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Romance with a black man, lust with his father.
Author’s note: This part of series involving fictional former Playboy Playmates. They are all sisters and will each have two stories – the first one will be interracial, the second will be incest. A few of these sisters are introduced in my other story: The Challenge 4. It’s not necessary to read that story but you may think it’s neat to learn a few things about them from it.

This story takes place almost a year or so after part one in the series and begins in September (when part 3 ends).

Editing thanks go to Todger65.

Former Playboy Playmates Pt. 04: Julianne’s Depression

Chapter 1

It was 11:30am on a September Saturday morning. Julianne, like always, didn’t want to get out of bed. Luckily, her job as a data entry clerk at the hospital didn’t require her to work weekends. She didn’t like the job all that much, but was thankful she didn’t have to deal with people. Ever since “it” happened a few years ago, talking, working with, and being around people was the last thing she wanted to do. She gladly stepped down as a patient billing manager for something with less pay, if it meant far fewer encounters with people.

Julianne sighed, pulling the covers off her body, yawning, stretching, and making her way to the kitchen. She poured herself some coffee from yesterday morning, not bothering to make a new batch, warming it up in the microwave, not caring.

Plopping down on the couch, Julianne stared blankly out the front window of her home, focusing on nothing, not even noticing the kids riding their bikes on the sidewalk. She sniffed, sipping her coffee, yawning once more. She had to go to the grocery store in a little while. She had been putting it off as much as possible, her need for food growing too large to procrastinate any longer. She hoped she wouldn’t run into anyone she knew, cursing herself for not going near closing time when hardly any customers were there. The previous night she fell asleep earlier than her usual 10pm bedtime, missing her window of opportunity.

Not bothering to bathe or change out of her sweatpants, she adjusted her blonde bangs in the mirror, pulled her hair back in a pony tail, grabbed one of her son’s old flannel button-up shirts, throwing it over her tank top, and made her way to the grocery store.

Julianne was fairly fidgety, walking down each aisle, attempting to hurry up so she wouldn’t run into someone she knew. The last thing she wanted to deal with was someone asking her how she was doing since the divorce, or worse, if she was seeing anyone. The answers were horrible and no. She was miserable.

Her ex ruined everything. They were going to buy a boat and sail it all the way to Texas, across the Gulf of Mexico; they were going to retire and move somewhere new and different, they had all these wonderful plans that he ruined. Then “it” happened. When Julianne saw him standing behind a naked, six foot tall Puerto Rican woman, slapping her ass, slamming his hips into her, screaming her name, “Fernanda!” she knew all their plans and their life together would end.

She was crushed. This man fathered their two children, paid for her college education, helped her land a photo shoot with Playboy magazine, and loved her – or so she thought.

Julianne flung some random bread into her cart, not paying attention to the name brand or price. She moved to the next aisle, grabbing several canned pasta meals she could easily heat up to eat. She made her way to the frozen food aisle, grabbing random microwavable meals, only caring and paying enough attention to avoid getting anything with chicken in it.

She made her way to the next aisle, reminding herself to take her medication. She was looking at bananas, choosing some that weren’t too green, looking forward to getting back to bed to resume her weekend activity of sleeping when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Oh crap,” she said to herself, “Please don’t be someone I know. Maybe I should’ve waited till tonight to come here.”

Julianne slowly turned around and saw a man’s chest at eye level. She blinked a few times, arching her neck, peering up at an immensely large African-American. He was at least a foot taller than her and was smiling politely.

“Hi, I think I know you, but I’m not sure,” He chuckled.

“Oh. Alright,” Julianne said flatly, thinking that he looked familiar but couldn’t place him.

“I recently moved back to Tampa and I think I know you from my younger years,” He said.

Julianne nodded, “Um, ok,” her neck still arched. The man backed away a little bit.

“I think I went to high school with your nieces. Do you have a few sisters? Diane, Stephanie, and – ”

“I do, yes.” Julianne unintentionally cut him off.

“Well then I think you’re Tiffanie? No, Alyssa?” He cocked his head to the side after naming Julianne’s youngest sisters. The 43 year old blushed, shaking her head.

“I’m Julianne,” She replied.

“Oh! I remember now! Sorry,” He said. “I’m TJ. Like I said, I went to school with your nieces. I lived next door to them with my father, Tony, and my stepmom for a little while.”

“Yes, TJ, I remember you,” Julianne blushed again, looking away, thinking how horrible she must look in sweat pants.

“You look great,” TJ said. Julianne’s mouth dropped.

“Um, thank you,” she said in disbelief. “So do you.”

“Listen, I’m still relearning my way around Tampa after being away for 15 years or so. There are a lot of new places to see. If you don’t have plans tonight, can I take you to dinner and we can ride around some?” TJ asked.

“Tonight? I don’t know,” Julianne said, looking to the side, pushing a lock of shoulder-length blonde hair behind her ear.

“You sure? Maybe you could recommend a new restaurant and after we eat we can ride around. Just something to do,” TJ explained.

Julianne was still in shock, wondering if this was a date, or just a friend from long ago wanting to hang out. She didn’t know and didn’t care, “Yes, that’d be great.”

“Wonderful. Do you still live in the same house, next to my father’s?”

“I do, yes,” Julianne nodded.

“Great, I’ll pick you up at 6pm tonight,” TJ smiled at her, their eyes making contact as he left. She watched him make his way to the checkout line, noticing his long legs, muscular butt covered by gym shorts.

Julianne shrugged, finishing her grocery shopping. She didn’t go back to bed when she got home.

Chapter 2

TJ arrived at 6pm sharp, complimented Julianne on her outfit, and led the way to the restaurant she suggested. She was surprised by his compliments; she was wearing a black tank top and khaki skirt – nothing overtly sexy. Anything resembling lingerie or sexy clothes she had long since gotten rid of. On the way to the restaurant she couldn’t help by glance over at TJ. He was wearing a button up dress shirt and khaki pants. Julianne quickly shook her head, noticing how huge his bicep was, and turned to look out the passenger side window.


“It was really nice running into you today. I don’t know many folks around, other than my father and step-family,” TJ said, cutting a slice of steak. “Normally I work on Saturdays too.”

“Yeah, it was nice,” Julianne smiled awkwardly. “So what do you do?” she asked, clearing her throat.

“Well I was a police officer in Atlanta for several years. I was able to get on board with the department here in Tampa earlier this year so I’m thankful for that,” TJ explained.

“What about you? You’ve been quiet,” TJ smiled, “What do you do?”

“Oh, well, I do data entry at a hospital nearby. I was in the finance department, but needed to make a change,” Julianne said.

“I see. Well nothing wrong with that,” TJ added, eating his steak. “So do you see my father much?”

“No, no I don’t,” Julianne shook her head.

“Yeah me neither. He and I haven’t always gotten along. I see him occasionally, but it’s mostly to check on my stepmom. She’s a great lady. I fear he doesn’t treat her too well,” TJ said.

“Oh? How so?”

“Well he’s been a bit of a flirt and womanizer over the years. I try to mind my own business, but I have to be sure he’s not abusing her. Not that he would, but who knows.”

Finishing his tea, TJ continued, “She’s been great to me and I pop in every once in awhile to check on her, run errands for her, or fix things around the house.”

“That’s very nice of you,” Julianne said, feeling slightly at ease, knowing she was with this nice police officer, one who was so kind to his stepmom. She gave a half smile, a genuine one, not a fake smile that she normally gives. She watched him eat, noticing how large he was.

“So where are you staying?” She asked.

“I’m in an apartment complex a few miles from your neighborhood. It’s nice, not far from the precinct office either.”

“You have children, right?” TJ asked.

“Yes, two. My daughter lives in Atlanta actually and my son lives here across town. They are younger than my nieces so you probably didn’t hang out with them too much,” Julianne explained, hoping he wouldn’t ask many more questions about them. She hardly spoke to them after her depression manifested. She used to be much closer with her son. He was probably in bed with a woman across town, having far better things to do than to check on his mother.

“No, I didn’t. Just Sandee and Valerie,” TJ replied, a brief flash of the two high school students removing their tops, kissing the fellow classmate, TJ, at the same time, leading to hours of foreplay and sex. “That was a long time ago, but we were good friends in school.”

After their meal, TJ opened the passenger side door for Julianne, smiling at her. She soon found herself talking more than she had since “it” happened – that fateful night she caught her ex-husband in the act. She was telling TJ where to go around town to see new sights and explained new shopping center, new roads, new places to go that have developed in the last 15 odd years since TJ last lived in Tampa.
When they arrived at her home after an hour or so, thoughts of her loneliness came flooding back. She would be alone again in her bed, sleeping as much as possible, back to her regular routine.
“What you like to come in?” Julianne nearly blurted out to TJ.

“Uh, sure. That’d be great,” He replied, chuckling at her urgency.

After pouring him a glass of water, joining him on the couch, they chatted a bit more. “Yeah looks about like I remember from my teen years,” TJ noted.

“Yeah, the furniture is different. But other than that things are pretty similar. I was lucky to be able to move in,” Julianne said, cutting herself off, realizing she might have opened a can of worms.

“Why’s that?” TJ asked.

“Oh, well, I got divorced and my sister Diane was moving to Charleston. Things just worked out to allow me to move in,” Julianne explained, hoping TJ wouldn’t ask more questions about the divorce.

“I see. Yes that is good and I’m sorry about your divorce,” TJ nodded.

“Thanks,” she replied, taking a sip of her own water.

TJ looked around, glancing to the windows to his right, “I had forgotten how close the houses were to each other on this street. I can see right into my father’s house almost.”

“Is he around? If so, feel free to go over and say hello,” Julianne said.

“No, no, that’s fine. He’s probably not home now anyway. He works very late, or so he says,” TJ explained, a slight tone of disbelief in his voice.

“Yeah,” Julianne said, standing up, walking to the kitchen behind them, “I don’t see much of him. I go to bed pretty early and am at work most of the day, so that’s why.”

“I see,” TJ said, turning around, watching Julianne at the kitchen sink, cleaning her glass. He stood and walked toward her.

“I haven’t seen Joanne in a long time either,” She said, referring to TJ’s stepmom. “She has children that still live there right?” Julianne asked, not paying attention to TJ’s position in the kitchen.

“She does,” He whispered from directly behind her, startling her slightly. Julianne’s eyes widened when she felt his large, black hand slide around her curved waist, coming to rest on her flat stomach.

Chapter 3

“I have a confession to make,” TJ admitted, still whispering in her ear, his hand gently caressing her stomach. “I know my way around fairly well. As a police officer, I have to. To be honest, I wanted to treat you to dinner, spend some time with you, and see where things went.”

Julianne gulped, raising her head to look out the window behind the kitchen sink, she had a perfect view of Tony’s back yard. “You, you did?” she stammered.

“I did. I would like to spend the night if that’s ok with you. Are you ok with things going there?” TJ asked, breathing in her scent, his nose in her thick blonde hair.

She gulped once more. It had been almost a year since Julianne had sex. Her sister Stephanie was visiting her and one of her friend’s picked her up on the way back from Miami. He stayed the night, there was wine, and one thing led to another. She had no regrets, but on this night with TJ, she was completely sober and very nervous.

“TJ, I don’t know,” Julianne said, closing her eyes, feeling his breath on her neck.

“We don’t have to do anything. I can leave. I just think you are lovely and would love to spend the night with you,” TJ said, gently kissing her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Julianne nodded, slowly turning around to face him. She lowered her eyes, unsure of what to do, figuring she should take her shirt off. Looking to her stomach, she hooked her fingers beneath her top and began to pull it up.
TJ stopped her, grabbing her wrists, just as her hands had pulled her top up over her large breasts, covering her face in the process. He held her arms in place, her top obscuring her view. He pulled her bra down, revealing a nipple. She moaned softly when she felt TJ’s tongue flick against her nipple, his hand grabbing her large breast. She moaned again when she felt him kiss around her breast flesh, up her neck, her jaw line, and finally her lips. He released her hands, letting her remove the rest of her shirt, but she just stood there, kissing his full lips, savoring the feel of them against her own.

Julianne finally came to, realizing her shirt was still covering most of her head, with her arms in the air. She removed it, letting the top fall to the kitchen floor, and then unclasped her bra, letting it fall too. She slid her arms around TJ’s broad shoulders, continuously kissing him, her tongue occasionally meeting his. His hands rested on her bare back, slowly moving up and down her body.

“Where’s your bedroom?” He asked.

“Last door on the right,” Julianne nodded in the direction of her hallway. TJ picked her up, carrying her down the hall.

Sitting her gently down at the foot of the bed, they resumed kissing, TJ unbuttoning his shirt as they did. Julianne broke the kiss, looking over TJ’s chest and stomach, slowly reaching out to touch it. She nearly gasped when her hand reached his dark chocolate colored flesh. She wanted to kiss his entire body, but TJ had other ideas.

He quickly shed the rest of his shirt, unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down along with his boxers. Julianne’s eyes widened with shock when she saw his massive member. She instinctually wanted to go to her knees before him, but was able unable to. TJ grabbed her face once more, covering her mouth with his, reaching around her back to unzip her skirt, assisting her with sliding it down. His hands gripped her ass for a moment before sliding her bikini bottom panties down to her knees, allowing Julianne to step out of them, their mouths never leaving each other’s.

TJ guided her onto her back on the mattress behind her. Hovering over her, he pushed her legs apart, sliding his hand up her thigh, over her knee, his massive cockhead resting on her lower stomach, kissing her neck.

Julianne moaned, running her fingers up and down his muscular back, locking her feet around his equally muscular butt, guiding him in.

“Oh TJ,” She whimpered, feeling him enter her, stretching her soaking wet pussy. He said nothing, continuously kissing her neck, her head turned to the side, offering it to him. “All the way in,” she whispered to him. She felt his long shaft seemingly take minutes to make its way all to the entrance of her cervix.

“Ahhh, yes,” TJ moaned, holding still when he reached his destination. “You feel so good, so tight,” he looked into her pleasure contorted face, staring deeply into her blue eyes, and then kissing her once more.

TJ began slowly sliding in an out of her, gently, lovingly, pushing his cock in as far as it would go, relishing her moans of pleasure. Julianne never thought she’d be on her back in her bed with a man that night. She found sober sex far more enjoyable, thoughts of her ex-husband’s affair dissolving with each methodically slow thrust from TJ. Her eyes fluttered, rolling back into her head, her hands clasped around his neck, kissing him, loving the way his large rod stretched her pussy and gently banged against her cervix.

“You’re doing ok?” TJ asked.

“Uh huh,” Julianne managed to get out in between moans.

“Cum for me, Julianne. I want to feel your pussy contract around me,” TJ whispered in her ear, licking and sucking her ear lobe.

She couldn’t not climax if she tried. His cock, his words, his touch, she lost control, her pussy starting to spasm on his thick, long, shaft. “Ahhh!” she cried out, clutching his back, holding him tightly against her. Her body shook and convulsed under him, her arms eventually going weak, sliding off his body, her legs following shortly after.

“Cum again, please,” TJ begged, rolling over to his back, taking her with him. Julianne was straddling him now. He sat up on the bed to catch her, to hold her, to feel her climax again when she was ready.

“So deep,” she moaned, her arms around his shoulders, slowly grinding her clit against him, her wild, untrimmed bush, meeting his equally untrimmed forest of pubic hair. Within minutes of slowly grinding him, she was cumming once more, shaking in his arms, her vaginal juices trailing down to his massive testicles.

Julianne could barely speak, ”Your, your, t-turn,” she said out of breath. TJ smiled, chuckling at her. He sat up further, gently guiding her onto her back once more.

He smiled, caressing her face, “On your stomach please,” he whispered. Julianne smiled back, nodded her head and rolled over onto her tummy. TJ pulled her hips back, bringing her to all fours. His big cock rested on her lower back. Julianne moaned again, this time, in anticipation for what was to come.

She nearly climaxed again when he entered her from behind. She arched her back, flinging her hair backward, gripping the sheets. “Uhnnn,” TJ moaned loudly, driving his cock all the way in once more.

One hand rested on her waist, the other gliding over her soft white skin. TJ moved his hips back and forth, sliding in and out, moaning each time he slowly drilled inside her, deeper than anyone before. Julianne’s mouth hung up and her eyes remain shut, she was in paradise.

TJ ran his hands up her back, around her neck, resting them on her chin, gently pulling her upward, bringing her back toward his chest. Holding her head in both hands, he licked and kissed along her neck, all while pushing in and out of her dripping pussy. She couldn’t take it anymore, she cried out louder than before this time when orgasmic waves coursed through her body. TJ released her head and grabbed her large breasts, gently kneading them, moaning while he slid his cock in and out.

“I’m almost there,” he whispered. “I don’t have a condom though,” TJ added.

“It’s ok,” Julianne said, her small hands now resting on his, which were still cupping her breasts.

TJ began going faster, moaning and grunting as he worked, “Ah yes, so good.”

Julianne moaned again, “Yes, yes, cum for me.”

“Ah, Julianne!” TJ cried out.

Julianne’s eyes snapped open, feeling his cock begin to pulsate inside her, pushing TJ away and going to her knees once more in front of him. She immediately took his cock into her mouth, the cock barely fitting in all the way, listening to TJ moan with pleasure as he filled her mouth with semen, his cock spurting several huge loads into her hungry mouth. She swallowed every ounce, sucking the tip as best she could to get every drop.

She smiled up at TJ, noticing him looking upward, his face covered by his hands. The large black man slowly lay down on the mattress, recovering from his orgasm. Julianne crawled into his arms, her hand resting on his six pack abs, his large arm around her, his hand resting on her hip.

Julianne went to sleep with a smile on her face for the first time in a few years.

Chapter 4

TJ bathed Julianne in the shower early the next morning, before he had to leave to go on his patrol shift. After he rinsed out the shampoo he had massaged into her scalp, he explored her body, trailing his hands all over her. Holding a breast from behind with one hand while circling her engorged clitoris with his large fingers on his other hand; he brought her to another orgasm, holding her against his large frame. When it was his turn, he spun her around, picked her up, guided her to straddling position, propped her against the shower wall and penetrated her just as methodically as he did the night before. The steamy shower enveloped them and her moans of pleasure echoed in the bathroom.

TJ kissed her goodbye and asked if he could come back that evening. Julianne couldn’t say no. The rest of the day wasn’t spent on the couch or asleep in bed like she normally did. Instead, she actually did something. She cleaned her bathroom, chastising herself, wishing she had done it the day before. She wasn’t expecting a man to be in there, so she let it go, happily cleaning away. Later that evening she went for a nice walk after dinner. TJ arrived shortly after her return.


“Yes! I’m cumming!” She cried out, gripping TJ’s shaved head tightly, his tongue embedded in her quivering pussy. He had been eating his own dinner for the last hour, savoring her juices, lapping them up with his large tongue.

TJ licked his way up her stomach, between her breasts, up her neck and over her chin to find her mouth, kissing her passionately, rolling onto his back, taking her with him. “Oh yes, TJ,” Julianne whimpered, feeling his cock deep inside her once more.

She collapsed on his chest, his hands gripping her ass, grinding her against him. He felt so good, so big, so very filling. Riding him, Julianne thought about going on the pill, she wondered if she could even get pregnant at her age, and she wondered what this relationship was – if anything other than friends who slept together. TJ held her tightly against him when she climaxed once more. Shortly after that he was cumming too.

Julianne smiled, watching TJ stare up to the ceiling, both her hands on his cock milking it, pumping the semen from its tip into her mouth.

Later that evening, she woke up, finding herself alone in bed. Still naked, she made her to the kitchen to find TJ, also naked, staring out her kitchen window at his father’s house next door. There were no signs of activity in the home. She placed her hand on the small of his back, just above the rise of his muscular glutes, “Looks like everyone is asleep over there.”

“Yeah, they are. He doesn’t get home till much later. I know he works a late shift at the factory, but still, something seems off. I hope Joanne is ok,” TJ said.

Julianne moved directly behind him, kissing his spine, her hands gliding up and down his large frame, “Maybe you could check on her tomorrow. That is, if you’ll be back to see me tomorrow. Will you?”

TJ moaned when he felt her tongue trail over his spine, making its way down to his ass crack. “I will,” he answered, turning around, seeing Julianne on knees. Grabbing his cock at the base, with both hands, she fed on it, sucking it and bobbing her head back and forth, moaning at his taste.

TJ guided her to her feet, picked her up and spun her around, gently placing her on the edge of the kitchen sink. He entered her once more, her arms and legs wrapped around him, her head thrown back. The moonlight from the window behind her was reflecting off her tits. “TJ, yes!” she cried out.

TJ sat on the couch in the living room, Julianne kissing him frantically, grinding into him. She stopped, sitting up to catch her breath, squinting her eyes to see the digital time display on the microwave in the kitchen. It read 11:45 pm. She smiled, recalling her bedtime from the last few years as being much earlier in the evening due in part to her desire to sleep her reality away.

She wasn’t sleeping now; she was riding TJ, his massive cock hitting all the right places, sending waves of pleasure through her body. By the time they made their way to her bedroom, collapsing on her bed, out of breath in a sweaty mess, it was close to 1am. Julianne was back in her kitchen, drinking a glass of water, when she observed the time on the microwave once more.

Standing at her kitchen sink, a small smile on her face while she sipped her water, she observed something else. There was movement in Tony’s backyard. There was someone there. Julianne strained to get a better view. She saw two young, white, naked, females, rising off a lounge chair, wiping their mouths. They made their way inside the home, holding hands, smiling. Julianne realized they must be the twin girls from Joanne’s first marriage – before TJ’s father. She wondered what they were doing outside. Incestuous thoughts filled her mind, thinking perhaps the twins were having a little fun outside while Tony and Joanne slept. Then she saw him.

Tony stirred, his movement drawing her eyes back to the lounge chair. He sat, rubbing the back of his neck. She watched him stand, grabbing the empty glass on the small table next to the chair, making his way slowly inside. He was also naked. Julianne’s eyes popped open, noticing his body shape and size; he looked almost exactly like TJ, perhaps slightly less toned, but huge and muscular nonetheless. His weakening cock dangled, illuminated by the moonlight and a nearby street lamp. She could tell in its flaccid state that it was no doubt a monster when fully erect. She watched with amazement, following Tony when he entered his home.

Julianne put two and two together. His stepdaughters were outside with him, servicing his cock. She couldn’t tell TJ.

Julianne lay in bed in TJ’s arms thinking about what she had seen. She had no idea she lived next door to such a physical specimen. Her mind started spinning. She imagined a threeway, she imagined an orgy with those two girls, TJ, Tony, and herself, and she imagined her neighbor Joanne getting in on the action. Pushing those naughty thoughts aside she laughed to herself, snuggling next to TJ, smiling as his body warmed hers.

They made love in the shower once more before he left early the next morning. Julianne had to get ready for work as well; she did so with a smile on her face, humming to herself on her way there. It was a great Monday. That night would prove even better.

Chapter 5

Julianne knew she shouldn’t watch. She felt guilt after each late night session she observed. For the next two weeks. TJ would come over almost every night, take her to bed, make her cum multiple times before taking his turn, and fall asleep in her bed. It was then that Julianne snuck into the kitchen to catch the show.

A few times she missed some of the action, getting caught up in her own action, arriving late. But there were a few instances where she saw all of it. Those twin girls pushing their little bubble butts together, Tony’s massive black rod in between then, and then proceeding the squat up and down, milking his cock, causing it to erupt in a fountain of semen. They would walk away smiling, holding hands, his cum on their lower backs.

Sometimes they would take turns riding him to orgasm. Sometimes he’d stand, jacking his cock, spraying their faces with semen. Julianne felt like it was watching real life porn. She knew it was wrong what Tony was doing with his stepdaughters, but it was oh so hot to behold. The guilt subsided shortly after the show, lying in TJ’s arms, occasionally waking him up for another round of steamy sex.


She stopped taking her medication. She started exercising again, eating healthier, enjoying work, talking to coworkers more. Julianne felt amazing. Her sex life was in high gear. Almost nightly having sex with TJ, watching a pornographic display in Tony’s backyard afterward followed by another round of sex in the morning before TJ left.

There were a couple nights where TJ couldn’t make it over after work. Julianne didn’t mind. She took the dildo, her sister Stephanie bought for her nearly a year ago, out of its packaging and had some fun by herself, and then again while watching her “naughty show” - as she put it. It was so wrong, cumming on the dildo while watching TJ’s father have sex in his backyard, seemingly not caring at all about the consequences. She wondered after cumming on her toy one night if his wife, Joanne, had any idea what was going on.

Julianne tried to mind her own business as best she could, enjoying TJ as much as possible, until Halloween.

TJ had to work late, unable to come by to see Julianne. There were several Halloween events in town and a lot of the new hires and rookies didn’t have the seniority to get out of patrolling or acting as security for them – it was overtime pay so TJ was fine with it. Julianne understood, taking out her dildo to enjoy the show in the backyard next door.

She came like a thunderstorm in her dark kitchen, laughing at herself, propping her leg up on the counter to forcefully jam her dildo in and out, nearly losing her balance. Those girls made Tony erupt with semen once again, their hungry mouths open, their tongues touching each other, lapping up as much cum as possible. It was amazing. Julianne watched them head back inside, smiling, making her way back to her couch. She tossed the dildo on the cushion next to her and chuckled. She felt so much better. She looked forward to have the real thing in her the following evening.

After about 30 minutes, Julianne shook her head, stirring herself awake. She had dozed off. Getting off the couch, she headed back to the kitchen, grabbing more water and looking into Tony’s back yard once more. He was still there, sipping on a drink. “That’s odd,” she thought.

Julianne watched him stand, yawn, stretch, still nude and make his way inside. Her eyes popped open, an idea flashed across her thoughts. Instincts took over, reason leaving her. She walked outside into her back yard, not bothering to clothe herself.

Just as Tony was about to enter his home from his back deck, his peripheral vision picked up a light colored object standing on the steps next door. He turned, facing Julianne, looking at her standing on her own back door steps. Tony smiled, chuckling softly, walking toward the door in the fence. Opening it, he stood there, arms crossed, leaning against the fence, cock dangling free.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you around. You doing ok?” Tony asked his naked neighbor, a smug look upon his face.

“Mmhmm,” Julianne nodded, not believing what she was about to do, her eyes glancing at his long dangling cock, illuminated faintly by the night lights.

“Good, good,” Tony smiled, uncrossing him arms and slowly approaching Julianne. “May I come in?”

Julianne nodded quickly, licking her lips, eyes glancing at his huge, dark, muscled body.


Tony threw her onto her back on the mattress behind her. Hovering over her, he forcefully pushed her legs apart, gripping her hips below him, he impaled her all the way to her cervix.

Julianne cried out, looking up at Tony, running her hands up and down his chest, locking her feet around his equally muscular butt, guiding him in.

“Ahh yes,” She whimpered, feeling him enter her, stretching her soaking wet pussy. He said nothing, continuously looking at her face, “Fuck me,” she whispered to him. Tony wasted no time, impaling her over and over again, that same smug grin on his face.

“Ahhh, shit,” Tony moaned, working up a sweat. “Mmm, this is a good pussy,” he looked into her pleasure contorted face, staring deeply into her blue eyes, “I’ve been wanting it for quite some time now.”

Tony was relentlessly fucking her, relishing in moans of pleasure. Julianne never thought she’d be on her back in her bed with him that night; thoughts of TJ dissolving with each powerful, forceful thrust from Tony. Her eyes fluttered, rolling back into her head, her hands clasped around his neck, gritting her teeth, loving the way his large rod penetrated her, making her his, owning her.

“Ahh yeah, take that dick,” Tony said.

“Harder!” Julianne managed to get out in between moans.

“Cum on that cock. Show me how good that white pussy of yours is,” Tony commanding, never taking his gaze off her, sweat dripping from his chin to her forehead.

She couldn’t not climax if she tried. His cock, his words, his touch, she lost control, her pussy starting to spasm on his thick, long, shaft. “Ahhh!” she cried out, clutching his arms. Her body shook and convulsed under him, her arms eventually going weak, sliding to her side, her legs following shortly after.

“I ain’t done with you yet,” Tony growled, rolling over to his back, taking her with him. Julianne was straddling him now. He sat up on the bed to catch her, to hold her, to feel her climax again shortly after he began bouncing her.

“So deep,” she moaned, her arms around his shoulders, wildly bouncing up and down on his cock, her wild, untrimmed bush, meeting his equally untrimmed forest of pubic hair. Within minutes of fast fucking, she was cumming once more, shaking in his arms, her vaginal juices trailing down to his massive testicles.

Julianne could barely speak, ”Your, your, t-turn,” she said out of breath. Tony smiled, laughing at her. He sat up further, lifting her off him, throwing her on to her stomach.

Tony pulled her hips back, bringing her to all fours. His big cock rested on her lower back. Julianne moaned again, this time, in anticipation for what was to come.

She nearly climaxed again when he entered her from behind. She arched her back, flinging her hair backward, gripping the sheets. “Uhnnn,” Tony moaned loudly, driving his cock all the way in once more.

One hand rested on her waist, the other gliding over her soft white skin. Tony moved his hips back and forth, sliding in and out, grunting each time he drilled inside her, slamming his hips against her butt over and over again. Julianne’s mouth hung up and her eyes remain shut, she was in paradise.

Tony ran his hands up her back, around her neck, resting them on her chin, forcefully pulling her upward, bringing her back towards his chest. Holding her head in both hands, he sucked and licked along her neck, all while thrusting as hard as he could into her. She couldn’t take it anymore; this time when orgasmic waves coursed through her body she cried out louder than before. Tony released her head and grabbed her large breasts, squeezing them hard, moaning while he slid his cock in and out.

“I’m about to blow my load,” he said. “Get ready for it.”

Tony began going faster, moaning and grunting as he worked, “Ah yes, such a good pussy. Take that dick.”

Julianne cried out, “Ah yes! Yes!”

“Here it comes!” Tony said.

Julianne’s eyes snapped open, feeling his cock begin to pulsate inside her, pushing Tony away and going to her knees once more in front of him. Tony was stroking his cock several times, gritting his teeth. Before she knew it, Tony moaned, pointing his cock at her face and sprayed semen all over it, moaning as he did. After he covered her face in cum, she immediately took his cock into her mouth, it barely fitting in all the way, listening to Tony moan with pleasure as she cleaned it.

She smiled up at Tony, noticing him looking upward, his face covered by his hands. The large black man slowly lay down on the mattress, recovering from his orgasm. Julianne crawled into his arms, her hand resting on his six pack abs, his large arm around her, his hand resting on her hip.

“That was good, real good,” Tony said a few minutes later. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning before I go to work.” Saying nothing else, he left Julianne alone. She went to sleep with a smile on her face looking forward to the morning pounding she would no doubt receive.

Chapter 6

Tony did indeed return in the morning, taking Julianne to her bed, gripping her shoulders from behind as he slammed into her. She smiled on her way to work later on, thinking about how it was a great way to wake up in the morning.

That evening TJ was back at her house, kissing, licking, everywhere, finally resting, holding her in his arms.

Shortly after TJ left the next morning, Tony arrived, picking Julianne up, slamming her on the bed once more. That night, TJ had her again. This was the routine for a couple weeks, causing November to pass by in a total blur. Julianne never told either man she was sleeping with the other.


“You’re going to Atlanta with me for Thanksgiving,” Tony ordered Julianne, watching her bounce up and down on his cock, straddling him on the couch. “I don’t want to be around Joanne’s family when they are in town, so I’m going on a little trip. Do you understand?”

“Yes!” Julianne cried out.

“You’re going to service this dick the entire time. Got it?” Tony asked again.

“Yes!” Julianne cried out once more, sliding up and down on Tony’s big cock, causing her body to tense up once more.

“Good. I’m going to buy you some new clothes first. You need some shorter, tighter, sexier dresses.”

Tony stood, taking Julianne with him, sitting her on the kitchen counter in front of the sink. Tony watched TJ get out of his car in his driveway next door, checking on his stepmother, all whilst continuously slamming into Julianne. Her arms were flailing around, trying to find something to steady herself. Tony watched TJ, shaking his head, “I better go.”

Tony pulled Julianne back up, lifting her off the sink, and began bouncing her up and down on his cock, standing in the middle of her kitchen. “Ahh,” he grunted, signaling to Julianne he was ready for her.

“Uhnnn, yeah,” He sprayed her face with his seed once more, Julianne sucking the tip clean. Tony reached over and turned the sink on, pulling Julianne to her feet, taking the spray nozzle, and spraying her face clean.

“There, now dry yourself,” he grunted, grabbing his clothes, taking his leave.

Julianne lay there on the kitchen floor, soaking wet from the watery spray, laughing, “Wow, this is crazy!”

Shaking her head in amused disbelief, she made her way to her shower, “That man is a wild monster.”


TJ’s cock was popping out of the bubble bath Julianne had made for him. She was gingerly sucking it later that night. “You going to be next door for Thanksgiving?”

“Mmmm,” he moaned, “I will be yes. Her family be in town, maybe I’ll sneak over when things quiet down.”

Julianne smiled, rising up in the bathwater, lowering herself on TJ’s cock, “I’d love that but I’m going to Miami,” she lied.

TJ took one of her breasts to his mouth, sucking slowly on the nipple, “Well then when you return, I’ll be waiting for you.”

Julianne nodded, kissing him, swirling her tongue around his, his cock embedded deep.


“We’re here,” Tony told Julianne when they arrived at the hotel in Atlanta. She had been sucking his cock for most of the seven hour drive, her jaws were tired.

The four days that followed were nothing like Julianne ever experienced in her life. They were wild, sex-filled, days of debauchery. She never felt so alive, letting guilt and caution leave her thoughts.

For starters Tony dragged her to a strip club, where she met his good friend, a man named Fat Rob. Tony bought, over the course of three days, three different women from Fat Rob. He paid for these escorts with Julianne. Tony smiled from the corner of Fat Rob’s office while Julianne looked on in shock at the fattest cock she had ever seen.

“I, uh, I guess this is why you’re called Fat Rob?” She asked.

“Yes it is Miss Julianne, now get to work,” Fat Rob replied.

As Julianne attempted to suck Fat Rob’s cock, she watched a young girl, probably 18 enter the office. She introduced herself as Penny. Tony nodded to Fat Rob, putting his arm around the blonde and left Julianne alone with this mountainously large black man.

The next morning, just as the sun was rising, Julianne limped out of Fat Rob’s Escalade to meet Tony. Tony exchanged Julianne for Penny. Upon reaching his hotel, they slept for a couple hours. She thought about seeing her sister Tiffanie, and her daughter, Giselle that lived nearby, but decided against it. She was too tired and didn’t feel like explaining why she was in town.

That evening, Thanksgiving Day night, was a repeat. This time Tony exchanged Julianne for a young, short-haired brunette, named Jules. Tony and Jules acted as though they knew each other, hugging and kissing like two former flames. Julianne wondered how many women Tony had in his stable.

Another night of Fat Rob stretching out Julianne’s pussy ended the next morning, when the second exchange was made.

Friday they rested, sleeping late, heading to dinner. “You know I’ve fucked every one of your sisters?” Tony asked.

“What? Are you serious?” Julianne asked, setting her fork down.

“Yep. You were the last one on my list. The other four have all had my cock.”

Julianne didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t necessarily angry, just a bit surprised. “Well,” she cleared her throat, “I guess that’s quite an accomplishment.”

“I think so,” Tony agreed. Later than night a sweaty, exhausted Julianne screamed with pleasure as another orgasm over took her, Tony behind her gripping her hips, slapping her ass, letting her know he was ready to give her his cum.

On Saturday night, the third woman was exchanged with Fat Rob. Her name was Torrie. She was maybe mid to late 30s, had long blonde hair, and a bright smile. She gave Tony a hug and kiss on the cheek, smiling widely at Julianne. “I bet she thinks I’m a prostitute like her. Maybe I am. I miss TJ,” she thought to herself.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head more times than she could count that final night with Fat Rob. Upon limping out of his Escalade in his club’s parking lot the next morning, she was greeted by a smiling Torrie. “You are a lucky lady,” she said, grabbing Julianne’s face, planting a huge kiss on her mouth, sliding her tongue almost down her throat, taking her off guard. Julianne tasted Tony’s semen on her breath.

“Um, thanks?” Julianne replied.

Tony and Julianne took a nap in the musky, sex-smelling, hotel room before checking out. Once again she sucked his cock on most of the way, arriving safely back home late that evening.


Julianne was out cold in her bed at 11pm when she felt a large, warm mass, gently slide into her bed, kissing her bare shoulder, massaging her arm, “Hey” TJ whispered.

Julianne turned to face him, caressing his face, kissing him tenderly, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” he replied. If he only knew of the wild weekend she had. Her guilt was replaced with desire for this man when her kisses led them into each other’s arms, naked, moaning, grinding, pumping, climaxing, making love until close to dawn. She felt at ease, she felt at home, she felt happy. She told herself she would no longer see Tony.

Chapter 7

TJ made love to Julianne in the shower the next morning. He left shortly after to tend to his patrol route. Julianne left early for work, avoiding Tony all together. She felt he wouldn’t be forceful when she ended things with him, careful not to hurt his ego, she would tell him that he was too good and too wild for her. However, Julianne never got a chance to have that conversation with him.

Later than evening, while sitting in her bubble bath, waiting for TJ, Julianne heard commotion outside. It sounded like people yelling or throwing things. Alarmed, she got out of her tub, wrapped a large towel around her and headed to the living room. She saw Joanne next door throwing luggage at Tony, screaming at him, cursing him. Julianne’s heart raced. She wondered if Tony’s wife found out about the two of them somehow.

Her question was answered when she observed Joanne go inside and drag, by the hair, her screaming and crying daughters, nearly throwing them down the front steps, causing them to roll onto the grass. They appeared to be only wearing panties and a t-shirt. Joanne threw some more luggage at the two girls. Julianne breathed a sigh of relief, figuring Joanne must’ve caught Tony and her daughters in the act.

Her next thoughts went to TJ. She watched Joanne go back into her home, crying, throwing things. Julianne waited until things calmed down before calling TJ. She was too late, there was no answer. Julianne looked over into Joanne’s kitchen from her own, seeing her cry into her cell phone. Perhaps she was calling TJ herself.

Julianne waited again, dozing off on the couch, still in her towel. She woke a couple hours later. She tried calling TJ once more – no answer. Getting off the couch, heading to bed, she noticed Joanne’s car was gone from their driveway.

She tried reaching TJ several times the next day. She was a nervous wreck, feeling as though this situation might put a damper on her sex life with TJ, immediately feeling guilt at her own selfishness afterward. Perhaps, she wondered, he was helping Joanne get through this ordeal.

A week went by, Julianne never heard from TJ or Tony. She was starting to feel lonely again. She tried calling TJ, finally getting an answer, asking him if everyone was ok, and explaining she witnessed some of the event. TJ was solemn in his answers, saying he had to help Joanne and is watching over her. He confirmed that she caught Tony having sex with Joanne’s twin girls. TJ apologized to Julianne for her having to witness some of it and told her he needed to focus on helping Joanne.

Another week passed. Julianne’s house felt colder, she felt colder, she also felt more tired, and her back ached.

It was close to Christmas now. Joanne’s house was still empty, she had no idea where Tony was and TJ hadn’t contacted her again. Julianne was sleeping late, never bothering to bathe on the weekends, not caring. She wondered if she’d hear from her son when Christmas arrived, maybe she’d get a card from him or he’s stop by for a quick visit like last year.

It was 11:30am on a December Saturday morning. Julianne, like always, didn’t want to get out of bed. She sighed, pulling the covers off her body, yawning, stretching, and making her way to the kitchen. She poured herself some coffee from yesterday morning, not bothering to make a new batch, warming it up in the microwave, not caring.

Plopping down on the couch, Julianne stared blankly out the front window of her home, focusing on nothing, not even noticing the kids riding their new bikes they most likely for Christmas on the sidewalk. She sniffed, sipping her coffee, yawning once more. She had to go to the grocery store in a little while. She had been putting it off as much as possible, her need for food growing too large to procrastinate any longer. She hoped she wouldn’t run into anyone she knew, cursing herself for not going near closing time when hardly any customers were there. The previous night she fell asleep earlier than her usual 10pm bedtime, missing her window of opportunity.

Her thoughts went back to “it” – the night she witnessed her husband with another woman, feeling empathy for poor Joanne, feeling guilt for participating in a husband’s cheating, cursing herself for being no better than her ex. Finishing her coffee she felt, more than anything, loneliness and despair. Things were back to normal.

The end.

***There will be a second story with Julianne. It will feature her son. He may be able to end her depression.***


Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-27 08:08:07
Poor girl... If it weren't for the whole her being fictional I would gladly give her some dick.

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