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Two different species get intimate on a moon's colony - furry/non-human and human.
Author’s note: Here’s a story for furry/non-human fans. All planets/moons/stars mentioned in the story are real – except the planet Gliese-H. I think this is a cute story. I had fun using my imagination.

Chapter 1

Ryan sat alone in the cafeteria eating a horrid combination of what he surmised to be thawed preprocessed food mixed with military rations. It was all the facility had. They might as well have just offered the humans protein powder instead of attempting to make this garbage resemble real food. He shook his head and kept eating, keeping his eyes downward, while occasionally looking around the nearly empty room.

As Ryan sat and ate, they watched him; they always watched him. They followed him, they would attempt to whisper as they chatted about him in their language, they laughed at or about him – at least he thought it was laughter. The Gliesens never spoke to him, unless you count the shy cafeteria worker that served food. A nod and a “hello” was all he offered to Ryan and most likely everyone else.

For 200 years humans and Gliesens have worked together, lived together, fought wars against a common enemy together, and colonized and terraformed moons and worlds together. But after all these years humans and Gliesens were still very much awkward around each other. Humans exhibited more paranoia and fear toward them if anything – as is the nature of humanity; fear toward things that are different.

As Ryan sat and ate, he heard two females chatter about 25 feet away. He quickly glanced in their direction only to see them look toward each other with embarrassment. He rolled his eyes and continued eating alone.

Ryan was usually always alone. He was the only human for miles on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, where he was stationed as a logistics officer. He kept track of and monitored supplies and other random necessities for the colonies in the equatorial region of the moon. He hated it there. It was as if the terraformers hated it too and shut down the terraforming process halfway through. Humans and Gliesens still had to wear breathing masks when going outside, if they could stand the temperature. Titan was around -290 Fahrenheit before terraforming began. The machines used were able to get the temperature up to a nice, warm, -40 Fahrenheit. Going outside was only done when it was an absolute necessity; besides the freezing temperature, it takes about 15 minutes to get the breathing mask and protective suit on – a major annoyance. He thought about Mars and its 80 degree summer weather and sighed as he ate. Why couldn’t he have been assigned there? He would’ve loved to work logistics for the mining operations on Martian moon, Phobos.

The Gliesens seem to have a much easier time on Titan. Their bodies were covered in varying shades of brown, grey, or black fine fur which may have helped keep them warm. While Ryan has never actually touched Gliesen to be sure, they didn’t appear to be carrying a lot of heat storing blubber. Still, they seemed to like it there, a fact which somewhat annoyed him.

Gliesens themselves were a fairly lithe, bipedal, tall, fur-covered species that originate from a Venus-sized planet that humans have named Gliese-H. It orbits the in the outer edge of the habitable zone of a human-named star called Gliese 581; about 22 light years from Earth. The actual name of the planet and host star in the Gliesen’s native language is nearly unpronounceable for a human.
Ryan and his friends back on Earth would make fun of Gliesens as they tried to figure out what sort of Earth-based creature they resembled. He figured they were a cross between a wolf, cat, and a rabbit. They had long, pointed, rabbit-like ears that sat near the top of their heads. Their noses were similar in shape to a common house cat’s except the nostrils were slightly more slanted and less circular. Their overall muzzle looked somewhat canine whereas their mouths looked more feline. Their teeth were quiet similar to a wolf’s or some other canine species; large incisors with their back teeth appearing as though they were designed to chew food – not cut through it. Their eyes were large and slanted slightly upward instead of to side like a human’s. The iris of their eyes was also quite large and circular. They ranged in colors from red, pink, or purple, with a black, round, pupil. Their sclera, or the white area of a human’s eye, was black. They were, on average, several inches taller than humans. The males would approach 7 feet where the females were a few inches shorter. Both sexes were lean and lithe, the males only slightly more muscular. The most unusual part of their appearance was from the knee down. Their thighs looked fairly normal but below the knee, their feet and ankles resembled some sort of rabbit-dog hybrid; inverted ankles and long paw-like feet. Their four fingered hands were also similar to paws but not as strange as their large feet. Their “claws” weren’t as sharp as a feline, but could draw blood if enough force was used.
After 200 hundred years of interacting and living amongst humans, the Gliesens seemed to have adopted human hair styles. Some humans thought it was cute, others thought it was stupid, and Ryan was neutral on the subject. Perhaps they were trying to fit in more. The two species have studied and learned from each other for two centuries now. Cross styling of hair and clothing was bound to happen. More and more humans were wearing Gliesen-like robes. Not Ryan though. He stuck to cargo work pants, boots, and a standard collared work shirt.

Ryan heard more chatter from the direction of the two females as he ate. Their language was very difficult for a human to speak. Theories behind that include humans having a wider, flatter tongue, as opposed to a Gliesen’s longer, thinner tongue. Certain words in their language were simply too difficult to say. They, however, could speak heavy accented English. It takes decades for their students to become masters in the language, but with enough practice and study, they managed to pull it off quiet well.

“He’s so much larger than the other humans,“ Annie said in her native language. Her actual name wasn’t Annie of course, but all human studies majors at the university on Titan were required to pick an easier-to-say human name.

“Quiet down! I’m sure he’s already figured out we’re talking about him!” Annie’s friend, Amy, said.

“Ok, ok!” Annie said and then quietly sat watching him. She noticed Ryan’s much more muscular frame. She and Amy would laugh about how most humans were so overweight and unhealthy looking. Ryan was different. Out of the several dozen humans the two Gliesen students have interacted with, he was the tallest at 6 foot 7 inches, and the most muscular. Annie would follow him occasionally, struggling to be discreet, and see him enter a fitness center. She loved to watch him.

“Annie, snap out of it!” Amy swatted at Annie’s long dark auburn hair.

“What? I just think he’s different from the others, so much larger too. He smells better than them,” Annie sniffed the air, easily able to smell his fairly weak cologne from 25 feet away.

“I’m going to talk to him!” Annie exclaimed as she pushed her food tray aside.

“No! Don’t do that, it’s not wise, and it may startle him. He could be armed,” Amy said as she grabbed her friend’s arm to hold her in place.

“Stop it! I will smile and make eye contact. It’ll be fine. Listen to this,” Annie said as she cleared her throat. “That sounds sort of like a human sound, right?”

“I guess,” Amy rolled her eyes and shrugged.

“I’ll be back soon,” Annie said as she stood and walked toward Ryan. Her long green robe dragged along the grey paneling of the floor, covering her feet, as she moved slowly toward him.

Annie was on the shorter side for a female of her species. She was exactly Ryan’s height. Her short fur was mostly a medium shade of brown. The fur around her chin, mouth, neck, ankles, and feet was a tan or off-white color. The rest of her body was covered in a long green robe. From what could be seen, she appeared lean like the others of her kind. She had what appeared to be breasts, but the robe was so loose and flowing, it was hard to tell their size or her exact body shape for that matter. Her nose was black and appeared to have a leathery texture, her hair came down to her middle back and was an auburn color, finally the large irises of her eyes were a darker pink – almost red.

“Hello,” Annie said to Ryan in English after she cleared her throat. She said it in a way that was almost like she was asking a question.

Chapter 2

Ryan looked down as Annie approached, his heart rate increased as she got closer to him. “Ugh. What does she want?” he thought. He preferred to be left alone. When she spoke, he slowly looked up at her. She was awkwardly smiling down at him, her large incisors clearly visible.

“Hello,” she said again. To which, Ryan simply nodded.

“May I sit here in front of you? At this table?” Annie asked in her thick accent; it sounded like a strange combination of eastern-European and Asian. She had a slightly higher pitched voice, almost nasally sounding, similar to a younger human female.

Ryan cleared his throat, “Uh, sure, I guess.” He said as she quickly took a seat in front of him. He kept his eyes down and kept eating.

“What are you named?” Annie asked, still not having mastered the language, as she watched him eat.

“My name is Ryan.” He said not looking up at her.

“Ah. I am named Annie. That is the name I chose for me!” she cheerfully explained. Ryan simply nodded, glancing briefly up at her.

They sat in silence for a few minutes then Annie spoke up, “You are a tall human.”

Ryan raised an eyebrow as he ate, “Thanks, I guess.”

“How long are you, uh, have you, been alive?” she asked.

Ryan smirked at her mistake in word choice. “How long am I?” he thought to himself, “I could be an inch or so longer,” he said in his head as he chuckled.

“I am 30 years old,” he answered as he looked directly in her large eyes.

Annie became lost in thought as she tried to remember what humans refer to as years. “Their home world takes 365 days to orbit its star, so that’s one year,” she thought to herself. “Our home world takes half that time. Our professor explained that it would be roughly 182 days. So a year on my planet is 182 days. So that makes him,” she paused and then said out loud.

“Sixty years old!”

“Excuse me?” Ryan asked, confused by the creature in front of him.

“On my home you are 60. My home has smaller days in a year.”

Ryan simply nodded as he thought about Annie was talking about. “Ah, I see,” he said as he looked back down to his meal.

“I am…” she trailed off, doing the math in her head, “28 earth years old!”

Ryan nodded as he chewed his food, “So you’re about 56 in a Gliesen year.”


They sat in awkward silence for a few more minutes. Ryan finished his food and looked up at Annie as she sat across from him, never looking away from him, and always smiling.

“Well, uh, I have to be going. My lunch break is almost over.” He said as he stood.

Annie quickly looked back at her friend who had been listening to the conversation that her eight inch long ears atop her head could easily pick up from across the room.

“Do you eat dinner?” Annie stood and asked?

“Um, well, yeah.” He stood with a confused look on his face.

“So do I!”

Ryan cleared his throat and gave a weak smile, “Ok great. Anyway, I must be going now.”

“Can I eat the dinner meal with you?” Annie asked as Ryan walked away. She sniffed the air, she smelled the faint musky aroma of perspiration coming from Ryan’s head.

He looked around the room, then back to Annie. “Uh, I’m not…” he paused as he looked at her still smiling. “Why?” he asked.

Annie brought a finger to her mouth, not sure of how to answer his question, “So I can, ah,” she tried to explain, “sit with you again! Yes!”

Ryan sighed, pondering about her offer, not really wanting to accept it, but not wanting to come across as a jerk. “Sure, why not. I arrive at the cafeteria around 18:30.”

Annie looked upward as she was remembering the time system humans used. Once she remembered that time in her own language she quickly nodded her head and smiled.

“I will see you at the time you have said to me just now.”

Ryan simply nodded and walked away. “Oh great…” he thought. “Whatever,” he said aloud as he walked down the hallway; his boots making a metallic clanking sound on the floor.

Later that evening Annie and Amy were walking toward the cafeteria. “Do you want me to stay nearby in case he equips a stabbing weapon?” Amy asked Annie in their native tongue.


“Fine. Please be careful. Humans are difficult to understand sometimes. It’s as though each one of them is different from the other. You never know what you’ll get.”

“It’s fine, just trust me. I’ll be alright.” Annie said as she brought a finger to her friend’s face and lightly ran a claw down her cheek. Amy simply nodded with a concerned look on her face.

“I have to remember to smile so he knows I’m not a threat.”

“Alright, well, just let me know how it goes. I’ll be in my quarters.” Amy hugged Annie and quickly darted off.

As Annie entered the cafeteria she saw Ryan had already arrived and was just sitting down to eat at a table in the corner. She quickly rushed over to get a tray of prepared meal and then took it over to where he was sitting.

“Hello!” she cheerfully said.

“Hi,” Ryan nodded and motioned for her to sit. She could detect the faint aroma of perspiration again.

They sat and ate in silence for a few moments until Annie spoke up, “I thank you for letting me sit here with you.”

“Oh. It’s fine, no problem.”

“I have seeing, uh, seen you move around this place. There is a small amount of humans in this moon so it is good to see one. I have seen you not talk to other people much. So I made a choice that I was to talk to you.”

“Ah, I see,” he chuckled a bit, “well alright.”

“I am wanting to be your friend. Are you, uh, is that a good thing?”

“You want to be friends?” He asked a little perplexed and not sure he could trust her. There was still slight mistrust and blame humans had toward the Gliesens. They blamed them for bringing their war to their solar system. They had no choice though, it was either travel the stars for help, or be wiped out.

“Yes! I think you have a good appearance. I think you should have the friendship in your life.”

Ryan felt a little odd, “Good appearance?”

“Yes! You are smaller, but taller, than other humans. I mean to say you are not,” she held her arms out to her side.

“Ah, I think you mean I’m not as overweight as most of my species are.”

“Yes, using machines and robots to work and do things, can make the weight on a human be overweight.”

“Well not all humans are overweight, but thank you. I try to exercise and do more than just sit all day,” he smirked.

They finished their meal as they made idle chit chat. They talked about what she was studying, about what he did at work, and other random things. About twenty minutes later Ryan stood and looked down toward Annie.

“I must be leaving now. So perhaps I’ll see you again sometime.”

“Tomorrow? We eat and sit here tomorrow?”

“Oh, uh, alright. Sure. Tomorrow at the same time, 18:30.”

“Good! I will see you at that time, here in this place!”

Ryan nodded and smiled politely as he dropped his tray off and left. Annie smiled as she watched him leave.

Back at Amy’s quarters Annie was telling her friend all about her encounter. “And, get this, we are going to meet for dinner tomorrow night too!”

“I don’t know about this,” Amy said.

“Oh please, you worry too much! Think positively. He was a little nervous, I could smell that, but as the evening progressed the smell wasn’t as strong. I know our species as a lot of history with humans, but things are really getting better. We’re coexisting and sharing so much technology. That’s how we won the war against The Rebuilders. Please trust me!”

“I do. I know you have a crush on him, I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

“I know. He probably doesn’t even think our species is attractive, but I don’t care! I just want to keep seeing him and find out where this goes.”

The two friends hugged once more and Annie walked back to her quarters down the hall.

In Ryan’s quarters he pondered the evening. He smirked and shook his head as he thought about that silly Gliesen. She was sweet and seemed genuinely interested in being his friend. He shrugged and rolled over on his mattress as he went off to sleep.

Chapter 3

The next day for lunch Ryan sat alone again. He never saw Annie, as he got there slightly earlier than normal. He remembered their agreement the previous night; he would meet her again for dinner at 18:30.

Annie was there waiting for him this time. He walked behind her and she turned around about 10 feet before he got to her.

“Hello! I know the sounds your foot clothes make,” she smiled as she stood.

“Yes, well, anyway. Shall we eat?” He asked as he gestured her toward the line in the cafeteria. After they got their prepared meals they sat at the same table from the night before.

“So, what are your thoughts on my people? We are a very much good group, yes?”

Ryan just chuckled a bit, “Yes I suppose. You’re really the only one I’ve had a conversation with. You seem nice though.”

“Yes I am very nice. I have no wants to hurt anyone or eat a human.”

Ryan tried to contain his laughter, “Well, that’s a very admirable quality. Eating a human would be frowned upon.”

“Yes, not a good choice to do that. I eat meat but not of, uh, people – only non-people. Like the little things, you know?”

“Uh, what?”

“The small things that are hairy and that crawl on the ground.”

“Are you talking about rats?”

“Yes! I couldn’t remember the name given to them.”

“So you eat rats?” he asked, trying not to laugh.

Annie simply nodded. “I have catched them before. I have no wants to eat large things that can talk, only non-people.”

Ryan was smiling warmly at her, “So only eat animals, right?”

“Yes! I was not remembering the word. I only eat animals.”

Ryan just smiled and continued eating.

“Tomorrow is day 5 of the week. It is called Friday.”

“Right, tomorrow is Friday,” he smirked after swallowing his bite.

“You have a plan tomorrow night? Like with another human?”

“No I don’t have any plans usually. I spend most of my weekends reading or watching the SolarSys Network.”

“Well I do not have plans made, and we do not have to do class or work on Saturday. Would you want to walk together for a small time after this dinner meal?”

Ryan couldn’t help but chuckle, he found her accent and poor English amusing. “Yes, we could go for a walk.”

“Good!” Annie exclaimed as they finished their meal. They continued to talk about random things. They chatted a little bit about Gliesen/Human relations as far terraforming or setting up new colonies. It was a fairly relaxing and enjoyable meal. As they were saying goodbye to each other, Annie awkwardly tried to initiate a hug, but Ryan didn’t quite understand that was her goal, so he bowed his head to her and left.

Chapter 4

The next evening was pleasant. Ryan and Annie sat and talked and even laughed a little bit. Ryan mostly laughed at her poor English and Annie laughed at some stories she told Ryan of the mischief she would get into as a child.

They went for a walk to an indoor park area. There were many Gliesens there and one other human. He was an older professor from the university conducting some sort of “outdoor” class session. The UV generators were finally working again and the earth-based plant life seemed to be flourishing nicely.

The two of them walked for about 45 minutes when Annie asked Ryan, “Would you want to walk next to me to my living area?”

Ryan smiled, “Sure I’ll walk to your quarters.”

The remaining few minutes of their walk to Annie’s room was quiet, but not all that awkward. “Well this is my living quarter. Would you like to go inside with me?” she asked as her ears seem to straighten up a little more than usual.

“Oh, no, I can’t. Thank you for the invitation,” Ryan politely declined, still not sure he wanted to keep hanging out with this alien.

“Oh, then maybe tomorrow evening you can arrive here at my quarters?” Annie asked.

“Uh, I’m not sure about that,” Ryan replied rubbing the back of his head.

“I can prepare a meal for you!”

“Um, well…” he paused, “that’s alright, you don’t have to do that.”

“Please?” she asked dragging out the ‘e’ sound.

“How about I eat a meal in my quarters, and you eat your meal in yours, and then I’ll come over to see you. Is that ok?” Ryan asked. He wasn’t sure he wanted this creature to prepare a meal for him.

“Yes!” she blurted out, almost jumping when she said it.

“Alright, well then I’ll see you here tomorrow at 19:00.”

Annie simply nodded her head rapidly, causing her ears to wiggle to and fro. Ryan bowed his head to her and left. She stood in her door way and watched him until he was out of sight.

“Are you crazy?!?” Amy asked the next morning at Annie’s quarters. “He’s going to come over here tonight?”

“Yes he is.” She said flatly.

Amy scowled and pointed a finger at her friend’s face, “Make no sudden movements, don’t talk too fast, smile, all that, ok? It can talk awhile for a human to warm up to beings different from them.”

“I know, I know!” Annie replied, slightly annoyed with her friend.

“I mean, don’t you remember human history class last semester? Their banking system had nearly 95% of their own population wiped out 900 earth-years ago. They are capable of horrible things. You need to be careful.”

“I know, I know! Look, it’ll be fine. Please just trust me. Ok?”

Amy sighed, “Ok.”

“I’ll tell you how it went tomorrow morning.”

“Fine. I hope it goes well.” The two best friends hugged and parted ways.

Chapter 5

Ryan arrived at Annie’s quarters at 19:00 sharp. He was wearing dark brown denim jeans, boots, and a buttoned up red work shirt. He stood in front of her door and was just about to knock when Annie opened it.

“Enter, enter!” she beamed at him, motioning him to follow her.

Ryan was surprised and confused by what she was wearing. Annie was wearing human clothing. She was wearing a white, spaghetti-strapped, female tank top and blue jeans. Her shirt displayed cleavage, which he couldn’t help but notice. They were mammals after all. She wasn’t wearing socks or shoes – not that human footwear could even work with a Gliesen’s foot. Her thick auburn hair was down as usual; her long tresses reaching down to the small of her back. Ryan smiled a bit as he watched her walk away, noting how pretty her hair was and how practically human her hips and waist looked.

Annie led Ryan to the sofa as she went to the small kitchen area to get him some water. Ryan sat, taking in his surroundings, and noticed how human-like her quarters were. There were no glowing fungus plants, or strange crystals; all the furniture looked like something he’d find in his own quarters. The only difference is the artificial light levels were not on the brightest settings.

As Annie took a seat next to him, Ryan noticed that she was sitting quiet close. Her arms were right up against his. He also noticed how shiny her fur was. The fur on her hands and arms was brown. He could see more of her neck and its tan colored fur. The area of tan fur apparently when down to her abdomen. The ample cleavage she was sporting alluded to that.

“I know! I will show holographs of my home!” Annie said as she excitedly retrieved a remote control for the media system in her quarters. It doubled as a data storage device. Annie stored many holographic projections and images of her home world.

Ryan just sat and nodded as she ran through about 100 holograph images, explaining what each and every location was and the significance of it to her and her people. The images were amazing. There were images of a dark blue sky with a smaller yellow star in what looked to be a noon position. There were images of massively tall trees with only two to four gigantic, dark green, leaves. There were images of empty fields covered by what looked to be a large dark green blanket. Annie showed him pictures of power plants that harnessed radiation emitted from bioluminescent fungi. She showed him a few images of the other two planets they had terraformed and colonized in Gliese-581’s habitable zone: Gliese-G and Gliese-D. Sadly these images were nearly 300 years old; before the invasion of their system by the enemy humans named The Rebuilders. It was very interesting and he thoroughly enjoyed her two hour presentation.

The two sat in silence for a few moments before Annie turn to Ryan and spoke up, “Ryan, may I touch your face? I have not ever touched a human skin before.”

“Touch my face?” he asked as the nervousness returned. “Uh, well, I guess.”

Annie smiled and slowly raised her hand to his face. There was leathery, black, padding on the palm of her hand – similar to canines and felines. She just barely touched his skin with her palm. She was smiling softly. After about 30 seconds she traced his cheek with a single finger. Her somewhat dull claw moving down to his jaw line and back up to circle his orbital bone just under his eye. He flinched a bit as her finger neared his eye.

“You do not have to feel fear. I would not ever hurt you.”
Ryan gulped and nodded slowly.

“I am glad you like my holographs of my home,” she said as she continued to trace his cheek in a circular pattern with her finger.

“Yes, they were beautiful,” Ryan quietly said.

“Beautiful,” Annie repeated, “that word means something looks good to the eye, yes?”

Ryan again nodded slowly as he looked into her eyes.

“Then I am thinking you are beautiful.”

Ryan blushed and looked downward. Annie took her finger and hooked it under his chin and slowly raised his head so that she was staring into his eyes.

“I would very much like to give you a kiss, but my lips are not the same as yours. I am not good with making them move like human lips,” Annie explained and then tried to pucker her small, thin, feline-like lips.

“So I am wondering,” she whispered inches from Ryan’s face, “if I may give you a kiss as best way I can.”

Ryan suddenly got nervous and began to stammer, “Uh, well, I -“

“Please?” Annie whispered, “It will not hurt.”
“I, I, suppose.” Ryan leaned back some on the sofa, as if he were trying to get away from Annie – she followed.

“I really like you,” Annie whispered. “I am going to kiss you now,” she said with a smile. Instead of puckering her lips, she slowly and gently licked Ryan right on his mouth. It was several licks against his closed mouth as he watched with wonderment and nervousness.

“That is how I can give kiss. Do you enjoy it?”

Ryan simply nodded his head slowly, not taking his eyes off hers.

“Then perhaps now you want to kiss me yes?”

Ryan blinked rapidly a few times and nodded.

“I would very much like that if you did,” Annie said as she slowly licked Ryan’s lips again.

It felt so good, her soft tongue lapping against his lips. Ryan raised his hands to Annie’s face and held her incredibly soft hair out of the way. He leaned in and kissed her small muzzle a few times and then directly on her nose.

“Thank you, that was much nice of you,” she smiled. “Would you like to do more of this?”
Ryan thought for a moment. He had an idea where this was headed, but wasn’t sure he wanted that. Then again she didn’t seem like a threat. “Should I continue this? I’m horny, but still, she’s not human. Don’t be ridicules Ryan! It’s 3014, I shouldn’t be so scared of new experiences!” he thought to himself. He slowly nodded his head and gave a weak smile.

“I would like more of this also,” Annie said and then slowly stuck her long tongue out and licked his cheek, her half closed eyes gazing into his. “You have a good tasting skin.”

Annie began to unbutton Ryan’s shirt, she noticed his breathing rate increasing. “Please remember I am not wanting to ever hurt you.” Ryan just nodded quickly as this alien continued to unbutton his shirt. When she was done she slowly pulled his shirt apart and gently ran her claws up and down his torso.

“I like this,” Annie smiled as she bent down to lick Ryan’s chest. He liked it too. Her tongue felt amazing. It wasn’t as smooth as a human’s, he could tell it had a different texture, but it wasn’t too rough. Annie licked all around his stomach, tickling the inside of his navel, and then licked her way back up to his neck.
Annie gave his neck several long licks and then whispered in his ear, “Would like to go with me to my sleeping room?”

“Yep!” Ryan quickly answered and moved to get up, his erection painfully straining against his pants.

Ryan followed Annie to her bedroom, she closed the door and stood behind him. He look over his shoulder at her and watched her remove his unbuttoned shirt. She trailed her claws up and down his back and then started licking him again all the way from the back of his neck to his lower back, right where his pants began. Annie was on her knees now and moved to Ryan’s front.

“I have never seen a human’s reproduction organs before. May I do this?”

Ryan, as hard as he’s ever been before, simply nodded, “Uh huh.”

Annie smiled and fidgeted with Ryan’s pants, undoing the zipper and slowly pulling his pants down. She hooked her fingers in his boxer shorts and pulled them down as well. His average size, 7 inches or so, erect cock sprang upward causing Annie to giggle.

“Oh my, it is very much bigger than a male of my species. They are maybe long like this, but not very wide. They are thin, like writing tools.”

Ryan threw his head back and winced in pleasure as the Gliesen licked his shaft from the base all the way to the tip and back down again. Her tongue was swirling around all over his length, coating it in her saliva. She grabbed it at the base and dragged her teeth across it. Ryan wasn’t paying attention to this until he felt her teeth lightly clamp down on the head.

“Hey, hey, whoa! Maybe you shouldn’t use teeth, ok?”

“I am sorry, were teeth making pain?”

“No, not really, I just would prefer no teeth. At least until I know you better.”

“Ok Ryan, Annie will not touch this thing with teeth.” She replied as she stood. She hooked her arms around Ryan’s neck.

“I very much like the shape of your part. It is wider and the very tip reminds me of good tasting mushroom I ate on my home.”

Ryan smiled and blushed. “Thank you Annie.”

“I want to kiss you again on your mouth this time. Then after I perform kiss on your mouth I will take my clothing off. Is that a good choice?”

“Uh, yes, yes it is.” Ryan replied enthusiastically, his nervousness fading away.

Annie stuck her tongue out and brought it to Ryan’s mouth. Except this time Ryan did the same thing. She licked at his tongue and he licked at hers. He figured that’s how she kisses, why not do the same? After a good two minute tongue wrestling session, Annie stepped back and pulled her shirt up and off. Ryan’s eyes shot open, he wasn’t expecting this. She had breasts and they were very nice! Perhaps a C-cup, nothing super huge like some of the fake tits he’d seen. They are also perky. Her whole chest and abdominal region was covered in short tan fur and she had nice little brown nipples. She smiled as she watched him watch her and started to remove her pants. As she stepped out of them and stood for a moment as Ryan looked her over. The tan fur extended down to her crotch; her sides and legs were brown. He noticed she had a slightly more prominent clitoris than humans. It was brown like her nipples and far more round with a less hooded look like humans have. She slowly turned in a circle without being asked. Ryan couldn’t help but notice how muscular her butt and thighs were as she rotated. After she turned in a complete circle she rested her hands on his shoulders. He reached behind her and gently grabbed her brown fur covered ass.

“We are both without clothing now. If you would want, we can perform intercourse. I would very much like that.”

“I would very much like that too!” Ryan exclaimed, unintentionally imitating Annie’s speaking mannerisms. She pushed him back on the bed and mounted him quickly. It was all happening so fast, but he wasn’t about to stop it. She grabbed his cock and attempted to push it in with no luck.

“It is very wide, I must keep trying!”

Ryan watched in amazement and ran his hands up and down her soft furry body as she tried for several minutes to embed his cock in her. She was starting to get frustrated.

“Get in there you big, fat, cock!” Annie cried out in her own language. “I want this inside me now! Ugh! Please?” she continued as she tried wiggling her hips to see if that would help.

“Hmm?” Ryan asked.

“Oh, sorry. I am just not liking how this is so wide and will not go in my part very good.”

Just as she was about to give up, Annie got an idea.

“You may want to cover your ear holes for a small time,” Annie suggested.

“I, I, do?” Ryan asked, looking up at her.

“Just for small amount of time.”

Ryan gulped and did what she advised. A few seconds later Annie grabbed the base of his cock and held it to the entrance of her vagina. With all her weight, she dropped to her knees and slammed herself down on it. She screamed out in pain and in triumph as his human cock impaled her all the way to its base. She collapsed on top of Ryan out of breath as he uncovered his ears.

“There, now your part is in my part,” she said as she recovered her breath. “Now intercourse can begin!”

Ryan chuckled, glad that she was ok, and started moving slowly. Carefully he pumped his hips up into her. She was unbelievably tight. She was tighter than any of the three humans he’d been with before. She was so tight that he had a little bit of trouble thrusting. He could feel her prominent clitoris drag against his lower abdominals. This appeared to drive her crazy, as the moans started almost immediately. He kept going and noticed something strange about intercourse with this alien: he was hardly feeling any pleasure at all. He wondered if she or he damaged her from her impaling herself earlier. Or maybe her vaginal walls were being stretched too much. Either way he kept going, groping at her soft fur-covered ass. She was moaning more and more as her clit dragged across him. Then it happened: she squirted on him.

Annie’s orgasm caused her clitoris to squirt an odd smelling fluid. Perhaps it was some sort of lube he thought. After all, he did have an easier time of thrusting now. However, he kept noticing that his own pleasure was virtually non-existent. Ryan just shrugged and kept going. He sat up and held Annie as she was able to ride him easier now. She was constantly moaning, perhaps in a state of perpetual orgasmic bliss. He wasn’t sure and he wasn’t sure why he didn’t feel much at all. Maybe her vaginal juices had some sort of numbing agent. There haven’t been any scientific studies on the subject as far as he knew.

Ryan smirked and changed positions. He was on his knees and held her legs apart by gripping her large furry feet. Bam, Bam, Bam! He slammed into her, her brown pussy lips being stretched to the max. He kept going and going and going, and Annie kept cumming and cumming and cumming. “Wow,” he thought as he looked down at her writhing body
“This is incredible,” Ryan thought to himself as he flipped Annie over and began pounding her from behind. “I’ve never lasted this long. I could pound this little alien pussy all night if I wanted to.” Her gorgeous, muscular, fur covered butt cheeks quivering with each powerful thrust of his hips. It had been two hours and Ryan was starting to tire. He had lost count of how many orgasms Annie had.

“Please, please, arrive inside of me!” Annie begged. Ryan chuckled, knowing she meant “cum.”

“You want me to? Huh? Get over here,” he grabbed her by the back of her hair and pulled her up. Ryan grabbed her perky tits and continued thrusting up into her for several more minutes. He pushed her back down and got to his feet, mounting her like an animal.

“I, I, am doing it again!” Annie screamed out another orgasm overtook her. Ryan pulled out and pushed her over on to her back. He pulled her upright as he sat on his knees. She straddled him and hooked her legs behind him as he lowered her onto to his waiting member.

“Ready? Here we go!” Ryan said enthusiastically. He began pushing up with his bent legs and thrusting into her hard and fast. Annie screamed out in pleasure with every thrust. Over and over again he would slam up in to her. Eventually he was out of breath and still hadn’t ejaculated.

“Make me cum…I’m too tired…I’m too tired,” he said in between breaths.

“As you wish,” Annie replied and began to wildly bounce up and down on his cock. Her perky tits were bouncing with her.

“Ahh yes! Yes!” she screamed out as another orgasm overtook her.

“Keep going!” Ryan pleaded. “That’s it!”

“I will not stop until you are, ah yes, ah! Until you are arriving!! Ahhh!!” she screamed as she kept bouncing up and down; impaling herself over and over again.

Finally Ryan’s mind overcame his body. He watched this Gliesen ride him into oblivion and he could feel his scrotum tighten and the semen building up. He couldn’t take it anymore. It was so hot, so erotic, and he was ready. He arched his back and thrusted up into her one last time. He came for well over a minute, it was the most intense orgasm he had ever had. He collapsed backward on the mattress in a sweaty, nasty, mess. He could feel Annie’s pussy juices dripping off his convulsing ball sack. He closed his eyes.
Ryan opened them a few minutes later as he felt Annie lick his face. “I very much like the taste of this sweat,” she happily proclaimed as her tongue slid across his forehead.

“That was amazing, Annie.” Ryan said, out of breath.
“Good, good,” Annie moaned as she rested her head on Ryan’s chest and closed her eyes. Ryan ran his fingers through her thick mane, while his other hand gently massaged one of her ass cheeks. She was so soft and this was so relaxing. He smiled and closed his eyes.

“After all, you and me are, what is the term?” Annie thought for a moment as she circled one of Ryan’s nipples with her index finger.

“Ah yes,” she quietly continued on the verge of falling asleep, “we are now husband and wife.”

Ryan’s eyes shot open in the darkened room, “WE’RE WHAT?!?!”

The End.

John/Angela HarryReport 

2021-03-16 13:50:48
I liked this story very much, and would love to see it evolve into something with deeper meaning, and which has far reaching and positive consequences for both species.

John/Angela HarryReport 

2020-07-29 18:29:04
Loved the ending - a very nice touch. Any chance of some more please??

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-23 14:40:28
Please write part 2

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-09 13:02:22
Need part 2.
So few if any furry stories, plenty of stories about bestiality, but no good furry ones.
Love furry/human stories and this might be the best I ever read.
Keep it going!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-31 18:47:49
To Anonymous reader
2015-07-02 08:16:22

The explanation in the story isn't that bad.

he wasn’t sure why he didn’t feel much at all. Maybe her vaginal juices had some sort of numbing agent. There haven’t been any scientific studies on the subject as far as he knew.

Perhaps Annie explanis that part in the next installment of this story. That and why they are now married. Poor Ryan, imagine his next call home to his parents.

-"Oh, by the way I'm married".
-"MARRIED? To who?"
-"......... A Gliesen"

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