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I had an even more odd encounter with my former colleague and her two friends
It was some months before I heard from my colleague again. I had not been surprised as she had always been reclusive. I had sometimes wondered whether I had dreamt the incident, but had found the memory strangely erotic, in spite of the difference in our ages. She had come on quite strongly from my impressions of her. It was now late hot summer when she rang and invited me to come round and have some sherry. I was somewhat taken aback but felt that I had better accept.
I found myself a few days later approaching her bungalow with some trepidation considering what had taken place last time. It was early afternoon when I rang the bell. She answered the door and invited me in. I immediately noticed the smell of alcohol and heard quiet voices. She ushered me into the sitting-room and there were two other women with glasses in their hands and looking quite flushed. They looked up at me with what I thought were excited glances and appeared to scan my body especially below my waist.
My friend asked me to refill her companions' glasses although I felt that they had had quite enough sherry already. I approached them with the bottle and poured them a generous portion. "Are you trying to make us tipsy?". "What hairy arms you have", one simpered. The other said, "I expect he has a hairy chest as well", and giggled childishly. I did not know what to make of these forward comments from two elderly women on our first meeting. Had my friend been talking of our earlier encounter? I thought that was unlikely. I was asked whether I would like something stronger, perhaps some whisky. I thought it rather early but did not like to refuse.
My hostess appeared a moment later with a tray containing a glass with an enormous slug of whisky. I had a suspicious feeling that this had not been totally impromptu. One of the women said, "That should get him going". I sat down finding myself on rather a low chair. The two women, I noticed, were wearing rather short dresses. I sipped my drink and smiled weakly at them. "It's rather hot isn't it? ", said one woman, fanning herself and leaning back opened her legs, apparently innocently. I hurriedly looked at the other one, who was looking at me somewhat strangely. I glanced back at the first one who was even more openly displaying her "charms". "Are you looking up my dress, you naughty boy?". "No", I assured her. I had felt a stirring, even though they were rather old. "Do I see a bulge in your trousers, young man?" This was more direct than I might have expected.
"Would you like some ice in your drink, or cold water, perhaps?" said my friend. "It is rather hot and it might cool you down". I gratefully agreed. My hostess went out and reappeared with jug of water with ice floating in it. As she approached, with unsteady gait, she either tripped or was unbalanced purposely by one of the other two. There was little room between the chairs and tables. The result was that she fell on me, drenching me with the ice-cold water. I struggled up from under her, thinking " Here we go again", only cold this time. "Be careful where you put your hands!, you naughty boy." In my haste reacting to the cold, I had grasped my hostess around her chest, not having been careful how I handled her.
Being hot weather, my trousers were made of thin material and they became almost transparent. " I can see his pants", one declared. Looking down I could see what she meant. This time it was not white boxers but dark blue briefs. "You had better get those trousers off before you catch a cold. Let me help", said the one who had possibly brazenly opened her legs. So saying, she stumbled to her feet and advanced on me with open arms. Before I could evade her, she had me round the waist and was grappling with my belt. The second one came to her help and was attacking my flies. Before I knew what was happening, they had my trousers around my knees and my pants disarrayed. "I was right, you are excited," one said, meanwhile giving a tweak to some stray pubic hair.
"All his clothes are wet, Mary, we had better undress him completely". "Not so fast, let him have some modesty", said my hostess. "Let him come with me to the bathroom, I can get him something to put on". With some relief, I disentangled myself from my assaulters, and followed Mary. "Here, take this towel, dry yourself and then cover yourself, and come back in". I went into the bathroom and took off my shirt, shoes, socks and pants. All I had was the towel to hide my nakedness. The towel proved to be very small. It just fitted around my waist allowing me to tuck it into itself, but it came hardly down to my knees. I rejoined them wondering what would transpire. The situation was becoming similar to the earlier occasion, only with more participants who also had already been making pointed remarks.
I sat down on the remaining chair as my first seat was now wet. This was even lower, resulting with me having my knees much higher than my hips. I felt the gaze of all my companions. "He has got a hairy chest just like you told us, Mary". Mary had the grace to blush, as this gave away her having discussed our previous encounter. Had she set me up?
I modestly pulled the towel as far towards my knees as possible while keeping them together. All the ladies were lolling back in their seats with glazed eyes, obviously under the influence of their drink. Their legs were all wide apart, no care, apparently in the world. Suddenly, one woman was fixing her gaze in my direction. "You are excited, big boy.". Apart from a small tent in the towel, I could not tell what she meant. The direction of her looking though was below my knees. In my concern to keep them together, I had not realised that my feet were wide apart and she could see right up my legs to my genitals. "Mary, you did not tell us what he was like. He is looking up all our skirts and has gone all big. Let's really give him something to get excited about."
"Calm down," said Mary. "Let us have another drink We should settle down, girls". Turning to me, "While I get the drinks, would you see if you can retrieve a couple of cotton reels for me. They fell and rolled under that chest" The chest she was pointing at was in front of another. Getting down on hands and knees, I could see the reels at the back against the skirting board. I soon realised that they were too far away to reach just like that. I lay down and tried to stretch, but still they were unattainable. I was going to have to either move the front chest or wriggle under the front one which had long legs. I tried wriggling. As I moved forward I felt the towel becoming undone from around my waist and I was in danger of losing it . I managed to hang onto it as I edged further under the furniture. Eventually after several adjustments of the towel, I reached my goal and was able to throw the reels out into the room. Now for the escape.
"How is he doing?" I heard whispering and some intoxicated giggling. "Mary, come and see what is happening". As I began to attempt to slide out of my entrapment, I felt the bottom of the towel rise up my legs. I also had to thrash them a bit as I could not get on my knees. I felt cooler around the waist region. I realised that the women were getting a full view of my private equipment and from the noises were enjoying it. I was making little progress while becoming more uncovered if that was possible. "Shall we help him?". I soon felt hands on my legs further up than surely it was needed. It would have been perfectly possible to pull me out by my ankles, but hands removed my last covering and were clutching my thighs higher and higher as I emerged. Three pairs of hands had only limited room for contact so I was being groped and felt up unmercifully. "What a hairy fellow and so excited". I must admit I had been stimulated by the realisation of what the women could see and then having the effects of being manhandled, I was now erect. I was becoming more certain that I had been set up. The ladies were perhaps feeling safety in numbers. I was at their mercy.
"Come and sit on the sofa," the little one said, dragging me over sitting me down and then draping herself over me. "My uncle used to sit me on his knee and after a short while his hand would slip up under my skirt or dress and gently rub my thighs. I could fell a lump pressing me from below , just like I can now. His hand would move higher and higher until it was caressing my knickers. I would only get a pleasant tingling feeling, but I found it rather exciting. We lived in a more innocent world then."
"My uncle would hide sweets for me to find. He used to put one in his trouser pocket. After I had found it, he would ostentatiously put several more in the same pocket. I would have to rummage around to retrieve them all, and in so doing would come across certain lumps and a stiff sausage-like object only just the other side of the pocket lining. I only had a vague idea what they were, but it certainly got my uncle excited with heavy breathing. He rarely failed to do this trick, although always when my parents were out of the room. Did anything happen to you, Mary?"
"My uncle was very fond of my doing cartwheels or handstands. Of course in those days we always wore dresses or skirts and it was revealing. He particularly liked the handstands and would "help" me, holding my legs much further up the thighs than was necessary and when letting me down managed to stroke me through my knickers. On one occasion, he was wearing a kilt and sat on the lawn with his legs apart. I was playing with a ball and it rolled between his thighs. He would not give it back to me. While I was moving towards him to retrieve it, he somehow slipped it into his pants. I was more keen on continuing playing than mystified by his action. It took some sorting out as to what was ball or his organs, but my uncle went red in the face and gave me half-a-crown! We all seem to have had mischievous uncles. Still, we came to no harm."
They began talking as though I was not there. "As we have him at our mercy, perhaps we could re-enact some of our early experiences. What do you think, Mary?" "Handstands are out these days. Sweets in trouser pockets are rather tame for us these days, I would think. Still, I did not tell you all that happened when he was last here. He got quite excited when I had put on some sexy undies." So she had specially changed as I had imagined, but could not carry things through. "What did he do?" "Never mind, but as you are in his lap why not try and see if he will be your uncle for the moment."
No sooner was that said than my hand was grabbed and unceremoniously slid under my burden's dress. "Tickle me, you naughty boy" My feelings were ambivalent. This could develop into something interesting, but they were not exactly young. Mary had previously become shy, having initially provoked me. Still, in for a penny in for a pound.
I began to stroke her knee and then slide my fingers ever higher up her thigh concentrating at first on the outside to see her reaction. "Don't be shy, young man. Move around a bit". She was actively encouraging me. Perhaps there was safety in numbers. The other two were watching intently. As I moved my probing fingers to the inside of her thighs, she visibly flinched, but then relaxed with a faint smile on her face.
I moved onto the front of her knickers and found her mound. As I moved up her crack, she began to breath heavily. I pursued rubbing at the top and could feel a firm little bud. She tensed and I thought that I would try and give her a real thrill. My audience had realised that I was on the right track from her reactions. I moved back to the top of her thigh and slid my fingers under the elastic. Advancing beyond the hairs, I found her moist area and the bud again. Now with no barrier between my exploring fingers and her clit, I began to gently caress her, and as she gripped my arm I extended a finger to find her hole. She was so moist that it slipped in easily. I rotated the finger until it was rubbing on the front of her vagina and I found her G-spot almost immediately. She began to convulse and shrieked. "Oh, God, I have never felt like this before. Don't stop, don't stop." So I continued to stimulate her and she orgasmed for some two minutes before fainting.
My companions were rather taken aback at this reaction at first, but then Mary said " If you can do that to her, perhaps you could do it to us too. She obviously liked it." My first subject started to come round, "My uncle never did that to me so well. I wish he had, but it would not have been right then. You lovely naughty boy. How can we reward you?"
"Never mind his reward. We have not had any fun yet apart from watching these goings on. Mary, you had tempted him before. You go next. Are you wearing your silkies?" "Yes. I will take off my skirt first though. I want to relive the first occasion, although I would have preferred it to have been in private. I do not know whether I will react as she did. Go on young man, do your stuff."
I wriggled out from under my well satisfied customer and moved over to Mary. Her eyes were on my tumescence as I approached and reached out and took it in her hand. "Rub your thing against my tits. Oh, what have I said?..." I complied, but not wanting to prolong the exercise knowing that there was a third excited woman, I reached for her silky panties and stroked her bottom as on the first occasion. Again as before , I stroked her slit from behind. My progress was being watched keenly by the other two. I noticed that the third one had one hand rubbing her breasts and the other one up her dress Mary jumped as I found her excited mound which was already damp through the silk She clung to me as I sat beside her. I felt that she would not want to be exposed so I slid my hand round to the front and down inside her panties. She shuddered as I found her stiff clit. "Oh, this is good. Why have I missed out on this all my life?" Like a short time earlier I moved a finger up into her vagina. This elicited a squirming action from Mary. She was helping me find her trigger spot unwittingly. She was really wet and I wriggled my finger until I was sure I had hit it because she arched her back and moaned loudly. "Keep going, keep going, don't stop." She thrashed around so much that I could hardly keep my finger in her. Like the first one, she collapsed and I knew that I had a second satisfied client.
"My turn now". I was grabbed and almost torn from Mary's side. " Give me this feeling too. It must be good from what I have seen and heard." I thought that I would try something else on the third one as she had obviously stimulated herself already. I reached up under her dress and hooked my fingers under the top of her knickers and pulled downwards. This had the effect of tipping her backwards and parting her knees. She was exposed to all eyes. I proceeded to finger her nether regions. She gripped my hands and moved them over her moist lips in a lustful manner. "Come on, give me a thrill." I managed to gain control of one hand and inserted my index finger, rotating it as before. I was successful in quickly finding her G-spot and in no time she was screaming blue murder. After humping my finger a few times, she spasmed and rolled sideways unconscious. I was alarmed at first but she came round almost immediately with a smile on her face. " That was bloody marvellous. How can we reward you, you lovely, naughty boy?"
"He is still obviously excited". I found myself pushed to the floor and hands were everywhere, stroking my every part but especially my genitals. "Have either of you ever had this opportunity before ?" asked Mary. "No", they both answered, "but we had always wondered what it might be like to have control over a naked man." They decided to take it in turns to hold my now rigid member and fondle my movable bits. " I believe that we should move our hands up and down to stimulate him", said Mary. So saying, she did just that, fisting me. I had had such a stimulating time for the last half hour or so that my orgasm came very quickly before the others got their turn. Mary was in the firing line and was taken by surprise by the first spurt, in spite of my groan which might have warned her. This hit her full in the face as she was bending over me. "Eeuughhh!" She immediately stopped stroking and let go of me. This had the effect of flicking the next spurts onto the arms of both of the others who were "practising their juggling", as they had said. " He is a messy boy." "Well, girls, we asked for this I suppose" "Did you like that? You looked as though you did, you naughty boy"
I lay there dazed. "We had better wipe him clean after we have wiped ourselves." "Better still we will give him a bath. We can get really friendly then." I found myself lifted up and led to the bathroom where the bath was being prepared. " He needs a good soaping all over." "It is my turn to take care of his naughty bits. He has gone limp but I will soon change that." I felt the soap being moved far from gently over my genitals. I was grasped and, slippery though I now was, my handler pulled down on my member, retracting my foreskin. " Look, he has a red knob." She began to examine me and this had the effect of my beginning to stiffen again. "He likes this." I expanded and, "It's turning purple now" Continued manipulation soon had me hard again. "I wonder if he will spurt again. We had better wash him first, though."
Willing hands attacked my body with vigour. "He is hairy, isn't he? Look at the lather on his chest" " Never mind there. I will have my turn and wash his thing and between his legs." I was none too gently handled " Now we can dry him and have some more fun" I submitted to being taken from the bath and dried all over with special attention being given to my now very stiff organ and appendages. " Bring him into the living room."
"Lay him down on the rug." "It is my turn to handle him. I want to see him spurt at close quarters but you had better warn us this time, young man." I was taken in hand by fingers surrounding me from the end and rubbed up and down. "Don't do it like that. We can't see what is happening. Hold him with your fist" The process continued. "When is he going to spurt?" "He will take much longer this time." "How do you know?" "I just do.... but look at his legs they are stiffening too. I think he is going to shoot." I groaned and grimaced as the hand moved up and down faster. With a louder groan, I climaxed to shouts of glee from the three women. "Look at all that stuff. We will have to wipe him this time. One bath is quite enough." My belly and chest were cleaned with liberal portions of loo paper. " Isn't it slimy yet sticky? " "Didn't you know that?" "I think that you must have been pretending to be innocent. I think that you have been a naughty girl in the past." " I have had my moments, but I was shy and did not want you to think that I knew anything". " Anyway we have all learnt something today" " What a time we have had. Get your clothes on now, you nice and naughty man. You have made us all very happy."
I did not quite know how to handle the situation but it was taken out of my hands by "We will all help him dress. Get his clothes, Mary" " It seems a shame to hide his charms but I will put on his pants." My clothes were brought and needless to say I was redressed leaving me exposed for as long as possible by starting with my socks, followed by my shirt before my pants which were put on in a very intimate fashion with much fitting and readjusting. My trousers were equally treated to much needless fitting and adjusting and a general sigh was heard when my zip was closed, or was that my imagination?
"It is getting quite late, perhaps you would like to go home now? Thank you for giving us such a show. You have been a good lad. We older ones do not get much fun. Maybe you would join us again?" What could I say? I staggered from the bungalow bemused by the events of the day. My trepidation had been fulfilled but it had been a not totally unpleasant experience. Anyway, three old ladies had had a thrill judging from their reactions. Perhaps I could think of it as my good deed for the day. Would there be another call to duty?


2006-04-10 21:16:27
Holy shit. Who's the dork who wrote this crap. It's horrible.


2006-04-02 20:50:14
What the fuck was that all about? Jeeeezus. Stop this shit.


2006-03-31 19:25:39
what the fuck was that don't write anymore


2006-03-30 23:42:09


2006-03-30 20:51:11
B-o-r-i-n-g ........ I've seen better written stuff on a match box advertisement. 3/10

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