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Continuation - This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy!
Chapter 16

I got home and went in my room to cool off a bit and change out of my bathing suit which was getting a bit uncomfortable as it was tight and was digging into my skin. I started with the top first since that was where the most discomfort was coming from. As I took if off my heavy breasts immediately felt much better as they sprung free. I noticed lines around them where the top dug in a bit. I massaged them a bit and that felt much better.

Next I slipped my bottoms off and threw them aside, noticing that they had dug into my hips and waist more than I thought. I was standing in front of my full length mirror and took a good look at myself; It seemed that the sun had noticed me as well and left me with some tan lines, which I didn’t really care much about one way or another, but I didn’t want it to turn into a bed sunburn so I put on a loose fitting t-shirt since my skin was starting to burn a bit more and went downstairs to ask my mom if we had any lotion for calming down a sunburn.

The shirt I had on was quite long, it was my dad’s and he gave it to me to sleep in or something since I liked the bear logo on it and thought it was cute. It was a few sizes too big for me anyway, it reached just below my butt, about 3 or 4 inches. I never wear it around the house with no shorts on, but since I thought that it was just me and mom around, I didn’t even bother to put anything else on.

I went downstairs and no one was there. I heard some noise coming from James’s room, so I went back up to check it out, maybe see if he knows where mom is. I knocked at the door and he just said to come in. I did and to my surprise he was with his friend Kevin. I knew this kid from around the neighborhood. He was the same age as my brother, but quite different. He was more daring and a bit of a brat if you ask me, or anyone that knows him for that matter. I just stood I the doorway, trying to act natural and not show how surprised I was about Kevin being here. Normally it wouldn’t be a big deal, but today it was different. Today I was only wearing a loose T-shirt and nothing else. It had just hit me: I didn’t even have panties on… I was embarrassed to even let my brother see me in this attire, let alone a little creep like Kevin. I just looked at James and asked:

“Where’s mom?”

-“She went out with Ms. Bedford”. That was Kevin’s mom.

“Do you know when she’ll be back?”

-“No, she didn’t say. But she did say that we could order some pizza…”

_”You are welcome to sit with us and wait for her” said Kevin with a big grin on his face, checking me out in the process. “We’re just playing some X Box if you’re interested, you can sit here next to me…”

“No thanks creep, keep your eyes on your game…” I said and left the room, closing the door after me.

As I walked down the hall towards my room, I heard the door open back behind me and Kevin telling my brother to keep playing, he’ll be right back. He then followed me down the hall. I stepped into my room, and tried to shut the door, but he put his foot in and pushed the door open.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I raised my voice at him.

-“I just wanna’ hang out with you, come on, I really like you.”

“First off, I’m two years older than you; second, that’s not how you get girls, by acting all creepy and then forcing your way into someone’s room. Now get out”

-“ Fine.” As he said that, he reached out and slapped me on my butt.

I just reacted and slapped him across the face. I hit him pretty hard since he aggravated me and his whole face turned red.

“Get out. Now!”

He just sat there for a minute and looked at me while holding a hand on his face where I slapped him.

-“If I do get out now, I will call my mom to come get me and she will come in with your mom and I’ll tell them that you hit me. Even if you give them a reason why, you know your mom doesn’t approve of violence of any kind and you’ll surely be grounded for the rest of the summer. Not to mention that my mom will make a huge deal out of anything so imagine what a scandal this incident will create.” He just looked straight at me for an answer.

I hated the little prick, but he had a point. Even if I tell them that he slapped me first, I still get in trouble for slapping him across the face and leaving such a mark. Plus they will just say that I’m the older one and that I should have handled things differently and so on and so forth until I end up grounded.

“So what do you want?” I asked reluctantly and a bit nervous to hear the answer…

-“I won’t say a word about this, I’ll even say that I bumped into something in the bathroom if they ask about the mark on my face.”

“OK, so what’s the catch?” I almost didn’t want to hear the answer.

He looked at me up and down and said: “Just lift up your shirt a bit…”

“No way you perv !” I said with a disgusted look on my face.

-“Then I’ll tell”

“OK, fine, I’ll lift it just a bit.” Since I was pretty sure that he had never seen a girl this close for more than a second maybe at school, I was hoping that showing him a little skin will get me out of it quickly. So I reached down, grabbed the hem of the t-shirt and lifted it just an inch. He glued his eyes on my legs and asked to see more. I just wanted him out of my room, so I lifted a bit more. I was about an inch below my butt. He just smiled and said that it wasn’t enough, that for this much he’d rather tell. I just took a breath and lifted a bit more, exposing the bottom of my pussy. He just smiled, this being the closest he had ever been to seeing a real one.

-“Come on, just show it to me and I’ll keep my end of the deal.”

Against my better judgement, I pulled the t-shirt a bit higher, up to my hips. We were facing each other and now he had a full view of my naked pussy. I kept my legs tight together but he could easily see the front of my little cunny and the camel toe that was forming between my legs. My face was red with embarrassment, exposing myself like this in front of a dam kid. He just kept staring at it.
“OK, I think you’ve had enough” I said, starting to lower the shirt and cover myself.

-“No, my face really hurts, and I’m pretty sure it will leave a mark for a few days at least.”

I looked at his face and it was looking pretty bad. I really smacked him as hard as I could.

-“I just wanna’ see a little more, then I’m gone, I promise.”

I had no choice. I lifted the t-shirt higher, past my belly button and over my large breasts. He kept staring at me with a stupid smile on his face. I just held the shirt up like that, displaying myself.

“Seen enough?” I asked irritated…

-“OK, just give me five minutes to touch you and that’s it.”

“No way!”

-“Come on, just five minutes and that’s it, I swear !”

“One minute, and that’s it!” I couldn’t believe that I agreed to that but I had already exposed my naked body to him, so if I could have him out of here in one minute and keep his mouth shut it was worth it.

He just got in closer and put his hands out, not knowing where or what to touch first. He finally cupped my boobs and gave them a slight squeeze. He noticed their firmness and squeezed some more, this time harder. I just stood there keeping my t-shirt lifted and looked the other way. He then released his grip and rubbed my nipples with his thumbs. He noticed that I reacted to that (involuntarily) and tried it again.

My sensitive nipples were getting hard and this encouraged him. He pinched them a few times and they got even harder, so he grabbed them between his fingers and started rolling them, slow at first and then faster and squeezing tighter.

“Ouch, that hurts” I said, trying to pull away.

-“My time’s not up yet” he said and just kept touching me.

I just bit my lower lip in order to keep from making any noises and looked away again, counting the seconds until I can kick him out.

Next he reached with one hand for my butt and grabber my right cheek, groping it and jiggling it. He wasn’t sure what he was doing but he knew that he had to feel as much as he could in his minute. So without hesitation he reached with his left hand down past my abdomen and onto my pussy. He pushed my legs apart and cupped my mound with his whole palm. I flinched a bit but stood still, knowing that in a few seconds it would be over. He was rubbing my cunny with one hand and groping my round butt with the other. I’m sure the little bastard must have been in Heaven with his hands on a naked girl for the first time in his life. The same girl that he’s been drooling over foe the past year or two since he became friends with my little brother and started hanging around here.
His fingers started exploring my cunny and he gasped when his hand parted my folds and two of his fingers slipped between them. I pulled away quickly and covered my body up.
“That’s it, time is up. Now get out!”

-“Come on Jasmine, just a little more, please…” He was trying to plead now.

“No more negotiating. That’s it, you had your fun.”

As I said this I liked down and noticed a large bulge in his shorts. I looked back up at him and opened the door to let him out before he got any more ideas…. As the door opened, we heard voices coming from downstairs. It was my mom and his mom and they were coming up the stairs. I started pushing him out but he just stepped back into my room and closed the door.
“What do you think you’re doing ? Get out before our moms come up and catch you in my room with a boner.”

-“That’s exactly it. If I step out of your room now, and they see this…” he looked down at his crotch and then back at me. “What do you think they’ll say ? No way I can explain it, unless I tell them everything. And I doubt any of us want that.” He said that while looking back at me with a smirk.

“Fine, then just jerk yourself off and then get out. I don’t even want to see it.”

He thought about it for a second, and then came up with something: “Why not give me a hand?”

“In your dreams!” I said, disgusted by his proposal and by his approach.

-“OK, hear me out. All you have to do is give me a hand-job and I’ll be out of here quicker than I came in, plus our moms would have nothing to suspect. I keep my mouth shut, you go back to your day and we never mention it again.”

I hated the little bastard. I didn’t want to let him win, but I did want him out and with no erection to raise any suspicions.

‘’Dam it . Fine, let’s get this over with.”

As I said this I just reached out and pulled his shorts down to his knees. A huge smile arose on his face. I could see his prick poking out through his boxers and I could smell it too. We were standing by the door face to face. I put my hands in his underwear and pulled it down. As the waist band passed over his penis, it jolted out and pointed up straight at me. He was already wet and rock hard. It wasn’t too large, about the same size as my little brother’s. His balls were very tight, like he hadn’t ejaculated in forever, although he seemed like the kind of guy that would masturbate twice a day.
I grabbed the shaft with one hand and he flinched, then I rubbed it a bit and his breathing immediately intensified. His face was red and I could feel his pulse in my hand. I wasn’t really trying to give him any pleasure, nor did I want this to take long, so I just started moving my hand up and down along the entire length of his stiff erection. He just kept looking intensely at my hand and at what I was doing to him. Then a few grunts escaped his mouth and I knew he was close. I was quite certain that this was the first time any girl has touched him in this way, or any other way for that matter.

I started moving my hand faster and after a few more fast stokes I felt it pulsate in my hand. I tried directing it to the side, but he was so stiff that I couldn’t bend it at all, so the first jet went straight on my t shirt, followed by more jets on my chest and down my hand. As soon as he stopped ejaculating I let go of it, still erect and pointing up. He was breathing hard and just looked down at his now red dick and at my cum coated fingers. He looked up at me in disbelief.

Finally he broke the silence: “Wow, I’ve never had anyone do that for me before, that was amazing, I mean…”

“I got it. Just shut up about it and get out. You’ve got what you wanted and more than we agreed on, so that’s it.” I gave him a stern look.

He just pulled his underwear up, and then his shorts and opened the door. We peeked out on the hall and it sounded like out moms were in the kitchen now, talking about something, so I just pushed him out and then closed the door. I could hear that he was not walking yet, then he said: “Thanks Jasmine, that was awesome, your awesome” and then I could hear him walk back to my brother’s room. I was pretty sure that at this point he wouldn’t talk to anyone about any of this, but at the same time I knew that I couldn’t trust him, or anyone for that matter.

I guess I learned that the hard way. First with the men in the van that asked me for directions and then ended up pushing me into their van, raping me in every way imaginable, then with the doctor that was supposed to help me cope with all this through therapy, but instead he was only helping himself, helping himself to me and my young inexperienced body.

I looked at my full length mirror and stepped in front of it. I looked disgraceful: My shirt was too short to be worn without shorts or pants, it was covered in a 14 year old’s sperm as well and my hand being covered in the same disgusting liquid. I lifted my hand and smelled it. I didn’t like the smell, that I was sure of, but it made me feel really strange. I was getting… I’d like to say flush, or even… no it can’t be… aroused. What was happening to me ? I hated what just happened, I hated the smell on my hand, the fact that it was on me made me sick, but my body was reacting differently, exactly the opposite.

I just stood there at thought about it. Is it possible that my body just became accustomed to the smell and even taste of semen? Or was it just the adrenaline rush that was making me feel this way. No, it was more than that. It was like I have been trained to react to this….. Yes. That’s the word I was looking for: Trained. Every time the doctor came on my hand, on my face, in my mouth or in me at all, he always made sure to play with my erogenous zones. Weather it was my vagina, or nipples, or any combination he could think of, he would always make me respond to it and most of the time he forced me to have an orgasm or more. This way my body was associating the smell and taste of cum with orgasms…

I tentatively brought my hand up to my nose. I took in a deep breath and the smell just invaded me. I felt strange. For no reason that I can explain o stuck my tongue out and licked my fingers. The taste was bad, but at the same time I had to have more. I just kept on licking and sucking in my fingers. Like having a mind of its own, my other hand reached down under my t-shirt and touched my wet cunny. And it was soaking. I just started rubbing it in circular motions while still sucking the last drops of semen off my other hand. I couldn’t help it anymore. My hand was just rubbing my slippery pussy fast and hard and within seconds I came right there in front of the mirror. My knees fell week and I just got down on the floor, still rubbing myself while my orgasm subsided. I was still in front of the mirror so I got a full look at myself.

I hated what I saw. What was wrong with me ?! Why did I just do this? It wasn’t arousing by any means. I hated the little bastard, I didn’t want to’ touch him and I wanted to run and wash my hands as soon as he ejaculated on me. But instead what do I do? I smell his semen on my fingers, I lick it, suck it, swallow all of it and masturbate in front of my mirror until I cum so hard that I can’t even stand up anymore.

I had to take my mind off what just happened, so I got up to go to the bathroom and wash myself and probably throw this shirt in the trash so I wouldn’t have to see it ever again. As I got up my phone rang. I picked it up and looked to see who it was. I was really in no mood to talk to anyone. To my surprise it was Dr. Carter. I froze. Then realizing that I had no other option I reluctantly answered.


-“Hello Jasmine, its me. How are you today ?”


-“Jasmine, are you still there?”

“Amm..., yes, I’m here, just wasn’t expecting a call from you, that’s all…”

-“Well, I just wanted to see how you were, and to let you know that I just got off the phone with your mother. We talked about how well your therapy is going and she was very happy to hear that. Then I asked her if it would be alright if I took you to a special meeting for victims of abuse that is being held this evening by one of the best doctors in the field. She was thrilled that I was able to get you in and that I will be going to it with you, as support. “

I didn’t say a word. My hands started shaking as I knew this would not be good news for me.

-“Jasmine, are you listening?”

“Yes, I’m here.” I cleared my throat a bit…

-“So my dear, why don’t you get yourself ready and I will be picking you up around 6PM. You may wear whatever you like.”

“OK” was all I said and then hung up the phone. What was it going to be this time? What exactly did he have planned for me?

All these thoughts were flooding my mind, but I couldn’t let them get the best of me, so I went to the bathroom like I originally intended. I remembered to bring my bathrobe with me so I can get rid of this shirt. I stepped in the bathroom and immediately got undressed, which wasn’t hard since I only had one article of clothing on. Then I stepped in the shower and turned the water on. I just stood there letting gravity do most of the work. I didn’t really feel like washing, which is to say I didn’t feel like touching my body. Not after what my body made me do earlier. Eventually I started washing all over and got myself really clean, at least on the outside anyway… After I got out, I just started putting on some light makeup and did my hair. I wasn’t sure where we were going but I didn’t want to look like I just got out of bed.

I went to my room and thought about what I should wear. I figured that since he said I could wear anything I’ll just put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I went with a pair of white cotton panties and matching bra. Very simple but also comfortable. I didn’t have much time, and before I knew it 6PM had arrived and with it Dr. Carter. I could hear his voice downstairs…

I didn’t even hear the doorbell ring, my mom must have let him in. I didn’t want them talking too much, in fact I would rather they never speak to each other. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and then I went down before they could talk too much.

He saw me coming down the stairs, gave me a long look and then greeted me with a very sincere looking smile. We said “Hi’’ to each other, then he told my mom that he wasn’t sure how long this will take since he is not the speaker, but to rest assure that he will take good care of me and have me back later tonight.

I was mortified at the way he said “take care of her”. I was sure he meant something totally different then what my mom believed. He smiled at me again and opened the front door for me. As we stepped out he opened the car door for me as well, I got in, then he came around and got in also.

“Where are we going?” was the first thing I said to him after the “Hello” earlier.

-“Smart girl, I knew you figured out that we are not going to the abused victims meeting, in fact there is no such thing, not that I know of anyway. No my dear, I thought tonight we could have some fun. I’m taking you out to see a play, it’s at the old downtown theater, they are putting on a good interpretation of a Shakespeare classic. It should be good. But first we have to stop by the mall and get you something more appropriate to wear.”

“If you would have told me, I could have put something different on…” I said rather puzzled and a bit annoyed.

-“No need my dear, I thought it was about time I took you shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I like the clothes you wear, but I would rather help you pick out some things that I would like to see on you.”
The rest of the car ride was silent and felt much longer than it was in reality. Once we got to the mall, we walked to one of the high end department stores and went to the dress section. Most of the dresses were pretty elegant and expensive looking. He started browsing around, asking me what I thought about each one. He picked up a dark blue one, it was made out of a silky material, it was strapless and showed off quite a bit of cleavage. It would come about four or five inches above the knee.

He didn’t seem to like it too much, calling it a bit too prom like. Then he looked around some more and found a black dress, made from a thin material, with thin straps and a low back. It showed more cleavage I the front which was V shaped. It wasn’t symmetrical at the bottom, so it came down to my knee on the right side, but only three inches below my butt on the left.

-“OK, I think this one will look nice on you, don’t you agree?’’

“Do I have a choice ?”

-“Let’s go find you a nice pair of shoes to go with it, shall we?” he said with a smile, thus answering my question. No, in fact I had no choice in all of this. No real choice anyway…

We went to the shoe section and we started looking at some of the elegant heels. He picked up a few and showed them to me. More to see my reaction than to ask me what I thought. He finally picked a pair of patent black four inch stilettos with no platform and a thin strap around the ankle. I tried to explain that I’m not used to wearing heels, and that I can’t really balance well on those, but of course he didn’t even pay attention to what I was saying. He was having too much fun playing dress up with me and dolling me up to his desire.

Next he escorted me to the changing rooms. They had one for men and one for women of course, but they also had a family changing room. I’m assuming mostly for mother and daughter situations or something like that. But since there is no discrimination, there was nothing stopping him from going in with me. We walked in and he closed and locked the door behind us. He then handed me the dress and just stared at me. I knew what I had to do and arguing about it would get me nowhere, so I just took my shirt off and placed it neatly on the hook. Then I stepped out of my jeans and placed them the same way next to the shirt.

I then took the dress and squeezed into it, squeeze being the key word. It was tight all over, although it was definitely my size. It fit well around my waist, but my round fanny was making the material stretch, showing my panty lines pretty well. The top part was also stretched out across my ample bosom and my bra was showing quite a bit. He wasn’t very impressed with the display. He had me take the dress off. I did and stood in front of him in my bra and panty.

-“Take them off, all of it.” He said, more as an order than anything…

I just looked at the floor and reached around, unhooked my bra and dropped it on the floor, thus exposing my large breasts for a second time today to a different person. Next I slid my thumbs into the waist band of my panties and pulled them down and stepped out of them. Now I was completely naked and he just looked at me with no facial expression. He just handed me the dress again and I slipped it back on. The truth is that it fit a bit better now, no more panty lines, except now you could easily make out the outline of my round but cheeks, not to mention that my breasts were only half covered, showing ample cleavage.

-“Now that’s more like it. Try the shoes on.”

I took the stilettos out of the box and put them on. It was really hard for me to balance on them at first. The heels were high, but also pointy, so I had almost no support, having to basically walk on my tip toes. He smiled, obviously liking the display before him. The heels made my calves stand out even more than they usually did anyway on their own. My butt was also being lifted quite a bit and for some reason the dress seemed even shorter as I looked at myself in the mirror. The outline of my heavy breasts was more than visible and my nipples were poking through the thin material even though they were not even erect.

He was satisfied with what he saw, so he had me take my clothes and put them in a bag so that I could wear the dress out. We went to the cash register and I was already feeling very self-conscious even just from walking through the store like that. There was a couple in line before us, they seemed to be in their mid 40’s. Dr. Carter asked the gentleman what the time was, even though he had a watch on already. As the man turned to answer him, his eyes stopped on me. Better yet on my chest. He stuttered a bit and then politely answered the question. The doctor knew exactly what he was doing. Not only did that amuse him, but also embarrassed me quite a bit. The man kept turning around trying to sneak a peek at me, making it seem like he was just looking around at nothing in particular.

My face was red with embarrassment, especially after the wife turned around to see what was attracting her husband’s attention so much and then she gave me a dirty look. They paid and went on their way, but not before the man took another good look at me head to toe. Dr. Carter paid for the dress and shoes. The cashier asked if there was anything else we needed. He just politely answered: -“ No, not at this moment. We were going to pick out some underwear but she decided to go without. “

The cashier just looked at me like I was some whore, then took his credit card and gave him the receipt. I was speechless… I thought I would die of embarrassment. That’s probably what he was going for. My cheeks were bright red as we stepped out of the store and made our way through the mall. Of course, he took the long way back to the car, thus making me walk through the whole mall, balancing precariously on the high heels, making clicking noises at every step, getting all kinds of stares from both men and women. I kept my eyes on the ground, trying not to make any eye contact with anyone.

We finally got to the car and drove off, but not before he made sure that my seat-belt was securely fastened.
-“We wouldn’t want to lose you now would we?” he smilingly said as he reached around me and grabbed the seat-belt, then slowly pulled it in front of me, between my half exposed breasts, grazing both of them with his palm before clicking it by the seat.

On the way there he reached over and started rubbing my shoulders saying that I was too tense and that I should relax. Then he continued down, on my neck and then over my chest, petting my boobs through the thin material. As if this wasn’t enough, he then slipped his had inside my cleavage and cupped my bare right breast. I gasped when his palm made contact with my nipple, but he just continued talking about the play we were going to see. I couldn’t even concentrate on a word he said. All I could think about is what I was wearing, what I was not wearing and how easily the other drivers could see what he was doing.

As we came to a stop at the red light he continued groping me under my dress. The driver next to us looked over. He was in his 20’s and just smiled at what he saw going on in our car. The doctor started pinching my nipple lightly at first, then twisting it between his fingers. I just bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes, not wanting to see the expression on the other driver’s face.
The light turned green and we took off. He continued doing this to me the whole trip. Different people saw us at each intersection that we stopped at. Some women, some men, some entire families… I was utterly embarrassed to say the least. We finally arrived at the theater. There were a lot of people outside and I assumed the crowd was only getting bigger. Most of them were elegantly dressed in suits and night gowns, it seemed to be quite an event. Apparently some big theater actors were appearing tonight.

“I can’t get out like this” I just said looking back at him with tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I was literally pleading with him not to make me do this.

-“Of course you can, you look ravishing Jasmine. Everyone is looking at you. Men are obviously attracted to you and the women they came with are more than jealous. You shouldn’t be ashamed to show that voluptuous body of yours. Look at your hard nipples poking through, most girls would kill for that, and women undergo surgery to have breasts as big and perky as yours.”

The more he spoke, the more self-conscious I felt. Finally he stepped out, walked around the car and helped me out. I had to hold on to him to stabilize myself on the heels that I was forced to wear. He took me by the hand and walked me in. People were turning their heads as we walked by. Not just because of what I was wearing, but also because of the age difference between Dr. Carted and myself. The fact that he was acting like we were a couple wasn’t helping much either. In fact it was making things worst.

He had bought the tickets online so he just showed them to the usher. We were taken to the third balcony. It was small, only had a couple of seats. He pulled the chair for me and then sat next to me on the left side. My leg was almost completely exposed on that side. The dress was barely covering my thigh, and when I sat down it rode up a few more inches, exposing the bottom of my left butt cheek. Crossing my legs was not an option, so I just kept them close together. As he was sitting really close to me he just reached and put one hand around my shoulder. The play was about to start and the lights gradually turned off. We were on the highest level, middle balcony, the stage being right in front of us.

As soon as the lights were completely off he dropped his hand on my exposed leg. He then started rubbing it gently. I made no sound and no attempt to stop him. What would be the point of that?...
His hand kept riding up from my knee to my thigh and then to my butt. The play started and he just continued to explore my legs, then parted them with the back on his hand. I complied, opening my legs a bit at first and then more. His hand tickled me between my thighs as it made its way up to my crotch. As he first made contact with my naked pussy I gasped involuntarily, then bit my lover lip as to not make any noise, knowing he wouldn’t stop there. And he didn’t; he just kept going, cupping my pussy, slowly petting my vulva, touching it lightly with the tip of his fingers. This went on for a few minutes. He was slowly taking his time with me.

I read in the program that it was a two hour play with a 15 minute intermission. So he just took it slow with me, savoring every moment, delighting himself with every touch… He then parted my pussy lips with his fingers and started rubbing his thumb between my now moist folds. I could feel myself getting wet against my will. There was nothing I could do. He had me in the dark all to himself… He noticed the moisture and pulled his hand up and held it up to my nose.

It smelled like my vagina, a pretty strong smell. Then he put his fingers against my lips. He rubbed my juices all over my mouth before he pushed his fingers in without saying a word. No words had to be said. I knew what he wanted and just complied, parting my lips and sucking on his fingers. The taste was strong and he knew very well what effect this all had on me, what sensations it would trigger in my unwilling body.

Once his fingers were coated in my drool, he removed them from my mouth, some saliva still lingering to my pouty lips and then returned his hand to my wet pussy. His slippery fingers went right in me and my puffy folds just parted and then grabbed them like a tight glove. I gasped again as he penetrated me the first few times. He was going slowly, with long, deliberate motions, listening to the wet sounds coming from between my legs. First he used two fingers and kept working them in and out of me for what seemed like forever. Then he added a third finger and I just cringed. Not wanting to make any sounds as to not attract any unwanted attention to myself I bit down on my lower lip even harder as he continued fingering me with no pause.

I could feel a warmth in my tummy and knew what was coming. I tried to fight it back as long as I could but both of us knew that he was going to win. Eventually my body couldn’t take anymore and the first wave of my orgasm started coming over me. I grabbed the chair I was sitting in and just started breathing heavily, my large breasts almost popping out of the tight dress and wave after wave just hit me mercilessly. Finally my orgasm started to subside, and he withdrew his hand slowly. As I was panting, he just brought his hand to my mouth and rubbed it on my lips. I opened up and his fingers went right in. I started licking my own juices and sucking on his fingers, making some slurping noises. Thankfully the play was loud and most people were watching it attentively. The smell was stronger and anyone walking into our balcony would have easily been able to tell that a girl had just creamed herself shamefully in public...

Once his whole hand was clean, having been licked and sucked on by my wet mouth, he brought it back down between my legs, asked me to spread the wider, which I did, and then went back to work on my now swollen pussy lips.

He started by inserting two fingers and with hid thumb he was rubbing my clit…

“Ohh, please don’t …. Don’t do that, not here… “ I softly whispered so no one would hear me but him. But he just continued fingering me and rubbing at the same pace. The sensation was too strong for my already sensitive cunny. My clit was poking out of its hood, and it was easy for him to find and manipulate any way he desired.

“Noo, please….. ahhh….. It’s too much. Not here, there are so many…. So many… people around…. Ahhh……..”

He just kept going and increasing the pace slightly by the minute. I just couldn’t control my body, my butt was wiggling in my chair making the dress ride up even more, fully exposing my naked bottom, my legs were trembling on the high heels, as my knees were shaking. He reached around with his free hand and cupped my breast and then pulled out of the cleavage and into full view. He did the same with the other one and pretty soon both my large breasts were out on display pushed over the tight cleavage. The cold air conditioning made my nipples get instantly hard, and he just started pinching them.

I had one hand over my mouth at this point, not being able to control my own body anymore or even my moans. I was holding on to the chair with the other hand since my butt started to wiggle in the seat and my stomach was shaking from within. My mind couldn’t handle another orgasm, and yet my body was on the verge of having one right then and there. This one hit me harder. I ravaged through my entire young body and instantly gave me shivers and sweats all at once. I could barely catch my breath, and for a moment I was getting no oxygen.

He noticed this, and probably not wanting a scene, he stopped his ministrations on my now red clit and just pulled away slightly. This gave me the opportunity to take a few much needed breaths… Slowly, my sweaty body started calming down, I kept breathing heavily and looked at myself a bit. I was a mess. My dress was all bunched up around my waist, my round naked butt totally exposed, all I had on from the waist down were those provocative stilettos that were making my feet hurt just by having them on.

After looking at myself I glanced around. It was dark and the play was in full gear, most of the audience was paying attention at the sage. As I turned around to my right, I noticed two couples in the balcony next to us. The balconies were at the same level, about twenty feet apart. You couldn’t hear what others were saying, unless they spoke out loud, but you could clearly see what they were doing. The two ladies were watching the play, but the two men, their husbands, were watching me intently… I just stared back at them for a moment or two, and then realized that they must have been watching for a while and must have surely seen my shameful display and what my “date” was doing to me in public.

I just looked down in total disbelief. The doctor caught their gaze and just smiled back at them. He was getting a big thrill out of humiliating me in public and exposing me like this in front of strangers. He then got up close to me and whispered in my ear:

-“Looks like you have some admirers Jasmine. They are watching you with quite the passion, licking their lips and trying to see as much as they can of you.’’

“Stop, don’t say that….”

I was cut off by the applause in the room. The first half of the play was over and people were getting up for the intermission. The lights were gradually coming back on, and the two “gentlemen” in the adjacent balcony got up fast and stared right at me. I emidiately pulled my dress down over my butt and crossed my legs to conceal my wet naked cunny. Then just as quick I pushed my breasts in my tight dress, literally having to stuff them in there. My sensitive nipples ached as they were brushed against the unyielding material.

The two men just stared at me the whole time, undoubtedly getting a good look at my buxom chest and probably more…

Dr. Carter got up to applaud, and as I straightened my clothes out I finally got up and did the same. He then took me by the hand and walked me out of the balcony and down the hall. I didn’t want to hold hands with him under any circumstance, especially with all these people around, but my legs were week from the orgasms and my tormented cunny was soaked and had leaked down my thighs which made them all wet and slippery. My legs were sliding against each other and I was barely balancing on those dam heals.

We started going down the stairs, and everyone could see, and stared at how clumsily I was stepping and holding on to this man that was obviously twice my age. I just kept my eyes down and followed him humbly. He led us towards the restrooms. We stopped in front of the mens room and he asked me to wait there. He went inside and I figured that he just wanted me to wait for him until he’s done, and then maybe he would let me go in the ladies room to get myself looking half decent or at least freshen up a bit.

Instead, he came out right away after stepping in, took me by the hand again and led me inside. Before I could object I was in the men’s room for the first time in my life. It was pretty small, they must have had quite a few of these throughout the establishment. It only had two stalls and five urinals. It was rather clean, but nothing too spectacular.

“What are we doing in here”… I asked as I noticed that my voice was trembling

-“You got me very excited with your little display out there, in fact, the more I make you orgasm, the more I get aroused. I’d love to play with you some more but I just can’t hold it any longer. So now I need you to do your duty and relieve me…” he smiled as he said this and looked down at his crotch

I just stayed motionless and looked back at him. I knew what he wanted, and I had done it before, but never in a public place. I had performed oral sex on him under coercion in his office, and in my house, but this was just too much for me. He didn’t want me to think about it too much, so he spoke:

-“You’d better get on with it Jasmine, there might be more people that want to use this restroom.”

“OK, but please lock the door.”

-“it doesn’t lock, it’s not a private restroom, so I suggest you just take care of me as fast as you can….”

I realized what kind of a predicament I was in, so before he finished the sentence I was on my knees on the hard tile floor, unzipping his pants and pulling his throbbing erection out. I immediately started licking it and then quickly engulfed the whole thing in my mouth. He just sighed and threw his head back, enjoying the rush of warm saliva that was coming from my mouth and coating his large cock. I was using my tongue to swirl around his bulbous head, then I would take it in as deep as I could and twisting my wrist as I pulled it out before sucking it back in and repeating the same treatment.

As I was manipulating the throbbing phallus I could feel that he wasn’t going to last long this time and that gave me an incentive to go fasted and make him cum in my mouth before anyone came in. I stroked him hard and looked up at him, trying to gauge when he would orgasm.

Suddenly the door flew open and two gentlemen stepped in. They just stopped right there and looked down at me in amazement. I froze, with my hand on his cock and then tried to get up. He ordered me to stop. Then he looked at the two men and we both realized that it was the same two from the balcony next to ours.

-“Hello gentlemen…” he spoke to them. They just nodded back not being able to murmur a word. “You’re not going to tell anyone what’s going on in here, are you?” They just looked at him and shook their heads. “In fact, wouldn’t you rather see this beautiful young lady finish off what she started over here?” he asked with a smile while winking at them. They smiled back and agreed.
I was mortified. Was I supposed to perform this vial act in front of these two perverts? The same ones that had been watching my display in the balcony and who were probably here to masturbate quickly before returning for the second half of the show….

The doctor didn’t give me much time to contemplate my current situation, he just pushed his already wet cock in my mouth and started mouth-fucking me with deep and controlled thrusts. I just sat there on my knees and took it. He kept going, pushing in further and further with each long thrust. Pretty soon he was gagging me. He was pretty close earlier, before the two came in, so I knew to expect it any moment now. With a few more pushes into my wet submissive mouth, his cock started pulsating and he blew his load all over my tongue. It was a lot, and I was struggling to swallow as quickly as I could, most of it hit the back of my throat and went down forcing me to swallow big gulps of the sticky liquid.

As he finally pulled out you could easily see some cum in my mouth, all over my lips and drooling down my chin. I reached up to wipe it off, but he stopped me. Then he looked over at the two spectators and asked them what they thought. They were speechless…

I just looked down in utter humiliation.

-“Looks like you enticed these fine gentlemen quite a bit Jasmine… I think you owe them an apology, don’t you ? I mean look at those bulges in their pants, you are most definitely to blame for that. First teasing them with your fuck-able body in the auditorium, then blowing me so skillfully right here in front of them and now just kneeling there so sexy on your knees with those beautiful breasts almost popping out of your tight cleavage.”

I just looked at them staring down at me, then looked up at him.

-“Gentlemen, how about Jasmine here servicing you real quick as a form of apology for giving you those erections”…

“What ?! No… I can’t….”

-“Quiet. You will do as your told.” He said in a stern tone.

I just looked down like a frightened little puppy with my hands in my lap.

They waited no further invitation and just moved in front of me, pulled their pants down and popped their dicks out in front of my face. They were definitely engorged. They both looked thick and veiny, standing at attention in front of my teenage cum covered mouth. I could smell them and almost gagged just at the thought of what I was about to do.

Having no choice in the matter I just reached out and grabbed one of them and leaned forward a bit to reach it with my tongue. I licked around the head and the guy just let out a deep “Mmmmm”. I continued licking, and soon the other one pushed his large cock towards my lips, so I started licking him as well. I was alternating between the two of them, at one point locking both cocks at the same time, maneuvering my tongue around and in between them, holding one in each hand, slowly rubbing the base and taking each head between my lips and in my mouth.

My slurping got pretty loud as I was trying to satisfy the two strangers and get it over with as soon as I could. They were smiling at each other and moaning as this voluptuous teenager was performing fellatio on them in the men’s room.

As I had one of them in my mouth, trying to get more of it in, the other one started pushing in next to it. I never had two cocks in my mouth at the same time before, and frankly didn’t think it was possible. He kept trying, so I pulled the other one half way out and tried to take the second one in. It barely fit, but by stretching my poor abused mouth to the maximum, they both managed to get in, rubbing on each other while making me drool uncontrollably. It was painful but I had no choice so I just continued as best as I could. My tongue was exhausted and was being squeezed between the two large members in my mouth.

Finally I felt one of them tense up and I knew what I had to do. I pushed the other one out and just kept stroking him rapidly with my hand, then took the other one deep in my mouth and just bobbed my head up and down while sucking hard. He came within seconds. A large amount of thick semen filled my cheeks and I started swallowing as fast as I could as to not choke on it. I still coughed while the last two or three gulps went down my throat.

Before I was able to get all of it in, the other one started ejaculating, so I just pulled the spent one out and opened my cum filled mouth right in time for the first long jet to hit my tongue. I kept stroking quickly, trying to direct most of it in my widely open mouth, even stuck my tongue out to catch it all. It didn’t work. Some of it spilled on my face and down my chin as the stranger bucked his hips in a powerful orgasm.

As he finished, he just stood there looking down at me with a lust filled gaze. I cleaned him up and then reached up to wipe the remains of his semen from my red cheeks.

-“Reach out with your tongue and lick as much as you can off your face, then just wipe the rest off with your fingers…” the doctor instructed me with a sadistic smirk. I complied. I started licking the disgusting thick liquid off my lips and chin as far as I could reach. They all just stood and watched the erotic show unfolding in front of them. Then I finally reached with my hand and got the rest of in from my face.

The doctor looked at me, his stare pretty much telling me to do a good job. I knew what he wanted, so I just brought my cum covered fingers to my mouth and licked them clean. He kept staring, as to let me know that I’m not done yet. I looked down a bit unsure of what else I was supposed to do and then I noticed that some of the cum had dribbled down on my lagre milky breasts. So I reached in with two fingers and scooped all of it from my cleavage, between my breasts and tried to wipe it all off, then stuck my fingers in my mouth again and suck the remaining goo until it was all gone.
-“How was that fellows? Did young Jasmine do a good job? Do you accept her apology?”

The two just smiled and nodded, most likely still not believing what just happened…

They just pulled their pants back up and left, but not before taking another good look at me down on my knees with their cum still glistening on my red lips. Dr. Carter had already pulled his pants up and after they left I was finally allowed to get up.

My knees hurt and I had trouble balancing on my stilettos, but I managed to get up and pull my dress back down, realizing that it had bunched up over my butt again while I was down. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a whore…

He took me by the hand and walked me out. He decided that we will see the second half of the show, so we went upstairs and back to our balcony. The play had already started and it was dark when we took our seats. I just sat down exhausted and stared into the distance. I couldn’t even tell you what was happening on stage, nor did I notice when it was over. I just heard the applause at the end, got up with everyone else and made our way out.

He held my hand on the way out, then gave the valet the ticket and waited patiently for his car to be brought out front. I didn’t even notice the people around us anymore, though I’m sure they were most likely staring just as much as they did when we walked in. All I could feel was shame and the taste of cum in my mouth…

We got in the car and drove off. He said that we should stop for gas on the way back. I didn’t say anything. As we pulled into the gas station, he told me to get my bag from the back seat, go in and change in the restroom before he takes me home. I couldn’t let my mommy see me dressed like this, so I just did as I was told. The attendant followed me in with his eyes glued on my body like a hawk. I stepped in the ladies room and quickly slipped the tight black dress off and put my panties on, then my bra. Then got my jeans and top on and washed my face and hands without looking in the mirror before stepping back out.

I had the dress and heels in the bag, relived that I could walk normally again in my own shoes. The attendant seemed rather disappointed with what I was wearing on my way out, but still made no effort to advert his insistent gaze from my young body. I got back in the car and we drove home.

When we got in my driveway he left the engine on and looked at me before speaking:

-“You performed exquisitely Jasmine, I really enjoyed our evening.”

He then leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips. I didn’t even react, I just sat there, let him do his thing and then stepped out of the car and into the house. I left the stuff he bought for me in his car, not wanting to see them ever again.

It was quite late, but my mom was still up.

“Hey honey, how was the presentation? Come here and tell me all about it….”

I just gave her a quick answer, told her that it was fine, that I learned some things and that the speaker was insightful… Didn’t really know what else to say, and really didn’t feel like talking to anyone at this point. I just excused myself saying that I was tired and went up to my room.

I really was tired and even though I knew I needed a shower, I didn’t even have the energy or the will to get back up out of bed. I just took everything off and got under the covers naked. Not sure how long it took me to fall asleep, but I managed it somehow…..
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