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I just finished the new chapter and I'm posting it before I head for bed. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Chapter 7
(6 weeks later)

Mary opened her eyes and glared at her alarm as it continued to blare at her until she reached over to turn it off. Even after a full nights sleep she felt tired and run down, she’d felt that way for the last couple weeks, but she had to get up to meet with Billy and Freddy. With a sigh she sat up in bed and suddenly clamped her hand over her mouth when her stomach gave a sudden lurch. She let out a muffled, “Shazam,” as she forced herself not to vomit in her mouth and let out a relieved sigh when she changed into Mary Marvel in a flash of lightning. Her stomach still felt off, but at least she didn’t feel like she was going to throw up now.

Now in her hero form Mary slipped out of her bed and headed for her bathroom, grabbing her back pack on the way. Once in the bathroom leaned over the toilet and muttered her magic word again. As soon as she changed back into Mary Batson she vomited into the toilet bowl. Mary waited for her stomach to settle down and then flushed the toilet before she turned to wash her mouth out in the sink. After sitting down on the closed toilet lid Mary went through her mental list, “Let’s see, I’ve missed two periods, I have morning sickness, I’m tired and never have any energy, my breasts are enlarged and sensitive, and my stomach is getting hard, but it hasn’t started swelling yet. I’d say it’s time to use that home pregnancy test I bought the last time I was in New York.”

Mary opened the side pocket of her back pack and pulled out the box she’d stuck in it two weeks earlier. She read through the instructions and pulled out the first of two test sticks, marking it with an MB before she pulled out the second one and marked it with an MM. Two minutes later the first test strip was sitting on the counter and Mary used her magic word before using the second stick. She’d just changed back when there was a knock at her bedroom door.

“Mary are you up?” her mother called.

“I’m up, mom,” Mary called back. “I’m in the bathroom and I’m about to take my shower.”

“That’s good, honey, you wanted me to make sure you were awake so you wouldn’t miss your meeting with Billy and Freddy.”

“Thanks, mom, I’m good.”

“Do you still want Katherine to make that picnic basket?”

“Yes, mother, the three of us are going to the beach.”

“On a day like this,” Mrs. Broomfield asked.

Mary listened and realized that she could hear the sound of a raging storm even in her bathroom. “When I say we’re going to the beach I mean Marvel style, mom,” Mary said, “we’ll change and fly down to the Caribbean, once we find a deserted island with a nice beach we’ll land and spend the whole day enjoying the surf and sun. But if anyone asks, we’re having an indoor picnic. If anyone wants to get ahold of us we’ll have Billy’s sat-phone with us so you can just call his number.”

“You make it sound so easy, dear,” Mary’s mother chuckled. “I wish I could fly down to the Caribbean and enjoy a day on the beach, but I have too much work to do. Enjoy yourselves.”

As soon as her mother left Mary stepped into the shower and scrubbed herself down, going carefully across her tits because they were so tender, and giving herself a quick finger fuck just before she finished. Once she was out of the shower Mary checked the results of her pregnancy tests and smiled in satisfaction. She collected the test strips and the rest of the packaging and stuffed it back into her backpack. Mary had read too many stories about parents finding out about their daughter’s pregnancy by going through the trash, and she wasn’t about to leave any clues where her parents or the servants might find out about her secret.

By the time Mary finished her breakfast Billy and Freddy had both arrived for their day trip. “Hi, boys,” Mrs. Broomfield said as she let the boys in. Billy and Freddy shook off the water from the rainstorm and turned to greet Mary and her mother. “Mary tells me the three of you are going down to the Caribbean for a day of surf and sun.”

“That’s the plan,” Billy said, “but you never know when an emergency is going to come up, that’s why I’ll have my Sat-phone and we’ll all have our Justice League communicators.”

“Well I hope nothing comes up, you kids work hard enough, you deserve a day off once in a while.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Broomfield,” Freddy said.

“At least you’ll have a nice picnic lunch with you,” Mary’s mother said, pointing to the large picnic basket on the counter. “I also made up a cooler with plenty of sodas and lemonade for you.”

“Sounds great,” Billy said.

“If you want I can get our beach furniture ready to go too,” Mrs. Broomfield offered.

“Thanks, mom,” Mary said, “but I know where it is. I can get it myself.”

“Help yourself, dear,” Mrs. Broomfield said. “You three enjoy yourselves, just make sure you’re home in time for dinner.”

“Yes, mother,” Mary said with a weary smile.

“Dinners for all three of you, and I won’t take no for an answer, boys.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Billy and Freddy both answered.

“I don’t know about Freddy,” Billy said, “but I’m tired of fast food and my own cooking, so I’m looking forward to a home cooked meal.”

“I’m with Billy,” Freddy said.

“Well, I don’t know about home cooked,” Mrs Broomfield chuckled, “but I’m sure our cook can make something we’ll all enjoy.”

“Come on, guys, if we’re going to be back in time for dinner we better get a move on before we loose any more of our surf time.” Mary said, grabbing the picnic basket and heading for the garage. In the garage Mary pointed out the beach furniture to Billy and he soon had a collection of chairs, blankets, and umbrellas ready to go. Once everything was ready all three of them changed to their Marvel identities and headed for the Caribbean with Cap carrying the beach equipment, Junior carrying the cooler, and Mary carrying the lunch basket.

“That looks like a good one, Cap,” Mary said, pointing to one island.

“Looks good,” Cap said, “hold on while I check it out.”

Mary and Junior hovered in place while Cap flew down to check out the island at super speed. “So, Mary, are you going to tell me why you wanted to take this trip today?” Junior asked as the watched Cap’s red blur flying around the island.”

“I’ll tell you and Billy at the same time,” Mary promised with a teasing smile. “But not until I’m sure we’re alone on the island.”

“It looks good,” Cap said when he rejoined Mary and Junior. “There’s a nice white beach with a nearby fresh spring, and nothing dangerous in the water. It’s a great picnic spot.”

“Race you,” Mary cried, getting a head start before the boys realized what she was doing.

By the time the boys landed on the beach – just a second behind Mary – she’d already changed to Mary Batson and was stripping out of her clothes. “What for us, Mary,” Billy said after changing in a flash of lightning, “give us a chance to change into our suits.”

“Who needs a suit?” Mary laughed as she dropped her panties on top of the small pile of clothes in the sand. “This is the perfect time to skinny dip, no one else is here to see us or complain.”

“When she’s right, she’s right,” Freddy chuckled as he stripped out of the last of his clothes and turning to hobble after Mary with his bad leg.

“I think you’re both crazy,” Billy called after them, “but I’ll go along with you.”

“Last one in the water’s pregnant,” Mary cried, stopping just short of the surf as Billy and Freddy ran past her into the water.

“What did you just say?” Billy asked as he and Freddy both came to a stop in knee deep water.

“I said the last one in the water is pregnant,” Mary said, laughing at the look on the boy’s faces. “And since I’m the last one in the water I guess that means I’m it.”

“Are you sure?” Freddy asked.

“Pretty sure,” Mary said, she told them about her symptoms, finishing with the results of her home pregnancy test.

“So you tested yourself as both Mary Batson and Mary Marvel,” Billy said when she was done.

“That’s right, I wanted to make sure I was pregnant in both forms, and that’s what the results say.”

“What about your doctor?” Freddy asked. “Home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate, but they’re not 100%.”

“I know,” Mary sighed, “but who am I going to trust with this? In order to watch my pregnancy they’ll have to know my secret, and I’m not sure if I trust anyone that much yet.”

“Good point,” Billy agreed, “I don’t know who I’d trust in your situation.”

“Let’s not worry about that for now,” Mary decided, “let’s just enjoy our day of sun, surf, and sex.”

“I like that plan,” Freddy said, grabbing Mary’s tits from behind and swirling her around in the water until he fell, pulling Mary down on his lap.

“I guess you’re ready for the sex part of our day,” Mary giggled, shifting her ass around on Freddy’s lap until his cock was aimed right at her slit. She sat down hard and Freddy’s cock slipped into her pussy with one thrust.

“Come on, Billy, let me suck your cock while Freddy fucks my pussy,” Mary called to her twin brother.

“Sounds great to me,” Billy said, wading up to his sister so she could suck his prick down her throat.

“And now that I’m pregnant, you can cum in my mouth,” Mary pointed out with a grin. “Not only that, but now you’ll finally be able to pop my last cherry.”

“What do you mean?” Billy asked, “I thought Freddy got your cherry,” he said as his cock sank into Mary’s throat. As if to answer her brother’s question Mary slapped his ass. After a couple spanks Billy caught on to what Mary was trying to tell him. “Your ass,” Billy said with a grin, “I’ll be the first one to fuck you in the ass.” Mary nodded as she continued to fuck her brother’s cock with her mouth.

“You hear that, Freddy, after today you won’t be the cherry popper in the family.”

“Good, I didn’t like that honor anyway,” Freddy groaned. “Of course we still don’t know who the father is, so you may still have a first there.”

“Maybe, maybe,” Billy muttered as he enjoyed the way Mary’s throat massaged his prick. He could already feel the sperm building up in his balls and realized it wouldn’t be long before he gave his sister her first mouth load of cum.

“Oh God, Mary,” Freddy gasped, “your pussy is just as sweet as ever, and knowing that you’re pregnant just makes this fuck that much better.”

“We’ve been fucking Mary’s pregnant pussy for about a month and a half now, Freddy,” Billy pointed out.

“But we didn’t know she was pregnant until now,” Freddy returned. “Knowing that she’s pregnant makes it that much hotter to fuck her.”

“Ok, you’ve got me there,” Billy admitted. “And now I’m hot to fuck her pussy.”

“Hot enough to let me fuck her ass first?” Freddy asked hopefully.

“Not on your life,” Billy chuckled, “you already got Mary’s cherry – twice. Now it’s my turn to get her cherry.”

“OK, OK,” Freddy said, putting his hands up in surrender. Mary was laughing along with her brother and friend even with Billy’s cock down her throat, the vibrations just added to the pleasure Billy was feeling from her mouth and he realized it wouldn’t be long before he was shooting sperm down her throat.

“Mary, I’m going to cum real soon,” Billy warned his sister, if anything the warning seemed to encourage his sister to suck him even harder. With a groan Billy slammed his cock as deep as it could go in Mary’s mouth and his twin started swallowing his cum as fast as it shot out of his prick. By the time Billy’s cock wilted and slipped out of Mary’s lips the girl had swallowed every last drop of her brother’s cum and gave him a big smile as she licked her lips.

“Thank you, Billy,” Mary said with a broad grin.

“No, thank you, Mary,” Billy said with a satisfied sigh.

“Billy, why don’t you play with my tits while Freddy fucks me?” Mary suggested.

“I thought you said your breasts were swollen and tender,” Billy said hesitantly.

“They are,” Mary sighed, “but they’re also very sensitive, and I’d really like you to lick and suck them.”

“Gladly,” Billy said, kneeling in the water and massaging his sister’s swollen tits. When Mary groaned with pleasure he sucked her left nipple into his and gummed it gently, sucking on it harder when Mary encouraged him with a soft moan.

“Mary, I’m going to cum,” Freddy grunted.

“Do it, Freddy,” Mary cried, “fill my pregnant pussy with your cum while I cum with you.”

“Oh yeah,” Freddy yelled, pulling Mary’s hips down hard on his lap and holding it there as his prick pulsed in her pussy, shooting several wads of cum deep in her belly as her cunt slammed down hard on his shaft and milked every drop of sperm he had in his balls.

“Wow,” Freddy sighed as Mary’s cunt continued to squeeze his cock, “I swear, Mary, your pussy is just as tight as it was the day I popped your cherry.”

“You think so,” Mary asked, pleased with Freddy’s comment, “you think I’m still tight as a virgin? Even after fucking both of you every day for the last two months?”

“I didn’t fuck your cherry,” Billy chuckled, “but I think your pussy is just as tight as the first time I fucked it.”

“Thank you, boys,” Mary said with a proud smile. “A compliment like that deserves another fuck.”

“Give us a chance to rest first,” Freddy begged. “The libido is willing, but the cock is soft.”

“Pussy,” Mary smirked.

“Besides,” Freddy added, “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry.”

“I could go for a sandwich,” Billy agreed.

“So could I,” Mary admitted. “Let’s go see what Katherine packed for our lunch.”

The boys followed Mary back to the beach, enjoying the sway of her hips and ass as she walked through the water. Billy helped Freddy along until his friend could get his crutch and support himself across the beach. By the time they reached the beach furniture Mary had claimed a spot in the shade of the beach umbrella and she was looking through the sandwiches.

“Let’s see, we have ham and cheese on whole wheat,” Mary said, offering up the first sandwich.

“I’ll take it,” Billy said, taking the sandwich and dropping into the low slung beach chair next to Mary.

“Here’s turkey and Swiss on rye, I’ll take that if no one else wants it.”

“All yours, Mary,” Freddy said, taking the beach chair on the other side of the picnic basket. “Do you have any egg salad in there?”

“Of course, do you think Katherine would forget your favorite sandwich? Do you want white, wheat, or rye?”

“Rye sounds good for now,” Freddy decided, “I’ll save the others for later.”

“Pig,” Mary giggled, “I’m the one who’s suppose to be eating for two.”

“Well I’m a growing boy, and I’m fucking for two, that gives me a big apatite.”

“Me too,” Billy said, opening the cooler and pulling out a cold soda from the ice water. “Who wants a soda?”

“I do,” Freddy said, reaching across Mary to take the offered bottle.

“Lemonade for me,” Mary said.
“You’ve got it,” Billy said, passing Mary the cold bottle.

“We have potato salad too.” Mary added. “Looks like Katherine gave each of us our own bowl.”

“I’ll take mine,” Freddy said, accepting the plastic bowl and spoon from Mary.

“You know,” Freddy said after taking a big bite of his sandwich, “I use to be allergic to eggs.”

“Really,” Mary asked, watching her friend closely in case something happened to him.

“Yeah,” Freddy said after swallowing another bite. “My grandfather and I were both allergic. I couldn’t even look at an egg without my lips going numb and my stomach churning.”

“So what changed?” Billy asked between bites. “I’ve heard of people growing out of allergies, but not something like eggs or bee stings, usually it’s something you get a lot of exposure to so you build up an immunity to it.”

“In my case it happened when I gained my powers,” Freddy said. “I remember the day I decided to test Junior’s invulnerability against my allergy and ate my first egg salad sandwich. I took a small bite and chewed it very carefully, waiting for my mouth to go numb, but nothing happened. In fact my stomach didn’t get upset and I didn’t develop diarrhea later. Once I realized that I wasn’t reacting to the eggs, I realized that I actually liked the taste of egg salad sandwich. After that I started eating eggs whenever I had the chance as Junior, and one day I found myself eating a hard boiled egg and realized too late that I was eating it as Freddy and not Junior, and that’s when I realized I was no longer allergic to eggs, and I’ve been enjoying them ever since.”

“So,” Mary said thoughtfully, “after you gained your powers you lost your allergy.”

“Pretty much,” Freddy said, snagging another sandwich from the basket.

“You remember a couple months ago when we were talking about how injuries and illnesses disappeared when we changed to our Marvel selves and back?”

“I remember you talking about it and us agreeing,” Billy said.

“Well I’ve been thinking even more about it,” Mary said. “Do you think, that when we change, the lightning replaces our bodies with a replica body, one built on the template of the perfect human body? That could mean that the illnesses we recover from are being overwritten by the new template.”

“That could explain what happened to my egg allergy,” Freddy said, “if the lightning recreated my body according to a perfect DNA template the allergy could have been written over because it’s an anomaly in my DNA.”

“That’s what I’m thinking,” Mary agreed.

“That does make sense,” Freddy decided, “my lameness isn’t genetic and it happened before I became Junior so that’s why I still have it when I change back.”

“But at least you’re not lame as Junior,” Billy finished.

“Enough talking and eating,” Mary said, “at least eating food. Boys, it looks like you’ve recovered enough for some more action .”

“What do you have in mind, Mary,” Freddy asked with a grin.

“I’m still hungry, but for cock,” Mary said, matching Freddy’s grin. “How would you like a blowjob?”

“Well, Billy really seemed to enjoy his blowjob, so yeah, I would like a blowjob.”

Mary jumped out of her chair and scooted around the picnic basket so she could straddle Freddy’s legs and reach his semi-erect cock. She grabbed Freddy’s cock and started stroking it until it lurched in her hand, leaking a drop of precum from the head. Mary licked up the precum and smacked her lips in appreciation while Freddy let out a soft moan of pleasure. With once quick move Mary opened her mouth and sucked Freddy’s cock half-way down her throat.

“Oh wow, Mary,” Freddy groaned, “your mouth is almost as good as your pussy.”

“Almost,” Billy agreed, leaning over the picnic basket to watch the show. As he watched Mary got up on her knees and wiggled her bare ass while she fucked Freddy’s cock with her mouth.

After a few seconds Mary reluctantly removed her lips from around Freddy’s cock and turned to glare at her twin brother. “What are you waiting for, Billy, an engraved invitation? Get over here and fuck my cherry ass.”

“Right,” Billy said with a blush, “I was enjoying the show so much I forgot I was part of the act.”

“As long as you’re part of it now. You better stick your cock in my pussy first, you don’t want to dry fuck my ass,” Mary said before she turned back to Freddy’s erect cock and sucked it back down her throat.

Billy position himself behind his sister’s quivering ass and drooling cunt. Holding Mary’s hips steady with both hands Billy slammed his prick deep into his sister’s dripping pussy, fucking back and forth several times until the whole shaft was coated with her pussy juice. With his wet cock shivering in anticipation Billy used his thumbs to pull Mary’s ass cheeks open so her could get a clear shot at her ass hole. Using one hand to hold Mary’s butt hole open Billy guided the head of his cock to the puckered entrance and eased it forward. Billy watched as his cock slowly disappeared into his sister’s sphincter.

“Oh wow,” Billy groaned as shaft sank into Mary’s ass. “Mary, this isn’t the same as fucking your pussy, but it’s good, almost as good as fucking your cunt.”

“It is different,” Mary agreed, letting Freddy’s cock pop out of her mouth so she could talk. “I think I prefer having you in my pussy, but this is good too.”

“Don’t leave me hanging here, Mary,” Freddy cried, “I’m almost ready to cum.”

“Sorry, Freddy, let me take care of that for you,” Mary said, stroking her best friend’s cock before she sucked it back down her throat.

While Mary deep throated Freddy’s cock Billy continued to fuck his sister’s ass, picking up the pace as she got use to having his shaft in her hole. As Freddy groaned through his orgasm and shot his load down Mary’s throat, Billy picked up his pace until his flat stomach was smacking into Mary’s ass and his nuts bounced off her sopping slit. As Mary cleaned Freddy’s cock off with her tongue Billy slammed his cock in her ass one last time and held it there as he coated her bowels with his own sperm.

“Oh God, Mary,” that was great,” Billy groaned, pulling his cock out of his twin’s ass.

“Don’t give out on me yet, boys,” Mary begged, “I haven’t had a chance to cum yet.”

“Hang on, Mary,” Billy said, “I’ll eat your pussy. Freddy, why don’t you get her tits, together we should get her off before we’re worn out.”

“I’m on it,” Freddy said, licking Mary’s erect nipples and sucking them in turn. At the same time Billy sucked his sister’s erect clit before moving to her quivering slit. He sucked down her pussy juice and stuck his tongue as deep as it could go in her fuck hole, licking and sucking his sister’s juicy tunnel until her whole body started jerking through her orgasm.

“Thank you, guys,” Mary sighed as her body relaxed after her newest orgasm.. “After all that I could use a nap.”

“Me too,” Billy admitted, stifling a yawn.

“That makes three of us,” Freddy said, shifting around in his chair to find the most comfortable position. “Wake me in a couple hours so we can fuck as Marvels before we head home.”

“Sounds good to me,” Billy said, “we could change now and keep fucking, but napping in the Caribbean sun sounds too good to pass up.”

“I’m with you two,” Mary said with a yawn. “We can always sleep for a couple hours and then fuck at super speed before we fly back. So let’s all get a nap and rest up for the next fuck.”

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-11 20:28:20
Not bad

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-10 13:27:05
Thanks for your reply. It doesn't have to be all PWP, though that's always fun, and there is lots of sex in your 'proper' story. I don't go for pregnancy, but that's your thing, and I enjoy your style, and so the story apart from the pregnancy bits, so I keep reading. Perhaps the negative commenters will enjoy the next super fuck better!


2015-06-09 12:27:13
Thanks for your comment, I was a little worried becasue the chapter has more negative votes than positive votes (I don't know if that's ever happened with my stories before). Sometimes I wonder how many negative votes are from people who are just trying to vote my stories down instead of people who acturally hate my stories. I was worried because this schapter got offf sex when I went into the DNA theory about the Marvel powers, but in my writing I try to do more than write a stroke story and I hope my fans enjoy that.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-09 08:33:25
I'm enjoying this story, and you're managing to keep it varied and interesting. Pity there aren't more comments, but perhaps younger readers don't remember the classic Marvels like us oldies.

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