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Frigid virgin bitch gets whats coming back in 1820 something
This is set in England in 1820 before American was even thought of and is written in English as spoken by intelligent educated people, if you think the spelling is wrong that because you are a dumb ass Merican, so don't wave the flag of ignorance by complaining, you dig?

For instance, in 1820 an Englishman might say, "Good Morning Miss Williams, and how does this bright spring morning find you?" whereas an 1820s American might say, "Ugh, ugh ugh ugh Whhhooooo," or an contemporary American say, "Yo man, what's going down?"
You dig? (To which an upper class Englishman might reply "No actually, daddy has a man to do that")

Miss Williams

Miss Williams was as prim and proper a church going, do gooding, irritating busy-body as one could wish to avoid, she was of indeterminate age having been born middle aged with no sense of humour and an unfortunate tendency to use twenty seven words where two would suffice. Her appearance was always immaculate, not a hair out of place, her dress always buttoned to the neck, her arms sleeved to the wrist and if she indeed had legs then I am sure no man had ever seen them.

This then was the Miss Williams whom accosted me on the second day of my return to Chargrove, The Miss Williams I had known in my youth, though then she was the small bad tempered miserable positively rotund daughter of our late Vicar the Reverend Ezekiel Williams. I knew the great house and estate intimately having grown up there, and now aged near on forty years I had returned after inheriting the estate from my grandfather, my carefree years as an army officer abruptly curtailed by the need to face the problems of my country estate.

“Lord Chargrove,” she boldly chirped as I approached on a borrowed horse.

“Miss Williams,” I replied, “What a glorious day.”

“For the moment but I fear I see white clouds clouds approaching from the west, harbingers of bigger darker clouds the like of which bring rain if not imminently then by the morrow at the very least,” she said irritatingly.

“Miss Williams, how may I assist you?” I asked, as she stood there in a straw hat and dressed in a dark jacket over a bottle green dress buttoned as usual to the neck.

“You may assist me, or may not assist me, at your discretion, but if I may crave your indulgence for a moment to consider the matter fully I am sure that you will agree that in this year of 1825 it is unseemly, indeed it is unconsciously abhorrent that such practices should continue to be tolerated,” she averred leaving me nonplussed.

“My dear lady what do you mean?”I asked.

“Ravishing young maidens,” she explained “Forcibly.”

“I can assure Madam that all the young maidens I have ever ravished have welcomed my attentions,” I asserted.

“Lord Chargrove!" she protested, “Have some decorum," but and she looked away in horror.

“Madam I merely deny that I have indulged in ravishment,” I explained

“That I cannot believe,” she said her ample bosoms heaving, “But it must stop sir, and stop it shall, for I shall stop it sir, mark my words well, sir it shall be curtailed.”

I looked at her still unsure of what she spoke so I merely wished her a cheery “Good Day,” and rode on.

Brabbinger my Grandfather’s agent came to see me a few days later, “I am afraid we have been summoned to the Lord Lieutenant, seems there is a complaint from a Tenant one Miss Williams,” he explained.

“Indeed?” I queried.

“About the droit de signeur,” he said, “I did take the liberty to investigate the matter and it transpires that under the Magna Carta Minimus de Charte Grave the right is quite correctly enshrined in the charter of principalship relating to Chargrove and your tenancy thereof.”

“Brabbinger,” I said, “What are you babbling on about?”

“The droit de signeur, sir, droit de signeur de maturitas, your right to take the maidenheads of the maidens resident on the estate for a year and a day.” he explained.

“Oh, I never for a moment thought of such,” I confessed.

“His lordship never missed a maturity, you see sir,” Brabbinger explained, “The droit de signeur de maturitas, does not only extend as in normality to the wedding eve of a young maiden but your right extends to any wench achieving twenty and one years unmarried whether engaged to be wed or not.”

“Really?” I enquired, “And when was this last enforced, two hundred years ago I’ll wager!”

“Did you not know sir,” Brabbinger said awkwardly, “Why your Grandfather’s heart burst while he was taking young Daisy Hardwhiste’s maidenhead no more than two months since, I myself as agent felt compelled to take Susan Young and Maisy Hart’s the week before you came back.”

“You brute!” I said, “You sly old dog!” I laughed, “You’ll burst your heart too if you don’t take care!” I thought, “But why is Miss Williams concerned.”

“Ah, she came back some months since, she moved away aged fifteen when intact and came back to rent a cottage here some years since, I believe she is unwed and intact,” he suggested.

“And fears I wish to ravish her, well she need have no fears on that score!” I sighed.

“Then reason with her, have her withdraw the complaint!” he suggested.

“That I shall!” I agreed, “That I shall!”

Miss Williams was not expecting visitors, she was wearing her shift when she crossly answered my polite knock on her cottage door.

“No you can’t have your ball!” she snapped before she saw me.

“Miss Williams?” I said as I ducked my head beneath the rose bushes encircling the doorway.

“Oh, my Lord, I must apologise!” she said.

She looked different, it was her wig, without it her hair was silver, her thin shift showed where her belly bulged pleasantly without her corsets, and unsupported her breasts swung pendulously.

“May I come in?” I asked, “It is about the droit de signeur?”

“No you may not, I shall not succumb readily, I shall fight to the last breath!” she protested.

“Oh for heaven’s sake,” I said and I pushed her back into the cottage.

“Unhand me!” she cried as I shut the door behind us while pushing her away.

“Miss Williams I have no desire to ravish you,” I said.

“Then why is your hand upon my breast?” she asked.

“Oh,” I said awkwardly for my hand indeed was upon her breast, her soft ample womanly breast, my loins stirred unexpectedly, it was some time since he had last enjoyed a gallop.

“My apologies,” I said as the stirring became a pressing need to adjust my dress, “Please excuse me,” I said as I thrust my other hand down my breeches and adjusted my underthings to allow my member room to grow.

“You disgust me you odious pitiful excuse for a man!” she snapped as she stared, the bulge in my breeches now unmistakable.

“I really must apologie,” I repeated as he swelled and reared to almost overtop my belt buckle, and then realised to what she referred, “I don’t know what overcame me.”

“Vile lust my lord, vile lust and base instincts, a woman alone with a man and such things happen,” she said awkwardly, “I do not blame you, I know full well the male mind is controlled unquestioningly by the needs of the male member, but you in turn must understand when I repel your advances with every ounce of strength in my poor weak female form.”

“Actually I came to assure you I had no designs upon your maidenhead, and ask if with that assurance you might withdraw your complaint to the assizes?” I asked hopefully.

“You stand before me aroused and enraged and aver that you do not desire me, when your member lewdly strains the buttons of your breeches,” Miss Williams averred.

“Miss Williams, I assure you I have no designs upon you!” I assured her, “You must believe me.”

“Then why are you engorged like a veritable stallion!” she demanded, “You should know better my lord, you know your lust cannot be readily constrained so why visit me alone and unchaperoned.”

“To assure you that I have no interest!” I confirmed, “No more no less.”

She stared, I followed her gaze, the eye of my cock winked through a gap in my shirt where he poked above my belt, “Evil beast!” she cried and she kicked me full force in the balls.

My balls exploded like cannon fire, “Agghhh,” I cried in agony and turning away from her I wrested my breeches down to check my balls were still round and not crushed like grapes.

“No!” she cried misunderstanding my motives and she sought to evade me but the cottage was small and she could not go far.

“For pities sake,” I pleased as I checked my member for damage, “Why did you do that?”

“To calm you of course my Lord!” she replied.

“Calm me,” I cursed, “You could have maimed me for life”

She stared from the other side of the wooden table as I inspected my member, “But I thank the lord that there seems to be no permanent injury,” I confirmed as I carefully eased him back into my underthings.

“Oh?” she gulped as I fastened my breeches, “Are you not going to ravish me?”

“Indeed not Miss Williams,” I confirmed, “As I said I have no desire to ravish you, nor have I any desire to ravish every young maid on her wedding eve.”

“Really?” she asked, “Are you sure?”

“Entirely,” I assured her.

“Oh,” she said, “I suppose with you being a military man, and being used to the company of men you,” she stopped mid sentence.

“Miss Williams,” I countered, “May I assure you it is out of consideration for your feelings and sensibilities that I decline the opportunity to ravish you, for heaven’s sake woman, the sight of your womanly figure through your shift, the swell of your bosoms, indeed the softness and warmth thereof aroused my ardour to which you can attest.”

“Stay away from me,” she said firmly, “You may conjoin with men as you wish, it is for the good lord to condemn you to the Hadean pit of eternal flame, it is not my place to so do but for all that you shall not despoil me like an animal, away I say, away.”

“Miss Williams,” I countered, “May I assure you that I enjoy the pleasures of carnality as much as any man, but only with a woman, the mere thought of what you speak is an anathema to me, it is merely I have no desire to ravish you in any way unnaturally but only desist from ravishing you out of consideration!”

“I see it now, you are evil!” she said, “Twisting your words.”

“Damn you woman!” I said as my member throbbed, “Damnit, I shall ravish you, if only to test my member is fully able, disrobe I say lest I disrobe thee!”

I regretted my words the moment I uttered them.

“No I shall fight you till the last!” she averred, but the last was not far off, she lunged at me seeking to slip past and away out of the door but I sidestepped and she cannoned into me full force chest to chest, breast to breast, her warm softness against my chest, only her shift and my shirt between us.

Conjunction was inevitable, I merely pressed her backwards whilst I raised her shift and undershift seeking the warm moist cleft beneath but though I found the cleft before she hit me under the jaw with her fist, it was sealed tight, cold and dry, entirely un-aroused.

I was not deterred, my straining member was swiftly released and oblivious to her protestations I pressed her down onto the threadbare carpet, with one hand to support me I tried to force my breeches down and to force her thighs apart, in this I failed but I used my knees to force between her knees and eased her thighs apart before aiming my member at her womans parts, but without avail, for she was too tight by far to accept me.

“I shall not succumb!” she screamed as my member refused to enter her time and again while rousing me more and me until finally I pressed him between her belly and mine and began to pleasure myself in a bid to arouse her.

Her warm ample breasts formed a pleasant place to rest my chest, her belly a warm place to press my member and with my aching balls needing release my bid to rouse her turned into quite a pleasant canter in its own right, in fact I scarce realised my member was not actually sheathed within her.

For her part I believe fear prevented her from resisting further, I do believe she feared I would indeed spear her if she resisted further so she lay there her mouth opening and closing wordlessly like a stranded fish as my mind reeled with her warmth and clouds and Tigers and thoughts of Egyptian Harems which we should call brothels and all such thoughts raced through my mind until unconsciously my mind over spilled and with it my balls released..

And what glorious release, a tidal wave of juice burst forth in glorious, heavenly delight as I spilled my seed widely over her belly, shooting it between her soft warm breasts soaking her shifts with my juices, pumping coursing throbbing until every drop was spent. And then I stilled.

She lay too shocked to move, and I too lay upon her for a moment lost in my dreams.

“You beast, you filthy pig, you animal,” she protested but she was lost for words, her belly smeared with my creamy seed.

“My apologies,” I said, “You have defeated me, but I shall return to finish the task,” I cautioned.

“You shall not prevail!” she said uncertainly as she tried to hide her parts without soiling her shift with my seed.

I tightened my belt and took my leave, at once horribly conscious of my own slime upon my chest and mindful of the warm soft woman I left behind me in her cottage.

I rode home and immediately called for my bath, this caused consternation as the cauldron was not even lit and there was merely the range alight and one small kettle sat upon it so it was a cold bath for me, and inadequate in every way to cleanse myself thoroughly but it had to suffice. I had thought to spend an evening in town but instead felt drained so I merely sat quietly in the library reading until I went to my cold lonely bed.

The morning brought the constable and a summons to attend the court of assizes forthwith as the Lord Lieutenant himself wished to interview me. I dressed and went at once, having asked my valet summon Brabbinger my Grandfather’s agent as my counsel.

“Ah young Chargrove,” The Lord Lieutenant greeted me when I was shown to his sumptuously appointed office when he arrived after luncheon seemingly oblivious to my having been in attendance since nine of the clock, “How then devil are you? I am afraid we have a complaint from a Tenant one Miss Williams,” he explained, “Seems you tried to ravish her?” .

He motioned me to sit as he himself sat behind his huge oaken desk. I sat on an immense brown leather couch one of two in the room, each more the size of a small bed than that of an ordinary settee.

“Indeed,” I agreed, “But I could not take her honour for she resisted me forcibly and I withdrew out of consideration.”

The Lord Lieutenant looked me up and down, “Now look old chap, this droit de signeur business, all very well for some chamber maid but mature woman like Miss Williams, have some consideration.”

“Indeed sir, it was a mistake.” I agreed, “But as Brabbinger will show you the documents clearly show I have every right to take her maidenhead.”

“Damnit man, I know that, but what you cannot, must not do is torment the poor woman, she is no foolish maid but a mature creature in all but carnality so take her swiftly and surely, do not dally with her, do you hear.”

“I apologise,” I replied shamefaced.

“Good,” he said, “Constable, bring Miss Williams would you?”

Miss Williams was brought in, all powdered and wigged like some old maiden aunt, “Ah my dear,” The Lord Lieutenant simpered, “We have discussed the matter and young Chargrove here wishes to apologise.”

“Er, I apologise.” I said awkwardly.

“Is that it?” Miss Williams queried in annoyance, “A mere ‘I apologise,’ is that supposed to suffice when two years in the Membury Pound should be your destiny? Are you seriously expecting my forgiveness and that I shall drop the matter entirely?”

“I merely apologies for any hurt I may have caused you,” I confirmed, “So can that be an end to the matter?

“For now,” the Lord Lieutenant agreed, “And Miss Williams with the surrender of your maidenhead to young Chargrove the matter will be closed.”

“Surrender, I do not understand?” Miss Williams protested, “He molested me, did you not understand my complaint?"

“Indeed,” The Lord Lieutenant agreed, “And young Chargrove has apologised to you before witnesses, so it merely remains for him to take your maidenhead and then it is done.”

“Never!” she protested.

“Oh come Miss Williams, consent graciously,” he suggested.

“No!” she said firmly.

“And is that your final word,” he asked.

“Indeed!” Miss Williams confirmed, “Now let that be an end to it!”

“Oh no,” the Lord Lieutenant disagreed, “No, Chargrove is entitled, where would we be if every maid who demurred was allowed to deny her master, oh no, no indeed, that would not suffice, not at all, no Miss Williams, you must not deny Chargrove what is lawfully his, in fact I see no reason why you should not discharge you obligation forthwith.”

“My obligation!” she snapped, “What kind of medieval bastion do you inhabit sir? I shall no more submit willingly to you than I did to Chargrove.”

The lord Lieutenant looked at Miss Williams with something like contempt, “Constable, bare the wench,” he ordered, “Help him Mr ah, agent would you and you Chargrove do your duty!”

The constable seized Miss Williams arms as she tried to punch him and Brabbinger too seized her around the waist as he approached from behind her.

“To your duty man,” the lord Lieutenant ordered, as Brabbinger and the Constable took station to each side of Miss Williams and held her firm.

“Oh, surely some privacy would be preferable?” I suggested.

“No,” The Lord Lieutenant continued, “Miss Williams is entitled to have witnesses to the deed, indeed if you fail then I submit your man must serve as your deputy eh Mr?”

“Brabbinger my Lord,” Brabbinger confirmed, “Indeed I served as the late Lord Chargrove’s proxy on diverse occasions.”

“Unhand me!” Miss Williams protested as she struggled to escape.

“Do your duty sir,” the Constable advised, “This one wriggles like an eel I don’t know how long I can hold her.”

Her struggles dislodged her hat which fell to the floor together with her wig, her silver streaked hair fell in an unruly mass, “Go to it man,” the Lord Lieutenant insisted as he grasped her dress and the front tore open in a cascade of buttons, revealing her shift and her ample bosoms.

“Allow me,” I said stepping forward to release further buttons but it was to no avail, the garment was ruined entirely.

“Rip it off man!” the Lord Lieutenant cried in excitement and he grabbed another handfull of fabric and pulled hard, the dress opened entirely and with a mighty pull her shift too was torn away so her corsets were revealed.

“No!” she protested, and thinking she did not want her corset destroyed I unhooked the hooks behind her and peeled it away releasing her ample bosoms.

Next I peeled down her underskirt and there revealed below a tangled web of silvered blonde curls was her womans parts, still unsullied, unused, wasted indeed, but sealed tight and dry.

“On the couch with her,” The Lord Lieutenant instructed, “Bare her!” and Brabbinger and the Constable peeled away her garments to leave her bared but for her stockings and shoes, and she wept, resistance finally crumbled as she accepted the futility of continued struggles, but her legs remained firmly clamped together.

I probed her parts with my fingers, but she pressed her thighs tight against me.

“Get on with it man,” the Lord Lieutenant urged.

“She is unaroused sir,” I explained.

“So go to it Constable, and you Babbler or what ever your name is, come on chop chop!” he railed.

They needed no further bidding and each sought an ample teat and began to suck while kneading the same breast and yet holding her at one time.

Her protests became more uncertain as her teats became aroused, her expression one of complete confusion and then of alarm once more as I unbuttoned my breeches and loosened my belt.

“Ah I see the problem,” the Lord Lieutenant averred, “Better a candle stick as a precursor to loosen the passage eh Chargrove?” he suggested as he took a slender wax from the table top candelabra and carefully rolled the plain end to a point against the table top, “Please allow me,” he said as he stepped forward and knelt before Miss Williams, first kissing her belly then kissing downwards until he kissed through the tangle of hairs to the beginnings of the cleft leading to her womb.

She moaned softly and moved slightly, her thighs parting almost imperceptibly to allow him more accessibility. I felt distinctly superfluous as I stood there bared from waist down, member in hand ready for action, if it were a whore house my member would have been destined for her mouth but I feared her teeth so stood my ground.

A moan, a sigh and he had her thighs parted slightly, then more as he brought up the candle and eased it gently within the folds of flesh around her lower lips. He pressed but she resisted, he withdrew and easing her thighs wide he began to kiss and lick the place wherein he wished to spear her. Confusion spread across her countenance and then his tongue slipped within a fraction of a quarter of an inch as she melted,
A slight moistening, his moist tongue and her moistness combined and then it was a finger probing, she gasped as the first joint of the long finger slipped past the entrance to be followed by the second joint, he eased his finger around expertly until it loosened and withdrew it to as |I supposed add a second finger, but no, as soon as the finger was free he brought the candle back once more.

A long thin candle, now rounded at the holder end he guided swiftly into position within the environs of her lower lips and he guided it expertly with one hand and pushed in with the other and with a despairing gasp from her lips and with an expertly delivered gentle but firm push by candle was she was speared, she cried out in pain and surprise but it was done and her maidenhead was no more. Some one half of ten inches of candle was within her and as she stared wide eyed so he eased it around inside her like stirring a pudding until naught but the stub end protruded.

“Your turn young Chargrove,” he said, I looked at him, all robes and finery his lined face testimony to sixty and more summers and supposed I was indeed young, “Go to it man,” he said removing the candle.

He stepped aside and I took his place, my knees between her knees and taking my member in hand I aimed him at her now moistened womanhood, guiding the bulbous tip of my member between the soft folds of the lips of her womb and on into the moistened silken chasm that was her womb, pressing and easing the tunnel ever wider and I eased him ever further inside her, a quarter inch at each thrust.

Her mouth now opened and closed wordlessly, a gurgle, a sigh, a look of detachment, a faint smile, a flush of embarrassment, confusion? I cared not for this was indeed the gallop I sought, no tittering wench, no perfumed whore but a solid warm womanly woman and when fully sheathed I settled to my task of pleasuring both myself and Miss Williams.

“I say Chargrove,” the Lord Lieutenant cautioned, “We don’t have all day young fella.”

It brought me to my senses from a world a world away, “My apologies,” I replied and with the distraction came release and releif with my seed once more coursing and pumping but this time within her womb instead of across her belly.

“Noooo,” she protested but it was an insincere protest as waves of delight coursed through her very being, “Noooo.”

I stepped back, “My turn I think,” The Lord Lieutenant affirmed, and to my consternation he went to take my place, his breeches already gone, “Place her over the desk Constable,” he ordered, “I think I might use the tradesmen’s entrance.”

Poor Miss Williams, still in confusion and ecstasy from her first coitus she had no chance as Brabbinger and the constable lofted her up and around to have her bend over the huge oaken desk with her rear end and her brown bud exposed lewdly.

They held her face down while the Lord Lieutenant took the candle once more and gently eased it first between the soft pink folds of flesh and on to enter into Miss Williams’ womb once more but only to moisten it for swiftly he extracted it and placed it instead against the brown bud and pressing firmly he waited for it to sink therein.

“Dear god please no!" she protested as she realised what was his intention and resisted him as much as she may, but in a moment he pressed his knee against the candle and at once it began to slide within her, she protested but to no avail. Half of ten inches than three quarters it slid in, spreading the rim of her anus aside as he probed, but then in an instant he pulled it away and his member, more slender than mine and not much more than the candle in girth was substituted.

“For pities sake,” I countered, “Leave her be!” but he forced his member unerringly an inch or so into her waiting brown hole.

“Dear god why?” she pleaded as tears poured down her face leaving trails in the rouge on her cheeks, “What have I done to deserve to be treated thus, pray stop, it pains me so,please stop I say, it hurts!”

“For your pleasure and education my dear,” he explained as he eased himself ever further within her, “A way to please your man without risking children, though I wager your fertile years are distinctly numbered!” he opined as he pressed ever inwards until once fully sheathed he began to hump at her in a most ungainly manner, more akin to a pig rutting than any expression of love I had ever seen.

“Nice and tight,” he opined, as he grasped and kneaded her teats, “Admit it woman, you relish it do you not, let the whore within you out woman, why it may be your last chance!”

Her tears made pools on the polished desk, pain and humiliation and anger and hurt all raced through Miss Williams’ mind all vying to block out the pleasure she felt, both from her parts and from the close communion with man, a communion she had thus far been denied in life.

Clumsily and ungainly he probed her innards until with a grunt it was obvious his time was spent and he slumped against her and when after an interval of gasping for breath he recovered he said “Right, next lesson Miss Williams, are you ready young Chargrove, or shall I have the Constable prong her.”

“I feel she has suffered enough,” I said firmly.

“Suffered, ye gods man she relishes it,” the Lord Lieutenant averred, “Why her fine womanly body simply cries out for a pronging, she craves cock, can you not see, can you not see that repression of many years about to burst from her in glorious ecstasy, why a few more pokes and she will be singing like a skylark, offering herself to any man with a farthing in the tavern most likely in an endeavour to be cocked!”

”Enough I say!” I repeated.

“Good lord no young chap, why we have barely started,” he averred, “She has been penetrated yes but she has not pleasured a gentleman, has shown no sign of enjoyment whether a mere pretence or otherwise, indeed she has yet to enjoy the taste of a member, we have obligations young Chargrove, we must prepare the maid for the rigours of marriage, have the wench hate us not her husband to be do you see? That is our obligation, we cannot deny her that. Now shall you do the honours or shall I? Or Brabbinger, perhaps he will be your proxy?” he suggested, “If you cannot oblige?”

“I shall not,” I demured.

“Brabbinger,” he queried, “I am sure you will not forego having your cock sucked?”

“And bitten off?” Miss Williams added.

“Not if you value your teeth Miss Williams, a toothless maw makes a pleasant cunt at the whorehouse for those who cannot afford the real thing, so think on,” the Lord Lieutenant cautioned, and he continued, “Over the chair I think.”

The Constable helped Miss Williams up and with Brabbinger guided her to the sumptuous leather arm chair.

“Ah!” The Lord Lieutenant sighed, “Perhaps you should sit on the chair Mr Brabbinger, drop you breeches man and let the wench at it.”

Brabbinger would certainly have taken more care with his laundering his underthings had he known they would be displayed but he did indeed lower his breeches and sat upon the leather chair member erect if somewhat deficient in both length, girth and indeed straightness, it being bent like a Arabian Sword.

“A fine member for suckling I do declare,” the Lord Lieutenant laughed, “To your duty wench!”

“Must it be he?” she pleaded.

“Why yes, you might choke on young Chargrove’s monster!” the Lord Lieutenant chortled.

Miss Williams went to resist, “Your teeth wench, remember,” he declared.

“Oh, if I must, please just slit my throat and have done with it!” she sighed and kneeling before Brabbinger she tenderly took his member and closed her mouth round the tip of it, she gagged, widened her mouth and took more within her mouth and gently began to suck.

Brabbingers head went back in pleasure and then she took another gulp, his balls touched her chin and realising no more would fit she gently began to bite his member.

“Aggghhhhhh,” he screamed, “She’s biting my appendage, dear god, she’s biting it off.” he screamed.

“One moment sir,” the Constable cried, “Let me deal with this, I have an amplitude for this matter.”

I stared at him, then realised he meant aptitude, but by then his uniform trousers were down, indeed discarded entirely and he advanced with his erect member in hand, but for a moment only as he unerringly rammed his meat into her exposed and bruised brown back passage, and as a coup de grace took his wooden baton or truncheon and somehow rammed it forcibly deep into her woman’s parts.

She screamed, her mouth wide and poor Brabbinger was free, he shot from the chair as if hit by lightning and heedless of his lack of breeches and decorum he rushed from the room to a chorus of screams from the Lord Lieutenant’s servants in the adjoining passageway, kitchen and pantry!

“Miss Williams,” the Lord Lieutenant said, “That was unkind, an assault indeed, now if you do not wish to spend a week in the stocks in the market square, bared for all to see, you will mend your ways.”

The Constable was commendably composed, grasping Miss Williams bosoms and pulling her firmly against him as he thrust his member repeatedly into her rear passage even as Brabbinger made his escape.

“Ah but it was worth it,” she said, “Though on reflection perhaps I should have bitten the evil protrusion off and spat out the remnant!”

“Oh bravo Miss Williams, still quite the rebel,” the Lord Lieutenant countered, “Witty repartee with a cock up your ass, why with such character you really should consider becoming a whore, or perhaps should have before you left the salad days of your youth far behind as you would otherwise have made a truly admirable whore.”

“You are evil!” Miss Williams snarled.

“And young Chargrove’s cock, will you bite that as well?” the Lord Lieutenant enquired.

“Ugghhhh,” Miss Williams gasped as the Constable playfully waggled the truncheon in Miss Williams womb as he continued tio pound her rear end.

“I shall not offer that opportunity,” I offered, “I shall confine my penetrations to the parts the good lord intended.”

“Oh very noble,” he replied, “And you Miss Wiliams? shall you relish swallowing young Chargrove’s emissions.”

“I,Oooohhhh, shall not,Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” she gasped as a look of contentment and relief spread across the Constables’ visage as he deposited his seed deep in Miss Williams’ backside.

“So Chargrove, the deed is done,” the Lord Lieutenant confirmed, “Shall you take the trollop away or shall we have her in the stocks?”

“Home sir,” I said, “She has suffered enough.”

“Pronged in all holes,” he laughed, “Well pronged,” he added as the Constable withdrew leaving Miss Williams with his truncheon still deep inside her.

“You evil, evil beasts!” she cursed, “I am ruined, my life is ruined.”

“Ruined indeed, why Miss Williams it has hardly begun,” the Lord Lieutenant declared, “Consorting with three Gentleman at one time, that is whoredom Miss Williams, punishable by three months incarceration and branding as a whore.”

“And that will not be necessary,” I declared, “I shall go surety for Miss Williams, now pray find her some rags to wear and we shall be gone.”

“Oh very well,” he said with bad grace and he strode purposefully from the room.

It was rags indeed they brought as Miss Williams dress was ruined entirely, a maid’s smock, cut low revealing the cleaving between her ample bosoms was all he made available and so it was thus attired that she left his lodgings, but not before I had to go surety for her in the sum of ten guineas in lieu of imprisonment for the offence of whoredom and consortation with men other than her husband and also an exorbitant blacksmiths fee of two guineas for a branding that was not actually done.
I escorted Miss Williams from the place, “May I offer you a ride home?” I asked.

“It is the very least, the absolute least you might do,” she said her eyes full of tears.

I felt ashamed, I had thought to take her on my horse but there was the hire carriage waiting in the square and swiftly I arranged for it to take us to Chargrove, and for Brabbinger to bring my horse.

She sulked as we travelled home “I ache everywhere,” she declared, “Everywhere do you understand!”

“My apologies,” I said, “If there is anything I can do?”

“Yes,” she said, “Crawl away and die.”

“I meant your bosoms, perhaps if I caressed them, suckled the teats perhaps,” I suggested as I saw they were standing up proudly in arousement.

“Absolutely not!” she said, “Though you might look away while.”

I did no such thing, I stared, and more than stared for I reached out across the cramped carriage and eased her left teat from her bodice. I bent my head to suck upon it, she gasped, “No, oohhh, noooo,” she said, so then I suckled her right teat and she moaned again and I saw her hand sneak between her thighs.

I ceased suckling immediately and lofted her skirts which revealed her fingers were within her, “Miss Williams!” I declared, “What ever has come over you!”

“I do not know,” she said, “Please look away.”

“My dear Miss Williams, within a few moments we shall be at my home and I do solemnly promise that at the first opportunity I shall take you to my bed,” I promised.

“No I merely need some salve or ointment.” she protested.

“I have some special cream,” I said as I looked on at her parts, pleasantly robust thighs, good solid child bearing hips a prime specimen I decided.

I had the carriage stop at Chargrove and I took Miss Williams inside, we entered through the kitchens and I showed her to a room where she might rest, “Here,” I said opening the door to a servants room with a bed and chest and little else. We went in and I bolted the door.

“Cream Miss Williams,” I offered lowering my breeches, I also threw off my jacket and shirt to stand in naught but my leggings.

“Dear god no!” she protested weakly.

“Then your needs shall remain unsated,” I warned and I lofted her skirts high up and over her head and bared her entirely, “Why deny yourself the cream you crave?” I asked, “Sit back on the bed edge and guide me and I promise I shall take you to heaven.”

She looked at me quite levelly, “I do not suppose it will make the slightest difference whether I say yes or no will it? You shall take your pleasure no matter what.”
“And give it Miss Williams,” I said honestly, “I shall use my best efforts to give you pleasure in my turn.”

“Then lets is have done with it, use me as you may for I am quite defeated and broken,” she said sadly.

I stepped forward and gently held her, guided her to the bed edge and she inn her turn guided my member between her legs, up to her soft moist cleft and into her most secret part.

Her body had betrayed her again, her moist cavern welcomed me, craved my seed and sent joyous thoughts racing through her consciousness as I eased myself as deeply as possible within her.

My cheek brushed her cheek as I held her, I kissed her ear, she moaned, I kissed her neck marking it, marking her as mine, and then I kissed her mouth, her lips parted, my tongue explored her mouth and in a shuddering explosion my seed was coursing through my member and into her womb, she shuddered, but our kiss went on for ever, or so it seemed until we both found ourselves gasping for breath.

“Sated?” I asked.

“No, I am even more sore than hitherto,” she said resignedly.

“No matter, it will ease I am sure.” I replied as I retrieved my breeches and dressed, “We shall conjoin again after supper in the hope that it will ease your discomfort.”

“And if that does not effect a cure?” she asked.

“Why we shall try again on the morrow,” I promised.

“You intend to imprison me here?” she queried.

“Oh no, indeed not,” I assured her, “No you may come and go as you please, I shall have your things brought here, you shall share my bed,” I explained.

“And my feelings?” she asked, “Do they count for naught?”

“Naught, Miss Williams, for you have a robust constitution, strong child bearing hips, comely visage, indeed all the qualities for good breeding, you have been pure and godly and I propose to make you fat with child,” I declared, “So what say you?”

“Are you proposing marriage?” she queried.

“Male heir first Miss Williams, I shall allow six months for the swellings to start, if you fail me I shall look elsewhere, do we have an understanding.?” I asked.

“And if not swollen I can go home?” she asked.

“Indeed but I set myself the challenge to give the child every opportunity for life.” I confirmed.

“And the child?” she asked.

“A male I shall name as my heir, a female, well, we can always try again, what say you Miss Williams.” I asked.

“I concur,” she agreed, “If you can pretend that you love me, and call me by my christian name and allow me to use yours.”

“I cannot pretend Serena,” I said, “Give me a healthy son and I shall love you.”

“How soon do you think you will be recovered, John?” she asked, “For I see no reason to wait until bed time to try again.”

Four bloody useless daughters that woman produced for me, four, until finally baby John was delivered, as perfect a specimen as ever was born. Ten and more first borns too stared back at me through my eyes as Miss Williams was shrewd enough to allow me my pleasure with skinny peasant brides to be so I was reminded of how bony and skittish they were and how much more accommodating and undemanding my Miss Williams was. Not that milking my member three and four times a day was not undemanding, but it kept me from straying for a considerable while.

But that is another story.

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2015-07-15 02:09:23
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