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Hope everyone had a safe 4th, here is the next chapter Peace and enjoy as teh next one will be out in a week or two. Sorry my my hand still isn't 100%
It was a very emotional Christmas morning between Adam and Allison as both began to come together as twins. The family looked on noticing that bright smile that Adam always showed from time to time. Karen and Lindsey on the other hand were inseparable. Both clung to each other just as sisters would. The boys smiled seeing their sister was happy also as they were to having another sister around. Karen even shared her new Barbies she had got for the holiday. Lindsey looked up to me at that moment from the floor with a concerned look.

“ Daddy you said I had some gifts. Where are they daddy?” Lindsey asked me before my five ladies giggle over hearing their new daughter speak

“ I think she has you there baby.” Jasmine says while her and Diamond get off my lap

“ Ok baby girl I’ll go get them, but stay here I don’t think your other mommies will want a wrapping paper trail down the hallway.” I say making my way to the stairs and up to the second floor

I was followed by all five of my loves in which made me concerned. Once in the bedroom I made my way to the closet that contain Allison and Lindsey’s gifts. I didn’t want either one left out even if this was their first year with their new family. While I was getting the gifts out I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to see Diamond holding up a long slim wrapped box in her right hand.

“ Don’t forget this for the moms my love.” She tells me with a smirk getting the other’s to giggle

“ Oh yeah I almost forgot.” I say taken the box from her hand

Jessie Lee helps me taken the gifts that are stacked in our arms down to the two new family members. We were both led out of the room and down the hall since we could not see over the top gifts. Once back down in the living room Jessie and I placed the gifts in my chair. I turned to see Lindsey’s eyes were wide as saucers.

“ Are those all mine daddy?” Lindsey asks in a excited tone

“ Half of them are honey. The other half are your mom’s.” I explain seeing her get up to only move pass me to look through them all

She takes one gift and reads the name to only take it to Allison.

“ Here you go mommy this one has your name on it.” Lindsey says handing it to Allison

It was a slim box wrapped in red. I stood to wait for my new sister to open it. Once she finally did her eyes started to show tears. She pulled the gift out by it’s chain. There on the necklace was a heart shaped locket. I smiled as she opened it to see one picture it contained.

“ What is it sis?” Adam asked in which she looked at him

“ It’s you and Michelle. I now have a picture of you to wear around my neck. Please put it on me.” Allison states with tears handing the necklace to Adam

I smile feeling that warm touch to my heart. I then hear Lindsey gasp while turning to see her holding her necklace. She goes to her mother asking her to open it. Allison does to only show more tears.

“ What is it mommy?” Lindsey asks as Allison shows her

“ It’s Karen and the boys. Heath wanted you to have one of your new siblings I think.” Allison says as both look over at me

“ Your right I did since they are her siblings.” I state seeing Lindsey start to cry

She runs to me hugging my left leg.

“ Thank you daddy I love you so much.” Lindsey says getting a few awes from everyone

“ I love you to Lindsey. Now have your Uncle Adam put it on you while I send Dakota and Lil Greg on a little mission.” I say as she lets my leg go

I step over to my sons squatting down in front of them. I hand Dakota the box I took from Diamond looking into his and Lil Greg’s eyes.

“ Ok here is your mission you two. Take that in the kitchen to your grammies. If you deny this mission there will be no pumpkin pie for you.” I say getting wide eyes

Both look at each other and then down to the gift that is in Dakota’s hand. It’s at that moment both get up running to the kitchen passing through the godfather’s and Nick. They look at me only to get a smirk plus a shrug. I stand back up to look over to see Allison and Lindsey opening gifts like it’s a new hobby for them. It was just 10 seconds later we all hear a scream come from the kitchen then heavy footsteps coming into the living room. I look over to see the godmoms and moms plow through the guys to get to us. My mother was in front making her way to Diamond. Faye went to Jasmine, Jacqueline to Hannah, Tessa to Tiffany along with Verna, Ellie, and Kiko. They all lifted my four pregnant loves long shirts to see their bellies.

“ What the hell are you 7 excited about.” Papa Mike says loudly as I chuckle

“ THEIR PREGNANT!” All seven moms yell catching everyone’s attention

I look over to see my godfather’s mouths wide open before they shake their heads looking at me. I see Travis, Chris, Adam, and Jacman giving me ‘Oh Shit’ looks.

“ What?” I ask sounding like I did something wrong

“ Bro when were you going to tell us?” Travis asks sounding a bit hurt

“ Hey I found out in October so don’t look at me like that, and besides I wanted it to be another gift to you all.” I state before seeing my mother and the others start rubbing bellies

“ Don’t worry honey Grammie Maggie is here for when your born I can spoil you like my own.” My mother states getting laughs

“ I think were going to get pampered girls.” Diamond says getting giggles

“ Hey what about Sierra and I? We are pregnant too and feel like whales.” Mandy exclaims as her mom and Savannah go to their daughters

“ Well take care of you baby girls also.” Savannah says moving Jack out of the way

“ Hey I pamper them just fine.” Jack says in a hurt voice

“ We know baby, but you can’t give manicures or pedicures all that well.” Sierra says with a smile

“ Fine.” He replies with a smile after

After everyone got settled down I made my way over to the closet that faced the living room. I picked up the box that held what I had bought a few weeks ago. Even though two family members won’t get them until later. I still had to keep what I started going. I stepped over to the coffee table placing the box down. I looked up at my family all either sitting or standing. I just shook my head thinking I needed to get more furniture for this room.

“ Heath why are you standing there for?” My beautiful mother asked me getting everyone’s attention

“ Mom the reason why I am standing here is because of a tradition I started years ago.” I answer looking from her to those that knew of this

“ Maggie just watch and listen baby.” Momma Faye says my mother getting a nod

“ I know all of you have seen the urn behind me that holds a locket upon it.” I say getting nods from them all

“ That is great grammie May right daddy?” Karen asks while I nodded

“ Yes it is baby girl. After I came out east 6 years ago May took me in as a friend, but after a month she felt like a grandmother as I felt like a grandson to her. When my birthday came that year I gave her that locket that has been home on her urn. Ever since then on Christmas I keep that going. Except this Christmas has brought so many in or back as family. July my family from the west coast came out. Next Sierra and Mandy joined not long after. Then Jacqueline became one of us. Then after that was Jamie having my brother’s and my back.”

“ Which you needed bro if I remember.” Jamie says standing behind Renee holding her with a smile

“ Yeah, yeah short stuff.” Justin says getting laughs

“ You know E.P. and Jax both want a rematch.” Nick says with a grin

“ Tell them to bring it on Uncle Nick.” Jamie says with a smile

“ Ok continue on son.” Papa Ricky tells me getting the guys to hush

“ As I was saying since this year is our first as a big family I want to keep this tradition going. So in this box contains necklaces that show my love for you all. Except those that couldn’t be here will have to get theirs later meaning Caleb, Simon, Shelby, Lisa, E.P., Jax, Sasha, Lucy, William, and Debra. So this is my final gifts to you for the year.” I say leaning over to open the box

I pulled out little jewelry boxes having the kids help me hand them out. Each took a few boxes handing them out to the rightful owners. Once all the boxes were handed out I looked around to see smiles and tears of happiness.

“ Oh Heath they are beautiful hun.” My mom tells me getting agreeing nods

“ Heath bro I don’t normally where necklaces, but what this heart contains means a lot coming from my new little brother.” Nick says putting Savannah’s on before Megan’s

“ Heath what about Uncle Ron, Aunt Gina, and Aunt Tracey? They have considered you family all these years?” Jamie asks me while I think

“ Well I have to say your right. I guess I have been leaving out the three that were here for me after May’s death besides Abs and Jacman.” I say getting my phone out

“ Already ahead of you bro.” Jamie says with a smile handing Renee her phone back to her

At that moment there came a knock on the door. I turn making my way to answer the person on the other side. Opening the door I get a surprise of my life. There is Ron, Gina, Tracey, William, Debra, and Serena the little girl Tracey had. I welcomed them in getting hugs and kisses before Karen yelled for Serena. They played when Serena was outside as she was a mother girl staying close to Tracey and Gina. Once inside I took Gina’s hand to look in her eyes in front of everyone.

“ Aunt Gina sorry I have not been such a good adoptive nephew. I guess worrying about this family kept me busy.” I say getting laughs from everyone

“ What do you expect from those five that talk all macho.” Adam says meaning our brothers Chris, Travis, Jack, Nicky, and Justin

“ Hey there is nothing wrong trying to compare guns.” Justin says getting giggles
“ Hey is that what they call them now. In my time they were called....” Papa Nate says but gets cut off

“ Children present my husband.” Momma Kiko says getting him to hush

“ Heath I understand, but we have never forgotten who you are. William and Debra have filled us in on a few things. We are worried honey for all of you, and the babies that will be here in a few months.” Gina states getting my attention

“ How did you know?” I ask seeing her point over to Renee

“ Sorry Heath, but I thought Auntie Gina needed to know just in case.” Renee says while I nod grinning

“ Heath no matter where you are close or far you will always be family to us. May was my best friend and took us in as family also. The day she left this world I took it upon myself to watch over you sweetie. We are just glad you found what May had always wanted for her and and a big family.” Gina tells me with a few tears

“ I know Aunt Gina as her house was the point in which gathered us all.” I stated giving her a hug

“ I think this calls for a toast.” Adam says picking up his glass before standing getting everyone that sat to do the same before he spoke continuing “ To one brave woman that ever walked this earth. To someone that took in three college kids as grandsons to show them what family was. With a heart full of love she gave us a place to come together as that family she so very much wanted. To you Grandma May, let those that stand in this living room that you so very much sat in thank you from the bottom of their hearts.”

“ TO MAY, SHALL YOU ALWAYS FEEL OUR LOVE AND THANKS FOR SAVING OUR HEATH!” They all yelled in unison before I felt myself drop to one knee

“ HEATH!” I heard my Latina woman yell before I felt hands on me

“ DADDY! DADDY!” Lindsey yelled running over to me placing her hands on my face before she continued “ Are you ok daddy?”

“ He is ok honey give him a little room to breath.” I hear Diamond say as I sit on my butt

“ What...what is wrong with my daddy?” Lindsey asks again before sitting in front of me on the floor

“ Um honey he has a condition that he can’t get overly upset or emotional. When that happens it’s best to let him rest to recover.” Adam answers telling his niece

“ Please Uncle Adam help my daddy I can’t lose him now.” Lindsey states with tears moving up into my lap
“ You won’t lose daddy sissy. Just let him relax and love him. The man at Disney told me if I believe in love as the strongest magic daddy will always be ok. Do you believe love is the strongest magic?” Karen asks her sister with a smile

“ It is but..” Lindsey tries to say

“ No but’s sissy just believe in daddy’s love for you and all of us. Just hold him like I always do with my brothers.” Karen says getting in my lap also

Both wrap their arms around me while everyone else settles down letting me rest on the floor. The boys come over as does Lil Heath and Serena.

“ Uncle Heath you ok?” Lil Heath asks with concern

“ Yeah I will be just sit on the floor by me.” I say as Serena takes a seat in front of me just staring at me before I continue “ I take it she still hasn’t spoke yet?”

“ No not yet Heath. She has seen some of the best, but even they are confused by it as her vocal cords are strong she still hasn’t talked.” Tracey tells me as I look back at Serena

Jamie and Renee get Gina and them something to eat as they find places to sit. My five loves return to where they sat before just to keep a eye on me every so often. The kids start talking as I see Serena only nod to what is said. As conversations travel amongst those that are my family. I just relax upon the floor facing them all. The godfathers, Nick, Ron, and my brothers make there way outside to get some air. The moms, godmoms, my loves, Gina, and Tracey start talking about the babies that will be here in April along with Sierra’s and Mandy’s in May. They all also talk about the wedding in which Gina and Tracey can’t wait for. Gina tells Momma Verna that she knows a few churches that might be willing to provide cover in case it’s cold on the beach. While all this was going on Serena stared at me before standing up coming to me. She was not much younger then the twins Dakota and Lil Greg. Before Lindsey and Karen could move she hugged my neck saying one word that made Gina and Tracey gasp.

“ Love.” Serena says as I wrapped my arms around her

“ Oh my she...she spoke.” Gina says coming over to squat beside me to only continue “ Serena what is it baby girl?”

“ Love him.” Serena says responding to her other mom

“ You love Heath baby girl?” Gina asks getting a nod

“ Yes mommy I love him. He needs love for his heart to heal. Papa Greg told me.” Serena says as I lean back from her as it’s a rain man moment as she speaks as if she has never been mute

“ know my father?” I ask her getting a nod

“ Yes, he talks to me in my dreams. He said you need love to heal you fully. He says the nightmares are not over yet Papa Heath.” She says as my eyes grow wide

“ What does she mean Heath? What does my daughter mean?” Gina asks being very concern

“ I don’t know unless.” I say looking up at Serena real quick

“ Unless what Heath please tell me honey.” Gina asks getting me to look at her

“ I have had this dream that I am on the beach. I am fighting for my life against a dark figure. I can’t see his face, but when it get’s to the end I am flat on my back looking up at him before I feel my life leave me.” I explain getting gasps

“ Baby why have you not told us this?” Jasmine asks getting everyone else to listen with concerned ears

“ I didn’t want to scare you all. Look I vowed to protect this family regardless of my heart. You all mean more to me then anything that is in this world.” I say answering my Latina flower

They all look at me with sad eyes accepting my words. My five loves get up as I stand to only come to me with arms wrapping around me.

“ Heath honey we know. It’s just you can never leave us for no reason at all.” Tessa says to me holding my mother

After that moment I am surrounded by love that warms my heart. The kids want to stay close to me. There is nothing as wonderful then holding my daughters, sons, niece, and nephew in my arms. The day Dakota and Lil Greg was born was one of the best days in my life. Then Karen and Lil Heath followed entering my life. Now Serena the little girl that finally spoke saying what filled my heart more from all that have entered my life with love.

Christmas day went by with a big dinner. Serena protested sitting in either of her mommies lap. She chose to sit in mine saying she promised Papa Greg. I didn’t say no in which no one did either. Everyone ate with great conversation except the younger generation except my loves and I sat in the living room letting our elders sit at the table. Jack fixed Sierra and Mandy’s plate taking them in the kitchen. He grew up a lot, but still was a smartass every chance he got. I just smiled knowing he was being responsible. After dinner us guys washed the dishes and the kitchen while all the others went to relax. The kids played with the toys they had received this morning sharing with Serena. It was around 7:30 that evening when the rest of Nick’s family arrived. My family were introduced to Dwight and Yvonne. Dwight seemed to be concerned about me saying to stay strong in all I have to do. I asked him what he meant in which he said Nick has kept him in touch. Yvonne took to me thanking me for keeping her nieces safe and happy. I told her she was welcome and I was honored to have them as sisters. Nick’s other four kids were not what I expected. They were very nice and started calling me Uncle Heath. I looked at Nick who just smirked telling me to get use to it. I shrugged accepting them all. The kids took to Nicks youngest showing them what all they got. At that moment life was wonderful. We make room for everyone for the night making a place on the floor for the kids to sleep in my kids room. The others sleep in the living room after all the furniture is moved around. I admit to myself I can’t wait until the house in Oklahoma is finally down so my family can have a relaxing place to sleep. That night as I lay in bed Jessie lays on me giving us both pleasure while our loves watch on with such smiles. I smile enjoying the love I feel from them all.

After Christmas the days up to New Years Eve was uneventful. Everyone stayed at the beach house instead of going to a hotel. Dwight said it was like camping out like they use to when going some where on the road. Caleb, Simon, E.P., and Jax agreed saying family stays with family. I had to admit they were right after all. Caleb and Simon said their crews were in Oklahoma getting a big start on the house. I asked about their families in which I was put at ease with them telling me they were with them for the holidays. I smiled knowing this information.

New Years Eve finally comes with a day of games for the kids as the adults separate to talk about this or that. All the women talk of the upcoming wedding in February. Dwight and Yvonne say they will be here as their momma Tessa wasn’t going to get married without them to see it. I understood that for I wanted all our family here for the occasion. Tessa asked her daughters Shelby, Lisa, Sasha, Lucy, Savannah, and Megan to stand with her. Mom asked Kaye and Michelle to stand with her in which made Faye ask Jasmine and Diamond to only have Jacqueline ask Tiffany and Hannah. I shook my head thinking this would be a wedding to remember.

That night there is dancing and talks of the coming year. We let the kids stay up letting them have kool aid while the rest of us had wine or beer. My loves, Sierra, and Mandy don’t drink a sip because of the babies. When the time came close Karen yelled about the ball drop. That made us all get ready to toast in the new year. We counted down to midnight with Times Square on t.v. Once the ball hit we all yelled ‘ Happy New Year’. Everyone hugged those close to them with a kiss or just hugged. The kids got hugs from everyone around the room. After the party whined down, and everyone were turning in for the night. I stood by the mantle with my glass of wine. I looked at the locket I had given Grandma May. I looked at her beautiful face before I spoke.

“ Thank you grandma for giving me a place that brought my family together. This house shall always be our home. I love and miss you so much. Please look over the kids as I know you always have. Happy New Year Grandma and please give dad a hug for me.” I say taking a sip of my wine before placing it by her urn as letting her have a sip

Making my way to the stairs I get half way up them when I hear a soothing voice speak to me.

“ I will always watch over my great grandbabies and my family. I love you to my loving grandson.” The voice says as I finish making my way to the bedroom

I smiled finishing my way to the bedroom to join the loves of my life for a well deserved night of sleep.

Days after the 1st of January Nick and his family left going back to Alabama. Again Tessa, Nicky, and Justin stayed. Nick reassured us that they would be back up in February for the wedding. I smiled knowing that just in over a month I would be married to five beautiful women two older then me. I didn’t care because I loved each equally with all my heart. Allison and Lindsey finally got cozy in their new home. Lindsey joined Karen and the boys in their bedroom. While Allison took over what was mom’s room. We told her she could fix it up however she wanted to. Allison thanked me for all I had done for her and Lindsey. I told her they both were very welcome. During that second week of January two things occurred. The first was momma Faye gave Allison a job as her assistant doing weddings to help her provide for Lindsey. The second was Allison and I going to my lawyer to get some paper work started. Since Lindsey called me daddy I thought why not make it official. It was on a Wednesday around 1 o’clock in the afternoon that Allison and I sat in Eric’s office. Allison presented him all the information he would need plus the new information I was sent. He looked it all over before looking up between me and Allison.

“ Look I understand you want to make your daughter’s life a bit better, but I must well deny this to happen.” Eric says shocking Allison and I

“ But why? I haven’t done anything wrong.” Allison says looking hurt at his words

“ I am sure you haven’t, but I am looking after my client’s best interest.” Eric says meaning me

Allison looks between him and I before standing up to only walk out of the office. I let out a sigh only to follow her out of the office hearing Eric try to stop me. I make my way out to see Allison standing at the front door. I walk up to her placing my arms around her.

“ Allison I am sure he didn’t mean anything by what he said.” I say trying to calm her

“ Heath maybe not, but what he was getting at was I wanted you to adopt Lindsey for money. I don’t want any money from you as you have done so much already. I just want my daughter to have her most important wish in knowing that you are her daddy on paper. She loves you that much Heath.” Allison tells me with tears that make my heart sadden

I let her cry before taking her back into Eric’s office. He looks at the both of us with some concern.

“ Heath I am sorry for what I said it’s just.” He tries to finish before I cut him off

“ Eric I know you are looking out for me as you did May, but Lindsey looks at me as her daddy. Allison just wants to make that happen for her daughter.” I say seeing him look at Allison intently

“ Please sir make my daughter’s wish come true.” Allison asks in a pleading way

“ Ok so you willing to take in another munchkin Heath?” He asks with a smile

“ Yep I sure am.” I say as he motions us to take our seats while he starts the process

I look over to see Allison smiling knowing Lindsey was about to be happy a second time in the past few weeks. After Eric fills out all the paperwork then has Allison and I sign a few he then has one of his para legals take it to the court house to be signed. He tells us to give it a few weeks, but to him Lindsey was my daughter. Allison thanked Eric with a hug after telling him she wanted Lindsey to know she would always be cared for if anything happened to her. I stood not far shaking my head hoping nothing happened to her. We left that day with a new found relationship between a brother and sister, and that was deep trust as she trusted me with Lindsey in my heart.

Those weeks that lead to the wedding was filled with all the women in the family going to be fitted for dresses. Gina and Tracey showed the mom’s, godmoms, my five fiancees, and sisters to a dress shop. I just shook my head knowing the seamstress would need plenty of help. While the women were getting all fitted for the wedding. My godfathers were in charge of catering for the wedding/commitment ceremony. I found out they were more on the level of volunteered to do it by momma Ellie, Verna, and Kiko saying they wanted to help Faye and Allison out. So started the fight between the three debating on what to have catered. Karen and the kids shouted burgers and hot dogs while my brothers all seven of them chimed in steak. I didn’t join in on the so called argument while holding Lindsey and Serena since we were watching her. Us three watched the kids and adults keep up the childish fighting when Serena got off my lap to stand between them all. She raised her hand getting Papa Nate’s attention.

“ Yes honey what is it?” He asks while she looked up over at him

“ Why not both for catering.” She says running back to me crawling up to return sitting across from Lindsey

“ You know she is right Papa Nate. Why not have both burgers and hot dogs for the kids and steaks for all the adults.” I exclaim seeing my godfathers all nod

“ Well go with little Serena’s idea since she acts older then she is.” Papa Ricky says getting groans

So with that decided they all three start making phone calls from the numbers Ron gave them the other day. As I sat in my chair thinking feeling Lindsey and Serena cuddle up to me while Karen and the boys sit down in front of me watching Pacific Rim on t.v. I think life could not get any better.

Finally as January left February took it’s place. The remaining week and a half until Valentines Day was filled with remaining dress fittings and suits for the guys. Momma Verna got help with a big canopy to put on the beach. Benches were lent to us for all the family and few friends to sit upon. Since this was my first marriage and my fiancee’s first we wanted it to be done right. Karen, Lindsey, and Serena were fitted with dresses also being the flower girls. My sons were going to be the ring bearers with Lil Heath being the moms. I was nervous in that final week as to what I would say. I rehearsed my words in my head over and over. Hoping that two loving souls might help me during this coming event.

The day had come to find myself standing just outside the canopy waiting for the music to start. The best men Chris, Adam, Jack, Travis, and Jamie have all ready walked the maid of honors down being Selena, Michelle, Kaye, Sierra, Mandy, and Renee to the alter. Karen, Lindsey, and Serena just walked down spreading red and white rose petals amongst the sand. I turned to my left to look at my beautiful mother.

“ You nervous mom?” I ask her seeing sparkling eyes

“ Yes honey I am. Are you baby boy?” She answered asking in return

“ Yeah, but we will get through this with no worries.” I answer getting a smile

“ Well that’s us baby let’s go.” My mother says as the music started

Mom and I made our way down the aisle as everyone turned to see us. She was wearing a off white dress with a shaw to keep her shoulders warm. Once we got to the alter we stood on either side awaiting our loves. At that moment we watched as the flap on the canopy opened and there walking down the same aisle was Papa Mike escorting Jasmine and momma Faye. Behind them was Papa Nate with Diamond and Hannah, then Papa Ricky with Tiffany and Jacqueline. Next was Caleb with Jessie followed by Nick with Tessa. My sons and Lil Heath was already by the alter holding small pillows that the rings laid upon. Once our loves were handed to us we all turned to Momma Verna to see her bright smile light up. The music was turned off as she started to speak.

“ Dearly beloved we are here today to witness love come together. Although some would think these ten were crazy they would probably be right.” She pauses getting laughs before continuing “ But seriously these ten found a love that most could never find. I have seen each of them show that love in many ways. As a mother to six of them and a sister to four I hope those here today can feel their love too. So with that said I will let Heath start by making his vows be said.”

I nodded before turning to my five loves. Taking their hands three in my right and two in my left I began with a smile.

“ Each of you came into my life when I need love. Jasmine you were there when I was at my lowest thinking I would never find love again. You kept me straight on my path as I saw the world in a new light.” I say looking at Diamond to continue “ Diamond you are that next heart that showed me love also. You are wild and fun to be around. When I was being stupid you set me straight.” I say seeing tears before looking at Hannah “ Hannah you started as a sister, but confessed your love months ago to me. You made it clear you wanted to be a part of what Jasmine and Diamond had. I am glad you did for I loved you just the same.” Again I see tears before looking at Tiffany” Tiffany what can I say you have known me the longest besides Jasmine. You broke my heart long ago, but never stopped loving me. You stayed true to yourself all those years with hope to be with me again, and here we are darlin. You gave us a daughter just as Jasmine and Diamond gave me sons.” I say feeling tears hit my hands looking at Jessie Lee “ Jessie just like Hannah you confessed your love for me and those next to you. You wanted to be a part of me as well with them. I love you all so much, and want everyday to wake up with you in my arms.” I say pausing before looking at each one before I continue ending my vows “ I vow to all five of you I will never leave you. I will protect you all with all I am. I will stay true to my heart and all five of yours. Until my last breath I will be the husband you want, need, and desire until the end of time.”

When I finish there are awes coming from all those present. Momma Verna looks at my five seeing nods as Diamond speaks up.

“ I guess I will speak for us since we came up with the same kind of vows.” Diamond says looking up into my eyes “ Baby each of us have loved you since that first hello or that first look in your eyes. You have showed each of us what love is. You have been through so much that you never give up. Heath you are the heart that keeps us alive. Every since that first kiss we never wanted another. Heath our love we vow to keep you happy. We vow to never leave what gives us love. We will always protect you through life as we know it. Heath we Jasmine, Hannah, Tiffany, Jessie, and I give ourselves to you fully by making our love sealed with a ring. We love you baby so very much as the birth of our kids are proof of that love.”

Again everyone awes as Verna asks for the rings. Once my sons step up I place the rings for my five on their fingers as they each take my ring kissing it before Diamond places it on my left ring finger. We turn to look at Verna.

“ By the vows that were said, and the rings placed on their fingers. I by the power given to me I pronounce to all here Mr. and Mrs’s Heath Thompson. You may kiss your brides son.” Momma Verna says as I do just that

After I kissed each one I take my place stepping back as they do the same becoming bride maids for the mothers. Mom steps up as does those that she loves.

“ Now it’s not unheard of that a woman will marry a woman, but today we have four beautiful women that share one heart. I have known Maggie for many years and know her heart. She is a amazing woman who like her son was hurt for so many years. Now with that said I give Maggie her turn.” Momma Verna says as I stand to witness something wonderful

Mom takes Faye and Jacqueline’s hands with a smile.

“ To begin I will say my vows to my two first. Faye, Jacqueline you both have been there for me ever since I came out here. I have found love again through you both. At one point I felt hurt, but that went away with both your love for me. I vow to be the wife you crave in this life and the next. I vow to never stray for another as I give my life to both of you forever and always.” My mother says before Verna nods to them

“ Maggie you are a woman’s wet dream. I have searched for that heart that would brighten mine up. Between you and Jacqueline I have become whole. Now with another that is waiting we all become one.” Momma Faye states before Tessa steps up taking my mom’s hand

“ Maggie baby there was only one person I loved the way I love you. He left my life due to health reasons. He would want me to move on and I have baby. Maggie I vow to protect you and our wives. I will never hurt or leave any of you. After today I will stay in your arms and give you however you want me in bed. I love you baby so very much. With my heart with yours us four shall never want another.” Tessa says with tears flowing down her face

Lil Heath steps up as each mom picks up a ring for the other. Verna smiles before speaking her last words.

“ What these four share may no one condone them as their love is never breakable.” Momma Verna says pausing with a smile before she continues “ I give you Maggie, Tessa, Faye, and Jacqueline four hearts becoming one. Maggie you may kiss your wives.”

At that moment my mother does just that. The canopy erupts in cheers and applause as they kiss while I go to kiss my wives with a smile. There was clapping and cheering with everyone con gratulating us all. After I gave each of my wives a kiss mom spoke up saying it was to cold now to be outside. So we all went up to the warm house to begin the reception.

We made room for dancing amongst the living room. Adam and Jamie became d.j.’s for the day piping out good music through the speakers. Adam put on a slow song for us to have the first dance to. The kids stated they wanted to dance with us. So my five beautiful wives picked a kid each making me stand in the middle of them all. I held onto Jasmine and Diamond who had our sons while Tiffany held Karen, Hannah had Lil Heath while Jessie held Lindsey. That moment felt so right as I looked over to see the moms holding one another in loving embraces. Pictures were taken by the family to which I found out later that Allison was going to do something with them for us. As the reception went on for hours it was around 6 that evening that Chris stood up making a toast.

“ If someone had told me years ago that my baby brother would be marrying five beautiful women I would of decked them.” He says getting laughs before continuing “ But serious Heath you were always the smart one of us growing up. You put those around you first before yourself. CHST LLC. wouldn’t of been a company without you. So to you my baby kid brother I thank you and congratulate you on the path that brought you to this day.”

Everyone applauded to his words as I went to give him a bear hug. My wives thanked him with a hug and kiss on the cheek after I let him down. Selena gave me a hug with a kiss before looking up in my eyes.

“ I am so proud of you baby brother. You treat them good or I will kick your ass all over Virginia.” She says getting a chuckle

“ I will don’t worry about that.” I say to her getting a smile plus an nod

“ So where are you all going for your honeymoon?” Aunt Gina asks getting smiles from those that just got married

“ Here as we can’t fly so why not spend it here.” Diamond states answering Gina’s question

“ Aww that is just not right.” Tracey says with disappointment

“ No it’s really ok. Once the babies are born, and we have healed we already talked of taking a honeymoon in July with the moms.” Jasmine states getting nods from our mothers

“ Yep it’s going to be a big joined honeymoon.” My mother states as Tessa holds her from behind

“ And I can’t wait to get this sexy woman in a two piece.” Tessa says getting her sons to roll their eyes

“ Mom please no mental images jeez.” Justin exclaims getting a room full of laughter

I know Justin was kidding around by his smile after going to Tessa and my mother to hug them both before turning to hug Faye and Jacqueline calling them his other moms. Nick does the same before looking over at me.

“ Now that your my brother I have something to tell you.” He states as I look at him with a raised eye brow

“ And what is that big brother of mine?” I ask him seeing Caleb and Simon step up close to him handing him something

Nick makes his way over to me with a smile before handing me the object. I accept it seeing it is a leather jacket.

“ Wait what’s this Nick?” I ask being confused by the thought

“ This is the family crest. All those that come into my family has a jacket. So this is my wedding gift for you.” He states with a few tears before helping me put it on

“ Oh my this is a nice moment.” Tessa says getting mom’s attention

“ What do you mean baby?” My mother asks turning to look at Tessa

“ Honey what Nick is doing is making our son a honorary member. His father did the same for a old friend of his long ago, but in a different manner. What Nick is saying he trusts Heath with his life and the lives of his family. Because if something were to happened to Nick he would expect Heath to take over protecting those Nick has for years.” Tessa explains as my heart feels a warmth it hasn’t in years

I hear her words run through my head again before it clicks.

“ Nick I would be honored to protect our family from what comes it’s way.” I say as he then hugs me tight

“ I know you will with the help of all those around us.” He says as I look at his family and mine seeing them all nod

“ THOMPSON AND COVINGTON MAY NO ONE BREAK OUR FAMILY UP!” My other brothers say in unison as everyone agrees

I smile wearing my gift with pride. My wives come up to me smiling in which Jessie speaks up.

“ Damn baby you look so sexy in that.....your only wearing that tonight in our bed.” Jessie says getting giggles

“ Your just a nympho darling.” Jasmine states getting a giggle herself

“ Yes but only for my husband and wives.” Jessie says getting nods

After everyone gets a laugh I smile before going over to Lindsey. I reach behind to pull the envelope out of the right back pocket to hand it to her. She looks up at me with confusion before speaking.

“ What’s this daddy?” She asks in her cute voice

“ Open it and see baby girl.” I answer seeing her do just that

Once open she pulls out the document that it holds. She squints her eyes trying to read it.

“ Um daddy what does these big words mean?” My other daughter asks as Karen goes to stand by Lindsey

“ Well sweetie those big words mean that I am officially your daddy.” Those words come out when I see two sets of eyes widen

“ You mean Lindsey is my sister now?” My oldest asks getting a nod from me

I watch as both look at each other then up at me raising their arms. I bend over to pick both my little angels up. They hug me tight hanging on as I hear them both cry on my shoulders.

We all enjoy the rest of the evening until around 10 o’clock that night when everyone starts to leave or head to their bedrooms. My wives lead me up to ours to only seal our marriage another way. That night is one for the record books as each get the love they have so wanted on this special night. I wore the jacket and only it.

After a week of love making and being pampered by family members like breakfast in bed, dinner in bed which was new. The following Saturday was filled with the moms having me take them shopping. My wives wanted to stay home to regain their strength. I guess from all the tongue lashing they had received from Jessie and I wore them out. Jessie was even wore out from all the love I had given her. The godparents took the kids out for the day while my brothers and sisters went shopping to stock the house with food. Nick and his side of the family went to get some supplies to celebrate a week since his the wedding. After carrying bag after bag for the moms we headed back to the house around 2 o’clock in the afternoon. As I drove down the street to the family beach house my mom had me to stop.

“ What is it mom? Why do you look like you seen a ghost?” I ask pulling over a few houses down

“ See....see that car in front of the house?” She asks getting Tessa, Faye, Jacqueline, and I to look

“ Yes we do darling what about it?” Jacqueline asks getting my mom to turn in the passenger seat to look at them and me

“ That’s...that’s Tyrone’s caddie. He drives it every where he goes.” My mom says catching me to look again

“ Are you sure mom? Really sure that is Tyrone’s car?” I ask feeling my gut grow knots

“ Yes baby that is his car.” She exclaims before her eyes go wide “ OH GOD OUR DAUGHTERS!”

“ Oh shit he better not be hurting them.” Momma Faye states as I pull my phone out

“ Momma Tessa call Nick and the others and tell them to get back here. Momma Faye call Papa Mike and tell him to keep the kids away until he hears from you.” I proclaim instructions as they get their phones out

“ Who are you calling son?” Mom asks me seeing my eyes

“ My brothers telling them to get their asses here. Call William and Debra because we need their help.” I state as she does as asked

While I call each of my brothers I stare at the house for any sign of entry. As far I can see the front door is shut. I tell my brother one after another to get home, but to park behind me. They all ask why in return I just tell them to hurry. Once calls are place we wait while I formulate a plan to save my wives. I knew I should of stayed home, but all five kept telling me to take the moms out for the day and spend time with them. The moms and I wait watching the house. It’s about 10 minutes later that most of the family arrive. I see William and Debra pull up in his van. He got the idea from mom that something was up. I step out as all the guys and Debra come over to me.

“ What’s up bro?” Jack asks while I point at the car

“ See that car? Mom says it’s Tyrone’s.” I say seeing Travis look

“ Oh fuck it is Tyrone’s car. What the hell is he doing here?” My brother exclaims asking

“ Probably to do what his flunkies couldn’t do.” William states getting nods

“ Well I say we stop him, and show him what happens when you mess with this family.” Justin says getting nods

“ Yes baby brother, but the right way. We are not going in there guns blazing. One of your sister’s could get hurt.” Nick says while Justin nods

“ What’s the plan Prez?” Caleb asks getting Nick to think

“ I already got one Caleb. William and Debra take the garage. You guys take the back and sneak in. I am sure they have their backs towards the beach. Jamie can go through a window on the bottom floor to keep anyone from going that way.” I state as each nod

“ What about you Heath you are not packing a gun?” Nicky asks being very concerned

“ I will be alright as I will have Travis, Chris, Jack, and Adam come with me.” I say getting nods

“ What about us Heath baby?” I hear my mom ask me

“ You and the moms stay here with Selena, Kaye, Michelle, Sierra, Mandy, Savannah, Megan, Shelby, and Lisa. You all keep watch for anyone else that may show up. Just don’t call the police. We don’t know what Tyrone or his help would do if they hear sirens.” I answer getting worried nods

It’s at that moment Nick and those packing a gun check their weapons making sure they had a round in each chamber. William hands Jamie a tazer Jack and my other brothers clinch their fist to get ready in case they need them. My mom and the other moms get out to give me a hug.

“ Heath go safe our daughters and unborn grandbabies.” Momma Faye says to me with worry in her eyes

“ I will and everyone will momma Faye.” I say before breaking the hug

Chris, Jack, Travis, Adam, and I start making our way to the house while the other separate going to the spots I told them. I know I would have to buy them minutes to get set up to take down how many were in the house. I was scared beyond anything as this was Tyrone. The man that took my family from me the first time. The man that has done all he could to take what was mine. The man that was about to know it was stupid to mess with me and those I loved. We made our way to the front door. I turned to look at my four brothers who would go through hell for me and our family.

“ You guys ready?” I ask seeing them all nod

“ Yep let’s do this.” Chris says with Jack and Adam nodding

“ I’m with you Champ. As that fucker made me do shit I have been regretting all these months. I am never leaving your side again.” Travis says before I gave him a hug just to break it

“ Ok just when we get inside try to stay calm so the others can get in position.” I say again getting nods

I turned to the door taking a deep breath before opening it. I stepped in followed by my brothers. Travis was last shutting the door behind him. Once we stepped into the living room that was when my eyes went wide. There in front of us was my wives partially dressed. There shorts were off showing their panties. Each were handcuffed and crying. I looked to see they had been slapped with red hand prints on their faces. I looked to see Tyrone holding Jasmine by her hair with a knife to her throat. He had her in my chair with her legs spread.. He looked up to see us standing there with clinched fist. I looked next to him seeing a familiar man I had seen before.

“ What the hell are you doing here Carl?’ I ask getting his attention

“ Well, well if it isn’t Heath. I must say son you have very beautiful wives. To bad they won’t be yours much longer.” Carl says pulling on Tiffany’s hair making her cry more

There were three more guys each holding one of my wives.

“ What is that suppose to mean?’ Chris asks looking at each of those he called sisters

“ What he means is that after Heath signs all he owns to me that we are going to take them and turn them into sluts and whores. We know some gentlemen that would love to breed them in every way, but first they need to lose the abominations in their bellies.” Tyrone says shocking us terrified

“ I will never let that happen. I am not signing shit you motherfucker.” I say with anger as he smirks

“ Oh what if I made you sign you brat. I don’t know how you stopped me from getting your families money, but I will find out right now.” He says taking the knife to Jasmine’s breast and lightly cutting her top off slowly

“ HEATH LEAVE SAFE OUR FAMILY!” Jasmine yells before he stops to only slap her


I look pass him and Carl to see Nick, Caleb, Simon, Nicky, and Justin all in position. I look out of the corner of my right eye to the kitchen to see William and Debra ready. They all nod as I then see Jamie by the stairs out of sight of Tyrone. I nod once before smirking at Tyrone.

“ So you want all that I have uh?’ I ask getting a nod

“ Yes and your punk ass dead after I get everything even your mother and sister.” He says as Adam tries to take a step before I extend my arm out keeping him back

“ Well how about this. You drop your little toy knife and we talk. I am sure you are a man that keeps his word to some extent.” I say as Nick slowly opens the sliding back door

“ Actually I do, but not right now punk.” Tyrone says as I nod again

It’s at that moment Nicky and Justin sneak up to Tyrone placing the barrel of their guns to his head. Nick is on Carl while Caleb and Simon take care of the other three. William and Debra come out fast to help them while Jamie comes running to help get Jasmine and my other wives away.

“ WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!” Tyrone yells feeling two guns pointed at his head

“ This is called family asshole. Chris, Adam, and Jack get the girls up stairs. Travis go get the others to help my wives.” I say seeing them all do as I ask

My wives are helped up and away from the fuckers that came in my house. I make my way quickly to Tyrone who has a scared look in his eyes. The guys help my wives up the stairs as the front door opens fast.

“ Where are they Heath?’ I hear my mom ask

“ Upstairs help them.” I answer hearing them run

Tyrone turns to look at my mother, before I take a hold of his head making him look at me.

“ Well, well if it isn’t my long lost uncle or should I say dad.” Nick says as I look over in confusion

“ Wait...what?” I ask as Nick turns to look at me

“ This here is my no good Uncle Karl. The man that fucked up my family all those years ago.” Nick answers as I start thinking of all he told me and William then it clicks

“ So you thought getting help from you mentor would help. Wow you are very stupid Tyrone.” I say seeing him glare at me

“ No your the stupid one thinking this is over. Once the police get here we will be bailed out.” Tyrone says as I chuckle

“ What police? Who said the police were coming?” I ask seeing his eyes show worry

“ I thought a weakling like you would call the police. Like you did Trey.” Tyrone says as my family members laugh

“ Nope no police as this is personal on a whole new level. See Tyrone you messed with the wrong family. You know that saying ‘ A eye for a eye’. Well I am going to end this today.” I say looking over at Nick who nods

“ Nick son you and I can still talk things out can’t we?” Karl states asking my brother

“ Oh no Uncle Karl for you got a debt to pay for. I never got to finish what I was going to do all those years ago.” Nick says as I see fear in Karl’s eyes

“ So what are you going to do to us?” One of their hired goons ask

“ Oh that’s easy handsome.” Debra says pulling out a syringe from a holder before continuing “ Were going to have some fun with you three why my nephew and brother take care of your bosses now say goodnight Mary Ellen.”

We watch as Debra sticks the guy in the neck causing him to go nighty night.

“ Damn sis remind me not to piss you off.” Caleb says getting a smile from Debra

“ That is what I said the last time.” Nick says as I look back at Tyrone

“ Tyrone you ever watched Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome?” I ask getting a shook head

“ No I never watched your kiddie shows.” He states getting chuckles

“ Oh shit bro you don’t mean?” Justin asks getting a nod from me

“ Yep, here is the deal Tyrone. If you can make it in a fight against me you are free to go. If not I will turn you over to my Uncle William.” I say seeing his eyes go wide before he smirks

“ Deal as I know your all talk and no action.” Tyrone says as I hear footsteps come down the stairs

I turn to see my brothers and sisters come down.

“ How are my wives?” I ask getting smiles

“ They are fine bro. The moms are calming them down. So what’s’s up?” Selena tells me as my brothers stand behind me

“ Oh we going to have a fight on the beach. So everyone get your jackets back on so you don’t get cold, but for him take his off and his shirt.” I say pointing at Tyrone

After the goons are taken care of and secured. We all make our way down to the beach. Jamie goes to warn his Uncle and Aunt not to call the police as this was personal. Justin is appointed to watch Karl with Nicky not far. My family make a circle around Tyrone and I as I look at him glaring as this was the man who took my family away, twisted my brother and sisters, raped two of my mothers, wanted to kidnap my kids and then kill my unborn kids. He would pay for every action against this family.

“ Heath you sure about this bro?” Jack asks being concerned for my well being

“ Yep, what ever happens don’t stop it either.” I say seeing Tyrone look at me a bit worried

“ Kid all you had to do was give up all you had. Hell I would of made sure your whores got some money pimping them out.” Tyrone says before I rushed him jumping up bringing my fist down into his left jaw

He stumbled back a bit before returning the hit to my face. It didn’t phase me as I gave him a hard kick to his gut. He bent over for a second before bringing up his fist to my chin. My head snapped back as I staggered backward. Everyone was screaming for me to keep going in which I did. I rushed him again only this time I tackled him to the ground. I straddled his chest while pounding my fist into his face left and rights were made until he changed it rolling us to get me on my back. I put my hands up to protect my face in which he grabbed my left wrist to only snap it. I screamed in pain as he got off me to kick my ribs trying to break them. I brought my right leg up kicking him in his left side. He stepped back as I started to get up. My heart was racing as I could feel it was going to stop soon. I had to stay in this no matter the cost. I got on all fours until the pain in my left wrist made me go to all three. I heard Tyrone laughing saying it will be over in a minute. My vision started to go as I looked down at the waters each. There I saw my dad and grandma May standing with four little girls in front of them. Two sets of twin girls stood kicking and punching mimicking me. Two were Latina as the other two looked like Diamond. I heard grunts from my right side. I turned to look to see only Tyrone standing in slow motion. there was a little boy around Tyrone’s neck hitting the left side of his head while two twin boys were kicking him. One at his right knee while the other at his left ankle.

“ Come on daddy you can do it.” I heard a little voice say as I looked towards the water again

That was when a song I heard in my youth started to come to my mind.

You got the touch, you got the power

“ Sissy is right daddy take that big meany out.” One of the other twins said

You're at your best when when the goin' gets rough
You've been put to the test but it's never enough

At that moment they all came to stand around me fast looking down at me.

“ We have faith in you daddy.” The two Latina twins say before walking fading into me

You got the heart, you got the motion
You know that when things get too tough
You got the touch

“ We have your back daddy.” The two twin Asian American boys says stepping to fade into me

You never bend, you never break, you seem to know
Just what it takes, you're a fighter, it's in the blood
It's in the will, it's in the mighty hands of steel
When you're standin' your ground

“ We will fix you daddy.” The twin girls that look like Diamond say doing the same as the first twins

And you never get hit when your back's to the wall
Gonna fight to the end and you're takin' it all

You got the touch, you got the power
When all hell's breakin' loose
You'll be riding the eye of the storm

“ We love you daddy and will see you soon.” The single boy says as I look at my dad

“ Champ get up for we didn’t hear no bell.” My father says as I feel my body get a burst of energy that it’s never felt before

“ Get up grandson for your babies need their father.” May says as I close my eyes feeling a very warm hands on my heart

You got the touch, you got the power

The song ended in my mind as I felt a warmth spread through my body as if I received some energy. Keeping my eyes closed I stood up hearing gasps as I turn to the direction Tyrone was standing.

“ Just stay down man it will all be over soon.” He says as I hear him coming at me

It’s at that moment I open my eyes seeing him stop in med step. I hear a few of my family members mention my eyes as I remember where the little boys were hitting him. I run at him taking my left leg kicking his right knee to hear a crack.

“ ARRRRGGHHHHHH!” He yells in pain going down as I take my right foot to kick his left ankle again he yells

While he is down I kick his chest making him lay back into the sand. Again I straddle him taking his head with my right hand.


I get up to stand looking down at him. I smirk as a thought comes to me I back up giving him a little time to stand. As I am about to attempt a roundhouse I get kicked by someone out of no where. I stumble back catching my balance to only turn to see Jaime standing between Tyrone and I.

“ JAIME WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” William yells from the side lines

“ Helping Renee and I start a future.” Jaime answers catching us all off guard

“ And how do you plan to do that by helping HIM?” Travis asks with anger getting a nod

I look to see Tyrone smirking to the change of events.

“ Well looks like one of your FAMILY has come around Heath.” Tyrone says to me as Jaime looks back at Tyrone

“ I am not taking sides, but if I help you get away will you pay me for my troubles?” Jaime asks making my eyes go wide

“ Of course kid, now take Heath out so we can have his millions.” Tyrone says before I see Jaime turn looking at me before getting in his stance

“ No Jaime don’t do this. You are like Heath’s brother.” Nick says getting a chuckle from Tyrone

“ The way it looks more like a shadow now kid beat Heath’s punk ass up.” Tyrone states in which Jaime starts in

I try to defend myself, but he is very quick. I see now why he took on E.P. and Jax at the same time. I have my arms defending the parts of my upper body that he is concentrating the most on my head and chest. I can hear Tyrone laughing telling me to quit while I had the chance. I kept my defense up not really able to attack Jaime. I didn’t want to hurt the young man I thought as my own brother. Him doing this by making a deal with the devil broke my heart. Talking about heart mine was racing to fast. I knew that little bit of energy I was given would not last much longer.

“ JAIME NOOOOOO!” I heard a familiar voice yell out

At that moment Jaime stopped giving me the chance I needed. With all the energy I had left I gave me a roundhouse kick that made him fly backward landing in the sand. I noticed Tyrone look at Jaime then up at me with wide eyes as I slowly made my way to him. Before I could do anything he turned running making his way past Chris and Jack. It was at that moment my body gave out. My heart couldn’t take anymore as I went to my knees.

“ HEATHHHH!” I heard my Bubby yell before I was about to go face first to only be caught by two arms

I was flipped carefully to look up into my brother’s eyes. He had that look of worry, fear , and scared.

“ Don’t leave me Champ. Don’t die on me I need you.” He says as we then hear two gun shots

“ Bubby what was that?” I ask in a soft whisper

“ William and Nick stopped Tyrone Champ.” He tells me as I smile faintly

“ Tra...vis?” I ask with all I could

“ Yes Champ?” He answers asking in return

“” I say reaching up with my left hand to his face as he place his right over mine

“ I will baby brother. You just rest now and relax.” He tells me as I nod

“” Is all I say before everything goes black


Nick’s POV:

“ NOOOOOOOOO!” I hear Travis yell holstering my gun

I look over to see Heath limp in his brother’s arms. Travis is rocking Heath back and forth with tears.

“ CALL 911 SOMEBODY!” Selena yells as I look to see Adam pulling out his phone

Chris and Jack have Jaime secured while Renee is yelling at him after she slaps him hard. It’s pure chaos as I see everyone surround either Heath or Jaime. I see my mother come down the steps then over at Karl who got free. I start running toward him as he goes for my mother. The one thing he doesn’t have is quickness as I finally get to Karl tackling him to the ground. He let’s out a scream as I hear something crack. I secure him with some straps that William gave me earlier. My son and kid brother comes over as well does my mom. She looks at Karl who is hunched over trying to breath. I guess my tackle cracked a rib. He has his own self to blame for that. Next I know is my mother stepping to me taking my buey knife telling my son and brother to hold me. Not many can, but they are the very few. We watch as mom goes over to Karl shoving him back in the sand. I watch her straddle him squatting down. She grips my knife firmly before my eyes widen.

“ No mom you can’t. This is not you let me do it.” I say seeing her keep her eyes on Karl

“ It has to be done my son. He will always haunt us trying to hurt those we love.” My mother tells me before my vision turns blurry to that moment I see two ghostly figures do has my mother

To my surprise one is my father while the other is my aunt that I killed.

“ No don’t.” I say seeing my father turn to look up at me as I struggle

“ This is the only way my son.” My father tells me placing his hands over my mother’s

“ Sorry Nick for all the hurt I gave you. I always thought of you as my own. Maybe this will help me get some redemption.” My aunt tells me placing her hands over both my parents hands

“ KARL YOU SHALL NEVER HURT MY LOVES, KIDS, OR GRANBABIES!” My mother yells before plunging the 10 inch blade into my uncles chest and through his cold heart

“ MOM NOOOOOO!” I yell being released making my way to my mother

I get to her kneeling down next to her. I take her hands off the knife holding them in mine. She looks up from Karl to only look in my eyes.

“ Sorry baby boy I hope you can someday forgive me, but he needed to die.” She tells me before I place my arms around her helping my mother up

I look to see Nicky and Justin come over to hug her as well. I look down the beach to see William leading a limping Tyrone over to us. William got him in the right knee while I shot him in the left arm. I heard a siren from a ambulance coming closer. I watched as Caleb and Simon ran over doing what they do best help cover somethings up. Simon helped get Karl up on Caleb’s right shoulder before William yelled telling them the van. I had Justin and Nicky help them getting nods. It was at that moment I heard Maggie yell.

“ HEATH WAKE UP BABY!” Maggie yelled getting my mother’s attention

“ Heath, what about?” She asks turning to see everyone surrounding my brother

She slipped out of my arms making her way to her new son. I knew I had to watch over them, but cleaning up was in order. I ran up to the house through the back to see Justin and Nicky getting two of the three goons. I went getting the third making my way out of the front door. William already had his van close to stuff the three assholes in the back. Tyrone was gagged so he couldn’t scream. I gave William a nod before shutting the side door. He spun out leaving just in time as the paramedics showed up. Justin, Caleb, Nicky, and Simon showed them down to the beach following right behind as I went in the house. Once inside I noticed my little sisters all sitting with Faye, Jacqueline, Savannah, Megan, comforting their daughters. While Sierra and Mandy were holding one another since Jack told them to stay in the house. Jasmine notices me getting up to waddle over to me. She looks up at my face before asking.

“ it Heath? Is he ok Nick? Please tell us about our husband.” She says to me before I place my arms around her

“ He fought with courage until..” I say trailing off in which Faye looks over at me

“ Until what Nick?” She asks as I feel anger build up

“ Until Jaime stepped in to help Tyrone.” I say those words seeing shocked faces

“ What, why? Why would he?” Jacqueline asks as Renee comes through the back with Justin and Nicky following her

“ He wanted money for him and Renee. He made a deal with the devil known as Tyrone.” I say getting Renee’s Attention

“ And I hope it was worth it as I don’t want to see him ever again.” Renee says crying as Jasmine breaks my hug going to her sister

“ Dad you might want to come outside.” Nicky tells me in a concerned tone

“ Why what’s up?” I ask as Justin and Nicky look at each other then at me

“ Because Jaime is getting what he ass kicking.” Renee says as I run out the back to the beach followed by Nicky and Justin

I get to the steps to see a few officer’s trying to break it up. I make my way down to see the sheriff looking at me as I yell for my family to cool their jets. They all do as I see Jaime slowly move. The sheriff speaks up.

“ Nick would you tell me why Heath is on his way to the hospital and his brothers fighting a young man.” He asks as I pull him aside to explain

To Be Continued.......Tyrone and Karl are gone, Heath is hospitalized

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-15 04:14:30
Wow, just wow... Best Chapter yet, for a story on this site THIS remains one of the few that keeps you glued to your seat that still exists on XNXX still today, Very grateful for the reading pleasure and keep up the good work ^_^ I must say though I found the power up, amusing after all the peices came together that both the Future and the Past came together to force him on... kinda reminds me of my couz watching D-ballZ haha

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-13 01:32:46
I'm speechless I read all the chapters to this one in 4 days I'm kindof exited to find out when his eyes return like they were and the part during the fight when he opened his eyes got me worked up hoping more down this chapter his were back but I guess not but hats off to you hawk great story's I just.finished reading the latest story posted really great I'm waiting on part to of that story

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-09 06:59:47
Can't wait please keep writing knowing I have to go to sleep but had to read got work in the morning It's 2 am love your story

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-09 06:06:01
to anonymous poster2015-07-09 01:02:41. If I sounded offensive to you I didn't mean it but there are so many that have posted things very similar to your post. I believe you called them Grammar Nazis(i like that one) and all I can think is really look at how many stories on this site are ran together and not thought out like this. If I offended you I am sorry. I'm sure Hawk appreciates the help and I'm glad you have made a living off of your writing since the early 2000s

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-09 01:48:38
(cont.) Hawk, I'm not sure if writing is purely cathartic for you, or if you are using this topic of interest to hone your writing skills. If the former, please ignore what I said and keep plugging away; emotional health is more important than grammar. If the latter, please take it as a friendly pat on the back with a point in the right direction. As a side note, I wanted to congratulate you on keeping all of your characters straight. You've got a lot of balls in the air and you're doing an excellent job keeping track of them and keeping them true to their personalities.

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