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An intimate relationship blossomes between siblings of different parents.

I can still remember it clear as day. I was in 5th grade when my parents dropped the bombshell that they were getting divorced. It wasn't an easy adjustment and what was worse, my Dad didn't handle being single well. Before you know it he was dating a coworker at the hospital and then suddenly they announced they were getting married, only about 14 months after the divorce.
6 months later we found out why as my baby half brother was born. It wasn't the best family but most people in the family tried their best to make it work. My sister and I still went to our Mom's half of the time and my new older step sister Cheri was awesome and friendly. My younger step sister Becky was a holy terror. Their father had died of pneumonia after a hunting trip a number years back and Becky had really hung onto her mother from then on, and she viewed my father as the disruptive force and vice versa.

Everyone else got along well enough and a lot of attention was focused on the new baby, my brother Andrew. Time went on as time does. By the time I was in 8th grade Becky was annoying to everyone else but we started to get along really well. She rebelled against her mother's strict religion and I never bought into that stuff. She began to take on some of my hobbies, watching wrestling and sports.

Cheri who at that point was a Senior in high school was quite the knockout. She was short, only 5 foot and thicker, but the good thicker, not fat. Her dynamite face and great skin was a huge redeemer, not to mention the huge breasts she had. Unlike her mother, whose were small, Cheri's had DD's and though she was a good girl, living with her, a little ingenuity on my part and I stole a few glances at them. Once I watched her in the shower through the slightly cracked door. One time I was still in bed, and my door was open. The outer bathroom was located directly across. I saw her walk in and pretended I was still sleeping. She pulled her top right off with nothing underneath before hoping in the shower room and I got a full look at them. For a young boy, there was nothing better than a hot step sister.

I had dreamed of sucking those tits and having sex with her, even though I had no real idea at the time what sex really was. This was before the internet was in full bloom. Prodigy days. By the next year she left for college in Ohio and before she was done with school she was married and pregnant. Not like I really thought I would ever get to be with her, but I was still pretty bummed.

High school was a tumultuous time. My Dad and Step Mom no longer had the new sheen on them and began to bicker a bit. Becky still hated my Dad and I couldn't stand the constant religion they both threw at me. Like I was going to waste my time praying to a non-existent God. Becky and I still got along really well, especially since she had used me as an excuse to get out of private Christian school and into the public system, which was good in our city. Again it was Andrew who held things together. At least everyone liked him.

When I was a junior in high school we went to Laguna Beach with a friend couple of my Dad and step Mom. There sons were pretty cool and we had a good time, but what I really remembered was the second night we were there. Becky, the two sons and I decided to go to the beach. The boys tossed their shirts and in the spirit of things Becky tossed her night shirt and was only in her bikini. She was in 7th grade at the time and she was worried about getting hit by a strong wave as we wadded out into the ocean a bit. She grabbed my hand and held on tight.

When a big wave hit she full on grabbed me in a hug for support. I held her back and for the first time noticed she wasn't just a little girl anymore. She had small but firm breasts, she had gone from a baby fat body to a much more streamlined, feminine figure. I didn't have a girlfriend at the time and hoped she hadn't noticed the hardening of my penis. Thankfully she was paying attention to the waves and wasn't really into boys yet anyway.

I kept stealing glances at her breasts. She had on a smaller bikini and her b size breasts were really pushing against the top. Must have been from last year. We headed in after about another 20 minutes and then went inside. I just put it all out of my mind and went to sleep. The next day, at lunch Becky was sitting on the couch for lunch, in her bikini top and sweat shorts. They were short shorts and I stared at her legs. Now tan and shaved since I had last noticed, and I had to accept that the little girl was now a burgeoning hottie. She really looked great, though still had the face of a little girl.

That evening in the shower I masturbated thinking about Becky. Unlike with Cheri I knew what sex was at this point, and I came quickly against the shower wall. It was the first time Becky had brought me to climax, even though she was unaware. I noticed it was much more intense than when I usually jacked off. I came really hard and still felt horny afterwards.

That continued a bit over the next year as Becky and her friends got more and more fuckable. Thankfully had a girlfriend in my senior year that gave it up regularly so I never got invested in those soon to be freshman as I left for college the following summer.

I stayed at school for a two years and then realized I just didn't know what I really wanted to do for a major so I had an uncomfortable talk with my Dad about dropping out. I promised to still take some low lever classes at the local junior college and move home for a bit while I figured my life out. I was very lucky and got a nice job at a law firm. $19./hr, and living at home with no bills was not a bad situation.

Now let's get to Becky. Not only was she now a pot head and drinker but she liked to act out to piss off her Mom, who she still was mad at for getting remarried.

Becky had gotten to about 5 foot 4 at this point and was nice and athletic. A bit thicker, but in shape. She had a very nice butt that was very round, and she now had the largest B cup size, though it appeared that she got her Mom's breasts, unlike Cheri who had had those cannonballs. She had dirty blonde hair that went just past her shoulder, it was mostly straight unless she styled it. She had a bit of a bird face. Her nose was just the tiniest bit longer than average though its width was normal. It gave her a tiny beak look. She had green eyes with huge irises. She had some freckles on each cheek and a moderate skin tone, like a nordic woman.

When I first got home from college I was damn horny. When I mentioned my girlfriend that put out, she put out handjobs and tit jobs. But technically I had stayed a virgin by definition, waiting for her to give the go ahead. She was at a different school and just before I decided to drop out, she told me she had met someone. I was crushed, and horny and realized when I got home she wouldn't be there to resolve the issue. So I was all the more enamored with Becky. Her birthday came in December so she was far behind her peers. She would be starting her Junior year, but wouldn't be able to get her driver's license until that Christmas.

The day I got home I put my bags in my room and walked across to Becky's room. The parent's bedroom was downstairs with all the company rooms. Upstairs to the left was Becky and Cheri's room and to the right my room and the bathroom. Except Becky and my little brother had switched rooms. Now Becky was across from the bathroom. I took Cheri's old room as it was the one not being used.

I went into Becky's room, hoping to say hi but she was out. I saw a picture on the mantle and went over. My god . . . she was a cheerleader. She didn't have the traditional cheerleader body, her legs were thicker than those twigs, but she was still a vision in that costume. I had always wanted a cheerleader and not for the first time kicked myself for staying with the same girlfriend for 3 years and never truly getting in her pants.

After staring at her cheerleading picture and feeling my penis begin to thicken, I headed out to unpack but stopped at the door.

On her desk was a picture frame with a picture from a school dance. I couldn't believe my eyes. Her date looked like a carbon copy of me. Well maybe not that, but he could easily have been a member of my family. Same hair, same eyes, even a tiny bit pudgy around the middle, and what was more, his hair was styled like mine and he wore the same type of outfit I would wear to a dance when I was in high school.

Back in my room the whole time I unpacked I kept thinking about that picture. Did she do that on purpose? Did she harbor feelings for me? Was it overt or subconscious? Was I reading too much into it? Did I just want her to have feelings? I didn't know but I was a bit energized by it. Maybe, just maybe, no, forget it. . .

Then I heard the garage door slam and what sounded like a group of Clydesdales coming up the stairs. That was definitely Becky, she liked to make a scene no matter what. To be honest, it was one of the things that I liked about her. I was so reserved and proper in my day to day life. She lived how I wished I did.

She bounded through my door in her usual fashion, not bothering to ask if she could come in, though I would never say no.

"Oh my gosh! You're home!" Becky squealed and ran over and hugged me. While be sure not to be obvious I ran my hand down her back as we hugged. She pulled back a bit with her arms still around me. She was so cute. Well she was so cute to me, but she wasn't the traditional prom queen cute, more like the girl next door, but that was my type. Always had been. I had never seen her in make up before and she had mascara and eyeshadow forming a point on the outer edge of her eyes and light brown lipstick on. She was wearing gym shorts and a plain white t-shirt, and it took everything I had not to look down to see if her breasts had grown.

"You sure are happy to see me." I said, trying to be cool and nonchalant.

"Oh my god, do you know what it is like going to dinner or church or where ever with the parents? They are so weird! They talk about the most boring shit imaginable, or bicker. God it gets old. Oh shit, tonight you gotta try this new herb my buddy got from Humboldt!" She said as she let me go and sat on the bed.

She crossed her legs, damn they were yummy as fuck. Such a nice tan, toned legs, cute little feet, and I stole a glance down her top, made easy by her leaning forward while she chatted on and on about everything. The tits had grown a bit but really not much, but they were nice and high on her chest. Perky too, but long term the higher tits would fill out dresses much better. God how I wished I could see her in a sexy silk or satin dress!

We ended up going down stairs and had a long talk out by the jacuzzi and ping pong table while she told me all about her life since I had been gone. She was certainly an adventurous sort, and told me she actually had recently gotten off her ankle monitor after getting caught selling crank at school. Typical middle class white girl daddy issues I assumed. Another way to act out and piss off her mom. With the insurance money from her Dad's death, she rarely had to want for anything. And still she pulled that shit.

The first few weeks I had a great time. Becky had been forced to leave the public school and was entering a private Christian school this year and had been forced to cut out most of her friends. So I became her best bud, and I only worked about 30 hours a week at the law firm so we were spending 5 to 6 hours or more together most days. We would smoke herb out on the roof through her window after the parents went to bed. We would play board games, we went to movies together, I even engaged her in a tickle fight and got to feel a lot of her body without tripping her alarm. We would watch Alley McBeal and other shows together and gossip about the characters. I constantly looked for an opening to make a move. But the time never seemed right, and boy . . . if I was wrong.

Then one day in July, a hot one, I was lying on the couch watching tv, Becky was sitting next to me chatting with an old friend on the phone sitting next to my head. I stole many a glance at her sexy nearby thigh when I heard her say,

"I know! I let Tom have sex with me that night. Man that was crazy."

I couldn't believe it. She wasn't a virgin. Well, with all the other rebelliousness, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Maybe I was more sad. I really wanted to get to explore sex with her, learn together about all the positions and pleasures that come from a close personal sexual relationship. When she got off the phone I sat up.

"You have had sex?" I asked.

"She looked over at me, the spoon of ice cream she had eaten still on her tongue. "Mmmm ya."

"Wow. I . . . I didn't know that. How many guys have you been with?"

"Just the one."

"Just the one?" I figured if she was open to it, and that good looking, she would have guys offering it all day.

"Well Tom kept asking me to have sex. I was kinda dating him and Fred and they both seemed to want to get to be the first one. So finally, honestly just wanting to get the whole thing over with, I let Tom do it. We were at his place and his parents were gone for the weekend. He threw a kegger and at midnight we went up to his room. We got naked and kissed and he wanted to get started so I told him to get the condom. Of course, he said he "forgot" to get one but it would be okay, that he would pull out before he finished.

So I lay back and Tom puts on my favorite song and got on top of me. He kept jabbing at me, he didn't know where to actually put it and I had to help him. He got in and his face got all scrunched up. He yanked it back an forth 4 or 5 times and screamed out my name and collapsed on me. He lasted all of about 12 seconds AND he didn't pull out! So for the next month I was freaked out, worried I was pregnant. Thankfully I got my period, but it was such a disappointment I decided no more sex in high school. I will wait for guys who can hold it for a bit. So, like I said, just the one."

I am so happy I was wearing briefs that day. It held my penis up against my stomach so that my hard on didn't hurt and wasn't easy to see under my un-tucked t-shirt. I was so damn jealous of Tom, who I had never met. That asshole, getting to fuck Becky. I would have given the rest of my years at that moment to fuck her hard and fast right on the couch.

"Well, that is probably a smart decision. No need to mess things up before they get started." I said.

She agreed and we went back to watching tv.

It was a week later, on Friday that Becky met me at the door. "Dude! The parents went to San Francisco for the night to see a show and took Andrew to my Grandma's! Loooooook what I got!" she teased, dangling a handle of Tequila. "My friend Alisha met me at the gas station and got it for me. Dude! I am so ready to get fucked up! Been too long!"

I followed her into the house. The outfit she chose, I am sure it was just whatever out of the closet to lounge in, but holy shit, it was the hottest god damn fucking outfit I have ever seen. Her dirty blonde hair was tied up half hazardly with a pen behind her. She was wearing a dark blue and light blue meshed fabric with some faded logo on the front. It was short, about an inch above her navel, and there was definitely no bra, as they bounced freely. She was dance walking to the kitchen in front of me. No shoes or socks, but her small tan feet, up her ankle, to her telescoping lower leg, the bend lines in her knees, her thicker, strong tanned thighs disappearing into very short, as in just barely covering the bottom cup of her ass short, red shiny shorts. I have no idea what that fabric is, but it was sparkling, and shimmering, and magnified every movement of her body which was at this point one leg stepping in front of the other, creating a almost ballerina type silhouette.

I started to panic, I really wasn't sure I could control myself following her. I was only able to contain my hard on because I was walking so I sat at the table at the first chance. I had on jeans and a t shirt and was wearing my glasses. She messily poured two shots and walked over and handed me one.

"Bottoms up!" She shouted slamming hers down. "Alright, now for margaritaaaaaaas!!"

She went to work making drinks, dancing to the Janet Jackson song on the stereo. I loved watching her jiggle. Oh man she jiggled every where you wanted her to and nowhere you didn't. Her body was the most perfect it would ever be. Every thing was tight and toned and tanned and . . . and . . .fuck I wanted her!

The next few hours were a lot of booze. She drank more than me, I didn't want to get too drunk, nervous about being around her. We were watching a comedy with the stereo still on in the back ground. She suddenly squealed as the DJ put her favorite song on the radio and she muted the tv and jumped up.

"Dance with me!"


"C'mon! I always dance to my song!" She protested in a whiney voice and stomped her foot. She really was drunk I thought to myself.

I got up and she drooped her hands around my neck and I put my hands to the small of her back. We danced in a circle to Madonna's Crazy for You. We danced for a while and she put her head on my shoulder. I wished that song had never ended. I didn't want to let go. But the second the next song cut in she pulled away and grabbed her drink.

"Oh shit, I forgot!" She ran over to the counter and grabbed out a plastic bag. In the bag was a small unused but singed end of a skinny joint.

"I know, I know, it isn't much, but it is green bud, we can just community share the hits. Lets go to the swing." With that she was out the door. I followed her and sat on the big wooden bench.

"Ok, get ready to share."

"What do you mean?" She gave me a quizzical look.

"I am gonna hit it, then I will blow the hit into your mouth. You breathe it in and we double the hit. Go like this." She made an almost kissing face, with a hole in the lips. I copied her and she lit and hit the joint. She held it for a second and then turned to me and we locked lips as she blew out her hit. It was heaven. Herb and the lips of my lust all at once. I held the hit for a second or two and coughed it out. Then I pulled off the joint and shared my hit with her. It was almost like kissing her . . . almost.

Then another from her, I was getting good and toasted.

"Last one," she said. I took the dying joint and took it all. I turned to share with her but I couldn't help myself, I breathed out and stuck my tongue in her mouth. I couldn't believe she kissed me back, taking my tongue and washing it with hers. I was so happy, it worked! I had her! It was bliss! It was perfect! It was . . .

"Whoa ho ho." Becky said hushed while drunk laughing. She put her hands together like a prayer and laughed. "Holy shit! I totally forgot who you were for a second!"

"Who am I?"

"My brother!"

"We aren't related, and it was just kissing. What's the big deal anyway? Just fooling around." I said, hoping to salvage it.
She laughed again into her hands. "I guess. It is just kissing. You kissed nice." She smirked and moved her head in a bit and stopped giggling again and looking at the ground. I finished her thought and moved in the rest of the distance and kissed her again. Again she let me and even kissed me back for the nest two minutes. The two minutes of my life I wish I could live over and over and over. Suddenly she pulled off.

"Oh my god! Jesus we are drunk. No more of that. It's totally creepy. Hot tub!"

She pulled up the cover and dropped her shorts. Not nude like I wished. But bikini bottoms. She hopped right in in her shirt. Too bad no skinny dipping I thought. But remembering that I am more of a grow-er than a show-er, maybe that was a good thing. I followed her and took off all but my Calvin Klein boxers and hopped in with her. We talked and then I moved in to kiss her again and we kissed for a few minutes. Then she would pull away and sit on the other side. Then I eventually would go over to her after a in jacuzzi foot rub, and get another minute. This went on for 20 minutes. I could tell she liked it, but she didn't seem like she was gonna give in.

She finally said she wanted to take more shots so we hopped out of the hot tub and went back in. We dried off and went to the kitchen where she poured two shots and we did them. She lined up another pair. After downing this one I leaned in and got her kissing again. We stumbled to the corner of the pantry/wash room and the kitchen and she went up against the wall. We kissed for another 20 seconds . . .

"Whaooooshit!" Becky pushed me back at the hips staring down. I looked down. I was still in boxers, and the button on the front of the pee slit wasn't buttoned. My erection had found the hole and said hello. I had never seen it that big before. The head looked swelled. She had felt it against her leg and it had gotten her attention.

"What the fuck is that out for?!" She said in a hushed and panicked tone.

I searched for something to say, to explain. My cock was pointing directly at her, just above her navel where her wet tshirt had ridden up. Her naked flesh. My mind was scrambled eggs, so I said the only thing in my head. I whispered, "I want to touch you with it."

"What?! You can't to that!" She was whispering too. But she just stood frozen as I leaned in centimeter by centimeter.

"Wuah!" She gasped and jumped when the tip of my mushroom cap touched her bare tummy. I reached down and guided my penis back and forth across her tummy, the head smooshed in and following behind the rest. On the third pass a wet line was left behind, my pre cum had leaked out.

"Oooooh mmmmmy Gaaaaawwwwd!" Becky said in a slow low whisper, that stuttered enough that she almost sounded like she was crying. Her flesh got goosebumps, and I watched my penis rub them as I went for another pass, when a jolt shot down from the head of my dick down my shaft, into my feet, hands and head, I barely realized the semen was on the way until the last second.

"Uuunggck!" I slobbered as I reached out and grabbed her, one hand behind her ass, the other her back and i bear hugged her, pressing her body tightly to mine. My cock was pressed between us pointing up, my testicles on the top edge of her bikini. Immediately thereafter the first glob of cum squirted out, slimming between out stomachs.

"Oooooh my gawd!" Becky whined loudly this time,

I gripped her tight ask my hips bucked again, sending more stick semen between out bodies, smearing.

"Ooooh fuck!" Becky cried, definitely freaking out. Her voice straining.

"Urrssshhaaawwwuuuuugh!!" I moaned incoherently as I felt a third rush of sperm shoot out.

"Holy shit. Oh my god, what the fuck?" Becky said over and over in a hoarse whine until I finally relaxed my tensed muscles, the intense orgasm fading and leaving exhaustion behind.

"Oooohhhmmmm Becky . . . " I slurred into her shoulder, when she finally shoved me away. Her eyes were as big as dinner plates staring at my stomach and then her shirt. Unmistakable blobs of cum all over.

"What the fuck did we do!??!?!?!" Becky howled. her hand balled up came to her lips which were quivering. Actually, she was shaking all over.

"Uh. . . mmm. . . . I. . . it's okay, don't worry. . . "

"It's fine? Oh my god, what did we do? Shit!"

She bolted upstairs and I heard the shower turn on. I was standing in the kitchen , my cock softening, my stomach stained. I grabbed a dish towel and wiped down and stumbled to the couch. I laid down thinking of what to say to her when I heard the shower stop, but it wasn't a short one and sleep had taken me before the water stopped flowing.


2015-03-06 18:22:49
Favorited. I can already tell this is going to be good. Can't wait for part 2.

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