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A Fembot Story
Chapter 5. A Little Happiness

Kate woke me up an hour before my alarm clock went off, with a kiss and then we showered together, as we soaped each other up we played a bit with each other. Our hands never missed a chance to explore our naked bodies, and by the time we were done my cock was rock hard, Oops...We laughed and tickled each other and played grab-ass, and then we got dressed and had breakfast with everyone, it was a simple meal of oatmeal, a banana and whole wheat toast with strawberry jam. We almost had all of our bags packed and ready to go, but a few last minute items, and we all went and finished that chore before the two cabs showed up to take us to the local airport, Once they showed up we loaded up our bags and our skis and gear, and they took us to the local airport for a commuter flight which in turn flew us to catch our plane at Chicago O’Hare, for our flight to Zurich.

We had an hour to kill, before our flight to Zurich, so we stopped in at the newest restaurant at O’Hare, Tortas Frontera and had a quick-lunch before the flight and it was very good for airport fare. And we all picked up something to read and then Natalia and Becky went to powder their noses.

So dad took Kate and me aside and said. “Guys this might be our last big vacation before you two go off to college together, please make the most of it, but please be respectful of the rest of the family, you two will have the rest of your lives together so try to be courteous of everyone around you and try not maul each other when you’re in the company of others.”

Dad continued smiling at us, "You'll have plenty of time together to play in the future. We all know you wore yourselves out last night," he began to laugh a little, "However I think your Mother might let you sleep together at her house, just like Natalia and I will insist on that when you stay at our house. She'll be afraid of losing you."

Kate understood everything, "Dad, you'd like it, if we took care of Becky during the holiday, and kept her out of trouble, wouldn’t you?"

Dad continued, "Kate, Yes. I think if you two spent some time with Becky, she'll have a great time to remember."

I interrupted dad and laughed, " Dad, you don't know how much fun we will have ... it might ruin her for life."

Kate continued my words, " Dad, we'll take good care of her."

I said, "So it’s a plan then."

Natalia and Becky arrived, so we changed topics. After lunch we waited till check in was called and we entered through the passenger gates and soon we flew to Zurich. We arrived on time and rented a small minivan after we got all of our bags and the ski equipment. Naturally Natalia had not brought any skis.

I experienced a few new things on the way here, and Natalia and Kate were fluent in German but not in Swiss (Switzerdütsch) and could read German. Kate had never mentioned anything about her talents before, Natalia told me, that both had taken German and French language classes beside English which was a newer surprise. We went to a Bank in Zurich and Kate and Natalia were at the office for a personal meeting. Then they went to the cashier to get Swiss bank notes. They brought a less fortune from the cash and Natalia divided the Swiss franc among us so I got SF2000 as pocket money. Later Natalia said she had deposits in Cayman Islands, Cook Islands and Switzerland besides the USA.

We then loaded up in the minivan and the pregnant Natalia drove us to the Albula train and put the minivan on the train for the trip thru the Albula tunnel. We all admired the breathtaking views of the snowy Alps during our trip. Kate and I chatted with Becky during the trip and our hands were busy playing with each other we both had lust on our minds. However we had not forgotten dad's request but we would had entertained my sister voluntarily without his request.

We all had a fantastic view of the snow on the Alps and we were delighted with our accommodations. I knew the Hotel was expensive, and it looked like we were in for an awesome experience. Dad admitted he had never stayed in such a fancy place before. Natalia had quite a bit more money than dad had earned but she didn’t hold that over him or us. Becky and I had read a lot of information about Sankt Moritz on the web and we learned this area was really one of the most expensive places in the world to vacation in. Natalia never blinked an eye and paid for everything as if this trip had been a cheap hotel in the USA, I was impressed with Natalia earlier, but now I understood she was such sweet soul who was honestly happy for our enjoyment.

The hotel had a swimming pool with warm water and a shuttle to the sky slopes.

After dinner we went to sleep. Kate and I were in same room and we fell into the bed. Before falling asleep I wondered how Natalia could function so well without showing any sign of jet lag.

It was early morning when I woke up from an erotic dream of Kate, but I learned quickly I did not dream this. Kate's mouth worked on my cock. She giggled when she noticed I was awake. She stopped and moved to me in the bed and we melted into a passionate kiss, as she stroked my cock furiously.

After kissing she said simply, "I love you."

My answer was same simply too, "I love you."

She jumped out from bed and she turned on the bedside lamp so I could enjoy her gorgeous naked body. She portrayed herself as an erotic model and showed me her feminine attributes. Her body was totally hairless except for her flax colored hair, eyebrow and eyelashes. I was amazed, but my erection swept my thoughts to pure lust. I looked at my watch on the bedside table and it was 4:35 A.M. After taking plenty of pleasure out on Kate's stunning body I climbed out of bed and she grabbed me, and we hugged each other and kissed again. Our tongues explored our mouths and she held me tightly to assist my hands to caress her wonderful body again. And I held her head until we stopped kissing twenty minutes later.

She looked at my eyes with hers full of love and moaned, "Honey I'll smother you with my pussy juice again," and we kissed.

She guided me to bed and we fell in as we hugged each other again, and we melted into a passionate kiss but soon Kate let my hand explore her thigh then her groin. She opened her legs so that I could explore her hot wet pussy. She was letting out a light musky pheromone cloud which was very toxic and woke me up. Then we broke apart and she led me to the carpet and she opened her legs wide to show me her beautiful pussy. I drank in this delight as I glanced into her eyes and she showed pure lust. My cock became hard as steel as I looked into her depths and at wet inner labia which were wide open as a funny butterfly offering itself to me.

She giggled, "You have seen girls and women on porn sites, but I can give you my pussy to touch, lick and kiss. Those girls can't give you anything like this over there."

I was a little confused and said, "Your pussy is wonderful!"

Kate began to encourage me, "Ben don't be shy. Don't be afraid to say you desperately want my pussy. I'd stay in this position for hours to compete with porn model photos for your attention but, I’m sure I'll win."

I became braver, "I like your pussy it's marvelous," as I touched her inner labia with my fingers.

I stroked her labia and her entrance. Her hot wet silky pussy was unbelievable good to touch. She moaned softly to show me she was on fire.

She repeated with total empathy, "I'll stay here for an hour if you want to admire my pussy. My pussy isn't a picture on the web. It's a living pussy you can touch with your hand or kiss even lick it. It is yours forever."

This encouragement lit my fire. I began to kiss her pussy and I used my fingers and I licked her clit. Her voice was low but it was enough to feed my lust. Sometimes I stopped and I touched her with my tongue as I almost devoured her wonderful sex with my eyes. I soaked up her pussy and when I licked her clit and stroked her pussy, with my fingers as she reached her first orgasm. Soon she came for the second time in just a few minutes. Her whole body mildly writhing and her face and eyes were in a distant trance. She wept her joy to me with long moans, but after her third orgasm she lifted her upper body.

Kate looked at me with a most delicious glance, "Honey, I know you adore my pussy, but I'd like to blow your mind now."

As I entered the depths of her hot, wet, silky pussy my cock felt like it was going to heaven, I pushed my cock in her, she did not grip me too tight with her vagina's muscles, but she moaned when I was deep in her pussy missionary style. She hugged me strongly as she pushed her tits into my chest.

After moaning she giggled, "If you say you’re going to come too soon, please fuck me as hard as you like."

I went to work in her pussy at my own speed. I was confident and I could control myself so Kate did not use her skills. Soon we changed to cowgirl and now Kate used her pussy muscles to her advantage as I touched her firm breasts and erect nipples. I almost melted from the heat in her pussy. Then we ended in missionary with passionate kiss and hug. Here she used her skills once more to stop me, taking over with her pussy muscles again as I sank into her wonderful sexy pussy.

She moaned, "Ben, I'm on the pill. Cum in me!"

I ejaculated in long steaming ropes, I was in heaven as Kate had another mind-blowing orgasm. She was very wore out and satisfied, we laid side by side for a while, but Kate had other ideas and she began sucking my cock. Soon we switched to doggy style and I touched her firm breasts and erect nipples and her clit. Later we did cowgirl again as we finished another round.

We lay next to each other and we held hands in post orgasmic bliss...

She smiled at me, "I know we could start another round of love-making, but we should go to the bathroom."

I looked at my watch and it was almost 6:15. The plan was 7:00 to have breakfast and at 8:00 we would go to the cable car. So we went to the bathroom and washed each other. We were cheerful and laughed a lot. We dressed and entered into the living room of the suite before 7:00. Dad and Natalia were there waiting for Becky. Natalia was so cheerful this morning. Dad was a little calm, but he also was happy for us and I wondered if he’d gotten lucky also.

When Becky was ready and we had breakfast in the restaurant and went to the tram-car in the hotel's minibus with our ski gear. Kate and I entertained Becky the whole time, but we agreed we would have done that anyway so my dad's request was unnecessary. When we got to the ski resort we organized our day: Natalia stayed in the bar of the upper station so she could watch us and we all rotated turns keeping her company, I had third shift in the rotation.

Naturally Kate was better than anyone else at skiing, as she is in everything that she does. She went all out and exhibited her acrobatic skills for us. And just like what she said while we were swimming please don’t try this without some professional training as these might be dangerous for us. Again we knew Kate wasn’t bragging, just that she wanted to entertain us with her abilities. Her personality radiated the excitement she was having and to take care of us at the same time. When I was with Becky and my dad together on the ski tram and the slopes, I thought about Kate and Natalia and how unique they are.

Becky blurted out simply on the tram, " Daddy, how did you find these two beautiful souls?"

Dad had some tears in his eyes, "Becky I wasn’t the only lucky who won the lottery."

Becky turned to me, "Ben you lucky bastard you won the lottery too." and she poked me in the ribs.

When we arrived to the bar, Kate offered to teach us how to snowboard. Dad refused the idea, saying he was too old to snowboard, but Becky and I became enthusiastic about learning something new. Immediately Natalia ran to get information how to rent three snowboards and gear for tomorrow. When the girls and dad went back to the slopes to ski I stayed with Natalia in the bar. We talked about her new baby coming and her plans for the future, and then Natalia said she would be giving birth at home. This was very interesting and strange information. It was Becky’s turn to stay next with Natalia while we went back to the slopes then we went to a late lunch in the hotel restaurant.

After lunch we went to the hotel's covered swimming pool, where Natalia sat on the stairs of the pool and we swam a lot. After we finished swimming, we changed and went to Sankt Moritz next to the minibus stop for a walk and then to dinner in a small local restaurant. And as usual Natalia insisted on picking up the tab again. And when we got back to the room Kate and I made love again before we went to sleep and I fell asleep in Kate's arms.

She woke me up with her mouth around my cock and we had a long early morning of hot sex.

My sister and I then learned the basics of snowboarding after we picked up the snowboarding gear that Natalia had rented, Kate proved to be an excellent teacher, but we both need way more practice to be better snowboarders but all three of us had a blast. Because Dad did not snowboard with us, we decided to go skiing again the next day. Natalia told us she would pay for a New Zealand vacation for Kate and me this summer so we could go snowboarding again to curb our disappointment. Unfortunately Becky would not go with us. Kate and I both hugged and thanked her for her generosity. I said earlier Natalia was very cheerful when we were happy; she has such a good soul, as Becky had commented also.

This winter vacation was meant to be fun and we took advantage of it every chance we got, I know Becky had as fun as we did and will savor this vacation forever. We celebrated the New Year in the hotel bar listening to a local band play some old-time rock and roll, and we finally called it quits at three am.

The skiing got canceled the next day so we went and spent our morning at the swimming pool. However after lunch we discovered the indoor ice rink, which was almost empty because New Year's afternoon the people went either to ski or to swim. Natalia rented skates for us kids. The two adults grabbed some rink side seats and watched us terrorize the ice. After one hour common skating Kate let herself go and showcased her amazing athletic skills, and even performed a little show for us. Becky loves to watch skating on TV and has an immense knowledge about figure skating, so she gave us all a turn by turn narrative of each move as Kate performed.

Kate showed her skating figure skills and entertained for over one hour as we clapped and shouted at every pirouette she did. Becky and I stood close to our folks at the palisade; we were on the ice next to seats. Becky told us Kate did something called Rydberg, Lutz, Axel and etc. We were ecstatic when Kate ended her skating routine with a triple jump. Becky was extremely thrilled about Kate's presentation. Kate did this without bragging she only wanted to entertain us as always. Natalia told about her earlier mate that he had not allowed Kate to become a professional ice skater so she remained an amateur. Later we learned Natalia's previous mate did not want any media attention, because he was a criminal.

Becky looked at me and exclaimed, "What an amateur!? Fantastic presentation!"

I am not an expert in figure skating, but I understood my sister's pleasure and I knew Kate went all out for Becky.

The next day was spent on the slopes skiing and the evening was spent packing to go home. We went to bed early, and we used our time together to wear ourselves out once again, and we woke up just in time to grab a shower and a real quick breakfast before we had to leave.
Natalia drove again, I figure dad must really trust her driving skills a lot. Then we reloaded the minivan on the train for the trip thru the Albula tunnel, where the train took the minivan and we caught our plane for the flight to Chicago and home. I didn’t spend much cash so
I saved more than SF1500 from Natalia's pocket-money, because she paid for almost everything and I swapped it into dollars in the airport. This money was another surprise gift from Natalia.

When I was with Becky alone at home she praised Kate and Natalia. She repeated what a lucky guy I was with Kate. We arrived a few days before school started again and Becky's stories about our vacation caused a bit of sadness in our mother. Mainly when she learned Natalia paid for everything we needed. Her jealousy went over the top. She later admitted that she knew she deserved all the sorrow for what she did against my father.

Becky told mom that Kate and I slept in same bedroom and, both dad and Natalia were ok with this. Mom was embarrassed about it. Modern times, modern times, but she did not think that, she was still a little old-fashioned maybe. I laughed to myself and knew dad would be right, Kate and I would share my bed together in mom's house soon and I was not wrong.

Becky showed mom the gift Natalia had bought her, a small jeweled bracelet for Kate and her in Sankt Moritz. I think this time my mom decided that she could not buy any expensive gifts for Kate, so she realized the biggest gift she could give Kate would be her permission to sleep in my bed. Mom phoned dad and Natalia to discuss her idea about Kate's sleeping with me in her house before one day to the Prom night. Mom's only condition was Kate and I should discuss it with her before we do it. Natalia and dad approved naturally.

When we left to go to the Prom from dad's house he said laughing to Kate and me, "Didn't I tell you?"

And Becky was really excited about, this, Kate was now her best friend.
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