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13 Months…it was thirteen months in captivity, now finally in the sanctity of my permanent home.

We have lost one in our family; do not know if he is still alive…hope so. But we have also added three more to our family.

Thirteen months ago, my husband, our two children, and myself were two months into what we perceived as a humanitarian mission. The mission precipitated by an unexpected windfall when we had won a portion of a large lottery the year before. In our narcissist nativity, we thought we could help change the world. So off we all went with the intent of helping in a war torn area of the world. We thought the good guys had finally taken control of their surroundings.

We were wrong.

The village we were in was over run by the opposition. It happened in the middle of the night. They busted into our house, dragging each of us out of bed and into the main room. They were not gentle and they all were well armed. Never even let us cover up other than what we had gone into bed with. My husband in shorts, same for our son, I had on a very light nightdress with nothing-on underneath. Our daughter, still a teenager, only had an oversize tee shirt.

Our puritanical overzealous thoughts of modesty were instantly dashed as a large, coarse, dirty, mean man walked right up to me and reached for the top of my nightdress. I instinctively raised my hands to resist. The man backhanded me so hard it rattled my teeth…and in one movement, my dress was on the floor. My naked body was now on display to everyone in the room…including my children.

Seconds later…Sara, our teenage daughter, was sharing the same fate.

Worse yet, the guy that tore Sara’s shirt off, was now was fondling her young breasts…making approving motions towards his companions.

She tried to pull away, a look of desperation on her face. The offender just clamped her breast pulling her towards him.

I was not spared…two hands came from behind me and grabbed my breasts just as the attacker emitted a grunting laugh. Then one hand slipped off of a breast and slid straight down to my exposed privates. Two fingers immediately violated me, sticking them deep within my vagina.

I tried to wriggle free, but was rewarded by another hard slap to the face and hard twisting squeeze of my breast.

My husband made a move in an attempt to come to either my or our daughter’s rescue…a rifle butt to his head laid him out on the floor.
At that moment…I knew that Sara and I were going to get raped. My god…Sara was still a virgin.

But…it was obvious that she would not be shortly. The guy accosting her already had his pants pulled down. The SOB had what looked like a summer sausage hanging between his legs and the most sinister smile I had ever seen.

Sara’s eyes were wide with fear, tears forming at the corners as she started to cry. She looked at me as if I was able to stop the impending event. I was powerless, all that I could do is give her a look of reassurance and love, hoping we all will recover.

The guy grabbed Sara’s neck, spinning her around and on top of the dinning room table. Her legs flailing as her attacker stepped between them. The sausage between his legs no longer was hanging, but hard as a baseball bat, pointing straight out, zeroing in on my daughter’s virginity. Still holding her by the throat he stepped forward the tip of his penis spreading the folds of Sara’s virgin privates.

The touch elicited a sharp reaction from Sara, her body arched upward in an attempt to move. But the strong hand on her throat prevented her from moving away…her body flattened slightly. His penis penetrated half way in…my daughter was no longer a virgin. She whimpered uncontrollably.

The bastard just kept humping; forcing his penis all the way in…Sara’s hymen broke, the obvious bloody discharge seeping between the thug’s penis and the folds of her vagina.

The whole time this was going on, the guy with his now three fingers shoved up in me was pushing them in and out of me while squeezing one breast in sequence with his finger thrusts.

Glancing at my son, he was staring at his sister as she was getting pummeled. I felt sorry for him…but…his shorts were sticking straight out. He had a hard on!

Worse yet…those fingers thrusting in and out of me were now four of them and my vagina was not offering much resistance. I was wet!

I quickly looked down at my husband…guilt streaking through me. He was still out cold.

The scene was surreal, broken only when the guy forcefully fornicating my daughter started grunting loudly. Grabbing her by the hips as he stabbed her hard with his rigid penis. He came in her…emptying himself with multiple convulsing movements.

Sara was just crying softly, she had no control.

The rapist pulled out, Sara’s vagina stretched open. A pinkish stream of liquid flowed out of her exposed hole.

Her attacker dragged a couple of fingers through the goop seeping from Sara’s vagina and displayed with pride the result, saying something in a language I did not understand. They all broke out in a laugh.

One guy now turned his attention towards me, making a step towards me while unbuckling his pants.

Oh shit…now it’s my turn…

But all of a sudden the door burst open and what apparently was a ringleader strolled in.

The guy fondling me immediately came out from behind me and the rest of them all formed a line.

The boss guy did a quick look at all of us and then walked to the table placing his hand under my whimpering daughter’s head slowly helping her stand up. A rivulet of cum and blood ran down her leg.

He looked at me and then said in perfect English, “I will personally apologize for my men…they are ignorant as to how to handle the spoils of war”.

He looked down at my husband and then ordered a couple of men to carry him out. That was thirteen months ago, we have not seen him since.

He then ordered the rest of the men out. I thought for a fleeting second that this man might have a shred of decency in him. That was not the case as I reached down to grab my nightdress he put his hand out.

“No need…I like women naked…both of you. Make me something to eat”. He ordered.

“But…” I started, but was met with anger coming from his eyes.

“You do what I say…no talking…just nod yes or no…do you understand?”

I nodded.

“Make me eggs” I nodded and went to the stove.

He then directed his attention to Sara, “Come here young woman” pointing to a spot right next to him.

She did so hesitantly.

“You too, no talking…understand?” Sara nodded.

Looking at the stream running down her leg, “You were a virgin…no?”

Sara nodded with a sad expression.

“Too bad…so sorry for you…but you cannot be one forever, and fortunately you are still ripe for your first conception”. The hair on the back of my neck rose.

Through all this my son still stood up against the wall without making a sound. It had been at least a couple of hours. Our “guest” now turned his attention to him.

“You must be the son…tell me your name, you can talk”

“John” my son hesitantly responded.

“Malek…you can call me Malek” he said as his hand rubbing softly on Sara’s naked butt cheek, “John…are you a virgin too? Like your sister was up until today?”

John shot a nervous look into my direction and then one at his sister who was being absentmindedly fondled by this guy called Malek. He lifted one of her breasts as if weighing it. Sara was cringing…

Do not know why, but my head snapped in John’s direction.

“Uh…uhm…yeah” John said almost embarrassingly.

Malek shook his head while squeezing my daughter’s breast as if he was checking the ripeness of an orange, then turned his head towards me as I placed a plate of food in front of him.

His eyes seemed liked tentacles as he eyed me from toe to chest then settling on my closely shorn pubic area. A smile…almost sinister spread across his face.

“John…with such fine opportunities so close to you…it is shame you have been deprived of loosing your virginity”, Malek gave my daughter’s breast another squeeze, patted her right ass cheek, and then dove into his food.

Sara started to back up…but Malek grabbed her hand and shook his head no.

He then pointed for me to go to the opposite side of the table from him, “go stand on the other side so I can watch your beautiful body”, he directed.

I did not take it as a compliment.

“John…stand in front of your mother…do as I say, or I will hurt your sister,” Malek went from command to a threatening tone.

John walked up to me, about a foot or so apart, his eyes casting fear and nervousness, yet he fought them from dropping to my exposed breasts.

My son had full sight of his completely nude mother; the moral dilemma was not lost on me. I felt ashamed, I felt guilt, and fear of how this will change forever my mother-son relationship. What happened next was a change that never crossed my mind in a million years.

“Mother…pull your son’s pants down” Malek directed. I hesitated…throwing a disgusting look Malek’s way.

“Do as I say, or your daughter will be squealing in pain” Malek now had her on his lap, his left arm around her, his hand squeezing her right breast. In his other hand, he had the fork he was eating with pressed against her protruding right nipple. The pain showing on her face confirmed the small drop of blood forming on the prong of the fork embedded in the side of her nipple.

I leaned forward and pulled John’s shorts down…his penis bobbed when it sprang free. I had not seen him naked since he was maybe seven years old, at least ten years ago. He was not a child anymore…at least not down there.

“John…feel your mother’s tits…good looking tits, yes?…do it!” Malek demanded.

I was flabbergasted…internally outraged at the thought. My body subconsciously leaned back away from John’s extending reach. Then I heard a painful moan from Sara…

I leaned forward, pressing my breasts into John’s hands.

“Feel them up John…” John squeezed them slightly, “no…no harder, like this.”

Malek now had both of Sara’s breasts, one in each hand, massaging them as if he was trying to milk her.

John’s hands began to copy Malek’s, only on me.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip…this cannot be happening; my son was massaging his mother’s breasts. This has to be a bad dream…but it wasn’t.

“John…tell me what they feel like…” Malek again demanded.

“Uh…uhmm…they are soft…but firm…warm…uhm” John was almost stuttering.

“Pull and twist the nipples…see if they can come out…like this”

My mouth dropped as Sara’s nipples were extended out from her areola’s well over half an inch as Malek rolled them between his thumbs and fingers. Sara had her eyes closed and was biting her lower lip. She was trying to disassociate herself from our surroundings.

I almost jumped…a squeak emanating from my mouth when John gave both my nipples a tug and a twist. Sara’s hard nipples definitely came from my side of the family, much to my chagrin; my nipples did their three quarter inch stand out.

John rolled them between his fingers. I closed my eyes…trying to do the same thing as Sara was…disassociating myself from what was happening.

“Mother…you have neglected you boy too long…help him out. Massage his cock with both of your hands…” Malek again demanded…I kept my eyes closed and acted like I did not hear him.

Sara cried out in pain.

My hands reached to my son’s member.

I was startled…it was stiff…it was smooth…it almost burned my hands. I opened my eyes and looked down…my son really was a man.

If I had to, I wanted to get this over quickly. So I started jerking his penis…hoping that it would be over fast.

“Hey…hey, mother…slow down…you want it so much…you can’t hold back?” Malek yelled.

I stopped jerking and opened my eyes. Thankfully, John’s eyes were closed…but the corner of his mouth was curved slightly up. And his fingers were manipulating the entire globes of my breasts, and then sliding to the end of my nipples…as if he was milking me!

My hands were still softly squeezing my son’s penis, almost inadvertently. One of my hands even cupped his testicles as if they were on remote…I certainly was not letting myself enjoy this…no…that would be wrong…on too many levels.

Malek broke the trans, “John…kiss your mother’s tits…suck on those nipples…just like you did as a baby”.

John’s eyes popped open…almost a glaze over them. Without a hesitation of movement, I felt John’s mouth suck in the flesh of my breast. He did to both sides, around them, and then sucked in one of my nipples…I did not want to feel this way…but as he sucked my nipple into his mouth, he flicked the end with his tongue. A spark ran from my nipple to my privates…oh shit, this is wrong.

John spent minutes exploring each one…more sparks. I was afraid to look towards my daughter…afraid she might be able to detect that my sensitive nipples did not care her brother was on the end of them.

I snuck a look out of the corner of my eye…Sara was not looking at me. Malek had turned her body half way towards him and had half of my daughter’s breast in his mouth. Her head was pointed towards the ceiling eyes tightly shut…almost wincing. It hit me; she was fighting the same sparks.

Malek’s attention came back to John and I, “Mother…show your son how much you adore him…get on your knees and take him into your mouth…NOW!”

That was revolting…my nipples immediately collapsed, the sparks completed gone. I had never allowed my husband to put his penis close to my mouth…in fact, the two times that I had a penis in my mouth was when I was senior in high school. The second one cured me of wanting to do it again…because the unexpectedly hot semen that emitted from it made me gag. Now this SOB wants me to…to put my son’s penis in my mouth? No GD way…

A loud slap and then a thud came from the other end of the table. My head spun.

Sara was upside down on the table, legs draped over on side, her head dangling over the other. Malek was holding her head down by pushing her chin towards the floor. His other hand was unbuckling his pants.

“Do it…or I will rape your daughter’s throat so violently, you will never hear her same voice again”. His ugly penis sprung from his groin slapping Sara across her face. The terror in her eyes made me drop to the floor.

I held John’s penis…closed my eyes, and then slowly wrapped my mouth around it.

Again…thinking that quicker is better; I slid half of it in before it reached the back of my throat. The head hit my tonsils and I gagged…this was going to be hard. I pulled off, just for a moment.

“Tell your son how you love his cock…tell him, I want to hear it.” Malek ordered.

“I…I…love your member…John”…I quietly stammered.

“No!” Malek screamed, “In these very words…I love your cock son, and I want to swallow it…say it now!”

“I love your cock son…and I want to swallow it” I said with spite as looked over towards the bastard.

He had is ugly cock embedded into Sara’s face, her mouth stretched around it’s thick beam. Her face was bright red and sparkles of snot burped from her nostrils as Malek slowing thrust in and out. I could see Sara’s throat expand where the end of his dick went in and out of her neck.

Oh…I felt for her…but she was not struggling…so…how could she do that? My god, his dick is all the way down her throat…his testicles were slapping her from her nose to forehead.

My hand was squeezing my son’s testicles…almost in rhythm to Maleks slow thrusting. What the fuck was I doing…

“ Suck you son’s dick…mother…maybe your daughter can teach you something”. The Malek laughed.

I took John’s penis back into my mouth. Slowly in and out, first stopping just at the back of the throat, then a little past. Had a small gag reflex…then a little deeper, slightly more of a gag. Then a little deeper but this time I did not let the head come all the way out of my throat. That worked, only a minor gag, managed to relax my throat more. In and out a few more times until my nose was burying itself into John’s pubic bone, his pubic hair tickling my nostrils.

I realized…John’s hard; slick, smooth dick was now embedded well past my mouth. With one hand massaging John’s testicles, I touched my throat with the other…I could feel his cock stretching my larynx at the bottom of my neck.

Necessity is the mother of invention…now to finish this. I worked it all the way in and then all the way out, my tongue lapping the entire length. Sweet nectar strung from the eye of my son’s cock head to my tongue. The taste, the flavor, the texture, seemed to cause a reaction deep within my female parts. I could feel the flow of juices moving in my vagina. Oh my!…this was way, way wrong…try not to give way to lust…just get the job done.

John was trying to help now; he was thrusting in a synchronizing movement to my bobbing head.

Then I felt him stiffen…Oh shit! Oh no! My brain raced back twenty years…that awful semen…that goop.

Too late…his cock pulsed, a spray of hot substance shot down my throat. I could feel it all the way into my stomach. But it was ok…maybe that is the trick…have it in your throat and not your mouth.

But John was still thrusting and the next shot did not go all the way down my throat, part of the string of his ejaculation, backwashed into my mouth. It was hot…salty, could almost taste the pungency of it…but not really bad enough to make me gag.

Another shot went down my throat…the next full in my mouth. Some seeping out around his cock as it drove through my lips. I felt a drop string its way to my breast.

He stopped thrusting…my mouth inexplicably sucking the last vestiges of my son’s cum from the end of his dick.

I had done it…why or how could I feel any pride, I do not know. Maybe I had a latent deviant sexual desire for oral sex…just not with my own son…this was the exception, I was forced to do it…for my kids.

My head snapped towards Sara. Sara was staring at me, Malek standing next to her the head of his cock connected to Sara’s upper lip by a string of his jism. His cum was dripping from the corner of Sara’s mouth. Her lips swollen from the ravaging they took.

My heart went out to her…but then…her eyes brightened, and a slight smile began to form. I smiled back…and then, asked myself what just happened?

We had both survived the moment?

I slowly straightened up; John still inches from me, our eyes meeting. His eyes told me he was apologetic…I felt sorry for him and gave my son a mother’s hug. Gave him a kiss on the cheek to let him know that none of this is his fault…not even giving it a second thought that my naked body was now molded to my naked son’s.

Then something strange occurred, as I was kissing John’s cheek, he turned his head and our lips touched. Just like a butterfly, then a little more solidly…then a regular kiss. It was only for a moment…lost on either Malek or Sara, but not on me. A droplet of John’s cum had transferred from my lip to John’s…I swallowed the remaining.

We separated…the morality of the situation slowly coming back.

“Well…wasn’t that special…John…tell me you enjoyed feeding mom your spunk…come on…I want to hear it”, Malek ordered.

“I…I really like…uhm, coming in your mouth mom” John tentatively said to me.

Being preemptive, I responded, “I liked it too”. Hoping Malek would leave us alone.

Malek let out a big laugh, “Ha Ha…you are catching on…John…ever eat pussy?”

John was stared at the floor, drawing circles in the dust with his toe, shaking his head negatively.

I looked at Sara, we stared at each other the look of half desperation and half horror at the thought.

What the fuck I thought…save Sara the indignation. I sat on the end of the table and laid back. My tits pointing up, my cropped bush the third high point.

“Boy…there’s your pussy…get in there, your whore mother is serving her son breakfast” Malek laughed.

I felt John’s hands touch my thighs…a tingle ran through me. Then I felt his warm breath against my labia. I clenched my fists…this is so wrong…but.
His lips brushed my outer lips…my crotch wanted to reach out to him. But…it should be anyone else but my son. I was so concentrating on taking my conscious self out of reality that I could not hear what Malek was instructing John to do.

The stab of a tongue into my vagina wakened me with a start. And then he sucked pulling in each of my labia…slowly licking up to the apex of my slot, attentively circling my clitoris. Juices flowed from my deepest parts. His mouth encapsulating the exterior of my pussy…taking in my juices as his tongue probed my inner sanctuary.

In and out, around and around…my body was responding despite my best efforts, my hips rotating and thrusting taking maximum advantage of the oral stimulation. It had been years since anyone had been down there with his mouth…my husband was useless at oral and never had any desire for him to do it. But the one affair I had almost ten years ago exposed me to my desires, he loved performing oral on me…and did not want it done to him…a perfect affair. Well maybe not anymore…

My body was taking itself to new dimension in spite of the immorality; somehow one of my hands had found its way behind John’s head…pulling his mouth harder against my wet, hot mound.

Again without realizing, I had raised myself up on one elbow giving me unimpeded view of my son working his face into the place he had come from. Oh my…this is so wrong…so wrong…but my entire lower abdomen was telling me different.

I could feel it welling up, first as if there was a small itch imbedded just inside of me that was trying to get scratched…then building to an uncontrolled surge of need billowing from the depths of my womb…just as John sucked my clitoris between his teeth. I exploded…my body convoluted. With all the duress…all the fear, the deviance of it all, the immorality…I just had my first real orgasm. Thirty-seven years old…married eighteen years…two children…a few lovers…and now my first real orgasm brought on by my own son! Even as I laid my head back down on the table, trying somehow to rationalize what my body had just done…my husbands possible demise only passed through my thought, as at least I would not have to explain.

My breath slowly came back just as John stood up between my legs. My vagina totally exposed…I could feel the sopping wetness between my legs. I should be trying to cover, at least close my legs, to hide the evidence of my orgasm. But…my legs were like butter.

I raised my head; John was staring at my now dilated areolas, his face glazed from my excretement.

His cock was standing straight up…like a soldier at attention. Oh my god…my son had just orally given his OWN mother an orgasm…and his body responded. No, no, no there are limits…fornication between mother and son…NO absolutely no.

“DO IT! John…your mother wants it…you need to not be a virgin…” Malek started as demand but trailed off as John apparently did not need any more encouragement.

I felt the head of my son’s penis touch the parameter of my vagina…I tried by could not offer too much resistance. His cock head split my folds and entering me, the overabundance of my own lubrication overcoming my hardest contractions to keep my son’s penis from entering his mothers’ vagina.

I closed my eyes tight, clawed my fingernails into the rough wood of the tabletop, my mind screamed NO.

But John was not to be denied…his penis impaled me right to the hilt. It filled me, stretching the walls of my vagina…could swear it was touching my cervix. My son’s cock was buried deep within his own mother.

My mind raced at the thought of me going to hell for this…but I did not have a choice. I told myself…no, we were doing this under threat of life.

John almost immediately started thrusting…he was not just going through the motions…he was driven. My son was pounding his mother’s orifice, without consciousness of the taboo being committed, the look on his face contorted to match the intenseness of his thrusts.

But my body again was not rejecting, but accommodating, completely against my rational. My hopes of not crossing the last line of immorality were almost immediately dashed as my son stiffened and shot a hot stream of his semen deep into my womb.

Oh god, it was my fault, I unconsciously just wanted one more thrust…that is what my body told me…even though my brain was screaming to stop. My body won…that last thrust caused my body to orgasm…discreetly…I did not want John, or Sara, and especially Melak to know that my body was craving this deviant sexual behavior.

John continued to fill his mother’s womb with descending ejaculations as his thrusts slowed.

I could feel my son’s semen fill each and every crevice deep within me…my mind imagining the seeds swimming frantically in search of…I have not been on birth control for years. My brain raced to calculate…was my last period two weeks ago…or three?

Of all the worst possibilities…the war bursting into our lives in the middle of the night, my husband probably dead, our daughter raped right in front of me, being forced into unspeakable acts of sexual degradation with my own son…and now, the possible consequences of the last action could be life long.

My mind envisioned one of those swimming tadpoles breaking the barrier of one of my eggs, which made me squirm at the thought.

My eyes popped open…the squirm reminded me that my son’s semi-flaccid penis was still imbedded deep with in me.

The squirm also aroused his sensitivity, John moved…but instead of pulling out, he moved further in. Oh my god…no…not again…my son’s cock was stiffening again.

A minute later he was again thrusting into me, but at a more sedate rate. Moving around as if to savor more of each thrust. His hands grabbed my breasts…squeezing, manipulating, and tweaking my nipples, as he methodically thrust into me. I was no longer his mother…I was his sexual objective. I wanted to say something…but the obvious look on his face would not have deterred him. Besides…the threat of Marek was right next to me.

I lay there unmoving, accepting his penal exploring of my womb, for many minutes before deciding that some input from me might escalate his lust and help end this sooner.

My hips began to rock to his thrusts, then I oscillated my lower body in tune with my rocking. My son’s rhythm increased…slowly at first…then quicker, harder, more violently. His grasping of my tits was now almost painful…but for some reason that heightened my bodies drive as a wave started to form deep within me.

Do not know how long as I was now oblivious to time…but the waves were growing bigger, and bigger with each thrust. Then it happened…the waves crashed…my mind exploded…I could not withhold the scream that came out of my throat. There was nothing discreet about this one…my orgasm was hard and long, my fingers digging deep into my son’s back as my legs wrapped hard around him pulling him in just as he again started jettisoning his volatile, hot, seed enriched cum deep within me.

My body had betrayed me again…

John withdrew, his cock plopping out of my pussy followed by a stream of his cum. The cool air rushed into the vacated space…but I could not move…my muscles were like jello.

As I was recovering, my eyes scanned the room. Sara was standing wide-eyed, her mouth open but covered with her hand. What have I done…how would I explain this to her…I had a violent orgasm by fornicating with her brother…my son.

Marek was patting my son on the back, “Good job John…told you your mother wants your cock…I’ll let you have her to fuck…”

My brain snapped to consciousness…who is he to think he can give me to anyone…especially to my son?

I started to protest…

“Would you rather me give you to the rest of my army?” Malek queried.

“But…but he is my son”. I again protested.

“So” was all that Malek responded.

As the day wore on, Malek allowed Sara and I to cover our selves with smocks after he had us take a shower.

Since he had us both take a shower at the same time, it gave me the opportunity to console and apologize to Sara for getting us into this predicament. It also allowed us a brief time to grieve for the loss of my husband and her father.

Sara was very pragmatic as to the events, including commenting that she was bound to lose her virginity eventually and that it was “kind of” disgusting having some fifty plus year old cum in her mouth…but it wasn’t the first time.

“What???” I was totally surprised.

“Mom, why do you think that I was still a virgin? Most apparently are not like John” she explained while giving a little reference to her brother…whom I well know, now, has the stamina of a horse.

“That should never have happened…it is taboo…a sin…but I could not let you get hurt.” Trying to validate my actions.

“Mom…mom, it is okay…you do not have to explain.” Sara reassured me, “But it was kind of hot though!” She giggled…

The rest of the day Malek had us being his personal house servants, making meals and cleaning up. While his comrades took liberties with both Sara and me, just groping mostly and no forced entry other than a finger or two.

Apparently Malek had ordered us hands off. We were not yet versed in their native tongue.

When evening came, Malek directed us up stairs. Telling John to take me into his room, while pointing Sara in the direction of what was used to be my husband and my room.
Malek ordered a guard to watch the hall way and then stopped John, “Make sure your mother is filled with your seed…I will check in the morning”.

I had hoped this perversion was over…well guess again…but I was now alone with my son and maybe we can figure out how without doing the unthinkable.

John’s timidity and reservation lasted less than a half hour. Laying back to front in his single bed, I could feel his penis harden against my ass cheeks.

His hand worked up under my smock grabbing my left tit.

“No…don’t…I’m your mother.” I protested while trying to push his hand away.

“Yeah…but…he will hurt Sara if we don’t”, the latter part about Sara was not all that convincing.

Twenty minutes later my son was unloading what would be the first of many coatings of his seed within me.

He was insatiable…the first two times; I managed to mask anything remotely as having an orgasm. Not so much the third time…and definitely a screamer on the fourth.

His fifth…was a hummer down my throat…I got carried away…he let out a scream.

Then he went down on me…cummy cunt and all…no way I could hold back. I thought I was going to drown him.

Between we managed to get some sleep, but by morning when Malek broke into the room it was obvious that my cunt had taken its fill of my son’s seed. There was quite a puddle beneath my spread thighs.

I had trouble walking…have never had this experience…my pussy felt like it was falling out. I still had the lingering taste of my son’s cum in my mouth.

The next week or so was just more of the same; I came to the realization that this was my life now.

He was still my son, and loved him as a son, but I was also his concubine or as Malek called me…my son’s fuck bag.

My daily shower with Sara offered some respite and a dose of still being a parent.

Sara told me that the first couple of days with Malek, he would just violate her orally, but then he started having vaginal intercourse. Now a week later, she was tasked at making sure that Malek could have intercourse with her at least three times a day. A hard task as he was fifty-six years old she said with a slight sense of humor.
In more of a sisterly way, almost like buddies stuck in similar situations, I lightened the topic even more, “Well at least he is not like your brother…I swear he would have intercourse continuously if he could figure out how to eat and sleep while doing it”.

We both laughed…the debauchery of it completely lost on us at the time.

A few days later…I woke up sick. I had hoped it was the flu…but five days later of having continual early morning episodes…I knew.

Even through this, John never slowed down…every day he was on a mission to see how many times he could cum in me. Finally I had to tell him…I thought that I was pregnant.

He must have told Malek, because a doctor showed up and did blood samples and a urine sample.

I did not need confirmation from a doctor, but once he did, John took a break from our fornicating.

The first couple of days were a relief…but as more passed, my mind played tricks on me. Was I now undesirable because I was pregnant?

Then as the first month passed, Malek called a meeting. It was John, Sara, and I…Malek was giving us our future agenda.

The first shock…Malek announced that Sara was pregnant. Then of course he made the public disclosure of my pregnancy to Sara.

He riddled Sara with me being a grandmother, and a mother all at the same time while Sara was going to be a mother, aunt, and have a new sibling.

John was going to be a father, uncle, and a brother again.

Malek considered this hilarious.

Then came the orders.

“John…now that you have bred a woman, that will be your job. We will bring women for you to breed…they will give you American babies…” Malek was serious, “Mother you will carry John’s first born as atonement to coming to our country, I then expect you to bear as many of my comrades babies for the same reason…they will be American babies.

“Sara, my beautiful child, you will carry our baby…maybe we will have more, but eventually I will have to share your bounty with my country. All of you are only as good as you can produce”. He said with a heavy undertone.

“Since mother and child are both pregnant…from the intended seed, there is an opportunity for others to take advantage of your beautiful bodies. You both are expected to give your sex to anyone that wants it…they only need permission from me.”

Just then there was a knock on the door. A guard came in with a young woman in tow. She was at most in her early twenties, dressed as a peasant, but clean.

Malek pointed her towards John…an unexpected pang of jealousy coursed through me.

John looked apprehensively at me for a moment, then took the girls arm moving towards “our” bedroom.

“So it begins”, Malek smiled…his hand extended in my direction.

Half an hour later Malek was plowing his thick cock in me, his heavy, smelly body flattened against me. I wondered how Sara could have handled it.

He only lasted bare minutes before grunting and letting his spunk into me. It was obvious that he expected me to revive him…took all I could muster to bring his ugly, fat, smelly, cock into my mouth…but if Sara could do it…so could I.

My mouth was sore from almost an hour of manipulation, but finally he was ready.

Malek spun me around…spread my cheeks, and stuck his thumb up my ass.

I stiffened immediately, never having been violated…

“Ah…still a virgin!” Malek exclaimed as the head of his fat cock pushed against my ass hole.

“You can relax…or I’ll tear it open anyway…I am going to fuck the virgin ass hole”

I did my best to relax…using the same technique as when I gave my son his first deep throat.

The fat end of his cock slowly spread my rosebud…he could have been more violent, but he slowly worked his fat cock in.

Soon my canal was accommodating and Malek was humping…driving his cock in and out. The uncomfortable ness of being invaded changed to a different sensitivity like when trying to fight the sexual feelings of fucking my son.

I was soon meeting his thrusts with my own.

When he came…I came…his hot semen coating the inside of my rectum.

He pulled out and then spun me around, not giving me time to enjoy my orgasm.

He grabbed my head and jammed his cock into my mouth, commanding, “Clean me up”.

I did, as disgusting as it was…and thankfully he then left me alone.

Five minutes later, one of his guards walked in…and thus it really started.

For some reason, I felt a need to keep count…and so did Sara. Each day during our shower, we would make a teardrop tattoo with a small thin tail right next to one of our monde, mine by my left thigh, Sara by her right thigh. They represented sperm of each different donor.

Then in the middle of our eight month of pregnancy, Malek stopped all.

A week later, Sara gave birth to twins…a boy and a girl. She had a hard time, but the doctor was actually pretty good, made sure that what ever got torn was fixed as well as possible.

Youth amazes me…by the time my new daughter was born a couple of weeks later, Sara had lost almost all of her pregnancy weight…took me a month or so to get in shape. The incentive was Malek’s words continuously playing in my head, “you are only as good as you can produce”.

Sara and I discussed this in our daily shower…both thinking we were expected to produce. But other than continuous groping, we were not forced to receive any sperm.
Our bodies were now fully recovered from our pregnancies, giving birth to our children.

In fact, I felt that my body was more in shape than it had been in years.

Another month passed, maybe Malek felt we were no longer “spoils of war”.

My son, John, on the other hand was now exposed to what seemed an endless supply of girls and women. At first Malek had him service each for several days at a time, but after a month and half of that you could count each day as a different person.

And, not only Malek, but also the rest of his troops seemed to take John under their arm. He was their buddy and it was soon apparent that John had picked up the language, as he seemed to discuss each conquest with them.

My son was becoming their hero. But then, Malek decided to show that he was still the boss.

Malek said something to John and John’s head spun in my direction. John’s expression was not one of even recognition of our family relationship. He walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, pressing me down to my knees.

“Mother, show everyone here how you enjoy your son’s cock” John said with a commanding tone and without a hint of reservation.

My mind, my spirit completely disoriented to the realization I was still owned by my son.

His cock bounced against my face…minutes later my son was fucking my mouth with impunity, completely irrelevant as to what and how he doing it to his own mother.

When he came, he pushed my head back holding the tip of his cock at the front of my gapping mouth. Showing everyone, including Sara, how he could fill my mouth with is spunk.

“Ah…mother, show us how much of your son’s cum you can hold in your mouth”, John commanded…purposely to humiliate me.

Even though there was a pang of embarrassment, I did as told, slowly turning my body with my mouth gaping open…displaying the volume of my son’s cum being held by my mouth.

Then I swallowed it…and said, “Thank you” without provocation, in John’s direction.

He patted my head as if I was his favorite dog…for whatever reason, I felt compelled to a feeling of acceptance. I know now that I had become psychologically embedded in my perceived roll. But it did dawn on me that my son was now one of them and to please him would make my situation better. I would do anything for him.

“Mother, you did well by me and continue to show your worth to me” John began as if I was a subordinate instead of his mom.

“Now we need you to show your worth to all of us” as he stepped aside and a young man stepped forward, “this is Kalib, the only son of a hero of our cause. You will carry his son”.

Kalib was guided towards me, he was barely taller than I was, peach fuzz still the majority of his facial hair…only a couple of whiskers poking from his chin.

There was moment of astonishment on my part. My son was giving my womb as a gift to this young man…my womb. But that thought quickly passed…I wanted to please my son. I took Kalib’s hand and guided to my breast.

It took three days for Kalib to begin to control himself, in fact his first ejaculation barely made it to my lips. His first seed deposited in my womb did not occur until early the next morning. Kalib’s young penis was very sensitve.

But what he lacked in control, his youth offered almost instant recovery. Within a week he was breeding me multiple times a day. By the end of the third week with Kalib, the tell tale morning illness came. I basked in the thought of a job well done…my son will be proud.

Acknowledgement came a week later and once Kalib was told, he was childishly ecstatic that turned into pride of becoming a man.

During this same period, Sara was barely seen; she was absent from our daily showers. Then just about the time my worst fears of my daughter became all encompassing…she was back.

She told me that Malek had loaned her to the president of the rebels. She too was now pregnant again…

Barely had my morning sickness pass when Sara and I separated from the general population and put into a passive confinement. They gave us new clothes, fed us real food, and started treating us completely different.

It took only days for the confusion to pass, finally the change becoming evident when one of the guards whom I thought was coming to be serviced by me, closed my spread legs when I offered my pussy to him. He shook his head, put up a hand, and told both Sara and I that we both were off limits.

Was it because we both were a month of so pregnant?

That question was answered later that day. A well-dressed man met us later that day and told us that he represented a bordering country with ties to our country and they were negotiating to release us. He said our country did not know if they were specifically negotiating for us…or possibly others, so if we were to be released, we must not denigrate the rebels for all they have done to us. Otherwise, those left behind might be in peril.

Sara and I agreed. But, what about John, he was nowhere to be found the last few days.

We were told he might come later as he was with another group of rebels at the time.

Malek came in and handed us our babies, without saying a word he turned and was off.

A week later…I wrote this story.


2017-03-11 06:18:24


2017-03-11 05:21:49


2017-03-11 05:21:08

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-14 21:15:03
Totally fucked up story really what a fantasy. He is your son bitch! Yiur daughter is cool. I like her open mindedness, she probably watched lots of porn and fantasised. Good for her.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-16 02:45:33
At the BEGINING you say lost one and added three?? By the way hated your story. Read it yes, but just feel disgust.

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