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A young Sailors introduction to sex
Enrique (Eric) Cordero's parents had immigrated to the United States from Naples, Italy in the mid 1920's. Eric was born in New York City in 1930 and joined the Navy in 1948 - he was my shipmate and buddy.
We had been looking forward to our ships scheduled five-day visit to Naples, where many of Eric's close relatives still lived. He had many uncles; aunts and cousins living near the port where our ship would be "tied-up". Because of his family proximity and the fact that Eric and I would be staying with them, we were granted a three-day leave - starting in two days.
The ship docked in the conventional "Med Mooring" method, in which anchors are dropped off the bow of the ship and utilizing the anchor winches and the ships engine, the ship is maneuvered into the quay stern (fantail) first. Five other destroyers in our squadron were "tied-up" close along each side, in a "nest". Gangplanks ran between the ships and the ship having "nest duty" on a given day would put a gangway from their fantail to the quay - all personnel on all the ships would go ashore and return via the single gangplank.
This was Eric's fourth trip to Naples in the last five years and, in addition to family, he had many friends here. Some of them were pretty shady characters. Our liberty began at 1600 hours and we
went ashore for our first night of liberty in Naples, Italy. Eric made a few phone calls from a small bar just outside the gates to the port. He told me we would be meeting some of his old buddies in a few minutes. They were going to finance our leave!
We were on our second bottle of Peroni, when two guys showed up, dressed in typical workmen's clothes, they joined us in a dark corner booth. Eric made no introductions, but spent about five minutes explaining (I assume) my presence - he said he assured them that I neither spoke nor understood Italian. His explanation apparently satisfied his friends and they continued their conversation for the next hour.
After his friends had left, Eric explained they were interested in buying cigarettes and he had agreed to sell them four cases for three hundred dollars (U.S. currency) a case. With the black-market exchange rate for lira this was the equivalent of about four hundred fifty dollars. They would cost us eighty dollars a case in the ships store. We needed to come up with three hundred twenty dollars before we could remove the cigarettes from the ships stock. I had saved about one hundred seventy-five dollars for this leave and was a little reluctant to gamble most of it on this scheme. However, a six to nine hundred dollars leave looked a hell of a lot better than the one I had planned and I agreed.
The next day, as Commodore's Yeoman, I assigned nest duty to the ship furthest from our berth. I gave Eric my one hundred and sixty dollars and asked how we were going to pull this off. about 2200 hours (10:00 PM) we moved four cases of cigarettes to the empty depth-charge racks on the fantail and covered them with a tarpaulin. Liberty ended at midnight and the ship was quiet. Eric
and I were watching from the fantail when a small gondola glided silently between the ship and the quay. Eric's two friends were on board. Eric lifted the tarp and showed them the four cases of
cigarettes still wrapped in waterproof paper. One of the men handed an envelope up to Eric - he quickly examined the contents and motioned for me to start passing the cases down to the men in the boat.
It was at that time we heard a voice, "What's going on back there?"
The Master-at-Arms had quarterdeck watch. Somehow he had heard us and was coming to investigate. Eric and I immediately pushed the remaining three cases of cigarettes off the inclined depth-charge rack onto the heads of our partners in crime.
We started walking toward the petty officer in charge of the watch and told him: "Nothings going on - we were just having a smoke and a breath of fresh air before turning in" - he bought it.
Our leave began at 0800 the following morning. Eric and I packed the two pilfered canned hams and ten pounds of coffee into our duffels along with some civilian clothes and went ashore. Outside the main gate, we caught a taxi and arrived shortly at the house of Eric's uncle. We had agreed to give the old man a hundred fifty dollars each "to cover our stay" - it was money the
family much needed - post war Italy was still suffering great depression and Naples had been heavily damaged during the fighting.
Eric made introductions to his family and the numerous aunts, uncles and cousins that had been waiting to greet us. With many hugs and kisses we were welcomed into the Cordero home. The kiss of one cousin was particularly intriguing.
Her name was Maria. She was almost thirty years old. Her husband had been killed during the last days of fighting the Germans in defense of his native city. Maria taught English at the nearby
University of Naples and lived in a two-room apartment adjoining her father's house. She was beautiful. Her long dark auburn tresses framed a face of polished alabaster. Her green piercing eyes seemed to plumb the depths of your soul. Her body was lithe and curvaceous. Even though it was apparent she wore no bra, her breasts rode high and proud on her chest. As did she, many other members of the family spoke English. When she had kissed me, I thought her tongue had brushed my lips, so lightly I could not be sure she had done so, perhaps it was only wishful thinking.
Aunt Sophia sent two of the younger children to the local market for items she would need to prepare a meal for her many guests. The next hour and a half was spent in my getting acquainted with family members and Eric filling them in on news from their relatives in the U.S.
After the late breakfast, Eric told me he was going to visit an old girlfriend and that Maria had volunteered to give me a guided tour of the city. I was elated at the idea of spending some time alone with her. Eric also said he probably would not see me again until it was time to return to the ship.

Our tour began with a history lesson on Naples:
Maria explained that Naples was the third largest city in Italy. It is located on the south-central west coast of Italy with Rome being about one hundred twenty miles to the northwest. It is a very old city with some buildings, still in use, dating to the tenth century and earlier. We were to visit some of the museums and other attractions. Mount Vesuvius was clearly visible in the distance.
Our tour carried us to the Teatro San Carlo and the Palazzo Reale, The Villa Comunale, a large park with Naples's aquarium and to a sidewalk café on the Via Roma where we shared a late lunch of bread, cheese and a bottle of wine. We held hands as we strolled down the streets and through the old buildings. We could have been mistaken for lovers.
After our lunch we took a ride on one of the funicular railways, (this is a cable-operated tramway that resembles a ski lift). Seated beside her on the narrow bench seat, our bodies touching, I
could feel the warmth of her thigh against mine. Placing my arm around her shoulders, I turned toward her and she toward me - we kissed. As Maria placed her arms around my neck, I could feel her firm breasts pressing into my chest and against the inside of my upper arm. She let her left hand drift down across my chest and stomach, and come to rest on the inside of my left thigh. My response was immediate. Constrained by the tightness of my trousers, the erection was almost painful. I blushed in my embarrassment. Looking into my eyes with a mischievous smile, Maria placed her hand over my member and gently squeezed. Taking my hand, she placed it on her firm breast and then kissed me in the most sensual and erotic manner I had ever experienced.
Sitting back in her seat as if nothing had passed between us, she said we should probably return home for dinner and a good nights sleep. We had planned an all day trip to visit Pompeii and
Herculaneum the following day.
After dinner, I visited with the family for a short while relating our adventures of the day, except the encounter on the train. Everyone had retired for the night by 2200 (10:00 P.M.). I was
shown to a small bedroom where I proceeded to undress down to my skivvies and climb into bed. Erotic thoughts of Maria ran through my mind and I was tempted to masturbate. (During my years in the Navy, I spent many days at sea and found sexual release by "whacking-off" in the shower. So much so that for twenty years thereafter I think I got an erection every time it rained).
Still, re-living, and relishing, Maria's boldness, I heard the door to my room open. Maria came into my room. She carried an old-fashioned oil lamp and a bottle of wine. Her only garment was a nightgown. Made of a pale green diaphanous material, the short gown only served to accentuate the delicious charms of her tantalizing body. As she lighted several candles in the room, her curvaceous buttocks, legs and firm breasts with their erect nipples were evident. The shadow of a thick dark bush covering her pubic area became clearly discernable. The overall beauty of her was breathtaking. I could neither speak nor believe my good fortune - it could have been a dream.
She approached the bed and lay down beside me. Leaning over me, she kissed me passionately and let her hands wander over my chest, stomach and down to my, now erect, penis. Deftly she removed my skivvies and quickly shed her thin gown. The beauty of her nude body left me breathless and was almost unbearable. With her soft hands cupped around my scrotum, her soft, wet sensual lips traced hot wet kisses from my hungry mouth, to my erect nipples, across my
lower belly and finally to my unbearably hard organ.
I reached across the small space between us and placed my hand on the soft curls of her mons. Rolling over suddenly, she assumed a sixty-nine position with her vagina directly over my face and only inches from my mouth. Startled, I somewhat roughly pushed her away. I had never kissed a woman in that manner. My puritanical upbringing had not allowed for this kind of sex.
Maria quickly abandoned her ministrations to my penis and placing her face near mine inquired "what is wrong, am I not fresh?"
Stammering I replied "I, I d-don't k-know, I've never done anything like that before." Smiling, the lovely creature kissed me gently and chastely before launching into a dissertation I have neither never forgotten - nor the lesson of it.
"You are very young and lacking experience in the ways of bringing erotic pleasure both to yourself and to your partner. You must remember that you will find your greatest pleasure to be directly proportional to the pleasure you bring to your partner - you will soon learn that just reaching your climax will be less satisfying. After all you do not need a woman for that. Real sexual pleasure is found in the passion and other sexual pleasures leading up to release. If you are receptive, I will try and teach you some fundamentals of pleasing yourself while pleasing your partner. I lack the time and perhaps the knowledge to teach you all you should know. However, through patience, practice, and learning the desires of your sex partner, I think you have the potential to become a great lover - great lovers are not born. They diligently strive
for that goal. Do you want to learn?"
I nodded my head; I suddenly wanted to be a lover.
Maria instructed me to relax while she proceeded to give me a first lesson in cunnilingus. She lay beside me, her face perpendicular to my own. "Keep your mouth closed, but not so much so that I cannot enter - pretend it is my sex," she said.
Gently she placed her fingers over my mouth and proceeded to massage my lips letting one finger slip inside and teased my tongue. Removing her fingers, she kissed my lips, letting her tongue trace a soft, sensuous wet path all over my lips and around my eager mouth. With her tongue, she probed my lightly closed lips and let it dart inside to flick my tongue. This was repeated several times before she brought her mouth firmly and fully to mine forcing my mouth to open to hers, whereupon she tantalizingly sucked my tongue into her hot mouth, teasing it with her own.
Alternately, she wantonly probed the inside of my mouth and as deeply into my throat as she could. Simultaneously, Maria let her soft hands wander over my body, her fingernails tracing gentle paths with an occasional tweak of my erect nipples. She would occasionally abandon my mouth, replacing her tongue with two or three fingers while she ran her hot wet tongue over my upper body and suckled my tender nipples, occasionally administering a not so gentle, though not painful, nip.
My testicles had begun to ache and my penis throbbed with the pressure of my erection. I attempted to move Maria to a position that would permit entry into her vagina. Her resistance was gentle, but firm. I then attempted to move her head to my pelvis. She responded with the same firm resistance. Kissing me passionately upon the mouth she said "you cannot have me until you show me you have learned your lesson - do you think you have?"
I hoarsely replied, "Yes I think so".
"You must prove it," she said with her mischievous grin, "are you ready?"
An unsteady "yes" was my response.
Having me lie on my back, the beautiful woman carefully placed her right knee next to my left ear and her left knee adjacent to my right one. She lowered her body until the soft curls of her thick bush brushed my lips.
Looking into my eyes, "Are you alright?" she asked.
I managed a feeble nod and she pressed the lips of her labia fully upon my mouth. I could smell the sweet odor of her sex. Tentatively, I extended my tongue to touch the swollen lips of this
lovely "other" mouth. The taste of her, though somewhat alkaline, was not unpleasant. It was one I would come to cherish.
A soft mewing sound escaped her lips and Maria trembled above me.
Emboldened by her response, I became more aggressive in my tongue thrusts. I took her swollen clitoris into my mouth and mimicked the sucking action she had performed on my tongue only a few moments before. Her reaction was immediate - she grasped my head and thrust her pelvis into my face. I could, even in the dim light of the room, discern the darkening "flush" of her skin as she trembled and quietly moaned in the throes of her orgasm. I felt empowered.
Keeping her vagina tight against my mouth, she let the after shocks of her climax subside as she gently thrust against my, now eager, mouth. Lifting her body from my own, she kissed me and let her body slide down over mine until her hot opening captured my throbbing member. As she lowered her body to take me into her fully, I exploded into her depths - I had lost all control, but not my erection.
She smiled and said, "That's one of the nicer things about a young lover".
She held me in her hot throbbing tunnel until my own aftershocks had somewhat subsided. Leaning over to plant passionate kisses on my mouth and nipples, she began to "ride" my still erect organ with abandon. After only a few minutes, she lifted her body from mine and took me in her mouth. Sucking gently, she let her tongue lathe my testicles now cupped in her hot hands. She began to move her head up and down more vigorously - taking me deeper into her throat
until I was embedded deeply and fully inside her throat. As she swallowed, the contractions of her throat gave me erotic sensations I had never before experienced.
Lifting her head from my now pulsating organ, she commented, "I think you should try that."

With her now on her back, and while kissing her puckered aureoles and sucking their erect nipples, I placed my fingers over her mons and began to gently massage her swollen lower lips. I let a single finger slip gently into her passage - to massage her erect clitoris. Her juices were flowing into my hand. Keeping a finger inside this palace of pleasure, I abandoned the succulent breasts and, after tracing a wet path over her stomach and lower belly, began to kiss the labia, teasing with my tongue and thrusting it inside her.
Capturing her swollen clitoris inside my mouth, I sucked it and massaged it with my tongue as Maria began her soft moans. She trembled and began up thrusting her pelvis into my face.
Reluctantly, I removed my mouth and finger and returned my throbbing member to the entrance of her hot flowing channel. I began to enter her slowly letting the crown of my penis glide over her pulsating clitoris and deep into her vagina. I withdrew as slowly as I could manage, until the crown of my penis rested at the outer lips of her labia. I again began the agonizingly slow, sensuous journey into her searing depths. As I repeated this action several times, I was aware we both were perspiring profusely and our combined sweat was permitting our bodies to slip over each other in a most erotic way. I suckled her large erect nipples and licked the perspiration from
her lovely breasts from the valley between them and traced patterns through the fine curls of her armpits. I sucked her sweet tongue into my mouth and teased it with my own - all the while stroking her seething lower tunnel with my throbbing organ.
Suddenly, Maria gave a violent up thrust of her pelvis, clutched both cheeks of my buttocks in her hands. With her hot gasping breath in my ear whispered, "Fuck me hard! Fuck me fast"!
I tried to comply, however, after only a moment she encircled my buttocks with her long sinewy legs, locked together at her heels; and with a violent thrust of hips locked my throbbing member deep inside her hot paradise. She continued to hold me inside her as the hot viscous liquid of her vaginal organism flooded around my, now erupting penis. Her strong vaginal muscles seemed to milk the semen from me. For long moments she held me thus and planted long sensuous wet kisses on my face and mouth. I wept with her in the sheer joy of our union. Maria at last released me from the tight grip of her beautiful long legs and my, now flaccid, penis slipped from her.
Between my frequent trips to feast on her mouth, breasts, nipples and sweet pussy, we shared the wine she had brought. I relished the taste of her - more so than the wine. After we had finished the bottle of wine, Maria said she should leave and that I should get some sleep. After all she had planned a long day for us in Pompeii tomorrow. We kissed passionately; she donned her thin gown and taking the empty wine bottle left my room.
I was surprised I fell asleep so quickly. My erotic dreams were of Maria, my organ encased in her hot tunnel, inside her sweet mouth and her flowing juices filling my own.

Anonymous readerReport 

2017-02-05 13:03:52
Not very sexy did not last long. bigcockcord.

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