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Elizabeth comes to get Mike
Author's Note: This is part 6 of the ongoing story started in The Camp Slut. I want to take a moment to thank those who have read the series, and I'm glad it has been as well received as it has been so far.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle.

A Slut comes home

The doorbell woke me up. It took a few seconds for me to figure out where I was. I’d gotten used to waking up on the ground in a tent. To be in my bedroom at home was a bit odd after nearly a week in the woods. Gail wasn’t in bed with me, so I figured she would be answering the door. Thinking of my naked slave girl answering the door gave me a chuckle, and I decided I would get around to installing the security webcam so I could enjoy the looks of the people taken unawares. I decided I should probably be up to help deal with whatever or whoever came to the door, so untangled myself from the blankets and made my way downstairs. I didn’t bother putting on even a robe, since it was just Mike and Gail here, plus whomever decided that they would intrude on our solitude. I bought this old farmhouse and the overgrown acres around it because it was remote, sat back from the road, and had a nice sized barn for me to use as a workshop. It had taken a little over a year to remodel the house, getting it up to code and suitable for use by a tech head like myself.
The squee following the door opening hinted that Gail was excited about our visitor. It was almost enough to make me turn around and grab some shorts. I turned the corner at the bottom of the stairs to see Gail hugging Elizabeth at the kitchen door that served as the main entrance to the house. Seeing them together, it was impossible to miss the family resemblance. Elizabeth was dressed in what could loosely be called business attire. A dark pencil skirt with matching blazer, and pumps. Other than her glasses, that was it. When she moved, I could see right down her jacket to the bare flesh beneath, and the roll of her hips in the skirt showed none of the telltale signs of panties. I chuckled at the ensemble, then noticed the gold anklet. Even without my coffee, connections started clicking in my head.
“Good morning, Betsy. I didn’t expect you here quite so early. I figured I’d have Mike for another couple of days, still,” I said conversationally, crossing the kitchen to the coffee pot. “Your visitors leave already?”
“Please, David. You know how I detest being called that,” she intoned. She managed a passable show of aristocratic distain with most people, but as I learned more about her- and her family- it was less convincing. She looked around the room, brushing off one of the stools at the island before sitting regally. “Mother told me that little Gail had been claimed, and I had to see to it how she was being cared for.” She accepted the cup of coffee I poured for her without comment. “I must admit to being more than a little surprised when I found out it was you. From what Michelle has told me, I had always assumed that you were gay, or at least a submissive yourself. Timothy or Ss…” She coughed daintily. “Excuse me. Timothy or Stephen sounded much more likely candidates to have taken Gail’s reins.”
Gail looked almost mortified, though whether at my pouring out coffee or at Elizabeth’s comments, I wasn’t sure. I waved her off with a wink and a smile. “Gail, my pet, go get Mike up. Then take him upstairs, both of you get cleaned up, and have him help you find something to wear in my closet. We’re going shopping today, and as enjoyable as it would be, I can’t very well take you to the mall like that.“ I chuckled meaningfully, making Gail blush before she curtsied and left the room. I could hear Mike’s voice as she woke him, and his protests at being dragged away without coming to greet his wife.
Betsy seemed a little put out by it, too. “Is there a reason I am being kept from my husband and slave?”
I smiled wickedly behind my coffee mug, my cock twitching at the turnings in my head. “Yes, there is, Betsy. Or should I call you, ‘Liza’?” I drew out the pronunciation “LIE-za”, thoroughly enjoying the panic I glimpsed before she could suppress it.
“I have no idea to what or whom you refer, David. I go by Elizabeth, or Ms. Turner, if necessary. Why you insist on calling me Betsy or Bets is beyond me.” Her denials came out in a rush.
I chuckled. “Oh, I assure you that it is entirely disrespectful when coming from me, Betsy. It is sort of a bad play on words. ‘Place your Bets on the table, boys!’ I’m basically calling you a whore.”
I was very glad that I hadn’t gotten dressed. It saved me having to try and wash the coffee out of my clothes as she spewed the mouthful across my kitchen before sputtering out several octaves of denials and foul words. “And to think,” she managed as her tirade wound down, “that I suggested to Mother the camping trip be used for Gail’s adventure.”
“Ah, so that’s how she ended up there. Let me guess, you made the suggestion for the camping trip this year. Once it was settled, you coordinated with your family to have Gail happen across our campsite. Did Gail know?”
“Of course not. Part of the trial is her not knowing. And, yes, once Michelle told me of the camping trip, I saw an opportunity. Didn’t, Stephen decide on camping, though? How could I have suggested it?”
I smiled, sipped my coffee, then started moves that would end our little chess game. “You suggested it to him two months ago while he was fucking you for the three days you sent Mike here. Probably while on your knees, screaming and writhing like we had Gail doing for the last week.”
She sputtered, the color of either rage or embarrassment rising from under her jacket to her face. “How… How dare you suggest such a thing!?! I make no secret that I cuckold Michelle, keeping his worthless little pecker locked away except for once a month. To insinuate that I am submissive to anyone is outrageous.” She almost pulled it off.
“Oh, little Liza, I do not insinuate, or accuse, or suggest. I merely state fact. It is a fact that Steve has business clients that supposedly take him out of town over the exact same time period that you send Michael here.” I counted off my points on my fingers. “It is also a fact that you let Michael between your legs only right after returning from here. It is a fact that the days of the exile fall almost exactly one week before your period, the time that you would be ovulating and most fertile.” I chuckled. “Steve has been bragging for years about his ‘Little Liza’, the married little slut who he gets pregnant every time he can manage it. He even had me pick up the present he had made for her- a gold charm anklet with some rather specific pendants.” I pointed at her ankle. “The same one you currently have around your pretty little ankle.”
I could see in her eyes the resignation of her having been discovered, and the wheels turning to try and find a way out of the trap. She finally whispered, “You can’t prove any of it.”
I grinned, letting the trap snap shut. “Oh, my dear, I can. I still have pictures of the anklet from when I picked it up from the jeweler. Steve was very particular about it being just right before he gave it to his little bitch.” I put a bit of mocking sympathy in my voice. “Though, to hear him tell the tale, his ‘Liza’s husband goes away on business so often, leaving his poor, neglected wife all alone at home with the children. Steve is only coming in to show a woman she is appreciated.” I laughed. “I’m willing to bet that Steve doesn’t even know who you really are. I think that should change.”
I let all of the humor drop from my voice. Coldly, quietly, I said, “Stand up and strip.”
She was on her feet before she realized it, reaching for the buttons of her jacket. She stopped, looking at me with real fear in her features for the first time since I’d known her. She whispered, “You… you don’t… can’t command me.” The quiver in her voice told me otherwise.
“Yes, Liza, I can command you, because you want me to. You crave being told what to do, and it kills you that Michael is too submissive to do it. Now remove your clothes.”
She locked her eyes with mine, her last attempt at maintaining her dominance. I just smiled. Her eyes dropped, removing her coat first and hanging it over the back of the stool. Her skirt followed, and I got the satisfaction of having guessed right about her lack of underwear. Finally, her shoes scraped along the tile as she slid them under the stool. She stood naked in my kitchen, her hands folded in front of her in a lame attempt to hide her clean shaven pussy. “Turn so that I can see all of you. Hands behind your head.” She turned slowly, raising her arms and lacing her fingers behind her neck.
I glanced behind her, seeing Mike and Gail looking in through the doorway. His face was stern, almost angry at hearing his wife admit to what I’d had uncovered. He met my gaze and nodded before turning to go into the other room. Gail gave her sister a dark look before nodding to me as well, then followed Mike into the other room. I turned my attention back to Elizabeth.
I smiled as I looked over her curves. She was built much like her sister and mother, but I could see Arnold’s broad shoulders in her. I also noted the small tattoo on her right hip. A stylized “S” that I recognized from Steve’s company stationary.
“Good girl,” I said when she finished. “Now, bend over the island and give me your wrists.” She whimpered softly as she moved to comply. I reached over and took her wrists, pulling her up onto the counter. It was high enough that she dangled. I walked around behind her, seeing her puffy sex opening up. I placed a hand between her legs, pressing with my palm. “So, what happened? You got scared when your time came? You decided to act like a Domme so you wouldn’t have to go through the trial?” I slapped her ass. “Answer me, Liza.”
She cried out. “Yes, Sir. Mother told me how she was misused during her first trial, and how she was lost for days for her second. I was afraid and couldn’t handle it. So I tried to be Dominant.” She was sobbing, her back arching, lifting her ass to try and rub her wet pussy against my hand. “When I came home from college with Michael collared, no one questioned it. I met Master after Michael and I married, and he helped keep my secret.”
I nodded, slipping a finger between her nether lips, teasing the hole of her cunt, and she moaned. “And you were hoping that Steve would claim Gail, to make it easier to hide your time spent with him.”
“Yes, Sir. But You claimed her, and figured out everything. Please, Sir. I can’t do the trial, even now.”
I chuckled, moving my hand to her hips and standing behind her. “I don’t think you will have to worry about the trial, breeder. You already have a Master.” I raised my voice. “Gail, dear. Bring me my phone.” She came in wearing one of my tank-tops like a sundress and handed me my phone, a look of smug satisfaction on her face as she saw Liza.
I dialed Steve’s cell. “Hey, man. You busy?”
He sounded sleepy and confused. “Um. No, I guess not. What’s up?”
“I was hoping you could come by. Gail’s moving in and I want to get some things settled so she can take care of the house and shit when away for work.”
“Oh, right. Yeah. Give me an hour or so to wake up and get around and I’ll be over.”
“So about two hours. I know how you drive, grandpa.” We laughed. “Thanks, man. I’ll be sure to have something special for you when you get here. For your troubles.” I smiled, looking down at a quietly sobbing Liza. “See you in a bit.” The line went dead, and I handed the phone back to my pet. “Thank-you, my dear. Go see to Mike. I’m certain that he will need a shoulder, if nothing else.” She nodded and left.
I looked down at the quivering slut stretched out below me. “I’m sure Steve will be very interested in all of this when he gets here. In the meantime, however, I am going to take a little payback for my friend. Since he fucked my slut all weekend, I’m sure he won’t mind my taking a piece of his while I’m waiting.” I pulled her down onto my cock, shoving my entire length into her in one stroke. I slid in easily, but she screamed as her cunt stretched around me.
Her body shook as she started cumming almost immediately. I took my time in stroking in and out of her spasming pussy. I kept my hands on her hips, pulling her tight against me, controlling how fast she could move along my length. She was screaming, begging, moaning like a whore in heat for me to fuck her hard and fast. As tempting as it was to pound this little slut, I forced myself to take my time, letting my own orgasm build slowly, savoring the tingle, the tightening of my balls until I could hold back no longer. I slammed forward to bury myself a deeply as I could in her as the first jets of my sperm shot into her. I stroked my cock with her body just enough to milk as much seed into her as I could before going soft. I pushed her legs together to keep my spunk trapped inside of her as long as possible after I backed out.
“Stay there, breeder. Your Master will be along soon to pick you up. “
I left the room. I didn’t want to admit how much her sobbing on my kitchen counter actually bothered me. I hoped Steve could keep a handle on her now. I also didn’t know what Mike was going to do. I didn’t mind him staying with Gail and I, but I didn’t know how he was going to feel about it. I found them out in my workshop. Mike was giving Gail the tour of the place, as she hadn’t seen it yet. They both came over when I entered, Gail going to her knees and starting to clean me off without being asked.
Mike simply asked, “Are you done?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Steve’s on his way. Should be here in about an hour, and I’ll talk to him, explain what’s up. From how’s he’s talked over the years, I doubt he’ll think twice about taking her with him, and getting paternity tests redone for the kids should be a snap, and will probably show that they are his. You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want. You’ll be a free man, so you can do whatever you want. Everything was in her name, so you’ll be able to walk away clean and start over.”
He looked down at Gail as she finished and got to her feet. “I’m not sure what I’d do. I’ve been taking orders for so long, I don’t know.” He sighed. “You’re not bi by any chance, are you?”
I stood there looking at him for a few seconds before my mind engaged enough to answer. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it. I could take over as your Dominant for a while, see how things go. We could talk to the Jeffries, too. They might know someone.” A wicked thought wriggled its way into my head, and I couldn’t help but smile. “You know the rules, though. Sluts and breeders don’t get clothes here. So if that’s what you want, strip, buddy.”
Gail giggled, Mike laughed. Mike left his clothes in the workshop when we went back to the house.
Steve was there, standing in the doorway with his briefcase in hand, staring at Elizabeth’s ass hanging over the island in my kitchen. “David?” was all he could muster.
I nodded, motioning him to a stool. Gail hurried and poured coffee for Steve and I, and went to kneel by the door. I shook my head and pointed at the chairs. She sat carefully, giggling softly like she felt she was doing something naughty.
Steve was still staring, then turned his gaze to me, questioning.
“First, let’s start with some reintroductions,” I said. “Stephen Danvers, meet Elizabeth Jeffries Turner. You know her better as ‘Liza’, but we’ve all called her ‘Betsy’. She has been married to our little Michael Turner here for the last eight years or so.”
Steve looked at Mike, who was quietly easing himself into a chair next to Gail. “Mike?”
Mike nodded. “I knew she was boinking someone when she sent me here for the few days every month. I never asked who.”
Steve looked heartbroken. “Mike. Buddy. I.. I didn’t know. She… She told me her husband was away on business all the time. I… Dude.” He looked up at me. “How? What tipped you off?”
I pointed at her ankle. “The anklet you had me pick up a couple months ago. Plus, the timing of your ‘emergency client call’ is exactly when Mike is usually exiled. I also wondered about the coincidence of Mike’s sister-in-law having to ‘just happen’ to wander into our camp.” I could see that fact click into place in his head, and he looked at Gail, then back to Liza. “Anyway, she’s yours for the taking, if you want her. I don’t think there will be much to contest in the divorce.”
“Oh, I’ll take her, alright. Don’t worry, Mike. We’ll make sure that everything is square between us. I didn’t know, and I want to make it right.” Steve got up, walked around the table, and hugged Mike before realizing the smaller man was naked.
Mike smiled, really smiled. “It’s cool, dude, really. I’m just glad to be free of her for a while. Having my dick locked away all the time got old.”
Steve picked up Liza’s clothes and left with her naked in the front seat. He said he knew a lawyer that would help him work through the legal shit storm that this was going to be.
Gail started more coffee and brunch, while Mike and I sat down at the table, working out some logistics. He was going to take a few weeks off work, using the time to move his stuff out of the old house. I had the spare room he normally slept in when he visited anyway, so that wasn’t an issue. Gail came over with plates for Mike and me, and started to get on the floor with her bowl.
“Love, get up. The camping trip is over. You can eat at the table like anyone else,” I laughed. She blushed and got silverware for herself. We chatted through brunch.
While Gail cleaned up from the meal, I slid my chair back, opening my legs toward Mike. He looked at me confused. “Well, if we are going to give this a go, we might as well get things started. On your knees, bitch,” I laughed. “Let’s see what your mouth can do.”
His expression was shocked, but he lowered himself between my legs, moving forward and softly taking my cock in his grip. Gail finished the dishes and leaned on the island to watch. Mike started stroking my slowly, his hand gliding across my skin as my erection grew again. He cupped his mouth over the opening in the top of his hand, letting my growing shaft start to rub against his tongue and mouth. It did not take long before I was rock hard. He continued his stroking/facefucking until I felt the first spasms of my balls. I grabbed his head and shoved myself down his throat, shooting my load so deep he had a choice of swallowing or choking. He swallowed. When I was spent, he backed off a step before sitting on his heels.
“Not bad,” I said. “We’ll have Gail give you tips later. For now, though, consider yourself collared.”
He smiled, lowered his eyes, and whispered, “Thank-you, Master.” I rolled my eyes and sighed.
Gail giggled from the kitchen. “So do I call you ‘sister’ or ‘brother’?”
We all laughed at that.
“Get dressed, both of you. We have some shopping to do.”

Ike ManReport 

2018-01-12 19:14:28
Great series. That was a nice twist. Very creative.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-31 18:40:12
gay ass shit. fucking homos


2015-03-17 03:13:08
More of the story is in the works. @sinreborn- yes, Elizabeth referring to Mike as 'Michelle' was intentional. Some women who cuckold their husbands also enjoy feminizing them, which was Liza's intent.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-16 23:14:35
Love love love this story I've been keeping up with it since day one! Please keep going, I need more !!


2015-03-16 17:44:58
I like the evolution of the story, just curious, did you mean for Elizabeth to call Michael Michelle? Is that a dom thing or a typo?

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