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Kimber and Jonath go up against a giant squid for the next stone.

Kimber and Jonath stood in the sand, with the newly risen sun behind them, looking out at the waves as they lapped against the shore. It was the end of a long journey, which had indeed included some ogre-slaying, as well as a generous amount of sex between the two of them. Sometimes Kimber remained human for that, but more often she used her cat form. Jonath's gentle touch across her fur was astonishingly addictive, and for him as well.

"Magnificent. As far as the eye can see. So this water stone you have been tasked to find is here?" Jonath asked.

"Yes. Out there, can you see it?" Kimber said, pointing.

Jonath peered into the distance across the endless ocean. "I think so. Some kind of spire? An errant rock formation perhaps?"

"It is in fact the tallest tower of a sunken castle. This kingdom was once ruled from here, a castle built along the shore on a outcropping of good, solid rock. Then one day, some sort of cataclysm struck and the sea claimed both the castle and a good part of the land surrounding it. Legend has it the king at the time did something to offend the Gods. This area maintains a reputation in these parts for being cursed, and the locals tend to avoid it. Apparently, while it still stood above the water, it was the recipient and keeper of the stone," Kimber explained.

"Any idea where in the castle it's located?" Jonath said.

"None at all. It's a lot larger than that temple was. It may take some time to search. Do you want to swim out there with me?" Kimber asked.

"I would be delighted to accompany you, although I'm not a practiced diver, I may not be of much assistance." Jonath replied.

Kimber smiled and said, "Don't be silly, I'm not expecting you to help me look." At that, she set her knapsack down, then laid down in the sand at the water's edge and touched the fish symbol on her medallion. The usual glow overtook her body, and when it receded her legs were joined together, covered in shimmering silvery-blue scales, and ended in a large tail fin where her feet used to be. Curly blonde hair flowed halfway down her back. Her eyes were as blue as the water, and on either side of her neck was a series of three slits that pulsed open and closed. Her breasts were positively enormous, the largest Jonath had ever seen on a slender woman. Her nipples were barely covered by a pair of small scallop shells, scarcely larger than her areolae, that were held somewhat loosely in place by strings of pearls that ran between them, around her back, and over her shoulders. Jonath gaped at the sight. "Close your mouth, you can't fuck me like this, mermaids don't have a pussy," Kimber said, smiling even wider now.

"Well, yes, but, but, wow!" Jonath stammered.

"Oh, alright, I'm sure we can find some way to calm down your big, hard, cock," Kimber winked and then rolled herself into the water far enough that she could swim properly. "The water feels wonderful! Get your clothes off and get in here!" she shouted. Jonath disrobed, revealing that his cock was indeed hard and ready. He pulled a rope from his pack and tied his bow and quiver to his back before wading into the water. Kimber laughed. "Always prepared for anything, aren't you? Here, take my hand." Jonath did as instructed and was startled as Kimber started pulling him through the water with incredible speed.

About halfway to the castle, Kimber slowed and then stopped. Jonath treaded water while Kimber floated beside him, her hair now slicked back wet, and her gigantic breasts floating in front of her, not subject to the pull of gravity while in the water. She moved close and gave him a peck on the lips, and said, "Now take a deep breath, and don't close your eyes." He gulped in as much air as he could, and Kimber dove beneath the surface, pulling him down after her. The sight he beheld was even more wondrous than on the surface. The sea floor below them was teeming with life. Plants of various shapes and sizes waved from side to side. Schools of brightly colored fish swam among them. There were strange growths that were forked like a multitude of deer antlers, they looked like stone but he imagined they must be some living, growing thing. It was positively the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life, with the possible exception of his diving companion, in all the shapes her body could take on.

He looked over at Kimber. She was smiling broadly, and her hair floated freely around her head. He felt his cock stiffening again. He also suddenly realized he needed air, as the urges of his lungs overcame his awe. He let go of her hand and started floating back towards the surface, and kicked his legs to help speed his ascent. He took a grateful breath as soon he arrived. Moments later, Kimber burst out of the water, leaping through the air, and dove back under. She did it twice more and then swam up close to Jonath. "Having fun?" he asked.

"Not as much fun as we're about to," she said, and pulled him in for a deep kiss, her breasts squeezing against his chest. When their lips finally parted, she pulled away slightly and tugged the scallop shells up to her collarbone, next to the medallion. Jonath wasted no time in placing his hands on her breasts, rubbing and fondling. Kimber leaned back to lift them out of the water more, and Jonath leaned in to suck and lick her nipples. They tasted of ocean salt, of course, but he didn't mind one bit. He let his hands roam downward, running them over the scales where her legs would normally be. Kimber moaned quietly in appreciation.

She reached out, took hold of his hard cock, and gave it a gentle squeeze. Then she leaned back all the way, plunging her head into the water. Her tail came up and then disappeared under the water as she swam down beneath Jonath. She righted herself and came back up head first, but stopped short of the surface. She grabbed his cock again and guided it into her ample cleavage. She pushed her breasts together and as Jonath felt them tighten around it he started thrusting his hips, fucking her mermaid titties. The pleasurable stimulation made him moan aloud.
After several minutes of this, Kimber released her tits and lowered herself ever so slightly, and took Jonath's cock into her mouth. She sucked it down greedily, her nose buried in his damp hair. She was pleasantly surprised that this was much easier to do when she didn't have to breathe with her nose or mouth, instead her gills sustaining her. She held onto his hips and bobbed her head back and forth, fucking his cock deep into her throat. It wasn't long before she felt him shudder and tasted his warm, salty cum in her mouth, not too much different from the ocean itself. She swallowed every bit of it and rose up through the water. Jonath watched as her face emerged slowly, first her sparkling eyes, then her nose, and finally her luscious mouth. "So how was that? Do you like the ocean so far?"

"I have no words," Jonath replied.

- - -

Due to the aquatic aptitude of Kimber's mermaid tail, they made the rest of the distance to the castle quickly. They discovered that the roof of the section of castle adjacent to the tower was only a couple feet beneath the surface, so Jonath was able to stand comfortably. The tower loomed over them now, they could see there were small windows all the way around at the top, beneath the conical spire. "It must have been an excellent vantage point for spotting approaching visitors from both land and sea," Jonath observed. The remains of the castle beneath them were still quite majestic, though completely overgrown with sea life.

"Time to go exploring," Kimber said. "This is always my favorite part. Will you be alright here by yourself for a while?"

"It's a pleasant day and we seem to be alone out here, I don't see why not," Jonath replied.

"Hopefully it won't take too long to find where they hid the stone," Kimber said before disappearing beneath the water. She swam down into the remains of the courtyard, found a door that was stuck open, and entered the castle. The great hall was easiest to find, even with the untold generations of sea life taking it over, the majesty of the room was undeniable. She began methodically swimming down the various passageways, doing her best to mentally map out the building as she went: the kitchen area, servants' quarters, and so on. Though architectural stylings had changed, the needs of a family of nobles remained the same as always.

She swam down a stairway to a lower level. The light was much dimmer, only a few rays of sunlight were able to penetrate both the water and the small windows just below the ceiling. It might be a good place for a treasure storeroom, however, or perhaps just some dungeon cells. She suddenly sensed movement in the water near her. She started to turn to see what it was, but the tentacle was upon her before she had the chance. It wrapped around her tail where her hips would normally be, and then around her midsection, and up to her breasts. It pulled her closer to its owner, she could see now it was the arm of a rather large squid. The clubbed end landed on one of her tits and she could feel the cling of the suckers on her skin. She let out an underwater scream, both from the surprise of the beast and the sudden sensation.

She drew her dagger from its sheath just in time before the squid took hold of her arms with its shorter tentacles. She struggled against them, trying to maneuver the blade to somewhere it could do some useful damage. The squid continued its assault, catching her by surprise again as it slipped a tentacle into her mouth, and then pushed it down her throat. She could feel the tip of it squirming inside her, halfway down to her stomach. Jonath's cock still somewhat fresh in her mind, she instinctively starting sucking on it, while the tentacle's own suckers stuck to her tongue. Maybe she was just getting caught up in the moment, but it even seemed like the overgrown cephalopod was doing a really nice job fondling her ample breasts with both of its main arms. It had already eased her scallop shells away from their place and had managed to plant its suckers directly on her nipples. She closed her eyes and moaned.

The squid yanked her in closer again, she opened her eyes and could see its mouth drawing closer. Time to get serious. Rather than pulling away, she twisted her body around and used her tail to thrust her towards the squid. This caught it off guard enough she was able to plunge the dagger into its flesh. At the same time she bit down as hard as she could on the tentacle in her mouth. The squid thrashed and released its dark ink into the water. Its grip on her body, tits, and arms loosened just enough that she was able to pull the tentacles off and squirm free. She yanked the tentacle out of her throat and swam blind back towards the stairway and returned to the main level. If she had been breathing air it would have been deep, heavy breaths, both from the close call and from the stimulation. She wanted to go back to the safety of Jonath's arms and fuck, but there would be time for that later. She still had a stone to find.

- - -

It was taking longer than she'd expected. As far as Kimber could tell, she had explored nearly every room in the castle with no luck. She was running out of places to look. She swam through a doorway she had not yet checked, but only found a small, empty room. Something seemed different here, though. Then she realized what it was. She couldn't see the ceiling. She swam straight up and broke through to air. The walls continued upwards with windows at the top. There were signs that there had once been a floor up there with stairs leading up to it. She'd found the tower. She called out, "Jonath!"

"Kimber! Is that you? Where are you?" she heard in return.

"Here, in the tower!" she shouted back, straining her neck to project her voice up through the windows.

"Ah, of course. Any luck finding the water stone?" Jonath yelled.

"Unfortunately not, but I'm not ready to give up just..." Kimber paused, then muttered, "Son of a bitch." Shouting again, she said, "It's in here! At the top of the tower!" So it was. She had just spotted it, blue in color, tucked in an alcove high above her. It looked like it had originally been hidden by the ceiling, long since rotted away.

"That's great! Can you get to it?" Jonath asked.
Kimber considered it. The walls didn't have any decent handholds, not even for cat claws. There was nothing for a snake to slither up on. The space was too narrow for flying as well. "Not without a rope or something!" she called back.

"No problem! Hold on!" Jonath replied. Kimber heard a few unsuccessful attempts of a bundle of rope hitting the outside of the tower, along with Jonath uttering some mild oaths in frustration, before the rope finally hit its mark and unfurled down to her from one of the windows. "You climb, I'll pull!" Jonath shouted. Kimber took the dangling end and tied it around herself under her arms. She touched the fish on her medallion and returned to human form, then braced her legs against the wall under the window.

"Ready!" Kimber shouted. The rope pulled taut and she started to walk up the wall. Suddenly, she heard a splash beneath her, and two long arms reached up and took hold of hers. She screamed as the squid pulled her back down towards the water. The rope pulled tight again with her head barely above water, Jonath clearly hadn't been prepared for the sudden yank on the rope but had recovered it just barely in time.

"What happened? What's wrong?" he shouted.

"There's a fucking giant squid in here that wants a piece of me! Shit! I can't reach my dagger or the medallion!" Her arms were completely helpless, held tight by the squid pulling down on them. The clubbed tips ripped her tunic open and resumed their previous assault on her breasts. The squid's tentacles reached up to her legs and crawled over her thighs. They made their way to her waist and discovered the top of her trousers. They promptly moved inside them and pulled down, ripping the trousers apart. Her remaining undergarments were just as easily removed, exposing her pussy to the oceanic monster. The tentacles grabbed her now bare legs and spread them apart, and Kimber could feel a tentacle moving across the outer folds of her sex, the suckers pulling on her lips and her clit. "Shit, get away from there!" she demanded, before a small involuntary moan escaped her lips.

The tentacle continued its examination of her nether region and eventually discovered her fuck hole. "Oh noooo, no no stop you accursed thing!" Kimber cried as the tentacle pushed inside her pussy. The squid forced the tentacle into her, thrusting it over and over, pushing deeper each time. She could feel her cunt filling up with it, the tentacle reaching greater depths than any man's cock ever could, before long she was stuffed all the way full. The squid continued thrusting however, trying to get it further in. Kimber was moaning continuously now, in a mix of panic and unwanted pleasure, as she struggled to keep drawing breath as the water splashed at her cheeks.

Another tentacle explored up her backside, and it discovered her asshole. "Fuck no, not in there too, dammit! Aaaaahhhh!" Kimber screamed. The squid paid her no heed, and the tentacle jammed up her rear passage, slowly but surely filling her ass. Eventually it felt like it was even deeper up her back entry than the one fucking her pussy.

"My word, what's going on down there?" Jonath said, his voice echoing down the tower from the window, where his head was poking in.
"Jonath! Help me! It's trying to drag me under and fucking me in both hoooooles!" Kimber moaned back.

"That's... certainly unexpected. Alright, hold on." Jonath pulled his head back outside and maneuvered his bow through the window in its place, then notched an arrow and pulled back.

"Hurry! Oh shit, the Godsdammed thing is going to make me cum! Fuck! Fuck!" She had been trying to resist it, but the orgasm building within her could no longer be denied. She shrieked as her body tensed within the grip of the squid's arms and tentacles, and Jonath's arrow plunged into the water beside her, then floated back to the surface. She panted and then coughed as she took in a mouthful of salt water.

"Shit, I can't quite see what I'm shooting at, and the water is problematic," Jonath said as he loosed another arrow down the tower. It hit the water inches away from Kimber on her right side. She tugged with all her might on her restrained arm and managed to catch it in her hand as it lost the last of its downward momentum. She aimed the arrow at her leg and stabbed it several times into the tentacle holding it, then bent her wrist and sliced the arrowhead as best she could across the arm wrapped around her forearm. The squid thrashed wildly in the water beneath her, but she could feel it starting to release her. She gave it more encouragement by jamming the arrow into its flesh again, including into the tentacle that was still buried deep in her pussy. Finally it pulled out of her, let go, and retreated back into the depths of the castle. Kimber floated up to the surface on her back, exhausted.

"Well done," Jonath said, jutting his head back in through the window. "Are you unharmed?"

Kimber breathed deeply as her body recovered from the excitement and exertion. "The only damage is to my maidenhood, and certainly not for the first time. I'll be fine." Her clothing was ruined in addition, but that was of minor concern.

"Thank the Gods for that," Jonath said. "Well then, where did you say that stone was? Wait, never mind, I see it." Jonath pulled an arrow from his quiver, removed the arrowhead, and fired it as the stone's perch. His aim was true, and the stone fell from its place. "Coming your way!" Jonath warned. Kimber lunged for it and caught it easily. "Well done again!" Jonath said.

"Thanks to you, my friend. How did you manage to get up there, anyway?" Kimber asked.

"When I recovered the rope, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it for long and so I tied it off to a roof ornament, and then climbed it to the window," he said.

"Well done, yourself. I owe you my life yet again." She drew her dagger and cut the knot on the rope, since after the load it had borne there was little hope of untying it. "I'll be right out, and then let's away from here. I've had quite enough of the sea for a long time."

Continued in Chapter 4: Air Stone

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© the Perv Otaku, 2015

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-17 05:39:19
Love all of your stories


2015-03-04 07:17:32
A good story line, I am glad to see you continuing to work various story types.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-03 07:30:43
Love where these stories are going! Sometimes I wish for more porn but plotwise (and titswise) SO GUD

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-02 07:43:41
This was really good...I'm guessing you are smoking some really great weed.

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