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Friends from before rediscover each other and something new.
They were miraculous days, the year you go from being a 9th
grade junior high kid to a sophomore in high school. See if
you remember this scenario:

In 9th grade you might get lucky to date a 7th or 8th grade
girl. The 9th grade girls were all looking to date high
school guys.

In 10th grade you finally got a shot at 9th graders.

10th grade girls discovered seniors.

11th and 12th grade girls discovered college guys.

You had to lock up a girl for you junior year because you
were usually in limbo otherwise, too old for 9th grade and
not interesting to sophs, juniors and seniors.

I had this all explained to me by my older brother and his
girl friend as well as my older sister. Of course, it meant
little to me as I was the nerd of the family. I was smarter
than both of them put together. I had been smothered as my
mother's last child as well. I had as much chance at dating
a senior girl as dating a 9th grader. Did I mention I was a
nerd? My friends and I were not athletes. The only
decathalon we were interested in was the academic
decathalon. And the only marathon was a marathon game of D&D
or a day of playtesting MTG for a big event. Little did I
know that even with those kinds of handicaps, there were 9th
graders willing to take the chance with any guy for an
opportunity to say, "I am dating a high school guy".

Anyway, it started out like this, I was really good at card
games. I had won a big Pokemon event as a kid when girls
still played those kinds of games as well. I moved on to MTG
and continued my hot streak including qualifying for a Pro
Tour during the summer before my sophomore year. It even
made the small town paper, "Local Boy Wins Trip to Japan". I
took lots of pictures and posted them to my FB page. This
got me more attention from my school friends who all thought
it was cool I had been to Japan when most of them had never
left the state.

The first week of school I signed up for the school paper.
It was a dieing breed, what with the internet and all. I
figured since I had done it in junior high I might as well
keep it up here, not like I was going to be busy otherwise.
I wrote an article about games for the first issue and one
about Japan for the second. Both got me more attention, some
good, some bad. Ah, the life of the nerd.

The up shot is this, I was asked to do an interview for the
quarterly junior high paper I had written for the previous
year. Jane Walsh had been one of those elusive game girls
who played Pokemon as a kid and was now student editor of
the junior high paper. She had been my toughest competitor
back then and my big Pokemon win had come at her expense.
She never bounced back and moved on to other things, girlie
things. Obviously, the local coverage inspired her to do a
larger piece on why guys continued to play these games and
girls, in general, did until they reached a certain point.
So we sat down for an interview.

Jane had changed in the six months since I had been the
assistant editor at the paper. Her braces were gone. Her
budding breasts had developed quite nicely and her choice of
school uniforms accentuated all of the positives. I was very
much happy to be sitting at a table in my kitchen for the
interview rather than across an open space where my teenage
"when the wind blows" boner would have been embarrassing.

We started with general question about what kinds of games I
liked to play. The only thing I was really not into was
computer games. I preferred strategy and complexity over
visual and mind numbing. I played board games like Settlers
of Catan (better than RISK) and Dominion. I liked Role
Playing Games like D&D. And I spent lots of time playing
MTG. MTG can be quite time consuming and expensive. I got a
head start by selling my Pokemon cards to fund my new habit.
This immediately caught her attention and she wanted to know
if her old cards might still be worth something. I told her
we could find out later. We went on to discuss my trip to
Japan and how it felt to be a world traveller, how had this
affected my social life, etc?

"Like most game players its a lonely existance. We are
generally shunned by girls for the athletes and the girls
that used to play our games have all moved on."

"All of them?"

"How many of your friends still play? Do you, Sharon, Renee,
or Bobbie still dig your cards out when you have a

"I guess not."

"Tell me why you quit playing."

"I guess I did not have the competitive edge."

"Too bad because you were one of the top players. And you
would have a real edge right now. The MTG PTQ I won, I had
one match draw and it was to a girl. She wore her shirt open
down to here and I was lucky to not lose. It was quite a
distraction. If she had half your skill she would have
destroyed me."

"What about non-competitve games?"

"I guess my favorite is D&D."

"What's so great about it?"

"Well, for someone like me, it let's me be the hero, which I
don't get much chance in real life."

"Do girls play?"

"I know there are some that do. They have a league at the
store I go to and there are always a few there. Most of them
are probably there because their boyfriend is playing. We
mostly avoid the league stuff because we prefer more
adventure and less structure, more fantasy."

"Girls love fantasy. Do you think I could try it sometime?"

"Well, one of the problems is you would be outnumbered in
our group six to one. And some of the guys can be kind of
crude, even for nerds."

"That's like the third time you have referred to yourself as
a nerd. I don't like that and I won't include it in my
article. How about this, if I can find three friends to play
D&D can you bring a couple of your more 'sedate' friends to
show us the game? I think it might be the hook my article

"Sure, we can get something together. We normally play on
Saturday but a couple of guys can't make it this week so why
don't we do it then?"

"Sounds great, what time?"

"We should start early, around 9am, because there will be
lots of prep stuff to do, character creation and all... We
should plan on a 10-12 hour game. We normally order pizza
and stuff."

Jane stood up from the table. After sitting there talking
like old friends for the last half hour I had completely
forgotten about my earlier problem and it had receded. I
walked her to the door. She turned to me so abuptly I bumped
into her (I am sure now it was on purpose). "Thanks for all
you help with this," she said and gave me a peck on the
cheek, kind of unprofessional if you ask me. Who kisses the
subject of their interview? My god, I am such a nerd... I
stood there stunned as she wiped the lip gloss off my cheek.
"I'll call you later to confirm the details."

The wind was blowing and that simple peck on the cheek had
my pants stretching again. Fortunately, she had already
turned to go out the door. I immediately ran upstairs to my
bathroom and released my pent up erection. Her effect on me
was astounding. I pictured her pert breasts in her white
shirt and white bra. My xray vision imagination had me
wacking away like a mad man. It was a huge relief as I
unloaded into the toilet.

By Thursday I had managed to find only one other guy that
could play all day and one that could help out for a short
time. When Jane called I passed on the news, "Well, I could
just convince two friends to join us as well. Is that going
to be enough?"

"We can make due. I'll run the game and play an NPC to fill
out the party. Maybe we can find somebody to take him over

"By the way, I dug out my old cards. You want to come over
and go through them for me?"

"Come over? To your house? Uh, sure..."

"Great, my mom is making dinner and she said you could join
us. You remember my mom, right? She was always there rooting
me on."

"Yeah, I think she was more upset with me winning than you

"Well, I think she saw it as sort of a glass ceiling kind of
thing. If I had won I would have moved up and on to bigger
things. I think her disappointment was probably my biggest
demotivation. Anyway, she read what I've written so far and
of course, she read about you in the regular paper so she's
happy to see you again."

After changing into some loose fitting jeans I headed over
to Jane's house (no point in giving too much info away).
Jane had changed out of her school uniform and was wearing a
pair of cutoff jeans and a dark, tight tshirt with Misty on
it. It was probably at least three years old and a couple
sizes too small. Loose jeans were going to be a blessing.

"I brought my stuff into the kitchen. Mom isn't too much of
a prude, but being alone in my bedroom, well, you know..."

I knew, but how could she know?

"Really Janey? You want to put this on me?" Her mother had
joined us in the foyer. "Actually Rob, from how long I knew
you as a kid to now I would not have any problem with you
anywhere in this house. I think the mess in her room is more
why she got the cards and brought them into the dining


"That's alright Mrs. Walsh. I don't think I could let Jane
in my room either."

We sat at the table and Mrs. Walsh brought us home made
cookies and offered us an assortment of drinks. Turns out
Jane had not so much been a player or a collector as a
hoarder. She had five huge binders of cards and a couple of
boxes. It was going to take several hours to go through this
stuff right.

"You know when this first came out the prices went sky high
and everyone thought they were going to get rich and send
their kids to college on these cards," I said.

"Yeah, I would settle for a tank of gas at this point."

"You should do better than that. You have lots of desireable
stuff in here. Did you want to get rid of all of it or just
the expensive stuff?"

"Well, it has no real value to me anymore. That one small
binder is my favorite but if there is anything in there
worth selling I would probably let it go too."

I immediately picked up Jane's favorite binder. It was the
most girlie thing I had ever seen. She never had this one at
league days. I remember her being the toughest trader in the
group. This binder had all the appearance of a "crush"
binder. First, there was every Pikachu known to man. Then
there were the named character pages and they seemed to be
paired up, in particular Ash and Misty. And the cards were
drawn on with captions you never would have thought a young
girl would be thinking about (while more than a couple of
guys might have). As my face grew redder I think Jane might
have remembered some of the more racy stuff she had put down
in writing and snatched the binder from my hands, "On second
thought, I think I might keep this one," she said blushing.

"That's ok, it looked more personal than expensive. the rest
of these binders have quite a lot of good stuff. There are
three ways to do this, 1. we can move it to an online
retailer, 2. we can break it up and sell it individually, or
3. we can sell it to the local store. The quickest return
would be the online store but you won't get as much as
individual sales. The local guy probably won't give you as
much now because he has fewer players."

"Why don't we sell it to the online guy then?"

"Maybe, but there are a few pieces we can break out to sell

"Whatever you think is best."

"Ok Janey, time to clear this stuff away for dinner. You're
staying, right Rob?"

"Sure Mrs. Walsh. I cleared it with my parents."

Jane and I carried the binders and boxes into the living
room while Mrs. Walsh set up for dinner. Mr. Walsh joined us
and we had an enjoyable evening. For desert Mrs. Walsh
brought out a cake that had a picture of Misty on the top,
"Rob, you remember how Janey used to wear her hair like
Misty? I always thought she was trying to get your


"What's wrong honey? The only person at the league that
didn't know you had a crush on Rob was Rob."

This was all coming as a shock to me. Of course, I was
mostly indifferent to girls back then but it was widely
known I had a crush on Misty. "Rob don't pay any attention
to my mother. She's just doing what moms do best, embarrass
their children. Come on, we'll eat dessert upstairs."

Jane's room was no messier than mine. She jumped up on her
bed and indicated I could take the seat at her desk. We ate
our cake in silence. I looked around the room to see what
made this girl tick. Gone was the innocence of childhood. No
"My little pony" or "pokemon" posters. These were replaced
by shelves of academic awards, band posters, movie posters
and pictures of her friends on a bulletin board. At first
glance I missed it but then I saw it, a section of the
bulletin board was apparently dedicated to me, the picture
of me from the paper, the clip mentioning our academic
decathalon team, and a picture of us together from the
Pokemon finals. She saw me see it, "Ok, so maybe I had a
small crush on you."

"Had or have?" I asked.

She patted the space next to her on her bed.

"Are you sure? What if your parents walk in?"

"What do you think is going to happen?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I doubt anything that would get us into trouble
anyway. Otherwise my parents wouldn't have let you come up
here. Besides the door is open."

I set my plate on the desk and walked over to the bed. I sat
on the edge and she took my hand. I swung my legs up on the
bed and we were both leaning back against the head board.
Jane took my hand and lifted it until my arm was draped over
her shoulder, "Isn't that more comfortable?" she sighed as
she snuggled into my chest. We just sat there and I could
feel her steady breathing. "I used to wear this shirt just
for you, you know..."

"Something tells me you wore this shirt for me today as
well. And believe me, I noticed."

She looked up at me expectantly and I leaned my face down to
hers and for the first time our lips met. It was electric
for me. It was really my first kiss and so I was not sure
how it worked. We just sat there mashing lips together. I
pulled her body tighter to mine with the arm she had wrapped
around herself. I could feel her warm soft breasts crush
into my side. And then I felt her lips part slightly.
Instinctively mine followed suit. Soon our tongues touched
at the tip completing the connection. My body was on fire.

And of course, we were then interrupted, "Hey kids if Rob
wants a ride... ah ooops, sorry about that... anyway, if Rob
wants I ride home your father is going to the store."


I was sorely disappointed. "Your mom is probably right,
especially if you want me to take that stuff and get rid of
it for you."

At least the interruption gave me a chance to calm down
before standing up. Jane gave me a quick kiss on the lips
and climbed over me, "We'll be down in a second," she said
to her mother who was hanging out of sight in the hallway.
she walked over to her dresser and grabbed a button up silk
shirt. Before I knew what was happening she had pulled the
Misty shirt over her head and slipped the new shirt on. In
the mirror I had gotten a glimpse of her perfect orbs of
wonder. She turned and threw the Misty shirt to me before
buttoning up. "This really doesn't fit me anymore."

We each grabbed half of the stack and carried it out to her
father's car. Jane opened the front passenger door and slid
her stack in first. I followed suit and then wondered where
I was supposed to sit. Mr. Walsh was coming down the porch
steps and Jane climbed into the back seat beckoning me to
follow. "Dad, you might as well go to the store first. It's
on the way to Rob's."

"Then it's on the way back too."


"Just kidding, princess. We'll stop at the store then drop
off Rob."

We drove to the store in silence. It was like riding with my
brother or sister. You sat there and did not cross the line
of the seats. Finally, we got to the store, "Your mom's list
is going to take me 15 minutes or so, you guys want to

I would have said yes, but I was nudged hard in the ribs,
"Can't you take care of it, dad?"

"Sure princess. Like I said, it will only take 15 minutes."
I could have sworn he winked at his daughter.

As he walked away from the car Jane wrapped her arms around
me and jumped in my lap. She again mashed her lips to mine
clearly taking the role of agressor. I could surprise her as
well though and made a move on second base. I knew she was
not wearing a bra and showing her beautiful tits off to me
such a short time ago was clearly an invitation in my mind.
I slid a free hand down to the edge of her shirt and back up
the inside. My hand enveloped her warm breast. Her hardening
nipple poked strongly into my palm. Her lips left mine and
she bit my neck then began to alternately suck and nibble
along its length. My obvious erection was straining in my
jeans but her body kept it from rising straight up.

"Squeeze it, oh yes, pinch my nipple," she moaned into my
neck. "No, wait, here, suck on it," she reached down and
tore her shirt open. My lips did not hesitate. "Oh yes, oh
Ash, suck my titties!" Ash? She held my face to her wanton
flesh. I had never had this opportunity before and I was not
about to waste it now. I licked, nibbled, pinched, twisted
and squeezed. "Oh Robbie that feels so good... I wish we
could do this forever." Her body started to shiver or even
convulse. "Oh Robbie, oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes... YES!!!"
She crushed my face to her chest as her body shook in
orgasmic release. She sighed, "That was so good Robbie. I
wish we had more time so you could have the same
experience." She sat back and started to button up her

Just then her phone tweated with a text from her dad, "done
with check out, on my way". How cool was he? Did he approve?
Did he know what we had done or what his daughter had
planned? Maybe some, like kissing at least. I guess he did
not want to interrupt us like his wife had. By the time he
reached the car Jane and I were standing by the trunk
waiting to help him load the groceries.

It was just a couple minutes further to my house. Jane
helped me carry the boxes up to my porch and then we said
our good byes. For the first time I took the lead and
wrapped my arms around her slender body pulling her in for a
good night lip mashing. After a few seconds of tongue
dancing her father honked the horn and she broke our
embrace. "See you Saturday morning," I said as she walked
away. She twirled around and blew me another kiss. How could
I have gotten so lucky after such a long time?

I managed to dodge my family as I lugged the boxes and
binders up to my room. I got on line and started checking
out the buy lists for cards. I wanted to make Jane as happy
as possible so I also checked auction sites to see what the
hottest stuff was. I started leafing through the pages to
see what there was. She had it all sorted by set and some of
her drawings in between the sets. Most of it looked like
they had just been traced images of Ash and Misty, her two
favorite characters (and mine now as well).

My AIM account window opened. I had a new contact request.
It was Jane. "I hope you're already busy with my cards."

"Started first thing I did."

"Really? I thought you might need to relieve some pressure
since I kind of left you hanging."

"You really want to ask that? No, that was not super mondo

"You know, I might have to come by early Saturday to even
things up."

"Oh really? How would you do that?"

A .jpg file came through, "See if you like this"

I opened the file and found another one of her drawings of
Ash and Misty. Misty had her shirt pushed up over her
breasts and Ash was cupping one and sucking on the other
while Misty was leaning back screaming her head off.

"I think that could be a photo from earlier tonight."

"Ok then, how about this one?" Another file came through.

Ash was towering above Misty who was on her knees with her
back towards the picture. She was topless. Ash had a hand on
her head and a look of ecstasy on his face. The caption read
"Fwap, fwap, fwap, fwap..."

"I like it but I think the caption should read 'mmm, mmmm
mmmmmm, slurp, mmm, cough cough cough...'"

"Naughty boy..."

"Just wishful thinking I'm sure"

"Misty is not a slut in case you were wondering"

"Never had a doubt in my mind but you were right, Ash does
need some relief"

"See if this one helps" a third .jpg file came through.

This was just Misty, sitting there cross legged, lifting her
skirt to show her wispy haired pussy and wide spread slit.
It was signed "For Ash's eyes only, Misty/Jane".

I took the three pics and cropped them together. I made
wallpaper out of it and saved it. Then thinking about those
delicious mounds I had snacked on earlier that evening I
whipped out my erect 7 inches and started sliding my hand up
and down. I had been leaking precum for the last hour so I
was already well lubed up. I could not get the image or
taste out of my mind as I lost control and shot my wad all
over my chest in 4 great spurts. I guess being a Sophomore
did have its advantages.

Every Friday the school paper comes out. This week had my
"Japan Through the Eyes of a Teen" article. For some reason
I thought it might make me cooler with my upper classmates.
Instead it made me more of a social pariah. Some did not
believe I had gone and actually made it up. Others that knew
it to be true were jealous. Some, mostly my regular friends,
thought it was cool. The only opinion that mattered to me
right now though was Jane's. She would be getting a copy as
editor of the junior high paper.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about the adventure I
would be running the next day. I wanted Jane and her friends
to have fun. I also wanted them to come back for more. For
some reason, finding girl gamers was important to me. I had
a solid 1st level adventure I had never run before. I also
had some ideas for the girls characters. Then I had some
ideas for Jane's character that were not suitable for the

Saturday morning found us in the breakfast room, "Role
playing is simple enough. Your characters have attributes
based on what you rolled during character generation. When
you need to see if a skill like wall climbing succeeds you
roll the dice and compare it to the difficulty factor. The
fun thing about role playing is it doesn't have to be about
ROLL playing."

"Huh?" the girls all looked confused and Bill just laughed.

"The best game I ever ran had multiple encounters but we
only rolled the dice a few times. The characters played
their ROLES and acted rather than relying on 'I try and
convince the mayor to hire us'. They actually started a
conversation with the character which was a lot more
convincing provided it is within the scope of the character.
For instance, Bill's Barbarian character would never get
into a conversation about physics of magic but might easily
convince a group of thugs considering attacking the party it
might be in their best interest to find easier prey."

"This sounds much better than WOW. My brother plays that
all the time and I think it is just a waste of time. All
they do is run around looking for things to kill to get more

"Well everything you do here lead to experience points as
well. And XP leads to higher levels and more skills
available to you."

"How do we know how many points we have?"

"At the end of the day I go through my notes and give out
rewards. Specific goals of the campaign being met, monsters
killed, avoiding conflict or winning a battle can have more,
less or the same number of points. Its up to the party to
decide which is the wiser path."

"Ok, here are what we have developed. Jane decided to be a
magic user. She has the ability to strike from a distance
and alter reality to favor the party. She spends parts of
her days studying spells and collecting components to aid in
casting them. She is not a strong fighter but if cornered
can at least defend herself. She is an elf which grants her
higher intelligence and dexterity.

Brenda is a cleric. She has spells of healing to aid the
party as granted by her deity. She is a human and is not
afraid to fight. Being a cleric she is restricted to non-
edged weapons like the holy mace she carries. It is
emblazoned with her deities symbol.

Sheila is a Rogue. They used to be called thieves but rogue
is a better description. She is half elven, half human. She
is sneaky as hell and might not be the most trusted member
of the party. On the other hand she will tend to get the
party out of bad scrapes from time to time with her guile.
She can pick locks and finds hidden traps easier than most.

Bill's Barbarian, Graznos, is a fighter through and through.
He is a fighter by nature but wears little defensive armor
relying on his dexterity, strength, and quickness to to
defeat his enemies. He has been known to berserk from time
to time which can endanger the party but like King Kong,
beauty has been known to calm his lust for battle while
inspiring him to great feats.

I will be playing a character as well to round out the
party. He is a Dwarven Paladin. His shining plate armor is a
beacon drawing attention to himself. He is the ultimate good
guy, defending the poor and down trodden, helping the sick
and always fighting evil.

As an NPC, Fiero Burntwood will contribute knowledge he
might have but will not be able to act based on my knowledge
as GM. There are no Evil characters in your party. You are
the good guys, even the rogue. You start your adventure in a
local tavern having come back together after six months of
training with your various guilds or churches. Also, the
rest of you need to work on your character names and
background stories when you have time."

I had never played D&D with female players before. And of
course, these three had never played D&D before. I was going
to rely on Bill to help direct traffic during combat and
encounters. The only problem was his character is a lot like
Bill, quiet. I am sure sitting with three teen girls would
not encourage him to speak up but at least he showed up to
play. I did not know what to expect from the girls at all.

"You are sitting in your groups favorite tavern after being
in training for the last six months. Those of you that drink
have ordered mead or wine and you have ordered your
customary meals as well. Does anyone have anything they wish
to contribute to the conversation?"

Thank goodness Jane spoke up. I thought I might have to
carry the whole day... "Wow, I am so glad to get away from
that scum sucking pig of a mage. If he tried to look into
the female dorms one more time I think we might have turned
him into a toad." The table laughed at that. "Oh, and my
character's name is M-y-s-t-i, Mysti."

"Men will be men and boys will behave like boys," replied
Sheila. "Personally I would favor setting his robes on fire,
unless he's good looking."

"The man has no honor," said Bill. "He should be flogged. Of
course, most magicians should be flogged. You are the
exception m'lady. But if he ever shows his face in here he
will learn to mind his manners." I don't think Bill had ever
put two sentences together to a girl since he hit puberty.

"Why Graznos, I didn't know you would defend the honor of a
wizard," Shiela sniggered.

"Not the honor of a wizard as the gods know they have none,
but to dishonor of a woman of my acquaintance? He should be
warned I will be seeking his head on a platter. I would even
defend you from such a fiend though thou art a rogue and

I let them carry on the conversation for a few more minutes
taking notes on how the characters interacted and threw in a
word or two from the normally taciturn Dwarven Paladin. Then
I began the adventure hook...

"The waitress is refilling Shiela's tankard of mead when her
pouring is suddenly frozen in mid pour. The room becomes
deathly quiet and you notice nobody is moving but your
little group. Your table begins to glow under you or rather
you notice there is a series of runes etched on the edge of
the table and they glow an eerie green...

'Fair warning noble adventurers, evil most dire, magic most
deadly, and horrors unimaginable await thee.' A small
glowing green globe is rising from the center of the table.
Inside you see visions of you and your companions being
tortured, beheaded and exploded by magic. These scenes fade
and in its place is the face of an aged and kindly man.
'These are you fates. If you do not accept them this awaits
those surrounding you...' Once again the scene changed to
their village and the surrounding countryside, dragons flew
through the air breathing fire and acid on the populace,
orcs and dark elves ravaged the women, the very bar wench
waiting on your table is shown being dragged away, naked and
screaming in terror. The face returned, 'Once every 1000
years the evil returns to claim the souls of this region.
Every thousand years a band of heros is summoned to combat
this evil. Some survived, some did not. Sometimes the evil
was held at bay and other times evil held sway over the
populace for what seemed an eternity. You are the chosen
heros. You must be the sacrifice or the saviours. Your fates
await you beyond yon portal...' The wizened man pointed
towards the fire pit and a glowing doorway opens before

"Oh my god, what do we do?" asked Brenda.

"We have but one choice companions. We may not sit idly by
and await the destruction of those we hold closest." Bill's
barbarian was making paladin like speeches. And of course,
Sheila smiled at him again.

"Shrike, that's the name I decided on for my character,
stands up and walks towards the portal. She looks through.
Can I see anything?" asked Sheila.

"The portal is just a glowing doorframe with a sheen of
green light shimmering across it like the surface of a

"Cool, I touch the surface. What does it feel like?"

"Your finger sinks into the surface and as you pull it back
the viscous surface pulls away with you before plopping back
sending ripples through the surface. Roll that 20 sided die
for me Shiela."

"I got a 4. That's good, right?"

"Typically, higher numbers are better," Bill chimed in.

"You look at your fingers and the glowing green is rapidly
consuming your hand and arm, kind of like Neo in the first
Matrix movie..."


"The rest of the party is looking at Shrike as she stares at
wide eyed at her normal appearing fingers as if she was
tripping on acid. You see nothing amiss and suddenly she
staggers and falls into the portal."

"I dive after her," exclaimed Bill.

"Oh no, what do we do?" implored Brenda.

"Fiero stands from the table, 'Friends it is time to find
out what we are truly made of. We must fight to the death to
protect our family and friends. Join me and we will pass the
gate together.'"

In real life Jane took my offered hand. Brenda was still
hesitant. I am not sure what she thought was going on.
Finally, she took my other hand, "The final three companions
make their way to the portal, there is a flash of light, and
this is what you see." I just sat there. I sat there waiting
on a response for several minutes.

Finally, Bill spoke up, "Ususally 'this is what you see' is
followed by juxtaposition."

"There is no way to better explain it. This," I waved my
hands in the air, "is what you see. Each of you is the real
life avatar of your character. Now, it is very important
that from here on you let me know if you are in character or
not. Technically, this could be considered a LARP. Your
characters have been infused into your human bodies on this
plane of existence. You still have the characteristics and
skills of your generated characters while maybe not their
attributes. You also have the knowledge of yourselves. Is
everyone ready to continue?"

"Man, the guys are going to be pissed they missed this one
Rob. You really went overboard creating this."

"I was going to run it the next time I started a new
campaign. I thought it might work better with experienced
players but this could be interesting. Ok, then, here we
go... Your glowing green figures step through the glass
portal over there," I continued pointing at the sliding
glass door to the patio. "Each of you is drawn towards one
of the people sitting at the table who sit immobile much
like the bar patrons. Once again a glowing green globe rises
from the table as runes on the edge of the bowl of fruit
begin to glow. 'Truly you are the heros of the age. Be
warned, there is danger closer than thou knowest. And the
people of this world have lost magic and are fearful of it.
Defend yourselves and find the stones of Braxelfar. They may
save our world from the doom that awaits.' Your bodies now
merge with the glowing entities and you can feel their
knowledge mix with your own. You feel the alien intelligence
and skills incorporate themselves into your body."

"The stones of Braxelfar? What the hell?" asked Bill.

Sheila and Brenda had their heads together whispering...

Jane was looking at me perplexed.

"YOU WILL NEVER FIND THE STONES! Destroy them my minions!"
My friend Roger came crashing through the screen door right
on cue. He threw a bunch of my older sister's beanie babies
into the room as he ran through and out the front door. You
could hear his car peel out in the street.

Brenda shrieked, Bill was laughing, and Jane and Sheila
jumped out of their chairs. "Ok, each of these seven beanie
babies represents a monster about 4 feet tall and its
proximity to you. What do you do?"

"I look for a weapon," said the ever pragmatic Bill.

"I told you before Bill, this is what you see."

"Ok, I dive towards the hearth and grab the fire stoker."

"Alright, those two monsters will get attacks of opportunity
on you as you dive past them. Go ahead and head stand over
there. What are you girls doing?"

"I grab the knives off the kitchen counter and use them as
throwing daggers," said Sheila.

"I grab my character sheet, your book of magic spells, and
duck under the table," shouted Jane.

"Go ahead and crawl under there. Brenda?"

"I dont know... what's Fiero doing?"

3 out of 4 positive reactions. Guess that is better than I
could have expected with three new female players. "Fiero
stands up and picks up his chair. He swings it wildly over
his head and smashes it over the monster in front of him."

"That sounds good, I'll do that too."

"Ok, go ahead and lift the chair over your head..."

"I can't do that."

"And now you know the physical limitations of your new body.
Ok, you lift the chair and use it as a barricade between you
and that monster there. How are you doing down there Mysti?"

"Fine, I think I want to cast a spell out of this book."

"Let me know when you're ready. Sheila, which monster are
you targeting with your daggers?"

Sheila pointed to one of the beanies and I had her roll some
dice. "Two of the three knives strike for damage. Good job."

"Rob I want to cast the spell Magic Missile," yelled Mysti.

"Fine, that's automatic hit so just roll for damage."

Bill came screaming back into the room and swung the fire
stoker over his head and slammed it into the tiny stuffed
animal on the floor in the middle of the room. Tiny beans
exploded in all directions. "I think I killed one..."

"That's great Bill, just a little less realism next time. I
don't need a hole in the floor. One of the creatures has
managed to jump on your back, Bill, and starts gnawing on
your bare shoulder."

"Get it off me!" he yelled frantically turning in circles
like a dog chasing his tale.

Brenda jumped in finally. "I pick up the fruit bowl and
crash it over the monster's head!"

"Roll to see if you hit."

"Is a one good?"

"Oops, looks like you just crashed to bowl over Graznos'
head instead."

"It's not my fault, he was turning around in circles..."

"Bill/Graznos crashes to the floor and the beast is still
chewing on him."

"I try again. I hope a fifteen is better."

"You hit that time. The monster has already taken some
damage so it goes down as well. Fiero has also killed one.
All of the monsters are down but so is Bill."

"What do we do now?" Sheila asked.

"Well I would suggest," started Bill.

"Sorry, Bill," I cut him off. "You are unconcious for now."

"I know!" exclaimed Jane, "You have to heal Bill," she said
to Brenda.

"How do I do that?"

"Look at your character sheet. You have spells for healing."

"Ohhh, I see now. I cast Cure Light Wounds on Graznos. Does
it help?"

"You notice the wounds closing and the bleeding stops.
Graznos is groggy but regains consciousness."

"Man, it sucks not having any armor or weapons," commented
Bill when I let him sit back at the table. "We are going to
have to plan out what we want to do to keep from getting
killed. I have a question. We have our memories of ourselves
as well as our characters?"

"Yes, for the most part."

"And I know who Roger is?"

"Yes, you know who Roger is, but not anymore than that."

"Do I know where he was going?"

"Did he tell you?"

"No, but we have our Blackberry's GPS's synced."

There was a giggle from the girls. "Why do you guys have
that?" Sheila asked.

"We work together delivering pizzas. By knowing where each
other are we get better delivery times and better tips."
Bill took out his phone. "It looks like he's headed over to
the mall. No, wait. He's going past the mall."

"Maybe we should follow him. He must know where the Stones
of Braxelfar are," suggested Brenda.

"He's stopped at Jessup Park."

"Let's go!" shouted the girls.

"Wait ladies," said Bill. "Grab your stuff and anything you
want to defend yourself or attack with."

We all climbed into Bill's minivan and he handed his phone
to Sheila who grabbed the passenger seat. "Keep an eye on
him. You can zoom in closer, too."

There was only one seat in the back and lots of open floor
space. I grabbed the floor instead of being shoved in
between Jane and Brenda in the back seat. Before the girls
got situated I caught an upskirt view of Jane as she sat
down. She quickly turned her legs aside and blushed.

"What do you think so far?" I asked.

"This is amazing," said Brenda. "Who knew it could be this
much fun?"

"I love it," added Jane.

"It's all Rob, ladies," said Bill looking in the rearview
mirror. "This took a lot of time to set up. I think he
wanted you to have a time to remember."

"How long til we're at the park?" asked Sheila.

"About 5 minutes. He's still there?"

"Yes, he's running around a lot. He must be looking for

"Ok, we're here does anyone see his car? It's an old yellow

"No, but the GPS puts him over there, on the soccer field.
What's he doing playing soccer?"

A friend of ours, Paul, came jogging off the field. "Hey
guys, you looking for Roger? You just missed him. He asked
me to give you your phone Bill, here. I got to get back to
the game. See ya."


"Now what?"

"He knew we could track him so he dumped his phone. This is
a big city. How do we find him now?"

"I have an idea," said Brenda. "Let me see his phone. Let's
hope he has unlimited texting." She showed the others the
phone, "Send to ALL: 'found this phone. if u c the owner plz
text location to me and I will return asap. DO NOT TELL HIM
I HAVE IT <3'" and she took a photo of her cleavage and
included it in the message.

It took less than five minutes before they got a reponse.
"Owner's name is Roger. He's at The Lair playing miniature
war games. If he doesn't want to go out with you, let me
know. <3".

A few minutes later we were pulling up in front of The Lair,
the only decent game store for a hundred miles. The girls
were shocked to say the least. All except for Jane.

"This place hasn't changed a bit. Oh look it's Dave!"

Dave came from behind the counter to give Jane a big bear
hug. "Where has our best Pokemon queen run off to? We've
missed you."

"Oh Dave... You know, I hated losing. And this jerk just
kept getting the better of me."

The four of us and Dave stood around a cool new diorama he
had put in the front of the store promoting the new D&D
miniatures line. It was really a good 3D map we used for
other games and enclosed in plexiglass to keep munchkin
fingers off.

"Oh look! exclaimed Sheila, " The title says 'The Battle of
Hawthorne'. Isn't that where we are supposed to be from?"

Bill jumped, "Quick Dave, where's Roger?"

His arm still wrapped around Jane's shoulder he looked at me
and then pointed, "He was in the back just a few minutes

Bill, Sheila, and Brenda took off for the back. Jane was
about to join them but Dave said, "Let them go. They can get

"But we're in the game together. Rob and I should join

"I don't think so," he replied.

The door to the back room slammed shut. The front door swung
open and in strode Roger. "Well done my minions. Now I have
the sacrifice and the Stones. I am finally going to get to
destroy Hawthorne once and for all!" Roger was holding a
large leather pouch covered in runes in his right hand and
laid a too familiar left hand on Jane's shoulder. He let out
an evil laugh as Jane's companions pounded on the door from
the back room.

Suddenly, confusion reigned as the lights in the store went
out. A voice whispered in my ear.

"Ok. Roger I need you to roll a twenty sider three times.
You choose the order of the results. And I need to know
truthfully, when the lights went out what was your first

"I rolled 18, 17, and 7. I had begun the incantation to
return to Hawthorne with Jane as prisoner. As part of that
action I had placed the bag on the starred center of the
plexiglass diorama case."

"Did you ever take your hand off Jane?"


The lights came back on as Bill and Brenda came in the front
door. Sheila popped up on the other side of the display with
the leather pouch in her hands. "Ok, this is what has
happened. When Bill killed the lights at the breaker box in
the back, Sheila stole in through the front door just as
Roger had done earlier after exiting the back door and
attempted to steal the sacrificial knife from your belt. She
was unsuccessful. Missing that, she attempted to grab the
Stones of Braxelfar as you finished your incantation. She
did that just in time. Unfortunately, she was unable to
prevent the spell from happening and Roger, Dave and Jane
have disappearred. Their figures are now within the diorama
in front of us." Dave added an evil looking mage and a Hill
Giant standing on either side of a magically bound female
mage. "The large battle being portrayed in miniatures has
dragons hovering as well as hordes of goblins and dark elves
and looks just like their home is about to be extinguished."

Jane complained, "Dave, how could you?"

"Sorry my little friend. I was just following orders."

"It's not over yet!" Bill/Graznos grabbed trays of barbarian
characters and Dwarven fighters and put them between the
invading hordes and the town.

"The lights in the store dim as Bill places the last of the
figures on the table. Four spots light up on the board with
lines connecting them. Three form a triangle and the fourth
is where the bisectors meet in the middle. A green glowing
globe rises from the table. 'Only by placing the stones in
these power points at the same time can their magic be
unleashed protecting the town, nigh the world from a
thousand years of darkness. Hurry time is short!' Runes on
the edge of the table begin to glow much as they had at the
bar and a portal opens where the door to the outside once

Sheila/Shrike emptied the pouch into her hand and four
crystals poured out. She handed one to each of the remaining
companions, Fiero Burtwood, Graznos, and Brenda. They each
reached forth to place their stone in one of the glowing

"Once again, your characters find themselves in the world of
Hawthorne. In front of each of you is a stone about three
feet high with a spot where your stone should be set."

"Can I see them placing their stones?" asked Brenda.

"No, the spots are hundreds of yards apart and armies stand
in your way."

"All I can do is hope for the best. I place my stone."

"Me too."

"And me!"

"And Fiero, standing in the center of the roaring battle,
also places his stone. This seems like a good enough
stopping point. Who's up for some pizza?"

"You have got to be kidding me!" exclaimed Jane from behind
the counter where she, Roger, and Dave were now watching.

"Nope, we have to make sure you come back next time. It's
called a cliff hanger. Besides, we have been at this for ten
hours counting character creation. I need a break."

When we got back to the house my brother and his girlfriend
were having an argument in the kitchen so we moved our game
to the basement den.

My brother came into the den, "Alice totalled our car. She
got lucky and only broke her leg. Mom and Dad are going to
stay at the hospital with her so I'm in charge. As long as
you stay down here and leave me alone we'll be fine." He was
obviously pissed. I wasn't sure if it was because of the
fight with his girlfriend or because it was his car too.

Sheila got up, "We can leave if it's that bad..."

"No, don't worry about it. They're just keeping her for
observation. Looks like you dorks are having fun anyway."

Brenda breathed in deeply and huffed at being called a dork.
At the same time she stared dreamy eyed at my seventeen year
old brother.

"So Mysti, the wizard offers you as a reward one of his own
ancient spell books. It is blank. As you page through it,
the spells you most wanted to learn begin to appear on the
pages... He smiles at you, 'The book knew the spells in your
heart. When it is time for you to pass it on it will do the
same provided the wizard is worthy.' It now has ten first
level, four second level and two third level spells. You can
read this book and decide which spells best suit your

Jane grabbed the tome and began turning pages occasionally
scribbling the name of a spell on a piece of paper. She was
sharing the book with Sheila when when they both broke into

"What's so funny?"

"So tell me about this wizard you want to show your 'Magic
Missile' to?" Jane was holding up my Wizard's Spell
Compendium with the picture of a hot elvish chick wizard
casting a spell. One of my friends had annotated the picture
long before.

After everyone was taken care of and we were wrapping up for
the night Jane came over to me, "Brenda and I are supposed
to stay over at Sheila's tonight but it's so late. Do you
think we can crash on the couch?"

"Sure. I can grab some sleeping bags and set you up."

"You think Bill would stay too? We could order some more
pizza and watch some movies or something."

The "or something" had me intrigued. Knowing the guys that
worked for the best pizza in town had its advantages. The
pizza showed quickly and cheaply. Jane chose a romcom from
the wall of DVD's and popped it in. I turned off some of the
lights. The pizza was soon devoured and it was obvious
Sheila and Bill were not paying much attention to the movie.

Brenda asked where the bathroom was and disappeared
upstairs. When she did not come back down after five minutes
Jane thought we should go check on her. "Besides, I think
they might want to be alone." I glanced over and saw Bill
had his shirt open and Sheila was straddling his lap while
they kissed passionately. Jane and I made our way up the

First, we looked in the kitchen and got another two liter
bottle of coke to take down with us. We looked in the
downstairs bathroom and she was not there either. "I hope
she didn't just leave," Jane said.

"I'm sure she would have said something... Let's check

As we reached the top of the stairs Jane held a finger to
her lips and whispered "Shhhhh, I hear something."

I heard it too. And it was coming from my room. We peeked
through the doorway but could see nothing. Jane pushed the
door open slowly. The noises, more like moans, were coming
from the adjoining bathroom between my brother's and my
room. I turned to Jane, "Is she doing what I think she's

"Shhhh..." Jane moved further into my room to get an angle
on the bathroom door. The moans were getting louder. "Oh my
god," she whispered.

I finally got to where I could see into the bathroom just as
Brenda started getting really vocal, "Yes, yes... Do it,
lick my pussy. Oh my god I want your cock. I need your cock,
please suck me, fuck me! Do it all to me!" Sure enough she
was sitting on the counter with her legs spread wide and my
brother on his knees eating her out like a starved man. All
he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist which he
whipped off as we stood there. My boner which had been
rising since hearing the first moans had come to full

Jane turned away from the erotic scene in front of us and
into my arms. Her hand brushed against and then massaged my
pole, "Looks like I get to see your magic missile afterall."

My brother stood up and saw us as he was dropping his towel,
"You think we're selling tickets or something? Get the fuck
out of here!" And he slammed the door to my room shut.

"That was so hot," Jane was grabbing my belt buckle.
"Please, before I change my mind, I have to taste your
cock." My pants fell around my ankles. Precum had made my
shorts a sloppy mess. Jane didn't care. She pulled my boxers
down and was rewarded with a slap to the face by my wavering
cock. "Oh, it's so much bigger than your brother's," she
said as she carressed it to her cheek. She took the knob
into her warm mouth, "Tasty." I was in heaven.

Jane guided me towards the bed so I could sit down. I ran my
fingers through her hair as I looked down at the angelic
face devouring my virgin cock, "Jane you are amazing, I
truly love you." I reached down to pull her shirt off. Just
as before, she was not wearing a bra. Her tits bounced just
below where her mouth slid up and down my steel pole, "I'm
going to cum."

"Do it, cum in my mouth. We have all night..." Her fingers
fondled my balls and he throat opened taking me all in as I
shot my load.

"Wow, she's pretty good at that." I looked up and my brother
in his naked glory stood there with his arm around naked
Brenda. He tossed a small box my way, "Here, I thought you
might need these." A three pack of lubricated condoms fell
to the bed beside me. "If you want to trade off later, find

I got up and penguined to the door to shut and lock it. When
I turned around I saw Jane dropping her skirt and panties to
the floor. I stepped out of my jeans and boxers. "I wouldn't
trade you for all the pokemon cards in the world, much less
Brenda." I stepped back towards the bed and she spread her
legs in anticipation. I knelt in front of her and licked her
dripping slit from back to front and her body shivered in
response. I reached up and grabbed a handful of tittie while
running my tongue up and down her pussy while her hips
rocked. I heard the tearing open of a box...

"I'm ready. Please fuck me." I stood before Jane with my
teenage rejuvenated cock proudly standing tall in front of
me. She reached to me and rolled the condom down my shaft. I
used my forearms to keep my weight off her waiting body
while I rubbed my protected missile across her wet pussy.
"I'm ready, put it in me," she begged. She reached down and
guided the head of my cock towards her waiting hole. I put
the tip in and my god it was tight. I thought I would break
her in two. She grabbed my ass to pull me forward into her
hot tunnel. I felt her barrier break as I took her virginity
and lost my own in one thrust. She pulled my face to hers
and I could feel the hot tears on her face as we kissed

How I managed to lay there on top of her and not pound away
I have no idea. Maybe just the idea that I loved her was
enough. Finally, she began to rock her hips under me and I
knew she was ready to continue. I brought our lips back
together and completed the connection as I sucked her tongue
into my mouth. She locked her legs around my back and pulled
me tight against her body. I drew most of my seven inches
out of her body and slid it back and forth with quick
shallow strokes. She would have none of that and once again
pulled me fast and hard against her pelvis. She wanted it
fast and hard? I could oblige. I might not last long but
there was always round two and three. I sawed my cock in and
out of her wanton pussy, grinding our bodies together as I
plunged into her depths. She was shaking and moaning.

"Yes, yes, give it to me! Give it all to me! Oh yes, Oh Ash!
Oh Robbie!"

"C'mon Misty, you little tramp! Cum for me. Cum like the
cock slut I know you are. I love how you sucked my cock. And
I love how you came when I licked your sweet pussy. Now cum
on Ash's cock for me. C'mon baby!"

She looked up at me and smiled, "I love you too Ash. I'll be
your cock slut anytime." And then her face became all
scrunched up, "Oh, ohhhhhh ohh, yes, that's it, pound me,
pound my pussy! Yes, YESSSS!!!"

At the same time I felt my ball sac rise tight and I filled
the end of the condom with my love juice as Jane's body
convulsed in orgasmic bliss. I made one last lunge into her
pussy and collapsed on top of her feeling her titties crush
against my chest and her juices leaking out of her body. I
managed to roll over and pull her on top of me without
slipping out of her body. Now her hot juices were dripping
down my balls creating a new erotic sensation.

"Do you really like licking my pussy, Robbie?"

"I will never lie to you. Yes, I love licking your pussy. I
love fucking your pussy. I love you playing with my cock and
sucking it. But more than that I love making love to you."

"When I saw your brother going down on Brenda I prayed a
little prayer you'd do that to me. One time Brenda and I did
it to each other. It was good but you were amazing. Maybe
because like you said, it was more than just about sex and
feeling good."

"Do you think we ought to check on the others?"

"Or we could go another round," my limp cock had finally
slipped from Jane's hot tunnel and she was massaging it.

"Definitely another round, but you might have to wait a few
more minutes."

"Then I guess we can check on Bill and Sheila."

Jane went over to my chest of drawers and pulled out two
pairs of boxers. She pulled on one pair and threw the other
to me. She grabbed a button up shirt out of the closet and
put it on without buttoning it. She slipped the other two
condoms into the pocket of the shirt. "My god you look so
sexy like that," my cock was already responding.

She took my hand and led me back downstairs. The telltale
sounds of moaning was coming from the den. And then we
heard, "C'mon baby, make him come!" We got to the bottom of
the stairs and found four naked people. Now, Brenda was down
between Bill's legs while Sheila was bobbing up and down on
my brother's cock. "Hey bro, maybe we ought to sell you
tickets since you keep walking in on us."

"What the hell is going on?"

"The girls bet which one of them could get a guy to come
first. We flipped for who got who. We both won. You could
join us. We'll redraw."

"Uh, no thanks, I think I'll keep Jane to myself."

"Spoil sport."

Jane put her hand to my stiffening cock and her mouth to my
ear, "I bet I can make you come before those guys and they
have a head start."

"Are you sure?"

"Am I sure I can make you come or am I sure I want to do
this? Yes, to both. As long as it's just you with me anyway.
Besides, I don't want to have to buy a ticket."

I dropped my boxers and joined my brother and Bill on the
couch. My cock was easily the largest of the group and the
girls took notice, "Wow Jane, that must have felt great,"
said Brenda between bobbing up and down on Bill. Bill just
looked at me. Then he raised his hand to high five me. I

Jane started by licking the crown of my cock, "What do I win
anyway when my boyfriend cums first?"

Sheila responded, "A mouthful of cum for one thing. Your
choice of fucking partners. A serious pussy licking from
whomever you want."

"So just what I got upstairs."

"Ok," both other girls stopped now. "What do you want to

"There should be something for the loser... and something
for the winner."

"How about this," she said, "The winning girl gets the five
others as a slave for one week. The losing girl has to lay
naked on the bar for the rest of the night. The losing guy,
the one that cums first anyway, has to french the 2nd and
3rd place girls as they finish (if the girl agrees). And the
guys have to eat the girls out no matter what."

"I don't know about kissing with her mouth full of your cum

"There has to be a negative or you'll just race to the
finish to help your girl."

"Fine then. Not like I am cumming first anyway with a couple
sacricial virgins like you two."

I just had to be 2nd. I knew Jane would not kiss the other
guys and as long as she did not have to be on the bar all
night she would be happy. I know she would like to have
slaves for the week but I did not feel like tasting my
brother's or Bill's cum.

"Ok girls, rule number one is there are no rules," my
girlfriend said as she pulled Brenda in for a long sensuous
kiss while fingering her wet snatch. In the mean time,
Sheila dove for my brother's cock and fondled his hairy
balls while we all watched the action in front of us. Thirty
seconds later my brother jumped up from the couch as Sheila
claimed victory showing off a mouthful of cum. Sheila must
have read something somewhere or seen some porno because she
had slipped her finger into my brothers anus to massage his
prostate while he was watching the lesbian act. He had gone
off like a rocket.

Jane went back to work on my cock and Brenda was off to the
races on Bill's. Sheila stood behind the two of them
fingering her snatch while my brother sulked. "C'mon boys,
cum for these lovely girls. Bill, your cum tasted so good.
And when you fucked me earlier I came twice. Rob your cock
is huge. I wish Jane would let me ride it just once. C'mon
Ash, cum for Misty."

"Little bro, when that hot girl of yours is up on the bar I
am going to enjoy dripping chocolate all over and licking it
off, finally tasting her hot pussy." I don't know what my
brother thought he was doing but the image that came to my
mind was me licking the chocolate off my girl and I was
suddenly shooting my load into her mouth.

As I expected she passed on giving my brother a taste, to
his relief. Brenda was not so forgiving when Bill finally
shared his load with her. She walked over to Brent and stuck
her tongue deep into his mouth letting the slimy cum slide
across his tongue. To his credit he didn't back away and
spit it out. He returned the kiss, lifted her by her ass and
proceeded to fuck her standing in front of us.

"Slave, you are to stop fucking her immediately. And you are
to go up to the kitchen and get that chocolate you were just
talking about. And whipped cream if you have it. Ladies, I
believe the couch is ours now. I will sit in the middle.
Brenda, you can wait for Brent. Jane, if it is ok with you I
would like Rob to rub his cock across my pussy."

"Yes, mistress," she responded.

"After your brother gets back you will all cover me with
your tongues, cleaning the chocolate and whipped cream from
my body. And then Rob, you will eat Jane's pussy while
Brenda and I suck on her delicious nipples. Bill you will
then eat my pussy again, and Brenda will be our plaything on
the bar. But Brenda, you may not fuck Brent again until I
give you permission."

We all responded, "Yes, mistress."

Brent came back down with one can of whipped cream and the
hershey's syrup. "Brent, you are to stand there and play
with yourself." This was hilarious, my older brother was
getting bossed around by a 9th grader. I began sliding my
engorged cock up and down Sheila's wet pussy. The others
smeared her body with chococlate sauce and then gave her a
bikini of whipped cream. My cock kept rising up through the
mound of white stuff. "Oh Rob, that cock of yours feels so
good against my clit. Jane, please tell me you'll let me
have that delicious meat up my pussy." Jane looked
questioningly from Sheila to me, then to Bill and then back
to me. "Oh fuck it, if I can't fuck it I will at least suck
it clean." There was lots of whipped cream and chocolate
that had been transferred from her to me and she looked
ravenous. She pushed me to the floor and her mouth hovered
momentarily over the tree in front of her. "Care to join me
Jane? Bill, get down there and lick my pussy clean. Brenda,
Brent can eat your pussy now so go ahead and lay on the

Now I had two girls sharing my cock. "Jane, move so Rob can
eat your pussy while we are cleaning his dick off. Rob, you
better make her cum. I want her screaming."

My god she was wet. She must really be enjoying this. She
immediately started grinding her pussy to my face. Jane
reached in and spread her pussy lips so my tongue had easy
access. I found her clit was already standing tall and ready
to be sucked so I went for it. She nearly jumped off me. I
pulled her back down to my waiting mouth and held her there
while my lips clamped onto her engorged clit. She kept
trying to get away and was screaming "I'm coming, I'm coming
Ash. Oh god Oh g-g-g-god. OH GOD!!!" All this while holding
my cock so Sheila could suck the head.

In the mean time, Bill had been licking Sheila from behind
as well as using his fingers on her. Finally he said, "I
can't take it anymore. I have to fuck you again!" He grabbed
a condom rolled it down and shoved it all in one motion deep
into Sheila's pussy. They started rocking back and forth as
Bill did her from behind. She finally had to give up on
sucking my cock as her lover rammed his meat in and out. I
could tell from the look on her face she was about to
explode. Bill bent over and grabbed her tits while jack
rabbiting into her pussy. "Who's the master now? Say it!
Who's in charge?"

"mmmm.... oh grrr... You are Bill. You're my master. Just.
Don't. Stop!"

"Don't worry babe. We're never going to stop. You are mine.
You're rogue pussy is mine. We are going to fuck til I say
stop and you are never going to touch another cock. Say it!"

"Mmmmmm oh god oh goddddd.... I am never going to touch oh
god, another cock! Fuck me Bill, fuck me! Yes! Yes!!! I'm
cumming! I'm cumming!"

"I cumming too babe. Here it comes! Oh yeah! ohhhhh yeah!"

"You heard the lady, I'm in charge now. Rob you can fuck
Jane now. And Brent, I guess you can fuck Brenda." Then he
collapsed spooning the passed out Sheila from behind,
cupping her pussy with one hand and squeezing her tits with
his other forearm. I helped Jane slide the last condom on. I
was still on my back and Jane turned to face me straddling
my thighs now. She reached down and guide her favorite magic
missile to her dripping cunt. I reached up and grabbed two
hands full of teenage tits and enjoyed the ride.

I looked over my shoulder for just long enough to see my
brother fucking Brenda from behind while she held onto the
bar. "Just don't come in me," she was saying. "You don't
have a condom." It was so hot. He was holding her hips and
just stroking away.

"Don't worry Brenda. I don't want a baby either but I do
love barebacking your tight pussy. unh, unh unh!" And my
brother slammed into her from behind over and over as she
met each stroke. "You're so much better than your older

"I knew I would be. I watched you eat her out and fuck her
before. That's why I came here today. So you would leave her
and be with me instead. C'mon Brent, fuck me harder!"

"I know, I know. She, unh, she read your diary. Why do you
think we were fighting earlier? She said if I did anything
with you we were through. I got so hard and asked her to
suck my cock but she said no. Oh my god, you're so tight unh
unh unh... And then finding you playing with yourself in the
bathroom was too much for me to take. I just had to eat that
young pussy. Mmmmfff, are you mmmfff close yet?"

"Oh yes, but I want you to eat me again after you cum."

"I can definitely do that! I'm almost ready baby. Get ready
to catch it."

Brenda turned around and took my bother's cock into her
mouth again. "That's it baby, suck my cock. Suck it clean.
Your sister hates sucking my cock. But you are amazing. Oh
god, here it comes! That's it baby, take it all. My god,
where did you learn to suck like that?"

"Promise not to tell?"

"Of course."

"Your sister. She was sucking my brother off and I used to

"You're just a regular peeping tom. Now climb up on the
counter here so I can eat your hot pussy."

"Oh Brent... I love watching. I love watching you eat my
pussy. I love watching your cock slide into my mouth or
pussy. Oh. Oh god I'm cumming already! stop for a sec...
there go ahead. I want this time to last."

"Keep talking. Tell me about watching."

"Several years ago, the first time, I saw your sister suck
my brother was by the pool. I wasn't supposed to be home but
I was. She had her top off. I watched through the sliding
door and as my brother shot his stuff she looked up and saw
me. I was so embarrassed I ran to my room. A few minutes
later she knocked and came in. She asked if I had any
questions and explained a lot of stuff I didn't know... oh

"So that was the first time? What happened next?"

"Then two years ago my parents still thought I needed a
sitter so I asked for her. Keep going... that's it, lick it
there, oh yes... Anyway, I asked her about the tingling
feelings I was getting. I couldn't ask my parents or my
sister. So we got naked and she showed me how she liked to
rub herself. I was surprised she had so little hair and she
told me she keeps it trimmed but not shaved so my brother
would lick her. That's when my brother came home
unexpectedly. I covered up but your sister just sat there.
He said 'Did somebody want their cunny licked?' I really did
too but it was my brother. So your sister opened her legs
and my brother licked and licked until she was screaming. I
had my hand in my lap and I was getting that tingling
feeling again. Then your sister put her hand in my lap and
started rubbing. Before I knew it my eyes were rolled back
in my head and I nearly passed out. Then she said, 'Now I'll
show you how to give a good blow job.'

My brother stood up and dropped his pants. Your sister
showed me all his parts and even encouraged me to touch it.
But she said if he ever wanted me to do it with him without
her there I should tell her. So she started to suck his cock
right in front of me. I started to get the tingling
sensation again and took my brother's hand and put it in my
lap. Afterall he had let me touch him and your sister was
there. When he was getting close your sister stopped and
told me about facials, swallowing or spitting. She said she
was going to take the first shot and the rest was up to me.
Sure enough she took the first shot in her mouth but I just
let the rest fountain away. Finally, sensing I was not going
to do anything she wiped her finger across his nob and
gathered a dollop of cum. She put it into my mouth. 'You
really have to try it once or you never will,' she said. I
thought it tasted grand. I waited two years to get another
t-t-t-taste today. But I still got to watch them alot more.
And when I started watching you and my sister I knew she did
not enjoy it as much as your sister does. Anyway, my brother
says your sister gives the best blow jobs ever. I wonder how
I compare. Oh yes, suck my clittie now.. suck it! oh yea, oh
oh oh yes! You eat my pussy so good."

"Where do you think I learned?"

We all pretty much collapsed where we were at that point.
Jane fell asleep lying on top of me while I hugged her
tight. Brent and Brenda lay down on the couch in each
other's arms.

I woke up to find my morning wood being sucked on by Jane.
She was really going at it. She slid around into a 69. The
others were still asleep around the room. Then I heard
someone coming down the stairs. "What the fuck is going on
down here?" It was my dad. Looking around he saw six naked
teenage bodies and his youngest son straddled by and getting
a blow job from a real hottie.

My brother jumped up from behind Brenda, "Dad, what are you
doing home? I thought you were at the hospital."

"Obviously. Get some clothes on, all of you. Be in the
kitchen in five minutes." He turned around and mounted the

"Keep going baby, we still have four minutes," Jane said
looking back at me.

Four and a half minutes later I was wiping my girlfriends
pussy juice off my face while looking at my feet knowing my
dad was about to let us have it. "Who wants to tell me what
happened here last night?"

"You want all the details, sir?" asked Bill.

"No smart ass. I want to know what you were thinking, having
an orgy in my house."

"Well Dad," my brother started, "I walked into my bathroom
and I found Brenda here sitting on the counter totally
naked. She was fingering herself and moaning my name saying
'eat me, Brent, eat me.' What would you have done? I did
what any teenager would do, got down on my knees and ate the
hell out her. It got a little out of control after Rob and
Jane walked in on us. Sheila and Bill were fucking
downstairs and I made sure everyone had protection."

"Well Brent, we left you in charge so you will bear the
brunt of the responsibility. You're grounded for a month.
Rob you're grounded for a week. The only reason I am going
easy on you is the condoms. The last thing we need around
here is three pregnant teenagers. The rest of you? We'll
leave that up to your parents."

"Oh no, you can't tell them!" Brenda and Sheila said

"And why not? I walked in and saw it. The least they should
have to deal with is knowing what their daughters were doing
last night."

"So,"Jane said, "when word gets around to the other parents
about lack of supervision and the sexual escapades at your
house, what do you think will happen to your insurance
agency? I have a feeling my parents might drop their policy.
What about yours Brenda, Sheila, Bill?"

Sexy and smart strategist. I love this girl.

"Fine, I won't say anything to your parents unless directly
asked." He noticed Brenda and Jane were still only partially
covered. "Didn't I tell you all to get dressed? Why are you
still in your underwear?"

"We didn't have enough time to get up to your sons' rooms
where we left our clothes. We'll do that now sir."

Brenda and Jane headed for the stairs and Brent and I were
about to follow, "You boys can stay down here. I don't think
they need anymore help from you. My god the smell of sex in
here is overwhelming."

Two days later my sister Melody in a full leg cast was
carried into the house and up the stairs by her boyfriend,
Steve, whose sister, Brenda was helping by carrying her
flowers... convenient. Mom and Dad, Brent and I, Steve and
Brenda stood and sat around her room talking. Sex was not a
topic but it hung heavy in the air. Melody was thankful for
the attention, "But mom, you've been with me in the hospital
for two days. You ought to make Dad take you out to dinner
and a movie."

My dad interjected, "I don't think that's such a good idea."
He stared pointedly at my brother and I. To my knowledge he
had not shared our escapades with my mother.

"Really honey, I was getting awfully tired of hospital food.
We can skip the movie but I would really like something
decent to eat. And I don't feel like cooking. Steve will
wait on Melody, hand and foot. The kids can order pizza."

He would either have to tell her the truth or take her to
dinner. "Fine, is Rosario's ok?" She nodded. He whipped out
his cell phone to make reservations while mom went to

I went to my room and got back to work on Jane's Pokemon
collection. I had little else to do for the week being
grounded. My AIM window popped up. Jane sent me a new jpg
file. I almost did not want to open it since I would not see
her for another five long days. She had written a long story
about Ash and Misty with illustrations.

She was no longer online so I sent her a text, "How can you
do this to me? You know I can't see you for the rest of the

"Your sister got home today?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Your mom is making your dad take her out to eat?"


"And what will you be doing?"

"Jerking off thinking about you now."

"Or we could skip to page three as soon as your parents
leave the house. I bought a box of condoms and I am around
the corner waiting for their car to leave."

Best. Girlfriend. Ever.

Brenda knocked on my doorframe. "Your dad wants to know what
you want on the pizza." She glanced over my shoulder to my
computer. "Oh, did Jane send you that new story?"

I turned off the computer monitor, "Pepperoni and mushroom.
Do you know what Jane likes?"

"Oh, is she coming over?"

"Shhhh. She's around the corner waiting for my mom and dad
to leave."

"Your dad got reservations for one hour from now, so they
should be leaving in around 30 minutes. Too bad they aren't
going to a movie too."

"Well, you don't know my mom. She may change his mind. But
we should have a couple hours at least before they get

"I wish there was a way to keep them away for the night."

"Not likely."

While my mother was getting dressed my dad called us into
Melody's room, "Simple rules: no couple wandering off by
themselves. Eat the pizza. Then Steve and Brenda head home.
My boys can take care of their sister." Somebody sniggered.
"That's not what I meant and you know it. I don't want a
repeat performance of the other night. We'll be calling to
check in and we'll be back by eleven."

"Dad, what happened the other night?" my sister asked

"You don't need to know," he said.

I had a sneaking suspiscion she already knew.

I headed back to my room and the four of them sat around
with the door open, completely innocent. Mom came in looking
super fine, "You two have a good time tonight."

"We will honey. It might be a short night though because I'm
tired and sore from sleeping in the chair at the hospital."

"What you need is a good massage like the one you had one
that cruise."

"That would be wonderful. I'll have to look into that

Ding ding ding, bells going off in my head! The pizza
arrived before my parents left and they paid the driver. We
all sat around Melody's bed eating pizza. Finally the
parents were heading out the door. "Be good," my mom said.
My dad just glared and me and Brent.

"Ok, quick, now that they're gone. I have an idea to keep
them away for the rest of the night if you guys agree." I
explained the conversation with my mom. "So, all we have to
do is book them a couples massage and a night's stay at the
Winston. We have Rosarios tell them they won it but it has
to be used tonight."

"That sounds expensive," my brother said.

"It is until you remember my mom is assistant manager at the
Winston," said Jane coming into the room. I smiled as she
slid into my lap and grabbed a piece of pizza. "You call
Rosarios and I'll call the Winston. Get their email address
and I will have them send a certificate so it looks

A few minutes later and it was all set up. When our parents
got to Rosarios they would be told they were the 10,000th
customer and they were in for a treat. We even bought them a
bottle of cheap champagne. Dad would have to foot the bill
on the rest of dinner though. Thirty minutes later I got a
text from mom, "Thanks hon. I won't tell your dad. Whatever
you guys did the other night, this makes up for it." I
shared the text with the others. Then I took Jane by the
hand and led her to my room.

"Page three?" I asked.

"We have more time now, but yes, page three."

I slid my hands up her shirt and grabbed her breasts as we
kissed. I wedged her shirt up and off. My lips found her
right nipple and I and a lathered with my tongue before
biting gently. She was grabbing at my shorts and managed to
shove them down with my boxers withour unbuttoning them. My
already erect cock rubbed against her belly. She took it in
her hand and started sliding up and down with the slippery
precum lubricant. I slid my hands into her shorts and groped
her smooth ass. She looked up at me and our lips met in a
passionate kiss. My hands slid further down and felt the
heat and moisture of her sex while she rolled the condom
down my cock. She was ready already. I spun her around and
bent her over the end of my bed. I ripped her shorts down
but kept them hanging on one ankle. "Are you ready Misty?"

"Oh yes, Ash, fuck me hard!"

I lined my hard tool up and slid in with one smooth stroke.
Her pussy welcomed me and she moaned her pleasure. She
reached between our merged legs and massaged my dangling
balls. "Oh Ash, your cock fills me completely." I started
sliding in and out, slowly at first, but quickly picking up
the pace. "Oh yes, Ash. Give it to me. Give me your hard
cock! Harder, faster, yes! YES!" There was a flash of light
and my balls exploded.

I held my cock deep inside Jane as I filled the end of the
condom with multiple spurts from my hard quavering meat. I
whispered in her ear, "Misty, I love your hot pussy. As long
as I live there will never be another girl for me."

As I backed my still hard cock out of Jane's shivering body
there was another flash of light. This time I did not
attribute it to the sex but caught Steve standing in the
doorway wanking away taking pictures, "Sorry dude, but your
sister wanted to know what had this little hottie screaming
so loud."

"Do me a favor and get a shot of this too," Jane turned
around and crouched in front of me. She rolled the condom
back up my cock. When it got to the end the cum exploded all
over. She put the tip of my dripping glistening cock on her
tongue as Steve snapped multiple photos. Then she stood up
walked over to him very sensuously and slammed the door in
his face. When I saw that picture later I nearly creamed my
pants. She was still wearing her white shoes and anklets,
her panties were hanging off her ankle, and she had two
fingers inside her hot box. It was just like one of her
drawings and a perfect reminder of the hottest sex we had.

Jane walked back over to me and knelt in front of me. She
took my softening cock in her mouth and proceeded to clean
it off with her marvelous tongue action. "Misty you are such
a great cock sucker."

"There we go, all cleaned up," she said standing back up.
"Come here I want to show you something." She seated me in
my desk chair and sat in my lap. She turned my computer
monitor back on and saw what I had last been looking at, her
story. "I have something even better," she said. She opened
a browser and went to a web site that had porntoons. She
logged in and we started watching.

"I don't have a credit card so I could never get onto one of
these sites."

"I don't have one either but since they stole some of my fan
fiction I threatened to sue them. I got a free membership.
Now I submit to them my drawings and stories. Some of my
stories have even been converted to movie shorts, like this
one." There we were, Misty and Ash, Misty bent over the bed
with Ash nailing her from behind, her panties in a wad
around one ankle. My cock was straining to poke up between
her warm thighs.

"Oh, looks like my magic missile is ready to shoot again!"

"It's always ready for you. I just don't know what I want to
do next. I want to suck you, lick you, fuck you. I want to
feel you, squeeze you, make long passionate love to you.
It's not just sex. If we were old enough I would marry you
right now. You are my soulmate. We both sense it."


"Yes what?"

"Yes, I will marry you. I love you too. If you really meant

"I told you before I would never lie to you. You will be
legal with permission from your parents when you turn
sixteen. I will marry you that day if you want."

"But what good is being married if we have no jobs, no
money, no education?"

"My turn to show you something..." I opened a new link on my
computer and my poker account popped up. I had opened it in
my Dad's name but the money is all mine, technically at
least. "When I went to Japan, all of the card players were
playing poker. I found I had a knack for the game. I took
several thousand off those chumps. One of the guys needed
his cash back so he offered me a 20% boost if I took it in
online dollars. I have turned it into over a million online.
You ought to see the speculation about who I am. You're the
only person I've told except the guy that traded me my stake
and my dad."

Jane was in shock, "This is all too much. I have to tell
somebody something. Can we tell your sister we're getting
married at least?"

"Sure, let's put some clothes back on."

We walked into the hallway and immediately heard the sounds
of sex coming from my sister's room. "Are you sure you want
to go in there?"

"Why not, we saw your brother the other day. And your sister
has pictures of us together."

All four of them were on the bed together. Mouths were
everywhere. Mostly it was Brenda with Brent and Steve with
Melody, but occasionally a hand or tongue would stray. We
stood there shell shocked. Jane pointed to the desk. My
sister's computer monitor flashed a series of photos of
people having sex, including me and Jane, Steve and Melody,
Brent and Brenda, older pictures of Steve and Melody
(obvious because her cast was not on), then pictures of
Brent eating pussy from first person pov, Melody sucking
cock the same way (obviously not Steve's uncut slab, and
then a group picture of Brent, Steve, and Melody having a
three-way. I picked up the camera and began snapping
pictures to add to their collection. "Guys, just thought we
would let you be the first to know, Jane and I are getting
married in four months." That induced a great shot of my
brother shooting a fountain into Brenda's waiting mouth.
Then my sister diving into catch the remaining gush. At the
time Steve had his mouthful of my sister's pussy and I got a
good shot of that as well. Brenda moved to a chair by the
bed and beckoned my fiance over. I followed as Jane returned
to her first lover and began to lick her juicy flowing

"Brent said I could fuck Robbie one time but I guess that's
out of the question now."

Jane looked up to me and back to Brenda, "We might be able
to work something out for the bachelorette party. Afterall,
he has had just one pussy and might never get another one.
In fact I think every girl at the party should get a chance
to know what they will be missing out on. It would be a
shame for his wife to have had more pussy than him."

"Let me see it, please."

Jane reached over and pulled my shorts down then shoved me
in Brenda's direction. She reached out and guided my
trembling cock to her waiting mouth. I almost forgot about
the camera. I took several shots from my pov then handed it
off to Steve who shot the three of us together, my fiance
eating Brenda's pussy while Brenda sucked me off, a great
way to start the wedding album, the groom, the bride and the
maid of honor.


2015-06-05 22:58:09
Amazing story loved it! Please add more like it or a part 2 it was so hot!!


2015-06-05 19:03:38
Great story - could have used a bit more character development.

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