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Circus under investigation
Picket Fences
Maxine's Circus Investigation

by one of my fave authors:
David Oberman
[email protected]
Part One

Deputy Maxine (Max) Stewart:
Lauren Holly
Peter Dreeb:
Michael Anderson
Kimberly Brock:
Holly Marie Combs (16-year-old)
Doctor Jill Brock:
Kathy Baker
Sheriff Jimmy Brock:
Tom Skerritt
Deputy Kenny Lacos:
Costas Mandylor

From episode: "MR. DREEB COMES TO

Welcome to Rome, Wisconsin, a rather
quaint little town that normally
wouldn't draw anybody's attention.
Unfortunately for the residents of this
small community, it seemed to be a
magnet for unusual happenings.

The small town has been a host to a
number of unusual characters. A town
coroner that keeps hoping to come
across unexplainable deaths in the
hopes of getting his findings published
in a journal. A priest that is found
to be a crossdresser. The main defense
lawyer is an old Jewish man by the name
of Douglas Wambaugh. And we mustn't
discount a rambunctious judge, Judge
Henry Bone, an old man who, in his own
way, brings about justice for the
citizens of this quiet hamlet.

The man responsible for law enforcement
to the town is Sheriff Jimmy Brock. A
married man of fifty with three
children of his own and married to the
town doctor. His wife, Doctor Jill
Brock, is the doctor that a vast
majority of the town goes to see for
them medical needs.

Their oldest child, Kimberly Brock, is
sixteen-year-old who has already done
some experimentation of her own about
sex. Once, when a girlfriend stayed
overnight, they had a lesbian fling to
see what it was like to do it with
another girl.

Unfortunately for Kimberly, her two
stepbrothers had planted a bug in her
room. They managed to hear everything
that went on that night. That led to
weeks to teasing on their part. Though
she isn't a professed lesbian, she
didn't find the experience all that

Two of Sheriff Brock's most trusted
deputies, Maxine Stewart and Kenny
Lacos, have also had their share of
strange stories. Kenny has had many
relationships, each stranger than the

His latest fling was when he was dating
a pair of identical eighteen-year-old
twins at the same time. For weeks,
people complained of his philandering
down the streets with both girls in his

As for Deputy Maxine Stewart, Max to
everyone, she has had a number of
unsuccessful relations over the years,
including having her therapist having a
crush on her, or her dating the new
black District Attorney. But her
strangest relationship still has to be
when she dated Peter Dreeb, and this is
the story I will recount for you today.

These are but a few samples of the
characters of Rome, Wisconsin.

Kenny and Max pulled over an elephant
one day. A circus midget, by the name
of Peter Dreeb had stolen the elephant,
Big John, from the circus. Mayor Bill
Pugen stood up for elephant rights.
The 40-year-old midget is arrested for
stealing the humongous animal. He was
convinced that the elephant was being
abused by the circus he worked for.

Judge Bone called for an evidentiary
hearing. Later, the elephant falls
over and Dr. Jill Brock, the wife's
Sheriff says that the large animal was
constipation. She proceeded to give
Big John an enema and everything is all
right. Through all of this, the mayor
is there campaigning and has his
picture taken with Jill.

After the trial, Peter asks Deputy
Sheriff Maxine Stewart, everybody
called her Max, if she would go out to
dinner with him on a date. At first,
the five-foot, five inch woman wasn't
considering the invitation from the
three-foot tall man seriously. That's
why the 27-year-old Deputy surprised
herself when she agreed to go out with
the diminutive older man. When she
agreed to go out with him, Peter pulled
up a chair and kissed her. At only
three feet in height, he was so much
shorter than she was, his face came up
level with her crotch.

The midget took the ravishing young
Deputy to dinner in the fanciest
restaurant he could find in the small
community. For this date, Max dressed
really nicely with a short dress with a
low cleavage to show off her tits. She
didn't treat Peter like a charity date,
which the midget appreciated, but
rather as any other date she might have

After their date, Max invited Peter to
her apartment and things really got
strange for her. Before she knew it,
Peter had his face under her short
dress and was munching on her thong
panties. Once again, the redheaded
Deputy was surprised by her behavior.
She didn't try to stop him, in fact,
she crushed his face harder in her

As Peter was tugging at her panties,
Max was puling open her silk blouse,
popping buttons in her haste. Holding
on to the midget's head, she pulled him
along with her towards her bedroom and
fell across her bed, spreading her legs
apart. Peter eagerly jumped on the bed
as he ripped at his own clothing.

"Oh fuck Peter, I don't know what I'm
doing here," Max gasped. "I… I don't
usually do this on a first date."

"Relax, Max," the midget told her as he
unbuckled his belt and loosened his
pants. "You won't regret this, I

Max was getting so horny from Peter's
earlier cunnilingus that she tried
helping him take his pants off.

"Oh, my, God!" She exclaimed as she
finally freed his rock-hard cock.

Peter Dreeb, despite his diminutive
stature was sporting an impressive foot
long hard-on. The sight of that cock
was ridiculous on such a small body,
but Max only smiled as she stared
hungrily at it.

"Told you, you wouldn't regret it,"
Peter told her with a wide grin. "I
always laugh at myself when women
reject me whenever I ask them out,
because I know what they're missing out
on. I'm glad you weren't that kind of

Peter dove on top of her prone body and
glided up until his cockhead nestled in
her fiery red bush. This is the part
he loved most, whenever he got to fuck
a 'normal' woman, his face would be
buried between their breasts as he
fucked them. This was one of things he
liked best about being a midget.

"Jesus, Peter," Max moaned. "What are
you waiting for, bury that fucker in

Mustering all of his strength, putting
the full weight of is body behind it,
the circus midget plunged half his cock
into her clenching pussy on his first
attempt, quickly pulling back and
shoving it back in with more

"Ungh!" Max grunted as she felt the
wide shaft trying to fit inside her
tight pussyhole. "Do it… ungh! Fill
me with… ungh! Fill me with your
fucking pole, Peter. I want… I want to
feel you all the way inside."

"Only too happy to oblige, ungh!"
Peter grunted as he lifted himself up
and let his whole weight drive the full
length of his cock into her.

"Ooooh! Fuck, Peter," Max groaned.
"I've… I've never been filled like
this… before."

"Hang on, Max," he told her, mumbling
from within her cleavage. "The best is
yet to come."

With years of practice, Peter began
humping his long pecker in and out of
her. Max would have thought that his
small size would have hampered such
acrobatics, but the circus man knew
exactly how to fuck with his cock. Now
that he had his rhythm well
established, he buried his face in her
cleavage and began suckling first one
nipple, then moved on to the other.

"Oh, God!" Max moaned. "Damn, Peter,
you're good. It's been soooo long
since I had a decent lover."

"You mean a decent fucker, don't you?"
He said with a laugh.

"Yes, that too," Max laughed along with
him as she crushed his mouth over her
stiff nipple.

Max still couldn't believe the
disproportionate size of Peter's cock.
How could a three-foot tall man have a
foot long penis. If she hadn't' seen
it for herself, she would have thought
it was a cartoon caricature. But her
cock-filled pussy told her that it was
all too real.

Peter Dreeb did in fact have such a
tool. Maxine eagerly wrapped her
athletic legs around his tiny body and
pulled him deeper inside her womb,
wanting to feel every scrumptious inch
inside her.

Max loved feeling Peter's teeth on her
tits as he bit down on her stiff
nipples. Why, even his deformed midget
hands were a new experience that only
excited her more. It almost felt as if
she was being taken by a beast, some
deformed wild animal.

Not having as many sexual contacts as
the smallish man would like, he had a
large load to offer the slender
redheaded Deputy. This was one benefit
of being forced not to have sex because
of tall women's bigotry, those that
accept his invitation are immediately
conquered by his prowess in bed.

"God, Peter," Max groaned under him.
"I think… I think I'm gonna cum! Oh,
God, Peter! I'm cumming! Cumming!
she exploded in the best orgasm of her
young life.

But Peter Dreeb was nowhere near
cumming himself. He had learned at a
very young age how to hold off from
shooting in a woman. His cock was
still as hard as ever and he just kept
pumping his shaft in Max's juicy pussy.

"I'm going to make you beg me to stop,
Maxine," he grunted up to her face.
"Before we're through tonight, you'll
never find another man's cock to your

"Oh yes, Peter," Max moaned. "Make me
yours. I'll do whatever you want, just
fuck me, honey."

Peter grinned at the knowledge that he
had conquered yet another horny giant.
He wrapped his bulgy finger around each
of Max's tits and squeezed them until
she groaned from the pain. He would
then clamp his teeth over one of her
nipples and crush it until she begged
him to stop.

The pain inflicted to her breast
accentuated Max's libido into another
powerful orgasm, which almost caused
her to throw the diminutive man off her
bed so violently she shook.

shrieked at the top of her lungs as
Peter unloaded his heavy load of jism
inside her.

"Fuck, girl," Peter grunted from his
exertion. "Been a while since I got
this good a lay."

"Really?" Max said breathlessly. "But
you're such a good fucker."

"Yeah, but only the pure of heart get
to taste me," he grinned.

"Speaking of taste," Max's eyes
twinkled. "Don't mind if I do."

With that, she turned herself around,
tossing Peter on his back and began
licking her own cum off his still rock-
hard cockshaft. She still couldn't get
over how well endowed the midget man
was. She energetically ran her tongue
one side of his cock, and then moved to
the other in an attempt to clean her
mess off him.

"Oh, yeah, Maxie," he moaned in
pleasure. "Keep doing that. You're
one fine slut, you know that."

She smiled up at him with her eyes, as
she never relented licking his cock.
Then she moved up to its tip, and
opening her mouth as wide as she could,
she sucked in the thick cockhead past
her lips.

For the next few hours, the midget used
his sexual prowess to pleasure Maxine
in ways she never would have dreamed
possible. Once, maybe even twice, Max
was pretty sure that she might have
passed out from the shear pleasure of
the orgasm that hit her.

Part Two

The next morning, loud pounding at her
door woke Maxine up and she stumbled
out of her bed, still naked. She put
on her short silk kimono, which barely
covered her cum dripping crotch and
made her way to the door.

"Max! Max, you in there?" She could
hear her partner, Deputy Kenny Lacos
yell through the closed door.

Too tired to think clearly, she opened
the door and leaned half-dazed outside
the doorway.

"Max, what's up with you?" Kenny asked
her before noticing her state of

Kenny hastily dragged her back inside
Max's home and closed the door behind

"What do you think you're doing?"
Kenny asked.

"Wha… what is it to you?" Max replied

"Your job for one thing," Kenny said.
"I covered you with Jimmy, but you're
already an hour late. I'm not taking
the fall for you Maxie."

"An hour!" Max's eyes popped upon
suddenly. "Oh shit! I must have
overslept, sorry Kenny. Give me a
minute and I'll get into uniform."

"Maybe you should take a shower first,"
Kenny suggested.

"Why?" Max asked in surprise.

"Not to be ungentlemanly like, but you
smell like a whore Maxie," Kenny said
with a grin as his eyes caught a
dribble of jism along her calf.

"Yeah, I do smell a bit raunchy," she
laughed. "Give me a few minutes, will

"Sure, take your time," Kenny said.
"I'll radio in that we're taking a

Just as Kenny is about to call the
Police dispatcher, Peter comes walking
out of Maxine's bedroom wearing nothing
but his shorts.

"Oh, hi Deputy Lacos," Peter said.
"You seen Maxine around?"

"She… she's in the shower," Kenny
pointed towards the washroom with a
finger. "Did… you two didn't…"

"Do the deed. Bang the drums. Fuck
the night away," Peter said with a
grin. "You betcha!"

"MAX!" Kenny called out.

Maxine came rushing out in a wet towel
and skid to a halt as she came face to
face with the two men.

'Oh shit,' she thought.

"What were you thinking?" Kenny said,
pointing at the diminutive man. "He's
a criminal waiting for trial and you're
the arresting officer. Do you know how
this is gonna look in court?"

"I don't think he's guilty of anything,
Kenny," Max said, defending herself.
"Besides, what's so wrong about going
out with him."

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Kenny
couldn't believe his ears. "Just look
at him Max. He's… he's a fucking
midget for god sakes."

"Kenny Lacos," Max stared at him,
stunned at his bigotry. "I'll have you
know that he's much more than a…
midget," she paused as she looked down
at her diminutive lover. "Peter Dreeb
is also a great lover."

Kenny's eyes rolled into their sockets
at hearing his partner be so blunt
about the fact that she screwed with a

"I give up," he raised his hands in
abject surrender. "Get changed so we
can go to work. And you," he pointed a
finger at Peter. "Be at the courtroom
for your hearing on time."

"Sure, yes sir, anything you say, sir,"
Peter bowed in mock servitude.

He had heard this kind of treatment all
his life, he was only glad that Maxine
Stewart didn't suffer from such 'short-
sightedness'. As Max passed him,
heading back to her bedroom, he snuck
his tiny hands under her wet towel and
pinched her still aroused clitoris in
plain sight of Kenny.

"Peter, stop that," Max squealed in
obvious thrill of his playing with her
clit that way.

Kenny scowled at the tiny man, his
anger apparent in his eyes. Peter
rather enjoyed playing with people's
bigotry in this way any chance he got.

Max quickly emerged as she struggled to
buckle her gun belt and joined Kenny at
the door, but not before frenchkissing
the small man.

"See you later?" She asked.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," Peter
returned the kiss, his tongue
languishing in her mouth.

Part Three

A few hours later, Peter Dreeb appeared
before Judge Henry Bone on the charge
of stealing the elephant from a nearby
circus. He was glad to see Max
standing in the back of the courtroom
in moral support of is cause.

"Douglas Wambaugh for the midget, your
honor," the old Jewish lawyer

"Shut up!" The Judge responded
sternly, never having much patience for
the old man's legal shenanigans.

"Your honor," Peter Dreeb said as he
stood, his head barely clearing the
defense table. "All I wanted to do was
save Big John…"

"Who's Big John?" The Judge

"The elephant, Judge," Douglas Wambaugh

"And how did you intend on saving this…
Big John?" The Judge asked.

"Well, you see your judgeship," Peter
continued. "Back at that circus, he
was being terribly abused. So I took
it upon myself to rescue him."

"And do you have any proof that this
animal was being abused in any way?"
The Judge asked.

"Well, nothing I could show you or the
courts, no," Peter admitted.

"Unless you can present proof to
justify your actions here, I'll have to
find you guilty," Judge Bone told the
diminutive man.

"If it pleases the court, Judge Bone,"
Max spoke out from the back of the

"Listen to her, Judge," Wambaugh shot.
"She knows my client inside and out."

Max blushed at the obvious inference to
her sexual relationship with Peter.
Kenny tried to stop her, but she pulled
her arm out of his grasp.

"Yes, Deputy Stewart," Judge Bone
recognized her immediately.

"Since Bil… since Mr. Dreeb as laid
charges of animal abuse. Wouldn't it
be appropriate for the Sheriff's
department to investigate the matter
first before you make any decision in
this case?" She was reaching for an
excuse to keep Peter out of jail.

"Mmm, I see your point," Judge Bone
admitted with a smile. "Fine, this
case is held over for one week so the
police can investigate further."

Peter walked up to Max and smiled.

"Thanks, Max," he told her, pinching
her ass in the process. "I didn't
think of gathering proof that Big John
was abused when I took him. Guess I
should have thought of that. But what
can you do about it now."

"You leave it up to me, stud," she

Part Four

"What's the big idea implicating my
department in an investigation, Max,"
Jim Brock was yelling at the pretty
redheaded Deputy.

"C'mon, Jimmy," Max replied. "You love
animals as much as the next guy, and if
what Mr. Dreeb says is true, then we
have to investigate. If for no other
reason than to convict him."

She played his man of justice card
beautifully, giving him a winning
scenario no matter what the outcome of
the investigation. But Max was sure
that her investigation would vindicate

"Okay, okay," the Sheriff finally
conceded. "And just how do you plan on
carrying out this investigation."

"I was thinking of maybe going over to
the circus tonight undercover as a
spectator," Max suggested.

"Not bad," Jimmy admitted. "But a
single woman at a circus… mmmm, you'll
look too out of place."

"What if I had a younger sister with
me?" Max tossed in.

"You don't have a younger sister,"
Kenny reminded her.

"I could take Kimberly along with me,"
Max added.

"My… my daughter," Jimmy stammered.
"You want to take my daughter in an
undercover operation."

"Oh, c'mon Jimmy," Max turned to him.
"What can happen? After all, she asked
me to be the subject of a school
report. Something about women in male
dominated jobs. This would help her as
much as give my cover credence."

"I don't know," Jimmy was giving it
serious thought. "I'll have to clear
this with Jill first. And if it's okay
with her, then okay."

"Jimmy, you can't be serious," Kenny
objected. "I'll be Max's date, that
should be good enough."

"Not if I'm to snoop around, it isn't,"
Max threw in. "I can work better if
I'm alone. I can do it, Jimmy,
honestly. And I won't let anything
happen to Kimberly, I swear."

Part Five

That evening, after another fuck
session with Peter, Max got as much
information from him as to where to
look for evidence. At eight o'clock,
Max arrived at the Sheriff's home and
knocked on the Brocks back door and
picked up her 'sister' for the night.

So as to maintain her cover story of
two sisters going to the circus
together, Max had picked a loose dress
cut above the knees. She liked this
particular dress because of its light
material. In a stiff breeze it would
bellow up like a parachute, but tonight
there was hardly any wind, so she
didn't think there would be a problem
wearing something like this.


"Gee, thanks, Max," Kimberly smiled at
the young Deputy. "How did you ever
convince dad to let me tag along on a
police investigation."

"We women got our ways," she smiled
mischievously. "But seriously, this
won't be anything dangerous and your
father knows that."

"So, what are you investigating?"
Kimberly asked, taking out her

"We're looking into allegations of
animal abuse at a circus near town,"
she told the teenaged girl. "Mr. Dreeb
is saying that's why he took the
elephant away from there. So, we're
going to go in as two sisters and check
things out from the inside. Peter… I
mean Mr. Dreeb told me about a few
places to check out."

"You said Peter," Kimberly noted.
"Just how well do you know him?"

"Well enough to believe him," Maxine
said, slanting her eyes at the young

"And while you're looking around the
place, what am I supposed to do?"
Kimberly asked.

"Just relax and enjoy the free show,"
Max smiled. "Compliments of the Rome
Police Department."


After driving for nearly twenty
minutes, Max finally turned off the
road to the farmland that the circus
had leased for putting up their tents.
Kimberly smiled as she peered out the
car window at the big tops of the
traveling show. She hadn't been to a
real circus in years, and this brought
back great memories for her.

"Mmmmmm, seems to have a rather grown-
up crowd for a circus," Max observed
the lack of children among the
spectators. "Must be because it's so

"What about me then?" Kimberly asked.
"Won't I look out of place now."

Max reached into her purse and pulled
out her make-up case.

"Here, let's fix you up," Max said as
she held her lipstick to Kimberly's
teenaged face. "I should be able to
make you look old enough to pass as
eighteen or nineteen."

Kimberly was thrilled at the prospect
of looking older than her sixteen
years. This was the fantasy of most
teenaged girls and here Maxine Stewart,
a highly respected member of her
father's police department, was helping
her do exactly that.

After a few moments work, Max pulled
away and looked over her handiwork.

"Damn, Kimberly," Max grinned. "You
could pass for twenty looking like

Kimberly smiled in return and looked at
herself in the mirror unbelievingly.

"Is that me?" She asked doubtfully.

"Yep," Max told her. "Now, just
remember one thing. While I'm off
checking out the place, don't talk to
anyone, especially not any of the guys
out there. I don't need to explain you
'dating' an older man to your father
when we get back."

"Okay, I swear," the girl said with a

Both young woman stepped out of the
vehicle and strode to the main entrance
of the main tent. Max bought the
tickets and they got in without any
questioning glances over Kimberly's

"Well, that was easy," Max commented as
she scanned the area.

"What now?" Kimberly asked.

"You, sit here, close to the entrance
so I can find you later," Max told her.
"I'm going to do some snooping. Don't
go anywhere."

Part Six

Leaving Kimberly in the big top, Max
disappeared under the seat scaffolding,
leaving Kimberly to watch the show

That's when one of the younger
performers of the circus walked up to
her. It was a young girl, not much
older than she was and they started
talking together.

"Hi, my name is Cynthia," the young
girl said.

"I'm Kimberly," the Brock child
responded. "You with the show?"

"Yes, but they don't let me perform for
the late shows," Cynthia told her.

"Really? Why not?" Kimberly's
curiosity was triggered.

"Well, it's kind of a special
presentation," the girl said. "You
know, for grown-ups. But sometimes
they let someone from the audience join

"Really? I'd like to try that
sometimes," Kimberly said.

"I could talk to my dad if you like,"
Cynthia grinned. "He runs the show."

"Gee, thanks, would you?" Kimberly
couldn't believe her luck, she could
fulfill a lifetime dream of joining a

Cynthia disappeared, then returned a
few minutes later with an older man,
obviously her father.

"Hello young lady," he said, tipping
his top hat to her. "My daughter tells
me that you're interested in performing
with us tonight. How long have you
been thinking of this?"

"As long a I can remember, mister…"
Kimberly paused, not knowing his name.

"Renaldo, of Renaldo's Fantasy Circus,"
he kissed the back of her hand.

"My name is Kimberly," she introduced
herself. "What kind of act could I
perform? I haven't rehearsed anything
you know."

"That's perfectly all right," the man
told her. "We have acts that don't
require much talent, but it gives our
audience a thrill just to be part of
the show. Why don't you follow Cynthia
and she'll get you prepared."

Kimberly jumped down from her seat in
juvenile excitement and followed the
other girl to the backstage. They
walked into a costume changing area and
Cynthia began looking for something
that Kimberly could change into.

"Here's something for you," she finally
said, holding up pants for the back end
of a horse-costume.

"You gotta be kidding me," Kimberly
said in disappointment. "Isn't there
something better than dressing up as a

"Oh, this is just part of the act,"
Cynthia told her. "The best comes
while we're on stage."

"What do you mean, when WE'RE on
stage?" Kimberly asked. "I thought
your dad didn't let you perform these
late night shows."

"He thought that we could team up in
the suit, since we're about the same
size," Cynthia told her. "It'll make
us more believable as the horse."

"Well, all right," Kimberly finally
conceded and took the proffered horse
rear. "But why can't I at least be the

"In this performance, you got the best
end of the deal, honest," Cynthia
promised her. "You best take all your
clothes off though. It can get pretty
sweaty in these things," she said as
she herself began stripping in front of

'Oh, well,' Kimberly thought. 'I guess
she knows best.'

And she began taking off her own
clothing, not being shy about doing so
in front of another girl her own age.
After all, in highschool gym class, her
classmates would do the same as well as
shower together all the time, so she
didn't see anything to be alarmed of

It took a few minutes, but the girls
finally had their costume on.

"Here, slip your hands through these,"
Cynthia said, holding out a pair of
soft cuffs, the type used to restrain
patients in hospitals, that where
attached to her half of the costume.

"What's this for?" Kimberly asked
insinuating her wrist through the

"They'll help you in maintaining the
proper posture," Cynthia said honestly.
"It also makes it better for you to get
some support when you get tired of
bending over."

Once the cuffs were secured to her
wrist, Cynthia pulled on the other end
sharply, which dragged Kimberly down
and towards her new friend's bare
buttocks. Cynthia then twisted around
and secured the two horse halves before
slipping on the horse head.

With her body bent over and naked,
Kimberly could feel the rough material
of the horse-costume's belly rubbing
against her hanging tits, causing her
nipples to harden from the friction.

"You okay back there?" She heard the
muffled sound of Cynthia's voice.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Kimberly answered

"Okay, lets practice our walking."

Part Seven

For the next fifteen minutes, the two
young girls trotted around the change
room until their cadence was picture
perfect. Unless the lights shone
directly at them, the audience would
believe that they were a horse.

"Cynty," a voice called out. "You and
your friend ready?"

"You bet Megan," Cynthia called out.

With that, the girls were lead out to
the Center Ring of the circus where
clowns where performing lewd sex acts
for the audience. Kimberly couldn't
see any of this from her enclosed
position, but she could hear the groans
and moans as the female clowns took on
the rigid cocks of their male
counterparts, or sucking on another
woman's pussy in front of the packed

"What's all the noise about?" Kimberly

"Just the other act finishing up," was
all Cynthia would say.

"And now, for the kinkier audience,"
the Ringmaster called out. "How about
a bit of bestial love?"

A cheer exploded from the stands as the
circuses muscle-man, the great Hercule,
came up behind the mock horse and
shoved his rigid twelve inch cock in
the back end, poking Kimberly's naked
butt through the convenient hole built
into the suit.

"Hey, what's going on?" Kimberly
grunted at the sudden impact of the
warm cockhead against her naked skin.

"Relax, its all part of the show,"
Cynthia insisted.

"But… but… AARRRGGHHH!" She grunted
loudly as the huge cocktip found her
virgin hole and plunged in with one
powerful stroke. "OH GOD! NO, DON'T!"

But it was too late, the heavily
muscled man began humping furiously as
he tried to bury his shaft in the tight
hole that was offered to him this

"Ungh! Ungh!" He grunted loudly.

It had been years since such a tight
pussy was made part of the show. If he
didn't know any better, he would swear
that this woman, whoever she was, was
still virgin. And with each of his
powerful shove forward, Kimberly's face
would be plastered against Cynthia's
naked ass, her nose picking up the
unmistakable scent of sex emanating
from the girl's crotch.

"ARGH!" Kimberly cried out as her
hymen was torn asunder by the mammoth

"Damn, Raynaldo," the muscle-man
grunted. "This one's real tight. I
think she might be virgin too."

"Do you hear that, ladies and
gentlemen!" Raynaldo announced through
his megaphone. "We have ourselves a
virgin tonight! Now, how often do we
have such an opportunity!"

"STOP! PLEASE, STOP!" Kimberly's
muffled voice sounded from under the

But the over-endowed muscle-man kept on
humping his stiff prick in and out of
her clenching pussy, her virginal blood
lubricating her hole for him. On and
on it went and the Sheriff's daughter
was helplessly bound to Cynthia's torso
as the muscular man kept fucking her.

"Relax Kimmy," Cynthia sounded off.
"It only hurts a bit the first time,
then its great."

But Kimberly couldn't help but cry,
tears running down her cheeks as the
invading penis kept fucking into her
tight pussy. The whole experience
wasn't only painful, it was thoroughly
humiliating for the religiously brought
up teen. To imagine that her first
sexual experience was with an unseen
stranger. And worse yet, it was being
performed for hundreds of cheering

"I'm about to cum, Raynaldo," the
muscleman grunted. "Just about there…
damn this one's tight."

"You heard it here, ladies and
gentlemen," Raynaldo shouted through
the megaphone, causing a roaring cheer
to explode from the surrounding stands.
"The 'mare' is about to get a load from
the 'Strongest Man In The WORLD'!"

"Tha're she blows!" Hercule grunted as
he shot his jism into Kimberly's tight

"ARRGGHHH!" Kimberly cried out in
shocked disbelief, she was being raped
by some circus freak and a crowd was
cheering him on.

"Herc is a real good fuck, ain't he
Kimmy?" Cynthia said from the horse's

"No, no, no," Kimberly cried in

As the muscle-man pulled his long hard
cock out of Kimberly's just deflowered
pussy, a roar erupted in the crowd as
everybody could bear witness the bloody
streaks covering his phallus. This was
a clear indication that the woman in
the costume was indeed a virgin.

"And now, Ladies and Gentlemen,"
Raynaldo announced. "Now that our
virgin as been loosened up, she is
ready for a real lover, don't you

Another cheer erupted from the audience
watching her humiliation.

"Wha… what are they talking about now?"
Kimberly asked, not expecting an

"Now, they bring in the real horse to
fuck this horse of course," Cynthia
replied with a laugh.

"WHAT! You… you can't be serious!"
Kimberly cried out as she struggled to
pull herself out of the horse-costume.

But the restraints on her hands were
too securely fastened to Cynthia's
waist to allow her any escape.

"Stay steady now, Cynthia," Megan
whispered in the horse-costume's head.
"It's your job to keep her steady."

"I know Megan," the teen circus girl
responded excitedly.

Kimberly could her the clopping sound
of a horse entering the circus ring and
realized that they were seriously going
to have a horse try to fuck her. Megan
was leading a regal looking black
stallion behind the fake horse that the
two girls were, its glistening coat
shining in the bright lights of the
circus Center Ring.

'How could I ever take a horse penis?'
She asked herself. 'I… I could barely
take a man's.'

The clopping hooves came closer and
closer, causing her to shake furiously
in the rear end of the horse-costume.
All she could do was to try and brace
herself for the inevitable.

Part Eight

As Kimberly was about to be brutally
raped by the circus' virile stallion,
Maxine was busily conducting her
investigation at the far end of the
Circus complex.


Ignorant of what was going on in the
main circus tent, Maxine was scouring
the lot and the other tents for any
evidence that would lend credence to
Peter Dreeb's accusations. But all
that she was finding at the moment were
costumes and make-up material.

'This is not good,' she told herself,
then slapped her forehead in shame.
'What am I doing? If they're guilty of
animal abuse, then the evidence would
have to be in the animal pens.'

Making sure that the coast was clear,
she exited the tent she had been in and
made her way in the shadows for the
large tent enclosure that housed all of
the circus' animals. As soon as she
pulled the flap aside she knew she was
in the right place. The smell of feces
and animal piss invaded her nose

'Damn, they stink,' her nose crunched
up. 'Better get this over with as
quickly as possible.'

Stealthily, she made her way along the
pens and cages, making sure to avoid
the big cat cages. She looked at each
animal as she passed them, looking for
signs of abuse, but saw none.

Then she came up to the ape enclosure.
In this cage were five large and sloppy
looking Orangutans. They looked at her
with sad eyes, making her believe that
maybe they had a reason to look so sad.
Looking up and down the path to make
sure she was still alone, Maxine
cautiously opened the cage door and
entered the cage, after all they seemed
quite harmless.

Part Nine

Back in the Center Ring, Cynthia had
maneuvered their mock-horse body near a
solid wooden fence that had been
brought out, dragging poor Kimberly
along with her. Megan was following
close behind with the large black

As soon as they got in the right
position, Megan cracked her whip
causing the virile horse to rear up on
his rear legs and pranced forward
gracefully towards the fake horse shape
before him. He had been through this
many times before and knew what was
expected of him.

Already, his cock was sliding out of
its furry sheath. Kimberly could hear
the women in the audience gasp in
disbelief as they watched the large
phallus extend continuously between its
muscular hindlegs. Already it had
reached an impressive length of two
feet and still more was coming out.

'Oh, God! Oh, God!' Kimberly was
praying to herself. 'Please, please
don't let this happen to me.'

But the large stallion was nearing its
goal. Another couple of steps and he
was towering just behind Kimberly's

With another crack of her whip, the
stallion came down, its strong forelegs
resting on the wooden fence in front of
them. Its great weight could never
have been supported by any woman, which
was the purpose for the thick fence in
front of them.

"OOHH!" Kimberly groaned as the fleshy
shaft whacked her hard on the butt.

Its heavy mass felt like someone had
placed a heavy lead weight on her back,
she could only imagine the size of the
penis they intended to bury in her just
deflowered pussy. Kimberly began
sobbing uncontrollably within the
costume, not that anybody could hear
her, or even care.

"Back, Diablo," Kimberly heard Megan,
the horse trainer command. "Ba-a-ack.
Just a little more my love and you'll
have your prize."

Kimberly shook noticeably under the
rear costume end as the humongous
phallus slid back as the virile equine
shuffled its hindlegs in trained
obedience. Suddenly, the massive cock
fell off her rear and Kimberly sighed
in relief, not realizing that this
meant that the stallion was now in its
proper position for her.

"Good boy, Diablo," Megan patted the
devilishly black stallion as she
reached under its belly and stroked his
raging cock for the crowd to see.

Cheers and applause rang out as they
witnessed the length of the rock hard
cock. Women would gasp as they
compared the horse cock to Megan's arm
and realized that it was even longer
than the trainer's limb.

Part Ten

Back in the animal enclosure, Maxine
heard the cheers coming from the main
tent. She had just closed the gate to
the Orangutans' cage and was about to
make a closer inspection to the docile
looking apes. She didn't know much
about this breed of monkeys, but
assumed from their appearance and
demeanor that they were as inoffensive
as they looked.

If she had bothered to learn more about
the animals she might have encountered
at the circus, Maxine would have
realized that these dopey looking
simians are very strong and

"Must be a great show," she said aloud,
confident that no one was around to
hear her words except the animals.
"Maybe I'll come back to catch it
myself another time."

She bent over and cautiously approached
the apes, not wanting to scare them

"Hi guys," she cooed as she approached
leaning forward towards the nearest
one. "I'm not going to hurt you. Come
here, let Maxie take a look at you, I
want to see if you're hurt."

The five apes looked sheepishly at the
female in their midst. They had had
they're share of human contact during
these late night performances, so they
weren't worried about this woman
approaching them. In fact, they were
getting somewhat aroused.

Slowly, inexorably, their cocks began
stiffening in their groin.
Unfortunately for Maxine, she hadn't
been paying attention in that part of
their bodies, otherwise she would have
bolted for the cage door and gotten the
hell out of there. But being the
constant professional, she wanted to
get the evidence that would prove the
animal abuse charges brought forth my
Peter Dreeb, her lover of the moment.

As the young Deputy bent down at the
waist to check the ape facing her,
another crept behind her and lifted the
back of her loose dress. Maxine bolted
upright in shocked surprise, expecting
to find someone behind her. She smiled
in both relief and amusement when she
discovered that it was just one of the
other monkeys being playful, or so she

She returned her attention to examining
the ape again, bending at the waist as
before. She honestly believed that it
was simply their mischievous behavior
that had caused the monkey behind her
to fool around with her a moment
before. Therefore, she didn't bother
reacting when the playful animal lifted
the back of her skirt once more,
exposing her g-string panties.

"Don't mind him," Max cooed to the ape
in front of her. "Now let me see that
head of yours. I just want to see if
anybody's been hurting you."

The clownish face of the Orangutan
simply grinned at the woman's soft
voice as he remained calm before her,
allowing her to touch him unimpeded.

Meanwhile, his companion's hand began
rubbing across Maxine's milk-white
asscheeks. The redheaded Deputy jumped
up slightly in surprise to that
contact. But Maxine still didn't think
anything unusual was going to happen,
so she simply remained bent over
inspecting the first ape trying to
ignore the exploring paw at her ass.

The other apes in the cage enclosure
shuffled to join their comrade at her
rear and almost seemed to grin from
sexual excitement at the sight of the
well-toned asscheeks before them. To
them, Maxine's g-string panties
obviously left little to the
imagination of any man, or beast.

"Well, I don't see any bruises on your
head," Max commented as if the beast
could understand her words. "Let's see
the rest of you."

Now for the first time, Maxine's eyes
scanned the rest of the animal's body
finally arriving at its groin.

"Oh-My-God!" She gasped as she saw the
aroused state of the monkey's penis.

These Orangutans were selected as much
for their learning abilities for the
regular shows, but also for their
potency as sex partners for these late
night performances. Each one of them
were sporting impressive cocks of nine
to eleven inches in length each, and
Maxine was facing the biggest of the
lot right now.

"I… I better leave now," she said,
backing away slowly, speaking to the
monkeys as if she had to justify
explaining her nervousness to them.
"I… I just remembered that I have
something to do."

She straightened herself back up,
smoothing her dress back down and
turned herself around. But what faced
her were the other four apes, and they
too were sporting raging hard-ons.
Maxine gulped loudly as she tried to
calmly make her way towards the cage

She managed to shuffle only a few steps
when the powerful paw of one of the
apes grab an ankle, immobilizing her.
She tried tugging without result. Then
another of the apes grabbed the other
ankle, pulling it sharply causing her
legs to spread apart. Max had to
struggle to maintain her balance as the
apes seemed intent on splitting her
like a wishbone.

As she tried to maintain her balance,
Maxine fell forward, placing her hands
in front of her to save herself from
falling on her pretty redheaded face.
This placed her in the precipitous
position of having her face just inches
away from the horny ape she was
examining only moments before.

"Oh, damn!" She swore, not expecting
what would happen next.

Before she knew it, the ape before her
grabbed her silky red hair and pulled
her struggling face towards his raging
hard-on. Maxine thought for sure that
she could fight off the smaller beast
but she quickly discovered that they
were much stronger than their size
would let on. She suddenly found the
simian cocktip striking her on the lips
trying to gain entry.

In self-defense, she tried keeping her
lips clenched as the ape kept trying to
shove his way in. The powerful beast
was hitting her face so hard with his
super-hard cock, that Max winced in
pain each time. It felt as if someone
was striking her hard with their fist
each time. It this kept up, she would
have to surrender to prevent her pretty
face from being bruised severely.

Behind her, the other apes were
exploring her panties, pulling and
tugging the thin material of her g-
string panties and exposing her pussy
to them.

Before she knew it, a second ape was in
front of her, also trying to stuff his
raging hard-on past her clenched lips.

'No way, buddies,' she thought to
herself, sure that she could stop them.

Part Eleven

Back under the big top, Megan the horse
trainer, was gingerly guiding the large
equine phallus towards the cut-out hole
of Kimberly's costume and the teen's
cum-filled pussy. Under the cover of
the costume, the Sheriff's daughter
could only tense up in anticipation for
what she suspected was about to happen.

For those that had never seen this
special nighttime presentation, this
was the reason for the thick cocked
muscleman to fuck whoever was picked
for this peformance. Not only for the
agonizing fuck he would give the
unsuspecting woman in question, but his
jism would also serve as lubricant for
this bestial act.

Megan began rubbing the flat tip of the
stallion's cockhead over Kimberly
Brock's seeping pussylips, causing the
teenager to exhale sharply in

"Plea… please Cynthia, please don't let
them do this to me," Kimberly begged to
the girl dressed in the horse's head
costume. "I don't want this to happen.
Not like this. Please don't let them
do this."

"Relax girl," she barely heard the
young circus girl's voice. "Relax and
enjoy yourself."

Just then Diablo, the stallion thrust
his rump forward, driving his hard cock
savagely past the teenaged Sheriff's
daughter's clenching pussylips. So
powerful was his thrust that he
literally lifted Kimberly's feet off
the ground as he did so.

"AAIIIIIEEEEE!" The resounding yell
came from under the horse-costume and
the crowd cheered knowing why the young
woman screamed out so loudly.

Kimberly could hear the audience cheer
and whistle as they watched the large
black horse hump its powerful rump
forward and back, driving himself
deeper in the innocent young girl.
Tears were streaming down Kimberly's
milk-white cheeks as the awful pain
shot through her body.

To bad for the audience, they had no
idea that the 'volunteer' for this
night's performance was only a teenager
and not some lucky adult woman that
knew what to expect, as the show
usually picked. All they knew, or
cared for was that some lucky woman was
getting the fucking of her life and
entertaining them in the process.

As the stallion kept fucking his cock
into poor Kimberly's pussy, the women
in the audience were undoing their male
dates pants and pulling out their hard
cocks. Soon every woman had at least
one cock stuffed in one hole, or more
as they continued watching Kimberly's

Already Kimberly could feel her
pussylips loosening up as they
continued being stretched beyond reason
by the arm-thick cock slicing in and
out of her. The pain had begun to
subside and for some horrible reason,
Kimberly was getting more and more
excited by it. It was bad enough when
the circus' muscleman had raped her,
but now it was some filthy animal
stuffing its wicked cock in and out of
her, and Kimberly was beginning to
enjoy the whole thing.

Her face was constantly being shoved
hard in Cynthia's naked butt in front
of her, and her arms had remained
securely tied around the other girl's
waist belt holding her helplessly in

The young circus performer in the
horse-costume with Kimberly, used to
this kind of show, turned herself
around easily. The belt and cuffs
holding Kimberly securely to her was
just loose enough to rotate around her
waist as she did this. Soon, the young
teen was facing Kimberly's face, her
pussy now in front of the bound
teenager's face with her hands free to
caress the girl as well.

"Here Kimmy, have a taste," Cynthia
said as she placed her hand behind
Kimberly's head and pulled her forward.

Suddenly Kimberly found her face shoved
into the girl's seeping crotch, both
from Cynthia's guiding hand and
Diablo's thrusting cock jabs. She had
experienced with another girl only once
before at a sleepover, but that was
only kissing, and nothing more sexual
than that. But now, here she was
helplessly bound against this strange
girl's body and being shoved forcibly
to her wet, smelly pussy.

"No, no don't do…" her protest was cut
off as her mouth was suddenly masked by
the other girl's gaping pussy.

Behind her, the large black stallion
continued ramming his monstrous cock
into her pussy, lifting her feet off
the ground with each powerful thrust.
Kimberly could hear the large horse
harrumph loudly as its cock surged
forward. She couldn't believe that
this was happening to her. She knew
how big a horse's cock could be, and
yet her tiny, tight pussy seemed to be
taking it all rather easily now.

Now that everything was properly set,
the stallion's handler walked up to the
rutting mass and ripped off the horse-
costume, thanks to some preset rip-

Kimberly was suddenly basked in the
bright lights of the big top as
Diablo's cock could now be clearly seen
by all as it thrust in and out of her,
then virgin pussy. The crowd cheered
as they watched her pussylips furl in
and out of her rear with each thrust of
the large mammal.

She could feel young Cynthia's hands
clutching her long dark tresses to keep
her mouth plastered on the teenaged
circus performer's seeping pussy. She
didn't dare look around for fear of
seeing someone that would recognize

Diablo kept on lunging forward, lifting
Kimberly's light body off the ground
with each thrust, nearly driving her to
scream out in pain each time. But she
remained quiet within the mask that
Cynthia's cunt created.

Part Twelve

Back in the ape cage, Maxine was still
having her own problems trying to deal
with the five horny Orangutans trying
to rape her. Two had managed to insert
their long, skinny fingers in her
clenching pussy, causing her to wet
herself from arousal.

The others were still trying to get her
to open her mouth to them as they kept
poking their rock hard cocks hard
against her clenched lips.

"Gnnnooh!" She would groan painfully
with each stab.

Then one of the other simians clenched
her tightly by the waist and climbed
onto her ass. The heavy weight of the
animal caused Maxine to stumble to her
knees painfully. The next thing that
happened caused her eyes to bugger out.

She felt the thick head of what could
only be a cock pushing its way past her
pussylips, invading her cunt.

"Noooo…" she started yelling out in
instinctual protest.

This was the biggest mistake of her
life. As her lips parted to protest,
the ape in front of her shoved forward
and its cock disappeared into her
gaping mouth in one swift move.

Suddenly, Max's eyes crossed as she
tried following the length of the
bestial cock disappearing into her
mouth. Inch by inch she saw the
Orangutan's belly get closer,
indicating that as much cock had worked
its way down her gullet. She tried
gagging, but the wide girth of the cock
even prevented her from doing that.

The other apes in the cage began
screeching loudly as they watched their
two companions fucking this female at
both ends. Their own cocks surging
with high interest, as they knew that
their turn would soon come as well.

Max tried futilely to get free of these
wild animals as their cocks found their
way into her most private of body
parts. She couldn't yell out for help,
not with that cock stuffed down her
throat. And she couldn't pull away,
not with a muscular ape at either end.

In and out those two simian cocks
fucked into her holes. She could
already taste the salty texture of the
one in her mouth as the Orangutan began
seeping some pre-cum in this latest

The three remaining apes were beginning
to feel a bit more randy and they began
pulling and tugging at her clothes.
Within moments, she could hear her
delicate dress begin to rip from the
apes stronger than human strength.

Next went her silk shirt, soon to be
followed by her bra. Deputy Maxine
Stewart suddenly found herself stripped
naked by three obviously horny apes
with no hope of escape.

The apes began screeching excitedly
with each piece of clothing they ripped
off her body. And then they discovered
her ample, hanging tits. One by one
they began tweaking, pinching, nibbling
and finally sucking on her already
aroused nipples.

'Oh God!' Maxine was thinking. 'Thes…
these beast are fucking nuts. It… it's
like… it's like they know exactly how
to get me hot and horny.'

Unluckily for Maxine, that's exactly
what was going on. Just like the
stallion fucking Kimberly back at the
big top, these apes were also part of
the nightly adult entertainment of this
depraved circus.

Max could feel herself nearing a
monstrous climax. She couldn't
understand how this whole scene could
be affecting her in this way, but the
truth was in the pudding. She could
feel her clit was blood-engorged as
never before. She could feel her
stomach churn with each thrust of the
apes into her. And she could
definitely feel how her tits were
reacting to all of this.

Without any conscious thought, Maxine's
hand reached out and grasped one of the
other Orangutan's staff nearby. She
then proceeded to pump the third ape,
giving him a handjob.

'Oooooooh shiiiit!' Maxine's mind
raced. 'I… I think I'm… I think I'm
about to cum! How ca… how can I
cummmmm with animals?'

Just at that moment, the cock slicing
in and out of her mouth began spurting
huge amounts of its creamy spunk.
Almost immediately, her mouth was
filled to the brim with the simian cum.

This triggered a massive orgasm in
Maxine's cunt, which in turn triggered
the ape fucking her shapely behind.
She could feel the jism filling her at
both ends and almost forgot to swallow
before she drowned in jism.

The hairy apes began screeching loudly
in orgasmic cheers as they continued
pummeling the redheaded Deputy

Part Thirteen

Back in the big top, Kimberly was still
getting fucked by the virile black
stallion to the cheers of the
voyeuristic crowd around her, its arm
thick cock sticking grotesquely out of
her rear. And at the same time, she
was still being forced to munch on
young Cynthia's delectable pussy.

'Oh God!' Kimberly was thinking to
herself. 'I… I don't believe that I'm
doing this, and… and loving it so much.
God! I'm cumming! CUMMMING!

Though nobody could hear her orgasmic
explosion, the crowd could see her
shudder in climax, and the women
watching whistled and cheered
recognizing the signs for what it was.
At that same instant, Cynthia began
cumming in Kimberly's sucking mouth.
The young girl's jism running down the
Sheriff's daughter's chin to yet
another loud cheer.

Diablo kept on ramming his cock deep
inside the once virgin Kimberly, his
balls churning and tightening as he too
was nearing a monstrous climax. The
stallion's trainer, Megan, began
massaging the grapefruit-sized

"He's almost there!" Megan rang out to
the cheer of the crowd.

Kimberly's mind was reeling knowing
that the huge horse was about to flood
her pussy with its creamy sperm.

And the excitement of this forthcoming
event sent her body convulsing in yet
another orgasm. Her juices spraying
over the stallion's thrusting cock and
down her thighs.

The warm female juices lathering his
cock made the black horse harrumph
audibly just prior to his balls
tightening and its seed come rushing
along the length of its phallus. It
seemed like an eternity before the
first high-pressure squirt came
through, filling Kimberly's cunt with
just its first spurt.

Kimberly could swear that she could
feel the sperm as it traveled inside
the meaty confine of the horse's cock
before it ever came shooting out. And
when it did just that, she exploded in
the most intense orgasm yet, causing
her to bite down on Cynthia's clit as
she lost control of herself fully.

"Ouch!" Cynthia yelled out. ""Hey!
Watch the teeth!"

The crowd laughed at that, realizing
that the wench beneath the stallion had
lost total control of her cognitive

As Diablo emptied his balls into
Kimberly Brock's pussy, she could feel
her head spin and her consciousness
begin to fade even as another orgasm
shook her. But thanks to the bindings
holding her to Cynthia's waist and the
impaling cock at her rear, she remained
on her feet as if suspended on a spit.

"What a show, ladies and gentlemen!"
The Ringmaster cried out. "What a

The crowd cheered in agreement. This
was by far the best performance for
their buck in a long while. Even the
regulars had to admit that this
youngster, Kimberly, had put on quite a
performance for them, not realizing
that this was not Kimberly's intention.

Part Fourteen

Back in the Orangutans cage, Max was
still struggling with the rapist beasts
having their way with her stripped
body. Each ape had already taken two
turns each at assaulting her in one
hole or another and she was feeling
weak from the savage pummeling they
were inflicting on her.

Despite her best efforts, she had cum
on numerous occasions from the very
start. This also had a drastic
influence on her weakened condition.
Her elbows could barely keep her
shoulders and head up, and the weight
of one large ape after another mounting
her ass and face repeatedly didn't help
matters in that regard either.

As soon as one was pulling out of her,
another would immediately take its
place, never giving her an opportunity
to escape, or even allowing their jism
to leak out of her orifice much. She
could feel her stomach being distended
by the quarts of cum that must be in
her. So much so that it was actually
giving her cramps.

'God! Don't they ever take a break?'
She wondered in silence, as another
cock was thrusting down her throat.

Then the most amazing thing took place.
As one ape continued fucking her face
and another was busily ramming her
pussy, she felt the weight of a third
climb on her back and was shoving its
thick, hard cockhead at the entrance of
her tight asshole.

'OH GOD! NO!' Maxine's eyes popped
wide open in shock.

She was about to be gangbanged by three
horny monkeys and there was nothing she
could do to prevent this from

With her mouth and pussy filled with
simian cocks, Max's sphincter resisted
but for a short moment before the blood
engorged cockhead squeezed past her
weak resistance.

"Argnh!" She mumbled past the cock
still sawing in and out of her mouth,
tears running down her face from the
unbearable pain this was causing her.

'OhGodOhGodOhGod!' Her mind pleaded
for some divine intervention.

Now, all three apes began humping her
in unison from years of practice with
this nightly bestiality show that
they've participated in on numerous
occasions. With practiced ease they
would fuck the helpless redheaded woman
as their comrades were busily sucking
and nibbling at Maxine's hanging tits.

As Maxine was being gang-raped by the
horny simians, the cage door creaked
open as she heard movement from behind.

'Oh no!' She panicked. 'I've been
found out!'

"Hi Maxine," a familiar voice
resounded. "How do you like my

Looking upwards, Maxine was shocked to
see Peter leering down at her kneeling
body. She couldn't protest or ask him
what he was doing here, not with a cock
stuffed down her throat. All she could
do was endure through this rape and ask
questions later.

"I guess you must be wondering what I'm
doing here," he voiced her question.
"Well, you see, I'm really a partner of
this circus. It's my job to recruit
new talent for our nightly shows."

A confused look appeared on her face as
she had no idea what her midget lover
was talking about.

"For these special performances, I get
to scout around for some fuckable
talent for the audience," he grinned.
"And when I saw you, I knew I had to
get you over here. Now I see that I
was right about you."

Her body was shaking uncontrollably as
orgasm after orgasm was raking over
her. She tried following what Peter
Dreeb was telling her, but she was
finding it difficult to concentrate on
his words.

"Little did I expect that you would
bring along a friend," he smiled. "I
must say, she's performing admirably.
Can't you hear the crowd cheering?"

Maxine could indeed hear the roar of
the crowd from the big top, but what
did Peter mean by her friend
performing. Was he talking about
Kimberly? What were they making her do
to cause such a ruckus?

"She's doing so well, that you might
not need to perform tonight," Peter
went on. "But I am enjoying your
private performance for me right here."

Maxine came again, her juices gushing
down her thighs as the Orangutans
continued their sexual assault on her

"Let me introduce you to your lovers,"
Peter grinned. "The one in your mouth
is Julius. Then we have Claudius
sticking it to your delicious pussy.
Jeremiah and Bill are the ones sucking
your tits so nicely, and we mustn't
forget good ol' Grant. Grant always
did love a nice piece of ass," Peter

"Ungh! Mmmmmh!" Maxine groaned as
another climax hit her.

"I see you love how they fuck," Peter
teased her further at her orgasm.
"Sometimes I get jealous at these guys.
I lose more lovers because of their
talented cocks. I hope you won't leave
me like the others have in the past."

Maxine's heart was breaking once she
realized that Peter Dreeb had played
her for the fool. And worse yet, she
had unwittingly drawn Kimberly into
this depraved situation with her. God
only knew what Jimmy's teenaged
daughter was being forced to submit to.

"Now, if you turn your eyes up there,"
Peter pointed up towards a nearby post.
"You'll see that we've been taping all
of this. So if you have any thoughts
of filing charges, these vids, and your
friend's exploits will find their way
to the Internet. And I left special
instructions that every computer in
Rome gets spammed with them."

'Oh God!' Max's heart sank as she
understood the implication of such an

She didn't much care about any rumor or
story about herself, but she couldn't
let Kimberly Brock be submitted to such
an attack. She reluctantly nodded her
head in agreement, the ape's cock still
stuffed in her mouth.

"Good girl," Peter smiled. "Now it's
time for you to join the circus."

Waving his hand to the side, Maxine
suddenly felt the whole ape enclosure
shake. Hercule, the circus' muscle-man
had grasped the arms of the ape cage
carriage and began pulling it with all
his might outside the animal tent.
Maxine was still being ravaged by the
apes in the cage as it was being guided
into the big top tent to the cheering,
leering crowd within.

Part Fourteen

When the large flap of the performers
entrance was pulled open and the crowd
saw Hercule pulling the monkey cage
they immediately started hooting and
howling at the beautiful redhead being
gangbanged by the Orangutans inside.

Maxine could only blush a deep red at
being ogled in this deviant situation.
Then her eyes caught a glimpse of a
large black horse nearby. And when she
focused her eyes in that direction she
gasped inwardly.

Right there before her, poor Kimberly
was impaled on the biggest cock she had
ever seen in her experienced life. And
in front of the teenager was another
naked teen, her pussy mashed in
Kimberly's face.

'Oh God! What have I done?' She
thought to herself, holding herself
accountable for Kimberly's fate.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" She heard a
voice in the megaphone. "I present to
you… Maxine of the Apes! She puts
Tarzan to shame, don't you think!"

The crowd roared with laughter at her
humiliating situation as the three
humongous cocks kept fucking her.
Despite this, she couldn't keep her
eyes away from Kimberly's naked ass and
the thick cock stuffed in the poor
girl's pussy. Even from this distance
she could see streaks of blood running
down her thigh with a mixture of what
had to be her juices and the horse's


Across from the Center Ring, Kimberly
also caught sight of Maxine's
situation. She broke down in tears
once she realized that the Deputy
wouldn't be coming to her rescue. But
a strange thing occurred to her as she
spotted the beautiful redhead. The
sight of those hairy monkeys all over
her naked body started her pussy
churning with yet another orgasm ready
to blast her soul once again.

'Oh Max,' Kimberly thought to herself
as she watched the three simian cocks
filling each of Maxine's holes. 'How
will we ever get out of this?'


"See how good your friend is doing,"
Peter Dreeb commented. "She took to
Diablo like an expert. Who would have
guessed that you would have brought a
virgin to us."

'Peter Dreeb, you pig!' Her mind
exploded in anger to the midget man.

"I think we should be getting ready for
the finale of the night," Peter
commented. "You boys finish your fun
quick now," he spoke to the five
Orangutans. "You know we have to end
this soon and there's one more act to
get done."

The five apes screeched in both
excitement and displeasure, knowing
that the man wanted them to give up
their mate. But then, they would be
offered more fresh pussy in the future.

Across the Center Ring, Megan was
finally pulling Diablo's cock out of
Kimberly's well used pussy. As soon as
its head popped free a huge shower of
equine cum came spilling out of her,
splashing in a large puddle at her

Maxine couldn't believe how much cum
Kimberly had been forced to take from
the huge stallion, but seeing the
horse's balls, she shouldn't have been
all that surprised either.

Part Fifteen
The Big Finish

"Now, for our grand finally!" The
Ringmaster cried out. "I introduce to
you… the star of our show… BIG JOHN!"

Maxine and Kimberly watched in horror
as another Circus performer was
bringing in the elephant that Peter
Dreeb had been accused of stealing.

"I see you remember my friend John,"
Peter teased. "I imagine you're
surprised to see us both here.
Probably not as surprised as your boss
when I dropped my 'cruelty to animal'
complaint and the circus dropped their
'complaint' against me."

Finally, Grant, that ape getting a
mouth fuck out of her, pulled his cock
out of Maxine's mouth. This was the
first time that she was able to get a
good deep breath of fresh air as she
gasped in deep breaths, simian cum
dripping from her lips.

"Cough! How… how can you do this?"
Maxine finally found her voice. "How
could you?'

"Don't feel hurt Maxy," Peter lifted
her chin up. "I do this in every town
we hit. It's nothing personal."

The Deputy sobbed as she watched the
elephant making his way to Kimberly's
bent form. Then the handler lifted the
beast's trunk and aimed it at
Kimberly's overflowing pussy. Without
any further assistance, the gigantic
animal began vacuuming the teenager's
cunt clean of the stallion's load.

"Oh, YEESSSSSS!" Maxine heard
Kimberly's cry of joy.

She watched mesmerized as the large
trunk wiggled and shuffled its way
deeper and deeper in the young girl's
cumming pussy. Her juices lubricating
the snaky appendage as it continued
exploring her.

As Maxine watched the depraved scene
unfolding before her, Peter was busily
pulling the other Orangutans from her
rear. One cock after another they came
popping out of her holes, followed soon
after by her own shower of jism to the

In normal circumstances, Deputy Maxine
Stewart would have attempted an escape
then, but her ravaged body was in no
shape to do so. Once the last ape was
pulled out of her, she collapsed in a
heap to the cage floor, and mercifully
passed out.


Kimberly couldn't stop cumming as the
elephant trunk continued exploring her
pussy. And when she glanced in
Maxine's direction, she panicked when
she saw the law officer slumped
unconscious on the ground. At first
she thought that they had killed her,
but then she saw an arm and then a leg
move slightly.

'Thank god!' She thought.

She continued staring in that direction
as Hercule lifted the redhead Deputy
effortlessly and carried the
unconscious woman in her direction.

As all of this was going on, Cynthia's
father, the Ringmaster, was untying
Kimberly's wrist from the shackles
around his daughter's waist and re-
securing them to the solid fence in
front of the teenager. When Hercule
approached with the unconscious Maxine,
they did the same to her on the other
side of the fence so that both young
women could face each other.

The next thing to happen was the
elephant trainer pulling Big John's
trunk out of Kimberly's pussy.

"NO! Don't take him away!" Kimberly

The crowd cheered hearing the young
woman demand more service from the
gigantic beast.

Big John's trainer then guided his
charge between both bound women's faces
and lifted its trunk with his hook.

"Now Big John," he commanded.

Being all too familiar with this
routine, the elephant began showering
Kimberly and Maxine's faces with the
mixture of equine jism and Kimberly's
juices. The strong odor snapped Maxine
back to consciousness as her mouth
parted to catch the succulent fluid.

And strangely enough, Kimberly was
doing the same as she watched the older
Deputy lapping with her tongue, trying
to capture as much as she could. The
Sheriff's teenaged daughter duplicated
that to the loud cheers of the crowd
around them.

"Mmmmmh! Mmmmmmh!" The crowd heard
them moan over the loudspeakers as
Cynthia placed a microphone between

Maxine's eyes finally fluttered open
and she found herself staring at
Kimberly's lust filled face. Then she
noticed where the juices she was
lapping was coming from and almost
gagged. But she somehow managed to
control her repulsion and resumed
trying to swallow as much as she could
of the rich mixture.

The crowd cheered even louder seeing
how willing the two women were to the
animals they had had intercourse with
so far. They still couldn't comprehend
that both Maxine and Kimberly were
unwilling participants to this freak

Then the elephant trainer cautiously
guided Big John to step over the bound
bodies of the two young women. This
was easily accomplished as the 'fence'
they were tied to was made to measure
for this nightly performance. It was
also specially designed to keep whoever
was bound to it bent over. Slowly and
gingerly, Big John moved forward until
he was straddling the makeshift fence

"What's going on?" Maxine asked as her
eyes gazed at the leathery skin of the
gigantic beast above their heads.

"Max, I'm… I'm scared," Kimberly

"Shhhhh!" Maxine hushed the frightened
teen. "Stay calm, Kimmy. I'm sure
they won't harm us."

But Maxine's voice wasn't too confident
of her claim. She herself was
concerned for their well-being as Big
John lurked above them. Then her eyes
caught sight of the mammoth beast's
rigid cock shaft.

'My God!' Her mind reeled in shock.
'It… it must be four feet long!'

In actuality, the Big johnson was about
three and a half feet in length and was
as thick as Maxine's muscular thighs.
At its tip, Maxine could see a large
droplet of pre-cum just hanging there.

As the two bound women stared blankly
at the huge phallus between their
faces, Hercule and Peter took position
behind each of the upturned asses. The
circus' muscleman stepped behind
Maxine's exposed butt, while the midget
climbed a wooden staircase that was
brought out for him behind Kimberly's

"Whenever you're ready, gentlemen," the
Ringmaster called out.

Kimberly's ass quivered as she felt the
pudgy little hands of Peter Dreeb grasp
her buttocks and pulled her back
towards him. Maxine was getting a
similar sensation from the much larger
hands of Hercule. As if on cue, which
it was, both men plunged their rigid
shafts in the two girls.

"UNGH!" Maxine and Kimberly grunted in
unison as their faces was shoved
against Big John's elephantine

The two circus performers were
thrusting their asses back and forth as
they relentlessly fucked the two
helpless young women. As both had had
their pussies loosened considerably
beforehand, they rapidly buried both
their huge cocks in the vagina that was
offered to them.

At the same time, the two Rome women's
mouths were squashed against Big John's
cock and it didn't take long before
their lips parted and the crowd roared
as they began licking the monstrous

Another cheer exploded when Cynthia
took position beneath Maxine, and Megan
slipped under Kimberly. Soon, they
felt the new participants tongues
licking at them and they squirmed and
moaned as their own tongue continued
exploring the circus elephant's cock.

"Mmmmmmmh! Max, this… (slurp)… this is
so goood," Kimberly murmured between

Maxine's eyes could just make out
Kimberly's head over Big John's cock as
she continued slurping it from her

"You ready, Hercule?" Peter Dreeb

"Whenever you are, buddy," the towering
man groaned.

On cue again they blew their loads deep
into the two girls bowels, filling them
until jism began leaking at their
pussylips. Not bothering to wait any
further, the two men quickly pulled out
and handlers brought over the horny
apes that had raped Maxine earlier.

Thanks to their years of training at
this, the Orangutans knew exactly what
to do. They each took up position
behind both women and expertly tried
shoving two cocks a piece into each

"Ungh! NO!" Maxine grunted as she
felt the pressure being placed at her
cunt. "Wha… what are you trying to

"Max! It hurts!" She heard Kimberly
cry out as she too was receiving two
cocks in her tiny hole. "Make them
stop, Max! Please, make them stop!"

"Watch carefully the big screen, ladies
and gentlemen," the Ringmaster
bellowed, pointing up to the screens.

Two handlers came out and got close up
shots of both girls pussies as the apes
double-fucked their pussies. A loud
cheer rang out when the ones behind
Kimberly buried their cocks first.
Bets had been made, and those that
assumed that Diablo's reaming of her
pussy had loosened her up first won.

"Ungh! Oh God Max!" Kimberly cried
out. "They… they're both in me. Oh
fuck, this hurts so bad."

"Peter, make them stop," Maxine pleaded
her former diminutive lover. "She's
only a child."

"Diablo didn't find her such a child,"
Peter taunted the redheaded police
officer. "In fact, neither does the

"What? You… you don't mean…" Max's
face dropped. "You're all a bunch of
sick bastards."

"Now is that nice," Peter kept
taunting. "Considering that you're
being billed as Maxine of the Apes," he
added, making lewd reference to her
simian rape only a little while before.

While Maxine was arguing the point with
Peter, Kimberly was trying to swallow
the elephant's humongous cock-head past
her lips.

Maxine turned her head back when the
audience roared its approval. The
deputy's eyes opened wide as she saw
the elephantine penis disappear into
her young charges mouth, while at the
same time the apes kept double-fucking
the teenager's pussy.

For the next fifteen minutes, Maxine
stared dumbstruck as her boss' daughter
sucked on the elephant's raging hard-
on. She was so awestruck by that that
she didn't even care about the apes
raping her ravaged pussy yet again.
She was too engrossed in the bestial
action just inches from her face.

All around them the cheers roared. The
loudest of them seemed to be the women.
Max couldn't understand why women would
applaud such a degrading act, but the
facts didn't lie. She was even blinded
enough by her disgust not to pay
attention to the message her own body
was sending her. Her clit was fully
aroused and she was being racked by
orgasm after orgasm, yet she remained
oblivious to it all.

"Oh, Kimberly…" Maxine wept. "I'… I'm
so sorrrry."

And without any encouragement, she too
plastered her lips around the oversized
elephantine penis. Both captive young
women were hungrily lashing their
tongues along the length of Big john's
cock trying to make the gigantic animal
cum in all its glory, and the crowd was
loving every second of it.

The audience watched engrossed as the
two beauties licked and sucked the
elephant, while all the while the horny
Orangutans kept humping away in their
loose pussies.


The spectators applauded their
agreement as they continued watching
Maxine and Kimberly trying to satisfy
the beasts surrounding them.

They cheered the loudest whenever the
youngest of the two, Kimberly, would
pull on the elephant's thick penis to
get it closer to her mouth. Or
whenever Max grunted in orgasm to the
raping apes on her back.

Then for the final climax of the act,
Cynthia, the Ringmaster's daughter,
came over and sucked on the tip of Big
John's monstrous cock and then aimed
the surging phallus to Kimberly's face
as soon as she felt the elephantine
cock nearing its climax.

Maxine watched in disgust and lust as
the huge meaty hose began shooting
gallons of creamy jism on her boss's
daughter's face. She watched in
adoring lust as the thick jism dripped
of the teen's pretty face. And she
came when she saw Kimberly opening her
mouth as wide as she could so she could
swallow the giant beast cum.

"That's it Kimmy," Cynthia encouraged
her new friend. "Drink all you want.
Big John likes it when a girl drinks
down his seed."

"Mmmh! Mmmmh!" Kimberly just nodded
her agreement, not wanting to miss a

But there was no way she could keep up
with the orgasming beast. Its huge
balls obviously held more spunk than
any woman could ever hope to swallow

Maxine's tongue hung out in thirst as
she too wanted to taste the elephant's
load. That's when Peter walked over
and unfastened her restraints. Maxine
quickly crawled under the makeshift
fence/support and began licking
Kimberly's cum covered tits as it
dripped off of them.

'This is much better than drinking my
mom's milk when I was a baby,' she

She suckled on the teenager's tits as
if her very life depended on it.
Kimberly came from the very first
contact of Maxine's lips clasping her
over-excited nipples. And this only
encouraged her to swallow more of Big
John's cum.

The crowd around them cheered as
flashes of cameras exploded around
them. But they didn't care, not
anymore. They were too lost in their
lust to care.

Their 'performance' lasted another
twenty minutes before all the animals
were sated and lead away.

Part Sixteen

Cynthia and Megan both cleaned them
with their tongues to the applause of
the audience and neither Maxine, nor
Kimberly cared anymore. They didn't
even care if they were killed to keep
this sinful circus' secret.

But they're lives were in no way
threatened. In fact, Peter let them
use his trailer to wash up, and gave
Maxine a change of clothes as the apes
had ripped hers to shred earlier that

"Wha… what are you going to do with
us?" Max finally asked.

"Not a fucking thing," Peter assured

"Aren't you worried that I'll report
this?" She asked.

Peter just turned to his computer and
turned the screen to them. On it was
an mpeg playing back Maxine's, and then
Kimberly's performance.

"I don't think we have to worry about
that, do you?" He grinned.

"You… you're going to put that on the
web?" Kimberly cried in deep shame.

"Not unless you force us to," he told
them. "Now get dressed and go back to
where you belong."

With those final words, the midget
simply walked out and left them to
their own thoughts.

Kimberly turned to Max with a worried
look in her eyes.

"What about dad?" She asked. "Wha…
what will you tell him?"

Obviously, Max's decision was made very
simple and clear by Peter Dreeb's
veiled threat.

"Uh, I'll just say that my
investigation was a dead-end," she
assured the teenager. "Don't worry
Kimberly. This'll stay between us, I
swear." After a brief pause, she
added. "If… if you need to talk about
this, drop by to see me anytime, okay."

"Uh, okay," Kimberly was relieved.
"Max, thanks."


The trip home was deathly quiet and
uneventful. Neither young woman knew
what to say about what they had endured
this evening. And worse, neither could
admit to the other how much they loved
the whole experience.

'I wonder where they'll perform next?'
They each asked themselves the same

The End

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-04 09:12:50
worst pile of badly formatted shit for some time, tried to read it but not worth finishing

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-03 17:14:18
AWFUL FORMATTING. Do you try to write stories on a PHONE?
This is terrible.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-03 16:53:10
Well, I've never been to Rome but do go to Madison now and then. My head is still spinning after reading this and I may never go back again.

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