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Ron has been missing Hermione, but he has a naughty surprise on her return home. Set a couple of years before OBHWF.
This is a work of fan fiction. All characters and locations are the property of their rightful owners. I own the story line.

The Significance of Chocolate Body Paint


How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Tootsie Roll Center of a Tootsie Pop?

Ron sat watching Hermione as she worked. As she did so often in the evenings, she sat at the massive dining room table; her books, papers, and briefcase strung across the massive piece of carved walnut. He watched her with appreciation, with concern, and with naked lust.

He had missed her while she was gone. She’d just returned late that morning from an extended trip to the States, and she had complained about how far behind she was going to be at work. He had smiled at her projection in the fire, and told her spend the day getting caught up, he’d see her when he got home. He considered his plans for her and decided he needed to be a little less obvious, but no less decisive. A smile spread across his face as the idea began to formulate. He already had what he needed; a trip to ‘Miss Madelaine’s Magical Toy Box’ had supplied him with an intriguing little gift earlier that day. His plan solidified, he let his eyes wander over her luscious form.

The flame orange Chudley Cannons jersey she had stolen from his cupboard was riding up her leg. When she had come down the stairs wearing it, it had hung nearly to her knees. Now he was looking at the fading hickey high up on her right thigh that he’d given her the night before she left. She ran her fingers through her voluminous hair in frustration and muttered something he didn't quite understand. Ron glanced down at his watch, 10:05; it was time for her to put it away, well past in his opinion.

"Honey, I think it's time to call it a night." He pushed himself up off the couch. Crookshanks stood up and stretched as well, his back arching high and his bottlebrush tail quivering. "Don't even think about heading for the bedroom." Ron threatened the oversized ball of fur in a low voice. With an angry look the cat lay back down, his tail twitching in annoyance.

Her hair was soft, like wild uncut saw grass. Ron loved to run his fingers through it. "Five more minutes?" she asked distractedly. Ron pulled her hair back on the left side, the heady scent of lilacs filled his nostrils as he breathed her in. He leaned forward and applied his lips to the base of her neck, just below the ear. A slight gasp escaped her lips.

"Not," he rumbled into her neck, "if you want me work out your stress." He gripped her shoulder muscles and squeezed them, then pushed his thumbs up from below her shoulder blades in a deliberate and forceful arc.

"Ohhhhhh," she inhaled. "Khhaaaaay," she exhaled. He pulled out her chair and nudged her out of it.

"Go on up and stretch out. I'll be up in just a moment, I need to lock up." He smacked her bum playfully and sent her on her way. She headed up the stairs and he watched her appreciatively, a little disappointed that his shirt was quite so long on her. As she disappeared into the bedroom he reached into his cloak that hung on the wall and removed a small brown box. He opened it and dumped out a round jar labeled ‘Honeydick's Chocolate Body Paint.’

"Smartest witch in a generation you may be, Misses Hermione Weasley; but I rather doubt you will see this one coming until it is far too late." A lecherous grin spread across his face as he removed a strawberry flavored sugar quill from his cloak.

At the top of the stairs, Ron peeked in and saw that she was indeed stretched out on the bed. She was face down with her head in her arms, which were crossed on the pillow. Her hair was pulled forward to give him easy access to her shoulders and neck. Ron trailed his eyes languorously over the curve of her now naked back and up the swell of her perfectly rounded bum. Mmhmm, he thought as he took in the sight of her royal-purple silk knickers. Her legs were toned and nicely tanned, and her toes pointed to the foot of the bed.

"Would you stop ogling me and turn off the lights already." Her tone was both amused and impatient. "I've been dying for this back rub all week." Ron chuckled to himself as he turned off the light and made his way to the bed in the inky darkness; his clothes marked the trail he walked. He could smell the remnants of her perfume in the air.

"Flamme," he said quietly; waving his wand over the three point candelabra mounted on the wall. The three softly burning candles gave a pleasant, orange glow to the room. Their subtle vanilla scent mingled pleasantly with the scents in the air. He dropped his wand on the nightstand and tossed the jar into the middle of the king-size bed.

"Mmmm, lotion," Hermione said into her pillow.

"Uh huh," Ron replied without comment. He smiled to himself, pleased that she was walking so blindly into his trap. Ron set his knee on the bed and swung his other leg over her so that he was straddling her hips. Her hips rolled underneath him, pushing the soft flesh of her bum and the silk of her knickers against him.

"Ron," she questioned him, "why aren't you wearing any clothes?"

Ron placed his hands on either side of her and leaned down to whisper across her neck. "Because I am in the bedroom of the most beautiful woman in the world, and nobody told me I had to." He felt her shiver and saw the goose flesh pucker on her neck. He dropped a lingering, suckling kiss on her neck that elicited a low moan of pleasure from her. Her body dropped into a totally relaxed state that seemed to melt into the bed.

He sat back up and picked up the jar. When it opened he could faintly smell milk chocolate. He dipped one finger in, it was cold; not overly so, but enough. He scooped out a generous daub and held it above the middle of her back. The anticipation filled him with a giddy sensation. He was sure if she knew what he was about to do, that she would doing everything she could to get away. A triumphant grin split his face as he lowered his finger to the sensitized skin between her shoulder blades.

"GAH!" She arced her back up as much as she could under him. "Ronald Billius Weasley! Would it be too much to ask that just once you warm up the lotion before you do that?" Ron was quite sure he would never warm up the lotion, he enjoyed her reaction too much to ever give it up that easily. Placing his hand against her back, he gently pushed her back down. Using his fingers, he spread the chocolate down her spine.

"What kind of lotion is that?" He ignored her question and spread it out in a heart shape between her shoulder blades. "Would you quit playing and get on with it already." Ron picked up the sugar quill and wrote one word in the chocolate, "No."

He could almost hear the wheels turning her mind as she concentrated on the sensation while he re-traced the word. "What do you mean, no?" He leaned down close to her ear again.

"Shhhh." He whispered and blew gently in her ear before nipping it lightly with his teeth. Sitting upright again he spoke quietly. "Read what I write."

She tensed ever so slightly as he drew the quill through the chocolate heart, ‘Kiss Me.’ "If you insist," Ron said trying to sound innocent. He leaned forward, this time he felt the chocolate squish between his right breast and her back. She drew breath to say something but his mouth closed over the sensitive spot at the base of her neck under her left ear and her moan erased all other words. She squirmed underneath him now. In response he ground his hips against her, eliciting another moan of pleasure from her.

He sat up slowly trailing soft, wet kisses down her back and through the chocolate. With quill in hand he wrote again in the chocolate. ‘Kiss me deeply.’ She didn't so much say at is she breathed it. Blood began to migrate from Ron's extremities and he began to lengthen and stiffen, pressing against the silky material of her knickers. He leaned forward, drawing his tongue through the heart-shaped chocolate smear. "Ugh, lotion taste," Hermione said turning her head to him. He moved his head forward to grab her lips with his own. Her lips parted and his tongue snaked into her mouth. "Mmmmmm," she said into his mouth. Ron knew chocolate was one of her guilty pleasures, something she ate only rarely but that she enjoyed immensely. There were times it was a near sexual experience just watching her eat it.

As the kiss deepened, he reveled in the warmth of her mouth, the soft feeling of her lips under his own. Her mouth closed around his tongue slightly and she began to suck on his tongue. Softly at first, more insistently when he could no longer taste the chocolate. He broke the kiss but lingered as she kissed the last of the chocolate from his lips. "Mmmmm," she smiled at him, a dreamy look in her eyes. "Is there more of that?" Ron rolled off of her, pulling her mouth to his right nipple. With her eyes closed she kissed him lightly. Her eyes opened and she sat up on her elbow. "Oooo." She lifted her leg up and straddled him; feeling him poke her, she ground against him.

"Oh yeah," Ron growled. His large hands spread across her thighs and then drifted up over her hips. He eyed her breasts hungrily. She grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the bed. She leaned forward and opened her mouth, licking her lips sensuously.

"Mmmm, chocolate Ron." She snapped her mouth down to his breast and sucked hard, her tongue flicking over his nipple, eliciting a deep animalistic growl from her snack. She began to giggle as she licked the last of the chocolate from his skin on his right side. She nipped him several times as she moved to the other side. Unable to contain himself Ron reached down and grabbed the waistband of Hermione's knickers over each hip. With a yank fueled sexual desire and a primal growl, the fabric gave way. She made a satisfied little noise into his chest as he pulled the ruined fabric from between them and dropped it on the floor.

"Is there anymore of that," she asked in a husky voice. Ron held the jar just beyond her reach.

"Right here," he moved it up above his head, making her stretch for it. She moved for it, dropping her own full breasts over Ron's face. He opened his mouth and drew in a stiffened nipple, nibbling it slightly. She snatched the jar from his grasp and rolled off of him.

Turning on the bed, she reached out and grabbed his now fully erect penis with one hand while she dipped her other into the jar. She dropped a generous dollop onto the head. Holding her hand flat she began to rub the head with her palm in wobbling circles, causing the chocolate to warm and soften. As it began to droop she scooped it up in the palms of her hands. Hermione wrapped her long, slender hands around his shaft. She made long downward strokes that went from the tip to the base until his length and width was completely covered in a sheath of chocolate. "Tell me Mr. Owl," she asked in a little girl voice, "how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?"

"What?" Ron raised his head to look down at her.

"A one," she flattened her tongue against the side of his penis and dragged it from base to head.

"Mmmm," they both said as she finished.

"A two," she said, her tongue now pointed and stiffened as she licked more chocolate from him. She paused then; eyeing his penis as it quivered slightly before her. "A three." She opened her mouth wide and sank down over him.

"Oh great Caesar!" Ron called out as his head dropped back onto the pillow and his arms flung wide across the bed. He moaned in ecstasy as her lips closed around him. She sucked hard on him and he could feel the inside of the hollows of her cheeks against him. She moved slowly and inexorably toward the top, her tongue dragging along and exciting every nerve it touched. Ron was expecting her to stop at the top and pull away. Instead she went back down, the warm wetness of her mouth exciting him even more as she moaned into him.

This went on for several minutes that felt like an eternity with Ron calling out her praises to the great wizards of history and begging for divine intervention. As Ron flailed about, resisting the urge to reach down and run his fingers through her hair, his arm bumped the small, cool, glass jar. With a monumental force of will and muscle control he reached over and dragged his fingers up the inside of Hermione's buttery smooth thighs.

She responded almost instantly to his touch, spreading her legs and allowing him to bring his hand higher up. Gently, he brushed his fingers through her silky soft hair, his fingers tickling at her most sensitive skin. She moaned again into his penis and raised her hips, giving him greater access. Gently, teasingly he ran his fingers over her, alternately twiddling and stroking her. He was rewarded fairly quickly, and as she opened up for him he ran the tips of his fingers up and down the folds of her opening, drawing soft moans of pleasure from her.

He removed his fingers from her and she protested with an indignant dip of her hips. Ron almost chuckled, but the gentle pressure of her teeth quickly reminded him how inappropriate that would be. He dipped two fingers into the small jar of chocolate, which was now over half gone, and dipped out a good size blob.

His hand returned to where it had been seconds before. His thumb stroked gently over her from front to back. She shivered as he passed over her most sensitive spots and moaned when his thumb slipped inside her and began to move in circles. Using his chocolate dipped fingers he explored her soft inner flesh and rubbed her clitoris. She drew her knees up under herself and pushed back against his hand. Using gentle pressure he indicated he wanted her hips closer to him.

Whether she was responding to his desire or expressing her own Ron didn't know, but when she raised her legs and settled her thighs on either side of his head he didn't care. He drew his tongue over her, eliciting a deep moan that reverberated all the way up his spine. In turn he groaned, filling the hollows of her body and causing her to shudder. He raised his head up off the pillow and wrapped his mouth around her. His tongue pushed deep inside her as he reveled in the mixed taste of chocolate and warm pussy.

In response to what Ron was doing with his tongue Hermione pushed herself up and released him from her mouth. "Ohhhhh," she called out as she arched her back and ground against his face. Ron had a short period of time when he was able to concentrate all of his energies on making her moan and cry out. The taste of her was exquisite, rather like liquid honey and the chocolate served only to make it even more desirable. Suddenly she swallowed as much of as she could again and the feeling was so intense that he fell back to the pillow and vocally thanked the greater powers for her incredible skills. In time he was able to wrest enough control back into his muscles that he again raised his head and kissed her deeply, tasting her inner most regions and causing her to call out in ecstasy. This cycle reiterated itself several more times before Ron finally broke it.

Ron slid his hands between them and cupped her breasts, which didn’t quite fill his large hands. He pushed against her and she sat up, settling firmly down over his mouth. He opened his mouth wide and curled his tongue up to press against her clitoris. He began to move it back and forth, feeling it flick off his tongue with every pass. His hands kneaded and stroked her breasts, occasionally pinching or tweaking her stiff nipples.

After a few minutes of his focused attention she began to cry out, yelling in incoherent syllables as she ground down on to his mouth and rocked her hips. Ron felt her body tense and release as waves of pleasure passed through her. Her cries became frenzied and higher in pitch. Soon she was screaming out his name, begging him to continue. Ron didn't let up; he pressed harder with his tongue and raked his fingernails lightly down her flanks until they came to rest on the smooth flare of her hips. With one last effort he pushed his face deeper up into her nd she climaxed in a flood, her screams piercing his eardrums as he drank her deeply. For several seconds she remained tense and Ron continued to drive her slowly insane until she finally released him from the vice-like grip her thighs had held him in.

With a sigh, Hermione collapsed down on the bed next to him. With a grin, Ron sat up and looked at her beautiful form. Her skin glowed in the flickering candlelight and she shivered as he ran his fingers lightly over her. Her hand snaked across the covers and slithered up over his thigh. She tickled his scrotum, which was pulled up tight against his body; then grazed her fingers through the mass of dark red hair that only she knew. "You, Mr. Weasley, deceived me. I thought I was getting a back rub."

Ron rubbed the heel of his hand against her mound, "Rub, you say? I can do that." She squirmed under the pressure of his hand, a soft moan escaping her lips.

"I want more than your hand." Her husky voice filled him with new desire for her. She wiggled around until her head was on the pillows and Ron was perched at her feet. He crawled up between her legs and stretched his form over her, hovering like a storm cloud. Like lightning, his lips came down to claim her mouth. Their lips pressed together and her mouth opened; beckoning his tongue forward.

Ron's growl thundered into her open mouth as his tongue shot forward, searing her mouth with the intensity of his desire. Her legs came up and wrapped around his thighs. She pulled him closer, he was stabbing at her now. She wiggled her hips underneath him as he ground and gyrated against her. Though their mouths were sealed together, Ron was forcing a great deal of concentration to an area much lower on his body. He felt the soft, wet, warmth he craved and prepared to press deeper in.

She reached around him, raking her nails down his back and electrifying every nerve in his body. In response he arced his back, breaking their kiss and driving his hips forward. He buried himself to the hilt in her with a loud groan of satisfaction and pleasure. She was like a furnace burning away everything but the need to hear her call his name as she yelled out in pleasure. He felt her muscles clench around him as he slowly withdrew. He rocketed forward again, once more eliciting a scream of ecstasy from her. He repeated this several times; every time he did her knees came up a little higher.

Ron shifted his weight so that he was being supported mostly by his knees and pushed himself upright. He reached down and drew his nails lightly along the skin of her thighs from her buttocks to her knees. He was rewarded with a shiver from her. He was glad to see she understood what he wanted as she tossed a pillow at him. He grinned and lifted her hips, never breaking contact with her, and slid the pillow under her hips and lower back.

Again he drew his hands along her legs, although this time he went clear to her ankles. With his large hands now wrapped firmly around her ankles he spread her legs wide so that they formed a great 'V'. He withdrew most of the way from her so that only his head remained in her and even then, only just barely. He began to take short strokes, penetrating her anew each time and then withdrawing again. "Oh God!" she cried out. "Stop teasing me like that." Her voice was throaty and pleading, it was a turn on just to hear it. With every backward stroke he took she clenched her muscles trying to hold him in, and yet willingly granted him easy access with every forward stroke.

"Would you rather I did this?" he asked lightly. He pushed into her with agonizing slowness. A fraction of an inch at a time he slid deeper into her. She was almost whimpering with desire to be filled by him. When he had finally seated his full length in her he ground against her. She shuddered with ecstasy. With the same slowness he withdrew and then came back forward. All the while she kept trying to force her hips against him and he moved with her to maintain the exquisite torture he was inflicting upon her. She brought her hands up to her chest and began to squeeze her breasts, tweaking and rolling her nipples between her fingers as he watched. This did achieve what she had desired.

Ron began to quicken his pace and take long sure strokes. Her moans of pleasure began to increase in volume and intensity as he continued to quicken his pace. He was pounding in and out of her now like a jackhammer, his own animalistic groans filling the air in counter-point to hers. He could feel the pressure building in him, seeking escape. Something cold settled against his leg and broke his concentration, but not his rhythm. He brought her legs together, deepening the channel he was sliding through. With a super-human effort of concentration he reached back and dipped his fingers into the nearly empty jar of chocolate. He scooped out what he could and brought it up to where he was still holding her feet. The chocolate was smeared across her insteps and toes with two great swipes.

The chocolate that remained on his fingers was not to be wasted though. He brought his fingers to her lips and she rabidly sucked in his fingers. Within seconds she had cleaned the chocolate from them, but Ron continued to move his fingers in and out of her mouth as she sucked and them and teased them with her tongue. Feeling the pressure building to critical levels in his loins he withdrew his fingers. She stuck out her lower lip in a very sexy pout. Ron tore his eyes away and focused his attention on his own final taste of the chocolate, never stopping the now slower movement of his hips against hers.

He spread her legs slightly again, but still held her feet near his shoulders. He swiped his tongue crossways through the line of chocolate. She drew a sharp intake of breath and tried to suppress a giggle, but failed. Ron grinned maliciously and began to swipe his tongue back and forth through the chocolate. She writhed beneath him, at once laughing and moaning in a sound that was both tortured and erotic. She was trying to kick away from him, but his grip was too powerful for her not entirely serious efforts.
Now he drew her toes into his mouth one by one. Each new toe brought the sweet taste of chocolate to his tongue and a gasp of surprised pleasure from her. When at last he finished with both she stopped thrashing about on the bed. Ron noted with some satisfaction that the bed was a mess and would have to be completely remade before they could sleep in it, but that was yet some time away. He looked down at her beautiful face, contorted into a smile of rapturous ecstasy and surrounded by a mass of tangled brown hair. Her eyes looked up at him with intensity normally reserved for great blazing rows or difficult problems; but there was no anger in them, only deep desire.

Her lips parted and she mouthed two words that Ron knew she would never say out loud. He was shocked, but to see her say it filled him with a kind of manic power. "I'm sorry, you want to say that a little louder? I don't think I quite heard you."

"Just do it," she growled in a desperate, throaty voice. He smiled at her, he knew she wouldn't say it to be heard, but the desire was there. He leaned forward; her knees pinned beneath his chest and her ankles against his shoulders. He gripped the top rail of their brass headboard for balance and levered his toes against the mattress. He withdrew about halfway from her then slammed forward into her. She gasped out a sound that wanted to be "Oh!" but didn't have quite that level of coherency. The sound went straight from his ears to his groin, which began to churn with excitement.

Over and over he pounded her this way, the air filled with the sounds of their skin slapping together, her cries of pleasure, and his moans of passion. He continued to slide in and out of her with the force and rhythm of a trip hammer, each stroke bringing them closer to the inevitable conclusion. Her cries became fevered and louder, her screams rending the air around them and driving Ron to push for even more. Suddenly her body began to tremble beneath him, she quivered and shook as one last great scream tore from her throat and sundered his resistance.

His entire visual focus shrank to an area that was only her eyes. He was aware of nothing else beyond the intense amber fire that burned there when she finally opened them again. She reached up and scratched her nails down his back. His spine arced, his head bent back, and his eyes closed as his orgasm tore through him with the force of speeding train. His entire body tensed, his muscles locked as he exploded into her like a volcano. Great spurts shot deep into her, and she cried out with the feeling of each one. After several seconds of agonizing ecstasy, he stopped shuddering.

He raised one arm, then the other, allowing her legs to slip away from his chest and fall down around him. He collapsed down on top of her, his arms barely supporting his weight to keep from crushing her. His lips brushed over her eyebrow, down her cheek, and traced the line of her jaw to her chin. Gently, almost reverently, he kissed her lips lightly. She murmured against his lips, "Don't get all sweet on me now." She pushed her lips against his and opened her mouth, prying his open in the process. Her tongue attacked his mouth and he could taste the very last of the chocolate there. The taste was smooth and sweet in her mouth and brought his mind back to reality with startling clarity. He kissed her deeply then, feeling her murmur into his mouth somehow as their tongues writhed and squeezed and poked at each other. Finally, after long minutes of reveling in her glow, he broke the kiss.

“What was that about a ‘Tootsie Pop’?”

She chuckled a bit as she looked up at him with a smile in her eyes and a smirk on her face. “It’s an American thing, a candy. In the commercial for them a boy asks a wise old owl how many licks it takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop. The owl takes three licks and bites it in half.”

Ron flinched. “I’m glad you didn’t bite. So why would you remember that?”

“It was very late and I was very tired and it struck me as very, very funny.” She gave him a wry smile, as though begging him not to tease her about it.

"So, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?"

She looked up at him with a perfectly straight face and replied. "The world may never know." Her façade failed at that point and she began to laugh.

The End

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-15 06:27:03
I will love to meet a gril friend so I will be friends

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