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Keith thought it was just a guys weekend with is father and father-in-law
Keith and his father-in-law Pastor Paul got to the cabin late in the evening due to the unexpected traffic getting out of the city. Keith’s father Daniel was going to be joining them in a few days due to work stuff he said. It was the first time that Keith and the Pastor would be by themselves without other family members or Brittney (Keith’s wife and the Pastor’s daughter). Keith and Brittney both grew up in the same area but met in college and fell in love after college the two moved in with each other before getting married three years later. Keith was average six foot semi fit shy guy because of his six inch cock he didn’t think that it was good enough for Brittney’s high sex drive. Keith was looking forward to the trip and with just the two of them there before his father came made for some good “get to know you” time.

The cabin that Pastor Paul’s father build was small and very simple with only a front porch and one big room inside. The kitchen was in the back corner and next to it was an open stall with a garden hose in it for showering. There was an outhouse behind the cabin, heat was from an old cast iron stove and all electricity for the cabin was from a gas generator. It was dark when they got there so Pastor Paul only lite a lantern for them to see to unload the truck and set up the cots for the night.

Keith woke to the smell of coffee and the sounds of dripping water. Upon opening his eyes Keith got more then he would ever ask for. There in his direct view was his father-in-law Pastor Paul nude shampooing his hair. For a man in his early sixties he looked to be in better shape than Keith with arm and chest muscles and chiseled ads, but what nearly knocked Keith off his cot was what the Pastor was packing below. It had to be over ten inches long and as thick as a beer bottle and it wasn’t even hard with two low hanging balls the size of plums and the head still covered in its foreskin, but behind it was something Keith never saw. The Pastor had a black steel ring up at the base of the cock and behind the balls. He didn’t know why it was there or why he was glued to looking at his member.

Keith never thought of himself as being gay or wanting to be with another man. Growing up he looked at porn like any other teen boy or watched a couple of pornos in college but never really got too far into it to see a lot of cocks and never lone like this. The thing was a monster and just hung there swinging around as Pastor Paul washed his hair. Keith didn’t even notice that his own cock was tenting the covers over his waist as he laid there memorized by the monster cock.

Pastor Paul turned on the hose and rinsed the shampoo from his hair and opened his eyes just in time to catch Keith closing his. It didn’t matter to the Pastor because seeing the tent Keith’s hard cock was making was telling him either the guy had morning wood that he didn’t see before or he was getting hard looking at his father-in-law’s huge cock. He finished rinsing himself and stepped from the stall grabbing a rode and put it on. The Pastor walked over and made two cups of coffee for them and then walked to the side of Keith’s cot as Keith opened his eyes to him.
“Come on, time to get up” the Pastor told Keith as he stood by his head holding the cup of coffee. “How do you take it?”
Now fully awake and a rock hard cock tenting the covers as he knew he couldn’t just move it. Keith thought if he acted normal his father-in-law wouldn’t noticed it.

“Um… black… with a little cream… Mr. Jones”

“Just call me Pastor, Keith” “And we only have fresh cream but you will need to get it yourself”

Pastor Paul’s wife (Brittney’s mother) died a couple years before Keith met Brittney and the Pastor never remarried. What Keith didn’t know about the Pastor was that when Brittney’s mother was alive and since he was a very different man than others. He knew that a very young age that his was blessed with a special thing and knew that he could do anything because of it. He grew up being the alpha male and lived off being in control of submissive people. So it was at that moment that a grin came across his face and Keith’s eye saw that under his cup of coffee from the parted robe hung the Pastor’s huge cock. It was even bigger close up and looked like it could kill someone. What more was that Keith didn’t even blink as his hand reached up and took hold of the Pastor’s cock?

Growing up Keith was a beta male never really taking the lead and just went with the flow. The few girls he did take out were average like him before he met Brittney. She was a ten if not a twelve to his four/five but she liked him right away and the two fell in love, but now as Keith laid there on the cot slowly stroking his father-in-law’s massive cock all these things came racing back to him. Brittney was always the controlling one in bed taken charge and sometimes even making Keith feel like she was the fucking him to the point that one night after she had one too many drinks she asked him if he would ever let her use a strap-on on him. The next morning Brittney was totally hung over and no memory of the night before or the question so Keith just forgot it and brought it up. They both kept in shape by running and some yoga that she made him go to but unlike Keith who never could get that chiseled muscle fitness look. Brittney had a body of a goddess with tone arms and legs, a little tight ass, and ads that now seeing the Pastor looked just like his. When she was not at work in her skirts and blouses she was in yoga pants and tight tank tops. Keith had asked her on multiple times if she would leave him for a better looking guy. Her replay was always the same in that she loves him more than anything and no guy could replace him.

Keith never was with another guy before and was now stroking his first dick that wasn’t his. The thing was heavy as hell and he couldn’t get the one hand totally around it. It was hard like a steel rod but the outside was still soft and moved like a latex glove over his big ridged veins that ran the length of the cock. His foreskin that Keith has only saw in books during health class covered the head and then some was making him even harder as he pulled back on it releasing the big mushroom head of the cock. The Pastor never said a word more than a little moan here and there as Keith pumped away at his cock. The thing was like looking at Keith’s own forearm as he now sat eye level with it.

“Ok, hold you coffee out”

Keith placed his cup just below the tip of the huge cock in front of him as he pulled back the foreskin hood and continued to pump the Pastor’s cock. With a load moan the Pastor shot out the first stream of cum and because it was more powerful than Keith expected. It shot over the cup and straight into Keith’s open mouth. Keith just swallowed the hot salty cum and moved the cup a bit to catch the rest. It was about ten burst of thick white cum into the coffee before the Pastor was done.

Before Keith spoke his father-in-law took the coffee and placed it on the nearby table and pulled the cover from Keith. Keith still only in boxers hard six inch cock was standing straight up through the fly in front.

“Stand in front of me boy”

Keith did like he was not in control of his own body and felt the cold hands of his father-in-law grab the shaft of his cock. Keith looked down to see that even in the semi-hard state the Pastor’s cock was in his own cock looked as if it belonged to a little kid. With one hand on Keith’s cock the Pastor lined it up with his and pulled it into the opening of his foreskin. He then pulled the foreskin over Keith’s cock like sausage incased in the tube, Keith’s cock was fully inside the Pastor’s. His foreskin was so long that it reached up to the base right before Keith’s balls, then his father-in-law grabbed Keith’s cock through the foreskin and started to jerk him out.

It was a totally different feeling like someone was wearing a warm rubbery glove to jerk him out with and also he could feel his cock’s head hitting the Pastor’s over and over. The Pastor wasn’t loving or sweet about it as his grip was tight and jerking hard as it only took Keith about a couple of minutes to get the feeling in his balls that he was going to cum. The Pastor mush have felt it too as he slowed a little but kept the firm grip on Keith’s cock as Keith now with his face in his father-in-law’s shoulder started to cum inside the pocket of foreskin around his cock. Once his cock went soft the Pastor pushed Keith to his knees.

“Clean it good”

All Keith could do was open wide as his father-in-law’s cock entered his mouth. Because of the size Keith’s lips stopped the foreskin and just the head entered with all of Keith’s own cum as Keith sucked his first cock. The thing was bigger than his mouth so all Keith was able to suck was the head of this monster cock. This caused Keith to get hard again and he started to play with his own little cock. The Pastor knew than where Keith’s place was and let Keith clean the head of his cock a little more. Though Keith thought this was a boys trip it was much more and as he would learn.

“Ok, stand Keith” Do you love my daughter?” The Pastor asked Keith.

“Um… yes, sir…”


“Come over here to the table and place your dick up on it”

Keith did as he was told like a little school boy as his father-in-law grabbed a bag and place it on the table still with his robe open and his hung cock swaying around. The Pastor pulled from the bag a steel ring a quarter inch thick and three quarters wide and snapped it around the base of Keith’s hard cock. Keith didn’t say anything or try to stop him as he couldn’t think of what was going on.

“Do you, Keith, want to spend the rest of your life with my princess?”

“Um… yes, sir…” Keith said again.

Like it the Pastor was reading off vows he continued

“Will you do anything to keep my baby girl happy?” He asked as he placed a steel cage over Keith’s cock that wasn’t long enough and forced the head of his cock through the small opening at the end. With a small lock the Pastor locked the cage onto the ring up under his balls.
“This is going to hurt a bit but believe me that my baby girl will love you forever.” With that Keith’s father-in-law wrapped his hand around the cage and Keith’s cock lifted it up against his body and with what looked like a hook drove this shape piece of metal into Keith’s cock behind the head under the cock and out his urethra. The pain was like nothing Keith had felt before and this caused him to black out.
Keith woke about a half hour later to the view of his cock now soft in a cage and pierced in the end was a metal ring. There was a dual pain as he sat up to find his father-in-law nowhere to be seen and him naked. Then the front door open to the cabin and in walked Pastor Paul still in his robe and cock swinging around.

“I see you came to” “I will try and not get yourself worked up as it hurts more when hard at first, I put a special herb remedy that will fully heal your penis in a couple of hours”

“Why?” “Why did you do this to me?” Keith asked looking down looking over his cock and balls and sat inside a cage.

The Pastor didn’t answer Keith as he finished up making food for them and handing him a glass of milk. Keith could see that besides a little reddish his cock looked normal, well normal with a ring through the end of it. Keith knew that what was done was done and took a sip of the milk that was very sweeter than any milk he has had before. The two guys eat and after the Pastor took Keith on a walk through the woods around the cabin. With only their shoes and ill-fitting robes the two men walk along a small pond and a couple clear cut fields. The walk was quite with only the sounds of nature but inside Keith’s head his mind was going a thousand miles an hour. Towards the end of the walk the Pastor told Keith that he was now on a new journey to being a member of “The Flock” like Brittney and others. He told him that Brittney had been a member since she was young and did her “Right of Passage” and now it was his turn.

“But how to I become a member, Pastor?”

“Don’t worry you will know soon” And that was the last thing the Pastor said.

For some reason Keith was ok with all of this, though he would have never thought that this was what his life was going to become, but he deeply loved his wife and if this was the life she lived than he would too. As the walk was coming to an end Keith’s mind was wondering what was the “Right of Passage” going to be but in the silence his mind went back to his father-in-law’s cock. It was just swaying around as the robe was fully opening during the walk and now Keith’s cock was getting hard and the pain was coming back. Keith tried to stop thinking about it but it was no luck and his cock went full mast and fully hurt from the ring.

“I told you to not get hard, son” The Pastor told Keith looking over and see the boy in pain.

“Please… make it stop… Pastor… PLEASE” Keith said with tears in his eyes.

“Can you do something to make it stop?”

“OK, but this will be it till tomorrow”

They got back to the cabin and once inside the Pastor undid the lock to the cage and removed it. The moment that Keith’s cock was freed it grew to its full six inches. Once again the Pastor held Keith’s little cock in front of his huge dick and using the foreskin wrapped it over and started to jerk Keith off. Only this time Keith place one of his hand on it and help. This new way of jerking off was great for Keith and the pain from the ring in the head of his cock wasn’t as bad too. It was only about ten minutes before Keith started to cum inside the hood of his father-in-law’s cock and his cock softened after. Once done Keith dropped to his knees and sucked his cum from the foreskin of the huge cock and after the Pastor reattached the cage onto Keith’s cock and balls.

The rest of the day went by with Keith applying more of the herb stuff to his cock head through the cage and his father-in-law telling him that it will be fully healed by dinner time. They sat in silence with the Pastor reading a book and Keith trying to be to no avail. After dinner which was some cold cut sandwiches and more of this sweet milk; the Pastor pulled on the ring through the small opening at the end of the cage. He was happy with the healing and told Keith that it was time for the next part and attached a dog leash to the ring; because of the weight of the metal leash pulled on Keith’s cock and kept him aware of what was in his cock and where it was.

Keith didn’t get much sleep as all the new metal between his legs made it hard with all the tucking on his cock. The next morning the Pastor told him the showered and to get dress in the cloths that he laid out for him. Once dried Keith put on the button down shirt and tight fitting jeans that made the fact that his cock was in a cage very noticeable. Breakfast was just toast and milk and then they were in the truck heading out. The truck ride was rough with Keith having to wear this cage now took an hour through towns Keith didn’t know to a house on the edge of the one town. It was a very nice looking house that had a fence surrounding it with a gate that needed a pin to enter. Once through they drove up to the house and there outside was a brunch of cars and Keith thought to himself that he knew two or three of them.

“Put this on” the Pastor told Keith handing him a blindfold.

He was led up the stairs and inside the house. Once inside he felt a second set of hands on his shoulders as the voice of his wife spoke to him.
“Remove your cloths, and you are to not speak a word”

Keith did as he was told and in the matter of seconds was standing fully naked besides a blindfold. He was led some more till they stopped and he was told to sit. Keith sat on what he took as a stool that was very low to the floor. His knees were bent and lot and he felt like he could fall off the stool at any moment. Next his neck was guided into something and he was told that he could use the handles by his shoulders to hold himself sitting. After that they put something around his head and heard it click into place. His blindfold was removed and the lid was closed and Keith found that his head was in box with a round hole down by his mouth. All he could see was the carpeted floor and a set of feet with pink painted toes. He heard sounds of people talking but it was hard to make out what was being said in the box. It went quiet and the feet moved out of view and Keith sat there waiting for what was going to happen.

After what felt like an hour a slit in front of his eyes opened and once his eyes adjusted to the light Keith saw that the room was filled with couples all naked wearing masquerade ball masks. All the men had the same ring behind their cocks like Keith with the woman by their side holding the leash that was attached to the other ring.

There were some older couples and middle age couples, some in better shape than others, and some interracial couples. Keith sat there as he saw the Pastor who was naked but for a clerical collar walk up and stand in front of him. He welcome everyone for coming out and told them that there was a new member going the flock today. Keith couldn’t hear clearly what was being said but knew that he was going to need to do something.

Then the small slit was closed and once again darkness filled the box but for what came from the hole by his mouth. He felt hands on his cock and felt the cage being remove and something tight place on the head of his cock. Once that was done a soft cock entered the hole and touched his lips. Keith wasn’t gay and what happen with his father-in-law was different his huge cock had some type of power over Keith. This was a cock that he didn’t know and I was to suck a cock in front of a room of strangers watching him. There was a knock on the box and the cock pushed in more that the person’s pubic hair was now in Keith’s nose. Keith could feel the metal ring pushing into his lips and then a hand grabbed his balls and squeezed hard. This cause Keith to gasp and the cock went into his mouth.

Keith knew that there was nothing to do but suck the cock so that is what he did. Using his tongue Keith pulled the soft cock from its ball sac and started to suck on it as it grew. It was average size Keith thought as it wasn’t choking him. The cock started to pump in and out of Keith’s mouth as he sucked the second cock of his life. The person most had been holding onto this load for a while as in no time at all Keith got a massive load of cum shot in his mouth. Keith swallowed what he could as he gagged and sucked the cock till it went soft again.

The cock pulled out and before Keith had a moment another cock entered the hold and straight into Keith’s mouth. This cock was already rock hard and was covered in veins. The ring in the head hit the back of Keith’s throat causing him to choke and being up some of the cum from the first guy. The owner of this cock didn’t care as he throat fucked Keith brutally. All Keith could do was hold onto the handles and try and breathe through his nose as this cock piston in and out of his throat. This guy didn’t have a problem holding off as he faced fucked Keith for a long time, till when Keith felt like he was going to pass out and cock exploded into his throat. Once again the cock went soft and pulled out letting a new cock replace it for Keith to suck.

Keith lost count as one after another cock entered the box and Keith sucked it; till it was a minute or two without another cock entering. Keith’s jaw hurt and his face was covered in cum and spit. He heard clicking noises again and the box was removed from his head. After his eyes adjusted again he finally got a full view of the room and everyone there. Brittney was to his side and he could see that the board that his neck was through had a pool of cum on it. Brittney kissed his forehead and whispered an “I love you” into his ear. The Pastor told everyone to please welcome our new brother Keith to the flock and everyone clapped. He then turned to Keith and told him that there was just one more thing he had to do. Brittney bent down and remove the thing from Keith’s cock and raised it up in the air. Keith saw that it was a condom and was half way filled with cum. Keith didn’t know that he was cumming as he was sucking all the cocks but it had a lot in it. The Pastor told Keith to open wide and Brittney squeezed out Keith’s cum into his own mouth. With all the cum that he just swallowed it didn’t matter anymore as he just drank in down.

Keith was removed from the thing he was in as the Pastor told everyone “let’s eat”. Brittney wiped clean Keith’s face and attached the leash back to his cock before leading him to a real chair off to the side. He could see that everyone was standing around talking in small groups as three mid-aged women carried trays of food around. Keith didn’t know what to do or say so he just sat in the chair waiting for his wife to say something.

“You must be thirsty, sweetie?” Brittney told him as she motion one of the women over.

The woman came and stood there totally naked holding the tray of food under her saggy tits.

“Would you like a glass or…?” Brittney started to say looking at Keith.

“I think your jaw had enough sucking for one night.”

Brittney grabbed a wine glass off the bar that grabbing this woman’s breast started to milk it into the glass. Keith couldn’t believe that his wife was doing this, any of this for a fact. Once the glass was half full she handed to Keith telling him to drink up. He did and found that it had the same sweet taste as the milk his father-in-law was giving him the day before. Keith was drinking a woman’s breast milk, but how? The woman didn’t look pregnant how was she making breast milk? It just went on a mental list of question Keith was going to ask his wife after this was all over.

The “party” got under way as the couples were talking and laughing and eating, but Keith noticed that it was the women doing all the talking and the men just stood there eating, drinking, or just being quiet. Keith asked Brittney about the mask she had been and mostly everyone else were still wearing? She told him that a night like this we wear them in the beginning till after the “Right of Passage” but some people always wear them as they don’t want everyone to know who they are. Brittney told Keith that she didn’t want him to speak for the rest of the night and then led him by the leash to another room.

“Well, hello Sue it’s been forever since we saw each other” Brittney said to an older gray haired woman as they kissed both of each other’s cheeks.

“Yes, yeas it has” Well, he finally made it sweetie” the woman replied back

“Sue?” “Sue?” Keith thought to himself. “Why do I know that name?”

The couple in front of Brittney looked to be in their fifties with the woman being in better shape than the man who had gray chest hair and a little gut. The woman looked like Brittney but older with looking like she was still hitting the gym or running a lot. Her long gray hair flowed from behind her mask and her tits didn’t have a sag to them. She was holding a gold leash that led down to a gold ring in the head of her man’s cock behind her. It was about the size of Keith’s in length but he could see that even in the flaccid state it was thicker than his. He looked at the man in the mask and saw a faded tattoo on his upper arm and then it hit Keith that he was standing naked next to his parents. Keith gasped and started to choke a little as he realized it was his folks.

“Oh, baby are you alright?” Sue asked Keith knowing that he now knows who they were.

Keith nodded knowing he couldn’t speak and got his breath back.

“Come let’s go somewhere private” Sue said leading the group to a side room.

“Ok, honey now whatever Sue says you obey” Brittney told Keith as she looked into his eyes and unclipped the leash from his cock. She took a seat on an oversize chair as Sue removed the leash from Daniel’s Keith’s father ring.

“Now kneel and take off your mask” Sue told Daniel as she sat on a bench at the foot of a bed.

He did and soon everyone’s face was free to see them as Sue sat there for a while just looking at her son naked with almost a matching cock to his father’s before reaching down and grabbing Keith’s balls. Keith’s wife was never big into having nails or painting them but all his life he remembers his mom keeping good care of hers. Now as he stood there next to his kneeling father his mother dug her long dark red nails into his balls. She pulled on the ring and soon Keith was rock hard inches from his father’s face.

“Now sweetie I have been dreaming about this for the longest time.” “I want you to crawl up here to your mommy and suck on her wet juicy pussy.”

Keith stood there for a moment as his mother the woman that raised him, who loved and cared for him, laid naked on the bed. He loved his mother dearly and now was looking at her naked in the bed. Her gray hair laid on her shoulders and she propped herself up on her elbows behind her. She had a semi-flat stomach and her breast were so perky for her age. Running his eyes down he saw that she had a strip of hair above a completely shaven pussy that looked like a butterfly spreading its wings from how big her lips were and there were a gold ring in each pussy lip. Her legs were toned and her toes were painted the same dark red as on her fingers. It was the same toes that grabbed the ring in his cock and tugged on it because Keith wasn’t moving after two minutes of looking at his mother.

Before crawling up on the bed Keith looked back to see his father on his hands and knees looking at the scene before him and his wife sat there with a foot on his father’s back and the other playing with his cock and balls. Brittney was also fingering her pussy and she waiting her husband and his mother go at it. Keith loved to pleasure his wife and would lick, suck, and finger fuck his wife all day if he could. So doing the same to his own mother physically was easy but emotionally was going to be hard. His mind was a beta and being told to do something from the one in charge was simple but the fact that it was his mother was causing him delays.

Sue was horny and starting to get upset with her son’s delays so she reached down and grabbed the ring on his cock and twisted it saying that he was going to lick her pussy or she was going to cause more pain to him. The pain race through his cock and Keith almost drove to the waiting pussy in front of him. He stuck out his tongue and licked up his mother’s pussy juice to find it a bit bitter than his wife’s. His mother’s pussy spread wide on its own and Keith watched as her clitoris grew and popped out of its hood. Sue had both hands on the back of her son’s head pushing into her pussy as he sucked away at her clit. Keith knew how to work his tongue and once it was good and moist started to work two fingers into her pussy. Brittney has always been tight but his mother was loose so loose that he when from two to four fingers just to try and fill her pussy.

“Don’t stop son, you need to use you whole hand to fill mommy’s pussy” “AAAHH, AH!” “YESSSS, that’s it, sweetie!” “This pussy has been fucked by bigger cocks than your father”

Keith had worked his whole hand into his mother’s pussy and now was fisting her as she pulled on the rings holding her pussy wide open. The only sounds in the room were Sue’s moans and the squishy noise of her pussy. As he was working his fist in and out he made hand like a duck bill and soon felt what felt like a small puckered hole inside his mother’s pussy. Keith placed his middle finger at the hole and tried to push in but the hole was too tight. Thinking back to health class he knew that it was his mother’s cervix he was trying to get a finger into.
“Oh my GOD, AHH, you are going so deep, AAHHH, don’t stop, MMM!”

Keith tried and finally got his finger to enter the small hole up inside his mother, he was now fisting his mother’s pussy and fingering her cervix. This made his mother scream out so he pulled his hand out to a powerful orgasm that left Keith covered in a coat of pussy juice.
“Now fuck your mother!!!” Brittney told Keith as she was fiercely finger fucked herself with Keith’s father clean his cum off her feet.
Keith mounted his mother who was still breathing heavily from her orgasm and drove his hard cock into her. His mind didn’t see her as his mother but as a sexy woman that he was going to fuck as hard as he could. It was a totally new feeling with the ring piercing and that his mother’s pussy wasn’t as tight as his wife’s, but right now pussy was pussy.

“Oh my sweetie, you’re fucking me so hard” “God I love this”

Sue was in another world. It had been some time since she has had someone young giving her a hard fucking. Keith wasn’t nearly as big as some of the cocks she had but having it belong to her son made it feel some much better. Sue had her legs wrapped around Keith as his hands held her waist and he was fucking her harder and faster than he had every fucked someone.


“Cum” was all Sue had to say before Keith unload his balls into his mother’s pussy. With sweat pouring off his face Keith fucked her pussy as long as he could before he was too soft to push it back in. Keith sat back on his feet to the view of a sloppy cum covered pussy and his mother heavily breathing again.

“Go clean up that mess Bitch” someone ordered out from behind Keith. He turned his head to see a short curvy woman in matching blue panties and bra leading a tan woman crawling in only pink heels into the room and to the bed. Keith place the woman as being Melissa the co-anchor for the local news and high member to the community. She made her way up on the bed and started to lick up all the cum and pussy juice on it. Keith was trying to catch his breath as he watched this woman who was the same woman on the nightly news getting the hard truth for people or fighting for women rights. Here she was a slave to this other woman doing what she is told. She had the body of a goddess all tan and rich black hair. Her tits had to be a C cup and not an ounce of fat to her, long leg, and a tiny waist.

“Tell me how you feel?” the one hold the leash told Melissa and she stood over her.

Melissa told everyone how she hated the taste of male cum and hated even looking at a real cock as she licked the head of Keith’s. She then sucked his cum from Sue’s pussy while trying not to gag and vomit.

SLAP SLAP SLAP the petite woman’s hand cracked across Melissa’s ass.

“You better now vomit or I will make you clean that you too, BITCH”

For such a little woman she powered over Melissa, this wasn’t the same person he would see on the nightly news, she did as she was told and never veered from her commands. Keith moved off the bed and kneeled next his father as Brittney reclipped the leash to his soft clean cock.
Once she was finished Melissa was pulled from the bed and led out of the room still on her knees crawling. Keith noticed that there was a pink jewel where her asshole would be meaning that she had something in her ass holding it there. Everyone else left the room with Keith’s parents going and talking to other couple as Brittney and he headed back to the main room. Brittney got Keith another glass of breast milk and for the rest of the evening she chatted with some of the other members with Keith crawling and kneeling by her side.
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