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Nick has to deal with Stacy's friend and hope that she doesn't spill the beans about their past sex at the mall. Stacy rewards Nick for his patience with her and Nick's mood begins to affect his relationships with others.
Nick didn’t know what to say. He was backed into a corner with no way out. He had to play coy until he figured out a good way to solve this dilemma.

“Yeah he does look slightly familiar,” Tiffany said, “But I’m not sure where I met him. Maybe I saw him at the mall sometime. It’s nice to meet you, Nick.”

Nick saw the corner of Tiffany’s mouth rise in a twisted smile. He knew some girls to be manipulative and worried that Tiffany could be one of those girls. He wasn’t exactly enamored with her after they had sex in the department store changing room given some of the rude comments she made during sex.

Now she had a chance to spill the beans to Stacy that Nick had fucked her. But would Tiffany risk her own friendship with Stacy by sharing that information? Stacy would likely be mad but what if she sided with Nick and was convinced that Tiffany came on to him?

For this reason alone, Nick held out hope. Even though he knew he had to warn Tiffany he may have passed Chlamydia to her, he had to ensure that he kept his relationship with Stacy going strong, even if that meant waiting this out until a better opportunity to share his diagnosis presented itself.

“C’mon guys, it’s going to be loads of fun,” Stacy said as she directed the foursome into the bowling alley.

Even though indoor smoking had been outlawed for some time, Nick smelled a faint aroma of cigarette smoke as he entered the bowling alley. Most of the occupied lanes were filled with adults wearing leather Harley Davidson jackets and drinking cheap beer from plastic cups. Glancing at the banner on the wall to his left, Nick saw that Miller Lite was offered on draft for $2.00.

“Are all of these people in your league?” Nick asked Stacy, hoping they weren’t the only normal looking people in attendance.

“Yeah, I know it looks rough,” she said. “But trust me, we fare pretty well against these tough guys. We’re the third best team in the league right now.”

“Great. I’m already starting to feel the pressure.”

“Don’t worry, Nick. It’ll be fun. Mary Kaye and I can carry your weight if you’re not so hot at bowling.”

“Yeah, maybe they’ll break the no bumpers rule just for you, Nick,” Mary Kaye said.

“Ha ha. I’m actually not that bad at bowling. I can top 200 on a good day.”

“Well Stace hits 300 practically every other time we bowl,” Mary Kaye said. “I hope you don’t get jealous that your girlfriend bowls better than you.”

Did she say girlfriend? Had Stacy told her friends that she was dating Nick? Nick didn’t think their relationship had escalated to that level. Some serious conversations were in order.

As Stacy and Mary Kaye walked past him, Nick felt Tiffany’s breath on his ear.

“She’s a really great girl. I’d hate to see you lose her,” Tiffany whispered.

“You wouldn’t say anything,” Nick whispered back. “You wanted it from me, not the other way around.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Tiffany asked. “You seemed pretty eager to fuck me then. If you’re that eager to fuck a stranger then why should I trust that you’re the right guy for my girl?”

She had a point there, Nick thought. This was even more evidence that he needed to stop fooling around with other girls and commit to Stacy, even if he had to wait to have sex with her. Nick kept walking, hoping to catch up to Stacy and Mary Kaye at the counter to rent bowling shoes before he was forced to answer Tiffany’s question.

“Are you going to answer me?”

“Look, Tiffany, it was a mistake. I never should have gotten together with you and I’d never do anything to hurt Stacy.”

Nick continued. “We’re not officially dating yet. I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend soon and none of this stuff is going to happen again.”

He hoped he could keep that promise.

“If you say so. I sure hope I’m the only girl outside of Stacy that you’ve hooked up with,” Tiffany warned. “I’ve got my eyes on you.”

Finally, Nick and Tiffany arrived at the counter to join Stacy and Mary Kaye in picking out their shoes. Nick had particularly large feet so he grabbed a size 12.5 shoe from the counter while the girls stared in disbelief that a boy could have such big feet.

“Are those clown shoes?” Mary Kaye asked. “They look like something Bozo would wear.”

“You know what they say about big feet, huh Stacy?” Tiffany asked.

Both Nick and Stacy flushed red with embarrassment.

“Tiff, stop it,” Stacy said. “You have to bowl better tonight than you did last week. You dragged the whole team down.”

“Don’t worry, Stace, I’ve got this. Your boy could be my good luck charm,” Tiffany said.
Being league bowlers, the three girls each brought their own ball. Nick watched as Mary Kaye took a cloth from her ball bag, sprayed some sort of grease on it and rubbed the ointment carefully around her 10 pound ball. Her ball reminded Nick of pictures he’d seen in science class of the Milky Way and other galaxies with its’ black base and various streaks of purple, red and gold that dotted the rest of the ball.

Stacy threw a heavier ball at 12 pounds, which was among the heaviest balls that Nick had seen a woman throw. Her ball was a maroon color and featured an insignia of a bowling ball with pins behind it. She didn’t put any grease on her ball but instead brought out a glove from her bag. Did people really wear bowling gloves?

“That ball looks pretty heavy. Are you sure you can handle that, babe?” Nick asked.

“Don’t be such a sexist,” Stacy replied. “I’ll outscore you any day with this big ball.”

Since Nick usually threw a 12 pounder himself, he felt like he had to jump up to at least a 14 pound ball to show off his strength and that he could throw something heavier than his petite love interest.

When Nick returned to the lane with his gray 14 pound ball, he realized that wouldn’t be good enough.

“Only 14 pounds? C’mon are you in third grade?” Mary Kaye asked.

“Yeah, I thought you were a big strong boy,” Tiffany said.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get something heavier,” said Nick.

Nick wandered to the rack of balls to look for something a little heavier. Given most of the teams surrounding them were comprised of burly biker men, there weren’t many heavy balls left to choose from.

Nick saw a large black ball at the far end of the rack close to the wall away from his team. Once he spotted the number 16 on the ball, Nick picked it up and started to walk back towards his team before Tiffany suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Jesus, you scared me,” Nick said.

“I’ve thought about it some more and I think I have no choice but to tell Stacy what you did,” Tiffany said.

“What?” Nick asked, worried that Tiffany was actually serious.

“I mean if you and Stacy already had sex and you’ve been on multiple dates, I’d kinda say that you’re dating, even if you’re not Facebook official. You know what I’m sayin’?”

“No, not really. Don’t girls ‘talk’ to multiple guys at one time? And by talk, I mean flirt with different guys and make them think you like them, only to get with some other guy later on.”

“Yeah, maybe some girls do that, but not Stacy. Stacy’s a real special girl. She doesn’t like to play games. I don’t want to see another douchebag playing games with her like the last guy that Mary Kaye and I had to teach a lesson to.”

What kind of lessons did they teach this guy?

“Ok, look, I’m sorry I slept with you. But from my vantage point, Stacy and I aren’t dating yet. Believe me, once I ask her out, there’s no way I’d hook up with anyone else.”

Nick wondered if he would be able to hold to that promise. He hoped his therapy session tomorrow would give him a solution to this problem.

“Mhmm, that’s what they all say. But I’m a nice girl, too. I’ll give you one chance. If you do anything from now on that could hurt her, no matter how flirty other girls are with you, I’m gonna hurt you. You got it?”

Nick imagined himself as a business owner from the 1940’s being taken for bribes by the Sicilian mob like in The Godfather or some other mob movie. Tiffany’s accent seemed Jersey enough to play the part. Her blonde hair didn’t quite match the olive skin and dark brown eyes to complete the look.

“Yeah I got it. I really like Stacy, so I’m gonna do all I can for her.”

“Good. Now let’s bowl.”


Stacy felt a lot of pressure as the first series of the night was about to start. She was insanely competitive for meaningless events like this. Her team, fittingly named the Purple People Eaters with Mary Kaye wearing her purple t-shirt and Tiffany a purple skirt with gray leggings, was ranked third in their bowling league. Nick filled in for their friend Priscilla, who was “sick.”

Priscilla was the worst bowler on the team but that wasn’t why Stacy asked her to fake an illness so she could ask Nick to fill in. Stacy had no clue how good of a bowler Nick was so she could have been hurting her own cause without realizing it.

Stacy asked Priscilla to be “sick” so she could see how well Nick got along with her friends. This was the one area where many of her previous gentleman callers struggled to pass the test. Most of them dismissed her friends and showed no interest in them or they would sometimes even flirt with Tiffany.

Goddamnit why did I have to have the hot blonde friend? Stacy thought.

While she wasn’t officially dating Nick yet, she wanted to be his girlfriend. She didn’t want to be a girlfriend that always put out and did whatever her man said, but a girlfriend that was an equal partner in a meaningful relationship. She wanted to be with someone who she could share her interests with and he could share his interests with her. Nick passed the “let’s take this slow” test of no sex so she imagined he’d pass the “gets along with friends” test with flying colors.

“Why are you so nervous girl? We’ve got this!” Mary Kaye shouted from the next lane as she was ready to deliver her first bowl of the game. That meant that the other team had already started their first frame on that lane and was waiting for Stacy to get her mind out of the gutter and throw the damn ball.

Stacy picked up her ball took four large steps forward, cocked her right arm back and lunged her right arm and left leg forward, sending the ball hurtling down the lane. She saw the ball make a slight curve between the 7 and 8 pins toward the dead center position between pins 8 and 9. Strike.

“Woohoo! Go Stace!” Mary Kaye shouted in support.

Stacy’s heart beat started to slow as she walked back towards the bench. At least one test was starting off well.

“Damn, babe, that was a good throw,” Nick said as he put his arm around her. “How do you get it to spin like that?”

“What do you know, Tiff, a boy asking a girl for help in sports. I think Armageddon is upon us,” Stacy joked.

“What else don’t I know about you? Let me guess, you play a mean bass guitar, too?” Nick asked.

“Wow, how did you know? I absolutely play a kick ass bass guitar,” Stacy replied.

Nick looked over to Tiffany with a questioning look. As her best friend for nearly 15 years, Tiffany knew more about Stacy than even she herself did at times.

“Yeah, dude, she’s really good. She only has Gene Simmons to pass as the best bass player of all time,” Tiffany said.

“No way, you think KISS had the greatest bass player of all time?” Nick asked.

“Hey, I like KISS too,” Stacy said.

Before the conversation continued, Stacy got up to throw her next frame on the other lane. She could relax now that it seemed like Nick and Tiffany were getting along. Before she gathered herself for the throw, Stacy wondered what that strange look the two of them had upon meeting this afternoon was about. It was almost as they were two exes not happy to see each other. But it couldn’t be, right?

Stacy stepped forward, cocked her arm back and fired another bullet down the lane. This time, the ball veered too sharply to the left, causing the 9, 10, and 6 pins to go flying. Not the result she wanted.

“Damn that sucked.”

The rest of the first game fared better for Stacy as she let her worries fade into the background and focused on enjoying herself in the moment. She had a tendency to forget that bowling and spending quality time with friends were more important than winning, though her individual score of 230 was a very strong one.

Despite a good effort put up by her teammates; Mary Kaye had a strong game for her with a 189, Tiffany a 140, and Nick a surprising 168; their opponents played even stronger, earning a team average 190 compared to her team’s average of 181.75.

“Damn, you ladies are pretty good,” said one of the male bowlers on the team they were playing.

He looked to be in his mid-fifties with a graying black beard to match his salt and pepper colored hair. He reminded Stacy of Allen from the television show Home Improvement. He glanced at Mary Kaye repeatedly. Stacy hoped her friend didn’t give in to her attraction to older men with this guy. He seemed creepy.

“Hey Stace, before we start the next game, I have something to tell you,” Tiffany said. “Meet me in the bathroom?”

“Oh, ok,” Stacy replied. “Do you gentlemen mind while we take a bathroom break?”

“Fine by us,” the bearded man said. “It gives us time to get another beer.”

“I’ll be right back, ok,” Stacy said to Nick.

He looked like he saw a ghost.

“Something wrong, hun?”

“No, I’m fine. Go ahead, I’ll be waiting to up your score this game,” Nick said nervously.

“You so can’t top me. Be right back.”


It was over between him and Stacy. There was no way she’d be with him after this, Nick thought. Tiffany could have just been playing mind games with him and may have been telling Stacy something completely different, but Nick’s worried mind had other thoughts.

Nick’s right leg started jumping involuntarily and he picked at his nails. These things tended to happen when he was nervous.

“Everything alright, Nick?” Mary Kaye asked.

Her question startled him.

“Yeah, I’m just trying to psyche myself up for the next game,” he lied.

“Well you did pretty good last time. How often do you bowl?”

“Not that often. My friends would rather drink and party than go bowling, I suppose.”

“That’s too bad. Bowling is quite fun. Where I’m from, we bowl all the time. We call it tenpin there.”

“Where are you from?” Nick asked.

“I’m actually from Australia. Can’t you tell by my accent?”

Nick thought he noticed a faint accent when he first met Mary Kaye, but he didn’t think much of it.

“Yeah, I guess I noticed something different about it. How long have you been here?”

Before Mary Kaye could answer, Nick saw Stacy and Tiffany return from the restroom. Stacy had a very stern look on her face, like she was ready to explode in anger.

“What the hell, Nick?” Stacy asked.

Tiffany must have spilled the beans. Any guilt he felt over not telling Tiffany he may have passed chlamydia to her faded now. The feeling of guilt was replaced with feelings of rage. He would make her pay for this.

“Tiffany just told me you’ve been waiting to ask me something. Why haven’t you done it yet?”

Stacy’s stern look slowly turned to a smile. What was going on here?

“Ask you what?”

“Oh, c’mon, Nick, you told me how you felt about Stace earlier. Don’t you remember what you wanted to ask her?” Tiffany said.

Tiffany hadn’t told Stacy of their transgression in the mall. All was right with the world. It dawned on Nick that Tiffany must have told Stacy that he wanted to eventually ask her to be his girlfriend. But was the bowling alley the proper place?

“Yeah, I remember,” Nick said. “Stacy, I really like you and think you’re an amazing girl. You’re cute, funny, you’re an amazing bowler, and I just have the best times with you since we’ve met.”

Nick looked around the alley and noticed the opposing team was watching, plastic cups of beer in hand. He’d meant every word he said but still found it hard to be vulnerable in such a public place.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Nick asked.

Stacy smiled and let out a breath of relief.

“Yes, Nick, I’d love to be your girlfriend,” Stacy said. “Just don’t treat me like a trophy wife and we’re all good.”

The two got up and hugged and Nick gave her a quick peck on the lips. He wanted to do more that that with her and started feeling sexual urges, which he willed to go away.

“Here, here, way to go, kid,” said one of the opposing team members. They all raised their beer cups in a sign of cheers and slammed their drinks down their throats.

“Now let’s finish these games!” Mary Kaye shouted.


The night of bowling turned out to be very fun. After losing the first game of the series, Stacy’s team came back to win the next two games and post the highest average of the series. Nick even cracked 200 during the final two games.

As Nick lie in bed the next morning to avoid getting ready for school, Nick saw his future with Stacy looking brighter and brighter.

After the games were finished and Nick and Stacy said goodbye to Tiffany and Mary Kaye, Stacy and Nick made out passionately against his car. Stacy whispered seductively into Nick’s ear, complimenting him on how he’d been such a good boy for playing nice with her best friends and how he showed how strong he was throwing such a heavy ball down the lane.

Nick remembered his penis being as hard as a rock during the make out session. Stacy’s whispers in his ear drove him even crazier. He felt like ripping her clothes off at the time and having his way with her in the back seat of his car.

Then he remembered that Stacy still didn’t want to go that far and he’d felt further conflict. He already asked her to be his girlfriend earlier that night so he’d felt she would agree to sex sooner than later but at the same time he couldn’t afford to fuck up anymore since he was more invested in their relationship than he was in the past.

It was much to Nick’s surprise when he felt Stacy’s small hand caress the length of his erect penis through the outside of his red khaki shorts.

“You’ve been such a good boy lately,” Stacy said to him. “I want to reward you for your patience.”

“Oh yeah, what did I do to be so lucky?”

“C’mon, let’s get in your car and you’ll find out.”

Nick nearly came in his pants. He was so excited that he’d finally have a chance to be sexual with Stacy. With his penis leading the way, Nick raced to open the rear door so he could get busy with Stacy. He didn’t even care that they were still parked next to several cars or if someone spotted them. He was dying to be inside of Stacy again and was already used to being somewhat of an exhibitionist anyway.

As he visualized the scene from last night, Nick’s right hand snaked its’ way inside of his white boxers to masturbate. Nick drew his foreskin back and forth over his glands as he relived the memory in his mind.

Once the teens had settled into the back of Nick’s car, they resumed their make out session for a few minutes. Nick remembered not being able to get enough of the sweet taste of Stacy’s lips. Instead of the strawberry lip balm that he had tasted before, he tasted something resembling cinnamon, one of his favorite tastes.

Stacy’s hands had made their way once again back to Nick’s hard cock. Her hand gripped the shaft to jack him off through his shorts. While this felt pleasurable to Nick, he wished for Stacy to take his aching cock out of his pants for more relief.

Nick’s hands reached for Stacy’s breasts, which he began to fondle through her t-shirt. Stacy moaned as Nick tried to tweak her right nipple through the material.

Stacy reached up from Nick’s cock for his belt and unbuckled it. Next, she unbuttoned his shorts and pulled down his zipper. Nick’s heart beat ever faster in his chest anticipating the sex that was about to come.

“I still don’t want to go all the way yet,” Stacy said. “But since you’ve been so good, I’m going to give you a nice surprise.”

Nick initially felt disappointment but then thought if he wasn’t going to have sex, he would at least get his dick sucked. He had yet to experience a blowjob from Stacy, so this would still be a good experience for him.

“Are you going to suck my dick?” Nick asked.

“Why yes. Unless you don’t want me to,” Stacy teased.

“No, please do it. I can’t wait baby.”

Stacy pulled Nick’s shorts and boxers down below his balls, stared into his eyes seductively, and began to lick his shaved balls.

“Put them in your mouth,” Nick ordered.

Letting her independent nature slide, Stacy did exactly as Nick said. She wrapped her lips around his left nut and then his right. She switched between licking his balls and sucking them, ensuring she didn’t come close to making contact with his penis.

Nick’s cock ached and he didn’t appreciate Stacy’s teasing. He needed her mouth around his cock in the worst way.

“Please, suck my cock baby. I want it so bad.”

In his bed, Nick’s hand moved faster up and down his cock. He was starting to feel really good as he jerked off to the memory of last night’s event. He thought he heard his mother’s footsteps outside his bedroom but thought nothing of it as the memory of Stacy’s tongue flicking over his frenulum made him moan in ecstasy.

“Oh fuck yeah, lick it good,” Nick said to himself.


Stacy enjoyed the pleasurable sounds Nick made as she licked his head and shaft. She grabbed a hold of his 7 inch penis and jacked it up and down while she assaulted him with her tongue.

Knowing from their only prior sexual encounter that Nick was uncircumcised, Stacy came prepared and googled some tips on how to please uncut guys orally on the internet. She drew his foreskin over his glands and placed the tip of her tongue inside the skin and licked around the inside, making sure to hit his frenulum and piss slit with her tongue.

“Damn, you know how to suck dick,” Nick moaned as she continued her oral assault on his cock.

Stacy took her mouth off of Nick’s dick to smile at him.

“I’m glad you like it, sexy. What do you want to do to me?”

This question was a test in itself. She already told Nick she wasn’t ready to go all the way but she’d wanted to make sure that Nick didn’t force himself upon her like he did the only other time they had sex. She wanted to see if Nick would respect the boundaries she had set.


Nick’s first thought after hearing Stacy’s question was of fucking her. She’d clearly asked him what he wanted, so perhaps that meant she would be willing to fuck him.

But maybe she was testing him. It was hard work being in a relationship.

“I really want to fuck you but I could use a snack.”

“What do you mean Nicholas?”

“Let me lick your pussy.”

“Now now, this is all about you. You’re the good boy who’s been waiting so patiently. I’ll get my turn another time. What else do you want?”

Nick could only think of one other thing he’d wanted to try that he was sure Stacy would go for. He’d never had a chance to do this despite all the sex he had been having over the past few weeks. He wanted to tit-fuck her.

“I wanna fuck your titties,” Nick said.

“Oh yeah? That sounds really dirty baby, I don’t know if we should,” Stacy teased.

“I don’t care. Take your shirt off.”

“Yes, sir,” Stacy said as she removed her gray t-shirt to reveal a strapless turquoise blue bra. To Nick, it looked like a bikini top.

“You look so sexy like that,” Nick said.

“Do I look so sexy that I can leave it on?”

Nick chuckled.

“Of course you do, but you’d look better with it off.”

Stacy unclasped her bra, revealing her B cup breasts. Before he knew it, both of Nick’s hands were pawing Stacy’s breasts. She moaned softly as Nick massaged her boobs.

“We don’t want someone discovering us, do we?” Stacy asked. “You better titty-fuck me good, before someone sees us.”

“Oh I will,” Nick replied.

He took his dick in right hand and placed it between Stacy’s cleavage. She squeezed her breasts together around his cock, creating a tight yet smooth surface for him to fuck between.

“Oh yeah, that’s tight. How do you like it?”

“It feels weird but I like it.” Stacy pressed her breasts as tightly as she could around Nick’s cock.

Nick thrust his thick cock faster between Stacy’s breasts. He loved seeing his head disappear and reappear from the top of her breasts. It looked like a jack in the box as he went in and out.

Perhaps the sheer unfamiliarity and variety of the situation had Nick’s head spinning and his cock ready to fire a load. He wasn’t quite ready to cum yet and he wanted to feel Stacy’s lips around his cock again.

“Taste my cock again, baby,” Nick said.

Even now that Stacy was his girlfriend, he didn’t feel extremely comfortable ordering her around sexually. It was a good thing she played as a good sport.

Her lips met his cock like long separated lovers greeting at the airport. Nick placed his hand on the back of her head, forcing every inch of his cock into her mouth. Stacy’s moans and gags turned him on even more.

“That’s it, keeping going. I want you to deepthroat me.”

Stacy did the best she could as she tried to take Nick’s entire length. Despite her choking she nearly managed to swallow his cock whole.

Back in his bedroom and remembering the view of his cock being completely enclosed in Stacy’s mouth, Nick felt his orgasm approaching. He was usually prepared with a Kleenex to cum into when he was jacking off. Looking around, Nick noticed nothing more convenient than cumming in his underwear.

Reliving last night, Stacy rose off of his cock briefly to catch her breath before she swallowed Nick’s cock once again. She resumed licking his frenulum and the inner portion of his foreskin as she bobbed on his knob. All of her movements became too intense for Nick who felt the hot white pleasure race up his shaft.

“Uggggh fuck,” Nick moaned as he shot his cum down Stacy’s throat.

Stacy swallowed as much cum as she could but due to the impressive size of his load, some of his cum spilled down the sides of her mouth. It was an impressive sight indeed.

That last visual memory was all Nick needed to cum again as he blasted rope after rope of hot cum into his boxers. There was nothing like a good orgasm to start the day off on the right foot.


Roberta Jameson wondered what was taking her son so long to get out of bed. It wasn’t that Nick was a morning person but he usually wasn’t this slow at getting in the shower and having breakfast. He only had a half hour before his friend Danny would be expecting him for the ride over to school.

As Roberta walked down the upstairs hall to check in on her son, she thought back to just how nasty she was at Louie’s Bar after seeing her son’s father for the first time in person since shortly after Nick was born.

She knew she had every right to feel angry, especially since Frank left her completely on her own to raise Nick. She didn’t regret anything that happened after that but she found it disconcerting that Frank could just show up and casually start a relationship with Nick like nothing ever happened. Still, she didn’t know the full story so she reminded herself to ask Nick for his perspective, while warning him to stay away from Frank, later.

Roberta usually knocked on the door before entering her son’s room, knowing the nature of teenage boys, but absentmindedly opened the door without thinking on this day. She was shocked to see Nick lying on his back in his underwear, his penis tenting his shorts. She noticed a large wet spot at the front. Perhaps that was why he was taking so long to get going this morning.

“Whoa, shit,” Nick said. He quickly threw the covers over himself, perhaps hoping she wouldn’t see the mess he made in his boxers.

“Sorry, honey, I should’ve knocked. I guess I wasn’t thinking this morning. Will you be ready for school? I want to make sure you have plenty of time to get ready.”

“Yes, mom, I’ll be ready,” Nick snarled.

Roberta didn’t expect such a reaction.

“Is everything alright, Nick? You’ve acted a little different lately so I want to make sure nothing’s wrong.”

“No, nothing’s wrong.”

Roberta didn’t appreciate how short her son was with her but she attributed it to barging in on him unannounced. She decided she would talk with him more after he got ready.

“Ok, honey. I’ll leave you to get ready for school.”

Roberta waited at the dining room table, still in her silky brown bath robe. She didn’t have to be at her office until after her first house showing of the day, which was at 9:30 at a nearby neighborhood. She slowly enjoyed her morning cup of coffee without feeling rushed like she usually did.

She had felt rushed her whole life. She originally wanted to be a nurse when she entered college but was rushed into being a mother at 21 when she let an overly aggressive guy take advantage of her sexually. She then rushed into becoming a realtor since it seemed easy enough to learn the job while supporting a young child and still receiving support from her own parents.

After she had become successful in her career, she met Robert, and though she loved him, she knew she rushed into their marriage sooner than she would have liked. Now, she was one of the most successful realtors in her office and she had a lot of responsibility. This usually meant she had to rush in to work by 7:30 a.m. and she often didn’t return home until around 6 p.m.

Sometimes, she wished she could take it slow and easy and sip her morning coffee without hurrying every day. Before she could daydream further, Roberta saw Nick with his backpack slung over his shoulder, ready to head out for school.

“Bye, mom,” Nick said.

“Bye, honey,” Roberta said before she remembered what she wanted to discuss with him. “Wait, Nick. Can I talk to you?”

“Mom, Danny’s going to be super pissed if I’m late again.”

“He can wait a few minutes. I promise this won’t take long.”

“Ok. It better be quick.”

Roberta lost her train of thought as her son uttered those words. Her darling boy was never this rude to her and she had no idea what was going on with him. This morning’s incident was just the latest example in a long line of rude behavior from Nick. The shopping trip over the weekend where Nick constantly complained about her accompanying him on the trip was preceded by Nick growling when she suggested he wear protection if he was going to be involved in a relationship with this Stacy he was seeing. Her son’s father showing up was the cherry on top of an unfortunate past few days.

“Nick, what’s going on with you? Is your father showing up all of a sudden affecting your mood? Because you’ve been very short with me lately and I don’t appreciate it,” Roberta said.

“Look, mom, I’m sorry. I’ve just been stressed with school lately. Can we talk about this some other time?” Nick asked.

“Honey I know there’s a lot of pressure on you at school right now. But I feel like something else is bothering you and I just want to help. I know it must be hard having your father come back in your life after so many years. It’s hard for me just seeing him around. Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, mom. Not right now. I know it’s kind of a dick move to show up after he hasn’t been around my whole life but he’s not that bad of a guy. He’s interesting to listen to even if he’s sort of a loser.”

Dick move? Is that what the kids were saying these days?

“I’m glad you realize that. Your father is a no good freeloader who just goes from place to place looking to make easy money any way he can. I’m surprised he isn’t homeless. Did he say why he was here?”

Nick rolled his eyes in irritation.

“I thought you said this was going to be quick. I’ve gotta get to school.”

“Ok, ok. Fine. But Nick, I want you to stay away from Frank. Is that clear? If you’re stressed out with school the last thing you need is hearing about your father’s problems.”

“What if I want to talk to him?”

“I don’t think it’s in your best interest to talk to him right now, honey.”

“But I’m 18 years old. If I want to talk to him, I will.”

“Nick, I’m still your mother and I’ve always been there to love and support you. Has Frank? I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Nick sighed and rolled his eyes again.

“Mom, I’m not going to get hurt. Can you relax? I’ve gotta go now we can talk when I get home.”

Nick walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him. Roberta sat back down at the coffee table in silence, tears forming in her eyes. Perhaps she would have preferred feeling rushed today.


As Nick drove to Danny’s to pick him up for another day of school, he had no idea what was going on with his mother. She was lecturing him about spending time with his father, which he could understand given how Frank had hurt her, but Nick felt she had no business interfering with him talking to Frank.

Even though the man was a weird guy, he just may be the only person that knew what Nick was going through with his sex addiction who could help him stop it, even if Frank hadn’t conquered the addiction himself.

Nick knew he had been short with his mother lately but who could blame him when she just barged in his room post masturbation?

Even getting a blowjob last night from the woman he loved wasn’t enough to satiate him from pleasuring himself this morning. He really hoped Stacy would agree to have sex after the homecoming dance this weekend. He absolutely needed it.

Finally, Nick pulled up to Danny’s house and watched in silence as his best friend entered the vehicle.

“How’s it going, dude? How was bowling last night?” Danny asked.

Nick wondered just how much of the night he should reveal to his friend. Last time they had talked, Nick agreed to see Danny’s mother’s therapist to discuss Nick’s constant appetite for sex and see what could be done about the addiction. He also agreed to find the girl he hooked up with in the mall that he may have passed his chlamydia on to. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell Danny that he not only found the girl but that she was one of Stacy’s best friends.

“It was pretty good. We ended up winning and I didn’t throw the girls off their rhythm too much. Stacy’s such a good bowler, man, it’s unbelievable,” Nick said.

“I bet I could kick her ass,” Danny said.

“Yeah right, man. She gets 300’s like it’s nobody’s business.”

Nick’s words trailed off. He really didn’t want to tell Danny about Tiffany being the girl at the mall but at the same time if he couldn’t trust his best friend for help, then who could he trust?

“So remember yesterday when we talked about the girl that I fucked at the mall?”

“Yeah, what about her?”

“Well, I found her already.”

“Wait, already? How? Did you tell her?”

“No, man, I couldn’t do it. It turns out the girl I hooked up with is Stacy’s best friend. She already threatened to tell Stacy that we slept together. I didn’t know what to do.”

“Damn, that’s messed up. I guess that puts you in a tough spot.”

“Yeah it does. And I asked Stacy to be my girlfriend last night too, which just throws another wrench into this whole mess.”

“Nice man. I think it’ll be good for you to have a relationship. Maybe it’ll control your sex drive a bit. You’ve gotta find a way to tell that girl though.”

“Yeah I know but how? If I say anything, I’ll lose Stacy for sure. I’m still dying for sex even after she gave me a bj last night.”

“You’re still going to see my mom’s therapist right? Maybe she can help.”

“Yeah, I’ll still see the damn therapist,” Nick said. “I heard from somebody at school yesterday that some guy got caught fucking Lizzy Watkins in the auditorium bathroom. She’s a crazy chick, huh?”

Nick looked over to Danny to gather his reaction but saw nothing but color drain from his face.

“Don’t tell me it was you?” Nick asked.

Danny looked away and said nothing for a moment.

“Well was it?” Nick asked again.

“Maybe it was me,” Danny said.

“Damn, dude. You go off on me for fucking her after we tagged her and then you go and fuck her again? I don’t think you can judge me anymore.”

“Nick, I’m not trying to judge you. You’re my friend and I don’t always act like it but I’ve got your back. What if I told you I think I like Lizzy?”

“Yeah I know. She’s fucking hot and super tight. Who wouldn’t like her?”

“No, not just for sex. I kind of want to be with her.”

“Like as a boyfriend?” Nick asked.

“Yeah I think I do. We just really connected sexually and I saw something in her eyes. It was more than lust that I’ve seen when fucking other girls who just get obsessed with my dick.”

“What about Mitch? He’s finally getting over Lizzy and now you’re just thinking about yourself.”

“Ok, so are you,” Danny shouted. “You’re the one who won’t tell Stacy’s friend that she might have chlamydia because you’re afraid of losing a relationship with a girl you’ve known for less than three weeks.”

“That’s not fair, I really like Stacy. She’s the first girl I’ve liked for a really long time. We connect more than just sexually, which you wouldn’t know anything about,” Nick said. “I thought you had my back.”

“I did have your back until you started being a fucking douche and calling me selfish. Maybe I really like Lizzy too, did you ever think of that? Do you think I want to hurt Mitch again on purpose? Maybe I feel something with Lizzy. Maybe I feel love and I’ve never felt that before. Is that a good enough answer?”

Nick didn’t answer. He had pulled into the school parking lot and was actually anxious to get out of the car and start the school day. So long as he didn’t have to deal with any more emotional crap. First it was his mother suggesting he had been acting different and now it was Danny saying he found love all of a sudden.

When he looked over at Danny, he saw how much this had been weighing on him. Nick was vulnerable enough to share the story of having sex with the hooker and subsequently contracting chlamydia which he likely passed on to Tiffany. Danny was still supportive. Could Nick be equally supportive for Danny’s sake?

“Look I’m sorry, I never thought of it like that,” Nick said.

“Whatever, don’t worry about it,” Danny said, clearly angered. “I’m going to do what I want to do, whether you’re with me or not.”

With that, Danny opened the passenger door and marched towards the school doors. Nick could only throw his head back in disgust. Now his mother and his best friend were mad at him. What the hell else could go wrong?
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