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How two wicked landladies call in a poor boy's debt
'Mr. Peterson! We know you're in there! Open up!'

They are both banging the door now. Quite a commotion they’re causing.

'Open up or we'll call the cops and have you thrown out. That's three months of rent you're owing.'

Damn. They must have seen me as I sneaked in. I have no option but to unbolt the door and open it shyly. Embarrassment turns quickly into surprise when I am pushed backwards violently by the door as the two women rush into the apartment like fire-breathing dragons.

‘What the hell is wrong with you? Are you avoiding us?’

The Johnson sisters are an odd pair. Carol, the elder of the two, is boisterous and bossy. She would have a pleasant face, were it not for the stern glasses and the way she tightens her lips in ill-concealed contempt. Her hair is curly and painted red. She holds her body with stature and pride, even if the years have visibly taken a toll on the firmness of her flesh. Pictures in her apartment show her as a raving tight-assed beauty in the seventies, but now her body has spread in all directions. She doesn’t seem to care, though, or maybe she thinks she is still sexy. She is wearing a sleeveless white blouse and purple tights.

‘I told you he was a bum. I knew it the minute he came in inquiring about the apartment. A writer! Pooh. Writers are bad news. Always telling you they’ll pay you tomorrow, they’re just waiting for their latest article to get published or maybe they’re just about to finish the great American novel. But you had to have him.’

Edna is quite the opposite in all respects. Smaller, thinner, quieter. She has a plain listless face with droopy eyes and a sad mouth. Her hair is short, indefinite in color and void of expression. She is wearing an old-fashioned flowered dress and sandals. No pantyhose, no make-up, no nail polish.

‘I had to have him? You’re creaming your panties looking at his butt every time he goes up the stairs.’

‘Oh that is so untrue. You’re the one who said you wouldn’t mind a piece of him up your fanny.’

Fighting seems to be their favorite pastime. They do it all the time.

‘Who cares what anyone said or didn’t say. He’s not doing us any good, is he? Are you?’

Carol spits the words into my face. I stumble backwards until my heels hit the couch and I drop into it. Edna plants herself in front of me.

‘Well you’re right about that one. Not paying his rent and sneaking in and out of the house trying to avoid us, he is. One would think he’d be eager to please us.’

‘Yeah, but then, what does he have to offer us? I mean, he looks kind of cute, but he’s really a spineless slob if you ask me.’

Carol sits down on the armrest, her hip almost touching my shoulder. I can smell the cheap glycerin soap. She lights a cigarette.

‘You think so?’

‘Well look at him. He’s practically shitting his pants. I think he’s a sissy.’

‘Well he looks kind of frightened.’

‘I bet he has a tiny dick.’

I’m not sure I like the turn this conversation is taking.

‘Is it true, Mr. Peterson? Do you have a small penis?’

Edna, who is standing right in front of me, prods my knee with hers. Some kind of answer seems to be expected from me.

‘Uhm, no. At least I don’t think so.’

Carol lets out a snort and cigarette smoke explodes from her nostrils. She makes no attempt to hide her dismay.

‘You don’t think so? What kind of an answer is that? Do you, or don’t you?’

‘Lay off, Carol. Don’t you see you’re embarrassing the poor thing?’

Carol stiffens and shoots an angry look at Edna.

‘Right, that’s all we need now. A lawyer for the bastard.’

‘I’m not defending him. But there’s no reason to be so hard on him.’

‘Hard on him? Fuck, the guy owes us three month’s rent. I came here to cash in. One way or another, I’m going to get paid tonight.’

‘OK, OK, but ask him nicely. I’m sure he’s willing to make amendments.’

‘You ask him. I’m through with talking. Damn, anyone listening to us might think we’re begging him.’

Edna turns back to me, a pleading look in her eyes.

‘Come on, Mr. Peterson, don’t makes this any harder than it is. All we want is to see your dick so we can establish if it constitutes a suitable way of payment.’

I am baffled. I have always thought of the sisters as nice descent ladies. Eccentric maybe, not dressing quite their age and fighting like little children most of the time. This said, I don’t think I would mind doing some good by these ladies, like they seem to be suggesting. I’m just not sure I like the way they’re asking.

‘See? He’s not going to flash his dick just because you’re nice to him.’

‘Give him a second. He just needs some time to adjust.’

‘Adjust, my ass. Take out your cock!’

Carol slaps me across the back of my head. That does it for me. I move to get up, but Carol pulls me back into the couch by my hair.

‘Where are you going?’

‘I… I don’t have to t-take this.’

‘You don’t have to t-t-take this? You’re going to t-t-take a lot more before I’m through with you, buddy.’

Edna, who had stirred when Carol slapped me but decided not to interfere, makes a feeble attempt to calm the waters.

‘Now now, Mr. Peterson. Surely it can’t be that difficult? All we want is a look at your penis. We won’t hurt you. You’ll see, it will be fun for you too.’

But I’m not to be assuaged. These ladies are crazy. As Edna remains pat in front of me blocking my way, I cross my arms in defiance. Carol, in one single swift move, jumps up, pries both hands under my armpits, joins them behind my neck and pulls me to my feet over the armrest.

‘Pull his pants down.’

Edna is as surprised as I am, but her loyalty is to her sister. She undoes my belt, unzips me and pulls down my trousers. When she pulls down my white cotton briefs, my erect dick hooks behind the elastic band before it springs free and bobs up and down in its full two and a half inch glory. Even Edna can’t hide her surprise, although she does her best to suppress an astonished giggle with her hand on her mouth. Carol, seeing Edna’s look of disbelief, releases her iron hold and steps around me to see for herself.

‘Ha! No wonder he didn’t want to show us.’

‘Oh my, it’s so short! And look how thin it is.’

‘Why, he could fuck a fly and it wouldn’t feel a thing.’

‘My clit is bigger than his penis!’

I am thoroughly embarrassed and cover my groin with my hands. That’s when the realization hits me that I’m actually having a stiffy. How can I be aroused if Carol has been treating me like shit and Edna is stifling a mocking laugh at the sight of my manhood?

‘I don’t think he will do. I say we oust him.’

Carol picks up her cigarette from the floor where it is burning a hole in the linoleum and turns to the door.

‘Wait, wait. Let’s not be hasty. Let’s think this through before we make a decision.’

Poor Edna. She really does seem to be taken with me.

‘But what can we possibly use him for? I’m not going to fuck a needle dick.’

‘Well, maybe… well maybe there’s other parts of his body that can be of use.’

‘Like what?’

‘Like his mouth.’

‘What for?’

‘You know. What he can’t do with his dick, he can do with his tongue.’

‘Oh you are a nasty bitch, aren’t you?’

Edna shuffles her feet and looks down at the floor. She seems to be struggling to find the right words.

‘Well, I’m only saying, there’s more ways to do it than just the old-fashioned way. You’d be surprised the things they do on the internet.’

‘What do you know what they do on the internet?’

‘Well, uhm, Mr. Harrison from seven showed me.’

‘Oh now I know why you spend so much time up there. And when were you going to tell me?’

‘Oh now really. You were so busy with Mr. Big Dick from eleven, I didn’t think you wanted your little romance disturbed to worry about my crummy needs.’

‘But I invited you. You never wanted a piece of Mr. Benson.’

‘I just can’t stand him. So haughty, always boasting about the size of his penis and how he never leaves a woman unsatisfied. I don’t know how you put up with him.’

‘Well I don’t. I put up with his dick, that’s all.’

‘Yeah, but we’re supposed to be in this together. You said we’d do this together.’

‘OK, OK, you’re right, I’m sorry. So what exactly do you propose we do with Mr. Pencil Dick here?’

Edna looks me up and down, her hand rubbing her chin. She is thinking.

‘Well, one of the things Mr. Harrison liked to do, and which I particularly enjoyed, was something he called worshipping.’

‘Worshipping? Isn’t that something religious?’

‘I guess in a way it is. It’s a tribute to the female body. The man’s face is placed on or in the body part of your choice in such a way that he is exposed to textures, smells and tastes of that particular part of the body. He doesn’t do anything really. He pays tribute by his endurance. No matter if it smells or tastes bad, no matter if it hurts or stings or tickles, no matter if he gets a cramp or if he is cold or uncomfortable. He just has to stick in there and worship the object of his love in any way that pleases her.’

‘Hm. You mean that if I rub like, uhm… my armpit in his face, he has to put up with it?’


‘Sounds kind of kinky. OK, I’ll give it a shot.’

Carol pushes me back into the couch and sits on my lap. She lifts her right arm and with her left hand pulls down the sleeve opening of her blouse. The grayish-white shaved skin of her armpit thus exposed, she shoves it in my face without further ado. My lips and nose sink into her soft flesh and I am engulfed by a sour sweat odour.

‘Hey, that actually feels rather good. Makes me feel powerful, to know I can just shove my body in his face. What if he doesn’t like it?’

‘He doesn’t have to like it, although if he really loves you, he will. The more you make a man worship you, the more he will not only become accustomed to the fragrances and textures of your body, but he will indeed come to appreciate it and start to long for it. In time, he will become dependent. Your body becomes an addiction to him. That physical dependency will foster his love for you.’

I cannot imagine ever becoming addicted to Carol’s sweaty armpit stink.

‘Yes, but what if he resists?’

The thought of resistance has come to mind. I am curious to hear the answer to that one. The truth is I’m having trouble breathing, apart from the somewhat humiliating position I’m in. Imagine a friend dropping in and seeing me like this.

‘If he resists, you can always twist his balls. That’s the advantage of having a man strip before you start. Being naked in the presence of a dressed woman makes a man vulnerable and thus easier to handle. It also serves the purpose of providing quick access to the most sensitive part of his body: his testicles. A man is voided of resistance once you have his testicles in your hand.’

‘I see. And I thought women grew their fingernails only for aesthetic reasons.’

Carol grabs my balls and digs her fingernails into them. So far for resistance.

‘And I can make him do anything I like?’

‘Yes, of course. Once you have a man in a subordinate position and he accepts it, you have total control over him.’

‘Fascinating. OK sissy, let’s have some tongue in there. Lick my armpit.’

Carol squeezes my balls just in case I might hold thoughts of disobeying. There is no need. Edna is right, when you got him by the balls, there’s nothing he won’t do for you. I produce my tongue and start licking in long slow upward strokes. She tastes salty and a fermented kind of sour. The stubbles rasp my tongue raw.

‘OK, that’s enough. My turn now.’

‘But I’ve had him hardly for a minute.’

‘I just want to show you what else you can do.’

‘Just another minute, yes? This feels heavenly.’

The minute turns out to be a long suffocating quarter of an hour, with Carol switching armpits back and forth while she squabbles with her sister. I am a mess when I am finally released, only to be pulled onto the floor by my feet by an impatient Edna. I’m on my back and next to my head Edna’s foot slips out of her sandal.

‘Do me a favor and hold his head steady. He may not like this.’

Carol is as puzzled as I am, but she squats down behind me and holds my head as requested. From the corner of my eye I see Edna lift her foot and the next thing I know I have the sole in my face.

‘Gee, Edna, that is so gross. Your feet stink like hell.’

‘Yeah, I know. That’s part of the fun.’

Stink like hell is an understatement. From the first time I met her I had perceived her foot odour problem, and it isn’t any better from up close. I wish I were back in Carol’s armpit. Edna swipes her foot over my nose and lips. I am covered with a greasy mixture of her foot sweat and dirt.

‘Suck my toe.’

Edna pries her big toe between my lips and I suck it like a baby would his pacifier. My eyes wander up her hairy legs and come to rest on the white cloth of a pair of cotton knickers shining through the darkness beneath her skirt. Then I look further up and I see Edna staring down at the foot on my face with a fascinated look in her eyes. There is no doubt she is enjoying this. When I turn my eyes further backwards, I notice Carol is in quite a thrill as well.

‘Now lick me clean between the toes. I need you to do a thorough job. You have no idea how dirty my feet get when I wear sandals.’

No shit. There is damp lint and clotted black dirt between her toes, and it is no fun ride to have to lick it all out. What is more, I don’t dare to spit it out, so I end up swallowing the grimy mass. When I’m done with the second foot, Carol pushes it aside.

‘OK, my turn now. Let’s give him a treat for a change.’

Carol is still behind me, and I see how she lifts her blouse. Two huge breasts plop out and dangle wildly just inches above my face. The white skin is crisscrossed with thin bluish veins and the nipples are a rosy pink, big and round like saucers and pointing straight down. Carol bends forward and her breasts plunge down on my face, then slide each to one side until they complete enwrap my head in a warm and soft embrace. Even there in the dark valley between her breasts the sweat odour is overwhelming, but it is heaven compared to Edna’s feet.

‘Hmm, I have also wanted to do that. What a heavenly feeling to have a man between your breasts.’

Carols swings her upper torso left and right, and my head sways with the motion while her tits slap against my cheeks. Then she lowers her torso even more and I am suffocating in the richness of her flesh.

‘Oh I could just smother you to death, you naughty thing. Look how he’s enjoying it.’

I feel her shift on top of me and suddenly my stiff dick is flicked painfully. The women giggle.

‘And how does this tongue fucking work?’

Carol straightens up and I’m released from her breast hug. From the slur in her voice, it is clear she is ready for the heavy stuff.

‘Well, there’s a variety of ways, really. Why don’t you pull down your tights and panties and sit down on the couch, and I’ll show you one of them.’

Carol has heard this the same way I have, and she speaks my mind.

‘You are going to show me?’

‘Yes, just…’

But then Edna sees the look on Carol’s face and realizes her words may have been misconstrued.

‘Oh don’t be silly, of course not. What do we have him for?’

‘Ok then. You had me worried there for a minute, though.’

Carol hooks her thumbs behind the elastic band of her tights and pulls them down slowly. As the top of the tights slides downwards, her belly seems to bloat as it is gradually released from its confinement, until it eventually plops out completely, jiggling like a bag of jelly. As she bends forward to push the tights all the way down, it seems to crumple up before it folds in a number of thick padded layers. The bright red laced briefs, on their way down, release a puffy round blob of white hairless skin, folding neatly into itself in a vertical slit straight down the middle. Amazingly neat for a fat woman’s cunt.

‘Where did you want me?’

Carol is usually the one to take the lead in any situation, so it is disconcerting to see her taking orders. It is even more disconcerting to see the affable Edna, usually content to stay in the background, in the role of stage master.

‘Right there on the couch is fine. Just sit down and spread your legs.’

Carol sits down, spreads her fat legs and crosses her arms over her chest. She is ready and waiting for whatever comes next. Edna prods me in the side with her foot.

‘Get up. I want you to kneel between Carol’s legs.’

I’m in a limbo. I hate being pushed around and I am not easily intimidated. I have always prided myself as capable of standing my ground in any situation. Yet with these two woman, I am meeker than a lamb. And it is not that foot and armpit licking is my idea of fun, far from it. Nor have I ever felt attracted to older women. But there is something, something I can’t quite lay a finger on, that keeps me back. I cannot ignore the fact that I am thoroughly and wildly aroused. That is significant. Sex has been scarce lately, and the little I’ve had has been downright boring, to the point that I have been having a hard time getting aroused. Even jerking off has been a via cruxis.

A sharp pain shoots through my side. Edna is kicking me.

‘Do you need a written invitation? I said get up. Don’t think just because I’m nice to you, you don’t have to do as I say.’

I quickly get to my knees and turn to the couch where Carol is still waiting.

‘Stick your head in there. Do I have to tell you everything?’

I feel Edna’s foot against my back and I am shoved hard between Carol’s legs. My chest slams against the seat of the couch and my face stops just inches from Carol’s spread cunt.

Carol’s cunt is a wholly different story from up close. The softly rounded slit is now a gaping wound. Bright red rags of seemingly raw flesh sprout in all directions in a disconcerting disarray. With some difficulty I manage to make out the weirdly frilled inner cuntlips, one of which is curling outwards while the other seems to be reaching over and trying to pull it back into the cushy confines of the outer labia. What an awesome cunt. A thick heat emanates from it, soft yet strong enough that I can feel it settle on the skin of my face. Along with it comes a sweetish thick smell of rotting wood and river mud, with a playful whiff of fresh urine. I am awed by Carol’s cunt, its complexity, its closeness, its mystery. There is power in this cunt, a power I can feel on my face like a clasping hand.

‘If you could slide down a bit so your ass is right on the edge.’

Carol slumps down in the seat until the bottom of her ass bumps against my chin. Edna grabs my head from behind, lifts my chin over the double-lobed hump of the underside of Carol’s ass and shoves my face into the cunt beyond.

‘So what happens now? I’ve got his nose up my cunt. Is that it, or does he do something?’

‘Well, uhm…, yes, now he licks you until you climax. Come on, Mr. Peterson, you know what to do.’

I am prodded in the ribs again. Yes, I guess I know what to do. But can’t they ask nicely?

Licking Carol’s cunt is not the walk in the park I thought it would be. Inserting my tongue into the soft flesh, I am immediately entangled in her strangely contorted labia. Feeling my way with my tongue, I try to pry it underneath the bridge formed by one of the labia. But her flesh is dry and the labia stick together. I opt for peeling the upper cuntlip off the other one. Carol is watching me from above, her arms still folded.

‘I have no idea what he’s doing in there. All I know is it tickles like hell.’

‘You’ll get used to it. Nice long strokes, Mr. Peterson, start all the way down and slide your tongue slowly upwards between the labia. No need to rush things. A woman likes it slowly and smoothly.’

Easier said than done. I have succeeded in untangling the cuntlips, but Carol’s muff is still dry like sandstone while my tongue plows through it. I dip into the warm hole of her vulva in search for a lubricant. A small amount of a slimy substance seems to have built up in there, so I scoop it up with the tip of my tongue and drag it up to the area of her clitoris. The substance is denser than I suspected and I feel how a thick strain clings to my lower lip and chin. When I pull back a few inches, the slimy string thins out but doesn’t snap. I reel it into my mouth with my tongue. The whole thing somehow reminds me of eating pizza extra cheese.

‘What’s supposed to be so exciting about this? I don’t feel a thing, apart from him fumbling around in my cunt.’

‘I, uh… I don’t know. Maybe he isn’t doing it right.’

‘Well he’d better start doing something right soon, then, or he is so out of here.’

Suddenly I remember why I am between Carol’s legs in the first place. With renewed vigour, my tongue labours through the dry valleys of her desert, moisturizing the parched landscape with what rivers of saliva I can summon. But after ten minutes of uninterrupted mouth-to-cunt resuscitation, my neck is hurting, my tongue feels swollen and numb, and Carol is still flat-lining. Suddenly I feel a hand on the top of my head and I am pushed downwards. My lips slide over Carol’s cunt flesh and come to rest in the little valley just below, where the cleavage of her cunt flows almost seamlessly into the cleavage of her ass and her asshole lies nestled in its cozy niche. There is a hissing sound that I can’t quite explain, until I feel a gust of warm air venting against my palate and I’m choking on a cloud of foulness in my mouth. Then Carol’s foot comes up against my shoulder and while I sail through the room and land on my back, I realize I just got farted into the mouth.

‘This is ridiculous. I’ve had enough of this bullshit. Tell Paul to come down.’

Carol is on her feet. There is a foul, slightly bitter taste in my mouth.


Edna knows exactly who Paul is. So do I.

‘Yes, Paul. Mr. Benson from eleven. I need to get fucked by a real man.’

‘But what about Mr. Peterson? You can’t just…’

‘I don’t care. I need a real cock up my cunt and I need it now. Go get him. Now!’

Edna hesitates for a moment, then rushes out the door and up the stairs. Carol lights another cigarette, then she steps up to where I’m still lying on the floor. Puffing smoke, she looks down on me.

‘I want you out by noon tomorrow.’


‘No buts. I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess…’

Then Edna comes in with Mr. Benson from eleven in her wake. Benson is a gym instructor who in his college years was a promising quarterback, but never made it into the NFL. He is forty now and despite a protruding beer belly still quite a lady’s man.

‘Oh, Paul. Great. Come here, you stud. I need you.’

Benson looks at me lying naked on the floor Carol’s feet. But he is not shocked. He grins, then walks over to Carol’s side.

‘Sure, lovely. What can I do for you?’

‘Would you mind showing Mr. Peterson here what a real dick looks like? You see, somehow he has come to believe that this is as big as they get.’

She’s pointing down at my lap with the hand holding the cigarette. Ash flitters down and settles in my pubic hair. Benson is flashing that grin again. I have seen that grin in movies.

‘No problem. Always glad to be of service, Mrs. Johnson. You know that.’

Benson looks down at me, grins his grin again and slowly unzips his pants. He reaches inside his fly and pulls out a thick dark sausage. When he lets go of it, it slightly jiggles while it hangs down with a rounded arc. It must be over six inches in length, and about an inch and a half thick. Even in this flax state, it is larger than mine in full deployment.

‘Impressive, isn’t it? Wait till you see it when it is hard. Come on, Paul, get it up. Or aren’t you happy to see me?’

‘No problem, Mrs. Johnson, no problem at all.’

Benson cups his dick with is right hand and starts to rub it up and down. The almost black foreskin retracts and reveals a purple glans penis. His dick starts to grow in length and thickness, until it stands out a full nine inches from his fly.

‘Don’t be shy, Mr. Peterson, take a close look. You might never see anything like it again in your life.’

Carol prods me in the ribs with her foot without taking her eyes off Benson’s proud phallus. I don’t feel compelled to oblige, but at the same time I do not want to cause a scene in front of Benson. The sooner we get this over with, the better. So I get up to my knees and look at the monster with feigned interest. Thick veins run across the dark skin. The purple tip has grown to the size of a golf ball. Edna is standing by, looking at her toenails. She is unimpressed. I guess things other than size are what matter to her. That’s my kind of girl.

Carol grabs me by the arm and drags me over to the sofa, where she instructs me to lie down with my head propped up against the seat cushion. Then she mounts the sofa right on top of me, her knees on either side of my head and her upper body leaning over the back rest. Her wide open cunt is inches above my face. It is drooling with a transparent slime which drips onto my chin. She sticks out her ass in Paul’s direction and wiggles it in sign of invitation.

‘Come here, Paul. Show Mr. Peterson here how a real man fucks.’

Benson needs not to be prodded. He gets quickly rid of his pants and boxers and straddling my body, he moves in behind Carol’s ass. From below, I see his huge cock pointing upwards and the purple hairy sack that holds his balls hanging down. As he plunges his cock into Carol’s dripping cunt with a forceful thrust, his balls slide over my forehead and nose before they slap into Carol’s underbelly with a dry thud. I can hear Carol gasp as she is penetrated beyond her depth.

Benson starts to grind his hips back and forth with quick short strokes, not unlike I often see dogs do it out in the park. The flesh on Carols legs and hips shudders with a ripple effect every time he slams into her, while her fat belly, hanging down just behind my head, jiggles furiously and bumps against the top of my head in rhythm with Benson’s fucking motion. His balls swing back and forth like a pendulum, confined in its movement by the underside of his ass on a back stroke and Carol’s jiggling fat rolls on a forward stroke.

Benson picks up the rhythm even more. I see his shaft slide in and out of Carol’s greasy slit in rapid succession. A whitish foam builds up at the base of it, where the scrotum starts. There is a sloshing sound as he batters Carol’s cunt. My face gets splashed with huge drops and strings of cunt slime, which grows more copious by the minute. Carol is grunting and moaning. Then Benson’s movements suddenly become jerky. The muscles on his ass and legs tighten in spasm as he rams his hips into Carol’s behind with a funny series of short forward jerks. Every time he pulls back, I see his dick pumping frantically while he shoots his sperm into the cunt above my head. At the same time, Carol’s body goes into a wild frenzy, her hips grinding up and down in nervous strokes while she lets out an animal-like wail that startles the shit out of me. Then both bodies relax.

The whole thing can’t have taken more than three minutes, yet I can hear both Benson and Carol puffing and wheezing from exertion. Benson’s dick shrinks fast. Suddenly it plops from between Carol’s swollen cuntlips and before I have time to react, whacks with a splat on my face, pulling a string of a white substance with it. If I move my head now, I’ll just smear my entire face, so I decide to lie still. Benson doesn’t seem too concerned with his cock on my face. His balls are pressing against my lips, his shaft crosses my nose from left to right and the tip of his dick is resting on my right eyelid, oozing the remnants of his climax. After a while he steps back and looks down at me with that same silly smirk. I could rip it off his face. I bet he was waiting to see if I was going to suck his cock.

‘Will that be all, Mrs. Johnson?’

Carol slumps forward against the back rest of the sofa.

‘Yes, thank you, Paul, that’ll be all. For now. I’ll call you when I need you.’

Benson pulls up his boxers and his trousers and steps out the door, whistling. He’s such a show-off. Edna, who hasn’t budged nor talked throughout the scene, shows him out and closes the door behind him.

‘You happy now?’

Carol startles, then sits her ass down on my face. I suddenly find myself engulfed in the slimy hotness of her cunt, unable to breathe. I can hear Carol talking to Edna above me while Benson’s sperm dribbles out of her vulva and into my mouth.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Did you have to humiliate him like that?’

‘What? Who? You mean this sissy slime ball here?’

‘You always have to spoil things for me. When I have something good, you don’t rest before you have thoroughly spoiled it for me. It has always been like that.’

The slimy goo is building up inside my mouth, and I have no option but to swallow it.

‘Don’t be silly. You saw he’s no use.’

If only she would shift her ass a bit, so I can breathe.

‘Yes he is. You didn’t want him to be, that’s all. You didn’t even try.’

I’ll die if I don’t get out of here soon. I wriggle my head and try to push Carol’s ass off my face with my hands.


Carol lifts her ass up and I breathe in deep. Edna steps up to the couch and looks at me with concern on her face.

‘Don’t you see you’re choking him?’

‘So what if I am? Why should I care? It’s not like I have plans for him.’

‘Well but I do.’

‘What can you possibly use him for? His dick is a joke, and he doesn’t know shit about pleasing a woman with his tongue. The only thing he’s good for right now is to lick my cunt clean.’

Carol looks down at me between her legs.

‘Hey you sissy boy, you think you can lick my cunt clean?’

She doesn’t wait for an answer. She plunges her cunt back into my face and another glob of sperm slides into my mouth. I start to lick the slimy flesh.

‘Suck it. He must have left a gallon in there.’

Carol grabs my head and holds it in place while she slides her cunt over my face.

‘Come on. Suck. I don’t hear you suck.’

I purse my lips around her dilated vulva and start to suck. Immediately my mouth is invaded with a thick flow of slime, which I swallow down frantically as I don’t want to choke on it. Carol relaxes, but keeps my head in a tight grip. Then she shifts her cunt slightly downwards and before I fully realize what’s happening, I feel my mouth filling with a hot bitter liquid that gushes from her cunt. Edna, who has sat down on the couch, jumps up as she gets sprayed by the overflow.

‘What are you doing?’

‘What does it look like I’m doing? I’m pissing of course.’

‘Yes, I can see that. You’re pissing into his mouth.’

‘Sure, where else. Why, do you expect me to go naked down the stairs to our apartment and use the toilet there?’

She’s still pissing, and I’m swallowing her piss desperately while trying to breathe through my nose between gulps.

‘Why wouldn’t you? Look at the mess you’re making.’

Carol squirts the last from her bladder into my mouth, then gets off the couch.

‘I was in hurry. No time to put on my clothes and go downstairs. He was there. His mouth was open. I just went. No big drama.’

Carol grabs a cushion from the sofa and passes it sideways through her cunt to dry herself.

‘But you can’t just pee into people’s mouths!’

‘Why not?’

‘It just isn’t done! It’s… it’s denigrating.’

Edna is upset. I would be too, were it not for the fact that I’m still shell-shocked by the whole affair.

‘I don’t see why you should make such a drama of it. Just a moment ago you had your stinking foot down his throat. Anyway, Mr. Peterson doesn’t mind. Do you mind, Mr. Peterson?’

I’m on a crossroads here. On the one hand I don’t want to let Edna down, who is so valiantly sticking up for me. But on the other hand I’m afraid of Carol. The woman is out of control. Imagine, if she can have a neighbour fuck her right above my face, then have me lick his sperm out of her cunt and to wrap things up still have the gall to relieve herself into my mouth, I see no limit to what she is capable of.

‘N-n-no, I-I don’t…’

‘See? He doesn’t mind.’

Edna slumps into the sofa. She’s almost crying.

‘You did that just to spite me. You know I like him. You know I want to keep him.’

‘Yeah, just like you to cry over a sissy sod like this. Wait, let’s see if you still want him after this.’

Carol turns her back to me, reaches back to grab me by the hair, and pulls me into her fat ass. She is wet with piss in there and my face slides effortlessly between her ass cheeks until my lips are pat against her asshole. I have no clue what she is up to know, until I hear a loud explosion right under my nose and I’m breathing a foul fart again. She pulls me in hard while she pushes two more farts into my mouth. Then all is still. But she isn’t done. I can feel her ass cheeks tense around my face, and I know she is pushing for more. Only now there are no more explosions.
Suddenly I feel something thick and round press against my lips, while my nostrils are invaded with the unbearably strong smell of fresh shit. Carol is trying to shit into my mouth!

‘Come on, open up. Open up I said!’

She yanks my hair and tears fill my eyes while I open my mouth. A huge slimy turd slides right into it. The taste is abominable, strong and bitter, not like anything I’ve ever tasted. But worse still is the texture. Her shit is hard and compressed, covered in a slimy film. Carol is still pulling my head hard into her ass, my lips are pressed tightly against her asshole that keeps shitting into my mouth with a force I cannot resist. Hard as I try, I am unable to push the turd out with my tongue. I am no match against the strength of her bowels. My mouth just keeps filling up more and more until my cheeks bulge with her shit. Than she lets go of me. I fall back on my back with the tip of a fat turd sticking out of my mouth.

‘There. See if you still want him like this.’

‘Oh that is so low and so gross.’

Edna is really crying now.

‘Stop whining already. You’re such a crybaby.’

‘You’re despicable.’

Edna sniffing noisily, trying hard to hold back her tears. I feel sorry for her, forgetting momentarily my own precarious situation.

‘Cut the crap, will you? Listen, I’ll tell you what. I have already told him to move out by tomorrow, but if you’re really adamant on keeping him, then here’s the deal. He can stay on as our toilet. How about it?’

‘W-what do you mean?’

‘Well, look at him. He’s pretty useless for just about anything, but I must admit he’s an excellent toilet.’

Edna looks down at me. The snickering stops. In fact, I seem to detect the shaky beginning of a faint smile.

‘Y-you think so? Y-you think that would be fun?’

‘Sure. Look, I’m creaming again just from shitting into his mouth. It’s quite exhilarating, actually.’

‘I-I can’t imagine…’

‘Why don’t you try it?’

‘I couldn’t…’

But she doesn’t step back, and she keeps staring down at me with a trace of curiousity on her face.

‘Come on, don’t be such a wimp. Sit on him and shit away.’

‘All right, I guess it won’t hurt to give it a try.’

Less reluctantly than I would have expected, indeed with some ill-concealed eagerness, Edna reaches under her dress and strips herself of her white cotton panties. When they drop to the floor next to my face, I see they’re actually not that white at all. There is a yellow stain on the front, and a thin brown smear on the back.

‘H-how should I…’

‘Just squat down on his face and let nature takes its course.’

Edna straddles my head with her thin hairy legs, her back towards me. I guess she doesn’t want to face me after abandoning me. She gathers the skirt of her dress around her waist. Her ass is thin and saggy. The ass cheeks, instead of flowing outwards in that most feminine way, are hollow on the outside and droop downwards in the middle, giving her ass a sad look (not unlike her face, I think). There is dense hair all over her legs all the way up to the underside of her ass. Long black hairs sprout from between her ass cheeks. A thick patch of black hair covers her cunt further up, concealing it completely.

‘Do you really think I should?’

‘Well, if you’d rather we forget about the whole thing and start looking for another tenant…’

‘No no, it’s OK, I’ll do it.’

Edna hesitates only for the slightest moment, then makes up her mind. I see her hairy ass come plunging down towards me as she squats on my face. Her ass cheeks spread as she comes down, revealing a line of thick black hair all along the crack, with a purplish knot in the middle. Her hemorrhoids are the last thing I see before she crashes clumsily into my face, squishing the shit that sticks out of my mouth beneath her ass, spreading it onto my cheeks and into my nose.

Edna’s ass is not half as big as Carol’s, but with my airways blocked with shit I’m equally unable to breathe. I realize that the only way out of my predicament is to swallow the shit in my mouth. That’s when my attention is again focusing on the taste. But I have no choice. I dig my teeth into the fat clot of shit and start chewing it up until it is softened up enough to swallow. As I can’t swallow it whole as I had planned to, I pry loose portions of it with my tongue. I’m swallowing my second portion of shit when I hear Edna’s asshole prattle with a wet fart, and then a warm gush of soft mushy shit starts flowing from her ass into my mouth. A whole new smell invades my tortured nostrils, and I can even distinguish the taste of Edna’s shit from Carols’ in my mouth. Carol’s shit is hard and bitter, while Edna’s is sour. Breathing hard through my nose, I swallow like crazy to keep up with Edna’s copious flow.

Suddenly I feel something knocking against my chin. Looking down along my nose, I see a couple of thin bony fingers with long unpainted fingernails delve into the hairy shitty cunt below. At the same time, Edna starts grinding her hips, sliding her swollen asshole with mushy shit still flowing from it back and forth over my face.

‘His dick! Watch his dick!’

That is Carol’s voice. I feel Edna slump down onto my body, pulling her legs from under her and stretching them backwards. Her breath is on my cock, and then her lips close over it and while she humps my face with her shitty cunt, I explode inside her mouth. My hips jerk wildly while I pump my semen down her throat. At the same time her body tightens on top of me and her hips are ramming my head into the floor with unsuspected force while she too climaxes.

We lie still for over a minute. I am breathing through my nose as my mouth is still clotted with shit. It takes some effort to open my eyelids, which are caked with shit. Edna’s cunt, opened wide and equally clotted with two shades of shit, is resting on my face, twitching and trembling. Suddenly, a warm liquid starts to well from its depths, gaining in strength until it is a thick stream that pushes through the layered shit and explodes on my forehead. She is pissing.

Carol helps her sister to her feet.

‘See? I told you you’d like it.’

‘Oh my, I have never…’

‘Pretty exciting, huh?’

Edna is still catching her breath. Some of my semen is drooling from the corner of her mouth. She spits onto my chest.

‘Come, let’s get you cleaned up.’

The women disappear into my bathroom. I stumble into the kitchen, take off my soiled shirt and wash my mouth out in the sink. Then I stick my head under the running faucet and wash the shit and piss out of my hair and from my face and neck. I hear the water come on in the shower. I gargle with dishwasher soap, but even the stingy bitter taste cannot dispel the taste of shit in my mouth. After washing up as good as I can, I return to the living room and put on my briefs and pants. The water has stopped in the bathroom. I fetch two towels from the closet and pick up the clothes they shed in the living room. I knock softly on the bathroom door.

‘I-I brought you some towels and your clothes.’

The door opens and Carol, naked and wet, takes the towels and the clothes. I clean up the mess in the living room and sit on the couch. My mind is too numb to think. Carol and Edna come out of the bathroom ten minutes later, smiling.

‘So what do you say? Do we have a deal?’

Edna blushes and giggles.

‘I guess so.’

‘Good. That is settled then.’

It is then that it dawns on me that they are deciding my future between themselves, without even the courtesy of consulting me. Who says I’m willing to go through with their little ‘deal’? Being on the receiving side, shouldn’t I have a say in this? Why are they so sure I will agree? So many things run through my head, but in the end I know I will. First of all, my writing has been in a slump lately. The novel I finished never got published, and I have been having a hard time getting my articles and columns allocated. I’m practically out of money. I can’t afford to move. The second reason is: I realize I actually enjoyed our messy bash, up to the point that I even climaxed while Edna was pouring her shit into me. That is the most amazing part for me. From childhood on I have harboured secret sexual fantasies of being overpowered by women and forced to do all sorts of things to them. I have even jerked off on piss play videos, although the shit twist is new to me. Already I feel my dick swelling again at the thought of serving Carol and Edna as a toilet.

Carol steps up to the couch.

‘OK, listen up. We have decided you can stay, but there are conditions. Condition number one: you are to be at all times on standby for whatever service we may need from you. As you are a freelance writer and do your writing from home, I see no problem there. You spend most of your time here anyhow. We will buzz you over the intercom when we need you, and you are to come down to our apartment without delay. The few errands you have to run, you will solicit permission with us first. If we give you permission to leave the premises, you will then inquire if we need to go to the bathroom before you leave. We will make use of you if we do. We will stipulate the exact time when you are to be back. When you come back, you will report to us before retiring to your quarters. You will again inquire if any of us needs to go to the toilet, putting your mouth at our disposal. Is that understood so far?’

‘Yes Mrs. Johnson.’

‘Second condition: you are to make a toilet chair for our comfort. We are not getting any younger and it is quite a strain to have to lean over or squat down. You have also seen how messy it can get. Use an old chair, or a crate or whatever. Just make sure it is stable, and that it has a real toilet seat with two lids. You will place that chair in our bathroom, and you will lie with your head inside it every time we need to use the toilet. Are you following?’

‘Yes Mrs. Johnson.’

‘Third condition: you will swallow every drop of piss, every piece of shit that we feed you. I don’t want a mess in my bathroom. After we finish, you lick us clean. No toilet paper. Your tongue will be our toilet paper from now on.’

‘Yes Mrs. Johnson.’

‘Fourth condition: you will never protest nor deny us any service we ask of you, nor will you ever tell anybody of our agreement.’

‘Yes, Mrs. Johnson. I mean no, Mrs. Johnson.’

‘We may formulate some additional conditions as we progress. If you adhere to these conditions, you will be exempted from paying rent for the apartment you occupy, until such time that we decide we will no longer need your services. The slightest breech of any of the conditions, will get you expelled immediately without notice. Are these terms agreeable to you?’

‘Yes, Mrs. Johnson.’

‘Good. Get to work, then. You will bring the toilet chair to our apartment before eight o’clock this evening, so we can inspect it. I will personally test it tomorrow morning during my morning dump.’

Then they’re out the door and I’m alone again. I’m not sure what to think nor what to feel. I’m numbed out. But the lethargy quickly dissipates and a euphoric rush of energy takes its place. The chair. I have to build the chair. How? What with? I can’t spend money on it. I have a wooden chair in the bedroom that matches with none of my furniture. I pry the seat off it. That should do. Toilet seat. She said she wanted a toilet seat. I dismount the toilet seat in my bathroom. How do I fasten it to the chair? The seat from the chair. With a handsaw, I cut the back end from it and nail it back onto the chair. I place the toilet seat on the chair to see where I have to drill the holes. Screw it on, done! But it isn’t very stable, the seat slopes down. I have to cut the remaining edges from the original seat and nail them back onto the chair, so the toilet seat is equally supported. Done! Wait, something is missing. The curtains from my kitchen window, I cut them to height and length and glue them along the edge of the seat, making sure to leave the entrance up front where my head goes in. Done! No. A receptacle. Can’t have anything drip onto the floor. There’s a plastic basin in the bathroom, I cut out a U-shaped portion in one of the sides for my neck. No need to fasten it to the legs of the chair, better it be removable so I can wash it out. Done! Yes. Looks nice. I’m proud of myself. I test it. Good stable seating, even a backrest. Perfect. I lie in it with the lid open and with the lid closed. Gosh I’m getting a hard-on again.

At eight sharp I’m at the Johnson sisters’ door. Edna opens, and I carry the chair in. Carol is out. She tells me to put it in the bathroom, between the actual toilet and the bath tub. Carol will inspect it when she comes back. It looks pretty. I’m proud like a peacock.

At seven the next morning, I’m awakened by the buzz of the intercom. I already know what that means. I dress quickly in shorts and a T-shirt, grab a towel and rush down the stairs. Edna opens again.

‘She’s in the bathroom. You’d better hurry, she has a morning temper.’

Carol is standing in front of the mirror clad in a bathrobe, taking curlers out of her hair. Her face is puffy and with her hair a mess, she looks monstrous.

‘What took you so long? Do you think I’m going to sit here all day waiting for you to come?’

‘I’m sorry, Mrs. Johnson. I came as fast as I could.’

‘Not fast enough. Now crawl into your crummy contraption there and wait. I’ll be back.’

She steps out of the bathroom. I drop down to the floor on my back and push myself through the curtains into the toilet chair. The lid is down. I wait in darkness. Ten minutes later, someone shuffles into the bathroom. The lid is lifted and I see Carol’s face looking down at me. She is smoking a cigarette and there’s a newspaper in her hand, which she drapes over the back of the seat. Then she turns around, takes off her robe and gathers up her nightgown. I can clearly see her fat naked ass through the oval hole as it hovers above the toilet seat. Then it comes down and closes the gap. The chair creeks menacingly as she sits down, but seems determined to hold.

A ray of light comes in through the opening between her legs, where I see the silhouette of her cunt outlined against the light. Her ass is looming fifteen inches above my face, sagging through the seat in its same oval shape. As my eyes get used to the darkness, I can make out her asshole pushing through the lobes of her ass cheeks that fit inside the oval, and further up her cuntlips drape down from her gaping cunt. I hear the rustling of paper, then silence. Nothing happens for a while. Suddenly a fart explodes inside the hollow space of the make-shift toilet, and I’m breathing that smell again. The smell of fresh shit. I look up, but nothing happens. Then another fart, a long one this time, prattling and sputtering. Something warm drips on my chin. Piss is dripping from her cunt. I catch the trickle in my mouth, keeping my eye on her asshole which is pushing in and out like it were breathing. What if she pisses and shits at the same time? Will I be able to catch both in my mouth? I hadn’t thought of that.

Suddenly the piss trickle turns into a thick stream. I scramble to get my mouth in position, as the stream comes with a momentum and lands a bit further forward than I had calculated. It hisses as it shoots out of her cunt and sort of zigzags depending on which cuntlip it hits on its way down. Still, somehow I manage to swallow most of her piss. When I casually look back at her asshole, I startle. A four inch long turd is dangling from her ass and about to drop on my forehead. Damn. I rush my mouth back upwards, just in time to see her asshole twitch, nipping the turd which comes crashing down. I just manage to catch it with my mouth, where it stands up straight for a few seconds before its tip doubles over and slaps across my nose. That was close. I must learn to pay better attention. Never thought toilet service could be so complicated.

I pull the turd into my mouth with my tongue and start chewing it up. Already the next one is pushing through her sphincter and I know I have to hurry. No time to register taste or smell, just hurry! I swallow the last bit down when the next turd is inches from my lips. Damn what a huge sucker that is. No way it’ll fit. I open my mouth and it slides slowly in. Already it is thinning out at the top and I strain my lower jaw in an attempt to open my mouth even wider to catch the turd as it finally comes flip-flopping down across my teeth, lips, nose and cheeks.

The paper is rustling above while I eating up Carol’s second turd. Maybe she realizes what a hard time her dump is giving me, or maybe she’s just not in a hurry. The fact is that her third turd doesn’t come flowing out until ten minutes later, and I’m ready for it. The fourth comes with a rain of piss. After ten more minutes, Carol finally lifts her ass off the toilet seat. I realize how hot it has been in here when cool air comes rushing in.

‘Edna, are you going to use the toilet?’

‘Yes, I’ll be right there.’

Edna’s face comes peeking over the toilet rim. She giggles nervously. She doesn’t seem really comfortable with the setup, yet there is no hesitation when she pulls up her night gown, turns around and sits her hairy ass on the toilet seat. Plenty of light coming in on both sides of her bony behind. No sooner is she seated, the first fart prattles from her asshole. Big purple bubbles pop out as she pushes, and almost immediately a thin stream of mushy brown shit comes gobbling out from somewhere between them. It comes in waves and splatters against the back of my throat. I have just time to swallow and breathe between waves, before my mouth fills up again. Edna’s shit is a lot easier to swallow, as it is almost liquid, sparsed with some thicker globs of soft shit. She shits intermittently for about fifteen minutes, then a series of sputtering farts spray my face with small drops of shit.

When I see the hairy bush around her cunt twitch, I know she’s getting ready to piss. I move my mouth in position, although it is hard to fathom where exactly her piss is going to shoot from as her whole cunt is covered in long coarse hair and I can’t even make out her cuntlips. A slow trickle that partially gets caught in the dense hair gives away the location though, and I’m ready when the full stream starts to cascade down. She is not pissing with force, her piss just sort of drops down form her cunt and I don’t have to move my head to catch up with it, as I had to do with Carol. As it started, it ends in a thin trickle. Then she’s done and up.

I crawl from under the toilet chair and wipe my face with my towel. All in all, I pulled it off rather well and I’m proud of my performance. When I look up, Both Carol and Edna are standing with their cunts spread wide and sticking out towards me. I dive first into Carol’s, licking it clean bottom to top, then delve into Edna’s hairy affair, swallowing more than one hair before I’m through. Then they turn their backs towards me and I clean their shit-smeared asses with my tongue. Lowering her nightgown, Carol turns to me.

‘Clean up the mess down there. The basin is a nice touch. Very thoughtful of you. Wash it out in the patio. Then you can go.’

‘Yes, Mrs. Johnson.’

I clean out the basin, then place it back under the chair. The women are in the kitchen eating breakfast when I walk out the front door. I go up to my apartment and straight into the bathroom, where I whack my dick to a thunderous orgasm. I don’t brush my teeth and I don’t wash up. Already I like the women’s smell on me.

Later, lying on my couch in the living room, my mind drifts. This is how it’s going to be, then. I wonder if they will expand my serviceability into other areas as well. I can cook for them, and clean house for them. I can bathe them in the morning and make love to them in the evening. I must find a way to convince them that I can be useful in so many ways, not just as a toilet. A love so strong and intense wells up deep inside me and almost makes me cry. I love them. I will dedicate my life to serving them. If only they will let me. How can I convince them? I must start on Edna, she’s the most impressionable one of the two. She will find a way to convince her sister. I know she will…
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