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Author’s Note: This is a serial novel. It mixes actual experiences, fantasies, and outright lunacy. It is not a quick lurk-and-jerk. I believe in a slow build, in order to have a better payoff at the end. (Like Sting, I’m Tantric…). I plan to release a new chapter every week. Hopefully the response will be good! Enjoy.
Chapter 18

Another day in paradise…. I woke at the raucous call of some jungle bird, momentarily confused at the scenery around me. I had gotten used to waking up on the beach, and the dense trees surrounding me left me nonplussed for a moment. Smelling the coconut scent of Joelle’s hair in my face, and feeling her soft belly under my hand, now wrapped around her sleeping body, brought the memories of last night flooding in. I squeezed her unconsciously, reliving those intense moments from hours before, and the gentle pressure must have roused her, for she turned toward me with a dazzling, if sleepy smile.

“Good morning, lover,” she said muzzily. I kissed her cheek and smiled back.

“Hello, gorgeous,” I murmured.

“I’ve never spent the night with a man before,” she said in wonder. “I just realized that. Another first you gave me!” She hugged me tightly. “I feel so complete!”

“I’m just happy to make you feel good,” I said sincerely. “I will be your willing sex slave for life, Joelle Flores!”

She giggled, stretching luxuriantly. “I have a sex slave! Wouldn’t my sister be jealous!” I laughed as well, rising to my feet and stretching out my kinked muscles. I had gotten used to sleeping on sand; sleeping on dirt was another matter.

“Man, I need to rinse off!” I exclaimed. “I worked up a sweat last night.”

“I’m way ahead of you,” she said, sitting up. “Check that bag over there. I brought clean clothes for both of us, and bathroom supplies so we can wash off in the stream.”

“God, you really planned this all out, didn’t you?” I said in amazement.

“It’s the OCD,” she said with a grin. “Leave nothing to chance; plan for every eventuality.”

We collected our leavings from last night’s dinner and rolled it up in the blanket. I slung it over my shoulder as Joelle picked up the bag.

“I don’t want to dress and then undress a minute later,” I said. “Let’s go naked!”

“Dave!” she gasped. “We can’t do that! What if someone sees?”

“I’m already seeing,” I said with a leer. “And I like what I’m seeing.” I made growling noises.

She blushed. “You know what I mean.”

“Who cares?” I said. “We’re up pretty early. I think we can make it to the stream undetected.”

“OK,” she said doubtfully. We jogged down the path, and I was delighted to watch her bouncing boobs as she ran. “Stop staring!” she complained. “I know my breasts are jumping around; it’s disgusting. I hate not wearing a bra.”

I laughed. “You think I’m staring because it’s disgusting? God, you don’t understand men at all. We love big boobs, and we love them even more when they’re bouncing around. But if you like, I can run behind you. The I can watch your ass jiggle instead.”

“Oh, you’re impossible!” she said, cheeks flaming. “Let’s just get there quickly.”

We made it to the pond safely, and dove in for a quick scrubdown. I was feeling pretty dehydrated, and guzzled about a gallon of water before bathing. I washed my hair while Joelle took the soap first, then we traded. We washed each other’s back, and I felt my prick stiffening again just from touching her naked body. She noticed my boner, and blushing even more, said,” Uh-uh, buddy! No more nookie for you. I’m still sore from last night. You’ll have to wait for another time.”

“You’re a cruel woman,” I whined. “Deserting me in my time of need. What kind of nurse withholds vital treatment?”

She snorted. “One who got screwed pretty hard a few hours ago, that’s what kind.”

I gave in and we dressed, walking back to the beach hand in hand. She pulled me in for one more kiss before we emerged from the trees. “Thanks again for a lovely evening, Joelle,” I said seriously. “You made it very special, and I meant it when I said anything you need, you let me know. I’ll always be there for you.”

“I know,” she said softly. “I’ll need you again, don’t worry.”

I collected some breakfast, nodding hello to those folks who had risen early, and walked over to the medical hut. Joelle and Gabrielle were talking as the Frenchwoman gave Dkembe his breakfast. I sat down and joined the conversation. Soon I noticed that the African seemed to be more restless than before. He was moving under his blanket, and eventually knocked it off with his squirming. Joelle had wrapped a sort of loincloth around him to act as a diaper, and it was apparent from the bulge in the fabric that he was getting a monster erection. I was pondering the neurological significance of this when his eyes opened.

“He’s awake!” I cried out, dropping the piece of mango I had been sucking on. The two women stopped their conversation, staring in amazement as the man looked around in confusion, the milky nipple popping out of his mouth as he attempted to sit up.

“Whaaa…?” he gurgled thickly, confusion evident in his eyes. He began speaking in his native dialect, first staring at the naked breast in his face, then at Joelle and me. His thrashing dislodged the diaper completely, and Joelle gasped as his huge boner hove into view. God, look at that thing! I thought. It must be close to a foot long! His nakedness unnerved him further, and he attempted to cover himself, panic in his eyes.

“Whoa, buddy!” I said to him. ”It’s OK. Calm down, you’re safe. Do you speak English?”

“Yes,” he said. “Where am I? What’s going on?” His English was accented but perfectly understandable.

“We were in a plane crash. We’re on an island. You’ve been unconscious for days. Gabrielle here,” I motioned to the Frenchwoman, who was putting away her breast, “has been keeping you alive the only way we knew how. Do you remember anything?”

His face wrinkled in concentration. “I remember the crash,” he said slowly. “My sister!” A spasm of pain wracked his enormous body. “Oh God, Nene! She’s dead, isn’t she?” Tears ran down his face.

“Was that your sister?” Joelle asked, wrapping him a blanket. He clutched the fabric to himself, rocking as he sobbed.

“Yes,” he croaked in a broken voice. “She fell out of the emergency door in the night when we crashed. I tried to find her in the water, but I do not swim well. I don’t remember anything after that. I thought I was drowning.”

“We found you in the cargo hold,” I told him. “You must have washed in there by luck. I’m sorry about your sister, unfortunately she didn’t make it.”

He broke down, sobbing uncontrollably. Gabrielle, professional nurturer that she was, wrapped him in a hug and began singing to him in French. He clung to her like a life raft in a hurricane, until his emotions ran their course. He stared morosely at the sand, apparently numb at his loss. Joelle shooed me away, and the two women began wiping his face with a wet cloth, talking to him in soothing voices and helping him dress. His bag had long before been brought into the medical hut for this very eventuality. I was just glad we were actually getting to use it. I left them to their mothering, figuring a little TLC was what he needed most.
I made my way to Janie’s area, where she and Jared were eating some fruit and smoked fish. I gave her a peck on the cheek and, sitting down, told them the news about Dkembe.

“The poor man,” she said. “I’m glad he’s awake. I hope he can come to terms with his loss.” She hugged Jared tightly in reaction.

“Mooo-oom!” he groused, embarrassed. She kissed him, then let him escape to run off to Boy’s Town. I sat with her in silence as she processed her emotions. She was quiet for a reflective moment, but her natural ebullience rapidly resurfaced.

“How was last night?” she asked with a wicked grin.

“Magical,” I said simply. “I’ll leave it at that. Thanks for your part in it.”

“What, no details?” she complained.

“Not this time. I’d feel bad about Joelle. She’s pretty bashful and I don’t want to kiss and tell. I’ll let her spill it to you when she’s ready. It sounds like you two don’t hold anything back.”

She smirked. “So she took my advice?”

“Hell, yes!” I said with a laugh. “Like I said—you can get her to tell you about it.” She punched me on the arm lightly.

“I’m glad you had a good time.”

“What’s on your agenda today?” I asked her.

“I’m going out with the hunters. They’re trying to get another pig today, since the meat is running low.”

“Ahh, hoping for some of the other white meat, huh?” I waggled my eyebrows suggestively.

She stuck her tongue out at me. “It really is a hunting trip. If we catch one, maybe there will be a celebration. Maybe I’ll even tell you about it, maybe not.” She turned away in mock indignation. I tickled her, and she collapsed onto the sand laughing.

“Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Like that limits me at all,” she scoffed.

I just laughed, and got up to check on the other injured folks. Danielle was sitting with Mary near the water, and I chatted with the two of them for a moment, checked her wound, which looked good, and her foot, which appeared to be fully functional. Connor I found at the Girl’s Club, with a cluster of young ladies around him. When I shooed them away to check out his leg, I discovered what they had been doing: the toenails on his splinted foot were covered in multicolored nail polish. The girls were all giggling, and the poor boy looked somewhat harried. “They made me do it,” he said desperately, as I struggled to control my laughter. Despite the odd appearance, his foot was doing fine, and it looked like the tibia was healing with fairly good alignment. He assured me he was having no pain, and I left him to the tender mercies of the girls.

I headed for the jungle, my earlier water guzzling now paying me back with a very full bladder. I intended to take a piss, but was nearly knocked over when someone jumped on my back.

“Giddy-up horsie!” crowed Alyssa, kicking me in the flanks with imaginary spurs. This was always one of her favorite games at our school.

I made whinnying noises and ran down the trail, holding on to her muscular thighs. I couldn’t help noticing the firm little cones of her developing breasts pressing against my back as she jostled up and down. I reached the pond and threatened to buck her off into the water. She shrieked, laughing, and clung to me like a limpet. I finally gave up, and placing my hands on my knees, took a moment to catch my breath while she climbed down. She hung on my arm, clutching it to her chest and giggling.

“You are getting awfully big for that,” I said. “It used to be so easy to carry you. Now you’re growing up. You’ve gotten so tall.”

“I’m 5’4” now, “ she said proudly. I’m almost as tall as my mom.”

We walked along the rim of the pond arm in arm. “How tall is your dad?” I asked.

“He’s 6 feet,” she answered. “How tall do you think I’ll get?”

“Usually it’s an average between the two parents, so I would guess 5’8” or 5’9”.”

“I can’t wait,” she said wistfully. “I’m tired of being a kid. I’m ready to grow up.”

“You’re not a kid any more, you’re 13. You’re a young woman now. But don’t be in a hurry to grow up. It’ll come soon enough. Enjoy the age you’re at, you only get to be that old once.”

“I guess,” she said doubtfully. “You think I’m grown up, huh?” She looked at me sidelong.

“I think you are turning into a beautiful young lady,” I said with a smile.

She liked this, and leaned her head on my shoulder. We reached the end of the pool, where the rocks led to the top of the waterfall.

“What’s up there?” she asked.

“Well, if you climb the rocks, you get to the top of the waterfall. If you go up the other way, around the path, you get past the rocks to a flat section. It’s a good place to lie in the sun, because the trees aren’t that thick.”

“Let’s go up,” she said, tugging on my arm.

I showed her the game trail that skirted the rock wall, and we emerged up the hill by the tumbled boulders near the top of the falls. She followed me around the rock pile to the flat area where I had spent a delightful hour with the twins.

“This is kickin’!” she said, spinning around with her arms outstretched. “Do you come up here a lot?”

“No, I’ve just been up once or twice for some quiet time. The water’s not that deep, so it’s not great for swimming.”

We waded into the water, which didn’t quite reach knee level. Alyssa seemed a little preoccupied, but I let her mull over whatever was bothering her. If she wanted to tell me, she would.

Sure enough, she seemed to reach a decision. “How old should you be when you first have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” she asked with an artificially casual tone.

“Well, it depends on what you mean,” I answered. “Lots of 5th and 6th graders have boyfriends and girlfriends, but at that age you basically hold hands and maybe kiss a little. I think it’s more for practice than anything. I think for most young people, serious relationships start in high school, when you start to think about love and eventually marrying.”

“And sex?”

“Yes, and sex,” I agreed. “Though usually that happens more around 15 or later. Not thinking about it, I mean, but actually doing it.”

“I’ve never had a boyfriend. I mean, I kissed a couple of boys, and one of them called me his girlfriend last year, but he spent more time with his friends than with me.” She sighed. “I feel like I’m ready for one. I think about love, and I’d like to have someone I really care about, and who cares about me.”

“It will happen, Alyssa,” I assured her. “You are a beautiful young woman and I’m sure there are a lot of guys interested in you. I know that here on this island there is a pretty limited selection, but there are some nice guys here.”

“I guess,” she said doubtfully. “But they all seem interested in playing games with each other and competing at things.”

I laughed knowingly. “Boys at your age are generally afraid to make a move with girls. They try to show off for them by fighting and causing trouble, so girls will notice them. But secretly they want the same thing you do. Since girls mature faster, you might have to take the lead and let one of them know you want to spend some time with him, without his friends along.”

Her reply was forestalled by approaching voices. We heard two females in conversation coming up the path behind us.

“Let’s hide!” Alyssa said impulsively, dragging me into the trees.

“Why?” I whispered, amused.

“I want to here what they’re saying,” she said with a grin, crouching down. “Sometimes I learn interesting things.”

I was just about to tell her that eavesdropping wasn’t very nice, when her quarry came into view, and my comment dried up, unspoken, in my mouth. Two of the cheerleaders clambered over the rocks, hand in hand, and sat at the water’s edge. One was blonde, with long, curly hair just past her shoulders, and the other was a brunette, her hair done up in a braid. They were both wearing bikini bottoms and tank tops.

“That’s Emma and Megan,” Alyssa whispered helpfully.

“I can’t believe she thinks she can do it,” the blonde, presumably Emma, said to her friend. “I don’t think it’s going to work.”

“You never know,” replied Megan. “She can be, like, pretty persuasive.”

“I know, but I don’t think Adam’s into that. You’ve spent enough time with him. Do you think he’s, like, into girls at all?”

“I would have said no, but she’s convinced she can get him to try.”

“I wish she was into girls,” Emma said wistfully. “She’s, like, super hot.”

“Hey, what about me?” Megan demanded angrily.

“You’re, like, super hot, too. But just think if we could share her.”

“Maybe,” Megan said, mollified. “That would be pretty awesome. But right now I don’t want to share you with anybody.” She pulled the other girl to her, and they began kissing passionately.

“Oh my god!” whispered Alyssa. “Are they lesbians?”

“I guess so,” I said, suddenly more interested in letting this play out.

The two were going at it pretty hot and heavy, and my boner needed some adjusting, crouched down as I was. I tried to be discreet, but Alyssa whispered, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” I replied. “Just an itch.”

I’m not sure she believed me, but she turned her attention back to the two girls, who were now caressing each other’s bodies. Moments later, Emma’s tank top was lifted off, and her taut titties were on display. She had a sweet rack, nice C-cup hooters tipped by bright pink nipples. Megan started sucking them lustily, making loud slurping noises.

“Oh, wow!” Alyssa marveled. “I’ve never seen girls do that before. Have you?”

“Well, yeah,” I admitted, a little sheepishly. “Most guys have seen videos like that at some point.”

“Do guys like watching those kind of videos?” she asked curiously.

“I think most do.”

“And you like it, too?” She seemed to find the idea intriguing.

“Yeah, I think it’s pretty sexy. They’re good looking girls.”

Megan pulled her own shirt off, revealing her slightly smaller boobs. They had big, puffy light brown areolae and nipples that made fat points on her firm breasts. Her friend began rubbing and pinching them, then commenced sucking them just as hungrily, while Megan moaned happily, her hands tangled in Emma’s blonde tresses.

Bikini bottoms rapidly joined the shirts on the ground, and hands began stroking pussies as the two resumed frenching each other avidly. Emma’s beaver was bald, her pink lips puffy and protuberant, the little gash between them narrow and tight. Megan, on the other hand, had left a strip of short pubes on her mound, but it was not enough to hide her dangling meat curtains, which were brown at the edges, matching those enticing nipples.

“Emma shaves off her hair down there!” Alyssa whispered right in my ear, her warm breath tickling me and giving me goosebumps. I was dying to stroke my meat, as it was rock hard, but I didn’t dare with her here. The situation was not helped at all when she leaned against my back, her now erect nipples pressing against me. Evidently she was not immune to a little Sapphic love show herself. “Do guys like it better if girls do that?”

“Not necessarily. I think it depends on the guy. “ Emma now leaned back on her ass and spread her legs, giving us a nice view of her trim little inner labia, now gaping wide and glistening wet. Her pink vaginal opening was drooling, and I was in agony as I imagined licking her clean.

“It took me long enough to grow mine,” Alyssa continued. “I don’t want to shave it off. Plus some girls who do say it itches.”

Thinking of Alyssa’s pubic hair, just a couple of layers of fabric away, was not calming me down.

“You can leave it on. Lots of boys like hair down there. It makes you look more like a woman and less like a little girl.”

“Do you like hair down there?” she asked shyly.

“Yes I do,” I admitted. I was saved from having to go further down that road by Megan, who got on all fours, her spread ass cheeks pointed at us, and began eating Emma’s wet snatch.

“What is she doing?” Alyssa asked in amazement, clutching my shoulder with one hand, her other now resting on my thigh, dangerously close to my monster erection.

“She’s giving oral sex to her friend. It’s one way girls can make love to each other.”

“Wow! I’m not sure I could do that to another girl.” She thought for a moment. “I’m not sure I would want someone to do it to me.”

“You might change your mind someday,” I murmured, without thinking.

“Why?” she asked curiously. Does it feel good?”

“Well, I can’t speak from direct experience, but girls seem to like it.”

“You’ve done that to a girl before?”

I was starting to sweat. Alyssa was pressed tightly against my back, her pert little tits poking me and driving me mildly insane, and her cheek was now resting on my neck. Her left hand was still lying on my thigh, and if anything had moved even closer to my swollen rod. Emma was now making mewing noises, almost as if she were in pain.

“Yes,” I croaked, my mouth dry.

“Did the girl like it?” she whispered. “Did you?”

“Yes, on both counts.” I couldn’t keep it in. “It’s my favorite thing in the world to do,” I confessed.

“Dave! I can’t believe you said that!” She was practically panting in my ear now. “Maybe it would be better if a guy did it to me than a girl,” she mused to herself. I closed my eyes for a minute. This was getting out of hand. I was going to need a serious jerk-off soon. My balls were going to burst otherwise.

My eyes flew open as Alyssa’s hand shifted yet again, now bumping my dickhead, which was nudging its way out of the leg hole of my shorts. I almost shouted, I was so surprised. She was leaning over my shoulder now, looking down.

“Oh my god, Dave!” she gasped. “Your thing is all hard!” She made no move to shift her hand away. It was still lightly touching my prick, and I was sure she could feel the wetness of my leaking precum on her finger. Megan had now crawled up on top of Emma, and was straddling her face. We could see Emma lapping away at her lover’s snatch, her pink tongue occasionally protruding between those dangling brown lips to tickle the brunette’s asshole. Emma’s fingers were buried in her shaved cunny, working busily.

“I can’t help it,” I said, almost laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. “Not only are those two girls naked, but you’re pressed up against me and you’re pretty hot yourself.”

“It’s wet,” she said softly in my ear, rolling the sticky fluid between her thumb and index finger. “Are you peeing?”

“No. It’s a little complicated to explain right now.”

Alyssa looked at the two girls for a moment. They were now locked in an intense 69, moaning and grunting away as they ravaged each other’s cunts. She grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the trees, away from the two cheerleaders. I had no will to resist at present.
Once we were out of earshot, under the canopy of a large tree, she asked me in a normal voice, “So that’s not pee coming out of your wiener?”

I was sure my face was crimson. “No, it’s fluid that leaks out of a man’s penis when he’s turned on. It’s to lubricate things and make sex easier.” I grimaced. “I actually do need to pee, but I can’t.”

“Why not?” she asked curiously.

“Guys can’t pee when they are sexually excited. When they have an erection it shuts off the urine.”

She pondered that for a moment. “Does that happen to girls? Could I pee even if I was excited?” She was excited? My heart started pounding.

“I think so. Girls have an easier time peeing than guys. Our plumbing is a lot more complicated.”

“I wanna see if I can,” she declared, and yanked off her bikini bottoms abruptly.
My eyes bugged out. This gorgeous 13-year-old girl was now bottomless, her fine, fluffy blonde bush naked in front of me. Her pert little breasts were still showing signs of titty hard on, the puffy nipples straining against her T-shirt. She sat down, spreading her legs wide, her knees bent and heels resting on the ground. She looked at me appraisingly. “You don’t mind, do you?”

I was speechless, and just shook my head no. I had heard that girls her age often went through a period of exhibitionism, and I guess I was seeing incontrovertible evidence of that right now. I couldn’t stop staring at her lovely young cunny. Her pussy looked like a split peach, the fuzzy lips split by a tight little gash, now gaping open and revealing the entirety of her pussy. Her narrow, pink inner labia were parted, and I could see the hint of her girlish clitty peeping out from under its little wrinkled hood. Her delicate fingers reached down to pull her lips apart, and golden stream of piss erupted from her snatch, squirting 3 or 4 feet and pattering on the ground next to me. Jesus Christ, was she beautiful!

“Mine works fine,” she declared, whizzing happily. She looked up at me. “When will you be able to pee again? Does it hurt when you can’t go?”

“I’ll be able to go again when my erection goes away,” I managed to croak out, watching the yellow fountain coming out of her slowly decrease in size. Which won’t be ‘til next week at this rate, I thought. “It doesn’t hurt to not be able to pee; I just feel full. It does hurt when a man has an erection he can’t get rid of.”

“I could help you get rid of it if you want,” she said shyly. “You’ll have to show me what to do.” She was squirting the last drops of urine from her tight little pee hole, little dribbles of yellow trickling down her sweet slit. She looked down at her spread pussy. “I don’t have anything to wipe with,” she said in consternation. “Should I use a leaf or something?”

My libido took control at this point; I couldn’t have resisted if my life depended on it. “I’ll take care of it, sweetie.” And with that, I prostrated myself between her legs and licked the golden drops from her cunt with long slow strokes, tasting the acrid bitterness of her urine, and the sweet, tangy succulence of her young muff.

She gasped. “You licked my pee! I can’t believe you did that!”

I looked up at her, almost beyond caring at this point. “Does that bother you?”

“Well, no.” She frowned, concentrating. “It kinda felt good. Is that what Emma and Megan were doing, licking each other down there?”

“Yeah. Do you want me to do it some more?” I asked, praying the answer was yes.

“OK,” she said slowly. “Will this help you get rid of your erection?”

“Oh, I think so,” I said happily, and bent to my task. I kissed my way around her mound, her golden curls tickling my lips as I nibbled the loose skin of her labia. A soft “Oh!” escaped her lips as I gave her damp crack another lick, then on impulse planted my mouth over her pee hole and sucked the last drops of piss right out of her. She squeaked in surprise, but didn’t seem to be bothered by the maneuver, instead spreading her slender thighs even wider, and leaning back on her elbows and closing her eyes.

I explored every crevice of her young pussy, from the delicate pink folds of her small inner labia, to the tiny nub of her swollen clit. Her taste was sublime, a slightly sour tang that set my blood boiling. She certainly seemed to be enjoying the sensation, as she was breathing heavily in gasps, and little moans of pleasure erupted from her parted lips from time to time. I thrust my tongue up her vagina as far as I could, meeting the resistance of her hymenal ring just inside her tight tunnel. Her inner flavor was richer and more intense, and I savored it as I gave her cherry a little oral tickle.

“Oh God, Dave!” she groaned. “That feels so good! Now I know why those girls were making so much noise. This is incredible!” She was shaking now, tremors rocking her body. One hand instinctively rose to her chest, and she began tweaking a nipple through her shirt.

“I can help you with that, baby,” I said hungrily. Her eyes reopened as I slid my hands up her shirt, lifting the fabric with my arms. She sat up, lifting her arms over her head, her eyes wide and shining, pupils dilated with excitement. As the shirt passed her head, I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. She started in surprise, then responded with another kiss of her own, close-lipped and tentative, her thin torso heaving and trembling in my arms. I felt a little bad that I had tasted her nether lips before her upper ones, but only a little. I ogled her body eagerly. I had caught glimpses down her uniform in the past, and seeing her totally nude was a dream come true for me. Her small, perfect mounds sat high on her chest, the tan areolae making tight cones on their tips, the tiny nipples diamond hard. I gently caressed the twin bumps, drawing a sigh from my teenaged lover. “Have you ever had a boy touch your titties before?” I asked her as I lightly pinched the puffy teats.

“Oh!” she cried out, then answered breathlessly. “I let Jimmy Ryan touch them through my shirt at the Sadie Hawkins dance last year, in the corner when no one was looking.” She bit her lip as I commenced sucking on the left nipple. “But it was nothing like this. He just held them. It didn’t…Oh, God, don’t stop! That feels so good! It didn’t feel like anything special, just kind of naughty that I was letting him touch me.”

I let the boob slip from my lips, and said. “I bet he got a lot out of it! He must have had a blue steel boner after feeling up your beautiful body.” Her eyes drew involuntarily to my groin after she heard the word “boner.” A frown creased her face.

“That must hurt, the way yours is sort of squashed under the leg of your shorts. Don’t you want to let it out?” You have no idea, I thought, touched at her concern for my comfort.

I rose and stood before her, straddling her outstretched legs. “Why don’t you set it free?” I said, smiling. She giggled and reached for my fly. With a little struggling—I doubt she had ever undressed anyone before--she got the button released and the zipper down. I had skipped underwear today, and as she pulled my shorts over my hips and down my thighs, my cock, which really had been cruelly restrained, leapt out at her, smacking her lightly in the cheek.

“Wow!” she said, eyes wide. “I’ve never seen a man’s thing before. Is it always hard like this?” Her hand was now lightly touching the shaft, moving it side to side as she inspected her new toy. I swallowed hard, struggling not to blow a load in her face.

“It only gets this way when it’s around a beautiful girl,” I told her. “That’s its way of telling you it’s happy to meet you.”

She laughed and shook my penis like she was shaking hands. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Wiener.” Jesus, this girl was too cute for words. “So what do I do with it?”

“Well, you can start by wrapping your hand around it and stroking it up and down.”

She did so, the heavenly sensations making me weak in the knees. Her sweet face was puckered in concentration as she watched her small hand move along my shaft. She placed her other hand around it as well, since there seemed to be plenty of room. I groaned involuntarily.

She looked sharply at me, then realizing I was in ecstasy, not pain, smiled. “You like that, huh?”

“Fuck, yes!” I blurted out. Her mouth opened in surprise.

“You shouldn’t cuss!” she scolded me. Her hands didn’t stop the divine massage, though.

“I’m sorry, honey,” I said contritely. “You are seriously driving me out of my mind right now and I wasn’t thinking.” I enjoyed her ministrations for a few moments, then suggested, “You can also play with my balls; guys really like that.”

She lifted my cock into a vertical position with one hand, still jacking me, so she could see under my meat and look at the hanging nuts below. A warm hand soon engulfed the dangling orbs, and my little angel began rolling them around her hand, pulling on them experimentally. Her index finger crept up the back of my sack, nearly reaching my anus, and bringing shivers up my spine. “They’re funny,” she opined. “Like Christmas ornaments.” She tapped them, setting them swaying back and forth, which got her giggling again. Her little fingers did a dance on my scrotal skin and I almost cried out. “Are you ticklish down here?” she asked impishly.

“Yes!” I gasped. “It’s very sensitive.” She smiled again; I think she liked being in control.

“Girls put guys’ penises in their mouths, too, don’t they?” she asked.

Oh hell yes! I thought, randy beyond measure. “Yes, sometimes. It’s called oral sex, or a blow job.” I left it at that, not wanting to push her.

“Jenna did it once to Randy Proctor,” she told me matter-of-factly, her hand still massaging my meat steadily, now with a twisting motion she came up with herself, the natural little fluffer. I didn’t say anything.

Soon I felt her warm mouth wrap itself around my oozing cockhead, and groaned, “Oh, God, Alyssa! That feels so nice!” She sucked my swollen glans like a lollipop, swirling her tongue around the moist tip and nearly sending me into orbit. She polished my knob with her saliva for a minute, then popped it out again, pondering the taste.

“It’s salty,” she said, then slurped me back into her oral embrace. I looked down in awe at this 13-year-old blonde angel, her body just blossoming, sucking like a hooker on my dong, both hands working the shaft busily. It took all of my recently learned Tantric control to avoid shooting my wad then and there. Control your breathing and pulse, I chanted silently to myself. This was such an amazing experience that I wanted to draw it out as long as possible.

Her mouth popped off me again. “When are you going to come?” she asked. “That’s what it’s called, right?” She licked the dripping tip delicately with the point of her tongue.

“Yeah,” I ground out with difficulty. “I think it’s going to be soon.”

“Good,” she said firmly. “I want to see it come out, and then I want to see you pee. I’ve always wondered what it looks like when a boy pees.” She resumed her sucking, one hand returning to fondle my balls. That was enough stimulation to get the sap rising in my root.

“I’m gonna come!” I cried out hoarsely, thinking to warn her in case she didn’t want a mouthful of jizz. She kept sucking, though, until I fired the first round right in her mouth. She pulled away then, startled and rolling the unfamiliar substance around her mouth. To her credit, she kept jerking my boner, and watched avidly as jet after jet of thick white cum spewed out of the end, spattering on the ground next to her.

“That is so kewl!” she said appreciatively. She seemed to instinctively know to slow her pumping fist as the squirts turned into dribbles. As my spasms slowed, she let go of my meat to inspect the streamer of goo running down the back of her hand. She was still smacking her lips around the gout that she had taken in the mouth and commented, “It tastes like some weird kind of soup. It’s warm and salty.” She considered it for a moment, then licked the drops off her hand to re-try the new taste. “Do girls like to eat this stuff?”

“I don’t think most of them do,” I said, plopping to the ground in a spent heap. “Some might, but I think a lot of girls swallow it to please their boyfriends.”

Thoughts about boyfriends were obviously still on her mind. “So when should I have sex? I think my body’s ready for it; I’ve been getting periods for over a year. And I think about it a lot. Would you show me that, too?”

Thank God she had waited until I had come before asking me that, or I might have jumped her bones right then and there. “Let me try something and I’ll answer your question,” I told her. I would die for the chance to introduce her to the marvels of fucking, but I didn’t want to hurt her. I had an idea that might prepare her for a future rendez-vous.

“Try what?” she asked.

“Spread your legs again and I’ll show you,” I told her. She did so, treating me to another look at her lovely blonde pussy. “Hold your lips open for me.” Again, she complied, her fingers stretching the rubbery pink folds wide and exposing the wet gash in between. I gently slid my pinky into her vagina, taking care I didn’t stretch her too far. Her breath caught in her chest, but it went in easily. I replaced it with my index finger, which squeezed in much more slowly, reaching the limit of her young cunt’s distensibility, and causing a breathless “Uhhh!” to leave her lips.

“OK, now you try it,” I instructed the trembling girl. “Put a finger in your pussy.” She slowly inserted the digit, moving in to her knuckle. She looked at me expectantly. “Now try two.” Her fingers were much smaller than mine, and I figured that was about her size. She grimaced as she pushed the second one in, but did manage it. She seemed a little uncomfortable, but didn’t complain. She looked at the slime-coated fingers protruding from her tight snatch, then back at me questioningly. “If you work on putting two fingers in your cunny every day, it will stretch a little and won’t be uncomfortable any more. Then try three. When you can squeeze three fingers in, come back and I’ll be honored to be your first sexual partner.”

She moved the fingers in and out of her cunt experimentally, testing the limits of her comfort. “I can do that,” she said confidently. She gave me a radiant smile. “I can’t believe we’re going to have sex!” she gloated. “Will I like it?”

“I am going to make sure you like it,” I promised her. Thinking about it was hampering the softening of my penis, recent orgasm or not. But I really did have to piss something fierce by now. “You still want to see a guy pee?”

“Yes! You got to see me do it, now it’s my turn.” She stared at my half-erect peter, waiting for the show to begin.

“You know you have to hold it and point it where you want it to go, right? It’s like a hose. If you don’t, it might spray all over.” Now I was just messing with her. “Hurry up! Grab it! The pee is about to come out!”

“Wait, what?” She was slightly panicked. “You want me to do it?”

“Yes, point it away from you!”

She grabbed my dick, a little harder than necessary, and pointed it away from her face. Soon my muscles had relaxed enough to let first a trickle, then a stream of urine flow. My overloaded bladder, finally allowed release, soon was propelling an impressive jet of piss past her wondering eyes. She began waving it around slightly, and giggled as the stream curved through the air.

“Try to write your name with it,” I told her, laughing. She managed to get A-L-Y-S outlined on the ground before I ran out of steam. By then she was laughing, too.

“That’s a lot more fun than just squatting,” she said happily. “Thanks for letting me do that.”

“Wait, you’re not done yet,” I said. “Now you have to shake it off. That’s what boys do instead of wiping.” The little darling shook my rod like the handle of a maraca, and drops of urine flew out of the end until I was empty. By now all the handling was starting to get me hard again. I was almost sad when she finally let go of my cock, and it hung at half-mast, the foreskin now covering the glans again. She stood up, her perky little nipples brushing my chest as she hugged me.

“You promise we can have sex soon?” she asked.

“I’m looking forward to it. Just keep stretching yourself so I don’t hurt you. I want it to be special for you.”

“OK, Dave.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed me quickly, blushing, then grabbed her clothes and ran off. I stood there in the woods, naked, thinking what a lucky guy I was.

To be continued....


2015-05-23 11:12:29
Probably around 50 or so. Thanks for the interest.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-19 20:03:12
Keep going! One of the better series I've read! Mind commenting on how many you think you'll write?

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-17 23:46:30
Dave better leave that little girl alone or end up hog tied again by the big girls. He best think with the head with the brain in it

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