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Harry Potter Fanfiction. This is the first story in the promise series.
It's OK Not To Be OK (But I Promise, I'm Trying)
by rayrae118

Chapter 11: Ch 11: A Friendly Interlude

Disclaimer: not mine

Susan had a lot to think about. Top of her list was the new relationship her aunt appeared to be in, or headed towards, but a close second was Harry Potter.

She had been surprised to receive an invitation to his home, but had been so happy to be included, especially when it meant she got to meet this new man in her aunt's life. She liked Sirius, a lot. He was kind, and funny, and clearly cared a great deal for both Harry and her aunt. She looked forward to getting to know him better.

He had told her a few things about her parents; the stories he had shared were new to her, things her aunt hadn't shared. While he had explained that he hadn't known them that well – they had been much older than him – he had worked with them a lot towards the end of the war.

Susan may have been practical and down to earth, especially for a Hufflepuff, but she was also a teenage girl. She was certainly aware that the boys she had spent the afternoon with were growing up as well. Harry appeared much healthier than he had been the previous term, though he had mentioned seeing Poppy, so she figured that was why. What she had heard about his home life was so horrible, it made her want to hex someone. Preferably his relatives. She was glad her aunt was helping, and she definitely wanted to cultivate this new friendship.

That's all she knew it would be, though, and she was fine with that. While Harry would definitely be a heartthrob that she knew many girls would fight over in the coming school year, she had seen the way he looked at the youngest Weasley. If they weren't an item yet, they would be by Christmas, she would bet anything.

Besides, she was more interested in the shy dorm mate. Neville was also growing up, and growing up well. She would definitely make an effort to write to him this summer, and hopefully they could spend some more time getting to know each other.

Hermione waited until she was alone in her room before she gave in to the tears. Hearing about Harry's summer just made her so angry! How could anybody do such horrible things to an innocent child?

Her tears spent, Hermione sat back up and made a promise to herself. Harry Potter was her best friend, and she would stand beside him, always. She was glad that he had gotten out of that situation, though it was a blow to her belief in authority, to hear that Dumbledore had left him there, and then not even bothered to check up on him.

She pulled out the book Harry had leant her, and smiled. Harry had sworn that Potions Making for Dummies had taught him more than Snape ever had.

With an hour or two before dinner, Hermione settled down to read. In the back of her mind, she wondered how much convincing it would take for her parents to get their house hooked up to the Floo network. It would be so much easier to work her way through that library if she didn't have to go to The Leaky Cauldron to use their Floo all the time.

Molly Weasley looked up, relieved, when her two youngest children stepped out of the fireplace. She knew they were growing up, but they had been gone much longer than expected. She had been a little apprehensive of letting them wander around Muggle London on their own, but she had known it was a lost cause the moment Arthur had heard. He had implored them to bring back stories, and asked for some definitions on various items.

She smiled, setting down her knitting. "Hello you two. How was the excursion?"

Ron and Ginny looked at each other guiltily. They hoped they would be able to leave the house again this summer, once their mother realized they had lied to her.

"Erm, about that mum," Ron started, but Ginny cut him off.

"We didn't actually go to London. Harry invited us back to his home."

That confused Molly. "You two went to Surrey?" Her voice raised an octave.

Ginny shook her head. "Harry's not living with his aunt and uncle anymore," she explained, hurrying on before Molly could say anything. "It's a bit of a long story, but Harry doesn't want a lot of people to know. He doesn't want to advertise it, and he doesn't want people to find out what happened."

Molly took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. "And what happened?" she asked in that dangerous tone that both children knew meant business.

Ginny sat down, pulling Ron down with her, as she spoke, her voice wavering with distress and anger. She quickly summed up Harry's childhood, before briefly touching on Vernon's explosion, and Harry's departure. She didn't mention Sirius just yet, but she told her mother that McGonagall had gotten the DMLE and DCW involved, and officially taken over Harry's guardianship. She stressed how much happier Harry was, and how good he looked. She told Molly how Madam Pomfrey had looked him over, and healed several old injuries and a few new ones, before putting him on a potions regimen that would deal with his weight issues.

To say Molly was angry would be an understatement. She was furious, and even more so when her daughter told her that Dumbledore had placed Harry with his aunt and uncle illegally, since he really had no authority to do so, and had completely ignored any Will that may have been in place. And then, to make matters worse, he hadn't even checked up on the boy for ten years!

Molly hugged her children, thankful that they were such good friends for the poor boy, and sent them up to wash, while she went to check on dinner. She made a mental note to get in touch with Minerva in the morning, to see if there was any more information the Professor could give. She was surprised that the Transfiguration Mistress had taken on such a role, but she figured it wasn't something Minerva would have done if she hadn't been one hundred percent certain.

As Molly set the table, she thought of the kind boy she had met for the first time at Kings Cross several years earlier. Harry Potter asking her for instructions on how to get onto the platform may well have been the best thing to ever happen to her family.


Upstairs, Ron stopped at Ginny's room, suddenly wanting to talk to her. "Hey, Ginny?" Ginny grunted to show him she was listening. Ron bit his lip. "What's going on with you and Harry?"

Ginny paused. She guessed she shouldn't be surprised. After all, Ron was used to being Harry's friend, and he probably didn't want to share. "We're friends, Ron. We had a good talk on the way back to the Tower, before leaving school, and we've been writing each other all summer."

"But he's told you more than me. Some of what you told mum I didn't even know."

Ginny shrugged. "He wanted to talk to me, so I wanted to listen. It goes both ways, you know. There are things I've told him that I haven't shared with anyone else."

Ron blinked. He knew he would need to think about this conversation later. "Do you… like him?" he voiced questioningly, almost afraid of the answer.

Ginny thought about it for a moment. It wasn't that she needed to think about her answer, she just needed to think about whether or not to tell her brother. Finally she decided he deserved to know the truth. "Yes," she replied bluntly. "I do. Is that a problem?"

Ron was surprised at her straightforwardness. It required a minute to think, but in all honesty, he figured she could do a lot worse. And he knew Harry would treat her right. "I guess not," he admitted, "As long as it's because he's Harry, not because he's the Boy Who Lived."

Ginny was a little surprised at the way he was looking after his friend. She smiled brilliantly. "Don't worry," she assured him. "What I like about him has everything to do with him being Harry."

Neville looked up as the Floo flared to life, and Amelia Bones stepped out. He set down the Herbology book he was reading, and went to greet her as a proper heir would.

Amelia returned his greeting, and asked if his grandmother was available. Neville called one of the Longbottom house elves, and asked him to fetch Augusta.

The two were only kept waiting for a few minutes, before the Lady Longbottom entered the room, greeting Amelia in her typical brisk fashion. A pointed look almost had Neville departing, but he stopped when Amelia asked him to stay.

"I'm actually here because your grandson suggested I involve you, Augusta. I would like him to remain for this conversation."

Augusta was concerned, but appeared outwardly calm, as she gestured for them all to sit and called for an elf to bring tea and biscuits.

When they had the refreshments, Augusta nodded for Amelia to begin.

The DMLE head took a deep breath, before she carefully outlined the travesty that had occurred almost thirteen years previously. When she came to the present, Amelia paused for only a moment, before continuing, "I have been in contact with Sirius, and I would like to get him a trial by the end of the summer. Neville suggested I ask for you help in controlling the Wizengamot. There is a meeting scheduled for August the twenty ninth; I was hoping we might be able to broach the subject then. I have copies of his memories, and have verified them as being true and unaltered."

Augusta sat back and considered what she had just learned. The idea that an innocent man had been sentenced to Azkaban, without a trial, was not a pleasant one. She looked over at her grandson, who was looking decidedly nervous. "Am I to assume that this 'excursion' you had with your friends yesterday did not in fact take place in Muggle London?"

Neville shook his head, embarrassed. "I was at Harry's. His muggle relatives weren't the greatest, so Professor McGonagall took him in."

Amelia cut in. "I'm currently amassing an investigation into the practices of one Vernon Dursley. Harry is less than willing to risk the news of his abuse at the hands of his uncle getting out, so I am trying to find something else to pin on him. I also facilitated the change of guardianship. Minerva was quite willing to take him in." She smiled. "I think she was feeling guilty for not doing more for James and Lily's son."

Augusta had to think about that as well. She couldn't help but find something fishy in the Potter heir's placement with muggles. As his godmother, Alice would have been next in line after Sirius. She could understand not wanting to saddle her with a second baby, as she certainly was getting up there in years, but the attack on Frank and Alice hadn't taken place for almost a week after the Dark Lord's downfall. What had happened in those intervening days?

Those were questions she wasn't likely to get answered here, so she forced her mind back to the topic at hand.

Augusta nodded. "So young Mr. Black was also in residence?" she asked.

Amelia nodded. "I was there as well, with my niece Susan. I can assure you that Sirius is quite sane, and recovering well from his ordeal."

Augusta considered. If memory served her correctly, Amelia and Sirius had had a bit of a fling developing, before his incarceration. Guessing from the way Amelia was acting now, she would bet that that relationship was heating up again. She turned to look at her grandson. "What are your thoughts?" she asked the young wizard.

Neville looked surprised to have been addressed, and even more shocked that his opinion was asked for. He steeled himself, and forced his voice to remain calm as he spoke his thoughts. "Sirius seems like a good guy. Like Madam Bones said, he's recovering, but he doesn't look anything like those wanted posters. Harry said Madam Pomfrey had taken care of both of them." He looked down at his lap. "I like him. He's funny, and nice, and he definitely cares about Harry. He's also got a lot of good stories. He told me a little about mum and dad." Augusta looked slightly angry with this, but Neville looked up suddenly, a fire burning in his eyes that shocked the older woman. "He told me about how he and dad were friends, and how mum and Harry's mum were like sisters from day one. He told me how the only reason he got as good a score as he did on the Herbology OWL was because of dad." Hearing a little about his parents seemed to have brought such a startling change in the teenager. "Gran, you've got to help him," his expression was pleading. "He doesn't deserve what's been done to him, and if you've got the ability to act, the way I see it, you've got the responsibility to act."

Augusta nodded, taken aback by the subtle chastising her grandson had given her, before she turned back to their guest. "I agree that Mr. Black needs a trial, and I would be happy to help, however I may."

Amelia was relieved, and she smiled gratefully. Together, the pair of them began to plan. With the way things stood at the Ministry, she didn't trust much of her department to keep their mouths shut. She had a few Aurors she would get involved later, but for now, she felt safer getting help outside the Ministry, and Augusta would be a good presence to have on her side.

Neville was shocked when, not only did his grandmother ask him to stay, she also asked for his input on their plans.

So the way I'm imagining the older generation here, Frank Longbottom was a year above the Marauders, and Lily and Alice were in the same year. Amelia, as I said, was five years ahead of the Marauders, and Susan's parents were in their seventh year when the Marauders started at Hogwarts. Molly and Arthur are maybe a year above Amelia, so in their sixth year when the Marauders were in their first.

Chapter 12
I apologize for updating so late in the day (well, late where I am). I had to go straight from school to work today, and only just got home.

And this is now my second story to pass the 200 review mark, so thank you guys so much!

I should also say, as a follow-up to my authors note at the end of the last chapter, the ages of the adults aren't that important, just a frame of reference so that people don't wonder what their relationships were in school. Molly and Arthur's ages don't really matter that much - I did get a few reviews concerning their ages when they had Bill. I'm thinking that Molly probably got pregnant right out of school. I did double check, and Bill was born in 1970, so that would mean Molly and Arthur are at least seven to eight years older than the Marauders.

Disclaimer: not mine

Things changed a bit after that.

The rest of July went by in a haze of visits from friends, Quidditch games, and of course, more studying.

Neville got to have a nice talk with his grandmother, who, for once, didn't spend the whole conversation comparing him to his father, and complaining about how he didn't match up.

It seemed that his initiative to involve her in this secret with Sirius Black had changed something in the formidable dowager. Indeed, though she didn't know how to express it, she truly was proud of the way he had stood up for his father's friend, and she was willing to allow him to gain a closer relationship with the fugitive – though hopefully he wouldn't be one for much longer.

Neville had also spoken with her about Harry, where he went into a little more detail about his new friend's childhood – though not sharing too much, as he didn't want to betray Harry's trust – ending with the request he had made to get more information on his godmother. Augusta was shocked, even more so when she learned that Harry hadn't even known whom his godmother was before this summer. She couldn't help but think that, had things been just a bit different, Harry and Neville might have grown up as brothers.

She was used to feeling disappointment towards her young heir, but the change this summer had wrought was a complete one eighty. Neville was going over to Harry's new home nearly every day now, and the result was a more confident young man. He told his grandmother that the two of them were studying, and just talking, and that Sirius had been sharing a lot of stories about their parents. He even told her he was getting more comfortable on a broomstick! Augusta wanted to meet the boy who had changed her grandson so much. If Harry was able to do this, she had no doubt he had to be a rather special young man.

Molly had spoken with Minerva, and after hearing the whole story, was shocked that Dumbledore would be so inattentive. She offered her former professor her full support. Things were a little tense when she learned that 'infamous murderer Sirius Black' was also in residence, but when she learned that truth as well, she mellowed. Seeing him again was nerve-racking, but Sirius was well enough by this point that he really didn't look like he had spent twelve years in prison and one on the run at all. He was funny, charismatic, and charming, and any computations the Weasley matriarch had about her children spending time at McGonagall castle vanished. They seemed to bond a little over their desire to be a parental figure to Harry. She remembered him from the Order of the Phoenix during the war with Voldemort. She and Arthur were several years older, and though they hadn't been very close, she had enjoyed spending time with him, as well as Lily, James, and Remus. She had never really warmed to Peter, and now she knew why.

Susan was also becoming a regular presence in the McGonagall household. She enjoyed spending time with Harry and Neville – especially Neville – and she, too, was enjoying getting to know Sirius. Especially since it seemed as if the man might become a permanent fixture in her life, if her aunt had anything to say about it. As her parents had been much older than him, he didn't have too many stories – they had been in their seventh year when he had started at Hogwarts. Most of what he knew of them came from the few years after graduation, when they had been members of the Order of the Phoenix together. He did, however, tell her a lot about her aunt. Amelia had apparently been a few years ahead of him in school, but when he had joined the Aurors, she had been one of the training volunteers, as she had only finished her training a couple years earlier. They had enjoyed a rather light, flirtatious relationship that had had hints of being something more, had they had the time, and had events not unfolded as they had.

Harry was enjoying getting to know her, as well. He remembered the events from his second year quite well, and how most of Hufflepuff had shunned him, thinking he had been the one to petrify Justin, but Susan had never said a bad word against him. One afternoon in July, he finally asked her why.

Susan shrugged a little sheepishly. "You seemed just as scared as the rest of us," she explained. "I didn't think you'd do anything to hurt anyone, though I am sorry I never really fought for you against my housemates. Besides, your mother was muggleborn, as is one of your best friends, why would you have any sort of vendetta against them?"

Harry smiled, and nothing more was said on the subject, though he definitely felt closer to the girl after that; he was enjoying making new friends, and felt that Susan could be a lifelong one.

Hermione had left with her parents on holiday to Spain. They would be gone for about two weeks, but Hermione promised she would be back by Harry's birthday.

Harry was very glad for that, because it would be the first time he was actually able to celebrate it with his friends. He didn't want a huge affair, but somehow he knew Aunt Minerva and Sirius would be going all out. They still maintained that they wanted to spoil him rotten.

Ron and Ginny were also over at the Castle a lot, though Ron was much more reluctant to study than the rest. Surprisingly, a comment from Harry on how impressed Hermione would be if she came back and all his summer assignments were complete was enough for Ron to buckle down and hit the books.

Ginny had given the black haired boy a knowing smirk, but Harry had just smiled in return. He may be a boy, but he wasn't clueless.

Ron had told him that he was invited to attend the Quidditch World Cup with his family – his father had managed to get tickets, and even his oldest brothers would be there. Harry was excited, but he also saw the look in Neville's eyes at the mention of the match. Harry knew Neville would not be going, as his grandmother was not a fan.

The opportunity to do something about that arose a few days later. Neville hadn't been able to come over, as his grandmother had asked him to do something at home, and Ron had used some 'improper language' in front of his mother, so it was just Susan and Ginny that day. Later in the afternoon, Amelia showed up, spending some time just cuddling with Sirius on the sofa.

Harry entered the room nervously, and was pleased that, at least, they weren't snogging. "Erm, Amelia, do you have a minute?" he asked hesitantly.

The two adults sat up straighter, and Amelia nodded. "Of course, Harry. Is something wrong?"

Harry shook his head as he sat down in the armchair across from the pair, twisting his hands together in his lap. "I just wanted to ask you something. Susan mentioned that you were going to get tickets for the World Cup, and I was hoping you might be able to coordinate with Mr. Weasley, so that we could all sit together."

Amelia nodded thoughtfully. She would certainly be able to do that. "I don't see why not," she agreed, smiling at how he and her niece had become such good friends.

Harry shifted in his seat. "I was also wondering if you might be able to get an extra ticket. Neville's not going, and I know he's disappointed at that. I was hoping you might be able to get one for him as well. I can pay for it," he hurried to add, but was cut off when Amelia shook her head.

"I will get him a ticket, but I'm not going to let you foot the bill," she smiled. "Neville's a nice young man, and I'd like to do this for him. We'll call it a birthday present, how about that? Think you can keep it a secret until then?"

Harry nodded, grinning as he stood up. "Thanks, Amelia. This means a lot to me." Both adults smiled at the charitable young man, though that expression changed to embarrassment the next moment, when his eyes took on a devious glint. "Now, I'll let you get back to what you were doing. And remember Padfoot, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

He hurried out of the room before they could yell at him.

He was still laughing to himself when he found Ginny waiting for him at the foot of the stairs. He gulped nervously, wondering if she had heard.

Apparently, she had, but she wasn't disappointed. She just gave him a gentle hug, smiling as she stepped back. "That was a nice thing you did, Potter."

Harry returned the smile, and the two headed back to the library. "I know how much he wants to go, and I didn't want to have to ask your dad if he could get one more ticket. I know Amelia's got some more pull, and I don't think she's actually gotten hers and Susan's yet."

Ginny nodded her understanding, and promised to keep it quiet, as the two entered the library and sat back down next to Susan, returning to their respective books.


Harry's birthday was a quiet affair – or, as quiet as it could be, with Molly Weasley involved. She and Minerva had had a bit of an argument when it came to the food, with the professor finally relenting and letting Molly bring the cake. The house elves were quite eager to take care of the rest of the meal. It seemed that they had grown quite fond of her new charge, and wanted to make his birthday the best ever – not that that was much of a challenge. Minerva had been hard-pressed to hide her laughter – and Sirius hadn't even tried – watching the excitable creatures interrogate Harry on his favorite foods.

Hermione had returned the day before, and was there, looking very tan.

Ron and Ginny came, along with their parents, Fred, and George. Mr. Weasley and the twins had been informed of the situation, and promised to keep it all a secret. Fred and George were awestruck the moment they learned that Sirius Black was Padfoot, and that they had actually spent a year being taught by Mooney.

Remus was also there. It had taken some doing, a stern talking to from Minerva - where she informed him that all those empty bedrooms were just going to waste - and quite a bit of pleading from Harry, before he consented to move in. But only temporarily. And he drew the line at Minerva buying him his own new wardrobe. Still, he couldn't deny how happy Harry was in his new home.

When Minerva and Sirius had informed him of what had happened at the beginning of the summer, he had had to take a few minutes, just to ensure that he wouldn't go and do something rash – like hex one Vernon Dursley to within an inch of his sanity. As they continued, telling him their theories on why Dumbledore had left him there, and why the leader of the light had done nothing at the evidence of obvious abuse, he included the old man in his thoughts of hexing. He didn't want to believe what they were telling him, not of the man who had made a Hogwarts education possible for him, but listening to their theories, and hearing Harry's explanations of his first few years at school, he really couldn't come to a different conclusion. Suddenly, Dumbledore's request for him not to try and connect with Harry before he came to Hogwarts made much more sense.

Susan and Amelia were there as well, and so were Neville and Augusta.

Neville had invited him over for dinner the night before, as he had just wanted a quiet celebration at home. He had been surprised to even receive so many presents, but Susan, Ron, and Ginny had all sent him gifts. Harry had given him a muggle book on plants, which Neville seemed to revere, especially after seeing the glossy colored photos on the pages.

Augusta was pleased to finally meet Harry, and seemed impressed by the young man. On a bit of a whim, Harry invited her to come with Neville to his party the next day, which she graciously accepted.

Minerva watched the gathering with a proud smile. As they were trying to keep their situation quiet for as long as possible, she hadn't invited any of her colleagues to come, though she reserved that idea for next year. She wanted to show off her new charge. She knew that Filius and Pomona would definitely be surprised come September. Severus probably would be as well, but not in a good way. Sometimes she wondered why Albus had hired him. He really was hindering a whole generation; the number of eligible Auror and Healer candidates had decreased dramatically since his appointment, as fewer and fewer could meet the potions OWL and NEWT requirements.

Tibby and Miller, her two head elves, had set up a rather impressive spread outside, on the edge of the Quidditch pitch, under a tent to provide some shelter from the sweltering July sun.

The adults sat in the shade, watching their children fly about in an impromptu game. The teams were a little bit uneven, with Ron playing Keeper on one end, Hermione on the other – though she tended to lurch in the other direction whenever the quaffle came towards her. Harry and Ginny made up one set of Chasers, and Neville and Susan made up the other. Fred was Beater for Harry's team, and George played Beater for Neville's.

The air was filled with shouts and laughter as the adults looked on, smiling at how much fun the children were having.

At lunchtime, the kids all descended rapidly, and fell upon the food with a ravenous fervor.

Mrs. Weasley had truly outdone herself with the cake. It could have easily fed twice the amount of people present, and had a miniature Harry done in frosting, flying around the top in pursuit of a tiny golden frosting snitch.

Harry's eyes almost bulged at the pile of presents waiting for him. Aunt Minerva and Sirius were doing their best to undo years of lessons beaten into him by the Dursley's, but Harry didn't think he'd ever get used to people spending so much on him – or people wanting to spend anything on him.

Hermione gave both him and Neville their presents, since she hadn't been able to send anything from Spain. Harry couldn't wait to read Dueling Techniques for the Master, while the three gardening pots she had brought back for him from Spain intrigued Neville. They were very pretty, with the Spanish patterns, and would look quite nice in his greenhouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley gave him a book on Wizarding law, and a tin of fudge. They had collaborated with Minerva a bit, to make sure it wasn't a book he already owned, but they thought he might like it, considering what his godfather had been through.

Fred and George's present impressed Harry, as he pulled out some homemade joke products. He knew they were interested in opening a joke shop, but he hadn't realized they were so far along. He gave them a searching look, and they just winked.

Ron's gift of chocolate frogs was typical, and reassuring. So many things were changing in Harry's life, it was nice to see something predictable.

Susan and Amelia gave him a foe glass and the Auror Handbook. Harry wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life, but being an Auror definitely was a contender. Especially after learning that his father had been one, as had his grandfather. Charlus Potter had been one of the most celebrated heads of the DMLE in the last five hundred years. His death at the hands of a Death Eater raid was what had given Barty Crouch, Sr. his rise to the top.

Neville and Augusta had presented Harry with a thin, handwritten volume that left Harry speechless. Turning the pages, he discovered the book to be a journal, written by Neville's mum. A few pages in, the handwriting began to change in certain places, and Harry realized that this book was a collaboration between Alice and his mother. There were some recipes he thought might be potions that the two women had created themselves. A picture was stuck between two pages, and Harry pulled it out, a lump in his throat as he took in the smiling figures of Alice Prewitt and Lily Evans. They must have been in their third or fourth year, and were clearly best friends.

Harry looked up, eyes shining as he thanked the Longbottom's fervently. Augusta just gave him a gentle smile and nodded, but Neville looked like he understood completely.

Remus' gift also brought a few tears to his eyes. The stuffed dog, wolf, and stag animals looked rather worn, and Remus told him how he had managed to collect them from the house at Godric's Hollow, and kept them all these years. He had wanted to give them back to Harry, but he wasn't sure it was something that would be desired.

Harry loved Ginny's present as much as Neville's, though part of it was probably just because she had given it to him. Ginny had woven him a friendship bracelet, using predominantly green and red thread. The significance of the colors was noted by both Sirius and Minerva, though Harry didn't seem to get it. She had gotten a little charm and attached it. The miniature snitch's wings actually fluttered a little bit.

The hug Harry gave Ginny was definitely noticed by all the Weasleys, who made vows to figure out what that was about later. Surprisingly, Ron just smiled at the closeness those two seemed to have. He had talked with Ginny, and was happy with her answers. That didn't mean he wanted to see them snogging any time soon, but he knew that Harry would treat her right.

Once he had opened all the presents from his guests, there was still a sizeable stack left. Harry was almost silent as he unwrapped the gifts from his guardians. As Sirius hadn't been able to actually do any shopping, he had asked one of the McGonagall elves to visit Gringotts to retrieve some money, which he then gave to Minerva to help cover the costs. It was time to start using that Black family fortune, and in ways that his parents would have definitely not approved of.

Harry was awed by what he had received – several new books on Defense and Transfiguration, Quidditch pads, a carrying case for his Firebolt, a new perch for Hedwig that would match all the furniture in his room, an arm holster for his wand, and perhaps the best gift, a certificate that promised him a trip to a wizarding eye doctor.

He looked confused at this, but that changed to a grin when Minerva explained, "There's a new procedure that's just come out that can fix eyesight. It's not well known, as it is very new, but it's perfectly safe, and you will not need to wear glasses again."

Harry thanked everyone for their thoughtful presents, before he was once more dragged away to the Pitch for a rematch. It seemed that Neville and Susan did not like being beaten 100-30. It probably helped that Harry and Ginny had Ron as Keeper on their team. He had actually had some practice.

As the party began to break up, Amelia gestured for Neville's attention, so that she could present her own gift to him. He looked at the ticket in confusion. Amelia smiled. "I had an extra ticket to the World Cup, and I thought you might enjoy it. It's in the same box as the Weasley's, so we will all be together."

Neville turned to look at Harry, who was beaming. Mr. Weasley fielded a few questions from his children, indicating that they had, in fact, coordinated so that they could all sit together.

Neville then looked at his grandmother; her austere nod indicated that she had already been consulted and had given her approval. Amelia was a longtime colleague, and her niece seemed to be growing into a mature and responsible woman.

Neville mouthed a thank you to Harry, knowing that he had had something to do with all of this.

Once most of the guests had left, Amelia gave Harry his second present. She told him of how her investigation had uncovered multiple counts of fraud and embezzlement by one Vernon Dursley. She had handed over her evidence to the muggle authorities, and they had made an arrest the day before. The company he had worked for, Grunnings, were quite pleased to have been informed of what their employee had been up to. She decided, however, not to tell him about the money they had been given for his care. She didn't want him to have to deal with the knowledge that they had effectively been stealing from him.

Harry just kept smiling, as everyone left through the fireplace, until it was just him, Sirius, Remus, and Minerva once more.

"So did you have fun?" Sirius asked, smiling.

Harry just gave him a hug. When he stepped back, he moved over to hug Minerva and Remus as well. They all watched, smiling, as he headed up to his room. It was truly great to see a happy Harry Potter. It made them all feel like they were making a difference.


Albus Dumbledore entered his office and let out a sigh of contentment, happy to be home after a rather harrowing few weeks at an ICW conference in Japan.

He glanced around the room, taking in the sleeping portraits, the overflowing desk, Fawkes asleep on his perch, the instruments puffing away in the corner…

Albus frowned, going over to investigate that corner more closely. Most of the instruments were still working, but there were two that had stopped. Both instruments were used to monitor one particular student.

The one in front dealt with the wards on Privet Drive, while the second monitored Harry's health and magic levels. Albus' eyes widened in alarm, as he set down the bag he had been carrying and immediately disapparated to Surrey.

There appeared to be nothing wrong on the outside, but no one answered the door when he knocked. Albus furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Are you looking for the Dursleys?"

Albus turned around, suddenly thankful that he had had the foresight to transfigure his purple and silver robes into something muggle appropriate. Well, muggle appropriate had he been visiting the neighborhood fifty years ago. He nodded as he made his way back down the walk. "Yes, I was. Have they taken a family trip for the day?"

Mrs. Number Six, who had always disliked Petunia for her nosey habits – never mind the fact that she was much the same way – sniffed. "I should think not!" she replied haughtily. "It was quite the to do. Yesterday morning, the constable showed up and arrested Vernon!"

Albus' eyes widened. "Can you tell me the charges?" he asked urgently. If the police were involved, the chances of him getting Harry to come back here were slim. Though theoretically, the wards could be replicated, as long as he lived with his aunt, and as long as he hadn't stopped thinking of the place where Petunia dwelled as home.

Mrs. Number Six leaned forward, as if she were sharing a secret. "The rumor is, he was embezzling funds from his company, and, get this, from his nephew! We were all told that the boy was a no good criminal with not a penny to his name! Turns out his relatives were being given a monthly stipend to care for him, and they spent not a pound on him. So horrible! I wish I could apologize to the boy, but he hasn't been seen around for weeks. Not since the first week of the summer, I think."

Albus numbly walked away, barely able to give the woman a farewell. The idea that Harry hadn't been seen for weeks was troubling. The monitor on his health not working was also worrying. That device would only stop working if Harry was dead, or behind some very powerful wards. Only a fidelius, or the wards surrounding some of the older ancestral homes, could interfere with his monitor.

He also had to wonder how they had found out about the stipend. Dumbledore had authorized a monthly payment of five hundred pounds from the Potter estate for Harry's upbringing. He had known that it hadn't been used as such, but he had considered Harry's treatment here just the cost of safety. For the Greater Good.

Arriving back at school, he looked around somewhat helplessly. He didn't even have anyone he could talk to right now. He would ask Molly if she knew anything, and if not, to keep an eye out. He would also send a note to Minerva, asking for a moment of her time as soon as she was able, but other than that, the only thing he could do was wait until September the First, and hope that Harry was on that train.

So, I can't find any official record of what Alice Longbottom's maiden name was, but a general consensus is that she was born a Prewitt, so that's what I'm going with.

Chapter 13
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns the characters, I'm just playing around with them

August passed much the same as July, with the addition of the Weasley twins. They spent much more time at Harry's, now that they had learned that two of their idols were in residence. It was even enough to offset the fact that they were willingly visiting a professor's home during the summer holidays.

Hermione was indeed impressed that Ron had finished his summer assignments, though he was a little annoyed with how surprised she seemed. It had taken Harry talking with Hermione for her to realize what she had done, and she had immediately hurried off to apologize.

Sirius and Remus had begun giving the students lessons on dueling, something they were all eager to learn. They focused more on using spells together, and how to fight, than on formal dueling, so that they could be prepared, should the situation arise where they needed to defend themselves.

The last of the Marauders also began teaching them how to dodge, reasoning that the best offense was a good defense. Sometimes, the best way to block a spell was to not let it hit you.

Harry was, unsurprisingly, the best at this new class. Defense had always been where he shined, and he was used to dodging.

All the lingering apprehension Molly had had about letting her children go over to McGonagall Castle every day vanished as soon as she learned that they were actually studying, and had already finished their summer homework, yet were still eager to learn more. Even the twins had spent more time on their schoolwork. It made her so proud as a mother, and she vowed to find some way to thank Harry, Sirius, and Minerva.

Sirius had taken both Neville and Ginny aside when he had noticed their struggles to perform some spells, and upon learning that they were both using family wands, he insisted that they go to Ollivanders to purchase their own. Augusta required a bit of a talking to, but after receiving a dressing down from Minerva on forcing her grandson to use his father's wand, she dutifully took him to get his own.

Ginny was a bit more of a problem, until Sirius put his foot down and gave Molly the galleons, telling her that it was Ginny's birthday present, and he wouldn't take no for an answer. He then whispered something to her that had her looking at Harry in a new light, but try as he might, Harry couldn't get either of them to tell him what Sirius had said. But the result was favorable, and the next day, Ginny was attacking the new lessons with a vengeance, getting used to the increase in power her new nine inch, Hazel and Unicorn hair wand sported.

One of the best parts of the month, to Harry, though, was going to get his eyes fixed at the shop in Diagon Alley. Ginny also seemed to enjoy that part, now that she had an unobstructed view of his brilliant green eyes.

Also discussed in great detail was what would happen at the Wizengamot meeting at the end of the month. Amelia and Augusta had planned, and were planning, to bring the situation to the court first thing, when Albus asked for additions to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. They figured they were as prepared as they could be, so the only thing left to do was wait.


Ginny's birthday was a family affair, though Harry, Neville, Susan, and Hermione were all invited.

Harry had dithered over what to get her, wanting it to be special, and had finally found what he considered to be the perfect gift. He had asked Sirius for help, having read about the spells in one of his godfather's books, and Sirius had been more than willing, understanding his reasons behind the gift.

Ginny was speechless as she unwrapped the necklace. It was a simple lightning bolt charm on a silver chain, but it was beautiful. Harry was blushing as he helped her put it on, explaining that he and Sirius had tied a few charms into the amulet, which would make her resistant to most mind magics, including the Imperius curse and possession.

Ginny's eyes were tearing up as she threw her arms around Harry's neck.

The rest of the Weasleys also seemed to be grateful; Molly wasn't even trying to hide her tears as she smiled.


On August twenty first, Harry arrived at the Burrow just before dinner, where he was immediately tackled by a beaming Ginny, who pulled him into the kitchen, talking excitedly about the Cup, and their plans for the next few days. The plan was for Harry to spend the next few days with the Weasleys, before they went to Diagon Alley to pick up their school supplies. He would be meeting Minerva in the alley, so that she could escort him to Gringotts for a meeting with his account manager. He had been surprised to receive a speedy response from the Goblins, informing him that he should have met with his manager by his eleventh birthday.

Dinner that night was a boisterous affair, as Harry was introduced to the eldest Weasley brothers for the first time. Bill was tall and gangly, with wiry muscles and a fang earring. His red hair hung in a long ponytail down his back. The only way Harry could describe him was 'cool'.

Charlie was short and stocky, built along the same lines as the twins. His arms were covered in scars and burns, a testament to the dangers of his job.

Both were rather cheery, and Harry was able to watch the dynamics of the Weasley children with interest. It was interesting to see where the lines were drawn. Ginny and Percy clearly revered Bill, while Ron and the twins seemed to consider Charlie their favorite older brother.

Bill and Charlie were ecstatic to finally be able to meet the famous Harry Potter – though they were happy because of what he had done for their family, not because of any famous monikers he may have been known by.

Harry had done so much for the Weasleys – he had saved Ginny's life, befriended Ron and the twins, and it was easy to see how much their parents adored him.

All of the Weasley boys - minus Percy, who was busy in his room with all of the work he had taken home with him, wanting to impress his new boss, Mr. Crouch - also managed to corner the black haired teenager later that night, to ask about his relationship with their sister. The twins had filled in Bill and Charlie, and then had asked Ron why he wasn't more upset.

Ron's answer had surprised all of them. It was clear to them that their youngest brother was growing up. He looked them all in the eye, and simply informed them that he trusted Harry. And Ginny really liked him back, so who were they to interfere? She wasn't a kid anymore, and they needed to let her live her life.

Harry entered the sitting room, and gulped nervously at the wall of Weasleys he was met with.

Bill smiled, though it didn't do much to reassure the young wizard. "Why don't you have a seat, Harry. We'd like to talk to you about something."

Harry looked at Ron, only to receive a shrug in return. It made him feel better that his best friend wasn't really involved in whatever was going on.

"We wanted to ask you what's going on with you and our sister," Bill continued, leaning forward intently.

Harry swallowed again. Truthfully, he hadn't really thought much about it. He liked Ginny, she had become a great friend. What he couldn't ignore was the way his eyes always seemed to seek her out first when he entered a room, or the way he always loved reading her letters more than anyone else's, or how she was the one he most looked forward to seeing every day and least looked forward to leaving every afternoon.

Harry threw another look at Ron, pleased once more that the youngest Weasley male was growing up. A year ago, he knew Ron would have flown off the handle at the very thought of him pursuing a relationship with his sister. He recognized that what he said now might make or break their friendship, and if he said the wrong thing, he didn't doubt that the rest of the Weasleys wouldn't hesitate to throw him out and never let him come back.

Harry sighed. "I'm not really sure, right now," he started, holding up a hand as Charlie made a move to speak. "I don't really know what you're asking. I like Ginny. She's a really great friend. But do I like her the same way I like Ron, or even Hermione?" He shook his head, smiling a bit, his eyes going slightly out of focus. "No. Ginny's… she's different. She's special. And I think I could spend the rest of my life figuring out why."

Bill blinked. That hadn't been what he had expected, but it definitely showed that it wasn't only Ron who was growing up. That was a very mature and heartfelt answer.

Harry wasn't quite finished. "Look guys, I know you care about your sister, and that's great. Take it from someone who knows what it's like to not have family care about you. Ginny's lucky to have you all, and believe me, she knows it. Even if she hates your over protectiveness, she does know how lucky she is, and she loves you all. But really, I'm only fourteen, and Ginny's just turned thirteen. We're young. We don't have to have it all figured out right now, right? But we're not kids anymore, no matter how much you might disagree, so don't try and say we're too young to see what happens."

Bill smiled, and nodded, reaching out to shake Harry's hand. "I'll admit, I'm impressed. You're pretty mature for your age, you know that?"

Harry shrugged. "I've had to grow up fast," he replied, smiling ruefully.

Bill looked at Charlie, Ron, and the twins, all of whom nodded. He looked back at Harry. "Well, I'm glad you realize that you're young, but I guess if it has to be someone, you're probably the only one I'd trust with my sister."

Harry grinned, pleased to have their approval. Hopefully, they'd help with their parents, should anything develop in the near future.

Fred and George moved over to drape an arm around Harry's shoulders. As they led him towards the door, they used their usual magic to lighten the mood.

"Just remember Harry," George – or maybe Fred – started.

"You hurt her," that was the other twin.

"You die," the first one finished.

Both twins laughed, but all the Weasley boys stopped short when they saw Ginny standing in front of them. Her expression was so like Molly's at her most furious, it actually made all of them take a step back. Even Bill.

Harry extracted himself from Fred and George, and moved forward, trying to diffuse the potentially stressful situation.

"Gin," he started, only to stop in surprise when her ire immediately vanished as she focused on him.

She even smiled. Damn it, he really had no idea what that nickname did to her. Finally, she just shook her head. "Thank you for caring, but if you ever stick your noses in my business again, I'll make sure they fall off. Bill, I will make you regret ever teaching me the Bat Bogey hex."

Bill winced, and nodded. The rest followed suit quickly, not wanting to draw her wrath more than necessary, and the group all made their way up to bed. They did have a rather early start tomorrow.


Waking up early was something Harry was used to, but Ron and the twins grumbled all the way to the hill where they were to catch their portkey.

Harry just walked beside Ginny, enjoying it thoroughly. She wasn't quite a morning person, but she was more awake than her brothers. They were now complaining about how Bill, Charlie, and Percy were able to just apparate later to meet them.

Hermione rolled her eyes at that, deciding it wasn't worth it to try and get them to stop complaining, so she just joined in on Harry and Ginny's conversation. They were now discussing some of the high points of Arithmancy, and what they thought Harry would have to know for the test he would be taking in a couple of weeks.

At the portkey, they were met by Amos Diggory and his son, Cedric, who was going into his sixth year, though in Hufflepuff. He greeted them courteously, though his attitude warmed up a little when Harry made an effort to actually speak with him. They were able to discuss school pleasantly for a few minutes before Arthur warned them that their portkey was scheduled to depart in a few seconds.

The two groups separated at the campground, though Cedric waved goodbye, and asked Harry to give his regards to Susan, whom he had learned would be in the same box as them.

Harry returned the wave with a smile, and followed the Weasleys to their reserved spot. He watched in amusement as Arthur wrangled his children into trying to set up their tent by hand.

Hermione eagerly waded into the fray, helping Arthur to determine what went where, and the result was a tent that leaned haphazardly to one side, before Arthur sighed in resignation, and used his wand to correct his mistakes.

Once they were settled in, Harry and Ginny were sent to fetch water, while Ron and Hermione set up the kitchen and the twins helped Arthur set up the girls' tent.

When the set up was complete, the children were given leave to go explore. Fred and George wandered off in search of their friend Lee, and Angelina and Alicia, two of Gryffindor's chasers, whom they had made plans to meet up with before the match.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny wandered in the direction of the stalls that various vendors had erected. By luck, they managed to find Susan and Neville before they had wandered too far. Augusta and Amelia had made arrangements for their charges to spend the night in the Weasleys' tents, as Augusta wasn't attending the match, and Amelia could barely swing the time to go to the game, let alone spend the night afterwards.

The six friends wandered around, looking at the various vendors and purchasing souvenirs. Ginny bought a tall Irish hat, and Ron purchased a Krum action figure, revering the Bulgarian seeker for his talent. Ginny caught Harry's eye and had to look away before she started laughing.

Harry immediately purchased six pairs of omnoculars without a second thought, passing them out and overriding any protests. "Call it a gift. Save your money for something else, or use it to buy me a really awesome Christmas present." He refused to budge, and they were all forced to accept the omnoculars.

Ginny grinned her thanks as she started fiddling with the piece of equipment. She knew better than to argue; Harry spent his money on his friends not because he wanted to show it off, or because he wanted to buy their friendship, but because he liked being able to buy things for people he cared about.

Hermione had also come to the same conclusion, and she just said thank you with a smile at her friend's thoughtfulness.

They wandered through the crowds a little more, waving to people they recognized – Seamus and Dean were there with Seamus' mother, Katie had joined Fred, George, Lee, and her fellow chasers at some point, Hannah Abbott was wandering through the crowd with Ernie MacMillan and Justin Finch-Fletchley, Terry Boot and the Patil twins were trying to figure out how to set up a tent.

When they returned to their tents, they found that the elder Weasley boys had joined them, and the afternoon disappeared in a haze of stories about Hogwarts from Bill and Charlie, and speculations on what would happen at the match that night.


The game was amazing. Ireland definitely had the better chasers, but their seeker couldn't even compare to Victor Krum, who was the youngest professional seeker in the league, and played for his home team of Bulgaria.

The twins had confided in Harry that they had placed a bet with Ludo Bagman that Ireland would win, but Krum would catch the snitch. They were trying to save up enough money to open their own joke shop after graduation.

Harry vowed to try some of the moves he witnessed Krum making, though he winced at what Aunt Minerva's reaction may be if he attempted a Wronski Feint in front of her. She was definitely a bit Quidditch obsessed, but that would vanish rather quickly if she thought he was in danger.

Ireland was destroying Bulgaria. As they passed the 150-point lead, Harry knew that at this point, Krum would most likely give up on waiting until they narrowed the gap. If he saw the snitch, he would go for it. With that thought in mind, Harry began using his own skills to search for the elusive golden ball.

In almost the same moment, he and Krum spotted the snitch. Krum banked into a steep dive, easily gaining the lead on Ireland's seeker, and a minute later, Bulgaria's torture was over.

The twins were ecstatic that they had won their bet.

It took quite some time to exit the arena, after the awarding of the cup by Fudge had been completed, but the real party began much later.

Harry was awoken from his sleep by the sounds of screaming, and an explosion rocking the world.

Arthur hurriedly woke the rest of the kids up, and told them to run to the woods, and to look after each other, while he, Bill, Charlie, and Percy went to help the Aurors try and keep order, and find out what was going on.

Harry tried to keep the others in his sight, but they kept getting jostled by the fleeing crowd. With a horrible lurching sensation in his stomach, Harry saw for the first time what everyone was running from. Masked figures were rapidly approaching, holding aloft what appeared to be a muggle family. Harry's fear turned to anger, and he gave his wrist a flick, happy to have the comforting weight of his wand in his hand as he stared at the troublemakers in front of him.

Ginny grabbed his arm, but Harry shook her off. "Wands out, everyone," he growled. They might need to put what Sirius and Remus had been teaching them to use sooner than expected.

Somehow they had lost Fred and George, so it was only the six of them. With a gasp, Susan cried out, "My wand is gone!"

Neville stepped in front of her, as Harry ordered, "Stay back, Susan. Everyone else, stunners whenever you can get a free shot. Neville, Hermione, try and get that family down safely."

He didn't give them a chance to argue, not that they would. In a battle situation, Harry had proved he had what it took to take command, and his friends listened to him because they trusted him.

The masked men were surprised to see any opposition, so they didn't immediately react when the stunners began to rain down on them. Neville and Hermione had gotten the bewitched muggles down, and were now helping the others try and round up… whoever these people were.

Most of them began to disapparate, not expecting to have to really fight anyone.

Harry dodged a purple spell that came at him, and came face to face with a white mask. He couldn't see the man's expression, but there was definitely an amusing glint to his tone as he growled, "Enjoy yourself while you can, Potter. You won't be able to for much longer." A moment later, he too was gone, and the six friends were left alone amongst the rubble.

"Harry!" Hermione's shriek turned their attention to the woods, where a great green glowing skull was illuminated against the sky. Harry felt his stomach drop, even as Ginny explained in a hushed whisper that what they were looking at was called the Dark Mark, and it was the mark of Voldemort and his followers. Whenever it had been seen in the first war, it indicated that someone had been murdered at that location.

Several pops indicated the arrival of more people, and once more, their summer studies proved to be advantageous, as they all ducked the stunners heading their way, before Amelia recognized the group in front of her, and called for the Aurors to halt.

She asked Harry what had happened, and so he explained as concisely as possible, though he omitted the threat, the implications behind it, and the fact that he had recognized the voice that had issued it.

Amelia sent Aurors to investigate the source of the Dark Mark, and they returned with a terrified house elf in tow. "She was carrying this, ma'am," one of the Aurors handed over a wand.

Susan gasped. "That's my wand!" she cried, flinching when all eyes turned towards her. She felt better when Neville wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "When Harry told us to take our wands out, I realized that I didn't have mine. It must have fallen out of my pocket at some point."

Amelia grimaced as priori incantatem was performed, showing for all of them that her niece's wand had indeed been the one to cast the spell for the Mark. She vowed at that moment to get Susan a wand holster like Harry's.

The elf, named Winky, was quickly claimed by Barty Crouch, Sr., the previous head of the DMLE. He had been demoted shortly after his son's exposure as a Death Eater, and took up the mantle of Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, while Amelia moved from her previous position, to Crouch's. It had certainly created some tension between the two, but she did her job to the best of her ability; dealing with idiots was all just part of the job.

Amelia took Susan and Neville home, after Arthur had arrived with the rest of his sons to claim Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. It had been a long night.

Chapter 14
Disclaimer: not mine

Minerva, Sirius, and Remus were relieved that Harry was unhurt, and agreed to stick to the plan, meeting up in Diagon Alley in two days.

Harry wanted to tell them what the man – whom he had learned was wearing the cloak and mask that the Death Eaters (Voldemort's followers) had worn in the war – had said, but decided it would best be delivered in private. Arthur told them all that the Ministry was blaming it on youthful troublemakers, but Harry wasn't quite as convinced. There was no doubt in his mind that Malfoy Senior had threatened him, but somehow he didn't think the Minister would believe him. If what he had learned over the last couple of years was any indication, Lucius had spent many years lining Fudge's pockets with gold and making 'charitable donations' out of the 'kindness of his heart'.

The next two days saw even more Weasley mayhem. Bill was back from Egypt for the foreseeable future, and would be staying in England for a while, as his employers, Gringotts bank, had need of his services in country. Charlie didn't have to be back on the dragon reserve until the first week in September, so he would be able to see his younger siblings off to school.

More Quidditch games were played, and all the Weasley brothers complimented their sister's skills. Hermione had gone back to her home, but promised to see them at the Alley. They had received confirmation from both Susan and Neville, that they would also meet them on the morning of the twenty-fourth.

That morning dawned clear, without a cloud in the sky, and Molly had quite a large bunch wrangled in the sitting room, ready to depart. Percy had begged off, as he had finally found a flat to rent, and would be busy settling in.

Minerva was waiting in a corner at the Leaky Cauldron, a large dog sitting next to her looking decidedly smug. She greeted them all, before telling Harry that they needed to get to Gringotts for their meeting, and making plans to meet up with the rest of them in a few hours at Florean Fortescues, though she wasn't sure how long their appointment would take.


Harry waited nervously in the line at the bank. He didn't know why Sirius was there, and he worried that someone would recognize him somehow. He also wasn't sure what would happen at this meeting.

Finally, it was their turn, and Harry stepped up to the teller. "Good morning," he greeted courteously. "My name is Harry Potter, and I have an appointment with my manager."

The goblin, Crushaxe, peered over the counter suspiciously. Evidently, he couldn't find any sense of falsehood, because he just nodded, and gestured another goblin forward. He was about to speak, when Harry greeted the newcomer.

"It's Griphook, right? Nice to see you again," Harry grinned.

Both goblins looked taken aback, and Griphook let out a toothy grin. "You as well, Mr. Potter. I must admit to some surprise that you remember me."

Harry shrugged. "It only seems fair, right? I mean, you take care of our finances and business, and you know who we are, why shouldn't we return the favor?"

Griphook nodded thoughtfully, and led Harry and a beaming Minerva and oddly grinning black dog down a side hall. Unknowingly, Harry had done more for Goblin–Wizard relations in one meeting than the Ministry had done in the last hundred years.


Sharptooth looked up as his client entered, leading the Transfiguration professor from Hogwarts, and a large black dog. Once they were alone, he set down the document he was reviewing, and nodded. "Welcome, Mr. Potter. As I told you in my response to your request, this meeting should have happened several years ago. I am quite interested to figure out why it did not."

He gave the teenager a severe look, and Harry swallowed, remaining polite as he replied, "I'm afraid I had no idea I even had an account manager, Mr. Sharptooth. Until this summer, I thought the only vault I owned here was my trust vault. I was… recently informed that the Potter Family Vault is much larger, though I won't be able to remove any money from it until I turn seventeen."

Sharptooth sat back and considered. He remembered the events surrounding Lord and Lady Potter's deaths, including the sealing of their Will before it could be executed. As a Goblin, there had been nothing he could have done, and it would have fallen to Albus Dumbledore, as head of the Wizengamot, and as self-appointed magical guardian for the young Potter heir, to inform him of his duties and rights as a Head of House.

He glanced over at the dog, and McGonagall. He had received confirmation from the DMLE and DCW of Mr. Potter's change in guardianship, and Mr. Dursley's arrest, so he knew why the professor was there. The dog, however…

A thought niggled in the back of his mind, and he let out a rather surprising laugh, shocking all of them. "If the young Lord Black will consent to show himself, I think we can get this meeting underway."

It was a very surprised Sirius who changed back. "How did you know?" he asked, taking a seat.

Sharptooth was still chuckling. "I've been the Potter family manager for many years, Mr. Black. We have always had a good working relationship; one reason is that I keep the secrets I am told. James Potter told me a rather fascinating story one time, regarding his attempts with his friends to learn the animagus transformation. He did not, however, tell me your forms. Consider it an educated guess. Add to that the fact that young Mr. Potter here seems to be remarkably informed, something that suggests education by a lord of an Ancient and Noble House."

Sirius nodded, still dazed, and Minerva decided to steer the conversation in the direction they had intended. "Mr. Sharptooth, we came here today for several reasons. Harry would like to hear a little bit about his family's investments and portfolio, and we will discuss any changes, should they be necessary. We were also hoping to see James and Lily's Will, should you have a copy, and I think Harry wanted to look at his Family Vault. I know he can't remove any of the money, but there may be other keepsakes he would want to have."

Sharptooth nodded his approval, and took out a bowl and a dagger. "First off, there's no mister. It's just Sharptooth," he grinned. "Second, we need to prove you are who you say you are, Mr. Potter. This is an inheritance test. It will show us your lineage, going back up to fifteen generations of wizards. I just need seven drops of blood, if you would be willing."

Harry nodded and took the knife, pricking his thumb and allowing the allotted drops to fall into the bowl. "You're Sharptooth as long as I'm Harry, please," he asked, smiling. "Mr. Potter just sounds weird. Besides," he threw a grin over at Minerva, "I get enough of that at school."

Minerva smiled, knowing that she would have to constantly remind herself to call him by his surname once the term began. She had gotten used to him as 'Harry'. It was amazing how quickly he had become integrated in her life.

The test complete, a charmed piece of parchment began to list all of Harry's ancestors, going back many generations. Most of it wasn't much of a shock, though Harry was surprised to learn that his grandmother Dorea, had in fact been born Dorea Black, a relative of Sirius'.

His mother's side was a bit surprising, since he had thought she was a muggleborn, but as it turned out, there were several magical beings in the past, though they usually married muggles, and had squib children.

The biggest shock came at the top of the parchment. There, in plain black ink, was the name Godric Gryffindor.

Harry looked at his guardians. Minerva also seemed to be in shock, though Sirius looked like he had expected it. "It's not that surprising," he admitted. "There have been rumors for years, and nearly all the Potters end up in Gryffindor."

Minerva nodded, coming out of her stupor. "It would appear that the sword of Gryffindor appeared for you for a reason, Harry. It wasn't just that you showed characteristics of the man; you are in fact related to him."

Harry nodded, unable to even form a response.

Sharptooth let them have a few minutes, before he shuffled some papers around and pulled out a file. "I anticipated your request for this meeting," he admitted. "As the Will was sealed by Dumbledore, acting as head of the Wizengamot, we were not able to execute it. However, as the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter, you are able to ask for it to be unsealed, and we have to oblige."

He held out the document, which Harry took with a trembling hand. He opened it, and with Minerva and Sirius looking on, began to read.

The Last Will and Testament of Lord James Charlus Potter and Lady Lily Rose Evans Potter

Being that we are of sound mind, hereby declare all previous wills to be null and void on this day, the 18 October, 1981.

We appoint Sharptooth of Gringotts to execute this will to the best of his ability.

Article I

Should one of us die, we leave all our remaining possessions to the surviving spouse, and our son, Harry James Potter.

Article II

Should both of us die, we leave the following bequests:

* To Remus John Lupin: 500,000 galleons, and our eternal gratitude for being our friend

* To our Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew: 500,000 galleons, and our thanks for protecting our family to the best of your ability

* To Sirius Black: There's a key to Potter Manor in the family vault. It was always your home too, Padfoot. We know you don't really need more money, but we'll also throw in 500,000 galleons, for a rainy day

* To the Hogwarts Trust: Sharptooth should have the paperwork to create the Lily Potter scholarship (I had to fight her tooth and nail for that name, but I'm not changing my mind), for deserving young muggleborns who may not be able to attend school otherwise

* To Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: enough money to buy a new set of brooms for the children to learn on. Those old brooms are getting dangerous, so buy some good ones for us!

Article III

The remainder of our possessions go to our son, Harry James Potter. This includes all of the items found at Potter Manor in Wales, the cottage at Godric's Hollow, and Lion's Castle in Scotland, in addition to Vaults 160, 687, and 890 at Gringotts bank

Article IV

Should the both of us be unable to take care of our son, the following shall retain custody:

* Sirius Orion Black (Godfather)

* Alice Aurora Longbottom (Godmother) and Francis Wallace Longbottom

* Minerva McGonagall

* Theodore and Andromeda Tonks


James Charlus Potter and Lily Rose Evans Potter



Gringotts Branch Director


Family Manager, Executor

Sirius Orion Black

Family Friend

Signed and noted, 18 October, 1981

Harry read this all with a stoic expression, though that changed once, when he realized that Pettigrew had been named as the Secret Keeper in the Will.

He looked at Sirius, who just nodded sadly.

"If this hadn't been sealed, you never would have gone to Azkaban!" Harry exclaimed. "It says you weren't the Secret Keeper. Why would Dumbledore have kept this from being executed?"

Minerva hissed, her eyes narrowed to slits. That bastard! She had been on that list to raise Harry. She could have had thirteen more years with him. "I don't think he wanted it to be known that there were alternatives for your care. He, for some reason, seemed to be set on the idea of your living with your mother's sister, and didn't want to jeopardize that."

Harry just nodded as yet another blow was dealt. At one time, he had looked at the venerable old man with respect and trust. Why did he want to control him so badly?

Sharptooth let them all digest the information, before he spoke up. "Now that the Will has been unsealed, would you like me to see to the bequests?" Sirius nodded his agreement.

"Apart from Pettigrew," he growled, receiving a confirming nod from the goblin. "And I really don't need the money," he protested, receiving a weak chuckle from Harry.

Before Sharptooth left, Sirius asked for one more favor. "I would like to handle some Black Family business today, would it be possible to see if Garfunk is available?"

Sharptooth nodded, and promised to return shortly with the Black Family Manager.

Harry, Minerva, and Sirius passed the time swearing at Dumbledore and plotting on how they could use this to free Sirius. They would have to ask for a copy to pass on to Amelia.

Sharptooth returned, leading his fellow manager, who was happy to help his client, uncaring of the fact that a wanted man was currently sitting calmly inside their bank.

Sharptooth generously offered the use of his office, as he took a few moments to prepare a file on the Potter holdings. He had most of it already, but there were a few things he hadn't thought of that he needed to add now, not the least of which was gathering what information he could on the long dormant Gryffindor account, as the young Mr. Potter had been identified as the sole heir.

Garfunk willingly handed over the forms Sirius needed to sign, to officially take on the mantle of Lord Black. He parted with thirteen drops of his blood to confirm his identity and to seal the contract, and accepted the Black Family ring. It was gold, with an onyx stone. On the stone was a gold unicorn, and the mantra 'Toujours Pur' written underneath.

Harry expressed his confusion over the use of a unicorn as the icon for the family, since they were predominantly dark.

Garfunk grunted. "When the family was newer, 'Toujours Pur' meant something else. They strove to be pure of heart and soul. Over time, and several dark lords, the family became more concerned with blood purity, and twisted into what you know today."

The next piece of business Sirius wanted to take care of was to update his will. He took a few of the bequests out, and left some to Remus, some to his cousin Andromeda and her family, and the rest to Harry. He also informed them of his decision to officially make Harry his heir, which was met with surprise from the boy in question.

Sirius just shook his head. "I want to do this, Harry. You already were, but now it means that if something happens to me, you would take on the mantle of Lord Black, as well as Lord Potter. I want you to be taken care of, and more than that, if it were not you, then the title of Lord Black would go to the Malfoy boy. His mother Narcissa is my cousin. The heir has to be a blood relative, which through your grandmother you are, and I would rather you than Malfoy."

Put like that, Harry couldn't argue.

The last item on Sirius' agenda was to go over the investments and holdings of his family. He told Garfunk to withdraw his support from some questionable businesses, and suggested a few others. He also asked Garfunk to look into some muggle businesses. It had been a practice the Potters had started many years ago, and had yielded some favorable results. Some of their better investments were Apple, inc., Coca Cola, and Boeing.

Once Sirius was finished, Garfunk departed with a farewell, and he even offered a smile to the room, indicating his approval of what had been covered.

By this time, Sharptooth was ready, and he handed the file over to Harry. "What you see here, Harry, is the complete list of the Potter holdings. The liquid assets are followed by stocks and shares in various companies around the world."

Harry's eyes widened as he read down the page.

Ancient and Noble House of Potter holdings

Trust Vault (Vault 687)

Available for use by Harry James Potter, refilling to 50,000 galleons annually

Potter Family Vault (Vault 160)

Liquid assets: 157,934,823 galleons, 4,234,883 sickles, 364,593 knuts

Non-liquid assets: jewelry (worth of approximately 593,932 galleons), furniture, portraits, books

Vault 890, original holder Lily Evans

Liquid assets: 20,943 galleons, 9,762 sickles

Gryffindor Vault (Vault 13)

Liquid assets: 6,896,432,012 galleons, 83,432,843 sickles, 78,874 knuts

Non-liquid assets: jewelry (worth unknown), portraits, books, weapons

Stocks and shares:

Flourish and Blotts (4%)

Quality Quidditch Supplies (9%)

Daily Prophet (21%)

Dark Arts Defied (12%)

Gambol and Japes (8%)

Zonko's Joke Shop (11%)

Wizeacre's Wizarding Equipment (7%)

Nimbus Racing Broom Company (16%)

Coca Cola, inc. (19%)

General Motors (5%)

Apple, inc. (26%)

Boeing, inc. (12%)

General Electric (9%)

IBM (10%)

British Airways (3%)

Harry looked up, eyes as round as saucers. "How much do these investments make every year?" He asked quietly, unable to really comprehend just how rich he was.

Sharptooth grinned. "I believe your return to be somewhere in the six digits, at the minimum, every year. Last quarter alone, you made just over one hundred thousand galleons.

Harry shook his head. If he was this rich, why had he been forced to wear Dudley's old castoffs?

He turned the page, and Sharptooth nodded. "That is a list of transactions made over the last thirteen years."

Harry almost screamed when he saw what was written there. The later entries were no surprise, they were all purchases he had made for school. What angered him were the earlier transactions. The Dursleys had been paid the equivalent of five hundred pounds a month for his upkeep. That was about 76,000 pounds over the years that they had spent on their own son. He figured many of Dudley's Christmas and birthday presents had been paid for with his money. He looked up, an angry glint in his eyes. "Can I get any of this back?" he asked dangerously.

He was unconscious of the fact that the paper in his hands was beginning to smoke until Minerva gently removed it. She looked just as angry. "I agree. What the Dursleys did was theft, plain and simple. They never spent a knut on Harry's care. I know Madam Bones passed on her findings to the muggle authorities and he has been charged with embezzlement. Can we prove that was the case here?"

Sharptooth nodded. "We will get right on it, and let you know when we have something. Now, was there anything else you needed taken care of today?"

Harry looked at Minerva and Sirius, both of whom shook their heads, so he turned back to his manager. "I think that's it for today, Sharptooth." He then surprised the goblin by standing up and offering his hand. Sharptooth took it, bemused. "I thank you for all your help, and I look forward to doing business with you."

Sharptooth grinned. That wizard was going to make him rich, and he suspected even more than that, the young Potter heir was going to change their world, and it could only be for the better.


They went down to the Potter Family Vault next. Harry really wanted to see what he had other than money in that vault.

He stopped just inside the door, jaw dropping at the piles of gold and silver. He wasn't there for that though, so he focused more on the portraits and trunks. One glass case housed several jewelry pieces, and he admired several pieces, before his eye was caught by one set in particular. It was simple, yet complex in its simplicity. The gold chain of the necklace was dotted with small rubies every few inches along its length, and three small teardrop shaped emeralds hung down. It was accompanied by a pair of earrings, a ruby stud with a teardrop emerald attached.

Sirius saw what he was looking at, and smiled. "Your father gave that to your mother for her seventeenth birthday. He completed the set a few years later when he gave her an engagement ring." Sirius pointed to the ring in question. It definitely matched. The rose gold band was engraved to resemble tree bark, and was studded with small rubies evenly all the way around. There was a modest sized diamond on top, framed on either side with a small emerald. Harry was entranced.

"I can take anything other than money out of the vault, right?" he asked quietly.

Sirius chuckled and nodded, producing a case for Harry to reverently place the necklace and earrings into. He left the ring for now, but he didn't think he'd get a chance to come back to Gringotts before Christmas, and he knew just the person to give this present to.


The goblins had thoughtfully provided Sirius with a glamour bracelet, so he was able to join them for their school shopping.

Harry didn't say much about the meeting with the goblins – Minerva and Sirius knew he was still in shock – but he quietly promised to tell Ginny about it later.

The large group made their way methodically down the alley, stopping in Flourish and Blotts, the Apothecary, and the Stationary shop, before Harry was pulled into Madam Malkin's by his guardians. He had grown quite a bit over the summer, and was in desperate need of some new school robes.

The next stop was Travers' Travels, where Minerva insisted on buying Harry a new trunk. He tried to protest, but only halfheartedly as she showed him a model that included a separate library compartment. He left the store the proud owner of a brand new five-compartment trunk. The first was a regular compartment, though magically expanded to be much larger on the inside. The second was for hanging up clothes that he didn't want wrinkled. The third compartment was a portable library, with enough space to hold up to five hundred books. The fourth was for holding odds and ends, again magically expanded. It would be useful for his broom, cauldron, and telescope. And the fifth was a special compartment to hold potions ingredients so that they wouldn't roll around or get mixed up.

They had a very nice afternoon, and the adults made plans for an end of the year party to take place on the thirty-first, as a last send off for the children before the school year ended. Hopefully, Sirius would be able to attend as a free man.

So, I'm fairly sure my numbers for the Potter and Gryffindor wealth seem exceedingly high. I just want the point to get across that Harry is stinking rich. And the Gryffindor vault hasn't been used for years, so I figure all that money's been sitting there accruing interest for almost a thousand years. Please don't harp on how unlikely it is for Harry to have that much money - the Potters have always invested wisely, and see generous returns, which accounts for the nice cushion Harry finds himself with.

Chapter 15
So, the question was raised by an anonymous reviewer on how Dumbledore could leave all that money alone. I just want it to be made clear that I am not a Dumbledore hater. I'm not trying to portray him as completely manipulative and cruel. He's made mistakes, yes, he's a little manipulative, and he's too set in his ways to realize that he might be wrong. He's got an idea of what's got to happen, and he doesn't think there might be another way, but he's not outright cruel. As to his leaving the bulk of the Potter fortune alone… the Goblins wouldn't let him touch it. He was able to authorize the payment for the Dursleys, as the self-appointed magical guardian, but the Goblins knew the contents of the Will, and they knew he wasn't listed as having any sort of power over the Potter fortune. They would never have let him take anything from the Potter Vault. The payment for the Dursleys was stretching it, but they had no grounds to refuse. I hope that clears it up. To be honest, he's not much of a player in this story. I'm writing this as one book in a series, so it will take a while for the whole situation to be resolved, and it might not happen until the next book, or the one after it. I don't want to rush anything, and do it wrong. There will be a confrontation, that I do promise you.

And now, the chapter I know you've all been waiting for! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: don't own

Once back at McGonagall castle, Harry was finally able to tell his guardians about the events of the World Cup in detail. He was hesitant to speak about the threat, but he knew that they would want to know.

Both were angry and worried, but knew that the only thing they could really do was warn him to be careful.

Harry fidgeted. "The thing is, I recognized the voice. Mr. Malfoy has a very distinctive drawl."

Minerva blanched. "You're certain?" she asked seriously.

Harry nodded. "I definitely knew his voice," he stated positively.

Minerva sighed, collapsing into a chair. "I will tell Amelia, but I'm sure you realize that there isn't anything that can be done about it at this time." Harry nodded. "As long as he has the Minister in his pocket, Malfoy will always escape justice. But Amelia can watch him. If he sets one toe out of line, she'll be there."


The days to the Wizengamot meeting dwindled, and Amelia spent a great deal of time at McGonagall Castle with Augusta, Minerva, and Sirius, going over their plan. Sirius and Remus continued their lessons with Harry and his friends, including the Weasley twins. Both Marauders praised the soon-to-be third, fourth, and sixth years on their progress. Remus told them that they were all very advanced for their ages, and would notice the improvement very quickly once returning to school.

In addition to the lessons, Harry made sure to spend a good deal of time just relaxing and having fun. He and his friends would spend at least an hour every day flying, and more time just talking. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been friends for three years already, but Neville, Susan, and Ginny hadn't known them that well - apart from Ginny and Ron, of course - so they were enjoying getting to know their new friends. The trio had expanded readily enough into a group of six, and to Harry, the addition of Neville, Susan, and Ginny was both welcome, and unquestionable. Even though they were new, they all fit quite completely into the circle. Harry truly enjoyed having so many friends, and he hoped that they would continue to have the same dynamic once back at Hogwarts.

On August twenty ninth, a nervous Harry watched as Minerva and Sirius prepared to depart.

Sirius looked every bit the Lord Black, thanks to the Goblin glamour bracelet. He had been able to go out and buy some formal robes, as Minerva had only gotten him a few casual ones when she had taken Harry clothes shopping.

"Don't worry, pup," he reassured his godson. "We've planned and planned, there's no way this goes wrong."

Harry didn't look all that reassured. "But what if Fudge – "

"If Fudge tries anything, he'll have to go through me."

Amelia Bones had appeared, ready to escort the escaped fugitive to the trial of a century. He would wait outside, disguised with his glamour bracelet, until the moment came for him to enter. He would only do so once Amelia had played his memories to cast the seed of doubt on his guilt.

Oddly enough, Amelia's statement did seem to get through to Harry, and he gave his godfather a huge hug. "Promise me you'll come back," he whispered, trying not to cry.

Minerva was going as well, because she wanted to see what happened, and also because she was seen as a staple in the wizarding world, much like Augusta. As old as the McGonagall family was, they did not have a seat on the Wizengamot, so the best she could do was sit in the audience to offer her support.

Once he was alone, Harry felt the silence closing in, as all he could think about was what Fudge might do to cover up the Ministry's mistake.

He was surprised when, not two minutes later, the Floo flared to life again and Ginny stepped out.

She ran over to hug Harry. "Are you all right?" she asked worriedly, sitting back on the couch next to him and running a critical eye over his hunched frame.

Harry shrugged. "I'm just scared," he admitted, before looking up in confusion. "How did you know?"

Ginny shrugged, looking uncertain herself. "I don't know," she admitted. "I just felt like you needed me."

That would definitely require some thought later, but for now, Harry just wanted to talk. So he and Ginny settled back and spent the rest of the morning enjoying each other's company. Harry told her about his Gringotts visit, and her jaw almost hit the floor when she learned not only how rich he was, but that he was also the heir of Gryffindor.

Harry looked worried when he told her, but she just shook her head, swallowing. "You know this doesn't change anything, Potter," she admonished. "You'll always just be Harry to me."

Harry looked like Ron would have had the Cannon's just won the World Cup. Ginny mentally gave herself a pat on the back, and the two continued talking as if nothing had happened. The first question she had was what being an heir to the notable founder entailed.

Harry shrugged. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "Sharptooth didn't say anything, but maybe he doesn't know. I might have to wait until I get back to school, or maybe I'll find something in Gryffindor's Vault. We didn't have time to visit a few days ago, so Sirius said it would probably have to wait until next summer."

Ginny nodded, content with what little information Harry had parted with – which was pretty much all he knew, himself – and they moved the conversation onto other topics. Anything that would take Harry's mind off the trial that was even now unfolding.


"Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot, I would like to call to order this meeting, on August the Twenty Ninth of this year, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Four." Albus Dumbledore banged the gavel and the murmur of conversation tapered off. He looked around the room and smiled. The witness section was mostly empty, as usual, though he was surprised to see his Transfiguration professor sitting there. Even if she had come just to observe the session, she should be sitting with the rest of the audience, in the section designated for observers, not witnesses. His note to her had received a rather short reply that had him wondering if she was upset with him. The conversation with Molly had had much the same result, and he was left with fewer answers than he had come with.

She seemed to be giving him a look he usually only saw when she was arguing with Severus about his liberal deduction of points from Gryffindor.

"Now, before we begin with our agenda for today, does anyone have anything they would like to add?" It was customary to ask, but he didn't expect anyone to actually respond, which was why he was surprised when Amelia stood up.

"Chief Warlock, I have an addendum to the agenda." Dumbledore nodded for the head of the DMLE to continue, which she did after handing a few vials to the aide whose job it was to handle any documents or evidence required for each meeting.

With a glance towards the Longbottom seat, Amelia continued. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have come forward today to right a grievous wrong. Almost thirteen years ago, our world was in turmoil. We all did things we weren't proud of, but we needed to regain order. But that does not mean that the law can be ignored. I have just entered four memories into evidence. I have certified them myself as being completely true and unaltered. I ask that you watch them before I say anything else."

Dumbledore had a bad feeling about this, but there was little he could do, as the entire chamber watched the replay of first, the Potter's conversation with Sirius where they agreed to switch Secret Keepers, next of Sirius finding his friends too late to help – there were tears in many of the crowd at the obvious pain the young man felt, seeing his brother in all but blood lying glassy-eyed on the ground – and finally, of Sirius' confrontation with Peter. The fourth memory was from Harry, and showed his meeting with Black the previous June, up to and including Fudge's refusal to believe them, and ordering Sirius to be Kissed immediately.

There was a general outcry in the chamber, as some began calling for a trial, others tried to claim it was fabricated, and still others wanted to know why Amelia had these memories.

Finally, Madam Longbottom stood up, drawing the attention of the room. After all, when Augusta Longbottom spoke, people listened. "Wizards and Witches, what is the matter with you? Many of us were seated on this body thirteen years ago, and yet we all sat back and did nothing, as an innocent man was condemned to Azkaban without a trial. And now that we have the ability to act, we have the responsibility to act." Amelia smiled as the formidable woman quoted a then-thirteen year old boy's words to a body of lords and ladies. "First on our list should be to give the Lord Black the trial he should have received thirteen years ago, followed by some very sincere groveling to hopefully prevent him from taking his ire out on us."

Fudge looked caught between a rock and a hard place. He gulped, knowing that his refusal to act several months ago would come back to bite him in the arse now, as he turned to Amelia. With so many witnesses, he did the only thing he could. "I assume you can contact Mr. Black? We will certainly do our best to set up a trial, as soon as he turns himself in."

Amelia's smile was rather predatory. She had not missed his claim to 'do his best' to set up a trial. "No need, Minister," she informed him, shooting a look at Minerva, who immediately stood up and made her way out of the room.

The Transfiguration professor left for a few seconds, returning quite quickly with a healthy and very proper looking Sirius Black.

There were even more cries in the gallery at this, and a few people reached for their wands, but Amelia was quicker. She cast a shield spell around the man, and her voice reached all corners of the room as she spoke. "Anyone who hexes Mr. Black will see that spell returned, and themselves sitting right down next to him on the floor," she warned, as Minerva led the younger man to the seat in front.

The chains immediately trapped the young lord, but he didn't look at all concerned. He was playing the part of a lord quite well, and many were surprised at how different he seemed from the posters that had appeared after his escape from prison.

Amelia nodded to the Aurors she had tapped for this assignment. Kingsley Shacklebolt was a steady presence, always calm and collected, and very good at what he did. Nymphadora Tonks, on the other hand, she had picked more for her potential, and because out of all of her Aurors, Tonks was the one who really deserved to be there. She deserved to know that her mother's cousin was innocent. Those two were some of the few Aurors she knew to be completely trustworthy. She had been very careful not to let word of what she was planning on doing this morning get out, as she knew that there were some people in her department who would happily run to Fudge or Dumbledore and tip them off. Tonks and Shaklebolt had much the same view as she did, and their first instincts were always to do what was right, no matter what anyone else thought.

Tonks gave Sirius a bright grin, trying to tell him that she believed him, which he immediately understood if the answering smile and wink was any indication. She had been very small when they had last seen each other, but he was pleased that she remembered him.

Kingsley was the one to administer the Veritaserum, putting three drops on his tongue before stepping back.

Amelia leaned forward, giving the potion a few moments to set in, before she began asking questions. "What is your name?"

"Sirius Orion Black," he replied in a monotone.

Amelia nodded. "Who was the Potter's Secret Keeper?"

"Peter Pettigrew." There was some muttering, but a look from Augusta silenced them.

"Why did you switch?"

"We thought I would be the obvious choice. Voldemort –" there were some flinches there, "would come after me, but I wouldn't be able to give him anything. And Peter would be safe, because no one would suspect that we would use him."

"What happened on November the First, 1981?"

"I was angry, and sad, and beyond rational thought. I tracked Peter down to a muggle street, where he set me up by shouting for everyone to hear how I had betrayed Lily and James. He then cut off his own finger and transformed into his rat form, escaping into the sewer."

"What do you mean, his rat form?"

"He's an unregistered animagus. Peter's form is a rat."

Amelia nodded at Kingsley, who immediately gave Sirius the antidote. She then turned to Dumbledore, who had no choice but to go along with this.

He sighed silently, and turned to the council. "All those in favor of convicting the accused?" Not even the 'former' – or Imperiused, according to Fudge – Death Eaters had the guts to raise their hands. Next to Fudge, a rather short, squat witch wearing a pink cardigan and a horrendous bow in her hair started to raise her hand, but stopped with a nudge and slight shake of the head from Fudge. Dumbledore nodded. "All those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?"

The vote was unanimous. There was even some clapping as the chains dropped away and Sirius stood up, grinning. "Thank you, Lords and Ladies," he said graciously, his gaze focused on Dumbledore even though he spoke to the room. "I am so pleased to see justice upheld. I am sure we can discuss the proper compensation for my unlawful imprisonment at a later date." His eyes focused on Fudge at that comment. "For now, I would like to officially claim my family seat."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "Unfortunately, Sirius, you will need to claim your lordship first."

Sirius just raised his hand, where the Black Head of House ring was predominantly displayed. "The goblins have already acknowledged my lordship, so I ask again. May I officially claim my family seat?"

Dumbledore nodded, defeated, and the room fell into silence, waiting, as Sirius made his way to his family seat, where he winked at Amelia to tell her he was game for what would come next. He didn't sit down, which told everyone he had something else to say. His statement rocked the entire body. "My first order of business is to take over as the regent for the Potter Family seat, on behalf of my godson, Harry James Potter."

Dumbledore was the first one to make his voice heard. "I'm sorry, Sirius, but you need to have the consent of the official guardian in order to act as regent. Harry is currently being cared for by his mother's sister."

Sirius glanced at Minerva, who stood up and handed the copies of the change of guardianship form she had brought with her in preparation to Amelia. Turning around to face the shocked and confused body of witches and wizards, she explained, "I took over guardianship for Mr. Potter at the beginning of the summer, after his current ones were deemed unsuitable. Vernon Dursley is currently serving time in prison for embezzlement and theft, and his wife and son have fled the country. The guardianship forms have already been filed and made official, and have been amended to include Lord Black as a secondary guardian. As Mr. Potter's primary guardian, I have approved his appointment to regent of the Potter Family seat."

Dumbledore was once more feeling flabbergasted. He had well and truly been outmaneuvered, and by someone he had thought to be completely loyal to him. No wonder the wards had failed. He could only hope that their actions didn't spell the end of the wizarding world.

He nodded, defeated, and was thankful when they moved on to the scheduled topics to be covered.

Several reporters from the Daily Prophet got their career making scoops by attending the boring, standard, run of the mill Wizengamot meeting that day.

Amelia waited until the meeting was over before she followed the Chief Warlock out of the courtroom.


Dumbledore turned, and almost grimaced, but hid his ire behind the customary twinkling eyes. "How can I be of service, Amelia?" he asked graciously.

Amelia was not swayed by his attitude, however, and she simply set herself so that her balance was centered, ready to act should the need arise. "During my investigation into Lord Black's incarceration, I was most intrigued to be presented with irrefutable proof that he did not, in fact, betray Lord and Lady Potter to Voldemort. You'll understand my confusion when the item that could have exonerated him was sealed shortly after Lord and Lady Potter's deaths. By you."

Dumbledore once more had to force himself to remain calm. "I'm not certain I know what you are speaking of, Madam Bones." There was a definite bite to his words, but Amelia was just getting started.

"Had you not sealed the Potter Will, Lord Black would not have been sent to Azkaban for twelve years without a trial. The bequests would have clearly shown that he was not the Secret Keeper. Perhaps you could explain to me why you felt it necessary to seal the Will, and completely ignore its contents when placing the young Potter heir with guardians specifically not included among the possible caregivers, when there were, at the time, three sets of guardians on that list who could have cared for him?"

Dumbledore reached out lightly with Legilimancy, somehow not surprised when he was rebuffed immediately. Of course the head of the DMLE would have training. He doubted he would be able to get through, even with a full powered attack, which would surely see him arrested. As it was, he did catch the narrowing of her eyes, and concluded that she must have felt him probe her. He decided it would not be pragmatic for him to further test his luck, and simply sighed. "I did not want unsavory characters to try and gain access to young Harry's inheritance. As for his placement, his mother's sister seemed the most logical place for him. Mrs. Potter raised an ancient protection by sacrificing herself for her son, and, inadvertently or not, made it possible for blood protections to be raised, as long as he could call the place where his mother's family dwelled home. There is nothing higher than family, after all."

Amelia snorted. "You'll have to ask Lily about that, when you meet her again. Petunia Dursley hates magic, and has ever since Lily began her schooling. Anyone who knew Lily at all, knew that. And as for your explanation… good luck trying to appease Minerva. She is quite put out that she could have had thirteen more years with the boy she already thinks of as a grandson. And good luck trying to insert yourself into Harry's life in any way. Minerva's not the only one put out with you. You'll have a lot of work to do to convince Harry to trust you again. I doubt that will ever happen, after what you've done."

Amelia left him with that thought, and Dumbledore, remembering the look his Transfiguration professor had given him during the trial, believed she was right. Minerva was definitely angry with him. He wondered how much Harry knew, but he doubted Amelia's views were completely accurate. Harry was still just a boy, after all, and Dumbledore had been the one to offer him a place of belonging, at Hogwarts, after so many years of being unworthy at his relatives. Dumbledore had offered him a chance to shine. The wrinkles with Harry would be easier to smooth over, as the headmaster knew the boy had begun to think of him as something of a grandfather. No, Harry wasn't the one he had to work on. Minerva and Sirius, however, would be more difficult to sway. They wouldn't understand that it had all been for the Greater Good. He had to do what was necessary.


The next morning's edition of The Daily Prophet was filled with Sirius' illegal incarceration, his trial, subsequent freedom, the hundred thousand galleons the Ministry was giving him for the wrongful imprisonment, and Harry's change of guardianship.

Harry was just glad to have his godfather be able to see him off to Hogwarts without having to wear a glamour.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-18 22:52:04

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-19 21:01:20
Really good! I'm just not sure why you put this one up after the events of book 5… and why there is no sex whatsoever on a porn story site

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