and off, and pushed my shorts and underpants down my legs and off also, bundling them and putting aside.
Now I was naked and available to them, 4 of them, all males, all now appearing aroused, all with dicks appearing, only able to really see these because they glistened in the faint light still available.
Just then lights came on over the temple compound wall, not shining out here, but more light was thrown over us, and it made it somewhat easier to see what the dogs might be planning, and who might be first…

Surprising me, the white/grey came to my mouth, but not my mouth: his muzzle went over my head, pushing me down until I was looking at his dick emerging; heavens, he wanted a cock-sucking, I thought, so I stretched towards his loins as he now sat back on his haunches, and I moved so I could put my mouth to his tip, and lick him, finding him oozing pre-lubricant onto my tongue: it was palatable, but watery.
Another mounted my back, and banged at me a few times before his cock found my rosebud, where he jabbed and entered.
I groaned at this first, dry time, and my mouth opened for my grey`s dick to come inside, growing as I closed my lips and cheeks around it, swallowing his fluid while sucking him; he shuffled forward, pushing more inside, still growing now, and I felt his knot hit my lips, wanting entry, but I couldn`t possibly fit that in my mouth: I would suffocate!

I held his knot outside, breathed through my nose as I closed my mouth and teeth over his shaft, and he must have felt locked and sealed in me, as he grew and began ejaculating into my throat, my tongue working along his dick, feeling the smoothness and feeling the amazing bursts of his offering as it travelled along his shaft and out the tip down to my stomach.

Groaning in joy, I hardly felt the knot enter me from behind, but I did feel the dog lying down, his Scotchbrite tongue washing on my own hardened cock, his jowls closing over it, sucking my leaking pre-cum.

I felt the ejaculation, however, as the dog up my rectum expanded his larger cock inside me, pushing my anal sides wider, and began his mating with a useless male man.

My grey kept pumping, jumping even; but I couldn`t let his knot inside, and as he dwindled sports to an ooze, he must have felt as if he had completed his task, and he slipped his shaft out and away, my tongue dragging along it, cleaning him a fraction, as I sucked his remnants down into my belly, and enjoyed the after-taste left in my mouth.

The dog sucking my dick seemed content as he was, so I expected the 4th dog to come to my mouth, as it seemed these were versatile, experienced dogs in all sorts of sex; I wondered how they`d learned, who had taught them?
I had suspicions, but they would remain unspoken and unwritten.

In quite a short time, the knot released me and slid out, and now I knew what the final – was it the final – dog wanted: to get his cock straight in, seal me off very fast, and add his sperm to the first dog`s, and have it splashing around, mixing, expecting puppies of mixed breed and colour? I wondered if this was why dogs who lived around temples often seemed of mongrel breeds, and mixed, nondescript, colouring.

Perhaps it was just a question of limited time, a need for fast couplings when a rare female appeared – as I hadn`t seen one outside at all.
Then again, a sensible in-heat female would hardly come fawning around a whole pack of horny males, would she – though I was here as a substitute.

The cock in my bottom hammered at me, his knot tight inside, and his sperm was coming at a rapid rate, and my own balls lurched now and sent a few jets of my own semen on to the muzzle, tongue, and in the mouth of my own cock-sucking dog.
He licked and swallowed I guess, but not for long and pushed my abdomen up – a painfully filling abdomen and bowels – as his head left me and maybe he got in line, because a new cock was in me as soon as the last knot wilted enough to leave, a gush of cum following out of me, but the new cock pushing it in as a new copulation began on my tiring body.

I went down with my head to the ground to ease the pain on my arms; none of the dogs had been heavy on me, but it was a long time I had been on my hands or arms and knees, and grass was soft, but hardly cushioning.
Quickly throwing my leg over the dog, I spun my arse over and held him as I lay now on my back, and he was still locked with me, even if this new position surprised him, and I took the place of his hind legs by putting my hands to his haunches and moving him, stimulating the movement of his cock as he ejaculated and fed me a new mixture of sperm.
At least I was more comfortable, and his natural fucking movement was continuing, so he seemed ok with this, and I sighed.

When he withdrew, I closed my eyes for a few moments, feeling the cum gushing out like a waterfall, and I idly wondered if this was why the grass grew well here: nurtured by millions of small fish and cum and man`s bodily fluids too.

A pair of forelegs came on to my chest, and I looked down to see the white/grey, clearly recovered, as he moved his body forward and into me, as if experienced doing it this unnatural – for a dog – way.
Now his knot did enter me, and I was thankful I had kept it from my mouth, because his was largest of all – so far or last one, I wondered – and it hurt stretching me, but it was an inexorable part of fucking, and I caressed his ears even as tears welled in my eyes.
He also needed a long fucking, or second time around, his balls took longer to ejaculate, a la my own, and his shaft was bigger round than the others too, and I felt every wrinkly or smooth crease of it as it went way inside me, until finally he let go of the blasts of sperm, and added his, surely more potent, to the mix of others.

I was fainting, in and out of feeling him, of knowing I had welcomed this, and still welcomed it, but I was so bloated, the smell of retching coming up my throat, and I knew I would have to get up and out after him to empty myself: my body couldn`t hold any more cum like this.

They allowed it – a circle of them, how many - but no growling, and I walked, bow-legged, the gush starting within a few metres, but I went as far as I could manage before hunching down, opening my legs and my bowels wide, and, without any strain, let the mass of dog fluids cascade between my thighs and on to the ground, trying to keep myself from being splashed – though what was the point really: my body was full of it, why should outside be any different!

I finished, wished I had a tissue - for some strange reason thinking I was still different to dogs, who never used tissues to my knowledge – and I even managed a small laugh.
Bowing to get back inside the lean-to, I wondered if this was rest period, and we`d all lie down and sleep.
That small idea was quashed when a muzzle pushed at my anus, licking, clearly not offended, even enjoying, the tastes and smells there, while another was doing the same to my legs, actually tickling me.
It was then I saw a fully black dog standing, tail swishing up and away from a presented anus: offered to me was it?
Not having fucked a dog before – had I, no – I wasn`t even sure of sizes, but if females could take knots and long male dogs` cocks, I assumed a male`s hole might be big enough for my, probably smaller, man-sized cock.

I was shoved from behind, a rather aggressive muzzle at me, so I went to my knees and manhandled my cock towards the puckered, opening and closing hole.
But I wasn`t fully hard, so I had to squeeze my shaft and head to even push it to start inside, but, once it was in, my shaft was sucked at to follow it, and this internal masturbation stimulated me to grow, and I found the cavern was big enough certainly to fit me, and I began to slide in and out and fuck this new dog, holding his haunches and doing the motions myself, as a dog did to me.

As a dog now did to me, as both me and the dog I was in bore the weight of a new body on my back, pushing me over more prone, and thrust a sharp-pointed cock at me and in me.
I was in my first threesome – well, first with 2 males, and could only have wished for milk-filled tits to give me sustenance, and I could have coped with all this for longer, but I was flagging, and it was all I could do to fuck until I finally emptied my balls inside my first male arse, and easily slipped out, and he easily slipped away, leaving me to crash down while getting truly harshly fucked in my own rear, with a bulbous gland pushing in now, hurting my already tender and stretched hole.
But this dog was aggressive, also fully black, and it was rape now, and he hunched and moved and got himself going faster, and his cock reached its stiff full hardness, and he was thrusting hard as he began filling me, and he put his muzzle down to me, licked hard along my back, nipped though lightly with his teeth, and took ownership of me, of my arse, for his own pleasure – and I had always, nearly always, thought it was just an instinctual act they performed on me, but this dog was telling me more than that with his cock and teeth: this was just the first time.

I didn`t know when he finally finished and pulled hard from me: though that stirred me into a squeak, I was basically unconscious and supine on the ground, wet under me, but in no fit state to care.

Not dismissed, a muzzle nipped at my buttocks until I raised them enough for a cock to get in my hole; I needed it to end now, but it didn`t, and this cock and another had their way with my arse, bloated again now, the ground soaked under me: enough nutrients to grow it fast enough to cover me, I dreamed, but when the body came back on top of me, clawed forepaws digging into my ribs and teeth nipping and tongue licking at my back, I knew the big rapist was back for more.
I whimpered; he growled. I tried to turn and grovel at his paws, and he did let me turn on to my back, but not to rise, not to kowtow before him, but only to bring his mouth to mine, open it, and push under my chin, so I knew he wanted me to kiss him in obeisance and surrender, and so I woke enough to bring my hands to caress his coat and hold his jowls, making cooing sounds of the love I had to feel for him, and I stuck my tongue in with his big, broad one, and made love to it with mine and with my lips, even holding it very, very gently in my teeth, as I capitulated and murmured “whatever you want; I am yours” and he appeared to understand and growled sweetly – if that`s possible – and even lathed me with his tongue on my face.

But his cock was no less aggressive, and hadn`t become smaller, and his knot was still big.
An onion I thought of it, a big brown onion which brought tears to my eyes as he stuffed it in me, and began to reach full erection, bunching up against my opened thighs, and I even wrapped my legs around his haunches to help him: just so he would come faster, finish faster, get out faster…go away faster…

Part 6

I was almost fucked again after him, but I heard growling and a yelp, and all went quiet.
The black came alongside me and pushed his muzzle under my ribs; I groaned, I didn`t want to move, but he was relentless until I did my best to get up in small stages.
He pulled my clothes to me in his teeth, so: I was meant to dress…

He walked beside me, pushing, pulling me, as I stumbled to my car; I had to stop at a well and pour water on my face with a ladle, and gave him a drink in a bowl, seemingly meant for the dogs, down at ground level, wincing at the bending over.
At the car, I sat in my seat, found a pack of wet wipes I carried and rubbed my face and neck, needing to be awake for the 10 minute drive home.
I looked at the clock: almost 04.00; god, I`d been having sex since sunset, without a break. Who would believe me!

The black jumped up over my lap and onto the passenger seat, curling down into a ball and closing his eyes; clearly, he was coming with me.
There was a Police checkpoint set up, but it was on the other side of the divided road, probably breath-testing late night/early morning revellers.
I had no fears of that, hadn`t had a beer for just ever, and whilst they might have looked strangely at my appearance, `just out for a late ride with my dog, Officer` should have been enough.

At home, parking without much care, I was relieved to not see my wife`s discarded shoes, or any other different ones: she was out.
I filled a bowl with water, gave him 3 dog biscuits, which he wolfed down at least, and tiredly, exhaustedly, stripped my clothes off and went into my shower, cleaning my teeth slowly, eyes closed, almost asleep except for the cold water cascading over my head and body.

I opened my eyes to put my toothbrush in its holder, and found the black sitting in the doorway, watching me, tongue lolling out.
I shampooed and soaped and rinsed, and rinsed again, my body worn out beyond anything ever felt before, though at least it was totally empty now, as hard as I had tried to make it so, there was nothing left, just the feeling of distension in my entire abdomen and pelvis and digestive and waste systems.

Drying perfunctorily, I turned off the light, drank a glass of water, too tired to sit through a beer, though my body craved one, and didn`t even brush my hair, walking very slowly to my bed, and finding the black already taking up half of it.
I lay down with him, stroking his fluffy fur, fondling his ears, feeling him twitch and his muscles ripple when I caressed down his flanks.
“Are you staying long” I asked him; “it`s ok, but let`s get some sleep now” and I turned on my side, spooned back against his side, and let my eyes close, finally…

For a moment only, as I felt his haunches bunch and his dick out, probing for me, even though we were in this totally unnatural position.
Amazingly, my body was so comfortable like this, I responded, opening my thighs, reaching behind me to push his hind legs in tight, and let him jab until he found my hole, and I helped him move in, helped him knot with me, helped him rock to and fro, helped him fuck me like a man can do with a woman, and he gave me the slowest, gentlest, and most sensuous fucking I had ever had from a dog, sliding him in and back and in, and his cock was so very beautiful, his preparatory cum so very wonderful to feel again, my body ignored the aches and exhaustion, and I felt pure bliss as his ejaculation began in earnest, and I helped him keep it slow and filling, and I didn`t mind how long we did this copulating, it was so very wonderful!


I woke with the same smile, I thought, as when I had fallen asleep, still knotted with him, a foreleg over my ribs cradling me, and my arm behind me holding him.
I was facing the clock hung on the wall: 10.30, but not enough sleep or recovery time for me, and willed myself to go back to a dreamland of no dreams, just sleep.
But the black sensed my wakefulness, and I sensed his cock grow, and, given he was still inside me, I pulled him as I rolled to my front, and he slipped his hind legs behind me as I rose to my knees, and I gave him his natural position for a morning fuck.
I smiled through my sleepiness; he was clearly younger than me, with virility to match, and he appeared to have found his mate.
I wasn`t sure, however, how faithful he could be, or how long I could take 3 or 4, or multiple, fucks in one night, if he wanted or needed every night, and if his home was the temple pack, when would he decide to go there?

These were questions of a fearful lover, afraid of losing their partner, but they weren`t questions for now, so I moved my pelvis and joined in his making of love, and welcomed the day to come.

(End of Chapter 2….
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