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Wife, TG, TS, New Husband, Dumb Blonde Joke
Dumb Blonde Joke
By Davinia
Word count; 5,422
Page count 14
Wife: Judy
Husband: Joe
I couldn't leave Joey trapped

Disclaimer: Please note that the story contains themes of sexual acts and language, if this offends you. Don’t read it!

Judy, the wife, was using the computer to work on some monthly bills and noticed some checks for small amounts; $15 first of all and then a week later $26. The check stub memo just said Supplies – so PJDB was thinking her husband was buying something for the car or house or even the office and so she let it go.
She now opens their joint email account and is following up on the emails. She is tired and deletes the wrong email so she opens the Trash Folder and sees about ten emails down a heading entitled ‘PJDB’. She opens the email and reads it. It’s from someone called Stephanie.
‘What about your wife? ‘Judy’s heart is pounding.
Joe writes, ‘She is the real McCoy, a genuine Dumb Blond - that’s my handle for her, PJDB (Plan Jane, Dumb Blonde). One time I tried to mount her doggie style and she said, “That will not work” and flipped on her back. She’s the kind of blonde that will climb a chain link fence to see what is on the other side. LOL. Later. Josephine’.
She opens email info. and reads [email protected]. She uses one of her search engines and finds the site. She moves the cursor to the link and is thinking out loud, saying very softly to herself, “If I do this I can’t un-see this.”
She then clicks on the link. She watches her browser highlight a pull down bookmark tool bar menu and a row of dashes are highlighted. She moves the mouse to it and sees the same link address only this one has login added. She clicks on it. The screen loads and she is looking at pretty girls and then she reads Transgender & Transsexual Message Board. She clicks on messages for Josephine and starts reading the ones that have already been read. She sees 40 messages she starts reading. While she is loading the printer and selecting Print All she reads some of them. While the printer is printing she just stares at the photo on the desk of the two of them, now married for two years.
She sees a link saying Images and clicks on it. See sees an image of her husband and someone else, hugging wearing fashionable outfits and dolled up for evening out.
“Damn!” She says as she throws her arms back and the water bottle is knocked off the table. She leans in for a close-up look at her husband all dressed up and partying with some other woman or maybe women? She looks at the images and dates as she scrolls down the page. Then she goes back to Google Home Page and takes the copies she printed, turning off the computer.
After Late Night with David Letterman she says to her husband, “I have some reading to go over so I am going to bed,” followed by a kiss.
Joe says, “I will be along in an hour.”
She is in bed reading the messages she has printed. She has figured out that this desire goes back to Junior High School, and that he has wanted to be a woman for something like ten years. She is thinking, “If this is what he wants, why did we get married? I love him or at least some part of him deep down.”
She is thinking that she needs more information.
Weeks pass and her notes and research are coming together nicely. She finds herself thinking that she could live with him as a girlfriend but not as a husband. Of course he still has to pay for that ‘Dumb Blonde’ thing.
She goes to her doctor and gets on the birth control pills. Whilst there, she opens a conversation with her doctor about her husband wanting to change sex. She asks if she could help with some patches and she shows her the weight and health report of her husband.
Her doctor says, “OK Judy I have known you all your life and based on your RN schooling, I’ll do it. Here are some bulk patches un-labelled so you can put them in another box, but I think the hormone pills will work the best for six months. I’ll write a script for antibiotics for chest infection and you can put the pills in there, say it is infectious so he has to take them as well.”
She also adds, “In six weeks I want him in my office to check him over and to see how the dosage is coming along. By then he should be a full ‘A’ cup. OK Judy?”
She says, “OK.”

It is now September. Joe has done seven weeks and that night Judy has selected ‘Dating the Enemy’ on Netflix with a bowl of popcorn and six pack of light Beer.
After the movie she says, “Let’s do that for Halloween this year. I can help you with clothes so you can go as a waitress and I can go as the owner to your Restaurant & Car Shop & Laundry mat.”
He complains and says he would never be seen in a dress. Judy so wanted to show him the images she had seen of him in some of the wildest outfits he’d had on just two nights ago but keeps it to herself.
Then she smiles, watching him pick up dropped popcorn pieces. Bent over in front of her she sees this hot shapely butt and she has to slap it. Stretch those jeans. He straightens up and looks at her as he goes in the kitchen. Judy watches the ass of a woman walk away from her. This woman’s ass fits those stretchy jeans so nice.
She is thinking, “If I was a guy I’d pound that shapely butt.”
She yells, “Joe honey, how you like those stretch jeans I got you?”
Coming from the kitchen Joe says, “I love them the fit is great. I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”
She say, “I’ll get you some more.”
Then she says, “The doctor wants to see us this Friday for a follow up and to see if the chest infection is clearing up.”
Joe yells, “Well I have some chest pain I want to talk to her about.”
She whispers very softly, “Yeah, you should be wearing a trainer bra sweetie. Those mounds must really bounce around and become sore by the end of a day.”
The appointment is going well. The doctor listens to Joe’s chest and takes a couple of X-rays plus some measurements and she explains that the pain means he needs to continue for a little longer. She also explains to Joe that the soreness is a small side affect of the pills and will clear up when he stops taking them.
The next day Joe is at work and Judy gets a call from her doctor She explains that Joe will keep changing with the level of medication he is taking so by Halloween he will be a ‘B’ cup and that’s not going to hide very well. She also explains that his or her shapely body will be out there and some guy will want to mount her by then or try to.
“Just letting you know she’s looking hot. Plus those boobs will be very sore without support. So Judy you will have to take it to the next level and get him to admit it or he could become pissed and even sue you and me.”
She calls her lawyer and asks if the documents are done and when can she pick them up. She finds out that she can pick them up next Monday one week before Halloween. She already has Josephine’s (Joe’s) waitress uniform and foundation things. She is thinking thank God it’s been colder this year it is harder to see Josephine’s boobs under men’s heavier clothes.
Monday morning and Judy is in the study when Joe comes in. Wearing a T-shirt and the stretch jeans, Judy eyes get wider as she sees the shape of a woman standing before her and she quickly takes her phone and snaps an image of this new woman-to-be. Judy reaches for a pin and flips the cup off the desk toward Joe S/he bends over to pick up all the pins and pencils as Judy shots a video clip of her boobs and ass.
The male hormone blockers she has been putting in his juice and the female hormone pills s/he been taking have created her finest work of art.
Joe finishes picking up the stuff and says, “What is it dear?”
Judy looks at her husband who is lost in this woman’s shape.
Her eyes glass up and a voice that needs to clear saying, “I have a proposal for you. It appears you have wanted to be a woman for at least ten years and I doubt you will be able to stop wanting this. So our marriage will not work the way you wanted it to. We have only been married for three years. Now I think you and I will make a better girlfriend couple then married couple. So you have two choices; stay a man with two lives - Joe and Josephine without me, or become Josephine, my girlfriend and my daughter. I will help you become the woman you want to be, Josephine. So you can be my sissy girlfriend. If you agree to this it starts this morning and you’ll be Josephine from this point on.”
Joe’s mouth is open and he is frozen looking at Judy.
Judy says, “Josephine it is a lot to take in but I think I know you better then you know yourself so the pills you have been taking have been changing your figure. Don’t worry it can be reversed but you’ve been a woman for the last three months; women’s T - shirts and those stretch jeans you love and those plain white panties. They have all been women’s things. Look at yourself. Drop twenty pounds and add a push-up bra and you’ll get plenty of groping and pawing and so much more.”
He pulls up his T-shirt and cups his full B-cups as he feels the hardness of his quick forming nipples sticking out under his thumbs. Joe pinches both of them and loudly says, “You did this to me!”
Judy proudly says, “Yes Josephine! And you may want to stop squeezing them.”
He yells, “Why?” meaning, “Did you do this to me?”
Judy says, “Well you have never had them before so see that white stuff dripping out of them, that’s milk and if you keep pumping them they may not stop and you’ll need to be milked … like the cow you want to be.” S/he stops and wipes off the little milk and wipes his hands dry on his pants.
She opens the folder on the desk and shows him the images from the message board, plus new images of him drying off after a shower and bent over seeing his figure and boobs hanging from a new angle as he touches his new body parts.
Now he looks towards Judy and she says, “Because of the chest infection you are already shaped like a girl. Before you say anything, if you want this, I will be your best girlfriend and mother to help you become a woman. So read on.”
He picks up the next stack of papers.
“You will have to sign the name change, and Birth Certificate change to female, and the Power of Attorney over you so I can be your mother and you my daughter and sometimes my lesbian bitch. Not your average ‘Dumb Blonde’ right? Oh and you need to sign the divorce papers so if I ever find mister right, I can get married.”
Joe sits down and studies the pictures and images saying, “How long have you known?”
She says, “For about a year now and I think we’d be the best girlfriends and I can teach you what you need to know. So this is your once in a lifetime chance to find out what a woman is all about, and it has a time limit.”
Joe says, “How do I sign them, Joe or Josephine?”
“It’s marked under the post-it.”
He says, “This is so final I am not sure if I am ready.”
Judy says, “Well I guess you don’t want it,” and she stands, comes around the desk and starts gathering the images and messages when Joe grabs her arm and says, “You know I want to.”
She says, “It’s here and now and I’ll help you Josephine.”
“Alright, alright,” and he signs the papers. She takes the uniform off the door hanger and two boxes and then instructs her to shower and use the things she has laid out for her in the bathroom.
“And Josephine….. you’ll leave the bathroom as clean as you found it.”
While she is busy getting ready to become a woman Judy is bagging any male clothes, taking them out of the room and replacing them with female things.
Later that morning Josephine comes down the stairs looking cute-as-can-be.
Judy studies Josephine and is telling her, “Today you start work at the restaurant at 2:00pm and you work until closing. You are an employee not the owner and you earn the same as the other girls and divide the tips equally. Do you understand? Oh and remember your manager Tony and how you looked the other way when the waitresses complained about Tony’s demands they had to perform. It is your turn for Tony’s demands and you get to perform for him now and his idea of the perfect female employee is a waitress, which you are now, so get ready for some cock and cum. Don’t lose this job girl, you won’t like what happens.”
She finishes studying Josephine and says, “A little heavy on the makeup girl; go and take off some you’re not a hooker - yet!”
Judy picks her up from work and Josephine is going all motor-mouth about this and that and how much fun she had her first day.
Judy asks what about Tony did he give you a mouth full. Eew, no every time I say him I would duck down and move away from him. Your feeling what a woman has to do sometimes, like it!
In their home the two kiss passionately and Josephine says, “I am so tired I think I’ll go to bed.”
Judy says, “Not so fast girl,” as she stops and turns around looking at Judy.
“You have house work to do. Clean the kitchen and take out the trash; a woman’s work does not end so easy. Take off the uniform and the maid uniform is in the second bedroom - you know your room. Make it quick Miss Josephine.”
Judy picks up the riding stick and Joe runs for the bedroom.
Josephine enters the kitchen and sees a mess everywhere. Then the sliding door opens and in walks one of Judy’s friends.
She yells outside, “Josephine is here!” and all she hears is some girls talking and getting louder. Then Judy’s friends, Sandy, Joan, Barb, and Kate all just stop and look at Josephine. Joan puts her hand up high and with her finger pointing down motions turn-around with a demanding smirk on her lips.
Sandy says softly, “Whoa give me a strap-on and I’d pound that!”
Barb says, “Me too!”
Kate looks at Josephine and says, “Joe” as she hands her an empty drink, saying, “How about making me another?”
As Joe looks around for a clean place to set down the glass Judy comes in and says, “Girls, Joey is still a male. She’s never been laid, mounted or fucked or even sucked that rod yet!”
Then comes a moan, and all the ideas start.
“She should come home with me. My husband will do anything wearing a skirt.”
Another woman says, “No! She should come home with me! My son has a hard-on all day and Joey can have lots of fun!”
Joan says, “She has to come home with me! I’ll pound her so long she’ll drop to her knees at the sight of a strap-on!”
Joey is slowly backing away from these women.
Judy says, “Get to work Joey and clean up the kitchen.”
Barb says, “Joey, look me in the eyes. Is that true that you have never done the rod thing in the mouth and ass?”
Joey looks scared as hell and says, “Yes,” with her head down.
Barb says, “Ladies!” and they do this quarterback huddle thing as they talk and Barb is writing a list. Joey looks at Judy with fear for her life.
Judy says, “Be afraid, be very afraid.”
Joey looks around the kitchen and with shaking hands starts putting dishes in the sink and wiping down the counter.
It’s 2:00 a.m. and Joey is in her PJs and crawling into bed when Judy comes in and says, “Get up girl and hang-up your clothes and that uniform.”
A month passes and Joey has managed to avoid Tony with Judy’s advice. But Tony is like a Pit-bull and will not stop trying to get her. Joey loves the sex and fun that she and Judy have some nights in bed. Plus Joey can take care of the home better then Judy did. Joey likes the maid’s uniform and the waitress uniform she feels life is almost complete for her.
Judy enters the dark home laughing and playing with Johnny, the manager of the auto-repair shop which is part of Joe’s business which is now owned by Judy. Judy is mounting Johnny at the same time Joey comes through the door. Judy looks at Joey and says, “Hi Joey.” She knows this will put Joey’s new life in the correct perspective. She’s a woman now and Johnny is a man. Johnny looks at Joey then says, “Joey…..Joe is that you?” then he looks at Judy for some answers. A little smile shows up and Judy whispers something in his ear. Johnny says, “Joey come and sit,” patting the area next to him.
“You have changed and what a change. You have some man in your life? Joey shakes her head to indicate no.
Johnny says, “You work as a waitress for Tony in the restaurant. You like his job description and I hear he keeps his girls in line.”
Joey is not looking at Johnny’s face but in shame is looking down, unaware she is looking at the dick Judy dismounted moments ago.
Johnny says, “Do you want to suck it?” The words snap back to remind her of her condition.
Judy takes Johnny’s dick, stroking it a few times then says, “Joey you ready to have a cock in your mouth?” As she has her mouth inches away she is also pulling Joey’s hand and directing her to bring her mouth down to the throbbing dick.
Judy licks it then puts Joey’s hand around Johnny’s dick softly saying, “Feel the power Joey in that throbbing rod. Don’t you want to feel it in your mouth?”
Judy puts her hand behind Joey’s head and says “You know you need it and want it. Take it,” and she applies a soft push in the direction and Joey licks the head. She does it again and now slides the head in, working up and down. Joey says No! I can’t do this. Judy pulls Joey face up to hers using the hair to guide her and says “You’re a female a woman this is what you get. So suck it girl take the rod deep in your mouth. Judy helps showing her how to please Johnny and how to work it then lets Joey continue, working Johnny’s dick. Judy takes Johnny’s hands and puts them on Joeys head saying fuck her mouth. The pre-cum appears and Joey thinks, “This is OK,” then a shot goes down her throat and a second shot somehow goes up the back of her nose and she jerks off the head, taking shots all over the face as she is thinking how to stop it.
Judy a little louder than normal says, “Put your mouth on it. Suck it all in girl. You turned it on and you need to finish it!”
Johnny has stopped coming and Judy says, “Joey clean up your mess and don’t clean your face, leave the cum there. Now say thank you to Johnny and how much you like his cum.”
Then the flash from Judy’s phone and Judy says, “For your scrap book dear! Now get Johnny and me a beer and take off the dress and petticoat.”
Joey comes back in with the beers in stockings and panties and the corset that Joe design for the restaurant waitresses. Judy is on all fours and is being fucked by Johnny as she looks up at Josephine. “Remember that throbbing cock you played with?”
Judy is trying to talk with the repeated pounding.
“This is what it’s about girl, the throbbing and jerking and pounding. Johnny is driving that pleasure to my body. Do you want this Joey?”
She nods her head to say yes. Johnny stops pounding Judy and yells at Joey, “On your knees girl!” She didn’t even think but just dropped down and turned away from Johnny as she felt her panties with the ruffles being pulled down and a powerful hand push her shoulders down, forcing her to a doggy pose. Then she feels a poking and her back door and Johnny slowly enters her. A scream comes from her with each thrust. Johnny is not stopping but is gentle and demanding. As Joey is being fucked she opens her mouth in pulsating moans of pain and joy, looking at Judy in shock as to what is happening. Judy bends over to her ear and says, “This is it Joey. You can tell him to stop and be a man or beg him to please fuck you and forever more be a woman.”
Judy stands up and just looks at the person that was her husband becoming a woman. She is waiting for her/his words. Johnny has stopped inside her. Then she turns looking back at Johnny’s eyes and says, “Please, please Johnny, fuck me hard.”
Judy waits until she hears Joey scream and Johnny cums inside Joey. Judy says, “Oh my God she’s a screamer!”
Johnny says, “She is fun to fuck!”
They both laugh and watch Joey quivering and with her head on the floor moaning in ecstasy. She then turns around, studying Johnny’s eyes, showing the puppy signs of “Can we do that again!”
Judy says, “Now my Joe is Joey or Josephine my lesbian girlfriend, I can no longer see you as a man. So Johnny will take your place in my bed and he is my man, master and head of house. You are now his bitch, maid and mistress. You’ll serve his need and you sleep in the guest room, and if he wants you he will take you.
Johnny takes Joey’s chin and says, “Go clean yourself up my cum-bucket and put your nightie on. I will want you for my morning wood and you’ll have breakfast for Judy and I ready by seven.”
Judy says, “Joey, remember that Power of Attorney you signed? That gives me control over the millions we made with your business and anything else that I want you to do. So if you don’t do something that Johnny or I want we can have you committed, or I can put you to work the streets for me and you will give me all you earn sucking and fucking. So Joey, you enjoy the opportunity to be our maid and you reach your peak ability as a waitress for the restaurant. You love the fact that Tony wants to fuck you and whenever he wants you, you’ll love it. Understand sweetie?”
Joey nods and goes to leave the room.
Judy looks at Josephine and says, “Stop!”
She turns and looks at Judy. She continues, “Who’s the dumb blonde now?”
The end part one

Part two
What am I?
Not Gay, Lesbian or Bi Sexual or Straight
Judy has completed Joey’s change. Her doctor friends and psychology doctor signed off on Joey. She is all woman now.
Seven months pass and Joey is standing in front of the full length mirror and looking at her own pussy and flat tummy. She is thinking, “I have given up on manhood for what? To look pretty and wear a dress only to be fucked according to a man’s desire, or suck his cock to please him.”
She is just a shell of a woman now, doing her chores and servicing Johnny and Tony. Judy calls her to the living room. Judy’s girlfriends are seated in a circle around the living room all wearing dresses as Joey stands in the centre of the room. Judy says, “Josephine you’ve lived a woman’s life for just about a year and you don’t seem to be enjoying this life.”
Joey looks at the five women around the room. She is standing in her French maid uniform with her ruffled panty and petticoat with these very shapely legs and let’s not forgets the boobs filling out a full “C” cup. If she is not doing chores she is pleasing a man or getting ready to present herself for the day or evening.
She softly and tamely says, “I’ve changed my mind I am tired if this woman’s life!”
It starts. Sandy says, “In this game of life you were dealt five cards and you tossed in the five cards and asked for a new set. The new set is female so you are all girl now so get-used-to-it!”
Joan says, “It’s not like a test drive girl; you can try on the clothes but to feel what it’s like to really be a woman, is one way sweetie.”
Barb smiles and says, “Your female girl for the rest of your life so there’s no more fucking - just getting fucked honey!”
Kate laughs saying, “Joey, you can come home with me. I’ll train you to use a strap-on and pound me when I let you, and you can wear man’s clothes but you’ll always be my bitch, girl.”
Judy says, “You wanted this beautiful life and the fun of being wanted by so many. You have it and you feel it when some man is pounding the life out of you. It’s your new world for the rest of your days. But today I’m going to let you enjoy some form of manhood so on your knees woman. Ask me if you can smell my pussy and lick it.”
Judy says, “Go ahead and raise my skirt and bring me to a climax.”
While she is doing this, Judy covers her dutifully obedient maid with her skirt and enjoys the feeling as she climaxes. Joey comes out from under her skirt and looks at her ex wife Judy saying, “Joey, remember the smell and taste?”
She says, “Yes!”
Judy says, “Do you still love it?”
Joey looks in Judy’s eyes. “Look in the mirror what do you see?”
She says, “A woman in a maid’s uniform.”
“So you’ll suck a woman’s pussy and you’re a woman. You’re a lesbian!”
Joey defensively says “No!”
“Then what are you?”
Joey says, “I am a woman now.”
“Ok then Joey, let’s keep going; Joan is waiting your lips.”
So Joey repeats the request and does Joan. She comes out from under the dress and the questions are repeated. She turns to Barb and sees both her and her husband Sammy who has joined the group. Joey looks at her mistress, Judy.
Judy says, “You have a choice - suck a pussy or a cock Joey - what do you want?”
Joey looks at the two of them, Barb and Sammy, and then at Judy and with a smile in the corners of her lips says, “Sammy!”
Judy says, “Ask him,” and she excitedly brings it out and begins her duty like a well trained lover. When she is finished the room applauds her saying, “She’s a woman!”
Judy says, “Josephine, return to the centre of the room. Joey you are done; the dumb blonde joke is paid for. Johnny and I feel it time to let you go. So here is the release of Power of Attorney and your name is now Josephine Tugnutts. You like the last name I picked out for you, ‘Tugnutts’?”
The document reads:
Sex: Female
Hair: Blonde
“We have financed you one million in savings as you gave Johnny and I the business and the thirty million that went with it. I couldn’t put you out there without enough money to get a college degree and no skills.”
Job skill: Waitress
Schooling: Grade school only.
Joey says, “I have an M.D. in Business and Engineering.”
Judy says, “Wait a second. Joe Parry had that and after his death all records have been deleted. Josephine Tugnutt’s completed grade school and then went to work as a hooker and has no further schooling.”
Joey says, “What am I going to do?”
Judy says, “Waitress or go to Night School or High School and then onto College. Yes honey, I want you to enjoy High School and College GEM class. Joey, you signed over your company to Johnny and I so we own the business and you work for Tony until you quit or move on. Joey I’ll always be here to help you as my sister. I want you to have a good life as my sister.”
Joey has had enough of this waitress life and the afternoon pounding from Tony.
She files a law suit against Tony and he decided to settle out of court for two hundred thousand. She packs her things and moves north where she settles in a small coastal town, again working in a restaurant along the highway. She doesn’t care for Judy’s humour with the last name Tugnutts but the savings are made out to her in that name and she has not had the time to change it.
She has found a nice guy whom she likes and knows she can’t come on too strong and has to wait for him to make the move first. She really likes this kind man and is very much enjoying the life she lives. It is like having, her very own powerful Clydesdale horse, this man can fix and do her wishes and is powerful enough to protect her yet he belongs to her.
Being away from Johnny & Judy she is experiencing a new and wonderful life, waking up to this hairy chest rising and falling in the morning light, feeling this hardening rod and this love of someone beside her.
She softly roles out of bed and slips on a house dress. She walks out on the deck holding a cup of coffee thinking that this could actually work. She now likes cock and muscles on the man and she loves the soft skin of the shapely body that she owns, plus the feeling she gets when he looks at her with a hint of what he wants to do. This excites her no-end.
She thinks to herself, “Josephine Tugnutts, you’ve come a long way girl.”
Just then she feels a familiar hand on her butt and turns around as they hug and kiss while she feels this rod growing towards her tummy and pressing against her. She smiles with laughter as the kiss stops and she leads him back to the bed.
She knows she controls her own life now. Thanks to Judy’s crash course in womanhood, she knows what is needed to keep her man and has found she can enjoy it.
She completes the morning with a smile on her face that she can’t remove and kisses Tim goodbye as he walks out to the truck that has sign on it which says ‘Tim’s construction Inc.’
She looks to the skyline and sees the high rise crane over the new ship yard he is building. She turns and walks into the house thinking, “I did alright for a girl after all.”

To Josephine Tugnutts and her new life!



2015-04-25 06:52:11
How about some votes Like or dislike
or do you all think Josephine should pay a higher price. I like the story

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-11 23:01:35
Hi can you write an ending where joe gets his first taste of cock and realize he would prefer to be a man and reclaim him self

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-11 22:11:14
That proves blondes can be bitches, too. Surgery is next for Josephine, to give her a nice tight cunt.


Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-11 15:22:15
Total lack of formatting. Separate paragraphs by inserting a blank line between them.

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