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Jason explores the pleasures of sex with older women. This the first of 3-4 parts
Chapter 1

Jason Beavaneax surveyed the grimy waiting room of the Collegetown bus station. The cracked greyish white tile was littered with the flotsam and jetsam of a public place. The occasional hot dog wrapper, the carelessly discarded cup and, yes, people marginalized by choice or circumstances wafted around the room. A maintenance worker with a short handled broom and dustpan was making a desultory attempt to clean up the trash. His duties did not extend to the people.

Aside from Jason, there were ten people waiting for this last bus of the night. They covered the gamut from a disreputable looking, rheumy-eyed transient to a young migrant couple. However, one denizen stood out from the rest. She was an older white woman.

Jason’s hobby was people watching. He had a native ability to read body language. When combined with his minor in Psychology, he was very successful in reading the inner workings of a person’s mind.

This woman was under some stress. The firm set of her lips suggested that. The way she sat with her knees spread and legs crossed at the ankles suggested an asexual person or at the other end of the spectrum, a sexually repressed person.

She had an interesting face. It was reddish and heavily freckled. The moon shape, weathering and deep, heavy lines added character.

Hell, he thought, she had to be at least 50! Aside from a decent rack and some fair legs, she was typical of the truck farmers in the area. Grey mingled liberally with her reddish brown hair. Her dress was a threadbare faded print affair. It looked like it would hit just above her knees. He guessed she was 5' 7' or so, maybe 150 pounds. His eyes moved on, looking for a better travelling companion.

"Ben Lomond, Ben Lomond! The bus for Ben Lomond departs from Lane 1!" The dispatcher's nasal voice issued tinnily over the PA system.

Jason rose from the grey plastic bench, retrieved his backpack and casually slipped it over one shoulder. He stretched, his 6' 4”, 240-pound football player's body loomed large in the tiny waiting room. He slouched slowly toward the boarding area.

Hearing the boarding announcement, the farm lady fumbled for her suitcase and purse. She stood and bumped into Jason.

"Excuse me," Jason exclaimed, moving quickly to the side.

The lady skittered back so quickly that the back of her legs hit the seat and she unceremoniously fell back in her seat with her legs flying into the air, her skirt billowing. She frantically used both hands to catch her dress. As she struggled to get her dress down, Jason caught a glimpse of a hairy pussy.

"That's…that's ok," May Allen stammered nervously.

Although May had some contact with Black men in and around her small town, she had never interacted with one. The closeness of this large young Black man intimidated her. She cast a sidelong glance, taking in his broad shoulders and well-muscled arms. His head sat like a block of mahogany on his square shoulders. His unusual slate grey eyes were penetrating, mesmerizing causing May to hold his look for longer than was comfortable.

Her face colored as she realized he had probably seen her pussy. That possibility was embarrassing. She instantly regretted her rebellious decision to go without panties. However, Henry, her husband, had made her so dammed mad by ignoring her. May flashed back to earlier that evening.

May Allen stepped from the shower and strode nude across the threadbare carpet into the bedroom. She retrieved two shabby towels from the linen cabinet. One she coiled like a turban around her greying red hair. With the other, she began drying her back, seesawing it back and forth. She was aware that her pendulous breasts moved in opposition, swaying back and forth.

“Gawddamit, May, I don’t see why you have to go visit your sister! I need you here to help with the chores.

Her husband, Henry, stood shirtless in the bedroom door in well-worn faded bib overalls. They were blue/white with tattered knees. Dirt and straw from cleaning the barn covered him.
Steel grey hair sprouted from his chest. His face was heavily lined and weathered. His bushy eyebrows topped a face that always looked as if he smelled something bad.

“First off, Henry, get the fuck out of the house and stop tracking mule shit, dirt and hay into my clean house! Second, I only get to see my sister a few times a year. I will go when I fucking well please!”
May placed one leg on the kitchen chair in the bedroom. Her husband took no notice of her nakedness. She dried first one leg then the other. She took the towel between her legs and vigorously dried her thick thatch of reddish brown pubic hair. A faint shock went through her as this action encountered her clit.

“Hurry up then! I need to get back here to finish cleaning the barn!”

I am standing here necked as a jaybird and all he is concerned about is cleaning the fucking barn, she thought. After thirty years of marriage and five children, it was as if I was part of the furniture. Or a fucking field hand!

She turned to the chest of drawers and retrieved a plain white bra. The faded label read 38C. She donned it and inspected herself in the cracked mirror. Her breasts bulged out of the top of the old bra. At 48, her breasts had lost the fight with gravity. In contrast to her heavily tanned legs and arms, they rested like large white melons on her chest surmounted by her large pink eraser like nipples. The rubbing of the towel had caused them to become hard and erect. Hard work kept her belly flat and her legs toned. Even so, having five babies left a pattern of stretch marks across her abdomen.

A quick inspection of her panty drawer revealed they were all in a sorry shape. They were frayed and worn. She angrily slammed the drawer shut. A woman should have a decent pair of panties to wear. However, her husband was frugal to the point of being scrooge like. To hell with it, she thought, he would not let me buy any lingerie; I will just not wear any!

May had these moments of rebellion before. Unbeknownst to Henry, she often went to church without panties. It made her feel incredibly wicked. It thrilled her to hear the minister preaching hell and damnation while she could feel the breeze from the fans blow across her naked pussy.

From their closet, she took her best dress, a faded flowered button up the front affair. It stopped about 1” above her knees; showing off what she thought was her best feature, her long, well-muscled legs. As she slipped it on and buttoned it, she felt a queasiness in her abdomen. Fucking great, I'm ovulating, she thought.

May and Henry had not had sex in nearly five years. She decided birth control pills were an unnecessary expense. Besides, her irregular periods suggested she was entering menopause. An unwanted pregnancy was the furthest thing from her mind.
"Here, let me help you," Jason offered his hand.

May was stunned at her boldness when she let his massive ebony hand engulf hers. Her tanned arm looked pale compared to the deep dark brown of his arm. He effortlessly pulled her to feet. She stood uncertainly in front of him. An unaccustomed warmth started in her nether regions and permeated her body.

Jason stepped back to let the lady move in front of him. He chuckled to himself as he thought about the beaver shot he got. Who would have thought that an older woman would go commando! As she moved in front of him and started toward the doors, he noted the soft sway of her full hips. Not bad, he noted, not bad at all! He stepped around her and pushed the swinging door, allowing May to move from the lounge area to the boarding area.

Diesel fumes assaulted his nostrils as he followed May through swinging doors. The old Scenic Cruiser sat in its lane, idling roughly and belching fumes. The paint job was faded and the exterior displayed the scars of years of use.

Jason and May were the last ones to board. The driver, his grey uniform frayed at the cuffs and collar, took their tickets and ushered them inside. He and the old Greyhound retread had seen better days.

The motley residents of the waiting room filled the first ten seats on the lower level behind the driver. Jason followed May as she moved past the smelly bathroom and up the stairs to the upper level. He noted the hard muscle in her legs as she climbed the few stairs.

May was aware that he could see her legs well up her dress. She felt an odd little thrill. Henry never looked at her legs. She felt a dampness between her legs. It was followed by a heat that permeated her body. May brought one trembling hand to her ample chest. Dear god, she thought, what is happening to me?

May sidled up the narrow aisle, stopping midway of the upper observation section of the bus. She easily lifted her suitcase and was about to shove it in the overhead. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jason standing patiently. Unlike the strong independent woman she was, she pretended to struggle because of its weight and the height of the bin.

"Here, let me help you," Jason offered.

He slid in behind her in the narrow aisle. He reached over May and pushed the bag into the bin. In the process, his cock brushed over her full mature ass. The firmness of her ass surprised him. Did she push back against him?

Uncharacteristically, May pushed her ample behind back against Jason. An electric shock coursed through her. It felt to her like it started between her legs and radiated upward and downward through her body. She broke out in a light sweat. She felt a flutter in her abdomen and her nipples grew hard as diamonds. Her legs wobbled and she thought she was going to faint.

"Thank…thank you," she mumbled.

Dear lord, she thought, what has come over me! I actually rubbed my ass against his crotch. Lately May felt an unaccustomed heat course through her body. Some she knew were the hot flashes of menopause. The others were an intense sexual arousal. Her nipples would get hard and sensitive. This usually occurred when she was ovulating. However, the intensity of both was more than she experienced in years.

It felt like he had pressed a shovel handle into her butt! Her knuckles turned white as she squeezed the arm of the seat. She felt the fabric of her dress rub her bare ass as he sidled past. Hurriedly, May slid into the seats. She watched as the large Black man moved past her to the rear. She repressed an urge to glance back and see his butt.

Jason smiled as he moved down the aisle toward the back of the bus. It was risky rubbing his cock over her butt. She could have screamed and that would cause a problem. Instead, she reacted as though she liked it. He planted his bulk into the five across rear seats. He rested his back against the wall and stretched out across the seats.

The ancient bus shuddered as the driver ground the gears into reverse and backed out of the boarding lane. The gears clashed again as he forced it into low gear and lumbered into traffic. With practiced ease, the driver moved quickly through the gears and attained highway speed.

In his back row seat, Jason surreptiously eased his 16-ounce Coca Cola bottle from his backpack. The bottle was a 50/50 mix of Coke and Wild Turkey. As he took a sip, he caught the old white woman watching him.

May manufactured reasons for her to turn in her seat and catch glimpses of the young Black man. For some reason he fascinated her. An unaccustomed warmth spread threw her body. What is wrong with me, she thought.

When Jason caught her staring at him, he offered her a drink from his soda bottle. She was like a deer in the headlights. She wanted to turn away but she could not. A tidal wave of emotion washed over her.

"Come on," Jason implored, "have a drink!"

Despite her fears, May found herself rising to accept his offer. A pang of guilt shot threw her as she glanced down to see if the other passengers were watching. I am just going to the back of this very public bus to have a drink, she reasoned, why should I feel guilty?

She thought about Henry. Her anger at his ignoring her welled in her. I am more than just a farmhand!

May walked the few steps to the back of the bus. She kept looking over her shoulder at the passengers on the lower level. She was not sure why she accepted a drink with from this stranger. Maybe it was an act of defiance at an uncaring husband. May slid into the middle seat, her legs extended in the aisle. To her right were two empty seats. To her left, Jason offered her the Coke bottle laced with Wild Turkey.

"I…I…I just want you to know I am married and don't normally do this kind of thing." May took a tentative sip of the spiked Coke. She sputtered as the heat of the liquor burned her throat. She felt the alcohol suffuse her body, warming her.

Jason watched as May took another sip. He noticed how her breasts rose as she raised the bottle to her mouth and leaned her head back to take a drink. Lawd, he thought, her jugs were as big as my Mama and my aunt. "Ma'am, all we are doing is having a drink together!"

Ma’am! The word aged her. It reminded her she was past middle age. Most of her life was behind her. It also reminded her of the obvious age difference between her and her newfound drinking partner. She carefully observed him as he took a big swig from the bottle. He could not be more than 20 years old! He was younger than her youngest!

He was extremely dark with startling slate grey eyes. His shaved head was enormous, sitting like a block of obsidian on an almost non-existent neck. His broad shoulders nearly filled the space between the back wall of the bus and the seat. Her eyes trailed down over his broad muscular chest. His waist was almost waspish but flared to large thighs and legs. She felt a tingle that was partly the alcohol and partly the large bulge in his pant leg. That could not possibly be his cock, she thought.

"My name is May," she said feeling self-conscious about drinking with this young man

Jason watched as May turned toward him. Her left leg was bent at the knee resting on the seat and the other in the aisle. Her dress rode up exposing her leg to the lower thigh. It was a well-shaped leg, lightly covered in a brownish hair.

He accepted the proffered bottle. Time to up the ante, he thought. "I'm Jason," he said as he offered a toast and took a deep draught. He let his hand drop to her ankle. When she did not protest, he lightly squeezed it.

His hand was hot on May's ankle. She felt the heat move up her leg and warm her nether regions. She was a little high. Normally all she drank was the hard cider she and Henry made. The 100 proof Wild Turkey and Coke was going to her head.

May felt as if the world had shrunk to this little cocoon of him and her. It was as if they were the only people in the world. She stole a look at his dark open face. His eyes were calm open pools of grey.

He looks at me as though I were center of his world. When I speak, he listens, really listens. Henry never listened. It was a pleasant feeling. This strange young man made her feel safe and needed. She felt warm and adjusted the hem of her dress.

Jason watched as May’s dress rose higher. It cut across her thighs, exposing all of her lower legs and a lot of her thighs. Her dress tightened across her breasts as she took another deep swallow. Jason thought he could see her hard nipples challenging the thin cotton dress. She offered no protest as his hand slid up her lower leg, partially disappearing under her dress. A warm moist heat issued from under her dress.

May's skin tingled as Jason lightly caressed her lower thigh. The tingle moved up her leg. She felt herself getting wetter. The tingle moved up her abdomen causing it to quiver. It invaded her breasts, making her nipples harder and more sensitive. It suffused her neck, ears and face causing her to flush. Jesus Christ, she thought. What is happening to me? I am behaving like a teenager on her first date. As he took a swallow, she watched his pant leg tighten as his cock hardened. It seemed to go on forever.

Henry’s was the only cock she had ever seen. This one was much larger. May licked her lips hungrily. She felt an otherness, an out of body experience. She was not drunk. She knew that. A barrier dropped and a hand moved out and lightly squeezed the bulge.

Jason groaned as May squeezed his dick. He felt her fingers tightening and relaxing on his man meat. He lowered the bottle slowly. May's eyes glazed as her hand rubbed his cock. She seemed to be in a trance. A light sheen of sweat covered her forehead. Her tongue flicked across incongruously dry lips, moistening them. He let his hand slide slowly up her dress. The hair on her legs felt like silk. He stroked back and forth, each time he moved further up her thigh pushing her dress higher.

May started as she felt the back of Jason's hand brush lightly against her pubic mound. Her eyes rose and locked with his. I should stop this, she thought. It has gone too far. May moaned as Jason's finger moved gently up her sodden slit. Her fingers tightened on his cock. Reluctantly, May removed her hand from Jason's cock. Using both of her hands, she grasped his invading hand and held it tightly. She groaned as she pushed his arm back, causing his finger to slip out of her aching pussy.

"We must…we must stop," she groaned haltingly, "this is just not me!"

Jason scooted forward so that their knees on the seat touched. With his free hand, he reached out and stroked her chin with the back of his hand.

"You know," he said, "perhaps you are right!"

He leaned in, cupped her chin and lightly touched her lips with his. He let his tongue slip out of his mouth and slide sensuously across her parted lips. His free hand roamed down her neck, causing May to tremble at the feather lightness of his touch. He moved from her lips to her chin, lightly kissing it. He planted kisses on either side of her neck. His free hand slowly unbuttoned first one then another of the buttons on her dress.

Jason caressed her breast through her bra as he planted kisses just above her cleavage and then on the fleshy mound of each breast.

"Yes, yes this is so wrong," May gasped loudly, “I’m married, and I’m a Christian. I can’t cheat on my husband.”

He undid another button on her dress, exposing her tattered tattletale grey bra. Jason pushed her bra up over the quivering mounds of her breasts. Her nipples were pink and rigid. They were as large as the first joint of his thumb. He lowered his head and gently suckled.

“Does your husband do this?”

May pressed his head to her bosom. She breastfed all of her children. She loved the intimacy of those moments, the feeling of completeness as the issue of her womb was nourished by milk from her breasts. It was part of the cycle of life. Henry always wanted the door closed. He felt it was not seemly for a man to watch a woman feed her babies.

“No, never,” she moaned.

She again grasped his cock and began squeezing it. Her gasps turned to moans as he nibbled lightly on one nipple while pulling on the other with his thumb and forefinger.

"You are so beautiful, so beautiful," Jason moaned, suckling on her rigid nipple.

May responded to the light pressure of Jason's hand on her chest pushing her back on the seats. She lay back as he kissed each nipple. He planted kisses on her abdomen, and then let his tongue explore her navel.

May's body undulated under Jason's ministrations. Her skin was hypersensitive. Each kiss sent sensations coursing through her body. She felt like she was on fire. Where is he going, she thought. Oh no, he is not going to kiss me down there.

May grasped Jason's head in both hands and tried to push him away.

"No…no…not there…not there!"

Jason pushed her hands away. When she tried to close her legs, he forced them apart with the pressure of his head. Finally, he planted that first sweet French kiss on May's labia. He ran his tongue up and down each lip. Then he started at the bottom and let his tongue part her lips and move slowly up until he flicked her clit.

"Does your husband do this?"

“Oh god…oh god…oh god!” May’s hips bucked against Jason’s head as he alternately licked and kissed her engorged labia. When he took her pussy lips in his mouth, she felt a pressure building. It was as though she was about to explode.

“Please…please…stop…I can’t…oh my god…oh my god!”

Jason raised his head, his face smeared with May’s juices.

“Should I stop?” He knew she was too far gone to want him to stop.

Wild eyed, May raised her head. She looked at Jason’s sweating face. All of her life she had believed that oral sex was filthy, an act performed only by degenerates. Now this young Black man had her nearly naked with his face buried between her thighs.

Mini orgasms wracked her body. Sweat streamed down her face, clouding her vision. Lust clouded her reason.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered. She wrapped her legs around his back, giving herself up to the delicious, forbidden kisses.

Jason took her clit in his mouth and sucked it hard. It engorged with blood, growing in length and girth. He slipped two fingers in her tight, dripping wet pussy and finger fucked her. He curled his fingers upward, stroking her G-spot. He could feel her vagina spasming as another orgasm overtook her.

Her orgasm hit her like waves on an ocean. It surged forward, causing her body to twist and thrust. When it receded, she quivered and tingled all over. Then the wave surged forward again. She was dimly aware that her pussy oozed her ejaculate almost continuously, punctuated by squirts.

Helen was having an out of body experience. She was above them, watching the back of his sweating black head between her thighs. She watched her hips thrust against his face. Her face was contorted in unaccustomed lust, her mouth open drooling. She saw herself suddenly spasm as though electricity had shot through her body, twitching, contorting.

Only the distance from their fellow passengers and the roar of the engines prevented them from hearing May scream as her orgasms rocked her body. Her thighs clamped tight around Jason's head. She forcibly pushed his head against her pussy. And she squirted! The force and quantity of her ejaculate filled his mouth. Try as he could, he could not drink it all down. In addition, when he closed his mouth, the stream went up his nose! Jason forcibly pushed her thighs from their vise like grip on his head. He rocked back on his haunches enduring a fit of coughing. May's come covered his face and dripped on to his already soaked tee shirt.

May turned bright red. She was very embarrassed. She sat up, unconsciously letting her dress drop to her waist, fully exposing her breasts. Their vigorous foreplay caused the skirt portion of her dress to rise to her waist. Her pubic hair was soaked and gleamed wetly.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry," she wailed, making ineffectual attempts to wipe her ejaculate from his face.

Jason slowly recovered from his coughing fit. He extended one hand to reassure her and inadvertently touched her breast. He squeezed it.

"It's ok," he managed to choke out; "I'm ok!"

He took the tail of his tee shirt and wiped his face.

"I don't know what happened. That has never happened before!"

Jason smiled inwardly at this role reversal. The young was educating the old.

"You had a series of explosive orgasms and you squirted"

Jason glanced down the aisle of the bus. The people in the lower portion of the Scenic Cruiser were sleeping.

"I've never done that," May wailed, "but then I have never had someone kiss my…me…
Down there!"

Jason slid to middle of the row of seats. He undid his pants and pushed them down around his ankles. May watched as his huge pole sprang free. The size stunned her. He was at least two inches longer than Henry. Her hand could barely encircle it.

Jason reached over and placed one hand behind May’s neck. He applied gentle pressure, pulling her head down to his throbbing cock. He could feel her resisting.

“Come on, May, you can do it!”

May was in a panic. Yes, she had heard about… this. She knew what he wanted her to do. She read about it in books. Sometimes at the church socials, she and some of the other women had whispered conversations about it. One woman had even claimed to have done it once. However, the consensus was only loose women did such things.

“Please… please I…I can’t!”

Jason increased the downward pressure on her head. He grabbed a handful of her hair and twisted it.

“You know you are going to do it! Just as you know you want fucked.”

Conflict raged in May. Why was she doing this? Something was changing in her.

“So much is happening. I have never done ANYTHING like this! I’m married…I…!”

May felt the bulbous head of his ebony tool touch her lips. He moved it back and forth across her lips smearing them with his pre cum. Reflexively, May licked her lips. His pungent saltiness invaded her mouth. The taste made her lightheaded. Like a cat, she let her tongue flick across the head of his cock.

“Please don’t make me!” She moaned. Between her protestations, her tongue explored his dick head. The taste of his juices was as intoxicating as the Coke and Wild Turkey they drank. She groaned as he forced it into her mouth. It filled her mouth. She had trouble breathing. The corners of her mouth ached from stretching to accommodate it. She felt his grip on her hair tightened as his hips pumped forcing more and more of his cock into her mouth.

May felt a gooey wetness between her legs. What is happening to me, she thought? She felt his cock bump her throat, causing her to gag. Saliva drooled out of the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin.

Jason kept his hand on the back of her head as he drove his cock deeper and deeper in her inexperienced mouth. He felt the head hit the back of her throat. Each time his cock moved further down her throat. He could see her throat swell from his cock. She is a natural, he thought, no gag reflex.

Almost impossibly, May felt his man meat swell in her mouth. It frightened her. She was not sure what to expect. Then the first scalding hot stream of his love juices filled her mouth. Reflexively, she gulped swallowing his load. His cumming in my mouth! He’s cumming in my mouth!

May kept gulping down his seed as rope after rope filled her mouth. She found she could not swallow fast enough. The last spurts ran out of the corners of her mouth.

As he came, pumping copious amounts of his seed in her mouth, May’s pussy went into spasms as her orgasm overtook her. As her body undulated from the force of her orgasm, she marveled at the intimacy of this act. It was an experience like no other.

Jason’s grip loosened as he pumped his seed into May’s mouth. She collapsed on his crotch, his cock trapped between them, spewing the last of his juices down her cleavage, staining her bra.

Jason lay on his back, his chest heaving. One hand lay on May’s head stroking her hair. The other lay palm up on the floor of the bus.

For her part, May’s head lay on his still hard cock. She could feel the wetness between her legs as she gradually came down from her orgasm. She was aware of the wet stickiness on her breasts. Her bra clung to her chest with its wetness. She amazed at the eroticism of feeling his cock pump its last spurts between her breasts and over her abdomen.

“Wow,” Jason exclaimed, “that was amazing!”

May raised her head and looked at the perspiring face of her lover. She was exhausted. She could sleep right here. She groaned as he pushed her off him and swung himself into sitting position. She could feel his sperm covering her breasts and belly. She wiped one hand over her body, trying to remove his come. All she succeeded in doing was smearing it over her body. She held her hand in the air, looking around for something to wipe it on.

“I’m a mess,” May wailed, surveying her cum covered hands and cleavage.

“Lick your fingers clean!” May looked first at Jason then at her come covered hand. She held his eyes as she thoroughly licked her hand clean. When he reached for her hand and pulled her toward him, she meekly obeyed. She sat next to him, both of them recovering. May was aware her bra hung loosely from her shoulders, soaked in Jason’s semen. It covered her breast and abdomen. Her dress was bunched around her waist. Oh my god, what have I done?

“Sit on my lap!”

May rose to her knees and swung her leg over his. She felt his cock slapping against her ass. What am I doing, she thought. I'm behaving like a slut. But, dear lord this is so liberating!

Jason pulled her to him and began a long passionate kiss. At first, he was the aggressor, forcing his tongue into May's mouth, winning the duel. May was intimidated and more than a little frightened.

I'm married and shouldn't be making out with this stranger on this very public bus, she thought. She turned her head and saw the backs of the sleeping heads of the other passengers. What will they think of me? What would Henry think?

I am more than just a fucking farmhand. I am a woman. A desirable woman. This young Black man thinks I am sexy.

May began passionately sucking on Jason's tongue. Then she pushed his tongue out of her mouth and forced hers into his mouth. Their tongues dueled for supremacy.

Jason grasped one of her hands and pulled it down between them. He placed her hand on his throbbing cock.

"Put it in," he groaned huskily.

Dear god, I’m loving this, she thought as she stroked Jason cock. His hands transferred to her ass. He gripped each large cheek and squeezed almost painfully. Their eyes locked. They both streamed sweat from their exertions

"Put it in," Jason said with more force. He squeezed her ass harder causing May to wince.

Like the neophyte she was, May fumbled trying to position his cock at her entrance. She felt his mushroom head settle in between her pussy lips. She hesitated, unsure of herself and the situation. Thirty years of marriage and a lifetime of Christian upbringing screamed weakly at her to stop.

She and Jason held each other’s eyes,

"Sit down on my dick," Jason said between clenched teeth.

May licked her lips. She winced again at the painful grasp of his hands on her ass. I have never fucked any man but Henry she thought. No man has ever seen me this naked and played with my tits. She shuddered as she recalled him licking her pussy. And no man has ever kissed me down there.

“This…this is so incredible! I have never…oh fuck!”

May relaxed and slowly eased down on Jason's man meat. She felt his sex slide between her labia and enter her vagina. She groaned as his pole stretched her like never before. At first, there was pain. She paused, letting her pussy become accustomed to this unrivalled invasion.

“Does that feel good?”

"Oh god," she moaned, "oh god! Oh god, yes!"

Her vision blurred. Her head dropped to his shoulder. She wrapped both of her arms around Jason's neck. She lowered herself further, her pussy straining to accommodate his tool. The bus hit a pothole. She hissed as she dropped, accepting all of him into her married pussy.

Jason flexed and began a slow in and out. He was aware that May was merely holding on, letting him do all the work. That was fine for now. She was so tight he needed to fight to keep from coming. He moved the finger of one hand closer to her anus. He began slowly rubbing her starfish.

“I want you to say fuck me.”

May giggled as she felt his tool slide easily in her depths, exciting every nerve in her pussy. She looked deep into his eyes. That is what we are doing, like a bull mounting a cow in season. We are fucking. No lovemaking. Just hot anonymous fucking.

“Fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

He firmly gripped her ass cheeks and began moving her up and down.

"Does that feel good?'

"It…it hurts…a little, but yes, yes it feels good!"

"I'm going to let you set the pace. Pretend you are sliding back and forth on a chair."

May obeyed and felt his cock sliding back and forth in her pussy. She thought she could feel the head of his cock pushing against her cervix. A slight queasiness caused her to try to remember an important fact. It felt too good. She had never been this full and the sensations were incredible. Frantically she began moving faster.

"Easy, easy," Jason cautioned," I'm not going anywhere. This is all about you."

About me, she thought. He said it was all about me! With Henry, it had always been about him. A quick finger fuck to get her wet then he would climb on top and before she got into it, he would grunt and come.

As she slowed, she felt his finger sliding up and down her anus. A part of her was embarrassed and a little disgusted that he was playing with her asshole.

"You are choking me," Jason laughed, “not so tight!"

"Ahh, I'm sorry," May moaned, loosening her death grip on his neck "I just...just...”

Jason pressed his index finger against May's asshole. It slipped in to the first joint and stopped.

May froze. "What are you doing?"

"Just relax, baby, just relax!"

Jason worked that first finger joint slowly in and out of May's asshole. He added a slight corkscrew twist to open her up. He could feel her natural lubrication increasing.

I…I…I don't…I don't think," May groaned. She was apprehensive about his finger in her ass. It seemed so dirty, so over the top. Her sphincter muscles reflexively tightened and loosened, reacting to this unexpected invasion. She wanted him to stop. However, his cock throbbing in her pussy diminished her inhibitions against this deeply held taboo. It did not feel that bad, she thought, just different. She grunted as the second joint of his finger slid into her anus. May closed her eyes and touched her forehead to his. She could hear the squishy sound of their lovemaking.

"Does it hurt, "Jason asked?

"No," May said haltingly, "it just feels…different!"

May continued rocking slowly on his dick, reveling in the full feeling. Mini orgasms continue to wrack her body, causing her to quiver almost uncontrollably. During one of these orgasms, Jason pushed his finger in her ass past the second joint. May's mouth opened in a silent scream. She placed her mouth on Jason's and kissed him long and deep. She found that when she rocked back and forth on his cock, his finger moved in and out of her ass. The feeling progressed from odd to erotic.

“Dear fucking god that feels good!”

Her world blurred and contracted. There was nothing else in the world but his cock in her pussy and his finger ravishing her ass. Shock after orgasmic shock shook her as she moved toward her orgasm.
All most impossibly, she felt him growing in her. The throbbing was pronounced, more urgent, the thrusting harder, quicker. His swelling cock set her nerve endings on fire. Her head rocked back, sweating streaming from her face, her mouth opened in a silent scream as she felt him release in her. It forced her own orgasms sending her into paroxysms of pleasure as they reached their peaks together. Even after they orgasmed, May continued her slow undulations.

They made love twice more before they were both too exhausted to continue. They took turns changing clothes and cleaning up in the tight smelly confines of the on board lavatory. Realizing her one bra as beyond being used, she decided to go braless. She slipped into an old peasant skirt and scoop neck pullover top.

“Wow!” Jason exclaimed as he watched her breasts swing freely as she moved toward him. “You look incredible!”

May blushed at the unaccustomed compliment. She slid into the seat next to him. She leaned over and kissed him lightly on his lips. “Thanks,” she breathed, “thanks for… everything!”

Jason shushed her, placing a finger on her lips. “Thank you, sexy lady!”

Then they collapsed in the seats, Jason’s back against the wall. May sat between his splayed legs, laying on his chest. Jason’s strong arms encircled her. His hands cupping her breasts. Unbeknownst to either, they shared the same thought: this feels so right!

"Bonny Doon, Bonny Doon'" The blare of the PA system pull May groggily from her sleep. She ran her fingers through her hair. She was confused about where she was. Then the events of the evening flooded back into her mind. She realized she was laying on the young Black man's chest. They had sex, right here in the back of the bus. She had done things, had let him do things that she had never done. Instead of shame, she felt sated, complete. As she studied his sleeping face, she felt an odd connection to him. She also had a headache, the wages of her drinking.

She sat up and looked around. Several more people had boarded the bus during the night. She glanced over at Jason, snoring peacefully. She went to wake him. So what do I say, May thought. Thanks for helping me break my marriages vows. Thanks for making me behave like a slut. Thanks for…for the best sexual experience of my life?

The bus slowed and lurched as the driver geared down to exit the freeway. May stood, straightened her skirt and retrieved her bag from the overhead rack. She grabbed the seat back for balance as the bus negotiated the poorly maintained blacktop.

For a moment she was torn. She looked back at Jason. He looked so young. Resolutely, she turned back and strode down the aisle toward the exit. As she descended the stairs to the lower level, she was aware the some of the other passengers looked askance at her. The driver merely leered.

"Hope you enjoyed your…trip…” he said suggestively.

May ignored him. As she stepped onto the gravel-covered lot of the diner/ bus stop, she spied her sister waving at her. The gravel crunched loudly as she moved away from the bus and toward her sister. Behind her, she heard the bus door close. The driver forced the bus into gear. It lumbered back onto the blacktop.

"Hey May baby," her sister cried, embracing her sister, "here give me your suitcase!"

"Gawd, Ellen it is so good to see you!” Over her sister's shoulder, she watched the bus move past them, heading toward the freeway.

"How's Henry?" Ellen asked. She noticed her sister was uncharacteristically braless as they got into the truck. She seemed to glow with some inner light. She seemed more content, more sure of herself.

May turned sideways in her seat. She stared blankly at her older sister. She knew her life had changed. She just was not sure how much.

"We need to talk," May said quietly, "I am not sure if I can take Henry anymore!"

Ellen turned and looked sharply at her sister. The Silverado swerved. She quickly recovered. She opened her mouth to press May and then thought better of it. There would be plenty of time later.

"How was the bus ride?"

"It was wonderful," May said, feeling a tingle in her sore nether regions, "just wonderful!"


The sun streaming through the large window woke Jason. He looked around and realized May was gone. He stretched in the seat. Oh well, he thought.

"Ben Lomond, Ben Lomond, five minutes to Ben Lomond"

Jason retrieved his backpack. He was a little surprised that he was disappointed May was gone. She was just a hook up. Still!

Chapter 2

“How is school, baby?” Susan Beavaneax was a big woman in many ways. From her 38DD breasts to her 39” hips. She stood 5’8”, and admitted to being a little north of 200 pounds. Her brown paper skin color attested to her creole heritage. That and her startling grey eyes gave her an exotic look that meant she never had any trouble standing out. She steered her 1990 Cadillac Eldorado through the curves of the mountain road. Her full skirt was across her lap, exposing most of her thighs. She was bare leg wearing open toed clogs. The pearlescent pink of her toes and fingers caught the light.
“Good, Mama, very good! The extra course works paid off. I’ll graduate this January.”

Stealthily, Jason looked at his mother’s full firm legs. She always drove like this. He first noticed it when he entered puberty. His mom was in the car impatiently waiting for him. As he walked by the driver’s side window, he looked down and saw, for the first time, his mother’s panty clad pussy. It became an obsession. He manufactured reasons to look in the car and under his mom’s skirt. He was sure she caught him a few times. He would see her looking at him with a slight smirk.

“While you are here, I want you to help your Aunt Helen.”
“No problem! What does she need done?”
“Well,” Susan began, “she has separated from Andre and she is 24 weeks pregnant!”
“What!!? What happened? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Susan raised her right hand and flapped it at the wrist.
“That’s grown folks business, baby! Your father and I decided not to worry you with that!”
“But…but…but!” Jason sputtered.
“But my ass! Wasn’t a damn thing you could do. However, you can help out this week you’re home!”
As Susan negotiated the winding mountain road, she thought back to the conversation with her sister.


"Susan, I just put Andre out!"


"Well, I told you I thought he was fucking around on me!"

"Don't say another word! I'm on my way! You got any rum?"

"Bitch, you coming to talk or get drunk?” Helen laughed.

"Both and I'm bringing something else for the head!"

Susan unzipped and stepped out of her housecoat. She stood in her bedroom in powder blue boy shorts and matching demi bra. Her gaze travelled slowly over her extensive wardrobe. Her eyes fell on an A line denim dress with roll cuffs. It had four buttons at the top and slits on each side that came to her lower thigh. She took it off the hanger and replaced the hanger in the closet. Susan slipped the dress over her head and wiggled it into place. She turned slowly in front of the mirror. She liked the way this dress moved when she walked. It slid nicely across her hips. Her fingers moved to the four buttons at the collar.

Fuck it, she thought, may as well show the girls off. She eyed her shoe collection. She chose the silver turquoise faux high-heeled sneakers. Susan eyed her toenails critically as she slipped on the shoes. No time to do them. She grabbed her purse off the dresser and turn to leave. She stopped. One more thing, she thought. Susan went back to the wardrobe and felt along the top shelf. Her hand hit the large baggie. She took it, opened her purse and stuffed it in.

Susan walked out of the bedroom, turned, and walked the short distance to the stairs. She felt the air get under the dress and cause it to billow as she trotted down the stairs. She smiled as she thought about the effect that would have on some lucky man who was coming up the stairs as she went down. She paced quickly to the refrigerator. She scrawled a note to her husband, Adam.

Took the car. At Helen's. You on your own for dinner. Don't wait up



Susan grabbed the keys to the Coupe Deville from the hook in the kitchen. She smiled quietly to herself as she beheld its candy apple red glory. Adam had bitched when she said she wanted it. He raised his voice as much as he ever did and shouted that we could not afford it. That night she put a good fucking on him. Hell she even tongue fucked his ass. Two days later, she drove her baby off the showroom floor.

She slid into black leather seats, slid the key into the ignition and marveled at quiet thrum of the engine. She pressed the button on the garage door opener and backed out of the driveway, and put the car in Drive. She paused and with a devilish grin, pulled the hem of her skirt up until her panties could be seen if someone was lucky enough to look in her windshield.


The air in Helen's kitchen was thick with sweetish aroma of reefer. A half-empty fifth of Bacardi Dark set on the circular glass kitchen table. Helen and Susan sat across from each other. Both of their eyes were at half-mast.

"Fuck that tired ass motherfucker," Susan slurred, "you better off without him!"

"I know, I know, but I still…!" Helen was a slighter smaller version of her sister. She was just as tall and normally about 20 pounds lighter. She wore one of her husband’s tee shirts and a pair of red bikini panties. Her breasts were a full cup size smaller than her older sister at 36D.

She had a catch in her voice. She was not going to cry but the sadness caused her shoulders to droop. That, the rum and the marijuana had her disoriented. Her sister was a fuzzy blur. They had both had more than their limit but still they smoked and drank.

"You should move in with me and Adam"

"No, I can manage here. Besides, your husband don't need two women in the house"

Helen got unsteadily to her feet. She picked up her glass and her sister's and tottered carefully to the refrigerator.

Susan watched the soft roll of her sister’s behind as she filled both glasses from the indoor ice dispenser and walked cautiously back to the kitchen table. When they were teenagers, they would sometimes sleep belly to belly, tit to tit with their arms entwined around each other. Their mother had made them stop, saying it was not seemly for two females to sleep like that.

Helen splashed rum in each glass, added cola then flopped heavily into her chair.

"Honey, Adam does what he is told. If you want to move in, pack and we can go now!"

"Susan, we too fucked up to go anywhere," Helen laughed drunkenly, "come on, and let me get some blankets so you can sleep on the couch!"

"Shit, if that limp dick husband of yours is gone, I can sleep with you like we used to!"

The sisters staggered down the hall, each with a hand on the wall for balance. Helen turned into the bedroom and then struggled to get her tee shirt over her head. Susan tried to help. She grabbed the arms and pulled. Her momentum landed her flat on her ass with her legs spread.

Both women were caught up in a fit of laughter. Helen, her large breasts swinging freely, had tears in her eyes as she pointed at her sister.

"Girl why you wearing those fancy drawers? You getting something on the side?"

"You know I don't fuck around! But I do love the attention."

Susan struggled to her feet. She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head.

"And " Susan slurred, “ the bra matches the panties!"

She simulated a runway model's walk and pirouetted to show her sister the full effect.

Helen staggered to her feet and moved the few steps to her sister. She smacked her sister smartly on the ass.

"OUCH!!" Susan grabbed her ass with both hands and rubbed it vigorously. "Girl, nobody but my man slaps my ass like that and he better be on his knees behind me!"

Susan reached out, grabbed Helen’s nipple, and twisted. Helen pushed Susan's hand away and cupped her sore nipple.

"Bitch that hurt!"

Helen tried to grab Susan's nipple and only succeeded in pulling her bra off.

"Gawddamit, Helen you broke the clasp on my bra!"

Susan swayed drunkenly as she let the bra straps slide off her shoulder. She brought the bra close to her face to expect the clasp. While she was doing her inspection, Helen reached for her nipple again. Susan pushed her hand away and then pushed Helen back on the bed.

Susan jumped on the bed and straddled her sister. She grabbed her hands and forced them above her head. Susan was the stronger of the two. Despite Helen's best efforts, she knew she was pinned.

"What now, Susan, "you done turned dyke and you gona fuck me?'

Susan rolled off her sister and onto her back. They were both breathing heavily.

"You wish! Unless you done grew a dick, we are done gambling!"

They both roared with laughter.

Susan turned on her side to face her sister.

"Look, Pumpkin, I am here for you! I have always and will always be here for you!"

Helen turned on her side and gently kissed her sister on the lips. Their tongues touched. They were close. They were the only girls in a family of five boys. They were used to taking care of each other.

"Thank you baby, I know it!"

Briskly, she turned her back to her sister

"Now, let's get some sleep!"

Susan scooted close to Helen, pressing her body against her. She draped one hand over her, cupped her breast and went to sleep.

It was two weeks later that Helen called Susan to announce she was pregnant.

"What!!!," Susan intoned, "you what?"

"Pregnant, god damn it, I'm pregnant!"

Helen's voice broke as the weight of her separation from her husband and the unexpected pregnancy weighed on her.

"I thought Old Limp Dick didn't have enough juice to knock you up!"

"Don't you be calling him limp dick! He had some nice meat. He just didn't have 'nough swimmers to get the job done!"

"So what did you do? Recruit someone else to the swimmer team?"

"No, slut," Helen said angrily, "I guess we just got lucky!"

"Girl, you don't need that kind of luck! So what are you going to do? You going to tell Andre?"

"No, I put him out because he kept dipping his wick in strange pussy! Ain't no reason to expect any different if I let his tired ass back in. No, I'll do this by myself!"

"Bullshit! You know I'm here for you!"

Susan took the exit for Highway 9.
“Mom, where are we going?”
“We going to run by and check up on Helen. See if she need anything. She big as blimp! I told her she could get a job floating over football games with electric messages on her fat ass!”
“Mom! You shouldn’t talk about Aunt Helen like that!”
“I’ll talk about her anyway I want! She was my sister before she was your aunt!”
Exasperated, Jason slumped in his seat. He watched the fir trees whip by. He knew his mom and aunt loved each other. However, it still shocked him to hear how they talked about and to each other!
Susan steered the Caddy into the guest’s parking space of Helen’s apartment. While she fumbled with her purse, Jason bounded out of the car and sprinted around to open his mother’s door. He was rewarded with a full on view of her black panties as she swung first one leg then the other out of the car.
Susan was aware of the effect she had on her son. If pressed, she would say it was accidental or meaningless because he was her son. Nevertheless, a storm raged in her. It was not lost on her that Jason had grown into a big strapping, very sexy man. She loved everything about him. Lately when she and Adam were having sex, she imagined it was Jason. Yea, she thought, that was some weird shit, but it really got her off!
Jason, Helen and Susan were chatting around Helen’s kitchen table. After some halfhearted reluctance, Helen agreed that Jason could help while he was home for spring break. As she warmed to the idea, she began making a list of what needed to be done.
Jason groaned inwardly. While he had no plans for his vacation, he had not planned to spend it being a gofer for his pregnant aunt. He planned on hanging out with some of his buds, knock down a few beers and, hopefully, get some stray pussy.
Briefly, May Allen popped into his mind. She was a great fuck. He was disappointed she was gone when he woke up on the bus. He wished he had some contact information. Then the rational part of him kicked in questioning the place of an older woman in his life.
“Well Jason?” Helen asked.
“Excuse me, Aunt Helen, what did you say? I’m afraid I was daydreaming!”
“I said take my car. That will give you transportation. I’m too fat to drive that little sucker anyway!”
“Girl, why don’t you stop kicking yourself! You ain’t the first woman to get pregnant!”
Jason jumped in before they went off on one of their interminable arguments.
“Where are the keys, Aunt Helen?”
Helen hooked a thumb toward the kitchen door leading to the parking lot.
“They hanging on that hook by the door”
Jason slid his chair back from the table, stood and walked the few steps to retrieve the keys.
“Ok, I’m going to head on home!”
“Ok, be here around 9 tomorrow. I need some help with some boxes!”
Chapter 3
Jason guided the old Honda through traffic. It was not too bad this time of year. It would be another month before the tourist invaded this side of Monterey Bay. He turned into Aunt Helen's parking lot and slid into her parking spot. He was ticked with his mom for volunteering him to be Aunty's gofer. However, his mother was insistent about family taking care of family. Jason walked the few steps to Aunt Helen's garden apartment and rang the bell. He heard a muffled reply and waited, shifting impatiently from foot to foot. He could hear Aunt Helen moving slowly toward the door.

Jason was shocked at his aunt's appearance when she opened the door. Her flowered cotton housecoat was open, revealing, her white translucent fullback panties and matching granny bra. He could see the thick black thatch covering her sex. Her rich brown areola covered most of the bra. Her dark nipples were clearly visible.
Her belly was bare and protruded between the two. As she stood there, one hand absently massaged her distended womb.

"When you get through staring, come in and close the door! You might want to close your mouth too. Flies might get in!"

Helen stepped back and surveyed her nephew. She had watched as the pudgy, shy little boy grew into this strapping example of manhood. He filled out the tee shirt, and as her eyes glanced down, she noticed the bulge down his skintight faded Levi's. Lawd, she thought, the boy is hung. Despite herself, she felt a tingle in her pussy. Her ex-husband, Andre, was six months gone. Aside from her revenge fuck of a bar pick up, she had no dick in two months. Her hormones were in overdrive. Sometimes she wanted to fuck so bad she could scream. Her dildo helped. However, nothing could take the place of a man with a hard dick! She massaged her belly as the baby moved. She felt bloated. As big and unsexy as she was, it was going to be a long dry spell.

Jason stepped nervously into the compact kitchen. The center breakfast island with the grey marble counter top and contrasting black stools dominated it. The center of the island was a griddle used to fix a breakfast right at the table.

"So, Aunty Helen, mom says you got some stuff you want me to move for you!"

Helen motioned down the hall toward the bedroom.

"Andre left odds and ends here he ain't come back to get. I got the Salvation Army coming to get them. The boxes need to be on the front."

Jason eased past his aunt, unconsciously avoiding any contact with her. He did noticed she seemed to be uncomfortable. She kept rubbing her belly.

"Is everything ok, Aunty?"

Jason was a little panicked, thinking his aunt was about to deliver or something. Intellectually he knew it was not time but he had a man's visceral fear of what to do if a woman went into labor.

"I'm fine. It's just that the baby seems to ball up on one side and it's uncomfortable. If I massage him…my belly…it seems to help!"

"Ahh…yes Ma'am," Jason stammered, "I'll just start moving these boxes to the front."

Helen went into her room and sat at the side of the bed. She opened the drawer on the mahogany nightstand and retrieved her mandarin oil. It was part of her daily ritual. She poured a small amount of the essential oil into the palm of her hand and rubbed it vigorously between her palms to warm it. She placed a hand on either side of her abdomen and began a circular rubbing motion. She would start just above her crotch, work both hands upward to her breasts, then slide them to the center, rub down the middle, slide them to the outside and repeat the motion. She lay back on the bed and continue her ritual. It not only helped to relax the baby, but hopefully it would minimize her getting stretch marks.

Jason would glance in at his aunt each time he went into the spare room for another box. She was the first pregnant woman he saw up close and personal. For some reason her massaging her belly was the most sensual thing he had ever seen. He felt his cock growing as he watched her unintentional eroticism.

Helen was unaware that Jason was entranced with her belly massage ritual. What she was aware of was that she had accidentally dropped the bottle of oil onto the floor. She sympathized with turtles as she struggled to sit up. Just as she decided to roll to her side, slide to her knees on the floor and stand that way, Jason spoke

"Are you ok, Aunty?"

Embarrassed but amused, Helen turned to answer her nephew. Her reply caught in her throat as her eyes locked on his semi rigid cock trapped down his pant leg. That big motherfucker would wreck a pussy she thought licking her lips.

"Come help Aunty get up baby!"

Helen was laying on her side. Jason walked in and awkwardly tried to turn her to her back.

"Look, baby," Helen laughed, "just put your hands on my hips and turn me while I push with my arms."

Working together, they got Helen to a sitting position. She looked around and could not find the mandarin oil.

"Jason, could you find that stuff for me."

When Jason knelt to search, he was at eye level with his aunt's sex. She sat in that wide legged posture that all pregnant women adopt. His eyes were glued to the wet crotch of her panties while he fumbled blindly for oil. The faint aroma of his aunt’s arousal assaulted his nostrils.

Helen was aware of the display she was putting on. She was aware her pussy was twitching and moist. Frankly, she didn't give a fuck. It made her feel less like a fat brown whale to have a man, any man, even her nephew, realize she was a woman. Under partially closed eyes, she watched with amusement as Jason struggle to retrieve the mandarin oil and ogle her pussy.

"If you can't find it, that's ok, Jason!"

Jason tore his eyes away from staring at Helen's pussy. He looked down and saw the oil under the edge of the bed.

"Here it is, Aunt Helen," Jason choked, handing her the bottle.

"Would you mind massaging my back for me,” Helen cooed.

"Ah…Aunty…I ...uh…!"

"Just a little…PULlleeeze!!"

Helen realized she was putting her nephew in a difficult situation. At that age, he was all hormones and cock. He would probably have to go somewhere and jack off after he massaged her. But, fuck it; she needed a man to massage her back. She needed to feel the caress of a man’s hands on her body. In the absence of any other likely candidates, he would have to do.

“Help me up!” Helen said, extending both hands. Jason pulled her to her feet.

“Jason, I’m going to kneel on a pillow with my arms on the bed. However, I need to take off my robe and bra!”

"Aunty, I don’t know…!”

"Damn it, Jason, don't be so damned embarrassed! You giving a pregnant woman a back massage and not feeling her up!"

"Yes…yes Ma'am," Jason stammered. He could feel his cock pumping precum into his Jockeys.

Helen stripped off the old cotton robe and tossed it on the bed. Then she undid her bra and tossed it on the bed also. “Give me your hand!” As Jason offered his hand, he ogled his aunt’s huge milk filled breasts. They lay comfortably on her distended belly. Jason thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Helen knelt awkwardly on the pillow by the bed. She folded her arms, rested them on the edge of the bed. This position allowed her abdomen and breasts plenty of room. Her panties hung loosely under her belly.

Jason poured a small dollop of the fragrant oil in the palm of his hand. He rubbed his palms together vigorously to warm the oil. He started at the nape of her neck and, using his open hand, massaged gently down the left side of her body. When he reached her panties, he made a fist and pressed down gently on her pelvis just above her tailbone. Helen’s soft moans assured him he was helping his aunt’s back pain.

He kneaded up the right side of her body to her neck, came back down next to the spine and repeated the closed fist massage on her pelvis. His aunt’s satisfied moans continued, but they were now accompanied by a pronounced undulation of her pelvis. The aroma of her arousal blended with redolent orange scent of the mandarin oil to fill the room with a heady, intoxicating scent. They were both feeling a little light headed. Jason poured a small amount of the oil on Helen’s lower back. He gently kneaded up the sides of her abdomen, the heel of either hand on either side of her spine, his fingers extended to cover the sides of her abdomen. Helen dropped her head and moaned softly. Fuck, that feels good, she thought. Now if I had cock to ride, it would be perfect.

Her hips continued a slowly circular motion as Jason’s hands moved up her belly. When his extended fingers moved across her breasts, she felt little shocks as her relaxation and arousal increased. She called a halt when she felt his hands slide down her tits and gently cup them.

“Help me up,” Helen croaked.

Jason stood and wiped the excess oil from his hands with a towel. He offered his hand. Helen used her other hand on the bed to lever herself to a standing position. She realized her lower back pain was gone. She also realized her panties were drenched with her juices. Helen turned so her back was to the bed. She took Jason’s hands in hers and sat heavily on the bed. For a brief moment, Jason was bending over her as she sat. They held each other’s eyes.

“Let me do your legs also, Aunty!” Jason knelt in front of his aunt and took her left foot in his hands. He nervously stared at the sopping wet gusset of her panties. He inhaled deeply, filling his nostrils and head with her aroma. He looked up to see his aunt staring at him. Even a relatively inexperienced 20 year old could see the rampant lust in her eyes. He took one ankle in his hands and gently kneaded up the leg to her buttocks. When he repeated the massage with the other leg, his lust overcame him. He leaned in and kissed his aunt’s wet panties.

Initially Helen’s head rocked back as her nephew first kissed her panty clad pussy. When he pushed them to the side and kissed her dripping wet pubic thatch, she at first gave herself up to the erotic sensations. Then she recovered and pushed his head away.

"That's enough, Jason!”

“Yes ma’am!”

Helen giggled uncontrollably. When she saw the confusion on her nephew’s face, she patted the bed next to her. Jason stood and sat next his aunt, their hips touching.

“Honey, you don’t kiss a woman’s pussy and then call her ma’am!”

“Yes… Aunty” His eyes were fixed on her breasts.

"Aunty Helen, you are absolutely beautiful," Jason moaned as he gently cupped her enormous breast.

"Oh Jason…Jason… if that were only true! I'm a fat whale."

Jason let his hands stroke out to Helen's nipples. She jumped as he tweaked them.

"Sorry, Aunty!"

Helen leaned over and let her head rest on his chest.

"That’s ok, baby. I'm lactating and they are super sensitive!"

"That is so incredible, Aunty! Can I see?"

Helen realized that this had gone further than it should. However, she needed to hear that someone cared.


He looked at Helen's engorged breasts with wide eyes.

"Go ahead, squeeze one!"

"Me?" Jason exclaimed.

"Yeah, you!" Helen laughed, "Just hold one at the base and slowly and gently let your hand slide forward."

Nervously, Jason did as he was told. The heft and warmth of his aunt's breasts surprised him. He squeezed and slid his hands over her breasts. He giggled as milk squirted from Helen's breast.

Helen watched with amusement as Jason behave like a kid with a new toy, squirting milk over her floor. Her pussy spasmed at the unaccustomed attention. Her breathing grew ragged as his child like wonder at her lactating breasts. He smeared some on his hand and licked it.

"Not bad!" he giggled.

A light sheen of sweat broke out on Helen's forehead. Her sister would kill her for this. Nevertheless, she ached to be held, to have someone tell her it was ok. She needed a man in her life.

"Why don't you suck one and get a mouthful?" Helen said huskily.

Jason froze. He knew this was crossing a line.

"Are you sure?"

Helen nodded weakly, unable to trust her voice.

Jason leaned over and tentatively licked Helen's leaking nipple. A sensation started in that nipple and shot through Helen's body. Every inch of skin was alive, the nerve endings throbbing. She felt her pussy twitch uncontrollably.

"I said suck it, not lick it like a fucking cat!"

Chastened, he took her nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. His reward was a flood of sweet warm breast milk. The more he sucked, the more he got. He felt his aunt grab his head and push it against her bosom. He was painfully hard. His cock was pumping copious amounts of precum. For the first time in years, he was in danger of coming in his shorts.

Helen knew she was going to come. Every muscle, every nerve screamed for release. The baby felt like he was turning somersaults in anticipation. With one hand, she held her nephew's head tight against her breasts. The other dropped to his jeans. She pushed the zipper down, past his soaked Jockeys. She stroked him hard, knowing what she wanted, what she needed. As her hips thrust, she vigorously jacked Jason.

They came together. Jason pumping rope after rope of semen on his aunt's thigh and bedspread. For her part, Helen thrust her hips repeatedly up and down.

The sound of their ragged breathing filled the bedroom. Jason still held her tit in his mouth. Helen's hand dropped to her hip. She raised it and saw Jason’s come. She brought her hand to her mouth and licked the bittersweet nectar from her hand.

"Jason, if you mother finds out what happen, she will kill me! You must never tell her or anyone else! Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Jason stood and let his jeans and jockey’s drop to his ankles. His still rigid cock bounced lightly.

Helen watched her nephew remove his clothes. He stood nude in front of her, the head of his cock dripping the remnants of his coming. Her head roared as lust overcame her. She reached out grabbed his member and pulled him toward her. Snake like, her tongue flicked out and captured the drips of semen. Susan would kill me, she thought as she inhaled her nephew’s massive tool. But I miss this so much.

Jason watched as his cock slid sensuously in and out of his aunt’s mouth. He saw it glistened as her saliva covered his man meat. Her tongue circling his mushroom head added an indescribable sensation. Below that expert mouth, below those milk engorged breasts was the sensuous protrusion of her pregnancy. He felt his balls tingle as his arousal moved toward its inevitable conclusion. He groaned with disappointment as Helen moved her head back and released his cock with a faint pop.

“Noo, baby, you ain’t coming in my mouth! Not this time anyway! I want that dick in my pussy!”

“Yes ma’am!”

“And, motherfucker, I just sucked your dick! STOP CALLING ME MA’AM!”

“Yes, ma...erh…Aunty!”

Ruefully shaking her head, Helen lay back and rolled to her side. “Lay down behind me! I’m too big for missionary and doggy would probably be uncomfortable. So we gona have to do it laying down!”

“Yes Aunty, “Jason stammered nervously. He was used to the more complaint college girls. Helen was an experienced older woman who knew what she wanted. He lay down behind his aunt. He slid up close, letting one arm drape across her belly. With the other, he positioned his cock at the wet hairy entrance to her sex. He pressed forward, sliding his cock head between her swollen labia.

“Easy, Jason, easy! Aunty ain’t had no dick in months and that monster of yours is stretching me already!” Helen groaned as her nephew’s massive tool moved past her pussy lips and entered her vagina. Oh fuck, she though, fuck that feels so good. She felt an unaccustomed pain as she accepted him into her pussy. She felt the baby move slowly. He gona feed you, she thought, he gona give us what we both need.

Jason massaged Helen’s belly as he slowly pumped in and out. His aunt’s pussy felt incredible as her birth canal walls flexed and relaxed with each stroke. Go slow, he thought, go slow and let this incredible feeling last. He felt his cock bump her cervix. Under his hand, he felt the baby moved. Don’t worry, he thought, I won’t be coming that far.

Helen felt the baby move and began thrusting back hard against Jason’s cock. “Give it to me, baby, give aunty all that cock. Fuck me! Gawddamit! Fuck me hard! Give me that cock!”

They fucked hard and long. Helen lost in the need for his cock; Jason realizing that a pregnant pussy was the best pussy ever.

Helen’s wetness increased, the sloshing sound making her giggle at how wet she was.

“You okay, Aunty??”

“Yes baby, aunty is fine! Now fill my pussy with your seed! Come for Aunty!”

Jason felt Helen’s pussy began to flex and relax, milking his cock. He felt that familiar tingle in his balls. It moved up his cock and exploded with the power of a high pressure hose into her pussy. Spurt after spurt sprayed against her cervix. They both felt the baby move.

“Aw fuck, Jason fuck that was good!”

“Aunty, you are incredible!”

Their hands met as they both massaged her belly, quieting the baby. Their fingers entwined. The baby’s movement quieted.


For the rest of Jason’s spring break their daily ritual was set. Every day as he entered her apartment, he would tell her how beautiful she. He would use both hands to caress her belly as they kissed. Helen giggled like a schoolgirl when he knelt to kiss her belly. Then he would clean, do laundry and run errands. In the afternoon, they made love.

They experimented with various positions. Their favorite was her kneeling by the bed, her arms crossed on the bed. And there were the daily back and leg massages. When it was time for Jason to return to school, Helen felt an intense feeling of lost. Her lover, the man in her life was going away. He would not be back until after the baby was born. She knew she could handle it now. She felt like the most beautiful woman in the world!


2021-10-13 15:58:05
I love it, started dripping while reading

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-03-23 11:32:06
May needs you Jason. There are a lot more perverted things you can teach her.
Go back and find her and fuck her in the ass.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-25 14:49:41
#hook up with may again.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-24 19:21:19
#hook up with may again.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-14 17:59:16
48 is not "past" middle age. google it, you'll find middle age is considered 40 to 60 or some will even say 40 to 65.

I realize it's a fantasy/unreal story on the internet, but as a writer you should still try to be accurate with your details.

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