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this is a work of fiction
The following is a work of fiction. Both the names and the characters are fiction. There is no connection to anyone, living or deceased. This is intended to be an erotic work of literature, valuable to the reader as a story that one might enjoy reading, nothing more., when he

Part 1
21 year old Alex Kramer was so wet, that her new husbands erect penis entered her fully with his first strong thrust! We had already fucked twice!
“Wait, wait, stop, Sam” I almost yelled. “Did I hurt you Honey?” Sam Kramer asked, anxiously.
“No Hon” I replied a little breathlessly, “I just want to lay here with you inside me for two minutes, and enjoy the feeling, that glorious feeling of having your big penis inside me!” Smiling smugly, Sam continued to fuck his new bride with long slow stroke, knowing he could keep this up this slow pace for another twenty minutes without coming.

But I had discovered Sam this way of riding high on me, rubbing his penis up against my clit, and when he thrust into me, his penis rubs over my poor clit, and it is driving me bonkers! It’s like having mini orgasms, bang-bang-bang, a string of damn firecrackers. With an unusual feat of strength, I pushed Sam away from me.

“Give me a break you cock hound!” “You want to kill your new bride on only her fifth night as Mrs. Samuel Kramer?” “Sorry darling, you just have no idea how very lovely and sexy you are right now!” Sam said, grinning: Why your left breast alone is to die for.”

Do you realize that my tender clit has been beaten, sucked, nipped, tickled, rubbed and stimulated far more in just five days, than in all my years of masturbating----since I was eight years old!”
“Come on Stud, let me on top for a while, and give my poor clit a break.”

“Well, in the first place, I dearly love your clit, reminds me of a little soldier, standing at attention!” “But Oh God, honey, I love you.” He said. “Do you realize you have more nerve endings in your clitoris, than anywhere else in your body?” I nodded a thank you.

“This is what I get for marrying a med student.” I said, grinning at him. “And to think that I was afraid your penis would be too big for me ,to fit inside me, Wow!”
“Of course, I can feel you pushing on my lungs when we fuck, but that’s Okay, love it Darling mine, I really do!”
The two of us often made lazy love. There were so many positions, most we could do—with vigor. But some were too off base, strained our muscles to do them. We never tried them a second time. When we’re tired, we fuck side by side, with my leg thrown over his hip. Another high favorite is “Ride em cowboy”, it’s a position where I can relax, yet his penis goes in deeper than almost any other position, so I enjoy maximum penetration.

I enjoy sexual pleasures, that’s what a girl is designed for! I like positions were we are face to face, so we can see each other, talk dirty.”
I like to act our fantasies, and now, I have converted Sam to them. Sometimes it is about pretending it’s our very first time, I’m still a pure virgin. That was four years ago, when I was just fifteen years old, still had my cherry!

I was telling Sam, “I appreciate it that you understand I don’t always have an orgasm when you come inside me.”
“It’s just that I love that warm feeling of you coming.” “Often I can feel the head of your penis pressed tightly up against my cervix, and when you shoot your load, it shoots right into my uterus.”
“You know, Hon, if I lay really still when you come, I can fell so many things, like I can feel your penis pulsing, like it‘s pumping your semen into me.”

“You know, Alex,” he said, “How many kids do you want?” Looking at him, I asked, “Well how many do you want, within reason?”
“Five, I would love to have five of the little rascals!” he replied with no hesitation. “Jeeeze Sam, can we at least space them out, like one a year?” “The way you’ve been fucking me, filling my uterus with your hot semen, I feel like you’ve gotten me pregnant twenty-two times already, and it’s only Wednesday!”

“Got to keep my baby happy.” He said. Hitting his muscled chest, I replied, “Tell you what daddy, we’ll have four kids, now isn’t that for meeting you half way” I said, getting up to go pee.
I like your math Sweet lips, four it is then.” “That’s settled, now let’s fuck!” He pulled me back on our rumpled bed. This time when he came, it was violent. I like it either way, but to tell the truth, I love it when Sam fucks my brains out, and we both drip with sweat

Four short years passed, so quickly I couldn’t believe it, probably because we have so much fun! The sex has slowed down, a little. But Sam is quite capable of keeping that silly grin on my face daily! And I still howl when I come!

There is much to be happy and satisfied about. Sam finished his residency, and joined a family practice. We bought a nice house with a swimming pool. And it’s out in the country pretty much, where we have three acres, Lots of privacy much of our property goes back into the trees.

There was disappointment too. We learned that I can never have children, I have scarring on my fallopian tubes. It seems so final! Our four babies will never be born.
Oh, we checked into artificial insemination. It would cost right around $100,000. And with no guarantee of success. That’s expensive, and with our house payment and med student loan, well. Second, I would undergo a series of hormonal injections that would knock me for a loop and turn me into a real bitch.

But Sam and I are too much in love to think negative, it’s not our style. My life seems to be perfect, Sam too, after all, he has me! Marriage can be lots of fun, as long as you fuck every night without fail. Hard to be mad when you’re fucking! Sam always seems to be close behind me, grabbing at my firm little butt. And every time he is able to catch me, we fuck like bunnys!
This evening, after a sweaty lovemaking, we kissed, a long deep kiss, the kind that makes you want to fuck! Which is exactly what Sam wants. He knows all my buttons, including my clit! “Hey darling, got good news for you, it will curl your toes. Great news!”

“Well, tell me already” “Not now Honey, maybe after dinner tomorrow would be a better time.”
“What’s the holdup”, I asked, exasperated," Are you translating it into Latin?”
“Patience is a virtue, Honey” he said with a glint in his eyes—he was laughing at me, I knew it! He danced out of the way, of a mean body blow with my little fist.
We finally compromised, while making love that morning, and he told me at breakfast—actually I threatened to break his arm!
“Ran into Alan Templeton yesterday. He’s just back from a year’s internship in Hawaii. You remember him, don’t you, he was at our wedding.”
”Yeah Honey, I remember, was thinking about him this morning while we were making love. Handsome dude, killer body, green eyes that undress you, yeah, sure, I remember him!”
“Okay, I deserve that he answered with a grin. “Anyhow ran into Alan at the hospital. While he was in the islands, just last month, he ran across an interesting situation, thought sure we’d be interested.
Unconsciously I was rubbing my nipple under my T without realizing what I was doing. I do that a lot. Sam lost his train of thought for a minute. “Where was I?”
“Killer green eyes” I said. “Okay , yeah, anyhow seems there was a really bad accident and two people were killed.”
“He was in the navy, his wife, I guess was part Hawaiian.”

“They have--had three children, two girls and a boy. Very sad case, no known relatives, and they have been approved for adoption.”
“The youngsters are with Catholic charities now.” . Alan met the two girls, said they are real beautiful girls.”
. ”And the Catholic Charities will only allow adoption for both together, and only to catholic parents.

I promptly got up and left the room. “:Jeeze thought Sam, as he hurried after me into the kitchen. “Didn’t know that would piss you off Honey.” He caught up to me as I was thumbing through the phone book.
What’s going on in that cute little body of yours” he asked, keeping his distance. “I’m making airline reservations.” “We’re going to Hawaii!” “ And Sweetheart,” I cooed, “We’ll need our Baptism and Confirmation certificates.”

“But Honeybun, we’re not even good Catholics.” “Hell, we haven’t been to mass since that wedding three, four years ago.” “The good nuns at Catholic Charities don’t know that, do they?”
Hawaii, was, as always music and romance, at least it was on the out islands. We had our first interview, our first meet with the girls. I had the feeling we had spent so much effort in thinking what our girls would be like.” I mean I had in my mind what I really hoped they would be.” I was even worried my expectations would be too high. “Maybe they would be short, squat and ugly?”
The girls, both of them exceeded our highest expectations by about 1,000 percent. The first thing that struck us was that when they are just watching or listening, their normal look is a smile, always! They laugh at the blink of an eye, I liked that.

Many girls that age are so uptight about touching, but as they sat next to us, they constantly touched my arm, hand or knee, whatever, as they talked. The older one would even grab my hand to make a point.

Even at this age, they both had exotically beautiful Hawaiian faces. They were also well mannered, intelligent, and thoughtful. It seems they has been enrolled in an exclusive Catholic school. The girls were well informed with the world about them, and had their own opinions. We were surprised when Kara, the older one, expressed her hope of being a doctor someday. We had not divulged to them that Sam was a physician. Ashley told us she wants to get married and have lots of babies.

They were very much relaxed at our first meeting, even more than us. We realized, they didn’t seem to mind being interviewed. I grabbed Sam’s arm, and whispered, “We just have to adopt them Honey!” Both girls are quite beautiful. Both of them are on the slim side, but obviously strong and fit.

The good nun was obviously delighted that we seemed to be very good prospects as parents, and should be able to qualify. She told us several had wanted to adopt the girls, but not the infant. This was probably because he was sickly.

We saw little Adam, who also had a wonderful smile, and he would grab everything within reach.
Sam called the Administrator at his hospital, and made arrangements for the infant to be examined when we returned. We started proceedings for adoption, filling out what seemedlike endless forms, and answering hundreds of questions.

Sam had checked us into the Royal Lahana Hotel for a week. We felt why not make it a vacation, as long as we were here. Over the week, we made love everywhere except the beach. Been there once before, done that, very sandy!

We spent hours with the girls every day, talking and listening, having fun. We told the girls about Colorado, and how high the mountains are. Told them they were higher even than Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, but
they don’t think that is true. Sam and I already think of them as our daughters. We love them already.

It turned out to be two weeks before we walked out the front door hand in hand with Kara and Ashley! Sam and I could not be happier. The kids are both excited about the plane flight, I think they already consider themselves part of our family. Sam hired a nurse to travel with us to look after little Adam.

Over the next months, actually a year, the girls just fit right into our lives and home and our hearts. I was pleased to realize the wonderful discoveries of being a mother, but without the stinky diapers. There were lots of hugs, and good night kisses, a lot of tender moments together. “I love you” became a popular phrase, exchanged constantly. We enrolled Ashley and Kara at a popular Catholic grade school. It just seemed so right, to have kids running about the house and yard. I would tell them to go outside and not to come in unless they were bleeding!

Each of them have their own bedroom, and share a bath. but they insisted on staying in the same bedroom, So Sam and the yard man moved one big bed into the girls room, It is large enough for two beds. They were estatic when they saw the pool, seems they had gone swimming almost every day in Hawaii, they were curious about the hot tub, the first they had see it.

The first time Sam suggested we go swimming, the girls tore out of the house, shedding their clothes as they ran, which was quite a feat. We were astonished when they both jumped in completely naked. This first time, Sam and I wore swim suits, as we didn’t want to frighten them. It was a waste of effort as it turned out. Two hours later, we were ready to get out. We were hungry.

Before the girls had a chance to grab a towel, we started rubbing and patting them dry with our towels. This gave us our first opportunity for a quick visual exam of our new daughters.
They talked not stop as we dried them. Both had well defined bodies, lean with very little baby fat. Ashley was just delightful, as her breasts are gentle swellings, with large nipples. Kara was tall for her age,
, her breast were already the size of half a peach. Her nipples were small, the size of a dime. She had long vaginal lips, which already had a soft curve to them, much Ashley.. Neither of them minded in the least that we looked at their bodies, and touched them while they were naked.

Of course both of them insisted we get into the hot tub Sam removed the cover. Sort of curious, they watched us peel off our swim suits, and naked we stepped in.
As we settled in, relaxed with the warm water, the girls couldn’t stop talking about the pool. At one point, Kara reached over, surprising me, and cupped my small breast with her hand, “You have beautiful breasts mommy” she said, as she stroked it, testing the firmness and softness. She touched my nipple with her finger tips, and giggled when it became hard. She cupped my breast again in her hand and looked up at me, and said, “Why did your nipple get hard like that when I touched it?”

“Well I said, as you get older, and your breasts develop, you will find that when a boyfriend, or even a girlfriend touches your nipples, you feel it as sexual pleasure, and your nipples become erect. It’s because it’s a sexual reaction, sort of like when Sam touches my nipples they get hard, because he is my sexual partner. Kara reached up and rubber her own nipple, “Nope, nothing yet.” She said.

Wintertime was not real cold, but no swimming pool time. We used the hot tub almost daily. It gave us time to talk about personal things. For example, Kara accidentally put her hand on Sam’s penis. But instead of yanking it back, like most girls would, she felt it, felt it’s thickness and length.
“That’s your penis isn’t it? She asked.

“Yes I said, girls have a vagina, boys have a penis. Of course, Ashley scooted over next to me and felt him too. “It’s heavy, daddy, and it’s so nice and soft, isn’t it” she said. With them both touching and feeling my penis, I started to become erect. Kara noticed it first. Your penis is changing, Daddy, it’s getting hard. She put her other hand down, now grasping me with both hands.
“Wow” she said, ”you’re getting long.” “Why is it changing like that Daddy?”

It seemed like an opportunity to tell them more than they now knew, which was just the basics. So I took over.
“It’s for making love”, I said, “When your boyfriend and you want to make love, you kiss, and touch each other, naturally you hold his penis, fondle it, and perhaps even kiss it, making it hard. While this is happening, your vagina will become wet and slippery. Here Kara interrupted, “That happened to me one day when I was staring at one of the cute boys in my class. I thought maybe I wet myself, so I went to the girls room”.

The reason your vagina became slippery is because when you make love, you lay on the bed, and spread your legs, perhaps with your knees up. Your boyfriend will lay over you, and slide his hard penis into your vagina.

“But daddy, your penis is too big to fit inside me”, said Ashley. “It will feel big, and you’ll be wondering how in the world will you will fit that big penis in your little vagina?” “The answer my Love, is that your vagina can stretch, to accept even a very large erect penis, just as long as you spend enough time to make yourself ready.
“Well I still think it would hurt if a boy with a penis as big as yours, tried to put it in me”.

“What about me Daddy”, asked Kara, still holding me firmly. Would a penis even as big as yours fit inside me?” She asked. “Yes, it would, Honey, if I was gentle, and entered you slowly.” “ I know”, said Kara. “That’s where me being slippery makes it so much easier for you to go inside me!”” Kara said.

“Does it feel good, when you make love?” she asked. “Oh yes Darling, it feels wonderful, even more than that.” I said,
“Your daddy will sort of pump his hard penis in and out of you for a long time, until he ejaculates, he squirts his semen inside your vagina. That’s his male seed he’s putting in you, so maybe you will become pregnant!”

“But my vagina never feels good or happy.” said Kara. “It will, as you get older.” I said.
The girls had been begging us to let them go topless. Sam and I had talked about it, and why not? Both the girls claimed that young girls in Hawaii did it all the time! I told the girls that they had to wear shorts, with briefs, and Keds. They quickly peeled off their T’s, and gave us both big hugs and said thank-you over and over.
But still, it was a new experience for us.

It was even stranger, at the dinner table in the evening. Sitting across from the girls, Sam felt as though he had two pairs of breasts staring at him. He found it strange, and I knew why, he had a hard on!

That night, during our after-fuck pillow talk, we both wondered where to head next as far as sex education was concerned. We had agreed we would do this together, and not just one parent trying to do it alone.

I snuggled closer. “You know what I think?” I whispered, “I think we should bring the girls in one at a time, starting with Kara”. “Have her in bed, where she will be warm and comfortable.” “Then we both give her instructions on masturbating, telling her how it’s done.”

I continued, “When that’s done, perhaps one of us should masturbate Kara to orgasm.”
“I think masturbation is important for a girl” I said. We should “I think you’re right Alex.” He said “Maybe having her in bed with us is a good idea, Let’s put her between us, that way our bodies will be touching, I think that’s important.” He whispered, "between us, she will feel our sexual desire, and she will pick up on it.” “I think it will create a sexual urge in Kara, making it easier for her to reach a climax.”

“Another thing, we should make certain she has enough sexual stimulation during masturbation, so her orgasm will rattle every window in the house!”
“One more detail”, I said, “You should be the one to touch her, Sam, masturbate her, bring her to a climax, I think you being a man will make a huge difference to her.” “I’d even bet if we asked her she would choose you!” “Well hell”, Said Sam, “When she’s here in bed with us, we’ll let her choose?” I grinned. “We have a plan!” I said


Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-11-02 18:12:19
Wonderful story!

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