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This started out as a short story and has somehow turned into a novel, or at the very least a novella. At the moment its about 17,000 words and only about half done. I write slow because I'm very busy, so please dont expect a true ending anytime soon. A few people here on the forums helped me with descriptions for experiences I havent had and my thanks go out to them. I don't have an editor so I apologize for any mistakes or detail discrepancies that I have missed.
Chapter 1

When I lost my job last year I had no idea what was next. I had a bachelor's degree in English, but it wasn’t doing me any good when it came to finding a job. I'd been working in a niche industry for over six years and I didn’t really know where to begin looking for a whole new career. After a couple months of searching I realized the only way I was going to make the money I needed to make, was to go back to school. Not something I anticipated doing in my thirties. Not something I was looking forward to. It just didn’t seem fair that after all my hard work I was starting from ground zero again. On top of that all I could picture is being on campus with all these kids looking at me like I was ancient.

What happened was actually worse. The students looking at me as though I was ancient wasn't a problem. They didn’t notice me one way or the other. Every day I was in the gym with all these hot young buff boys. Watching them work at making their rippling muscles even bigger. Wondering what it would be like if one of them suddenly threw me up against the wall and ravaged me.

I've always tended to prefer scrawny guys. Long lean bodies with little hair and not an ounce of fat on them. I've always found it sexy as hell, but I also realized the scrawny guys would probably fall over if they tried to pick me up and throw me against a wall. The boys at the gym had arms bigger than my thighs and their abs were just begging to be licked. I'd watch them lift and strain underneath the weights and think what it would be like to feel their weight on top of me. By the time I would finish my workout my pussy would be dripping wet. I'd often step into the shower and slip my fingers between my legs as the hot soapy water ran over my body until I obtained the release I so desperately needed.

Chapter 2

While my nights were spent on campus learning crap I didn’t care about and fantasizing about hot young coeds, my days were spent at a dead end and mind numbingly boring job that I took to pay the bills. I did the same thing over and over again all day, which gave me plenty of time to use my brain to think about other things. My libido seemed to have gone from non-existent to complete overdrive. I once went years without having sex and was fine. Now, it was all I could think about. Since my mind wasn’t needed to do my job, I often found myself wrapped up in elaborate fantasies.

I left work one day completely worked up and dying to have sex with anyone. I'd been fantasizing all day and wasn’t sure another day at the gym was going to do anything to alleviate the problem. I'd been so horny all day long I could almost feel my clit throbbing. I didn’t think I was going to make it until 10pm when class got out. I had to find some relief! I drove past the gym to the parking garage near my classroom. Wondering if the bathroom would be an option but immediately ruling it out based on their usual state of sheer disgustingness.

As I drove though the parking garage I realized I was almost two hours early and the garage was mostly empty. Suddenly I knew how I was going to get my relief. I drove up a couple of levels and found I had the garage almost completely to myself. I picked a spot where I would be able to see if any cars were headed up to my level and then I crawled into the backseat of my car. It’s a tiny car so I sat in the middle of the back seat to give myself more leg room.

I slipped my hand between my legs and started rubbing through the fabric of my pants. God it felt good! I tried to slip my hands under the fabric and quickly realized there wasn’t enough room in this particular pair of pants to properly "manipulate" things. I looked around nervously knowing I shouldn’t do what I was about to do. I was in a public parking garage. Anyone could drive by at any moment. And yet I wanted nothing more than to feel that build up and release. I just couldn’t imagine sitting through class for three hours as worked up as I was.

Looking around one more time I raised my hips off the seat and slipped my pants down my legs. As the warm Florida air hit my legs I thought about how crazy I was to be getting half naked in the campus parking garage. What if campus police came by? But it was also kind of a turn on. Throwing caution to the wind I took my pants off completely rather than keeping them around my ankles like I knew I should. Then I raised my hips again and slipped my little black lace panties off too. I could have just pushed them aside but I wanted full access to myself. The thrill was building and I loved every second of it.

Slowly I slid my fingers into my hot wet pussy. Circling my clit and slowly increasing the pressure. I pushed one finger inside myself and then another, all the while keeping my thumb circling my clit. I slipped my other hand under my shirt and into my bra pitching my nipple to ramp up my pleasure.

I could feel the pressure building but I wasn’t quite getting there. If I was home I'd have been done in minutes. I was used to having any number of battery operated toys that I could avail myself of. I rarely bothered to use my hands to get there. It took too long and rarely reached the level of explosion I would feel if I used my toys. I desperately wanted the release but it felt like it was taking forever. Someone could show up or drive by at any minute and I would never get to finish.

As I tried to fantasize about the one of the guys in my life I had been sexting with, I suddenly heard a noise. In my desperation to get there I had closed my eyes and discovered I was holding my breath. As my eyes flew open and I inhaled deeply, I looked up and realized the noise had come from the ramp heading to the next level. As I parked the car I hadn't realized the ramp between levels gave a perfect view into the front window of my car. Even worse, I hadn't realized there was a car parked slightly off to the left on that ramp. Now as I realized all of these things simultaneously, I snapped my legs shut, hand still firmly in place. Of course I wasn’t thinking about where my hand was. I was thinking about the young college boy who had obviously been watching me for quite some time.

He had shaggy brown hair and a little bit of scruff on his face. I could tell he was wiry even through his oversized Star Wars t-shirt. He was obviously a total geek, though I didn’t need the t-shirt to tell me that. He exuded geek. And for that matter, he was a geek who was as stunned as I was. He sat there with his mouth hanging open, looking like deer caught in the headlights with fear in his eyes. He was very obviously unable to react or move.

I processed all of this in seconds and then I processed the fact that seeing him there had increased my desire tenfold. My clit aching under my fingers, my legs still clamped together. In that moment I made a decision that would change the course of my entire year on campus. I smiled at him, spread my legs wide and shifted my hips and my hand to give my little boy voyeur a better view. I watched as his eyes got even wider and he licked his lips anxiously. The amazement at what was happening was written all over his face.

I slowly worked my fingers on my clit, occasionally slipping them deep inside of me. I made sure he could see when I increased the number of fingers inside me from one, to two, to three. I was really very close to release now but I was trying to drag it out. I wanted him to enjoy the show. The surprise eventually faded away from his face and changed to a very excited smile. It was kind of crooked and seemed to exemplify his geekiness. I watched as he shifted his jeans. They were baggy and I couldn’t see the erection but I knew it was there. No guy could stand there and watch the show I was putting on and not have an erection.

As I got closer and closer, the pleasure finally built to a level where I couldn’t keep my mind on watching him watch me. Breathing in short gasps of air, arching my back, pressing harder and faster on my clit, I finally exploded! The waves of pleasure wracking my body, I cried out as I squirted everywhere soaking my back seat. Shuddering as the orgasm went on and on, far longer than I was used to. Eventually collapsing back into the seat, out of breath and finally satiated.

I looked up at my little voyeur who again had the look of complete shock on his adorable little baby face. I smiled again and this time he smiled back immediately. I took my fingers out of my pussy and slowly brought them to my mouth, open slightly, my tongue sticking out, reaching for the taste of myself. As he watched in awe, I slipped them into my mouth sucking the taste of my pussy juices from them. When I was done, I pointed at him and his eyes got wide and fearful again but then I crooked my finger at him, telling to come to me.

Chapter 3

He stood stock still, eyes wide, jaw slack. I pointed again and called him to me with my still damp finger. Finally, he bolted from the spot where he had stood watching me and for a second I wondered if he was bolting for his car. But I saw his feet move past his car and turn the corner around the cement support pole in the center of the garage. Momentarily he was there standing outside the back door of the driver's side of my car. I opened the door and sat with my feet outside the car, legs spread as if I was fully clothed and about to have a regular conversation.

"Hi," I said with a grin as I ran my hands along my inner thighs, "did you like the show?

" mean, I mean I didn’t mean to...." I let him fumble with the words, enjoying his torment as I watch fear and desire play back and forth across his face.

As it seemed the fear was about to win out and he might bolt again I interrupted him. "I didn't ask what you did or didn't mean to do. I asked if you enjoyed the show. We both know the exact moment I realized you were there and we also know I very blatantly chose to keep going once you appeared. So I ask you again, did you enjoy the show?"

"Umm very much so," he said almost as if he was asking a question.

"What was your favorite part?"


"I said, what was your favorite part? Did you like it more before I noticed you or after or at the end when I came?"

He paused as if replaying it in his head and then said timidly, "the part at the end where you licked your fingers."


"Why what?"

"Why was that your favorite part?"

"Umm, well...I've never seen a girl do that before. Most of the girls I know won't even kiss me after I've umm, you know."

I laughed, "After you've licked their pussy, you mean? They don't know what they are missing. I love the taste of myself on a man's tongue or even better on his cock. It drives me wild." He turned a beautiful shade of crimson in response to my outspokenness and I laughed again. "It's good to know you aren't a virgin, or at least I'm assuming you aren't a virgin if you've been down on a girl before. You aren't a virgin are you?"

"No, of course not!" he said defensively. "I'm 19 for Christ's sake. Only a completely loser would still be a virgin at 19!"

I chuckled and said, "Relax! I'm just trying to make sure I'm not corrupting young minds. Young is definitely the right word too. So what is your name Mr. 19?"

"I'm Thom."

"Well Thom, you can call me Sarah. Thom, would you like a taste?" I threw this out there in an offhand manner just to see his reaction.

"What?" he said confused and startled.

"Would you like to taste me? You seemed very happy watching me, and you said you favorite part was watching me taste myself, so I am wondering if you would like to taste me too."

Again he turned a beautiful shade of crimson. Knowing I've made a man blush is a major turn on so I smiled and ran my hand back up on my thigh, slipping my fingers back between my hairless pussy lips.

He licked his lips and asked, "Here?"

"Here was good enough to watch me masturbate, so I assume here is good enough for you to eat me out," I responded blandly.

"How would we...I mean...yes," he said meekly.

He wasn't that tall and as scrawny as he was, I figured we could make it work using the back seat even though the car was small. I'm short so the driver's side seat was already pushed all the way forward. I slid myself back against the passenger side door, spread my legs wide and motioned for him to position himself on the floor on the other side. It was a tight squeeze, and probably uncomfortable for him, but I really didn't care if he was uncomfortable. I knew I was blowing his mind with what I had just offered him and he wasn't going to complain about the tight conditions.

He slid onto the floor and looked at me almost questioningly, like he was afraid it was all a joke and he was about to become the punchline. I gave him a gentle look and said, "I know you've done this before for girls your own age but I'm betting not too many and no one like me."

He offered me a sort of a shy half grin with his eyes downcast and admitted, "I've done this twice. Once with the next door neighbor and once with my best friend's younger sister. I wasn't exactly popular in high school and this is honestly the coolest thing that has happened to me since I started college."

"It's okay, lack of experience isn't always a bad thing. I'll guide you, so you just have to do as I tell you."

I took his hands and placed them on my inner thighs and ran my fingers through his hair. "Just relax; my inner thighs are very sensitive, so you can start there. You can kiss, lick, suck, and even bite on my thighs as you work your way towards my pussy. Take your time. I love to be teased. Half the fun is the anticipation so don't rush."

He nodded his head at everything I said and looked so serious I had trouble keeping a straight face. I didn't want to laugh at the poor boy. I knew what it was like to grow up unpopular and I didn't want to embarrass him.

I ran my fingers through his hair and slowly guided his head forward. He leaned in and kissed my inner thigh tentatively. I knew my skin would still taste like my pussy juice from my recent orgasm and I saw his eyes brighten as his tongue flitted across my skin for the first time. He slowly ran his tongue up my thigh, but remembered what I told him and as he neared the top of my thigh he began to work his way back down. He shifted to my other thigh and sent a shiver through my body as he ran his tongue so lightly along it. When he reached the top where my skin was most sensitive he grazed his teeth before sucking on the sensitive area.

I let this go on for a few minutes enjoying the buildup and tease. So far he was certainly good at following instructions. As he worked his tongue back up my thigh I took his hair in my hands and guided his face directly between my legs. Without any instruction from me he slowly started to circle my sensitive nub as I tightened my fingers in his hair. The pressure with which he pressed his tongue against my clit was exquisite and I lay back relishing the feeling. He shifted gears and began lapping at me from my vagina all the way to my clit and I moaned aloud, forgetting we were still in my car, in a very public parking garage.

As he began circling my clit again, I took one of his hand off my thigh and moved it toward my dripping hole. "Keep doing what you are doing but slide your fingers inside me while you do it." Ever compliant he slid a finger deep inside me. "Another," I said breathlessly and he slid a second inside me pushing deep and hard all the while circling my clit with his hot eager tongue.

The waves of pleasure were starting to build and I knew I was getting close but I wanted to teach him a thing or two more before I finished. The way I figured it I was doing some girl a favor in the future. "Slip one of your fingers in my asshole," I said.

He paused briefly as if unsure and I took his hand, sliding his fingers out of me and pushing them back towards my other hole. "Trust me, its ok. Never do it without a girl's permission but you can kind of feel out if she is interested by running your finger around the hole and seeing how she reacts. If she seems alright with it apply a little pressure without actually pushing in. If she doesn't want it she'll tell you."

He nodded and slid his finger in my tight little asshole as he returned to working me with his tongue. I groaned in pleasure as he buried his finger deeper inside me. He moved from my clit back to my vagina and began fucking me with his tongue. Pushing it as far into me as he could. He had a surprising long tongue and I was writhing at this point.

"Do that to my asshole," I moaned. He didn’t pause this time or question me but slid his finger out and eagerly began fucking my ass with his tongue. I took his hand and placed his thumb on my clit, which was practically throbbing at this point I was so close to exploding. Pressing hard as he circled my clit I squirmed and wiggled waiting for the climax.

Gripping his hair in my hands, probably pulling harder than I should, I pulled his face out of my ass and moved him back to my pussy. My juices were dripping down his chin I knew by the way things were building it was about to get a whole lot messier. Tired of holding myself back I finally allowed myself to have my second orgasm in less than an hour. As my nerve endings erupted with pleasure and I cried out, I squirted everywhere, covering his face and drenching the top of his shirt.

Only after the final tremors stopped did I look down at him breathlessly and say "that was amazing! You are a natural."

He grinned sheepishly and mumbled, "Thanks."

Then I remembered we were in the middle of a public parking garage and I had class shortly. I straightened myself up and grabbed my underwear. "I gotta go, but if you meet me here at 5:15pm next Wednesday we can have some more fun. If not, no worries."

"Really?? I can see you again?"

I laughed again, "Yes, though we may at some point need to find a better location than the back seat of my car."

"Ok whatever you want. This was amazing! I can't believe I was just walking to my car and all of this happened. Nothing this cool ever happens to me!" He said all of this as he tumbled out of my car, still trying to wipe my juices from his face.

"I'll see you next Wednesday, Thom."

Chapter 4

My week went by quickly for once. My job was mind numbingly boring but my little rendezvous with Thom had given me plenty to think about during my boring days and even more to think about during lonely nights. My orgasms had been phenomenal. I'm a squirter and am used to making quite a mess. That week my orgasms had been so intense that one night I had actually found the floor beyond the foot of the bed needed to be cleaned up too.

Wednesday finally arrived and I was agonizingly wet all day long. I couldn’t wait to get to the parking garage. I wondered if he would show up. I suspected he would. As I pulled into the parking space from the previous week I saw his car and smiled to myself. I got out of the car and watched him as he walked to me. He seemed nervous, almost jittery. He kept looking around as if he was afraid someone would suddenly show up.

"Hi, I wasn’t sure if you would come," I said with a smile.

"I wasn’t sure I hadn’t dreamed it all," he chuckled as he came to stand next to me where I was leaning against my car.

I laughed and spun so I was in front of him. I pushed the length of my body against his and entwined my fingers in his shaggy hair, pulling his head down for a kiss as I ran my hand along the front of his jeans. It was the first time I had kissed him, which was odd since I'd already had two orgasms because of him. He was tentative and shy but as my tongue moved aggressively in search of his I felt him relax and fall into the moment. Our tongues anxious to find each other and our hot mouths pressed hard together. I felt him growing underneath his jeans. Ready for whatever I had to offer.

I pulled my mouth away and he was breathless. My body was still firmly pressed against his, pinning him to the car and my hand moved slowly up and down his erection, which was becoming more and more apparent.

"I see someone is ready for me," I said in a throaty voice, as I glanced down at the front of his jeans and started undoing his belt.

He immediately turned that shade of crimson I was coming to adore. "I, umm, should we maybe get inside the car?" He said looking around and nervously glancing toward his car. I was a little surprised because he hadn’t seemed nearly as nervous the last time. At least not after he realized I wasn’t going to kill him for watching me. Still I wanted him to be comfortable.

"Sure, we can get in the car. The car will be easier on my knees anyway." I smirked at him as he looked at me quizzically. "I thought I might repay you for your generosity last week." His eyes got wide with excitement but I also thought I noticed a touch of fear there as he looked around again.

I pull him away from the car door by the front of his pants and opened the back seat with my other hand. "Go ahead and climb in. Push yourself into the back corner like I did last time."

Without another word he scrambled into the backseat, only briefly glancing over his shoulder, towards the surrounding garage. Once he was settled where I told him to I slipped onto my knees on the floor of the backseat. I smiled up at him through hooded eyes as I finished undoing his belt. I started to push his pants down around his hips when he cleared his throat.

"Umm, do you need me to take my pants actually off? I mean I could…umm…just pull it out, right?" Again he glanced around nervously.

"Oh no honey, that just won't do. I said I wanted to repay you for last week's kindness and I can't do that if I can't get at all of you."

"Oh, okay, I didn’t realize. I just thought…"

"Relax, this is no different than last week except I'm the one on the floor. Now lift your hips a little so I can get to what I have been waiting for."

He looked towards his car again but finally complied letting out a long breath as if he had been holding it in. I slowly pulled his jeans and boxers down. Purposefully keeping his cock covered as long as possible to tease myself. I wasn’t sure what to expect. He was a geeky, scrawny college kid.

I wasn’t disappointed though. His cock wasn’t huge, I hadn’t expected huge, but it wasn’t small either. He was probably a good six or seven inches with a moderate circumference. It fit nicely in my hand as I slowly ran my thumb from the base of the shaft up over the tip. He gave a little shudder as I did so and I smiled to myself. He was shaved, and shaved well, which surprised me. I associate manscaping with more experienced men. There wasn’t a hair to be found until you reached his pale white thighs.

As I ran my fingers over the freshly shaved area I smiled. "Did you do this for me?"

"Well, I read online that women like that and since you don’t have any hair on your well you know…"

"On my pussy," I interrupted. "You can say it; I don’t have any hair on my hot, wet, pussy."

Flushing red again he responded, "Since you don’t have any hair on your pussy I thought you might like it if I shaved for you."

"Oh I like it very much", I replied as I leaned my head down and flicked my tongue across the hairless skin.

He trembled at the touch of my tongue. I looked up again as I took his balls in my hand and started massaging them. His eyes got wide and I slowly moved my hand up and wrapped it around the base of his penis. As I began to jerk him off I raised myself up and pulled his mouth towards mine. He hungrily shoved his tongue in my mouth, desperate to have me. I took his hand and placed it on my breast and he squeezed excitedly when he realized I wasn’t wearing bra. He slipped his hand inside the low v-cut neckline of my shirt and tweaked at my nipple, pinching it playfully. It was my turn to shudder now. For a boy who didn’t know what he was doing, he sure knew what he was doing.

Part of me wanted to rip my skirt above my hips and straddle him right there but I had promised myself I was going to show him what I could do for him orally this time. Tit for tat after all. Still it was hard to concentrate with his hand massaging my tit like that. Stilling kissing me hungrily, I could picture his teeth pulling at my nipple before his mouth devoured my breasts.

I pulled away from the kiss to regain my self-control and tightened my grip as I slid my hand up and down his cock. He fell back against the seat and groaned loudly as I ran my thumb over the sensitive tip.

"Do you like that?"

"Oh my God, you are amazing!" His head was back against the seat. His eyes were closed and I could see he was just relishing the moment.

"I'm glad you like it because it's about to get a whole lot better."

His head shot up, eyes open and I ran my tongue over the tip where some pre-cum had begun to pool. I circled the head with my tongue once or twice before finally taking him into my mouth. He groaned loudly as I moved my mouth up and down his shaft. I could have taken him all at once but instead I took him a little at a time. I could tell he liked the torment of the buildup. As I came closer to the base I opened my throat as much as I could forcing his head as far back as possible. As he reached the back I couldn’t help but groan myself and the feeling of my groan against his cock had him writhing in my mouth. I pushed just a little deeper, as far as I could go before slowly sliding my mouth back up along his shaft, lips wrapped tightly around it. Up and down I went his balls cupped in my hand as I tried to shove him further and further into the recesses of my throat.

I pulled away for a moment and circled the head of his cock with my tongue before licking all around it. I worked my way down and then flicked my tongue at his balls. I started bathing them with my tongue and then I took one into my mouth. He grabbed my hair tightly, painfully as he groaned, so I took the other one into my mouth too. I tightened my grip on his cock, jacking him off as I sucked on his balls.

Just listening to his reaction and feeling him throbbing in my mouth had me aching with desire. I was dripping wet and because of the position I was sitting in I could feel it dripping out of my pussy and onto my calves. Had we not been in my tiny little car unable to move I'd shoved my pussy in his face and demanded he eat me while I continued to devour his cock.

Releasing his balls from my mouth I again wrapped my lips around him. I focused on the head for a while, rolling my tongue around it inside my mouth before slamming him down into the back of my throat again. I looked up, planning to give him that sexy look that a woman can only give when she has your cock stuffed in her mouth. The look that says, "There is nothing I want more in this world right now than to be sucking your cock."

That was the look I was planning on giving him but I realized he wasn’t looking at me. He was looking out the window and he had that look of fear in his eyes again. I began to raise my head when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Panicking, I imagined campus police had discovered us. I could continue my program anywhere but I was going to get this poor boy expelled from school and all he would have to show for it was a blow job that wasn’t even finished yet. He was going to get expelled and he didn’t even get to cum.

When I turned my head I saw something much different than campus police. Instead I saw another college kid, only this was no kid. This was one of those big brawny jocks that I had seen working out in the gym. And he wasn’t hiding in the shadows; he was standing quite close to the car intently watching me as I sucked off Thom. He wasn’t embarrassed that he'd been caught and didn’t look the least bit apologetic as he stood there with his big arms crossed in front of his massive chest covered in a deliciously tight t-shirt.

I looked up at Thom, as I wiped my mouth with one hand, the other still wrapped around his dick. "This is why you've been so nervous isn't it? You knew he was there, didn’t you?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry," he stammered. "I didn’t want him to come but I was so excited after the last time I saw you and he's my roommate and I just had to tell someone. Only he didn’t believe me. He said I was making it all up. He said there was no way a gorgeous older woman had been masturbating in the parking garage, let alone that she would let me eat her out. He threated to lock me out of the room naked if I didn’t prove it to him."

I smiled at the compliment he had thrown in there without even realizing it. "I see," was all I said as I got off my knees and climbed out of the car. "Don’t move. I'm not done with you yet." He nodded at me and looked like he was on the verge of tears.

In the meantime his friend had walked around the car to the side where I was standing. "So you like to watch?" I asked calmly. "You like to watch after threating your defenseless roommate?"

His calm demeanor that he had been wearing when he was caught seemed to crack a little in the face of my own calmness. Like he had expected me to yell or scream or cry and didn’t know how to react to my simple question.

"I never would have actually locked him out naked. I wouldn’t do that to the poor kid. I thought he was just making up stories to impress me. I'm on the football team and he's had to sleep on the suite couch once or twice when I had company. I thought he was just trying to show me he was cool too."

"Cool like you that is, " I laughed. He frowned at my reaction. "You never answered my question."

"What question?"

"Do you like to watch?" I said, carefully enunciating each word like he was an idiot having trouble understanding me.

"Not usually, I mean I prefer to participate but I have to admit that was pretty hot. Even if it did mean looking at some other dude's cock."

"Jesus," I thought to myself, "he's one of those guys. This is going to be too much fun."

Smiling at him I said "Let me see it."

"Huh? Let you see what?"

I folded my arms over my chest in the position he had been standing in when I first saw him. I directed my eyes to the zipper on his jeans, raised my eyebrows and repeated myself more emphatically. "Let me see it."

"What right here? Now?" he stammered, his cocky façade officially broken.

"This parking garage was good enough for you to watch me suck off your friend. So why wouldn’t it be good enough for you to show me what you’ve got. I need to decide if it's worth my time."

"Worth your time? What do you mean, worth your time?" He could tell from my tone he'd been insulted but he still didn’t seem to grasp what I was saying.

"You said you prefer to participate, and since I was only planning on giving one blow job today, and have to be to class at seven, I would like to see what you have to offer, so I can decide if it's worth the extra time and effort to give a second one."

Understanding suddenly dawned across his face as the wheels started turning and he quickly fumbled to undo his belt and the fly of his jeans. He cursed under his breath as he struggled with the zipper before finally whipping it out. It was beautiful. Even mostly soft I could tell he had a very nice cock. A very nice, very large cock. I was already imagining the possibilities. I didn’t let any of this play across my face though. Instead I gave him a rather bored look and held out my hand. He looked at me confused before shuffling forward and placing it in my hand.

At that same moment I looked back at Thom as if what I was doing was completely inconsequential. "Thom, don’t you dare let that go soft! I'm not done with you yet." At the sound of my voice I saw Thom's cock jump slightly. He wrapped his hand around it working it back to full size while nodding emphatically. No slow reaction times there. Thom was definitely the brains of this duo.

I looked back at the lovely penis just sitting in the palm or my hand. I wrapped my fingers around it and stroked back and forth a little just to watch it start to grow. He was thick and at full erection he would be large too.

"This will do," I said boredly again as I dropped his dick and climbed back into the car. He stood there gawking, dick in his own hand now, confused by my assessment. As I straddled the hump between the floor boards of the backseat I looked at him and said "get in."

As he squeezed into my very small and very crowded back seat I looked back at Thom, who was still diligently keeping himself erect for me. "Don’t worry," I said seductively, "I still fully intend to repay you for last week. You deserve it, it was amazing."

Turning crimson and giving a sideways look at his friend he said, "Okay," with just a hint of a smile.

I looked at his friend, or roommate, I wasn’t really sure which and said, "You better start working on that thing. I've got to be to class by seven so you better be hard by the time I finish off Thom here." Then I looked away and slipped Thom back into my mouth. I could see in my peripheral vision that while he didn’t know what to make of me, he industriously started stroking himself instantaneously growing longer and thicker.

My promise had been to make Thom's night, so that was what I concentrated on. Sucking, licking, practically choking myself as I tried making it the best blow job Thom had ever had. Once again I looked up at him, to give him that look. Once again I discovered Thom wasn’t actually looking at me. To my surprise he was surreptitiously watching his friend, who was so busy trying to get himself fully hard, he hadn’t even noticed Thom watching him.

"Interesting," I thought to myself. "These two are going to be far more fun that I could have ever imagined." Then I took one of my fingers from the hand that was cupping his balls and slip it backwards along his sack until I felt the pucker of his asshole. I didn’t push in; I just lightly ran my finger back and forth around the hole. Thom was looking at me now and his eyes were huge. As my head bobbed up and down on this throbbing cock, I winked at him and pressed just a little harder on his asshole. That was all it took. Thom exploded into my mouth filling it with stream after stream of hot delicious cum. I swallowed every drop, groaning as he filled my mouth. When he was done, I dutifully licked him clean, knowing full well that no matter how much his friend wanted to look away; he was mesmerized watching my drag my tongue over every inch of Thom's cock and balls.

Chapter 5

I finished and looked up at Thom who had his head back against the seat and was obviously utterly satiated. My mission accomplished I turned my attention to his buddy. Fully hard he had slowed his stroking to observe me. Repositioning myself as best I could in the tight confines of my tiny little car I grabbed hold of his cock, shoving his hand aside. He gasped as I started stroking his massive penis. I'd expected he would large. No man could be as large as he was flaccid and not be huge. Still as my fingers curled around his cock I was surprised not only by the length but also the thickness of his beautiful member. This boy, this man, was going to stretch me further than I had ever been stretched. I doubted I'd be able to take the entire length inside of me. As I stroked him, I came up with such delicious plans for my two college boys.

I leaned my head in, hovering with my mouth open and my tongue just above his head. He sucked in air as he felt my hot breath on him, his penis twitching in my hand, desperate for what I was about to do. I breathed out a long hot breath and then I sat back on my heels and looked up at him. A look of desperate disappointment danced across his face.

"Why did you stop?" he asked urgently.

"I was just thinking," I paused, "Thom here gave me two amazing orgasms. One by the knowledge of his presence and the second with his very, very talented tongue." I glanced at Thom, who was recovering from his orgasm and smiled his crooked little smile at me. "You, however, have done nothing for me and you've threatened my friend Thom here."

My hand was still on his erection as he frantically said "No I told you I wasn’t serious. I never would have actually locked him out naked. I thought he was lying, I just wanted to scare him so he would tell me the truth."

I squeezed my hand on his cock, not enough to hurt him; just enough to imply that it was possible. "And had he told you it was all a lie, what then? Would you have mocked him mercilessly with your football buddies?"

"Umm, I guess so," he admitted pitifully.

"And yet you sit here, with you cock in my hand, having interrupted my fun with Thom, and expect me to pleasure you, having offered me nothing in return. Had you not arrived Thom would currently have either his face or his cock buried in my pussy right now and I would be getting what I need." I said all of this smiling inwardly, knowing full well I was going to suck him off. He was too far gone and would be in quite a bit of pain if I left his erection unattended at this point. No he would get what he wanted but I was going to get a promise out of him first; something that would be beneficial to me in the future.

"What do you want me to do? I'll do anything! If Thom gets out and sits up front I'll eat your pussy right now."

Thom's expression changed immediately. He didn’t like the idea that his roommate might take his place. "You're right," I said, "you will do anything I want, but not right now. Besides you don’t deserve to taste me yet. So here is what I propose. I'll suck you off now but in return you will owe me. At some point in the future I will ask you to do something, something you aren’t quite sure of, and you will agree, no questions asked."

"What kind of thing?"

"I'm not sure yet. As you have probably guessed by now my sexual proclivities are wide and varied. Something will strike my fancy and you will do it to me or for me." I leaned down and ran my tongue up the length of his cock, looking up at him as I did, giving him that look that I had twice failed to give Thom. Letting him believe I wanted nothing more than to have him shove his cock down my throat. "In addition, you will not torment Thom anymore, nor will any of your football buddies. It's time to grow up and learn to treat people humanely. High school is over my dear. You, me and Thom are going to become good friends and I'll show you both pleasure like you can't imagine." I lean down and licked him again and felt him shiver in my hand.

"Yes, when the time comes I'll do whatever you ask. No questions asked. Just please, don’t stop," he begged.

Licking him again I looked at Thom, "Anything you want to add Thom?"

"Umm, what are we going to tell his friends?"

"Good point. You two will tell his friends that I arrived and gave you a blow job. After I finished he came out from hiding, hoping for a turn. When I discovered your duplicity, I became irate, threw Thom out of the car and left. Basically your friends need to believe you ruined it for both of you. We can have a lot of fun together, the three of us, but I'm not about to become a cum receptacle for the entire football team. If I find out they know, we are done, no more fun for either of you. Agreed?"

"Agreed," they both chimed in unison.

At that I lowered my mouth to his cock wrapping my lips around it. I went down as far as I could go once and came back up taking him out of my mouth. His eyes showed his torment at my stopping. "One more thing," I said.

"What? Anything! You are killing me!"

I smiled coyly, "What's your name?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, "My name? My name is Chad."

"Nice to meet you Chad," I replied as I lowered my mouth back onto his massive throbbing cock.

Chapter 6

I left the boys shortly before 7pm. Both were satisfied but I was not. My lips were swollen and raw, my belly was full of their delicious cum, and my underwear were soaking wet. The idea of sitting through a three hour class with my ancient Civil Litigations professor was not high on my list. Still there was a reason I was there, and it wasn’t to sleep with college boys, so off I went to class.

I sat in my usual seat hoping my classmates had not noticed my swollen lips or the slight wet spot on the back of my skirt. The longer I waited the more annoyed I became. Our usually very prompt and very boring teacher was very late. As I sat there waiting I couldn’t help but think of the things Thom could be doing with his tongue or the possibilities that Chad might hold.

I found myself getting very worked up again when a gorgeous man strode casually through the door. He was tall and lean, with perfectly coifed black hair and a strong jaw. He wore well-fitting jeans, which gave me a perfect view of his ass, and a brown tweed blazer with corduroy elbow patches. Upon reaching the front of the class he turned to face us and I felt my insides quiver as he cast is eyes around the room. I bit my swollen lower lip as his eyes seemed to settle on me and I knew the wet spot on the back of my skirt was slightly bigger than it had been a moment before.

"Good Evening, I'm Jeffrey Hughes. Mr. Cole has taken ill and I will be taking over for the rest of the semester. I've been told he left off on chapter four but I think you will find I teach a little differently than he did. The money you spent on your books is a waste and I apologize for that. If you rented them return them now and maybe you can get some of your money back. Each week I'm going to pass around a case or two and we will discuss it throughout class. I’m not going to keep you here for three hours if there is nothing left to discuss. I'm here to teach but only so far as you want to learn."

And with that he began walking up and down the aisles handing a Lexis Nexis printout to each of us and getting our names. As he approached me I again bit down on my swollen lip. My attraction for this man was almost palatable. The college boys certainly had their appeal but something about this man told me he knew things, could teach me things. Distracted by my own thoughts I took the paper he handed me without offering my name.

"And your name, miss?"

"Oh sorry, my mind must have been somewhere else. I'm Sarah, Sarah Thompson," I smiled.

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Somewhere else indeed. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Thompson." As he said this, I could swear that his eyes raked over my body stopping briefly at the hemline of my skirt, then moving to the plunging neckline of my shirt, before finally resting on my swollen lips.

"It’s a pleasure to meet you too," I flushed.

He continued around the room handing out the cases to each of the students before beginning his lecture. I admit I was distracted during the lecture that night. I remember very little of what was discussed. I did manage to participate and show him I had a brain, unlike some of my fellow students.

He was engaging and skilled as a teacher, something I truly appreciated. My one complaint regarding the program was the teaching. The school touted the fact that all of the professors were actual lawyers, which seemed wonderful when I was joining the program. I had since discovered the downside to that, which is lawyers often don’t have a clue how to teach.

At the end of class he announced there would be an assignment. Half the class groaned. Honestly there were times when I didn’t understand why my fellow students even bothered to sign up for this program. It wasn’t that I was looking for tons of extra work but I'd spent a lot of money on these classes and I was there to learn.

"Your assignment is to pick a civil litigation case and write a memo on it. My understanding is you have all taken Legal Writing already, so you should be perfectly capable of putting together a two to three page memo. Now please don’t bore me with some mundane case about testamentary capacity or a title dispute on a real estate transaction. Find me something interesting to read about. Give me sex, drugs, rock and roll. I don’t really care, just give me something interesting. I will award 20 extra points to the person whose case I find most interesting. Those points can be applied to this assignment or any other assignment or test throughout the semester as you wish. Oh and you should know it’s totally subjective on my part. There will be no appeals regarding who had the most interesting topic. I decide, and there will be no questions asked. Your papers will be graded for content and writing skill but the bonus topic points will be awarded based on who can keep me the most interested. End of story."

I smiled as he said all of this. Suddenly my class had gone from completely boring to something much more fun. He wanted sex, drugs and rock n' roll, then he would get it. I had actually come across just the right case the other day, while researching another assignment. It was a contract dispute between a Dom and sub that had gone so far as to make it to the fourth DCA in Florida. The Dom had moved onto a new submissive and the sub had tried to enforce the contract in a court of law. Even though contracts regarding illegal acts cannot be enforced in a court of law the contract had been worded so well that no illegal acts were defined. The sub had enough legal knowledge to know she could get away with trying to enforce the terms, which included paying for her apartment and car for a period of 4 years. During the trial all sorts of sordid details about the D/s relationship had been revealed. I had no idea why, but something told me this would be just the type of case Professor Jeffrey Hughes would be interested in reading. For once, I couldn’t wait to get started on an assignment.

Chapter 7

Another week had passed, my assignment had been written and I was looking forward to getting out of work and playing with my new boy toys. I had texted Thom during the week and let him know the car was no longer sufficient. He and Chad needed to find me a bed to do it in, preferably one big enough for three, that would not attract the attention of Chad's football buddy friends. Thom had written back that there was a back entrance to the dorm and an unused room on the basement level. I had been skeptical but he had assured me it was very suited to our needs.

Apparently it had been designed as a suite for the head Resident Advisor but the school had realized having the head R.A. two floors below the students was not the most suitable location when it came to keeping order. While working the front desk in the dorm, he had come across the key pass to access the room. Thom was a bit of an amateur hacker and couldn’t resist the urge to see if he could clone the pass to get in the room. I told Thom that he and Chad should meet me at the back entrance to the dorm at 5:15pm and be ready to play.

When I arrived Thom was there waiting as instructed. Even through his jeans I could see he was definitely ready. Chad, however, was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t bother trying to hide my annoyance. I was looking forward to trying him out properly and wasn’t amused with the prospect of being disappointed.

"Where is Chad?"

"I have no idea," Thom said anxiously. "I told him this morning you said to be here and he couldn’t wait. He's never been very good about being on time though."

"Well he's going to need to learn to be on time if he wants to continue to play. I haven't got all day. Let’s go, you can show me where this secret room is," I said as I smiled suggestively.

"Without Chad?"

"Based on your past performance I think you can handle things without him. Do you think you need him to be able to perform?" I put it out there just wondering if he would admit that I was not the only one he was attracted to in this scenario.

"No, no," he stuttered, "I just...I think he will be upset. He was really excited about this."

"Well then he should have been on time. My pussy is dripping wet and I won’t wait around for him when I know you are more than capable of taking care of it for me."

"Ok, sure. Whatever you want me to do! Anything you say," Thom said anxiously.

I smiled and took his hand saying "that's exactly what I like to hear. Let’s go."

Thom led me through the doors, guiding me down a flight of stairs into a scarcely lit hallway, He pulled me behind him, obviously anxious to get to the room, which he advised me was all the way at the end of the hallway. As we got closer I worried a bit about my decision to let him choose the room. This was obviously the storage area of the dorm and I suspected the room he was leading me to would be as dingy and disgusting as the hallway we were now walking through. The idea of having sex in a dirty old dorm room was no higher on my list of things to do than it had been in college. As he opened the door and gestured for me to go through I realized Thom had once again surprised me. The two beds had been pushed together and were both covered with sheets, the floors had obviously been swept and I could see through the bathroom door that there was toilet paper and fresh towels provided.

He stood by the bed with his hands stuffed in his pockets, "It was kind of gross in here so I came in yesterday and cleaned up a bit. It’s not much but I had some extra sheets and towels, since my mom is a bit OCD and sent me here with way too much stuff. I know you have class after this and I thought maybe you would want to shower beforehand."

I walked over to him and softly kissed him on the lips before I pushed him down on what was now the equivalent of a king size bed. I straddled him pushing his hands up above his head and pinning him as I ground my hips down on his erection. He groaned and I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He greedily kissed me back. I shifted his wrists so I could pin them with my one hand and slipped my other hand down between my legs so I could undo his belt buckle.

Just as I managed to get his pants undone and free his cock from his jeans a knock on the door made both of us jump. I rolled off of him and he tucked himself back into his jeans. He motioned with his finger against his lips for me to be quiet as he walked to the door. Looking through the peephole he gave a visible sigh of relief and I realized Chad must have finally arrived. Thom opened the door and Chad sauntered in smiling.

"You're late," I stated bluntly.

"Sorry, I got tied up in something with the guys," he said unapologetically.

"Show up late again and I'll tie you up and leave you to figure out how to get free while Thom fucks my brains out. You are here for my pleasure. I suggest you keep that in mind or I will find a replacement for you."

"I’m sorry, it won’t happen again,” he mumbled. He obviously wasn’t used to a woman speaking to him that way. I was sure he was the dominant one in most of his relationships. Using girls and leaving them as he pleased. “How should we get started?" he asked.

My mind flashed to a scene from Heathers, one of my favorite movies. Veronica, the main character, suggests that the two men stand on either side of a circle and strip. Though the scene in the movie ended with both of the men dead, I figured I could end my scene any way I chose. "Strip," I said.

"Huh?" Chad looked at me quizzically. Thom, however, immediately started removing his clothes. Chad glanced and him before returning his gaze back to me.

"I said strip. You really are going to need to learn to take instruction better Chad if you plan to participate."

Chagrinned he started to remove his clothes. I sat back on the bed crossed my legs at the ankles and leaned back on my hands. Watching the two of them undress. It was sexy as hell have them in my control; knowing they were willing to do anything I said.

Once they were naked I motioned for Chad to come to me. "Get down on your knees and undress me. Starting with my boots." Thom looked a little disappointed but didn’t say a word. I smiled at his obedience and gave him a look that said he would be rewarded. Chad removed each of my boots, then my top. As he went to unhook my bra with one hand he attempted to grope my breast with the other. I slapped his hand startling him.

"I told you to undress me. I did not say you could touch me."

He frowned but unhooked my bra without further attempts before moving onto the button on my jeans. I stood as he removed them and then my underwear. He knelt below me almost panting and I smiled and said "Now you can go stand back over there and watch while Thom fucks me."

"What? Why?" he whined.

"Because you were late and because you continue to question me when I tell you what to do. Honestly Chad, have you had many concussions while playing football? Because you really seem to have trouble grasping the concept that I am in charge. You are here solely at my whim and I'm sure if I asked Thom could easily find me any number of other men or women who would be willing to participate and be capable following my rules. Now quietly go back and stand over there while Thom fucks me. Think of it like watching porn while you learn to be obedient."

He walked back to his pile of clothes on the floor with his shoulders slumped and Thom walked toward me. I put my hand behind his neck and pulled his mouth towards mine. I placed my other hand on his chest raking my nails down to his surprisingly cut abs. Moving backwards to the bed pulling him with me. I laid down and spread my legs wide so Chad could see just how wet my pussy was just before Thom blocked his view by stepping between my legs. Thom lowered himself over me, resting his weight on his long sinewy arms as I grabbed his cock and guided him in between my legs.

He was anxious and I could see the anticipation in his face as he slid inside me. He pushed slowly, cautiously until he was buried deep inside of me. He glanced over his shoulder a bit back towards Chad so I reached up and grabbed his face.

"Focus here, fuck me so hard we forget he is even in the room," I whispered to him. "I chose to make him wait his turn because I wanted to feel you inside me, feel your hands on my body and your tongue in my mouth. So if you have to think about him at all, think about how jealous he is that I chose to fuck his geeky little roommate before him."

He smiled and nodded before burying himself deep inside me over and over again. As he gained confidence he moved hard and faster. Supporting his weight with one hand he reached between us to rub his thumb over my clit. A wave of pleasure roared through me and I yelled out in delight. Thom closed his eyes as he thrust again and again and I took a moment to glance over at Chad. The look on his face as pure awe and he was slowly stroking himself as he watched Thom fuck me. I wrapped my legs around Thom's ass and ran my hands up my sides cupping my own breasts and pinching my nipples sending small jolts of pleasureful pain through me. A few more powerful strokes from Thom and an orgasm roiled through me. As the walls of my vagina clenched on his cock Thom groaned and spasmed before collapsing on top of me.

We laid there, breathing heavily, oblivious to the world around us until Chad cleared his throat causing Thom to roll off of me. Chad once again had a full view of my dripping wet pussy. Thom laid there next to me as I motioned for Chad to come over.

"Get down on your knees," I smiled. "You finally get to have a taste of me."

"You mean you want me to...," he paused, "to go down on you? After he..umm...had his...inside of you?

"Chad, you really just don’t get this do you? I expect you to do anything and everything I ask of you. This is a threesome, something I hope we can make regular. Something I hope we can all enjoy. But for this to work you have to be willing to do things outside your safe little box. You are going to touch me, he’s going to touch me, and sometimes you will both be touching me at once. Bodily fluids are going to mix and things are going to get very dirty, emphasis on dirty,” I paused. “Look if you aren’t into this that is okay. If this is too much for you I completely understand. I’ll even let you fuck me once now and you can be on your way, no hard feelings. Thom and I will find someone else to participate and no one besides us will ever know you walked away. I don’t want to push you into any experiences you aren’t ready for.”

Chad’s eyes had gotten bigger and bigger as I spoke. I had thrown in just a hint of questioning his manhood and I saw it hit home. He did not like it one bit. But I had meant every word I said and if he wanted to walk away, I would let him fuck me and that would be the end of it. He shook his head as if clearing a fog, glanced at Thom briefly, who was still recovering from his first round with me, and then Chad gave me his answer by shoving my legs wide open hard and burying his face in my pussy.

I admit I was relieved. I had plans for these boys and they were specific to the two boys. Chad tried to solely focus on my clit obviously aware that my vagina was still full of Thom’s cum. I pushed his head down further and told him to fuck me with his tongue. He paused for a moment but never said a word as he began to do exactly what I told him to. I relished the idea of him licking Thom’s cum out of me.

Thom was watching intently too, one hand on his cock, which was starting to get hard again. As Chad continued to eat my pussy I moved Thom’s hand aside and started stroking him. With my other hand I rubbed tiny circles around my clit. Thom shifted position and leaned over me taking one of my nipples into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, making it stand fully erect before biting down on it. As he did I screamed out, startling him and he tried to pull away. I took my hand off my clit and forced his face back down to my breasts.

“Don’t stop I moaned, either of you!”

Chad glanced up at me, smiled and moved back to my clit before shoving two fingers deep inside my pussy. I bucked at the sudden hard entrance and Chad shoved them even deeper. He immediately found the spot that would keep me moaning and squirming at his touch and focused on that as he sucked hard on my clit.

Thom kept his mouth on my breasts and used his hand to roll my other nipple between his fingers. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer and momentarily wondered if Thom had mentioned to Chad I was a squirter. I didn’t have time to think on it long though, as the heat built in my groin I exploded with pleasure, practically choking Chad as I came all over his face. I collapsed back on the bed releasing Thom’s cock and tried to catch my breath.

Both boys just looked at me in awe but also unsure what was next. “What time is it?” I asked.

“It’s only six,” Thom answers glancing at his watch, which seemed far too large on such a skinny wrist.

“Oh good,” I replied, “We still have time.”

“Time for what,” Chad asked.

“Time for you to fuck me of course”

“Oh,” Chad smiled widely.

“What is your favorite position?” I asked him curiously.

“Doggy-style,” he said. Yup, he definitely used to being dominant.

“Perfect!” I said. “Thom lay back on the bed. I can work on that erection of yours while Chad fucks me from behind.”

He shifted into position with his legs spread wide, as I placed myself between them, my face just above his cock. I lifted myself onto my knees, ass in the air, legs spread wide and my back arched low towards to the bed. I braced myself as Chad knelt behind me, grabbed my hips and started to press his monstrous cock inside me.

He took it slowly, obviously realizing he was larger than his roommate and not wanting to hurt me. Once he buried himself in me all the way to the base, I took Thom into my mouth. Quickly we got into a sort of rhythm of me sucking Thom’s cock at the same pace as Chad was pushing into me. I glanced up at Thom, who smiled down at me as he watched Chad slam himself into me over and over again. The only sounds were the slurping of me sucking Thom’s dick and Chad’s balls slapping against me over and over again.

“You can play with her ass,” Thom said unexpectedly.

“Huh?” Chad said, slightly losing the rhythm.

“She likes it when you play with her ass.”

“What do you mean,” Chad asked. “Like slap it and stuff? She likes to be spanked?”

Thom cleared his throat and said “Well I’m sure she likes that too but I meant you can play with her asshole. Like rub it and stuff. Stick your fingers inside.”

I’d have given anything to see Chad’s face at that moment but I had to miss it because I still had Thom’s cock in my mouth. I chuckled to myself as they talked over me, seeming to forget I was there. I bobbed my head down again, taking Thom into the back of my throat once before pulling away and looking over my shoulder.

“Thom is right, I do like having my ass slapped too, but I love having my asshole played with. Spit on it some to lubricate it and then do whatever you are comfortable with,” I said before taking Thom back into my mouth and into my throat.

Chad paused briefly before giving my ass a good thwack with his open palm. That one was going to leave a red mark, I hoped. Then I felt something warm and wet dribble into the crack of my ass and onto my asshole as Chad resumed his deep thrusts inside me.

At first he just circled it with his thumb some. I wiggled my ass arched my back further towards the bed to show my pleasure. As I did he pressed down a little, tentatively. He let it slip inside a little and I groaned over the mouthful of cock I was still sucking on.

“Take your index finger and slip it in her,” Thom said, surprising me with his instructions to Chad.

Chad, however, followed Thom’s instructions and slowly slid his finger into my ass and he continued to thrust his cock into my pussy. He finally pushed it all the way in and started moving it in rhythm with his hips. The tension of forcing his finger into me as my body tried to force him back out was sublime. As I started to get lost in the moment I had to stop sucking Thom off to avoid hurting him as I cried out over and over again.


I felt my pussy tighten around Chad as the spasms overtook me. He shoved his finger deep into my and practically lifted me off my knees with his last deep thrust as I exploded again.

We stayed there for a moment, while I recovered. Finally I said, “ok you can keep going now until you finish.”

Chad took his finger out of my ass, grabbing my hips as he thrust into me over and over again. His balls slapping against me faster and faster. I took Thom back in my mouth and resumed the blow job I had been giving him prior to my orgasm.

A moment later Chad spoke up, “You close Thom?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Wanna see if we can both cum in her at the same time?”

“Yeah that would be cool!”

I chuckled to myself again, realizing once how young these boys were.

Chad said “you ready?”

Thom nodded.

“On the count of three,” Chad moaned. “One, two…, three!”

As he said it, Thom’s cock exploded stream after stream of hot cum into my throat. “One, two, three…six, seven” I thought to myself as I counted the streams of hot cum hitting the back of my throat and losing count as I thought about the streams of hot cum shooting into my pussy.

When both cocks stopped twitching inside of me I rolled away from both men and onto my back. I couldn’t believe I had just done that. I had fantasized about it for years but never thought I would actually go through with it. I certainly didn’t think I would do it with two boys I met in a parking garage.

“What time is it?” I panted.

Thom responded again, “Six forty”

“Ok,” I said as I sat up. “Time for me to get ready for class.” I pushed myself off the bed and walked towards the shower, closing the bathroom door behind me. I stepped into the hot stream of water, letting it sluice down my body. Thom had graciously provided all the items necessary for me to wash my hair and clean up. I poured the body wash onto the loofa and ran it over my breasts and down my flat abs reliving the moment the boys had cum in me simultaneously.

Finally I was clean and walked back out wrapped in a towel to reclaim my clothes. Both boys had gotten dressed and Thom was straightening up the place.

“I’ll see you boys next week?” I questioned.

Both nodded eagerly in response.

“Good, I’ve got something fun in mind.” With that I got dressed and left for class.

Chapter 8

I had dressed with care that morning knowing I would be seeing Professor Hughs that night. I had chosen skin tight black leggings and a sweater dress that stopped just below my ass. I paired calf height leather boots with a silver chain belt and silver hoop earrings. I didn’t know why I felt the need to bother, he was a professor after all. He was probably married, though I had noted he didn’t wear a ring.

Still something about him set my insides on fire every time I thought about him. My memo had taken forever to write because I kept getting distracted as I thought about the way his jean clung to his ass. The tweed blazer seemed like a façade. I couldn’t help but picture him in jeans and a skin tight t-shirt. Or even better nothing at all.

The way he had entered the classroom and immediately taken charge led me to believe he was dominant. I kept imagining him calling me up to speak with him after class. Once all the other students had left he would grasp me roughly from behind, bending me over the desk at the front of the room. He would clasp my hands behind my back as he leaned over and whispered in my ear “Go ahead, tell me you don’t want it.”

“I can’t,” I would say. I’ve wanted it from the moment you walked in the room last week.”

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me!” I’d groan.

“Not good enough,” he’d say tightening his grip on my wrists as he pressed his erection against my ass. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to you to fuck me here, NOW! Please!” I would beg.

“Still not good enough.” He would slip a hand between my thighs rubbing back and forth, noting the very wet spot in the crotch of my leggings. “Tell me what you want!”

Breathing heavy, the aching between my legs becoming unbearable, I moaned. “Ohh please! I want you to rip my leggings down and shove your rock hard cock so deep into my pussy that I scream. I want you fuck me so hard I feel like I’m going to break in half. I’m begging you! Please fuck me!”

And with that, he would do exactly as I asked.

With that in mind, writing my paper was very slow. I also wanted to get the analysis right. This man obviously respected intelligence. The tone he had taken the previous week when someone asked a dumb question or gave an idiotic answer made that much clear. I wanted him to fuck me like a dirty whore but I also wanted him to respect me while he did so.

The case I was looking at had been tricky. The lower court had ruled in favor of the Dom citing the fact that a contract for illegal acts was unenforceable in the State of Florida. The sub had appealed stating that there was nothing in the contract regarding illegal acts. The contract had required the sub to quit her job and become the personal assistant to the Dom. She was required to travel with him at all times and tend to anything that he may need done. The contract listed general duties such as cooking, cleaning, picking up dry cleaning, secretarial work etc. It had also included a clause stating that the list of duties was not all inclusive and unspecified additional duties could arise at any time. In return, the Dom was required to cover the room and board of the sub and provide a weekly stipend of $500. The sub received one day off every other week with additional time off at the discretion of the Dom if her services were not required. The contract had been for a four year period, of which two years were remaining.

The Dom had made one fatal mistake when drafting the contract. He had not listed one single illegal act and he had given her the title of personal assistant. There was no reference to servitude of any kind. Presumably he was trying to ensure the contract was enforceable so she could not run off, but in doing so he had ultimately made the contract enforceable against himself. In the trial court, he had introduced their sexual relationship and her servitude as a way to negate the contract. The appeals court, however, had determined their sexual relationship to be irrelevant to the enforcement of the contract since there was no references to a required sexual relationship in the contract itself. The sub had claimed that the sexual relationship, while kinky and unconventional – in that it often involved multiple parties of the Dom’s choosing – had arisen completely independently of the contract for employment.

I couldn’t wait to see what kind of reaction my memo received from the professor. There was a chance that I was completely wrong about him and my paper would offend his sensibilities. I was pretty sure I was not wrong but I figured even if I was, and he gave me a terrible grade, I could argue my way out of it as long as my analysis of the case was sound. I had followed the instructions of the assignment to the letter. It had just taken me longer than usual because I was so busy picturing him fucking my brains out.

As class ended that evening I waited until all the other students were ahead of me so I was the last person the hand in the assignment. I smiled as I handed it to him. His fingers brushed against mine and it was like a jolt of electricity shot straight up my arm and down to my core. Never had I been as instantly wet as I was at that moment. I bit my lip to keep from saying how much I wanted him to fuck me. When I realized he had felt the same jolt I had I bit my lip even harder.

“I hope it is what you were looking for,” I said over my shoulder as I walked away.

Chapter 9

The next week went by extremely quickly. I was transferred to a new position in my company. It still wasn’t using my skills to the fullest extent but it was far less mind-numbing and with so many new things to learn I had very little time to think about either my boys or my professor. Before I knew it Wednesday was upon me.

I was a bundle of nerves. I was feeling less and less confident that I had read the professor correctly. If I was wrong then I had completely outed myself as a sexual miscreant. Even if I was right, I was just a student and it was highly unlikely that he would take notice of me. I was going to have to spend the rest of the semester facing this man weekly. What had I been thinking?

On top of that I wanted to try something I had never done before with the boys. I had seen it done in movies. Seeing it and doing it were two very different things. I knew it would be awkward, getting the position right. If I didn’t enjoy it, but they did, it would be awkward to stop, since I was the one who suggested we try it.

That morning I opted for a black skirt that landed about three inches above the knee and black cotton top with a very low v-neck. Underneath I wore a hot pink bra with black lace that added at least two cup sizes to my chest, so I was practically falling out of my v-neck if I bent over. Under the skirt was a matching set of panties that had nothing more than a thin strip of lace going up the back. Silver stillettos and some tasteful silver jewelry finished the outfit off. I threw a sweater over it just to make sure no one at work said anything. Not that I had much to worry about. Some of the girls in the office seemed to have no understanding of what work appropriate attire meant. Even with the push up bra I was still far more tastefully dressed than many.

Even with all the new stuff I was learning at work the day seemed to drag. I wasn’t sure if I was looking forward to the time with the boys or seeing the professor’s reaction more. Regardless the boys were up first.

I arrived at 5:15pm and both Thom and Chad were waiting at the door for me. It seemed Chad was finally starting to figure this out.

“Good evening boys,” I said greeting to them.

“Hey,” they responded in unison as I followed them into the dorm and down the filthy corridor to our secret retreat. Thom had obviously cleaned up because the sheets were a different color.

As I closed the door behind me I leaned against it and asked, “Are you ready to have some fun?”

“Can’t wait!” Chad responded enthusiastically.

“Whatever you like, Sarah,” Thom answered.

“Just what I like to hear Thom,” I chuckled and walked over to him wrapping my arms around him and shoving my tongue into his mouth. “Give me a minute to go get freshened up and I’ll be right back. I expect you both to be naked when I come out.”

I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Quickly I took off my skirt and top, leaving me in just my lingerie and the stilettos. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do, but since I had two boys readily at my disposal I said “fuck it,” took a deep breath and opened the door.

Both boys were naked as instructed and sitting as far as possible from each other on the bed looking extremely awkward. When Thom looked up at me he gasped slightly. Chad gave a low whistle and started rubbing his cock. I don’t think he was even aware that he was doing it.

I walked over to the bed so I was standing directly between them. Reaching behind my back I unhooked my bra and dropped it to the floor. Both of them kept their eyes glued to me and I slowly turned around, looking over my shoulder and lowered my panties to the floor by bending at the hip, giving them a clear view of both my ass and pussy. I stood up again turning to face them in nothing but my heels. Thom was also rubbing himself by this time and looking to be on the verge of physically drooling.

I sat down on the bed between them and laid back, my hands cupping my own breasts, pinching my nipples and my legs spread wide, my feet still on the floor. I released my own breasts, slid my hands down my abs, and slid my finger deep inside myself. I then pulled it out bringing it back up to my lips and sucking my own juices off it as each of them eagerly watched.

I grabbed each of their hands and placed them on my breasts. “One for each,” I giggled.

Neither said a word as Thom started rolling my nipple between his fingers and Chad started massaging my entire breast with his large rough hands. I grabbed Chad by the back of the neck and pulled him in for a long hot kiss. I kept my hand on his neck as I turned to Thom and proceeded to kiss him too. With my hands on both of their necks, I pushed both of their heads down towards my breasts and they each proceeded to take a nipple into their mouths.

It was an interesting feeling having both of them doing it at the same time. They had different technics. Thom was gentler, swirling around my nipple with his tongue and occasionally clamping down slightly with his teeth. Chad seemed like he was trying to devour me. He was hard and sloppy but not unpleasantly. I relished the experience for a few moments.

Eventually I took Thom’s hand and placed his finger over my clit, indicating the circular motion I wanted him to take. He followed my unspoken instructions without thought, then I reached for Chad’s hand. I had him reach lower and slid a finger deep inside of me. I realized I wanted more and indicated Chad should use two fingers and push as deep as he could with each thrust.

I relaxed and tried to just take in the experience of having both of them on my breasts and my cunt all at once. After a moment I reached out to either side of me and started stroking them both. It was hard to keep up a rhythm since I was so focused on the experience of what they were doing to me, but I managed.

Quickly I was writhing under their joint touch and begging them to press harder, bite harder, do everything harder. Both obliged and I arched my back as I began to spasm over and over again, cumming all over the bed.

As I collapsed underneath their mouths they both pulled away as I continued to gasp. “That was amazing boys! Far better than I even imagined. I want you both to lick me now.”

“How do we do that?” Chad asked. “I mean we umm… can’t really fit both of our heads between your legs. Can we?”

“Well there are ways but that’s not what I am talking about in this case. Chad lay on your back and I’m going to straddle your face, like we are going to do 69.”

“Are we going to 69?” he interrupted, with a giant smile on his face.

“We will see. I’m more concerned with both of you pleasuring me right now but you will get your turn so don’t worry.”

“Ok but if you are sitting on my face, how is Thom going to be licking you too?”

“I’m going to kneel on the floor behind you guys and lick her ass,” Thom said matter-of-factly. I smiled at him and nodded.

“Really? You’re going to eat out her asshole? Isn’t that kind of gross?” Chad cringed as he said it.

“No, it’s not,” I replied. “The whole thing is a major turn on for me. You will be doing it at some point too. Just not today. Understood?”

“Yes, anything you want.” He responded a bit put out.

He laid back and I swung my leg over his head before lowering my pussy onto is face. For a moment or two I pushed myself down on him so hard that the only thing he would be able to breathe in was my pussy. He didn’t fight back but instead grabbed my hips and pushed his face even deeper into my hot depths while started working on me with his tongue.

I mewed a bit before leaning myself forward on all fours to give Thom access to my ass. He surprised me by suddenly shoving his finger hard and fast directly into my asshole and working it around a bit. I yelped but it turned into a groan as he began to move it around.

“Just wanted to open you up a bit,” he chuckled before pulling it out and placing his mouth where his finger had just been and sucking hard then circling the rim before forcing his pleasantly long tongue as far inside me as he could.

Chad was alternating between sucking on my clit and pushing his tongue inside my vagina. He reached up with one hand to fondle my breasts. I moaned loudly as the two of them went to town on me. This was better than I could have possibly imagined. Every inch of my body seemed to be tingling with pleasure.

In the position I was in Chad’s monstrous penis was directly in front of my face. I figured while I was there I might as well give him a bit of a thrill too and slid his cock into my mouth. He groaned against me sending vibrations against my clit and I shuddered.

Pulling my mouth off his penis, I could barely get out the words as I moaned “Oh my God, do that again!”

He obliged and moaned against me again as I took him back into my mouth. I couldn’t come anywhere close to taking all of Chad into my mout, so I also worked him with my hand as the two of them sucked and fucked me with their tongues.

Thom seemed to really be enjoying himself and gave me a hard slap on the ass before ramming a finger inside me. I screamed out as I came all over Chad’s face collapsing on top of him as Tom continued to twist his figure back and forth inside me.

Eventually Tom stopped and I was able to recover enough to roll off of Chad. I laid on the bed panting as they both stared at me. Thom seemed to be in awe but I could tell Chad was worried that I was done and he wasn’t going to get off before I left.

“Ok boys, one more thing to try.” Chad seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as I said this. “Chad lay back again so I can get on top of you. Either of you ever tried DP?”

“Umm…no, I’ve never done anything we’ve done today.” Chad mumbled. “Me and a few of the guys from the team took turns on one of the cheerleaders one night, but she would only let one of us in the room with her at a time.”

“Trust me, if she’s doing that already, she’s working her way up to what we are about to do. I admit I’ve never done this either so I’m not sure how it will go. Chad you will be on the bottom in my pussy and Thom you will be in my ass from behind. If it doesn’t work out, I will fuck you both separately so you both get off before I head to class.”

“Ok but how come Thom gets to fuck you up the ass? I’ve always wanted to try that,” Chad said.

“Because Thom was the one who took the time to lick it,” I said and leaning in to suck on his earlobe I whispered, “and because I’m afraid that monstrosity of a penis attached to you might rip me apart back there. I already know if fits nicely inside the other hole.” He smiled as slid myself down onto his cock.

I rocked back and forth a bit enjoying the feeling of him inside me. He was so big I wasn’t sure this whole thing was going to work. I already felt very full so to speak. Finally, I leaned forward so my chest was pressed against his.

“You will need to spread your legs a bit so Tom can get close enough to slide it in my ass. Thom take it slow as you push inside me. I have a feeling this is going to hurt at first.”

“I will, Sarah. I promise,” Thom responded.

“It’s kind of weird having a guy standing between my legs, even if you are between us,” Chad mumbled.

“Then I bet it’s going to be even weirder when you feel his penis rubbing against yours inside me with only a thin piece of skin separating you,” I laughed and wiggled my hips a little.

Chad gulped and said “yeah” just as Thom started to slowly push inside me. Thom took some of the lube I had placed next to the bed and drizzled it into the crack of my ass and onto his cock as he slowly pushed further and further.

I was right it did hurt. I bit down on my lip and buried my face in Chad’s neck so he couldn’t see the look of pain on my face. I needed Thom to push all the way inside of me before I gave up on this. Anal always hurts at first and I figured this was just like that only more so.

Thom continued to slowly push in. When he got to what I figured was about half way, he asked if I was ok. I indicated I was, and he pressed on. Finally both he and Chad were buried completely inside of me.

“Ok just give me a second to relax and adjust to this,” I said. I took a couple deep breaths, willing myself to relax. I wanted this and I could stop it at any time. I adjusted my hips a little and some of the pressure in my anus seemed to ease a bit.

“Chad slowly start to rock your hips back and forth. Thom just hold still for a bit.”

Chad did as he was instructed and a weird but mostly pleasurable feeling started to hit me down low.

“Whoa! That’s weird!” Chad exclaimed. “I think I can feel Thom’s thing against mine.”

“Does it feel bad?” I asked curiously.

“No, not bad. Just weird. I don’t want to think about it too much, it’s kind of freaking me out.”

“Ok, just think about the fact that your cock is buried in my pussy,” I laughed. “Thom, I want you to start moving but I want you to try to match Chad’s thrusts. I want you both shoving in and pulling out at the same time. But be careful not to pull out too far. One of you slips out and we are done with this. Okay?”

“Sure Sarah,” Thom said slowly starting to move his hips back in forth in time with Chad. “Chad is right, it does feel weird but not bad. It’s amazing really. Everything is so much tighter and…” he paused and moaned, “oh my god it’s so intense when I feel the head of Chad’s cock rub past mine. How does it feel for you? Are we hurting you?”

“It hurt at first but now I am starting to enjoy it…a lot,” I groaned. “You can move a little faster if you want.”

Both of them picked up the pace and waves of pleasure started to move through me. I could feel them both inside of me. Rubbing against each other at the top of the stroke through the thin membrane of skin separating them. I was so full inside and yet it felt so absolutely right. Thom’s balls were slapping against my ass with each thrust. To maintain the position I knew he was forced to stand right up against Chad’s legs, which were spread and hanging over the side of the bed. Though we hadn’t discussed it yet I knew any contact with Chad was turning Thom on. I was certain feeling Chad rubbing against him inside me had his balls boiling.

I reached behind me and took one of Thom’s hands bringing it forward to my breast. I leaned forward kissing Chad deeply, our tongues intertwining, as I pinned Thom’s hand been our chests. The idea of helping Thom to have more physical contact with Chad and forcing Chad to have more physical contact was enthralling. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. Here I was in this dingy dorm room with these two boys, not even old enough to drink, with their cocks ramming into me over and over again. Good girls didn’t do things like this. This was the stuff porn movies were made. But then I’d stopped being a good girl a while ago. I was going to do everything I could to corrupt these two boys and make them do everything I’d ever fantasized about to me and with me.

I focused on the feeling of their cocks rubbing together inside of me. Every thrust forcing Chad against my g-spot. Screaming out as they thrust faster and deeper. So many feelings inside me all at once. “Oh my god!” I cried out. “I’m going to cum!”

“Me too,” Chad yelled.

“Thom…” but I couldn’t finish the sentence. In that moment my world exploded. Every muscle in my body tightened. My vaginal and anal walls contracting as their pulsing cocks shot stream after stream of hot cum inside me. It just kept going, shockwave after shockwave rolling through me again and again as I trembled between these two men. Our bodies were glistening with sweat as the three of collapsed in a heap. Even as we lay there I could still feel their cocks twitching inside of me. I was exhausted and they were starting to shrink but I didn’t want the feeling of fullness inside of me to be gone.

Finally Thom slide off of me breathless. “That. Was. The. Most. Amazing. Thing. I’ve. Ever. Experienced,” He gasped.

“Incredible!” Chad muttered.

“You boys really outdid yourselves. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced an orgasm so mind blowing. I’m exhausted. How long do I have until I have to leave?”

Chad glanced at his watch and said “its only about 6pm actually.”

“Really? Wow, three mind blowing orgasms in less than an hour. I think that’s a new record for me. I hate to admit it but I don’t think I have another round in me even though we have plenty of time.”

“I’m spent too,” Thom admitted.

“Actually I kind of need to go if we are done,” Chad mumbled. I got a paper due tomorrow and coach told me if I get less than a B he’s gonna bench me. I’m really sorry, I’ll stay if you want. I know this is your time but…”

“Its fine,” I interrupted. I’m not going to keep you from your studies to lay here and do nothing. Go, do what you need to do. I’ll see you next Wednesday at 5:15pm. I’ve got something really special in mind.”

“What could possibly be more special than this?” He questioned.

“You’ll see,” I smiled seductively. Chad didn’t know it but it was time to start working on Thom’s little secret desires.

Chad got dressed and left but I still had plenty of time before I needed to shower and I was exhausted. “Thom, would you mind if we just took a short nap?”

“No not at all. Can I umm…hold you?”

“You’d better!” I said as I kissed him. I curled up on my side and after setting an alarm for a half hour later he pulled a blanket up over us and wrapped his arms around me. Almost immediately I drifted off in his arms.


2015-05-02 15:03:02
Would love a part 2!!!


2015-03-07 20:44:44
Indeed! More. This was wonderful

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-28 21:53:50
wow get me off twice more please

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-28 13:02:57
astounding in every way possible, You are so amazing in detail, as I read I can imagine every scenario, place myself in the story, since I have been reading since the first word was wrote, I deeply intrigued to see how the story plays out, I am relating to the professors character and the thought of how he is going to make it out has me in suspense! Keep up the great work

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-28 05:23:42
Excellent story! I am a voracious reader on this site and your story ranks in the top 10! I cannot wait for the sequel!

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