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Things grow more complicated.

Thirty minutes later the two of them were walking up the back steps of the house, hand in hand.
“Well, thank you for all the hard work, little lady. I know I am biased, but you’re a good worker.”
“It was fun, thanks for letting me help, Scotty.”
She responded with a big grin.
“What are we going to eat? I am starved!”
“I was thinking Hamburgers and corn on the cob, on the grill.”
“Good, great, I am really hungry and you did promise room and board.”
Once inside, it was decided Clem would go up and take a shower first. Once he was finished Sarah could clean up while he started dinner.
Clem went up to the bedroom, underdressed to his boxers and went across the hall to the shower. As was his custom he allowed the bathroom door to remain ajar to get rid of some of the moisture.
Once in the glass shower he became preoccupied with getting the water temperature right. Finally he turned to let the warm water hit is back, only to discover Sarah standing right there in front of him, completely nude, looking up into his eyes with that smile on her face.
“I think we should do this together, Scotty. We can get cleaner that way. We both have places we can’t see.”
She had taken the soap and a sponge from the tub before entering the shower. Without saying a word, Inch by inch she began to work her way down his body with the soapy sponge. She started at his neck and worked around and down inch by inch and as each area was clean and rinsed it received a gentle kiss.
Finally, she stopped just below his waist and looked up with a kinky little smile. She centered herself squarely in front of him, dropped to her knees and very gently began washing him using just her hands and a little soap. She worked inch by inch.
Clem was amazed at the forthright way she was with him. She was obviously naive and inexperienced, but you would never know it. There was not a sigh of embarrassment or shyness.
Before Sarah came into the shower, Clem had been making a concerted effort to keep his mind busy on other things but now it was impossible.
Sarah held him carefully and allowed the running water to flood over him. Then after several little kisses she continued down his legs to his feet with the soap and sponge.
Finished she looked upward to study him, looking for exactly what she found. He had that sober almost serious look of a man fully aroused and wanting more. For a moment she stayed on her knees in front of him, reveling in the power she had but never knew she possessed.
Sarah stood up; he bent down a bit and they gently kissed.
“Do you have any idea what you do to a man?
He whispered.
“Only to my man!”
She responded.
Once more she knelt, took his erection in her hand, move it up a bit and gently kissed the end.
She smiled upward, her long hair, darkened by the water, flowed down her back. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with a hidden joy,
“That was in a book I stole from Cybil’s night stand.”
She laughed as she got to her feet and handed the soap and sponge to Clem.
“Your turn!”
An hour later, two very clean people were enjoying hamburgers and grilled corn on the cob sitting side by side outside at the picnic table. It had gotten quite dark while they played in the shower, but that only emphasized the glow from the charcoal embers across from them in the grill.
Each time Clem looked from the grill to Sarah, he saw the same look. She was smiling; looking directly into his eyes…not a child…no fright…no fear…she was a woman in love…that was the complete story.
A chill passed through him. It was not the night air, it was the realization that he was completely caught in a situation that would forever change the secure life he had built of himself here on Apple Valley Farm. There was no way to escape.
He turned, mustering his most calm voice,
“Little lady, I think it is time for us to wrap this up and get inside and to bed. There are a lot of trees waiting for the trim team tomorrow.”
Without saying a word, Sarah, got up, pulled together all the things she could carry and preceded Clem in through the back door to the kitchen.
Twenty minutes later everything was put away and they were going up the steps. Sarah followed a step behind Clem holding tightly to his hand.
It all just seemed so natural.
When he came into the bedroom from the bath room a few minutes later she was sitting in the easy chair wearing her new blue robe reading a book from his desk. Without a word he turned down the sheet and laid down wearing his usual…clean boxers and a T-shirt. Sarah came around to her side of the bed and turned to face him as she took off her new robe. She was absolutely nude. Her beauty was still shocking to him. Knowing her as he did now, he could appreciate the shape of her hips and the narrow waist of a maturing young woman. Her long blonde hair came down over her right shoulder covering her breast. The picture of her standing there made him gasp.
Sarah looked down at him for a moment; she then carefully folded her robe as she walked back around the bed to place it neatly on the big chair.
Her moist warm eyes never came away from him as she came back around and slid in beside him.
They lay quietly, side by side, until as last night, she found his hand in the dark.
Sarah turned toward him. She lifted to kiss him, and his arm went under her head. He pulled her young body very close and tried to stay calm. He sincerely wanted to just lie on his back and go to sleep. Or at least that is what he thought for the moment.
“I really do not like you to wear that T- shirt, Scotty”
Sarah offered with a chuckle in her voice.
“And those boxers have got to go.”
Moments later his clothing had joined hers on the big chair. He was on his back and she had returned to the embrace of his right arm. Her hair felt just a little damp against his chest.
Clem lay very still, working one thing after another through his mind; any reality that might decompress all the wild sexual tensions throughout his body.
He realized that he did not even know the real age of this beautiful young woman that had so altered his life. To touch her was probably wrong by legal definition, but oh my, she feels good. Mentally, she seems so mature, but that is from reading so many adult books, not from real life experiences.
The wonderful natural noises of the country night had such a soothing effect. The muted light from the yard lamp created just the right amount of illumination. Clem loved this place. He loved this life. He had worked hard to become completely self sufficient in a very unpredictable world.
Sarah’s right leg came up over his body as she snuggled more closely into his arm. Her arm went over his chest and she hugged him to her. Instinctively, his right arm went under her head and brought her closer. Her lips found his cheek in the dark just as his left hand came over to complete the embrace.
“I love you so much”
Was all she said, time and again, as she moved closer and closer. Her lips found his, her tongue invited his, and her body moved very solidly against him.
“Sarah, please…”
She stopped him and quietly whispered into his ear
“Scott listen there is no way you can call this rape if you don’t move. Lay still. ”
It took no effort for her to simply move on top and consume him.
He lay frozen. Sexual joy was streaming through him. For some reason this seem so right.
His arms came around her and they moved as one. She was able to take him as she desired.
He was only human. He so wanted her respect and love, but he was overcome. No man could handle this. He went rigid with her once again.
As he did a tremendous shudder passed through Sarah, starting deep within her body. She was consumed by a remarkable climax. Her body went stiff. Her muscles tightened around binding him.
Then she stopped moving and simply shook as one spasm followed by another overcame her. Her head dropped to his chest, her arms tightened around his neck and the night sounds were joined by the sound of her loving moans.
Clem lay very still, with this young woman he loved wrapped in his arms, waiting as her murmurs subsided into steady breathing.
Gently, he kissed the top of her head.
In no time her breathing turned heavy; she was asleep still fully engaged with him.
A strange new feeling of responsibility and love consumed him as he held her tight with one arm and brought the sheets up over them with the other.
They had come so far together. The relationship had taken on completely new dimensions. He no longer felt like he was sinking into an abyss of guilt which was certain to end poorly. Right now, tonight, right here; it seemed they were building a life together.
He was safe. Everything was all right for tonight. They had worked hard together. Deep dark sleep came quickly.


Morning began strangely.
There was the clear light of early dawn shining in the window, as usual.
All the outside sounds had started to turn from night to day, as usual.
Clem was overcome by the need to go to the bathroom, as usual.
But, this morning every sense told him he remained sound asleep and dreaming.
He was pinned, flat on his back on moss in the woods and being soaked by a warm spring rain. He tried to move. He was staked to the ground. He was soaking wet. He tried to sit up.
“Scotty you do not make a good mattress.”
Sarah said as she struggled to move up to his lips.
She was laughing and sputtering.
“This is really weird. This never happens in books. I have never heard of this. I have been right here on top of you all night. I think we are stuck together forever…any complaints? ”
He was still groggy but she was wide awake, laughing playfully and trying to move upward. She had managed only to get up on one elbow so far. She knew he was not helping.
It was clear, they had not moved all night. Their lower bodies where exactly as they were when sleep overtook them.
As she had propped up, her breasts were so much more evident. Clem woke quickly.
Sarah continued to struggle as he playfully held her in a firm embrace. Finally he let her break free as he toppled them over onto their sides. Now, with her cradled in his arms he began to kiss her repeatedly as he gently allow her to come unglued and slip away.
The game was over and Clem had no excuses for his behavior he just wanted to hold on to her as l long as possible.
She was still laughing as he tried to apologize for the unconventional night’s sleep.
“Seriously little lady, I am sorry I let us fall asleep like that. I should have tried to wake up and straighten things out.”
She continued laughing,
“Get your ass out of bed and into the shower, mister. Now you are guilty of enslaving a young woman in your bed as well as everything else.”
She was laughing loudly as he gave her butt a loving little swat, rolled over, and moved quickly across to the bathroom.
The shower was so inviting. Twenty minutes later he was washed off and revitalized in the shower.
He returned across the hall. No Sarah. The bed had been straightened up. Their clothes from last night had been taken from the chair, neatly folded, and placed on the dresser. The window had been shut part way as was his custom. This young lady is a quick learner, Clem thought as he started down the steps toward the front hall.
The back door was standing open from the kitchen and the smell of coffee greeted him as he moved in that direction. After pouring a cup of coffee, he discovered Sarah sitting outside at the picnic table reading her book already holding a cup of her own.
Even though he had spent the night with her, he was stopped in his tracks by a feeling of happiness and delight just to see her there on the bench. It was clear their relationship had moved on to a new level. It had taken on a very welcome stability. He might not fall off a cliff and be hauled off to jail at any moment.
Clem slid onto the bench beside her and put his arm around her shoulders.
“Good morning again, little lady; what’s up out here? Why are you sitting outside? Don’t you know coffee will stunt your growth?”
Sarah leaned over, kissed him softly on the side of his neck, and slowly turned the book over such as to keep her place.
She smiled, once again using his newly assigned name.
“I love it out here. It is so neat here in the orchards. I have never eaten outside before being here with you. I love to eat outside. Is it ok?”
He looked at her,
“Sure little lady. It’s grand. I am an outside guy myself…always have been. We will eat out all we can before you have to go home.”
Her eyes dropped and lost a little of their glow at his comment about going home. Clem followed her gaze downward and only then did he realize she was only wearing one of his T-shirts, nothing else. The way she was seated on the picnic bench made it obvious.
“Quite the outfit you have chosen to wear to our formal breakfast.”
He offered with a smile to change the mood a little.
“Like it!”
She looked up with a big grin.
“I wore it just for you.”
He could feel the impossible starting to rise again.
“Maybe you should run up and get a shower and get dressed while I fix us a little food.”
She looked at him, her blue eyes were snapping and her devilish grin was one he had already gotten to know very well.
“I like this outfit, Scotty. I will shower later when I am done teasing you. I smell good. I smell like you. We can make breakfast a little later, lover. Right now I want to play with you.”
He tried to duplicate her slow run on comments,
“You are a little vixen, a real vixen. Do you know what a vixen is?”
“Yep, sure do. Remember, I read. That’s me. That’s me when I am with you.”
Sarah retorted with a continuing grin.
“Want me to put on something? Do you worry we might get your old bench messy?”
With that she jumped up and ran the twenty five feet to the clothes line where her white panties were still hanging from where she had put them shortly after she arrived.
“Here you are, mister.”
She offered as she slipped them on in front of him.
“Can you drink your coffee now?”
She said continuing the impish grin as she sat down, straddling the bench, facing him.
She then moved as close as she could directly toward him, her knees now separated by his body. Looking at him all the time,
“Your coffee tastes good now, doesn’t it?”
She offered, never breaking the smile he loved.
Clem looked down at her beautiful body, her perfect upper legs, now on full display just a foot away from him as she straddled the bench.
“Sarah, do you know what you are doing to me when you do things like this?”
His erection raged.
She looked at him without the slightest move to close her legs.
“I sure do, mister, at least I sure hope I do. I can see already you are not going to get rid of me today. ”
With that she reached over with her free hand and acknowledged the bulge that had formed in front of him.
Clem looked at her with faked disdain, removed her hand and jumped up heading into the kitchen.
Sarah stayed at the table reading until thirty minutes later when Clem brought out cereal, toast and cranberry juice; all the time she continued to sit sideways straddling the picnic bench just the way she had been when he left.
Still facing him, she ate breakfast sort of sideways. She knew exactly what she was doing. She delighted in her sexuality. She sensed what power it gave her. She needed him deep to her inner core. He was the most engaging thing that had happened in her life. Wealth had brought her such isolation, such loneliness, such abandonment; Clem had showed her only love, and care, and true loving concern. She was important to him and he had brought so many new stories to life for her.
Their conversation turned to apple tree trimming, but it soon moved on to her clothes supply, or lack thereof. She needed things to wear, particularly if she was going to work in the orchard with him.
As they ate and continued to talk, a fascinating adventure started to take shape.
It took most of an hour to fully flesh out the plot. Sarah wanted more clothes, particularly to wear during the day in the orchard. She had two big bags full of camping clothes hidden at home in the milk house.
If Clem put a sport coat, a dress shirt and Dockers, he could easily pass for a camp counselor. He could drive her right up past the estate house to the Car Park, where they would load her bag in the trunk of his Ford. Yes, for sure someone from the house would see them. They would stop on the way back out and Sarah would introduce him as a composer of some note, who worked summers at Evenrude Institute.
The nutty staff at the estate had no clue about anything, in Sarah’s opinion. If they had thought about her at all they have assumed she was at camp. They would have assumed she has her bags with her.
There would be no questions, she was certain, if she simply told them she had come home to get some yard games to play in the evenings at the camp.
Clem was scared silly by the plan, but somehow it all made sense. It supplied Sarah with all the casual clothes she could want, but more importantly, it handled a couple other issues. It put her back in touch if there was anyone wondering about her whereabouts. It gave the estate staff a sighting to report to her Dad should he call. It had all positive elements except one. If anything went awry, and Sarah was cornered into the truth… he was in federal slammer for the rest of his life.
It was the definition of a high stakes mission.
Just after lunch they departed.
Clem looked the part; light blue shirt, collegiate necktie, light brown Dockers. Sarah was quick to tell him he was really way to handsome to be a camp counselor. He was going to be a college music professor and fairly famous composer.
Sarah was dressed like a young music camper; grey shorts, tennis shoes, new bra, and a black t-shirt. She had put her hair in a studious bun in the back. (Clem found it fascinating to watch her at the mirror in the bed room, hands behind her head, fixing her hair. The trip was almost postponed right there.)
Sarah was navigating as he drove her back up the twelve miles of dirt road to the gate behind the property.
Early he had suggested they just sneak in the back gate at night and steal the stuff. Sarah turned that idea down immediately. It might work, but it had none of the benefits of coming in correctly and dealing with the staff.
Ten minutes later, Clem had found his way around the property and was driving up the tree lined entry. It was at least three hundred yard of cobble stone up to the house, another seventy five yards past the house around to the Car Park. He drove slowly, as planned.
Clem turned in the court yard in front of the Car Park, such that the back of his car was directly in front of the old milk house. In case anyone was watching from the back of the estate, Sarah got out and went into the car park to get a couple yard games. At the same time, Clem went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. Hidden by the raised trunk lid, he loaded the two big camp bags.
He was finished and standing ready to shut the trunk lid as she reappeared from the main Car Park with the games.
In an organized fashion they got back in the car. Mission accomplished. It had all gone like clockwork.
Clem started back down the drive toward the house. He was consumed by the strongest temptation to just keep going. No one had seen them. No one had come out. No one knew they were there.
Sarah looked across at him with the coolest expression. Like a top notch spy in a murder mystery,
She said with a smile,
“Wow, you look worried. Stay cool. Think of this as just a good novel. Good job so far. Just one more thing to do. Stop in and talk to the jerks. You can pull under that carriage entryway by the side door.”
Clem looked at her,
“Sarah, I have to tell you I am scared. We have so much to lose if there is a problem, my freedom, but more importantly, this could screw up your life.”
As they talked, Clem was maneuvering the car carefully onto the covered carriage entry way. This stone entryway dated back to the time of horse drawn carriages. It was narrow for a full sized car.
Finally, he stopped. Sarah opened her door and turned back,
“Just wait here a minute. I will go in and see what’s cooking. Don’t worry Scotty; I know how to handle this.”
There was not a sign of concern in her young body as she came around the car, went up the five stone steps and entered the enormous old oak door. The pointed top of the door made Clem think of a castle.
He sat. He could feel the sweat at his arm pits. He was a country guy. He was not good at political shit. He so wished this was over…
Sarah reappeared at the door, sporting a very wide, disarming smile.
“Come on in, Scotty.”
Jayson is the only one upstairs. We will talk to him.”
Clem’s hands shook as he reached for the door handle.
Sarah had come over to the car and now she looked at him with compassion.
“Just be your normal self, Scotty. You look great and you are great and I know that better than anybody. I will do all the talking. I am good at it. Jayson is a piece of putty. He really could care less. Just wants everything to run smooth.”
With these disarming comments she led the way up the steps where a very large, formally dressed, gentleman opened the door as they approached. It had to be Jayson.
The three moved down a short marble floored hall and into a large sitting room.
“Would you care for cold drinks?”
Jayson asked as he seated them in large wing back leather chairs and disappeared out the door.
Clem looked about. What a place. Dark oak paneling framed a large stone fireplace. Large expensive picture hung from the walls each lit buy an individual light. Tapestries at each window were opened just enough to permit a little natural light.
The main feature was a full Steinway Grand Piano to the left of the fireplace.
His amazement must have showed. Sarah looked over at him,
“That’s the new Steinway; I got the used one up in my library if you want to see it.”
She leaned toward him,
“Maybe we could take a nap while were up there; its right by my bedroom.”
She laughed audibly.
“There is a third one somewhere and I am the only one who plays.”
Jayson reappeared followed by a young attractive girl dressed in a black maid’s outfit complete with white lace collar.
Jayson sat down facing them. The drinks were served…lemonade…the young maid departed and Sarah opened the conversation.
“Things seem to be the same here at home…Jayson; is everything ok?”
And away she went.
What a little actress. It took twenty minutes for her to introduce Clem as planned, enlighten Jayson as to her experiences at camp, and get a quick review of things at the estate.
Finished, she stood up and made it clear to Jayson we had to get back to music camp. For his part, all Clem had done was smile and nod yes and no a couple times. The little gal had carried the day flawlessly.
They drove away as Clem summarized the visit to himself...
It was clear; no one knew she was missing. No one had called the camp. Nor had anyone made any effort to contact her or ask a question about her. The reason for coming home today made sense to Jayson. He had been most cordial, assured Sarah he would say hello to the estate staff for her and update her dad should he call.
Jayson was aware that music camp lasted at least another five or six weeks which meant Sarah was free for at least five more weeks.
Sarah was actually bouncing up and down in the passenger seat. This escapade was right down her line. It could have been written by a good author, for sure.
Clem on the other hand, shook with fear. Would she be considered a run away? Would the law use terms like aiding and abetting when he was sentenced? Then on the other hand, for the first time since his wife had died, he felt truly alive. She created such adventures for an old guy who long ago, with the death of his wife, gave up on life and lost himself in apple orchards.
Sarah’s arms and her love were worth everything right now. The scheme had worked. He turned down the narrow gravel road toward Apple Valley Orchards.
Much later in a deposition required by prosecuting attorneys, Jayson would remember the day vividly. He testified that he was aware of nothing out of the ordinary during the visit. Sarah looked healthy and happy and seemed her normal self. She appeared to have acquired an attractive tan from outdoor activities at camp. Mr. Warren was a cordial, quiet man with an infectious smile. Their conversation had been productive as it gave him an update on Sarah, should her Dad ask about her when he called. He added that her Dad did call from Hong Kong just two days later, but was in a hurry and did not seek an update of Sarah.


Sarah was filled with a boundless, childlike joy when they arrived back at the orchards. Clem stopped the car at the front porch and unloaded her suit cases into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom. By the time he finished, Sarah had run around the house twice and down to the barn and back. She was like a caged animal finally released.
A very happy but very wild little animal, Clem thought as he stopped for a moment at the bedroom window to watch her down on the lawn. What a beautiful, energetic young woman, she could look so young, so playful; it was hard to correlate their mature love with what he witnessed down on the lawn.
Clem came down to the front steps and stopped her on the next circuit.
“Your bags are delivered upstairs my lady.”
Sarah stood at the foot of the steps looking up, not saying a word. Her eyes filled with a childlike joy. Her face was flush from the running, but Clem also could detect a little added color from her new life in the sun and wind. He caught his breath. No question she was really under his skin. He was in love with everything about her; every move, every glance, every touch seemed as essential as breathing to him.
His momentary reaction showed on his face.
Sarah came bounding up the five steps and straight into his arm. Her feet came off the porch as she drew herself up to kiss him,
“I love you so much, Scotty. I am so glad you brought me back. I never knew apples smelled so good. When I ran down to the barn, I saw some of those late blossoms you told me about. I am sure they came out because they knew I was back. They are extra pretty, just like you said. Please, please, please don’t ever make me go away. You think I am just a crazy kid, who does not know what she is doing, but I do, I do; I belong here with you.”
Sarah’s kissed him again and again, it was pure unadulterated love. She wanted nothing more than his approval, his love, and permission to stay.
They embraced again and again. Clem started several different responses, but each carried too much of a promise. He was a pragmatic realist. He could not give her false hope. He fell silent and turned away.
At Clem’s suggestion, Sarah went up to the bedroom and opened the bigger of the two drag bags while he drove the car back to the barn.
Clem’s head was reeling. This was like quick sand. He was getting in deeper and deeper each hour, each day; each time he did something with this beautiful young lady. He had never, in all his years, felt emotions like this. What was the next step, when would this all come crashing down around him. He could almost hear and feel the prison cell door slamming shut.
He walked slowly around the barn and into the Mackintosh orchard. She was right. The second season blossoms were there. It was the first time he had seen them this year. Something about her comment calmed him. Fear is a strange thing; it can be so easily overridden with love. He stood silently under one of his prize apple trees.
If only for just a few hours, a couple days, a couple weeks, he was truly loved again. Everything about Sarah communicated unbridled love for him. She was young for sure, he did not know how old she was by the calendar, but as a female she was way mature. She had an amazing capacity to understand him, the world around them, the people in her life, and the complex love they now shared.
As he walked back toward the house he was far calmer. He was in this and he would make the best of it. One strong commitment dominated his thinking. This young lady was innocent of everything; he had to always remember, he was the adult in this situation. Whatever happened, whatever they did, whatever the outcome was; one thing was most important. He would do nothing, and permit nothing to be done, to ever hurt her or blame her for any part of this. She was guilty of nothing more than too many years of loneliness, too much wealth, too much reading, too busy parents, too many nights to dream, too many days without kids her own age….on and on. He struggled to take himself out of the equation. She could do just fine without him for sure.
Sarah had been set up by a family, each perhaps thought they were doing everything for her, everything money could buy, but none of them really had time for her. She had been as alone as a plane crash survivor on a desert island in the middle of the pacific.
If he could find the balls to kick her down the street she would be so much better off in the long run.
They had been apart maybe twenty minutes by the time Clem got back to the house. To him it seemed like forever.
He went directly through the kitchen and up the steps to see how she was doing. On the way back from the estate they had talked about her stuff and where to put it. He suggested she just leave a lot of the things in the bags and he would move them into the storage room. No reason to unpack everything. Most of the stuff was for music camp and besides if she wanted something from a bag, it was there right across the hall.
Clem found Sarah sitting in the easy chair in the bedroom. She was wearing just a thin white top and a very short dark green skirt. It was obvious from the way she sat, she had nothing else on.
She laid her book aside and jumped up; everything about her connoted joy.
“Come Scotty…let me give you a tour.”
The tour started with an enormous deep kiss delivered from her tip toes, it proceeded through each drawer in his dressers, on to his closet, across the hall to the storage room: and it ended back in the bedroom as she wrapped her arms around him and toppled him backward onto the bed. He was flat on his back as she crawled on top of him with her chin resting on her hands, her elbows resting on his chest, and her legs resting, parted, on either side of his body. She was looked directly down into his eyes, just inches from his face,
“I know, I know, you didn’t want me to move in, but I did.
I am a bad girl for moving all your stuff around and putting my stuff together with yours, but I did.
I just could not leave anything packed in those bags.
I want to belong here with you!”
As she talked her eyes never left his. She needed nothing more. The look in her eyes told the complete story, pleaded her case, and won.
Sarah had moved in.
Clem hands slid down her young perfect back, gently touching her, until his hands came to rest for a moment on the back of her legs. She felt so good. Gently, his hands began moving upward along the back of her bare legs, up under her skirt, until they held her beautiful bottom.
“Why no panties?”
He asked with mock disgust.
“I love you, Scotty. I like nothing between us, and I know that is what you like.”
As she was talking she rolled half way to her right and her left hand came down to release his belt buckle.
“That thing hurts.”
She laughed.
Clem lifted up, and managed with some effort to slide his Dockers downward still keeping her on top of him.
Sarah murmured as she came back down over him, but this time with her arms around his neck and her lips against his. Clem’s right hand went down to guide them together. Sarah’s knees moved outward and upward as she came down against him. It all seemed so normal, so natural. They knew exactly the right position and in one firm extended effort she slowly consumed him.
She moaned and constricted tightly. That was all it took.
They were completely interlocked as they climaxed together.
It was another several minutes until they were completely finished. They lay together locked in love, simply enjoying the sound of their breathing together and the unmitigated thrill of belonging.
Finally, Sarah relaxed on top of him. Her lips came to his neck as her arm’s encircled him. Her breathing calmed from a loving murmur to more normal pace.
Clem’s arms surrounded her snuggly. Time after time, she continued to react as her body adjusted.
Last night had been a night to remember, but not for the amount of sleep either of them had gotten and today had been trying for both of them.
Sara was once again relaxed on top of him. In moments his heavy breathing combined with hers and told the end of this chapter of the story. They were both asleep.
It was late in the afternoon when Clem awoke to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. He was alone on the bed, on his back, nude except for the light sheet that had been pulled up over him. A fresh, cool, early evening breeze came across from the window. He turned on his side looking toward the open window. His eyes caught a glance at the alarm clock. He had been asleep for three hours.
Movement caused him turn and look toward the bedroom door.
Sarah was standing in the doorway, completely nude, drying her hair with a bath towel. She was ravishingly beautiful. She continued looking directly at him as she approached continuing to dry her hair. Her arms were up over her head and her young breasts responded to each motion as she came toward him. She knew she was giving him complete access to her nude body and she loved it. She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew exactly what it did to him.
It was so obvious she was aroused.
There was no impish grin now, but rather the look of a woman well loved,
“Good morning, Scotty. There is no way to tell you how wonderful it feels to make love to you. To finish together with you and safely fall to sleep in your arms.”
She had arrived at the side of the bed. She bent down to kiss him.
“I was just thinking I am really starved and it is late. Why don’t we just go into town and have dinner somewhere. Nobody knows me so I could just be your relative…maybe like your niece or something if somebody you know asks any questions. That is what would happen if this story were a good book someone was writing.”
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