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This is my First attempt
It all started one morning on my way to work, I stopped at my local DD for a cup of coffee.
When I walk into the store there is this nervous young girl with stringy hair and tats all over giving the clerk a bunch of shit over what she ordered but when she sees me she grabs her shit and heads for the door.
The clerk was glad to see me he said she comes in every once in a while and dose this every time.
He stated I don't know what she is on but she is out there.
Well I started thinking she is just a drain on society and would be a good slave to train, no one would miss her.
So I wait to see if she would come back.
One week no show but I see the clerk every morning so I
Figure it is just a matter of time.
One morning I pull in and there she is raising hell with the clerk again, he is looking for a way out
But she is relentless so I walk up to her and ask what is her deal, She spins around pissed and
Ready to light into me but I just ask what her drug of fancy she is on.
I tell her I have a good hookup in the area and could help her with it.
SHe calms down and starts to respond to me, I get my coffee and we walk out.
I take her to the yard to the back of the lot where we have a old storage container and we walk in and I make a fake call to a fake dealer friend
Telling him I need a fix for a new friend I have found,
she is still coming down from her high so she falls for it hook line and sinker and starts to relax agenst some old boxes in the room.
She asks what she will have to do for the fix so I tell her a BJ would be a nice start so she drops to her knees and starts undoing my paints,
This is where I start my plane.
I have a bottle of chloroform hidden in the room so I grab a rag that I have the bottle wrapped in and poor some into it and grab her by the hair and whip her around and hold her down
till the chloroform takes effect which is not to long with her all ready being high.
I lay her down and tie her up and gag her.
I know the shed will be hot and I turn on the old roof vent for some air.
It has all ways made a lot of noise on a windy day and it was blowing out side to cover any noise she might make when she woke up.
I then checked out her little body and fount two pierced nipples and a clit pericing with a shaved puss.
Nice little slut in deed to work with.
I have a hunting camp in the area that is not being used this time of year so after work I will run her out there and start on her training.
I finish my work day go home have dinner with the wife then watch some TV then tell her I need to go to work because I left some thing on
that might cause a fire if not shut off, so I head back to the shop.
I pull up next to the shed and open the door and find her in a corner crying and shaking I tell her to calm down and behave and she will be all right.
I get her into the car and we head out to the camp on the way I go to a drive through and pick up some thing for her to eat she is in the back and covered with an old tarp and she cant move
so I am safe doing this.
we get to the camp and I chloroform her lightly so she is easier to move around and deal with.
First I strip her down the put spreader bars on her knees and ankles that are 18" wide.
then I do the same with 12" spreaders on her elbows and wrists then for a collar that locks in the back to a chain the take her to the dog pins that have a 10x 10 fences in box with a fence roof
So the dogs can’t be hurt by animals at night.
There is a post in the center of the enclosure that I hook the chain to and a half cut barrel for shelter for training new dogs.
There is a tarp that covers half of the enclosure for shade for the heat of day.
I lay her on a old blanket until she has come back around.
All of a sudden she starts to scream and is cussing at me saying what the fuck is going on so
I tell her to calm down and I will tell her.
She starts to cry but is listening to me when I tell her to keep her mouth shut and listen to me and I will explain her situation.
Sitting there sobbing she listens to me as I explain that because of her attacking the poor clerk at DD and being a drug addict that
she is nothing but a drain on society and I have decided to train her to be a better person in her life.
She has no direction and is heading for an early death at her current direction.
I am going to train you to be an obedient slave or I will sell you to a skin peddler that will give you no option but there bidding.
I on the other hand will train you to be a very obedient and subservient slave that will be taken care of but the end choice is your decisions.
How you respond is all in how we will proceed, Do you understand she shakes her head yes but didn't anser.
Ok first ground rule you will be addressing me as sir or master do you understand me, again she shakes her head.
I have an old riding crop and I give her a whack on the ass and tell her that is the wrong way tot reply.
I am sorry sir I will try to cooperate better, this is not an option for you ether you do or else do you understand, yes sir.
That is better now you will stay here for a week if you do well we will make some changes, but why she started to cry again.
Because I will not be fooled with you telling me what you think I want to here just to get what you want.
With that I asked her if she was hunger she said yes sir I am so I went to get her the food I picked up I held it for her at the end of
her chain so she could bite it, then I broke it into small pieces and dropped it into a dog food bole for her, she seen this and started Crying again to know that she was being treated like and animal.
She asked why are you treating me like this, so I told her to train a strong willed person first you having to break down there
Will to fight then you begin to build up their response with reward system for none hesitant compliance.
You are a smart girl but you will be an obedient one when I am through with you, she get pissed and screamed she will never
do as I say so I said we will see she said I will scream till someone come and checks what the noise is all about, with that I just
Laughed and told her you are 20 miles from the nearest town on my property and all out here respect others stuff no one will come
but me so yell all you want it will do no good.
With that I walked out of the cage and over to the camp trailer to piss and check supply’s, then headed back to my car.
She yelled what are you doing I said giving you some more motivation I will see you in a couple days, She yelled what I will be good Sir.
I told her we will see Good night and got in my car and drove off leaving her in the dark with the bug and the critters for company.
The next morning I got up a little earlier to go to work so I could run out and check on her.
I found her in the dog house barrel shivering and curled up, her food was all gone and she needed more water.
So I left her with the old blanket and some pop tarts and water then went to work.
The day was so except when I went for my coffee the clerk asked what happened so I told him I took her
to get a fix and got her something to eat then she went on her way with my warning to not bother you anymore.
He said that was great if she only headed my warning, so I told him we will see.
That day after work I went out to the camp to check on her and she was sitting by the gate looking durty and bug eaten.
I got there and she said the mosquito’s toted her off in the dark I told her to behave and I would stop the bugs from getting her.
She said please she will behave, so I told her you have not worn anything but I can't have you getting sick on me.
She said yes sir and thank you for my blanket.
I told her she was blue when I came to check on you and I cannot have that, then I told her I will only be coming here every other day to make
your food and water last if you don't want to be hungry.
The next time I come out here you will be sitting on your heels with your head down and will not speak until spoken to do you understand that she replied yes sir and sat in the position with head down.
I said good girl keep it up and we will get you to a better place she said thank you sir.
I feed and watered her and left, for the next two days work was very busy so I had no time to slip away to check on her but figured she would be fine and would learn to comply to my orders because she would be very hungry by the time I got to her.
When I pulled up to the camp she was sitting in the position I had ordered but she was very shaky from being cold and alone for two days without my contact.
I opened the cage and walked in picked up her boles and cleaned them then looked her over to see she was all right.
I walked over to the chain unhooked it and told her to stand she had a hard time getting up but she made it so I slowly
Walked her over to the pump house and locked her to the pipe sticking out of the ground and turned on the water that is cold
and squirted her down to start to wash the dirt off she was a walking dust bowl
I soaped her up and scrubbed she but she said nothing I am thinking she is coming around ok I stuck the hose up her but then in her cunt, then I grabbed a bottle of soap and gave her a little squirt in her ass and put more water there with the hose till her belly started to distend and she moaned from the pressure.
She had short chopped off hair I guess it was her rebelling against so one that I soaped up and scrubbed as I started to rinse out the soap she started to moan and was starting to bend over in pain the soap enema was starting to take effect I just kept going with the hair washing till she feel to her knees.
I unhooked her chain and pulled her up to go to the edge of the camp and told her to shit, she looked at me and her face was beet red I told her don’t hesitate or I will short chain you and make you sleep in your own shit and piss so she squatted and let it blow and blow and blow you could see her belly start to go down when she was finished I made her stand up and walk back to the pump where I took the hose and filled her ass back up she was moaning and groaning with the pressure but she said nothing.
I finished washing her and took her back to the place I had her before and she squatted and let go without being told to or without hesitation.
So I told her good girl much better she did not look up but still at the ground.
This time I had her some hot food and let her sit at an old line spool we had as a camp table to eat but she was still cuffed with the binders she struggled a little but made the best of it.
After she eat I brushed her hair and took out all the tangles and I noted she was leaning back towards me so I smacked her ass and said what do you think you are doing, she looked down and said I thought I could cuddle with you because you are being nice to me.
I told her you cannot do anything unless I say you can you are still in training and will not be getting anything I don’t want you to have.
I told you if you obeyed me without hesitation we would start to make changes for you but never assume you can do anything without my permission do you understand she replied with yes Master I understand, I will not move unless you tell me to do so happy with this little give in made me smile.
Now I took her to the cage and short chained her then went in and cleaned the area.
I took her back in the clean cage and chained her back up put clean water and food in there for her then left this was now Thursday so I figured I would let her be till Saturday then come out and spend the day with her.
So I left her clean feed and cared for I will not abuse her or treat her bad unless she is disobedient.
The next two days at work where ok and every morning when getting my coffee the clerk thanked me for helping him out with the crazy girl I told him no problem he gave me free coffee the rest of the week.
Saturday came so I told my wife I had so things to do at the camp and might be spending the night if she needed me to call she said fine she was going out with the girls to lunch and Bingo any way so it made it good for her.
I picked up some supplies at the food store and some other things for my new pet at the pet store.
Then went to the camp for the week end, when I got there it was still early but she was sitting in the possession in front of the gate like she was told to.
I put everything in the trailer and walked out to get her, I unchained her collar from the chain and attached a new leash that I picked up for her and told her I was going to test her this week end, but she said nothing.
I told her to stand up and walked her to the pump and dropped her leash then walked into the trailer to get her cleaning stuff.
When I came out she was still standing where I left her, so I patted her ass and told her she did very good on her first test.
I soaked her down then started to wash her taking more time to check out her cute little body.
I rinsed her off and told her to bend over and grab the pipe it was time to flush her out she comply right away so I hosed her out with the hose from both ends then gave her the soap treatment then more water and watched her belly swell till her moaned.
I turned and told her stay and walked away and went into the trailer to get a cold beer.
I gave her around ten minutes then walked out to find her twisted and moaning in pain to shit so I grabbed her leash and walked her to the same spot and turned her around and said shit and did she the sweat was running down her brow she had to go so bad I chuckled a little but was happy with her for not moving till I told her she could.
You might be asking why I let her walk on the leash when she is a pet well the ground is very rocky and would tear up her skin and could cause infections that I didn’t need to deal with.
I took her back to the pump and walked to my beer and took a swallow then came back then told her to grab the pipe again and she did right away so I filled her again and walked to my beer then back and found a little trickle of water running down her leg so I asked her do I need to punish you have shit down your leg she looked scared so I asked her again and told her I needed a response.
She looked up but not in to my face and said Master I am sorry I just could not hold all the water this time please forgive me and she started to sob.
I told her that I over filled her on purpose to see how she would react and told her that was another test she had passed and she had earned a reward so I took her to her spot and told her to shit and boy did she, with the first smile I had seen on her face to date.
I walked her to the trailer and unhooked her ankles and wrists from her restraint for the first time in a week, both where very red and chaffed so I went and got some medicated lotion and applied it to the red spot she was very happy and thanked me
I told her to stand and walked her to the table and told her to lay on her belly her did so but with a look of concern on her face.
I took the lotion and rubbed it into her sore and bug bite skin, she started to relax when I started to rub her from head to toe she drifted off to sleep so I shuck her and told her to roll over she was like jello but managed to roll over so I repeated the process and she again fell asleep again I thought this was funny being the possession she was in.
I woke her up and took her into the trailer where the air had cooled it off and was nice and cool
She was shivering because all she had on was a collar and leash.
I walked her over to my recliner where I has a rug on the floor and told her she could lay on the rug she had a tear running down her check so I asked what she was crying about so she asked if she could speak freely so I indulged her and said go ahead.
She said that she was so happy that I had trapped her and made her a slave in training because she had never in her life been so well cared for, she said she was pissed when she found her freedom had been taken from her and thought I was just going to beat and fuck her every day till I killed her and dumped her in the glades.
Instead of the I feed her cleaned her disciplined her but never abused her not even the first time and had not try to have sex with her so even after a week of being left out in the cold chained to a post she still has never been cared for this well.
So when she finished I told her she was going to be trained to be a better person or sold to a skin peddler, her biggest problem was over coming her own hatred that she had brought upon herself.
I did not do anything I said I wouldn’t and I am not a abusive person I will train you to be a complacent slave but in doing so you will all ways be taken care of.
She then asked way I had picked her out of all the people in the area so I told her the way she acted towards a poor clerk trying to make a buck in a coffee shop you treated him like trash for trying to help you so you made this decision all by yourself.
I told her now lay down and go to sleep on that rug and do not move, she said yes Master and curled up on the rug I went a got a blanket to cover her with.
I had picked up the leash and had it on my wrist so if she tried to seek off she would be dealt with quickly because I am a light sleeper and the slightest movement I would be awake.
It was about 4 in the morning when I felt her move I peeked through my eyes to see her sitting at my feet looking at me so I asked her what was the matter she said she needed to go to the bath room so I got up and headed to the john but got jerked back by the leash where she stopped at the front door.
So I asked what she was doing she said I am not allowed the go inside I smiled and walked her to her spot in the camp and she let it go then headed back to her cage but I told her she is my pet and she will sleep where I tell her so she followed me back to the trailer and we went back to sleep with her on the rug.
The next day I took her to the table and told her it was time for more training so she laid over the table and I walked up and laid down a bottle of lube and a small butt plug she look nervous I told her to just relax and she would be fine.
I lubed up a finger and rubbed her ass hole and she clinched up so I told her trust me I will not hurt you so she started to loosen up so I pushed my finger in to the first knuckle and she took a breath out so I pushed a little bit more in till finally I had my whole pointer finger up her ass.
She started to move her hips as I continued to work my finger in and out then I took another finger and added it to her ass and worked it in and out and she started to moan so I asked do you like that she said I have never tried to put anything up my butt one of my boy friend’s tried but it hurt so bad she made him quite and never did it again.
So I told her anything can be nice if done the right way she said could we do so more so I told her to relax and started again she was moaning and starting to sweat and grip the edge of the table so I knew she was on the edge.
I took the bottle of lube and put some on the plug and got it ready for her she started to clamp down on my finger so she asked if she could please cum so told her go ahead and she groaned and looked like she was going to have a seizure right there she was squeezing my fingers over and over so I pulled out my fingers and popped in the plug she started to go off again and looked at me with that fare away look and was just huffing and puffing and sweating like a horse.
I just let her lay there and catch her breath for a little while till she looked up and asked if she could get off the table, so I said yes she got down and came over by me sat at my feet and laid her head on my leg and said thank you Master no one has ever done that to her and just not attacked her for there own pleasure.
So I told her she will learn all kinds of new pleasures with me so she looked in to my eyes and asked can I please give you a blow job so I said sure but you will do it the way I want it she smiled big as day the second time today.
She un zipped my paints and reached in and grabbed my cock and slowly pulled it out now I am no monster by any stretch but I have not had any trouble pleasing my partners.
She was surprised that I was not hug like an animal but told her big ones just put it there where a smaller one has to work at it and I like to work at it.
So I told her to just lick it from top to bottom and get it all wet then take just the head in her mouth and swerl her toung around the head it is the most sensitive part she did as I told her for ten minutes or so then I told her to lick and kiss all around it then back to the head, I want you to make love to my cock not just slob and bob so she understood what I was looking for she had a nice slow pace with constant chance up, then she took me in her hand and stroked me and then licked my balls I almost lost it then so I told her to start over just like before and she took my till her nose was in my pubic hair and I told her I was going to cum so she speeded up going up and down to the bottom and holding it till I held her head there and unloaded down her thought then I let her go to catch my breath OMG that is what I am talking about.
She had a shit eating grin on her face and asked Master was that ok so I let her know that was perfect to keep working on it just that way.
She asked if there was anything else she could do for me so I told her it was time to get back to her training She looked down but sneaked a smile out the side that I caught.
I looked at her and told her to come and sit by me so she walk over to where I had moved and sat down and looked in to my eyes so I asked her I have never asked you your name what is it.
She looked up and said Amy Cunningham so I looked at her and said listen Pet I will call you Pet for now but keep up the good work and we will make more changes do you understand, she looked at me aand said yes Master.
I told her she was a good girl and had made big improvements in a week but she was not broaken to the point that she needed to be and she would be back in the cage until I was happy with her training she looked sad but understood, I told her when you are at the point where my absence upsets you with separation anxiety we will start you programming to become a proper pet.
With that I told her to get up and go to the trailer it was time for a warm bath and bed she with head down walked behind me to the trailer and in side.
I told her to go into the shower and wait for me she did when I walked in she was by the toylet on her heels waiting for me.
I started the shower and climbed in to wash myself then called her in and washed her hair then her cute little body I got out dried myself then pulled her to me and dried her from top to bottom and everywhere in between.
Then I pulled her chin up to mine and kissed her forehead and told her you will be the best little slave alive and I will take very good care of you she had a tear in her eye. I told her time to go to sleep so she went to her carpet and curled up and drifted off to sleep.
It was 4 in the morning and she touched my leg and I looked at her she said I need to go so this time I took her to the door and unhooked her leash and told her to go and come right back she looked at me and said can you walk out with me I smiled and walk out ahead of her to her spot and she was quick then looked up and we went back to sleep without the leash on.
The next morning I found her sitting at my feet looking at me and crying so I got up and went to make some breakfast for use.
She had been bound for over a week and had started to loosen muscle from lack of exercise so I took off her knee restraints and gave her some crocks I had picked up for her then I put on her leash and took her for a long walk to stretch out her legs a little and make sure she didn’t get a blood clot to cause a problem.
On the way back to camp she started to shake and her legs stopped working she was cramping up so I picked her up and cared her to the camp and gave her some bananas to help with the cramps and she started to come around and could stand again, so I told her we were going to walk every other day to keep her from getting injured she said yes Master what every you say.
I told her to get up and go to the table she did and I got the lotion to rub her down again to help with soreness. I told her to lay down on the table and took the lotion and started to rub all her sore muscles then I took a hold of her but plug and worked it back and forth to loosen it then pulled it out and she sucked a big breath and said I feel so empty I told her we had to do this in staged till she was there I wanted her then she would be able to keep it in till she had top shit.
I told her to roll over and started to rub her dawn and her little nipples were like jelly beans and very sensitive to the touch she would suck in air every time I would roll one between my fingers and then I notice her clit was sticking out of its hiding place so I lightly touched it and she about come off the table she said no one had ever made her so touchy with every little touch and she could not believe I could know her so well with so little time spent with her.
I told her I watch for the little signs that tell me what will put you over the edge with the least amount of work. Then I took my finger tip and lightly run it behind her ear and down her neck to the back of her knees and just lightly run my finger back and forth and she started to tremble so I moved to her clit and went around and around it not touching it but coming close and she was jumping around the I reached over and sucked on one nipple and then the other and she lost it groaning very loud and twitching they I flicked her clit and she came and came and came looking like she was having a seizure and could not breath her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out still jumping and twitching I just set back and enjoyed my work knowing she was soon to be mine without question.
It was ten minutes before her eyes started to open and she looked at me and started to cry and reach for me so I walked over and picked her up and hugged her to me. I told her to just relax and catch her breath and we would talk.
After about a half hour she looked at me and said can we go to bed Master you have taken all my strength and I cannot even walk so I pick her up and took her to her rug and laid her down then went to the back of the trailer and laid down on the bed and went to sleep, four in the morning like clockwork she was shaking the bed I sat up and said ok lets go we walked out the door and she bolted into the dark I just walked to her spot and there she was going to the bathroom she looked up at me and asked why I didn’t run or call after her and I said you are over the hump now and I know I could trust you to a point plus I have a 30/30 with inferred scope on it and could drop you if need be.
She said no Master I will never take off on you, You have treated me better in this last week then I have been treated in my whole life, I don’t miss my freedom and I look forward to whatever you have in store for me. I am ready to go back now. When we got back to the trailer she walked to her rug but did not lay down so I asked what she was doing she looked at me and asked if she could sleep with me in bed. So I asked her do you think you deserve to sleep in bed she looked down and said No Master but I would like to be as close to you as I can and my rug is very far away Please, I looked at her then told her this goes against your training but if you take what I am going to give you this week with no complaints then I will let you sleep with me Pet She got excited and all most started to jump up and down but caught herself then looked at the floor and said yes Master I will be Very good if you will let me, so I looked at her for a long minute then said ok clime in did you clean your feet she run to the front door and I thought she was going to peel the hid off before she came back and asked if she could get in, I just held up the covers and let her climb in next to me and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I got up to start closing down the trailer to go home when I was finished she was setting on her heels looking at me with tears in her eyes knowing what was coming so I walked her to her cage and gave her her blanket and her blanket then put her chain back on and locked it to the post filled her water and food bolw then locked her cage.
I left her knee restraints off because of her progress and the way she had started to comply to my commands without hesitation. So I turned around and said ok Pet be a good girl and I will be back in a day or two whatever suet’s me she looked at me with tears running down her cheek and said I will Master Will. With that I turned and left her caged and alone.
I did not return until Wednesday she was at the fence crying and screaming she thought I was mad at her and was not coming back I told her that will not happen and have you been a good girl I looked at her cage and it was clean and she had even pushed her shit outside the cage there was a path walked back and forth by the door of the cage where she had franticly paced waiting my return she was so happy pee was running down her leg like she was a dog this had me tickled to the point I had to turn from her so she didn’t see me Laugh. I turned around and yelled what in the hell do you think you are doing pissing in your cage like that she looked down and Panic took over her face and she fell down and started to cry so hard I thought she would pass out so I had not been mean to her and now was not the time to start so I went in and hugged her and told her I missed you Pet she looked up and hug we like her life was at stake.
She was dirty and her hair was all matted so I unhooked her and took off her last restraint and told her to get her crocks and follow me, she turned around picked up her blanket and rug put on her crocks and was on my heels in seconds and followed me in to the trailer.
I told her to put her stuff down and get in the shower while I got the AC turned on and a drink. I was standing at the sink and I did not hear the shower running so I walked in to the bathroom and there on the floor was Pet I told you to get a shower what are you doing she looked up and said I like the way you wash me and you told me you would take care of me I looked down and smiled what else could I do she literally took me at my wood I cannot fault her for that so I turned on the shower and dropped my close and climbed in then turned to her and said come on you pain in the but she looked up and smiled and jumped in the shower with me so I set her down and soaped up her matted hair which was all most to her shoulders now and was red not white I took knottiest that her bush was growing in as well so I started cleaning her hair and when it was clean and straightened out it was past her shoulders to which I was very happy because I love red hair. Now I stand her up and start to wash her body getting every little place clean but find dirt in her ass and cunt so I back her up and bend her over and take the shower head and start to wash her out I get her pink and clean then I let her up and its gone quick as can be. Looking at her bent over like this I cannot help myself and lean forward and lick her from ass hole to clit and she about went through the wall I started laughing and she turned red so I asked her what she was jumping and turning red for she said no one has ever licked her ass hole so I laugh some more and tell her to get back where she was so she turns around and I start again this time she just sucks in a big breath and moans but holds possession so I tell her now that I have your attention shall we train your but some more and she said yea please Master so I tell her to follow me so she gets out and I dry her off then take her to the table where she lays down and reaches for the other side then takes a deep breath. I lube a finger and start her stretching and she is all ready breathing hard as I increase my speed and depth then I add another finger and she is starting to sweat and pant a few more minutes and I add a third and she is gripping the table but not a word so I have the next size plug but she don’t know that I have her on the edge and pull out my finger and drive the plug home she lets out a squeak and passes out again this is to funny because she work herself up so much that the extra little stimulation send s her right over the edge.
I walked in to the trailer and grab a beer then come back out and get her lotion to rub her down with I finish her back and flip her over and start her front I can see her clit is hard and so are her nipples so I finish rubbing her down and suck both nipples and play with her clit she is waking up in the middle of a big orgasum and she is trashing all over and said Master please give me a minute so I told her no complaints remember then she grits her teeth and she’s out again so I laugh this off because she is so much fun to play with she is just the best toy ever.
In about fifteen minutes she is sitting in my lap asking what happened so I tell her she is very sensitive to my touch and passes out when she has an orgasm then laugh out loud from my belly.
She looks at me then says my ass fills really full so I tell her she have a new plug that is bigger than the last she looks at me like I’m crazy so I take her inside and bend her over to show her she stands up and is smiling so I ask why the smile she said that didn’t hurt and its big she knows I will take care of her.
So I tell her ok Pet time to eat she gets up and sits on the floor and looks up to me where I am fixing us some dinner she looks like she is thinking of something so I ask whets on your mind. She said you normally leave by now to get home so I turn and tell her the wife is out of town for a couple days so I came out to work on your training, Now she has a big smile so I set the table outside and we eat a light meal then I get her up and take her to a tall chair and make her set down on it she takes in a big breath because she has forgotten about her plug and she is squirming around so I tell her sit still do not move, now she is starting to sweat the plug is going deeper and deeper then she has had before.
I look at her and say ok Pet put your feet on the table she looks like she will cry so I tell her again no complaints remember she dose as told without a word now I tell her to pull her knees to her chest she is really sweating now so I tell her hold that position till I say different then get up and go to the trailer for a beer I stand in the window and watcher sweat then walk out and say now rub your clit she is having trouble breathing now but reaches down and starts to work it over.
I can see her face turning pale and she is panting very hard. I walk up to her and get close to her ear and say are you ready Pet she looks at me slow and shakes her head so I say ask me for it so with a very shaky voice she tries to speak but nothing so again she tries and she said Please Master may I cum I look at her and say NO you do not sound like you mean it she is about to go over the edge so I tell her Now Slut ask for it like you mean it Please Master may I please CUM !!
I look at her and say if you pass out I am going to spank your ass Red Pet do you understand she says Please Master I turn and walk to the trailer and stop then say go ahead Pet you can Cum but don’t you pass out or your ass will be spanked, Yes sir I will try.
With that she turned to jelly but with her eyes rolled back in her head she stayed in the chair, I watched her close and seen her start to wobble so I ran over to her and caught her just before she hit the ground.
I held her in my arms and when she started to come to her looked at me and said I did it again didn’t I, well pet you all most hit the ground and you would have hurt yourself if I didn’t catch you.
I am so sorry Master I really tried to stay Conscious but you keep making my orgasm stronger every time and I never had one till you took me in.
I am sorry Pet but you broke the rules and you know what is going to happen, Yes Master I must be punished and I understand you did make it clear so where do you want me. Stand up turn around and over my lap Pet yes Master. Now Pet so you will remember this you will count each wack and will thank me for it, so Pet how many do you think you will need for you to remember. She looked at me like I lost my mind then I told her Pet the punishment is your own doing I have not hit you or abused you in any way so you have to decide your own pain but if you can’t I will do it for you .
She sat for a minute and thought about it then said 20 I asked why did you pick that amount she said I was thinking 5 or 10 but then you said it was me that I caused this in the first place so I figured I would make it so I never want this to happen again and I know you are a fare and Loving Master so 20 will be what I get.
Ok Pet this will break my heart but as you wish so I drew back and smack she jumped I jumped and she said one Thank you Master two Thank you Master by 10 my arm was getting tiered so I slowed down a little by 18 her ass was red as a beet and so was my hand but I took a breath and 19 thank you Master 20 thank you Master. Now remember she still has her plug in and it’s jumping with her sobbing she has snot running down her face she is panting trying to catch her breath and I am trying to get the feeling back in my hand. While she is still there I grab her plug and start putting pull pressure on it and a couple of twists and pop its out and her ass is gaping open but with her crying it is closing slowly. So I tell her over the table and she slowly gets up and moves to the table and lays across it still crying I grabed her lotion and very lightly put some on her sore and very red ass.
She is telling me it stings and is burning so I told her if I don’t do it you will not sit for a week so lay there and let me fix this she said yes Master. I left her lying like that for a half hour and she was still swollen and sore but she could move better now. So I said ok Pet you need a shower and food and bed so she went inside and waited in the kitchen for me then we both went to the shower. I turned it a little cooler than normal to help her sore ass with the swelling she just stud there hugging me with the water running over her ass to cool the heat down. She looked up at me and said I am sorry Master I tried to stay with you but the intensity of my orgasm just took me out. I looked at her and told her I know pet that is what I am working for and you are so easy to work with because no one has taken the time to love you so I am training you to understand that if you don’t orgasm then the other party don’t.
She looked in to my eyes and said thank you for being a caring Master and she started to cry again so I asked what is this for now she looked up and said I was just thinking what will happen when you get tired of me and send me away I will just die, I told her by that time you will be a stronger and smarted person that will make better choices in life and will do much better now let’s get some food and then so sleep. We got out of the shower dried and went to the kitchen I gave her a thick pillow to sit on but she still sit side ways. We eat and she went to her rug and set down then laid there looking at me I just sat there thinking about the little cunt I picked up at DD that morning all most two weeks ago and the much different person that was with me now.
I got up and went to bed and was laying there thinking about the day and I heard the movement of Amy coming my way, She stopped at the door and was just looking into the room so I waited a while and asked her she about jumped out of her skin but I asked what it was she wanted even though I all ready Knew what it was, with a small girl voice she asked may I please sleep with you Mater I just pulled back the covers and let her clime in she laid there shivering so I hugged her to me and could still feel the heat coming from her ass but she calmed down and drifted off to sleep and did not move again till I woke her up at 4 am to go pee she run out side to her spot and did her business and run back in soaked to the skin because it was pouring I stopped her at the door and dried her off with a towel then went back to bed and listened to the rain till I fell asleep.
In the morning we woke to the birds going crazy singing so we got up and made breakfast then she asked what I needed her to do today so we went outside and I took her over to the well she all ready knew what was coming and grabbed the pipe so with hose in hand I washed her cunt out for a while then I held it to her ass and seen her belly start to bulge then stopped and walked away to get the soap when I came back she was shivering but we kept going a little squirt then more water till she looked 3 months pregnant then I stopped I told her then she has to hold it one hour knowing full well she will never make it but she said nothing, good girl I thought and walked back to the trailer to get a beer and sit in the shad and watch. In ten minutes she was sweating but doing good, at the 15 minute point she was starting to dance , at 20 minutes she was holding her belly with one hand and groaning at 30 minutes I walked to her and she was in tears and doubled over but still she said nothing I turned like I was going to walk away and she said Please Master so I turned back picked her up and took her to her spot and told her let it go she stood there and I asked what was the matter she said I can’t go I reached behind her stuck my finger in her ass and the dam broke she shit like a fire hose she started to get light headed and I could see this going bad so I grabbed her and held her up till she had no more to give.
I took her over to the shade and got her some cool water and let her rest a few minutes then side time to finish she looked at me and asked please can I go sooner I was hurting so bad I could not go I told her she could go much sooner this time we walked to the well and I washed her ass off then filled her belly again then took her strait to her spot in five minutes she look up and I gave her permission and she let it rip. After she was finished I took her to the well washed her of then took her inside for a warm shower.
While showering I washed her sore ass and she was on her tippy toes sucking in air from the tenderness but she said nothing when we where done we got out dryed and went to the table. I picked up the lube and she bent over the table without being told to with one finger slick I started she was relaxed and just laid there so I added another finger and she tightened up a little when I put the third finger in she was starting to pant so I was giving her a work out and could feel her clinching her ass muscles on the verge of letting go so I asked if she was ready she looked at me and said please Master so I stood up dropped my pants pulled my fingers out and pushed my cock in and she went Ape shit I started pumping her ass and she was in heaven and I felt her start to tense up so I leaned forward and whispered in her ear Cum for me Pet Cum for me and she went off like a fire cracker and she started pushing back trying to get more so I gave it to her and she went off again but this time I went off with her well this set her off again but she stayed with me and didn’t pass out. I asked her now how was that she looked at me and thanked me for the best sex she ever had with some one that put her orgasm first she was so thankful
So I told her you are very welcome and laid on her back and just hugged her and enjoyed the moment.
When I got up I told her to go get her lotion and I would rub her sore but to help heal it she was skipping to the trailer I just giggled at her she handed me the lotion and laid on the table I started rubbing her and playing with her ass then I stuck my finger in her ass then two and then three she was still loose and well lubed from our fun so I grabbed her middle plug and it popped in with little resistance and she was panting again so I patted the plug and I could see her toes curl every time I touched it so I reach around and found her clit sticking out and that was all she could take and she screamed and passed out I guess she was still so sensitive lol she is so much fun to play with, I picked her up and took her in the trailer and laid her on the bed then laid down with her and fell asleep , I woke up to her working over my cock very slow and with purpose what a way to wake up oh shit So I just laid there and let her work, it wasn’t long and my toes where curling up and I grabbed the back of her head and push down she just went with it and didn’t fight it I looked down at her and told her that was awesome she had a huge smile now and said Thank you Master I have to keep you well taken care of like you do for me.
It was time to get up and get to work so I told her time to get in to the cage she hung her head but headed for the cage and was waiting for me by the gate. I made us a couple of fried egg sandwiches and walked to the cage opened the gate and let her walk in. I told her to get the chain for me and she just walked over picked it up and walked back and handed back to me with her head down.
Reached out spun her around then locked the chain in place then told her to sit. She dropped down and got in to her position a to see what I was going to tell her. I reached out took her face in my hand and lifted it up till her eyes where looking in to mine then said I am very proud of the progress you have made in such a short time without fighting or arguing with me. I did not expect you to except my authority so quit and thought this would take much longer with much more punishment to get you disciplined to obey me without problems, Now this is something that may upset you but I have to test you limits to your commitment to me, She looked in to my eyes and said I will do whatever you ask of me. Without question or hesitation, I told her that is very commendable But I have to be sure you are not just telling me what I want to here to get me to let my guard down.
I will not tolerate you lying or playing me that would be your undoing and that is not acceptable to me. This next week will be your hardest test and how you respond will tell me if you are faithful or pulling my leg, I am sorry you will not like it but this is a big step in your training so do your best to comply to all orders and don’t assume any thing that will get your ass busted and you and I both know that is not fun, she just dropped her head down so I handed her one of the sandwiches and a bottle of water and set down with her to eat before I had to go. After taking the bottle back and filling her bowl then putting food in the other bowl I closed the cage and locked it then walked back to my car.
At work my mind was on how hard it was going to be to toughen up on her training because she was getting under my skin with how she was obeying my orders but it had to be done to see how far she could be trusted. So work was a bore till time to go back out with her.
When I got there the sun was just going down and the bugs where starting to sing. I walked over to the porch and sat down and watched her she was at the end of her chain and setting there just looking at me not saying a word, I sat there till the dark made her unseen any more then went inside to lay down. I was awakened by a load nosy outside so I got up and went to check on her she was curled up inside the dog house sound asleep when the sound woke again from behind me it was a damn Raccoon looking for something to eat so I run his ass off and went back inside to try and sleep more, I got back up at day break and found her still sleeping in the dog house so I headed in to town and work. This day went a little faster so I went home to check the house and get the mail plus get some things I had ordered on line for my Pet. I got the egg with remote and I got her a but plug with a tail on it of a Red Fox I thought it would go with her red locks that where growing out very nicely with little waves in them.
Her bright green eyes where sparkling this last week but with the new training they were more red than green this was breaking my heart but this had to be done to test her complete loyalty if she passed this test I was going to take her to a small fishing camp that some of my friends run to see how she would react and behave.
After work the fallowing day I went out to the camp and she was at the gate on her heels looking at me so I went and unlocked her then told her to go to the well she turned and walk to the well and grabbed the pipe and waited for me, I turned on the water and washed her off with dish soap now I know this is not good because when it dries it make your skin stiff and hard but she was being tested not pampered.
After rinsing her off I wash out her cunt it was pretty clean with not much dirt in it like before so now for the enema I pushed the hose to her ass and started to fill her till her little belly started bulging and she groaned I gave her a squirt of soap and more water I walked to the trailer for a cold beer then came back and took her hand and lead her to her spot she squatted and let it go then we walked back to the pipe and did her clean out now I took her to the table and laid her over it lubed a finger and slipped it in and gave her a couple of strokes then added another one and repeated it again then I added another one and with a few strokes I pulled them out and pushed her middle plug into place but I did not let her cum I just put her back in the cage and locked her up then walked away. I set on the porch and watched the sun start to go down then got into my car and pulled away and went home. I set my alarm for 3 am and went to sleep when the alarm went off I got up eat and went to the camp to find her pacing back and forth by 3:45am so I went and unchained her lead her over to the table and removed her plug then walked her to the spot and watched her go, she did not even bat a eye just let go, I took her back to the pipe and rinsed her off and back to the table to reinsert the plug without working her up to it just lots of lube she was grunting like her was taking a shit but she said nothing I put her back in the cage and went to get my coffee and to work. The clerk asked how I had been he had not seen me much so I told him I was training a new Pet and they take a lot of time he shook his head and said he knew about that his sister was a dog trainer.
I said good by and went to work, After work I went out to see my Pet and she was not at the gate like normal but was tucked down behind the dog house so I knew she problem lost the plug and could not get it back in I looked around and there it was in the dog house clean but in the dog house I said nothing just went inside and unhooked her then lead her to the well. She grabbed the pipe and looked over to me and said 10 Please so I washed her off got her clean then took her to the table laid her across it and gave her 10 whacks to which she counted each one and thanked me for each I stopped and left her there on the table went into the trailer and got the rug swatter and came back out, I said 5 she looked at me then sucked in some air and relaxed I gave her 5 good whacks with the beater then went to get the lotion to help her heal when I returned she was still in place and asked me to forgive her for taking out her plug I asked her why was it out she said she had to go bad and pulled it out but with on lube it just would not go back in and I knew you would be mad at me for assuming I could remove it without permission.
So I asked her if you left it in and hurt yourself by having a bowel break or getting a bad cramp that injured you what would I do then. She said I don’t know but I did not want to assume anything because you are my Master and that was your order, I looked at her with a tear in my eye and a lump in my thought and said Pet you are my very good girl now why where you hiding behind the dog house she said I was assumed that I had disappointed you and could not face you, I told her she had earned a treat what would she like, this caught her off guard and she set there to think about her answer before saying anything, Then she looked up and said could I have some soup and I would like to set in your lap and sleep Please so I told her I think we can make that happen so I told her in the shower now and she ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower and waited for me. I went to the kitchen and put a pot of chicken soup on to heat while we showered then went to her and turned on the water and washed her with love and care that she would know I was very happy with her. We got out and dried off then I took her into the kitchen and made a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches to go with the soup and set them on the table. She was on her heals looking at me I told her to set in the chair she shook her head and said a Pet eats on the floor not at the table so I set her plate down and she took her time and enjoyed every bite then looked at me to see where I was going I went to my recliner and set down and told her Up Pet she climbed up and laid down and cuddled up tight to me and smiled. She was not there five minutes and she was out. Now when I first picked her up she was chubby for her size maybe 40 bls over weight from eating so much crap when she was high but now she was seal and very cute even with her raggedy hair due but I will fix that soon. She did not move all night but at 4am I had to Piss so I woke her up and told her outside she know what I was talking about but she walked out the door and stopped there till I said lets go Pet.
We went back inside and finish our sleep till time for me to go. I lead her outside and chained her up short then grabbed her plug and lube and had her grab her ankles I lubed the plug and slowly inserted it with her grunting the whole time. Once in I locked her up then left we did the routine through the week end and all the way to Thursday the fallowing week on Thursday I changed her routine by taking her to the pump washing her down then let her dry I made us a small meal then told her Pet into your cage. She walked into the cage and set on her heals waiting for me but I just cleaned up then went and set on the porch till the sun set.
Now for her big test I got into my car and drove off her gate was closed but not locked and she was not chained so she could run off if she wanted. I drove till the camp was out of sight then stopped and pulled out my 30/30 with the night scope and I watched her she was looking around but had not moved from her spot I watched her for an hour then she got up and crawled into the dog house and covered up and went to sleep so I went home I figured she was a different person from the animal I picked up and the morning would tell the tail. The next morning when I went to the camp when I pulled in she was back at the gate crying but not moving so I asked what is the matter Pet she said with a shaky voice I was so afraid last night I said why pet She said I thought you were going to let the skin peddlers’ come take me away I was not chained and my cage was not locked I started to laugh and she cried harder so I asked now what she said you are laughing at me and you have never laugh at me so I told her Pet go to the shower she went still crying when I got in the shower she was on the floor looking up with tears in her eyes I said stand up Pet time to clean up so I washed her and combed her hair cleaned her finger nails then went into the back room and brought out a box she was nervous but set on her heals looking at me.
I set down at the table and said Pet come here she came to me I opened the box and inside was a cute little summer dress and a new pink collar with AMY in stones She looked at me and started to Bawl very hard I said in a quiet voice Pet you have passed a very big test today and now you are going to get a big surprise for all your hard work. I said stop crying and look at me, she dried her eyes and looked back at me I said stand up she did I picked up the dress and slipped it over her head and made her turn around and zipped it up then I took off her old dog collar cleaned her neck and placed her new pink collar on her.
She had a big smile on her face I reached back into the box and pulled out her egg and told her to spread your legs Pet and I played with her cunt to get her wet then inserted the egg she looked at me and said it feels funny I have not had any thing in there in a long time I said that is going to change Now I reached back into the box and pulled out the tail but plug she looked at it and said it is all most the same color as my hair I told her this is her every day plug she turned around and bent over and I smacked her Ass hard she spun around fast with a surprised look saying what Master What did I do , I looked at her and said you assumed I wanted you to bend over but I said nothing how many she looked down and said 10 I looked at her and said five and don’t let it happen again now lay across my lap.
Now my cock was getting hard she was beautiful in her little dress and collar but now so fun. I lifted her dress and started smacking her ass to which she counted and thanked every swat then I reached for the New warming lube I got for her and wet a finger and slipped it in her still tight ass and worked it good then added another finger and did the same now the third and she was panting so I lubed the plug and pop it slipped in her ass she was shaking I had not messed with her in over a week so she was about to lose it I reach down and pinched her clit and Bang off she went she just laid there on my lap breathing hard and moaning but this was just the start of her fun. I picked her up and straightened out the dress and had her do a little spin for me and she was breath taking so now the big surprise Pet we are going to town to give you your big test she looked back at we nervosa and I ask what she said she was scared to face other people she said will you be with me I said in sight all the time so she calmed down a little now with her egg in and her cute little tail and collar off we went, she was setting in the set fidgeting so I asked what’s wrong she said the dress is itchy and the seat is hard I told her to pull up her dress and squat in the floor board and she set on her heals and got her twinkle back in her eyes and I asked Better she said much so we went to the little farming town with mostly migrants workers that I knew to well and walked into the bar and I ordered a beer for me and water for her. Sat there watching the people walk around and she was doing very well so I asked her to dance with me but she looked very scared then I told her in a stern voice to get up she did I took her hand and walked to the floor. When I turned her around and pulled her to me she was like glue and holding me so tight I could barely breath I said relax and have some fun. She would not look around and looked right into my eyes with a scared look on her face so I told her lets go set down and talk.
We went back to the table and set down and I told her that I was pleased with her but she needed to relax a little I will not let anything hurt you so she asked if she could set next to me I said sure and she snuggled up close and you could she her face just mellow out. We only stayed for an hour more then I told her ok back to the camp. She light up then and almost dragged me to the car on the way back she asked if she had to wear her dress all the way or could she take it off I told her she had to stay dressed till we hit the turn off she pouted but set on her heals and watched me the whole time when we got to the turn off she was out of the dress and sitting on the seat with her head in my lap the rest of the way out when we got there she did not move till I said come on she said I have to pee so I told her go ahead she said you have to come I asked why because you are there when I am not in the cage that is how I can go outside so I said ok lets go.
She finished and I said go get your dress and hang it in the trailer so she darted off and grabbed the dress and brought it to me to hang for her. I told her to come to me and lay across my Lap when she did I removed her tail and said time for a shower Pet. After taking a nice Hot shower it was time to eat something so I cooked a small meal and we had a beer then I told Pet time for more training she came to me and asked what do you want me to do. Lay across my lap again Pet I am going to start to warm you up, So I lubed a finger up and stuck it into her ass and lubed her up real good then added a second and then a third while pumping her ass with three fingers I reached around and pinched one of her nipples she was moaning and fidgeting fast so I moved to the other and she let out a small yelp as I rolled it around and around she was starting to sweat and Pant now I drug my finger lightly down her body causing her to shiver and moan till I got to her Clit then I circled it around and around she was seaming so hard like she had to piss then I thumped it and she exploded into multiple orgasms one after the other till she just went limp on my Lap. That is when I stuck my thumb in her cunt and started to pump it in and out she was begging no more please no more but this is the lessen I have been waiting to teach her. I cleared off the kitchen table and laid her on her back and started to lick from her knee up her leg to Her cunt when I got to her cunt I raised her legs to my shoulders and pushed them to her Titts and Licked her from ass hole to clit and she went crazy so I did it again and told her she cannot cut until I tell her to she is panting hard and trying to lay still but it is getting harder to concentrate and she is moaning saying Please Master Please but I look at her and say don’t you dare I will punish you if you do She was whimpering and panting saying Please Master can I cum I told her NO then stood up and dropped my paints then took my cock and rubbed her lips up and down she started say oh god oh god so I slowly pushed into her till I hit bottom and drew back and slammed it home over and over her eyes rolled back in her head till I was ready to cum so I told her now Pet now you can cum and she screamed thank you thank you and her cunt started to milk my cock and I went over the edge but pulled out and blew it all over her belly to her face.
She had my cum dripping from her cheek so she scooped it up then swallowed it saying yum. While panting she slid off the table and got in front of my chair and cleaned my cock like a good little Pet should do then laid her head on my lap with a content smile on her face knowing she had pleased me by holding out till I told her she could cum. Well tomorrow is Friday and I have more things to do with her so I tell her to come to bed with me but stop her before we go and have her lay on my lap and reinsert her fox tail now we can sleep, we climbed in to bed and cutteled up and drifted off to a very peaceful sleep till 4 am then she asked Master Please I need to go so over my lap then off she went with me following then right back to bed.
Saturday we get up early and head off to town with her in a pair of shorts with a hole for her tail and a soft little peasant blouse I take her to a salon of a friend of mind to get her cleaned and primped new hair dew and nails done eye brows the works when she is done she now looks like a million bucks but she has not seen herself yet so we go to a shop and I find a beautiful emerald green dress for her to wear she puts it on and she is beautiful No doubt so I take her to a wall of mirrors with her eyes covered and Say Look at my Any when she opened her eyes tears start to stream down her face she cannot believe what she is seeing and her knees give out and she drops to the floor and cries the Lady in the store comes running what did you do to her I will call the cops if you hurt her so I tell her Ask Amy what I did to her, so she bends down to Amy and asks and her reply made me smile she looks at the lady and said he saved my life I was a bad drug addicted and heading for death in the fast lane and he Did this to me for me well the lady was floored so I asked her if she ever seen one of thoughts make over shows she said yea so I took out my phone and showed her a picture of the girl I took to the camp the first day and said this is the same young lady what do you think she look at me and said you are her guardian Angel I just laughed and said no I just seen some one that had lost her way.
I go over pick Amy up off the floor and tell her now you have an apology to make the lady yells what is that and me and Amy spin around and see nothing we look at her and she is pointing at Amy so I look behind her and the tip of her tail is showing so I start to Laugh and tell the lady it is her toy to remind her not to be an animal so I show the lady a little and she giggles and said to each there own. We left the store and I took her to my favorite DD and told her to go get me a coffee she looked scared so I told her this is where you adventure all started go look for the fuzzy headed clerk and order the coffee he will not know you she went in and to the counter and placed the order I snuck in and walked up behind her when the clerk came with the coffee he looked at me and said one minute I told him to come around and see me for a second so he came and we walked outside. when we were out of ear shot I turned to Amy and said her name she looked to the clerk and said I am so very sorry for the way I treated you Please forgive me, This is where I started to laugh at the look he gives me then he looked at her and said Lady I have never met you before what are you talking about, she looks at me and I pull out my phone and say do you remember this little Stoner Bitch he said oh hell yea then he looked at her and said no way, I told him yes this is her what do you think needless to say he was floor he said how I told him it’s a secret but there is good in every one you just have to bring it out os I said Amy get in the car she said yes Master he looked at me and I said training lots of training I shuck his hand and we left so I asked Amy what would you like to do Pet she looked to me with head down and said I would like to see my mother if I can Master I said you have been on you best behavior so why not I didn’t go to jail for kidnapping yet She looked at me and yelled Never Master Never.
So we went to a better part of town and she asked if I would talk for her because her mother is very controlling and very mean person, I said sure but why then do you want to see her, Amy said the last time I seen her she told me I was nothing but shit and would be dead in a year. I looked at her and said she was just pissed saying that, Amy shook her head no that is who she is since I was a little girl so I looked at her and said do you think she needs training, now Amy has this glint in her eye that said I wish but she said I cannot say Master it is not my place so I told her we will see.
We walked up to the door and a maid answered the door and said how can I help you so I asked is Mrs. Cunningham in today she said yes but she is out on the patio sun bathing I told her I would like to talk to her about her daughter so she said wait here and left in a few minutes she was back and said follow me so we follow her and the house is beautiful as is Amy’s Mom she is in a French cut bikini and setting up as we arrive on the patio. She looks at me and asks what did the little bitch do now or is she dead I said that don’t sound like a concerned parent she jumps up in my face and I stepped back and said whoa lady I was wanting to shoe you his beautiful young lady with me she looks at Amy for a minute and said who is she looks a lot like me I said she is your daughter she looked again and said I wish my daughter is a tramp and drug addict I said this is the same person that you are talking about she looked at Amy and she had a tear running down her face she said if this is her she must be a hooker or prostitute I said she is nether But she has learned manners and is very obedient she said still a piece of trash why don’t she speak if she is so refined. I told her because she does not have permission to the lady said BS I told Amy to pull out a chair for me she looked down and said yes master the lady said she is your dog I told her she was now she is a very bright and beautiful young lady. She then asked why are you here I told her Amy wanted to see her Mom to let her know she was doing good and had turned her life around.
The lady got up and walked over by Amy and looked at her then she raised her hand to slap her but ended up with my hand around her wrist to stop her I said you will not lay a hand on her in my presents. She said how do you think you are I said Amy’s protector and if you can’t respect the hard work she has put forth then it is time for us to depart, with that I grabbed Amy’s hand and walk to the front door then stopped and told her looks like you need training she said no body has the balls to make me do anything we opened the door and left. We walked fast to the car just incase that Bitch wanted to start trouble for use. As we road down the beach I looked over at Amy and said what do you think you want to help train a bitch.
Amy had a big smile on her face but said Master I am not sure my training is complete but I will do as you command, I looked at her and asked is that what you live with as a child she looked down and said every day until I could run away I said no wonder you had all that hate in you when I found you, but as you know we can take the steam right out of her britches, Amy just smiled at me I said I need to get an Idea of what her schedule is Amy said Master there is one person that knows her inside and out I said who is that she said her full time maid Consuela I said why would she tell us anything Amy said she raised me and protected me as best she could till I ran away. I said so where do we find her she said this is her day off she is with her son in Miami well do you know the way she said yes I would go with her some times. So we headed to Miami when we get there she knocks on the door and this nice looking lady answers the door and she screams Amy my Beautiful Amy I said well she I my Beautiful Amy if you must know she looked at me like I was some crazy gringo She steps aside and said please come in where have you been you look so good Amy stepped up and said Consuela this is my Master and we would like to ask you some favors.
Consuela looked at Amy what do you mean Master my baby girl she said well it’s a long story but he saved my life so I have given it to him because I cannot take care of me I was almost dead when he found me and this is what he did for me she stood and turned around, Consuela said you are beautiful what do you mean, Amy told her about her drugs and her running around and the abuse and neglect then Consuela walked to me and hugged me very tight and said thank you senior Master.
Consuela turned to Amy and asked what do you need little one So Amy told her of the way her Mom reacted when we went to see her and Consuela said she never changed just got worst each day. She told Consuela that I was going to train her just as she was to make a better person out of her so Consuela thought for a minute and said well next month she goes for her month vacation to the Bahamas that normally ends up being a two month stay if you could pinch her up like the airport van dose that would be the only way I know of I told her I have a friend that works there and we could do that without a problem so the wheels are in motion.
I tell Consuela I will give her a call on her next day off I said I will go get you a through away phone so there is no traces back to you so I left Amy there and run to Wal-Mart and got two pay as you go phones and came back and gave her one.
She said next week she would be setting up all the hotels and air fares so she would call me then we left and Amy was hugging Consuela for dear life and told her thank you for your help and we would give her back a new Boss Lady she laughed and said se machos’ gracias.
I took Amy out to eat and asked her are you sure you want to do this you remember how hard it was for you she looked me in the eyes and said when I was real little she was an angle to me but then her drugs and drinking turned her into that Monster I know my Mom is still in there she is just lost and I know you can find her for me I said you know she will be my slave like you are she said I am your willing Slave I want to be here so If we get the sweet Mom back I don’t have a problem with it. I told Any we have to finish your training so it will be more intense in the next two weeks but your goal will be to shoot to get your Mom back and Kill the bitch are you good with that she said yes Master without hesitation or fear.
We left the restaurant and headed for the camp I told Amy at the turn off you will strip and remove your tail. This week will be separation week you will be alone and only feed twice so you will learn patience be conservative and be dirty without a bath till Saturday do you understand she had a tear in her eyes but said yes Master, Your time you will have time to hate me or love me I will see how strong your conviction and obedience is. I will disciple you for the least little infraction and you will have to do some soul searching this will be this week’s agenda Sunday I will see your resolve and that will tell me if you are strong enough for the last phase of your training, we reached the turn off and she stripped and pulled her plug and laid them on the seat and got on to the floor.
I looked at her and said good girl Pet Good Girl! As we pulled in to the camp we got out and I told her go to the well she did and grabbed the pipe, we did our routine and I took her to the table and said on my lap Pet this will be your reward for your actions today but the last till next weekend I started fingering her and got her going to a full blown good time and when we finish I told her to stay over my lap and asked how many Pet she looked back and asked what did I do I told her nothing but your mind needs to be in a different state for this week you have been an expellant Pet this weekend but I need you focused for this long week ahead so how many she looked back and said 20 I said are you sure she said that lesson has stuck in her head and this one will give her the drive she will need I said ok but no lotion this time you have to endure the lesson on your own, She look down and grabbed the chair leg and we began.
SMACK one thank you Master smack two and so on she was in total break down by 20 and my heart was breaking for her because she had come such a long way but I needed her to be totally committed to me and no other thought to be in her mind but to please me. I stood her up and took off her new collar and put on her old dog collar and took her to the cage. She was sobbing and sitting on her heals while I chained her up and cleaned out her rug and blanket, then I gave her fresh water and food then locked the cage and left. I had things to get set up and needed to get with my friend this next week so I would not go out to the camp for three days , on Tuesday we had a big storm go through and I was wondering how Pet did in It but it was late Wednesday that I told my wife I was going out to the camp to start cleaning and fixing things for the next season when I got their Pet was sitting on her heals looking at me with pleading eyes but said nothing I took her out to the pump and did her chores then back to the cage with clean food and water. Then left again without saying a word to her on Friday I got in touch with my friend at the airport van service and asked if I could barrow a van over night in about a week he said sure it is our slow time just keep it clean I told him it would be spotless when I returned it he said just call the night before I needed it I thanked him and went to bed.
Saturday afternoon I went out to the camp and found Pet had dumped her food out her blanket was in the dirt and her had shit on her leg I asked what is this she said nothing just looked at the ground I had a sneaking suspicion she was wanting to get me mad and was looking for discipline to show how faithful she was but it back fired I went in to the cage and made her chain 3 feet long and told her assume the position she did and I left her there and went into the trailer and made me some dinner I looked out and she was still there as I left her I knew it was going to rain tonight and this would be her hardest test yet I looked out again and she was leaning against the post so I grabbed the blanket beater and went to the cage she jumped when she seen me coming but to late I stood her up grab your ankles she did and I swatted her 5 time very fast she let out a squeal that could her caused ear damage then I said assume position she did right away so I went to the trailer and set down to read a paper I picked up on the wasy out.
Around 9 pm my phone rang and Consuela was calling to let me know that Pets Mom was going to leave ahead of her normal time on Wednesday she would be going to the air port so I thanked her and told her to call me on the night before I had an idea she my like She asked what was up I told her to pack her self a bag to be ready she said ok but why I told her she will see then said good bye and went to bed now I was going to have to move everything up a little. Around 10pm it started to rain it was light but steady but it was cold I looked out to see where Pet was and she was still where I left her around 11 it was pouring I looked at Pet she was still in place but shaking hard from the cold so I turned on the shower nice and warm and walked out to get her. She never looked up till I unhooked her chain and she jumped because she never seam me come in she was so deep in thought, so I picked her up because her legs where stiff and she could not stand on her own and took her into the shower we stayed in the shower till the water started to cool off then got out I dried her and wrapped her In a blanket to warm her body up then we went out to the kitchen and I made her some soap to warm her insides. When she start to come back to life I asked her Pet how many she said 25 because she had tried to make me mad at her but I did not beat her like she thought I said in the morning you will be over the table now get in to here I don’t need you getting sick she looked at the flood but said Yes Master.
The next morning I woke up alone and went looking for Pet she was on the table outside like I had told her to be so I went to the kitchen and made me some coffee and made her so to then went out to the table and set down. She looked at me and asked Master I am ready I told her yes I know Pet but I love looking at your cute little ass like this she just giggled but didn’t move I told her Pet come set with me I need to talk with you so she got up and set next to me I told her drink your coffee and listen to me.
I told her mother was going on her trip earlier then we thought and I was thinking she looked at me so I continued how long has Consuela worked for your Mom she said around 25 years so I asked has she ever had a vacation in that time she said only when her mom was away she could relax from her but no she never had a vacation that she knew of I said how about we send her in your Mom’s place the trip is all ready paid for all she needs is a packed bag She looked at me and jumped into my lap and said Master that is a great idea then she realized what she did and looked down to the ground but did not move I said Ok Pet Over the table as soon as she bent whack whack whack whack whack with no counting I said 25 Pet she said I know then why have you not counted she said that is because I lost my place so I said ok Whack one thank you Master two and so on till I reached 25 and she was sobbing but the silly ass was still smiling I told her go get the lotion she walked off a little wobble then came back and laid on my lap so I rubbed her ass till it was nice and soft but bright red and sore Then I Lifted her up and sat her down and hugged her then turned her face to me and said Pet I love you you are such a good girl that your training is going to be shortened and go in a different direction, she looked at me and smiled and said I love you to Master and all ways will, I will never leave you ever I said I am very glade Pet Now we need to go to town for some more things for you, when we got to town she had on her little summer dress so we went to the Beauty pallor to get her hair done and Nails cleaned when we left there we went to the sports store we picked up some shoes, then to a dress shop for a new outfit.
On the way back we stopped at the shop to pick up my chloroform for mom this always makes thing go better. So out at Camp I told Pet to strip so she hung put her new close they came back to me I told her to get her tail and she got excited and brought it back and laid on my lap I told her this is going to be short and sweet so I lube up a finger and we started they I popped in her tail she squealed a little then I set her up and started telling her you Have earned a surprise Pet you have spent your last night in the cage she looked at me strange I asked what’s the matter Pet she said but that is my cage I told her the trailer is your new house unless you miss behave do you understand Pet she said Yea Master then she asked if she could sleep there some time I said sure as long as its keep clean and don’t have any one in it she looked up and smiled knowing what I was referring to.
It was time for bed I told her lets go lay down you have a lot to do tomorrow so off to ber we went. When we got up we ate breakfast then got dressed and headed for town. We went to a sex shop that has a lot of S&M equipment I was looking for something to help train Mom when we got her I then text Consuela to see if we could meet some where she text back saying she had to pick up some dry cleaning and a few groceries. Said fine there is a little café near the dry cleaners she said yes I know it I stop for Lunch there I said perfect see you there, we made our purchases and left the shop we still had an hour before we meat Consuela so I took Pet to the beach board walk she was excited to see the beach she had only seen the camp for a month and ran down to let the surf splash on her feet I walked down to her a said Pet do you have a License She said yes why I said I have an Idea we walked down the beach and I told her I wanted her to drive the van she said Mom will see my hair and know it is me I said we will pick up a short wig and you will have a scoffers cap on and will not get out of the seat I will have a cap on to hide my face as well we will pick up a couple of friends and she will have to set in the back we will have Consuela bring out Her Bags and not your Moms when I open the back door to put the bags in I will chloroform her then and have Consuela jump in and take her to the AirPort for her vacation. She said that is so smart Consuela will love it I can’t wait I said Ok Pet first I need to see how well you drive but for now lets head to the café we got to the café just as Consuela was setting down we walked up to her and she jumped up to Hug Amy then shuck my hand and we set down so I asked Consuela have you ever had a real vacation she looked at me and said no Sir I said well that is going to change because of your many long years of service and Loyalty you are going to the Bahamas She looked at me and had tears in her eyes I looked to Pet and she was crying as well I said Please will you two just stop.
Consuela looked up to me and said what do I have to do for this sir I know you get nothing for free I told her to pack yourself a bag and be ready to go on Wednesday she said but that’s the day My Lady is leaving I said we know but she is going on a much different trip then you but she don’t know it I laughed. I told her Amy and I will be the driver and attendant in the air port van she just needs to have her bags ready we are going to drug her when we put her in the van and then we will take you to the air port in her place so all looks good when everyone is gone for a month or two. She just set there with her mouth open and said how did you think of this I told her The day Amy and I went to her house and she went to hit Amy and I told her she needed training she said no one has the balls I guess she is going to get the surprise of her life so just be ready and relaxed ok She smiled and said Si signor I will.
We left and I called my friend and asked if he had a van available he said sure come on over, We picked up the van and headed to the camp when we turned onto the camp road I told Amy get behind the wheel I want you to Drive She got out and climbed behind the wheel and off we went she was perfect even better then I was I asked her where she learned to drive she said before drugs one of her boy friend’s had a delivery service and she helped him out I said perfect The next morning we got up put on the outfits I had picked put and headed to town to clean the van we then went to a little breakfast spot and had a nice breakfast if was around 10 and Consuela called me and said she needed a 11:30 pickup I told her we would be there on time be ready for her vacation she said Si sir we arrived at 11:25 and I went to get them I had bags set into the first 2 roes for shipping so she had to climb into the back seat she was a little Pissed but that was part of the fun I opened the back door as Consuela brought out her bags and I dropped one down hard so she spun abound in the seat and I had her with the chloroform She got big eyes then passed out I told Consuela to get in beside her and put the rest of her bags in and we where off I stopped on the way and laid her down and covered her with one of the bags Consuela set behind us in the first roe and we took her to the air port and dropped her and the luggage off and sent her on her way.
Pet and I headed to the camp to drop off our package we stopped half way out because mom was starting to come to so I chloroformed her again and finished our run we took mom out and stripped her down and put her in the cage with the old dog collar and chained her to the pole then took out Pets rug and blanket, then I got the new things I picked put from our shopping I pulled out a new ball gag and a leather blind fold that was attached in 3 different spots so it could not be scraped off. Pet said I never had one of those I said you where not as bitchy as she is and I want her to be scared very scared and we need some sleep so that is why the gag. So we got back into the van and I had Pet drive and told her we need to clean the van to take it back she said ok went we returned the van my friend said do you guys want a job cleaning my Fleet that van looks new he laughed I said maybe but not now we have a meeting to attend. So we get into my car and went to get some dinner Pet was looking a little nervous so I asked her what is wrong she said I have not been away from the camp this long we need to get back I laughed and said ok pet lets go when we got back to camp mom was still passed out so I went to check on her she was warm and breathing fine so I said she will be fine lets hit the hay. We both jumped out of bed around 2am when Mom became fully awake and realized she was naked and bound she had Pets binder on her elbows wrists, knees and ankles she was screaming into the ball gag and slobber was going everywhere as well as snot running from her nose tears had mud on her face she looked a mess I looked to Pet and she was giggling so I said what do you think she said this is going to be a long night for her a very long night.
We went back to bed and turned the AC on high to drown her screaming out and went back to sleep. We had a very good night and woke up in the morning and had breakfast then I told Pet table now she went to the table and I removed her tail she was groaning I told her pump she went to the pipe and grabbed a hold and bent over I did our routine then back to the table when she got to the table I lubed up a finger then started to play with her ass she looked back at me wondering what was going on I just let her lay there a few minutes then said pet are you ready for some fun she looked at me and said yes Master Please I reached into my pocket and got the remote that was for her egg that had been in her for a week now she had forgotten it was even there I hit the first button and she jumped clean off the table like she got shocked and was looking all around so I held up the remote and she started to laugh out loud I said table pet when she bent over I moved the remote to medium and she started to grunt I lubed up my finger again and slid in in and started to pump in and out then I added a second finger for a while she was moaning and starting to sweat I added a third and she came and was moaning constantly with Mmmm Mmmm I then added a fourth finger new to her and she as all over the place so I told her be still or else he kept moving so I slapped her ass hard she came again so I lubed up the biggest plug I had gotten her then pulled out my fingers and pushed the plug into her ass as I turned up the egg to high she passed out but I kept everything in place but shut off the egg she laid there for 10 minutes till she came around then I turned the egg on high again she said Please Master Please I turn off the egg and pulled out the egg and stuck my cock in and started to slow stroke her she was moaning saying more please more so I started to speed up. In five minutes I was pounding her and she was going off I felt her start to cum and when she stopped I pulled out and told her knees she turned and dropped then took my cock into her mouth to my balls and started to hum I lost it then she took every drop then cleaned my cock and said I have wanted that for a long time Master I told her only when I say do you understand she said yes Master any time any place all for you thank you so much Master you are so good to me I told her time to take out you plug she said it is stuck I don’t know how we will get it out I told her table she bent over and I pushed her egg back in she looked around and smiled then said you are so good to me I turned on her egg she was rocking against the table so I turned it to high and she jumped so I twisted the plug and she came and the plug came right out with a pop she just dropped onto the table then panting very hard her ass was gapped open about the size if a tennis ball she just laid there panting. I got up and went inside and got a beer and poured her a glass of wine when I came out and set down she said for me I said yes Pet you did very good today and I’m proud of you very proud. We set there watching the sun set on the glades and the birds started to sing I walked over to the cage and went inside and took off the gag she started to scream I told her she would get the gag if she kept it up so she shut up and just sat there crying saying why me I said you know who has the balls now bitch she yelled you bastard I told her calmly this is your new home so get comfortable she said they will be looking for me I told her nope I have someone taking your place you will not be missed at all. I told her you are now going to undergo a sever training to get your sorry ass back on the right track and you will be my willing slave and you will call me Master with conviction she laughed and said like hell I will I told her I have heard that before and laugh so I took the hose and wash the dirt off her with ice cold water she was pissed all I did was laugh I put clean food and water out for her and told her this is all you get make the most out of it then left and locked the cage.
I walked over to Pet and said get dressed she said why I said we are going to tell her stew her without someone to bitch at we left and I took pet to a hotel we used if the hunting was shitty, we had a light snack and a couple more drinks then went to sleep.
In the morning we woke up well rested and got some breakfast then headed back out to the camp when we got there we found the cage all messed up mom had dumped her food and water and she was caked with mud I told Pet to go into the trailer and get the rug beater when she came back I took it from her went into the cage and beat her ass like a drum Pet was crying so I walked out and asked her why she said you never did that to me I asked her did you ever destroy the cage like that she said no that was my safe place I handed the rug beater to her and told her go in there and spank her ass then tell her to respect her new home or get use to this Pet said I don’t think I can I said Pet you beat her ass or I beat yours for disobeying me Pet took off on a mission then when she finished she told mom to respect her cage or get beat every day Mom was left with w trickle of blood running down her ass and sobbing in the fetal position then we went to bed.
The next morning I went to the cage and unchained mom and took her to the pump and told her to hold the pipe in front of her, I squirted her down with the cold water and washed her till she was clean then I bent her over and stuck the hose up her cant and flushed all the dirt out she was bitching the whole time till I stuck the hose to her ass and started to fill her up she started to groan and moan just like Pet had the first time then Pet handed me the soap and I gave her a big squirt then started with the water till she looked three months pregnant Pet was laughing saying is that what I looked like I said yep then I walked mom to the spot and told her to relieve herself said I can’t with you here I said then stand there and pop I don’t care she squatted down and pushed but nothing happened I looked at pet lube a finger and stuck it up her tight ass and she blew out shit everywhere Pet said works every time I took her back to the pipe and filled her up again she waddled back over I told her lets go she started crying saying I can’t I stuck my still lubed finger back in and whoosh there she blows I took her back to the cage chained her then clean food and water and told her if you dump it you will not get food for a day every time you do it I will add a day to the time so behave or get punished I will be treating you like a spoiled brat so ever thing you do bad will result into a punishment so it is up to you how you are treated in this training.
Pet and I went in sided and I told her pet you are going to train mom once I have her broken do you think you can handle that Pet said whatever you want Master I said good girl you are all so going to be living here in the trailer she said when you are not here I said yes why because the cage is my safe place when you are gone I said I can fix that for you Pet and went to the cabinet outside for a length of chain and a ankle collar I chained Pet to the main water pipe in the kitchen and she pulled the chain and smiled she said that would help I told her bed she went in I grabbed her tail and lube and walked in the room turned her over and said on your knees she popped up and I lubed up her tail and pressed in in and it slowly started to go in then pop it was in I said ok Pet cuddle up time for sleep. I got up the next morning and told pet here is a phone for you only call this number and I will be here as quick as I can she said Yes Master I told her this is more of your training os watch what you do I will be watching you, One night I installed a closed in monitor system in the camp to keep track of the camp that I could log into with my phone Pet did not know this but I watched her 24-7 her whole training time now I was going to monitor both of them.
I worked the rest of the week and got coffee every morning when my friend asked me about Amy I told him she was doing great he then looked around and said I have a problem that maybe you could help with I asked what it was he said his sister and girl friend had started doing drugs and he did not want them getting into trouble or killed because they would not listen to him and they just told him to mind his business I noticed he had a deep burse on the side of his face I asked what happened he said the dealer hit him when he tried to get his girl friend and sister to go home from a party I told him let me think about it and I would let him know. I left work on Friday and went to the camp Pet was sitting at the table when I got there and she look worried when I walked up to her What is it Pet she said Master mom has been bad and I spanked her like you said she did not eat since you left because she dumped everything again and made a big mess she has been begging me and pleading she is sorry but I know she is just playing me. Can you please disciple her to straighten out this mess. I got up walked to the cage and got mom unchained and stood her up and dragged her to the pump I stuck the hose up her cunt and let it run then I stuck it in her ass and turned it on and watched her belly it was getting bigger and bigger till she was groaning loud I pulled the hose out and she sprayed water all over I got the soap gave her so then turned the hose back on then I told pet the medium one Pet she brought me the med plug and lubed it for me then when her belly looked like she was 6 months pregnant I pulled the hose and plugged her ass she went crazy and said she was going to explode I told her not today but we will see I then took her over to the table where I had a small box with a seat belt attached to it set her down on the plug and strapped her down. She was begging please let me go think I will be sick I told her I will when I am good and ready she was sweating profusely and moaning I told Pet please get me a beer Pet she jumped up and said yes Master and was gone when she came back I had mom in the spot and she was letting of pressure till she was just staining I washed her off and put the plug back in and pulled her over to the table then bent her over my knee and asked how many she said how many what I said whacks and you will count and say thank you Master She said in hell I will I said ok 25 and I will not be applying lotion to help heal she was squirming around I said be still out pay the price she wiggled even more so I started and I was wearing her ass out when I got to 20 I stopped and drank my beer then started again I put 10 more on her and she said between sobs that was 30 not 25 I said be still or pay the price she said that’s not fair I said this is not fair but you brought this all on by being unfair and a mean bitch to everyone even your help. So you don’t get fair you get orders and directions and any time you don’t obey I will beat your ass, Do you understand she shook her head I said you will address me as sir or master anything else will be punishable do you understand she sat there and thought a minute then looked down and said yes Master I understand I had just broke her ass now we can train this bitch Pet was sitting there with her head down I asked her what do you think Pet is she sincere Pet shook her head no then said she is playing you I said ok let’s see I said mom come here she said yes Master I told her you will address Pet as mistress do I make myself clear she was looking down but said nothing just stood there Pet said see I told you I looked at mom and said come here she walked up I grabbed her and slammed her down on a the table and went back to her ass 10 more times I said mom do you understand she said yes Master and how will you answer pet when she talks to you yes Mistress that is much better and told Pet get me the lotion she looked at me but went and handed it to me I said mom over the table she laid over the table and I applied the lotion to her welted ass and told her obedience gets rewords and anything else is punished do I make myself clear mom she said yes Master after ten minutes I put another layer on her ass and it was starting to sooth the soreness so I told pet take her to the cage and chain her give her clean food and water then remove the mask Pet stood up and pull mom to her feet and walked her to the cage slowly she was still bound when pet had finished I told her to go take the ankle binds off but make her respond to get them off so Pet went to the cage and asked mom would you like your ankle bind off and her mom said Yes Mistress please Pet looked at me and I shook my head then told pet go inside and make her a hot dog to eat Pet did as I told her and when she gave it to mom she thanked her so I said obedience reaps rewords she said Thank you Master thank you I told Pet she may still be playing use but we will see she gave up a little to fast but we will see, Pet and I went inside mad dinner took a shower then went to bed and no noise from mom all night. The next morning we got up so I told Pet go teach her the position so Pet walked out to the cage and started to tell mom what to do I heard a big commotion so I ran out to find mom on Pet choking her I grabbed her up and unchained her then dragged her out to the gutting tree I tied her ankles together then pulled her upside down then told her now you pissed me off I told you no one touches my Pet you will really regret this action and you will not eat for two days I told Pet bring me the rug beater when she did I told mom I should let Pet discipline you but she would probably kill you so now you pay with your ass and I let her have it she was spinning around trying to get away from the rug beater but that got her back hit then her tits hit her sides then back then tits after 15 minutes I stopped beating her she was having a hard time breathing and look like she was ready to pass out then she got quiet yep she passed out Pet was crying so I asked her why she said she thought maybe I had reached her but this was so brutal she had never seen me like this I told you Pet you are mine and any one that touches you will answer to me I never had to do this to you because all you needed was someone to give you direction and rules and love and you eat that shit up but mom is very set in her ways and will now have to start all over .
Pet I need to ask you something our friend at DD has a sister and girl friend that are going down that bad road you where on what do you think about training them for him she said that is a very dark place to come back from but you are the best at getting results and if you want to help him I want to help him Master I said ok pet we need to set up two more cages at the other posts and get the stuff out for more trainees she said where is it I told her go in the shed and get two barrels and two lengths of chain then two collars and 4 locks they are all in the shed I went behind the shed and started pulling out cage panels to make the cages we had one up and half way with the other one when mom came too. I walked over to her and asked her was that worth all this she was crying but said no Master I told her Pet will be your trained but I will disciple you do you understand mom she said yes Master I told her you will hang here tilp Pet and I are finished building more cages so you think about where you are and how bad do you want this to be she said yes master and I turned and left Pet and I had ever thing finished in an hour and we went to mom to let her down I told Pet she is your trainee now I will disciple her for any infraction so you let me know she said yes Master right away so Pet took her chain and walked over to the cage and short chained mom she went to the table and got the lotion and walked back to the cage and told her stand up then grab your ankles Pet rubbed all the spots she could reach then told mom stand and hold the roof fence then she lotion her front half mom was cringing from the welts but happy for the relief Pet then told her position and mom got on her heals and looked to the ground Pet said you will sit there until I tell you different mom said yes Mistress thank you. Pet said this is how you will act or Master will beat your Ass do you understand mom said yes Mistress I understand now.
Pet and I went into town to DD and my friend was at work but he was in the back and the girl told me he got into a fight so I asked if he could see me for a minute she said she would be right back, when he came out and seen Amy he lit up he said you are more beautiful every time I see you she blush and thanked him I asked him if you look like this what does the other guy look like he said they look fine I said they he said yea my sister and girl friend did this the other night when I tried to get them to stay home so I asked him is she your girl friend or your sisters he looked at me and said both but the drugs have gotten worst I said we are ready to take care of this when you are he said let me punch out I said now he said they are home and are passed out that is why I am here I said ok let me go to work and pickup the van and we will go so Pet stayed there with him and I run to work and was back in a minute we left and I asked what is your name he said Al I said ok Al when we get there we need to park by the door to get them out without the neighbors calling the cops he said no problem I park by the back door I said perfect when we get there is load music playing and no lights on in a dark house we go in and he turns on a hallway light and in the bed are two beautiful naked girls so I take my chloroform and do the first one then walk around to the other one and do her we pick them up and put them in the van and off we go I have Al in the back to keep an eye on them plus he can’t see where we are going when we get to the camp we get out and get the collars and chains then we bind them the same way mom is now I put ball gags and blinders on both then we put them in their barrels and lock the cages then Pet takes Al over to where mom is and walks into the cage and said mom have you learned your lessen and will you obey me without a problem mom said yes Mistress I will she then let the chain to full length and said go to bed and mom got up and went to her barrel then Pet put clean water down for her Al looked at Pet and asked why did you call her mom Pet said she is my mom Al said no shit and she is going for all this Pet said no like your two she was into drugs drinking and abusing all around her she went to hit me after Master had cleaned me all up because I just wanted her to know I was not dead and this is what I look like now Al said well that is understand able but why and how is she here Pet said as we where leavening Master told her She needed training and she told him on one has the balls so here she is and this is her 5th day here Al said wow you guys are fast I said do you remember the day I was giving you a hard time Al said sure Pet said that was 2 months ago so no it is not a quick process but with the right motivation they come around do you see the welts on mom so Al turned around and said shit what is that Pet said she was trying to play us and Master tested her by having me try to teach her position and she attacked me Master hung her upside down and beat her ass he told her at her house no one touches me but him and she tried him that is the outcome then he looked at me and asked did that ever happen to you Pet said no Master is very kind and loving as long as you obey him if not bang you get it he said I hope for my sisters sake he listens and my girl friend or they will have a hard road ahead.
Master will tell them they are going to be sold to a skin peddler if they do not train well that is what got my attention Al said that will wake both of them asses up right there their drug dealer told them he would like to pimp them out that scared them for a week they didn’t go back but it was nothing like this I told Pet let’s make some dinner and then we will take Al back so we are back dropping Al off so I ask him do you want them trained for you or do you just want to barrow them now and the Al said he want his sister trained to him but the girl friend he is not sure about I told him ok it will take a week to break them down then you can come out and make your decision Al said thanks and see you in the morning for coffee we left and dropped off the van and I took Pet back to camp then went home.
At 3:30am Pet called me saying the new crew were up and raising hell I told her to go wet them with the hose and see how that worked she came back and said they calmed down and where just crying now I said turn up the AC and get some sleep she said good night Master I will see you after work. I was wondering what we were going to be in for with our new arrivals with mom out there I’m sure she will be plotting something to try and get free even though she had no idea where she was but I figure this will be a little more of a challenge I may her to gag all of them when we are not working with them to keep down the plotting laughing to myself I figure I will put mikes and cage cams for each of the little shits this will get there goats hehehehe now on to my day at break I run over to DD and see Al and ask who he wants these to be trained? If we keep them together it maybe a little more of a challenge but also an incentive to have devoted companion slaves because if they don’t respond we separate them and their support of being close that could work to our favor, so I told Al my thoughts but let him know he would have to be there sexual out let when they are back with them and did he want to have mind control or sexual control or both these are things he needed to answer for me I will sex train them and mind train them but in the end maybe three months down the road is what we need to look at Al said he would like to keep both of them and be able to let his sister leave if He found someone he thought would take care of her I told him ok we will make them dependant on each other for now and can adjust their training in the future. The rest of my day went quick and on the way to camp I did some supply shopping for more plugs and food and a small cattle prod that is a very good attention getter.
When I got their Pet had mom out by the pump for her wash down and clean out so I asked mom have you behaved today or are you talking to the new girls She looked up to me and said she had told the new girls to fallow our instructions or there will be hell to pay I told he that was good but you do not talk to them at all unless Pet or I tell you to do you understand she said yes Master I asked pet if she had lotion mom’s welt today she said no Master that was your doing not mine and I will not assume to make that decision without your permission I said Pet you are a very smart and very beautiful young Lady and I am so very proud of you I told her to tend to her healing as long as she is behaving we will keep them all well taken care of only if they are misbehaving will we take another path Pet said yes Master I understand and mom said thank you Master then I told mom how you obey is how well you will be treated Pet can tell you this she learned firsthand to take the right path and you get rewards take the wrong one and you know what happens she looked down and said yes Master I will obey I said we will see I am going to be monitoring all of you 24-7 so the least little infraction and I will jerk you up and beet your ass you know I will not play so keep that in mind! Pet said table now and mom turned and walked to the table and bent over so Pet could lotion her up and start her plug training Pet had her all set up so I went to sis and pulled her out she went crazy for what I don’t know she was bound and gagged with blinders on so this was not going to good for her so I zapped the prod by her head and said this is for cows to keep them in line if you don’t settle down I will use it on you your choice so after she was kicking in the dirt and scratch herself all up she calmed down so I helped her to her feet and over to the pipe I took her blinders off and told her to grab the pipe she was squinting because the sun was bright I told her you will not move or let go of that pipe unless I tell you to do you understand if you obey thing will get better if you don’t bad things will happen so I turn on the water and start washing her down she is groaning and wiggling but stands there and let me clean her up I then was her hair to get all the dirt and trash out then tell her stand up straight and turn around slow she dose and she is cute as a button I see why Al was so upset with her going down this bad path. I turned her around then bent her over and flushed out her cunt she squealed with this and stood up zip I hit her with the prod she really started screaming then I said don’t do anything unless I tell you now I bent her sobbing ass over and put the hose to her ass and started to fill her she was groaning now as her little belly started to bulge I got the soap and shot her full then filled her some more she was crying and moaning so I took her to the spot and had her stand there. I went and took out girl and took her over to the pipe and removed her blinders and explained what I was going to do so she heard what happened to sis and she held the pipe and let me wash her I could hear sis moaning and groaning a lot but washed out girl’s hair. I told girl do not move and lubed my finger and walked to sis and squatted her down and side go she grunted but no good so I released her she moaned then dumped out I took her over to where girl was and told her stay then I did the same to girl then took her to the spot and let her stand then did sis again took her over to girl and put both down and let them go now I took both to the pipe and did the flush on girl then washed both and put them back in their cages. After that I feed and watered both and told them this is what you get till I can trust you I removed both gags and they drank water and eat they had not eaten in two days so I was ready for the detox to start before I left I put there gags back in but left the blinders off I also set put the cameras I told pet to get mom a plugged and get her done then cage and get some sleep, She said yes Master will you come back tonight? I told her no tomorrow I will stay with you she said thank you Master. So I went home and hooked up my system to keep an eye on them all. Pet made her some dinner and went to bed and the trainees all climbed in to their dog houses and went to sleep. Pet called at 1am and said the girls were making a lot of noise so I checked on them and they were starting to show signs of withdrawal so now it begins I told pet to bring mom Into the trailer with her old rug and short chain her because the girls would be up all night coming off the drugs so she got mom gagged her and put her blinders on and put her on her rug and said stay or be outside with the girls coming off the drugs mom laid down and wet to sleep so Pet went to bed with her ankle chain for security and went to sleep.
I checked on the girls and they were up and down the rest of the night till around 9 am then they went to sleep or just passed out from fighting the drugs all night. I called Pet and told her to hose them down then get them some gator aid because of all the fluids they lost fighting the drug off. She feed them some bread as well their throats were raw from screaming all night so I said that was fin but nothing else. They were shivering and huddled in the corner of the cage with withdrawal syndrome they needed some intervention to get them back on track. They were hurting and would need some quiet and peace so I had a few things to do but they were not going to like it but then so what. I went to the ware house to pick up the small trailer with two strap down beds so are little friends where going to have a week in dark with limited sun time they were cleaned out so they only got out what we put in we would fees them by I-vie for a week of quiet to get their heads back on strait. I told Pet we had to do some changes but I would explain when I got there. She said yes Master I will do your bidding. On the way out I stopped back at work and put in for a 2 week vacation. I got to the camp and set up the other trailer behind the main one. Got it cooled off and set up the Inside with beds and I-vies I went and got sis and put her in the trailer and gave her a shop to calm her down then to the shower to clean her head to toe.
When she was cleaned I took her to the trailed and put her on the table and strapped her down then put in her I-vie then back put to get girl and did it all over again I put blinders and gags on both then turned down the light in the trailer to you could just see and closed them in with heart monitors on the keep tabs on them. I told Pet they needed quiet and to leave them to me she said how did you know how to do that I was a Medic in the war so I can fix most problems but don’t like to see the pain any more. We put camo screens on all the cages to one conceal them and separate them. I put up conceal poles over the whole camp area then Camo netting to hid the trailers and camp from prying eyes plus out was getting hotter out here and this would help a lot. I went to Pet and gave her a hug and said she did very good so lets see how mom is doing I walk over to the cage and asked mom how do you feel she said Master I am very sorry for disrespecting you and underestimating your resolve. I laughed and said very good answer I asked Pet how has she been she told me she was rough the first couple of days but she heard that cattle prod zap and she come right around with a giggle so I asker Pet has she eaten pet said only from the bowl so I said lets get her something warm to eat she said yes Master I told Pet I was going to shower mom and looked for her reaction she just said yes Master and went and got mom out.
I went into the trailer and got out of my dirty close and Pet was there with mom I told mom to sit in the chair and I unbound her then stood her up and went to the shower and washed her down with skin soap to soften her skin then told her to kneel and I washed her hair and got her cleaned up head to toe She is a beautiful women so I just hugged her to me then held her she melted into me and laid her head on my shoulder and said Master I wish you had taken me years ago I have lead a miserable life and made the people around me suffer with my arrogance. I can see what you are doing for me and to me and I will comply to yours and Mistress commands without a problem for you. I steped back and looked her in the eyes and told her I don’t trust her she was going to have to work and earn that, she looked up and said I understand Master and I will do whatever you need because I feel move alive now then I have in years. I stepped back and said Ok mom out and dry off we got out and went to the kitchen I said rug then position she went to the rug and set on her heals and looked to the floor I looked to Pet and said very good Pet very good Pet was on her bug by my chair and smiling back at me. Thanks you Master I did as you commanded I did not lose my temper even when she was pushing me I just stayed calm and showed her no emotion and she started to come around but the prod helped after she seen you and sis last week and giggled.
I made some soap and sandwiches for all three of us then feed the girls and myself setting in my chair I told pet come to me Pet I need a hug she jumped and hugged me as hard as she could I asked did you miss me she said every minute but I never did anything but wait my turn I said you are a very good girl do you want to play she said yes please Master I told her table she went outside and laid over the table I told mom grab your rug and follow me she said Yes Master I grabbed a few things and went to the table lubed my finger and rubbed Pets ass hold then inserted it she moaned and so did mom I worked it in and out then a second then a third she was in full tilt moan and groan and started to hump my fingers I looked over to mom and said grab her tail out of the chair over there mom got up and grabbed it and brought it over I said push it into her now mom looked at me and I said now she pushed the tail into pet and when it popped in Pet Moaned and so did mom I stood up and told mom grab my cock and wet it with your mouth she said I have never I said do it now our you get the prod she did s shitty job I said line it up with her cunt she did but looked nervous I slid into pet and she moaned out load and moms eyes got big I started to pump pet and she was pushing back on me so I stepped back and flipped pet on her back then really let her have it I was just about to pop when Pet asked if she could cum I said go ahead pet let it go and boy did she clamping cunt sent me over the edge and I let go in her she went off again and said with a panting breath thank you Master that was hot mom moaned and said she never seen anything like that and you could see com running down her leg I told mom come to me I said clean Pets cunt up she said with what I told her your tongue she said what I said now and zipped the probe she jumped and gave a little lick and looked back at me and said I never I told her this is your job from now on but first I want you to clean my cock she turned around a picked my limp cock up and looked at me like she was going to puke I looked at her I said this is not a when you get to it it is now and hit her with the prod she went to it fast and hard I said balls and all she did it but looked sick I a=said ok now clean Pet was on her elbows watching mom Pet said Master I looked at her and said what Pet she said I have never been with a women I told her she will get use to it and enjoy it mom said I have never done any of this I said get her clean now or I will take you to the skinner and beat you again she dove in like she was starved and Pet was a steak then it was my turn to laugh pet started to moan and hump mom’s face and said that feels good I told mom spread her lips and get in there deep she did and Pets eyes rolled back in her head and she was fading fast then she came like a freight train and was panting and said again I busted out laughing then I told you could get use to it she looked up smiling evil and said oh hell yea so I set down behind mom and lubed up a finger and rubbed her ass hole then pushed it in she was twisting and moaning but keep cleaning pet up I pushed in a second finger and her knees got week Then I pushed in a third and she was grunting like a pig rutting up the ground I looked to Pet and said mid she handed me the mid size plug and I pulled my fingers out and pushed the plug in mom went to her knees I told her get up now she wobbled back to her feet panting I said clean Pet now she started to clean Pet again so I put my cock to her cunt lips and rubbed it up and down she was shaking her head but I pushed in and her lips spread and the head popped in she moaned I pushed more and she was tight and I mean real tight I said out load this is like new pussy she stopped and looked back and said I have not had sex in ten years I said time to fix that get back to it Pet started to rub mom’s head and pulled her to her cunt and was humping her face so I sunk my cock in to mom slow and when I bottomed out I stopped and let her get use to it then started to pump her slow long strokes she was getting close I could feel her clamp and release then clamp back up so I speed up I was liking this tight cunt of hers but would not last much longer so I started to slam into her she was screaming into Pets cunt and Pet passed out then mom started to wobble and she Came big time and passed out I had to grab her and hold her up I pushed her onto Pets Belly and finished pumping her full then set down in the chair with her on my lap in 5 minutes pet set up saying that was amazing I told her to get down and picked up mom and laid her on her back on the table and told pet to clean mom up she said how I told her the same way mom cleaned her I told Pet to set in the chair and look at mom’s cunt and learn about it I held the lips open and showed her the clit and told her this is sensitive she said she knows hers is making her twitch in the chair I said go ahead and give it a lick she did and said it tastes like you and something else but not bad I told her spread the lips and clean her all out Pet went at it with purpose I was sitting there watching when mom started to come around she set up and said what the hell is going on I yelled and she looked at me then realized where she was and what Pet was doing and said Damn that feels good I said I told you now just relax and let Pet finish then pet licked her clit and mom jumped and what was that I told pet suck it n your mouth and flick it with your tongue she did and moms eyes rolled back into her head and she groaned load and came hard Pet did it again and mom had two more many orgasms then laid back on the table and said no more Please Master No More I told Pet that’s enough Pet she looked up with come all over her face I said mom clean Pet face mom set up and took Pets face and licked it then looked at me and said wow I taste good she then kissed pet with a little peck then Pet kissed her back with more Passion and mo went with it Pet set back looked at me and said thank you Master that was awesome mom said yes Master that was awesome I would have never guessed I would really like that but shit that was the best sex I have ever had in my life. I looked at both of them and said Pet how is it to have the mom you loved as a child back in your life she looked up with tears running down her face and jumped into my arms hugging me with all she had and said thank you Master I knew you would get Her back for me then mom was hugging both of us and bawling saying you asked him to do this to me for you, and Pet said yes mom I wanted my old loving and caring mom back that I lost so long ago that it all most killed me if not for our Master saving me and now saving you for me, Mom feel to her knees and said I will be here for you as long as you will have me Master for what you have dose then she looked at Pet and said I will love and obey you forever Mistress for the rest of my life, Pet looked at mom and said yes you will I will never let that Bitch wreak our lives again!!Mom said yes mistress I agree then mom looked at me and said Thank you Master you have save two people from cretin death we where both heading for I am your loyal Slave for life I looked at mom and said Now you have earned my trust mom and can have a reward now Pet tomorrow we go to town for hair nails and close and a tail for mom Pet was jumping up and down and said I never thought I would get to share this with mom never thank you Master I said let’s check on the girls then put mom away and feed her, Pet turned to me and asked can she sleep with us tonight Master Please I looked to mom then Pet and said for all the hard work you two have done this week yes we will all sleep together mom said thank you Master I told mom rug passion she left and went to her rug Pet and I went to check the girls and found them agitated and fighting the restraint so I gave them another shot to claim them down and told both that this will be a hard week of Detox but we will get them through it then they will feel like dyeing but will be fine we will see to that then we left it was nice and cool in there and I put on some calming music and they both calmed down. I was glad I had built that large shower in the main trailer because Pet Mom and I got in there and started to wash each other, I ended up being push into the corner then Pet and mom washed me head to toe and keep going over and over I was great and you could feel the Love coming from these two girls. I said ok girls let’s eat then bed, we laid down with mom cuddled to one side and Pet on the other and they were holding hands over the top of me and both had huge smiles on their faces and we went to sleep I woke up at 4 with a warm mouth on my cock and looked down to see mom working on my cock and pet setting there watching her then they switched places then back I warned them I was going to cum and they put there faces side by side over the head and that did it then both shared and then cleaned me up I told them to get more sleep I was going to check on the girls and Pet asked do you want me to come with you I said no just stay her I will be right back. I looked in and the girls were having troubles so I gave them a shot and went back to bed when I got there mom and Pet were hugging each other and sound asleep I just climed in and drifted back off. I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and coffee I got up and pet was at the table drinking coffee and mom was cooking I said you can cook she said hell yea I said Pet needed to learn she said we have nothing but time I told mom that is your job now to teach pet and feed the crew yes Master whatever you want I told them ok girls its treat day today and mom said we need to do some shopping for food to feed all of us I said ok make up a list and we will do that on the way back. I told pet you wear the short set and let mom wear the summer dress she said Yes Master and then went to get dressed we headed to the hair solon to start with when we left there they looked amazing I said let go see Al I need to talk to him and get a coffee we got to DD and Al looked at me like Shit where did she come from we went to the little conference room to talk and Al asked who is this Amy’s twin we all laughed I said Al this is Amy’s Mom he said no way she could be her twin then he looked back at me and said is this the bitch you told me about I said the same Mom said I was in a very bad place but Master has helped me see a better path Al feel back in his chair and said holly shit how do you do that Pet said with lots of Love and motivation. Al said if I get this results I will be a king I said well we have a problem there I asked him what the girls were taking he said everything they could get there hand s on why I said they are in full blown detox now and I have them sedated and restrained to keep them safe He said shit I was hoping they would not have to do that I said we are about two days in and it normally takes five to ten days to get them past it he said what do you need I said they are fine now and I would let him know went it was over he said ok thanks then he said I cannot believe how good these ladies look from what you started with it is amazing I said they are not done we will stop back on our way to camp do you have any planes for dinner he said no he has been cleaning up his place since the girls are gone I said we will celebrate to night we need some shopping then we will be back to town to take the girls out to dinner mom looked at me and said what if I see someone I know I told her they will not believe its you when I am done she said yes master. Al leaned over and asked is this a show or are they for real I said watch we got up to leave and was standing by the front counter in the middle of DD and I looked to mom and Pet and said assume the position they both dropped to their heels and looked to the floor with hands on their knees and I walked Al outside they did not move a muscle he said shit that is crazy I said no trust and loyalty and that will be your sister and girl friend in a month if everything works out ok He said Thank you just to get them safe and sound will be e blessing I said there will be more then that but we need to go now He said if you need anything just let him know. I told him I would then went into the store and said girls lets go they jumped up and said Yes Master together he just shook his head.
We went to the food store then to camp to check on the girl and give then another shot then we where off to get some close I found a couple of little black dresses and both girls had the same hair dew then I got them both matching pearls and dangle earrings they where stunning then I took them to a big mirror and told them to look what I found they looked at each other and started to cry I said what are you doing your makeup will run they looked to me and both kissed me enough said ok ladies lets go I picked out an outfit and we went to pick up Al the girls where outside by the car when we came back and Al’s mouth feel open he could not believe the Models we were going out with we got to the dinner club and I asked mom, mom What is you name she said Abigail I said that is perfect but I will be calling you Abby when we are out She said yes Master Pet reach over and whispered in my ear She hates that name and would go ballistic if someone called her that I looked and pet and said watch her she looked over so I said Abby what do you feel like eating she turned and said whatever you tell me to eat Master I looked at Pet and said good job training Pet good job she said thank you Master. We had a nice light meal with salad and wine after wards and I took the girls dancing and we had a great time then we dropped off Al and headed home the girls said Master we love the dresses but we are getting antsy I laughed and said ok strip they were both naked in seconds and said much better I could not breath. We got to the camp and I told pet to open some wine and we would watch some stars while I went to check the girls. They were both peacefully sleeping the music had helped to calm them I would see how they were in the morning.
We were setting at the table drinking the wine and relaxing when I got up went to the car and got out a bag when I walked back to the car Pet asked what I had so I reached into the bag and pulled out a silver fox tail plug she gasped and said its beautiful I said this is for you Abby then said Table she did not hesitate and laid down in front of me I got out some lube form the bag and lubed a finger then played with her ass then pushed it in a few minutes I put a second one then a third she was panting and so was Pet you could see the cum running down both their legs in anticipation of the plug I pulled out my finger and pushed the plug home Abby came hard and so did Pet I was laughing at the two of then I said ok girls up and spin slow lets see they both got up and where carbon copies of each other it was amazing they turned and pet had the red tail and Abby the silver they where beautiful I had both take a knee and hugged them both and said you girls have made me so proud of you and I love you both they looked at me and said we know I laughed and said let go to bed ladies and off we went. I woke up with a strange feeling at 3am I got up Pet set up and asked what the matter I said nothing pet go back to sleep I looked around everything was quiet but some thing was , I turned and went to check the girls and girl had puked all over and was breathing it back in I pulled her up and took her out said and washed her off then called pet her and mom came out to see girl puking like crazy it was just bile but she was getting the dry heaves I cleaned her bed then set it up and put her in it she was still trying to puke but nothing I gave her a shot and she relaxed and I got her to drink so water to have something in her stomach and told pet and mom to go to bed I was going to set up with them a while I decided to set up sis’s bed in case she got sick she was fine though I stayed with the girls for the next two days and they started to settle down so I went to see pet and mom.
These girls must have been nervous because the trailer looked like new inside they had scrubbed it top to bottom and I was amazed how it looked mom made me something to eat and took me into the shower and her and Pet gave me a bath they said you stink I had not left the girls in two days 24 hours a day, after the bath I was wiped out so the girls laid down with me and we went to sleep I woke up to something that smelled Great mom had made a big pot roast meal with everything and I dove in it was very nice I was outside and my wife’s sister called me and said you need to come to the Hospital so I left in a tare I got there and her sister met me in the hall and side they had gone out and a drunk guy ran a light and hit my wife’s side of the car and she may not make the night, I asked where they had been she said when you go out to the camp we go shopping and dinner and hang out having sister time we love it but we were on the way home from dinner and this ass just plowed into us I went into see my wife and she was a mess the doctor side she was on morphine and would not make the night so I went to the lobby and called Pet and said I would be tied up here a couple days to watch the girls then went back and set with my wife and sister in-law She was a wreak but we set there together and talked then around 4 am my wife grabbed my arm and I woke up She smiled at me then said I love you I told her I love you to do you need anything she looked at me and said look after my sister will you you are all she has now and she closed he eyes and stopped breathing I called the nurse and she came in and said she had passed I woke up my sister in-law and told her let’s get some coffee she said what about sis I told her she is fine we walked in to the hall way and down to the dinner I took her into the corner and hugged her and she said what I said sis was dead and she broke down crying then she got mad and said why did you bring me down here I told her there is nothing you can do for her now and I wanted you to calm down before you seen her knowing it would devastate you so we went back up to the room and she said she looks so peace full did you know she passed I said yes she woke me up she said what did she say so I told her she said I don’t know what I will do without her I said we will figure that out together and we let the hospital get my wife ready. We out her to reset two days later with just me and my sister in-law there that is all the family we have. I told her I had to get out to the camp she said thanks she would be fine so I left. I got to the camp and found the girls in their beds and they were looking much better I asked pet how are they she said they had one more bout with the vomiting and they had a set of convulsions but she gave them the shot I had showed her and they were sleeping and doing ok. I told her thanks Pet good job then I told her what had happened to my wife she was sorry I told her we were more like friends she was always with her sister and we just passed in the night so my life is about the same it was just her sister I had to keep an eye on now but she is pretty stable.
I went and changed the Iv’s and checked the vitals of the girls and could see that both their wrists where chaffed raw from the fight with detox so tomorrow we would assess then and make some adjustments I needed some sleep and food another two days with little sleep in the same week had taken its toll on me but my girls looked fantastic and where doing very good. I slept 24 hours when I woke up it was 10am two days for when I laid down I asked Pet why did you let me sleep so long she said we tried to wake you but you where gone I said ok Pet let’s look the girls over so we took them out one at a time first was sis she asked where she was and what was going on I told her she was in my slave training camp to be trained or sold to skin traffickers she said what the hell are you talking about I told her her brother found her in a pimps house drugged up and naked and said you where half dead you have been here a month to get you where you are now she said a month I said yes so you have two choices one be your brothers slave or I will sell you to a skin trafficker in know she my brothers slave I side it is because he saved you you are alive so you owe him your life no questions asked she said she would stay with her brother I told her we are going to break your will and it will be very hard but you will be taken very good care of she said where do we start I told Pet chain her in her cage. Pet said yes Master she ask Master I said yes I saved her from the same fate you where saved from she said no way I said Pet tell her and I went to get girl she was not in as good a shap but she was getting better.
When she came outside the sun was killing her eyes she asked the same questions sis had when I got to her boy friend had found her at a drug dealer house high and naked and passed out I told her you have two choices one be Al’s slave for life or sold to skin traffickers she got pissed and started to fight I hit her iwht the prod and said one more time only two choices slave for life or skin traffickers with Al he will take care of you with the traffickers you are just property like an animal. Al save your life you owe him your life so what will it be you could see she was getting ready to fight so I hit her with the prod knocked her down and drug her to the skinning rack tied her feet together and pulled her up then yelled to mom rug beater mom come running yes Master she said Master then spit and I lit into her and beat every piece of skin I could find. She was swollen and red from head to toe then I left her hanging and told mo beer please she brought me the beer at the table so I asked her mom do you remember that she said yes master I told her why don’t you go enlighten that young lady she said yes Master it is my pleasure. Mom walked over and squatted down and started to talk to the girl and told her obey and it is pleasure disobey and you will look for death because the traffickers don’t give a shit about you if you die they just pick up another girl so be smart and live good and happy like I do. The girl said you do this willingly mom told her yes he loves me and is very good to me and I know Al he is a good hard working young man you would have it very good but you have to be his slave for life freely and obey without hesitation because if you are trouble you are gone with one phone call so think about it girl asked let me down please mom said no way I will not disobey my Master ever he saved my life and I will never leave him or disrespect him, girl asked how long will I be up here mom said till Master says you come down and don’t think you will fool him or play him I tried and got my ass beat girl said you are beautiful you have never been beat mom said BS I got my ass handed to me twice once like you fighting and the second time trying to play master and he jerked an knot in my ass so don’t think you are tricky because you will be right back here.
Girl said please ask him to come over mom said you just fucked up she said what do you mean mom said he is Master or Sir and you have to be believable or look out ass here it comes girl said oh he don’t play I get it mom said if you want Master you have to Ask him I cannot girl said thank you that was very insightful mom got up and walked over to me do you need anything Master I told her a nap these girls where a lot of work mom laughed and said and I wasn’t then I laughed I got up and went inside to get a beer and cool off after a half hour I could hear Master outside so I got up and walked outside and looked at Pet she pointed to girl I had the prod and walked over to her and said what do you want she said can I get down Master I will obey I told her she was just saying what she thinks I want her to say she started to open her mouth and I hit her with the prod she screamed and said please I popped her again she just said please Master I told her good answer then I told her one slip your back up here she said thank you I pulled her right back up she said what then said thank you Master I let her down then walked her over to the pump I washed her down then told her go to the table and lay on it she walked or limped to the table then laid on it I got the lotion and started rubbing her she was moaning but stayed still I rolled her over then lotion again and she was settling down and relaxing so I told Pet started pet brought me the small plug I lube a finger and rubbed her ass hole she turned around and opened her mouth I said lay down and don’t move till you are told to she said yes Master I started to finger her tight but then added a second finger and she was grunting so I worked her for around ten minutes till she came and flooded my hand I pulled my fingers out then pushed the plug into her ass I seen her clit sticking out so I started to rub it and she was moaning and twisting around then all of a sudden she screamed and came again and said no more please Master No more.
I stood her up then side ok now you have experienced both pain and pleasure, my pain is nothing compaired to the skin traffickers and the pleasure is well nice and can be very nice so you have a very hard decision to make she said Master it is not hard at all I chose to obey I side ok here is what is going to happen we are going to break your will it will not be fun and you will not get pleasure from it but we will take the last of your resistance away so you don’t have fight in you and will be totally loyal to the Masters do you understand she said did you do this to the lady that was talking to me I said yes I did why she said she is doing this of her own free will I said yes she is she was also give the very same options you where told about and you see Pet over there she came here mean and half dead she said they are both beautiful I have a hard time believing you I said I will do the same for you but only if you will submit your will to me and obey without hesitation, she looked to the ground and said I heard you tell the other girl we had been here a month I said yes you had to go through detox to get your mind back it was very hard for you both and I stayed up three nights in a row to keep your ass alive but you wher so out of it you did not know then I said come here and took her around back to the trailer and showed her her bed I said you where in this bed for a week strait I lifted her hand and side you see these marks back up to the bed they match the restraint s you see this mark it is from your I-vie I have brought you back from death so you both owe me she started to cry then she said I had no idea how bad I had gotten thank you so very much for saving me Master I said in two week tell me again this is going to be very hard because you will be aware of what’s going on this time she said I will do it I will be like your other slaves you will see I said ok lets go to your cage.
I took her out and chained her up and gave her a rug and blanket and clean food and water then went to sis and gave her a rug and blanket then food and water I could hear girl say how do you feel to sis and sis said tired and sore but not as sore as you girl said I know your voice who are you she said I am Beth girl said Beth OMG I am Katie Beth said Katie how she said the last thing I remember is you and I going to a guys house for a party and fighting with your brother Beth said they told me that brother found us half dead stoned and naked at that guys house and he got Master to help save us Katie said I guess we realy do owe your brother our lives Beth side looks like it. I walked back over to them and said ok you guy figured it out now get some sleep or do I need the prod on Master we will go to sleep, I said ok then no more talking good night I turned then turned back and asked sis did you get plugged she said plugged I said ok I unlocked her took her to the table then said lay down I called pet and said plug I took my finger and push it into sis’s ass she was not happy I told her this is not an option for you so relax then I had two and she started to moan so I keep pumping her then reach for her clit and was working it over then all of a sudden she came and came and came so I pulled my fingers and pushed in the plug and she came I let her lay on the table a minute she was laying there panting like she run a mile I looked at her and asked have you ever cum before she looked at me and said never like that shit thank you Master Thank you I said we will do that lots of times in your training, she said shit that’s great I said ok lets go to your cage she said I can’t walk yet give me a minute please I said ok and asked mom for a beer I finish and picked her up her legs where still shaky and she said damn that was good as we walked past Katie’s cage Katie said good shit hu Beth said the best this is going to be fun I said not all of it But some of it will but when you are finished this will be part of your everyday life Beth looked at me and said Bring it Please Master I laughed they are funny girls. I had every one settled in and it was time for me to relax for a while so I told Pet to get me a beer and open so wine for her and mom, Is mom cooking pet she said yes Master I will be done in a little while I said ok then set and drank my beer and watched the sun setting The next morning at 7am I got a call from one of my neighbors I asked what’s up he said do you have a minute I said sure what can I do for you he said last night around 9pm your sister in-law showed up shit faced looking for her sister she was trashed so I asked her if I could help her but she got pissed and speed off down the street she hit the pole down the street and just kept on going you might want to check on her to see if she got home ok I said thanks I will so I called her phone and no answer I called her next door neighbors and she said she was home but her car is beat up and parked in the front yard when I got up the car was still running and her door was open so I closed the door and shut off the car I called out to her but got no answer but I did not go in I did not want to be the nosy neighbors he said thanks he would be there in a few minutes. He told pet he had to leave and to get moms cage cleaned and ready she said yes master. So he left and headed for her house when he got there and there was a cop sitting in front of the house so her walked up to him and told him she had just lost her sister and best friend and was in a bad place but he was going to help her back on her feet the cop said let me go in with you to make sure she is not injured and I will not make a report on this I said thank you so much she will be so embarrassed when she is back on her feet she is nothing like this she is a quiet little bit of a person so we went into the house it smelled like puke and there where close from the front door going to the bath room She was in the tube naked and hanging over the toilet where she must have been puking her ass off there was shit in the tube and all over her and she was passed out cold. I checked her pulse and found it slow but steady so I figured she was dehydrated and had low sugar so the cop asked if I needed any help I said no but thank you I will get her cleaned up and take her to my house to get her up and around she would just die when her neighbors seen her like this so he was satisfied and went to his car and called in a distort sister that is with family now and will be looked after then he was off after I thanked him again.
I went in and turned on the shower cold and she did not move but I was cleaning her and the bath room up, when I got her cleaned I picked her up and went to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed she was 35 and well built with just a little extra weight on her but see was still cute for her age with a button nose and big dimples and bright blue eyes with shoulder length auburn hair. I found a summer dress and put it on her then laid her down for a minute and went outside to move her car. It was beat to shit so I parked it in her garage and closed the door and went to the front yard and did some damage repair. Her neighbor came over and said he would fix the yard he knew she lost her sister and said sorry for your loss to me I thanked him and said I would take care of it but he said you have your hands full with her she has been throwing fits almost every day since her sister passed and she started to drink and has just lost her way. I told him I would take her to my home and get her back on her feet and help her get over this he said don’t weary about the house he is always home and would get everything back in order just take care of her I said I would and thanked him I asked if he needed any monies for supplies he said no he had most of what he would need. I pulled by the front door and put her in the car and strapped her in locked up the house and headed back to the camp. When I got their pet and mom met me by the back trailer and asked who this saw so I told them this is my sister in law and she has tried to kill herself her nerbors said she has been getting drunk and abusing her self she tried to hit a pole and destroyed her car her house was a pig sty. I said she is severally dehydrated and her sugar is bottomed out she cannot even wake up she is so bad. I took her into the trailer and stripped her and strapped her in then ran a saleen line and a sugar water line both would help her out but she will get sick when she wakes up so she was blind folded then tipped forward to keep from droning in puke, oh what fun. After she is stable and awake I am going to give her an old fashion spanking I will blister her ass.
I keeped watch on her most of the night around 11:30 pm she started to come around so I went out to the trialed to talk to her she was crying and had puke down the front of her I asked her what do you think you are doing to yourself she said I don’t want to live without my sister so I told her well little girl I am going to make you a slave since you don’t want to live I will take that life from you. She said you are going to kill me I said no you will be a slave in all since she said you cannot do that I said I can and will and you will do it willingly she said no way I said first thing in the morning you will see so I left her just the way she was. I went to the trailer and told pet we are going to break and train her the hard way she don’t want to live so he life is mine Pet and mom said yes master we will help you. In the morning I went to see the other girls and see how they were doing they were sleeping so I got sis and took her to the pipe for a clean out when she was done I got girl and did the same with both clean and happy. I told them I was going to start their new Masters training so he could take very good care of them for the rest of their lives. They both smiled about that then asked you have to train our master? I said yes you require care and up keep and if he cannot take care of you I will not let him have control of your lives so they asked how we can help. I looked at them and said I am glad you asked first he has to be able to bath and care for your health. Then he will have to be strong enough to keep you under control because sometimes slaves can get testy so calm and control is his most important tool, to keep your obedience in line or your disaplein delt with so you will learn together . now believe me if you try to manipulate him I will say sting when you here that you will drop into the position and look at the floor if you donot your ass will be on the rake and your asses will be mine, if you team up on him I will separate you and I will finish your training and will be very strict do you understand they both said yes Master now another thing he will be Sir until he earns Master so you do not get confused is that clear they both said yes Master I said ok girls time for a reward they looked at each other then to me. I said when you obey you get rewards and when you disobey you get they both said disciplined I said good girls now sit at the table they both ran I zipped the prod and they froze and looked to me I said you don’t run unless told to do so now walk or else they walked heads down and sat like good slaves. I went to the trailer and told mom to make them some eggs with bacon and potato’s she said yes Master I said they have not had protein in a month except what is in their food so this would be like gold to them we both laughed she said she would take care of it.
I went to the back trailer and bound my sister in law like I had all the other girls she would have to be broken down before we could train her and I wanted her to see the rewards of good obedience. Once she was bound I put on the big collar and chain then lead her past the others in the front yard she said why do I have to be treated like this and they are free and eating I said they have earned their freedom and they will obey me on command I yelled position all of them dropped to their heals with heads down and looked awesome in doing it they did not move she looked at me and said that is just a show I told her you think so do you she said no one would willingly do that I said if I prove you wrong will you listen and ocey me she said you have all ready said you own my life why would they care if I do or not I said ok watch this and you will have to release them before they can eat go to the bath room get a drink or anything and it will be their free will to obey, now keep in mind at one time or another one or the other will be in charge of your training so you could get what you give she said ok I will play so I said you will comply without hesitation she said yes. I turned to the girls and said look at me they looked up to me and I told them she is going to be in control of your release to carry on with your jobs now keep in mind one or all of you will be part of her training so I told her she can get what she gives do you understand they all said yes Master I said ok when she releases you Pet clean and purge her then cage lock and feed and water her Pet said yes Master I chained her to the outside stake and gave pet her key I will be back in a bite. And I left I was gone but when I got Al and brought him to the camp I was shocked to see every one still in position I walked past her and said you really are looking for trouble aren’t you she said they did not move or say anything how did you get them to do that I said I didn’t you did and they are going to be training you. You know she said shit I was so amazed I forgot what you said I laughed and said do you think they will forget she said I am so sorry you are released they all got back to what they were doing so I looked to pet and she unlocked and put her in the cage I said stop pet stopped and looked around I said purge her Pet got an evil grin on her face and pulled her chain to the pipe. I heard Pet say grab the pipe and bend over she asked what are you doing I turned and said not another word you will do what you are told and when you are told to do it if I task them with your care you obey them as if it were me or I will disciple you Pet turned on the hose and started to whas her cunt then started filling her ass her belly was bulging and she was groaning pet soaped her then filled her more then took her to the spot and left her standing she was groaning and wiggling around Pet said stand she stood there for a few minutes then yelled I am hurting bitch all the girls stopped looked down and I walked to her bent her over stuck my finger in her ass and let her go then took her by the hair to the skinning rack and run her ass up then told mom rug beater she grinded but brought me the tool the other girls had never seen this used and were watching I took the beater and started from head to toe for ten minutes she was wailing and the girls were all cringing and the two new ones had tears in their eyes mom brought me a beer remembering what pet had done when she got this and she stood behind me with her hand on my shoulder I told pet to take the girls over there to talk to her like we did with mom they were crying looking at her and told her they had never seen me do this Pet said he only does it if you disobey direct order she was crying and shaking Al leaned over and asked is this how you train all the girls I said on she is only the second one to get this he said who was the other one mom spoke up and said I was he said what she said I did the same thing she did I thought I was in control but I leared quick that I was very mistaken but I got the message real fast then all changed and now I am so very happy to serve our Master.
I told mom to go talk to her and the girls and get their understanding she said yes Master I will.
Mom walked to them all and started to talk to them they were all crying when she was finished I heard Master real weak I just sat there she said it again Master Please I walked over to her and she said I am sorry for disobeying you and I will comply from now on with no hesitation I told the girls back to the cages and let her down. I asked mom to get the lotion she said yes master I said small one mom she said yes master and left I walked her to the table and laid her down. Mom came back with lotion lube and a small plug we rubbed her welt and she was withering from the stinging but settling down so I flipped her over and mom worked the top half I did the bottom Mom had her nipples rock hard and was rolling them around and she was starting to sigh then as I got to her upper thy she was lifting her hips wanting more so I slid her up on the table more then put her feet on the edge and spread her legs I looked up and mom was rubbing a cheek and tit at the same time she was melting so I told pet to do the same. Pet was running her hands in her hair and rubbing her other tit so I lube up a finger and looked at mom and she bent over and kissed her she lifted her hips and I stuck a finger in her ass she squeaked but held still so I start to pump in and out I could feel her contracting so I added another finger and she grunted and shuttered then came and came hard so I added a third and kept pumping she was moaning into mom’s mouth then mo and her separated and she took a long breath then said oh my god what are you doing to me I told her this is how we train our slaves what do you think she said train me train me hard every day we all cracked up Al was setting there with his eyes wide open and mouth hanging open I told him close your mouth He shook his head and said holy shit I have never seen anything like that all of the girls said we have I really started to laugh then and told Al this is how you gain total loyalty with your slave not by beating them or forcing them but by loving them to a point they are drugged by and look forward to it and will do anything to get it from you and only you unless you tell them otherwise.
If you get their devotion this way no one or nothing else matters to them but making you happy because they know if you are happy then are very happy. And they will freely follow your ever command. Pet she said yes Master I said give her a kiss and make her feel your love for me Al looked at me like what are you talking about I sad watch and pet was so passionate and caring that she just moaned and kissed Pet back with no hesitation I took the plug in my hand pulled out my fingers they pushed in the plug she jumped and groaned I told Al see the little bump at the top of her slit he said yes her clit I said yea take your finger and critical it don’t touch it just lightly go around it he did and she started to moan and lift trying to get him to rub it I told her put your ass on the table and don’t move or we all stop she dropped but started to hump uncontrolled so I said set away she groan and said please Master Please I will obey I told Al to suck her clit he leaned down and when he sucked up her clit she squirted cum down the front of him and passed out panting he said holy shit that was amazing Pet looked at him and said you should be on the receiving end it is over whelming when she wakes up she will not even be able to walk much less talk, she will be wiped out the rest of the day. I told mom and pet to look to her welts then cage her. They said yes Master. I looked at Al and said do you see your girls over there he said yes go with a calm but stern voice and ask them if they are ready to begin their training and help you help them. He said I can’t do what you do is said not yet but you are here to be trained as well as your girls. So if you will do as you are told and learn how to control and take care of them all of you will leave here very happy and you will never have to wary about them again if you fail I will not let the girls go with you to be abused and if I ever hear of you abusing them you will be in the cage do you understand he looked at me for a minute then stood up looked down and said load enough for all to hear Yes Master I will learn your listens well and will train my slaves well. The girls were hanging on the fence of the cages with big smiles on their faces knowing he would learn my method of caring and training for their benefit they looked at each other then to us and said thank you Master we will obey Sir and be obedient.
I said every one we need some rest about then she was coming around and asked Master came I talk to you. I looked at her and said tomorrow she looked down and said yes Master. I told everyone time to eat and sleep Al said he had to open in the morning but would be here as soon as possible so I had Pet take him home. when she returned I told them inside we all went inside and I said to the table mom and pet stood at the table I said sit they sat down and looked at me. I said you two are well trained and well behaved so now I will give you both jobs beside helping me train new slaves they looked to each other then at me so I said Mom your job is to cook for the camp she said yes Master I said you have a gift of making meals from nothing I said this is beneficial to us all and me. She said thank you Master I then asked her do you own a car she said yes why I asked what is it she said a new suburban why I said perfect we will need it out here she said yes Master then asked why we needed it I told her next job Pet you will be the camp driver for all things needed she said yes Master then told her that Mom and her would all so do the supply shopping with the truck I went and picked up my wife’s car a new Camry and told Mom this is your run around car for anything we should need she said ok. Next I got a hold of my realtor and had her put her house on the market as well as mine she said they would go fast in the area they were located I then asked her to find me a wooded lot at least 20 acres on the edge of the glades she said she would look into it.
Next I went to my job and gave them months notice and said I am retiring they said sorry to see you go but under stood. I still had another week off so I figured I would get the training of the other two slaves as far along as possible she was not going to fight any more so she would come along as good as the others. I was setting at the table and said oh shit Pet said what’s the matter Master I said next week Consuela will be coming home What will I do with Her mom said she will stay at my house till we figure that out but she may be a big help to you Master she is loyal to a fault I said Pet will pick her up and take her home and I will have a meeting with all of you to see what we will do mom said with a smile Master she is all ready a slave of sorts I said how so mom said well her husband was an abusive ass hole and would beat her every time she had time off so I found out he was illegally here and had him deported she was beside her self she had two small kids her sister watched while she worked for me and there house payment was not being made so I told her if you will be my maid the rest of my life I will buy yor house for your family and she agreed to my terms and we signed a contract so like I said she is a slave of sorts I said I have an idea that will fix everything but I will let you know when the time comes. I told the girls showers and bed, when we laid down my mind was going over all the things that had changed in my life lately and was thinking how is this all going to play out when Pet leaned against me and asked if she could love on me I smiled and said you are just the distraction I need now Pet you and mom are free to please me and your selves because I will not last long tonight they both where jumping up and down on the bed like kids all I could do was laugh they were a joy to have and love.
I asked them both when they where settling down if they would like her to be part of our little family they looked at each other then to me and said yes we would love it I said I have got my realtor looking for some land we can build a nice house and training building on how do you feel about that they both said we will live with you forever I said yes till I die anyway they started jumping again the next thing I knew Pet was on my cock and mom was kissing me with heated passion I was thinking it don’t get better than this. They keep me up till my cock would not get hard any more then we just passed out from shier bliss.
Next morning we got all the trainees out purged and plugged then mom had breakfast set for us by 10 it was around 11:30 when Al showed up he was still in his DD outfit I said a large black with sugar he just laughed and asked if he could us the shower I told pet to go wash him up she just smiled and said yes Master. He came out and set down with me and asked what do we do first I asked him how well do you know your sister and girl friends body’s he looked at me and said not sure how to answer that so I asked do you know their details beuty makes moles stuff like that he said no we never really took the time it was all ways hit it and go I said the first thing you need to know is there likes and dislikes they will not refuse anything but the better they like what you do the more they will respond to you I said pets ears are her weakness mom is her neck and back of her knees with the right touch you can melt them without even having sex he looked at me like I was nuts I said ok I will show you do you want ot us your two or do you want to see what I can do with her he said lets us my two I can learn their spots of interest while work on them side by side with you I said ok you get sis and I will take girl he said can we switch I said you need to be out of your comfort zone to get the most out of your trainee.
Pet and Mom came up to use and said we would like o learn how to do what you do we may have to help train others and it would be good to know I said you are very right and good job with thinking of this and asking to be trained. I told Al come with me we went behind the trailer and got another two line reels and rolled them out to the front we cleaned them off and got Pet to get covers for them I said ok lets get all the girls out and one on each table we went to the cages and got the girls unchained them and I said take off the collars as well. We turn walked them over to the tables and laid them down.
I told them to start at the very top of their heads and watch their reactions to the areas you touch to find out where they move or breathing and moan or groan or move to or away from. This is how you learn your pets buttons as they learn the pleasures you can give them without sexual satisfaction or gratification be slow and methodical it is not a competition or contest each person is totally wired different form the next so what sends one through the roof my piss off the next. So watch their reactions and it don’t matter if it’s male or female if it’s good it’s good.
So we all started and as I got to the top of girls head she took a deep breath in I told her just relax this will be the most rewarding thing you get to day we will all learn what each other respond to so close your eyes and let me map your body she said yes Master so I ran my fingers through her hair and she shivered so I repeated it and I could see goose bump all over her so I moved down to her forehead then over to her ears then to her jaw and she moaned then done her neck to her shoulder and down her arms to her fingers and back up the bottoms to her side then around each boob then areola to the nipples where circled her areolas she moaned so down her hips to her stomach then her pelvises she again moaned and shivered around to her hips and down her leg but when I got to the back of her knees her groaned deep in her through and was panting so on to her calf then ankles then feet and then toes she moaned again I said Ok I have her mapped how are you all doing Al said he never thought that touching someone like this would turn him on but he said he had three day wood and his sister is an very sensitive creature indeed her sears and lips make her moan but her upper inner thighs drive her over the edge, Pet said that her tits where very sensitive and her but made her hump by touch but if you ran your finger up and down her lips she lots it but don’t touch her clit if you don’t want a bath in cum.
I said to then you see touch is a very powerful tool in your training of a good slave I said pet how long did I have you before we first had sex she said it was over two weeks and I thought ever day you would rap me but I had to ask you for relief before you ever touch me and did you cum before we had sex she said yes many time oh my god I was going insane and would pass out with you touch. They all laughed I said ok mom make us some lunch and pets in training set at that table I told Al to come with me and set pet got us a beer and I asked what he had learned to day he said that their anticipation would do most of the work that their want and desire would take control of their feeling and emotions I said you are very observant and that is more than most people see but you have hit the nail on the head.
After lunch you will bring her to orgasm I will do sis and pet and mom will take girl he asked why do you call them these names I said they have to earn their names back and their actions will determine when that happens but when it does they will be free to chose what to do with their own lives they can stay and be controlled or they can be controlled of their own free will he said you still call Amy Pet and Abby Mom why I said their training is not complete yet but they are very close it is almost their time to make their own call as to what they will do He said that is awesome how you have given these women their lives back and pulled then back from sure death to where they are now I said it was not about owning their ass but about owning their respect and understanding I did this all for them to make strong independent women out of women that had no self respect for them self and others and were just existing and not living. You remember pet she could not even make up her mind to bitch at you run or even eat the stuff you gave to her now she could do whatever I told her to do with shear confidence and direction he said yes that is so awesome I cannot believe she is the same person I said she is not she is a much better person now and her life will be what she decides not what some scum bag dose.
Al said you are truly a master of the human psyche these are all beautiful women and are all naked but they don’t even think about the fact they are naked I told him close are a place to hide and when you take away the first problem the rest will soon be a thing of the past and will not get in the way of your goal.
I said watch this it is not gone just not a priority to them I turned to pet and said Pet you are naked she jumped and covered herself then looked at me like I was nuts Al and me cracked up I said see priority that is a big part of this control I have and that is why the first thing I do is get rid of their close. Lunch was good and we got everyone back in place so I started on girl and in two minutes she was humping the table panting and about to cum all I did then was push on her plug and she went off bog time next was sis the girls had her moaning when pet reach over and started to rub sis’s clit she was gone and passed out Al had her on her knees and she was rocking back and forth then she just feel over and passed out with a load groan but squirted to the next table Al said shit the was wild I told Mom to fix his problem before he popped a nut she said thank you Master I am in the same place he is and Al set down with Mom on his lap and they were going at it Pet came to me and said Master will you help your pet today she has been a very good girl I told her you bet your ass get on the table next to sis she did and I took good care of her she was ready ot cum but said cum with me Master please cum with me I said I thought you would never asked and sunk in to my balls and bang off we went together.
After we all regrouped we cleaned up our trainees then put them away and went inside to get some dinner and talk about our listen today Al and the girls were talking a mile a minute and could not believe what they had learned in such a short time and how well it worded when we put it into practice.
Al said Master thank you for taking the time to teach me how to take care of my girls and helping me to learn how to train them and respect them I told him you have just started you have a lot to learn and so do my girls because they are going to be great trainers one day as will you if you so chose to Both of my girls and even my new trainee will be able to walk in to a bad situation and take complete control and turn it to their favor when we are done they all looked at me and smiled big smiles. I said in need a nap you guys have drained my ass today. Al said good bye he would be back tomorrow earlier because he only had a half day I said se you tomorrow then. And the girls and me went to bed they did not even play with me just cuddled up and went to sleep. The next morning we woke to all hell breaking loose outside I jumped up and ran to the door and seen a bob cat on top of her cage trying to reach her and she was screaming and trying to get away the other girls were screaming as well I got my gun down told the girls to hold their ears took aim and dropped the cat it was a shame to kill he but he seen the girls as a meal and would keep coming back until he hurt one of them and that was not going to happen.
After ever thing calmed down we were eating breakfast and my realtor called she said she had a 32 aker ranch that was for sale and might be what I was looking for I said I would meet her at the office and she could take me out. So I told Pet I want Al to do the same thing we did yester day today and to do all the girls one at a time all needed to be purged unplugged and feed before Al got here I want them worn out and sleeping when I get back and if Al cannot do his job he is to be chained to the yard pole am I clear both girls said yes Master I said good bye and left. When I got to the realtors office my realtor was waiting for me ready to go. Her car was setting there running and she was by the office door. She said I have a little problem I hope you don’t mind I said what problem she said her daughter got thrown out of scool to day for hitting her teacher and turning her class upside down she said she would understand if I wanted to reschedule it was an hour and a half ride I said I don’t mind if you don’t. we got into the car and took off and half way to the place her daughter started to show her ass thinking she would control her mother and make her miserable as well as me her mother said she got a divorce and the girl has been nothing but trouble ever since. I side I understand and let just going to the place and check it out she said she was sorry but I said don’t sweat it. she was kicking her mother’s chair then she was kicking mine then back to her mother for the next 45 minute when we got to the ranch the girl got out and took off her mom went crazy I said don’t upset yourself we are out in the middle of no wear so there is nowhere for her to go. She said but she will get lost I told her believe me when she sees her plan is not working she will come back she is a city girl and there are no friends or places to go as we get to the house I see it is a full ranch house we go in and it is beautiful I ask why are they selling she said the parents are to old to care for the place and it was to far out and to much work to rent so they have it for a song so I asked what’s the damage they said 200k but we could probly get it for less it’s been setting for all most a year and you are the first person to look at it I told her the house is perfect what else is out here she said there is a equipment barn and a help house I guess that is what it is the kids could not give me a lot of info their dad built it and did not explain to them do you want to look at it I said sure we have plenty of time I am in no hurry. We get to the building and I see the windows are real high so you can’t look in it has a big ac unit so it can be kept cool we go in and there si beds and rails and moveable dividers and hooks on the wall I said what kind of business was he in she said they would not tell them but he made a lot of monies whatever it was I looked around and knew what it was he was a skin peddler. And from the size of this place he moved a lot of people through here.
I said can we look at the barn she said sure but she didn’t know anything about it or the stuff in it. We got there and it was stocked with all types of farm equipment and supplies I told her I want this place do a little horse trading to see how far we can go she said ok but I will lose commission on it the lower it goes I said I will take care of you don’t give that a thought she said thank you and I will do my best and let you know then she said I wonder were that girl is I told her lets go check she said check were I am a city girl I laugh and said I am not I will find her I said do you trust me she looked at me and said guess we are in the middle of nowhere you could do anything to me and no one would know it happened I said I will go find your daughter and she will run to you like she was on fire she said what are you going to do I said scare the shit out of her. She kind of giggled and said ok I told her when she ran back she will be naked and afraid she said wait a minute naked I said yes people hid behind close as a false since of security and that gives her part of her power next she is only pushing your buttons to get you pissed so she wins she said yes she does this to me all the time and she has me in panic and she thinks it’s a big joke I said I have an idea will you play along she said what is it I said we are going to make your little girl and Angle she laughed and side that’s not going to happen I have spent thousand to therapists and this is what I have to show for it. I said I need you naked she said what are you going to do I said if you will let me I will have your little girl holding your skirt every were you go and if you say jump she will look up and say how high she said ok that would be worth millions to me. I said I may make you a little uncomfortable but it will not be unpleasant she said ok I said start yelling for her and we will walk towards the car so she started to yell for the girl I told her she is watching you but will not move because she thinks she is controlling you I want you to look panicked at the car kicking and cussing she said that will not be hard I do that every time she pulls something like this I said ok I will be going behind the house yelling for her then come out to the car unbutton your shirt and skirt so we don’t tear anything but don’t let her see I said do you have some dark makeup she said yes in her purse I said what time do we need to be to the office she said I have keys I said ready to get your daughter she said hell yea this will be fun so I made up her boobs her stomach neck cheek I said good job if I say so myself she damn that beating didn’t hurt a bit and giggled I said ok lets go outside and you get load about that girl.
We were on the front porch and she said where is that damn girl now I said let look for her I will go this way check the car she said ok and we were off Melanie, Melanie we yelled over and over when I went around the house I started looking for her and spotted her in the edge of the trees hiding behind a big Oak. I walked around the house yelling and then headed for the car where her mom was. When I got there her mom was really crying and screaming at the girl her sorry ass husband and her stupid car so I yell enough of this shit so I slapped my hand by her face and she screamed and feel to the ground, I picked her up by one arm and pulled her blouse off and through it on the ground, she was screaming and kicking I picked her up and off with her skirt she was in her panties and bra I pulled off the panties and tossed them away then just as we got to the building I took of her bra she was yell ign you bastard I slapped her by the stomach and she folded over I picked her up and inside we went she screamed until the door closed sad she busted out laughing saying that was a lot of fun I told her she did perfect she said she husband like to role play when they were younger but nothing like this she said damn I am soaked you got me so excited.
Sorry but it was fun being a bad guy. Ok now let’s get you hooked up so I strapped her to the wall and made sure she could pull free she said you could have your way with me like this. I told her don’t tempt me you are beautiful and you smell Yummy I could make a main coerce out o you she laughed and said I might just let you I said now for part two. I walked out of the house looking to see if she was stil in the trees she was so I walked to the other house and went through to the back it faced the trees but not where Melanie could see me so I creped in to the woods and snuck up on her she was hugging the tree and crying her heart out but did not know what to do so I grabbed her and said I got you little ass now.
I pulled all her close off and troughed her over my shoulders and cared her towards the house her mom was in. when I got in the house I set the girl down and told her I was tired of her shit and was going to rape her and her mom and sell her to my friend in the slave triad she was screaming she would be good I said to late you little bitch and spun her over my lap then rubbed her little ass and said nice and soft then I liter into her and spanked her as hard. She was raising hell I let her up and she ran and said Mom I will be good I promise I will her mom looked down and said it took me getting beat up and you spanked by a stranger for you to promise this I am not sure I believe you even now being hurt and hung up like this I still see that little bad girl she no mommy no I will be a good girl I will I will and said I don’t car and grabbed her and chained her to the wall and went outside for a minute when I walked back inside mom said Sir what can I do to get out of this for my daughter and me I said one you will become my life slave and she will be trained in obedience. To you will have sex with me any were and any time I say four if you go back to your lives and say a word of this I will put your asses on the next slave ship to Africa were white girls are in high demand do I make myself clear she said what choice do I have slave or Africa two choices.
Mom said I will submit for my daughter life please don’t rape her she is just s child I said no promises. She want to be an ass then I will tap that ass and you have no say any more do you understand she said yea I slapped her hard and said you will address me as Master or Sir do you understand she said yes Master. I looked at the little girl and said do I make myself clear she said you’re not my daddy I turned her around on the stand and smacked her ass hard three times she was crying hard I turned her back and said do you understand she looked down and said yes Master I understand I said good I told her you are not allowed to talk unless you are talked to you will address you mom as maam and you will do your school work and all home work or be shipped off. I any one asks you what’s going on you tell then you are growing up do you understand she looked down and said yes master I said much better and went to mom and gave her a big kiss she was giving it her all and had me hard as a rock so I took her down and put her over the table in the middle of the room and then I started to lick her she said not in front of my daughter please I said you are new to this so I will let this time slide but any time any where means just that you have no say and will submit freely she said yes Master and came right then and there she is a hot little thing. so I went back to it when I was ready to cum I told her off the table and shot all over her face she said thank you Master I said scoop up some cum put it in your mouth then go to the girl and kiss her an share with her, Melanie when mom puts it in your mouth I want to see it then I want you and mom to swallow it understand both said yes master. Mom scooped up a big glob sucked if and walked to Melanie and kissed her I could see mom push the cum into Melanie’s mouth and she had a strang look on her face but open her mouth and showed me I said now swallow and both swallowed it down.
I told mom go outside and get yours and her closes then get dressed. When they were dressed we got into the car and Mom drove back to the office I said remember not a word ether one of your mom said can you sign these papers Master and I will get right on the property. I told her good girl and kissed her forehead then I turned to Mel and said come to me. She looked down and walked over to me and said yes Master. I said look at me she looked up and I told her you will be a good girl mom has to get me a report on yur progress I will be going to your school in the morning you and Mom meet me there she said yes Master. I told her in public you will call me Sir but when we are together it will be Master understand She said yes Master. I said to mom I will meet you at the school and will get her back in. I will be her uncle and I am staying with you for now she said yes Master.
When I got to camp I found Al setting at the table so I asked how was training he said because of Amy it went very good the girls started to give me a problem and Amy handed the prod and said diseplen and I zipped Sis she yelped and they both turned around quick I said great. Pet was walking over to me then so I asked how did your training go she said it started out ok then she got a bur up her but so I get the rug beater she said you wouldn’t I said I sat in position for over an hour because of you so Oh yes I would and Smiled at her. I said what did she do Pet said she dropped to position and side I am so sorry so I told her if you disobey again you will be. We both laughed then about that time she came out of the trailer with two beers for Al and me I looked at Pet and said what the hell is this she is not ready for this yet. Pet looked at me and said Master you told me to train her and I did as you asked. Just the way you taught me to and I think she is ready for a reward I said how can you be so sure Pet she looked at her put her foot on the table and said ass now she dropped to her knees and started to lick her ass out I said Damn Amy that is great Amy fell back against her and said Master you called me Amy I looked at her and said I did are you sure she had a tear in her eyes and said Yes Master you did I said Amy you have finished your training and are now a Master yourself Now get all of the slaves here now She said yes master and ran to get mom and the other girls in the cages when they were all together I stood in front of everyone and said.
Al, Amy slaves Amy has finish her training and as such come the best reward you can hope for. Mom jumped up and hugged Amy and so did the other entire slave. I kind of chuckled then said Excuse me position all of them dropped even Amy and Al I said Amy, Al set Amy come here she said yes Master for finishing your training and becoming a Master yourself you have a choice to make. She looked at me and said what choice Master. I had never told her what happed when she finished her training so to say she was floored was an understatement.
Amy as a Master you are now a free person and able to come and go as you please. You are a beautiful young Lady and very smart with that I release you as slave your choice is you are welcome to stay as my subordinate or you can leave and live your own life again as you see fit or you can come and go as a master and trainer. She looked at me and said Master you save my life and trained me to be a good and caring person and I love you for it so what I chose without remorse or hesitation I would like to give my life to you freely if you will have me I am now and always will be your slave of my own free will and then you for giving me my mother back that was one of the best gifts you could have ever given me. So Master I will stay for as long as you will have me. Now I have never been able to give a person their life and freedom before so I was now crying with tears running down my cheeks I told her thank you my love you have been my greatest lives accomplishment and I will proudly take you as my slave for life. I stopped for a minute then looked around to see every one there was bawling like baby’s and I mean every one.
Mom walked up to me and said Master Thank you very much for saving my daughter and setting her free to make her own decisions with what to do with her life That was the most selfless thing I have ever seen in my life and with everybody here I want to tell you even when I finish my training if you will have me I of my own free will also like my daughter will be happy and proud to give my life to you as you willing and living life slave. I hugged her then asked her why she would make such a decision. She look up at me and said my life was total shit and I made ever one around me life shit even good people and my daughter. I now have direction and reason to live and I have a loving and beautiful family. I looked at her and hugged her and said that is the best answer ever and yes I will take you.
Now enough of the mushy stuff back to the task at hand. Amy put the training slaves back in their cages then came back to me and asked can I still have my job I said yes Pet you can she said you called me Pet again I said yes my love that is my love name for you because I have all ways loved you she hugged me and kissed me and said Thank you Master.
Mom said dinner will be served in a minute so Pet went to help I told pet I am sorry I am feeling in a giving mood today let the girls out and let’s give them a good hot meal pet looked and her and said go get the girls. Here is the key and she was off to get the girls. All the trainees were at the table and the rest of us where at the big table I said I have something to tell you all. They all looked up and I said I was buying us a new home and we will be moving in a week or so pet said is it better than this I said it will be our new training facility it is a big farm on 35 acres that is out of sight of any one if we see someone they are looking for trouble or in trouble and need our kind of help. But tomorrow I have to go to town to take care of some new slaves Pet said new slaves I said yes and you need to come with me I have a special trainee for you to train. She said ok Master anything you need.
The next morning we were at the school and Pet looked a little nervous I said her we go and got out. I said and what do you have to report Mom said what a blessing I said good and kissed her head then I looked to Mel and asked and young lady what do you have to report she smiled and said I get to report I said you sure do she said well Master mommy was crying last night and saying what have I done I can’t believe what I did to you then she was hugging me and crying I looked at her and said now your regret this she said a little I am not sure I was thinking about my daughters best interest I laughed and said Pet tell mom what happened last night while talk to little Mel for a minute. She said yes Master and walked to mom and I took Mel for a little walk and set on a bench and asked. Mel are you ok you can tell me anything and everything she said well Master I was not sure I liked what you did to mommy but she look ok and this being trained I am not sure what that means so I said well Mel I am going to have Amy over there train you to be a big girl and she will make you a strong girl that no one will ever hurt.
But this means you have to agree to do whatever we tell you when ever we tell you. You will be strong smart and will never be scared or mistreated again she said even by Daddy so I asked her what do you mean she looked down and said daddy made me set on his lap and made me do thing that I know where bad thing so I asked is that all he did she said no he beat me all the time then said never tell anyone. So I asked her Mel is that why you where such a bad girl because you did not to be with Daddy she looked back down and said yes sir Master he was very mean to me for no reason. I said Mel I am going to be mean to you but there is a reason for it she said why so I said Amy and me are going to make you strong to the point no one will ever do that to you again or they will have me to deal with and Amy is a caroty teacher that will kick there Ass she looked at me and she asked will this be part of my Training Master I said yes if will so what do you think are you willing to take my punishment and learn to be a strong girl She stood up stuck out her had so I took her hand she shook it and said in a load voice so her Mom and Amy could hear Yes master I will submit and you have a Deal and Thank you her mom and my looked over with a confused look so we walked back to the two of them. Mom looked at me and said what was that I said you need to ask Melanie so she look at Mel and said well Mel looked up and said Mom I don’t know what you are going to do or how you feel about it but Master and Amy are going to make me a smart and strong girl that no one can ever hurt again. Her mom looked at me then looked at her and said what do you mean again? She looked at me and I told Mel go ahead Mel tell her so Mel looked down I said Mel look her in the eyes now and tell her Mel said yes Master she said Mommy Daddy has beat me abused me he rapped me and has made me do very bad things Amy had a tear in her eyes but Mom was Livid and said that Bastard Ill kill him Mel looked up and said No Mommy you will not! Mom said what do you mean Baby It was my job to protect you she look at her then in her best big girl voice said you made a deal with our Master and you are going to keep your word I made my own deal with Master and he is going to train us to be strong and smart and no one will ever hurt me and you mommy.
Mom looked at me and said you swear to do this I looked to Amy again then took my phone out and showed her a pic of Amy she said how the hell is that I said it is the lady that is in front of you both mom and Mel where standing there with their mouths open in disbelief Amy said can you two close your mouths people are looking mom said BS I said not even a little bit I took that half dead girl and made her smarter and stronger and I will tell you what no one touched Amy and I mean No one. Amy said Master will not put up with any one touching one of his girls unless they want to be touched. Mom look at Mel and asked are you sure about this Baby Mel looked her dead in the eyes and said yes mommy My Master will take care and train me, Mom looked at me and said I agree without hesitation and of free will turn my daughter and myself to you for life I said ok ladies we have a problem to solve. We turned around and went to the school office we met with the principle and I went in and talked to him and told him that Melanie would be a model student if he would let her back in class and she will do all her listen and respect her teachers. I told him that I found out Mel had be beaten and abused that was why she had so many problems but I was working with her now and she will be a different person he agred that he would let her back in school I told him I want her in the front row in every class and he needed to be sure any bulling was squashed right away because that was what caused her problem in the beginning He said I can help with that if she is willing to do what you say I said she will without hesitation. He got up and went to the front office withal of us in toe The Principle picked up the PA mike and made an announcement As of this moment there will be Zorro Tolerance for Bulling in this school anyone caught bulling will be suspended. He turned back to us and said I did my part now Melanie it is your turn she looked at him and said fallow me we fallowed her she lead us to her classroom and she walked up to the door and nocked on the door the teacher said come in Melanie walked in to the class room and up to the teacher and said teacher I would like to apologize to you and the class the teacher said go ahead so mel turned to the class and said Class I would like to apologize to all of you for being disruptive and causing such a commotion in here I was wrong and I am very sorry for my actions and would like to have your permission to return to class I will not misbehave and I will do all of my work in a timely manner I will set into the hall and await your answer thank you for your time. When she came back out the principle said that was a very well thought out speech and I am very proud of you. I looked down at her and said I am very proud of you as well she looked up and said Thanks you Sir I was truly proud of her A minute later the teacher stepped in to the hall and was surprised by everyone out there especially the principle. She said Melanie we would love to have you back with us she looked at me and said thank you uncle for all you did for me thank you sir. She left with the teacher and we headed back to the class the principle asked I have a question for you I said what is it well first off how did you get her to calm down and second I noticed she keep calling you Sir with conviction I laughed and said it’s a long story but for all purpose first I set down with her and listened to her without interruption then I answered all of her questions then I made her a promise if she would trust me I would make her smarted and stronger and we shook hands on the deal like grown people I did not talk to her like a little kid and just listened. That is one thing most grownup fail to do with children after she was happy with our agreement she stood up came to me and shook my hand and said I will do my part if you do yours this morning when I came to your school and went in to see you for her to have a chance to go back to school she seen I was indeed doing my part then you heard what she said to her teacher and class that was all her doing without coaching she did that to show she is taking responsibility as a young adult and I was damn proud of her the Principle said as was I and I look forward to the outcome.
I gave him my number and said if you have any problems with her just pick up the phone she will obey me without hesitation. He said really how did you make that happen I told him you will just have to trust me. He then asked do you council kids I said not as a habit but I am not above it he said I may need for help with some of our other problem children I said if that happen I have full control of the situation and the parents nor school will interfere and this will be in writing he said I will let you know. I shook his hand and we where off to mom’s office she called the people that had the house I wanted and said she had a buyer if they could consider the price a little the guy on the line said we will go 150 but that is it or it can set there and rot I gave her the thumbs up and we filled out the paper work right then.
Two days later she called me and said I could pick up the keys any time I liked so I let everyone know we had a new house. We loaded up the suburban and went to the new house with all the crew. They where amazed with the house and all the land so I told pet I needed her to clean the place up and we would start moving up Then mom turned around and said Master I have an idea I said I’m listening she said Consuela will be back on Friday why don’t we have pet bring her to the camp and we may just get the help we need with benefits I said ok take care of it so the next day pet and mom went to pick up Consuela then came back to the camp Pet said Consuela seen her and ran to her and hugged her then she spotted mom and got quiet and nervous I turned and told mom get the bags and Consuela stood there with her mouth open starring I had to pull her to the truck she would not stop looking at mom it was priceless I laughed and said I bet. Consuela asked me what did I do to her is she on drug did you beat her what happened I cannot believe it Then she turned around and pet and mom where naked and standing by her she screamed what is this I told her calm down and I will explain mom position she dropped Consuela did not take her eyes off of her I said I hear you have a house held over your head for your services for life she said yes how did you know I said mom sit so she got up and sat in the chair I said I have a need of your services she said what can I do I said I have a big house I need someone to run and you have the training to do the job she said but what about mistress house I said that is a big part she is now my personal slave she said what I said she is my slave by choice and of her own free will she looked at me like I was crazy then I said we will go to the house in the morning and you can look it over ok she said si I will look I said good Amy will take you home now so you can see your family for a bit then she will come for you in the morning.
In the morning Amy was off early to get Consuela we meet at DD and I told Al he would be on his own today withal three they needed to be purged washed and played with then plugged and chained and feed. he said ok he would take care of it and we all loaded into the truck and we where off Consuela ask me Sir how did you get Mistress to be so good I said lots and lots of work but she will never be mean to you ever again. Consuela said thank you sir I will be forever in your deat. I said we will see when we got there Consuela walked around looking at everything she looked in every room and closet she found out there was a basement in the kitchen she called me and showed me I got a light and went down and followed the hall that went out and slit one way went to the other house and entered a faulse wall the other went to the shed and then beyond to a big room and there was a noise coming from it. I found a room with eight young girls in it they where well feed and clean but did not speak English they were locked in and there was a key on the wall I left and they started to cry so I got Consuela and took her to the room she talked to them and found out they had been down there for a year more or less they said the man that own the house hid them from skin peddlers when they were small she found they where self taught and cloud do house chores that is what the other Master had trained them for. I told Consuela that I was the new master here and they could work for me and have a home here if they liked they said to her this is all they knew they were born here so they will stay this is their home I told Consuela we need to inspect them and clean them and find out who could do what she said Sir I think I would like 5to stay here with you and them but I have a family here and mistress house to look after I told momto come she said yes Master I said we need to sell your house she said ok I want to be with you I said ok then we will call the realtor tomarro and get it on the market. Consuela said Sir I need you so I went to see what she wanted she said sir there is more I said what she said next to the refrigerator I pushed the panel and it opened up I walked in and the lights came on I walked down the hall and found an underground apartment complex there was 20 rooms that where fully furnish had running water and ac and an inter com system there was one big room with three bed rooms in it and was very nice indeed I called Consuela and asked her do you think your family could make this your home she looked at me with tears in her eyes and said Si Master Si I told her she is not my slave she said Sir you are the Lord and Master her I am your willing House Slave and will take care of your house for you I called mom and said Mom we are going to need to sell Consuela’s house as well she said where will her family live I said come with me I took her down to the apartments and said This is Consuela’s new house She is going to be the House Head Slave mom said what I told her she made her mind up when I asked if her family would like to live here she told me she is my house slave for life of her own free will Mom was very happy.
I called a couple of my friends to see if they could help me move my stuff from the camp this weekend they all said sure I told Pet we need to take Consuela down to her house and get her and the family moved the next day we had them all moved in and set up in their new home then pet and I went to the camp and picked up the girls and put them into the other house each in their own cell after a nice hot shower the first in s month they were all in love with the shower we put then to bed and I told mom it was her job to make sure they were checked and feed every day. She said now with Consuela here she would deal with the slaves I said perfect. Consuela has an 18 year old son I asked her if her could learn to cut the yard around the houses. She said he will do whatever he is told to do I said another problem solve I talked to him and he was very happy to have something to do he could all so fix all the equipment. Friday mom pet and me went to the realtors and put the other two houses on the market she told me she had the in-laws house sold and someone interested in my house we signed the paper work and they were done.
I told her she needed to bring Melanie and herself to the farm Saturday morning she said yes Master I asked how the last two days went she said Mel got two A’s and a B I said she is doing her part she is a good girl let her know I am happy with her She said she would and they will be out in the morning I said in the outhouse naked when I get there she said yes Master. We headed out to the farm to get a good night’s rest I woke up to a warm set of lips around my cock and the smell of bacon cooking there was a ding and I heard Consuela say breakfast in five minutes is said man this is the shit Pet said I am not done I said sorry pet when we get everybody move and settled we will spend a whole day in bet just you me and Mom she said that would be awesome we headed to the outhouse after breakfast and Mel meet me by the door jumping up and down saying look Master look I picked up the report card and she had done extra credit work to catch up and then finished all over her work to get Strait A’s on her report card I picked her up and hugged and kissed her like a big girl She was beaming and ran back to her Mom. I got to mom and said well what do you think of our progress she said I cannot believe it and nether can the principle he asked me if you would work with two girls over break they are having the same problems that Mel had and are going to end up in jail or dead I told her to get the info and let the parents meet Melanie and tell them the rules if they agree we will look into it I took Mel over to the hose and said this is not fun and it will make you mad but it is part of your training she said yes Master what do I do I said put your hand on your knees and hold still and I washed her cunny she was swooning when I finished then I flushed her ass then soap then more water then wait she was groaning I told her a few more minutes baby girl then I let her go she was light headed but we did the flush out and she did it like a trooper after that I took her to the table that was there then told Pet to bring me the extra small plug I lubed a finger and pushed in she took it with a moan I pumped it then added a second pumped some more and she was wobbly I pulled out my finger and pushed in the plug she said that feels strange like she has to poop.
I took her over to her cell and gave her a collar and put her inside and closed it she said thank you Master I told her shh the slaves don’t speak till spoken to she shook her head and smiled mom was in the cell next to her then I told pet time to go. We got to the camp and my friends all ready had all the stuff loaded and the trailers hooked up and everything ready to go we headed back so I had them park everything behind the barn and asked Consuela to feed this crew she Said yes Master right away. They had Steaks potato’s greenbeans and lots of cold beer. They got ready to go and said what do you need moved next we all laughed and they loaded up One of the young guys I hunted with ask what I was going to the with the camp I said why he said he and a couple of friends would like to rent it from me to make a camp I told him come up here next week end and we would talk about it he said great and they all let.I went in to check on my new slaves and they were eating I asked Mel you know we do sexual thing to our slaves as a part of training she said l like you did to mom last week I said yes I told her she did not have to do that if she did not want to. She said Master we made a deal and a deal is a deal I will do what you ask of me I said you are such a big girl so I took her to the table and I pulled out her plug and lubed a finger and worked it in then two she was moaning they she started to shake and said in a whisper Master I have to pee and I mean real bad I said go ahead and do it she said it will get on you I said don’t wary she start to moan loader and I stuck another finger in and she exploded all over then she passed out I told pet small I push the plug in and sat and hugged Mel and rocked her till she started to wake up then I took he to her cell and laid her down on a rug and covered her Mom was looking at me and asked why did you do that to her I said I told her it was part of the training but she did not have to do it and she said a deal is a deal andshe would do it Mom said she is such a big girl I said you have a true blessing in her she said it took you to bring it out thank you Master then Mel whispered thank you Master.
The next morning the slaves were up at 5am and they were being purged then wash then played with then feed and back in the cage , I went out to the trailer and told Consuela to have the girls get the extra supplys out of the trailer she had it done in no time I then went into the cells and pulled mom out and asked her what I needed to do to give the camp property to one of my friends she asked what was it zoned as I told the farm and hunting with dog raising she said that was easy one she would draw up the papers on Monday. I said cool and took her back. I went to her cell and she was clean and sleeping so I went in and woke he up she said what Master I said come with me I checked her plug and all was in place we went to the house and went up stairs and took a shower she said I had a shower Master I looked at her and said AND she said nothing just climbed in I worked her plug by pushing and pulling on it she was starting to pant and said Master I am going to cum if you don’t stop I reach for her clit and rolled it between my finger and her knees buckled and she swooned she said oh god how do you do that to me I told her most of it is in your mind I just give you a little push she looked at me and said yet more like a shove over a tall cliff. We both laughed and headed for bed she said what do you want me to do I said clime in and snuggle up she sasid with pleaser it was an hour later when I felt the bed move it was pet and mom they said finally I said yea things has been a little crazy latly but we are going to get back on track.
It was 5am and Consuela said five minutes till breakfast when we went down all was on the table and there was a place on the floor by me I told her to get on the rug she said thank you Master and we had a great breakfast then walked out to the outhouse turned on the lights to find my little slave waiting for me by her door I took her out and took her over and purged her then played with her then we feed and dressed them for their trip to town. Mom said I will draw up the papers then talk to the parents to see how they feel. If they are no board I will text you their numbers it was after noon when I got the text papers ready and parents want to meet I called her and set it up at her office after hours she text me back and said ready 9 PM I text her have Mel there she text back saying she is here all ready I text good girls. She gave smiley face reply I called my friend and asked him to meet me at the office I needed his help he said no problem and he would be to the ranch at 6 am sat.
Well pet and I worked with Al and his girls the rest of the day by time for showers they were beat dead tried it was a good day sis asked if she could shower with me I said sure come with me and we walked into the hidden panel and up to my room with a secret stair case I found in my closet. We took a nice warm shower and she was hugging on me so I asked what’s on your mind she asked will you make love to me I have never had sex with a man that is why girl and I hung out together to keep the creeps off of us I looked at her and said your brother found you stoned naked and spread out are you sure you never had sex she said I think my hymen is still intact and I want to give it to you I said com on and pull her to the other room and laid her on the message table in there spread she opened her legs wide and there in the middle of her open flower was her hymen still intact I said to her are you sure about this why not give it to your brother he is your Master or will be. she said I am giving him my life but I want to give this part to you for saving my life and giving my brother and best friend back to me I said that is very honorable of you and I except you very personal gift I then started to kiss her then kissed down her body to her knees then started back up to her cunt and licked her clit over and over till she was panting and said please master I need you now so I climbed up and rubbed my cock up and down her lips then started penetrating her till I felt her resistance then looked to her and said are you ready she said yes Master take me please so I pulled back and pushed through till I bottomed out then laid still she had a tear in her eyes running down her cheek I wipe it away and kissed her with all the passion I could muster. She said I am ok now Master will you go slow please I did as she asked and she was doing good for her first time she asked me to go faster so we were matching each other then it happened she came like a flood she was out of it but still pumping she came back and said that was awesome cane we do it again I looked at her and said yes sis yes we can she said Master harder please I started to go faster then faster then I was driving her home she was trying to push more in so I took her legs and put them on my shoulders then went to town beating that pussy for all it was worth she started to scream and sweat and was moaning load then I felt her tightening up then all of a sudden was going to cum I asked her where she wanted it she sided I want to feel it so I groaned that was all it took she busted the damn and was coming and coming her pussy was trying to milk me and I told her here it cums and I let loose a torrent she went off again and kept having Minnie orgasms for five more minute I laid on her said and she looked into my eyes and said thank you Master that was the best feeling I have ever had my pussy will be yours from now on whenever you want it I said thank you that was a very nice thing for you to shair with me she said my life is a very nice thing for you to give to me I said ok sis time to shower and back to your cell she went back to her cell and I went in to the bed room to find all three of my girls asleep and spooning each other what a sight I love these girl.
I went down to the TV room and sat in the bog recliner it was around 3 am and Pet climbed in the chair with me then 3:30 mom was climbing in and she was right behind mom I said come on right up the middle she climbed in and all she girls went MMmmm and hugged each other and went to slept was 4:30 and Consuela was walking by she said why are they all naked Master I told her in the house there is a standing no close rule but if you are cooking then you need to protect yourself she looked at me and said Si Master no close unless cooking I like it less laundry and she was laughing as she walk away. An hour later Consuela said breakfast so we all went to breakfast and it was funny the whole kitchen staff where naked except the cooks had aprons on but nothing underneath. We eat then went to the outhouse I watched the girls all working and they were like a machine everything was going great that meant I could slip off to catch a nap I did not sleep in that chair. I was sleeping good then one of the girls came in to fix the bed I just grabbed her hand and pulled her to me and snuggled up with her it was probley an hour or more when Consuela came into the room I could hear her giving the girl hell for bothering me I looked up and said what is the problem she said this girl has got beds to fix and she is here bothering you I looked back to Consuela and said the only one bothering me is you this girl did what I asked her to do without a word said Consuela said sorry Master I did not know I said now you do and my back is cold now get your ass in here and keep me warm she said but I said I am the Master now move or pay the price she stripped her closes and was in bed I a second she said oh Master this is nice I said 4:30 Consuela I want to be up at 4:30 she said yes master and we all went to sleep.
At 4 I woke up and felt much better I got up got a shower and turned on the light to find Consuela snuggled up to the girl I rubbed her nose and said are you going to make me dinner today Consuela she opened her eyes in a panic and I was cracking up I told her slow down dear we have plenty of time she went to wake the little girl and I said just leave her she will get up when she gets cold and we went to the kitchen. A half hour later this sleep eyed girl comes in to the kitchen and comes to me and said I am sorry Master I said for what I asked Consuela to ask her what she was sorry for she did and the girl side for waking you I told Consuela you did just what I needed I needed some ne to cuddle with and you came to my rescue then I said thank you she said something to Consuela so I asked what she said Consuela said she told her any time she would be my pillow So I told Consuela that if she finds me in bed alone again just climb right in that is her job if I am alone in bed Consuela told her and she said thank you master thank you. I told Consuela we need to teach these girls English she said her little daughter could do that and would start right away she said there is a strange room down stairs we could not figure what it was for but it would be a great class room I told her to see to it she got on the inter com and called she daughter up and told her what I wanted she said yes Sir I can do that I said great it is your job and she took off I called Consuela over she said Si Master I said how many times have these girls been outside she said she didn’t know I told her I want them outside at least two time a day for an hour at a time she said we have to get dressed for outside I said why she said someone see us I told her there is not anybody around for miles this is our little heaven so they can be outside naked I will let you know if we need to change for some reason she said Si Master I will make it happen. At five we left to meet my friend at the office we got there and where talking to mom when he walked in I told him come in to the back room mom came in with the paper work I asked him how would he like to own the lot that was the camp he hell yes who do I have to kill I said no one I may need a little help from time to time if you can but that’s all I ask he jumped up with tears in his eyes and shook my hand we sat down and signed all the papers and I told him to come up to the farm and pickup the bog trailer he could have that too because I have up graded and had all the room I needed he said thank you Thank you I said it needed a good home I all was had fun out there and I am sure you will as well. He said he will call before he comes I said perfect and he left dead in hand. I said we have time before our meeting lets go get some dinner Mel jumped up and grabbed my hand and walk out hand in hand. We went to Fridays and had a nice dinner and we got back in time to relax before our appointment got there. Two sets of parents showed up and both set where beside themselves so we explained we are in total control of the girls and they will only see them when it is necessary other than that they will be picked up at school and dropped off there we had contracts drawn up that said should they interfere they were out I told them it was 1k a month per child and they will talk to their kids with monitors while they are with us both parents said how do we know it works I said Mel position el came and drop buy my chair I said this will be the kind of response you will get one more thing that might upset you but it is a big part of our training they will call me master when we are together and will be Sir in public a dad said what is the propose of that I asked him where in the service I am a retired Master gunnery Sergeant how would you address me in the service he said I understand it is a lot of mental control an discipline they have a will breaking part that is hard on then but will not hurt them I told Mel face the outside window and don’t move she got up and went to the window there was people walking by they made faces at her jumped at her she never moved the parents said you beat her then said you brain wash her I said first you cannot force someone to do something they do not want to without beating them what you can do is make it their decision to do it of your own free will that is what I do they do it all of their own free will I asked Melanie did I force you to do anything she said no Master I told her hall way and strip the mom s gaped and looked at Mel’s Mom she said nothing Mel was standing naked like I told her the parents said how can her mother allow that I side she is being trained as well.
I said Mel get dressed she said yes Master I asked them did you see a mark on that baby girl they all side no I said did she look like she was under dressed being naked in front of total strangers they said no I said did her mother look up set that she was naked in front of all of us they all said no I said Mel position Mel popped into her spot again I asked Mel where embarrass being naked in front of everybody she said no Master I said why Mel she said you taught me close are something to hide behind and they are a distraction to myself worth I said good girl she Said thank you Master you see your girls will be that strong and that confident plus they will be totally focused to the task they are given and you will see a vast improvement in their attitude I said Mel get me your report cards she did I handed them Mel’s old report card they said hell we have stacks of these same report cards I handed them Mel’s last report card and they said this is BS then I pulled out my Ace Principle please come join us the schools principle walked in I am sure you all are well acquainted all ready they all said hi to the principle a he returned their greeting I said Sam is this BS is this a fake report card he said most definitely not this child has completely turned herself around and is a pleasure to have in class now then a said Miss Clark can you join us this is Mel’s teacher Miss Clark can we have your input to this she said I was pissed when the principle let this girl back in school until she came to my class and apologized to me and the class they where floored even your own daughters could not believe it so whatever he does to train these kids is a god sent I stepped up and said I would not go that far but I will get their attention that is for sure the parents all looked at each other and said what do we have to lose we have already lost them the way they are I said I have one more little thing to show you I turned on the over head projector and all the parents side how on earth is that trash it was Amy’s picture up there they side no way is side show them she pulled up her top and there was the same tattoo as the girl in the picture they said how I said respect and very hard work I said Amy did I ever hit you to get you to where you are now She said no Master I said position she dropped beside Mel I said to them this is total respect and this is their own free will no one is making them do this I said mom position she dropped beside Amy they where blown away even the Principle and Teacher I said they will submit to me of their own free will and will be happy to do it. Now if you still think this is BS your waiting my time and my ladies all have other thing to do besides entertain you if you agree sign the contract and just know this is not legal in court this is a written agreement between you and me to show respect and devotion to getting your children back from a very bad place. They all signed the contracts and said what they need to pack just to close on their backs. I told them don’t tell them anything you have seen and I will know if you do believe me they will not keep something like this quiet. I told them I have your info Amy will be in contact with you for pick up. As ever one got up to leave Mel’s teacher came to me and asked how do you get that type of focas with her I said training she said I wish I had that type of focus I said be careful what you wish for and laughed I told the girls I would see them in the morning . Mel asked Master can I come with you I said yes Mel you can and we all left for home. Go tell your Mom and she ran off. Back at the farm Mel came up to me looking down so I asked what’s on your mind little one so she looked up and said Master I would like to ask a favor I said and what would that be she was kicking the dust around I said come on spill it she said with a shit eating grin could I sleep with you tonight I said why do you want to do that she said when she was little she loved to snuggle to her Daddy but when he got mead she was afraid of him and she really missed it I said sure that is the best reason I said go tell Pet you are going to sleep with us tonight she went bouncing off. It was starting to get late so I headed up to bed when I got there there was Mel, Amy, Mom and her all cuddled up together I said o I need to sleep in the recliner again they all held up their hands and said it will not hold five and we all laughed and I climbed in Mel on one side and Amy on the other mom and her where snuggled up together I asked every one comfy and we all went to sleep. The next morning Consuela called every one down to breakfast but Mel was still sleeping and holding on tight so I told pet get everyone going and I will lay here with her for a bit I woke up an hour later when the bed moved I looked to see Mel still out it was the little house girl climing in her was under the covers and cuddled up and out in a minutes I thought now I feel like a new Daddy with the kids here and giggled to myself. It was just day light when I heard sniffling I looked to the door and there was Mel’s Mom I whispered what’s wrong she said nothing this is just so beautiful I said yea it is nice come jump on the bed and wake them up she ran across the room and pounced on the bed Mel said five more minutes Mom then stretched and realize where she was I look at her and asked sleep well she side like a rock Thank you Master I really needed that Mom said get to the kitchen now so Mel and me jumped up and headed down stairs when we got there Consuela gave Mel and me a late breakfast ant we went to the outhouse. I took Mel and purged her then I took her to the table and player and plugged her she asked Master I seen Mom and Pet have tails I would like one please I looked down and told her they were them all the time you would have to keep it in when you are at school and home if you get it. She said Master that would be like a constant reminder to me of who my Master is I said only Life slaves get one do you understand what that means she said yes Master I will be yours forever I said yes are you sure you want that you are still young she said you have given me a direction to fallow and a path to take I accept this of my own free will, yes Master I will commit to you for life because I know you will love me for life I said Pet I need you. She said yes master I told her Mel needs a tail that fits her will you take her and pick on out that you and her like Pet said yes Master yes then she looked to Mel and said come on sister Mel said sister Pet said Masters for life and they walked off.
Mom was in her cell holding the bars and called Master please may I talk to you so I walked over to her and she said thank you Master I have not seen my daughter so Happy in a couple of years. I said it was my pleasure then she asked where was she going I told her she and Amy are going to get Mel a life tail. She said whats a life tail I told her she is committed to me for life. Mom stepped back and said no you made her your slave for life she is so young I said I did not make her do anything she ask me to be my slave for life . Mom said but why I told her you seen her this morning and you have seen the things I have done for her and to her she has never been forced and pushed to do these thing she looked at and said No Master I said just like the peach she gave to her class she thought this out to her advantage and made a request I am not going to back pedal on her now when she finished her training she will have the very same options that I gave to pet all the girls get when I deem them ready to take their own lives in to their own hands. She looked up and said yes Master I asked her mom have you had any pleasure today the girls started to giggle went she said no I opened her cell and said hallow me. I put her on the table and started at her head by the time I was done with her all the girls had cum.
I put her back and went to the big house I passed Al on the way and said they will need some love they may rape you and walked away. I found mom in the kitchen and asked her how she was doing she said great Master I have taken over her training and I think she is ready to get a reward I said what do you have in mind she looked at me and said Master could I have a room and take care of her I said has she come that far along she said I believe so and you think you are ready for that response ability she said yes please Master I said you show me tonight at dinner but not a word to any one and I mean any one she said yes Master. I found Consuela in her apartment and said I need you help she said anything Master I said the room next to mine I want it cleaned top to bottom and that will be Mom and her new room she said really I said yes not a word to her she smiled and said yes Master then got a crew together and went to work I walked down to the class room and found Consuela’s daughter hard at work with ten of the girls I said excuse me She jumped up and ran to me and Hugged and said Master you came to visit I said yes I was talking to Mom and thought I would check in on your progress. She said we have tree classes and they are all doing very well I said really show me she walked to the wall of books I had gotten her and said witch one Master I said middle left and she grabbed the book and walked to the class and said witch one I said second to the left she stood her up and told She Sela this I our Master say hello She bowed and said Hello Master I said hello Sela please open your book and read a little for me she said yes Master and she opened the book and started to read in English for a little bit I stopped her and said now Spanish she said the book is English I said translate it and read it he look nervous but did a good job I asked teacher how she did and she said she did very well only one word that don’t translate she read In English I told and class and the teacher she had done an excellent job to keep it up she said yes Master then I asked her you are not my slave but you call me Master why? She said momma side we don’t have a daddy around but you took use in and have looked out for us like a father should so we are all your little slave daughters I laughed out loud and had to hold the door she said did I say something wrong Master? I said no my love you said everything right. I gave her a hug and told the class good bye they all stood and said good bye Master. I found Consuela hard at work with the girls and said I have another task for you my Dear she said yes Master I told her I want everyone at dinner tonight and that includes the help she said why I said we are going to have a graduation tonight it is a family affair she smiled and said Si Master I will make it happen. As I got to the front door Pet and Mel walked in I said great just who I need into the study now both went to the study and got into position I closed the door and turned to a beautiful sight I said have a seat ladies they got up into the chairs I said Pet mom is going to graduate tonight she does not know it and I need you to get her out for a little bite to get everyone ready. She was crying and said oh Master I am so happy for her how will I keep it from her I said you are going to have Mel in toe all day she laid a box on my desk and said here is what she picked out and I love it it fits her personality.
I looked at her and raised an eye brow they both giggled I opened the box and there was a small but thik ringed tail that was red with black rings. I said very nice I like it pet said can we put it in now I said no this will be part of our family event tonight both girls held hands and squealed. I said Mel I need to talk to pet for a minute would you assume position across the hall and close the door she said yes Master and left us. I looked at pet and said we are getting a little crowded in our bed at night would you agree she said yes Master but that is not my place to say I said well tonight I am going to give mom the room next to ours she said really I said all so she is going to be rewarded and mom is going to be her care giver and they will be there if we want or need them. She stood and walked to me and hugged me hard with all her being and said you have done so very much for all of us and I am so happy you took me in to start all of this. I said me to pet me to. We left and I told pet to tell Mom the trainees they will be eating with us tonight she said ok then Mel and I need to get her out of here then I said Mel needs a pretty new dress for her tail receiving to night so tell mom you need her help you know she loves to shop and we all laughed so Mel stayed with me and Amy went to get mom they pulled up to the outhouse and blew the horn to let Mel know it was time. A half hour before dinner we got all the salves and took them to the dining room they were in position then we made little tables for the staff now I called Pet we need you here she said we are just pulling in I stopped and thought that girl is reading my mind I think. I walked to the door and whispered to Mel go get Her from the dining room for me she ran off and was back with her I said Mom talk her in to the kitchen you and her will be serving use tonight she said yes Master I whispered this will be her test mom so make it count she smiled big and said Yes Master We all set down pet on one side Mel on the other then in they come with tray after tray and everything was great when we were finished mom was beside me and she was behind her I said show me mom she turned put a foot on the table and said clean me now she dropped and went to it I said you where right mom now I took her hand and side she has earned a reward and will now be in the Care of Abby. Abby spun around and I took her hand and stepped up on one of the little tables and pulled Abby up. I then turned to her and said Abigail you are now a full Master and are free from being my salve you can leave stay or commit to me for life what do you chose she was bawling but she calmed down and said Master you have take a mean and arrogant Bitch and turned her into someone with purpose and meaning I chose of my own free will to commit to you as your loving slave for life. I said Abby I am giving you your own room next to mine and you and her will live there she hugged me and thanked me the whole room erupted I said excuse me I have more business to take care of Melanie come here she walked up I said today you asked me something tell everyone what it was she turned to the room and said I asked master if I could be one of his life slaves, He asked me why and I told him he has give me purpose direction and gave my life meaning. He gave me back to my mom and has been more of a daddy to me then my own dad ever was so before you all I ask again Master may I be one of your life slave I do this with a clear mind and of my own free will I turned to the crowd and said I don’t know are you sure? She said yes Master very I said ok then yes you maybe a life slave to me. I set down and she climbed across my lap Amy handed me the lube I started to pump her and she moaned then I added a second finger and she groaned I reached for her clit and rubbed it and she went off big time I pulled my fingers out and plugged her she stood up and spun around showing everyone her tail I said one more thing before we all separate as of today Amy Is the head Mistress of the house and Abby is the head Mistress of the outhouse they were all floored and all were crying like baby’s Amy said thank you Master I will not let you down then Abby came up an hugged and thanked me. Then She looked up and said I am very happy you came and got me I have never felt or had this much love in my life you know my sister was everything to me. But now I have some much more thank you Master Thank you.
I had to go back to work on Monday to finish my last two weeks before starting to run the farm full time. It looked like our training of way ward girls was going to blossom into a full time job. The girls help with training will take a big load off we just needed to get the ones left finish before we started with the new ones coming in two weeks. I had mom work with Al to bring the girls along to finish up their training. I would pop in to see how it was going and found Al getting a good handle on it we should be in good shape. I had Amy keep an eye on them and steer Al and the girls to their conclusion. I had two days left when Amy said you need to check to see if I was satisfied with their progress. So Thursday I had Al come in early to run through the training of his girls and was very pleased with them I told Al to take this afternoon off and I would work with them to see if they were ready of if they were playing him. He said cool I need a little break Amy has been on my ass this last week so I hope they are ready I know I am.
I told Abby I would take the girls tonight and work with them she asked what time do you need them feed I said I will take them to dinner in the house, she said yes Master I told her I want you and her there as well she said ok we will be ready. After work I took a shower to get ready and took both girls and purged them one at a time then I plugged them and said tonight I want you in the big house for dinner you will be by my side both of you no got to the house and in possession they both said yes Master and left for the house. When I got inside they were on rugs on either side of my chair. I told Consuela to call ever one to dinner. The girls got their meals but did not start to eat until I said eat this was very good. After we finish eating I said bring your rugs and they followed me to the TV room and sat on either side of my chair at 9 pm I said up stairs to the bath room and I took them into the shower and cleaned them both head to toe. I made them go to the next room and put each on the table and rubbed each down with lotion. They melted with that then said into bed now they got up and into bed and right to sleep they had been in the cells for a month and cages for three weeks so sheets and covers were a treat. Consuela called us to breakfast and they sat by my side and eat then looked to me I said outhouse they goy up and left. I told Amy they are ready she said they were quiet last night I said they wanted to clime me but never did because I had not given preemption. I was happy with them they did not even complain and my cock was standing strait up. She laughed saying she did not know if she could show that much restraint.
I told her I was going to make it up to them let’s get ready for their graduation and let’s do something nice for the three of them they can use their names as slaves we are getting to many Mom’s and Her’s she said yea they can get out of hand. I went to the outhouse and played with sis’s plug and her boobs she was climbing the wall till I hit her clit and she exploded into multiple orgasms and as she calmed down I asked better she said so much thank you Master I said go bring me girl, sis brought girl back and she was grinning I asked are you excited are you? She said very Master I have been waiting for this so long. I said how bad do you want it she said very I said ok you are going to have to earn it pleaser me first I stood and she started to undress me I told sis get behind she and turn her plug. I sat back down in my chair and told her I want some head get busy and she jumped on me like I was a steak I said slow down we have time she said Master I am very excited you have not worked with sis or I in almost a month. I told her I know but Al will be you master and not me they both said you will always be our Master first I said that is not how this works am I going to have to discipline you she said no Master we just want you to know we are glad you saved us and will be you life slaves but will serve Al as Master as you told us.
I told her as life slave you get a tail what would you like. She said I don’t know what can we have ? I said Abby will take you into town and you can pick they got very excited I told them they will have restraining inserts put in that will drop you if you start any problems do you understand they both said yes. I said lets finish this and we got back to our little fun I was just I told sis to grab girls clit and roll it between her fingers. She did and girl moaned on my cock and I blew my load down her throat she pulled off and grabbed sis and moved her on my cock to finish me I was spent and both girls were as well. I said go to the showers and clean up I will get Abby and be right back. I found Abby with Consuela talking about dinner and told her the girls want to be life slave but serve Al so take they to town and let them pick out tails and slave collars she said she wanted to be a life slave to Abby and asked me if that was all right. I said that is awesome I think you will be a good master for her; she likes men but always responded to women better. So take her with you and don’t tell her why on if you want a different token that is up to you. I like tails but you decide you own token. A tail a piercing whatever she said thank you Master I will have to think about that. Now off with you do you need Amy to drive you? She said yes if you don’t mind. I said that is her job after all I said I would have Amy meet her by the outhouse. I found Amy in the office going over some paper work and told her what I needed her to do she said that will be fun. I told her we are going to insert the restraints in the girls just in case she said that’s a good idea we have not used them yet. I said I will go do it and she could get close for all the girls and meet us by the outhouse. I went to the outhouse to find all the girls lined up with the restraint in front of them. I said she don’t need no but Abby said it is the new rule for untrained slaves to be equipped with them in public from now on I said you are in control of the outhouse so it’s your call. She asked Master will you put them in and test each one I said my pleasure I took each girl to the table laid them back and inserted the controllers then told them we will test each one so you have an idea what to expect should you give the least little problem. So I started with girl and told her the controllers have to be removed with a key or they will cause severe pain and pulled a little and she yelped I then get each one a tug and each girl responded the same now I turned on girls implant and started low she said it feels like ant I said that is your warning. I started going up and she was starting to moan and not in a good way I got to 4 and she was getting ready to go down I told her that is 4 it goes to 10 don’t make that ever happen you will pass out in pain.
I showed each girl and they said they would be good. They all loaded up and were off.
I went to lay down for a little bit and was in bed five minutes when the bed moves I looked up and there was my little helper we snuggled up and were out in minutes. Around 6 the girls came back and Consuela call me down. I got up and went down as the girls came in I looked at Consuela and she grinned I walked over and said what’s that all about she said I called the girl and told her you went up for a napp and she ran up there I laugh I wondered how she knew I was up there. She said she would like you to take her as you pillow slave. I said really? She said she never knew her daddy and she loves you hugging her I said I will talk with Amy and let you know. The girls all came in and showed me their prizes. Girl had a monkey tail, sis had a big cotton tail, she had her nipples pierced and was holing a collar with a loop and chains the girls all had collars that said slave in rein stones.
I said ok everyone I want you all washed head to toe with your hair done and smelling like angles they all said yes Master. And they all took off I called Al and said be here for dinner he said he would be there. When Al arrived I called him into the office and told him Al before all here you are going to graduate to Master, he said thank you Master I side Saturday morning you can take the girls home. He said ok, then I told him they asked me to be my life slaves for saving them but they will serve you. He said he understands and agree they are showing their respect to you. I told him I will be turning her over to Abby as her Slave tonight as well so we are going to clear house the reason the girls are staying is they will help Abby get ready for our next group of girls coming tomorrow afternoon. Al said really I will stay and help clean the outhouse with them. I said you and the girls take one of the extra rooms for the night then and we will pressure clean the whole outhouse that will let it dry by tomorrow so go get all the girls things and bring them to the room Consuela tells you to he said yes Sir and left. I called Consuela and asked her to clean another guess room for Al and two girls she said already done Master Mistress Amy had us clean and prep all the rooms in the house just in case. I said dam she is on top of shit Consuela said yes she is and she is a pleasure to work with I said thank you Consuela that is very good news. I asked Consuela to ask her son to come see me. A few minutes later he knocked on the office door I said come in he said you wanted me? I said yes I would like you to pressure clean the whole outhouse walls floor and ceiling if need be, this is the first time it will be empty since we are out here he said right away do you want it painted as well? I said I don’t think it will dry in time he said if I work around the building cleaning in an hour we could have crew paint behind me and be finished before morning I said that would be great I said where are you going to get a crew? He said he could use half of the girls from the staff to paint and still leave mom enough to do dinner I said close of them I don’t want them sick from the paint he said yes Master and left.
We had a great dinner and everyone was excited so I said ok every one we will start First Al come up here, after a long hard road you have shown me, Amy and Abby that you are ready to take over your girls as their Master so I reached into my pocket and pulled out a little box. I opened it and pulled out a ring that said Master Al on it and gave it to him he was crying happy tears he said I could not have done this without all of your help even my girls helped me I thank you all. I said ok Katie come here she was just looking at me Sis move she jumped and ran Yes Master did you not here your name she said yes I said this is your Graduation from trainee you will now use you name so congrats Katie you are a loving and giving slave Is there anything you want to say? She said Master you saved my life and for that I of clear mind and free will want to be your life salve I said tail please I lude a finger and made her slick then popped in her cotton tail I have to admit it was cute, next Beth come up Beth came right you she said that is the second time I have heard my name today I said oh! She said when we where shopping one of my old girl friends from school seen me and called me over so I looked to Mistress and she let me after too long I got a tingle and said my good bye. I said good girl Beth you have graduated to day and can use your name now is there anything you want to say? She said yes Master you also saved my life from sure death and I would like to be your life salve Being of clear mind and free will I ask to be you life salve I said yes Beth you are now another of my greatest accomplishments. Tail please I asked why a monkey tail she said I love monkey’s I lubed a finger and popped in her tail it wrapped around her leg and she jumped we all laugh, then I said Abby and Alice come here. When they got up I said Abby has worked so hard with all the other girls and Alice is graduating to day so I am giving Alice to Abby as her slave for all her hard work Abby said thank you Master it was your training and care that got me here But Alice has been a big help to me and I am happy to accept her she asked for the box and said Alice you will wear this collar and chains not as punishment but a sign of my love for you as my slave for all to see. Is there anything you would like to say she said hell yes then said first I would like to thank my Brother in-law for picking me up and saving me from cretin death because I lost my sister she was my world. But then now I will always be your life slave for saving mine and thank you for giving me to Mistress Abby she has helped me fill a big hole in my heart so thank you both I said after that Damn I need a drink everybody cracked up.
We all went to bed tired and happy. The next morning when Consuela called we finished breakfast and walked to the outhouse just as the crew where putting away the last of the supplies and they had done an excellent job. The place looked like a new building and even all the wall bindings and clamps were like new I thanked him and asked him if there was anything that he would like for just himself he said actually there are two Master I said what is it he said I would like one of your house salves as my wife I said that could be done as long as that is what she also wants. He said I would like to live in the loft over the barn with her I said we will see if that is her wish as well. And two I would and really could use a new pickup truck. I said that will be done today you have earned it. I said lets go talk to you new wife shall we he looked up and said yes please Master.
We went to the kitchen and I said Consuela I need you she came right away and said yes Master please have , I looked at him and said what’s her name he said she don’t have one then how do you call her he said 9. Consuela please have 9 come up here so Consuela called her and Amy came in and said what’s going on Consuela said I don’t know but master and my son called 9 to the kitchen she popped through the door a few minutes later so I said come here I said ok Peter you’re up. He stood up and bent to a knee and said 9 I have watched from a fare for a while and I would very much like you to be my wife. She started to cry, Consuela was crying, Amy was crying. The girl said Senior I would very much like to marry Peter I have seen him watching me and I was sure watching him work so hard out in the hot son but I am your slave and it it not my decision I told her well Sunshine it is now and that is what we will call you Sunshine. She looked at Peter and said Si Master Peter I would love to be your wife. I said ok Peter you and Sunshine go with Amy to see a layer friend of mine And get all the paper work done. Then Amy take him to pick out a new truck he needs to be able to work around here She looked at me and said yes Master and How about a new dress for Sunshine I said Perfect. They took off and an hour later my layer called me and said do you know what this girls name is I said why he said well she has no papers birth certificates or anything I said you remember the fire I had a few years back he said yea everything was lost then she is my daughter from another marriage he said ok I will see to it I told him thanks It was around noon when they all came back new truck and newlyweds all were smiling I said our new guests are ready to be picked up at the school so Amy and I left for the school when we got there the principle pulled us into the gym and closed the doors. They brought out eight girls I said were did all these kids come from? He said he had two more parents ask to be included and signed contracts and all have 2 months pay I said shit we need a bus but we brought them to the car and I gave them each a shot to knock them out then loaded them up I told the principle I would keep him updated to their progress.
He said that would be great. He said that is more than I thought I would get. So we left and headed to the farm. When we got there all of the crew were waiting for us we stripped them chained them up blind folded them and gagged them. Come midnight the shit would hit the fan when they started waking up. I said let’s get some rest before we have to piss them off. So we went to get a shower and jump in bed for a bit we were laying there and the bed moved I looked up and here comes my little shit to snuggled up and past out. It has been a long day we all passed out. About 11:30 Consuela came to the room and whispered Master there is a lot of yelling in the outhouse I said thank you Consuela I will take care of it. I woke Amy up and told her our trainees are up let’s go. We went to wake up Abby and Alice up then stopped to get a cup of coffee then out to the outhouse. We pulled them down one at a time to purge them. We had two going at a time and they where shitting in their pants when we got them done.
We put them back on the wall and I said to them I want you all to listen to me I Will be you new Master and you will obey me without hesitation. I picked up the prod and zapped it by each one they all jump and creamed. I said this is what they use on cows and they jump so how do you think it will work on your little asses. Now no more noise or each of you will pay the price. And we went back to the house I found my little peanut all sprawled out so Amy climbed in then l snuggled up to her and peanut curled up to me and we went to sleep. Amy asked me the next morning is She going to be a fixture here I said I kind of told her if I am laying down she could cuddle with me so she thinks that meat all the time she thinks I am her Daddy that she has missed for a year. Now she is making up for lost time Sorry I am sure that all of them are love deprived. She said I understand that I never had mine around and missed him.
Amy said I have an idea, I said what’s that what if we let them set up a sleep schedule to sleep with us Tuesdays and Thursdays what do you think. I said I am ok with that but what about you. She said I don’t have a problem with it but there will be rules I said that’s fine I love kids and I know they need the security of parents to make them better people. So two times a week is fine she said how will we get started I said I have plane for that. Go to the teacher and tell her about this and tell her to make a schedule of best work in class and we will work to the bottom and I will get with Consuela about this little turd or she will be my shadow. I mean I love her but she may get to be a problem. The next morning after breakfast we went and purged each of the girls then started putting them in cells they were all screaming and cussing and spitting that is when I needed to make an example and found my target she was throwing stuff and rising hell so I opened her cell and grabbed her by the hair and tied her hand then her feet and then picked her up by her feet then told Abby rug beater and I wore her little ass out.
I hit her all over feet legs ass stomach breasts and back she was wailing and wiggling trying to get away but no good I hit everything then turned around and said who’s next the next sound I hear better be yes Master do you understand there was a choirs of yes Master I said ok now we can move ahead. I will not put up with BS and any time you want to try me feel free I have 6 of these racks and can get your attion I guaranty. You are al going to go through training because you have all chosen a path of self destruction.
Your Parents, Teacher and family’s have said I am your last resort. you will al ask me to make you slaves and you will all obey me without hesitation and you will all do this of your own free will now there is one other option that we can do with you. I have people that work in the skin traffic business and they love sweet little girls like you to sell overseas to highest bidders. They will use you till they get tired then kill you or give you away to a friend or worst. So all of you need to think what my best life option is. Here you will be love and taken care of there you will just be meat. You will have no say in it ether way it will be your choice and here you will ask to be here. And if you think your parents will know where you are and try and save you they are the ones that brought you to me so if I say you escaped and ran away who is to say different. You are 100 miles from the next person so it is a long walk and you will ask to be here. So you might as well get fighting out of your head. If you obey we will not have a problem and you will learn to except this way of life if you think I am kidding here you go Abby, Amy, Alice position they all dropped. Now if you are wondering what is going on these ladies where in your shoes not so long ago and went through this training. Now here’s where it get fun they cannot talk or move until you release them, but there is a catch to this you can make them stay here like this as long as you like but these lady’s will be putting you through your training so now you see the dilemma you are in the longer you hold them here well let’s just say that could come back to bite you, I just broke out laughing they I told them you must all agree not one or two but all. So how are we going to carry on this is your choice. I then turned and walked away and told my little peanut to sit there and tell me when the girls let them up she said Yes Master that got their attention.
I was setting in my chair when peanut and Amy came walking in. I said what happened she said they started whispering as soon as you walked out the door and peanut told them quiet unless they where going to let the Mistress up they said Mistress what do you mean She said Mistress Amy runs the big house and Mistress Abby runs the outhouse where you are now they all said please get up we release you peanut walked to each and asked do you agree all but one said yes so we waited they the other girl said when we get loose we will beat your ass all of us then you can run away and they all laughed. She said all right then so peanut went one by one again and asked for their decision and they all had to say it load yes I agree then Peanut came to us and said Mistresses please get up they all agree I told Peanut I was very proud of her then Amy said little miss you can sleep with me and or me or Master any time you like I smiled real big then I was getting attached to her. Now the girls had not been feed for two days now and they were starving. I told Abby to make them a hot Meal and went to the girl hanging and let her down and brought her to the table they started rubbing her welts with lotion then I told Alice small one and she brought me the lube and plug I reached to her ass and spread her cheeks and found a little pink star I rubbed some lube over it then around then put pressure then it started to give and one finger in and started to pump her he’s was groaning and starting to sweat I started going faster then faster and she was now moaning and humping the table so I pulled back and she fallowed my finger so I added another on and she was panting hard so I started going faster she was having a hard time breathing so I reached under the table and found her clit hard and sticking out past her lips and pinched it and rolled it and she lost it big time so I pulled out my fingers and push in the plug. She just groaned so I pushed it a couple more times and she came again. She said that was amazing what did you do I told her if you obey there is pleasure and rewards and you know what happiness if you disobey she said Yes Master I will obey for more of that I would stand on my head I said we will see you will be tested and pushed hard to the breaking point where your will give out then we can train you but it will not be pleasant. But for every good set forward there is a reward so work hard she said we will I said we she said my sister and I are twins and what one feels the other one feels look at her sister was in the cell in the corner soaked in her own juices and panting and she had welts all over her I told her get up and go to your cell and went to the other sister and put her on the table and started rubbing her welts with lotion and sje was melting into the table and her sister was leaning against the wall panting so I called Alice and said small one the girl looked over her shoulder and said Master is there a bigger one I said yes she said please may I have it I said yes but if will not feel good she said good that bitch new I would hurt if she showed her ass but she said tough suck it up I am getting out of here I said how much pain do you want she said when she yells that will make me happy. I said devious little shit aren’t you she said she has done this my whole life. She always gets I trouble and I suffer for it this is my chance to get back I said I will be your only trainer so we will have fun at her expense she said I can’t wait because what happens to her I get punish and what happens to me she feels all the pain so I will enjoy this I said ok how bad do you want it she said to the point I control her action I said will do that now that I know and laugh then she laughed.
I started with two fingers and she moaned and said that nice I want more so I pushed a third finger in and was pumping her hard she was panting and saying more Master I like it more. I asked her are you a virgin she said yes I said are you ready to see her pass out she said yes please so I told Alice the big one Alice she said she is just a baby I said she is enjoying this but look at her sister she said she is hurting then she said oh my so I pulled out my fingers and pushed in the big one and her sister was holding herself I said go by maiden hood and pushed my cock to my balls bottomed out and the sister yelled Please Master Please and I started pumping her sister and rolling on the floor and she was laughing so I started to pound her cunt and was getting ready to blow she was about to go off so I grabbed her clit and pinched it and rolled it back and forth that did it both sisters came and came hard I pulled out and walked up to her face and she opened her mouth and I face fucked her the sister was gasping for air and could not even scream. I pulled out to the head was in and blew my nut in her mouth and her sister was gagging she was laughing so hard she about passed out so I set her up and asked how she was she told me she was sore but to see her sister suffer with all her pain for the first time was worth every bit of it.
I told her we will break that bitch now we have her secret I laugh and said watch this and picked up the prod andpulled her around and stuck it to her cunt lips and zapped her the sister rolled into a ball screaming and her sister cracked up then said you will be his bitch slave now all toughs years of pain he knows the secret so let your consciences be your guide because if you are bad I will get disciplined and I zapped her again she said please Master Please I will obey I looked at her and said not a bad first day.
I told her when I have sex with her I will take my time and make love to you and have someone rubbing you the whole time. She looked me in the eyes and said Master I am a natural Sub my sister is the aggressor so I will not fight you and will be yours we just have to break her I said that will be easer then you might think. I said I am sorry for the pain you went through for her but that is over there will be no more of that. I said come with me I took her to the showers and got in with her and washer her hair then her body head to toe then I sucked her clit and rubber her G spot and was watching her sister moaning and sweating I could feel her cunt muscles tighten and just as she came I smacked her plug over and over the sister passed out and she was weak in the knees so I dried her then took her to eat Abby had a nice meal for the new girls we feed them then put them all down for the night. On the way to the house I got an idea. I called Amy she said Yes Master I said were is you old egg she thought for a minute and said upstairs why I said I have a way to break our little trouble maker and we will not have to do anything she said oh that sounds devious I said it is it is and laughed. She ran off up stairs and came back with it and asked can I watch I said no I am going to sneak this in hehehehe. So I went to the back door and went in to the cell area next to the door is where Pam cell was so I got her attention and she crawled to me and said yes Master. I asked her do you want some long over do payback with your sister she giggled I said shhh be quiet and turn your ass to me. She turned around and put her ass against the bars so I took my finger and scooped some lube from her ass and her sister groaned and said what the hell are you doing. She said I have an itch go back to sleep, her sister said bitch and laid back down. I put the lube on the egg and slipped it into her cunt real slow as to not get the sister looking around and told her to look at me. She turned and I said this is a remote for a vibrating egg I put in you she said oh shit Gen is not going to sleep tonight. I said that is my plan we will have her so beat he will do anything for some rest Pam said I love you Master for 10 years she has tortured me every chance she got I can’t believe her pissing off our Parents would be my saving grace and Karma for Gen. Pam asked can we try it before you leave I said just put it on low to see what she does. Pam turned it on and Gen said stop it that’s not funny I said one more notch so she speed it up and Gen sat up and said will you stop I said take it back down. Pas said I want to have her hopping like fish in hot grease I laughed and said ok just let her calm back down and I will let you out. So we sat there for a few minutes and Gen went to sleep so I opened the cage and let her out but left the cell standing open to look like she had gotten out. We went back to the house and I got a rug and blanket for Pam and told her to lat next to the bed and hand me the remote she did as I asked so I asked her do you like being a slave she said oh yes Master this has been my fantasy for a very long time I just never told Gen or I would be on a leash and barking at cats we laughed I said I will not make you bark at cats she giggled and laid down about an hour later I turned on the egg to low and Pam said Mmm that feels good I said wait till morning and you might not feel that way. Around 3 I got up to piss and hit medium but Pam did not move when Consuela call for breakfast I turned it to high and we went down Amy said why is she here I said her name is Pam and she is a willing slave and will need very little training but her sister is the dominate one and has tortured Pam for ten years os now I held you the remote we are going to train Gen from afar and have some fun doing it.
I turned the egg to 4 on the 5 settings and left it there and we went to breakfast. Pam was on a rug by the table with me when Abby came flying into the room Master come quick I said what is the matter she said one of the girls got out and is missing and the other one is having a fit or convulsions I looked at Amy and we busted out laughing Abby said What the hell is going on. I told Pam to stand up Abby said she is the missing girl I said she has been with me since last night but there is something you need to know. Pam and Gen are twins but what is funny is that they feel everything that happen to the other one, If you slap Gen Pam’s face will turn red and she will feel it and it works the other way so right now Gen is about to lose her mind and I turned the switch to 5 Pam got a welt on her head and side the bitch passed out and hit her head I turned off the egg and Abby went back to the outhouse I told her I would train the girls so if Gen goes crazy just let her be I am working on her and laughed. We finished and went to the outhouse to find Gen on the floor sweating and holding her stomach I said what is the matter she said her sister was gone but she was in trouble I said how so Gen said she must be getting rapped because my pussy and insides are very sore she must be a mess I have been up all night because of a feeling it my stomach and Ass that tells me she is being rapped I hit the button to 3 and she dropped to her knees I said what is wrong with you she said its starting again I said well you need to be purged and get up and come with me Abby and Amy had three other girls being purged so the 4 of use did our thing. As Gen leaned over to relive herself I hit 5 on the remote and she shit down her leg.
I asked pissed and said do you want to lick that up she said no Master I am sorry Pam is getting fucked hard I cannot control it I said how about I rub you a little to see if that helps she said please so I washed her then laid her on the table and rubbed her down then I rubbed her nipples and clit at the same time she said that is helping Master it feels better so I sucked her clit and she bent up holding her ass I looked in the corner and Pam was rocking and banging her ass against the wall Gen was groaning and moaning I shut off the egg and put Gen away she said thank you she felt much better I said rest before lunch and walked outside to find Amy Abby Alice and Pam doubled over from Laughing I said so you think this is funny do you. Pam come here and bend over my knee then I paddled her ass and Gen was screaming I turned on the egg and she was moaning the spanked and egg then spanked then egg then I pinched her clit and flicked it she was moaning saying Master that feels so good then I Hit the plug and egg then plug then egg and Gen was on the floor. She had pissed herself and was trembling so I spanked Pam’s ass again and Gen was soaked with sweat. I told Pam to go get the hose and spray her with it then run before she could get up she did and we were laughing when I turned the switch to 5 and Gen feel to the ground moaning and convulsing.
I walked to the cell and said Gen you have made a big mess she said Master I am sorry but it is Pam so I spread, her with the hose and told her to get up and took her to the wall then I gagged her an walked to the door and brought in Pam to the center of the room she was dirty and her hair was a mess I pulled her to me and said we found her fucking the dog outside and she will never go back home but stay here and service all the animals.
Gen’s eyes got real big and she was shaking her head I said you need punish ment and bent her over and spanked her ass. Gen was all most out so I turned on the egg to 5 and she screamed and kicked so I dropped it to 3 and she was moaning. I turned it to 5 and left her on her hands and knees. I told Gen you will submit or for all the pain you caused your sister I will show you no mercy. So then I looked her in the eyes and said so you know I am not kidding your sister will be in charge of her egg control so if you don’t obey od you act up or cause her to get into trouble you will pay. I turned to Pam and said show her and Pam hit 5 and held it. Gen creamed please I will be good I will obey Please make her stop Please.
I told Pam ok Pam let her be for now but she gets no sleep tonight do you understand? She said yes Master and thank you. I told Pam go into your cell and leave the door open if you have any problems come get me. She said yes master. When I got to bed there on my pillow was Peanut fast asleep. So I cuddled up to her and out I went. When Consuela called use Pam was in the dining room on her rug. I said what’s the matter she said master will I be going through all the training the rest of the girls get? I asked why do you ask she said because I would like to learn to be the best slave I can be I said see Abby and tell her I said to teach you everything but some things are not pleasant Pam said good Gen will not be happy but her loss and my gain and we laughed. I said I have a few things to take care of today and went to Abby and told her to work the girls over I would not be here. I said Pam and Gen will be my slaves but work Pam hard and Gen will fallow without a problem. She said yes Master I will take care of they.
First I went by Al’s house to check on thing when I walk to the door I here screaming so I knocked and Beth answered and jumped into my arms Master we have missed you I said position she dropped where is Katie , she is in the bed room so I walked into the bed room and she was tied to the bed I yelled to Beth get in here explain this she said I was having fun with her I said were is Al he is at work Master and did he tell you you could do this? No Master he told us to be good. So I looked at her is this what you call being good she said no Master I pulled out a chair and said lay here And I said how many she said 5 I said 10 One Thank you Master 10 Thank you Master I told her in the living room there was two rugs there in position she got on her rug I went to Katie and said why did she tie you up Katie said I was sleeping and woke up like that I yelled at her to let me go but she just laughed at me. I said go to your rug and position then I told both you do not move till I come back or you will be at the farm and you will not be happy. They both said yes Master. So I went to DD to see Al and asked him what instructions did you give the girls when you left? He said to be good. I said well I got there and heard them from down stairs yelling and found Katie tied up on the Bed He said What I said I took care of it but you need to give exact instructions when you are not there or they can get out of control. Tell them to clean or scrub or something to keep them busy or put them on position till you return which is where they are now.
They will not move till I release them so when you get home explain why you are upset with them. Do they sleep with you he said yes I told him they sleep on a rug only for a week till they earn the bed he said I understand Master it will be done I still have some things to learn evidently. I said a few I will be there about an hour after you get home. He said I will weight for you. I left and headed to the school to see the principle. When I went to the office his secretary said just a minute Sir. She said he will see you now Sir when I got to his office there was a little black haired girl there I said hello who are you she said Penny . I said what are you here for she said I hate school and want to run away. I said thsat will not make school better. She said her dad beat her mom is a drunk and she hates school I said I would like to talk to you when I am done here she said whatever. I went in and gave a report on our progress and he said thanks he will relay the info to the parents.
I said what’s the deal with penny out there? He said she was breaking things in class to try and get expelled. So I asked and her home life sound like shit he said it is I have been trying to get her to stay in school but I can’t let her keep breaking stuff. I said she just needs direction and I could take care of that for you He said one minute he called her parents and said she was suspended they said send her home He said she will be on the way in one hour. He then said I will take her to the back of the school and you can take her. She will just be missing but her parents don’t give a shit about her. I said ok will be back in one hour in the back.
I left went for coffee and came to the back of the school and here he came with her and her stuff. He put her in and I said see you later and asked her are you hungry she said yea so we went to a burger joint and through the drive through. We went to a park and eat then went to my realtor’s office and her daughter was there as well so I asked her to keep an eye on Penny she said cool. I finished up and went out and both girls where giggling. I said ok give Penny asked are you her Master I said yes why? She said I read that stuff online and it really turns me on could you train me like her I said that was my plan she said great Master I think this is cool. I said we will see she said when do we start I told her I have to discipline two bad slaves now then we will go start your training. Wow she said can I watch I said if you like. We got to Al’s and I knocked on the door and Al answered and said welcome Master and who is this? I said Penny she is going to be a new trainee he said nice and we went to the girls. I said I am not happy with you two and I should take you to the farm for Discipline Al said they would be lucky if you did not take them. That you where disappointed in them. He said if you need to please take them they are your life salve after all they looked nervous I said I am a little busy right now or there asses would be red. I am telling you girls I will be putting a cam in here to watch you if I see any more problems you will pay do you understand all of them said yes Master and we are sorry to disappoint you. So Penny and I left for the farm.
When we got there I took penny to the outhouse stripped her then purged her and plugged her. She was crying I asked why the tears? She said that hurt and I feel like I need to poop with this thing in my butt. I told her you broke things to get out of school well we will break your will to get you ready for slave training here. You don’t have a say in it and you will obey all commands or I will let you feel the prod. She said what’s a prod so I picked it up and hit her ass with it she yelped and turned. I said that was a light touch dose don’t make it full one you will not like it. Now Abby was bringing their dinner and I told her this is a new girl Abby her name is Penny Abby said well Penny is it all you thought it would be Penny said no mama it is more a lot more. Abby said sit and eat. She did and I asked Abby to put her in the full training schedule. Abby said as you wish Master. The next morning I told Amy I need a day off call peanut up I am going to take her out today Amy said you want me to drive I said no I just need some down time.
Peanut came to me and said you want me Master I said yes baby we are going out today. She was skipping to the car after I got her dressed and we headed off. Peanut asked Master where are we going I said just out do you have any thing you would like to do? She said I do not know Master I have never been off the farm. I said I have an idea we went to the mall and I got her some new shorts and tops then a bathing suit. I said would you like some ice cream she said what is that I said come with me. I keep forgetting she has never been off the farm. She loved the ice cream and I said lets go to the beach. I took her there and got her into her suit and walked her to the water and let her play.
She was afraid at first but then went crazy I was really enjoying her having fun and being a little kid and not a slave. I said right then we are going to get the girls all out to have some fun and act like kids. I will not make them just slaves for their lives unless that is what they want. So I told peanut after she looked like a prun it was time to go so I took her to the beach shower and washed her off then got to the car and she jumped into the back and got dressed so we went to lunch. She was amazed with McDonalds and got another ice cream after we eat. I said we are going to visit Al and the girls for a minute she said ok I like Al and his girls. We nock on the door and where greeted by Katie she said Master and Peanut we are so glad to see you, Beth was walking out of the kitchen and asked if I would like some coffee I said I would and we sat down a the kitchen table and talked both girls where happy and well cared for then Al came home and both girls ran to the door and assumed position before he opened the door both asked how his day was and both kissed him. They said Master is here with Peanut Al came in and said Hi Master how are you then he went to peanut and gave her a hug. I told him I was very pleased with the way thing were going her and how the girls were under control. He said after last time I took both girls and had them tell me how many and both submitted without hesitation and have been a pleasure ever since with no problems. I said that was because you truly established your control a sign of a good master and I sad they are happy and well cared for I am very pleased with your growth. He said thank you Master I took what you said to heart and looked back at all the things you had thought me and went back to the beginning and started all over with them to let them know what I wanted and how they were expected to act and it worked very well because they did it of their own free will.
So Peanut and I left and on the way home Peanut asked master can I have a name like Katie and Beth I said sure do you have something you like she said no. Would you Name me please? I said let me think about it ok she said thank you Master. I told her Peanut when we are out from the farm call me Daddy she started crying I said what’s the matter she said I have all ways wanted to call you Daddy but I was afraid to ask. I said if you would like you can call me daddy all the time I think I would like that very much I do love you like a daughter. She slide over and hugged me and said yes my Daddy always my Daddy and we went home like that. When we got to the farm she ran off into the house and went to Consuela and told her about her day and what we had decided. I walked into the kitchen and Consuela walked up and hugged me and said Master you have one happy little girl on your hands and laughted I said where did she go? Consuela said I think she is going to try and get a mommy now she went looking for Amy. I said oh shit I did not even tell Amy about this it kind of just happened. Consuela said no you just got caught in her trap she was setting you up and she got you big time. I said that little shit then said I do love her so much. Consuela said she is on cloud 9 now she has her Daddy and is very happy little girl. As I headed to the TV room to watch the news here came Amy with Peanut in hand smiling I said what’s that look about Amy said she got her a Daddy today I said yes she did then said it was a trap she set up but now she is looking for a Mommy and laughed. Amy looked at her and said you little shit that’s what you are up to. I see it now girl I will get you So Peanut grabbed my leg and was laughing.
I went and sat down in my chair and Peanut climbed up into my lap and laid back and went to sleep wihle I was watching the news. Amy looked over and said she is so sweet. I said yes she is I love her little but.
A month later Abby came to me and said Master I think the girls are ready to go back to school again. I said all of them she said they are all very far along in training and if we drop off and pick them up they should be fine. I said I will call the Principle and set them up. I called him and he was a little nervous so I said do you have a new teacher that could catch them up in their classes before they go back to regular classes he said that is a great idea and yes I have the perfect teacher come in Monday and we will get them all set up. I told them you seen how well Melanie did after she came back they will be the same.
Amy and I went on Monday and worked out all the little things to get them back in school and to let their parents see them for the first time in over a month. Needless to say all the parents were blown away with how polite and pleasant all the girls where. The twins parents came up to me and thanked me and said I have no idea how you did it but we are so great full to see them so well behaved. I told them the girls have about another month to go but are doing very good after I found their little secret they are well behave because one controls the other. I said they are obedient and well behaved of their own free will. The father said we could not get them to do anything without arguing I said there will be no more of that then said Pam, Gen here position they both walked up and dropped into position there father said I never seen anything like that I said that is not all and said come with me and took them to the other side of the room all the other parents and girls were walking around and talking but Gen and Pam did not more or look up I left them there for an hour their Dad said I am blown away with your results it will be so nice to have my girls back instead of the little bitches that we had before I told him it was all Gen that caused the problem but she manipulated Pam at every turn. But no more and they both know we are only a call away. I walked in to the center of the room and said girls line up. They moved right away I said parents give your hugs and kisses then we need to go. The Principle said that was a well done all the parents are amazed with your work. Thank you for giving them a look at the girls I know you did not have to. I said the girls have worked hard and this is a reward for them as well.
I told him Amy will drop them off in the morning and pick them up at night. He said we will drop off and pickup by the gym. I said they will be controlled so you do not need to watch then he said how I said I have training methods that they will not try to fight. He said I leave that up to you. And we all went home. The next morning Amy stayed with the girls till lunch time then left them when they where settled in. When It was time to pick them up all but one was in the gym Amy got pissed and took the control and went into the school and pressed the button and heard a scream and ran to the girls bath room to find four girls beating up Peggy Amy unloaded on them and took them all down and called the principle. When he showed up He said they are the gang that controls the school Amy said go get my girls I will stay here. He went and got the girls and each girl was picked up by two of ours and loaded into the van Amy told the principle they are going with us and my girls will not be left a loan they will be teams from now on. He said very well I will let the teacher know. Back at the farm the bad girls where strapped to the wall gagged and blind folded stripped. Then Amy, Abby and Alice purged the girls and plugged them. Then they were put in cells. The next morning Amy took the girls to school, when she came back they took the new girls out and purged them again then bound them then feed them. Each was fitted with a control unit. The unit’s have made training a lot faster with better results.
After the girls heads cleared they stared to scream and raise all kinds of hell. Abby walk to the cells and told them to be quiet or they would pay the price. They said FU let us go Abby hit the hi button and all screamed then Abby said I am your Mistress and you will do as you are told or you will be punished.
They where mumbling and groaning. But quiet for the most part. I walked in to check on the new girls and asked Abby how were they she said they are full of themselves but they will come around. I told her she is doing a good job and make them jump the hoops Abby laughed and said yes Master I will. I went to the barn to check on the newlyweds and found Consuela’s son on the bush hog cutting the field and his new wife in the barn cleaning and fixing up their apartment. I looked around and the place was big but had nothing in it, I called Peter in from the field and said make a list of the things you need for your new home. I think we need to partition it and make more rooms there is a lot of space up there two make a nice home for you and Sunshine and I would make rooms for kids as well just in case he laughed and said yes Master we will get to work on it and thank you. I asked do you mind if I give Sunshine a job of her own? He said not at all she was saying she felt like she was lost without some thing to do. I told him I want her to help Abby with feeding and training the new girls as they come in would you be ok with that? He said I and fine and Sunshine will be very happy to help. I said I will talk to her and Abby. I am sure Abby will welcome the help to free her up so Alice and her can train the girls and get them feed as well. I went to talk to Sunshine and Peter was right she was very happy to get a new job so I went and talked to Abby and she hugged and kissed me saying thank you Master I was starting to get a little over whelmed with the amount we have to train and feed this will be a big help.
I called on of my friends down at city hall that did building planning and asked him to come out for a visit I needed a little help with a project. He said he was free over the weekend his wife was going to her sisters I said that is great. I told him I have a loft in my barn I need plans for a home for my help. He said I will come out Friday and we will get all the measurement and I will draw you up some plane. I said thanks see you then. Well Friday came and he was there around dinner time so we had a big dinner for him and we talked and drank till early in the morning. We all passed out I woke up in my recliner with peanut on my lap and he was on the couch. Consuela had coffee made and brought me and him a cup before breakfast and we got to work on measuring the loft. Peter was looking at me funny when I told him I was going to get this set up for him and Sunshine because of all the help they both did for me. So Bob asked do you have an office I can use to draw up the planes I said yes in the big house. We went to the house and Consuela had a nice lunch made for us then Bob went to work. In around two hours he had the floor plan and the material list done I said damn you don’t mess around. He said this is fun because I don’t have to deal with zoning BS and inspector’s just walls floors and ceilings.
I asked do you know any place I can get a good deal on the materials he said I just happen to have a contractor that needs my help he will get what you need and drop it off. I told him you are a life saver if there is anything I can help you with just let me know. He looked at me and said well I just so happen to need some of your special help. I said what special help. He said that he has a friend that has a pair of twins going to school with some of your girls and he told me how you took his bad assed daughters and turned them into sweet little angles. I said what two he said Pam and Jenifer. I asked so how can I help you? You don’t have kids. He said well my wife’s sister is a druggy and her daughter is a little street slut but my wife loves them. Her husband was killed in an accident so the Mom and Daughter are going to kill themselves if my wife and I do not take control. My wife was not happy when I told her sister could only come home with her if we had the both of them trained and straitened up. My wife said she was my salve when we were younger and she was always good but when we married and moved out she lost her way. My wife said she would love to have her as a salve again to keep her out of trouble.
I told Bob I think I can help you out with that but she will have to be with us for a minimum of two months because I break them of their fighting spirit and will then build their positive training to obey without hesitation and of their own free will. He said that will be perfect when can we start I said when can we get them? He said tonight if you don’t mind a little ride I said to a problem. Then a called Amy and said we have a pick up tonight to get everything ready she said yes Master. Bob looked at me and said I thought that was your new wife I said no she is my life slave and her mother is to he said what the hell. I said this is Amy last year and showed him her picture from DD he said no way I said yep and she was my first trainee but now she is completely trained and is in her own right a Master of training and slaves he said wow but you said she is your slave I said yes as she walked in I said position and Amy dropped he was standing there with his mouth open I said she does this of her own free will as well he said BS but Amy told him Master saved me from cretin death because I was a druggy and going down a bad road as was my Mother but now I have a purpose and am well taken care of so I give my selfe freely to my Master and my Mother dose to I seen Abby walking to the house I said Amy quiet about that time Abby opened the door and seen Amy and she dropped In front of me as well and said Yes Master I told the girls go on with what they were doing then told Abby we were going to get a Mother and daughter tonight that will need purging she said yes Master I will be ready when you bring them and I have the other girls going thought their first stages of training so we will just work them right in.
I asked Bob how soon do you think we can get the materials here he said around mid week I said cool I will set up a crew to work next week end Bob said he may have a crew as well if we can get a barbeque together I said that is easy to do. I called my friend from work and said I need a work crew and barbeque next weekend. He said how many I told him we are going to close in the loft for my farm helper and his new wife to make them an apartment he said not t problem I will call all the camp guys as well we will bring some trailers and work the weekend and get it done. I said that is great so I told bob and he said he will get with his guy later he is out fishing right now I said great. Wednesday all the materials showed up and some equipment and on Thursday a crew showed up to start all the framing in and plumbing and wiring. By Friday my friend showed up and the drywall and ceilings al went up on Saturday we painted everything till noon when the camp guys had a big barbeque for all the help I was great on Sunday morning we were putting up the lights and sinks and where all complete by noon. I thanked all my friend for their help and they left. This is how me giving my old camp payed off big time. I told Peter and Sunshine to bring Amy and Abby to the loft. When they got there I stopped them on the porch we made for them and opened the door and told Peter carry your bride across the threshold to your new house and we were all crying as we all followed them in a showed them their new home. It was four bedrooms with a living room full kitchen family room and den with a big front porch.
I told Amy to take Peter and Sunshine in to town tomorrow and get all the feriture they would need to fill the house. She said yes Master I will be very happy to. I told Bob it was time to get on the road and we would drop his car at DD and ride together. We got to the house and it was dark we get nervous but Bob’s wife came out and told us she gave them each one of her tranquilizers and they are ready to go. We loaded them up and dropped off Bob and his wife then took mom and daughter and stripped them then bound them with gages and blind folds. Tomorrow they would be hating life. At 5 am we got them up and purged both then plugged the Mom but left the daughter for later I love to break in the new girls. Later I took the daughter and purged her then took her to the table and started to prep her for a but plug I lubed and pumped one finger and she was moaning then added another and she was grunting and growing. I reached around and pinched her clit and she went off big time so I pulled out my fingers and pushed in a small plug and she went off again and passed out I had not had one pass out like that since I trained Amy. What a thrill it was to control someone like that. I got up and up her in her cell then left I felt like I needed a day out so I went to the house and found Peanut in class and said come with me. She jumped up and said yes Daddy what do you need? I said we need some fun time are you ready? She said oh yes daddy any time with you. While we were riding I looked at her and said you remember what you asked me the last time we were out she said yes daddy I asked you to name me but I thought you forgot I said never but I wanted something that fit you. I said what do you think of Angle? She looked up with tears in her eyes and said it is beautiful I Love it. I said ok my Angle what would you like to do today? She said anything you want Daddy as long as we are tighter.
I took her for ice cream then to the beach, then a park then lunch and by then we were beat so we headed home. When we got there she jumped out of the truck and took off running to the house. When I got there I could hear all kinds of noise coming from the kitchen and Angle was on the table dancing telling everyone her Daddy named her Angle today. They all clapped and cheered for her they were so happy for her. I told all the girls that I loved them all so don’t feel left out, but my little Peanut my Angle stole my heart because she was the runt of the litter and I have a soft spot for little ones.
Thursday morning I was setting in the TV room when Consuela called me saying there is a big truck outside. I went to see a big truck full of furniture for Peter and Sunshine’s home had arrived so I called all the girls and we went to the barn I told Sunshine to tell the girls were she wanted everything and we unloaded that truck in two hours. The guy laughs and said it took two days to load it. I said my girls don’t mess around. About that time Peter said what was that truck for I told him go see your home now. He just froze in the door way with tears in his eyes at how beautiful the house looked. I said welcome home Peter, welcome home. As we were walking out of the barn Amy was going to get the girls from school. When they got back I asked her any more problems and Pam came up to me and said Master it has gotten around the school that if you cause trouble you will disappear so all the kids are doing better in school and the teachers are so happy. So I asked Pam and how is Jen behaving and she grinned and pushed the button and Jen said yes Mistress I laugh out loud that was to funny. I looked at Jen and said Karma is a bitch isn’t it?
The first eight girls were ready to go back home so we had a graduation for them they all told me thank you Master then Pam walked up to me and asked Master I would like to commit of my own free will to be your life slave because you have truly saved me and my sister from jail or worst. I said you know what you are asking for she said yes Master and Amy helped me with my choice I said yes Pam I accept your request and told Amy lube please so Amy opened up a box with a little skunk tail in it I laugh and said you are a little stinker and we all laugh. Then Jen walked up and said Master I two would like to comit of my own free will and handed me a box She laid on my lap I opened the box and there was a grey wolf tail with a big plug on it I looked to Pam and she said ok so I lubed up Jen and started to pump a finger in and out and Pam was panting so I added another finger and Pam grabbed Amy’s shoulder and groaned so I added another finger and Pam was on the floor looking up to me so I pinched Jen’s nipple and Pam was sweating then reach down and rubbed Jen’s clit and Pam lost it she was panting and moaning and Cuming and Cuming some more so I pulled my fingers out and popped the tail plug in and Pam passed out in a puddle of her own making we all laugh. In ten minutes Pam was back with us and we loaded up the girls and headed to the school.
When we got to the Gym all the parents were there and the teachers and Principle all the girls got out and I said passion and they all dropped even mine. I walked to the parents and told them these girls are all trained and will be anything you want them to be but a word of causing to you all take good care of them and they will mind your every command. But be mean or vindictive to them and they will be mine and they know I am just a phone call away. They are your daughters but they will all ways be my slaves because I hold their leashes and they know I will care for them. I turned and said girls go to your parents and don’t let them have to call me or your asses will be mine they all turned to me and said Yes Master. They left with their families. All the teachers came up to me and thanked me for making their live so much easier. I told them we will pop in from time to time and check on their progress if you have any problem let Amy or I know and we will squash the problem. The principle asked how the other four were doing I said they will be back in school next week and you tell me. He said I can’t wait. Then he told me one of the girl’s parents will just abuse her if she is like these girls I said which one he told me so I told Amy to talk to her when we get back and maybe she won’t make it back. Amy went to talk to the girls when we returned to the house and found one of them had a dad that molested her every night since she was 6. I want to find out who this piece of work is and he will get a surprise. The girl was named Betty and she said she has two younger sisters that he has turned to since she is gone, I said oh really. I told her this weekend we are going hunting. She said her Mom got abused as well as all the kids that is why she is like she is. I said well time for a change. I don’t like animals that prey on kids or the weak.
Friday I got with peter and asked if he could help us and he was more than happy to. We left the house at 1 am with Betty showing the way we parked down the block and she lead us to the house and opened the door for us. Dad was in the girl’s room sleeping so I injected him he jumped but passed out quick we used chloroform on the two girls and the mom then Amy pulled to the back door and we loaded the family up. when we got to the farm we stripped them all bound and gagged then with blind folds I told Betty to put Mom and sisters in her cell but we strung Dad up on the cross bracer that was on wheels. The next morning I woke Betty up and said come with me. I took her to the cross and we rolled it to the purg spot I asked her you want to do him she smiled and said yes Master Please so she filled him up and he was screaming she stopped then soap then filled him till his belly was distended then we took the small plug with the handle and she plugged his ass hard he really screamed then I told her to go to Mom and her sisters and take the blind folds off and bring them here. She said Yes Master I pulled a bench over for them to set on for the show and told them to be quiet and that we were going to break him and Mom you will not like this but Betty and I are going to clean and train all of you. I have heard how this peace of shit has abused all of you so his will be the most fun to break. I said I have Medical training and will be checking all of you for damage then all of you will be slave trained. When your minds have be quieted and you accept the training we will fix your family and you will see a better future.
She shook her head she understood. I took her gag off and said listen to me and be quiet. I said are you a sub she looked confused so I said do you lead or do you do as you are told when confronted she said I am scared and will cower to control. I said you are a natural Sub then and this ass took advantage of you then rapped your Children and you could not do anything to help because of your nature. That is to your fault a lot of people are like that and don’t understand what’s wrong with them. They are by Nature Slaves to the will of others, you need someone to take control but not abuse you I will take that roll and you will see it is a lot different that your life now. I told her it is time to purge you it will clean you and will become part of your life you will look forward to then we will work with the girls, Betty is a Stronger girl and will be helping me don’t fight it it will be different but you will understand very soon.
I told Betty go unplug your dad then relieve him she walked over and twisted the plug then pulled it out he just groaned but nothing happened I said release him she lube a finger and bam shit every were when he was done I said fill and purge him again she said yes Master her Mom’s eyes got big and she said Master? I said yes I will be all of your Master and you will ask me to of your own free will, you know your daughter did it look like she was forced to do anything she said no this is so unlike her. I told her I have given her purpose and direction and she is happy now very happy. Mom said she looks happy I ssaid you will be just as happy you will see.
I pulled the pins on the cross and it folded over to stick his ass in the air so Betty filled him again and flushed him out then I told her get the mid size plug and a venerator. I went to get the vacuum pump. Betty lubed the venerator and started pushing it into her dad slowly then picked up speed and he was hard as a rock I told Betty to band his balls so she put a cock ring on him and started back with the venerator. He was groaning and sweating and his cock was purple so I told Betty to put the pump on his cock then release the cock ring he was losing his mind. I told Betty now plugged him and she just drove it home he came again harder when the prostate was stimulated and the pump just kept sucking him dry. I told Betty to wash him off and put the cock ring back on him then while he was so drained we took his limp body down and bound him ankles knees elbows and wrists. Now we feed him with the dog bowls like the old ways. Then I pulled out a collar and chained him to the center of the cell so he now knew he was a captive and he could not do shit.
I took mom to the post and told her to bend over I was going to purge her it is a part of your training ajd will happen every day from now on she looked down and said yes Master I said you are going to take to this very well. I had her moaning then cleaned her out then took her to a table and told her to lay on the table. I lubed a finger and started to go around her ass hole over and over she started to wiggle then I pushed my finger in and slowly started to pump her She was moaning and said oh god that is nice I told her it will get a lot better and stuck a second finger in and pumped her she was sweating and groaning then I reached around and rubbed her nipples and she came and was panting I then added a third and was speeding up and she was getting close again she said I have never felt like this I reached for her clit and rubber it in circles and she was moaning very load and gripping the table with white knuckles. So I pinched her clit and she exploded all over so I plugged her and she came again. She was laing on the table soaked in sweat and Panting she looked at me and said thank you Master that was the first time anyone has treated me like that and it was awesome I will do anything you ask of me if that is what you were talking about. I laugh and said that is how to treat a Sub, now if you don’t obey me you will get punished and you will count and thank me for your punishment. But abuse will never happen here by any one. I took the other girls and checked them out bother were torn because of their size but would heal with our help we then purged them both. I then had Betty feed all of them and back to the cell. Mom said Master will you teach my girls as well I told her all of you will be trained but the girls need to heal from the abuce the ass hole caused them first. So what I want you to do is comfort all of them even Betty because she needs to mentally heal as well as your girls this will make a strong bond for you all.
She said yes Master you are very kind to us and I will obey your commands and we will become a better family for it. I said you may end up here with us and not go back to your old life but your husband will be broken to be a little bitch slut slave to pay for his abuse to you and the girls. She just giggled and said thank you Master I will not miss that ass hole now with my girls safe. I told Abby what was going on and let her know Betty was going to break the ass hole. He was a abusive and a rapist to his family so Betty will that great pleasure in his discomfort. Abby said good for her I will help her make him miserable. I said he gets purged four times a day for a month and he will get the biggest plug we can find for his gay ass. He will become a little bitch ass slut and Abby cracked up with that. The next morning I come in to find him screaming and trying to hurt the girls Mom and the two little ones where huddled in the corner crying and Betty was pissed and yelling at him but all he wanted was to get to her. I said this is how you want this ok we will go down this path and you are going to lose. I will tell you this you will never leave her and will be Betty’s new Dog on a leash he said that BS that will never happen and I will kill you all. I turned and said ok tough guy now comes the fun. I went a got the cattle prod and came back Betty said what’s that Master he spun around and said Master you brain washed her I said no ass hole she is just trained to respect me. You will be calling her Master in the future and laugh.
I walked to the cell and held the prod out and he grabbed it thinking he was going to get a weapon but all he got was the shit knocked out of him and fell back wards yelling what the hell is that I said you new training device. I backed him into the corner till he had no more chain and hit him again every time he moved I hit him he was begging me to stop and I hit him again then a said Betty unchain him from the pole and walk him out of the house. We went to the back of the barn and there was the old cages I set one up and had a pole in the middle and we chained him to the pole and I said this is your new home. I put a barrel in there and Betty had his food and water. I told him now you want to act like an animal you get treated like one you will get no contact for two days now. Make your food and water last. And Betty and I went to the outhouse to calm down mom and the girls. Penny was the little one and Angela was the next one Mom was Dorothy. I went to Penny and said come on Baby I need to treat your damaged parts she was scared but Dorothy said go on baby he will not hurt you I will be right here. She got on the table with sturips and I opened her up to see tears everywhere so I carefully applied ointment to her and she relaxed and said that feels lots better the ointment had a topical in it to numb the soreness and help heal I did the same to Angela but her ass was as torn up as her cunt so I took extra time to care for her this guy was an animal to these kids and showed then no care or concern for their health.
Next I put Dorothy up on the table and checked her, her ass was split and her cunt was cut I asked what did he do to you she looked down and said Master he would tie me to the bed beat my ass then fuck me with his fist and a mop handle. That is why he abused the girls he said I was too big for him and only deserved what I got. I was pissed and she could see it. I said no one deserves this kind of treatment and you are a beautiful woman with beautiful girls and will find out what true love is. He on the other hand is going to the Skin Peddler for slavery. He will never hurt any of you again. I told Betty we need to change your new pet he is going away forever. She said thank you Master I would train him like you said but I hate his ass for all he has done to us. I said go see Amy and tell her to pull the van behind the barn and get a dress for you. She said ok Master right away. I walked to the barn as Amy pulled the van around then went to the cage with the prod and got him out I hit him with the prod and tied his hands and feet together Peter came around the barn at that time and I had him help put him in the van. I told Betty to get in and we headed for Miami when we got ot the docks I took Betty and told her stand behind me and hold my belt loop and do not look up but stay right with me. She said yes Master I found the peddler and he asked is she the one you have I said no he is in the back of the van but she needs to see him gone from her life he is aggressive and cruel he laugh and said good I need some entertainment. I said he is plugged and bound. He laughs even harder and said just wait here and his men went with a pole and hauled him up like a fresh kill on the pole and carried him to the ship. The peddler said follow me and we walked to the hold and they opened the door and unbound him then tossed him in a big black guy walked up and said come with me hunny you are my new wife he yelled no and the big guy back handed him then two guys bent him over and he pulled out the plug and said you won’t need this then dropped his pants and he had a 12 inch cock on him and he stuffed it up his ass in one slam. He screamed and yelled the black guy said I like them feisty now bitch come to daddy. Betty was holding my loops hugging me and was laughing so hard I thought I would have to carry her the peddler said he is only worth a grand I said he is your present no charge he will deserve all he gets and we left. When we got to the van Betty said Master you made my heart hurt from laughing I am so happy that ass hole is gone but I will be yours forever. I said you need to get back to school and all the other girls are ready so in a week if your sisters are ready we will send them back but you all come to the farm every night.
She said yes Master and I will make you very proud of me. I called the principle and said the girls were coming back tomorrow to get them set up and send them home with catch up work. He said he would take care of it. The girls where nervous but we got there and the teachers welcomed them back with open arms. The principle said what about Betty are her parents going to be ok with this. I said Mom is happy to see her back and her sisters will be going back next week. But the Dad is on a long trip so he will not be a problem. He said boy you take care of everything I said I am just glad you told us about the shit she was in all the girls in that family where abused and mistreated I have them all with me. He said that is good to know.
Well a month later and all the girls are back with their families and doing very well and strait A students as well. Betty did me proud and has helped her sisters to become very good students. Dorothy is now part of the staff and the girls are helping with the teaching of all the girls. And all are doing strait A work. We have registered to be a home school class and my little teacher is in her second year of college. All the girls have passed their GEDs and are very happy here. Things are going good, it slowed down some after the bad girls left but the whole school is aware if you go bad you will disappear and come back a better person so the kids all behave at that school.
Oh Amy and I married last year and we have a baby boy Dorothy is the nanny and Peter and Sunshine have twins a boy and girl and are beautiful. I still visit the school and see Al at DD for coffee now and then and his girls are both pregnant and glowing. It is funny how a druggy girl all started this and we have a big ranch now and most of the house girls train horses to make money. Two have married and we still train the wayward girl when we find them. But all I can say is life is good to me and all my girls are very well mannered.
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