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Because you asked (not so nicely) here you go.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Chapter 05
Why Couldn’t They Have Been Trolls?

“Yum, I can’t wait to crack open their bones, and suck out their marrow. That’s my favorite part, Lorrey.”

For some reason I can’t quite put my finger on, that really isn’t the best sentence to hear when waking up. To make matters worse, my feet are dead, and three large green creatures are dancing around a small fire. Nauseously, they’re doing that on the ceiling.

Or I’m hanging upside down by my feet. Yeah, probably the later one.

My head feels like Zeus tried to play roller derby in it, and my eyes are bulging from having been down-side-up for too long. The ropes around my ankles and wrists have caused them to go numb.

“Angela,” I whisper, hoping the ugly things won’t be able to hear me while they talk about how they’re going to cook us.

“I’m here,” she says loudly enough to make me flinch. “Don’t worry, they have terrible hearing.”

I look at the creatures again, and a thought hits me. “Shouldn’t they have turned to stone in the sunlight?”

“That’s trolls that suffer from that curse. These are orcs. Somewhat smarter and not quite as ugly,” she replies calmly, and I realize she must have a plan for getting us out of here.

“Naw, I prefer to suck out their marrow before cracking their bones,” a different orc states. Smarter than Trolls? How dumb can trolls be?

“How are we going to get out of here?” I ask, hoping to be let in on it.

“They’ll cook and eat you first,” she tells me evenly, and I feel my stomach drop. “While their cooking you, I’ll break free.”

“What!?” I shout, before thinking better of it. She’s going to abandon me? I know she’s technically a demonic creature, but the pain she displayed over having killed someone in the past was real. How can she do this to me?

“Hey now,” a gravelly voice shouts at us, grating on my ears, “What’s with this chattah? We likes our food quiet.”

“And delicious,” another one pipes up jovially.

“Well, do you really know how to cook us?” I ask, stealing an idea from Tolkien.

“Tha’ lil trick of delayin’ us won’ work, succubus,” their apparent leader responds.

“Ha, Lorrey. You made a rhyme!” says the third Orc.

Okay, so apparently ‘smarter’ is a relative term for these creatures.

“Shaddup. Lanny, Is the fire ready yet?”

“I’m not a succubus!” I shout at the monster.

He spins back around and walks right up to me. I can smell his fetid breath, and have to fight to keep my gorge in.

“Ya smell like a succubus, you a succubus.” He snorts, and his snot plasters my still naked body.

“Oi, what was dat?” Lanny asks. “Lumpy, go check It out.”

Lumpy grumbles as he gets up, and starts heading out of the cave. Lorrey goes back to the fire, and backhands Lanny for no apparent reason.

“You were going to abandon me,” I accuse Angela, this time quieter, as I try to turn and face her.

“Nonsense,” she says, and I can tell her hands are free now, “I just needed you to distract them long enough for me to break free.” She swings her slender torso up to start working on the knots around her ankles.

“What was it, Lumpy?” Lanny calls out in time to muffle Angela’s drop to the ground. She waits in silence for a moment, then, “Lumpy?”

“Go check it out,” Lorrey commands Lanny, and takes the poking-stick from the slightly smaller orc.

I watch in dreadful silence, as Angela creeps up behind the lead orc certain that at any moment the beast is going to turn and club her. She makes it to just behind the monster, when he starts sniffing the air, and then suddenly turns, swinging at the succubus. She blurs, and somehow gets out of the way of the glowing poker, before jumping onto Lorrey’s back, and wrapping both arms around the creature’s neck.

“Gerr off me!” the thing yells while trying to get Angela off it’s back. Her arms barely make it around the monster’s neck, and I wonder if she’s even doing any good. With the noise the two are making, I’m afraid that the other two orcs are going to return at any moment.

I wish I could help, instead of hanging here useless. Wait, maybe I can. In my mind’s eye, I conjure the image of an Amazon goddess. Very tall, bronze colored skin, golden hair flowing, a leopard’s pelt her only clothing, and large arms, big enough to crush an orc’s neck. Now this would be a wild fantasy, I think.

Opening my eyes and looking back to the two struggling supernatural creatures, I see a different woman now, finishing off the large orc. It only takes a couple more seconds, before I hear a very audible ‘POP’, and the thing’s head rolls into the fire.

Maybe I made her arms too strong.

Angela, still in Amazon form, easily strolls over to me, and smiles at me through the gore covering her body. “This a fantasy of yours, huh?” she asks. She is easily tall enough to reach the bindings at my hands now.

“It is now,” I tell her, glad to be safe. “Wait, what about the other two?”

Just then we can hear footsteps approaching the entrance to the cave.

Angela crouches, ready to defend us, and with my hands now free, I lift my torso enough to start working on the ties around my feet.

I land with a whump, forcing all the air from my lungs. I’m not as nimble as Angela is. I turn just in time to see a new creature enter the fray.

It’s not who I expect to see.

“Brooke?” I yell out and am surprised to see her in pale-blue scale mail armor, and a wicked looking wavy sword covered in ichor in her hands. An odd long skirt, made of the same material as her torso armor, shimmers blue in the firelight, but seems to flow around her legs like water, widening towards the bottom.

“Stay back, Lyden,” Angela shouts, pulling me up and behind her with ease, before crouching down, ready to attack. “She’s here to kill you.”

If ever I’ve heard anything more absurd, I don’t remember it. Brooke has always looked after me. Honestly, I don’t know if the gentle woman could even hurt a fly. . . . Of course, she is carrying a dangerous looking sword covered in blood.

“Brooke won’t hurt me,” I try to say a lot more confidently than I feel. Why are my friend’s eyes sparkling with anger?

“She’s an assassin, Lyden. I don’t know what your relationship is with her, but I promise you, she’s not what you think she is.” The succubus sounds so confident that I really begin to doubt. It doesn’t help that Brooke is still coming towards us, sword at the ready.

“Brooke, tell her you’re no assassin,” I call to the curly redhead.

“She’s right, Lyden,” Brooke’s voice is filled with iron, and I feel my heart sink. “I am an assassin. Now step away from her.”

“What?” I demand. “No!”

“Lyden, don’t!” the Amazonian women screams, sensing what I’m about to do.

I super speed around Angela, planting myself between the two women, holding my hands out, a palm facing each of them. “I really don’t understand what’s happening, but Angela, if she’d wanted us dead, why did she kill the other two orcs?”

I see confusion blossom in the succubus’s eyes at my words, but it’s Brooke that speaks.

“Lyden, how did you move so fast?” I can tell that the question itself scares her.

“I don’t know,” I reply. “Something has changed in me, and we’re going to ask someone if they know what it might be.”

“You don’t. . . . Wait! The only one in this direction that might have that kind of information would be TanaVesta, the Pillar of Fire. You can’t seriously be taking him to her, succubus.” The way she pronounces succubus is like an insult. “She’ll kill him for sure!”

My mind is reeling right now. Brooke is an assassin? Why is she in that weird armor? She knows that Angela is a succubus? How did she even get here?

“I’ve already talked to her, and she’s agreed to see him first,” Angela shoots back.

“Figures one of your ilk would be on speaking terms with that monster. Did she promise you safe passage out afterwards?” Brooke seems to realize how dirty her blade is, as she takes a couple steps over to the headless corpse of the orc Angela had killed, and wipes her blade clean. Her eyes never leave the succubus.

Angela doesn’t speak, but she does relax her stance.

“Lyden,” Brooke continues, her sea-green eyes now resting on me, “did she tell you about who she’s taking you to? Did she explain what kind of creature TanaVesta is?”

“Angela told me she’s a dragon,” I reply cautiously.

“Ha,” Brooke laughs. “Did she also tell you that she is one of the pillars of this world? Or that her slightest whim is law here?”

“I didn’t want to scare him any more than needs be,” Angela pipes up defensively. I stare at the succubus, unsure of what Brooke is talking about, but not liking the sound of things.

“You mean you didn’t want him to be prepared for what you have in store for him,” the armored woman shouts back.

“I don’t mean him any harm,” Angela screams, and I can see tears of frustration in her eyes.

“Stop it, both of you!” I yell, trying to get their attention. I turn to the redhead first, “Brooke, I don’t know what your beef is with Angela, but she’s done nothing but help me heal and recover since she met me.” Not entirely true, but close enough for now. “And Angela, Brooke has been my friend since she saved my life when my parents died. If she’d wanted me dead, there‘ve been plenty of opportunities to do so.”

Something lands at my feet, and I look down to see my clothes.

“Well, you might as well cover up that bat between your legs, then,” Brooke says to me, not quite smiling.

In all of the commotion, I had completely forgotten that I’m still naked. I feel my cheeks burning, as I rush to put on my clothes, but I warily watch both women as I do so. This is the first time I’ve ever been naked in front of Brooke.

The armored woman sheaths her sword, but still looks like she’s ready to do battle at any moment. “So, you think he’s becoming an incubus?” she asks Angela.

“No. Something’s not right about that,” the succubus replies, and I realize that an incubus must be a male version of a succubus. Apparently the orcs didn’t know that either. “So you were there when his parents died, huh?”

I immediately know what she’s getting at, and feel my anger rising again. “Stop it,” I repeat myself. “Brooke had nothing to do with my parent’s death. She found me two days afterwards.”

Angela nods, but whether in acceptance or something else, I’m not sure. “Are you going to stop us from going?” she asks instead.

“Is this what you want, Lyden?” the redhead turns to ask me. “There must be other ways to find the answers you want.” For some reason I can see worry, hurt, and pain in her green eyes, and I want to comfort her, but the blue armor and the knowledge that she’s some kind of supernatural assassin stops me.

“I need to know, and I trust Angela,” I tell her.

“But she’s a succubus,” Brooke shoots back. When I don’t comment, she says, “I’ll escort you to the dragon’s borders, but I can’t go beyond that.”

“You’re not invited,” Angela states, and I turn to give her a look. “She’s an assassin,” she says in her defense. I’m no more moved by her argument than I had been about Brooke’s, and she drops her head in submission. “Fine, but I’m keeping an eye on her.”

“Good,” I say, as I finally finish getting dressed. “Both of you can keep an eye on the other, and I’ll feel that much safer.” I meant it as a joke, but as the words leave my mouth I realize it was a very poor one, by the pain I see in both sets of eyes.

Angela finds a large stick that’ll work as a club and somehow finds a leather thong to tie it to her skimpy leopard skin outfit.

I try to find something I can use as a weapon too, but other than a half gnawed bone, I see nothing.

Silence is our only other companion as we exit the cave, and see the peak where TanaVesta resides off in the distance.

After a while I get sick of the thick silence, and decide to break it with a few questions.

“Brooke, what did you mean by saying that TanaVesta was one of the pillars of this world?”

My long-time friend glances at me, then to Angela, before reluctantly saying, “I’m not surprised she hasn’t told you more of this place.” I shoot her a warning glance, surprised at my own behavior. Not that long ago, I was quiet and meek around her, despite having been friends for years. Her beauty was always intimidating to me, but after almost getting eaten by those orcs, I feel different inside. Stronger. Brooke sighs, and continues speaking, “Did she tell you that this world was created? Good. There were six creatures that banded together in ancient times, to create a world that we could live in relative peace; in other words, a world without violent humans.

“The most powerful creatures were of each element: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Light and Dark. They became the six pillars of this world, and set forth the laws that govern this place, as well as all of us that choose to live here.

“TanaVesta is the Fire pillar. All creatures that belong to, or are tied to, that element serve her. Like your succubus.”

“Succubae are from fire?” I ask, confused.

“The fire of your loins, burning desire or lust. Sound familiar?” Angela pipes in, and I can see her point.

“Just so,” Brooke agrees.

“They’re also a bit demonic, remember?” Brooke adds, and I just shrug.

“You said that you can’t go beyond her borders. Does that mean you serve a different element?” I ask, trying to wrap my head around the idea of six creatures powerful enough to create a whole world. And of course, I’m going to go talk with one of them.


“That’s one reason. I’m under the Pillar of Water, Varun.” The way she pronounces the name, I can tell she has a lot of respect for him or her.

“Is he. . .she. . .they, I mean, is the Pillar of Water a dragon also?” I finally sputter out.

“Ha!” Angela laughs. “Not hardly, he’s nothing more than a—“

“Enough!” Brooke says quietly, as she draws her blade, cutting off Angela’s speach. “Do not speak ill of my master, and I’ll show yours the same respect.” The silence is once again thick, and I wonder what Varun is, and if these two are going to come to blows before we reach the border.

If so, which side will I choose?

After about another half hour of silent walking, the air suddenly feels a lot dryer and warmer.

“I can go no further,” Brooke says officiously, before turning to me, and I can see pleading in her eyes. “Lyden, it’s not too late to turn back. We can find the answers another way.”

“Will Varun know?” I ask her, and see tears begin to fall from her eyes.

“I can’t. . . . I’m not. . . . We can’t ask him,” she finally finishes.

I look at Angela, and see calculating confusion on her face. At least she isn’t taking this moment of weakness to poke at the redhead.

Walking up to my friend, I take her hands in mine, and look deep into her green eyes. “I need to know. Something has changed in me, something big. Is there a reason for it, or am I just a mistake?”

“You’re not a mistake, Lyden,” she tells me, hugging me close to her. With her chest pressed against mine, I’m surprised at how supple her armor is. I’m also shocked by her behavior, as this is the most touching we’ve ever done. “Never believe that you are a mistake.”

I hug her back to me for a moment, before she pulls away. “I’ll wait here for you. If you’re not back within a day, I’ll know you’re dead.” She takes another step away from me, before turning her back, and I know there is nothing more I can say or do for her.

Angela takes my hand, murmuring, “Come on,” as we turn and face the peak.

Besides the air, the ground is noticeably different here. Before, it had been rich soil with lots of growth, now it’s barren and rocky.

We walk in silence for a bit, which is disconcerting, as I’m getting sick of silence. I’d thought Angela’s silence earlier had been because Brooke was there, but now that Brooke is behind us, the usually jovial succubus seems depressed. In her Amazon guise, it’s actually kind of scary.

I open my mouth a few times to try to start a conversation, but I can never seem to form any words, and just end up shutting my mouth again.

The ground is rough and rocky, and very little grows on the side of this lone mountain. Thankfully I’m still juiced after my session with Angela before the orcs, or I’d have long since been winded. My throat is dry from breathing in the arid atmosphere, and trepidation about what is ahead really begins to sink in.

“You know she loves you, right?” Angela finally asks when we’re halfway up the side of the peak. The question sucks the air from my lungs.

“What?” I ask, flabbergasted. “No, she’s never. . . . I mean, we’ve always been friends, so I just thought. . .” Thought what? I wonder, unable to finish the sentence. Truth is, I’ve always wanted there to be more between us, but was always afraid I’d ruin our friendship if I tried.

“It can never be, though.” The succubus’s voice is quiet and somber. “One of the laws of this world is that there can be no permanent relationships crossing the boundaries of our two worlds. It’s not the most powerful law, but when it’s broken, an assassin like your friend there, is sent out to deal with it.”

I suddenly fully comprehend her statement to Brooke earlier. “You think she killed my parents, because one of them was from this world?” Shock registers in my voice, but this time I can’t shake the thought.

“It can’t be, though,” she continues. “The offspring of such a liaison is supposed to be put down as well. You can’t be a cambion. That’s one of an assassin’s main jobs: to kill and destroy any such offspring.”

“So, because I’m still alive, she couldn’t have been sent to kill my parents,” I conclude.

“But then why was she even there? Did she just happen to be in the lake you were boating in?” Angela asks, and then shakes her head. “There are too many questions, and not enough answers. Hopefully TanaVesta will be able to shed some light on what’s going on.”

“What’s a cambi-whatsit?” I ask, confused by her term.

“Cambion,” she clarifies, “the offspring of an incubus and a woman or a succubus and a man. Merlin was one, you know. It took decades to finally get rid of him. They’re very dangerous.”

And we’re going to see one of the pillars that decried cambions were unlawful? Great. . . .

I spend the rest of the climb trying to cheer Angela up by picturing all sorts of sexual acts and mentally sending them to her. It seems to have little effect, until we reach the summit. I’m not entirely prepared for what I see, as I look out across a massive plateau. Four giant pillars, carved with intricate runes and various images representing fire, support a triangular roof, which is completely engulfed in flame. The flame doesn’t appear to be consuming the structure, but I can easily feel the heat from at least a hundred feet below it. Tiered seating rises up on either side of the columns, filled with creatures from fairy-tales and horror stories. Most I don’t even recognize, like the one with two heads, but one eye each, or the one that seems to be made entirely of hairy arms and sharp claws.

My attention is drawn, however, to the massive creature at the far end of the pavilion. Its scales glimmer red, refracting the light of the flames above, and smoke curls lazily from its nostrils. Its long sinewy neck seems to go all the way to its tail. Six large legs, each with six toes tipped with six deadly looking talons, protrude from its body.

A true embodiment of the Chinese dragon: TanaVesta.

I have no idea how long I stand there, frozen in fear, sweat trickling down my back and my whole body shaking.

“Look at the human quiver,” a creature made entirely of blue flame shouts from the bleachers to a round of applause and jeers from its fellows.

SILENCE. The word seems to come from everywhere and yet nowhere. I don’t hear it with my ears, but feel it in my bones. HE HAS COME A LONG WAY TO SPEAK WITH ME, AND I WOULD HEAR HIM.

Angela’s hand on my back propels me forward. As if on their own, my legs seem to remember how to walk. I step forward towards the center of the pavilion and then stop, my mouth going dry. I try to work moisture into my mouth, but the golden eyes, easily as large as I am, terrify me, and I can’t speak.

Without warning the dragon vanishes, only to be replaced by a woman in a long flowing red cloth wrapped tightly around her body. Golden red tresses float around her shoulders, and if there was any doubt that this was still TanaVesta, her golden eyes vanquish it.

“Is this form better?” she asks me, her voice soft, yet commanding.

I nod, still not completely able to speak.

“And you are the one that Angela spoke to me about?” I nod again. The woman looks behind me at Angela. “This is not an aspect I’ve seen you in before, succubus.”

“We ran into some trouble with orcs on the way here, my queen,” Angela says, stepping up beside me and bowing her head.

“That’s what you get for making your home in the Earth demesne,” TanaVesta states bluntly. “If you’d move your home into my demesne, you’d be better protected.” She doesn’t wait for a response, before turning her considerable attention back to me. “She has told me that you seek to understand what is happening to you. That she has tried to feed on you while in our world, and you both grew stronger.”

“Y-yes,” my voice is barely above a squeak, “my queen.”

The woman laughs, and there is neither mirth nor malice in it, but rather a very deep hollowness.

“I am not your queen, little thing. I am merely a power beyond your reckoning.” Again, there is no malice in this statement, but simple fact. “I confess that I too am curious about the nature of whom or what you are. For as I’m sure even your diminutive race knows, nature abhors a vacuum. Yet, energy was not simply transferred from one to another, as is the usual succubus way, but rather duplicated.”

She takes a few steps towards me, and my knees lock in place. Her movement is gentle and smooth.

Like a snake approaching a mouse.

“In order to learn from you, I must taste of you,” she whispers, and I swear you can set a techno drum beat from the sound of my knees knocking together. She turns to Angela, and says, “You may watch from over there.”

Angela bows, and goes to stand by one of the pillars, leaving me alone with the dragon in human form.

She’s going to eat me, the terrified thought courses through my brain like lightning, but it’s still not enough to get me moving.

She takes the last remaining steps towards me and leans in. Closing my eyes, I prepare myself for the pain I expect to feel.

Her kiss on my lips is gentle and soft, and completely unexpected.

“Yum, you taste divine,” she purrs, and for the first time I hear actual pleasure in her tone. “I must have more.”

Opening my eyes in surprise, I watch as the red clothe covering her is pulled away by invisible hands, leaving her naked before me. Her body is devoid of any hair, except for the light red tresses on her head. Her breasts are easily a D-cup if not greater, yet despite their size, they sit round and perky on her chest.

With a wave of her hand, my mentally conjured clothes vanish, and I’m standing nude before a creature that is likely on par with the gods.

“Mmm, Angela chose well in you,” she says, reaching out, and cupping my flaccid cock. I’ve been too terrified to even think about being horny, but at her touch, a fire rips through my loins demanding attention, and I’m instantly hard. “Very well, indeed.”

I’m overcome with lust and desire, my fear and trepidation vanishing in the flame of my desire for this naked woman before me. I no longer notice all the beings in the bleachers, nor do I care. I must have this woman, and I must have her now! Why won’t my limb move? I wonder in frustration.

“Now then, let me get a taste of this first.” The dragon drops to her knees, and kisses the tip of my swollen penis, sending new waves of lust through me and making my cock almost hurt, it’s so hard. When she swallows the head between her ruby red lips, and I feel her tongue slide around my shaft, I moan in frustrated bliss at how good it feels. I want to place my hands on the back of her head. I want to bend her over and take her right there. I want to fuck her for hours, and never quit. That’s right, I want to FUCK this creature!

Her left hand continues to fondle my scrotum, while her mouth does wonders, swallowing me deeper and deeper into her orifice. It feels so great that it doesn’t take long before I’m firing deep inter her throat. Sticky jets of sperm fly from my cock, and are immediately swallowed by the powerful being.

As soon as I finish pumping what feels like gallons of cum into her mouth, this magnificent creature pulls back, and I can see some of my seed dribbling down her chin. She quickly scoops it up, and licks it off her finger.

I barely even notice the slight drain on my system from the powerful orgasm.

“Yes. . . . There is definitely something about you. I can taste the power you hold. But I understand the true power of an incubus is in the actual act of mating,” she stands up, then says, “You can move now, my pet.”

My arms and legs are finally free, and I don’t even wonder that I’m still extremely hard as I pull her to me and into my arms. Her legs wrap around my torso, and my cock unerringly finds her hole, as I shove her down hard on it.

Her pussy slides around my shaft, and I feel complete, like I’ve never felt before. Her lips are on mine, as I move my hips in a frantic rhythm, driving into this goddess, and making her moan into our shared kiss. I can tell that her tongue is still forked, but I don’t care, as for some reason I find myself being turned on even more. Her tongue wraps around mine at least twice, and she slides back and forth in time with our hips. My hands are on her small ass, and I allow my right pointer finger to delve into her crevice, until I find her puckered little hole. Without any warning, I shove my finger in to the second knuckle, and groan as her cunt clamps down on my prick.

“Oh, you humans sure are wicked,” she moans, breaking the kiss, and I see her eyes roll back as she cums.

Pure life-sustaining energy floods into me. The torrent of life is so strong it tries to wash away everything that I am or ever was, and it takes all of my effort to hold on to who I am.

It also washes away whatever spell she’d put on me. I still find her attractive, and there is no denying that her pussy feels great around my cock, but I no longer see her as the greatest creature in the world.

She’d been manipulating me, and I feel my anger rise at the humiliation of it. All those creatures in the risers must be laughing at the easily manipulated human. Well, if they want a show, I’ll give them one!

“You have no idea, sister,” I say in answer to her statement, and see shock register in TanaVesta’s large golden eyes.

Before she has a chance to do anything else, I use my new energy to quickly pull her off me, flip her around, and then impale her ass on my cock, before her feet even touch the ground. She howls in either pain or delight, I can’t quite tell, and I don’t care.

With my hands on her hips, I pull mine back, only to drive forward again and again, making her grunt with the force of each impact.

“Oh, yes,” she screams, and I realize she’s enjoying the rough treatment, but then again, so am I. “My last thirty mates weren’t nearly this good. I think I’m going to keep you.”

I feel her spell try to take a hold of me again, but this time I’m somehow able to block it. I act as if it works though, just to see how things go. I will never be her pet.

“Yes, mistress,” I say, trying to sound full of lust and obedience.

She shoves her ass back hard against me, and I lose my balance, landing on the smooth rock floor. It stings a little, but her colon stays connected to me the whole time, and as she leans back, I lie down completely. She places her hands on either side of my chest, and her feet about my knees, and starts lifting her hips up and down, sliding her tight sphincter up and down my penis.

Reaching around her torso, I grab a breast in each hand, and twist her nipples hard, making her cum again. As her pleasurable energy fills me once more, I let loose with my own orgasm, stuffing her colon with my seed as we shake and shudder together in utter bliss.

We lay like that for a bit, trying to catch our collective breathes. She’s the first to recover, and I can’t stop the moan that escapes me as I feel her colon slide up and away from my cock, leaving it naked and bare for the court to see.

Bending over, she smiles at me, cupping my cheek in her hand. “You, my dear sweet pet, are an abomination that never should have been.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, and I have to strain to hear her. “You’re a Generator. I should by all of our laws kill you on the spot, but I won’t. I can use you instead.”

Once again, I feel her willpower lock my body into place, as she stands up, and faces Angela. “I’m afraid, my dear succubus, that you will have to be detained. You know it is against our laws to bring a human here, into our world, and this man is nothing more than that.”

I watch in futile horror as a couple of large hairy black creatures grab hold of Angela, and drag her away. She screams that I’m more than a human, and didn’t break any laws, but the crowd in the bleachers ignores her as they cheer their queen.

TanaVesta turns to another of the large creatures, similar to the ones that’d taken Angela away, and says, “Take him to my chambers. Tonight I’ll snack on human.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Chapter 06
Fun with Dragons.

TanaVesta’s golden eyes look down at me. Her large round human breasts bounce upon her chest, as she swivels her hips, making my stiffened prick stir around her insides.

My cock is rock hard inside her, as she rapes me once again. I’ve long ago lost count of how many times I’ve shot my cum inside her, but she never seems to get enough. The manacles on my wrists and ankles stops me from being able to fight back or defend myself. Is it possible to be worn-out and suffused with energy at the same time?

Despite this being against my will, her pussy wrapped around my rod feels truly fantastic. There is a burning deep inside her that sets my loins and lusts on fire. My mind becomes muddled, trying to figure out if I want to get out of here or throw her down and have my way with her hot body.

Strength saturates me, as her cunt clamps down on me, and her juices flow down and off my scrotum. Her velvety folds ripple around my stiff member, and I moan loudly as I fire yet one more load into her, thus ending this round as she in turn receives vigor from me. At least this time it had been nonviolent.

“So, how are you liking the end of your second day?” TanaVesta asks me after pulling away from my wet shrinking cock. I can see my seed dripping down her leg as she walks away from the bed I’m chained to.

I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. “Eh, I’ve had better,” I tell her, attempting to goad her into at least killing me. I can’t say it’s been torture, tied up in this antechamber. Every few hours she comes in here, practically raping me, while I’m strapped helplessly to her bed by chains and manacles. Because every session leaves us both filled with energy, neither of us requires sleep, making time go by painfully slow. I’d still rather be dead though, than helping this megalomaniac gain more power.

She’s enjoyed terrifying me every chance she gets as well. One time while she was on me, she’d changed into a small dragon and bit off my ear. The experience made her orgasm, and suddenly my ear was back and whole again. I still shudder from that one.

She lets out a throaty laugh, changing back into a ginormous red dragon. Her scales shimmer in the sunlight pouring in from the side of the mountain peak that she makes her home in. “Ah, my pet, you are an interesting one. I don’t do this for your pleasure, of course. If I could get filled up on life essence without you having any pleasure at all, I would. Unfortunately, if you don’t reach your culmination, then I don’t get my own powers magnified.” The way she says that sends shivers down my spine, which only makes her grin more. Let me tell you, if a dragon of her size smiles at you and you aren’t immediately terrified, then you’re already dead.

Seeing that I’m not going to succeed in having her kill me, I change topics. “What have you done with Angela?” This isn’t the first time I’ve asked this question, and I don’t expect any more of a response than I’ve gotten every other time.

“Get some rest, my pet. I have a long meeting with two other Pillars. I likely won’t be back for a few hours, so expect a double session when I return.” She approaches me, leaning over the bed, and her large, split dragon’s tongue slips out, giving my whole body a good lick. “Mmm, I can’t wait to finally eat you one day, when I am the only Pillar left. It’s been centuries since I have dined on a Generator. Your kind always tastes divine.”

Before I have a chance to say anything or do more than shudder, she turns her bulk around, and a large boulder rolls into place, covering the alcove where she keeps me chained up.

Or almost covers. When it’s still about a foot from being fully closed, something outside changes. Lights of myriad colors reflect off the smooth rock wall, creating intricate patterns and mosaics. Something tickles my mind, but I can’t quite seem to understand it.

“Yes, master,” I hear TanaVesta say, as if in response to someone, but I can’t hear whom she’s talking with. “It will be as you command. I have already set your plans in motion.”

The colored lights flicker again, and again I almost feel something within my mind. It’s almost as if I know there is something there talking, but no matter how hard I listen or look, I can’t quite catch it.

“He is nothing, master; a pet to entertain myself with. He knows nothing of your plans.” The sound of obeisance in her voice sounds odd and very unfamiliar to me. Who is she talking to? Who could create such a cowed response from the Pillar of Fire?

The colors swirl one last time and then vanish.

“If my plans work out,” I hear the dragon mumble, “I’ll be able to destroy you when I’m done with the other pillars.” The sounds of her leaving the large chamber echo around the room, and I sigh in relief to know I have a few hours until she’ll be back.

Closing my eyes, I dream of happier days, of anything to take my mind off my current predicament. I remember dominating my boss, how she’d looked while getting off on her own fingers and wish I could have another chance to get into her pants. About meeting Angela, who is most likely dead already, and the fun we’d had together. I think back to growing up, and having the curly redheaded Brooke as my best friend. I even imagine her voice telling me to wake up, her hands on my chest, gently shaking me at first, and then getting rougher.

My eyes snap open as I realize that I’m not really dreaming, and I see Brooke standing over me. Fear and worry are thick in her sea-green eyes.

“Thank goodness you’re alive,” she sobs, and drops her head to my chest, hugging me tight.

“Huh?” I say as eloquently as I can manage, before my brain starts kicking into gear. “I’d hug you back, but I’m a little tied up at the moment.”

She pulls away, wiping away a fresh set of tears, before looking at me confused. “Why don’t you just break them?”

Flabbergasted, I stare back at her. Doesn’t she think I’ve tried? I made my wrists bloody trying to break free of these chains. Luckily the sex with TanaVesta had healed me immediately. She seemed to take great pleasure in licking the blood off before ravishing me, which is the only reason I quit the futile attempts.

“I can’t, they’re too strong,” I tell her, trying to pull my arm down to show her, and then staring in shock as the chain snaps. The manacle is still around my wrist, but the chain cuts short after about two feet. I repeat the gesture with my left hand, with the same results. Brooke pulls back as I yank my legs up, breaking those chains simultaneously.

I laugh. I just sit there and stare at my hands and feet, laughing. How long have I been able to do that? Is it because of all the vigor I’ve absorbed from the Pillar of Fire? If so, what else can I do now?

Brooke is looking at me worriedly again, and I realize my laughter has turned to manic giggling. It takes me a second to get myself back under control, and I stand up, stretching my muscles. I’m tempted to go after TanaVesta and kill her for what she’s done to me; I’m so drunk on my own strength, I almost think I can do it.

“Hurry, Angela is keeping a watch out there. We need to go, before anyone comes here.” Angela’s name seems to set my mind back on reality. It’s one thing to try and take on the red beast by myself, but I’d be putting two other lives in danger. I couldn’t live with myself if I got them killed.

“She’s alive?” I ask, looking for something to cover myself with. I want to run out and see her, but then I see the look in Brooke’s eyes.

“Gee, Brooke, thanks for risking your life and coming to get me,” she says wistfully under her breath, but I’m easily able to pick out the soft sounds of her voice. “I’m so grateful, that I’m more worried about a demonic succubus.”

Shame fills my heart at her words. She’d come in here to rescue me, and one of my first concerns had been Angela. I look closer at my friend and see that her long curly hair has been pulled into a fraying braid, and she looks exhausted. She’s still in her blue shimmering mail, but the bags under her eyes and the slump in her shoulders tells its own story.

“I’m sorry, Brooke. I thought she’d been killed.” Something occurs to me, and I look sharply at my childhood friend. “I thought you said you couldn’t enter TanaVesta’s territory.” Is she the real Brooke? “When I was in high school, and trying out for the swimming team, what advice did you give me?” I need to make sure this is her and not some dragon’s trick.

She stares uncomprehending at me for a moment, and I feel fear start to replace my shame, until finally she answers.

“You’re terrified of any water deeper than your knees. You tried out for the track team, and I told you to keep your eyes forward, and ignore the other runners around you.” Her tone is level, and I can tell that she now understands why I had to ask.

Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tight to me, until she squeaks, and I realize I’m squeezing too hard. I really don’t know my true strength, anymore. I’m so excited, I even give her a quick peck on the lips, before realizing what I’m doing and pulling back, my face turning beet red.

Her fingers lightly touch her lips in wonder, before she shakes herself, saying, “We need to get moving. I don’t know how much time we have ‘til she returns, but we need to be as far away as possible when she does.”

Angela, still in her Amazon form, gives me a quick hug and a chaste peck on the cheek as we both squeeze past the boulder. I’ve given up on finding anything to wear and run naked next to the two women, through a maze of empty winding tunnels.

Something doesn’t feel right about the path Angela is leading us down, and after taking a fourth torch lit hallway that is definitely leading down deeper into the mountain, I stop us. It’s also getting hotter the further we go.

“Don’t we need to be going out? We’re going down. I thought the entrance was at the top, or the side of TanaVesta’s chamber,” I ask the succubus, fear filling me once more. I don’t remember ever being this paranoid before, but after what I’ve experienced, I don’t think I can be too careful either.

“If we were going back to the oak to get out, then yes,” she tells me impatiently. “We’d never make it that far. There is another portal deeper down inside the mountain to get back to your realm. It’ll be quicker to get to it, than all the way back to the oak.”

She makes sense, and we start running again. My only concern is: why didn’t we use the one here in the first place? We could have completely avoided those trolls.

It only takes another five minutes or so, before our way is blocked by a flow of magma. The air above the flow shimmers from the heat of the molten rock, and I have to shield my eyes from its brightness after the dimmer tunnels.

“Great,” I mumble before turning to face the succubus. “Is there another way around?”

“No, that’s the portal right there,” she tells us, pointing above the lava.

“You want us to jump into the lava? Are you nuts?” I demand, but I can actually feel it there, now that I concentrate on it. Something. . . It almost feels as though I can feel time slipping away through the heated haze.

“Not in. OVER,” she informs me. I turn back to the burning river and shake my head. I might be able to make it over with my new strength, but there’s no way either of the two women can.

I wish time didn’t feel like it was slipping away. I need to think. Blocking the feeling of flowing time, I concentrate on the magma river.

“Oh, for the love of—“ Brooke says as she takes a running leap, and vanishes when she’s over the liquid rock.

Will I ever get used to magic?

I watch as Angela takes a few steps back, then dashes forward, elegantly jumping in the air, and doing a full flip, before vanishing.

“Show off”! I yell, certain she can’t hear me. Crouching where I am, I shove hard off the ground, hearing the rock crack under the force of my push, and the world blurs around me before going black.

I realize my mistake too late, as soft looking tan ground hurtles past me. I shoved so hard that I almost feel as though I’m flying, but I know gravity will take over soon enough, and painfully show me who the boss is.

As soon as I stop ascending, and can feel myself getting pulled back downwards, I try frantically flapping my arms, as if I’m some cartoon character, and that’ll save me. The chains still attached to my wrists jingle as I stressfully struggle to stay aloft. Somehow, after the direction my life has been going, I think it just might work. My shoulders flair with agony, and it feels like two sharp daggers are protruding from my shoulder blades. Something outside my vision grabs hold of whatever is back there, and I realize that one of the two women must be using their magic to save me. As thankful as I am, I wish it didn’t hurt so much.

No longer worried about falling, I quit uselessly flapping my arms, and begin to plummet again. Once more I move my arms, but notice something at the same time. I can actually feel whatever is sticking out of my back, as if it’s a part of me.

“Nice wings,” Angela’s voice breaks my thoughts, and I see her flapping her own way over to me. From her back are two large gray bat-like wings. “I was afraid I wouldn’t catch you before you hit the ground. When did you learn you could do that, and whatever possessed you to jump through the portal that hard?”

“About three seconds ago, I didn’t want to get burned, and I wanted to outdo a show-off succubus,” I tell her, feeling embarrassed. It had been a foolish thing to do. Neither one of them had pushed that hard from the ground, but the sheer joy of my extra strength and power is somewhat intoxicating, and I’m still not used to it. As degrading as it had been to be raped time and again by the red dragon, I’m not about to complain about my new strength, and I shiver in delight at what I want to do to the Pillar of Fire if I ever get my hands on her again.

I attempt to flap my way over to the succubus, and somehow end up upside-down, and headed quickly for the ground again.

Angela grabs me by my ankles, and with the size of her Amazonian arms, she is easily able to help me to the ground. “Easy now. Flying isn’t as easy as it looks,” she tells me as I regain my feet. She gives a slightly annoyed sigh, before adding, “I guess we’re walking back to the assassin. Come on, she’s this way.”

It takes me a second to figure out how to wrap my wings about me, and for the first time, I notice the uncomfortably cool air after the heat of the tunnel, the stars in the night sky, and the endless dunes of sand around us.

“Um, Angela, where are we?” This doesn’t look like anywhere in the developed world. Did we go to some parallel universe?

“The Sahara Desert somewhere southwest of Minya, Egypt.” She continues trudging through the sand, without looking back.

Well, that would explain why we didn’t use this portal to go see TanaVesta in the first place. I shudder at the thought of her name, glad to be away from the power-hungry red dragon, while at the same time, looking forward to destroying her. As powerful as she is, she’s made an enemy in me.

We meet Brooke walking towards us, and she stops in shock at the sight of my wings. I see anger enter her beautiful green eyes, as she glares at Angela. “I see she’s truly turning you into an incubus after all,” she states, derision dripping from her tone.

“I don’t think that’s what’s happened to him,” Angela says carefully. I look to the tall woman, wondering why she isn’t getting angry with my friend. What happened between these two back in that mountain peak? “Look closer at his wings. Those aren’t the wings of an incubus. They look more akin to those of a dragon.”

I don’t remember sitting down, but there is no mistaking the feeling of sand in my naked butt crack.

Dragon wings? How? TanaVesta didn’t have wings.

“Your master didn’t have wings, succubus,” Brooke echoes my thoughts.

“TanaVesta is no longer my master. I denounce her.” The look in her eyes doesn’t allow for any argument. I wonder how she must feel right now, with her entire world having been flipped. She’d called the dragon a friend, but the Pillar of Fire had arrested the succubus on false charges. “She can take the form of whatever type of dragon she pleases. The Oriental dragon is her favorite, I think because of all the chaos she caused in ancient China, before separating our worlds.” Angela looks to Brooke, and I can tell that she wants the assassin to understand. “Look closer at my wings. I only have three fingers in mine. His have five, and are the same color as his brown hair.”

Spreading my wings to get a better look at them, I end up tipping over and lying in the sand again. They’re too big for me, I realize. While on my back, I examine my new appendages, and see that Angela is correct. The skin between the fingers is thick and leathery. Each bony finger ends in a curved and wickedly sharp talon.

If I didn’t know what was happening to me before, I know even less now. I’m not becoming an incubus, but I have some of their abilities. I’m also apparently gaining the traits of dragons now. Do I absorb a person’s abilities when I have sex with them? What then does that mean with Becky and Lisa? Will I start becoming a female? I sincerely hope not! Not that I have anything against women, but I like the way I am right now. Of course, that could lead to some interesting lesbian adventures. . . . Shaking my head, I try to come back to the present.

Brooke and Angela have been talking while I was absorbed in my own thoughts, but when I hear Brooke ask, “What’s happening to him, then?” I perk back up.

“I’m not sure. TanaVesta said something about him being a Generator, which makes sense on one level, but doesn’t explain his transformations.” I can tell from her tone that Angela is just as worried about me as Brooke is.

“A Generator?” Brooke asks skeptically. “That’s impossible. They were killed off after the four pillars made our realm, and neither of his parents were a generator.”

“Wait,” I interrupt, “you knew my parents?”

She flinches at my question, and I realize that she let slip something she hadn’t intended to. “That’s not important right now,” the redhead tries to cover her mistake. “We need to find a way out of here as soon as possible. There isn’t enough water in the air here, and I spent too long in the fire’s demesne. I’ll die if I don’t get out of here soon.”

Part of me wonders if this is just a ploy to change the subject, but I remember that she owes her allegiance to the Pillar of Water, and how tired she looks. It finally dawns on me to wonder if she’s even human.

Sighing, I give Brooke a look to let her know I haven’t forgotten my question, before turning to Angela to ask, “How long will it take to get to a city?”

“Walking from here? A couple days, which will be too long for her.” She looks worriedly at my childhood friend, and again I have to wonder what transpired between the two while I was chained up. “I’m not strong enough to carry either of you while flying, but Lyden, if you can figure out how to fly, your wings are big enough. We could hit the Mediterranean before sunrise. Things will become much worse for her when the sun appears.” I don’t even want to think what the Saharan sun will be like.

I carefully stand up, being mindful of the weight of my wings, and stare dubiously at the tall Amazon. “How long did it take you to learn after becoming a succubus?” I ask her.

Her face drops in consternation, and I know I won’t like her answer. “A little over a week.” Yep, I really didn’t like that answer. “But maybe with your larger wings, it won’t take that long!” I can hear the hope in her voice, and I’m willing to try, if for no other reason than that I have to try something.

Several failed attempts, one hour, and a massively bruised ego later, I give up. I’m still full of vigor after all the rapings by TanaVesta, but I don’t think I’ll ever get flying down. At least, not in time to save Brooke. Looking to the curly haired woman, I can see that she’s having problems. Her lips are dry and cracked, she isn’t sweating like Angela and I am, and her breathing is haggard.

“Why is she hurting so badly, this quickly?” I ask the succubus.

“This quickly? Lyden, she came to rescue you when we didn’t come back after a day. She found and rescued me first, and we tried to get to you, but that rock was always blocking our path when the dragon wasn’t with you.” That means she was in the fire realm for well over a day. I shudder to think what might have happened to her if the red dragon hadn’t gotten distracted while replacing the boulder in front of that antechamber.

“Don’t worry about me,” Brooke says, and her voice sounds even more dry and cracked than she looks right now. “Any minute now, the Pillar of Fire will realize where you’ve gone, and her minions will come pouring out of that portal. Get away while you can. I’ll only slow you down.”

“No!” I refuse her words. “I won’t leave you or anyone else. We’re all going, and that’s that!” Dashing to the top of the nearest dune, I shove off hard from it, kicking a huge divot in the sand, and launching myself fifteen feet into the air. I spread my wings thinking, feeling, and knowing that this time I’ll succeed. There is no wind to catch my open wings, except the speed of my passing. I wait but a moment, before giving a very controlled flap.

And plummet into the soft, itchy sand below.

“Dammit,” I swear, not caring about my language, as I’m so frustrated. I stand up and start brushing the sand from me. I’d be a lot more comfortable if I had clothes on, I think, but know that learning how to fly is of greater importance.

Wait a minute. . . .

“It’s almost as if your wings are too large for your body,” Angela says, taking long strides through the sand over to me. I know she’s walking and not flying out of respect for what little is left of my pride.

It just might work. . . .

“Have you thought about maybe shrinking them a bit? You could still carry her, if they were just a bit smaller, though it may also slow us down.”

Closing my eyes, I picture in my mind what I want, just like Angela had taught me with the clothing, but this time I have something else planned. I mentally step into my image, and hear Angela gasp in terror, as I feel my body shift.

I also feel like a huge weight has settled across my entire body, and I’m physically and mentally drained. Opening my eyes, I look down at the succubus, and see that she’s crouched, and ready to attack or flee. I crane my now long neck around and open my snout to speak to her, but my forked tongue doesn’t want to cooperate with human speech, and I end up growling something instead.

IT’S ME, I mentally blast at her, LYDEN! My energy levels dip lower, but I still have more than plenty to function.

“But. . . but you’re a. . . d-dragon!” she stutters.

I nod my head, and walk on four legs over to where Brooke is now laying unconscious. As gently as I can, I try to pick her up in my sharp teeth, but I’m too worried about hurting the assassin further.

“You want her on your back,” Angela says, her mind finally catching on to what I intend. With her help, Brooke is soon situated in a depression on my back, which fits the redhead perfectly.

WHICH WAY? I ask, and Angela takes to the air, moving to what I feel is north. My sense of direction is drastically increased, and for some reason I feel more balanced with my wings as I take off running. As soon as I’m comfortable in this new body, I start to take running leaps between dunes, eventually using my wings to glide from one tip to the next. By the time we reach the sea, I’m not yet truly flying, but I’m gliding with ease.

In mid-leap I concentrate on my vocal cords and tongue, so that I can talk normally. The drain on my system is thankfully minimal.

“What laws did TanaVesta claim you broke?” I ask as soon as I land.

Angela looks at me for a moment, before answering. “There are many laws concerning you humans, and the rest of us. After the pillars made our realm, there was great fear that some of your kind would find a way to us, and continue to slaughter us. It became illegal to bring a human across. She tried to claim that I’d broken that law with you.”

“But you didn’t know I was different until after you brought me to your field,” I protest.

“Actually, I had an idea that you weren’t entirely human. Remember how you could see me when no one else could?” I had to agree that she was right.

“What other laws do I need to look out for?” I ask. The last thing I want to do is get more enemies after me.

“Concerning humans?” She waits for me to land from another gliding leap before answering. “We can’t marry or create offspring with humans. Succubae are heavily watched on that law, but we can choose when to mate, and when to just have sex. Also, it’s very heavily frowned upon for two different species to have offspring. There’s no telling what the outcome might be. Some of the worst disasters in both our worlds came from the mixing of species.” I realize that this means I can never truly be with either Angela or Brooke.

“How are generators made?” The look she gives me lets me know that my question didn’t come out as smooth as I’d tried to make it.

“That’s a heavily guarded secret, and only two of the pillars know: Light and Dark.” Some emotion apparently registers on my draconian features, for she adds, “I’m sorry Lyden. I don’t know how you came to be.”

Angela leads the rest of the way in silence, staying aloft, and either she goes slowly for me, or I’m a lot faster in this form, but it only takes us about two hours to reach the Mediterranean.

The sight of so much water brings back terrors of drowning, from when I was a kid. My legs lock up, and my heart pounds to see that much water in one place. I know Angela is yelling at me to get Brooke to the water, but I can’t move. Doesn’t she realize that if I get close to that, it’ll rise up and take what it lost so many years ago? I can’t go near it!

The waves lapping against the sandy shore seem to be calling to me. “Come here, swish. Come join us, swoosh. Become one with us, shwash.”

“Lyden, she will die if you don’t get her to the water.” Angela’s frantic tone pulls me from the trance that the sea had placed on me, and my vision is swallowed in the succubus’s swirling pupils.

“Die?” I ask confused. “I don’t want to die.”

Her slap against my scaly face finally breaks the last vestiges of my self-induced terror, and I know what must be done.

I have to carry her into the water, my mortal foe. I don’t know if she just has to touch it, or be submerged, but with my current size, I’m going to have to travel further than knee deep to get her there.

I don’t know if I can do this. I can still hear the whispers from the waves. I’m so tired. I feel like I’ve run a hundred miles, when I’ve really run a lot more than that. A bone deep weariness starts to seep into my joints, and I think how comfortable the sand would feel to lie upon. Just lie down, and take a week long nap. Doesn’t that sound delightful?

The amount of willpower it takes to take the first step with my right foreleg is probably enough to move mountains, but it barely moves me. Thankfully, once in motion, my movements become easier, until all four of my legs are moving in their proper rhythm.

The relatively cool water touching my front talons almost makes me stop, but I know that once I do, I’ll never get moving again.

My rear legs splash as they enter the water, and my overheated chest is suddenly chilled by a wave passing beneath me. Sensing no movement or even life from Brooke, I keep moving. Am I too late? Did I hesitate too long, and kill her in my procrastination?

NO! I have to believe that she’ll be okay. She saved my life when I was a kid, and risked her life to rescue me from TanaVesta’s clutches. Now it’s finally time to return those favors.

A cold, bone deep chill sets into me as my wings sink below the surface, and I have to stretch my serpentine neck to keep my head above the water. “Just a couple more steps,” I tell myself out loud, letting my voice be my own encouragement. Where is Lisa when I really need a cheerleader? “A couple more steps, and she’ll be in the water.”

The weight on my back suddenly shifts, and I have to carefully turn my almost submerged head to see what’s happening. Angela is flying just above me, and has one of Brooke’s hands in hers, as she tugs the still unconscious woman from me.

There is a slight shimmer under the water as her legs slip from my body, but I can’t tell what is happening. Hopefully it means she’s recovering.

The cold is really sinking in, and I know that if I don’t get out of the water soon, it truly will claim me for good. I begin the ponderous task of turning my bulk around, and find that I’m breathing heavily from the effort. I’m tempted to change back into my human form, but I don’t think I have the energy for it, and besides, this far out, I’d drown for sure.

The beach looks so inviting. Like a great place to take a nap, snuggled into the sand, head turned and tucked under my wing, and oblivious to the world.

“Lyden, what are you doing?” the winged succubus demands, and I realize that I’ve already begun to lie down while still in the water. The sound of the lapping waves still chants to me. Rest. Sleep. Lay down your burdens.

Angela still has Brooke’s wrists in her hands, and drags her over to the beach, while I ponderously resume my trek. The waves help push me towards the shore, then become traitorous as they recede back into the sea. Every step seems to become more difficult, as my talon-tipped claws feel like lead weights.

Only thirty feet to go, I think. How did I get here? Twenty feet. Why am I here? Fifteen feet. Why am I so cold? I was so warm, not that long ago. Ten feet. So tired. So exhausted. When was the last time I slept?

Yes, a nap sounds so good right now. Just lie down, listen to the water, and close my eyes. . . . What is that annoying sound? Why won’t it let me rest? Doesn’t it know how tired I am?

“Lyden, you’re coldblooded right now! You’re almost out of the water. Just a couple more steps!”

Coldblooded? I can’t be coldblooded, I’m a human. Right? Something doesn’t feel right, and I stand back up, following the advice of the sensible voice.

“That’s it, Lyden. One step after another. Keep going. You’re doing great. Just take a couple more steps and you’re out.”

“I-I can’t,” I mumble, the exhaustion becoming too much for me. Collapsing to the ground, I finally get my sleep.

* * *

“Wake up,” Angela says softly, shaking my shoulders. “The water’s not helping her enough.”

My eyes snap open as I look around to find my friend. I spot her immediately, her lower half submerged in the surf, and still unaware of the world around me. As the wave pulls away, the early morning sunlight shines off some large blue-tinted fish that’s slowly swallowing Brooke.

Panic stricken, I stumble to my feet, and just barely note that I’m human again, naked and no longer chained, as I run to the assassin.

I’m not prepared for what I find. Staring hard at her, my mind can’t comprehend her transformation.

“She’s a mermaid,” Angela’s voice says right next to my ear. I notice that her wings are gone, and she’s back to her punk form: short blue hair, hazel eyes, and even a round nose-ring this time.

“A . . .mermaid? But—but, how?” I demand.

Angela gives me a funny look, before shaking her head. “I guess I should have told you before; mermaids are Varun’s assassins. Centaurs for Gaia the Pillar of Earth, and kobolds are TanaVesta’s assassins. Kobolds are also those large hairy things that acted as the Pillar of Fire’s personal guards.”

“But . . . a mermaid?” Somehow it just doesn’t sink in.

“If you’re done spazzing out, she still needs your help. She’s too weak and needs you to give her some life,” Angela says, as she looks deep into my eyes. I can see sadness there, and wonder what that statement must have cost her.

What am I thinking? She’s a succubus! She must be sad at the thought of losing Brooke, though that doesn’t seem to fit either. If only I still weren’t so tired, I could think clearer.

“But I’m still exhausted, and she’s asleep. I can’t do that to her!” I protest.

“Just go into her dreams, like I did when you were in the hospital.” The way she says that makes it seem so obvious.

“Why can’t you do it?” I ask, feeling shamed that I’m asking someone else to help Brooke, but I’m so tired.

“Because she’s not into women,” comes the easy response. I wonder how Angela could possibly know this, until I remember that she’s a creature of sex. She must have some innate sense of what turns people on.

My friend still needs help, and I determine that I’ll do what it takes.

Following Angela’s directions, I close my eyes after getting comfortable in the sand. Well, as comfortable as I can while sitting naked in steadily warming sand. Sending out my thoughts, they touch upon the weak mermaid.

Impenetrable blackness surrounds me, and I lose all sense of direction as I enter the assassin’s mind.

“You don’t belong here,” a disembodied voice sounds from all around me, and I spin around trying to locate it.

“Brooke?” I yell. “I’m here to help you!”

“Why don’t you go back to your demonic lover?” the voice sounds again, and I can make out the angry sadness in it.

“Brooke, you’ve been my friend since elementary. I can’t lose you.”

“What about her?” The voice sounds like it’s solidifying, and I spin to face it.

“What about her?” I ask back.

“Aren’t you in love with her?” A shadowy form begins to take shape, and I take a step towards it, but I don’t seem to move. “I believe she’s falling in love with you.”

It seems odd to hear that, after Angela had said the same thing about Brooke.

“No, she’s just a friend,” I reply back.

“Like me?”

Dang it, I can’t seem to say anything right.

“You’re different,” I tell her honestly. “You’ve been there for me throughout my life. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. Brooke, you’re not just my friend, but my closest and dearest companion.”

“You’d think differently, if you knew the whole truth about me.” Her form starts to fade again.

“Wait! Do you mean about you being a mermaid? I already know. I don’t have a problem with that. Is it about you being an assassin? I’ve known that for days.” Her form becomes more substantial, and this time when I try to move, her form comes closer to me. “Please let me help you!”

“But you don’t know everything. . .” her voice trails off, but I finally reach her and hug her mostly solid body to me.

“And I don’t care,” I whisper back to her, and her form comes into complete focus as her arms slip around my waist.

“Are you really here, or am I just dreaming?” Her words murmured into my shoulder warms my heart.

“Yes,” I answer both questions, smiling as she looks up at me. Apparently my smile is infectious and she grins back up at me.

“In that case—“ she cuts herself off as her lips press against mine. The kiss is gentle and sweet as her arms pull me tighter to her. An eternity passes before she pulls away, and it still feels too soon. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.” Her face nuzzles into my neck, and once again I feel warm all over.

“Why didn’t you?” I ask, wishing she had on more than one occasion.

“It’s against our laws to form permanent attachments to humans. It’s too hard not to want kids, and they can become very dangerous.” She sounds like she wants to say more, but doesn’t, and I remember the conversation with Angela about that.


“Yes, Brooke?”

“Make love to me in this place.” Her words, delivered so softly, carry a large impact.

Placing my hand under her chin, I lift her head just a bit, and bring our faces back together. This time when our lips meet, they part, and I feel her tongue lick along my lips.

Sucking her tongue between my teeth, I drop my hands down her back, until they’re resting lightly on her rear. This kiss is very different from the last one; hungrier and more demanding.

Pulling up the back of her shirt, I allow my hands to glide up her smooth skin to the clasps of her bra. Despite the practice I’ve had at undoing these annoying things, I still struggle with hers. That is, until I remember that we’re in her mind and with a quick thought, she is completely topless.

“Oh,” she gasps, when her clothes disappear, and she steps back from me and stares at her small breasts. When she looks back up at me, I can see a gleam in her eyes, which is oddly juxtaposed by her sucking in her bottom lip.

I feel a sudden draft, and realize that I’m now completely naked.

“Oh, really?” I ask with a wicked grin, before making the rest of her clothes completely vanish. Her body is truly magnificent. Slim legs, leading up to slender hips. There isn’t a hair on her body below her head, and even though her tits are small, about A-cups, they fit the rest of her slender body perfectly. “Well,” I ask while arching one eyebrow, “Are you just going to stare at me, or can I continue fulfilling your request?”

“You’d better make love to me,” she tells me, before literally jumping into my arms.

Laughing as I catch her, I gently place her on the non-existent floor and return to kissing her. I break the kiss, and brush my lips down along her jaw, to her neck, and then her chest. Returning to kisses once again, I nibble lightly around her mammaries, spiraling my way up to her nipples, before taking the small nubs between my teeth, and sucking gently.

Brooke is moaning softly by the time I break away from her tasty teats and kiss my way down her body. I stop off at her belly button just long enough to shove my tongue into the small dimple before going down deeper to her sweet sex.

Her love juices are already flowing as I dip my tongue into her hole. She tastes sweet and wonderful, filling my mouth with her fluids as she moans and grinds herself against my lips. Sucking in one of her labia, I chew lightly on it, until her moaning reaches a crescendo. I shove my nose against her clit, shaking my head back and forth, as I push my tongue into her as deep as possible. Her fingers dig into the back of my head as she cries out in pleasure.

Knowing that I need to transfer energy to her, and not away from her, I focus my mind on that task, but don’t feel any different. Did I do anything wrong? Did she fake the orgasm? Why wasn’t there some transfer of life?

Brooke’s moaning brings me back to the present, and I decide to try again on her next climax.

Sliding back up her body, I smile down at her, my grey eyes meeting her sea-green ones. I line up my cock with her coochy, and she finally speaks up.

“I’ve dreamt of this moment for so long,” she tells me.

“Well, technically you’re still dreaming,” I tell her, and before she can respond, I move my hips forward and kiss her softly. My penis automatically conforms to her inner walls as I slide halfway in.

She pulls her face away from mine, and licks her lips. “Is that what I taste like in real life?” She smacks her lips a bit more, then adds, “Not as bad as I thought.”

I move my hips back, and then drive forward again. “I think you taste wonderful.”

“Shut up and kiss me.” Before I have a chance to say or do anything more, her arms wrap around my neck and pulls my face back down to hers. Our tongues mingle while our bodies writhe.

“Oh, Lyden,” she moans, “I love you so much. Never leave me!” Her body locks up, as she realizes the words she’d just uttered. I smile at her as I kiss her again, not entirely sure how to respond. Apparently it’s the right move. Her pussy ripples around my length as she cums again, and again I try to transfer energy to her, but to no avail.

Maybe I have to cum to give her strength?

Rolling us over, I pull her chest down to my hungry lips, then grip her hips and pick up our pace. I continue to drive up into her, again and again, truly loving the musical sounds of her pleasure as her sensitive folds slip and slide around my penetrating tool. I know I’m not going to last long like this, and I suck harder while picking up my pace.

Her third orgasm hits as I start to fire my seed deep into her crevice.

I still don’t notice any change in my energy, as I try to pump her body with vigor and my ejaculate.

Truly exhausted after the last few days, and disappointed in my failure to transfer power to the assassin mermaid, I drop my head back to the black ground.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you,” I say before sadly pulling out of her mind.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Chapter 07
The long way home.

Opening my eyes, I’m greeted with quite the pleasant feeling. Looking down, I find my cock enjoyably being sucked by Brooke. Her curly red hair fans out across my legs, and I moan to let her know I’m enjoying what she’s doing. Apparently my little trip into her subconscious has worked. Even with the hot sand under me, and the sound of a large body of water so close to me, Brooke’s mouth has skills I never would have believed from such an innocent looking woman.

The green eyed woman lifts her head, making a slurping noise as my rod leaves her mouth and smiles at me. “I was so turned on by watching you in her mind, that I had to have a bit of you for myself.”

That . . . doesn’t seem right.

“Angela?” I ask while trying to blink back the brightness of the sun on my left, and then look over to find the real Brooke still waist deep in the surf on my right.

Horrified, I push myself back from the succubus, not feeling right about her taking on my friend’s form.

“Lyden? What’s wrong?” The concern and hurt I hear in her voice only compounds my own confused feelings.

“I—I don’t like you in her shape,” I tell her honestly, and she looks down at herself uncomprehendingly.

“Oh my! I didn’t even realize. Of course it would bother you to have me take your friend’s form. I didn’t even realize. I must have picked up on what was in your mind, and my body just changed.” Her sea-green eyes, exactly like Brooke’s beautiful orbs, stare beseechingly into my own, and I know she didn’t mean to bother me. Honestly, I don’t fully understand why it does. I’ve now mentally been with Brooke, and I’ve been with Angela more than once in different forms, so why should it bother me? Maybe it’s because I’m close emotionally to Brooke. “Can you forgive me?”

Breathing out a breath I hadn’t realized was pent up, I say, “Of course. Your body just reacted to what was going on. You weren’t doing it on purpose.” She smiles and lunges forward to hug me close.

“Thank you, Lyden. I promise to do what I can to protect you and not hurt you.” Despite how I feel about the succubus in this form, having a beautiful and very naked woman hugging my naked form isn’t killing my sex drive.

“Um, maybe you’ll want to change, and we can continue where I woke up?” She pulls away from me, wide eyed, but grinning broadly.

“Of course! How would you like me?” She asks, grabbing her pert but small breasts and tweaking her nipples. Yeah, my sex drive is only rising from her display.

I think about it for a moment, before answering, “I’d like to see you as you truly are.”

Shock registers across her delicate features at my request, and she stares at me in wonder for a moment, before saying, “I can’t. Lyden, I—I told you before that I don’t remember what I looked like originally. It was too many centuries ago, and I’ve been too many things in between.” She gives me a tremulous smile, and I feel like an idiot. She had told me that, and I probably just made her feel bad . . . again.

Too many ‘things’? I don’t think I want to follow up on that thought.

Now it’s my turn to apologize. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad again,” I tell her in all honesty, placing my face in my palm.

I hear her move a little closer in the sand, and she lifts my face back up to meet hers. “No. You didn’t make me feel bad. No one has ever asked that of me, and to have you do it made me feel, um, well, like I haven’t felt emotionally in a very long time. Do you understand? It felt good! I would do it for you in a moment if I could, but the real problem is that I can only take on whatever form is in someone’s mind, and no living mortal remembers what I looked like. TanaVesta does, as well as the demon that helped give me my abilities when he split off part of his soul, but I don’t dare ask either one of them.”

I can tell she’s not happy, and I grasp her hands, picturing her in my mind the way I’d first seen her: blue hair, hazel eyes, B-cup breasts topped with nipple jewelry, slender hips, and pale skin. This time my mind adds a round nose and eyebrow ring to round out the image. I’m not sure if she can sense her change, or if her slight drop in stature is what alerts her to her own transformation, but she looks at herself, even pulling one hand from mine to examine her short hair, before grinning at me.

“This is your fantasy, huh?” she asks solicitously, and I can tell her mood has changed for the better.

“No,” I tell her truthfully, “This is just how I first met you, and how I see you. I guess to me, this was the first real you.”

Her joy is so fierce, that she tackles me to the almost burning sand, kissing me passionately. Our tongues mingle and dance, as her hands greedily grip my cock to aim it for her hole, before she stops and pulls her face back a moment.

“We might want to use the back door,” she tells me, spitting into her hand, and then rubbing the saliva against her anus.

I wonder why the change, but when her sphincter begins to tightly slip down my rod, I forget to wonder and just enjoy. She has to pull up two more times, to apply more saliva, before I’m fully ensconced within her colon.

Even though my penis changes to accommodate her, and I know her ass is doing the same for me, she feels incredibly tight. The look on her face, as we get fully connected is truly a wonderful sight to behold, as her hazel eyes are lidded by her mostly closed eyelids, and she sucks in a shuddering breath, emphasizing her smallish breasts. Her nipple rings recall me to the shiny metal I’d noticed in her crotch the last time we’d had sex with her in this form, and I move my right fingers down until I find it. It feels like a barbell, standing vertical, right next to her clit, and I start twiddling with it, not knowing what else to do. Apparently that’s the right thing, as her eyes open wide, and she moans loudly.

“I—I feel like I’m twenty again,” she sighs, as she starts to move her hips. I take that as a compliment and reach my left hand up to her right nipple, pulling lightly on the ring there. She shudders in pleasure, and I feel her sphincter grip the base of my cock hard as she cums, flooding me full of vigor and restoring much of what I’d lost last night.

Pulling my hand away from her soaked crotch, I use it to pull her chest down and to my waiting lips. Biting the metal ring between my teeth, I shake my head back and forth, while still holding her slight body close to mine. My hips take on a mind of their own, as they start to hammer up and into the succubus’s rear.

“Oh, shit, Lyden. That feels too good. Oh, yes! It’s—It’s going, ungh, to, OH FUCK!” Her whole body shakes and shudders against me, as waves of pure unadulterated bliss blast through her body, overflowing into mine, and soaking my pelvis as creamy juices flow from her cunt.

I know I’m coming close and move both of my hands to her bum, using my strength to lift and then slam her back down on me. Sucking hard on her tiny nipple, almost sucking her entire teat between my lips, I prepare for what I know will be a strong ejaculation.

“I’ve changed my mind,” she says breathlessly, but her words aren’t registering in my bliss-fuzzed brain. “I want you in my pussy. I want to feel your cum flood my cunt.”

Just then, my body locks up tight, as my penis swells, and I begin to fill her intestines with my seed. My body continues to convulse, as I feel her insides rippling around my rod, driving my pleasure higher and higher.

When reality comes crashing back down around me, her last words sink in, and she’s hugging me tight. Even as my cock shrinks, her rear doesn’t let me go, and I realize that her shuddering is from crying, not ecstasy.

“Angela, what’s wrong?” I ask, worry washing away the last vestiges of my orgasm, but she just shakes her head. “Angela, please, it was too late for me to change. I promise I’ll do it next time,” I plead with her.

Her head lifts from my shoulder, and I can see tears still streaming from her eyes, though some small part of me notices that it’s not marring her makeup. Even that small movement feels good on my softened tool, and she must notice it too, as she blurs and is away from me in an instant, now fully clothed. My body, where she’d been just a few seconds before, suddenly feels cool despite the early morning heat.

“I can’t. . . . We can’t do it again. The temptation was too much. I almost . . . made a huge mistake.” My heart plummets to hear the sadness in her voice.

A mistake? I’m a mistake? “Angela, I’m so sorry. I don’t understand. What did I do wrong?” I stand in the sand and only now realize that sweat is pouring from every pore. It’s getting really hot out here under the Saharan sun, and I still don’t have any clothes. I’d be tempted to get into the water, if I still weren’t so afraid it would devour me this time.

She’s back to my side in an instant, her hand on my cheek as she gazes up at me. “Not you, Lyden. Me. I wanted to. . . . Well, it doesn’t matter now. It didn’t happen, and it should never happen. The temptation is too strong, so we shouldn’t be together anymore.”

I attempt to place my arms around her, confused and hurt by her words, but she pulls away again, and before I can say or do anything, large bat-like grey wings protrude from her back and she takes to the air.

I’m just about to bring out my own wings and follow her, when I hear a groan from the water and turn to see Brooke start to roll over.

Brooke! I’d completely forgotten about her. Is she okay? I hadn’t felt myself get drained when in her mind, and sudden fear that I hadn’t done enough engulfs me. I’m still worried about Angela, but for right now she’s healthier than Brooke is. My mind tells me that I need to worry about Brooke, but my heart still aches.

I rush to the mermaid’s side, even braving the seductively lapping water, to check on my friend.

“Brooke, are you okay?” I ask, placing my hands on her shoulders. Her top half is still human, and covered in the same scale mail that I saw her in when she’d helped save us from the orcs. Only now do I realize that they match the same shade and pattern as the scales of her fish’s tail.

“Lyden, what. . . ?” Her eyes open, and she gives a slight smile as she looks up at me.

“How do you feel?” I ask, worry and fear still thick in my tone.

She ponders that for a moment, and I watch in awe as her tail splashes the water a few times. “Better, thanks to you.” She looks around in confusion before asking, “Where are we?”

“Egypt,” I tell her, “on the shore of the Mediterranean.”

“Help me out of the water?” she asks, then does a double take. “Lyden, you’re not afraid of the water anymore?”

I give a self-deprecating laugh before answering. “Terrified,” I say. “But you needed me more, so here I am.”

I watch tears well up in her eyes as I help her to her transforming legs, replete with a blue scale dress, the same material as her top. Only now do I realize that her lower armor somewhat resembles a fish’s tail.

Will I ever stop making women cry?

“You really did save my life,” she says, and I know her tears are ones of happiness. “Wait, where’s your succubus?”

I’m silent for a long while as I contemplate how to answer that question.

“Gone,” is the only word I can manage to say. Even so, that single word is filled with pain and anguish.

“Gone? But. . . . Was it because of how you helped me regain strength? With our shared fantasy, I mean?” Confused concern is in her voice as she speaks. I’m still not sure how the fantasy helped her, but I’m not going to dwell on it anymore, either.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I tell her a bit more harshly than I mean to.

Brooke flinches and says something under her breath, and all I catch is, “. . . thought we had a deal.” Once more I wonder what happened between the mermaid and the succubus whilst I enjoyed TanaVesta’s hospitality. Did you catch the sarcasm there?

“How are we going to get home?” I ask, wanting to change the subject, and this is rather important to me. I have no idea how long I’ve been gone, but I’ve probably lost my job. I spent about two whole days in the Shadow world, and while it had been the weekend, with the way time varies between the two worlds, I probably can’t make it all the way home before Monday, if it’s not already well into next week.

“I—“ Brooke starts to speak, but a noise distracts her, and I don’t get to find out what she’d been about to say.

Looking out over the water, I see it begin to bubble and rise. Whatever is under the surface is getting closer and fear grips my heart.

“It’s finally going to get me,” I say in terror as I hear Brooke murmur, “He’s finally coming to collect me,” with just as much fear.

I want to run. I want to live. Somehow my legs have a different plan, and I look at Brooke as she stares back at me. Our fear builds off one another, and I watch her lips move, but I can’t hear the words over the sound of whatever is coming out of the water. I don’t need to hear them however, as they’re easy to read.

“I love you.”

I open my mouth to shout something back, but whatever is in the water breaks the surface. I can’t quite make out what it is. Something orange and rounded. It only takes a couple more seconds, which seem to take an eternity to pass, before I gasp in recognition of the thing. But how? How did it get here?

The Orange Bubble pulls up next to us, honking happily, and I hear the engine turn off.

Brooke is the first one to break from our stupefaction. “Um, Lyden, what is your car doing here?”

“Picking us up,” I say, not entirely sure how the car had gotten here either. I remember it suddenly being outside Becky’s house last week, but through town and through the Atlantic Ocean are two very different things.

“I can see that, smartass. I want to know how.” She steps back from holding onto me.

“I don’t know. Ever since Angela had some Cyclopes fix it up, it’s been acting a bit strange.” Angela’s name on my lips reopens that fresh wound, but I’ve got other things I know I need to deal with right now.

Why did she go and abandon me?

I shake myself to get rid of the thought, as Brooke takes a tentative step over to my car.

“She managed to get Cyclopes to work on this? They almost never touch anything mortal-made,” she tells me in awe. “They’re Poseidon’s offspring, you know.”

“Poseidon? As in the Greek god of water?” I ask, dumbfounded. I thought the Greek gods were myths. Yup, just like succubae, mermaids, trolls, and dragons! When will I quit being shocked or so naïve?

“Or Neptune, as he was known by the Romans. The pompous man was god of the sea, not just water. Of course, ‘god’ is an overstatement. The ancient gods as they were known, were nothing more than powerful beings that used humans as their pawns. Egyptian, Greek, Sumerian, they were pretty much all just pumped up megalomaniacs.” She runs her fingers around the rim of the still dripping door, before looking back at me, her eyes wide and full of wonder. “The succubus must have paid a heavy price to have this done. Cyclopes are not known for being generous. Even though they’re the offspring of a sea god, most mermaids avoid them. They can get rather . . . violent.”

Again Angela comes up, and again I have to push her away from my thoughts. It’s a little harder this time, but I manage after a couple of silent moments. If only my chest didn’t hurt so bad at the mere mention of her name.

“How do you think it found us, and do you think it can get us home?” I ask, trying to focus on the present.

“It’s your car, so it’s probably linked to you. As long as you’re on Earth, it should be able to find you. As far as getting us home, yes. It got here, didn’t it?” The way she says that so matter-of-factly makes me feel foolish. What other tricks does my car have up its sleeve? Or wheel well, as the case may be?

“Then let’s get going. Do you think it can fly?” I ask, getting into the driver’s seat, and starting it up. The keys are conveniently in the ignition.

“Probably not,” I’m told as the beautiful redhead gets into the passenger’s seat. “The one-eyed beasts aren’t much for being airborne.” The doors close, and then lock on their own.

Oh crap! “Then how—“ I start to ask, a terrifying thought entering my head, but I’m cut short as my car’s tires spin in the sand of their own accord, and we head back for the water. “No, no, no, no. . .” I repeat, scrabbling at the door, trying to open it. It’s locked, and no matter what I try, it won’t open. The brakes and steering wheel are just as unresponsive. I watch in horror as the bumper dips into the waves and keeps on going. Mentally I try to stop my car from trying to kill me, but it seems to have a mind of its own, ignoring my frantic mental commands.

“Lyden, calm down,” Brooke’s voice says next to me. “You need to breath normally, or you’re going to hypervent—“

Whatever she’d been about to say is lost as blackness creeps into my vision. I can feel the sea swallow me, and I know that this time it won’t let me go.

* * *

“Lyden, wake up,” Brooke’s sweet voice penetrates the fog around my mind, but I keep my eyes closed.

“Oh, Brooke,” I say to the mermaid, glad to have my friend there. “I was having the worst nightmare. I dreamt that my car was trying to kill me by driving us into the sea.”

“Um. . . .” The uncertainty in her tone makes my eyes slowly crack open, and I see a school of some kind of colorful fish swim past the driver’s side window.

Panic grips my heart again, but Brooke grips my face and makes me stare into her green eyes. Sea-green eyes, like the sea around us.

“You’re going to be fine. Your car’s not trying to kill you. I’m here. That’s right. Just concentrate on me right now.” Her soft crooning voice breaks through my fear, and I can feel my heart rate lessening. “You’re entirely safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.” I nod thankfully to her, but that’s not good enough. “I want you to say it. Say you’re safe,” she commands.

“I’m safe,” I say aloud, and surprisingly feel safer. “I’m safe with you,” I say again, feeling stronger now and making her smile.

Even though I feel safer, I don’t dare look outside.

“Good,” she tells me, releasing her grip on my face. “Now then, we need to talk.”

And there goes my slightly growing feeling of contentment. I’ve not dated a lot of women, but whenever a woman says those fateful words, it usually means something like, ‘You’re a nice guy, but . . .’ or ‘I don’t want to hurt you, so . . .’ It’s never been, ‘Hey, I think I want to introduce you to my friend and have a threesome!’

“It’s about what happened when you were in my mind.” I have nothing to say and so keep my mouth shut. Thinking about how long we’re likely to be travelling through the water, I’m afraid this trip is going to get rather awkward. Of course, I guess she could always get out and swim if she really wants to. “I didn’t really have a lot of control in there. It really was like a dream to me, so if I said or did anything that bothers you, I want to apologize.”

That’s absolutely not what I expected to hear.

“Apologize?” I ask, thoroughly confused. “There’s nothing that needs apologizing for.”

For some reason she frowns slightly at my words.

“I . . . said some things that I shouldn’t have, and don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” she says looking at her clasped hands resting lightly in her lap.

I immediately know she’s talking about when she’d said she loves me. If she didn’t really mean it, then why did she tell me again on the beach? Just because she thought we were going to die? Wouldn’t that have made her more honest?

“Oh, that?” I ask, trying to sound off-handed. “Don’t worry about it. I know how dreams can take a life of their own.”

She smiles at me, but I can see a bit of pain in her eyes. What does she want from me? I can’t confess undying love for her. Don’t get me wrong, I care for her deeply and it may even be love, but I really don’t want to get my heart broken again. It still hurts from Angela’s betrayal.

“I’m glad,” she obviously lies to me. “We can’t really be together. It’s against too many of our laws.”

And just like that, I think I understand Angela’s actions. Hadn’t she told me that she can choose when to procreate? That would explain why she’d wanted to do anal, so that she wouldn’t be tempted to get pregnant and why she’d acted like she had at the end. I wonder what would have happened if I had cum into her womb. I could’ve become a father. Another cambion, perhaps like me, would be born. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Then I remember something else. When two different species mate, there is no telling what the offspring may be. We could create a terrible and destructive monster. Or we could create a benevolent being. Either is just as likely.

Anger starts to fill me now, as I think I should have been given that choice. Shouldn’t we have discussed it, instead of her making the decision on her own?

“What are you thinking?” Brooke asks me, breaking my train of thought.

Thinking fast, I reply, “I was wondering what happened with you and Angela back in TanaVesta’s mountain. What kind of deal did you two make?”

“How did you— Nevermind,” she says. Inhaling deeply, she’s visibly trying to gather her thoughts before answering. “I thought you’d be in the dungeon, so that’d been the first place I’d looked. When I found your succubus, I was tempted to leave her there, but she somehow sensed me. Not many can when I don’t want to be noticed.” I wonder at that for a moment and even at the tone of awe in her voice, until I remember that she’s some kind of assassin. I still can’t reconcile that with the Brooke I grew up with, even after seeing her with her orc-gore covered sword.

“Well, she told me where you were being held if you were still alive, and that I’d need her help to get to you.” She pauses, and I know that it’s taking a lot for her to tell me this. I almost tell her she doesn’t need to continue, but I feel like I need to know. “When we first got to the dragon’s chambers, we found the boulder blocking the way into you. Neither one of us was strong enough to move it on our own or even together. We kept trying to find ways to move it when the Pillar wasn’t with you, but nothing worked.” Her eyes sparkle as she continues, “And then she left it cracked. At first I thought it was a trap, but Angela wouldn’t wait. When I got into your chamber, I could sense how strong you were. I couldn’t believe the power you held. The rest you know.”

“But what was the deal you two had made?” I press.

She looks at me for a long moment, before answering. “When we were trying to get to you, we talked. You’ve been changing, and neither one of us knows why. I’m not even sure I like it. But it was obvious that we both cared for you. We almost came to blows over it, but when we realized that killing each other would only make things worse for you, we came to a truce.” She’s silent for a couple moments and I wait for her to continue. “Neither one of us would try to win you over to the other, if we should succeed in rescuing you.”

Somehow I get the feeling that’s not everything, but I choose to leave it there, for now. To know that two women almost fought over me, boosts my ego a bit. Even so, I’m not happy with how things are turning out.

“Angela’d told me I’m a generator,” I say, wanting to have a different question answered. “Does that mean anything to you?”

Brooke flinches at the question, refusing to look at me, and her voice is soft when she answers. “Only what I learned about the creation of our realm. The six pillars that chose to create a new world for us, used the generators to bolster their power, and split off a chunk of reality for them to use. It’s said that all the generators died in the process, or were killed afterwards, and no others have come to be since. Except for you.”

No wonder TanaVesta was so anxious to have me. If she could build her power enough to challenge the other pillars, at my expense, and take over everything. . . .

“Why were the generators killed?” I ask, somehow feeling insulted, as if they had been close family that’d been murdered.

“With the power they could create, they were deemed too dangerous. If humans found a way to capture some and tap their power, they could have come to our world to continue their relentless war against us.” The way she talks, makes me wonder whose side she’s on. Sure, she’s a mermaid and been raised and trained as an assassin, but she’d spent a couple decades living my world also.

“TanaVesta means to kill the other pillars,” I say, knowing that they should somehow be warned. There are more important things than ancient history, right now. That is, unless history repeats itself. “Can you get word to them? She was meeting with two pillars when you’d rescued me. I think she meant to kill one or both at that meeting.”

The mermaid is shocked at my words.

“She can’t! They’re called Pillars for a reason. Our world might survive if only one or two were to die, but if there were any less to hold up our portion of reality. . . . It’d collapse and every creature from my world would either be destroyed, or thrust back onto Earth. The chaos would be horrible. So many lives on both sides would be lost. I can’t believe even SHE would want that!”

“Can you get word out about her plans?” I ask, seriously.

“I—maybe. I can’t go to Varun directly, but if I can find someone to pass on the warning, then maybe. The real problem will be getting someone to listen to me.” She suddenly grows hesitant. “I’m in rather bad standing with my kind, but I may still have a few friends that won’t. . . .” she finishes quietly.

Feeling for her pain, I reach out and grip her hands. “What happened to you, Brooke? Why are you in so much trouble with Varun and the other mermaids?”

You’d think I was a dangerous viper the way she pulls back from me.

“If I’m to get that warning out, I’d better start now. Will you take me to the surface, so I can get out? Hopefully I won’t be gone long, and I’ll return, but if what you say is true, and I don’t doubt you, then I need to get the warning out as soon as possible.” From hesitation, to can’t get away from me quick enough. Man, am I ever having quite the effect on women today!

I know she’s changing the subject, and while my mind cries out to force the answer from her, my fractured heart speaks more gently. She’ll tell me if and when she’s ready.

For the first time I look out the windshield and notice that we’re not driving on the sea floor, but swimming through it like a submarine. Even this small glance sets my heart pounding, and I feel blackness begin to creep in around my vision. I can almost taste the salty water as it tries to crawl down my throat.

No, dammit! I swear inwardly. I’m safe and sound. This car was built by mythical creatures and can do magical things.

Okay, so maybe that last bit doesn’t help my mundane raised mind much. Glancing at my childhood friend, the mermaid assassin, I feel my resolve strengthen, and the feeling of slowly drowning recedes.

Taking hold of the steering wheel, I don’t know what to do or say to make the Orange Bubble surface. Thankfully it reads my thoughts, and I feel us begin to rise.

When the car breaches the water, I can see what can only be the Straits of Gibraltar in the distance. How fast are we moving to be here already? I think about how many hours it must have taken my car to drive through the U.S. to the East coast, then across the Atlantic, and know that I’ll likely be home before the next morning. Especially since I’m traveling with the sun.

Brooke doesn’t say anything as she opens her door, and jumps into the water. The door closes on its own. All by myself, my thoughts turn back to Angela. Crazy as it seems, it almost feels as if I can feel her presence. Likely because she’s the one that had repaired my car.

My mind plays over what Brooke had said about the price Angela must have paid to get the Cyclopes to work on my mundane car, as it dives back under the water, and I wait for the mermaid’s return.

And wait.

I turn on the radio, even though I know I can’t pick up any stations, and just listen to the static. I wake up as my car pulls up onto a beach, and my radio comes to life. People stare at the Orange Bubble as it come up on shore, and I wonder what they must be thinking, or how it must look to them.

“—playing only the best hits from the nineties and today on this lovely Sunday afternoon.” I turn off the radio, stunned to realize how short a time has passed. Or is it Sunday of the next week?

I have my car stop off at a gas station to grab a bite to eat. Thankfully I find an old gym outfit tucked under the passenger seat. I don’t remember the last time I’ve eaten, but the chips and gas station fare tastes wonderful as it goes down my gullet.

The rest of the drive across country is a blur, as I let my car have its way. Either no police are along the route, or they don’t notice my car. It’s probably the later, considering how Angela had driven through the city. The drive only takes a couple hours.

As the Orange Bubble pulls up to my apartment complex, two things occur to me. Becky’s car is still parked out front, and Brooke has abandoned me as well.

The lead rock in my chest weighs me down as I head to the elevator.

I stop for only a couple seconds to stare at Brooke’s door. I know I shouldn’t, but I knock anyway and am not surprised when there’s no answer.

I’m greeted very warmly by two pretty women, Becky and Lisa, as I enter my apartment.

“What are you two still doing here?” I ask, trying not to sound angry, but my heart hurts too much to sound happy.

“Twice now, you’ve had sex with one or both of us and vanished right after!” Lisa accuses me.

“At least this time you left a note,” Becky chimes in. “You told us to make ourselves at home, so we did.”

In actuality, I’d told them I didn’t know how long I’d be gone and to use whatever they needed from my apartment while I was gone.

“I don’t understand why you always leave so quickly afterwards,” Becky says worriedly.

“Yeah, it’s not like you have a wife or girlfriend to get back to,” Lisa says. “We can tell that just by seeing your apartment.”

I barely even notice that my place is immaculate. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a slob, but I am a single guy.

“He does now,” Becky pipes up, a tremulous smile spreading across her face as she takes one of my hands.

Or was single.

Well, I think, why the hell not. These two seem to want to stick around for the time being, and I really can’t complain about either one. Both are pretty enough, Becky with her short petite body, and Lisa with her more forward attitude and athletic body. Yeah, I could definitely do a lot worse.

Like a succubus and mermaid that would rather abandon me than stay with me when I need their help.

“Absolutely,” I force a smile as I bend down and kiss the brunette softly.

Blowjob, domination, Place of work, oral, plumper, submission, spanking, consensual
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Chapter 08
Daily Grind.

Something doesn’t seem right. My body is cold, but I know I’m still in bed. And what is that sound? It sounds like. . . . Oh, and this feeling!

Opening my eyes, I hear Lisa giggle and see Becky’s eyes smiling up at me. My cock is securely fastened between the latter’s lips, and Lisa is holding her friend’s long chestnut brown hair back and out of the way.

“Good morning, ladies,” I say with a groggy smile as I quickly begin to get my bearings.

“We thought we’d wake you this way,” Lisa informs me, while Becky goes back to hungrily swallowing my dick. “Hope you don’t mind. Besides, it’s the least we could do after you had those flowers delivered.”

“Not at all,” I tell them pleasantly. “Please don’t let me interrupt you.” Flowers? What flowers?

Lisa laughs as she lets go of her friend’s hair and gets between my legs next to Becky. A moment later, I can feel her tongue licking around my scrotum. The talents of these two women are likely going to have me shooting off shortly.

“If you don’t slow down,” I tell the short brunette, “I’m not going to last long enough to take care of you two.”

“Don’t worry,” Becky’s soft voice says as my prick leaves her throat, “We don’t have enough time for that anyway.” Lisa takes advantage of the free knob, and swallows it between her lips, while her friend’s hand runs up and down my saliva slickened rod. “We’ll be late if we stick around that long,” she states and then shares a kiss with Lisa, my phallus in the middle.

One of their hands, not sure whose and not caring at this point, starts fondling my balls, and both women begin humming, sending delightful sensations down my cock and into my spine.

“Oh, unh,” I grunt as I place my hands on the backs of their heads, blasting off a load of sperm. Each jet arcs high, before coming back down and splattering their cheeks.

Feeling slightly spent, my head falls back to my pillow.

“Oh wow,” Lisa says, “I love how energized I feel after tasting your cum.”

“Yum, me too,” Becky agrees before licking my seed from her roommate’s face. They share a passionate kiss, swapping my cum and cleaning each other off at the same time.

Smiling, I fall back to sleep until my alarm goes off.

I find myself alone as I get ready for work, surprised to find a couple ants in my kitchen as I make my breakfast.

The flowers the girls had thanked me for are on the counter, and I wonder who they could have been from. A note attached to them simply says, “Thanks for all your help.”

Probably meant for someone else I decide, and finish getting ready. I don’t mind getting rewarded for someone else’s work.

Whistling happily, I get ready for work, until I get in the Orange Bubble.

My car gently hums as I sit in the parking garage below my office building. I know I should go in, but Brooke’s gentle scent still resides in here, and as pathetic as it may seem, I don’t want to leave. Even as happy as Becky and Lisa make me, I still miss my childhood friend.

Being in here also reminds me of Angela, and everything she’s done for me.

“Mr. Snow?” A knock on my window startles me, and I look out to see Guard Lansbury shining a flashlight in at me. “Is everything okay? You’ve been sitting in here for a while.”

For a moment I just stare at her, uncomprehending. How did she know? Then I notice a security camera behind her.

The worry I see in the large woman’s blue eyes penetrates my gloom, and I open the door, stepping out.

“I noticed your car sitting down here for a while, but you never came in,” she tells me. For once her tone and words are more concerned than raunchy or risqué. “Thought you might be whacking off in here, and I wanted to come check it out.” Then again, maybe not.

“Wanna fuck?” I ask, not even caring about my language.

“But I can see that you—wait, what?” Confusion paints her tone as she tries to assimilate my question. I really can’t blame her. With the exception of that kiss last Friday, I’ve never really hit on her. She’s made very overt advances towards me; maybe even enough to create an HR complaint, but to be honest it’s never really bothered me. Asking her like this is completely out of character for me, but right now I can’t seem to care.

My girlfriends, Becky and Lisa, pass through my thoughts. There’s a term I’d never thought I’d say, relative to myself. ‘Girlfriends.’ They’d woke me up slightly early this morning with a fantastic blowjob. And yet, here I sit mooning over two people who’ve abandoned me, and propositioning a woman whose only real sexual attraction is her inhumanly massive breasts. Oh, and she’s a great kisser.

I dismiss those thoughts. What does it matter? What does anything matter? Sooner or later one of TanaVesta’s goons is going to come for me, to haul me back to her. Brooke and Angela have abandoned me. I might as well enjoy life as much as I can, while I can.

“Wanna fuck?” I ask again and watch as her cheeks turn red in embarrassment.

“I. . . but you. . . um. . . I mean. . . huh?” She’s actually kind of cute with that bewildered look on her face, a slight flush to her cheeks.

“Of course, we’ll have to find a spot that doesn’t have any security cameras watching,” I continue as if she understood me completely.

“Are you feeling alright Mr. Snow?” she returns to her original thoughts. Almost like a computer that gets rebooted by an illegal command.

“Fine enough,” I lie to her cheerily, “and call me Lyden. Of course, if you’d rather not. . .” I leave that hanging, not truly caring one way or another.

Her blue eyes blink a few times, as she realizes that I’m actually serious. I watch as she chews on her cheeks, trying to come to a conclusion. “Come with me, I know just the spot,” she says as I see steely determination enter her eyes.

Somehow I know that she feels this might be some trick at her expense. With her size, her childhood would have been rife with cruel teasing. Flashes of mean kids taunting her because she was overweight, flit through my mind. I see a younger version of her, as an eighteen year old, going to her senior prom with some guy that looks like he was custom built as a linebacker. I see him dancing with Lansbury, and know that this is the highlight of her life at this point. The mental imagery blurs, and I see the two alone in a hotel room, as Jennifer (I now know that’s her first name) gets undressed, expecting to finally lose her virginity. Why isn’t he getting undressed, she wonders, as she frees her enormous breasts from her bra. She blushes rather prettily under his gaze. Just as she starts to tug her panties down, already soaked with anticipation, the door to their room bursts open. Half the football team streams in, some with cameras, pointing and laughing at ‘the delusional heifer’.

I stop in my tracks as my mind pulls out of hers, and I have a better glimpse into this woman. I now understand that her raunchiness and general attitude is a shield: a way to protect herself against anything like that ever happening again.

I also know that she’s still a virgin. She’s never allowed anyone to get that close again.

Shaking my head, I try to come to grips with this new ability of mine, probably acquired from Angela. Despite all the conversations I’ve had with this woman, I was never aware of this side of her. Somehow it makes her more human to me, rather than just a fixture in my office building.

“Jennifer, wait,” I say to the large woman’s back.

“I was wondering when you’d spring the joke,” she tells me, and I feel a lance of emotional pain pierce me. She thinks I’m just like those bullies from high school.

“No, that’s not it,” I try to say, but she talks right over me.

“You want to know the sad thing?” Her back, still turned to me, is stiff, and I can hear that her tone is bland, emotionless, as she talks. “You’ve always treated me well. You never treated me like the fat tub of lard that I am. I thought. . . I mean, after that kiss last week, I thought that maybe. . . .”

“Jennifer, you don’t understand.” Placing my hand on her shoulder, I’m not prepared for her to spin around and jab a finger into my chest. Apparently her arms are rather strong, as my chest is now smarting where she’d poked me. I can’t miss the tears in her eyes.

“I don’t understand?” she demands of me, jabbing my chest with her finger again and knocking me back a step. “Oh, I understand just fine. Do you think I don’t notice how people look at me? That I don’t realize that I’m a large woman? Yes, Mr. Snow, I understand just fine what a delusional heifer I am!”

Before I have a chance to respond, she turns and storms off. For a larger woman, she can move faster than I’d thought.

Now I really feel like shit. She’s always treated me well, if a bit like a sexual object instead of a human. And even though my intentions weren’t to hurt her, I’d gone and done that anyway. Why couldn’t she have taken two breaths to let me explain?

Wait, maybe I can email her. I know it’s not as good at doing it in person, but right now I think it may be my only chance of getting her to understand my intentions.

Great! Now then, what are my intentions? I wonder as I pass the checkpoint into the building–noticeably absent of Guard Lansbury—and head for my office. When I’d asked if she wanted to screw, I’d been serious. It was only after viewing into her past that I became hesitant. My intentions were never to hurt her.

“You failed to come to church yesterday,” AnnaBelle greets me as I walk through the door. “Your eternal soul will never be cleansed and free of the evil that surrounds you if you don’t make the effort. Our Lord and Savior is willing to help you, but you have to be willing to meet him halfway. I know Reverend Michael Chilton can help you come to terms with God.”

This is the wrong thing to say to me at the moment. I spin on her, piercing her with my gaze. My mind floods with images and thoughts, while my mouth begins speaking without me consciously forming the words.

“Is that what you tell yourself when you lie awake at night fantasizing about your college aged neighbor’s son? Or what about that one time when you were in college and your roommate invited you to join her and her boyfriend?” There is heat in my tone now, but I don’t let up, as knowledge about this pious woman flows into me. “Maybe, when you’re sitting in the pews at your church, you can convince yourself that you’re the epitome of goodliness. That you don’t covet your neighbor’s large screen TV. Or how you have to lie to yourself about how happy you are in life?”

Tears, brimming in the older woman’s eyes, pull me from my anger, and I shut my mouth. I know I shouldn’t have said all that, but her high and mighty attitude, coupled with the last few days really tipped me over the edge.

“I may not be perfect, Mr. Snow,” she tells me, and despite the tears in her eyes there is steel in her voice, “but I’m trying to be better.” Without breaking eye contact with me, she stands, grabs her purse, and finally looks away before heading for the door. “Tell Mrs. Lance I’m sick today.” And with that, she’s gone.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wonder as I sit down at my desk. Both Thomas and Debbie refuse to look my way, and I don’t blame them. I feel like scum right now. I used language that I prefer not to use down in the garage, ended up hurting a friend of mine, and then came up here and aired AnnaBelle’s dirty laundry for all to hear. Brooke and Angela abandoning me doesn’t give me the right to act like this. Maybe they were right to do leave. I’m turning into some kind of monster.

But maybe I can make amends to at least one of them right now. Logging into my computer, I type up a quick but heartfelt email to Jennifer Lansbury. I check the box for a read receipt so that I’ll know when she’s read it.

Sheila Lance walks in, just as I hit send. She gives me a slight smile as she walks to her desk, but otherwise doesn’t say anything.

Debbie tells her that AnnaBelle called in sick and leaves it at that, though she shoots me a dark look.

A popup on my screen informs me that my email to Guard Lansbury was deleted without being read. Dammit! No. . . darn it. I need to stop swearing, even if it is such a minor word. I may not be able to change the past, but I can at least control myself.

“Mr. Snow,” Sheila’s voice rings out, and I realize I’m getting sick of being called by my last name today, “I need to talk to you about your last report.”

My last report? Yeah, right! She’s trying to look stern, but there’s no mistaking that gleam in her eyes. I’m actually kind of glad that AnnaBelle isn’t here at the moment. Thomas and Debbie across from me can’t see her face, luckily.

As I stand up behind my desk, I see my boss grab a stack of papers before walking out the back door. Following her, we head for the same conference room that I’d taken control of her in last Friday. She’s wearing one of those tight light-colored skirts that hug the hips, then goes slender down the legs, and a pair of black pantyhose underneath. Her torso is covered by a white, frilly, sleeveless blouse. I know what she’s after, even before the door closes behind me, and I feel her plaster her body against me. Her lips press against mine, and I feel her tongue try to force its way in, but I just stand there, neither helping nor stopping her.

After a few futile seconds of this, she steps away with a bewildered look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

I could tell her about my very long weekend, or about the scene in the parking garage, or even my conversation with AnnaBelle, but I decide not to. I probably shouldn’t have followed her back here, but I can feel all of my frustration and anger come together, and before me is a way to release it.

“I didn’t tell you to speak.” My voice is soft, but firm and I see a spark of defiance blossom in her eyes.

“Now Mr. Snow, last time was all well and good, but—” My boss yelps as I cut her off using my additional strength to pick her up, sit in an armless chair, lay her across my lap, and deliver a solid smack to her behind. “Mr. Snow!”

Whack! Some of my frustration leaves me. This is better than therapy!

“I’m your master,” I remind her, and she slumps in my lap, shaking slightly. “Now then, are you going to be my obedient slave, or do I need to remind you of your place?”

“No master,” she says breathily, weakly. “I will obey.”

I smile, even though I know she’s not looking, and gently rub her behind. Her skirt displays her slender contours nicely, and I can feel myself growing harder under her as my hand explores her buttocks. Moving my hand to the side where the zipper is, I slide it down. She lifts her hips to allow me to remove the clothing, and I’m shocked to see she’s wearing a G-string.

“Did my slave wear these sexy panties just for me?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“Yes master,” she purrs. “Your slave only wants to please her master.”

“I am pleased,” I tell her evenly as I slip my right hand under the thin string and rub along her crack. I easily find her already wet snatch, and slip my pointer finger inside.

She moans as I use my thumb to rub across her anus, and slip a second finger into her front. “Mmm, yes master! Your slave thought about you all weekend, wanting to serve her master.”

The third person speech seems a bit odd, but I don’t let it get in the way of my enjoyment. Or my relaxation.

“If you’ve been wanting to serve me, then why are you the only one getting pleasure?” I ask, pulling my hand out of her and giving her a light tap on her right butt cheek.

Without hesitation she jump out of my lap, turns, pulls down my zipper, and reaches into my underwear to pull free my hard penis. She shudders slightly as she lays eyes on my member, before slowly moving her hand up and down. The feel of her fingers wrapped around my stiff wood elicits a moan from me.

“That feels better, slave,” I tell Sheila, “but I want you to suck it.”

“Your slave has missed the flavor of her master’s cock,” she announces right before swallowing the head of my snake between her lips. My rod conforms to the shape of her mouth as she sucks me in deeper to her throat. I can feel her tongue moving around my shaft as I grab the back of her head and moan at how good she is. I can sense her beginning to choke, and I pull her hair back, until she can gasp for air.

My cock is covered in her slippery saliva, and the look in Sheila’s eyes is not one I expect. A combination of adoration and subservience pours from her, and my mind seems to enter hers, before she gobbles my prick back down her throat.

All of a sudden I understand why she is the way she is. A lifetime of trying to climb the corporate ladder, always taking charge and being in command. She had approached sex the same way, always finding it dissatisfying and even sometimes like work. She’d been worried that there was something wrong with her, something that was stopping her from enjoying sex. She couldn’t even get herself off.

So instead she had devoted that energy to her job and become a bitter woman, receiving little satisfaction in what she did, but moving up in the business world.

That is, until I’d come and turned everything upside down for her. Last Friday I hadn’t accepted her control, and instead took charge. At first she’d been angry with me, but as I spanked her, she’d found herself getting turned on, until her pussy was veritably dripping from excitement. She’d decided to see how this would play out and had been shocked when she’d been able to get off while her employee had watched. What’s more, she’d been even hornier after he commanded her to suck his cock.

I now know that she has even undergone laser hair removal on everything below the neck, because she couldn’t stand the thought of anything on her not under her direct control. She didn’t truly understand herself, but with my help, she is beginning to.

All weekend long she’d been looking forward to today. Only when the time came, she’d kissed me, and felt nothing. Disappointed, she’d been about to walk away, when I’d taken control again, and she knows now that she will do whatever I want, as long as I continue to evoke this delicious response in her. As long as I will tell her what to do.

In short, as long as I make her my little cum slut slave.

My mind becomes my own again, and I moan again as Sheila’s mouth is rapidly bobbing up and down my phallus, my length entering her tight throat. I know exactly what I need to do to please this subservient woman.

Too late my mind flashes to my girlfriends, Becky and Lisa, and while I know I’m cheating on them, I remember something Angela had told me back at the beginning. She always tried to help people with her talents. Just because the succubus has abandoned me doesn’t mean I can’t follow her advice.

Grabbing a handful of hair, I pull back sharply on my boss’s head, until she’s looking me in the eyes. “I am pleased with my little cum slut,” I tell her and see pleasure fill her brown orbs. “I want to give you a reward.”

A broad smile splits her lips as I stand her up and lead her over to the conference table. Sitting her on the edge, I kneel before her and waste no time in pulling the thin fabric covering her sopping slit aside, finally getting a taste of her. She cums almost instantly as my tongue dives into her hole, and raw pleasurable life flows into me. I know I don’t need to block any of it anymore, as what I’m taking isn’t enough to hurt her. Her crotch has a tangy flavor to it that isn’t unpleasant at all. I start to shove her shirt up, but she grips the hem, and pulls it up over her head. Her bra is white and lacy, and barely even there. I don’t even feel an underwire as I slide my hands under the thin cloth, kneading her round firm flesh, and making her moans louder.

I truly enjoy how smooth the skin around her vagina is, and suck hard for a few seconds on her clit, before letting up and lightly tickling it with the tip of my tongue. I repeat this a few times, while my fingers rub lightly against her raised nipples, until she’s cumming in my mouth once more. As energy flows into me, I stand and go back to my chair.

Sheila continues to shudder for a few minutes, until her climax passes, and then she gives me a bewildered look.

“What does my cum slut want?” I ask her.

“To please her master,” she replies without hesitation.

“That’s good, but what do you want?” I respond, and she continues to look confused for a moment. Her eyes drop down to my erect penis, and I can see that she is beginning to understand.

“Your slave wants her master’s cock,” she says softly, almost uncertainly, as though she’s afraid that she has the wrong answer and is going to be punished.

“Where do you want my cock?”

Her grin returns as she realizes that she’d been right and proudly states, “She wants your cock in her dripping, horny, tight pussy, master. Will master fuck his slave?”

“If my slave wants it, then she needs to come get it,” I say, slipping slightly into her mode of speech.

She actually bounces as she runs to me, and jumps into my lap. I catch her with ease, but don’t set her on me quite yet.

“Take it,” I command her. “Take your master’s prick, and put it in your little cunt.”

Her hand darts down, and grips my large phallus, aiming it for her hole. “Fuck your slave, master! She needs to feel you in her.”

I let her loose, and she drops down, my cock splitting her vagina wide, and setting me on fire. Apparently the heat is shared, as she goes wild in my lap. With her head whipping back and forth, and her hair flying, she pulls my head to her bra-covered chest. Pulling up her bra, I latch onto her right nipple, making her pussy grip my meat in response.

“Oh, master! This feeling. . . . Your slave feels so full and complete. Thank you master. Thank you for treating your slave so well!” Her voice is loud as she cries out her bliss. Once again I’m thankful that we’re far enough away from other offices, that we won’t be heard.

Her orgasm strikes again, and this time my own enjoyment is too much as I ejaculate into my once domineering boss.

Energy flows back and forth between us, driving our passions even higher, until finally, out of breath and sweat dripping down our backs, we come back to Earth.

With ease, I stand up, setting her on her feet. Her legs give way, and I have to support her for a couple minutes until she can keep her legs under her.

“I don’t know where you came from, Mr. Snow, but thank you.” Her words warm me, and I smile at her.

“Please, call me Lyden when it’s appropriate,” she looks at me, and I realize my mistake. I had said ‘please’. Thinking fast, I grab her buttocks, pulling her tight to me, and in a steely voice state, “But my little cum slut had better realize her place when we’re completely alone.” Without waiting for her response, I pull her face to mine and kiss her passionately. To my surprise, she has one more small orgasm, and once again I have to hold her upright.

The kiss only lasts until she comes down from her peak, before I pull away and put on my pants. A noise at the door makes me freeze, and I realize we’d forgotten to lock it. Panicking, I run to it looking out, but not seeing anyone. Had someone been watching us? If so, we could get into a lot of trouble.

“What’s wrong?” Sheila asks, as she finishes getting dressed.

“Nothing,” I respond, not wanting to give her undue stress, but unable to shake the feeling that something is wrong.

* * *

“Make those changes,” Sheila tells me as we reenter our office.

“Yes ma’am,” I say, trying to hide my smile before heading to the bathroom to cleanup.

Sitting back at my desk, I glance across from me at Thomas and Debbie and see them busily typing away. Had it been one of them outside the conference room door? Or worse yet, had Guard Lansbury come looking for me and been directed back to that conference room?

Shaking my head, I try to get back to work but can’t shake the thought of Lansbury, or of being watched. I need to find a way to apologize to the security guard and let her know I meant no harm. Even though I know it’s pointless, I write another email and send it to her, after brushing an ant off my desk.

The insect must have travelled in on my clothes. I think I’m going to need to call the landlord and get an exterminator to my apartment.

By the time I’m done for the day, I have no response and no return on the read receipt.

The trip home is fast, as expected, and I just let the Orange Bubble have its way. I wonder why I never get pulled over, or even have any traffic problems, and just guess that it’s another trick the Cyclopes put into my vehicle. Maybe it can go invisible like Angela can.

My girlfriends had told me last night that they would stop back by tomorrow. I’d found out that Lisa is a martial arts instructor, mainly focusing on Aikido. In the evenings she goes to the local college to get her business degree. She’d invited me to train in her dojo, and I think I’ll take her up on it. Who knows when that might come in handy?

Becky, on the other hand, goes to college during the day, working towards a law degree and working as an intern for one of the prominent law firms.

Personally I’m jealous of their ambition. Both of them will likely be a lot more successful than I am.

I ignore Brooke’s door but find mine unlocked. I must have forgotten to lock up when I left. I’ll have to work harder on that. Sometimes my memory isn’t the best. I head for the kitchen to figure out something for dinner. I’m still a little down but think that maybe a good meal will help my spirits rise.

Another small red ant crawls across the counter as I’m cutting up some chicken, and I crush it under my finger before getting back to my cooking. It does strike me as odd that an ant would be all the way up here. Maybe it came in with someone and is lost now?

Mixing all of my ingredients, I throw it in the oven to wait.

And kill two more ants. Did some kid’s science experiment or ant farm break? No, more likely came in with the flowers. No matter, they’re dead now.

I go to look at the flowers, wanting to make sure all the ants are dead, but my phone rings, startling me, and I go over to answer it. I know a lot of people eschew having a landline, but I’m always so forgetful with my cell, half the time even forgetting to charge it. Also, I can give this number out for work or business stuff, keeping my cell for personal use. I pat the small phone in my pocket, just to make sure I even have it on me.

“Hello?” I ask into the handset.

There is silence on the other end for a couple moments, and I’m about to repeat my question, starting to get the creeps, when the person finally speaks.

“Um, Mr. Snow?”

The voice is quiet and hard to make out but somehow familiar and definitely feminine.

“Yeah, you got me,” I reply, trying to sound relaxed. Why do I feel a shiver running down my spine?

There is an almost imperceptible laugh before she continues. “D-did you mean what you said?” She pauses and I wrack my brain for any clue as to what she’s talking about. “In the email,” she thankfully clarifies.

“Jennifer?” I ask, finally recognizing the voice. She must have gotten my number from work.

“Yeah, sorry, guess that would help,” she tells me but seems very nervous.

“Of course I meant it,” I tell her. “I never meant to hurt you. You’ve always been a friend to me.” Despite what happened between us this morning, it feels a little odd to hear her so insecure, and without making any nasty jokes.

“C-can you come meet me?” she asks, and again I wonder at her change in attitude.

“Of course, where at?” I’m not really in the mood to do anything sexual with the large woman, but I feel that deep down I need to mend our friendship. And yes, truth-be-told I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on her enormous knockers.

She gives me an address, which I write down along with her number from the caller ID, and hang up.

Why do I still feel creeped out?

“I’m afraid you’re not going anywhere, Lyden Snow,” a deep baritone voice sounds behind me. Something is odd in the tone, almost like there is chittering or clacking in it, and I spin around to see who’s in my apartment. “Your protective threshold is weak. Killing you will be easy.”

I’m not prepared for what I find as I turn around. Red ants, thousands if not millions of them are gathering together in the middle of my living room. The floor looks like it’s broiling and bubbling with so many insects. The voice seems to be coming from their center as they pile up and come together, almost looking like a reverse avalanche on a small hill.

Where did they all come from? Some currently unimportant part of my brain wonders, while the more pertinent side of me demands I flee immediately. Unfortunately, neither side is talking to my knees or feet, which are shaking but otherwise immobile.

In horror, I watch as the ants make two columns that come together at the top, and then continue building. The mass writhes and moves in an unsettling manor as the ants continue to build. Too late, I realize that they’re building a body, as the now noticeable chest is completed and two ant-made arms grow from the shoulders. The head is the last to form, and while everything is still the red of the small ants, subtle shading gives me the impression of a humanoid face. That is, if human faces had long mandibles protruding from the sides of their mouth.

The mandibles move, and the deep voice now seems to come from the head of this monster as it speaks.

Terror infuses my bones at its words, and I find myself rooted to the floor, hardly able to think much less speak.

“TanaVesta sends her greetings and thanks for your help in defeating two of the Pillars. Unfortunately for you, she has also commanded your death. Seems you’re too dangerous to leave alive.” Those words are the only warning I get, before the things maw opens wide and a gout of flame comes pouring forth.

On the counter I notice that the flowers that Becky and Lisa had thought were from me are wilted and dead. Why do I notice such trivial things when a fiery death is hurtling towards me?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Chapter 09
Fire Ant.

“Oomph!” Grunting, I slam into the back of my couch, barely dodging the fireball. It explodes behind me, sending a wash of painful heat over me.

Wasting no time, I get back to my feet just in time to jump over my couch. The second gout of flame powers into the couch, shoving it back and taking me with it.

What is this thing? A humanoid creature made out of red ants and spewing fire? Ugh, might as well call the thing a fire ant. . . . I know, a bad pun, but the heat is on with this one.

“Hold still, and your death will be quick,” the things gravelly voice sounds, just as the fire alarm goes off.

“Sure,” I say, trying to milk the sarcasm. Peeking around the edge of the couch, I see the fire ant slowly stepping around the furniture to get a clear shot at me. “Giving up has always been my style anyway.”

Looking behind it, I see the door to my apartment up in flames. Well, at least now I know where that first attack hit.

The thing’s mandibles open wide, and I super-speed to my last hope of escape: my back window, over twenty stories up.


The window shatters as I dash through it, and I find myself once again falling from a deadly height. Panic grips my heart, and for a second I freeze before remembering to grow my wings.

Too late I feel the drain on my system as pain in my shoulder blades shatters my consciousness, and I black out.

* * *

I’m not sure if it’s the impact that wakes me, or if . . . naw, it’s definitely the impact. My body aches as I lift my head, and see a flickering shadow lean out of a broken window. I watch in horror as the thing shakes, scattering itself and sending ants flying in all directions.

Somehow my apartment building starts moving away from me. In confusion I watch as the wall slides past me, and then of all the absurdities, the large building actually turns.

Now wait a minute. . . . Rolling over, I find myself nestled into a decent sized dent in the top of the Orange Bubble.

“How the. . . .” I trail off as my car comes to a stop, and the driver’s side opens up. It takes me a moment to coordinate rolling off of the vehicle, as my wings get in the way. They must have slowed my descent enough to land almost safely. I have to tuck them in tightly to my body as I slip into the driver’s seat.

To my surprise, the car doesn’t immediately get moving. I don’t know how long before the fire ant coalesces and comes after me, but it shouldn’t take long before it’s on my trail again. Then I realize my vehicle is waiting for me. It strikes me as odd that sometimes it will act on its own and other times, wait for me to do something.

Where can I go, though? The sun is just setting on the horizon, and I don’t know where Becky or Lisa work; but even though Lisa is a martial artist, I don’t want to get either woman involved in this.

My mind goes to Jennifer Lansbury and how sad she’s going to be that I’m going to end up standing her up. I’d call her, but I lost the paper with her name and address on it, and I’m not sure if my phone survived the fall.

Without warning, my car pulls back out into traffic, and I turn to see the fire ant forming back up as it comes out of my flaming apartment building. Thankfully it’s not spewing fire into traffic as it begins chasing me. Also thankfully, with all the rubberneckers passing my burning building, the monster gets slowed down. Somehow the Orange Bubble is able to find an opening, and soon the beast is far behind me.

But where am I going? The last thought I’d had was. . . .

“No,” I say, realizing what my VW Beatle had picked up on. “I can’t involve her either! Guard Lansbury isn’t going to be able to help. Find Angela or Brooke! One of them will know what to do.” If my car takes my advice, it doesn’t show. I try to take control of the wheel, but it won’t budge, and the pedals do nothing.

Finally I give up, and just watch the scenery zoom by. It takes a force of tremendous will to remove my wings, without blacking out.

I’m surprised when my car pulls up outside of a grocery store.

“What are we doing here?” I ask, but my question is answered as Jennifer walks out, pushing a cart full of food. “No, I won’t involve her,” I declare, but the Orange Bubble betrays me by honking twice.

“Mr. Snow?” Even through the closed door, I can clearly hear her.

Sighing, I open my door and step out. “I hope that’s for dinner,” I say nodding to the food in her cart, “because I’m famished.” I don’t want her involved, and try not to let on how hard my heart is still beating in my chest. Supernatural monsters trying to kill me is NOT a good way to end the day.

She just stares at me, shock painted plainly across her face. “What are you doing here? How did you find me here?” she manages to get out after a couple of uncomfortable seconds. “I was certain you wouldn’t show up, but how did you know I was here? And what happened to your car?”

“Can I tell you a secret?” I ask, trying to act cool and nonchalant. “The Orange Bubble is really smarter than I am, and brought me here.” My car actually revs up a bit as I say that. Just how smart is my vehicle?

She pushes her cart closer to me, a scowl marring her face. “Are you making fun of me, Mr. Snow?”

“No!” I promise. “Please, call me Lyden.” She’s now facing me directly, angrily meeting my eyes.

“Didn’t you have a good enough laugh at me at work? Did you really have to stalk me and tease me some more?” I can smell a bit of liqueur on her breath.

What the heck? I thought she’d wanted to meet me after reading my email.

“Dang it, Jennifer, I told you that wasn’t my intent, and I’m not here to make fun of you now. I—“

“Oh my god, why are your clothes burned?” she asks suddenly, cutting me short. She grips my shoulders, flipping me around, and as I look down I realize that my pant legs have been charred. I guess that thing had come closer to cooking me than I thought.

“Yeah, see, I was at this BBQ, and this guy showed up thinking I was the main course—“

“You even have ants on you,” she says, and I feel a chill enter my bones.

“A-a-ants?” I stammer, and turn to look. I find one immediately. It’s crawling across my shoulder.

“And what did you do to your shirt? You have two large holes in the back. Lyden, you weren’t at one of those S&M bars were you? I know how kinky some men get.” While I’m happy to hear her getting back to her normal self, the fact that I’m finding ants on me is enough to set my teeth chattering. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? Or do you want me to do something with it?”

I’m looking around furiously, trying to watch all directions at once. The monster has to be close. What’s that shadow over by that truck? Is that a chittering sound I hear by that car? I can barely hear anything over the sound of my own heart thumping painfully in my chest.

“Jennifer,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm, but knowing that my fear is bleeding into my tone, “Whatever you do, don’t turn around.”

I can see the thing clearly now, stepping under a street lamp, and walking calmly towards us.

“What do you mean, don’t turn around? Hey, who is that?” Of course she doesn’t listen. Why should anyone listen to perfectly good advice?

Well, if my advice is going to be ignored, I might as well dispense some more. “Don’t worry about that. Just get in my car, and let’s go.”

I know the thing is somehow tracking me through the ants. Pheromones maybe? How did it know where I lived? But if I can get far enough away, and kill any ants I find, then maybe I can escape the killer.

“Has this guy been bothering you, Lyden?” Jenifer stands, and faces the oncoming horror.

“Lyden Snow. You cannot escape me. Your death has been commanded by the Pillar of Fire.” The thing’s voice doesn’t sound any less scary in the open air than it had in my apartment.

“What the. . . .?” Jennifer says as the thing comes close enough for the monster’s mandibles to become visible.

“Get down!” I shout, tackling the large woman out of the way, as the fire ant’s mandibles open wide, and flame spurts out. We hit the ground just fine, but the Orange Bubble isn’t as lucky. In horror, I watch as flames spread across my faithful vehicle as if it were covered in gasoline.

“Oh, hell no!” Jennifer screams, shoving me off her and standing to face the creature.

“Jennifer, no! You can’t—“ Before I have a chance to speak further, she reaches into the back of her pants, and pulls out a pistol she has hidden there. Thunder cracks as she fires off a couple rounds into the fire ant’s chest. I watch in burgeoning hope as I see the rounds slam into the creature, and pieces of it burst free from the impacts of the two rounds.

The fire ant doesn’t even seem to notice. In fact, if anything, the thing begins to laugh.

“What IS that thing?” Jennifer demands, as she pulls me away from the advancing fire ant and fires a couple more shots at it.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I shout over the sound of her pistol firing a couple more rounds.

“Try me,” she snarls. “Right now a fire breathing thing is trying to kill us. I might just believe whatever you have to say.”

I decide not to point out that it’s technically after just me. “Okay, well, it’s a man-thing, made up of fire ants.”

She only gives me a partially skeptical look, before checking her magazine. “Damn! I only have a few rounds left. And double damn the new laws!” She shoves the magazine back in and then pulls me down behind another car. Flame lances over our heads, but the car blocks it from us. “I need to get to my truck. Do you think you can get to my cart?”

“Your. . . ? I don’t think we need food right now. We need to get out of here,” I tell her.

“Dammit Lyden, I don’t want the food in there. I have a can of Raid in one of the bags. Been trying to fend off some roaches.” I can tell she’s a bit insulted at my words, but what was I supposed to think?

Raid. Right. . . . “I don’t think there is enough Raid in that store to kill that thing.” I sound sooo optimistic right now.

“Can you do it?” the large guard presses me.

I glance around the car and see the cart, then the flaming remains of the Orange Bubble on the other side of the fire ant. Dang, that fire burns fast! Can I do it? I’m exhausted and out of energy. I overdid it with my wings and escaping that thing in my apartment. I don’t have the strength to even run right now.

I stare into Jennifer’s large blue eyes and nod my head. I’ll do it, or die trying.

I just wish that latter option wasn’t the most likely outcome.

The big chested woman shoves me away, taking off running and firing her last few rounds into TanaVesta’s hired thug. “Over here, you hot piece of insect riddled meat,” she calls, getting the thing’s full attention. “Are you only a one trick man? Can’t you do anything else to please a woman?” Even under pressure, she manages to be raunchy. My respect for her increases.

Moving quickly to the other end of the car, I try and sprint for the unguarded cart. So, maybe sprint is too strong of a word, maybe something more like shambled quickly. Anyway, I’m able to reach it without incident, but groan as I see how many plastic bags are in the thing. How am I going to find a single can of Raid in here?

“Lyden,” Jennifer screams, and I hear an odd clicking sound, “Any day now. I only have one round in this thing.”

I spare a glance at her, and see that she has a double barrel shotgun in her hands, apparently grabbed from the cab of her truck, and I understand her plan. Unfortunately, the fire ant’s attention is back to me as well, and it starts running back my way.

Frantically, I start pulling bags out and dumping their contents onto the asphalt. Eggs splatter, and a carton of milk breaks open, but no cans of Raid.

“Lyden. . . .” Jennifer yells a warning at me. Looking up, I see the thing inhaling to fire at me, and I shove the cart and start moving.

Wait, was that it? Frantically I lean into the cart, falling in and start tearing at the spot I thought I saw it. The cart continues to roll.

Yes! I cheer in triumph as I hold it up. Naturally that’s the moment that the moving cart hits a curb and sends me tumbling out. I even manage to lose my grip on the can, and watch in horror as it rolls away from me, and under a car.

“Lyden, quit fucking around!” Jennifer screams, but I ignore her as I scramble to my feet just in time to avoid another bolt of searing hot pain. The cart and what contents remained end up well done. If I weren’t so terrified for my life at the moment, I’d almost enjoy the smell of cooked food. Hey, I missed dinner, remember?

Catching up to the can, I reach under the black car, scoop it up, and turn to throw it near the monster. My aim is poor as I’m off balance however, and the can flies straight at the fire ant.

“Fuck!” I scream, yelling the worst word I know in my frustration. Can’t I get at least a little break?

The thing doesn’t even try to dodge, and the can strikes it in the chest. To my surprise, instead of bouncing off, the ants that make up the thing’s body pull the can into its torso.

“Jennifer, NOW!” I bellow, and I watch as the things mouth opens to expel fire at me. I know I’m not going to get away from it in time. Everything seems to slow as I watch the heat build up in its throat. I know that I only have a couple seconds left, until I’m a Kentucky Fried Chicken. The thing roars, and then appears to grow larger, its chest expanding out. Is it trying to make me extra crispy with more flame?

Jennifer must have shot the thing with her shotgun, I think, as the monster is suddenly engulfed in a cloud of smoke and fire.

Something doesn’t feel right, and it’s hard to hear through the loud ringing in my head, but it dawns on me that I’m lying on my back.

And laughing.

I’m alive, I think, and then can’t hold it in anymore, and scream, “I’m ALIVE!”

“But you won’t be free for long unless you get up and we get out of here.” Jennifer leans over me, and I find myself thinking about just how large her breasts are. She’s holding her hand out to me, and with a strong grip, she pulls me up. “I hear sirens,” she tells me, and suddenly I’m worried again. My apartment is burned up, and after the fires, and the gun shots here, the police are going to want to talk to me.

I let the woman pull me over to her truck, and I get in the passenger side. I wave one last farewell to the remains of the Orange Bubble as we peal out of the parking lot. The flames are dispersing, but I can make out that my car is nothing more than a blackened husk. I can still make out the dent in the top, where it had caught me from my fall earlier in the evening. Thoughts and memories of all the years we’d been together, and even of the time spent under the ocean, flit through my mind as the city zooms by.

At some time, Guard Lansbury puts her shotgun back into the rack in the back window, and I only absently note the two unused shells in her hand.

“What made you think to throw the can into it, instead of by it?” she asks me. “I planned on shooting the can as it got close to the thing, but your plan worked much better. I’m guessing that the internal heat was too much for the can, and it exploded. Do you think it’s dead?”

She continues to drone on, and I decide to take a nap.

It feels like I only have enough time to blink, before Jennifer is shaking me awake.

“Wake up, Lyden. If you think I’m carrying your skinny ass into the cabin, think again!”

“Cabin?” I mumble, wiping some spittle from my cheek.

“I thought about taking you back to my place, but I’ve never let another man in there before. The cabin seemed like a smarter choice anyway,” she tells me, and I can only smile and nod. I’m completely exhausted. “It only has one bedroom, and the bathroom is out back, but you can sleep on the couch. You look too tired to tell me much tonight, but I expect a full explanation in the morning.”

I stumble more than walk into the cabin and collapse onto the proffered couch. I don’t even notice how dark the cabin is.

“No hanky-panky. I’ll be locking my door,” are the last words I hear before oblivion folds me within its wonderful embrace.

* * *

Birds chirping are the first sounds to penetrate my consciousness, and drag me from a terrible dream of being chased by ten foot ants, waiving their antennae at me, and trying to get me to stay for a BBQ.

“’Bout time you woke up,” Jennifer says, and I look over to see her lounging in a wicker chair, sipping from a steaming cup of something that smells deliciously like coffee.

“Got another one of those?” I murmur as I groggily sit up. She goes to the attached kitchen, and pours me a cup. I realize that there’s no electricity in this place, and know that the coffee must have been made over the wood stove.

“Now start talking,” she tells me as I take my first sip, burning the tip of my tongue on the bitter brew.

“It won’t be easy to believe,” I tell her, but the look she gives me says I’d better get yapping. I tell her about how I’d somehow seen Angela in my office, and everything since then, glossing over the sex, but otherwise giving it to her straight.

“A generator?” she asks when I get to the part of the story where TanaVesta held me captive. “So you can stick a light bulb in your mouth and make it light up, like Uncle Fester?”

“Not quite,” I chuckle as I finally feel the effects of the coffee kicking in. “Somehow I draw in energy from someone, magnify it, and then return it.”

“You draw in energy from someone? How?” I can tell she understands that question just about as well as I do.

I’ve been trying to avoid this, but decide that she deserves complete honesty after saving my life last night.

“Sex. Through orgasms, to be more precise.” The look she gives me is enough to know that she doesn’t believe a wink of it. “I’m not trying to make fun of you, I swear.”

“So what about all this stuff you say you can do? Move really fast, or what did you call it? Super-speed? Changing your clothes? Do something like that.”

I try to give her the same look she’d given me, but it just bounces off her tough exterior. “I can’t,” I admit. “I’m worn out and exhausted. I used up too much last night, and haven’t been able to recharge, so to speak. I haven’t even eaten since lunch yesterday.”

“If that’s your way of getting into my knickers, it’s not working. As for food, I had a whole cart-full, and someone went and got that destroyed.”

“Look, I thank you for saving my life, but I’d probably better get going. No telling when another assassin might come for me,” I tell her as I start to stand.

“Not happening,” she tells me while standing up to block me, and the strength of her grip on my shoulder, coupled with the fact of how easily she holds me down, causes me to give up. “I already used your phone to call in to work. I told your bitch of a boss that you were sick and pretended to be your girlfriend.”

OUCH! Sheila’s not likely to like that! On the plus side, I guess my phone is working fine.

“You didn’t tell me your apartment burned down.” Her tone has turned accusing, as she sits back in her chair.

“The fire ant,” I tell her, and she nods.

“So, if I have this straight, you’re some sort of supernatural being that magically creates power. Your best friends are a succubus and a mermaid, and there’s a god-like dragon that’s out to kill you. That sound about right?”

“Well, when you put it like that, it sounds crazy,” I reply defensively. “Besides, you left out my debonair charm and good looks.”

She laughs at my joke, but it’s soon swallowed by an uncomfortable silence.

“Look, Jennifer, I don’t want you to be in any more danger. You saved my hide last night, you’re tougher than you look, but I still count you as a friend and don’t want you getting hurt.”

“Ha!” she snorts back at me. “That’s what your email said. You don’t want to hurt me. Well, did you ever stop to consider how I feel?”

“Um. . . what?” I ask, thoroughly confused. Of course I had thought about her feelings. How else would I have been concerned about them?

“I know I’m no spring chicken,” she says, only deepening my confusion, “but I’m still a woman at heart. I guess there’s no use hiding the fact that I’ve liked you for quite some time. It hurt when I thought you were playing a joke on me. No, I know you weren’t, now. Alright, I know I’m not exactly your dream girl, or anyone’s for that matter. I’ll help you out when I can and expect nothing in return. Why are you laughing? Lyden? Don’t you dare! Zip your pants back up! Lyden, stop! Holy fuck, that thing is huge.”

I slowly walk over to the large woman, my cock hanging between my legs.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing, Mr. Snow, but—“

“Oh, I’m Mr. Snow again? I could have sworn you’d said you would help me out when you could.” My voice is calm and even as I talk to her. I notice her eyes are locked onto my manhood as I speak. Like a snake before a snake charmer, my animal starts to rise under her gaze. “I’m pretty weak after last night and could use a recharge.”

“I’m not that type of girl,” she insists, but ruins it by licking her lips afterwards.

“I know you’re a virgin,” I say soothingly, and stop while directly in front of her, “and I won’t take that from you if you don’t want me to. All I need to do is please you.”

“Please me?” Her voice has taken on an almost dreamy quality.

“Yes,” I whisper, reaching out and running my hand along her cheek.

“I’ve never. . . . I mean, it’s so. . . . But. . . . If you’re sure this will help you,” she finally capitulates, and I guide her mouth towards my engorged cock. Her tongue tentatively pokes out, and when the tip contacts the sensitive underside on the head, I make it jump, startling her. “Did I make it do that?” Somehow this new innocent side to this woman that has always been so blunt and crass is turning me on.

“You did,” I lie to her, and feel warmer inside at the smile she gives me.

Her right hand comes up, grips the base of my cock, and gives it a few firm squeezes, as if to assure herself that it’s there.

Panic suddenly flares in her blue eyes, and she rips her hand away, as if burned.

“No, this will turn out badly. It’ll become some joke to you, which you’ll laugh about with your friends. Talking about the big beached whale you fu—“

My mouth pressed to her lips silences her protestations, and while she remains tense for a few extra moments, she finally and completely surrenders.

“No jokes,” I whisper, breaking the kiss. “No one to barge in and make fun of you. This morning it will just be me and you. If you never want anyone to hear about this, then fine. I promise that I’ll not make fun of you for doing this for me.” Turning it around, to make it seem like a favor to me, seems to do the trick, and her arms dart up to pull my face back down to hers.

“Just remember, that if I end up regretting this, I have quite the personal arsenal at home, and I know how to find you.” With that threat in my ears, our lips meet once again, and I’m reminded of what a phenomenal kisser she is. Her tongue licks along my lips, enticing mine out to meet it, only for hers to dodge back behind her teeth. After teasing me like this for a bit, I finally catch her tongue by sucking it into my mouth, and wrestling with it between my teeth.

My hands aren’t idle either, as I have them at first on her cheeks, but let them fall, down across her shoulders, her thick arms, and then to her waist. Finding the hem of her shirt, I slowly begin to lift it up, but her hands stop me.

“No. You don’t need to see that,” she tells me, but I’m not willing to listen, and keep tugging, while bringing my lips back to her talented mouth. After a few seconds, when it becomes obvious I’m not going to give up on getting her shirt off, she sighs, and I quickly get it up over her giant breasts.

Breaking the kiss, I reach into the right cup of her bra, pull out the hidden bounty, and marvel at her flesh. Her areolas are the perfect size for her bosom, and it might be my color-blindness, but they blend in well with the surrounding skin. Her nipple is large and taut, just begging to be sucked.

Well, who am I to argue with such begging? Dropping my face to her bazongas, I latch onto the rubbery teat, and relish the way the rest of her breast conforms to my face. They’re soft and warm, and if I could actually breathe while suckling her flesh, I’d want to live here forever. Her boobs are actually bigger than my head! They even put TanaVesta’s to shame.

Her hips gyrate beneath me as I press her harder into the chair, and I can hear her moaning as I come up for air. My hands reach under her, and for once it only takes me a couple attempts to get her over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder unclasped. Her shirt and bra come off in one fluid motion, and I mash my lips back to hers, as my hands reach between us, to start pulling down my pants. It doesn’t take long before I’m only in my socks, and working on her pants and then we’re both naked.

Moving my mouth to her other tit, I allow my fingers to explore her sex, and am pleasantly surprised by how wet she already is. It takes me a second to work in even one finger though, as she’s so tight. I remember that she’s still a virgin, and back off for just a second.

“I’m not trying to stop, but you’re still a virgin. I don’t want to hurt you, but if we continue—“ I attempt to be a considerate lover, but she’s not having it.

“If you stop now and don’t fuck the shit out of my little pussy, I’m going to make your life a living hell.” The lust in her eyes, and the need I can feel pouring from her soul lends credence to her desires, and I don’t even think about arguing.

Returning to our kiss and her skilled tongue, I grab the base of my phallic instrument, and start rubbing the head against her vulva. Between how wet she already is, and my own precum, I soon have her entire slit lubricated. I know my cock will conform to her tight hole, so I’m not too worried about loosening her up first, but I know that it’ll still hurt when I punch past her hymen.

I concentrate my movements around her clit until she has to break the kiss from moaning so hard. As soon as I feel her energy flood into me from her orgasm, I realign my rod, and shove hard into her. Her hips jump up to meet my thrust, and her hymen snaps like a cannon ball hitting a piece of paper.

Her fingers dig into my back, and despite my cock changing to fit her cunt, she’s still incredibly tight as her inner muscles spasm and squirm around my intruding length. I’m not even fully ensconced within her, but I hold still waiting for her to get accustomed to the new invasion. I’d be worried about the pain I’ve caused her, if not for the energy still transferring into me from her orgasm.

“Oh, fuck, that was intense,” she says after a few moments, and I know that’s my cue to continue.

Slowly I begin to pull out, and it feels like her coochy is trying to hold me in, it’s so small. When only my head is still inside her, I look her in her beautiful blue eyes, and inform her, “It only gets better.”

She opens her mouth to respond, but I drive my hips forward, and smile as her eyes roll back, and I hit bottom. I refuse to let up though, and grab one of her giant breasts (do they even have a cup-size for assets this large?), and guide the nipple to my lips. Our hips meet and smack against each other, my cock making a wet sloppy sound as I pump in and out of her at a rapid pace. Her grunts turn to moans, and back to grunts again, as I relentlessly stab her pussy.

With renewed energy, I’m able to pull back, and lift the hefty woman into my arms, surprising a gasp from her. Walking us over to the couch, I gently set her down, and continue to screw into her tight hole.

Every time I start to get tired from my exertions, she cums and vigor pours into me, renewing my stamina. I lose track of how many orgasms she has, but when mine finally arrives, hickeys cover her breasts, and it feels like I deposit a gallon of semen within her womb.

My head droops to her soft bosom, and I fall asleep, still comfortable within the security guard’s soaked and leaking pussy.

When I wake up, there is a different woman under me.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have received a lot of flack for having taken these down because I published the story as a whole ebook. Forgive a struggling author and soldier his mistakes. I will post all but the epilogue back up here. Some of you know how to get that last chapter, but the story completes without it.

This story never could have been possible without the help of Garbonzo, the word SEX, and reader's like you!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-12 17:01:59
Hope him and Jennifer don't go out not being sad he should be like a free spirit

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-22 14:28:33
Excellent Write up...Nice one...More Grease to your Elbow

Norton XReport 

2015-02-13 02:39:53
It's awesome to see stories like this that are so large in scope when compared to the usual short stories here and well-written by a brilliant author. Mighty fine work, SSelxuyt.

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