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My Daughter and her two Cousins were enjoying a very intimate birthday celebration.
We sat in deck chairs and watched our children play. My seventeen year old girl was chasing her cousins with a garden hose trying to soak my sister’s two kids, Jodie had them cornered and was spraying them mercilessly. Wade and Lexis my nephew and niece were my older sister’s twins. Jodie and I were on vacation for a few days visiting to celebrate the twins eighteenth birthday two days before, Jodie was two months shy of eighteen but we feted her birthday with her cousins'. The big party was history but I was planning on two more nights at my sister’s place before I took my daughter home. My brother-in-law had left that morning for a four day business trip leaving my sister Maxine and me to keep the three teens corralled while they celebrated in the aftermath of the milestone birthday. My wife couldn't make the trip so I was getting anxious to get back to her.

Maxine offered me another rum and coke while we idled under the sun, watching the next generation frolic. “I hate that they are getting older” my sister said between sips of her drink.


“Because in a year, maybe two, they’ll be gone and then it will be just Joel and me. I’m not sure I’m ready for the ‘empty nest syndrome’.

“I hear that most people really start to enjoy themselves then. You know, trips, longer vacations, new toys and more time with each other. I wouldn't mind having some uninterrupted private time with Meg.”

Maxine looked at me “Maybe I’ll get pregnant, have another kid.”

I almost choked on my drink “Yeah, that would make Joel real happy, just throwing two out when the third arrives.”

“But he’d sure enjoy the time I would be trying to get knocked up. I’d fuck his balls off for a while.”

“You’re too old to have a kid” I reminded my sister.

A frown clouded her face briefly then she returned “I’m only 41 you dick, everything I have still works.” She hesitated slightly then continued with a rueful smile, “Just not as often as it used too.”

I knew what she meant. Meg was still a hot sexy woman but the older I got, the less I got it up. I mean she and I still screw but now instead of twice a night, it’s more like twice a week. It eased my mind a little to hear that Joel was aging in bed too.

She woke me up by shaking my shoulder. At first I was disorientated but as my eyes focused and adjusted to the dim light I looked up into my sister’s distraught face. She was standing beside the bed in her robe looking like the world was about the end. She looked scared, worried and angry all at once which startled me out of my sleep. “What’s wrong?” I blurted.

“The kids. It’s --- it’s the kids” she stuttered.

I bolted upright, swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed my pants off the chair. As I was pulling them up I asked “What the hell is going on? Are they all right?”

She looked at me blankly, nodded and sighed softly “They’re not hurt, it’s something else, be quiet” then turned and walked out of the room. I followed with bare feet, no shirt, wondering what was going on. I glanced at the bedside clock to see that it was 2:04 in the morning.

She led me to the kitchen, to the window over the sink and stopped, staring into the back yard. I stepped up beside her and peered into the darkness. At first I didn’t see anything but as my eyes adjusted I began to make out pale shapes and forms in one corner of the yard. My heart picked up its pace, my mind slowed down as I realized what I was looking at.

Three bodies, two girls and one boy on a large blanket spread out on the grass. Our family lying on the blanket; Wade between Jodie and Lexis. And all three were naked. Lexis was lying on her side, head propped up by one arm watching Jodie pulling on Wade’s tall erection. Wade said something to his sister and she twisted around and kissed the end of his cock while Jodie stroked it. Jodie leaned to him and put her mouth over his while her cousin began to suck on her own brother.

I was dumbstruck! I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. I turned my head and asked my sister one of the stupidest questions I had ever uttered. “Is that our kids?”

She looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded then replied with the equally stupid “They’re having sex.” I wasn't reacting, reality fled the moment I saw my daughter lying with her cousins and it wasn't coming back. I looked back at the three just as Jodie took Lexis’ place on Wade’s hard-on. My young girl was giving him a blow-job and it shocked me even deeper. Lexis moved to her knees over Wade’s face so he could lick her body while Jodi blew him. He was using his tongue on his own sister! My heart was pounding, I felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead, I felt dizzy.

Maxine grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the window “What the hell are we going to do?”

I knew exactly what I was going to do. I pulled away from her and started for the back door. I was going to kick the shit out of my nephew and beat my daughter’s ass until she bled. She wouldn't be sitting on anything for a month. My sister lunged for my arm again and pulled me to a stop. She saw the rage in my face and gripped me harder. “No! Not like that! If you go out there like that none of us will ever get over this. We have to be calm, it’s too late to stop anything, it’s obvious this isn't the first time they've done something like this. Getting mad and beating them won’t help now, it won’t change anything.”

“So what the hell do you suggest?” I snarled.

“Leave them alone. Let them think we don’t know.”

“But he’s fucking around with his own cousin. That’s my daughter out there.”

Maxine flared red in the face. “And the other girl is his twin sister! They’re screwing each other, how do you think that makes me feel? You’re not alone in this.”

I looked out the window again “Oh crap.”



Maxine looked over my shoulder to see Jodie on her stomach with Wade mounted over her, fucking her while Lexis stroked the balls between his legs.

We were silent, keeping our thoughts private as we watched our teenage children cavorting on the blanket. The shock was wearing off, my rage slowly turning to despair as I watched the next generation enjoying their young lives. Just as Wade lifted off my girl and rolled to his sister I turned to my sister and said “I understand how cousins might start screwing but brother and sister?”

Maxine flinched as she watched her son penetrate her daughter then looked back at me. “They are twins, they've always been very close” she offered weakly.

“How long do you think this has been going on?”

“I don’t know but they don’t look like fumbling amateurs.” I had to agree with Maxine on that. It was evident even to me that our babies weren't doing this for the first time.

Just then Wade pulled out of his sister’s pussy and flopped onto his back. The two girls grabbed his cock and began to stroke it together. In seconds he began to hump his ass as his prick started spraying like a fountain. Jodie whispered something in his ear while Lexis stroked his balls. When he was done spurting cum both girls put their hands in the mess then reached for each other, spreading semen on the breasts of the other.

“At least they’re being careful” I muttered.

“What are we going to do?” my sister asked.

“What can we do? It’s sure as hell too late to talk to them or warn them. All we can do now is hope he doesn't knock one of them up.”

“You don’t want to talk to them?” Maxine asked incredulous.

“No, not now. You’re right, we wouldn't be doing any good, it would only put up a big wall between us and our kids. They’re fucking now, and it looks like they've done it before, we are way too late.”

I gave up my post in the kitchen and stumbled away, back to my room. I knew I wouldn't be getting any sleep but I needed to get off my feet. Maxine cast one more long sad look out the window then followed me. I stretched out on my bed and my sister sat beside me, denting the mattress far enough that I slid closer to her. My hip was lodged against hers, I rested a platonic hand on her robe covered thigh, she covered it with hers. She looked sad “I feel old. I’ll never be eighteen again and I miss that sometimes.”

“How do you think I feel? Your son just screwed two girls at once. I haven’t done that since I was in college. We’re both getting old.”

Maxine looked into my eyes, “You had sex with two girls at the same time?”

“Yeah, they were roommates. I was dating one and the other refused to leave the room when we wanted to go to bed so I invited her too. We did that about three months.”

Her eyes sparkled briefly, “You randy little devil you, I never knew.”

“You don’t know lots about me. How about you, did you ever get laid by two guys at once?”

Bright red spots grew in her cheeks and she looked into her lap. “Four.”

“Really? You let four at the same time?”

She defended herself “I was stoned and horny,” she paused, remembering, “I got screwed nine times by them, I made them line up alphabetically and if there had been any more I would have fucked them too, I would have let an army have me that night.”

She looked down on me and continued “Tell me about your girlfriends. I caught you with Hazel that once but what about the others.”

I thought back on the day Maxine came into the living room and found me deep inside my date. I remember she stood in the door and watched me hump that girl for five minutes before she left. I didn't care, I was fucking a hot little cheerleader and the whole world could have watched. I must have taken too long with my memory because she tapped me on the chest with a finger and said “Tell me prick, how many and who was first?” She hadn't called me ‘prick’ since I was nineteen.

The shock of the backyard antics of our kids gave way to private memories as I thought back twenty-four years. I got my first piece of ass in the back seat of a car one night when the moon was high. I was fifteen; she was one of Maxine’s friends. I looked into my sister’s eyes “You’re not tired?”

“You can sleep? After what we just saw I won’t sleep all night.”

I slid over to the far side of the bed, rolled to my side and invited her to lie down. “Get comfy, I’m not tired either.”

We were lying on the pillows, facing each other, me in my slacks and her in the robe. “Carrie seduced me when I was fifteen. She was the first.”

“Carrie? My friend Carrie?”

For the next 45 minutes I revealed my sexual history. She would interrupt with questions and when I got to the point when I got married I stopped and told her it was her turn. Maxine took a deep breath and began to relate her intimate past. As she talked I began to get stirrings in my nuts as I envisioned her nude and fucking her ass off.

By the time she was done telling about her sex life wild unbidden thoughts were running rampant through my mind. I kept thinking about what we’d seen earlier and wondering if sex with my sister would be as despicable as I always thought it would be. I also had a big boned hard-on.

Maxine finished her stories then got off the bed “I’ll be right back.”

She came back a short minute later and told me that the kids must have gone to bed, they weren't outside any more. It was after four in the morning so I asked her if she was going to bed. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll stay here a little longer.”

“Sure, I don’t think I’ll get any sleep tonight, it will be a while before I get this out of my system.”

Maxine untied the sash of her robe and let it fall open “I know one way you can.”

I was pulling off my pants when the robe slipped down her nude body to the floor. She got onto the bed, on her knees and reached for my straining erection. She held it firmly; inspecting it, then lifted a leg and straddled my thighs. With her fingers still wrapped around my cock she lowered herself onto it. We were both turned on so she was hot and wet which made my penetration into her easy and smooth.

It only took seconds to realize that sex with my sister wasn't going to be as vile and evil as I had always imagined. She was rocking her hips, sliding her hot wet pussy on the shaft of my cock which was swelling stiffer each time she moved. Her eyes were closed, head back, rocking with the rhythm of sex, she was beginning to pant from the heat we were generating.

I felt the need building in my balls as Maxine rocked and rolled her hips, I was climbing to a high orgasmic peak when she began to vibrate under my hands. Her eyes flew wide open and she stared down at me just as she erupted with her orgasm. Lust flowed from her eyes to mine like an electrical current as she gasped deeply then expelled the air in sharp yelps of pleasure, each time she jammed her pelvis against mine her clit rubbed against me causing another shiver. My cock sensed the moment of her release and began to seize, flooding her with hot ball juice.

Maxine collapsed down on me, heaving for air. “My god! What did we just do?” She pushed up again and looked down on me and stammered “What was that!?” She rolled off me to her side, still looking at me with shock and puzzlement. She sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and looked over her shoulder at me “I can’t believe what we just did. We've got to forget this ever happened!” She grabbed the crumpled robe from the floor and fled the room. I didn't get a chance to say a damn thing to her.

I only slept about three hours so I was dog tired when I dragged myself into the kitchen for a cup of life giving coffee. Jodie was sitting at the table sipping orange juice when I came in; she brightened the room with her smile “Good morning dad” she gushed, “you still look tired.”

“Yeah? Who the hell are you? Queen of the Morning, expecting all your subjects to be bright and happy every day?”

Watching her lips form a seal on the rim of the glass as she sucked down orange juice brought back the clear vision of her giving Wade the blow job. That led from what I’d seen in the back yard to what I’d done with my own sister just three hours before. The tiredness and fatigue fell away as the trauma of the night’s events reestablished itself in my mind. Jodie’s eyes were sparking with life when she asked me “What are you thinking about?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean your whole face and attitude just changed instantly from tired to something else. What’s going on?”

I sat at the table opposite of my offspring, “Forget it, get me a cup of coffee.”

My niece and nephew arrived a few minutes later looking as young, fresh and eager as my daughter. I was struggling with the urge to slap the cheerful smiles off their faces as they told me about their plans. They were going to a theme park for the day. Lexis invited me and her mother but I assured them I had no desire to wander around a crowded park in the summer heat and I was sure Maxine felt the same way. Just them my sister joined the four of us and confirmed my thinking. She and I would do something else while the teens were gone.

I shelled out a fist full of cash to my girl and they piled into a car and left for the day. Maxine watched the car until it disappeared from sight then turned to me, “About this morning….”

I interrupted her, “Forget it, the whole night was fucked up, we just have to forget about it.”

She stepped closer to me, looked into my eyes and said “I don’t want to forget about it, I want to take a shower. Come on.” She wrapped her fingers around my left wrist and led the way toward her bedroom. We walked past the bed to the adjoining bathroom where she spun to me then opened her robe and let it fall to the tiles.

Maxine was standing in front of me with her charms glowing in the sunbeams falling through the small window. Forty-one years of gravity was beginning to pull on her breasts but from head to toes she still radiated a vibrant sexuality; my sister still had a hot firm body. She smiled “You can’t take a shower with your clothes on.”

She started the water as I pulled my shirt and pants off. By the time I was naked my cock had inflated to full size. I looked at my pride, amazed that it was hard again, just hours after having sex. I hadn't gotten it up twice in such a short time in maybe seven or eight years. Maxine looked at my erection then turned flirting eyes on me again “After I got over the shock of what we did, I liked the feeling. I still have that feeling.”

“Have you ever cheated on Joel before?”

“You’re my brother, that isn't cheating,” she rationalized, “it’s not like you’re a stranger.” I stepped into the shower then reached for my hot sexy sister. Our first incestuous kiss was as torrid and passionate as if we were the same age as our children.

We heated each other up in the shower then ended up on her bed where we fucked each a second time. It had been a long stressful night and the sex wore us out so my sister and I fell asleep in each others arms. After about a three hour nap I woke her up by screwing her again. By the time Maxine and I were done fucking each other the third time she told me that she felt like she was eighteen again, she had for the moment recaptured her youth.

We left the next day after I’d spent a long delightful night with my sister in her own bed. We didn't fear discovery because we knew the three cousins were too busy with each other to bother us. It would be a long drive, we had one night on the road but I had my thoughts and recent memories to keep my mind occupied. As we drove away from my sister’s house, I had half a hard-on remembering the sweet taste of her sex.

Jodie and I drove in silence much of the day. Conversations started then sputtered out occasionally but most of the time she had her iPod buds in her ears which was fine with me. I was happy to reminisce about Maxine and enjoy the satisfying contentment that comes after great sex.

Jodie was driving when we got to the midway point of our journey where we had reserved two rooms for the night. After she and I checked into our separate rooms I took my daughter to dinner.

The conversation in the restaurant was lively and animated as she related her experiences with her cousins at the park. She bubbled happily about the entire trip and expressed a little remorse that it was ending. As she talked I kept visualizing her with her mouth around her cousin’s erection then letting him fuck her. I didn't doubt she would miss that part of the vacation.

As we walked back to the motel from dinner Jodie asked me tentatively “Dad, what were you doing in Aunt Maxine’s room last night?”

My heart slammed to a halt, my mind fuzzed over, I didn't answer her.

She stopped, put a hand on my arm to hold me and said “I wanted to talk to you but you weren't in your room, when I went past her room I heard you two. Did you have sex with her?”

I could barely utter a sound past the lump in my throat “She’s my sister,” I protested weakly, “why in hell would I have sex with my sister?”

Jody studied my eyes then declared “You did, didn’t you, I can see it all over your face! How could you do something like that!?” She turned and walked away from me.

I got mad that she turned from me, dismissing me “Come back here! Don’t walk away!”

She spun on her feet “You're her brother dad, that’s totally fucked! What about mom?”

My anger bubbled up from my rapidly beating heart “How dare you judge me you little bitch! After what Maxine and I witnessed in the back yard? You and Lexis both were fucking Wade! You’re his cousin she’s his sister. Why in the hell are you questioning me like I’m the fucking pervert here!?”

Jodie blanched white under the street light; her eyes grew to the size of teacup saucers. She gulped two deep breaths of air then her knees went weak. She started to fall but I caught her by an arm and propped her back up. She stared at me then jerked her arm out of my grasp and stormed away toward her room. I went to mine; I had to cool off, to get my head and heart back under control.

An hour later my phone rang, I picked it up “Hello?”

“Daddy, can I come over? I need to see you; I have to talk to you.”

She came in timidly and sat in a chair next to the bed. Her first question was “Did you and Maxine have sex when you were growing up?” I noticed she dropped the ‘Aunt’ from Maxine.

“This trip was the first time. When we saw the three of you in the yard we ended up in my room trying to figure out what to do about it. We talked about things for a while and somehow ended up together, it was accidental I swear.”

“But you went back to her last night.”

“Yes, I did, and it wasn't accidental. What about you and your cousins? How did that start?”

My grown up baby looked at me “Last Christmas when they came to visit. I was having fits because I couldn’t find a good gift for Wade so Lexis gave me a dare.”

“A dare?”

“She dared me to screw her brother as a present. She said it could be the best thing I could give him.”

“So you did.”

She had a faraway look in her eyes, focused on the past “I took him to bed and we had sex three times.” She blushed red “It was good sex too.”

“Your weren't a virgin?” I wanted to know.

Jodie eyes came back to the present “Does it matter?”

The answer hurt to say, “No, I guess not. How did Lexis and Wade get into it?”

“They've been doing it almost two years now. She says it’s pretty convenient having him around when she gets horny or has a bad date and needs something good. This time he and I screwed like newlyweds the first two nights then Lexis and I decided to both have fun with him.”

My daughter glowed slightly when I said the only thing that popped into my mind “He must have loved that.”

Our nervousness faded as the clock moved forward. Jodie and I talked for a while longer, eventually leaving the subject of sex and incest behind us. By some unspoken mutual agreement we had accepted what the other had done, what we knew. She yawned and stretched then stood to leave, I kissed my daughter goodnight on the cheek then she went to her room. The last hour of conversation was still echoing in my ears as I lay down on the bed.

It wasn’t 15 minutes later when I heard a light tapping on the wall that separated my room from Jodie’s. “What is it?” I called. Her voice was muffled; quiet, so I spoke up again. “I can’t hear you.”

This time I heard part of what she was saying, ”……….. come over?”

I picked up the bedside phone and dialed the extension for her room, she answered on the second ring. “What do you want?” I asked.

“You have two beds over there.”

“I know that, I’m in one of them” I retorted sarcastically.

“I don’t like it here; I don’t want to spend the night alone in this room.”

I told her I’d unlock my door and hung up. She came in dragging her sports bag and tossed it into a chair. “Thank you daddy, that room was eerie.”

“You’ve been watching too many slasher movies” I told her.

“Maybe, but I feel better. Which bed do I get?” she asked as she dug around in her pack.

“How about the one that isn't rumpled, I already claimed the other,” more sarcasm.

She shot me a quick smile and tread lightly into the bathroom, toothbrush and night gown in hand.

I was in bed flipping through channels when she scampered from the bath to the second bed. She hopped on it laughing as she bounced “What’s on TV?”

“Not a damn thing, I think we should get some sleep” I turned off the box and my bedside light, the light level dimmed to what was filtering through the curtains from the parking lot. I watched my daughter as she wriggled under the blankets; she cradled her head on a pillow facing me.

As I admired my girl’s pretty face she frowned faintly “I love you daddy, I hope our secrets won’t spoil that.”

I sighed my acceptance of the secrets then rolled away from her and closed my eyes.

It was deeper into the night when her voice came on night wings to my ears “Dad -- Daddy, are you awake?” I roused from my light stupor and rolled my head to look at her.

“I can’t sleep.”


“I keep thinking about what we've done, about me and my cousins, you and Aunt Maxine”, the ‘Aunt’ was back.

I flashed back on her nude body while Wade was taking her from the back and my cock stirred. In the dim light she was changing; morphing from my child into a sexy young woman and I was reacting to her.

“How many times did you and Aunt Maxine do it?”


“Five? I would think you’re too old for that. You’re like 40.”

“She gave me one of Uncle Don's Viagra pills, it worked wonders. I've got a couple more, your mother and I are going to enjoy my homecoming.”

I could see her cringe “Ugh, too much information dad.”

“After what we've been talking about all night?”

“Okay,” she conceded, “but let’s keep mom out of this right now, you can have her tomorrow.”

I sure as hell didn't need a pill just then. My cock was growing fast, my pulse quickened. I looked at my girl and began to shake, she had a strange look in her eyes as if she was looking at me for the first time. I was looking into the eyes of a woman, or more precisely, the bedroom eyes of a woman in heat. I lifted my arm, holding my blanket high. “Who can I have tonight?” She was still for a moment, hesitant, then pushed off her pillow, left her bed, crossed over to mine and under the blanket.

It took only seconds for us to pull the night clothes off each other. My blood was boiling, hers was racing. When she was naked I put a hand between her legs and stroked the soft heated lips of her sex. She groaned, arched her back and fumbled for my cock. She gripped my shaft and pulled me over her writhing body, her legs spread as a Y, open for me. I stroked the end of my erection through pubic hair and the folds of her pussy then when I found the right place I pushed deep into Jodie.

She dug her acrylic nails into my shoulder “Ahhhhhh …. Holy fuck that feels good!” she gasped. She turned her eyes to mine “Fuck me daddy, fuck me like a bride, I want this so much.”

Even though I was as hot as an eager teenager I had cum with my sister five times in the last two days so I wasn't going to blow my rocks in record time. I knew that my daughter and I were both going to enjoy this.

She was tight at first but loosened up quickly as I thrust in and out of her. My cock was sheathed in the steaming wet tunnel of her body, my balls slapping her butt as we fucked. She was twisting and tossing under me, clutching my ass with both hands, mewing encouragement into my ear when my cock slid across her clit. She was fucking me as hard as I was fucking her.

Jodie ceased to be my daughter and I was no longer the father. We reverted to the nature of our ancient ancestors, coupling fiercely in the dark wild environment of 10,000 years ago. We mated with abandon, taking all we could from the other. She was heaving and bending, offering me her body and I was thrusting and probing, taking her to higher and higher levels of need and lust. All of a sudden Jodie went stiff as a board, her eyes flew open and she drew in a long hoarse breath. Her eyes focused on mine briefly then they glazed over as the orgasm exploded in her womb, fragmenting into a million glowing flares of ecstasy that set off intense blazes every where they landed. She was consumed with the raging fires inside her.

I looked down on the thrashing young woman beneath me and my balls gave up the fight. My cock swelled even harder then began to convulse as I pumped round after round of lava hot semen into my little girl. I flooded her with cum as she slammed her hips against my groin, her body begging for every drop.

I was covered with sweat, unable to hold myself up so I collapsed to the mattress beside Jodie and fought for every breath I could get. She twisted her head to me, her hair was matted and damp, her face flushed hot, her breasts rising and falling as she gulped for fresh air. “Oh my god dad, I never did that before! I never got off the first time with anybody! And I never came that hard before!”

I lifted my head “How many first times have there been?” I managed to rasp.

She smiled tiredly, “I thought we agreed that didn't matter.”

My cock was dying slowly, reluctantly giving up its life as an erection. I put a hand on Jodie’s breast and fondled her nipple which stretched in appreciation. She looked at my hand then into my eyes “Now you want foreplay? Aren't you’re a little late for that.”

I moved my hand to the side of her face, pulled her to me and gave her a light kiss. Her lips were soft, moist and warm. Jodie put an arm around my neck and snuggled close to me, caressing my body with her smooth hot skin. We were exhausted, both sexually and mentally. I think she went to sleep before me but I’m not sure.

What I am sure about is waking up with her still in my bed. The morning was creeping slowly through the curtains when I opened my eyes. She was watching me and greeted me with another brilliant smile, “Good morning.” She moved closer to me, laid a leg over mine and began to caress my thigh with hers. My dick stirred with a sharp thrill. She slipped a hand under the blanket and cupped my balls and pinched them lightly. My cock stirred even more, inflating slightly.

I moved a hand to the junction of her legs and searched for her clit with two fingers. I knew when I found it, she jolted as if shocked then put her lips on mine and kissed me, moaning passionately.

I pulled away from Jodie, my bladder was full and I needed to get up. She let go of me reluctantly then threw her legs over the edge of the bed and stood. I invited her to shower with me and we succeeded in turning each other on again. I lifted her up so she could bend her legs around my waist then I pinned her to the wall of the shower and fucked her while she clung to my body. I pumped another load of cum into her before she let me go.

Eventually we went to breakfast. As we sat over waffles and orange juice I called my wife, I assured her we were on the way home but I had to take the car in for maintenance. The check engine light was on and I needed to have it looked at. No, I didn't know how long it would take, we might even have to stay in town another night. Jodie took the phone from me and told her mother tales of the vacation then cut the connection. She looked at me, “What’s wrong with the car?”

“Nothing. I was thinking we could spend the day sightseeing here then leave for home tomorrow. If your mom thinks the car is broke, she won’t question why we aren't coming home today.”

“We’ll have to spend the night again.”

I felt myself flush “Are you okay with that?”

Jodie flirted, green eyes flashing sparks “I think spending the day with you would be a good parent/child bonding experience” she said impishly, “maybe you shouldn't save that pill for mom.” I felt her bare foot slide up my leg under the table then she flexed her toes against the inside of my thigh; her voice dropped to a husky whisper “If you want, I'll tell you how many and what I did with them.”

My testicles had been putting in some serious overtime in the last three days but they pulled up tight and began to brew another batch of potion for the lovely young woman sitting across from me.


2019-02-27 05:30:03
Pammie and I had to overnight on the way back from Canada. We found some cabins and took the most secluded one. Once inside, she was in my arms kissing me as though we hadn’t that very morning. I reached down and slid my hand up under her skirt to caress that tight little girl ass. I ran my hand into her panties and began to finger her asshole. She grabbed my cock and started to stroke me. We broke off kissing, tore each other’s clothes off and hit the bed. She immediately got on top of me and slid her pussy down on my hard cock. She rode me like a cowgirl and started moaning that she was going to cum. I had a fi;her in her ass and that helped get her off in a hurry. After a short rest, I said Doggy! And she got on her knees. I entered her from behind and began to fuck her feverishly. In just a few minutes, l blasted my load deep inside her cunt. A few months shy of 13, my daughter is my precious lover. Pammie Jean, I love you with all my heart!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-26 20:51:24
Keep up the good work.-love Isahbella

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-08 21:12:14
good story. if I had a daughter I would satisfy her loving young pussy and get it pregnant. If there is a chapter two the father should try to get Jodie pregnant and the twins that was also having sex should try to get pregnant as well.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-11 23:31:57
My daddy and I were on a trip to visit colleges and during the trip we got stranded outside of Columbus Ohio by a huge storm. It flooded the highway, so we pulled off and got a hotel room. All they had was a king size bed.. I got so turned on by sleeping next to him that I couldn't help myself and snuggled close. Pretty soon we began rubbing each other and after that we had sex. The rest of our trip we slept together. I decided to go to our local college my first two years....daddy and I are both very happy about that.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-01 21:19:01
If there is to be a Chapter 2, then it should include Maxine's husband and Bill's wife finding out about their spouses (if not their children) and what they do after finding out. Also, Maxine may feel tempted to have a threesome with her son and her daughter. Will she yield to temptation, like her brother Bill?(Can this situation be resolved without two divorces? If so, please explain how!)

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