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Introductions, two families come together, A brother hurt, a man and new brother save four young ladies
Writer’s Note’s:

Due to real life this will be the last post for about a few weeks due to Internet. So once I have Internet again I will post the next chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now I give you Chapter 27.

Mandy’s POV:

“ Jasmine and everyone I would like to introduce our father Nick as well as our mothers Savannah and Megan.” I say as everyone looks at me before finishing the introductions

I then introduce Jasmine and everyone to our family from Alabama. Everyone nods as dad tries to approach the kids. Lil Greg is standoffish to my dad as he runs to Sierra and I.

“ Hey Savannah when did you give up a daughter of Nick’s” Uncle Caleb says pointing to Karen

Dad looks at momma Vannah just when she looks at Karen. She goes over to look at Karen with wonder.

“ Honey how do you have blue eyes?” Momma Vannah asks with concern

“ My daddy as my brothers have blue eyes also.” Karen answers with giggles

“ So ladies care to get to know me.” Nicky says to Jasmine, Diamond, Tiffany, and Hannah

“ Actually no as our man is the one your dad fought in the yard.” Diamond says getting his attention

“ telling me that all four of you are with that idiot.” My rude brother states as Jamie steps between him and the girls

“ I’d watch your mouth jackass as my bro isn’t a idiot.” Jamie says as Nicky brings his hands up in defeat

“ Ok, ok whatever you say man my bad.” Nicky says backing off as my mom speaks up

“ Nicky behave this is not our home. So what happens now?” Mom asks as Sierra and I show confusion

“ What do you mean mom?” I ask as she looks at me

“ I mean are you happy here baby? Does the man you love support you in every way?” She asks as I nod

“ Yes he does support us mom. He loves us in every way. We are carrying his children.” I state as she comes over to me

Once where I am she gets on the floor placing her arm around me.

“ I just miss you honey that’s all. If you are happy here then I will not interfere.” She tells me with a smile

“ Thanks mom and I am very happy here.” I tell her before looking at my father before continuing” Dad I am sorry for leaving, but I too didn’t see it fair for Nicky to run the club after you.”

“ What the hell Mandy you always had my back. What changed your mind?” He asks as I look from him to Sierra

“ Sierra did since I have been with her. She has shown me strength and wisdom.” I exclaim seeing my beautiful sister smile

“ Sounds like you both have grown up Mandy?” Dad asks getting a nod

“ We have dad in every way. Look Heath has shown us so much in the past months. He is a great brother and friend.” Sierra says with a big smile

“ Well guess we have been worrying about you both for no reason. So what is Heath like besides him risking his life for family?” Dad asks in which I giggle

“ Just like you daddy dear saving Nicky and I before we were born.” I say as his eyes catch my meaning

“ Hey what I did all those years ago was to protect my family.” He says catching my new families attention

“ What do you mean? What happened years ago?” Mike asks with some concern

“ To tell the truth I don’t know if I want to talk about it, but since we are waiting for Heath to get back might as well tell you.” Dad says before he begins

Dad tells of the time he stood up to his uncle and those that he had working for him. He tells of how momma Vannah was captured and almost raped by Gavin and Karl. The family listens intently as dad goes on. I look at the godfathers as each seem to take in what my father says to heart.

“ Well guess our son isn’t the only one to defend what is his.” Ricky says as dad looks at him

“ What do you mean?” Dad asks as Mike, Nate, and Ricky tell him about what happened on the beach

Dad and our family listen as they see nods from the family. Dad looks at Sierra and I when Mike describes what Sierra and I did that day.

“ Well they both have been like me tough and considerate for others.” Dad says getting laughs

“ More like the daughters from hell sometimes.” My mother says getting shocked looks

“ MOM!” Sierra and I say in unison
“ Well just saying the truth. If you two were not asking your grandpa for a ride it was your father. You two are just like them in every way.” Mom says with a knowing smile

We all just chat as the godfathers get to know dad as Nicky, Justin, Jamie, E.P, and Jax talk. All the moms talk as Jessie Lee talks to Jasmine, Diamond, Hannah, and Tiffany. Selena and Renee talk while Sierra and I just smile seeing both families coming together.

“ I could just take these four kids off your hands.” I hear Renee say getting looks all the sudden

“ Don’t you even dare as I will hunt you down and cut your eyes out.” Diamond says seeing Renee look at her with shock

“ Renee behave honey we know you like kids, but these are loved as you see.” Grandma Tessa says as Renee looks at Karen, Dakota, Lil Greg and Lil Heath

“ I know Grandma it’s just.” Renee says showing tears

I watch as Selena steps up to my cousin.

“ What’s wrong Renee?” Selena asks while taking Renee’s hands

“ She had a miscarriage from her first fiancee. When she lost the baby he left her.” Aunt Shelby says getting sad faces

“ Renee we don’t mind you holding the kids just don’t threaten to take them ok.” Selena says getting nods from Jasmine, Tiffany, Diamond, and Hannah

“ Thank you, sorry for what I said a bit ago.” Renee says as Selena holds her close

“ It’s ok Jasmine wanted to snag Karen up at one time until Tiffany threaten to cut her.” Selena says getting laughs from Jasmine and Tiffany

“ Yeah I remember that.” Diamond says as Tiffany and Jasmine giggle sharing a kiss

We all laugh and start up talks again as I see Grandma looking at Sierra and I.

“ So you both are with the same man?” She asks with a look of concern

“ Yes grandma please don’t think bad of us.” Sierra says as Grandma Tessa comes over to sit on the floor between us

“ I don’t as your father is with two women that are my daughters. I just got one question.” She says getting worried nods before she continues “ Do you both sleep together as lovers?”

Sierra and I look at each other then at our family who are all talking to someone in Heath’s family before we look back at grandma.

“ Yes we...we have sex with each other grandma please don’t be mad.” I say pleading feeling her arm come around me

“ I am not mad baby girls. You know the story of your Aunt’s Sasha and Lucy. Look if anything else it just brings you both closer. I always thought you two would be special. So what’s it like here?” She exclaims with a smile asking us

We answer as Karen comes over to get in my lap while Sierra tells our grandma all about our new life here on the beach.


Chris and I are at the vet’s having Batman checked out. He was kicked hard to what Mandy told me. I think of how my boys will react if something happens to him as they love that dog as if he was a brother. Chris looks at me placing a hand on my back.

“ He is going to be alright. He is as tough as his dad.” He says with a chuckle

“ He better....wait you asshole I am not a dog.” I tell him as I chuckle

“ I didn’t mean you were I meant you are like a dad to him. Was it you that told me he felt like one of your own?” He asks as I nod remembering it was me that said that

We talk for a few trying to figure out who those fuckers were. It wasn’t long until the vet comes out with a wobbly Batman.

“ He is going to be alright. He has a few bruised ribs and had a little bleeding which is under control. Keep him comfy for a few weeks. I gave him a shot that will make him sleep in a little bit. Here is some pain pills for when he starts whimpering give him one every 4 hours.” He tells us as we nod

I pick Batman up as he lays his head on my left shoulder as the boys do. Chris and I walk out making our way to the car. Chris opens the driver side as I place my little man in the back. We get in after making our way home. I can’t get it out of my mind I have seen that biker I fought before somewhere. Once we get home I get Batman out of the back taking him inside as Chris gets the door. I walk in as I see everyone sitting around. Karen and the kids come over as I place Batman over in front of the t.v. They all crowd around Batman giving him comfort as I detail he is going to be alright. Lil Greg and Dakota lay on either side of their best friend petting him as Karen and Lil Heath lay on either side of them to support them both. I turn my attention to the guest that caused the fight.

“ I want all of the biker trash outta my house.” I say to the man and his people as Mandy and Sierra look at me in shock

“ Heath honey please listen.” Jasmine says to me getting me to turn to her
“ Why should I listen to these fuckers that caused my family hurt. Adam got hurt bad because of that fucker.” I say pointing at the younger look a like of the older man

“ Because baby they are Sierra and Mandy’s family. They came to take them back, but they changed their minds after getting to know us. The man there is Nick their father and the two ladies with him are Savannah and Megan their mothers.” Diamond tells me as my eyes go wide

“ Is this true Sierra and Mandy?” I ask getting nods from my two sister’s

“ Yes it’s true Heath. Look we are sorry for what happened. We told Jack we would deal with it, but our brother Nicky is a hot head.” Sierra exclaims telling me

“ Hey I am not the only one. Your man is a hot head also.” The guy standing behind Nick says

“ That’s because Jack doesn’t like anyone to down those he loves.” Chris says getting nods from our family

Nick stands up making his way to me. Chris and Jamie come to stand by me. I stand there once Nick gets to me we look eye to eye. It’s at that moment he sticks his hand out. I look from him to my family and his seeing hopes of a peace between us. I then look at Nick before sticking my hand in his.

“ Don’t think this means I accept what happened to my little brother or to the family dog, or you kicking my oldest son.” I say getting a nod

“ I understand Heath as I am very sorry, but I intend to pay for Adam’s hospital bill as I already have Jax moving money to your account that your girls gave him information on.” Nick tells me with a grin

“ Ok, but it’s going to take time to trust you.” I state getting a nod and grin

“ Understandable as I would feel the same. So how about I introduce you to my family.” He says getting a nod before he starts

Chris and I are introduced to Nick’s family. I learn the man that started the fight was Nicky his son. I learn that Nicky was protective of his sisters as I was to mine and my other family members. I could understand that, but his way started a two family fight in which caused pain. I notice the one called Jessie Lee looking at me in a strange way that she was blushing. I chuckled inside as Jamie patted my shoulder.

“ Heath I have to say if being in this family is going to be fun then I am going to love being a brother.” Jamie says as Chris and I laugh

“ You don’t know the half of it Jams.” Chris says as Jamie looks at his funny

“ Jams what the heck?” Jamie asks getting Chris and I to laugh

“ It’s your nickname man. Just like Adam is Abs and Jack is Jacman.” I explain as he smiles

“ Ok that is going to get use to.” Jamie says before we just all relax to get to know everyone

It’s about 6:30 p.m. when the front door flies open as I turn my head from talking to Nick to see Kaye and Michelle with scared looks.

“ Is Travis here? Please tell me he is.” Kaye asks getting shook heads

“ No honey isn’t he with you guys?” Mom asks as I stand up making my way to my sisters

“ He...he was, but he went out to the car to wait. He said after Heath collapsed at the mall the hospital was the last place he wanted to be. By the time Adam was done and released we made our way out to find him gone.” Michelle explains as I feel something bad has happened

Jack came in with Adam in his arms. Momma Faye, Jacqueline and Jamie went to help him. They took him to his and Michelle’s bedroom as I stood there thinking. Where could my brother be. Kaye stood there in my arms as I looked down in her eyes.

“ Did anyone see anything thing?” I ask getting a nod

“ Yes someone stated they saw a white van pull up then when it left Travis was gone.” She responds as I turn to look at Chris

“ Get Jack’s car keys you and I are going to go look for our brother.” I state as he sternly nods making his way to Adam’s bedroom

“ No baby call the cops. You know the sheriff I am sure he will look for Travis.” Hannah tells me as I shake my head

“ Sorry darlin, but I am going to go look for him.” I state as all four of my ladies come over to me

“ No baby we don’t want you to get hurt.” Tiffany says while my other three loves nod

“ Look I am not going to get hurt. I love you all and need to do this.” I tell them as I pull them all to me

“ Look I will drive while you look.” I hear Jack state

“ No you stay here and watch the family. Heath and I can look.” Chris exclaims as I shake my head

“ I can see this is going to be interesting. Why don’t you both come along. Chris take my Corolla while I take the Ranger.” I proclaim as they both nod

“ Wait... you are going to need more eyes Heath. Caleb,Simon, E.P, Jax, and I can come along. Nicky, Justin, and Jamie can help Mike, Nate, and Ricky watch the house. My son and Brother are packed so if this is a trap to get you all away from the house they will be prepared.” Nick tells me as I look at papa Mike, Nate, and Ricky

“ He is right son one way or another both families need to pull together.” Mike tells me to get me to nod

“ Fine, but once someone finds him you call me. I want the fuckers that took my Bubby.” I state getting nods

“ Bro why do I have a feeling we been through this before?” E.P. says as Jax nods

“ Because we have in a way, but if you think about it something feels familiar.” Nick replies getting nods himself

“ Like the white van that took me from you and papa Grey?” Megan states as Nick nods

“ Yep, but it couldn’t be as dad’s friends took care of that sick fuck.” Nick says as I hear my kids gasp

“ Daddy Grampie Nick said a bad word.” Karen says getting laughs

“ Sorry honey bad habit....wait you called me grampie?” Nick says looking down at her

“ Yes I did as you are a grampie because your Aunt Sierra and Mandy’s that makes you our grampie.” My daughter says with a smile

“ Nick you might as well get use to it. Those four like accepting those they like.” I tell him seeing a grin on his face

“ Ok enough of that I suggest we trade phone numbers so when one finds Travis they can call the others, and also report back here.” The one named Jax exclaims

“ Good idea bro.” E.P. says as we all start swiping numbers

After that is done the family wish us luck as we leave the house. Kaye comes running out to surprise me from behind.

“ Heath please find my man I can’t live without him.” She tells me with tears

“ I will sis just stay by your phone in case he calls.” I tell her getting a scared look

“ He doesn’t have it. Travis gave me his wallet telling me to get something to drink along with his phone incase I needed it since I left mine here at home.” She tells me as I nod

“ Ok just stay by your phone.” I tell her hearing bikes rev up

I get in my truck seeing my brothers and new friends head out in different directions. I sit here for a moment holding back my own tears as I look towards the house to see mom, Michelle, and Kaye all holding each other. I ask my father and Grandma to keep a eye over Travis and to give me a sign of where he could be as I peel out and down the street.


????????? POV: Around midnight that night

After hours and hours of torturing Travis the fucking back stabber I smile as I see his face all swollen and cut, his chest bruised and bloody. I smirk as I look between his legs at the clips that are connected to electricity that has been frying his balls. I laugh at the sight to only step up with the shank that I hold in my right hand.

“ Travis, Travis when are you going to give up and just help me take what your brother has. I mean hell you could of had all the pussy you wanted from his whores.” I state as I see him shake his head

“ I...will never....betray my brother....again.” He tells me spitting out blood into my covered face

“ What a pity we could of had some fun turning them into whores and sell the older sluts, but since you don’t want to cooperate I guess we will just have to go in and take them, but first you need to feel more pain.” I state looking at one of my friends as he turns the shock therapy on

I watch Travis yell in pain feeling the electricity flow in his balls. He clinches the chair arms that he is duct taped to. I can’t believe I am enjoying this. I imagine one of the whores strapped down getting their pussy electrocuted. I have my friend turn it off as I step to Travis. I grab his head to make him look in my eyes.

“ Travis you shall never have kids after tonight. You will live in hell knowing you can’t give your bitch a baby. Once she sees you like this she will leave you. Now for some payback to a friend of yours.” I say letting his head go while I look at the balls that just lay on the chair before speaking again “ Tell that house sitter I said hello

At that moment I stab Travis in both balls making him scream in pain. After two more stabs I back off hearing my new friends all laugh. I get a thought and laugh myself.

“ Hey boys does any one need to pee.” I say getting nods as we all have masks

We all four step up undoing our jeans taking our dicks out to only start pissing on a defeated Travis. I aim at his face letting him know humiliation. He spits my piss out as I make it trail down to his dick. The others piss on his body as one pisses in his hair. Once done we look at him crying before zipping our pants up. I step up to him one last time.

“ Tell you what if your whore wants a baby I am sure my friends here wouldn’t mind giving her one. Hell each one would take a turn with her pussy while you watch.” I say seeing his eyes go wide before I continue “ Let him go, but with no clothes. Let the motherfucker think of what he will miss out on while I think of a way to get in that house and take what is Heath’s.”


Nick’s POV:

It’s been hours since Heath and our family members have been cruising around looking for Travis. It’s about 2 a.m. in the morning that I am riding down a street when I see movement on the side of the road by a empty lit parking lot. I pull over to see who it is, and see if they need help. Once parked and off my trike I make my way to the person. I can see it’s a man as I get closer.

“ me.” The voice says making me take the last few steps faster

“ I’ll help you son hang in there.” I say as I kneel down to look at him

“” He tells me as my eyes go wide

“ TRAVIS!” I yell seeing him nod

“” Travis says as I get my cell out

“ Hang on son I am.” I say as I notice he is naked with blood all over him

I dial Heath’s number while getting Travis to sit up and against me. I think of what my own father would do as I take one of Travis’s hands in mine. Heath answers as I begin to tell him I found Travis. He asks where we are when I look around to tell him of the building not far. He says he knows the place and is on his way. I tell him to hurry as Travis is bad off. He says he is as he hangs up. I call the others to tell them. Chris and Jack say they are on their way when I called them. I told E.P., and my crew to head back to the house and make sure no one enters as I had a bad feeling about all this. They comply saying they will. I put my cell away as I take my leather jacket off to wrap it around Travis. I have to keep him warm from going into shock. I shake my head wanting the bastards that did this to a good man. All I was told by his family makes me want to protect them from those that would harm them. It’s about that time I see lights coming towards us as I hear a engine more then anything pull up followed by two more cars. Once they park I see three guys get out. I notice one is Heath as I whistle seeing them run to us. Once they get close Heath goes to his knees as I see tears.

“ OH GOD TRAVIS!” He yells as Chris and Jack stop looking at Travis very concerned

Heath gets closer to take Travis into his arms rocking him back and forth.

“ Bubby oh god no. Who did this to you?” He asks with such tears

“ I...don’t...know....please me.” Travis says before passing out

Heath looks down at his brother before Chris takes off his shirt.

“ Heath we have to get him to the hospital. Here put this on him.” Chris says as I take my jacket before we all help get the shirt on Travis

Heath told us he was taking Travis. So with help from Chris and Jack. Heath picked his brother up taking him to his car. We helped placing him in the front seat as to Heath’s request. Travis was hanging in there. It was Jack in front then Heath with Chris behind Heath as I rode behind Chris on the way to the hospital. In the back of my mind I knew whoever did this was not done, and I was going to do all I could to help Heath and his family.


It’s been three days since Travis has been in the hospital. I have not left his side except for using the bathroom. I have hardly ate not wanting to leave my brother’s side. He has been in and out of conciousness. Kaye has been in and out to make sure her man was taking care of as it hurt her to see my brother like this, but her love for him was strong. As I sit in the chair I hear the door open to see my Mom, Momma Faye, and Jacqueline come in. Each look at me concerned making their way over to me.

“ Heath honey how is he doing?” Mom asks me placing a arm around me leaning over

“ He is in and out of conciousness as the morphine kicks in putting him back to sleep . The doctors say he will be alright, but he won’t.” I say trailing off looking at my brother

“ He won’t what baby?” Momma Faye asks me as I turn to look up at her

“ He won’t be able to get Kaye pregnant. Who ever did this tortured his scrotum before stabbing his balls.” I respond as each one starts crying

“ Oh no, Kaye must be heart broken.” Faye states getting a nod

“ Yes, but she isn’t going to leave Travis over it. She said if anything else she would find a donor and get artificially inseminate.” I tell them seeing nods

“ Well I hope whoever did this to my oldest son rots in hell.” Mom says as we all agree

“ Baby why don’t you go home for the day. The girls are worried and want you home for awhile.” Mom tells me as I turn to look at her

“ But I need to.” I try to say but am cut off

“ No baby you need to go home. Look we all know how you feel, but we all can take turns watching over Travis and Kaye.” Momma Jacqueline tells me
I look at all three before letting out a sigh knowing they are right. I stand up to lean over to place a kiss on my brother’s forehead.

“ I’ll be back Bubby hang in there.” I say before straightening up

I turn to only make my way to my moms to give them each a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“ I love all three of you moms.” I say feeling them all hug me tight

“ We love you too baby. Now go home Jack is downstairs waiting. Nicky and Justin are staying to guard the waiting room area. Mike talked to the sheriff and the administrator. They agreed to put guards up. There are two officers on the door of this room.” Mom tells me as I sigh with relief

I leave the room to see two big police officers outside the door. They nod getting a nod back. Making my way to the waiting room via the elevator I meet up with Jack to see Nicky and Justin. They are all talking before Justin notices me. He comes up to me sticking out his hand.

“ Heath I know we got off on the wrong foot, but like my brother Nick I am asking for a chance.” He tells me as I see Jack nod

“ Justin you kicked my boys dog.” I say as he lowers his head

“ I know and I feel so bad about that. And I want to make up for that, but I am asking for that chance.” He tells me when Nicky comes over doing what Justin is doing

“ Heath I also ask for a chance. I know I am a asshole, but I only did what I did to protect my sisters. I am sure you would of done the same.” He states as I have to admit I would of

“ I want to say something and make sure it sinks in.” I tell them getting nods before seeing Jack nod again to continue “ You protect my brother, my family as I will protect yours. You don’t let anyone in his room. If anyone asks about him you call the police. Do I make myself clear?”

“ Yep Nick already told us to do that as my brother considers you family. Look you have my brothers respect just as much as ours.” Justin tells me with a grin

I smirk thinking maybe Nick and I have something in common. I look at them both before shaking both their hands. I tell them take care before Jack takes me home for the afternoon. While driving me home we talk and he gives me his thoughts on Nick and his family. By the time we get home I have to agree Nick is starting to feel like a uncle we have never had. We make our way to the door only to see it open as my loves come out to give me hugs. I notice the young woman named Jessie Lee come out to give me a hug surprising me before she breaks it. I look at here confused as my loves just smile at me before Jessie Lee talks.

“ Sorry Heath I um have been worried about you. Your girls have been telling me about you. I hope you don’t mind me showing you some love and comfort.” She tells me as I feel something from her that I can’t put my finger on
“ No it’s ok darlin, but can we go in as I need to sit as I have hardly slept.” I say as she takes my right hand as Tiffany takes my left

I am taken inside to see the rest of the family all talking. Karen is in Savannah’s lap talking to one of her six new grandmothers while my sons are in Renee’s lap laughing and hugging on her as they have two more aunts in her and Jessie Lee. I feel a bit weird about seeing this, but the smiles on my kids faces seem genuine. I am told to sit in my chair as my kids notice me. They get down to only come over to me.

“ Daddy, daddy.” They say in unison only to be helped into my lap as I hug them

“ It’s so good to see my little ones. Sorry daddy was away for a few days.” I tell them getting shakes of their heads

“ It’s ok daddy as Uncle Travis needed you with him. We missed him and you daddy.” Karen tells me as I hold them tight

“ Awww only to have a baby again.” I hear Savannah says as I see Sierra and Megan go wide eyed

“ Mom between you and momma Megan you have 7 kids three here and four back home.” Sierra says getting giggles

“ Yes, but I miss holding a new born baby and breast feeding.” Savannah says as I chuckle

“ Girls you will know what Savannah means when you have kids.” Momma Ellie says coming over bringing me a plate of food

The kids move off my lap so I can eat. We all talk about what Nick is doing. The more his family talk about him the more I get to know him. I am shocked that he has taken it upon himself to protect my family. His crew as Savannah states are preparing to make the house safe as they also help to look for those that hurt my Bubby. As I eat I look around and see not strangers or guest. I see something more happening. I look up at the picture over the mantle to see Grandma May’s picture. I look at her eyes then at that moment feel a warm feeling sweep through me. It’s like she is telling me ‘ Yes son accept them as they will love you as I do my loving grandson’. I lean forward putting the plate on the table. I am joined in my chair by Diamond. She snuggles up to me as Jasmine sits on the left arm of the chair to lean back up against me. I just let my body relax since it has been a rough few days. Everyone talks with laughter while getting to know each other that much more. I learn that Sasha and Lucy have their own company. Shelby has her own pet clinic in which Lisa helps her out. I make the comment if I knew that they could of looked Batman over. They both laugh in which Shelby tells me they would of gave me a discount. It feels weird having Sierra and Mandy’s family here, but interesting as each one has a different type of life. Savannah and Megan in which I find out have started to take in the kids as their own grandkids. I ask my godmoms how they feel about that. Each look at me with smiles to only say that the kids Sierra and Mandy will have are their grandkids anyway. I see Savannah and Megan nod as does Sasha, Lucy, Shelby, and Lisa. I look at my own loves to see them shrug stating the more grandparents the merrier as our kids need to know love can come from those with a good heart. I think of those words to only accept them. It’s not long I am pulled out of my chair to only be taken up the stairs. My four loves take me down the hallway to our room. Once in I am stripped down as they do the same. Hannah leads me to the bed shoving me back to only tell me to get in the middle. I do what she asks as all of them get in bed with me. Laying there naked as the day is long. Diamond gets on top of me to only guide the head of my manhood to her entrance. With one quick movement we both let out a moan to her sudden taking me into her vagina. She then lays there smiling to only work her kegal muscles to make love to me. My other three loves lay next to me Hannah on my left with Tiffany behind her. Jasmine is on my right just snuggling up to me.

“ Baby we are going to sleep then when we wake up I am going to ride you. I want you not so tired while we take care of you.” Diamond tells me as I wrap her in my arms while she places her head on my chest

I smile to her words and the feeling of warmth that sweeps through my heart as my eyes close. I start to let my mind flow to dreams that come to me. The first one makes my heart soar as my four loves look beautiful in wedding dresses out in a field amongst family.

It’s been a week and a half since Travis was tortured and beat. Kaye has been making sure he was comfortable during his healing at home. During that week and a half my family and Nick’s were getting closer in which I started to feel good about. It’s Friday around 3 p.m. that I find myself in my chair. Earlier in the day William and Debra came by to pick the kids up for the weekend. They both wanted to spend time with the kids to see if they could see if they could be good parents with practice. Debra was still in her prime stating she wanted to be a mother soon. The kids loved William and Debra as they felt safe around them. Just like the other uncles and aunts William and Debra were like the a great uncle and aunt.

It was around 3:30 p.m. that there was a knock on the door. Mom got up from being between Faye and Jacqueline on the floor as Tessa, Renee, Jessie Lee, and my godmoms were on the couch discussing the coming holidays. It’s at that moment I hear some yelling as Jasmine gets off my lap to see what is going on. I look over at Adam to see his eyes go wide seeing him turn to look at the door. Michelle and Adam were sitting on the floor not far when I noticed my mom get shoved backward to only see Jasmine catch her. That made momma Faye and Jackie get up to only go see what was going on. Once they got mom out of the way and Jasmine backed up that was when Adam stood up only to make his way to the foyer. Right at that second was when we all that was there heard his words that surprises us.

“ What the hell are you doing here?” He asks the person before I stood up

I walked over to stand by Jasmine along with my moms to see a woman standing in the doorway. She looked to be around 40, 5‘10, 143 lbs, long black hair with brown eyes. She took a few steps in to face Adam with a look of bitterness.

“ What is that how to speak to your mother? You were always a little shit ass.” She says catching everyone’s attention that was standing

“ You haven’t been my mother for years. Now why are you here?” Adam states asking the lady claiming to be his mother

“ Well you snot nose brat. Your grandmother wanted you to come home, but I told her you were to busy going to college. She died a year ago, but not before leaving you this letter that she made me promise to give you. For god knows why I do not know.” She states not being all that nice

“ What grandma passed away and your just now coming to tell me?” Adam says standing there with clinched fist

“ I didn’t see the point.” She says reaching in her purse to pull out a letter before throwing it at my brother

He reached down to pick it up to only stare at his name that was upon it. Momma Faye stepped over to him placing here left hand on his right arm. She looked at him with such concern before turning to look at the woman. She stepped up to her before surprising us slapping her with such anger.

“ How dare you come in this house, and disrespect my son.” Momma Faye says getting wide eyes from the lady she stood in front of

“ Your not his mother I am you bitch.” The woman says with narrow eyes

“ Bitch you say well you need to look in the mirror.” Faye says as the lady huffs before looking at momma Faye sternly

I look over at Adam to see him looking at Faye and his mother. I don’t know what was running through his mind, but in a way I could understand why he left home after his graduation. It wasn’t long until he stood next to Faye placing a arm around her. That caught Faye’s attention in which she placed one around him. It was a mother and son moment for them.

“ Debbie you just need to watch how you talk to my mom.” Adam says throwing his mother off guard

“ What I am your mother you son of a bitch.” Debbie says as Faye slapped her again with a smile on her face

“ No your not slut. You only gave birth to him. Yes he has told me about you quite a bit. A mother loves her son in which you haven’t. Adam is one of the best sons I have besides Heath, Jack, Chris, and Travis.” Momma Faye says with a sound of proudness

“ Like I give a shit.” Debbie says with such hate

“ You better as your in our home. Now how did you find Adam?” Faye asks as Debbie smirks

“ Well if you want to know. I hired a P.I. to find him. He got some information from someone around here so that is how I found Adam.” Debbie says making Adam shook his head

Faye looks from Debbie to Adam before letting him go to only look intently at Debbie.

“ You know what you coming here just hurts MY son. So as a gift to him I am going to make you a memory.” Faye says surprising all of us

“ FAYE NO BABY!” My mother yells as Faye starts punching and fighting Debbie

We watch as Faye takes down Debbie. Debbie tries to fight back, but just keeps covering her face. Faye is hitting Debbie in the ribs, stomach, and kneeing her in the crotch. Mom is scared as Jacqueline goes to stop Faye, but only starts joining in. We watch as both take turns punching and kicking the woman that laid on the floor. Next thing I knew Jasmine and I are shoved out of the way as we watched the moms and aunts pull Faye and Jacqueline off Debbie. Faye is struggling to get free from Savannah and Megan’s grasp. Jacqueline is doing the same from Ellie and Kiko’s grasp. Adam steps in front of Faye and Jacqueline. Both look up at him with confused looks.

“ Momma Faye and Jacqueline I love you both very much. Momma Faye from the first day you accepted me. You have been my mother. The woman behind me just gave birth of me and was only a surrogate. You both along with Ellie, Verna, Kiko, and Maggie are my loving mothers who I need in my life. Please don’t stop loving me.” Adam says to them with a heartfelt smile

“ Adam you have always been a son to us...but so much of a son to me. And no baby we will never stop loving all you kids” Faye says being let go as the other moms all nod chiming in with their love of us kids

We all watch Faye step up to only hug Adam. Jacqueline does the same as Adam hugs them both.

“ Aww how heart warming two bitches and a poor excuse of a son.” Debbie says getting Tessa’s attention

Tessa comes up from behind us to only help Debbie up before slamming her against the foyer wall. My eyes go wide as this 62 year old woman looks deep in Debbie’s eyes.

“ The only bitch I see is you. I may not know Adam all that much, but what I do know of him I am beginning to love as my grandson. So as I see it he has his family. He has mothers that love him a lot more then you ever did by the sound of it.” Tessa says shocking Adam who has tears in his eyes

Debbie looks at Tessa then at the rest of us before shoving Tessa away from her.

“ You all can have him as I see it, but there is one last thing.” Debbie says wiping the blood from her nose before reaching down for her purse to pick it up

“ And what is that?” Faye asks with a hint of malice

“ Adam wasn’t my only snot nosed baby. He has a twin sister that I gave up days after they were born. I didn’t want a little bitch fucking up my life, but I guess that didn’t work out..I wish I kept her.” Debbie says shocking us all

“ WHAT?! I....I have a sister?” Adam asks to only get a smirk and nod

“ That was just cold of you.” Faye says as Debbie starts laughing

“ Yes, but you think I give a shit.” Debbie says as I am shoved out of the way

I turn to see Jessie Lee grab Debbie by the back of the neck. Next she opens the front door to only pull Debbie out into the yard. We all follow to see Jessie Lee sling Debbie onto the ground. Debbie is shocked after landing on her ass.

“ YOU LISTEN AND LISTEN GOOD BITCH! YOU TELL US WHERE SHE IS AND HER NAME OR MY SIZE 7 BOOT IS GOING UP YOUR CUNT AND GIVE YOU A THRILL!” Jessie Lee yells loudly making the family all watch on as Debbie looks up in horror as the young version of a wrestler I have seen on t.v.

“ I...I don’t know what her name is now. I just know she was adopted when she was a baby.” Debbie says scared of what maybe done to her

Jessie Lee looks down at her with no remorse as she brings her foot back to only plant it right between Debbie’s legs. We hear Debbie scream in pain as her hands go down between her legs. I look around at all the women that are standing to see smiles on their faces. I turn to look at Debbie who has tears in her eyes. Adam goes to his mother with no emotion. Once to her he helps Debbie up to her feet as she holds herself being helped to the car she came in. Michelle runs to pick up Debbie’s purse before going to the same car. Once Adam gets Debbie in her car Michelle throws the purse inside. Adam stands there for a moment when Michelle places her left arm around his waist.

“ Don’t ever come back here again. As of now you are nothing to me. I have a family and a loving one. Go back to being the drunk whore you are, and have always been.” Adam says shutting the door before turning around making their way to the house

I look at Debbie who seems to be stunned, but starts her car to only leave without another word. I think of what to say to my brother, but for now he has those that are our mothers and sisters to comfort him. I although have other thoughts that run through my mind. Before I go to talk with Kaye I watch as Adam goes to Tessa who is standing between Faye and my mother. He takes Tessa’s hand in his before looking deep in her eyes.

“ Did...did you mean what you said before about being a grandmother to me?” He asks in which Tessa looks up into his eyes

“ Adam you are a good man just as those you call brothers. After getting to know everyone I feel myself loving you all. I lost my husband years ago, but my family helped me through it all. So if you, Heath, Travis, Jack, and Chris will let me I would be proud to be your grandmother to all of you and a mother to your moms.” Tessa says as I watch the moms and godmoms go to her with tears

Adam smiles as Tessa is surrounded to only be hugged by them all as well as my sisters and fiancees. I decide to make my way inside to only take my cell phone out. I go through my pictures from the Disney vacation to find a certain one. I gaze upon it and get that feeling again, but need to make sure. I go to Travis and Kaye’s room to see them both cuddling. I apologize to them for entering, but I needed to talk to Kaye. She asks what’s up and what was going on. I fill them in as they listen about Adam’s mom and to Faye and Jacqueline fighting her. Both look at me wide eyed when I tell them Adam has a twin sister.

“ So what is it you want to ask Champ?” Travis asks with concern

“ I want to ask Kaye to get a hold of her friend. I want to ask for his help on this as I have a feeling on who she is.” I answer seeing Kaye get up rushing for her phone

“ Who do you think she is Champ?” Travis asks inviting me to sit next to him on the bed as I look at him

“ Sorry Bubby, but I want to make sure before I hurt Adam, or who I think it is." I say as he nods before Kaye comes back to us

“ Here baby brother he want’s to know what you want.” Kaye says handing me her cell phone

I take the phone and start off telling the mystery man what I needed. He asked for names and a address. I excuse myself before giving him the info he asks for. I give him both before he tells me to give him a few days. I ask him how much for his help. He laughs telling me all he wants is to sing at his kid sister’s wedding. I chuckle saying deal before we hang up. I walk back to Travis and Kaye’s room as Kaye gets back in bed with her man while I sit on the edge with a smile. We spend a few minutes talking as siblings for a while. I think of what I will do once I get the information from GHO$T.


William’s POV: Monday afternoon

It’s been fun spending time with Karen and the boys. They all four have filled Debra and my hearts with love and joy. Debra and I took them to the park, and to a carnival in the next town. All in all it’s been a most enjoyable weekend. I have never seen Debra with a such glow about her in which I thank the four little munchkins that sit in the back in car seats that I bought last week. I pull onto the street that Heath lives on to only get the feeling something isn’t right all of the sudden. I take a look down the street to see a van parked in front of Heath’s. I remember what Kaye told me of a white van that snatched Travis up. I pass Heath’s to only make my way to Gina’s. Her and Ron have become good friends as I park in front of their house.

“ Baby what’s wrong? Why are you parking in front of Gina’s?” Debra asks me as I look back at Heath’s

“ See that van in front of Heath’s it’s the same one that was described to Kaye. If it is then Jasmine and whoever is in the house are in trouble. I want you to get the kids and go inside Gina’s and stay there until I come back.” I tell her to only see worry and concern

“ Baby call the cops let them handle this. You are just one man, and I can’t live without you if something goes wrong.” She tells me as I look back in the back seat to see 4 sleepy kids

“ Debra I have to for those two little boys will lose two mothers that I know of is in there. Look I will be geared up as I always am.” I tell my love who just looks at me before she looks in the back

It’s at that moment she looks at me before nodding.

“ Ok baby just promise me you will be alright. Promise me you will come back to me afterward.” My beautiful woman asks to only be kissed very deeply

After the kiss I help to get the kids out of the car.

“ Auntie Debra what is going on? Why are we not at daddy and mommy’s?” Karen asks as Debra looks up at me

“ Karen honey we thought it would be nice for you four to visit Auntie Gina. She loves you all ok sweetie.” I explain as they all nod before Debra takes them to Gina’s front door

I go to the trunk of the car. I open it up to see all my gear. I put my BP vest on before arming myself. I look at all my toys with a determined look. I grab my Ka-Bar placing it on my right lower leg, my two Desert Eagles after putting my side holsters on under my arms. I also grab my HK MP5 with a silencer for short range. I think of taking my Barret M2 50 Caliber before I am tapped on the shoulder. I turn my head to see Jamie, Gina’s nephew standing there with a look of determination.

“ Debra told me what was going on you want some help Uncle Grimm?” He asks me as I smirk

Ever since Debra and I been hanging out with Gina , Tracey, and Ron. Jamie as taken to me as his uncle besides Ron. I guess you may say I have taken to him like a son myself, but I keep that to myself.

“ Jamie I don’t know I only have the one BP vest. I don’t want you to get hurt.” I tell him to get a chuckle

“ I won’t get hurt, and besides you need someone quick to help you. Heath and the other family are to slow and not stealthy enough. So what do you say?” Jamie tells me with a waiting expression

“ Ok, but you listen to me, and do as I say you got that?” I ask getting a big smile

“ Of course so what do you suggest?” He asks as I turn to look at the house that is 100 feet away

“ I want you to find a unlocked window and sneak in while I take the back. I called earlier to find out that Jasmine, Hannah, Renee, Jessie Lee, Kaye, and Travis are home.” I exclaim as he places a hand on my left arm

“ Did you say Renee?” He asks as I nod to see his eyes

“ Yes Jamie why do you ask?” I ask to only see a nervousness and deep concern about him

“ Because....because I...I like her. We have to save her and the others.” He says as I place a hand on his right arm

“ We will, but you have to keep your emotions in check son. Now go and sneak in. If you can take as many as you can out. I would say a van that size and what Travis told me the other day there maybe 4 to 6 inside.” I explain to Jamie getting a nod

I give him a tazer that he does accept as he is a hands on fighter. I have gotten to know him and know he can take care of himself. We split up making our way to the house. I make my way to the back as Jamie takes to looking for a way in. Once I reach the back side gate I quietly make my way in the back yard. Staying close to the wall I pass the window before getting to the back door. I duck down to slowly look in to only see the horrific scene. I notice Jasmine, Hannah, Renee, and Jessie Lee in their bra’s and panties as their other clothes have been ripped off. I shake my head as I look to see the back sliding door unlocked. I look in again to see the ladies crying, but staying as strong that they could. I notice 4 guys in ski masks. Two have small hand guns pointed at Jasmine and Hannah’s heads. I know if they get spooked or alarmed that will be it for Jasmine and Hannah. I see one of the men standing in front of Jasmine. It’s at that moment he slaps her. I feel my blood boil as she feels like a daughter to me. I turn to check my guns taking the safeties off. I look again to see the ringleader telling the goon standing behind Renee and Jessie Lee. It’s at that moment I see him leave the room only to make his way down the downstairs hallway. I guess Jamie got their attention. I smirk knowing Jamie is using his head wisely. I look at how to get the two gun wielding idiots away from Jasmine and Hannah. I think of how to get behind them then it hits me the door to the garage through the kitchen. I smile as I see them not looking in my direction. I make my way to my goal the garage.


Jamie’s POV: A few minutes earlier

I snuck in finding the window to Travis and Kaye’s bedroom unlocked. They were asleep until I woke them up covering their mouth’s. I filled them in on what was going on. Both nodded their heads as I removed my hands from their mouths.

“ Now Uncle Grimm is making his way in, but we need to make it a little easier for him.” I say whispering to them both

“ How do you expect us to do that Jamie? We have no weapons bro?” Travis asks me getting a smirk

“ I have this tazer plus my hands. I just need to get one of the uninvited guest in them.” I state handing the tazer to Kaye

“ Jamie I don’t know how to use this. Let’s just call Heath or the cops.” Kaye tells me to get me to shake my head

“ If we do that then who ever it is will kill Jasmine, Hannah, Re...Renee, and Jessie Lee. No we have to do this ourselves. Now Travis you stay in bed. Kaye you get at the foot of the bed while I get one back here. I promise no one will hurt either of you.” I exclaim as they both nod

Travis stays laying in bed while Kaye and I get in position before I open the door and slam it. It’s not long before the door opens before a tall guy walks in.

“ What the hell where did you come from?” He asks as Kaye holds the Tazer behind her

“ We were asleep you asshole. Why are you in my brother’s house?’ Kaye asks as I slowly close the door

“ Because my boss plans to take what your brother has. Now be the good little slut and step aside while I finish taking out the little bitch in the bed. Then after I’ll make you my bitch, and show you what a.” He doesn’t get to finish as I jump up on his back placing my arms around his neck to just snap it

“ Oh god Jamie you killed him.” Kaye tells me stepping back as he falls

“ I had to Kaye, sorry.” I say stepping over to grab a cover to put on the body

“ I know, but I never thought you were going too.” Kaye says to me as I shrug

“ I guess when it comes to saving those I care about I will do what it takes.” I say remembering what Uncle Grimm told me last week when we talked

“ Jamie are you saying what I think you are?” Travis asks getting a nod

“ What is he saying baby?” Kaye asks Travis who is sitting up in the bed

“ Kaye we are his family. He is one of us and had been since the fight with Nick and them.” Travis tells her as I smile

“ Yep, so stay here while I go help Uncle Grimm with the others. Don’t come out of this room, but keep that tazer ready just in case.” I say as I start to leave the bedroom

“ Be careful little bro.” Travis tells me getting me to turn with a grin

“ I always do big brother now stay quiet until you hear me yell for you.” I say getting nods

I make my way out of the room shutting the door behind me. I quietly walk down the hallway staying close to the wall. Once I get to the stairs that hide part of the hallway I duck down to hide behind it. I peek to see how many there are. I see there are two guys holding guns to Jasmine and Hannah’s heads. I see who I take as the ringleader slapping each one as tears fall down their face’s. I look at Jessie Lee who is being strong as she has that look of wanting to fight the son of a bitch. I look towards the kitchen to see William standing but looking around the doorway to the living room. He notices me and nods. I read his lips as he mouths in 5. I know what he is saying since I had some training from a old sensei that was in the military. He wanted me to know all I could about fighting and defending myself. I turn to see Renee crying badly. She then looks at me to mouth ‘ Help us’. I mouth ‘ I will hang on darlin’. I look at Uncle Grimm to see a gun in his right with a tazer in his left. He starts nodding his count as I clinch my fist before getting in place. Once he gets to five I watch him step into the living room to shoot the goon behind Jasmine in the lower back as he tazes the one behind Hannah. Both go down as I quickly take out the ringleader by sweeping his left leg. He goes backward hitting the floor. The girls scream as I take the fuckers left arm to only land on my back in casing my legs around his arm. He screams as I have him in a arm bar. I look over at Renee who just watches on in fright.


“ Ja..Jamie what..what?” She tells me stunned


She gets up helping Jasmine, Hannah, and Jessie Lee who surprises me coming over to kick the man in the balls.

“ HOW DARE YOU HURT MY SISTERS YOU MOTHERFUCKER! JUST WAIT UNTIL MY UNCLES AND DAD GET HOME!” She yells when I see Renee step to her wearing a matching black bra and thong outfit

I shake the thought out of my mind as I focus on the asshole I have pinned down. Renee finally gets them out of the room. I look over to see Uncle Grimm securing the two bastards up as the one he shot asking for a ambulance.

“ Sorry, but your not going to need one in a bit.” I hear Uncle Grimm say before stepping over to help me with the main dimwit

After getting him handcuffed that was when the front door opened surprising Uncle Grimm and I. We noticed it was Heath and Nick with half the family with them. All of them looked at us shocked after walking in.

“ What the hell is going on?” Heath asks as we hear footsteps coming down the second story hallway

I watch as Hannah and Jasmine go to Heath as does Jessie Lee in which I raise my right eye brow. Renee although comes up to hug me tight before William starts telling everyone that came in what happened. I see shocked faces then angry ones as Heath goes over to the main guy. Before Uncle Grimm and I can stop him Heath is mounted hitting him with all he can. Nick, Caleb, and Uncle Grimm pulls Heath off the guy.

“ LET ME GO! LET ME GO NOW!” Heath yells as they keep him away

“ Heath stop I got this now go comfort your girls as they have had a bad time.” Uncle Grimm says getting Heath to look at him then at Jasmine and Hannah who are being held by Diamond and Tiffany

“ Ok fine, but who is the fucker that thought he could hurt my family?” Heath asks as I hold Renee who won’t let up

“ Well let’s just find out shall we.” I say letting Renee go, but she doesn’t

“ No baby don’t leave me.” Renee says surprising me

“ Renee I am not leaving. Just going to step over there and find out who hurt you and the others.” I say as Lisa comes over

“ Come on my daughter let Jamie help your uncle’s and William.” Lisa says only to get a reluctant Renee to agree

I make my way over a few steps to the coffee table that the idiot is propped against. I lean down to take the ski mask off. It’s at that moment that Uncle Grimm starts laughing.

“ Well, well if it isn’t little Trey.” He says catching Heath’s attention

“ Trey, but how he was arrested?” Heath says as Trey laughs

“ I got bailed out, and will again and again every time. So you might as well get use to seeing me. Also you might as well turn all you have over to my father even you whores as they were promised to me.” Trey says making a bad mistake

“ I don’t think so Trey. I will never turn over my money or my precious loves.” Heath says struggling to get free

“ Then you better get your affairs done as you won’t live long once I get out I will just tell my father to come and take what he wants by killing you.” Trey says getting everyone’s attention especially Uncle Grimm

“ Oh I don’t think your going to make it to jail Trey.” Uncle Grimm says catching Trey’s eyes

“ Wait...what do you mean by that?’ Trey says as I hear a gasp from behind me

I turn to see Jacqueline, Faye, and Maggie walk in.

“ Trey what...what are you doing here?’ Jacqueline asks to only have Jasmine to fill her in before I see anger in her eyes before she continues “ Trey you are just like your father a complete bastard.”

“ What do you know bitch? How do you know my father?’ He asks as I hear a familiar voice enter the room

“ Because dear brother she is our mother, or should i say my mother as you are no longer my brother.” Kaye says with such hate for him

“ KEISHA WHAT...WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” He yells asking with shock remembering his previous talk with William

“ Keisha is dead I am Kaye I gave up that old life.” She says with a stern voice

“ No betrayed our father, and she isn’t our mother.” Trey tells Kaye only to get slapped by Jacqueline

“ Oh yes I am young man. I gave birth to your ass. Your father was a monster raping me every night as he did Maggie.” Jacqueline says catching Trey’s attention

“ Bullshit he is a great father.” Trey says not accepting the truth

“ ENOUGH!” Jasmine says as she goes to Heath

“ What are we going to do with him?” Nick asks getting wide eyed expression from Trey

“ Oh I have some ideas, but I need a place to execute them.” Uncle Grimm says getting a frighten and scared look from Trey

“ What...what do you mean?’ Trey asks only to get a smirk

“ Oh don’t worry your little head for you won’t have to worry about letting your father down again.” Uncle Grimm says getting some concerned looks

“ William what...what do you mean by that?’ Maggie asks to get a grin

“ Don’t worry Maggie as he won’t be traced back to you or his friends.” Uncle Grim says with a chuckle

After some chit chat we load Trey and his friends up in the van after Uncle Grimm gives them something that knocks them out. Nick, Caleb, and Simon go with him to help in whatever Uncle Grimm has in mind. Nicky and Justin are told to clean the carpet in which I find out isn’t their first time. Jasmine, Diamond, Tiffany, and Selena ask about the kids. I tell them they are at Aunt Gina’s with Debra. I take Renee’s hand to lead her behind me to go get the kids and Debra. Along the way Renee stops me between both houses.

“ Renee what’s wrong?” I ask to only have her place her hand’s on my chest

“ You saved me and those that I think of as sisters.” She tells me getting a nod before continuing “ Jamie I...I know this maybe sudden since we have only met two weeks ago, but I...I find myself falling for you. Jamie I love you.”

I look down in her eyes to see them start moistening up.

“ You love me Renee?” I ask getting a nod

“ Yes baby I love you. I hope you love me too darling.” She tells me as I pick her up with my hands on her sexy ass

“ I love you too Renee. That is why I had to do what I had to.” I say before her lips are on mine

At that moment nothing matter’s as the kiss was the start of something so great.

To Be Continued.........One down three to go Tyrone, Carl, and the man they call G


The following is a sample of the next story after A Family Betrayal. There maybe errors and grammar, but the first chapter will be much better. There will be no connections with the first three stories in the next story series. So I give you a glimpse of.....It’s A Good Day To Die partial Chapter 1

I have heard so much on how someone’s life can change. Some say a person’s life has it good and bad times as well as truths and lies. A few said betrayal was the worst as it could come from family or friends in a way that the hurt would feel like a double edged blade going through the heart. I always wondered why life was like this as mine wasn’t nothing like all that except the good times.

I was born into this world Matt Hartigan your average 17 year old. I was a smart guy standing 5‘10, 210 pounds which was from hours of working out due to being a running back on the high school football team. I have short auburn red hair with blue eyes. I had a nice family in who I loved, but also had the best of friends. My family was made up of my father Billy Hartigan who was 41, 6‘1, 234 lbs, with light brown hair and brown eyes. He worked for a bank as the accounting manager. He made sure his family was well taken care of. My mother who was so beautiful was Mary Hartigan. She was 39 years of age standing 5‘7 just under 120 lbs with long red hair and green eyes. She was a stay at home wife and mother. She did have a degree in business in which she worked for a company over the internet as she wanted to stay home with family. I had two older sisters Kelsey and Jennifer. Both would always show me they were protective of me by scaring away potential girlfriends. I would ask them why every time as their answer would be that I was their man. I always tried to figure out why they would say things like that, but shrugged it off as them meaning I was their brother. Kelsey was 20 years old, 5‘9, 130 lbs long blonde hair and blue eyes. Jennifer was 19, 5‘8, 125 lbs, with long reddish blonde hair as her eyes were blue with green tint to them. I had a aunt that was my fathers sister. Aunt Sarah was not that much older then Kelsey at just being 25 she stood 5‘10 the same height as I was, but only weighed 145 lbs, with long brownish blonde hair as well as blue hazel eyes. I always teased her on how I wanted to marry her in which she would tell me I was to young for her. At times her words hurt, but I knew she was right. Kelsey, Jennifer, and I were like the 3 musketeers growing up. They would always hug and love up on me. I loved my family as they would always ask how I was doing or if I needed anything. Things turned though when I became 13. My father put more attention on Mom and my sisters then he did me. If I needed anything I had to go to my mom and ask. That all changed when I was 14 as my father told me to get a job as to learn what a dollar meant. So during the summers I did lawn work for neighbors until I was 16 and got a part time job at a supermarket. I have been working ever since after school and on weekends. I have saved my money wisely the past few years.

I had two best friends Nick Dakoson and Adam Everhart. Both just turned 18 back in April and also on the football team. Nick was the quarterback as Adam was the halfback. We were what you call inseparable. If they were not at my house I was at one of theirs. Adam was 6‘1, 223 lbs, with short black hair and brown eyes. As Nick was native american 6‘2 243 lbs shoulder length jet black hair and brown eyes. They were always treated like twins in their families being born the exact same day just a few hours apart. They were cousins in fact first and got along great. They never fussed over me as I felt like a brother to them. They shared a cousin that they never liked so they took it upon themselves to be that cousins, but more as brothers. Adam’s dad Tim was a accountant plus did the stock market. He showed me at 14 on how to double my money. He helped me by starting me off with 10 grand in which in three months back then I paid him off. I learned quickly and invested wisely. I think I was making more a day then my own parents. I kept working as in not letting my family know about my money. Like I said I was a smart guy and started to take care of myself since my father was being a douche about my family helping me out.

I had two other friends named Wayne Jeffers who was 18 as was Daryl Flakeson. They were not on the football team. Wayne was 6‘3, 230 lbs, short brown hair and brown eyes as Daryl was 6‘1, 215 lbs, short blonde hair with blue eyes. Both of them were like the outlaws of the school, but took to Nick, Adam, and I. We hung out on weekends with them. They shortly became good friends.

It was May and it brought the prom for our school. It was going to be one cool night. George had gotten Nick, Adam, and I some used cop cars that were out of date for the police department. He taught us how to drive like he did. He was a cool father to Nick as well as a cop for the police department. He also taught Nick, Adam, and I how to shoot both handgun’s plus rifles. He wanted us to protect ourselves in case of danger. Like I said he was cool. Both Adam and Nick’s families took me in as their own. I felt a lot more love from their parents then I did mine. My family started telling me i was annoying in every sense of the word. So I began hanging out at my friends then at home a lot more. Their parents I guess felt bad for me as they knew my parents. Susan and Chelsea were what my mother was years before. They would greet me with a hug and ask how I was every time I was at either Adam or Nick’s house. I loved my other family as they actually treated me as one of them.

I spent that week before prom shopping around for some nice clothes. I bought some slacks, a polo shirt and nice shoes. I wanted to impress a girl to maybe like me. Also that week my family seemed to be excited that I would be out of the house on Friday. I just shrugged it off as they always seemed excited when I left the house. I made sure my car was cleaned out and polished. I smiled as I could see myself smile back as my car shined.

Friday finally came with the whole school in a up roar about the prom. Nick, Adam and I are so ready for tonight. As the last bell rings I get up leaving the classroom to go meet my brothers. I caught up with them at my locker as theirs was just a few down from me.

“ Hey Matt you ready for tonight?” Adam asks as I smile with a nod

“ Yep it’s going to rock.” I say as they both chuckle

“ Well it better as we will be there.” Nick says as Adam and I laugh

“ Hey guys what’s up.” Wayne says coming up behind me

“ Hey Wayne not much just talking about the prom. So are you and Daryl ready?” Adam states asking as both Daryl and Wayne laugh

“ No we are not going as we have other plans.” Daryl says giving me a wink before him and Wayne walk off giving me a pat on my back

“ Ok what the hell was that all about?” Adam asks as I shrug

“ I have no idea bro. So where we eating at before prom?” I ask as they smile

“ Actually the moms are cooking us dinner. They said their kids are going to eat right.” Nick says as Adam and I chuckle

“ So we’re going to your place?” I ask as Nick nods

“ Yep as Adam has his clothes in my car to change into after dinner.” Nick says as Adam nods

“ Well like I said tonight is going to rock. I love my adoptive mothers cooking.” I say as Adam and Nick agree

“ Ok enough talk about food let’s go as we have to get ready and all.” Nick says to us as we laugh

“ True as we know you take your time.” Adam says as I laugh

“ Hey it’s called shaving you asshole.” Nick says with a smile

“ Oh does that what you call it.” I say as Adam busts out laughing

Nick looks at me as I grin before he puts me in a head lock and missing up my hair before letting me go.

“ You smart ass your better be glad I love you as a brother.” Nick tells me as I smile nodding

“ True, but I am your smart ass.” I say as Nick just laughs as we make our way out through the school doors

Adam rides with Nick as I get in my car. Once we leave the parking lot I follow Nick to his parents. I put in my favorite cd that Nick had gotten me for Christmas. I jam out on the way as I see Nick playfully flips me off as I do the same back. I see him and Adam both laughing as I chuckle. Once we turn down the street he lives on I look in the distance to see both families parked in the drive as we pull up in front. Once parked I get out as does Nick and Adam. Adam grabs his bag as I grab mine. Nicks parents have a big 4 bedroom house. Adam and I have our own rooms. We go in and are welcomed by happy faces. Susan and Chelsea come to me and like always give me hugs and kisses on each cheek.

“ How are you son?” Susan asks as I smile

“ I am doing good Momma Susan and you?” I answer only to ask as she smiles

Susan is Nick’s mother and a beautiful woman. She is Cheyenne as George is apache. Susan is 40, 5‘9, 124 lbs keeping herself in shape, She has long black hair and brown eyes.Chelsea is 41, 5‘6 115 lbs and is as beautiful as Susan. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. I love them as my own mothers as they treat me better.

“ I am good honey just worry about you.” She answers as Chelsea nods in agreement

“ I am ok really don’t worry ok.” I say as they both lead me further into the living room

I take a seat on the couch as George and Tim are in the chairs. Susan and Chelsea sit on either side of me as Adam and Nick take seats on the bar stools that separates the kitchen. We all talk for about a hour until the moms get up to go start dinner. It’s nice as George talks about taking us guys to the shooting range over the summer to see what we could do. I smile saying I would be so ready to have a chance to improve my skills. George smiles back liking what I told him. It’s around 5 p.m. that I get up and get ready grabbing my bag. I go to the room that has been mine for so many years and get ready. I strip down placing my clothes on the bed. I open my bag and take out my new ones. I smile hoping they will help me find a nice girl who will want to be with me. After I get dressed I put on a little cologne then a whole lot. I make my way down getting whistles from the moms as they get chuckles from their husbands.

“ Damn Matty look at you honey. Some girl will be lucky to have such a handsome man.” Chelsea says as Susan nods

“ Thanks Momma Chelsea as I hope so, but if I did catch a young woman I am sure Kelsey and Jennifer will scare her off.” I say with some sadness

“ Matt that is when you don’t let them. You need to tell them to back off as you are not their boyfriend. Shoot your their brother and need to have love in your life.” Susan tells me as I nod knowing she is right

“ I know it’s just.” I try to say as momma Chelsea cuts me off

“ It’s just nothing honey. You should of had a steady girlfriend by now. If Tim and I had a daughter I would want her to be with you.” Chelsea tells shocking me

“ Same here Matt as we love you and she would surely love you.” Susan says as I see George and Tim nod their heads

“ Well I wish you both did then I would have two girlfriends to love.” I say getting laughs

“ Now that would be something to witness, but I think it would work as they would no doubt be with you always son.” George says as they all smile at me making me have a warm feeling in my heart

“ Thank’s as you don’t know how much that means to me, but I have a feeling the knucklehead’s would object.” I say pointing up the stairs

“ Matt our sons love you to death. I think they both would be very happy knowing their sisters were with their best friend who is a brother to them.” Chelsea says as I really feel a warm feeling doubled

“ Ok now enough of that talk before I go find two girls to adopt to be daughters just to have them be with Matty.” Tim says getting laughs

Susan and Chelsea return to the kitchen as I return to the couch to see a glass of tea waiting for me. George, Tim and I talk while waiting on dinner. It’s about 5:45 p.m. when Nick and Adam come down to join in on the conversation. I chuckle as both took their time.

“ Ok Adam what was that comment about Nick taking his time?” I ask as he looks at me with wide eyes before laughing

“ Smart ass and don’t you dare say it or I will give you a wet willy.” Adam says as the dads laugh

“ I take it he commented on my son’s long showers?” George asks as I nod

“ Yep you may say that.” I state as they laugh

My brothers come over to sit by me as we wait for dinner. It’s nice to be around my other family. I love them a lot as they have been a part of my life for so many years. It’s a few minutes later that my eyes are covered by a pair of soft hands.

“ Guess who?” The familiar voice says as I her the guys chuckle

“ Um let’s see Cinderella?” I ask as I her giggles

“ No guess again.” She says as I smile

“ Um Mary Poppins.” I answer as I hear laughter

“ Nope as I don’t have a umberella one more chance baby boy.” She tells me as I grin

“ My most beautiful god mothers as they love me.” I say as the hands move as I tilt my head up to see two sets of eyes looking down at me

“ We’ll take that answer as it’s true. Now come on as dinner is ready.” Chelsea says as I smile

“ First one there as to wash my car in a bikini.” I say as I jump up and over the couch taking my godmothers hands as they chuckle

We get in the kitchen hearing feet scuffle on the wooden floor. I see George, Nick, and Adam show up as Tim is last. I laugh as he looks at me defeated as he speaks.

“ Well guess I lose so when do you want me to wash your car?” He states asking me as I laugh shaking my head

“ I was just kidding pops.” I state as he sighs in relief

“ Good as I don’t think I would look good in your momma Chelsea’s bikini.” He says as everyone laughs

We sit at the table to enjoy the meal my godmoms made. It’s a feast with pork chops, mash potatoes, gravy, and green beans with tea as our drink. The meal is great as we all talk about what to do after school is out and summer vacation. The 4th of July is a big thing for the families as the go to George’s lake house every year. And every year I go with them to have some fun since my own family have stopped going for some reason. Both Susan and Chelsea suggest this year we camp out in which George and Tim agree. They ask if I want to come in which they have a look of please as in a motherly way. I smile nodding that I would love to go. They return my smile telling me it will be a lot of fun. As the meal ends I get up as Susan does to follow me to the living room. She takes a seat on my right taking my right hand in her left to make me turn to look in her eyes.

“ Matt I wasn’t lying about you being with my daughter if I had one. I love you honey as if I was your own mother. I worry about you when your not around me as does Chelsea. Please Matt never forget we will always be here for you. No matter what is thrown at you we are your family also.” She tells me with a few tears as I see her smile

“ I appreciate what you just said as I love you all. I just wish my own family felt strongly as you all do.” I say with a sigh as she hugs me tight

“ I know baby boy, but one day they will see what they did and regret what they have done by ignoring you.” Susan tells me as I nod

We talk for a few more minutes as Chelsea comes in to sit on my left. She gives me some motherly love by telling me to watch out for girls that only want to use a man for their enjoyment. I tell her I will as I want someone true. It’s around 7:30 p.m. that the moms take pictures before Adam, Nick, and I leave. I get hugs and kisses on the cheeks as does my brother’s. The dad’s give us handshakes and a curfew that we all laugh at. They know we can be trusted as they helped raise us. The guys and I leave getting in the two car’s. Nick takes his car and I planned to go home that night before the weekend party at Adam’s parents house that his parents were going to have for us. Once we are at the prom I see some familiar faces standing outside as Adam, Nick, and I go into the school and to the cafeteria. They decorated the place in retro 90‘s in which I feel a bit out of it. Adam, Nick, and I laugh to the theme of the prom “ Moonlit 90‘s’.

“ I thought the moon shined in the 21st century also.” I say as they laugh when the prom director steps up

“ It’s a metaphor Matt, and thanks for coming hun.” Holly says as I nod

Holly Lederson was as beautiful as her name. She was 18 and at my height at 133 lbs shapely tone with tanned skin. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was always a caring friend and hung out with us from time to time. Her boyfriend was in his first year of college as he was the star of the basketball team. He perfered a woman with brains then most. Holly talked with us a few more minutes before going to check other stuff out.

“ Glad she is a good friend or she would of took what you said majorly wrong.” Nick tells me as Adam agrees

“ Yeah I know, but I had to say it jeez bite me.” I say as they laugh

“ Nope your not my type, and besides I like my food cooked.” Nick says as we all laughed

“ Your a sick man bro.” Adam says as I nod

“ Nope I am a hungry man now let’s see what they have.” Nick says as Adam and I look at him with raised eye brows

“ Bro we just ate before we got here. You had two plates full.” I say as he chuckles

“ Yes, but when I am excited I eat, and I am excited and need food.” Nick says as we laugh

“ Remind me to tell your future wife to have food near by. I can just see your.” I state as he looks at me

“ Don’t even say it as I will put you in a head lock again.” He says as I just grin shaking my head

“ Ok I won’t let’s just go and have some fun.” I say as they both nod

We go to the refreshment table to see a punch bowl and some cookies and cakes. Nick’s eyes were wide as he licked his lips. I could swear he was going to go look for Holly and give her a kiss. We got some punch and start enjoying the music that is being played by a live d.j. As the prom goes on I dance with a few female friends, but none want to really be with me which I don’t press the it. They were nice enough to let me have some fun dancing in which I thank them with a kiss on their hands after each dance which I get a smile and nod. I was enjoying the evening as Nick and Adam were. Yes we were football players, but were picky on the girls in our school. When it got to the announcement of prom King and Queen we all stood to see it was Ginger Holt and Howard Timmins. They have been a couple for 2 long years. They were nice and cared for those around them. I applauded as did my two brothers. I was very happy for them as they deserved such a appreciation. When it reached 10 at night Nick, Adam , and I left as they had me promise to come over tomorrow. I told them of course as I got in my car. I started it up to make my way home. I smiled as I enjoyed the prom not thinking of my life as I returned to it. As I got closer to the house I saw a familiar car in front. I looked to see it was Wayne’s car. As I pulled in the drive I parked turning the engine off. I got out to shut the driver door making my way to the front door. I heard music playing as I placed the house key in the door knob to unlock it. Opening the door the music is loud until my ears adjust to the words. I step in shutting the door to turn. I take a few steps in when I get the most shocking scene in front of me. There on the couch is my dad, Wayne, and Daryl. Each one of them are naked as I see Kelsey riding dad, Mom riding Wayne, and Aunt Sarah riding Daryl. Jennifer is in a chair with a dildo in her as she watches the scene. It’s right out of those porns that I have heard about. I go over and turn the stereo down which gets Jennifer’s attention as she covers up her breast and crotch. She has worried eyes that show fear. The others turn to see me as mom gasps covering herself getting off Wayne as Kelsey and Sarah do the same.

“ WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” I yell as dad stands up with a shocked look still

“ Now Matt just go to your room and we will talk about this later.” My father tells me as Wayne and Daryl stand up with worried looks

“ Matt sorry man for this, but Jennifer invited us to come over for some fun.” Wayne tells me as I shake my head feeling betrayed

I look at them all seeing worry and fear, but out of pure curiousity I decide to just ask.

“ So I guess I can’t just join in uh?” I ask as they all look at one another then back at me

“ What you? Matt your small honey, and besides you probably wouldn’t know how to fuck a woman.” My mother says to me hurtful as she grins

“ I second that baby brother. The way I hear the girls at school don’t want you to see their bodies as they want a real man.” Jennifer says as I feel the stings from her words

“ Matt I know your mad, but you need to just forget all this. This is what adults do and as I remember your not a adult so just go to your room and stay there.” My dad says talking to me as a kid as I feel my my hands double up as fist

“ Matty just do as your father says as I need some real dick as yours is probably very small. After I get some more of these three I’ll come up and tuck my baby boy in bed.” My mom says before I cut her off

“ Don’t bother as it seems my mother isn’t here right now as she was replaced by a whore.” I state as I run up the stairs pissed off

I get up stairs walking down the hall feeling my anger boil. How could they hurt me like this? How long have they been doing that? I get to my room and stop for a minute. My hands are still fist as I look down at my parent’s bedroom door. I make my way to it placing my right hand upon it feeling tears run down my face as my anger seeps more into my skin. My hand takes a mind of it’s own and goes back to a fist. Without thinking I put my fist through the door. I smile at my handy work as I turn to eye Kelsey’s door. I step over and do the same as my anger turns another click of the clock. I make my way to Jennifer’s and do the same seeing splinters along my right fist. I don’t care at that moment as the betrayal’s fuels my rage more to no end. I hear screaming as my name is called to come back down stairs. I ignore them as I walk into my bedroom. I go to my closet and pack some clothes as I decide not to stay here for awhile. I have those that truly do care and will give me a place to sleep. I pack jeans, shirts, socks, and underwear. I grab my ipod so I have some music to listen to for when I sleep. I look around and grab my money box that has a few hundred dollars in it, plus my birth certificate, and other legal mumbo jumbo. I look at the picture of us all before picking it up as my tears and anger converge on the other. I smash the frame on the night stand as glass falls on the stand and floor, again I don’t care at this point. I turn to grab my bag off the bed and make my way out of the room. I get half way down the stairs to see the whores in bras and panties and the fuckers are in pants. I get halfway pass them when Billy speaks up.

“ What the hell Matt it sounded like you put your fist through a door?” He asks as I stop to see him as I have tears and anger

“ Well excuse me as it seems those four will fuck anything so why have doors.” I state as my mother, sister’s, and aunt look at me with wide eyes

“ How dare you say that about your mother, sister’s, and aunt.” My dad states to me as I stand looking at him with daggers


I hear foot steps as I slam the door. I turn to see the door knob move I smirk as I kick it open to hear someone fall backward. I look to see it’s my no good father as they come to check on him. My mother looks at me with hurt, worried, and fearful eyes as I flip her off. I make my way to my car opening the driver door. I throw my bag and the box over in the front passenger seat as I get in. I shut the driver door to see Aunt Sarah standing on the small porch with hurt eyes as I shake my head. I start the car revving the motor up. I get a crazy idea as I wipe the tears from my eyes. I back up to only put it in drive as I pull into the yard. I peel out making the grass fly backward towards my whore of a mothers SUV. I look at the front door to see my mother screaming at me to stop as Sarah starts coming out with tears to me. The passenger side window is down as she steps up to the car in panties and a bra.

“ Matty please stop this. We can talk this out. I never wanted to hurt you baby.” She tells me as I feel my anger take over

“ BULLSHIT! I LOVED YOU AUNT SARAH AND YOU DO THIS TO ME. FUCK YOU AND THOSE BASTARDS AND WHORES!” I yelled as I gunned the car leaving the yard as I looked back to see Sarah on her ass looking towards me shocked as mom goes to her

I didn’t give a shit at that point as they all could go to the pits of hell and stay there. I keep going down the street not caring if they call the police. I made a few turns down different streets finally making my way to my destination. I parked in front of the house getting out as it started to rain. Shit what’s next this just isn’t my night. I roll up the passenger side window as well as the driver side. I lock my car up making my way inside leaving my bag as I just want to get inside. I knock on the door on the nice porch waiting for anyone to open the door. I hear a click as the door opens a few seconds later. On the other side is Adam who looks at me very concerned.

“ Matt what’s.” He doesn’t finish as he looks in my eyes before he continues “ Come on in bro I won’t pry right now.”

I walk in to see Tim and Chelsea still up. They see me as Chelsea gets up coming to me.

“ Oh my Matt you soaked, but why are you crying honey?” She asks as Adam speaks up

“ Mom right now it’s best to not ask. I know when something is up by his eyes. What ever it is he is pissed and just need comforting for now.” He explains as I feel her arms around me

“ Oh I see of course honey. Come on baby boy let momma Chelsea get you a towel. Adam can you go get his clothes he left out of the dryer so he can get out of these wet clothes.” She says as I am led to the down stairs bathroom

“ Sure mom no problem be right back.” My bro says as Chelsea steps in the bathroom with me

I feel numb at that moment as I feel my adrenaline ease off as my tears start coming from my eyes more.

“ Matty please tell me what has my baby boy crying?” Chelsea asks as I shake my head over and over

“ I...I can’t I oh god Momma Chelsea please I need a mother.” I say as she looks at me very concerned as she ignores me being wet and holds me massaging my back

“ Shhh I’m here honey. Momma Chelsea is here baby boy. Look what ever happened just know you have a home here or at Susan’s we love you honey.” She tells me as I nod crying on her shoulder


She let’s me go as I stop crying to help me take of my wet shirt. It’s as I bring my right hand down that she sees the dry blood.

“ Oh god Matty what happened baby boy?” She asks taking my hand to look at it

“ I...I punched a hole into all their bedroom doors.” I say as her eyes go wide

“ Oh Matty I need to doctor it. Please can I as I don’t want it to get infected.” She asks of me as I slowly nod

“ It doesn’t hurt all that much.” I say as she shakes her head

“ Nonetheless it needs doctored. Sit down I will be right back.” She tells me as I sit on the toilet after putting the top seat down

I sat there looking at my hand. I see it swelling a bit, but nothing is broken of jammed. I guess I should be glad the door wasn’t made of hardwood. I see a few splinters embedded in my knuckles as I shake my head. Again I feel numb to remembering what had happened. All of my family and so called friends betrayed me in the most worse way. I hear voices as Chelsea comes back in with a first aide kit followed by Tim. He looks at me concerned as Chelsea sits on the side of the tub in front of me. Taking my hand she has her husband open the kit to help her in which he does. He looks closing leaning over before raising back up to look deeply in my eyes.

“ Matt what happened son?” He asks as I look from him to Chelsea

“ Tim I don’t think right now is a good time as he just needs to know we are here for him, but the way I feel his family are the ones that hurt him in some way.” She says looking at my hand as Tim just nods

“ Ok, but Matt if you need someone to talk to just ask ok. I love you just as much as I do Adam and Nick.” He tells me as I nod watching Chelsea

They both doctor my hand while Chelsea takes the splinters out. I notice she is trying not to hurt me as I tell her I don’t feel any pain. Once my hand is taken care of they leave as Adam brings my clothes so I can change. He shuts the door giving me time to change. I step up to the sink to look at myself. My eyes are red with tear stains on my face. I shake my head as my thoughts go to the days events, and a sadness comes to me as I begin taking my wet clothes off to only change back into the clean, dry ones I have. I take my wallet and car keys out of the jeans I did wear to place them in the jeans I have on. I pick up my wet clothes to leave the bathroom. Standing on the other side of the door was momma Chelsea. She took my clothes to only tell me to go take a seat on the couch. I do as asked to see a glass of tea on the coffee table. Tim is in his chair sipping on the beer he has in his hand. Adam is in the other with a beer in which I know I can’t have one yet. Chelsea comes back telling me my clothes were in the washing machine. I thank her as she sits on my right with a look of concern. They don’t pry but assure me they will always be here for me. As the night goes by both Tim and Chelsea go to bed leaving Adam and I alone. He comes over to sit where his mom was just a few minutes ago. We watch some t.v. around 11:30 that night. He gives me encouragement that whatever happened would just make me stronger in life. I take in his words and know he is right as I was stronger then this. I smile as we laugh at the movie that was already one. It’s like old times except Nick isn’t here to enjoy this. About a hour later we go to our rooms to get some sleep, but sleep doesn’t come to me that easy as my mind rushes to what had all happen at my family home. I feel my tears come again and just wish things were like they were when I was little feeling love from those that were my family. I finally close my eyes and fall to sleep with hope that my mother, sister’s, and aunt will be like they were years ago.

As that weekend ended with Nick and Adam cheering me up by making goofs of themselves. As well as the parents showed me what love was from parents. Chelsea, Tim, Susan, and George took it upon themselves to tell me that I was staying with them the rest of the school year, and during summer. Chelsea and Susan give me a hug saying they would like it if I did as they would know I was safe as well as staying out of trouble.

The next few weeks of school was filled with the two fuck wads taunting me when Nick and Adam were not around. They would slam me against the lockers, but afterward I would slam them adding a head butt into their chest. Wayne and Daryl would clinch their chest as I walked off with a smile flipping them off each time. I was surprised their chest wasn’t split apart. As the last day of school was getting closer they attempted again, but this time I held Daryl against my locker only to hit the locker as he moved his head to the side. My fist smashed the locker door making a nice dent. Both looked at me as I smirked telling them it was their face next time. It was at that moment that Adam and Nick showed up as Daryl and Wayne left like two scared kids. God what did my family see in them I would never know. Adam and Nick stayed with me for a few minutes making sure I was ok before we left for our last class that day.

The last day of school was finally here. At lunch Adam and Nick reminded me that both Momma Susan and Chelsea wanted me to get my camping gear and whatever else I needed for the summer. I told them I would go grab it after school. They both nodded to my words as we ate the lunch in front of us. I looked over to see Wayne and Daryl looking over at me which made me smirk as I made my hand into a fist remembering what I told them just a week ago. They looked away as I silently chuckled to myself knowing they were total losers with money. They made the most stupid friends I had ever seen in my life. I thought about the whole situation that I saw on prom night. I thought back to when Jennifer was in school last year. Then it hit me they were hanging around her. The only reason I could come up with was they just hung out with me to say linked to Jennifer. I felt my anger boil feeling played as Nick and Adam caught where I was looking.

“ Bro let them go they are not worth the energy.” Adam tells me as Nick nods in agree

“ Adam is right, and even if they start shit we got the team to ask to torment them.” He says as Adam chuckles

“ Yes your right I will for the moment. So what are we doing tonight?” I state asking to change the subject

“ What else play Mortal Kombat and Call of Duty.” Nick says as I laugh

“ Cool I need to blow off some steam.” I say as they laugh

We finally finish our lunch taking our tray’s to empty them. We go to our classes which was boring. We had a lazy day which was reasonable. Once the last bell for summer sounded I jumped up and left the class room. I made my way to my locker the get what I needed as I left the school books for the teachers to mess with. I met up with Nick and Adam by the cars. Nick reminded me again as I nodded as we started talking about later tonight.

After leaving school I went to get fountain drink for myself. I made my way home, well to my parents house that is. I noticed Daryl’s car and just shook my head as I pulled up behind my dad’s car. He drove a 1970 Corvette ZR1 which he treated like gold. Once I was parked I got out shutting my driver door. I made my way to the front door to find it locked with music coming through it. I shook my head having a feeling I knew what was going on. I thought of how to deal with this and just sighed knowing I had to just go gather a few things then get out. I unlocked the door with my key and made my way in shutting the front door behind me. I step into the living room to see Dad behind Jennifer as Wayne and Daryl were doing mom as Aunt Sarah was 69 with Kelsey. I just went my own way to my room. Their moans were annoying as I entered my room only to move over to my closet. I found my sleeping bag and trail bag. I found my survival knife on the top shelf of the closet. I put it in the bag as I grabbed my sleeping bag. I also gathered up some clothes placing them in a duffle bag I had received from my grandfather as it was the one he had when he was in the army. Grandma had sewn it up in places. They died when I was young, but he gave me his old duffle bag thinking I would need it one day. After packing some clothes I pick up all I have making my way out of my bedroom and down to the living placing my stuff by the back door. I go to the kitchen to get a drink of juice in which there is none. I slam the fridge door to only hear my dad yell to Daryl.

“ FINISH HER DARYL!” My dad yells as I hear a groan

“ YES FINISH ME....GIVE ME SOME....CUMMY.” My mom moans as I feel my anger

I feel myself shaking as I punch the fridge door over and over. I see the large dents show and smirk. Before I hear Jennifer moan out dad’s name. I look around and see something that simply says ‘ Pick me up and throw me’. I step over and pick it up to only step to the doorway between the kitchen and living room. I take the blade by the end and throw it at Billy in which he ducks with fear. They all stop as I make my way to the back door to pick up my bag and sleeping bag.

“ Sweet Jesus Matt what the fuck?” Jennifer says as she get’s up

I turn to see Mom and everyone looking at me either mad or worried.

“ Oh I’m sorry I missed I guess I need to improve my aim.” I say as I feel a hand on my shoulder

I turn to see Daryl standing there naked as he looks at me.

“ What’s your deal man? You jealous or something? I mean damn your family just want to be loved.” He asks me stating what must be his opinion

I eye everyone before bringing my knee up into his little dick. He goes down as I hear screams coming from the women.

“ Oh I’m sorry guess your opinion doesn’t matter as I haven’t felt love from them in years you asshole.” I tell him only to turn kicking the fucking back door off it’s hinges making my way out again hearing screams

I walk around to the gate that leads to the front of the house. I go to my car placing my duffle bag and sleeping bag in the back seat. I look at my asshole of a father’s car and smirk as a idea comes to me. I walk to the side of the house to see my old baseball bat. It’s the steel kind and won’t break that easy. I place both my hands on the bat and smile stepping up to the corvette. I start in on the fucking car. I bust the windshield watching it shatter. I go to the back and bust the back glass along with the tail lights. I start banging away at the car as the bat hits the sides. I hear screams as I turn to see them all in robes watching me. My dad just looks to be in shock as I return to beating up the car giving it love like no other could. Once I have reached the hood I just let out my anger on it not letting up until I say fuck it and stop. I place the bat on my right shoulder pulling out my keys. I take the house key tip and place it on the side of the driver side of the corvette making my way to my car. I give them all a grin as I get to the end. I turn to see my dad looking at me with anger as I speak up.

“ Sorry it needed some love. I didn’t want it to be left out on all the fucking you all do in the house so I gave the car a good fucking up. Now it has enough holes for all you whores and limp dicks.” I say seeing wide eyes as I make my way to the driver door off my car

I get in starting it up. I look at the back of the corvette and get another idea. I roll the driver window down so everyone can hear me. I back up a little then start ramming into the back of the corvette. It’s a good thing I have one of the steel ram bumpers. After a few times I start making myself laugh.

“ Oh yeah you feel that. Moan for me as I fuck you up corvey. Who's my bitch now Vettey?” I say as I see my mother looking at me worried as I back up and give it one more ramming

I back up onto the street revving up my car as they all look at me in disbelief. I see my Aunt Sarah looking at me with sadness in which I have no idea why, but I flip them all off as I see blood on my hand. I guess Aunt Sarah sees my hand only to start coming to me as I peel out and race to the stop sign making my way to Adams.



Well hope you like the start of the next story series. From Tazonda94 and I thank you all for the support of A Family Betrayal for it’s way from being over. Have a god day or night peace.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-11-11 11:08:58
The new story doesn't "grab" me like "Family Betrayal". Seem the Friday Night Fuck has been going on for some time because of the sister's remark, "You're our man" interperted, "We're going to bring you into our Friday Night Fuck. just not quite yet. To Family Betrayal", Is Paula's lover Tyrone or Carington? What is going on with the 4 kids? Like I said earlier, a lot of intrigue for a simple "SexStory", more like a gangster plot..Good work!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-13 02:13:39
when u going to do chapter two of good way to die sometin lik dat

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-05 18:54:24
Finish the next chapter and no one gets hurt, hawk.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-05 01:15:01
Good story!! Go to the library to continue

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-04 04:27:30
I love your stories please keep them coming I can't wait till the next part I will be waiting thank you thank you thank you thank you

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