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A Romantic Revenge Story in Homage to 800lbgorilla’s fantasy Romantic Erotic story, „A Beautiful Wish”
Chapter 1. My life before the discovery of the ANR

I am Bill Johnson, the head of Information Technology at a mid-sized company in the Mid West. The city, where my family lives is a medium-sized real melting pot. Let me tell you something about me. I am tall with green eyes and curly brown hair I'm a little over six feet. I was born and grew up here. In the high school, I wanted to be an IT professional. When I had finished, I went to college and did just that. I like the low fat milk from my childhood and even better now. When I reached the legal age to drink alcohol, I preferred milk to beer. When I was eighteen years old I lost my virginity after graduation. I dated some girls in high school, and more girls in college I was not too wild when I attended parties, but I did have a good time. Sadly I did not find the right woman. After graduation I came back to the city of my youth, where I found employment at the company I currently work for. I became a trainee in the IT department and began my career.

I met Linda in a bookstore. Linda graduated from High School and chose not go to college so she became shop assistant at the bookstore I frequented. I liked reading paperbacks, preferring them to e-books, which were of course at that time still in their infancy. She was a tall brown haired gray-eyed girl with nice C cup breasts. She helped me on numerous occasions to find books and we talked a little. As time progressed, I got the nerve up and asked her for a date. To my great pleasure, she said yes and a relationship soon formed that led to us enjoying an intimate relationship in my bed. We were compatible. She still lived at her parents’ home, but soon after we began sex she moved into my condo. We were living together for almost half year, when I asked her with a beautiful ring to become my wife. She said yes. Our families started the preparations for the wedding and it was a big affair. Soon after our wedding I got promoted, and with the salary increase, we purchased a nice house.

We got closer, and soon baby production began. Our sex life was not spectacular or exotic, but we made the most of it. We made the bunnies blush. We tried many sexual positions, oral but we were not enthusiastic about anal. I liked to eat pussy and Linda was good at blowjobs. We were satisfied from each other. Our son Brian was born first, and Jennifer was born two years later. Soon our sex life dwindled to three or if I was lucky four times a week after the birth of our daughter. We were the average married couple with children. Linda was a stay at home Mom. Linda was a great Mom and I adored my kids.

My boss left our firm and I was promoted to his position, when my son was eight years old. My workload increased, but so did my salary too. This pay boost allowed me to take my family on a vacation to Cancun.

I persuaded the directors of the company to move from the six or eight separate software packages to use one Central IT System. I found a subcontractor company to introduce this IT system. The project was one and half years of long hard work. Our IT department had to maintain the old systems in parallel with the under development new system. The subcontractor company helped, but the members of my IT department had to work overtime. However the boss had to set an example, so I worked the most to gain the success. We both our company and subcontractor firm also tested the raw program. If we found mistakes we fixed them with the help of every part of the company, and in some cases we developed additional new steps into the Central IT system.

I worked day to day to evening and also I went to work on Saturdays. I worked as a robot for more than one year. I came home exhausted and I just jumped into the bed to sleep. It was that time after some months of this rough schedule and the beginning of the new Central IT System test period, when I noticed my wife’s behavior changed. Earlier in our marriage she acted provocative to attract me into bed. Sometimes she was successful, but sometimes I was so tired that I was asleep the instant my head hit the pillow. Sadly, when she came to bed, I was so tired I began to neglect her. The three times a week decreased to two, and from two down to one sometimes. I explained to her that I would ravish her when the new Central System was in place and I would have much more time for my family. She no longer dressed up or acted provocative. But when I wanted sex she did not deny it.

I worked so hard that I did not recognize her behavior change. I was thirty-seven years old and my wife was thirty-four years old. My kids, Brian was twelve-years old and Jennifer was ten-years old that time. Fortunately my overwork did not interfere seriously with their life, they did well in the school. I was proud of my kids.

My only entertainment was surfing on the Net. When my wife cooked the Sunday lunch I surfed a little longer. As you remember, I love the low fat milk. I was curious about the milk of animals and I found something about human milk and researched it more. Then I found a strange website about the ANR (Adult Nursing Relationship): and I read it. What I thought that time was that it was an interesting weirdness not more at all. I read more and I learned much more. For example it is a healthy relationship to decrease the incidence of breast cancer. One liter of human milk is 700 calories and the body uses more calories to produce this fluid, so The ANR is a very good body weight control to women. The human milk strengthens the husband’s immune system and the daily two sex is good prophylaxis against prostate carcinoma. The women must drink more water and to intake calcium (cheese) and so ANR may do from 19 years to above 80 years old.

One part of women gets orgasm and long lasting euphoria from the ANR. Unfortunately not every woman gets orgasm from breastfeeding and one part of men are lactose intolerant, so the ANR will not be everybody’s cup of tea. I was lucky I liked drinking low fat milk so the ANR really interested me and I found more sites to read about it. I found a small-classified section with dating ads on one of these websites, where I looked at one of the ads. A woman wrote she was a young widow, who wanted a man who was interested in the ANR connection. She was very graphic, because the man she wanted to be her special person would need to suck her milk at least twice a day in the morning and evening. My curiosity piqued and much to my surprise, she lived in my city. I looked at that ad for the next week again. It was an interesting thing, but nothing more. Again I was very curious, because she was from my city.

Chapter 2. The family disaster and the solution

The neighborhood organized a barbecue in my neighbor’s garden. He was Robert Urban and his wife was Eve. They had three kids, two-year-old twin daughters and a son who was four at that time. He was five years younger than me. His wife was the same age and she was a little but strong woman. She was very sympathetic towards me, but her husband was a cocky man. The barbecue was on Saturday, and the entire neighborhood was there, at least forty to forty-five people including children. Our kids were older so no baby sitter was needed, but we looked after them from time to time.

Suddenly, I got a mobile call from my job about a serious problem. They wanted my personal assistance there. I told my wife and my kids that I had to go into work. I went to my job and we solved the problem after three long hours of hard work. This was the last problem before starting of the final half-year test period. I was sure we could begin the work on the Central IT System in January.

We went home happy because my staff knew the fourteen hours a day and almost every Saturday hard work was over. We could do the half-year testing in ten hours workdays only. I returned to the barbecue, which was still going strong. I met my children, who were glad to see me and I started searching for my wife. I walked towards Rob’s garden and was stunned to find them behind a big bush hiding from the crowd. As I neared I heard them talk.

Linda told Robert, “On Monday we can meet when you come home from work for lunch. I’ll go to our regular place. We’ll have enough time.”

Robert responded, “That‘s a great idea, but we better be getting back to the party soon. I’ll be at our regular place.”

Linda sighed, “But...Bill and the kids are never far from the house on Saturdays.”

They hugged and passionately kissed each other. I went back to the crowd and sat with my children. I was sad, and completely lost for the next few days. Linda and the children did not disturb me at all, as they thought I was having issues at work with the project. I was so disappointed that I did not think of the future. Surfing the Internet I accidentally looked at the strange ANR site to reread that interesting dating ad. To my surprise, the ad was still there.

Mustering up some courage, I answered that ad with complete honesty. In my reply I wrote, I was married with two children. I told this unknown person that my wife was cheating on me with the neighbor and I had just discovered a few days before I wrote this letter. I wrote yet that my neighbor had a wife and three children and could not believe this had happened to me.

I got a wonderful surprise the next day when I checked my inbox and found a reply to my letter. Her E-mail was simple and she wanted to know more about me, my name, address, and my neighbor’s name and address. She told me it was simply because she had a little money and first she wanted to investigate my family and the neighbor’s by a PI firm. She wanted to continue corresponding with me, but she did not tell me her address at all. I became little sad, but my depression was not too deep, so I intended to give the requested information to her. She answered the next day and wrote me, she had two small daughters. She asked me, whether I liked milk and what I knew about ANR. I wrote the next day, I loved milk and I read some things from different websites. So I was totally ignorant except from what I read on the websites.

She wrote the next day that the website, which I mentioned in my E-mail was excellent to get the basic information about ANR. Her words were fantastic yet she answered only a little, but she was always there the next day for my answers, so she admitted she was widow. She wrote not to do anything yet regarding my marriage, but rather appear clueless even though I knew. After two weeks she wrote a long letter. She got the PI investigation and she had a photo and video that proved I was right about my wife cheating with my neighbor. It happened several times a week. She wrote me not to do anything that could cause me to go to prison.

In her E-mail, she asked if I wanted to meet her I should write at the end of my reply E-mail: SOS. I did what she wanted and in the next correspondence we organized our first meeting in a Starbucks. I wrote in my last E-mail if there was an emergency, what could I do? She answered, no problem, because she would keep giving me new dates and times until we met. She wrote humorously I could not escape from her! When I read these cheerful sentences I smiled a little. I told her several times later in our relationship, how that sentence was the exact step to drive away my sadness. I felt I would be happy again with this joyous woman, and believed I could fall in love again. Soon my depression disappeared.

At home I was a robot and I did the daily and weekly activities with perfection. I was on autopilot. My mind soon focused away from my cheating wife onto my unknown pen pal. When I was at work my enthusiasm returned. My life was changing for the better.

Chapter 3. A high EQ (emotional quotient) woman

When I entered the specified Starbucks I sat at an empty table and almost at the same time a nice brown haired woman sat down beside me. She had a dress that ended above her knees, giving me a glimpse of her luscious thighs. She had deep blue eyes and her hair was mid length. She looked at me, and smiled and she was beautiful. My eyes were drawn to her chest. Her breasts were an easy D cup, maybe DD and jutted out for me to admire. I was instantly attracted to them, but better yet when she later spoke. I was attracted to her.
She reached over and found my hand with hers. I could feel the connection began. I looked at her fingers as they intertwined with mine. I imagined how they would feel when she held my head as I nursed on her bountiful beauties.

She started, ”I’m Olga. Pleased to meet you Bill.”

I replied, “Hi, I’m glad you came.”

She laughed, “You were afraid of I wouldn’t come, weren’t you? You aren’t so lucky.”

I laughed with her. I liked women who had sense of humor. Her voice was a melody that drew me into her web.

“I’m Olga Morrison, and I live together with my daughters on the opposite end of the city from you,” She quickly told me this information.

I gave her a compliment after she was done, “You’re beautiful.”

She squeezed my hand and said, “I tried everything to attract you to me.”

I smiled at her, “You did this very well.”

We laughed a little together.

Olga said, “I know a lot about you. I read your honest emails and the PI report too. Let me tell you more about us. First, you know little about my daughters, so it’s important to get to learn about them.”

“I know a little, you’ve written you’ve got two daughters.”

“Yes I’ve two very young daughters. Stacy is four years old Jessica is three. They’re at my mother-in–law’s right now. I know you’ve older children so you understand how to get on with children well. This was crucial for me to choose you.”

I felt this woman knew what was the most important to say to me strengthened my ego.

I said, “I know it must be difficult to live after the death of your husband as a widow mother.”

“Yes, but many single, divorced or widow moms live alone. However, as you know, I’m not only looking for a stepfather candidate, but I want a special mate too.”

I was interested in her family background, because she knew mine from the PI’s report. We talked about her parents. Her mother was born in Russia, who married an American. She had to wait a long time before getting permission to leave the former Soviet Union. Her parents were a big help for her, because they were wealthy people. She had a younger sister Tamara who lived with their parents and attended High School. Olga was a math teacher, but she taught only one year after her graduation. She was twenty-seven years old. Her dead husband was a good architect and he earned big money. Her husband died at a work accident a half a year ago. He was inspecting a construction site, when a metal rod fell off the scaffolding that was above them. It went through his chest and he died instantly. She got two large insurance settlements. So she was still staying at home with her daughters, but she planned to teach again next year. Her in-laws helped her quite a lot. They babysat for her and comforted her. We talked about our next dates and arranged three dates in case of an unforeseen emergency. Before leaving we told each other how glad we were that we met and we planned to correspond by E-mail daily.

I knew I would never be bored with her. She had a fantastic personality. In this minute my present marriage was forever dead. I continued the robot life at home. My children noted something first that I was drifting away, but they did not know how far I had drifted from their mother. It may be true that I unintentionally neglected her for the last year when the project was being developed but it was for her and our family. She could not wait and she betrayed me, so I gave my marriage to a cheater. Today I knew there would never be any reconciliation. I did not want one now that I was ready for my Olga.

Chapter 4. What is the ANR?

At our next meeting Olga was there earlier and when she stood up to greet me, she hugged me tight. I felt her large breasts press into me, and felt a strong stirring in my loins. This fantastic woman knew already that she was the most important person to me and I was totally smitten with her. She was warm, intelligent, and I could tell she loved me.

Olga began our conversation by saying, “I think this meeting will be the most important we’ll ever have. You can choose me too if you wish to share your life with me. I’ve chosen you, but first you should know more about ANR before making your decision.”

I told her as if I were a good student, “What I know is that nature provided that mammals lactate for feeding their babies and that nature made the nursing pleasurable for the Moms. A lot of women who breastfeed enjoy this for the pleasure which it provides them.”

She smiled at me, “Bravo! I’m lucky you like milk. More?”

Olga had a good sense of humor so we laughed a little.

“What I read on the Net that lactation combined with sex is even more pleasurable. The released oxytocin causes orgasm and euphoria,” I continued my humorous exam.

“Yes, the constant sex twice a day is important, not daily one. If you were far from home, I would use an electric breast pump to lactate myself. I don’t believe the twice a day sex would be a problem if you like my milk.”

She smiled at me. I responded, “Yes, this is not a problem, I prefer milk to booze. I also read on the Net that ANR couples are closer together than the ordinary pairs.”

She said, “This is true. After starting the ANR my husband and I were even closer in our love. This is the reason why I’m looking for the right man to restart that kind of relationship. I believe you’re the right man for such a connection.”

I explained to her, “I’m interested in it. But I have not any experience with it, so my knowledge is only theoretical.”

“I think your wife wouldn’t want you to practice with her, so I’ll just be alone to teach you.”

We laughed a little again. She had a cheerful personality.

“My sexual fantasy was to feed my husband with so much milk that he need not eat anything else.”

I exclaimed, “What a marvelous sex fantasy!”

Olga knew how she could help me to cut off the last thread to my soon to be ex wife, so she excited me, “ Never will your wife’s sex fantasy be the same, I ‘m sure you know this!”

I decided to move forward with Olga. However, I wanted to be a good stepfather and this was a concern to me.

“My daughters are very young and they’ll learn to love you soon.”

Olga was a fantastic woman that she guessed my thoughts well.

“I’ve chosen you my dear Olga, I want to become a part of your life and be a good step-dad for your daughters!”

She smiled at me with her beautiful smile and I felt I was in love again.

“I think ordinary vanilla sex would spoil everything and it may remind of your wife. I thought it would be better to begin our common life with the ANR in our house, so I went to my doctor and I asked for a prescription for lactating medicine and I’m going to start this medicine today.”

My heart swelled when she said “our home.” She was such a wonderfully brilliant woman with so high an EQ as her IQ. She was right to start ANR with me this would help me forget my family disaster. But, deep inside I started to realize that disaster was the wrong word. Blessing was better.

“When will you begin lactating?”

“I think I’ll begin lactating in two weeks. I’ll pump my breasts with the electric breast pump. When you leave your wife I’ll be ready for you. I’ll eat chili before your arrival, so my milk will be very tasty for you.”

Olga was fantastic, I forgot about my cheating wife for a while.

However there were consequences of my choice, so I said, “I think I should look for a divorce lawyer.”

She agreed, “Yes and you should time the documents for your moving to me. I think you should be fair to her and your children by giving them information about what you plan for your future.”

We discussed some other things and we said goodbye with more appointment dates for our last meeting and we would carry on corresponding with our emails. When we were leaving we kissed passionately for a long time and I went home to become a robot again for a while.

However I was in a better mood and all my family thought I was returning to them. My cheating wife thought there was time for sloppy seconds with me. I thought of Olga she was entirely right, ordinary vanilla sex would be a reminder of Linda.

I used her as a slut and oral sex was omitted, but she did not complain at all. I thought of Olga through the sex, so I could achieve an erection. I thought Linda was completely clueless that I would be leaving her and only my kids caused me any long sad thoughts. I started understanding Olga better and I thought she would discuss my children’s relationship at the last meeting before moving in with her. I took a short leave of absence from my job and met with a good divorce lawyer. He started the paperwork to end my marriage with the cheating Linda. I planned to take care of our bank accounts at the end of the next week.

Chapter 5. Revenge?

The last meeting with Olga before my leaving to be with her was the same as the second meeting. Olga was there when I entered. She showed me once more that I was very important to her. So different from the many earlier girlfriends, who did the opposite to me that I had to wait for them a long time. She stood up and we kissed each other passionately a long time. She dressed like a businesswoman to show me she was sure she was mine, but this time the sex was not the most important. I thought I was right when I guessed her plan for our third meeting. She knew my arrangements with the divorce lawyer, because we wrote our E-mails to each other. We sat down and I accidentally put my right hand on the table and she put her hand on my hand straightaway to show me she wanted to give me strength for the next days.

Olga began, “A little lactation started, the medicine works well, so next week I’ll have about a half gallon of milk for you. If the divorce papers are ready you could leave her for us.”

I intervened, “I’m very curious about this.”

She smiled at me and said, “I hoped you would be!”

We laughed a little and I thought I would never be bored with such a woman as Olga, who had a wonderful cheerful personality.

“You’ll live in the guest room for two weeks, because the girls need to get used to you. I’ll get up early and I’ll go to your room in the morning and you’ll go to my room when the girls sleep during the night. Two weeks later you’ll sleep with me when my daughters can see, you’re with us forever. „I said, “You planned everything for us.”

She responded with her cheerful manner, “I’m a math teacher so I must count well.”

We laughed a little. Olga was fantastic she planned everything for us. I wasn’t going to jump into the void. For example I wouldn’t stay with my parents or at a motel as I first thought after discovering Linda’s cheating.

I picked out which day the last day would be when I leave Linda, “As I wrote in the last mail I could leave my cheater wife next Saturday, when my divorce documents are ready.”

She had a better plan for me, “Are you going to leave her for me at lunch or dinner time? Let me know and I’ll cook our hot meal, when you come to me.”

Olga showed me I had a choice and she does everything the best for me, but her proposal had a little erotic second meaning too. The second meaning excited me at once.

I told her my plan, “I’m going to get up early and give her the divorce documents. Then hopefully after a very brief talk I’ll leave for you. This should be fair to her and my family.”

She agreed and she tried to prepare me for the future, “Exactly, I think it’s important for you to be civil with her, because she’ll get custody of the children. She hid her cheating from your children. So you’ll have little to say that she is an unfit mother that would force a judge to give the custody to you. You two must work together for your children and civil behavior is the best way for your children.”

I mentioned my revenge plan, “I’ll tell her I know she’s cheating, but I don’t know if I’ll do a little revenge and show the evidences to Rob’s wife Eve.”

Olga thought of these awhile and she said, “I don’t know what is the best way to do it. If the lover lived far from her, your revenge is to show the PI’s evidence, which I’ve got, it would be the best solution. I’ll give you the photos and videos, if you ask for it.”

I digested her thoughts, “I understand you. Unfortunately her lover lives next door and I’m afraid my revenge may affect my children.”

She was very understanding, “You can decide on it, I can give you the evidence. Moreover the PI firm has an extra service, that is a secret handing of the evidence to the lover’s spouse. Everything up to you.”

I resolved, “I’ll tell Linda I know everything, it is the best. I think she’ll tell the bastard, so they’ll have enough trouble soon. I think I’ll choose revenge.”

She wanted to assist me, “I’ll inform the PI firm and I'll have the evidence delivered to Rob’s wife Eve. I recommend that you should tell Linda you know everything at the end just before leaving. She’ll be alone with her problem.”

I was remembered an important fact, “I think Rob’s family is in the mountain cabin on Saturdays in this season so they can only discuss my leaving the next week. So I’ll get the best revenge.”

She prepared me, “For some months you won’t meet your children much, so you’ll have a lot of time to get to know my daughters. After your divorce you’ll probably have every second weekend, but by then you’ll sleep with me in our bedroom, so your children will have the first and the second guest rooms.”

I told her my fears, “My problem is my children, and how they’ll react to our divorce and the effect on their life?”

She tried to reassure me, “I’ll be by your side to help you achieve the best for your children. If we’re in the ANR connection deeply you will know I'll be entirely with you and you'll trust one hundred percent in me.”

I looked at her marvelous deep blue eyes that radiated love and I gave up my hesitation.

I chose the revenge, “All right, I intend to go down this way.”

We talked about our future life in our house and some less important details later. When we left we kissed each other passionately in a tight hug for a long time. I was calm and felt strong again. I knew she helped me to heal up quickly, I could help her and her children to be happy. I went home to play my acting role for almost one week. The time went slowly until I went to my lawyer for the divorce documents on Friday. I felt good as I put the documents in my car. This was the last night in the same bed with my cheating wife, so I looked at Linda the night before we went to sleep and I was glad I did not have sex with her. I dreamed about Olga and I was curious about the ANR sex connection as a terra incognita. I always preferred milk to beer, but this was still strange to me.

Chapter 6. The confrontation and the peacefulness

I got up very early and I had my breakfast one banana and a quart of 1.5% milk. I started to pack my personal things, clothes, and other items in my luggage and I put everything in my car. When Linda got up and she looked at me, she was astonished at first, but as with most cheaters, she knew and understood all.

She started crying and she asked, “You know everything, don’t you?”

I was glad to avoid a big scene and I answered, “I’ll leave you and I’ll give you the divorce papers as soon as I’m ready to pack my belongings.”

She looked at me with crying eyes.

“Without talking, you would leave the kids and me. Why?”

I explained, “I think it’s waste of time, the only result would be too much emotion, anger and hatred.”

She tried the reconciliation possibilities, “A second chance for our children?”

I closed her hopes for reconciliation, “Linda you had a long time affair with the neighbor. Not a one night drunken affair with a stranger.”

She tried this again, “If I promise I’ll be faithful in the future and….”

“I won’t live with a cheater. My intent is to divorce you, I've brought the divorce documents. I’ll give them to you,” I interrupted her last weak attempt.

She resigned, weeping, “I understand you won’t change your mind. Could I contact you if the kids have some matter?”

I responded in a calm manner, “Yes my mobile will be on and I want a normal contact with you for our children, but I’ll live somewhere else now and unless the children have a problem don’t disturb me for a month. We'll discuss through our lawyers.”

She accepted my decision weeping, “I can see, you are so intent to divorce me.”

I was putting almost everything into my car trunk, and seats, when my children got up both Jennifer and Brian looked at me with shock. I went to my crying cheating wife and I gave the divorce documents to her. I told her to look for a lawyer. I said goodbye to my children and I left for Olga’s with sadness at leaving, but happiness at what was ahead.

I arrived at our house, as Olga called it earlier and I saw the curtain moving. Olga ran to the door and she opened it before I could ring the buzzer. She was beautiful, her hair, her body, her face and she smiled at me and she hugged me tight then she escorted me to the house. She wore a short skirt and a blouse, which was a little tight to show me her bulging D cup breasts without the encumbrance of a bra and I knew that her beautiful breasts were full of milk for me. She told me that her children were at her parents and they knew a lot about me.

She told me, “Please sit down here!”

She sat beside me. I inadvertently put my hands on the table and she put her hands on top of my hands and she said, “You’ll love your children with me by your side, and your heart is so large that you’ll love my daughters too! I know that in my heart!”

I almost started crying, as I understood her words, and knew that it was for the best.
I said emotionally, “Thank you!”

“If you want we’ll sit a little, but soon we should bring your belongings into our house.”

I agreed, “All right, let’s go!”

We brought everything into the house and I put my car beside Olga’s car in the garage.

Chapter 7. Only three chapters

I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, “My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you’re thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you.”

She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole beautiful body. She opened her blouse and pulled out her breast, and I beheld her magnificent nipples for the first time. Her breasts were full of wonderful warm milk. I could tell she was ready as modicum fluid soon leaked out. She waited awhile as she watched me fawn over her entire body and that time she looked up at me when I examined her round butt and her nice shaped legs. She counted well that time, it was not a wonder she was a math teacher. When I was in the deepest admiration of her body, she drank my admiration with her wonderful deep blue eyes. She became flushed and her pheromones filled the entire living room, and we closed the distance between us we hugged each other tightly and we kissed vehemently for a long time.
She stopped kissing, looked into my eyes, and said, “I love you.”

I responded happily, “Olga, I love you too.”

She told me seductively, “I’ve an offer for you let’s go to my bedroom.”

She held my hand and she took me up the staircase to our bedroom. She sat me on the large bed and eased next to me. She took off her blouse her skirt, and soon she was totally nude. I stood up, took off my shirt and trousers. I sat beside her in my boxer shorts and with a large protruding bulge. She looked at my bulge and giggled a little. I laughed with her and I pulled down my boxers. When I sat back down beside her we started kissing.

Then we hugged and held each other. I longed to touch her milk filled breasts and reached out to touch her turgid nipple, what Olga said next stunned me, “Oh, Bill, my breasts are yours almost every time, but at this time, No!”

I looked at her with wide opened eyes. She smiled at me with the kindness in her eyes, “Bill, honey, my breasts are almost painfully full of milk and I want to tell you that my milk will be the only soft drink for you now. So first my love, please taste my milk!”

I smiled back at her I understood her entirely and I slowly started suck her right breast. Her turgid nip shot the sweet nectar into my mouth. She leaned back on the high pillow, which helped me to reach the best suckling position.

I felt a wonderful sweet fluid in my mouth, her milk was a little spicy from the earlier eaten chili, but not too strong and was and absolutely wonderful. I liked low fat milk, but Olga’s milk was tastier, than any milk I have had before. She gently grasped my cock and started to give me a hand job. Her hand felt so good, as she firmly held my cock. Not too strong, and I was in the heaven.

With each stroke she gave me, I sucked deep. She moaned in pleasure. Our first sucking session was a success. I could feel her right breast slowly begin to empty as I enjoyed the warm liquid love of her delicious milk. I looked into her hooded eyes and she looked back at me with pleasure on her brow.

Olga questioned, “Is my nectar tasty?”

I exclaimed, “Heaven!”

We started the second sucking session back on the right breast and during this time, she eased open her legs and said, “I like your sucking the milk from my breast alone, but would you please touch my pussy to increase my pleasure?”

I touched the landing strip above her pussy, and slowly moved down to explore the shaved lips of lust. Her clit stood proud as I gently massaged it. Olga threw her head back in pleasure. I gently inserted a finger into her hot moistness, and sucked hard on her nipple. I felt her pussy become damper.

She moaned again as I stuck a second finger in and began to move it all about. With each stroke of my fingers I sucked more sweet milk from her. It was a few seconds later, when she moaned loudly and I felt her love canal clench my fingers.

She was in the throes of an intense orgasm. I pumped deep into her pussy, and sucked hard on her nipple. I felt her pussy juice cover my finger and roll down my hand.

In a halting breathless voice she said, “If you switch to my left breast my whole body will be yours forever!”

I was still so very thirsty for her milk, and started to finish extracting the milk from it. When I touched her pussy again, I felt her hand touch my cock. I felt her have a little orgasm, and she moaned when I took the last drop from her right breast.

She looked into my eyes and gave me a loving wink, “You’re so unlucky, because soon I’ll taste you too!”

We laughed a little. This woman was fantastic.

I demanded passionately, “I want to eat you first!”

“Okay, I promised that when you sucked my milk from my left breast, my body is yours forever!”, she agreed.

I started to empty her left breast and when I once again touched her pussy she moaned with another small orgasm. I lost myself amongst her tasty milk and the moaning Olga. My cock was in a constant state of erection and when Olga came down from her orgasm she tried to touch it.

The time for us soon passed. A little thought flashed through my mind that finally the ANR sex had begun and this was not just an ordinary sex, because Olga had already been in heaven and there I felt myself with her.

Soon Olga told me moaning, “Bill, honey, thank you, I am euphoric, thank you…”

With those words, I understood what the ANR sex meant. Olga was euphoric and her eyes fired the love in my heart. I knew she was in love with me fully. I sucked her left breast empty and we began kissing and I started to touch her wonderful breasts without any fear that the bed would be filled with her milk.

I pulled apart her legs gently and I started to eat her pussy. I really like to eat pussy. I like to touch and to admire pussy and Olga's pussy was stunningly beautiful. Her landing strip was perfect, and the bareness was nice for me.

Olga soon was in the throes of another orgasm and with her euphoria together, she was in seventh heaven and she moaned to me, “Bill, honey, I want whatever you want to do to me... I’m ready for everything, honey! I’d love to taste your juices or do simple sex…it doesn’t matter…for we’re together.”

She looked at me with fire in her nice deep blue eyes. I moved her on the bed and into the missionary position so I could gaze into her blue eyes burning with love that showed so much love for me. I held my cock and slowly inserted into her pussy.

She understood me exactly and pushed her moist pussy up and allowed my throbbing cock to enter her. Gently I moved my hips, and switched from one breast to the other. With each stroke Olga softly moaned. She was in euphoria from the ANR. Her pussy muscles were well trained, so my cock got extra treatment in her velvet and moist love canal. We were in heaven. We made love and my cock moved in her hot and slippery pussy for a long time and she had an orgasm again in her constant euphoric state.

I did not last long after her orgasm, as I pumped stream after stream of hot sperm into her. Olga did have another orgasm, and collapsed. The sweat rolled down her head. The smile on her face at that time will forever be etched in my memory. We lay together in each other's arms and hugged. Soon we got up and went to shower. I enjoyed washing her lovely body, and could not wait for her breasts to fill again. She told me her euphoria decreased, but it remained a little with her as she stroked my reviving member. After we got out, we dried each other off and went to the kitchen.

I said, “Olga you were right this was much better than ordinary sex.”

“I think this drew us closer together. You’ve got a little of my milk in the fridge and I’ll make us lunch.”

I smiled as I opened the door and saw the bottle full of her delicious milk waiting for me later today.

Chapter 8. This is not sex dream

We ate the lunch. At the end we had pineapple, and then she brought out a pot full of fluid from the refrigerator.

She said, “This is the dessert.”

The fluid was little yellowish and big white hard foam swam on the fluid. I asked her wondering, “What’s it exactly?”

“I learned to cook this dessert from my Mother. I gathered my milk that I pumped out from the past few days and used it for this. I put in sugar with vanilla. It’s called Bird milk.

I wondered, “Did you use your milk?”

“Yes and I used egg yolk to mix with my milk and I used the egg white for the foam.”

We tasted it and I found it very delicious. I drank her milk from the fridge later.

I questioned her cheerfully with smile, “Do you want to achieve your sex fantasy to feed me with your milk solely?”

Olga laughed and she said, “After three months you'll also dream about such a World where this is the reality."

She was wrong, because I began to dream on such imagined World after one month.

“I liked the pint of milk and one banana for breakfast, as this was my breakfast earlier, so I think I’ll soon get used to your breakfast.”

She smiled at me and responded naughtily, “You have to change your habit a little, because you’ll have pussy instead of banana, but the milk remains.”

We laughed a little. I forgot my soon to be ex-wife and I wanted this woman to live with me. Linda did not have much of a sense of humor and I knew she would never be a part of any ANR sex.

I thought of my kids and I became sad and I could see Olga recognized my sadness and she told me, “I know you’ll see your children here with us soon. Let’s go I’ll show the two guest rooms to you.”

We went to the rooms. She opened the first and it was furnished for a young teenaged girl, then she showed the second guest room, which was furnished for a teenaged boy.

She explained, “You’ll sleep here from Sunday for two weeks, because my daughters must know that you live here, after two weeks we’ll sleep together in our bedroom.”

“I’m a dad and I understand you, why do you want this.”

“Your children will arrange these two rooms when they’ll be here with us every second weekend. I tried a little to style for a teenaged girl that room and for a teenaged boy this. You chose me on our second meeting, so I started to furnish these rooms. I want to be a good step mom.”

We hugged and we kissed each other passionately for a long time. Olga was fantastic again and knew how to put a spell on me. She showed me the entire house, but when she got a little time she stroked me, and I stroked her round butt. When I massaged her round butt she turned, smiled and she hugged me.

There were two other rooms for her daughters, our bedroom with bathroom and a big gym with training machines and other niceties, and the house had central heating with gas. I saw the garage earlier. We went to my big pile of luggage and we put away everything. We were ready with everything so we sat on the sofa in the living room and we talked a little after a short rest.

I asked her, “Why am I the successful stranger?”

She replied, “I started looking for a new man after my heart began to mend from the loss of my husband. I placed my ad on that ANR site, but my parents told they paid a PI firm to investigate the potential candidates. You were the first good candidate from posting my ad.”

I was curious, “What were your motives?”

She was straightforward, “I wanted the ANR connection and assholes aren’t good for ANR. The best man for an ANR connection is being close to me and living together in the same house.”

I wanted to know more, “I begin to understand, but why me?”

She admitted everything, “I wanted a stepfather, who was skilled with his children and you wrote you have two children and that they were very important to you. You wrote you discovered some days before your wife cheated on you for a long time, so I knew your heart would be free soon. I told my parents I found a potential candidate. The PI firm brought me every bit of evidence, and I learned that what you wrote was the truth, you are handsome, you have good job, and have a stupid wife. Moreover I listened to your voice from the PI videos and I liked your voice.”

I exclaimed happily, “You’re fantastic!”

We laughed a little and she said, “I want to cook a small dinner, because you’ll get enough calories from my milk. You can use the gym, but I think the easy dinner is the best.”

I wanted to be with her.

“Could I come to the kitchen with you? We could talk.”

Olga was glad and agreed, “You’re super, let’s go.”

We went to the kitchen and I tried to assist her, but I did not know the kitchen well, so I gave up helping her and we simply talked. She appreciated my effort.

I asked her about her husband. As an architect, he worked at his design firm with a few employees. After his untimely death his colleagues bought the firm from her, so Olga had quite a lot of money from this and the two insurance policies. Olga told me he preferred milk to beer as I did and he discovered the ANR on the net accidentally too. She wanted to stop the lactation for Jessica when her husband burst out talking about it. Olga told me she did not like the idea at first, but the thought remained in her brain and she read some net sites about the ANR. So she told her husband they could try it and they lived in ANR connection for half a year.

We talked about her parents and her in-laws. His father Tom Smith used the family connections of his wife Lena at the chaotic circumstances of Jelcin era and they founded some Russian-American joint venture firms for commerce and her parents with her relatives in Russia made a lot of money.

When Putin won, her parents sold their shares of these firms and they invested this money in the American economy. Her parents were successful and avoided the Russian mafia connections. They moved to this city from Chicago, Olga went to college and became a math teacher. She found a teaching job here at a High School. Her sister, Tamara’s first school years were in Chicago, then later she was at the High School here. Her parents had the biggest, the most popular and the most profitable Mall built in the city and they sold 49% of the shares, but 51% of the shares remained with her parents.

She met her husband in this city. Not only did he plan the Mall he checked the construction of the Mall too. He was a bachelor and he talked a great deal with her parents. Her parents in law were average middle class people. They liked their grandchildren very much. Olga told them I would soon arrive here. Olga was busy with cooking and we had a light dinner later. She told me I would have body warm milk soon and we laughed. Only I missed my children. She told me her parents had bought two tickets for the Alison Krauss Union Station (AKUS) concert the next Sunday. Only Olga and I would be there, her parents would baby-sit for us. Olga told me she would arrange the ANR for us, so she would pump her breast a little with the breast pump before we headed to the AKUS concert, so there would be enough milk for the night love section and she could take the pumped milk for me with us to use as a soft drink at the concert.

Chapter 9. The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, “If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn’t yet full of milk and you’ll be able to build up your own fluid.”

I told her, “I like that idea.”

“I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It’s like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili.”

My cock took control of my brain after her words again that day, it began to grow and demand attention. We hugged and kissed each other for a long time and soon our clothes were on the floor and we were very naked. She stroked my cock and cupped my balls then she moved between my legs and she kissed my cock, which felt so fine.

She stroked my balls and took my cock in her mouth. She alternated my cock between her hands and mouth, and the pleasure was intense. She said.

“Honey please tell me, when you are close to cumming!”

I did not understand her words first, but when I told her I was close she clamped my gland hard with her fingers so strongly my ejaculation stopped before it started.

“Honey, don’t worry, your balls will fill quicker and your climax will be much more enjoyable.”

She started stroking my penis again, and my erection returned quickly and it felt harder than before. She alternated between her mouth and hand. She sucked and stroked my penis. I felt the climax build again. I told her I was almost there when she once again stopped me from coming by squeezing my gland.

She said, “Honey, by denying your climax now, your orgasm will be longer and more intense later. Let me know when you’re close again, and this time I won’t stop you.”

Once more my loving Olga began to suck and rub my cock. I was in ecstasy as my cock head turned purple and I could feel my heart beat with each stroke she gave me. In only a minute I felt the familiar rumble as my balls tightened. I moaned to her I am close. She immediately took my member in her mouth and sucked hard. I shot my cum into her mouth. She held onto my cock as I spurted rope after rope of my cream into her loving throat. I could not believe how many spasms I had and how much volume of sperm I produced.

I was in heaven. My Olga was right. This was the longest climax I ever had in all my life. Slowly she removed her lips from my spent rod. She looked at me with her fiery blue eyes and slowly opened her mouth to show me my load. Then with a smile she closed and swallowed. When she opened her mouth, it was empty. It was her way to let me know how much my sperm meant to her. I was in total love with this woman. After she licked her lips she looked at me and giggled.

“Your sperm was so tasty, the pineapple really gave it a wonderful flavor. In all honesty it was the best I have ever had.”

I slowly came down from the wonderful high, and she sat beside me after our fireworks show ended. However I was wrong.

She said, “Honey the girls won’t be home for a long time and we have four chapters of our sex marathon left. We’ll do it this evening. What we just finished was the first chapter only.”

I wondered, “Four Chapters? How?”

“You enjoyed chapter one, after this there will be the breast-feeding sex, which is the second chapter. I’ll be in euphoria at the end of the second chapter. The third chapter is when you eat my pussy and I know you like eating my pussy. The fourth chapter will be ordinary sex. You’ll have a large quantity of sperm at end of the fourth chapter for another long lasting orgasm.”

I told her with pleasure, “Do you want to take me to the Paradise?”

She said with true passion, “If I was a PERSONAL GENIE SERVANT for you, I’d try to take you into the Paradise.” (From 800ibgorilla’s fantasy story Dawn is a Personal Genie Servant.)

We hugged and kissed each other and she took up the best position for the ANR sex on the pillows, which was the second chapter. I knew what I had to do with her beautiful breasts full of milk and her turgid nipples. I started to suck her right breast first and she opened her legs to allow my fingers access to stroke her pussy. My mouth was full of her milky sweetness and I swallowed her sweet white liquor. She moaned with intense pleasure at the simultaneous attention to her breasts and pussy. When she adjusted her position she began to stroke my cock. I sucked her breast and we alternated pussy stroking with cock stroking or sometimes we did it together. After a little time she had several orgasms, as I ministered to both her breasts and pussy. After a few moments to recover, she said, “Unfortunately I don’t have enough milk to feed you with my milk solely.”

At her words, I sucked her with enthusiastic pleasure. I got my payback when she moaned and shook with more mini orgasms. I liked low fat milk, but her creaminess was a fantastic new experience and more tasty. I will be a fan of Olga’s milk forever. I finished emptying her right breast, and with the last drop I took her head in my hands and shared with her, her delicious fluid.

She smiled at me and admitted, “After more orgasms like these I’ll be in euphoria and I’ll want to give you my body forever.”

“I can’t believe I met a woman such as you, and the sex we have it’s indescribable. Olga, I love you with my all heart!”

Olga told me happily, “I love you too honey! I want to take you into heaven with me.”

I started to suck her liquid love from the left breast. She doted upon my sucking and on me. I stroked and touched her pussy, but sometimes she took over and began stroking my cock.

“I want to touch your cock and keep you constantly erect, to produce a lot of sperm for the fourth chapter of our lovemaking.”

Later she took my hand and placed it on her hot wetness. I opened her lips and soon she was writhing once more with another beautiful orgasm. I sucked her breast and also gently blew on her firm erect nipples.

She had another orgasm, and after wards she exclaimed, “Honey thank you, thank you I’m in euphoria once again today!”

I knew she wanted to give herself, her body and later I knew all her soul to me.
I sucked her breast and I touched her pussy and I knew her eyes fired the love to me. She stroked me when I sucked her left breast and as I stroked her pussy she had her last orgasm at the breast-feeding part. Both breasts were empty.

She said, “Honey I’ll be in a high state of euphoria for the next hours and I want to give my body to you entirely.”

So we started the third chapter of our lovemaking. She was lying down so I could treat her beautiful pussy well. I was between her legs with my mouth and hands. Her orgasm was more intense with the ANR euphoric state she was in. She told me several times, she loved me and her body is mine. She had some orgasms during this the third chapter and she told me she wanted me in her pussy completely. So we started into the fourth chapter of our euphoric lovemaking, which was the ordinary sex.

I wanted to do the missionary position so I could gaze into her blue eyes, which were full of fire and they showed the love she had to me. My cock entered her wet love canal and I lost in all her warm slippery pussy. Her PC muscle was strong and well trained for our common pleasure. I plunged my cock into her as a piston does into the cylinder for our common pleasure for a long time. As we ended the session, I learned how right my Olga was. She came first with me plunging her hot pussy, and just like earlier, my climax was deeper and longer. I came so hard and so much that my sperm dripped down her love canal and onto the bed. We fell into each others arms exhausted but so much in love. Our two hours of euphoric sex was done. My mind reflected back on Linda. I never felt this way with her. I was so lucky to have answered Olga’s ad!

Chapter 10. The morning

We slept like the proverbial log. I awoke in the early dawn and felt Olga stroking my cock. She giggled when I woke up. We both had to go to bathroom. Our bladders were so full, and we forgot to go before we fell asleep.

She went first and turned back to me with a wink in her eyes as I went to the toilet in the bathroom of the bedroom, when she was behind me at the toilet and she took my cock with her hand and said, “Your cock is mine, but my pussy is yours.”

She giggled, I laughed, “An excellent and fair exchange for sure, but my lovely Olga, I want your beautiful milk filled breasts too.”

“If you accept my sweet milk for breakfast, I’ll give you my breasts forever too.”

We laughed and I thought I chose well, because I would never be bored with my Olga. We were still very nude. I was very curious for the morning ANR sex session, my cock was still erect after I pissed. I was amazed at my staying power.

We washed our hands and went to the bed and Olga said, “This will be our daily routine. We get up early, we piss and we start the morning breast-feeding. If we have enough time we carry on with ordinary sex, but you know the breast-feeding caused me many orgasms and complete euphoria alone. If the time is short then only the breast-feeding will be done. But this is more than enough for me. So we’ll have sex twice daily except when you’re away on business. Of course I’ll supply you with my soft drink, when you come home.”

I said happily, “I look forward to this with pleasure.”

She smiled at me and told me, “You’ll get accustomed to it quickly, because you love the milk.”

I confessed to her, “You look at me with such marvelous love after you nursed me. Your eyes filled me entirely with your love. I wanted to do missionary with you only, because I want to see that love you have for me in your eyes.”

She was totally dedicated to me, “You may do what you like when we have our next sex sessions. I’m entirely yours after the breast-feeding.”

I confessed my admiration, “I’ve not seen such love in a woman’s eyes as yours.”

She confessed, “You can see in my eyes. I show I love you subconsciously and you understand now, why the ANR is said to be the glue that keeps couples together.”

We were glued together when we began the breast-feeding. We did a three chapters sex marathon in 90 minutes once again. After our ANR breakfast, I ate her pussy in the second chapter and I wanted to see her eyes full of love in the third chapter so we did missionary at the end. We took a shower together with much happiness and cheerfulness.

Olga started her breakfast; I had my banana and eggs with orange juice, because I got my main breakfast, when Olga nursed me. She ate a normal breakfast with oatmeal to help produce good nutritious milk for me. She had a lot of cheese to get calcium too. As we ate, we talked a little.
She said, “When the girls are here we can’t have the same sex marathons we just did, but you understand this since you have two children too.”

“I know that to be true. I’m new to ANR so I don’t know how we accomplish this when the children are in the house. We aren’t alone here.”

She explained and encouraged, “Our four chapter sex marathons will be rare, but we’ll be satisfied, please trust me! We can do intimate sex with calm breast-feeding and affectionate lovemaking, when the girls are here. I’ll be the happiest loving guide for you.”

Olga started her breakfast; I had my banana and eggs with orange juice, because I got my main breakfast, when Olga nursed me. She ate a normal breakfast with oatmeal to help produce good nutritious milk for me. She had much cheese to get calcium too. As we ate, we talked a little.

She said, “When the girls are here we can’t have the same sex marathons we just did, but you understand this since you have two children too.”

“I know that to be true. I’m new to ANR so I don’t know how we accomplish this, when the children are in the house. We aren’t alone here.”

She explained and encouraged, “Our four chapters sex marathons will be rare, but we’ll be satisfied, please trust me! We can do intimate sex with calm breast-feeding and affectionate lovemaking, when the girls are here. I’ll be the happiest loving guide for you to show this.”

The field telephone rang. Olga answered and spoke for about a minute, and then she called me to the telephone, “My Dad wants to talk to you.”


“Hallo, Tom Smith here. Good Morning.”

“Bill Johnson speaking. Good Morning.”

“I talked with my daughter briefly and I would like to invite you. Why don’t you come over for lunch? My granddaughters are asking me with excitement, who will live with them? We can introduce you to them here.”

I looked at Olga with a puzzled look and I asked, “What’s your opinion about going to your parents?”

She replied, “It’s up to you.”

I was curious about Olga’s family and daughters so the decision was easy.

“Tom, I’d love to meet with you for lunch, I’ll see you soon.”

“Could you give the phone back to my daughter? See you soon.”

“Yes and thank you for your invitation.”

Olga and her father talked a little about the girls then we started to prepare ourselves to go to Olga’s parents. She told me she would be in a mini euphoric state for hours from the ANR sex. She told me her parents did not know anything about ANR at all, so I had to keep silent about it.

Chapter 11. Friendly encounter

We went by Olga’s car and a short time later we arrived at a nice house with a big garden, swimming pool, and tennis-court. There was a fence around the garden, but we could look at it through the steel fence. Olga told me we would swim or will play tennis here; she told me I did not have to worry, because the exercise would not decrease her milk production. We laughed a little. We were soon in front of the car gate, when Olga pressed the remote control. The gate eased open and we drove through. She told me I would have a remote soon too. We had just parked in front of the house and the door opened.

Olga’s daughters, Stacy and Jessica, greeted us. Her parents and sister came out too, Tom, Lena, and Tamara. We greeted each other and Olga introduced me to everybody. The young children were a little shy, I was a stranger, but they answered with their smiles at my smile. Both daughters of Olga’s were blond haired deep blue-eyed girls. Lena was a light brown haired, deep blue-eyed, tall woman.

Tom was a tall brown haired steel gray eyed man. Tamara was a strawberry blond haired and a deep blue-eyed girl her breasts were maybe a small C cup. We went to the living room and the two children sat beside me and we talked a little. Olga went with her Mom to help her. Tom and Tamara sat opposite me and they watched as Stacy and Jessica talked with me a little. Tamara told them they should go with her into the other room to play, so Tom and I were alone.

Tom smiled at me and he began, “My son I know you well, I read and watched the PI's reports. You know little of my family. You know only my daughter Olga.”

“Olga has told me a little about her family background.”

“I understand, but she doesn’t know everything. Bill I was in same shoe almost thirty years ago. The difference I hadn't children that time,” Tom told sympathetically.

I asked him in surprise, “Were you married before Lena?”

“No, but almost. After graduation I was on PhD scholarship at Chicago University in the Russian department. I had BC in Russian and media and MS in Russian. I am not Russian originally, but I lived together with Russian people when I was a young boy. I learned a little Russian from the Russian children. I played with them a lot. My parents were smart and they sent me to learn Russian by taking a private language course. After High School I went to Chicago University.

“During my PhD scholarship I met a girl and we dated, I thought I found the right woman. The two families planned the wedding after I got my PhD. She just graduated with a degree in Business Administration and she got a job. We lived together.

One week before our wedding I came home earlier, because I had a bad case of the flu and I found her with her colleague in our bed. They didn’t know I came home, so I went to my parents and I told them everything. We stopped the wedding preparation and I went to our condo, when she was at work, and I took my personal property away.”

I questioned him with interest, “Do you know what happened to her?”

“Ten years ago when we became wealthy, I hired a PI firm to locate her. I was curious about her life, because I’ve been extremely happy since I met and married Lena.”

“What did the PI firm find?”

“It was very interesting. She left Chicago and she went to live in St. Louis. She found someone and got married. They had two sons. She learned that her husband was a bastard serial cheater. I was sad for her but she deserved it because of what she did to me. I was surprised to know that she reconciled with him twice after they went to marriage counseling, but at the end she became a divorcee and single mom. The bastard left her and his children for a younger woman.”

I exclaimed, “What an interesting thing!”

“Lena told me I should call her to close those wounds in my soul. So I called her and she was glad I called. She told me she understood completely what a deep emotional disaster it is to be betrayed from your loved one. She told me she understood my pain to. Lena was right, because when I read only the PI report, I learned I was still thinking about what she did, even though it was almost twenty years later. Initially I hated her totally and completely, but after the one-hour telephone conversation I became ambivalent about her. I was lucky we didn’t get married. Then I found Lena and I have two beautiful daughters and two beautiful granddaughters now.”

“I can see where the PI investigation idea originated to investigate me,” I was joking.

We laughed a little. Tom had the same of humor as his daughter. I thought I would fit in very well with this family.

“I told my daughter if she wanted to look for a potential husband on the net that information the other would write wouldn’t be enough, because it could be completely false. You must be sure the other writes something that’s true. I’m glad the PI firm found you to be an honest caring young man. I trust you and I would have no issue with you being with my daughter.”

I mentioned, “This PI firm has a special service. The customer’s request, they deliver the evidence, the videos and the photos to a specified address or person. I want to use this possibility to enlighten the wife of my neighbor the next week. Eve is a good person I’ve always preferred her to her cocky bastard husband. Eve is still so clueless, as I was before.”

He agreed, “Very good idea! It’s very important to her to learn her bastard’s cheating. Your wife’s affair could get a little ricochet.”

“I don’t want Linda’s lover to get away so easy after he ruined my marriage. His wife, Eve deserves to know of her betrayal too,” I said vehemently.

Tom explained the next, “You’ve decided correctly. I think Eve has two options. Either she’ll divorce him and they’ll move to another house or they may even reconcile after a long time spent in marriage counseling. In these cases your ex-wife will lose her nearby lover.”

“I think, these scenarios would be the best for my kids,” I admitted.

Tom tried to reassure me, “Don’t worry, if they divorced and your neighbor moved to your ex-wife’s house. In this case the neighbor’s children would regard their Father negatively and your children would regard their Mom negatively too. Linda won’t have a good resolution to her cheating. Eve’s and your kids will learn the truth earlier.”

I said, “I agree with you.”

The lunch was ready and everybody sat at the table. The two young girls got different dishes as we had for lunch. Lena cooked Russian dishes such as the beetroot soup what the Russians call borsch and she cooked the famous pirog. We ate Russian caviar between borsch and pirog. The children had beetroot soup and fish fingers. We all had sirnyki for desert. I found the lunch tasty. Olga told me she learned from her Mom to cook so she knows the Russian cuisine well. Tom and Lena told their story.

After his PhD Tom gave up the academic carrier and he got a job as press-correspondent in Moscow. Lena was a student of an English-German teacher in the University Lomonosoff. Her family lived in Moscow and they met accidentally, they dated a lot. Then they got married and they left the earlier Soviet Union.

After we strapped the kids into the car seats we went home. We went to my new home. The children were tired so Olga put them to sleep in their rooms.

Olga helped to move me temporarily into my son’s future guest room and I started my new life. We showed Olga’s daughters I slept in my son’s guest room for the next two weeks.

Chapter 12. Three years to live in our Galaxy in the Milky Way

It was the next week, when I got a mobile phone call from my soon to be ex-wife at my job.


I was concerned, “Is there anything the matter with my children?”

“You son of the bitch, why did you send the videos, and photos to Eve?”

“What did you think? I would go silently off and lick my wounds? I discovered your cheating and I got evidence, and sent it to your lover’s wife. Why should his marriage remain intact when you both destroyed ours?”

Linda made it all venom, “Go to the hell!”

And the line went silent. My soon to be ex-wife knew the after-effect of the PI firm’s work.

Rob and Eve did marriage counseling and Eve gave an ultimatum to move to another place. Rob and Eve went to Portland Oregon, where Rob got a new job. Before moving to Portland Eve phoned me and she thanked me for my information. She wished much happiness to Olga and me.

I hope she has chosen well to not divorce. However this was the best for my kids.

After two weeks I moved into Olga’s bedroom and from Olga’s bedroom it became our bedroom. The girls and I were developing a good relationship and I started reading stories to them, and play with them often. I became the good stepfather, as Olga forecast earlier. Olga’s daughters became my daughters too.

Stacey and Jessica became fond of me quickly, as Olga foresaw. I loved them the same way as my older kids. After my divorce my children came to visit us every second weekend and they arranged their rooms as they wished. Olga was a very good step mom for my older kids, when they were with us. I got in the divorce, my birthday, the second day of Xmas and Easter for my kids. We were on two weeks holiday with the four children in summer and we went to ski for a week with the four children in wintertime.

I asked Olga to be my wife and with her arms wrapped around my waist and those fiery blue eyes filled with tears of joy, she said yes. There was a small wedding, where Tom took his daughter up the aisle to me in front of the minister. The present from Tom and Lena was one week in the Bora-Bora Island’s for our honeymoon.

Olga trained herself to express the milk from her breast in the toilet of the plane and the toilet of the airports. The heterosexual monogamy ANR pairs must hide themselves from the World! I enjoyed her milk from a bottle on the way to Bora-Bora. I can say I have enjoyed milk more since I met my beautiful wife Olga.

We were walking with seven-year-old Stacy and six year old Jessica in the Mall of my parents in law on a Saturday afternoon, when we met Linda, Brian and Jennifer. Linda wanted to buy something for the kids. Brian and Jennifer came to us and greeted us. Our daughters were glad. They adored my children and my older kids were fond of our younger daughters too. Jennifer asked us why didn’t all of us go to this coffee shop together. I looked at my wife for her opinion whether we should sit with my ex-wife. Olga’s eyes let me know that it was my decision.

So I told my older children, yes. Linda surprisingly was willing too, so we headed to the coffee shop. The waitresses put together two tables for us, so we sat down. Linda was sad, and very tired. She had to go to work after our divorce. Olga and I were alive and bright from the love of each other and the happiness we shared.

Linda lived a lonely life; my kids told us she did not have any relationship to speak of. We talked about some actual things regarding my older children, when Jennifer told our younger daughters there was something spectacular in the Mall. Our daughters yelled they would like to see it. So we told my older children they may escort them. I told them they had to look after our young daughters well. We remained in the coffee bar. I took care of the check for all of us.

We talked about my older children in a civil mood for a bit then out of the blue, my ex-wife turned to my wife with a sarcastic voice, “How are you not being neglected?!”

I was astonished by her funny question, this was not her business at all, I wanted to say that, when Olga put her hand on my hand and she held my hand and told me with body language, the stage was hers.

She began her respond, “Do you know, we don’t have sex only three times a week!”

Linda was astonished at my lovely wife’s blunt answer. Her eyes grew and she exclaimed, “I don’t understand, how?!”

Olga continued her riposte firework, “We have sex twice daily, and have for the past three years.”

I felt Olga squeeze my hand even harder.

Linda was astonished, “That’s impossible, and such a thing is impossible!”

Olga smiled and said, “Do you remember Bill prefers low fat milk to beer?”

Linda wondered, “I remember it, but what does that have to do with having sex twice a day??? So why would you bring that up?”

Olga bulged out her beautiful milked filled D cup breasts and with a coy smile said, “Bill gets all the low fat milk he needs right here. Everyday, twice a day, for the past three years Bill gets his low fat sweet milk from my two big breasts. And the sex is wonderful. The only time we don’t is when Bill is out of town, but I make sure he has plenty when he gets back.”

Our children came back to us in the coffee shop, as Linda’s mouth opened wide as she understood exactly what Olga said. The expression on her face was funny. We said our goodbyes, and left with our children for home.

When we got to the parking garage in the basement, I put Stacy into her child seat while Olga was strapping Jessica in.

When we closed the doors of my Mercedes, and now our daughters could not hear us, Olga said quietly, “The stupid bitch wanted to say ANR is disgusting!”

I confirmed, “I think you’re right, she wanted to say that.”

She smiled at me and said, “I’m very lucky you’ll never reconcile with such a bitch!”

I responded with our usual humorous way, “With a dry cow? Why???”

We laughed a little and got into my car and we smiled at each other and at our daughters…

The end.
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