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John's lifelong quest to find the girl of his dreams takes some very unexpected twists and turns along the way.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work.

Author's Note:

This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of taboo sexual categories, ranging from "incest" to "rape," and beyond. If taboo thoughts, ideas and fantasies are not your sexual "cup of tea," then by all means, please feel free to bypass this story entirely. Consider yourself warned.

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An Adult Erotic Twisted Tale About Taboo Relationships

by rat_race

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1997: The Punch Line

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"Lisa, what the hell are you doing?" John frantically demanded.

"I want you to just lie still and relax, John," Lisa said, still giggling a little bit.

"Relax? Why don't you relax that...that 'vise' you've got around my...penis?" John said, thinking that the word "penis" was a truly distasteful and ugly-sounding name to give a guy's dick.

"I can't do that right now, John," Lisa said very calmly and sincerely. "Please bear with me for a little bit. This always happens at first. It's part of a medical condition that I've got. If you try to move around right now, it'll just make me tighten up even more. It's kind of like Chinese handcuffs."

"Don't worry. I'm not moving," John said, thinking about how effectively Chinese handcuffs had always worked on kids' fingers. "But how the heck am I supposed to build up excitement, so that I can...well, you know..."

"Cum? Get your rocks off? Squirt your sperm? Shoot your wad? Jet your jiz?" Lisa laughed hard and shook her head. "I'd say that you've done a pretty good job of it so far."

"Oh. So you know that I've been--"

"Leaking inside me?" Lisa said, finishing John's sentence. "Yes, John, I do have eyes. And I saw how leaky your dick was, before you ever stuck it in me. That's why I called it your 'wet dick.' Remember? Besides, my vagina always senses the drastic difference between a man's wetness, and my own."

Of course, Lisa didn't tell John that she was struggling like hell to keep her dick-clit at bay.

"But that's different. And you know it," said John. "Those little drops of...uhm...fluid automatically leak out, whenever I get really excited. But I've never been able to just lie there, and think myself into having a...a...climax."

Lisa let out a long sigh of impatience.

"Don't worry, John. I will make you cum. I promise. But I'm gonna do it my way. Okay? Trust me. I won't let you leave this bed, until I make you cum real good!"

"What on earth are you talking about, Lisa?"

"Let's just say that I've got what you might call 'a special talent.' Just give me a chance, and I'll show you. Okay?"

"Well, alright. I mean, so far, this evening with you has been anything but boring. I guess I could stand one more surprise. But would you please stop squeezing know..."

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I hope it's not hurting you too much. I've got some pretty strong muscles down there," Lisa admitted.

"Yeah, I can tell! It's kind of uncomfortable. But I guess I can live with it."

"Good. Do you feel this?" she asked.

Lisa's firm cervix slowly moved downward inside her vagina, and lightly pressed against the head of John's penis.

"Yeah," John calmly replied.

A cervix coming into direct contact with the head of his dick wasn't really that big of a deal to John. It had happened many times before in the past, since he happened to be fairly well-hung, and the tip of his penis would usually reach a woman's cervix during deep intercourse. Lisa's cervix was much larger than a normal woman's cervix, but it still felt like a cervix coming into contact with John's penis. And that was nothing for John to get alarmed about.

"How about this?" Lisa asked.

The small hole in the middle of Lisa's cervix slowly opened up, as the neck of her uterus pressed against the tip of John's penis, until it slowly slid down over the head of John's penis, and didn't stop until it had engulfed the entire head of his dick, and then some.

Then her cervix tightened up around the shaft of his penis, and the muscles at the entrance of her vagina finally relaxed. The neck of her uterus started massaging the head of his penis by repeatedly squeezing it.

"Is my...penis actually up inside of your uterus right now?" John asked in total disbelief.

"Yes. Doesn't it feel sexy?"

"Well sure. But I never realized that a woman could actually do that."

"Neither did I. At least, not until a year ago," Lisa honestly replied. "Well, do you like it, John?"

"Sure. But it feels kind of strange. So what do we do now?"

"You don't do anything. You just lie there, and enjoy it."

"And enjoy what, exactly?" asked John.

"This!" said Lisa.

John felt Lisa's cervix, as it started to slowly move his foreskin up and down the shaft of his penis, just behind the head of his dick.

John could hardly believe what was taking place. This woman was using her cervix to jack off his dick, while it was deep inside of her vagina. And God, it felt absolutely incredible to John!

As Lisa gradually increased the speed of her penis-pumping cervix, John released another little glob of seminal fluid. And he thought that he felt something weird brush up against the tip of his penis. He shuddered.

"Hey, what the hell was that?" he urgently asked Lisa.

"Oh, come on," Lisa calmly replied. "You're not gonna freak out on me now, are you? Doesn't this feel good to you?"

"Well, yes but--"

"Then why don't you just lie there, like a good little boy, and let me make you cum. You know that's what you really want. And that's what I really want too."

Lisa immediately sped up her penis-pumping cervix even more, and John instinctively thrust his penis all the way forward, as deep into Lisa's abdomen as he could get it. Soon, he felt those wonderful orgasmic feelings starting to overwhelm him.

As the sperm began to squirt out of his penis, John felt that "weird thing" brushing up against the tip of his penis again. But this time, the "weird thing" somehow managed to insert itself into John's piss-hole slit. And he could feel it rapidly snaking its way down through his urethral tube, towards his balls.

Despite being caught up in his own orgasmic sensations, John tried like crazy to pull his dick out of Lisa's pussy. But her cervix clamped down even tighter around his shaft, and John was literally unable to escape its firm grip.

And John quickly realized the futility of his efforts. The harder he tried to pull out of Lisa's vagina, the more firmly her cervix clamped down around his pulsating penis, effectively collapsing and closing off the long urethral "tube" on the underside of his shaft (which of course, was the only way for his ejaculating sperm to be properly released), and thus causing him excruciating pain, in the process.

But as soon as John stopped "fighting" Lisa and accepted his fate, she immediately eased up her firm cervical grip on his penis. John's sperm-ejaculation was just beginning to wind down. But he could feel Lisa's cervix go right back to pumping up and down on his still-mildly-throbbing shaft. He also felt the long snake-like "thing" work its way up into his lower abdomen, where his prostate gland was. And the tip of this "living catheter" was actually up inside of John's prostate, at this point.

Then John felt a very pleasurable vibration inside of his prostate gland. This vibration caused him to orgasm again--right on top of his first orgasm--and he released even more sperm. He had never done that before!

As John's second orgasm was beginning to subside, the pleasant vibration inside his prostate gland kept going on incessantly . And John actually orgasmed for the third time in a row! He couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. He thought to himself, This must be how good it feels to a woman, when she's having a string of orgasms, one right after another.

Then, as John was starting to come down off his extraordinary "orgasmic high," he was instantly racked with excruciating pain. He felt an extremely uncomfortable sensation up inside of his prostate gland. It felt like he had to pee like a racehorse. But he couldn't.

Basically, the very end of Lisa's now-sperm-coated, vibrating dick-clit had actually burrowed itself through John's prostate gland, and was now well up inside of his seminal vesicle.

Here's what was really taking place inside of John's reproductive tract, thanks to Lisa's unique, alien-created sex organs:

Basically, the aliens that abducted Lisa had specifically designed her dick-clit to dramatically vibrate like that, against the male's prostate gland, so that she would first cause the male to automatically orgasm very strongly, over and over again, until he had finally managed to release every bit of sperm that was left in his testicles (any sperm cells that were mature, and actually ready to be released).

At that point, Lisa's dick-clit would automatically--and totally-instinctively--extend itself even further down the man's urethra, and work its way well up into his seminal vesicle, where Lisa would finally end up orgasming and ejaculating her fertilized egg, so that it could easily swim in all the sexual fluid (that she would release at the same time) down into one of man's vas deferens tubes, and eventually attach itself to the outside part of one of the man's testicles.

The only way that the man could possibly prevent that from happening, would be for him to ejaculate some more sperm, before Lisa's swimming egg could slowly make its way down his vas deferens tube to his testicle.

However, the aliens had made sure that Lisa's vibrating dick-clit would drain the man dry of any remaining sperm, thus taking away all of the man's options, and giving Lisa the ability to extract true revenge against any man who she felt was actually a misogynistic jerk.

"What the fuck! Oh shit! Aaaaaahhh!" John cried out in sheer terror, as he was overwhelmed by the intense physical pain down in his scrotum.

Meanwhile, Lisa was orgasming her ass off, right underneath John. And she was also crying out, at the same time. But Lisa's cries were ones of sheer, intense pleasure, "Oh God! Yes! Yes! Oh yeah! That's it! That's it! Oh fuuuuck yes! Aaaaaahhh!"

And as she was coming down from her orgasmic high, Lisa proudly announced, "That was fucking great!"

John started crying like a baby.

"I just fucked you, John," Lisa said in a very relaxed voice, "Thanks for letting me use you. I know that you've used your share of women, in the past. In fact, you've got quite the reputation at Fred's bar. That's why I chose you. You can think of it as 'payback time,' John.

"Thanks to you, my fertilized egg is now merrily swimming its way around inside your seminal vesicle. And that little egg of mine will most certainly find its way down through one of your vas deferens, and attach itself to one of your testicles. And it will become a living fetus. I can guarantee you that much, John.

"And there's no way that you can stop this from happening. Except for maybe chopping off your own balls right now. But of course, you won't find any sharp objects in this apartment to do that with--even if you wanted to. Which I know you don't.

"Besides that, I'm not gonna let you pull your dick out of me, until I'm good and ready to. A girl has to take some precautions, you know?"

"Ohhh, no. No, no, no, no, no. No way! can't be serious," said John. "This has to be some kind of practical joke, or something. There's no way that you could get me--"

"Preg...nant!" Lisa sang out those two distinct syllables with glee, finishing John's sentence for him, in more ways than one.

John was wiping his watery eyes with his fingers, and there was snot starting to run out of both of his nostrils.

Lisa reached over to the night stand by the bed, pulled a few tissues out of the ever-present cardboard box, and handed the small scrunched-up wad to John, who immediately put the tissues to good use.

"John, I'm not kidding one single bit. You're as close to pregnant, as a guy can get. How does it feel?"

"Oh God! But how--"

"How did I do it?" Lisa was really enjoying finishing John's sentences for him. "Well, I've got a very unique penis that's deep down inside of your own penis right now. If you'll just relax a little bit, and cooperate with me, I'll tell you the whole story. All I ask is that you postpone your judgement of me, until you hear me out. Agreed?"

"I guess I have to," he said, slowly shaking his head from side to side, "What other choice do I really have?"

"Okay, here it goes: I was abducted by aliens last year. You know...taken up by a spaceship, and all that crap. They came and took me from my own bedroom late one night. Well, those two little gray bastards sure had a warped sense of humor..."

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1997: The Revelation

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John lay passively on top of Lisa, while she filled him in on all the sordid details about her alien abduction experience.

Lisa also told John that, since her abduction, she had had sex with one other man. But she didn't tell John that that "one other man" was her own brother-in-law, Bill. And she didn't say a word to John about her sexual relationships with other members of her own family.

Throughout her story, Lisa still had the head of her dick-clit up inside of John's seminal vesicle, and her cervix wrapped snugly around the shaft of his dick.

"Well, that other guy went through pretty much the same thing that you just did--except that I pulled my little vibrating penis out of his piss-hole just in time, so that I didn't drain him dry, and squirt a fertilized egg deep inside his dick, like I just did with you.

"But he still didn't enjoy the experience of having me invade his penis like that. He never wanted to have intercourse with me again. And I can't say that I blame him. I don't know many men who would actually want what amounts to a 'human catheter' inserted deep down inside their dicks.

"Anyway, call it woman's intuition, if you will, but I had the sneaky feeling that I was actually going to impregnate the next guy that I had sex with. And of course, this would be a very bad thing, from his point-of-view. I instinctively sensed that my egg would end up swimming down and implanting itself onto one of his testicles.

"Once again, you can call this woman's intuition, if you wish, but ever since my abduction, I've had this very reverent feeling towards men's balls. It's probably close to the same kind of feelings that you must have regarding a normal woman's uterus.

"I even found myself occasionally dreaming about different men's balls. And although these dreams always involved different men, the dream itself was always the same.

"I find myself completely nude, standing on a secluded stretch of beach. A man appears from somewhere, and approaches me. He takes off his pants, and stands right in front of me, while he proudly shows me his dick. But it's not a human dick at all. It's the kind of dick that you'd find on a large animal. Like on a lion, for instance.

"The man's balls look completely normal. But his dick is totally covered with a thick, furry foreskin--except for a little bright-red, pointy-thing sticking out of a hole at the very tip. The man tells me that he wants me to touch it. And I reach across, and feel the tip of it with my fingers.

"Then I pull down the loose, furry sheath that hides his slick, red animal-penis. And I start playing with his weird-looking dick. And of course, the man gets a hard-on. So naturally, it doesn't take very long before I'm moving my hand up and down on his slimy animal-dick, and jacking him off.

"While I'm doing that, the man's animal-dick magically transforms itself into a normal-looking human-penis, right in my hand. And I just keep jacking the guy off, until I finally make him cum.

"The man's sperm starts squirting out all over the place. And there's so much sperm that it looks really freaky. It's like the guy's dick has turned into a sperm-fountain that's totally out-of-control. And he can't stop it--even if he wanted to. Which or course, he doesn't. But eventually the sperm does stop flowing out of the guy's dick. And afterwards, the man actually thanks me for making him cum so good.

"That's when I notice that one of the man's balls is quickly growing bigger and bigger, right in front of my eyes, until it's finally the size of a basketball. And it's gently swaying back and forth, down between his legs. I reach down and put my hand on it, to stop it from swinging. And that's when I feel something moving around inside of it.

"The next thing I know, I'm in a hospital emergency room. And the guy's testicle bursts wide-open. And a blood-covered, newborn baby emerges from it, and takes its first breath. Meanwhile, the doctors and nurses are going crazy trying to keep the poor guy from bleeding to death, while I'm cradling the newborn baby in a towel in my arms.

"And then the baby says to me in a tiny voice, 'Mama?' And that's when I always wake up to discover that my pussy's nice and wet, and that my dick-clit is hanging all the way out of my pussy.

"I can only assume that those little alien bastards somehow ingrained that particular erotic dream-scenario into my subconscious mind, so that I would fantasize about it over and over again in my sleep, and in that way, become more comfortable with the idea of impregnating a man with my egg."

John's heart was racing, and he felt pretty nauseous as he was listening to Lisa describe her alien-induced dream. His face was the face of a man being told by his doctor that he only has nine months left to live. And in John's case, at least six of those nine months would probably be nothing less than a living hell.

"So anyway, this time around," Lisa continued, "I was much more careful in choosing my 'target.' I wanted to find a real jerk. Someone who regularly used women, and then discarded them, like they were a piece of trash. Someone who had a heart of ice, and needed a good lesson on the subject of 'empathy.'

"I asked around. And some of my girlfriends told me that there was this rich ass-hole who frequented Fred's bar, and that this guy was infamous for breaking women's hearts. I asked them how I'd know who this guy was, when I finally saw him. And they told me his name was 'John,' before they gave me a thorough description of him.

"They also warned me not to get involved with him. But what they didn't know, was that this time around, the woman was going to break John's heart, for a change.

"So I went to Fred's bar. And I was looking for an overweight bald guy, with a very hairy body and a diamond-encrusted Rolex watch around his left wrist.

"When you first told me your name, you unintentionally verified that you were the 'John' that I was looking for--pun intended--and so I proceeded to pick you up. And the rest is history, so-to-speak," Lisa said, and then calmly reached over with her right hand, grabbed the pull-chain on the little lamp next to her bed, and gave it a quick yank to light up the bedroom once again.

"Now, I want you to slowly pull your dick out of my pussy," said Lisa. "Go ahead. The least I can do is let you see what you've been fucked by. Let you see the alien-made, female penis that has just gotten you pregnant."

John eased his penis out of Lisa's uterus and vagina, while he was staring down between his legs the whole time. He shuddered when he caught his first glimpse of that dark reddish-colored, vein-ridden, super-muscular tube that was slowly inching its way back up out of his urethra, like some weird earthworm-catheter from hell.

He let out a fierce growl, as he grabbed hold of Lisa's dick-clit with his hands, and tried to yank on it hard.

But her dick-clit was drenched with a coating of slick, sexual juices. And so it easily slid right through John's fingers, as Lisa quickly retracted it back up into the safety of her uterus.

"Oh, come off it, John! You were tryin' to hurt me. Weren't you? You bastard!" Lisa was really pissed-off now.

"Look who's talking! I'm the one who's probably gonna die, thanks to you," John said bitterly. "I was only trying to turn you back into a real woman again. That's all. But no," he added, slowly shaking his head, "You can't ever be a real woman again. Can you, Lisa? 'Cuz you're just a pathetic freak, with a weird-ass noodle-dick. And I feel sorry for you. But I feel more sorry for the poor schmuck who ends up in your bed next month. This is for him!"

John hauled off and slapped Lisa's face as hard as he could. The side of her head slammed downward against her pillow, and her cheek now had a red hand-print emblazoned on it. And she actually lost consciousness for a few moments.

While Lisa was still lying there unconscious, John quickly reached out with both hands, grabbed the large puffed-out nipples on Lisa's small breasts, and squeezed them as hard as he could between his thumbs and fingers, before pulling upward on them, and trying to literally tear them right off her chest.

Lisa finally came to, and started screaming in sheer agony. She shot her hand down into John's crotch, grabbed hold of his balls, and squeezed them as hard as she possibly could.

John immediately let go of Lisa's nipples, as he let out a very loud groan, and just about puked all over her. His face was all grimaced up with pain, when Lisa finally let go of his balls, and then slapped him in the face very hard, just like he had done to her.

John never saw the slap coming. But he sure as hell felt it. He rolled over on his side, instinctively holding both hands over his crotch. And he slowly kept on rolling, until he fell off the edge of the bed, and landed on the floor with a sickening thud.

Lisa was still lying on the bed, and rubbing the palms of her hands against her sore nipples--John had actually dug his thumbnail deep into her left nipple, and it was starting to bleed pretty badly--when she heard John throwing up all over the carpet, right next to her boots and pants.

Lisa was so grossed out by the sound and the stench of John's vomiting, that she almost started to puke right along with him. But she somehow managed to keep her food and liquor down in her stomach.

John eventually worked his way back up onto his feet. And he just stood there by the side of the bed, in a stooped-over position, butt-naked, with little pieces of vomit starting to dry on his upper lip and chin. He glared at Lisa like some crazed lunatic.

"What're you gonna do now, ass-hole? Murder me? Well, go right ahead, you fucking jerk!" Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs. The tears began pouring down both sides of her face. And her voice was very shaky, as she said, "You'd only be doing me a big favor. My life has been a living hell, since that God damn alien abduction shit! But even if you do get rid of me, you've still got a big problem of your own to deal with, Johnny Boy. And I'm definitely glad that I'm not in your shoes right now!"

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"Get your shoes on, Honey. It's time!" a voice yelled out from nowhere.

"Huh?...What?" John said, as he slowly opened his eyes, and saw a single long-stem red rose lying on top of the night stand, right next to his side of the bed, in his own bedroom.

"The hospital, silly. Lisa's water broke. And her contractions are less than five minutes apart right now. Well, come on, sleepyhead. Get up out of that bed, and let's go!"

"Wait a second," John said, easing himself up into a sitting position on the side of the mattress, "We're having a baby?"

"No, John. Lisa's having a baby. And you're going to be a grandpa. That's what happens nine months after a girl gets pregnant. Remember? Now, get your shoes on, and let's go. Before she ends up having it right here in the damn house!" Jan said, as she rapidly scurried out of their bedroom, and left her partially-clothed husband to fend for himself.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting my shoes on," John said, talking to himself, while he was leaning over to get the shoes that were lying on the carpet, next to the bed. "Damn it! Where the hell are my socks at?" John remarked to himself.

"Hey, Dad, come on!" Bill, John's 27-year-old son, quickly blurted out from the hallway just outside John's bedroom, and then ran off.

John heard Bill talking to his very-pregnant, twin sister, Lisa, as he was escorting her towards the car. John had always admired how well Bill and Lisa got along. However, he chalked most of that up to the fact that they were twins. But to John, they sure seemed to act much more like two best friends, instead of brother and sister.

"I'm coming!" John yelled back at Bill, and then immediately realized the irony in the words he had just said, considering the very strange dream he had just finished having.

From somewhere else in the house, John heard Jan's voice call out loudly.

"John, I called your sister, Val. And she's going to meet us at the hospital. Hey, do you still think 'Alex' is a good name for Lisa's new baby boy?"

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2002: The Real World

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The real Lisa--whose surname was Ridgeway, not Chadwick--grew up to become a reddish-haired small-breasted woman, just like her mother, Jan. However, Lisa's hair was a darker shade of red, with more of a reddish-brown tint to it, whereas Jan's hair was a light golden-red. Lisa just turned 30 this year.

The closest that the real Lisa ever came to having an alien encounter, was when her 20-year-old boyfriend at the time, Rusty Martin, date-raped her in the back seat of his father's 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 4-door sedan on the night of her 18th birthday.

Rusty and Lisa had both polished off a couple of illegally-procured "tall boy" 24-ounce cans of Colt 45 malt liquor. And then they had done some pretty heavy petting in the back seat of the car, which was parked in an alley behind an abandoned warehouse, in a run-down part of town.

Rusty had managed to get his hand up under Lisa's dress, and was thoroughly feeling out her panty-covered pussy. Meanwhile, she was pre-occupied with French-kissing him, while she was feeling out the bulge in the crotch of his jeans, at the same time.

However, once Lisa had a couple of mild orgasms under her belt--and a wet pussy, that was starting to soak the crotch of her panties--things quickly got out-of-hand, when Rusty reached down and unzipped his pants to expose his "package," and then immediately started to pull Lisa's panties down.

Even though she was feeling pretty tipsy from the malt liquor, Lisa instantly realized what Rusty was getting ready to do. And she begged and pleaded with him not to have sexual intercourse with her.

But he told her that she wasn't a little girl anymore, and that she was old enough to behave like a woman--his woman.

He quickly pounced on top of her and held her down, while he yanked the crotch of her panties over to one side, and then shoved his fully-erect penis up deep into her vagina, stretching her hymen in the process, and taking her virginity against her will. He made a few rapid thrusts, and ejaculated within mere seconds.

Lisa was in tears throughout. And it was only by sheer luck that Rusty didn't get her pregnant that night.

Naturally, just like many young girls back in those times, Lisa never told anyone else about her nasty date-rape experience with Rusty that had brought their relationship to an abrupt end.

Over the course of the next few months, Lisa went on to try to establish romantic relationships with some of the other boys at school that she liked. And she was blessed with such a pretty-looking face--combined with a loving personality--that she never had any problem getting boys to ask her out on dates. In fact, most of the boys at her school would go the extra mile to try to impress Lisa, and hopefully snag her as their girlfriend.

But unfortunately, Lisa always fell hard for the "bad boy" types--just like Rusty Martin--who would inevitably end up using her, and treating her like crap.

Finally, after going through several bad boyfriends, one right after another, Lisa gave up on trying to have anything resembling a normal high school love life. And she outwardly turned to lesbianism, as an alternative. At least, her lesbian girlfriends always treated her well.

Then one night, when her parents were out for the evening, Lisa stayed at home with her twin brother. Even though she had just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago, and was in a steady relationship with a lesbian girl at school, Lisa asked her brother for advice on "boys" and "dating."

And of course, Bill was surprised by his sister's continued interest in the opposite sex. But he was more than happy to help Lisa out with her "boy problem."

Towards the end of their lengthy, serious discussion, while they were still sitting side-by-side on the couch in the den, things had gotten pretty graphic, with them openly talking about intimate sexual topics like "oral sex" and "intercourse positions."

And Lisa just happened to be feeling really horny that night. But she got even more turned-on when she looked over into Bill's lap, and noticed that he had an obvious "boner-bulge" at the front of his crotch, as a result of their frank sexual discussion.

And that's when Lisa shocked Bill by abruptly bringing up the topic of "her own clitoris."

"I was always ashamed to let any of my boyfriends see it," Lisa said to Bill. "It's so large that it makes my pussy look really weird. Let's just say that my pussy doesn't look like a normal girl's pussy."

"Hey, I know exactly how you feel," said Bill. "I never told you this, but I've got a medical condition called hypospadias. It's a birth defect of the urethra. So I've always been just as ashamed to let a girl see my penis, because I don't have a piss-hole at the tip of it, like a normal guy does.

"Instead, my dick-head's kind of weird-looking, and my piss-hole opening is on the underside of my dick, just behind my dick-head. And that's why I've always tried to have sex in the dark, so that my girlfriends can't see what my dick really looks like."

"Wow!" Lisa said. "So then both of us have fucked-up genitals."

"Yeah. Ain't life grand!" Bill said, very sarcastically. And then his voice changed to a serious tone, and he said, "You know, that's probably why Mom and Dad never let us take baths together, back when we were kids."

"You're probably right about that. Tell ya what," Lisa said, "You're my twin brother. And we're as close as any brother and sister can be. So there really shouldn't be any secrets between us. Why don't we make up for the fact that we weren't allowed to see each other's 'nasty parts,' as kids?"

"Okay, Sis. But where are you going with this?"

Lisa paused for a moment, staring straight into Bill's eyes. And then she asked him point-blank, "Would you like to see what my pussy looks like?"

"Are you kidding me? What do you expect me to say to a loaded question like that? Of course, I'd love to see your pussy! In fact, the truth is, I've been wanting to see your pussy, ever since I was a young boy."

"Good. Well I feel the same way about your dick. So here's the deal. I'll let you see my pussy, but only if you'll show me your dick first. Deal?"

Bill mulled Lisa's "offer" over in his mind for a moment, and then said, "Deal." And they both shook pinky-fingers on it, as Bill added, "But you've gotta promise me that you won't laugh at the way my dick looks."

"I promise. But only if you promise me that you won't make fun of the way my pussy looks, either."

"I promise," Bill said.

Then he took a deep breath, and stood up, and bravely took off his shorts and underwear, before sitting back down on the couch, right beside Lisa. He spread his legs apart a little bit, and twisted his body towards Lisa, so that she could get a good look at his erect dick, and his modest-size balls.

"Oh my God!" Lisa remarked, when she saw what Bill's dick-head looked like. "Where's your piss-hole at? It looks like you don't even have one at all."

"Oh, I've got one, alright," Bill replied. "It's just that it's normally hidden."

Bill reached down and retracted his short, circumcised foreskin downward towards the base of his shaft, in order to expose the small circular hole that had been hidden deep down inside the fold of his foreskin, and perfectly centered on the underside of his shaft.

"See?" Bill said, as he was revealing his previously-hidden piss-hole opening to Lisa's hungry eyes. "Wow! That's really cool!" Lisa honestly replied. "It's kind of round. Just like a girl's piss-hole."

"Yeah. That's true," Bill candidly admitted. "But there isn't a girl in this world who can ejaculate sperm out of her little round piss-hole. And that makes me pretty unique. Don't you think?"

"Oh, hell yes!" Lisa exclaimed. "Really, I'm not kidding you, Bill. You've got one of the sexiest-looking dicks that I've ever seen! You shouldn't be ashamed of it."

But Bill was still ashamed of it. And it didn't matter to him what Lisa had just told him. He assumed that she was just trying to patronize him. To make him feel better about his weird-looking dick-head.

And Bill was also feeling quite embarrassed by the way that Lisa had been just sitting there, and staring at his stiff, 6-inch-long penis the whole time.

He removed his hand from his dick, letting the foreskin naturally fold back over the top of his piss-hole, to once again hide it from Lisa's prying eyes. And he said to Lisa, "Okay. Now it's your turn."

Without taking her eyes off of Bill's dick and balls, Lisa stood up, and took off her own shorts and panties, before sitting back down on the couch. She twisted her body towards Bill's, and spread her legs far enough apart so that he could clearly see her completely hairless crotch and pussy mound.

"Okay, Sis," Bill said, finding it nearly impossible to take his eyes away from his sister's totally-shaved pussy. "So what's next?"

"Oh, I think you already know," Lisa cryptically said, as she reached across and wrapped her right hand around Bill's erect penis. And she began squeezing it, and feeling out the various parts of it.

She was especially intrigued by the little, round, feminine-looking piss-hole on the underside of Bill's shaft. She just kept reaching down, and feeling it over and over again, using the tip of her middle finger.

And Lisa was all of the sudden overcome with the strong urge to lean down and lick Bill's piss-hole opening, which was something that she absolutely loved doing to her lesbian girlfriends' piss-holes. But of course, Lisa didn't actually act on her "piss-hole licking" urge. At least, not yet.

"Lisa, are you sure you wanna do this?" Bill asked.

"Uh-huh," Lisa hummed back, eagerly nodding her head, as she started slowing hand-pumping the shaft of his dick.

But Bill was still hesitant about reciprocating Lisa's actions.

So she leaned over, and softly whispered in his ear, "Come on, Baby. It's okay. I want you to play with my pussy. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. Please don't disappoint me now."

And Lisa immediately began giving Bill a series of very gentle kisses up and down the side of his neck, just below the ear that she was whispering into.

At the same time, Lisa grabbed hold of Bill's hand with her free hand, pulling it all the way across to her crotch, and placing it onto her bare pussy, so that he could feel out her large clitoris, along with the rest of her pussy. Needless to say, once Lisa let go of his hand, Bill was more than happy to leave his hand down between Lisa's legs.

And one thing naturally led to another, and before everything was said and done, they both ended up butt-naked, and having no-holds-barred sex with each other.

And Lisa eventually got to lick Bill's little round piss-hole, just like she had wanted to earlier.

Bill lost his virginity to his own sister that evening (which was something that he didn't confess to Lisa until several months later). And he actually got to fuck Lisa in all sorts of body positions, until he had finally managed to ejaculate inside her pussy three different times, leaving them both totally satiated.

And that's how Lisa's secret sexual relationship with her twin brother began. And over the next seven and a half years, while Lisa maintained her lesbian lifestyle for all the outside world to see, she and Bill would secretly rendevous to have sex whenever they could--but only during Lisa's "safe times"--until Lisa's luck finally ran out, when she ovulated twice during the same month, and got pregnant with Bill's child in early 1996.

That was a double whammy for Bill. At Lisa's insistence, Bill had been dating other girls every so often (whenever he could actually find a girl who wanted to date him, that is), throughout the first year that he was carrying on his secret sexual relationship with his twin sister. And towards the end of 1988, when Bill was 19, he managed to find an 18-year-old girl, named Julie, who happened to like and "appreciate" his strange-looking hypospadic penis, almost as much as his twin sister did.

Bill also managed to knock Julie up while they were out on their fifth date together, which was only the second time that he ever had sexual intercourse with her. Bill later found out that Julie had been secretly wanting to get impregnated, long before he ever met her. And so she had lied to him all along, telling him that she was on The Pill (when she really wasn't using any form birth control at all), just so that he would go ahead and fuck her--and hopefully get her pregnant. And of course, Bill went ahead and did the honorable thing. He married Julie, when he found out that she was pregnant with his child: a baby girl, named Patricia.

To add insult to injury, Bill soon discovered that Julie had been lying to him all along about something else that was pretty important, as far as Bill was concerned. The truth was that Julie absolutely hated the way that Bill's hypospadic penis looked, even calling it "gross-looking" and "disgusting" right to his face on their wedding night, and then insisting that they have sex in the dark, so that she wouldn't have to look at his "ugly dick" anymore.

And to make matters even worse, since Bill and Julie were complete opposites, personality-wise, they both fought like cats and dogs in their own apartment for nearly two years, before Bill finally couldn't take it anymore, and filed for a divorce. But at least he managed to maintain part-time custody of his little girl, Trish, who he absolutely adored. But of course, he had to temporarily move back into his parent's home, as a result of the messy divorce.

So given these horrible background circumstances surrounding his entire joke of a marriage to his ex-wife, it's quite understandable that Bill wanted Lisa to get an abortion.

But Lisa wanted to have the baby.

So Lisa hashed things out with Bill. And they finally agreed that she could go ahead and have the baby, but only under the condition that they would tell everyone that Lisa had gotten drunk one night, and fucked some guy that she picked up at a bar for a "one-night stand," and that that was how she had gotten pregnant.

Bill made Lisa promise that she would never tell another living soul--even her own child--who the real father was.

Lisa agreed to Bill's terms, but only under the condition that Bill had to promise her that, after she had the baby, he would never have sex with her again.

But Bill and Lisa both decided to continue fucking like rabbits throughout the whole nine months of Lisa's pregnancy. They both figured that "the damage had already been done," and so they might as well enjoy themselves as much as they possibly could, until the baby finally came.

Lisa ended up having a healthy baby boy. And she named her son "Alex," in honor of her father, John Ridgeway, whose middle name was Alexander. Ironically, Lisa's mother, Jan, hit menopause during the same year that Alex was born.

The real Lisa and her 6-year-old son, Alex, now live in Austin, Texas, with her lesbian live-in lover, Vicki, who just happens to make her living as a stripper at a local topless bar.

Lisa "dances" too. At the same topless bar. She uses the lucrative income to support herself and Alex, while she's putting herself through college. She hopes to become a psychotherapist someday.

The real John Ridgeway is just about to turn 52. And he's still sexually active. But not with his wife, Jan.

For the last five years, Jan hadn't wanted anything to do with John, when it came to sex. She had actually banished him from their previously-shared bedroom, and made him sleep in a different bedroom in their large two-story, four-bedroom suburban home.

So John masturbates a lot nowadays.

And before he does, he usually goes to his "secret hiding place" and retrieves a sealed, gallon-size plastic freezer bag. Inside the large, folded-in-half transparent bag is a pair of plain white soiled nylon panties that had belonged to his twin sister, Val, who has since passed away.

Of course, John always has to sneak the panties into the bathroom with him, because Jan would most likely get upset, if she knew what he was doing.

John has always been less than happy with the penis that God gave him. When he was a young man, his fully-erect penis was only about 4 1/2 inches long. And now, it was even shorter than that. And the head of his penis was so large that it accounted for nearly half of his entire penis-length.

John had been "blessed with" a dick-head that had an extremely unusual-looking, drastically flared-out corona encircling the rear of it. The head of John's dick was so wide, in relationship to the short narrow shaft of his penis, that his erect penis almost looked like a large, flesh-colored mushroom.

Jan used to tell him that she absolutely loved his "little mushroom-dick." But John always suspected that Jan was just patronizing him, because she loved him, and didn't want to hurt him by admitting to him that she really wished that the man she married would have had a longer penis.

Of course, John's short penis had worked well enough to produce two healthy children with Jan. And he really didn't care that much anymore that he wasn't well-hung. At this point in his life, he assumed that he would probably never stick his penis into any woman's vagina ever again.

John had gained a lot of weight over the last 20 years. And now his belly was so big, that he couldn't look down and see his own erect penis, when he was in a standing position.

And John liked to be able to look at his own penis during masturbation. And the easiest way to accomplish this nowadays, was for him to jack off in front of a mirror. So the bathroom naturally became his preferred masturbation location.

Jan, on the other hand, had maintained a very good-looking, slender figure for a woman her age. This was primarily due to the fact that her hips were narrow, and her breasts were still very small and firm, just like the A-cup size breasts that one would expect to find on the chest of a young, teenage girl.

John thought that part of the reason why Jan refused to share her bed with him anymore, was at least partially due to the fact of how overweight he now was--in addition to the "menopause thing," of course. John also assumed that Jan wasn't interested in having sex anymore.

Nothing could have been further from the truth. Jan, at age 48, was almost as sexually active nowadays, as she had been when she was still having sex with John--except that John's short penis had been replaced by an 8-inch-long, realistic-looking, flesh-colored, vibrating, penis-shaped dildo that Jan had gotten as a gag-gift for her birthday 4 years ago from a close female friend of hers.

John didn't know about the dildo. And Jan kept it well-hidden, whenever she wasn't using it. It was one of the few "new-fangled inventions" that she had really taken a liking to. In fact, Jan had secretly purchased several other "new-fangled inventions" (vaginal and anal toys) over the last 4 years, and had put them all to good use, from time to time.

And, just like John, Jan found herself masturbating a lot nowadays. However, unlike John, she preferred to do it in her own bedroom.

Jan and her daughter, Lisa, were very close. In fact, they behaved much more like sisters, than mother and daughter.

One night, Jan confessed to Lisa that the real reason why she had banished John from her bedroom was that, just five years before, back in the year 1997, she had accidentally found a pair of panties in a plastic freezer bag, hidden underneath some clothing, at the very rear of the bottom drawer of John's dresser.

Jan assumed that the panties had belonged to a young girl, and she knew that John was extremely fond of his then-9-year-old granddaughter, Trish. He was always setting Trish on his lap, or giving her horsey-rides on his leg, or tickling her all over her body.

So naturally, Jan assumed that the panties in the plastic bag in John's dresser drawer had to belong to her granddaughter. Of course, it never dawned on Jan--because she didn't take the time to closely examine them--that the panties she found in John's dresser might have been way too large to belong to a 9-year-old girl.

But Jan just knew, deep down in her heart, that the man she thought she loved, was putting her granddaughter through the same kind of thing that Jan herself went through with one of her own uncles, when she was a young girl.

Jan never told John about it, but she admitted to Lisa that her Uncle Ed had sexually molested her, under the guise of "playing little games" with her, and that he had done it on numerous occasions.

"My God! That must have been a lot for you to handle as a young girl." Lisa said, empathizing with her mother.

At the same time, Lisa seriously doubted Jan's claim that the panties she had discovered in John's dresser drawer were actually Trish's panties. After all, from what Lisa could remember, her father had never made any sexual advances towards her, throughout her entire childhood. Sure, he had changed Lisa's diapers when she was a baby, and given her baths when she was a toddler. And throughout Lisa's early grade school years, her father had even gone into the bathroom with her on several occasions, and helped clean her up after she had accidentally peed her pants, while she was outside playing with her little friends. But none of this had been sexual in nature, as far as Lisa was concerned. It was nothing more than a great father taking care of his little girl.

And so Lisa just knew, deep down in her heart, that those panties of John's had to belong to someone who wasn't his young granddaughter, Trish.

"Yes, it certainly was a lot to handle," Jan agreed with Lisa's assessment, and then went on to admit to Lisa that because of this traumatic childhood experience with her Uncle Ed, Jan had rarely performed oral sex on John throughout their entire marriage. And the few times that she did, she said that it was only because John had absolutely insisted on it.

Jan went on to further confess to Lisa that she never allowed John to ejaculate in her mouth, during those rare times when she did "give in," and suck John's dick.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work.

Author's Note:

This novel deals with extremely taboo situations and events in a very graphic, no-holds-barred manner. It covers a myriad of taboo sexual categories, ranging from "incest" to "rape," and beyond. If taboo thoughts, ideas and fantasies are not your sexual "cup of tea," then by all means, please feel free to bypass this story entirely. Consider yourself warned.

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An Adult Erotic Twisted Tale About Taboo Relationships

by rat_race

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1997: The Punch Line

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"Lisa, what the hell are you doing?" John frantically demanded.

"I want you to just lie still and relax, John," Lisa said, still giggling a little bit.

"Relax? Why don't you relax that...that 'vise' you've got around my...penis?" John said, thinking that the word "penis" was a truly distasteful and ugly-sounding name to give a guy's dick.

"I can't do that right now, John," Lisa said very calmly and sincerely. "Please bear with me for a little bit. This always happens at first. It's part of a medical condition that I've got. If you try to move around right now, it'll just make me tighten up even more. It's kind of like Chinese handcuffs."

"Don't worry. I'm not moving," John said, thinking about how effectively Chinese handcuffs had always worked on kids' fingers. "But how the heck am I supposed to build up excitement, so that I can...well, you know..."

"Cum? Get your rocks off? Squirt your sperm? Shoot your wad? Jet your jiz?" Lisa laughed hard and shook her head. "I'd say that you've done a pretty good job of it so far."

"Oh. So you know that I've been--"

"Leaking inside me?" Lisa said, finishing John's sentence. "Yes, John, I do have eyes. And I saw how leaky your dick was, before you ever stuck it in me. That's why I called it your 'wet dick.' Remember? Besides, my vagina always senses the drastic difference between a man's wetness, and my own."

Of course, Lisa didn't tell John that she was struggling like hell to keep her dick-clit at bay.

"But that's different. And you know it," said John. "Those little drops of...uhm...fluid automatically leak out, whenever I get really excited. But I've never been able to just lie there, and think myself into having a...a...climax."

Lisa let out a long sigh of impatience.

"Don't worry, John. I will make you cum. I promise. But I'm gonna do it my way. Okay? Trust me. I won't let you leave this bed, until I make you cum real good!"

"What on earth are you talking about, Lisa?"

"Let's just say that I've got what you might call 'a special talent.' Just give me a chance, and I'll show you. Okay?"

"Well, alright. I mean, so far, this evening with you has been anything but boring. I guess I could stand one more surprise. But would you please stop squeezing know..."

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I hope it's not hurting you too much. I've got some pretty strong muscles down there," Lisa admitted.

"Yeah, I can tell! It's kind of uncomfortable. But I guess I can live with it."

"Good. Do you feel this?" she asked.

Lisa's firm cervix slowly moved downward inside her vagina, and lightly pressed against the head of John's penis.

"Yeah," John calmly replied.

A cervix coming into direct contact with the head of his dick wasn't really that big of a deal to John. It had happened many times before in the past, since he happened to be fairly well-hung, and the tip of his penis would usually reach a woman's cervix during deep intercourse. Lisa's cervix was much larger than a normal woman's cervix, but it still felt like a cervix coming into contact with John's penis. And that was nothing for John to get alarmed about.

"How about this?" Lisa asked.

The small hole in the middle of Lisa's cervix slowly opened up, as the neck of her uterus pressed against the tip of John's penis, until it slowly slid down over the head of John's penis, and didn't stop until it had engulfed the entire head of his dick, and then some.

Then her cervix tightened up around the shaft of his penis, and the muscles at the entrance of her vagina finally relaxed. The neck of her uterus started massaging the head of his penis by repeatedly squeezing it.

"Is my...penis actually up inside of your uterus right now?" John asked in total disbelief.

"Yes. Doesn't it feel sexy?"

"Well sure. But I never realized that a woman could actually do that."

"Neither did I. At least, not until a year ago," Lisa honestly replied. "Well, do you like it, John?"

"Sure. But it feels kind of strange. So what do we do now?"

"You don't do anything. You just lie there, and enjoy it."

"And enjoy what, exactly?" asked John.

"This!" said Lisa.

John felt Lisa's cervix, as it started to slowly move his foreskin up and down the shaft of his penis, just behind the head of his dick.

John could hardly believe what was taking place. This woman was using her cervix to jack off his dick, while it was deep inside of her vagina. And God, it felt absolutely incredible to John!

As Lisa gradually increased the speed of her penis-pumping cervix, John released another little glob of seminal fluid. And he thought that he felt something weird brush up against the tip of his penis. He shuddered.

"Hey, what the hell was that?" he urgently asked Lisa.

"Oh, come on," Lisa calmly replied. "You're not gonna freak out on me now, are you? Doesn't this feel good to you?"

"Well, yes but--"

"Then why don't you just lie there, like a good little boy, and let me make you cum. You know that's what you really want. And that's what I really want too."

Lisa immediately sped up her penis-pumping cervix even more, and John instinctively thrust his penis all the way forward, as deep into Lisa's abdomen as he could get it. Soon, he felt those wonderful orgasmic feelings starting to overwhelm him.

As the sperm began to squirt out of his penis, John felt that "weird thing" brushing up against the tip of his penis again. But this time, the "weird thing" somehow managed to insert itself into John's piss-hole slit. And he could feel it rapidly snaking its way down through his urethral tube, towards his balls.

Despite being caught up in his own orgasmic sensations, John tried like crazy to pull his dick out of Lisa's pussy. But her cervix clamped down even tighter around his shaft, and John was literally unable to escape its firm grip.

And John quickly realized the futility of his efforts. The harder he tried to pull out of Lisa's vagina, the more firmly her cervix clamped down around his pulsating penis, effectively collapsing and closing off the long urethral "tube" on the underside of his shaft (which of course, was the only way for his ejaculating sperm to be properly released), and thus causing him excruciating pain, in the process.

But as soon as John stopped "fighting" Lisa and accepted his fate, she immediately eased up her firm cervical grip on his penis. John's sperm-ejaculation was just beginning to wind down. But he could feel Lisa's cervix go right back to pumping up and down on his still-mildly-throbbing shaft. He also felt the long snake-like "thing" work its way up into his lower abdomen, where his prostate gland was. And the tip of this "living catheter" was actually up inside of John's prostate, at this point.

Then John felt a very pleasurable vibration inside of his prostate gland. This vibration caused him to orgasm again--right on top of his first orgasm--and he released even more sperm. He had never done that before!

As John's second orgasm was beginning to subside, the pleasant vibration inside his prostate gland kept going on incessantly . And John actually orgasmed for the third time in a row! He couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. He thought to himself, This must be how good it feels to a woman, when she's having a string of orgasms, one right after another.

Then, as John was starting to come down off his extraordinary "orgasmic high," he was instantly racked with excruciating pain. He felt an extremely uncomfortable sensation up inside of his prostate gland. It felt like he had to pee like a racehorse. But he couldn't.

Basically, the very end of Lisa's now-sperm-coated, vibrating dick-clit had actually burrowed itself through John's prostate gland, and was now well up inside of his seminal vesicle.

Here's what was really taking place inside of John's reproductive tract, thanks to Lisa's unique, alien-created sex organs:

Basically, the aliens that abducted Lisa had specifically designed her dick-clit to dramatically vibrate like that, against the male's prostate gland, so that she would first cause the male to automatically orgasm very strongly, over and over again, until he had finally managed to release every bit of sperm that was left in his testicles (any sperm cells that were mature, and actually ready to be released).

At that point, Lisa's dick-clit would automatically--and totally-instinctively--extend itself even further down the man's urethra, and work its way well up into his seminal vesicle, where Lisa would finally end up orgasming and ejaculating her fertilized egg, so that it could easily swim in all the sexual fluid (that she would release at the same time) down into one of man's vas deferens tubes, and eventually attach itself to the outside part of one of the man's testicles.

The only way that the man could possibly prevent that from happening, would be for him to ejaculate some more sperm, before Lisa's swimming egg could slowly make its way down his vas deferens tube to his testicle.

However, the aliens had made sure that Lisa's vibrating dick-clit would drain the man dry of any remaining sperm, thus taking away all of the man's options, and giving Lisa the ability to extract true revenge against any man who she felt was actually a misogynistic jerk.

"What the fuck! Oh shit! Aaaaaahhh!" John cried out in sheer terror, as he was overwhelmed by the intense physical pain down in his scrotum.

Meanwhile, Lisa was orgasming her ass off, right underneath John. And she was also crying out, at the same time. But Lisa's cries were ones of sheer, intense pleasure, "Oh God! Yes! Yes! Oh yeah! That's it! That's it! Oh fuuuuck yes! Aaaaaahhh!"

And as she was coming down from her orgasmic high, Lisa proudly announced, "That was fucking great!"

John started crying like a baby.

"I just fucked you, John," Lisa said in a very relaxed voice, "Thanks for letting me use you. I know that you've used your share of women, in the past. In fact, you've got quite the reputation at Fred's bar. That's why I chose you. You can think of it as 'payback time,' John.

"Thanks to you, my fertilized egg is now merrily swimming its way around inside your seminal vesicle. And that little egg of mine will most certainly find its way down through one of your vas deferens, and attach itself to one of your testicles. And it will become a living fetus. I can guarantee you that much, John.

"And there's no way that you can stop this from happening. Except for maybe chopping off your own balls right now. But of course, you won't find any sharp objects in this apartment to do that with--even if you wanted to. Which I know you don't.

"Besides that, I'm not gonna let you pull your dick out of me, until I'm good and ready to. A girl has to take some precautions, you know?"

"Ohhh, no. No, no, no, no, no. No way! can't be serious," said John. "This has to be some kind of practical joke, or something. There's no way that you could get me--"

"Preg...nant!" Lisa sang out those two distinct syllables with glee, finishing John's sentence for him, in more ways than one.

John was wiping his watery eyes with his fingers, and there was snot starting to run out of both of his nostrils.

Lisa reached over to the night stand by the bed, pulled a few tissues out of the ever-present cardboard box, and handed the small scrunched-up wad to John, who immediately put the tissues to good use.

"John, I'm not kidding one single bit. You're as close to pregnant, as a guy can get. How does it feel?"

"Oh God! But how--"

"How did I do it?" Lisa was really enjoying finishing John's sentences for him. "Well, I've got a very unique penis that's deep down inside of your own penis right now. If you'll just relax a little bit, and cooperate with me, I'll tell you the whole story. All I ask is that you postpone your judgement of me, until you hear me out. Agreed?"

"I guess I have to," he said, slowly shaking his head from side to side, "What other choice do I really have?"

"Okay, here it goes: I was abducted by aliens last year. You know...taken up by a spaceship, and all that crap. They came and took me from my own bedroom late one night. Well, those two little gray bastards sure had a warped sense of humor..."

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1997: The Revelation

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John lay passively on top of Lisa, while she filled him in on all the sordid details about her alien abduction experience.

Lisa also told John that, since her abduction, she had had sex with one other man. But she didn't tell John that that "one other man" was her own brother-in-law, Bill. And she didn't say a word to John about her sexual relationships with other members of her own family.

Throughout her story, Lisa still had the head of her dick-clit up inside of John's seminal vesicle, and her cervix wrapped snugly around the shaft of his dick.

"Well, that other guy went through pretty much the same thing that you just did--except that I pulled my little vibrating penis out of his piss-hole just in time, so that I didn't drain him dry, and squirt a fertilized egg deep inside his dick, like I just did with you.

"But he still didn't enjoy the experience of having me invade his penis like that. He never wanted to have intercourse with me again. And I can't say that I blame him. I don't know many men who would actually want what amounts to a 'human catheter' inserted deep down inside their dicks.

"Anyway, call it woman's intuition, if you will, but I had the sneaky feeling that I was actually going to impregnate the next guy that I had sex with. And of course, this would be a very bad thing, from his point-of-view. I instinctively sensed that my egg would end up swimming down and implanting itself onto one of his testicles.

"Once again, you can call this woman's intuition, if you wish, but ever since my abduction, I've had this very reverent feeling towards men's balls. It's probably close to the same kind of feelings that you must have regarding a normal woman's uterus.

"I even found myself occasionally dreaming about different men's balls. And although these dreams always involved different men, the dream itself was always the same.

"I find myself completely nude, standing on a secluded stretch of beach. A man appears from somewhere, and approaches me. He takes off his pants, and stands right in front of me, while he proudly shows me his dick. But it's not a human dick at all. It's the kind of dick that you'd find on a large animal. Like on a lion, for instance.

"The man's balls look completely normal. But his dick is totally covered with a thick, furry foreskin--except for a little bright-red, pointy-thing sticking out of a hole at the very tip. The man tells me that he wants me to touch it. And I reach across, and feel the tip of it with my fingers.

"Then I pull down the loose, furry sheath that hides his slick, red animal-penis. And I start playing with his weird-looking dick. And of course, the man gets a hard-on. So naturally, it doesn't take very long before I'm moving my hand up and down on his slimy animal-dick, and jacking him off.

"While I'm doing that, the man's animal-dick magically transforms itself into a normal-looking human-penis, right in my hand. And I just keep jacking the guy off, until I finally make him cum.

"The man's sperm starts squirting out all over the place. And there's so much sperm that it looks really freaky. It's like the guy's dick has turned into a sperm-fountain that's totally out-of-control. And he can't stop it--even if he wanted to. Which or course, he doesn't. But eventually the sperm does stop flowing out of the guy's dick. And afterwards, the man actually thanks me for making him cum so good.

"That's when I notice that one of the man's balls is quickly growing bigger and bigger, right in front of my eyes, until it's finally the size of a basketball. And it's gently swaying back and forth, down between his legs. I reach down and put my hand on it, to stop it from swinging. And that's when I feel something moving around inside of it.

"The next thing I know, I'm in a hospital emergency room. And the guy's testicle bursts wide-open. And a blood-covered, newborn baby emerges from it, and takes its first breath. Meanwhile, the doctors and nurses are going crazy trying to keep the poor guy from bleeding to death, while I'm cradling the newborn baby in a towel in my arms.

"And then the baby says to me in a tiny voice, 'Mama?' And that's when I always wake up to discover that my pussy's nice and wet, and that my dick-clit is hanging all the way out of my pussy.

"I can only assume that those little alien bastards somehow ingrained that particular erotic dream-scenario into my subconscious mind, so that I would fantasize about it over and over again in my sleep, and in that way, become more comfortable with the idea of impregnating a man with my egg."

John's heart was racing, and he felt pretty nauseous as he was listening to Lisa describe her alien-induced dream. His face was the face of a man being told by his doctor that he only has nine months left to live. And in John's case, at least six of those nine months would probably be nothing less than a living hell.

"So anyway, this time around," Lisa continued, "I was much more careful in choosing my 'target.' I wanted to find a real jerk. Someone who regularly used women, and then discarded them, like they were a piece of trash. Someone who had a heart of ice, and needed a good lesson on the subject of 'empathy.'

"I asked around. And some of my girlfriends told me that there was this rich ass-hole who frequented Fred's bar, and that this guy was infamous for breaking women's hearts. I asked them how I'd know who this guy was, when I finally saw him. And they told me his name was 'John,' before they gave me a thorough description of him.

"They also warned me not to get involved with him. But what they didn't know, was that this time around, the woman was going to break John's heart, for a change.

"So I went to Fred's bar. And I was looking for an overweight bald guy, with a very hairy body and a diamond-encrusted Rolex watch around his left wrist.

"When you first told me your name, you unintentionally verified that you were the 'John' that I was looking for--pun intended--and so I proceeded to pick you up. And the rest is history, so-to-speak," Lisa said, and then calmly reached over with her right hand, grabbed the pull-chain on the little lamp next to her bed, and gave it a quick yank to light up the bedroom once again.

"Now, I want you to slowly pull your dick out of my pussy," said Lisa. "Go ahead. The least I can do is let you see what you've been fucked by. Let you see the alien-made, female penis that has just gotten you pregnant."

John eased his penis out of Lisa's uterus and vagina, while he was staring down between his legs the whole time. He shuddered when he caught his first glimpse of that dark reddish-colored, vein-ridden, super-muscular tube that was slowly inching its way back up out of his urethra, like some weird earthworm-catheter from hell.

He let out a fierce growl, as he grabbed hold of Lisa's dick-clit with his hands, and tried to yank on it hard.

But her dick-clit was drenched with a coating of slick, sexual juices. And so it easily slid right through John's fingers, as Lisa quickly retracted it back up into the safety of her uterus.

"Oh, come off it, John! You were tryin' to hurt me. Weren't you? You bastard!" Lisa was really pissed-off now.

"Look who's talking! I'm the one who's probably gonna die, thanks to you," John said bitterly. "I was only trying to turn you back into a real woman again. That's all. But no," he added, slowly shaking his head, "You can't ever be a real woman again. Can you, Lisa? 'Cuz you're just a pathetic freak, with a weird-ass noodle-dick. And I feel sorry for you. But I feel more sorry for the poor schmuck who ends up in your bed next month. This is for him!"

John hauled off and slapped Lisa's face as hard as he could. The side of her head slammed downward against her pillow, and her cheek now had a red hand-print emblazoned on it. And she actually lost consciousness for a few moments.

While Lisa was still lying there unconscious, John quickly reached out with both hands, grabbed the large puffed-out nipples on Lisa's small breasts, and squeezed them as hard as he could between his thumbs and fingers, before pulling upward on them, and trying to literally tear them right off her chest.

Lisa finally came to, and started screaming in sheer agony. She shot her hand down into John's crotch, grabbed hold of his balls, and squeezed them as hard as she possibly could.

John immediately let go of Lisa's nipples, as he let out a very loud groan, and just about puked all over her. His face was all grimaced up with pain, when Lisa finally let go of his balls, and then slapped him in the face very hard, just like he had done to her.

John never saw the slap coming. But he sure as hell felt it. He rolled over on his side, instinctively holding both hands over his crotch. And he slowly kept on rolling, until he fell off the edge of the bed, and landed on the floor with a sickening thud.

Lisa was still lying on the bed, and rubbing the palms of her hands against her sore nipples--John had actually dug his thumbnail deep into her left nipple, and it was starting to bleed pretty badly--when she heard John throwing up all over the carpet, right next to her boots and pants.

Lisa was so grossed out by the sound and the stench of John's vomiting, that she almost started to puke right along with him. But she somehow managed to keep her food and liquor down in her stomach.

John eventually worked his way back up onto his feet. And he just stood there by the side of the bed, in a stooped-over position, butt-naked, with little pieces of vomit starting to dry on his upper lip and chin. He glared at Lisa like some crazed lunatic.

"What're you gonna do now, ass-hole? Murder me? Well, go right ahead, you fucking jerk!" Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs. The tears began pouring down both sides of her face. And her voice was very shaky, as she said, "You'd only be doing me a big favor. My life has been a living hell, since that God damn alien abduction shit! But even if you do get rid of me, you've still got a big problem of your own to deal with, Johnny Boy. And I'm definitely glad that I'm not in your shoes right now!"

* * * * *

"Get your shoes on, Honey. It's time!" a voice yelled out from nowhere.

"Huh?...What?" John said, as he slowly opened his eyes, and saw a single long-stem red rose lying on top of the night stand, right next to his side of the bed, in his own bedroom.

"The hospital, silly. Lisa's water broke. And her contractions are less than five minutes apart right now. Well, come on, sleepyhead. Get up out of that bed, and let's go!"

"Wait a second," John said, easing himself up into a sitting position on the side of the mattress, "We're having a baby?"

"No, John. Lisa's having a baby. And you're going to be a grandpa. That's what happens nine months after a girl gets pregnant. Remember? Now, get your shoes on, and let's go. Before she ends up having it right here in the damn house!" Jan said, as she rapidly scurried out of their bedroom, and left her partially-clothed husband to fend for himself.

"Okay, okay, I'm getting my shoes on," John said, talking to himself, while he was leaning over to get the shoes that were lying on the carpet, next to the bed. "Damn it! Where the hell are my socks at?" John remarked to himself.

"Hey, Dad, come on!" Bill, John's 27-year-old son, quickly blurted out from the hallway just outside John's bedroom, and then ran off.

John heard Bill talking to his very-pregnant, twin sister, Lisa, as he was escorting her towards the car. John had always admired how well Bill and Lisa got along. However, he chalked most of that up to the fact that they were twins. But to John, they sure seemed to act much more like two best friends, instead of brother and sister.

"I'm coming!" John yelled back at Bill, and then immediately realized the irony in the words he had just said, considering the very strange dream he had just finished having.

From somewhere else in the house, John heard Jan's voice call out loudly.

"John, I called your sister, Val. And she's going to meet us at the hospital. Hey, do you still think 'Alex' is a good name for Lisa's new baby boy?"

* * * * *


2002: The Real World

* * * * *

The real Lisa--whose surname was Ridgeway, not Chadwick--grew up to become a reddish-haired small-breasted woman, just like her mother, Jan. However, Lisa's hair was a darker shade of red, with more of a reddish-brown tint to it, whereas Jan's hair was a light golden-red. Lisa just turned 30 this year.

The closest that the real Lisa ever came to having an alien encounter, was when her 20-year-old boyfriend at the time, Rusty Martin, date-raped her in the back seat of his father's 1977 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme 4-door sedan on the night of her 18th birthday.

Rusty and Lisa had both polished off a couple of illegally-procured "tall boy" 24-ounce cans of Colt 45 malt liquor. And then they had done some pretty heavy petting in the back seat of the car, which was parked in an alley behind an abandoned warehouse, in a run-down part of town.

Rusty had managed to get his hand up under Lisa's dress, and was thoroughly feeling out her panty-covered pussy. Meanwhile, she was pre-occupied with French-kissing him, while she was feeling out the bulge in the crotch of his jeans, at the same time.

However, once Lisa had a couple of mild orgasms under her belt--and a wet pussy, that was starting to soak the crotch of her panties--things quickly got out-of-hand, when Rusty reached down and unzipped his pants to expose his "package," and then immediately started to pull Lisa's panties down.

Even though she was feeling pretty tipsy from the malt liquor, Lisa instantly realized what Rusty was getting ready to do. And she begged and pleaded with him not to have sexual intercourse with her.

But he told her that she wasn't a little girl anymore, and that she was old enough to behave like a woman--his woman.

He quickly pounced on top of her and held her down, while he yanked the crotch of her panties over to one side, and then shoved his fully-erect penis up deep into her vagina, stretching her hymen in the process, and taking her virginity against her will. He made a few rapid thrusts, and ejaculated within mere seconds.

Lisa was in tears throughout. And it was only by sheer luck that Rusty didn't get her pregnant that night.

Naturally, just like many young girls back in those times, Lisa never told anyone else about her nasty date-rape experience with Rusty that had brought their relationship to an abrupt end.

Over the course of the next few months, Lisa went on to try to establish romantic relationships with some of the other boys at school that she liked. And she was blessed with such a pretty-looking face--combined with a loving personality--that she never had any problem getting boys to ask her out on dates. In fact, most of the boys at her school would go the extra mile to try to impress Lisa, and hopefully snag her as their girlfriend.

But unfortunately, Lisa always fell hard for the "bad boy" types--just like Rusty Martin--who would inevitably end up using her, and treating her like crap.

Finally, after going through several bad boyfriends, one right after another, Lisa gave up on trying to have anything resembling a normal high school love life. And she outwardly turned to lesbianism, as an alternative. At least, her lesbian girlfriends always treated her well.

Then one night, when her parents were out for the evening, Lisa stayed at home with her twin brother. Even though she had just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago, and was in a steady relationship with a lesbian girl at school, Lisa asked her brother for advice on "boys" and "dating."

And of course, Bill was surprised by his sister's continued interest in the opposite sex. But he was more than happy to help Lisa out with her "boy problem."

Towards the end of their lengthy, serious discussion, while they were still sitting side-by-side on the couch in the den, things had gotten pretty graphic, with them openly talking about intimate sexual topics like "oral sex" and "intercourse positions."

And Lisa just happened to be feeling really horny that night. But she got even more turned-on when she looked over into Bill's lap, and noticed that he had an obvious "boner-bulge" at the front of his crotch, as a result of their frank sexual discussion.

And that's when Lisa shocked Bill by abruptly bringing up the topic of "her own clitoris."

"I was always ashamed to let any of my boyfriends see it," Lisa said to Bill. "It's so large that it makes my pussy look really weird. Let's just say that my pussy doesn't look like a normal girl's pussy."

"Hey, I know exactly how you feel," said Bill. "I never told you this, but I've got a medical condition called hypospadias. It's a birth defect of the urethra. So I've always been just as ashamed to let a girl see my penis, because I don't have a piss-hole at the tip of it, like a normal guy does.

"Instead, my dick-head's kind of weird-looking, and my piss-hole opening is on the underside of my dick, just behind my dick-head. And that's why I've always tried to have sex in the dark, so that my girlfriends can't see what my dick really looks like."

"Wow!" Lisa said. "So then both of us have fucked-up genitals."

"Yeah. Ain't life grand!" Bill said, very sarcastically. And then his voice changed to a serious tone, and he said, "You know, that's probably why Mom and Dad never let us take baths together, back when we were kids."

"You're probably right about that. Tell ya what," Lisa said, "You're my twin brother. And we're as close as any brother and sister can be. So there really shouldn't be any secrets between us. Why don't we make up for the fact that we weren't allowed to see each other's 'nasty parts,' as kids?"

"Okay, Sis. But where are you going with this?"

Lisa paused for a moment, staring straight into Bill's eyes. And then she asked him point-blank, "Would you like to see what my pussy looks like?"

"Are you kidding me? What do you expect me to say to a loaded question like that? Of course, I'd love to see your pussy! In fact, the truth is, I've been wanting to see your pussy, ever since I was a young boy."

"Good. Well I feel the same way about your dick. So here's the deal. I'll let you see my pussy, but only if you'll show me your dick first. Deal?"

Bill mulled Lisa's "offer" over in his mind for a moment, and then said, "Deal." And they both shook pinky-fingers on it, as Bill added, "But you've gotta promise me that you won't laugh at the way my dick looks."

"I promise. But only if you promise me that you won't make fun of the way my pussy looks, either."

"I promise," Bill said.

Then he took a deep breath, and stood up, and bravely took off his shorts and underwear, before sitting back down on the couch, right beside Lisa. He spread his legs apart a little bit, and twisted his body towards Lisa, so that she could get a good look at his erect dick, and his modest-size balls.

"Oh my God!" Lisa remarked, when she saw what Bill's dick-head looked like. "Where's your piss-hole at? It looks like you don't even have one at all."

"Oh, I've got one, alright," Bill replied. "It's just that it's normally hidden."

Bill reached down and retracted his short, circumcised foreskin downward towards the base of his shaft, in order to expose the small circular hole that had been hidden deep down inside the fold of his foreskin, and perfectly centered on the underside of his shaft.

"See?" Bill said, as he was revealing his previously-hidden piss-hole opening to Lisa's hungry eyes. "Wow! That's really cool!" Lisa honestly replied. "It's kind of round. Just like a girl's piss-hole."

"Yeah. That's true," Bill candidly admitted. "But there isn't a girl in this world who can ejaculate sperm out of her little round piss-hole. And that makes me pretty unique. Don't you think?"

"Oh, hell yes!" Lisa exclaimed. "Really, I'm not kidding you, Bill. You've got one of the sexiest-looking dicks that I've ever seen! You shouldn't be ashamed of it."

But Bill was still ashamed of it. And it didn't matter to him what Lisa had just told him. He assumed that she was just trying to patronize him. To make him feel better about his weird-looking dick-head.

And Bill was also feeling quite embarrassed by the way that Lisa had been just sitting there, and staring at his stiff, 6-inch-long penis the whole time.

He removed his hand from his dick, letting the foreskin naturally fold back over the top of his piss-hole, to once again hide it from Lisa's prying eyes. And he said to Lisa, "Okay. Now it's your turn."

Without taking her eyes off of Bill's dick and balls, Lisa stood up, and took off her own shorts and panties, before sitting back down on the couch. She twisted her body towards Bill's, and spread her legs far enough apart so that he could clearly see her completely hairless crotch and pussy mound.

"Okay, Sis," Bill said, finding it nearly impossible to take his eyes away from his sister's totally-shaved pussy. "So what's next?"

"Oh, I think you already know," Lisa cryptically said, as she reached across and wrapped her right hand around Bill's erect penis. And she began squeezing it, and feeling out the various parts of it.

She was especially intrigued by the little, round, feminine-looking piss-hole on the underside of Bill's shaft. She just kept reaching down, and feeling it over and over again, using the tip of her middle finger.

And Lisa was all of the sudden overcome with the strong urge to lean down and lick Bill's piss-hole opening, which was something that she absolutely loved doing to her lesbian girlfriends' piss-holes. But of course, Lisa didn't actually act on her "piss-hole licking" urge. At least, not yet.

"Lisa, are you sure you wanna do this?" Bill asked.

"Uh-huh," Lisa hummed back, eagerly nodding her head, as she started slowing hand-pumping the shaft of his dick.

But Bill was still hesitant about reciprocating Lisa's actions.

So she leaned over, and softly whispered in his ear, "Come on, Baby. It's okay. I want you to play with my pussy. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. Please don't disappoint me now."

And Lisa immediately began giving Bill a series of very gentle kisses up and down the side of his neck, just below the ear that she was whispering into.

At the same time, Lisa grabbed hold of Bill's hand with her free hand, pulling it all the way across to her crotch, and placing it onto her bare pussy, so that he could feel out her large clitoris, along with the rest of her pussy. Needless to say, once Lisa let go of his hand, Bill was more than happy to leave his hand down between Lisa's legs.

And one thing naturally led to another, and before everything was said and done, they both ended up butt-naked, and having no-holds-barred sex with each other.

And Lisa eventually got to lick Bill's little round piss-hole, just like she had wanted to earlier.

Bill lost his virginity to his own sister that evening (which was something that he didn't confess to Lisa until several months later). And he actually got to fuck Lisa in all sorts of body positions, until he had finally managed to ejaculate inside her pussy three different times, leaving them both totally satiated.

And that's how Lisa's secret sexual relationship with her twin brother began. And over the next seven and a half years, while Lisa maintained her lesbian lifestyle for all the outside world to see, she and Bill would secretly rendevous to have sex whenever they could--but only during Lisa's "safe times"--until Lisa's luck finally ran out, when she ovulated twice during the same month, and got pregnant with Bill's child in early 1996.

That was a double whammy for Bill. At Lisa's insistence, Bill had been dating other girls every so often (whenever he could actually find a girl who wanted to date him, that is), throughout the first year that he was carrying on his secret sexual relationship with his twin sister. And towards the end of 1988, when Bill was 19, he managed to find an 18-year-old girl, named Julie, who happened to like and "appreciate" his strange-looking hypospadic penis, almost as much as his twin sister did.

Bill also managed to knock Julie up while they were out on their fifth date together, which was only the second time that he ever had sexual intercourse with her. Bill later found out that Julie had been secretly wanting to get impregnated, long before he ever met her. And so she had lied to him all along, telling him that she was on The Pill (when she really wasn't using any form birth control at all), just so that he would go ahead and fuck her--and hopefully get her pregnant. And of course, Bill went ahead and did the honorable thing. He married Julie, when he found out that she was pregnant with his child: a baby girl, named Patricia.

To add insult to injury, Bill soon discovered that Julie had been lying to him all along about something else that was pretty important, as far as Bill was concerned. The truth was that Julie absolutely hated the way that Bill's hypospadic penis looked, even calling it "gross-looking" and "disgusting" right to his face on their wedding night, and then insisting that they have sex in the dark, so that she wouldn't have to look at his "ugly dick" anymore.

And to make matters even worse, since Bill and Julie were complete opposites, personality-wise, they both fought like cats and dogs in their own apartment for nearly two years, before Bill finally couldn't take it anymore, and filed for a divorce. But at least he managed to maintain part-time custody of his little girl, Trish, who he absolutely adored. But of course, he had to temporarily move back into his parent's home, as a result of the messy divorce.

So given these horrible background circumstances surrounding his entire joke of a marriage to his ex-wife, it's quite understandable that Bill wanted Lisa to get an abortion.

But Lisa wanted to have the baby.

So Lisa hashed things out with Bill. And they finally agreed that she could go ahead and have the baby, but only under the condition that they would tell everyone that Lisa had gotten drunk one night, and fucked some guy that she picked up at a bar for a "one-night stand," and that that was how she had gotten pregnant.

Bill made Lisa promise that she would never tell another living soul--even her own child--who the real father was.

Lisa agreed to Bill's terms, but only under the condition that Bill had to promise her that, after she had the baby, he would never have sex with her again.

But Bill and Lisa both decided to continue fucking like rabbits throughout the whole nine months of Lisa's pregnancy. They both figured that "the damage had already been done," and so they might as well enjoy themselves as much as they possibly could, until the baby finally came.

Lisa ended up having a healthy baby boy. And she named her son "Alex," in honor of her father, John Ridgeway, whose middle name was Alexander. Ironically, Lisa's mother, Jan, hit menopause during the same year that Alex was born.

The real Lisa and her 6-year-old son, Alex, now live in Austin, Texas, with her lesbian live-in lover, Vicki, who just happens to make her living as a stripper at a local topless bar.

Lisa "dances" too. At the same topless bar. She uses the lucrative income to support herself and Alex, while she's putting herself through college. She hopes to become a psychotherapist someday.

The real John Ridgeway is just about to turn 52. And he's still sexually active. But not with his wife, Jan.

For the last five years, Jan hadn't wanted anything to do with John, when it came to sex. She had actually banished him from their previously-shared bedroom, and made him sleep in a different bedroom in their large two-story, four-bedroom suburban home.

So John masturbates a lot nowadays.

And before he does, he usually goes to his "secret hiding place" and retrieves a sealed, gallon-size plastic freezer bag. Inside the large, folded-in-half transparent bag is a pair of plain white soiled nylon panties that had belonged to his twin sister, Val, who has since passed away.

Of course, John always has to sneak the panties into the bathroom with him, because Jan would most likely get upset, if she knew what he was doing.

John has always been less than happy with the penis that God gave him. When he was a young man, his fully-erect penis was only about 4 1/2 inches long. And now, it was even shorter than that. And the head of his penis was so large that it accounted for nearly half of his entire penis-length.

John had been "blessed with" a dick-head that had an extremely unusual-looking, drastically flared-out corona encircling the rear of it. The head of John's dick was so wide, in relationship to the short narrow shaft of his penis, that his erect penis almost looked like a large, flesh-colored mushroom.

Jan used to tell him that she absolutely loved his "little mushroom-dick." But John always suspected that Jan was just patronizing him, because she loved him, and didn't want to hurt him by admitting to him that she really wished that the man she married would have had a longer penis.

Of course, John's short penis had worked well enough to produce two healthy children with Jan. And he really didn't care that much anymore that he wasn't well-hung. At this point in his life, he assumed that he would probably never stick his penis into any woman's vagina ever again.

John had gained a lot of weight over the last 20 years. And now his belly was so big, that he couldn't look down and see his own erect penis, when he was in a standing position.

And John liked to be able to look at his own penis during masturbation. And the easiest way to accomplish this nowadays, was for him to jack off in front of a mirror. So the bathroom naturally became his preferred masturbation location.

Jan, on the other hand, had maintained a very good-looking, slender figure for a woman her age. This was primarily due to the fact that her hips were narrow, and her breasts were still very small and firm, just like the A-cup size breasts that one would expect to find on the chest of a young, teenage girl.

John thought that part of the reason why Jan refused to share her bed with him anymore, was at least partially due to the fact of how overweight he now was--in addition to the "menopause thing," of course. John also assumed that Jan wasn't interested in having sex anymore.

Nothing could have been further from the truth. Jan, at age 48, was almost as sexually active nowadays, as she had been when she was still having sex with John--except that John's short penis had been replaced by an 8-inch-long, realistic-looking, flesh-colored, vibrating, penis-shaped dildo that Jan had gotten as a gag-gift for her birthday 4 years ago from a close female friend of hers.

John didn't know about the dildo. And Jan kept it well-hidden, whenever she wasn't using it. It was one of the few "new-fangled inventions" that she had really taken a liking to. In fact, Jan had secretly purchased several other "new-fangled inventions" (vaginal and anal toys) over the last 4 years, and had put them all to good use, from time to time.

And, just like John, Jan found herself masturbating a lot nowadays. However, unlike John, she preferred to do it in her own bedroom.

Jan and her daughter, Lisa, were very close. In fact, they behaved much more like sisters, than mother and daughter.

One night, Jan confessed to Lisa that the real reason why she had banished John from her bedroom was that, just five years before, back in the year 1997, she had accidentally found a pair of panties in a plastic freezer bag, hidden underneath some clothing, at the very rear of the bottom drawer of John's dresser.

Jan assumed that the panties had belonged to a young girl, and she knew that John was extremely fond of his then-9-year-old granddaughter, Trish. He was always setting Trish on his lap, or giving her horsey-rides on his leg, or tickling her all over her body.

So naturally, Jan assumed that the panties in the plastic bag in John's dresser drawer had to belong to her granddaughter. Of course, it never dawned on Jan--because she didn't take the time to closely examine them--that the panties she found in John's dresser might have been way too large to belong to a 9-year-old girl.

But Jan just knew, deep down in her heart, that the man she thought she loved, was putting her granddaughter through the same kind of thing that Jan herself went through with one of her own uncles, when she was a young girl.

Jan never told John about it, but she admitted to Lisa that her Uncle Ed had sexually molested her, under the guise of "playing little games" with her, and that he had done it on numerous occasions.

"My God! That must have been a lot for you to handle as a young girl." Lisa said, empathizing with her mother.

At the same time, Lisa seriously doubted Jan's claim that the panties she had discovered in John's dresser drawer were actually Trish's panties. After all, from what Lisa could remember, her father had never made any sexual advances towards her, throughout her entire childhood. Sure, he had changed Lisa's diapers when she was a baby, and given her baths when she was a toddler. And throughout Lisa's early grade school years, her father had even gone into the bathroom with her on several occasions, and helped clean her up after she had accidentally peed her pants, while she was outside playing with her little friends. But none of this had been sexual in nature, as far as Lisa was concerned. It was nothing more than a great father taking care of his little girl.

And so Lisa just knew, deep down in her heart, that those panties of John's had to belong to someone who wasn't his young granddaughter, Trish.

"Yes, it certainly was a lot to handle," Jan agreed with Lisa's assessment, and then went on to admit to Lisa that because of this traumatic childhood experience with her Uncle Ed, Jan had rarely performed oral sex on John throughout their entire marriage. And the few times that she did, she said that it was only because John had absolutely insisted on it.

Jan went on to further confess to Lisa that she never allowed John to ejaculate in her mouth, during those rare times when she did "give in," and suck John's dick.

"But, Lisa," Jan said, "the real point I'm trying to make here, is that after I found the panties in John's dresser drawer, I assumed that he was sexually molesting our granddaughter. And from that moment on, I had no desire to ever have sex with that man again. I would much rather fuck a dildo three or four times a week. And so that's exactly what I did."

Of course, John didn't know about Jan finding the panties in his dresser drawer. But he did know one thing for sure: He was stuck with a wife who didn't want to have sex with him anymore. He was too old to start over again, too faithful and moralistic to cheat on his wife, and still too young to entirely give up sex. And so he was forced to revel in his own masturbations.

Nowadays, John loves to place Val's panties over the large head of his short penis. And while he rubs the slick nylon against his dick, he vividly remembers and re-lives the "special night" when he got those panties.

* * * * *


1969: The Real "Rude Awakening"

* * * * *

John Ridgeway was only 18-years-old, when he woke up late one night to find his twin sister, Valerie, in bed with him, and playing with his little mushroom-shaped dick--which was already erect, due to a very erotic dream he had been having. Val had her hand stuck down inside the elastic waistbands of his pajama bottoms and his white cotton briefs, and she was wearing an unspectacular, light-weight cotton nightgown.

"What the hell are you doin', Val?" John asked, when he woke up enough to realize that his own sister had her hand on his bare erect penis, and was fondling it.

"Shhhh...You'll wake up Mom and Dad. You wouldn't want them to catch us, would ya?" Val had calmly replied.

"Catch us doin' what?" John whispered, as he quickly reached over to the night stand next to his bed, grabbed his glasses and put them on.

"This," Val whispered back, as she threw the covers off him, pulled the waistbands of his pajama pants and his "tighty whities" down together--in one smooth motion--to expose his "package," leaned over his crotch, and placed her mouth down around the head of John's dick.

John had never had his dick sucked before by anyone--let alone by his own sister--and the experience was overwhelming for him. He couldn't believe how great it felt. And he soon had to struggle to keep from ejaculating in Val's mouth.

Val must have sensed this. Because she abruptly pulled her mouth up off of his penis, and then pulled his "tighty whities" back up around his waist, as if she were finished having sex with him. "I've always wanted to do that to a guy. Did you like it?" Val asked in a quiet voice.

"Gosh, Sis, that felt great!" John said in a forced airy whisper, praying that Val wasn't finished having sex with him yet. But there was still hope. His hard-on was a tent pole inside his underwear, and he realized that Val had to have left the waistband of his pajama bottoms wrapped around his thighs for a reason.

"I know something that'll feel even better. Why don't you take off your pajamas?" Val suggested, while she was getting up to stand beside John's twin-size bed. She pulled her nightgown up over her head, and let it fall to the floor, beside her.

There was a full moon that night. And the moonlight was streaming in through the cracks in the partially-closed blinds of the bedroom window. John could see Val's delicate-looking petite vivacious body, and her pendulous C-cup size breasts, with those overly-long nipples that just begged to be sucked on.

It had been years since John had seen Val naked. And her large boobs really intrigued him, because the last time that he had seen her bare chest, she didn't have any breasts at all, to speak off--only nipples.

But the oddest thing was that her white nylon panties seemed to eerily glow in the yellowish moonlight. He could make out the camel-toed shape of her vulva through the thin material crotch of her shimmering panties.

"Well, John, are you gonna take off your pajamas? Or are you just gonna lie there and stare at me?"

John quickly unbuttoned and took off his pajama shirt. And then he pulled his pajama bottoms all the way off, leaving his underwear in place, just like Val had done with her panties.

"Well aren't you gonna take off your underwear too?" Val asked.

"I just figured that you wanted me to leave 'em on, since you've still got yours on."

"I left my panties on, because I wanted to give you the honor of taking them off me," Val said as she lay down beside him, on her back.

"I want tonight to be very special, John. Would you like to feel my breasts?" Val asked as she grabbed his hand, and placed it onto one of her bare breasts.

John touched her breasts very tentatively. He had no idea exactly what Val was up to. And his sister had never behaved in such an openly-sexual way towards him before.

Also, John had never had sex with a girl before. And it kind of scared him a little, even though he was very experienced at masturbation. Last week, he had even gotten together and jacked off with another boy. But this "sex with a girl" stuff was truly an alien experience for John.

"Go ahead, John. It's okay. I want you to feel my titties," Val said, as she placed her hand over the back of his, and made his hand squeeze her whole breast.

She pulled her hand away from his, and he kept on squeezing the whole globe of her breast a few more times, before he started playing with her long, erect nipple.

"Have you ever had you hands on a girl's titties before?" Val asked coyly.


"But I'll bet you've always fantasized about it, haven't you?"

"Sure. What guy doesn't?"

"Would you like to touch my pussy, John?"

John didn't answer her. He was shocked to hear the words "my pussy" flow out of Val's mouth, so effortlessly.

"Of course you would," Val matter-of-factly answered for him. "You think about girls' pussies a lot. Don't you, John? Well a girl's pussy is a very delicate thing, just like a guy's balls are. If you'll trust me feeling your balls, I'll trust you feeling my pussy. Deal?"

John pulled off his underwear, and Val placed her hand around his balls. Then he reached over to pull Val's panties down.

But she grabbed his hand and stopped him. "Wait a minute, John. Do you know what 'fucking' is?"

"Sure," John replied with confidence. His boyhood friends were always talking about "fucking." And John had even seen two lions actually "doing it" at the zoo.

"Well, here's the catch. Before I let you pull down my panties and feel my pussy, you'll have to first promise me that you'll feel it with you dick, instead of your hands. Then I want you to stick your dick all the way up into my pussy, and fuck me. Now, do we have a deal?"

John didn't say a word. He rolled back over onto his back, and stared at the ceiling, while Val continued to fondle his balls.

"What's the matter, John?" Val asked.

"I don't know, Sis. It's just not right, you know? I could get you pregnant."

"Don't worry, John. You can't get me pregnant right now. It's my 'safe time.'"

"Your what?" John asked.

"My 'safe time.' My period just ended yesterday. And I'm not fertile right now. So there's no way I can get pregnant. Don't you find me attractive, John?"

"Of course I do."

"Attractive enough to fuck? I've noticed how you've been staring at my breasts, and my legs, and my butt lately. I know you want to fuck me, John. You can't deny it."

"You're right," John softly admitted, feeling very embarrassed.

"Well, I'm lying here in your bed right now, with my hand on your balls, waiting for you to take off my panties, and 'get down to business.' So what are you waiting for? An ad in the newspaper?"

"I'm scared, Sis. I've never fucked anyone before."

"Don't worry. You'll do just fine," Val assured him, "I'm so wet right now. Your wiener should just slide right on in. And believe me, you'll know what to do, after that. Well, do we have a deal? Do you wanna fuck me right now, John?"

"Yes. You have no idea how badly I wanna fuck you, Val."

"Oh, I think I do," Val replied, reaching up to playfully squeeze the large head of John's fully-erect penis between her index finger and thumb.

John reached over, and slowly pulled Val's panties down her thighs, before removing them entirely.

In the dim moonlight he could see that she had a very thick, triangle-shaped patch of brown pubic hair on her lower abdomen, which provided a stark contrast to the white panties, and also to the milk-white bare skin of her stomach and lower abdomen. The thick patch of pubic hair continued downward between her lovely well-defined thighs, and it was so thick that it almost completely hid her pussy mound from John's view--that is, until Val finally spread her legs apart.

"John, why don't you take off your glasses now?"

"But I can't see very well without them," John automatically replied.

"You don't need to see anything right now, John. You've already seen everything you needed to see. Now go ahead and take your glasses off."

After removing his glasses, and placing them back on top of the night stand, John knelt down in between Val's spread-apart thighs.

He was getting ready to reach down and grab hold of his penis, so that he could start rubbing it against her pussy. But she beat him to the punch.

Val's hand shot down into his crotch, grabbed hold of the short shaft of his penis, and started rubbing the large head of it back and forth against her clitoris, and against the already-moist crack of her pussy.

Just as Val was about to insert the head of John's penis into her vagina, he was so mentally excited that he spontaneously orgasmed, and ejaculated his whole wad of sperm out onto her pussy mound, while she still had her hand wrapped around his pulsating penis.

That spontaneous orgasm and sperm-ejaculation seemed to just sneak up on John from out of nowhere. And once it hit, there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it. All he could really do was ride it out. And naturally, the whole time that he was doing that, John also felt extremely embarrassed about his premature ejaculation.

"Geez, I'm sorry, Val," John apologized, once his orgasmic feelings had finally wound down enough so that he could actually talk to her in a coherent manner. John could feel the sperm still oozing out of his penis. And Val still had her hand around his shaft. And she was slowly rubbing the head of his dick up and down the length of her pussy crack, as he continued apologizing, "I didn't mean to do that. I just couldn't help it. Please forgive me?"

"That's okay, John. Really it is. To tell you the truth, I was expecting that you might do that," Val said, as she removed her hand from his genitals. "Now, I just want you to lie here on top of me, and relax for a little bit. Believe me. Everything's gonna be just fine. You'll see," Val reassured him.

While John passively lay on top of Val, she gave him a gentle back-massage that lasted at least five minutes.

"If you'll excuse me for a few minutes, I need to go and clean myself up a little bit. But I'll be right back, John. Don't you dare go anywhere," Val admonished him, giving him a modest sisterly kiss on the cheek, right afterwards. Val always had a wonderful sense of humor, as far as John was concerned.

Val put her nightgown back on, and then quietly made her way down the hall to the communal bathroom on the second floor of the house.

As soon as she entered the bathroom, she took a damp washcloth, and wiped John's sperm off her pussy. Then she rinsed the washcloth out under the hot water faucet. And right before she left the bathroom, Val went ahead and urinated, while she had the chance.

She brought the wet washcloth with her, when she came back into John's bedroom. After making sure to lock the bedroom door behind her, Val took off her nightgown, and got back into bed with John. Then she used the warm, damp washcloth to gently wipe down John's penis and scrotum. She set the washcloth on top of the bedside night stand, before turning around to look John right in the eye.

"I want you to make love to me, John. I want you to French-kiss me, and suck on my titties. I want you to feel out my pussy, and play with it all you want. And yes, I want you to use your hands this time. And then, whenever you're finally ready, I want you to fuck me, John."

John didn't say a word. He just embraced Val and kissed her. Her tongue instantly darted out into his mouth, searching for his.

Before he knew it, he was sucking away on Val's lovely, long nipples, not really caring anymore that these were his own sister's nipples.

After all, he had just squirted his sperm all over the crack of her pussy. He figured that he might as well go ahead and enjoy himself as much as possible, during this unique sexual encounter.

And that's exactly what he did. He pretended that Val was his girlfriend--and not his twin sister. And he suspected that Val was also pretending that he was her boyfriend--instead of her twin brother. But he couldn't be sure of that.

They both behaved like two young lovers finally "going all the way" for the first time ever. And pretty soon, John had his fingers up inside of Val's vagina.

He moved in between Val's spread thighs, to mount her in the missionary position.

And once again, she reached down to get the head of John's circumcised penis wet with her sexual juices, and then gently guided it up into her own vagina.

But this time, John didn't shoot his wad, while she was doing that. And John was amazed at how easily the wide mushroom-shaped head of his penis slid right on up into Val's young vagina.

And when it did, Val noisily sucked in a bunch of air through her chattering teeth.

"What's wrong, Val? I didn't hurt you, did I?" John asked with genuine concern.

"No, John. It feels wonderful!" Val whispered back with her eyes closed.

Their intercourse lasted a good 10 minutes or so. And when John finally ejaculated his sperm inside her, Val orgasmed her ass off underneath him. He felt her warm gush of sexual fluid, as it flowed out of her vagina, and down his balls.

Val cried out in orgasmic ecstasy, "Oh, God! Oh yes! Yes, oh--"

John slapped the palm of his hand down onto Val's too-loud mouth.

"Shhhhhh! You don't want to wake up Mom and Dad, do you?" John whispered in Val's ear.

She shook her head quickly from side to side, under his hand.

"Well that's just what's gonna happen if you keep carrying on like that. Now I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth, and you be quiet. Okay?"

"I'm sorry, John. I didn't expect you to make me feel so good."

"What did you expect, Val?"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't know what to expect. Just like you, I'm a virgin. Well, maybe not anymore. But I used to be one, a few minutes ago. And up until tonight, I had never fucked anyone before. That was incredible!"

"Amen to that! But why me? I mean, why didn't you get one of your boyfriends to fuck you?"

"What boyfriends, John?"

"Oh, come on. I know you go out on dates, once in a while."

"Yeah, but it's always with a different guy. And they usually only ask me out, so that they'll have someone to take to the dance, or to the prom with them. I usually end up sitting there, and watching my date dance with other girls all night long.

"It used to really bother me at first, but I've gotten kind of used to it by now. I mean, I don't exactly have the face and body of a cheerleader, now do I?"

"No. But I just made love to you, Val. And I'd be more than happy to do it again, whenever you want. There's no reason for you to have to go looking around for all these guys who don't appreciate you, when you've got a guy right here, who thinks that you have an incredibly attractive face and body."

"But you're my own brother. And, to tell you the truth, I kind of feel like a cheap whore right now."

"I didn't offer to pay you anything. And I didn't ask you to have sex with me tonight. You came to me. Remember?"

"I just couldn't stand it anymore, John. I had to know what it was like to be a real woman. What it was like to be with a man.

"When I first walked into your room tonight, the truth is that I had just woken up from my own erotic dream, and I was feeling really, really horny. I only intended to touch your dick, and maybe look at it for a few minutes. That's all. I didn't even plan to wake you up.

"But when I got into bed beside you, and reached over to touch your dick, you already had a boner. And that was something that I hadn't expected at all.

"Once I had my hand on that sexy, stiff wiener of yours, I just wanted to keep on touching it and feeling it. So I squeezed it and played with it, hoping that you would wake up--but not really knowing what to do, if you did.

"That's when I remembered that it was my 'safe time.' And that's when I decided that if you woke up, I was gonna let you fuck me and take my virginity, if you wanted to do it.

"Of course, you did wake up. And the rest is history. And I can't ever take back what I did."

"Well, neither can I. And just like you, I don't have any girlfriends who want to have sex with me, either. So I'd be more than happy to have you in my bed again, any night that you want to be here with me."

"But I can't, John. Mom or Dad would eventually catch on to what we're doing. And even if they didn't, you would eventually get me pregnant. And I can't let that happen. I don't want either of us to get hurt."

"But I thought you said I couldn't get you pregnant during your 'safe time.'"

"I told you that, so you wouldn't be so scared. And I wasn't exactly lying to you either. Unfortunately, nothing in Nature is ever 100% true. There are always exceptions to every rule. And although it is extremely rare, there have been cases of girls getting pregnant during their 'safe times.' The fact is, that each time we fuck, the risk becomes greater and greater that you might get me pregnant."

"But I could use one of those balloon-looking things," John suggested. "And that would keep you from getting pregnant, wouldn't it?"

"You mean a 'rubber'?"

John nodded his head.

"It wouldn't be the same, John. And you know it. Besides that, rubbers are notorious for leaking, or breaking, or slipping off at the worst possible times. And anyway, we'd always be tempted to go ahead and fuck without using the rubber. You know I'm not lying, John."

"Yeah, but we could still have sex with each other, without actually fucking. Couldn't we?"

"Do you really believe that, John. Look me straight in the eye right now, while you've still got your dick inside me, and tell me that you never want to have your dick inside my pussy again.

"You can't do it, can you? Well, I can't do it either. I'll always yearn to feel you inside me again and again, John. And we'd both become totally frustrated by the whole experience," said Val, pausing for a moment, and then shaking her head very slowly, as she added, "No. It's better for both of us that this be the first--and the last--time that we ever make love."

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure, John."

"Did you have an orgasm?"

"Of course I did! You mean you couldn't tell?"

"Well I felt a bunch of wet stuff coming out of your...your pussy,...and I really wasn't sure whether it was from me, or from you."

"It was from me, John."

"Wow, I never knew that girls squirted out stuff during sex. I thought only boys did that."

"Well girls do too. It's just that some of us squirt out more 'stuff' than others--at least that's what my best friend, Sharon, told me. And I just happen to be one of those girls that gets really wet during an orgasm. I guess it's a hereditary type of thing. I noticed that you weren't lacking in that department either."

"Yeah, I do leave a pretty good-size mess, don't I? It can be a real pain-in-the-ass, whenever I'm jacking off."

"How do you think I feel, when I'm masturbating?"

"I didn't know that girls jacked off."

"Well they do. But of course, they do it differently from the way that boys do. And it's not called 'jacking off,' whenever us girls do it. I prefer to call it 'playing with myself.' But Sharon always calls it 'diddling herself.' Can I ask you something very personal?"

"Sure, go right ahead."

"Have you ever had sex with another boy?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"I've heard that boys like to get together and jack off. Do you guys really do that?"

"Yes," John said, feeling very embarrassed.

"Do you just watch each other jack off, or do you actually play with each other's 'things'?" Val asked, while pointing down to his crotch, and pretending to be disgusted with the thought.

"What do you think?" John quipped back, sounding very defensive.

"I think you're too ashamed and embarrassed to tell me that you've had your hands on another guy's wiener."

"Yeah? Well I'm not exactly proud of it. You know? It only happened one time. And after it was over, I felt like a God damn queer, or something."

"When did it happen, John?"

John hesitated for a guilty moment, and then quietly admitted, "Last week."

"Last week? Wow! That wasn't very long ago, was it?"

"No, it wasn't," John agreed.

"I just want you to know, John, that there's nothing wrong with what you did. And it doesn't mean that you're a homosexual. Tonight should have proved that to you.

"Sometimes Sharon and I make out with each other, just like you and I did tonight.

"Don't get me wrong. Sharon and I usually don't plan on having sex, whenever we get together. It just kind of happens--all on its own--when the situation is right, and we're both in the mood.

"Of course, Sharon doesn't have a penis. So there's no way for us to actually fuck. But believe me, we do everything else. I was just wondering if guys did that too."

"No. We didn't kiss or hug, or anything like that. We just jacked off. And that's pretty much all we did together."

"That's wild. What did you say to him? 'Meet me at such and such time and place, so that we can jack off?'"

"No, not really. He's a good friend of mine, even though he's a year older than me. And he was the one who 'came on' to me.

"I was in his bedroom. And we were talking about 'girls,' and 'sex,' and stuff like that. Then he pulled out a Playboy magazine that he had hidden under his bed. And we both looked at all the naked women in the photos for a while.

"Then I looked over at his crotch. And I saw that he had a boner. And I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. Of course, I had a bulge at the front of my pants too. And he was staring at my boner, just like I was staring at his.

"He asked me if I wanted to watch him jack off. I have to admit that I was very curious to see if my friend would jack off in the same way that I did. So I accepted his 'offer,' out of sheer curiosity, more than anything else."

"Of course you did," Val agreed. "If I were in your shoes, I would have too. But that's not what ended up happening. Is it, John? Come on, you can be honest with me. I promise I'll never tell anyone else."

"Well, he pulled down his pants, and started jacking off in front of me. And I couldn't help but reach down into my crotch, and squeeze my boner through my pants, while I was watching him.

"Then he told me that it was okay with him, if I wanted to go ahead and jack off in front of him too. So I pulled my pants down. And I started...uhm...well, you know..." John's voice trailed off, as a wave of embarrassment all of the sudden overwhelmed him.

"Playing with yourself?" Val suggested, trying to help John out with the unexpected tongue-tied pause in his story.

"Yeah, that. And I was doing it, right in front of him, just like he was already doing in front of me.

"Then he moved in real close to me, while we were still standing up, face-to-face. And he started rubbing and beating the head of his dick up against mine. We laughed as we had this play-swordfight with our dicks. But it was also very erotic. And I got really excited.

"When my friend reached over and grabbed hold of my dick, I didn't try to stop him. I just reached across and grabbed hold of his dick, as we continued our play-swordfight, with each of us controlling the other person's little 'sword.'

"Actually, compared to his 'sword,' my 'sword' was really only a 'dagger.'"

"That must've been very intimidating," Val said. "I know how intimidated I was by Sharon's firm medium-size breasts, with their perfectly-formed puffy nipples, the first time that we ever got naked in front of each other. I felt like my saggy breasts, with my weird-looking long-ass nipples, were inferior to hers.

"But I found out later, that my large breasts and my unique-looking nipples really excited Sharon a lot. And she couldn't keep her hands off of them. Do my breasts excite you, John?"

"You bet."

"Well your dick excites me too. And I'll bet that the other boy also found your dick to be exciting."

"Well, I don't know about that. But at least he didn't make fun of it. This all probably sounds really stupid to you."

"On the contrary. I think it's pretty cute. Sharon and I usually play around with each other, before we make out. You wouldn't believe some of the silly things we've done together.

"But let me guess. The other boy started stroking your little 'sword.' And that's when you stopped playing around, and 'got down to business.'"

"Close, but no cigar. During our little 'swordfight,' my friend placed his other hand on my balls. So I did the same thing to him. And while we were feeling out each other's balls, we both stopped laughing and joking around. And the mood quickly got very serious. My friend finally said, 'Tell you what. Why don't we just jack each other off?'

"Then we both got naked from the waist down. And we sat down on the floor, facing each other, with our legs spread apart. And we jacked each other off, while we both stared at each other's dicks the whole time.

"My friend orgasmed first. And I really enjoyed watching him orgasm, and seeing his sperm squirt out all over the place.

"Afterwards, he just kept on jacking me off. And, as you can imagine, it didn't take very long at all for him to make me orgasm. But I have to admit that it was kind of embarrassing, when I was letting him watch me orgasm. Pretty boring, huh?"

"On the contrary. I find it fascinating just how different boys and girls are from each other. By the way, after it was all over, did this other boy let you know that he wanted to jack off with you again sometime?"

"Yeah, he did, as a matter of fact."

"You see? I told you he liked your dick."

"But I'm not sure whether I really want to do that again."

"Let me know how that goes. But I'll bet you a dollar that you'll end up with your hands on that other boy's dick again, before this month is over with.

"Now I'd better get back to my own bedroom," Val said, right after John's penis finally went limp enough to fall out of her vagina on its own.

John rolled off of Val, and watched her as she stood up, and put her nightgown back on.

"Hey, don't forget your panties," John said.

"That's okay. Why don't you just keep 'em?" Val said, leaning over the bed to give John a tender kiss on his forehead.

"I will. I'll keep 'em for the rest of my life!"

"Goodnight, John. Pleasant dreams," she said as she left John's bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her.

Val went straight to her bedroom, closed and locked her bedroom door, took her nightgown off, got into her bed, pulled the covers up over her nude body--and then immediately began masturbating like crazy.

Her masturbation lasted for nearly an hour--with Val orgasming her butt off several times--before she finally felt sexually

satisfied enough so that she could get some sleep.

Val was surprised--and caught totally off-guard--by just how mentally exciting it was for her to know that she actually had her own brother's freshly-ejaculated sperm inside her pussy.

Two days later, John walked up to Val, and handed her a dollar bill.

"What's this for?" Val asked.

"Turn it over," John said, pointing to the dollar bill that was now in Val's hand.

She turned over the bill. And on the back of it, was scrawled in ink--in big letters--the words "YOU WON!"

"Remember the bet you made me the other night?" John said.

And Val started giggling. "Shame on you, John, you naughty boy!" Val said with a big smile on her face, and then winked at him.

"Shame on you, too," John replied, and winked right back at her.

* * * * *


2008: The New "Wife"

* * * * *

The real Valerie--a.k.a. Val, John's twin sister--went on to become quite the nymphomaniac. Throughout high school and college, Val changed boyfriends like she was changing clothes, all the while, confiding to John about her personal experiences with each different boyfriend.

John used to kid her each time she started dating a new guy, by asking her if she had finally found the perfect penis yet.

And Val's answer would always be the same: "Yeah. But unfortunately, it belongs to my own brother." And John had always loved to hear her say that.

John used to also warn Val that if she kept screwing all those different guys, without ever using any birth control, she'd eventually end up getting pregnant, and not even know who the father was.

And Val used to always blow him off, by saying something like, "Well, that's my business, and not yours, Little Brother." Val liked to occasionally emphasize the fact that she was born just a few minutes before John was, thereby technically making her the slightly-older twin.

After college, Val had had an unbroken string of live-in boyfriends, none of them ever lasting more than a year or so.

And she never did get pregnant, despite her total disregard for birth control methods.

Val died at the age of 48 from ovarian cancer. And in her will, she had named John as the executor and sole heir to her entire estate, which turned out to be a very small one, once all of her debts were paid off.

A few days after Val's death in 1999, while John had been over at her apartment, going through all her possessions and trying to determine what he should do with them, he had opened up one of her dresser drawers, and it had been filled with her bras and panties. Almost all of her pieces of underwear were white, and very plain looking, with no frills or lace anywhere to be found.

Underneath the pile of Val's underwear, John had found a dual 5" x 7" photo frame that was hinged together on one side. He had opened up the double frame, and on the right side was a small photo of him and Val together at the beach in their outdated, odd-looking swimsuits. The faded black-and-white picture had been taken about six months after John's unexpected late-night sexual encounter with Val had taken place.

While Sharon was taking the picture with Val's camera, John and Val had been standing side-by-side, very close together. And John had playfully reached down behind Val's back, and grabbed a handful his sister's butt. And that's when Sharon had snapped the picture, catching Val with a look of total surprise on her face.

Inside the photo frame on the left side was a single dollar bill, with the words "YOU WON!" written in large letters across it. When John saw the dollar bill, he had just sat there for a while, as he had struggled to fight off the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

Val took her secret, incestuous, adolescent sexual encounter to her grave with her. And John had also intended to do the same.

But right now, it was a little bit after 4 o'clock on a sunny Saturday afternoon. And John was standing in front of the vanity, in the main bathroom at his and Jan's home, with his pants and underwear pulled down around his thighs, as he was stroking himself towards another one of his hard-fought-for orgasms.

Ever since his adolescent clandestine "one-night stand" with his slightly-older twin sister, it had always been very difficult for John to build up his sexual excitement level to a point where it would actually trigger him to orgasm. He assumed that it was just the way that his body was "wired."

The thought never occurred to John that his orgasmic difficulties might be mentally and emotionally-related, and actually be the direct result of his extremely embarrassing premature ejaculation onto Val's vulva, that night in his bedroom. And John would have never believed that his continued regular use of Val's panties as a masturbation aid--coupled with his persistent mental "re-living" of his secret sexual encounter with Val--had only served to exacerbate and extend his "orgasmic build-up" problem. But in John's case, this was exactly what was happening.

The fact is, that before that "special night" with Val took place, John's orgasms had always been pretty much "hair-triggered," just like they are for many young boys.

But be that as it may, this afternoon in the bathroom was no different than any other time that John had ever masturbated as an adult. And John was just thankful for the fact that he was actually capable of achieving an orgasm--even though he always had to struggle to reach that "goal."

Unfortunately, John's penis would always "pay the price" for his orgasms, by taking a beating in the process, and getting pretty raw.

This was only made worse by the fact that John's fully-erect penis was a short one, by almost anyone's standards. At this point in his life, his boner was just a little under 4 inches long.

However, what John lacked in the "penis" department, he more than made up for in the "testicles" department. John's balls were quite large, and still capable of producing lots and lots of sperm.

At any rate, this afternoon, John had already been in the bathroom aggressively hand-pumping his penis for nearly 15 minutes, before he finally got to the point where he could feel that he was just about to climax.

And only thing that John was really concerned about at this very moment, was that he didn't get any sperm on those precious white nylon panties, the crotch of which he had wrapped around the end of his penis.

He pulled the panties away from his well-worn, 57-year-old penis, and gently tossed them onto the vanity countertop, just in time to watch the sperm, as it started to flow out of his piss-hole slit, in little globs.

His sperm used to forcefully squirt out of his penis, way back when he was a much-younger man. But nowadays, despite his comparatively-tame ejaculations, John was very thankful that it still felt just as great as it ever did, for him to ejaculate sperm.

And during a single orgasm, John would always end up ejaculating at least two or three times the amount of semen that an ordinary man his age would normally ejaculate.

While John was in the bathroom "doing his thing," he had forgotten to turn the amplification level of his hearing aid up high enough. And so he hadn't heard the knocks at the front door of his house, or Jan's voice calling out, "Who is it?"

"It's Lisa, Mom," the voice called back through the closed front entry door of the house.

Jan had opened the front door, and exchanged the requisite quick hugs and kisses with her daughter, Lisa, who had her 12-year-old son, Alex, in-tow.

It was at this point that John had been on the verge of orgasming.

"I know you weren't expecting us 'til tomorrow. But I decided to take the day off from work, and drive up today. I hope you don't mind." Lisa had said to Jan.

"No, not at all, Sweetie," Jan had replied, while she was getting a big hug and kiss from Alex.

It was at this point that John had tossed Val's panties onto the vanity countertop.

"Where's Dad?" Lisa had asked.

"Oh, I think he went out for a walk, or something," Jan had replied. "He should be back soon."

"Listen, I don't mean to be rude. But it's a heck of a long drive from Austin to here. And if I don't go use the restroom right now, I'm gonna pee my pants," Lisa had said, starting to make a beeline for the main bathroom, while Alex was laughing at his mother's last remark.

"Come on, Alex," Jan had said, pulling him by the hand towards the kitchen, "I think Grandma's got a cookie or two for you here someplace."

It was at this point that John had let out his old man's version of a "cum-grunt," and the sperm was starting to generously flow out of the tip of his penis.

By the time that Lisa reached the bathroom door, she already had the top button on her jeans undone, and the zipper pulled all the way down, so that her fly was wide-open, with her white panties showing through the "V" shape at the front. And her jeans were barely being held in place by her narrow hips and butt.

She threw open the bathroom door, and barged right into the bathroom.

The edge of the door hit John hard on the left hip. And the sheer force of the door pivoted his whole body to the left, as he leaned over and instinctively grabbed his hip with his left hand.

His grimacing face was instantly buried in the crack of a woman's cleavage.

His first coherent thought was, John, you stupid idiot, you forgot to lock the door!

He immediately assumed that the small breasts on either side of his cheeks belonged to Jan. But then he realized that Jan didn't wear low-cut blouses anymore.

While his sperm was still flowing out of his penis, and dripping onto the bathroom floor, he thought, Oh my God, it's not Jan!

"I'm sorry," Lisa said, slightly leaning over him, "I didn't know you were--"

John quickly pulled his head up out of Lisa's cleavage to talk to her. But when he did that, the back of his head caught her square under the chin.

Lisa bit down hard on her tongue, as her head snapped sharply backward, and made her whole back arch. This arching of her back also pushed her pelvic area forward, and Lisa felt something poking her, just above her pubic bone.

John looked down, and saw the head of his penis pressed up against the white triangle-shaped exposed area of Lisa's panties, at the front of her jeans. And he quickly backed away from her. But not before a substantial amount of sperm had flowed out of his penis, and was now soaking into the material at the front of Lisa's panties.

"I'm sorry, Lisa," John apologized, while Lisa still had her eyes closed, and was moving her jaw all around, checking to see if it still worked.

Lisa finally opened her eyes to discover her own father, standing in front of her, naked from the waist down, and with a mildly-pulsating erect penis that was still oozing out little globs of sperm.

She just stood there in shock for a moment, and stared at her dad's erect dick and balls.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?" John asked, feeling extremely embarrassed. He had the strong urge to cup his hands over his bare genitals to hide them from her view. But he also knew it was ludicrous to do that now, considering the fact that Lisa had already seen everything anyway.

"No, Daddy," Lisa replied, "I've gotta 'go potty' right now."

"What?" John asked a bit too loudly, reaching into his left ear canal to turn up his hearing aid.

"Shhhhh," Lisa said with her index finger across her pursed lips, "I said, would you please move? I need to 'go potty' real bad!"

Then Lisa quickly closed and locked the bathroom door, before heading right past John, and straight for the toilet.

She pulled her jeans and panties down to her ankles in one smooth yank, plopped her butt down on the toilet seat, leaned over and placed her elbows on her knees, and the urine immediately started spraying into the toilet bowl underneath her. While she was pissing, she had her face almost parallel to the bathroom floor, and she wasn't paying any attention to her father at all.

John just quietly stood there a couple feet away from his 36-year-old daughter, Lisa, as he watched her urinate. He knew that his hearing aid was now turned up more than loud enough, because Lisa's urine splashing into the toilet bowl sounded like a high-pitched Niagara Falls to him. He reached back up into his ear to tweak the hearing aid's small volume knob, turning it down just a bit.

John thought about how completely different Lisa was from her mother. Jan had never urinated in front of John--at least, not while she was sitting on a toilet. Jan had always insisted on having total privacy in the bathroom. But on the other hand, Jan had never seemed to mind letting John see her squirt during their sexual encounters together. That struck John as being pretty strange behavior on Jan's part.

John was also intrigued by the fact that Lisa hadn't said one word to him so far about the situation she had just caught him in. It amazed him that she could be so nonchalant about his very-obvious masturbation and sperm-release.

Lisa urinated for quite a while, because her bladder had been just about as full as it could get. But after she had finished relieving herself, she reached over and grabbed a wad of toilet paper off the roll.

And John saw that Lisa didn't have one single pubic hair anywhere on her lower abdomen.

Then, instead of wiping herself, Lisa extended her arm towards John, to hand him the toilet paper.

"Daddy, would you please do me the honor of cleaning me up, just like you used to, whenever I peed my pants, back when I was a little girl?"

"Sure, Honey," John said without even thinking, as he took the wad of toilet paper from her.

Lisa leaned back on the toilet seat and spread her thighs far apart.

And John was just about to start wiping the outermost part of her totally hairless pussy mound, when he realized what he was actually doing, and froze up like a lifeless mannequin.

"What's the matter, Daddy?" Lisa whispered, "It's not anything that you haven't seen before."

"Yeah, but that was different. You were a little girl, back then."

"I still am your little girl, Daddy. I will always be your little girl. You know that."

"Yeah, you even look like a little girl, down there," John commented, gesturing towards her crotch.

"I dance for a living, Daddy. Remember?

"You mean you strip for a living. Are you still at that Bare Bottoms topless bar?"

"Yeah. But the point is that I spend a lot of time in a G-string. And so it's just easier for me to keep myself shaved down there. Does it bother you?"

"Not really. But it's just a little unusual-looking. That's all."

"You didn't think so, back when I was a little girl. So why don't you go ahead and clean me up, just like you used to do? Believe it or not, it would mean a lot to me right now. I never told you this, but I used to love it, when you did that."

John just stood there for a long moment, frozen and speechless. He knew that he was on the verge of crossing a line that wasn't ever supposed to be crossed.

But John couldn't help himself, as his eyes naturally gravitated towards his own daughter's bare, opened-up pussy, right in front of him. He just stared at Lisa's vaginal opening, and thought about the fact that it had been a long time since he had seen a real, live vagina. And he felt his spent penis starting to come back to life.

"Come on, Daddy, I'm not gonna bite you, or anything. And it's really your fault that I'm so sticky down there," Lisa said, quickly glancing down at her own pussy, and then looking back up at her father. "I promise I'll just sit here, and be a good little girl."

The "I'm so sticky down there" phrase coming out of Lisa's mouth gave John all the motivation he needed to go ahead and cross that line--the same taboo line that he was afraid to cross, just a few moments earlier.

John leaned over, gently wiped the urine off the outside surface of Lisa's fleshy mound, and then dropped the wad of toilet paper into the toilet bowl between her spread-legs. But he knew that toilet paper wasn't going to suffice, when it came to cleaning up his sticky sperm from the front of Lisa's crotch.

John opened the bathroom linen closet door, got a clean washcloth out of there, wet it under the bathroom faucet, and wrung it out. Then he used the warm, damp washcloth to thoroughly wipe down Lisa's whole crotch and vulva. Afterwards, he set the washcloth down on the corner of the vanity countertop, grabbed a hand towel, and dried off Lisa's "naughty parts" by gently patting them with the towel.

"Thank you, Daddy," Lisa said in a little girl-sounding voice, as John straightened back up, and started to slowly back away from her.

John wasn't paying attention when Lisa grabbed the wadded-up, damp washcloth from the vanity countertop. And that's because he was gazing into her beautiful eyes, as he automatically replied, "You're more than wel--"

And he was cut-off mid-sentence by something that caught him totally off-guard. Lisa's left hand had darted out towards John's crotch, and had quickly wrapped itself around his semi-erect penis. And she began wiping down his dick and his balls with the same damp washcloth that he had just used to wipe down her pussy.

"Lisa, what the hell are you doing?" John whispered, very slowly and emphatically.

"I'm cleaning you up, Daddy. Just like you did for me."

John just stood there, and let his daughter wipe down his bare genitals. Lisa really hadn't left him any other choice, but to cooperate with her.

And besides that, for John, Lisa's actions brought back the still-vivid memories of his twin sister, Val, wiping down his 18-year-old genitals with a damp washcloth, before she gave him that second chance to finally complete the act of sexual intercourse with her.

Once Lisa felt that John's dick and balls were clean enough, she put the washcloth back on top of the vanity countertop. But she didn't let go of John's penis with her left hand. Instead, she reached back over with her right hand, cupped her palm around John's balls, and began fondling them.

"So what the hell are you doing now?" John strongly whispered.

"I'm just having a little fun, Daddy. That's all," Lisa whispered back, as she started playfully rubbing and squeezing the large head of John's penis with the thumb and fingers of her left hand.

"Lisa, for Christ's sake! We're not supposed to be doing this. It's just not right!" John pleaded with her.

"We are not doing anything. I'm the one who's doing everything. But if you insist..." Lisa said, pulling her jeans and panties all the way off, gently kicking them to the side, and then getting up off the toilet seat to stand right in front of John, with her legs spread a little ways apart.

"Well, go ahead, Daddy. Play with my pussy. It's okay. I want you to," Lisa said, as she started to slowly pull the foreskin up and down the short shaft of John's penis.

"Why are you doing this, Lisa?"

"I've always wanted to touch the dick and balls that made me. You're the one who taught me to take advantage of an opportunity, whenever it comes along. So that's exactly what I'm doing right now."

"But I thought you were into women now."

"I am."

"Then, I should think that you'd much rather touch the pussy that made you. But of course, your mother would never go for that."

"She already did," Lisa said matter-of-factly. She saw the look of total shock and disbelief on John's face, and she said, "I thought you already knew about that. You always told me that there weren't any secrets in this family."

"I guess I was wrong," John said, with a puzzled look on his face. "So when did this happen?"

"I'm not gonna tell you, until you start playing with my pussy."

"Lisa, please don't make me do this," John begged, pretending to baulk at Lisa's suggestion that he fondle her pussy.

But deep down inside, he was very flattered by Lisa's aggressive sexual advances towards him. It reminded John of the way that his sister, Val, had aggressively seduced him into having sex with her during their special "one-night stand" together. And John was also thoroughly enjoying Lisa's genital manipulations.

The bottom line was that John's dick was now fully-erect again. And he really couldn't wait to get his hands on Lisa's bare pussy, so that he could stick his fingers up into her inviting vagina.

"I'm not making you do anything, Daddy," said Lisa. "The choice is all yours. You didn't have to stand there and watch me pee, you know? You could have just put your pants on, and left. But you didn't, did you? Why?"

"To be honest with you, I don't really know why, Lisa," John said, lying through his teeth.

Of course, John knew exactly why he had just stood there, and watched Lisa urinate in front of him. The truth was that John just happened to have a fetish for female urination. And consequently, it really turned him on big-time to see pornographic photos and videos that showed women urinating.

And it should come as no surprise that John also had a fetish for the female urethra. But then, so did Lisa. That was one trait that they both had in common.

"Well, I do," said Lisa. "It's been an awfully long time since you've had sex with a woman. Hasn't it, Daddy? Mom doesn't 'get it on' with you anymore. Does she?"

"No, she doesn't," John admitted, feeling very awkward. "But I wish like hell that she would!"

"I hate to tell you this, Daddy, but she's never going to. She thinks you're a child molester. She thinks that you've been molesting Bill's daughter."

"You mean Trish?"


"Oh God! I'd never do something like that!" John insisted, lying through his teeth, as he was thinking about that "special night" that he had with Trish, back in 2006.

"I know that, and you know that. But a few years back, Mom found a pair of panties hidden at the bottom of your dresser drawer. And she assumed that they belonged to Trish."

Lisa abruptly stopped her slow-but-steady hand-pumping of John's penis. "So please tell me that those aren't Trish's panties," Lisa said, pointing towards the pair of panties that were lying on the vanity countertop.

John reached over onto the vanity countertop, picked the panties up, and held them right up in front of Lisa's face. "These are the same panties that Jan found that day. But they're definitely not Trish's panties. They were Val's panties. Back when she was just a teenager."

John grabbed the gallon-size plastic freezer bag that was on the vanity countertop, gently placed the panties into the bag, zipped the bag up, folded it in half, and stuck it in the pocket of his pants, which--along with his underwear--were wrapped tautly around his thighs.

"You mean your twin sister, Valerie?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, that's exactly who I mean."

"So you stole a pair of her panties?

"No. She gave them to me herself," said John.

"Are they soiled panties?"

"Yes, they are. And they're going to stay that way forever, if I have any say in the matter."

"Wow! You 'got it on' with your own sister, didn't you?"

"I didn't say that, now did I?"

"No. But it's the way that you said it. You did 'get it on' with Val, didn't you, Daddy?"

"Yes. But it's not what you think. We just 'did it' that one time. That's all."

"Well, once is enough," Lisa flippantly remarked.

"Oh, no it isn't. Believe me!" John said, slowly shaking his head from side-to-side.

"So, you're afraid that if you play with my pussy right now, you'll want to do it again and again. And you don't think that I'll let you do that."

John didn't respond at all. He just kept looking at Lisa. He was amazed at how she seemed to be reading his mind.

"Well, I'm not Val, Daddy. I would never tease you like that. You're one of the few men that I've never felt threatened by. I love you very much. And I want you to be happy.

"And I know that you're not happy right now, without a woman to satisfy your sexual needs. Since Mom's out of the picture, I'd like to be that woman, if you'll let me."

"I don't know, Honey. I don't know if I'm up to it right now. I just masturbated before you walked in here. But of course, you already knew that."

"I didn't mean right now, you silly goose. I meant later tonight. After Jan and Alex are asleep.

"Right now, I just want you to play with my pussy for a couple of minutes, while I tell you all about Mom and me. Then we'll see if we can get out of this bathroom, without her catching us. Deal?"

John placed his hand on Lisa's pussy. He immediately felt the very large, partially-erect clitoris that was prominently jutting out at the front of her crack. The head of Lisa's clitoris was almost as big around as the tip of John's middle finger.

"Gosh, you've got quite the clitoris there, young lady."

"Yeah, it really looks like a small penis, doesn't it? That's the main reason why I have to keep my pussy shaved. When I'm dancing, I always put a strong piece of tape across the front of my pussy to hold my clit pressed into my crack, so that it doesn't show.

"And even then, I still have to be very careful not to let myself get sexually aroused when I'm dancing, or else I'll get a small bulge in the front of my G-string. And I'm sure that most of my paying customers wouldn't appreciate that.

"Here, let me show you something," Lisa said, as she retracted the skin hood to expose the whole head of her long clitoris. "You see? It's even got a dark ridge around the head, just like a guy's dick-head does. You ought to see it when it becomes fully-erect. It's a little over two inches long. I know, 'cuz I actually measured it one time. And it looks just like I've got a miniature dick, instead of a clit. In fact, Vicki calls it my 'little dick.'

"Of course, I don't have a slit at the tip of it, like a guy's dick-head does," Lisa said, playfully rubbing the tip of her index finger against John's piss-hole slit. And while she was doing that, images of Bill's hypospadic penis automatically crossed her mind, and Lisa found herself unintentionally comparing her twin brother's unique-looking, helmet-shaped dick-head to her father's much-wider, flared-out dick-head.

"Vicki ought to call it your 'dick-clit,'" John suggested, as he was feeling out Lisa's little piss-hole opening with his fingertips. "That would be much more appropriate, don't you think?"

"Sure, Dad. Whatever. All I know is that I've always been very self-conscious about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm a freak-of-Nature."

"Nonsense. You're a gorgeous young lady."

"Yeah, with a gigantic, dick-looking clitoris sticking out of the front of her pussy," Lisa immediately added. She felt her clit tingling, as it was growing, and steadily becoming more erect.

"Hey, I'm not exactly pleased with the size of my penis either. But I've had to accept it, because it's the only penis I've got."

"I just happen to like your dick, Daddy. I think it's cute, and very sexy."

"Well, I just happen to like your pussy too, Lisa. Just the way it is," said John, as he finally stopped feeling out her piss-hole opening, and inserted his middle finger up into her vagina, to begin manually exploring it. "And if I were a younger man, I might even try to have sexual intercourse with you right now. And speaking of that, I assume that's what you want us to do tonight."

"You bet I do!" Lisa enthusiastically chimed in.

"Well, you're not on any birth control, are you? I mean, I've heard of old men like me actually getting younger women like you pregnant," said John.

"No, I'm not using any birth control right now, Daddy. I haven't really needed to. I've been having sex with women. Remember?"

"That's fine, Lisa," said John, as he now had two of his held-together fingers (his middle finger and his ring finger) inserted up into Lisa's vagina. And he was curling his two fingers towards him, and intentionally using his fingertips to massage her G-spot area. "I guess I'll just have to go buy some condoms somewhere."

"Oh, no you don't! I hate those damn things! Tell you what, if it'll make you feel better, I'll bop on down to the store and get some foam, or sponges, or something. Anything but condoms."


"Daddy, as much as I'm enjoying this, I think we'd better get out of here, before Mom catches us," Lisa said, realizing that John's adept fingering of her G-spot was just about to make her cum hard. And she knew that if she just stayed there and let that happen, they would end up fucking right there, in the bathroom. So Lisa wisely decided that she had better leave right away, for both their sakes.

"You're right, Lisa," John agreed, pulling his fingers out of her wonderful vagina, but not until after she had removed her hands from his fully-erect dick and his balls.

Lisa started to put her panties and jeans back on. But when she picked the panties up off the floor, she saw the front of the gooey sperm-soaked panties, and reacted with, "Euuuh Yuuuck!" and then tossed the panties into the waste basket beside the toilet. "Don't worry, Daddy. I brought plenty of panties with me. Mom always taught me to pack extra underwear whenever I take a trip out of town. I'll just have to wear my jeans 'au naturel' for now. It isn't like I haven't done it before," said Lisa, as she was buttoning up the front of her jeans and pulling her zipper up. "It's times like this that I'm thankful I don't have any pubes," Lisa said, showing her wit, and her innate sense of humor.

Meanwhile, John was pulling his own pants and underwear back up.

"Okay, I'll go out first," Lisa said. "And I'll distract Mom, so that you can sneak out, and then come in the front door, like you were just returning from a walk."

Just as soon as Lisa had left the bathroom and closed the door behind her, John sprang into action.

First, he stuck his two fingers--the ones that he had pulled out of Lisa's vagina, just moments before--right up under his nose, and took several deep whiffs of Lisa's intoxicating, pheromone-laden pussy-aroma.

Then he reached down into the waste basket beside the toilet, retrieved Lisa's sperm-coated panties, and tossed them into the bathroom's laundry hamper, making sure to burrow them well down under the rest of the dirty laundry. John figured that he would come back later in the night to "properly dispose of" Lisa's sperm-soaked panties.

Lastly, he used the damp washcloth to carefully wipe up the little puddles of sperm that he had left all over the bathroom. He thoroughly rinsed the washcloth out under the faucet, and then wrung the excess water out of it, before dropping it down into the laundry hamper, and closing the hamper door.

John snuck out of the bathroom, and then out the front door. He turned around and made a grand, overly-noisy entrance, as if he were coming back from one of his walks.

So Lisa's plan had went off without a hitch. She and John had both managed to escape the bathroom, without being caught by Jan. And Lisa had also managed to "conveniently forget" to tell John about her and Jan "getting it on" together.

Later that same night, after Jan and Alex were fast asleep, Lisa snuck into John's bedroom. She quickly pulled down her cotton panties, and stepped out of the leg-holes, leaving the crumpled-up panties on the floor next to the bed.

She got into bed with John, hiked the bottom of her knee-length nightshirt up around her waist, and they made love, just like they were husband and wife, instead of father and daughter. Of course they had to compensate for the huge difference in their body-weights.

After an extended period of genital foreplay and oral sex that lasted about 20 minutes, Lisa told John that she needed to go to the restroom to put in a birth control sponge. She pulled the packaged sponge out of the pocket at the front of her nightshirt--which she had left on, throughout their foreplay--and showed the sponge to John, before she headed off to the restroom down the hall.

Once Lisa was in the closed bathroom, she urinated, because she had forgotten to pee, before they had started their lovemaking. Then she tore open the little plastic package, took out the birth control sponge, looked at it for a few seconds, and finally flushed it down the toilet, along with her urine.

She knew that it was her "safe time," since it was day 22 of her menstrual cycle.

She also wanted this first-ever intercourse with her father to be very special. She knew that her not using any birth control measures would only serve to make this experience even more exciting for her. She knew that the danger of pregnancy was very real. And that was the exciting part. But she also realized that the odds were heavily against it actually happening tonight.

Lisa resolved that she would use birth control the next time that she had sexual intercourse with her father. But tonight, she just wanted to throw all caution to the wind, and take "the big gamble."

Of course, Lisa didn't want to flat-out lie to her father. So she decided to simply not say anything to him about her total lack of birth control--that is, until after they had finished "doing the dirty deed" together.

When Lisa returned to the bedroom, she finally took off her nightshirt, and then instinctively lay down on her back on the bed and spread her legs far apart, motioning with her arms that she was wanting John to mount her.

John just stared at her totally nude body for a long moment. Even in the dim moonlight that was streaming into the darkened bedroom through the window, John could still see well enough to appreciate what a lovely young woman his daughter had become--in spite of the very large, erect clitoris that was jutting straight out at the front of her pussy crack.

And of course, John naturally assumed that Lisa now had the birth control sponge in place, covering up her cervix.

He tried to mount her in this missionary-style position, but his big belly made that difficult. She was uncomfortable too. Her petite frame struggled to support his comparatively-massive weight on top of her.

So, at Lisa's suggestion, they ended up "doing it" doggie style. Besides, that also just happened to be Lisa's favorite intercourse position. Ironically, Lisa didn't know it at the time, but it was John's favorite intercourse position, as well. So that was another sexual preference that they both had in common.

Lisa got down on her hands and knees on top of the bed, and John knelt down and mounted her from behind. He pretty much just stayed still, and kneaded her firm butt-cheeks with his hands, while she was doing most of the work to thrust his short penis in and out of her vagina.

She was slapping her fleshy mound up against John's large testicles on each inward thrust, and Lisa felt like she was in heaven. She was riding one orgasmic wave, right after another. And the "slurp-slurp" sounds coming from her pussy just got louder and louder, as her pussy got wetter and wetter, and she was slamming her pubic mound up against John's pubic mound faster and faster.

Her energetic intercourse lasted about 15 minutes or so, before she finally felt John fertilizing her. But Lisa was pretty amazed, because that was 13 minutes more than Lisa had expected for it to last, considering the "newness factor," along with the taboo nature of the whole situation.

Needless to say, Lisa was extremely happy with John's performance in bed. And having her own father's sperm flowing out directly into her vagina was one of the most erotic things that Lisa had ever experienced in her entire life. Lisa had to bury her face in a pillow to muffle her moans and groans of pure sexual ecstasy.

John couldn't believe how much he had missed the feeling of having his penis inside of a woman's vagina. And after his orgasm was over, he just wanted to stay coupled-up with Lisa as long as he possibly could.

Lisa didn't want John to pull out either.

But then they both heard a quiet, serious voice that came from one corner of John's dark bedroom.

"John? Don't turn on the lights. I've already seen more than I care to see. I want you to pack up your things, and get your ass out of my house right now. You too, Lisa. How could you do this to your own mother? I thought you were going to come to my room tonight!" Jan said, with her voice quickly becoming louder and shakier, until she was actually screaming at Lisa.

Jan threw open the bedroom door hard, slamming the door up against the doorstop on the wall. And she frantically stormed out of John's bedroom, heading for the comfort and relative safety of her own bedroom.

Once there, she lay down on her bed and cried into her pillow. She felt totally betrayed by Lisa. But she wasn't completely sure whether she was more angry about Lisa having sex with her husband, or about Lisa not having sex with her.

Jan had been looking forward to having Lisa in her bed. Looking forward to finally having someone else to share her sexuality with. It had been slightly more than 10 months since Jan had traveled by herself to Austin to visit her daughter, while John was out of town, on a business trip.

And that's when Lisa had unexpectedly jumped into bed with her own mother, and seduced Jan into making love with her that final night, before Jan had left to come back home.

Ever since that wonderful night, Jan had fantasized a lot about the taboo-but-exciting sexual encounter that had taken place between her and her own daughter.

And Jan had been eagerly awaiting Lisa's next visit, anticipating that Lisa would make love to her again, as soon as they got the chance to be alone together. As far as Jan was concerned, masturbation had been okay, but there was always a melancholy feeling of loneliness that permeated her masturbations.

But Lisa hadn't come to Jan's bedroom that night.

And after waiting for a little while, Jan had finally decided to take matters into her own hands. She had gone to look for Lisa, so that she could invite Lisa into her bedroom. But Alex had been sleeping all by himself on the fold-out sofa bed in the guest bedroom upstairs. And Lisa wasn't sharing this bedroom with her son, like she was supposed to.

So Jan had been heading back to her own bedroom, when she had noticed the telltale "slurp-slurp" sounds coming from the direction of John's bedroom, down at the end of the hallway. Jan had quietly traversed the hallway carpet, being very careful not to stumble into anything in the darkness.

When she had gotten to John's bedroom door, she had twisted the doorknob, ever so slowly, and eased the door open, to discover her nude husband coupled up doggie style, in bed with her butt-naked daughter, who was enthusiastically thrusting away at John's penis, acting like a bitch in heat.

Jan had quietly snuck into John's bedroom, carefully closing the door behind her. And she had just stood there in disbelief, as she had watched her daughter fuck her husband. And she had kept watching them, as Lisa was orgasming her ass off, while John was fertilizing her young pussy. The same young pussy that Jan had had her own hands and mouth on, just 10 months ago. The same young pussy that Jan was hoping to have her hands and mouth on tonight. Jan was definitely much more angry with Lisa right now, than she was with her own husband.

But there was also a part of her that had actually gotten turned-on from watching them--an animalistic part of her that was wanting to get naked, and jump right into bed with them. In fact, while she was watching John and Lisa fuck, her own hand had automatically moved over to her housecoat-and-panty-covered crotch, and she had started rubbing herself "down there," making it feel good to her.

At one point, Jan had even started to sneak back out of John's bedroom, with the intention of simply going back to her own bedroom, and keeping what she had "accidentally" witnessed, as her own "little secret."

But Jan couldn't bring herself to leave early, and miss the climax of "the movie"--which in this case was the act of sexual intercourse that was taking place, just a few feet away from her. She had just kept fingering herself through her night-clothing, while she was thinking about John's little mushroom-shaped penis. And about how good it had felt, whenever it was inside her. And about how much she had missed John's lovemaking.

By the way, unlike the "Jan" in John's dream, the "real" Jan was not "orgasmically-challenged" in the least. In fact, quite the opposite. Jan was perpetually horny, and had always been able to orgasm at the drop of a hat--even back when she was a young girl.

As Jan's pussy crack was getting wet inside her panties, thanks to her finely-honed pussy-fingering skills, she thought about her Uncle Ed, and about how he used to make the crotch of her panties get soaked, whenever he was "tickling" her "naughty parts," and about how she always used to naively giggle away in sheer delight while he was doing that to her. Then she thought about those telltale panties that she had discovered in the bottom of John's dresser nearly a decade ago, and she started feeling totally disgusted with what she was witnessing.

Had John been molesting Lisa ever since she was a young girl? And was what Jan was witnessing simply one of a long string of John's sexual encounters with Lisa, that had been periodically taking place throughout all these years? Jan didn't know.

But she did know one thing: Lisa was sure enjoying the hell out of it! And Jan found herself actually resenting Lisa for that. Especially when Lisa was orgasming her ass off during John's sperm-release. Jan found herself feeling very jealous of Lisa.

At the same time, Jan felt that Lisa had betrayed her, in more ways than one. Jan couldn't just leave the room, and let them get away with it. She couldn't just let that "little bitch-in-heat" get away with fucking her husband, right under her own roof. And so Jan felt that she had to speak up, and make her presence known.

Once the first word had come out of her mouth, Jan knew that her life would never be the same again. She knew that her marriage was gone for good, and that the wonderful relationship she had had with her daughter was over with.

And Jan realized that, after John had cleared out his belongings, and moved out of the house, she would be left with an empty bedroom down the hall--and an 8-inch-long, vibrating, penis-shaped dildo to "keep her company." Oh yeah, and all those other sex toys too.

Immediately after Jan had stormed out of John's bedroom, Lisa got up out of bed to go close the bedroom door. And as she did, she grumbled something under her breath that sounded to John like, "I can get some sweet, young pussy any time I want it, you fucking bitch! I don't need that old, shriveled-up 'thing' down between your legs."

"Jesus!" John said, rolling over onto his back, while Lisa was getting back into bed to lie beside him, "What am I gonna do now?"

Lisa felt really bad for John, because she felt at least partially responsible for what had just happened. And in a way, she was.

After she had flushed her birth control sponge down the toilet, in Lisa's haste to leave the bathroom and climb back into bed with John (so that they could continue their "unfinished business" together), Lisa had closed John's bedroom door behind her--but she had neglected to lock the bedroom door. And that's how Jan was able to slowly and quietly twist the doorknob and easily sneak into John's bedroom, so that she could catch them "in the act."

"You're gonna be happy, for a change, Daddy," Lisa answered, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek. "Why don't you come down to Austin, and move in with me and Vicki. We've got a three-bedroom apartment, with a guest bedroom that's not being used right now. And I'm positive Vicki won't mind having you around at all. Just don't ever call her 'Victoria.' She hates that name."

"Well, I guess that'd be fine. I don't really know anywhere else I could go right now."

"Good, then it's settled. You'll move in with me. Things will work out just fine. You'll see. Oh, by the way, I need to tell you something. Please don't get mad, okay?"

"What is it, Lisa?"

"Promise me," Lisa insisted.

"Okay, I promise you that I won't get mad at you. Now, what is it?"

"I didn't use any birth control tonight, while we were 'doing it.' When I was in the bathroom, I threw away the sponge, instead of putting it in."

"For Christ's sake, Lisa! Why did you do that?"

"I wanted tonight to be very special for both of us. That's why I'm telling you this right now. I wanted you to know that what we just did together was totally natural. It was the 'real thing.' I don't expect you to understand, but I just felt like I needed for it to be real tonight.

"Don't worry, Daddy, it's my 'safe time' right now, and the odds of me getting pregnant are very remote. That's the only reason I went ahead and did it.

"I promise you that, from now on, I'll always use birth control, whenever we 'do it.' In fact, I'll even go down to the clinic, and either get on The Pill again, or get a NuvaRing, or something else, just so that we never have to worry about anything. You aren't mad at me, are you?"

"No, Sweetie. I appreciate your honesty. Even if it was after the fact."

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I was afraid to tell you at the time. I thought that you might not fuck me, if you knew that I wasn't using any birth control."

"Are you kidding me? It's been years since I've had my dick inside your mother's pussy--or any other woman's pussy, for that matter. Do you honestly think that I could have refused yours tonight--even if you had told me beforehand, that you weren't using any birth control?"

"I see what you mean. And I really needed you to fuck me tonight, Daddy. I hadn't felt a guy's dick inside my pussy, ever since I got pregnant with Alex.

"And, just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not really a lesbian, even though that's the way I present myself in public. Of course, I do love having sex with women. But I love having sex with men, just as much. So I'm actually bi-sexual."

"Oh well, the damage is already done," John said, reaching over to place the palm of his hand on the outside of Lisa's pussy mound. And he gave it a couple of gentle pats with his hand while he added, "And there's no use crying over spilt milk--or in our case, spilt semen--because all we can really do right now is to hope and pray that your 'safe time' really turns out to be safe.

"I never told you this," John continued, as he removed his hand from Lisa's pussy, "but you and your brother were conceived during one of your mother's 'safe times.' We never planned on having children. But I'm damn glad we did!"

"So am I, Daddy!" Lisa agreed with true conviction, and then reached over and gently patted the head of his penis a few times with the palm of her hand.

"So you don't mind my 'old, shriveled-up' penis then?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I was just mad at Mom. That's all. I can't believe that she just stood there, and watched us 'do it.'"

"Well, your mother has been a fairly secretive and private woman her whole life. She also lies about things, whenever it serves her purpose. But, believe it or not, I still love her. It's just that nowadays, my love for her has been transformed into pity."

"It must be hard to live with a woman like that."

"Living with her wasn't the problem. The hard part was not being able to have sex with my own wife."

"Well, Daddy, now you've got someone to have sex with, whenever you want. Somebody who loves you much more than your own wife does."

"I wonder what Vicki's going to think, now that it looks like I'm moving in with you guys," said John.

"She won't mind at all. Believe me. Besides, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. So whenever you get feeling horny and need some pussy, just let me know. Discretely, of course. When Vicki's not in the room with us. And I'll be more than happy to come by your bedroom later that night, and spend some 'quality time' with you. Deal?" Lisa said, winking at John.

"Deal!" John said emphatically, winking right back at her.

John and his daughter got out of bed. And he put on his underwear, while she was putting on her nightshirt. He went to the bedroom closet to get his old, worn-out suitcase, and he started packing up carefully-selected items of clothing from his dresser.

John and Lisa were discussing their new living arrangements, as John opened the bottom dresser drawer and pulled out some pants. Lisa caught a glimpse of the little plastic bag at the very back of the dresser drawer--the one containing his sister Val's panties--as John was closing the drawer, to move up to the next drawer

"Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" Lisa asked.


"Your sister's panties. You know, the ones that you like to masturbate with."

"That's okay. I don't think I'll be needing them anymore. Do you?"

"Why don't you go ahead and take 'em with you anyway. I know they mean a lot to you." Lisa gave John one last passionate kiss, and said, "Meet you out at the car in 15 minutes."

"I'll be there with bells on," John automatically replied, turning his attention back to his packing, as Lisa left his bedroom.

"Oh, by the way," said Lisa, poking her head back into the bedroom doorway, "you can forget the bells. Just don't forget the panties. Okay?"

"I've got 'em right here," John said, lifting the plastic bag up slightly out of his suitcase to show Val's soiled, souvenir panties to Lisa.

"Not those panties, Daddy. I mean, my panties," Lisa said, quickly pointing downward towards the pair of plain-looking, white cotton panties that were lying willy-nilly on the carpet, beside the bed.

Then Lisa took off down the hallway towards the guest bedroom. She intended to wake up Alex, and make sure that he got dressed right away, so that he could join her and John on this unexpected trip back to Austin in the middle of the night.

John scooped Lisa's panties up off the bedroom floor, held the urine-tinged crotch-panel directly under his nostrils, and then took a couple of quick sniffs, before stuffing the soiled panties down into his left pants pocket.

* * * * *

So Papa Bear moved in with Baby Bear and her roommate, Vicki. Baby Bear encouraged Papa Bear to eat her porridge whenever he wanted to. And he did just that.

From time to time, Vicki even let Papa Bear eat her porridge, too. But only when Baby Bear was away from their apartment. You see, Vicki was actually bi-sexual, but she didn't want Baby Bear to know that.

And they all lived happily ever after--without either woman getting pregnant.

And the moral to this story could have been: Porridge is always thicker than blood, or one man's alien is another bear's dream.

However, this twisted tale is not quite finished yet. Don't forget that Mama Bear had some porridge too.

* * * * *

"But, Lisa," Jan said, "the real point I'm trying to make here, is that after I found the panties in John's dresser drawer, I assumed that he was sexually molesting our granddaughter. And from that moment on, I had no desire to ever have sex with that man again. I would much rather fuck a dildo three or four times a week. And so that's exactly what I did."

Of course, John didn't know about Jan finding the panties in his dresser drawer. But he did know one thing for sure: He was stuck with a wife who didn't want to have sex with him anymore. He was too old to start over again, too faithful and moralistic to cheat on his wife, and still too young to entirely give up sex. And so he was forced to revel in his own masturbations.

Nowadays, John loves to place Val's panties over the large head of his short penis. And while he rubs the slick nylon against his dick, he vividly remembers and re-lives the "special night" when he got those panties.

* * * * *


1969: The Real "Rude Awakening"

* * * * *

John Ridgeway was only 18-years-old, when he woke up late one night to find his twin sister, Valerie, in bed with him, and playing with his little mushroom-shaped dick--which was already erect, due to a very erotic dream he had been having. Val had her hand stuck down inside the elastic waistbands of his pajama bottoms and his white cotton briefs, and she was wearing an unspectacular, light-weight cotton nightgown.

"What the hell are you doin', Val?" John asked, when he woke up enough to realize that his own sister had her hand on his bare erect penis, and was fondling it.

"Shhhh...You'll wake up Mom and Dad. You wouldn't want them to catch us, would ya?" Val had calmly replied.

"Catch us doin' what?" John whispered, as he quickly reached over to the night stand next to his bed, grabbed his glasses and put them on.

"This," Val whispered back, as she threw the covers off him, pulled the waistbands of his pajama pants and his "tighty whities" down together--in one smooth motion--to expose his "package," leaned over his crotch, and placed her mouth down around the head of John's dick.

John had never had his dick sucked before by anyone--let alone by his own sister--and the experience was overwhelming for him. He couldn't believe how great it felt. And he soon had to struggle to keep from ejaculating in Val's mouth.

Val must have sensed this. Because she abruptly pulled her mouth up off of his penis, and then pulled his "tighty whities" back up around his waist, as if she were finished having sex with him. "I've always wanted to do that to a guy. Did you like it?" Val asked in a quiet voice.

"Gosh, Sis, that felt great!" John said in a forced airy whisper, praying that Val wasn't finished having sex with him yet. But there was still hope. His hard-on was a tent pole inside his underwear, and he realized that Val had to have left the waistband of his pajama bottoms wrapped around his thighs for a reason.

"I know something that'll feel even better. Why don't you take off your pajamas?" Val suggested, while she was getting up to stand beside John's twin-size bed. She pulled her nightgown up over her head, and let it fall to the floor, beside her.

There was a full moon that night. And the moonlight was streaming in through the cracks in the partially-closed blinds of the bedroom window. John could see Val's delicate-looking petite vivacious body, and her pendulous C-cup size breasts, with those overly-long nipples that just begged to be sucked on.

It had been years since John had seen Val naked. And her large boobs really intrigued him, because the last time that he had seen her bare chest, she didn't have any breasts at all, to speak off--only nipples.

But the oddest thing was that her white nylon panties seemed to eerily glow in the yellowish moonlight. He could make out the camel-toed shape of her vulva through the thin material crotch of her shimmering panties.

"Well, John, are you gonna take off your pajamas? Or are you just gonna lie there and stare at me?"

John quickly unbuttoned and took off his pajama shirt. And then he pulled his pajama bottoms all the way off, leaving his underwear in place, just like Val had done with her panties.

"Well aren't you gonna take off your underwear too?" Val asked.

"I just figured that you wanted me to leave 'em on, since you've still got yours on."

"I left my panties on, because I wanted to give you the honor of taking them off me," Val said as she lay down beside him, on her back.

"I want tonight to be very special, John. Would you like to feel my breasts?" Val asked as she grabbed his hand, and placed it onto one of her bare breasts.

John touched her breasts very tentatively. He had no idea exactly what Val was up to. And his sister had never behaved in such an openly-sexual way towards him before.

Also, John had never had sex with a girl before. And it kind of scared him a little, even though he was very experienced at masturbation. Last week, he had even gotten together and jacked off with another boy. But this "sex with a girl" stuff was truly an alien experience for John.

"Go ahead, John. It's okay. I want you to feel my titties," Val said, as she placed her hand over the back of his, and made his hand squeeze her whole breast.

She pulled her hand away from his, and he kept on squeezing the whole globe of her breast a few more times, before he started playing with her long, erect nipple.

"Have you ever had you hands on a girl's titties before?" Val asked coyly.


"But I'll bet you've always fantasized about it, haven't you?"

"Sure. What guy doesn't?"

"Would you like to touch my pussy, John?"

John didn't answer her. He was shocked to hear the words "my pussy" flow out of Val's mouth, so effortlessly.

"Of course you would," Val matter-of-factly answered for him. "You think about girls' pussies a lot. Don't you, John? Well a girl's pussy is a very delicate thing, just like a guy's balls are. If you'll trust me feeling your balls, I'll trust you feeling my pussy. Deal?"

John pulled off his underwear, and Val placed her hand around his balls. Then he reached over to pull Val's panties down.

But she grabbed his hand and stopped him. "Wait a minute, John. Do you know what 'fucking' is?"

"Sure," John replied with confidence. His boyhood friends were always talking about "fucking." And John had even seen two lions actually "doing it" at the zoo.

"Well, here's the catch. Before I let you pull down my panties and feel my pussy, you'll have to first promise me that you'll feel it with you dick, instead of your hands. Then I want you to stick your dick all the way up into my pussy, and fuck me. Now, do we have a deal?"

John didn't say a word. He rolled back over onto his back, and stared at the ceiling, while Val continued to fondle his balls.

"What's the matter, John?" Val asked.

"I don't know, Sis. It's just not right, you know? I could get you pregnant."

"Don't worry, John. You can't get me pregnant right now. It's my 'safe time.'"

"Your what?" John asked.

"My 'safe time.' My period just ended yesterday. And I'm not fertile right now. So there's no way I can get pregnant. Don't you find me attractive, John?"

"Of course I do."

"Attractive enough to fuck? I've noticed how you've been staring at my breasts, and my legs, and my butt lately. I know you want to fuck me, John. You can't deny it."

"You're right," John softly admitted, feeling very embarrassed.

"Well, I'm lying here in your bed right now, with my hand on your balls, waiting for you to take off my panties, and 'get down to business.' So what are you waiting for? An ad in the newspaper?"

"I'm scared, Sis. I've never fucked anyone before."

"Don't worry. You'll do just fine," Val assured him, "I'm so wet right now. Your wiener should just slide right on in. And believe me, you'll know what to do, after that. Well, do we have a deal? Do you wanna fuck me right now, John?"

"Yes. You have no idea how badly I wanna fuck you, Val."

"Oh, I think I do," Val replied, reaching up to playfully squeeze the large head of John's fully-erect penis between her index finger and thumb.

John reached over, and slowly pulled Val's panties down her thighs, before removing them entirely.

In the dim moonlight he could see that she had a very thick, triangle-shaped patch of brown pubic hair on her lower abdomen, which provided a stark contrast to the white panties, and also to the milk-white bare skin of her stomach and lower abdomen. The thick patch of pubic hair continued downward between her lovely well-defined thighs, and it was so thick that it almost completely hid her pussy mound from John's view--that is, until Val finally spread her legs apart.

"John, why don't you take off your glasses now?"

"But I can't see very well without them," John automatically replied.

"You don't need to see anything right now, John. You've already seen everything you needed to see. Now go ahead and take your glasses off."

After removing his glasses, and placing them back on top of the night stand, John knelt down in between Val's spread-apart thighs.

He was getting ready to reach down and grab hold of his penis, so that he could start rubbing it against her pussy. But she beat him to the punch.

Val's hand shot down into his crotch, grabbed hold of the short shaft of his penis, and started rubbing the large head of it back and forth against her clitoris, and against the already-moist crack of her pussy.

Just as Val was about to insert the head of John's penis into her vagina, he was so mentally excited that he spontaneously orgasmed, and ejaculated his whole wad of sperm out onto her pussy mound, while she still had her hand wrapped around his pulsating penis.

That spontaneous orgasm and sperm-ejaculation seemed to just sneak up on John from out of nowhere. And once it hit, there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it. All he could really do was ride it out. And naturally, the whole time that he was doing that, John also felt extremely embarrassed about his premature ejaculation.

"Geez, I'm sorry, Val," John apologized, once his orgasmic feelings had finally wound down enough so that he could actually talk to her in a coherent manner. John could feel the sperm still oozing out of his penis. And Val still had her hand around his shaft. And she was slowly rubbing the head of his dick up and down the length of her pussy crack, as he continued apologizing, "I didn't mean to do that. I just couldn't help it. Please forgive me?"

"That's okay, John. Really it is. To tell you the truth, I was expecting that you might do that," Val said, as she removed her hand from his genitals. "Now, I just want you to lie here on top of me, and relax for a little bit. Believe me. Everything's gonna be just fine. You'll see," Val reassured him.

While John passively lay on top of Val, she gave him a gentle back-massage that lasted at least five minutes.

"If you'll excuse me for a few minutes, I need to go and clean myself up a little bit. But I'll be right back, John. Don't you dare go anywhere," Val admonished him, giving him a modest sisterly kiss on the cheek, right afterwards. Val always had a wonderful sense of humor, as far as John was concerned.

Val put her nightgown back on, and then quietly made her way down the hall to the communal bathroom on the second floor of the house.

As soon as she entered the bathroom, she took a damp washcloth, and wiped John's sperm off her pussy. Then she rinsed the washcloth out under the hot water faucet. And right before she left the bathroom, Val went ahead and urinated, while she had the chance.

She brought the wet washcloth with her, when she came back into John's bedroom. After making sure to lock the bedroom door behind her, Val took off her nightgown, and got back into bed with John. Then she used the warm, damp washcloth to gently wipe down John's penis and scrotum. She set the washcloth on top of the bedside night stand, before turning around to look John right in the eye.

"I want you to make love to me, John. I want you to French-kiss me, and suck on my titties. I want you to feel out my pussy, and play with it all you want. And yes, I want you to use your hands this time. And then, whenever you're finally ready, I want you to fuck me, John."

John didn't say a word. He just embraced Val and kissed her. Her tongue instantly darted out into his mouth, searching for his.

Before he knew it, he was sucking away on Val's lovely, long nipples, not really caring anymore that these were his own sister's nipples.

After all, he had just squirted his sperm all over the crack of her pussy. He figured that he might as well go ahead and enjoy himself as much as possible, during this unique sexual encounter.

And that's exactly what he did. He pretended that Val was his girlfriend--and not his twin sister. And he suspected that Val was also pretending that he was her boyfriend--instead of her twin brother. But he couldn't be sure of that.

They both behaved like two young lovers finally "going all the way" for the first time ever. And pretty soon, John had his fingers up inside of Val's vagina.

He moved in between Val's spread thighs, to mount her in the missionary position.

And once again, she reached down to get the head of John's circumcised penis wet with her sexual juices, and then gently guided it up into her own vagina.

But this time, John didn't shoot his wad, while she was doing that. And John was amazed at how easily the wide mushroom-shaped head of his penis slid right on up into Val's young vagina.

And when it did, Val noisily sucked in a bunch of air through her chattering teeth.

"What's wrong, Val? I didn't hurt you, did I?" John asked with genuine concern.

"No, John. It feels wonderful!" Val whispered back with her eyes closed.

Their intercourse lasted a good 10 minutes or so. And when John finally ejaculated his sperm inside her, Val orgasmed her ass off underneath him. He felt her warm gush of sexual fluid, as it flowed out of her vagina, and down his balls.

Val cried out in orgasmic ecstasy, "Oh, God! Oh yes! Yes, oh--"

John slapped the palm of his hand down onto Val's too-loud mouth.

"Shhhhhh! You don't want to wake up Mom and Dad, do you?" John whispered in Val's ear.

She shook her head quickly from side to side, under his hand.

"Well that's just what's gonna happen if you keep carrying on like that. Now I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth, and you be quiet. Okay?"

"I'm sorry, John. I didn't expect you to make me feel so good."

"What did you expect, Val?"

"To tell you the truth, I didn't know what to expect. Just like you, I'm a virgin. Well, maybe not anymore. But I used to be one, a few minutes ago. And up until tonight, I had never fucked anyone before. That was incredible!"

"Amen to that! But why me? I mean, why didn't you get one of your boyfriends to fuck you?"

"What boyfriends, John?"

"Oh, come on. I know you go out on dates, once in a while."

"Yeah, but it's always with a different guy. And they usually only ask me out, so that they'll have someone to take to the dance, or to the prom with them. I usually end up sitting there, and watching my date dance with other girls all night long.

"It used to really bother me at first, but I've gotten kind of used to it by now. I mean, I don't exactly have the face and body of a cheerleader, now do I?"

"No. But I just made love to you, Val. And I'd be more than happy to do it again, whenever you want. There's no reason for you to have to go looking around for all these guys who don't appreciate you, when you've got a guy right here, who thinks that you have an incredibly attractive face and body."

"But you're my own brother. And, to tell you the truth, I kind of feel like a cheap whore right now."

"I didn't offer to pay you anything. And I didn't ask you to have sex with me tonight. You came to me. Remember?"

"I just couldn't stand it anymore, John. I had to know what it was like to be a real woman. What it was like to be with a man.

"When I first walked into your room tonight, the truth is that I had just woken up from my own erotic dream, and I was feeling really, really horny. I only intended to touch your dick, and maybe look at it for a few minutes. That's all. I didn't even plan to wake you up.

"But when I got into bed beside you, and reached over to touch your dick, you already had a boner. And that was something that I hadn't expected at all.

"Once I had my hand on that sexy, stiff wiener of yours, I just wanted to keep on touching it and feeling it. So I squeezed it and played with it, hoping that you would wake up--but not really knowing what to do, if you did.

"That's when I remembered that it was my 'safe time.' And that's when I decided that if you woke up, I was gonna let you fuck me and take my virginity, if you wanted to do it.

"Of course, you did wake up. And the rest is history. And I can't ever take back what I did."

"Well, neither can I. And just like you, I don't have any girlfriends who want to have sex with me, either. So I'd be more than happy to have you in my bed again, any night that you want to be here with me."

"But I can't, John. Mom or Dad would eventually catch on to what we're doing. And even if they didn't, you would eventually get me pregnant. And I can't let that happen. I don't want either of us to get hurt."

"But I thought you said I couldn't get you pregnant during your 'safe time.'"

"I told you that, so you wouldn't be so scared. And I wasn't exactly lying to you either. Unfortunately, nothing in Nature is ever 100% true. There are always exceptions to every rule. And although it is extremely rare, there have been cases of girls getting pregnant during their 'safe times.' The fact is, that each time we fuck, the risk becomes greater and greater that you might get me pregnant."

"But I could use one of those balloon-looking things," John suggested. "And that would keep you from getting pregnant, wouldn't it?"

"You mean a 'rubber'?"

John nodded his head.

"It wouldn't be the same, John. And you know it. Besides that, rubbers are notorious for leaking, or breaking, or slipping off at the worst possible times. And anyway, we'd always be tempted to go ahead and fuck without using the rubber. You know I'm not lying, John."

"Yeah, but we could still have sex with each other, without actually fucking. Couldn't we?"

"Do you really believe that, John. Look me straight in the eye right now, while you've still got your dick inside me, and tell me that you never want to have your dick inside my pussy again.

"You can't do it, can you? Well, I can't do it either. I'll always yearn to feel you inside me again and again, John. And we'd both become totally frustrated by the whole experience," said Val, pausing for a moment, and then shaking her head very slowly, as she added, "No. It's better for both of us that this be the first--and the last--time that we ever make love."

"Can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure, John."

"Did you have an orgasm?"

"Of course I did! You mean you couldn't tell?"

"Well I felt a bunch of wet stuff coming out of your...your pussy,...and I really wasn't sure whether it was from me, or from you."

"It was from me, John."

"Wow, I never knew that girls squirted out stuff during sex. I thought only boys did that."

"Well girls do too. It's just that some of us squirt out more 'stuff' than others--at least that's what my best friend, Sharon, told me. And I just happen to be one of those girls that gets really wet during an orgasm. I guess it's a hereditary type of thing. I noticed that you weren't lacking in that department either."

"Yeah, I do leave a pretty good-size mess, don't I? It can be a real pain-in-the-ass, whenever I'm jacking off."

"How do you think I feel, when I'm masturbating?"

"I didn't know that girls jacked off."

"Well they do. But of course, they do it differently from the way that boys do. And it's not called 'jacking off,' whenever us girls do it. I prefer to call it 'playing with myself.' But Sharon always calls it 'diddling herself.' Can I ask you something very personal?"

"Sure, go right ahead."

"Have you ever had sex with another boy?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"I've heard that boys like to get together and jack off. Do you guys really do that?"

"Yes," John said, feeling very embarrassed.

"Do you just watch each other jack off, or do you actually play with each other's 'things'?" Val asked, while pointing down to his crotch, and pretending to be disgusted with the thought.

"What do you think?" John quipped back, sounding very defensive.

"I think you're too ashamed and embarrassed to tell me that you've had your hands on another guy's wiener."

"Yeah? Well I'm not exactly proud of it. You know? It only happened one time. And after it was over, I felt like a God damn queer, or something."

"When did it happen, John?"

John hesitated for a guilty moment, and then quietly admitted, "Last week."

"Last week? Wow! That wasn't very long ago, was it?"

"No, it wasn't," John agreed.

"I just want you to know, John, that there's nothing wrong with what you did. And it doesn't mean that you're a homosexual. Tonight should have proved that to you.

"Sometimes Sharon and I make out with each other, just like you and I did tonight.

"Don't get me wrong. Sharon and I usually don't plan on having sex, whenever we get together. It just kind of happens--all on its own--when the situation is right, and we're both in the mood.

"Of course, Sharon doesn't have a penis. So there's no way for us to actually fuck. But believe me, we do everything else. I was just wondering if guys did that too."

"No. We didn't kiss or hug, or anything like that. We just jacked off. And that's pretty much all we did together."

"That's wild. What did you say to him? 'Meet me at such and such time and place, so that we can jack off?'"

"No, not really. He's a good friend of mine, even though he's a year older than me. And he was the one who 'came on' to me.

"I was in his bedroom. And we were talking about 'girls,' and 'sex,' and stuff like that. Then he pulled out a Playboy magazine that he had hidden under his bed. And we both looked at all the naked women in the photos for a while.

"Then I looked over at his crotch. And I saw that he had a boner. And I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. Of course, I had a bulge at the front of my pants too. And he was staring at my boner, just like I was staring at his.

"He asked me if I wanted to watch him jack off. I have to admit that I was very curious to see if my friend would jack off in the same way that I did. So I accepted his 'offer,' out of sheer curiosity, more than anything else."

"Of course you did," Val agreed. "If I were in your shoes, I would have too. But that's not what ended up happening. Is it, John? Come on, you can be honest with me. I promise I'll never tell anyone else."

"Well, he pulled down his pants, and started jacking off in front of me. And I couldn't help but reach down into my crotch, and squeeze my boner through my pants, while I was watching him.

"Then he told me that it was okay with him, if I wanted to go ahead and jack off in front of him too. So I pulled my pants down. And I started...uhm...well, you know..." John's voice trailed off, as a wave of embarrassment all of the sudden overwhelmed him.

"Playing with yourself?" Val suggested, trying to help John out with the unexpected tongue-tied pause in his story.

"Yeah, that. And I was doing it, right in front of him, just like he was already doing in front of me.

"Then he moved in real close to me, while we were still standing up, face-to-face. And he started rubbing and beating the head of his dick up against mine. We laughed as we had this play-swordfight with our dicks. But it was also very erotic. And I got really excited.

"When my friend reached over and grabbed hold of my dick, I didn't try to stop him. I just reached across and grabbed hold of his dick, as we continued our play-swordfight, with each of us controlling the other person's little 'sword.'

"Actually, compared to his 'sword,' my 'sword' was really only a 'dagger.'"

"That must've been very intimidating," Val said. "I know how intimidated I was by Sharon's firm medium-size breasts, with their perfectly-formed puffy nipples, the first time that we ever got naked in front of each other. I felt like my saggy breasts, with my weird-looking long-ass nipples, were inferior to hers.

"But I found out later, that my large breasts and my unique-looking nipples really excited Sharon a lot. And she couldn't keep her hands off of them. Do my breasts excite you, John?"

"You bet."

"Well your dick excites me too. And I'll bet that the other boy also found your dick to be exciting."

"Well, I don't know about that. But at least he didn't make fun of it. This all probably sounds really stupid to you."

"On the contrary. I think it's pretty cute. Sharon and I usually play around with each other, before we make out. You wouldn't believe some of the silly things we've done together.

"But let me guess. The other boy started stroking your little 'sword.' And that's when you stopped playing around, and 'got down to business.'"

"Close, but no cigar. During our little 'swordfight,' my friend placed his other hand on my balls. So I did the same thing to him. And while we were feeling out each other's balls, we both stopped laughing and joking around. And the mood quickly got very serious. My friend finally said, 'Tell you what. Why don't we just jack each other off?'

"Then we both got naked from the waist down. And we sat down on the floor, facing each other, with our legs spread apart. And we jacked each other off, while we both stared at each other's dicks the whole time.

"My friend orgasmed first. And I really enjoyed watching him orgasm, and seeing his sperm squirt out all over the place.

"Afterwards, he just kept on jacking me off. And, as you can imagine, it didn't take very long at all for him to make me orgasm. But I have to admit that it was kind of embarrassing, when I was letting him watch me orgasm. Pretty boring, huh?"

"On the contrary. I find it fascinating just how different boys and girls are from each other. By the way, after it was all over, did this other boy let you know that he wanted to jack off with you again sometime?"

"Yeah, he did, as a matter of fact."

"You see? I told you he liked your dick."

"But I'm not sure whether I really want to do that again."

"Let me know how that goes. But I'll bet you a dollar that you'll end up with your hands on that other boy's dick again, before this month is over with.

"Now I'd better get back to my own bedroom," Val said, right after John's penis finally went limp enough to fall out of her vagina on its own.

John rolled off of Val, and watched her as she stood up, and put her nightgown back on.

"Hey, don't forget your panties," John said.

"That's okay. Why don't you just keep 'em?" Val said, leaning over the bed to give John a tender kiss on his forehead.

"I will. I'll keep 'em for the rest of my life!"

"Goodnight, John. Pleasant dreams," she said as she left John's bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her.

Val went straight to her bedroom, closed and locked her bedroom door, took her nightgown off, got into her bed, pulled the covers up over her nude body--and then immediately began masturbating like crazy.

Her masturbation lasted for nearly an hour--with Val orgasming her butt off several times--before she finally felt sexually

satisfied enough so that she could get some sleep.

Val was surprised--and caught totally off-guard--by just how mentally exciting it was for her to know that she actually had her own brother's freshly-ejaculated sperm inside her pussy.

Two days later, John walked up to Val, and handed her a dollar bill.

"What's this for?" Val asked.

"Turn it over," John said, pointing to the dollar bill that was now in Val's hand.

She turned over the bill. And on the back of it, was scrawled in ink--in big letters--the words "YOU WON!"

"Remember the bet you made me the other night?" John said.

And Val started giggling. "Shame on you, John, you naughty boy!" Val said with a big smile on her face, and then winked at him.

"Shame on you, too," John replied, and winked right back at her.

* * * * *


2008: The New "Wife"

* * * * *

The real Valerie--a.k.a. Val, John's twin sister--went on to become quite the nymphomaniac. Throughout high school and college, Val changed boyfriends like she was changing clothes, all the while, confiding to John about her personal experiences with each different boyfriend.

John used to kid her each time she started dating a new guy, by asking her if she had finally found the perfect penis yet.

And Val's answer would always be the same: "Yeah. But unfortunately, it belongs to my own brother." And John had always loved to hear her say that.

John used to also warn Val that if she kept screwing all those different guys, without ever using any birth control, she'd eventually end up getting pregnant, and not even know who the father was.

And Val used to always blow him off, by saying something like, "Well, that's my business, and not yours, Little Brother." Val liked to occasionally emphasize the fact that she was born just a few minutes before John was, thereby technically making her the slightly-older twin.

After college, Val had had an unbroken string of live-in boyfriends, none of them ever lasting more than a year or so.

And she never did get pregnant, despite her total disregard for birth control methods.

Val died at the age of 48 from ovarian cancer. And in her will, she had named John as the executor and sole heir to her entire estate, which turned out to be a very small one, once all of her debts were paid off.

A few days after Val's death in 1999, while John had been over at her apartment, going through all her possessions and trying to determine what he should do with them, he had opened up one of her dresser drawers, and it had been filled with her bras and panties. Almost all of her pieces of underwear were white, and very plain looking, with no frills or lace anywhere to be found.

Underneath the pile of Val's underwear, John had found a dual 5" x 7" photo frame that was hinged together on one side. He had opened up the double frame, and on the right side was a small photo of him and Val together at the beach in their outdated, odd-looking swimsuits. The faded black-and-white picture had been taken about six months after John's unexpected late-night sexual encounter with Val had taken place.

While Sharon was taking the picture with Val's camera, John and Val had been standing side-by-side, very close together. And John had playfully reached down behind Val's back, and grabbed a handful his sister's butt. And that's when Sharon had snapped the picture, catching Val with a look of total surprise on her face.

Inside the photo frame on the left side was a single dollar bill, with the words "YOU WON!" written in large letters across it. When John saw the dollar bill, he had just sat there for a while, as he had struggled to fight off the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

Val took her secret, incestuous, adolescent sexual encounter to her grave with her. And John had also intended to do the same.

But right now, it was a little bit after 4 o'clock on a sunny Saturday afternoon. And John was standing in front of the vanity, in the main bathroom at his and Jan's home, with his pants and underwear pulled down around his thighs, as he was stroking himself towards another one of his hard-fought-for orgasms.

Ever since his adolescent clandestine "one-night stand" with his slightly-older twin sister, it had always been very difficult for John to build up his sexual excitement level to a point where it would actually trigger him to orgasm. He assumed that it was just the way that his body was "wired."

The thought never occurred to John that his orgasmic difficulties might be mentally and emotionally-related, and actually be the direct result of his extremely embarrassing premature ejaculation onto Val's vulva, that night in his bedroom. And John would have never believed that his continued regular use of Val's panties as a masturbation aid--coupled with his persistent mental "re-living" of his secret sexual encounter with Val--had only served to exacerbate and extend his "orgasmic build-up" problem. But in John's case, this was exactly what was happening.

The fact is, that before that "special night" with Val took place, John's orgasms had always been pretty much "hair-triggered," just like they are for many young boys.

But be that as it may, this afternoon in the bathroom was no different than any other time that John had ever masturbated as an adult. And John was just thankful for the fact that he was actually capable of achieving an orgasm--even though he always had to struggle to reach that "goal."

Unfortunately, John's penis would always "pay the price" for his orgasms, by taking a beating in the process, and getting pretty raw.

This was only made worse by the fact that John's fully-erect penis was a short one, by almost anyone's standards. At this point in his life, his boner was just a little under 4 inches long.

However, what John lacked in the "penis" department, he more than made up for in the "testicles" department. John's balls were quite large, and still capable of producing lots and lots of sperm.

At any rate, this afternoon, John had already been in the bathroom aggressively hand-pumping his penis for nearly 15 minutes, before he finally got to the point where he could feel that he was just about to climax.

And only thing that John was really concerned about at this very moment, was that he didn't get any sperm on those precious white nylon panties, the crotch of which he had wrapped around the end of his penis.

He pulled the panties away from his well-worn, 57-year-old penis, and gently tossed them onto the vanity countertop, just in time to watch the sperm, as it started to flow out of his piss-hole slit, in little globs.

His sperm used to forcefully squirt out of his penis, way back when he was a much-younger man. But nowadays, despite his comparatively-tame ejaculations, John was very thankful that it still felt just as great as it ever did, for him to ejaculate sperm.

And during a single orgasm, John would always end up ejaculating at least two or three times the amount of semen that an ordinary man his age would normally ejaculate.

While John was in the bathroom "doing his thing," he had forgotten to turn the amplification level of his hearing aid up high enough. And so he hadn't heard the knocks at the front door of his house, or Jan's voice calling out, "Who is it?"

"It's Lisa, Mom," the voice called back through the closed front entry door of the house.

Jan had opened the front door, and exchanged the requisite quick hugs and kisses with her daughter, Lisa, who had her 12-year-old son, Alex, in-tow.

It was at this point that John had been on the verge of orgasming.

"I know you weren't expecting us 'til tomorrow. But I decided to take the day off from work, and drive up today. I hope you don't mind." Lisa had said to Jan.

"No, not at all, Sweetie," Jan had replied, while she was getting a big hug and kiss from Alex.

It was at this point that John had tossed Val's panties onto the vanity countertop.

"Where's Dad?" Lisa had asked.

"Oh, I think he went out for a walk, or something," Jan had replied. "He should be back soon."

"Listen, I don't mean to be rude. But it's a heck of a long drive from Austin to here. And if I don't go use the restroom right now, I'm gonna pee my pants," Lisa had said, starting to make a beeline for the main bathroom, while Alex was laughing at his mother's last remark.

"Come on, Alex," Jan had said, pulling him by the hand towards the kitchen, "I think Grandma's got a cookie or two for you here someplace."

It was at this point that John had let out his old man's version of a "cum-grunt," and the sperm was starting to generously flow out of the tip of his penis.

By the time that Lisa reached the bathroom door, she already had the top button on her jeans undone, and the zipper pulled all the way down, so that her fly was wide-open, with her white panties showing through the "V" shape at the front. And her jeans were barely being held in place by her narrow hips and butt.

She threw open the bathroom door, and barged right into the bathroom.

The edge of the door hit John hard on the left hip. And the sheer force of the door pivoted his whole body to the left, as he leaned over and instinctively grabbed his hip with his left hand.

His grimacing face was instantly buried in the crack of a woman's cleavage.

His first coherent thought was, John, you stupid idiot, you forgot to lock the door!

He immediately assumed that the small breasts on either side of his cheeks belonged to Jan. But then he realized that Jan didn't wear low-cut blouses anymore.

While his sperm was still flowing out of his penis, and dripping onto the bathroom floor, he thought, Oh my God, it's not Jan!

"I'm sorry," Lisa said, slightly leaning over him, "I didn't know you were--"

John quickly pulled his head up out of Lisa's cleavage to talk to her. But when he did that, the back of his head caught her square under the chin.

Lisa bit down hard on her tongue, as her head snapped sharply backward, and made her whole back arch. This arching of her back also pushed her pelvic area forward, and Lisa felt something poking her, just above her pubic bone.

John looked down, and saw the head of his penis pressed up against the white triangle-shaped exposed area of Lisa's panties, at the front of her jeans. And he quickly backed away from her. But not before a substantial amount of sperm had flowed out of his penis, and was now soaking into the material at the front of Lisa's panties.

"I'm sorry, Lisa," John apologized, while Lisa still had her eyes closed, and was moving her jaw all around, checking to see if it still worked.

Lisa finally opened her eyes to discover her own father, standing in front of her, naked from the waist down, and with a mildly-pulsating erect penis that was still oozing out little globs of sperm.

She just stood there in shock for a moment, and stared at her dad's erect dick and balls.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?" John asked, feeling extremely embarrassed. He had the strong urge to cup his hands over his bare genitals to hide them from her view. But he also knew it was ludicrous to do that now, considering the fact that Lisa had already seen everything anyway.

"No, Daddy," Lisa replied, "I've gotta 'go potty' right now."

"What?" John asked a bit too loudly, reaching into his left ear canal to turn up his hearing aid.

"Shhhhh," Lisa said with her index finger across her pursed lips, "I said, would you please move? I need to 'go potty' real bad!"

Then Lisa quickly closed and locked the bathroom door, before heading right past John, and straight for the toilet.

She pulled her jeans and panties down to her ankles in one smooth yank, plopped her butt down on the toilet seat, leaned over and placed her elbows on her knees, and the urine immediately started spraying into the toilet bowl underneath her. While she was pissing, she had her face almost parallel to the bathroom floor, and she wasn't paying any attention to her father at all.

John just quietly stood there a couple feet away from his 36-year-old daughter, Lisa, as he watched her urinate. He knew that his hearing aid was now turned up more than loud enough, because Lisa's urine splashing into the toilet bowl sounded like a high-pitched Niagara Falls to him. He reached back up into his ear to tweak the hearing aid's small volume knob, turning it down just a bit.

John thought about how completely different Lisa was from her mother. Jan had never urinated in front of John--at least, not while she was sitting on a toilet. Jan had always insisted on having total privacy in the bathroom. But on the other hand, Jan had never seemed to mind letting John see her squirt during their sexual encounters together. That struck John as being pretty strange behavior on Jan's part.

John was also intrigued by the fact that Lisa hadn't said one word to him so far about the situation she had just caught him in. It amazed him that she could be so nonchalant about his very-obvious masturbation and sperm-release.

Lisa urinated for quite a while, because her bladder had been just about as full as it could get. But after she had finished relieving herself, she reached over and grabbed a wad of toilet paper off the roll.

And John saw that Lisa didn't have one single pubic hair anywhere on her lower abdomen.

Then, instead of wiping herself, Lisa extended her arm towards John, to hand him the toilet paper.

"Daddy, would you please do me the honor of cleaning me up, just like you used to, whenever I peed my pants, back when I was a little girl?"

"Sure, Honey," John said without even thinking, as he took the wad of toilet paper from her.

Lisa leaned back on the toilet seat and spread her thighs far apart.

And John was just about to start wiping the outermost part of her totally hairless pussy mound, when he realized what he was actually doing, and froze up like a lifeless mannequin.

"What's the matter, Daddy?" Lisa whispered, "It's not anything that you haven't seen before."

"Yeah, but that was different. You were a little girl, back then."

"I still am your little girl, Daddy. I will always be your little girl. You know that."

"Yeah, you even look like a little girl, down there," John commented, gesturing towards her crotch.

"I dance for a living, Daddy. Remember?

"You mean you strip for a living. Are you still at that Bare Bottoms topless bar?"

"Yeah. But the point is that I spend a lot of time in a G-string. And so it's just easier for me to keep myself shaved down there. Does it bother you?"

"Not really. But it's just a little unusual-looking. That's all."

"You didn't think so, back when I was a little girl. So why don't you go ahead and clean me up, just like you used to do? Believe it or not, it would mean a lot to me right now. I never told you this, but I used to love it, when you did that."

John just stood there for a long moment, frozen and speechless. He knew that he was on the verge of crossing a line that wasn't ever supposed to be crossed.

But John couldn't help himself, as his eyes naturally gravitated towards his own daughter's bare, opened-up pussy, right in front of him. He just stared at Lisa's vaginal opening, and thought about the fact that it had been a long time since he had seen a real, live vagina. And he felt his spent penis starting to come back to life.

"Come on, Daddy, I'm not gonna bite you, or anything. And it's really your fault that I'm so sticky down there," Lisa said, quickly glancing down at her own pussy, and then looking back up at her father. "I promise I'll just sit here, and be a good little girl."

The "I'm so sticky down there" phrase coming out of Lisa's mouth gave John all the motivation he needed to go ahead and cross that line--the same taboo line that he was afraid to cross, just a few moments earlier.

John leaned over, gently wiped the urine off the outside surface of Lisa's fleshy mound, and then dropped the wad of toilet paper into the toilet bowl between her spread-legs. But he knew that toilet paper wasn't going to suffice, when it came to cleaning up his sticky sperm from the front of Lisa's crotch.

John opened the bathroom linen closet door, got a clean washcloth out of there, wet it under the bathroom faucet, and wrung it out. Then he used the warm, damp washcloth to thoroughly wipe down Lisa's whole crotch and vulva. Afterwards, he set the washcloth down on the corner of the vanity countertop, grabbed a hand towel, and dried off Lisa's "naughty parts" by gently patting them with the towel.

"Thank you, Daddy," Lisa said in a little girl-sounding voice, as John straightened back up, and started to slowly back away from her.

John wasn't paying attention when Lisa grabbed the wadded-up, damp washcloth from the vanity countertop. And that's because he was gazing into her beautiful eyes, as he automatically replied, "You're more than wel--"

And he was cut-off mid-sentence by something that caught him totally off-guard. Lisa's left hand had darted out towards John's crotch, and had quickly wrapped itself around his semi-erect penis. And she began wiping down his dick and his balls with the same damp washcloth that he had just used to wipe down her pussy.

"Lisa, what the hell are you doing?" John whispered, very slowly and emphatically.

"I'm cleaning you up, Daddy. Just like you did for me."

John just stood there, and let his daughter wipe down his bare genitals. Lisa really hadn't left him any other choice, but to cooperate with her.

And besides that, for John, Lisa's actions brought back the still-vivid memories of his twin sister, Val, wiping down his 18-year-old genitals with a damp washcloth, before she gave him that second chance to finally complete the act of sexual intercourse with her.

Once Lisa felt that John's dick and balls were clean enough, she put the washcloth back on top of the vanity countertop. But she didn't let go of John's penis with her left hand. Instead, she reached back over with her right hand, cupped her palm around John's balls, and began fondling them.

"So what the hell are you doing now?" John strongly whispered.

"I'm just having a little fun, Daddy. That's all," Lisa whispered back, as she started playfully rubbing and squeezing the large head of John's penis with the thumb and fingers of her left hand.

"Lisa, for Christ's sake! We're not supposed to be doing this. It's just not right!" John pleaded with her.

"We are not doing anything. I'm the one who's doing everything. But if you insist..." Lisa said, pulling her jeans and panties all the way off, gently kicking them to the side, and then getting up off the toilet seat to stand right in front of John, with her legs spread a little ways apart.

"Well, go ahead, Daddy. Play with my pussy. It's okay. I want you to," Lisa said, as she started to slowly pull the foreskin up and down the short shaft of John's penis.

"Why are you doing this, Lisa?"

"I've always wanted to touch the dick and balls that made me. You're the one who taught me to take advantage of an opportunity, whenever it comes along. So that's exactly what I'm doing right now."

"But I thought you were into women now."

"I am."

"Then, I should think that you'd much rather touch the pussy that made you. But of course, your mother would never go for that."

"She already did," Lisa said matter-of-factly. She saw the look of total shock and disbelief on John's face, and she said, "I thought you already knew about that. You always told me that there weren't any secrets in this family."

"I guess I was wrong," John said, with a puzzled look on his face. "So when did this happen?"

"I'm not gonna tell you, until you start playing with my pussy."

"Lisa, please don't make me do this," John begged, pretending to baulk at Lisa's suggestion that he fondle her pussy.

But deep down inside, he was very flattered by Lisa's aggressive sexual advances towards him. It reminded John of the way that his sister, Val, had aggressively seduced him into having sex with her during their special "one-night stand" together. And John was also thoroughly enjoying Lisa's genital manipulations.

The bottom line was that John's dick was now fully-erect again. And he really couldn't wait to get his hands on Lisa's bare pussy, so that he could stick his fingers up into her inviting vagina.

"I'm not making you do anything, Daddy," said Lisa. "The choice is all yours. You didn't have to stand there and watch me pee, you know? You could have just put your pants on, and left. But you didn't, did you? Why?"

"To be honest with you, I don't really know why, Lisa," John said, lying through his teeth.

Of course, John knew exactly why he had just stood there, and watched Lisa urinate in front of him. The truth was that John just happened to have a fetish for female urination. And consequently, it really turned him on big-time to see pornographic photos and videos that showed women urinating.

And it should come as no surprise that John also had a fetish for the female urethra. But then, so did Lisa. That was one trait that they both had in common.

"Well, I do," said Lisa. "It's been an awfully long time since you've had sex with a woman. Hasn't it, Daddy? Mom doesn't 'get it on' with you anymore. Does she?"

"No, she doesn't," John admitted, feeling very awkward. "But I wish like hell that she would!"

"I hate to tell you this, Daddy, but she's never going to. She thinks you're a child molester. She thinks that you've been molesting Bill's daughter."

"You mean Trish?"


"Oh God! I'd never do something like that!" John insisted, lying through his teeth, as he was thinking about that "special night" that he had with Trish, back in 2006.

"I know that, and you know that. But a few years back, Mom found a pair of panties hidden at the bottom of your dresser drawer. And she assumed that they belonged to Trish."

Lisa abruptly stopped her slow-but-steady hand-pumping of John's penis. "So please tell me that those aren't Trish's panties," Lisa said, pointing towards the pair of panties that were lying on the vanity countertop.

John reached over onto the vanity countertop, picked the panties up, and held them right up in front of Lisa's face. "These are the same panties that Jan found that day. But they're definitely not Trish's panties. They were Val's panties. Back when she was just a teenager."

John grabbed the gallon-size plastic freezer bag that was on the vanity countertop, gently placed the panties into the bag, zipped the bag up, folded it in half, and stuck it in the pocket of his pants, which--along with his underwear--were wrapped tautly around his thighs.

"You mean your twin sister, Valerie?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, that's exactly who I mean."

"So you stole a pair of her panties?

"No. She gave them to me herself," said John.

"Are they soiled panties?"

"Yes, they are. And they're going to stay that way forever, if I have any say in the matter."

"Wow! You 'got it on' with your own sister, didn't you?"

"I didn't say that, now did I?"

"No. But it's the way that you said it. You did 'get it on' with Val, didn't you, Daddy?"

"Yes. But it's not what you think. We just 'did it' that one time. That's all."

"Well, once is enough," Lisa flippantly remarked.

"Oh, no it isn't. Believe me!" John said, slowly shaking his head from side-to-side.

"So, you're afraid that if you play with my pussy right now, you'll want to do it again and again. And you don't think that I'll let you do that."

John didn't respond at all. He just kept looking at Lisa. He was amazed at how she seemed to be reading his mind.

"Well, I'm not Val, Daddy. I would never tease you like that. You're one of the few men that I've never felt threatened by. I love you very much. And I want you to be happy.

"And I know that you're not happy right now, without a woman to satisfy your sexual needs. Since Mom's out of the picture, I'd like to be that woman, if you'll let me."

"I don't know, Honey. I don't know if I'm up to it right now. I just masturbated before you walked in here. But of course, you already knew that."

"I didn't mean right now, you silly goose. I meant later tonight. After Jan and Alex are asleep.

"Right now, I just want you to play with my pussy for a couple of minutes, while I tell you all about Mom and me. Then we'll see if we can get out of this bathroom, without her catching us. Deal?"

John placed his hand on Lisa's pussy. He immediately felt the very large, partially-erect clitoris that was prominently jutting out at the front of her crack. The head of Lisa's clitoris was almost as big around as the tip of John's middle finger.

"Gosh, you've got quite the clitoris there, young lady."

"Yeah, it really looks like a small penis, doesn't it? That's the main reason why I have to keep my pussy shaved. When I'm dancing, I always put a strong piece of tape across the front of my pussy to hold my clit pressed into my crack, so that it doesn't show.

"And even then, I still have to be very careful not to let myself get sexually aroused when I'm dancing, or else I'll get a small bulge in the front of my G-string. And I'm sure that most of my paying customers wouldn't appreciate that.

"Here, let me show you something," Lisa said, as she retracted the skin hood to expose the whole head of her long clitoris. "You see? It's even got a dark ridge around the head, just like a guy's dick-head does. You ought to see it when it becomes fully-erect. It's a little over two inches long. I know, 'cuz I actually measured it one time. And it looks just like I've got a miniature dick, instead of a clit. In fact, Vicki calls it my 'little dick.'

"Of course, I don't have a slit at the tip of it, like a guy's dick-head does," Lisa said, playfully rubbing the tip of her index finger against John's piss-hole slit. And while she was doing that, images of Bill's hypospadic penis automatically crossed her mind, and Lisa found herself unintentionally comparing her twin brother's unique-looking, helmet-shaped dick-head to her father's much-wider, flared-out dick-head.

"Vicki ought to call it your 'dick-clit,'" John suggested, as he was feeling out Lisa's little piss-hole opening with his fingertips. "That would be much more appropriate, don't you think?"

"Sure, Dad. Whatever. All I know is that I've always been very self-conscious about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm a freak-of-Nature."

"Nonsense. You're a gorgeous young lady."

"Yeah, with a gigantic, dick-looking clitoris sticking out of the front of her pussy," Lisa immediately added. She felt her clit tingling, as it was growing, and steadily becoming more erect.

"Hey, I'm not exactly pleased with the size of my penis either. But I've had to accept it, because it's the only penis I've got."

"I just happen to like your dick, Da

ddy. I think it's cute, and very sexy."

"Well, I just happen to like your pussy too, Lisa. Just the way it is," said John, as he finally stopped feeling out her piss-hole opening, and inserted his middle finger up into her vagina, to begin manually exploring it. "And if I were a younger man, I might even try to have sexual intercourse with you right now. And speaking of that, I assume that's what you want us to do tonight."

"You bet I do!" Lisa enthusiastically chimed in.

"Well, you're not on any birth control, are you? I mean, I've heard of old men like me actually getting younger women like you pregnant," said John.

"No, I'm not using any birth control right now, Daddy. I haven't really needed to. I've been having sex with women. Remember?"

"That's fine, Lisa," said John, as he now had two of his held-together fingers (his middle finger and his ring finger) inserted up into Lisa's vagina. And he was curling his two fingers towards him, and intentionally using his fingertips to massage her G-spot area. "I guess I'll just have to go buy some condoms somewhere."

"Oh, no you don't! I hate those damn things! Tell you what, if it'll make you feel better, I'll bop on down to the store and get some foam, or sponges, or something. Anything but condoms."


"Daddy, as much as I'm enjoying this, I think we'd better get out of here, before Mom catches us," Lisa said, realizing that John's adept fingering of her G-spot was just about to make her cum hard. And she knew that if she just stayed there and let that happen, they would end up fucking right there, in the bathroom. So Lisa wisely decided that she had better leave right away, for both their sakes.

"You're right, Lisa," John agreed, pulling his fingers out of her wonderful vagina, but not until after she had removed her hands from his fully-erect dick and his balls.

Lisa started to put her panties and jeans back on. But when she picked the panties up off the floor, she saw the front of the gooey sperm-soaked panties, and reacted with, "Euuuh Yuuuck!" and then tossed the panties into the waste basket beside the toilet. "Don't worry, Daddy. I brought plenty of panties with me. Mom always taught me to pack extra underwear whenever I take a trip out of town. I'll just have to wear my jeans 'au naturel' for now. It isn't like I haven't done it before," said Lisa, as she was buttoning up the front of her jeans and pulling her zipper up. "It's times like this that I'm thankful I don't have any pubes," Lisa said, showing her wit, and her innate sense of humor.

Meanwhile, John was pulling his own pants and underwear back up.

"Okay, I'll go out first," Lisa said. "And I'll distract Mom, so that you can sneak out, and then come in the front door, like you were just returning from a walk."

Just as soon as Lisa had left the bathroom and closed the door behind her, John sprang into action.

First, he stuck his two fingers--the ones that he had pulled out of Lisa's vagina, just moments before--right up under his nose, and took several deep whiffs of Lisa's intoxicating, pheromone-laden pussy-aroma.

Then he reached down into the waste basket beside the toilet, retrieved Lisa's sperm-coated panties, and tossed them into the bathroom's laundry hamper, making sure to burrow them well down under the rest of the dirty laundry. John figured that he would come back later in the night to "properly dispose of" Lisa's sperm-soaked panties.

Lastly, he used the damp washcloth to carefully wipe up the little puddles of sperm that he had left all over the bathroom. He thoroughly rinsed the washcloth out under the faucet, and then wrung the excess water out of it, before dropping it down into the laundry hamper, and closing the hamper door.

John snuck out of the bathroom, and then out the front door. He turned around and made a grand, overly-noisy entrance, as if he were coming back from one of his walks.

So Lisa's plan had went off without a hitch. She and John had both managed to escape the bathroom, without being caught by Jan. And Lisa had also managed to "conveniently forget" to tell John about her and Jan "getting it on" together.

Later that same night, after Jan and Alex were fast asleep, Lisa snuck into John's bedroom. She quickly pulled down her cotton panties, and stepped out of the leg-holes, leaving the crumpled-up panties on the floor next to the bed.

She got into bed with John, hiked the bottom of her knee-length nightshirt up around her waist, and they made love, just like they were husband and wife, instead of father and daughter. Of course they had to compensate for the huge difference in their body-weights.

After an extended period of genital foreplay and oral sex that lasted about 20 minutes, Lisa told John that she needed to go to the restroom to put in a birth control sponge. She pulled the packaged sponge out of the pocket at the front of her nightshirt--which she had left on, throughout their foreplay--and showed the sponge to John, before she headed off to the restroom down the hall.

Once Lisa was in the closed bathroom, she urinated, because she had forgotten to pee, before they had started their lovemaking. Then she tore open the little plastic package, took out the birth control sponge, looked at it for a few seconds, and finally flushed it down the toilet, along with her urine.

She knew that it was her "safe time," since it was day 22 of her menstrual cycle.

She also wanted this first-ever intercourse with her father to be very special. She knew that her not using any birth control measures would only serve to make this experience even more exciting for her. She knew that the danger of pregnancy was very real. And that was the exciting part. But she also realized that the odds were heavily against it actually happening tonight.

Lisa resolved that she would use birth control the next time that she had sexual intercourse with her father. But tonight, she just wanted to throw all caution to the wind, and take "the big gamble."

Of course, Lisa didn't want to flat-out lie to her father. So she decided to simply not say anything to him about her total lack of birth control--that is, until after they had finished "doing the dirty deed" together.

When Lisa returned to the bedroom, she finally took off her nightshirt, and then instinctively lay down on her back on the bed and spread her legs far apart, motioning with her arms that she was wanting John to mount her.

John just stared at her totally nude body for a long moment. Even in the dim moonlight that was streaming into the darkened bedroom through the window, John could still see well enough to appreciate what a lovely young woman his daughter had become--in spite of the very large, erect clitoris that was jutting straight out at the front of her pussy crack.

And of course, John naturally assumed that Lisa now had the birth control sponge in place, covering up her cervix.

He tried to mount her in this missionary-style position, but his big belly made that difficult. She was uncomfortable too. Her petite frame struggled to support his comparatively-massive weight on top of her.

So, at Lisa's suggestion, they ended up "doing it" doggie style. Besides, that also just happened to be Lisa's favorite intercourse position. Ironically, Lisa didn't know it at the time, but it was John's favorite intercourse position, as well. So that was another sexual preference that they both had in common.

Lisa got down on her hands and knees on top of the bed, and John knelt down and mounted her from behind. He pretty much just stayed still, and kneaded her firm butt-cheeks with his hands, while she was doing most of the work to thrust his short penis in and out of her vagina.

She was slapping her fleshy mound up against John's large testicles on each inward thrust, and Lisa felt like she was in heaven. She was riding one orgasmic wave, right after another. And the "slurp-slurp" sounds coming from her pussy just got louder and louder, as her pussy got wetter and wetter, and she was slamming her pubic mound up against John's pubic mound faster and faster.

Her energetic intercourse lasted about 15 minutes or so, before she finally felt John fertilizing her. But Lisa was pretty amazed, because that was 13 minutes more than Lisa had expected for it to last, considering the "newness factor," along with the taboo nature of the whole situation.

Needless to say, Lisa was extremely happy with John's performance in bed. And having her own father's sperm flowing out directly into her vagina was one of the most erotic things that Lisa had ever experienced in her entire life. Lisa had to bury her face in a pillow to muffle her moans and groans of pure sexual ecstasy.

John couldn't believe how much he had missed the feeling of having his penis inside of a woman's vagina. And after his orgasm was over, he just wanted to stay coupled-up with Lisa as long as he possibly could.

Lisa didn't want John to pull out either.

But then they both heard a quiet, serious voice that came from one corner of John's dark bedroom.

"John? Don't turn on the lights. I've already seen more than I care to see. I want you to pack up your things, and get your ass out of my house right now. You too, Lisa. How could you do this to your own mother? I thought you were going to come to my room tonight!" Jan said, with her voice quickly becoming louder and shakier, until she was actually screaming at Lisa.

Jan threw open the bedroom door hard, slamming the door up against the doorstop on the wall. And she frantically stormed out of John's bedroom, heading for the comfort and relative safety of her own bedroom.

Once there, she lay down on her bed and cried into her pillow. She felt totally betrayed by Lisa. But she wasn't completely sure whether she was more angry about Lisa having sex with her husband, or about Lisa not having sex with her.

Jan had been looking forward to having Lisa in her bed. Looking forward to finally having someone else to share her sexuality with. It had been slightly more than 10 months since Jan had traveled by herself to Austin to visit her daughter, while John was out of town, on a business trip.

And that's when Lisa had unexpectedly jumped into bed with her own mother, and seduced Jan into making love with her that final night, before Jan had left to come back home.

Ever since that wonderful night, Jan had fantasized a lot about the taboo-but-exciting sexual encounter that had taken place between her and her own daughter.

And Jan had been eagerly awaiting Lisa's next visit, anticipating that Lisa would make love to her again, as soon as they got the chance to be alone together. As far as Jan was concerned, masturbation had been okay, but there was always a melancholy feeling of loneliness that permeated her masturbations.

But Lisa hadn't come to Jan's bedroom that night.

And after waiting for a little while, Jan had finally decided to take matters into her own hands. She had gone to look for Lisa, so that she could invite Lisa into her bedroom. But Alex had been sleeping all by himself on the fold-out sofa bed in the guest bedroom upstairs. And Lisa wasn't sharing this bedroom with her son, like she was supposed to.

So Jan had been heading back to her own bedroom, when she had noticed the telltale "slurp-slurp" sounds coming from the direction of John's bedroom, down at the end of the hallway. Jan had quietly traversed the hallway carpet, being very careful not to stumble into anything in the darkness.

When she had gotten to John's bedroom door, she had twisted the doorknob, ever so slowly, and eased the door open, to discover her nude husband coupled up doggie style, in bed with her butt-naked daughter, who was enthusiastically thrusting away at John's penis, acting like a bitch in heat.

Jan had quietly snuck into John's bedroom, carefully closing the door behind her. And she had just stood there in disbelief, as she had watched her daughter fuck her husband. And she had kept watching them, as Lisa was orgasming her ass off, while John was fertilizing her young pussy. The same young pussy that Jan had had her own hands and mouth on, just 10 months ago. The same young pussy that Jan was hoping to have her hands and mouth on tonight. Jan was definitely much more angry with Lisa right now, than she was with her own husband.

But there was also a part of her that had actually gotten turned-on from watching them--an animalistic part of her that was wanting to get naked, and jump right into bed with them. In fact, while she was watching John and Lisa fuck, her own hand had automatically moved over to her housecoat-and-panty-covered crotch, and she had started rubbing herself "down there," making it feel good to her.

At one point, Jan had even started to sneak back out of John's bedroom, with the intention of simply going back to her own bedroom, and keeping what she had "accidentally" witnessed, as her own "little secret."

But Jan couldn't bring herself to leave early, and miss the climax of "the movie"--which in this case was the act of sexual intercourse that was taking place, just a few feet away from her. She had just kept fingering herself through her night-clothing, while she was thinking about John's little mushroom-shaped penis. And about how good it had felt, whenever it was inside her. And about how much she had missed John's lovemaking.

By the way, unlike the "Jan" in John's dream, the "real" Jan was not "orgasmically-challenged" in the least. In fact, quite the opposite. Jan was perpetually horny, and had always been able to orgasm at the drop of a hat--even back when she was a young girl.

As Jan's pussy crack was getting wet inside her panties, thanks to her finely-honed pussy-fingering skills, she thought about her Uncle Ed, and about how he used to make the crotch of her panties get soaked, whenever he was "tickling" her "naughty parts," and about how she always used to naively giggle away in sheer delight while he was doing that to her. Then she thought about those telltale panties that she had discovered in the bottom of John's dresser nearly a decade ago, and she started feeling totally disgusted with what she was witnessing.

Had John been molesting Lisa ever since she was a young girl? And was what Jan was witnessing simply one of a long string of John's sexual encounters with Lisa, that had been periodically taking place throughout all these years? Jan didn't know.

But she did know one thing: Lisa was sure enjoying the hell out of it! And Jan found herself actually resenting Lisa for that. Especially when Lisa was orgasming her ass off during John's sperm-release. Jan found herself feeling very jealous of Lisa.

At the same time, Jan felt that Lisa had betrayed her, in more ways than one. Jan couldn't just leave the room, and let them get away with it. She couldn't just let that "little bitch-in-heat" get away with fucking her husband, right under her own roof. And so Jan felt that she had to speak up, and make her presence known.

Once the first word had come out of her mouth, Jan knew that her life would never be the same again. She knew that her marriage was gone for good, and that the wonderful relationship she had had with her daughter was over with.

And Jan realized that, after John had cleared out his belongings, and moved out of the house, she would be left with an empty bedroom down the hall--and an 8-inch-long, vibrating, penis-shaped dildo to "keep her company." Oh yeah, and all those other sex toys too.

Immediately after Jan had stormed out of John's bedroom, Lisa got up out of bed to go close the bedroom door. And as she did, she grumbled something under her breath that sounded to John like, "I can get some sweet, young pussy any time I want it, you fucking bitch! I don't need that old, shriveled-up 'thing' down between your legs."

"Jesus!" John said, rolling over onto his back, while Lisa was getting back into bed to lie beside him, "What am I gonna do now?"

Lisa felt really bad for John, because she felt at least partially responsible for what had just happened. And in a way, she was.

After she had flushed her birth control sponge down the toilet, in Lisa's haste to leave the bathroom and climb back into bed with John (so that they could continue their "unfinished business" together), Lisa had closed John's bedroom door behind her--but she had neglected to lock the bedroom door. And that's how Jan was able to slowly and quietly twist the doorknob and easily sneak into John's bedroom, so that she could catch them "in the act."

"You're gonna be happy, for a change, Daddy," Lisa answered, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek. "Why don't you come down to Austin, and move in with me and Vicki. We've got a three-bedroom apartment, with a guest bedroom that's not being used right now. And I'm positive Vicki won't mind having you around at all. Just don't ever call her 'Victoria.' She hates that name."

"Well, I guess that'd be fine. I don't really know anywhere else I could go right now."

"Good, then it's settled. You'll move in with me. Things will work out just fine. You'll see. Oh, by the way, I need to tell you something. Please don't get mad, okay?"

"What is it, Lisa?"

"Promise me," Lisa insisted.

"Okay, I promise you that I won't get mad at you. Now, what is it?"

"I didn't use any birth control tonight, while we were 'doing it.' When I was in the bathroom, I threw away the sponge, instead of putting it in."

"For Christ's sake, Lisa! Why did you do that?"

"I wanted tonight to be very special for both of us. That's why I'm telling you this right now. I wanted you to know that what we just did together was totally natural. It was the 'real thing.' I don't expect you to understand, but I just felt like I needed for it to be real tonight.

"Don't worry, Daddy, it's my 'safe time' right now, and the odds of me getting pregnant are very remote. That's the only reason I went ahead and did it.

"I promise you that, from now on, I'll always use birth control, whenever we 'do it.' In fact, I'll even go down to the clinic, and either get on The Pill again, or get a NuvaRing, or something else, just so that we never have to worry about anything. You aren't mad at me, are you?"

"No, Sweetie. I appreciate your honesty. Even if it was after the fact."

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I was afraid to tell you at the time. I thought that you might not fuck me, if you knew that I wasn't using any birth control."

"Are you kidding me? It's been years since I've had my dick inside your mother's pussy--or any other woman's pussy, for that matter. Do you honestly think that I could have refused yours tonight--even if you had told me beforehand, that you weren't using any birth control?"

"I see what you mean. And I really needed you to fuck me tonight, Daddy. I hadn't felt a guy's dick inside my pussy, ever since I got pregnant with Alex.

"And, just in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not really a lesbian, even though that's the way I present myself in public. Of course, I do love having sex with women. But I love having sex with men, just as much. So I'm actually bi-sexual."

"Oh well, the damage is already done," John said, reaching over to place the palm of his hand on the outside of Lisa's pussy mound. And he gave it a couple of gentle pats with his hand while he added, "And there's no use crying over spilt milk--or in our case, spilt semen--because all we can really do right now is to hope and pray that your 'safe time' really turns out to be safe.

"I never told you this," John continued, as he removed his hand from Lisa's pussy, "but you and your brother were conceived during one of your mother's 'safe times.' We never planned on having children. But I'm damn glad we did!"

"So am I, Daddy!" Lisa agreed with true conviction, and then reached over and gently patted the head of his penis a few times with the palm of her hand.

"So you don't mind my 'old, shriveled-up' penis then?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I was just mad at Mom. That's all. I can't believe that she just stood there, and watched us 'do it.'"

"Well, your mother has been a fairly secretive and private woman her whole life. She also lies about things, whenever it serves her purpose. But, believe it or not, I still love her. It's just that nowadays, my love for her has been transformed into pity."

"It must be hard to live with a woman like that."

"Living with her wasn't the problem. The hard part was not being able to have sex with my own wife."

"Well, Daddy, now you've got someone to have sex with, whenever you want. Somebody who loves you much more than your own wife does."

"I wonder what Vicki's going to think, now that it looks like I'm moving in with you guys," said John.

"She won't mind at all. Believe me. Besides, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. So whenever you get feeling horny and need some pussy, just let me know. Discretely, of course. When Vicki's not in the room with us. And I'll be more than happy to come by your bedroom later that night, and spend some 'quality time' with you. Deal?" Lisa said, winking at John.

"Deal!" John said emphatically, winking right back at her.

John and his daughter got out of bed. And he put on his underwear, while she was putting on her nightshirt. He went to the bedroom closet to get his old, worn-out suitcase, and he started packing up carefully-selected items of clothing from his dresser.

John and Lisa were discussing their new living arrangements, as John opened the bottom dresser drawer and pulled out some pants. Lisa caught a glimpse of the little plastic bag at the very back of the dresser drawer--the one containing his sister Val's panties--as John was closing the drawer, to move up to the next drawer

"Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" Lisa asked.


"Your sister's panties. You know, the ones that you like to masturbate with."

"That's okay. I don't think I'll be needing them anymore. Do you?"

"Why don't you go ahead and take 'em with you anyway. I know they mean a lot to you." Lisa gave John one last passionate kiss, and said, "Meet you out at the car in 15 minutes."

"I'll be there with bells on," John automatically replied, turning his attention back to his packing, as Lisa left his bedroom.

"Oh, by the way," said Lisa, poking her head back into the bedroom doorway, "you can forget the bells. Just don't forget the panties. Okay?"

"I've got 'em right here," John said, lifting the plastic bag up slightly out of his suitcase to show Val's soiled, souvenir panties to Lisa.

"Not those panties, Daddy. I mean, my panties," Lisa said, quickly pointing downward towards the pair of plain-looking, white cotton panties that were lying willy-nilly on the carpet, beside the bed.

Then Lisa took off down the hallway towards the guest bedroom. She intended to wake up Alex, and make sure that he got dressed right away, so that he could join her and John on this unexpected trip back to Austin in the middle of the night.

John scooped Lisa's panties up off the bedroom floor, held the urine-tinged crotch-panel directly under his nostrils, and then took a couple of quick sniffs, before stuffing the soiled panties down into his left pants pocket.

* * * * *

So Papa Bear moved in with Baby Bear and her roommate, Vicki. Baby Bear encouraged Papa Bear to eat her porridge whenever he wanted to. And he did just that.

From time to time, Vicki even let Papa Bear eat her porridge, too. But only when Baby Bear was away from their apartment. You see, Vicki was actually bi-sexual, but she didn't want Baby Bear to know that.

And they all lived happily ever after--without either woman getting pregnant.

And the moral to this story could have been: Porridge is always thicker than blood, or one man's alien is another bear's dream.

However, this twisted tale is not quite finished yet. Don't forget that Mama Bear had some porridge too.

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