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Don's dick gets two virgin pussies... one being his Granddaughter.
“Hi, Dad, it’s Linda. I have a couple questions for you, but if you say ‘no’, it’ll be fine.”
Don Parker’s daughter explained that she and Shelton, her husband, were going to take their two youngest kids to Disney World.

They would be passing within a short distance of Don’s home, on the beach at Rockport, and wanted to meet with him long enough to have lunch together.
“Now I have a couple questions for you, Dad. Shelly’s decided she’s too old to hang out with her parents and little brothers; she’s plenty old enough, and responsible enough, to stay at home, but she’d like to stay the next couple weeks with you, so she can hit the beach each day.
“Will that be alright with you?”

Of course, the first grandchild always holds a special place in the hearts of grandparents and Don was happy to have Shelly come stay with him. He hadn’t seen Linda’s family much over the last four years, since his wife had lost her life in a cruise ship fire. She was a crew member and gave her own life, helping others to safety.

“Are you ready for the other shoe to drop?”

Don snickered, “You know me all too well, sweetheart. Whatever you want will be fine with this ol’ Grandpa.”

“Yeah, 56 years old,” she laughed, “you’ll probably be Heaven bound any time. Actually, Shelly wants to know if it would be okay to bring a friend.”

“What’s he like?” Don knew that would get a rise from Linda.

“NO! It’s not a ‘HE’. Her name is Tara and she’s a really sweet kid. I promise you’ll like her.”

Don joked with her about having two beautiful women in the house at the same time, “As long as they kept their drinking and loud music under control, I’ll bet I can handle ‘em. If they get too much out of hand, I’ll put ‘em both to work cleaning house; when they get that done, the park rangers can always use help picking up trash off the beach.”

“Pffft… I don’t think either of them has ever tasted alcohol. But if they even think of getting into yours, you have my permission to bust their butts.”

“No worries there, Honey… ain’t been any booze here in over two years. When and where do you want me to meet up with y’all?

Three days and a good meal in Victoria’s Angus Cafeteria, Don was headed home with his two young guests. The sound of the girls’ giggles was a refreshing change from the loneliness he was used to. They marveled at the hundreds of giant windmills and the big, brown tarantulas crossing the road.

Shelly had taken a growth spurt since he’d last seen her, at Christmas. Tara was almost identical in size, but her fiery red hair and brown eyes were a sharp contrast to Shelly’s blonde and pale blues.
He noticed Tara’s long smooth legs first, “Damn, if I was a young man,” he mused, “I’d damn sure like to get my face into that crotch. What the hell am I thinking? Young or not, I’d still like to do it.”

When Shelly laid her head on his shoulder, her top button popped loose and Don immediately noticed her cleavage, “Fuck,” he thought, “when did my little Punkin grow those babies? This is gonna be a couple of weeks with some serious jack-off time.”

The girls bounced out of the pickup, snatched their bags and headed up the stairs. Don had told them to use the first bedroom facing the beach. It also had a balcony, which extended to his own room next door. If the opportunity presented itself, he could slip along the wall and, perhaps, peek into their room… hoping for a sight that would stick in his memory, while he beat his meat.

Ten minutes later, two hot young bodies descended the stairway. Swinging their beach towels, they danced around the room in front of Don, wiggling their butts and humming to the old tune, The Stripper.
Bowing his head and shaking it, he thought, “Good Lord, give me strength. The next two weeks are going to be pure hell on this man’s restraint. If I don’t jerk my poor cock completely off my body, I’ll probably have a Goddamn heart attack from tryin’.”

Shelly and Tara knew full well what they were displaying. Shelly sat on his lap, the top of her bikini barely covering her nipples, “Can we go on down to the beach, Grandpa? We won’t stay long because we forgot our sunscreen. I want to show Tara the beach markers so if we get separated, she can find her way back.”

“Hold it right there. There’s no way you two are going to the beach naked…”

“But we want…”

“Don’t interrupt me, Punkin. I see those tiny bathing suits all the time. I just never saw one on my granddaughter. You can go to the beach on two conditions; the towels stay on your shoulders and drape over your… uh…”

“Boobs?”… That one came from Tara.

“Yes… and you will NOT get separated; I don’t care if you have to hold hands… stay.. together, period.”

Shelly and Tara, both, kissed Don on the cheek, echoed, “Thank you, Grandpa!” and headed thru the glass doors to the steps leading to the path, which went to the beach.
By the time they were half way down the path, Don watched the tight, young asses as his hard cock filled Kleenexes with his warm cum.

The girls were back in half an hour, but paraded around in their bikinis the rest of the afternoon. Pizza was in order for supper; then the girls made another short trip to the beach. On their return, they headed for their bedroom to catch up with friends on Shelly’s computer, “We both have to use mine,” she explained, “Tara’s parents can’t really afford a laptop for her, but they have a very nice desktop setup at their house.
“You know where we’ll be, call us if you need anything, Grandpa.”

Don went to his office in the attic and dug out his old laptop. He took his good one and tapped on the door, “Tell you what, little miss Tara, I have an old laptop that you can have. I’m gonna clean up my old files, charge the battery, do a recovery and update the browser. You can have it when I get it done. It’s just been laying in a box for a few months, anyway. Until I get it ready, here… you can use this one. I’ll need it to check on some investments by about eleven o’clock, but you can use it ‘til then.”

He couldn’t remember the last time a finer set of young tits crushed into his chest. Tara’s arms were around her neck and her face was nestled against his neck, “Thank you, Grandpa. You’re the nicest man I ever met.” She kissed his neck and cheek, took the laptop and joined Shelly, sitting cross legged on the bed. His granddaughter’s smile told him volumes of appreciation for what he was doing for her friend.

“Oh my God, Shelly,” Tara whispered, “Look what I found. Your grandpa… I mean our grandpa, forgot to delete his browsing history. Look what he was watching while we were at the beach.”

She had turned the volume down when she discovered the video clips of older men, some claimed to be daddies, some claimed to be uncles, some claimed to be grandpas.
In all cases, there were much younger girls sucking on stiff cocks and taking them in their pussies and up their asses.
The girls watched in astonishment and discussed the different sizes of dicks, labia lips, how fast a girl’s asshole would close up after withdrawal and, of course, if the participants were really related or not.

“I wonder if Grandpa was watching this and thinking about screwing me, or us?”

“And I wonder how big his thing is. We’re both virgins, Shelly, but I never thought about losing mine to an older man. Your grandpa is so nice and so sweet, though. If I do decide to screw an older guy, I hope it’s him or someone just like him.”

Shelly’s mouth dropped open while Tara was talking, “Better close that mouth, Shelly. Grandpa might just come in and stick his dick in it.”
The pillow fight was on.
The girls laughed as they swung at each other and grabbed for the tie strings on their bikinis, which they were still wearing.

Don heard the scuffling, slipped out of his room, and peeked as Tara scored first, jerking Shelly’s bottom off… exposing the rest of her beautiful butt cheeks and her light, thin covering of pubic hair.
Tara’s halter came off next; her full tits being firm with very little jiggle in them as they fell onto the bed, wrestling. Neither girl objected as the other finished undressing her.
Before Don’s prying eyes, the two explored each other’s bodies and commented on what they liked, or would like to have.

“I wish I had red hair and brown eyes; you look so sexy and hot, Tara.”

“You’re pretty hot, yourself… PUNKIN!”

They giggled for a minute, then Shelly said, “I wish my boobs were bigger, too. Guys like big boobs.”

“My brother told me it doesn’t matter to boys. Once they can see a girl’s nipples, they don’t care what goes with them.”

“Have you ever seen his dick?”

“He showed it to me once; told me to suck it for him. I got to my knees, lifted it up a little, opened my mouth and hit him square, right in the balls. I told him to keep the little peanut to himself. The littlest one we watched tonight was five times bigger that his.
“I wonder how big Grandpa’s is?”

Finally, while Tara was rubbing her fingers on Shelly’s clit, she told her friend, “I’ve decided… If I don’t find a cute guy by tomorrow afternoon, I’m gonna try to get Grandpa to screw me. It’s time to lose my virginity and learn more. We have almost two weeks and I want to learn as much as I can. What do you think?”

“But he’s… Oh God that feels good. Keep rubbing me… right there, oh yessss… mmmm.. Grandpa’s so much older than you… Uhng… mmmm… he probably wouldn’t touch either of us… aghhh… Oh shit, Tara… ooooo… you’re gonna make… meeee… ahhhhh… I’m cummmming, oh, oh, oh, Awwwwww!!!! Ooooooo… Oh, yes, that was so good, so good.”

Don sprayed the wall outside their bedroom with more cum than he could ever remember shooting, at one time, in his life. “Damn,” he thought, “Tara wants to get fucked and she’s thinking about me. Her parents would probably kill me, but she better not plant that red-haired pussy in my face… and I wonder what Shelly meant by ‘he probably wouldn’t touch either of us?’ I just watched Tara jack her off… she may be my granddaughter, but I do believe I’d be pretty damned hard pressed to say ‘no’ if she offered me that tight, young virgin pussy.”

When Tara glanced toward the window, Don quickly made his way back to his own room and drew his drapes closed. Hastily, he slipped from his room and back downstairs. He made sure to make a little noise in the kitchen, in case one of the girls questioned his whereabouts.

DING! He remembered his late wife’s sleeping pills. He had kept them in case he had a sleeping problem, himself. “I wonder if they’re still effective… if I could just figure out a way to get some of them down the girls.”
His thought was answered when he discovered the pills had only gone ‘out of date’ two months before. “Oh, yeah… I gotta try it, for sure.”

He warmed two cups of milk, and a separate one for himself. He called to the girls and told them that hot chocolate would be ready in a few minutes, “Bring my laptop down, too, please!” Extra chocolate syrup was added to the cups, in order to conceal any taste of the pills.

Re-dressed in their bikinis, the young nymphs sailed into the kitchen, “Hot chocolate sounds so good, Grandpa; thanks.”
Don could tell there was some kind of a contest going on. Both young lovelies smiled, winked, took time to bend over and pick up napkins that had ‘accidentally’ fallen to the floor. The result of that maneuver was showing their fine, smooth asses to Grandpa.

He let them decide on a movie to watch, but within fifteen minutes, he sent them to their room, “The walks to the beach must have worn you two out. Both of you are already dozing. We can watch this movie anytime. C’mon, give your ol’ Grandpa a goodnight kiss and go hit the sack.”

Shelly gave Don a wonderful hug and kissed his cheek. Tara, on the other hand, yawned, sat in his lap and kissed his lips, full and long, “Thank you for letting me come. I know this is going to be the best vacation of my life.”
Before she left his lap, she wiggled her butt on the lump that had formed in his thin shorts, “G’nite, Grandpa… I love you.”

Ten minutes later, Don peeked from his vantage point on the balcony. Tara had managed to remove her tiny swim suit before passing out. Shelly had removed her top, and had pulled one tie loose; on the right side or her bottom piece.
Two young girls, unconscious and naked… what more could a man want………………….

He knew better than to fuck them; it would be easy for them to realize, once they awoke.
But so many other pleasures could take place; and pictures, lots of pictures… even videos…

Neither of them responded when shaken. He finished pulling Shelly’s swim suit off, planting a kiss on her pubic mound in the process.
His camera went to work snapping photos of, nearly hairless, pussies; followed by tits… lots of angles of their tits.
He was able to get several good, close-up shots of his stiff cock as it lay across the sweet, virgin mouths. Shelly’s opened enough to slip his purple head inside it… Click, click, click; the shutter caught her tongue snake out, wetting her lips and the underside of Ol’ Fat Boy.

He videoed himself as he spread the legs of one, then the other, as he licked those delicious cunts. Tara’s body responded a couple times as his tongue trapped her clit and worked it over.

An hour and a half later, he jacked a fine load of cum onto his granddaughter’s pretty breasts. He wiped it up, one finger-full at a time, and slipped it into their mouths. They’d wonder what the taste was when they woke up; but he was hoping that, by the end of the next eleven or twelve days, they would know exactly how his sperm tasted… where it came from, and they’d have a desire for more.

A few more snapshots and he made his way to his own bed, being careful to stash his SD cards in the safe.

Bacon was in the skillet when Shelly and Tara bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen. Don readily accepted the quick kisses and good morning greetings. Shelly wanted to hit the beach for an early walk, but Tara asked if she could help with breakfast.

“We probably oughta wait on the beach until after church. Y’all want me to wait on the eggs until after you shower and get dressed?”

“Uh… we’re going to church?”

“Yessss, Shelly, it is Sunday, you know.”

“Oh. Okay. Uh… let’s eat first, then shower.”

Tara set the egg carton next to the stove and pulled Shelly to the side, “Seriously? Are we going to church? I thought we’d be on the beach every morning. I’m not sure I brought any church clothes with me.”

Don overheard the conversation and spoke up, “The service is in an arbor on the beach, about four miles from here. It’s fine to wear shorts and a blouse… but you just can’t go naked, like you ran around here all day yesterday.”

The girls giggled and reminded him that wearing bikinis wasn’t quite the same as being naked. He just smiled and remembered, “You just don’t know how I loved eating your naked pussies last night. If I could have mustered an early batch this morning, you’d be eating my cum in your scrambled eggs.”

Don’s minions were a big hit at church. There were a few young people there but most were retired residents. Tara immediately caught the attention of a young man, probably in his early twenties. His smile changed drastically when his wife slapped him on the back of the shoulder and shook her finger at him. Several older men, even the ones with wives, jokingly offered to take the girls off Don’s hands, “I been thinkin’ pretty hard ‘bout swappin’ Ethyl for a good dune buggy, but I’d trade her and a shiny quarter for that little blonde… IFshe can cook. All Ethyl wants is to go to Hungry Cajun or th’ damn… oops, for got I was at church… th’ pizza place. I get hungry for real food once in a while.”

Don and both girls had the same, exact, thoughts; Fred just wants to see if he can still get a hard cock and fuck a young girl.
Don told him he was tempted to take his offer, but he’d have to take them both; he’d have to chip in another quarter, though.
Ethyl spoke up, “Don, you know dang well he’d have another heart attack the first time one of them kissed him on the cheek and said, ‘good morning’.”
That brought a round of chuckles from everyone and the gathering dispersed.

The girls asked Don to stop at the drugstore. He was hoping it wasn’t for tampons, “It’s been a long time since Linda got married and left home. I think that was the last time anyone had a period in my house. Dammit, I want those little cunts clean and fresh every time I see them.”

Nothing was said, which was unusual, when the pair returned to the pickup. Tara pushed the bag of purchases under the seat, and was quick to shuffle it to their room when they got home. Don heard a few giggles just before they bounced down the stairs wearing new, even smaller, bikinis than the day before.

“Uh… I don’t believe you’ll be leaving this house looking like that. That’s just a little too, damn… excuse my language, itsy bitsy; almost like nothing.”

Shelly wrapped up her grandpa and told him they were just going to lay on the balcony for a while, “We just wanted you to see them first. What do you think?”

“I think I’m glad I’m not the young man at church this morning. I’d be throwing rocks at my wife and huntin’ down you two.”

Both girls could see his boner growing, but Tara just felt the need to comment. She pointed at Don’s crotch, “You think we did that to him?”

It was unexpected, but Don recovered quickly, “If it didn’t do this to him, he’s either gay or been castrated.”

Tara smiled, “Can we see that?”

“WHOA!! Just because you’re young and have mind-boggling, naked bodies doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you two get out of control. I’ll not send you back to your parents with stories of the old man showing his goods to you. Now, if you’re gonna sunbathe, take your bare hineys up to the balcony and do it. I’ll be up in my office. There’s salad fixin’s in the fridge when you get hungry.”

Again, Tara gave Don a bear hug and kissed his lips, “See ya later, handsome.” Taking her boldness a step further, she dropped her hand and patted his swollen member before she turned and trotted away… an act that wasn’t lost in Shelly’s eyes.

Don retreated to his office and clicked the ‘receive’ button on his outdoor intercom. The outside speaker was just below the balcony but he heard what Shelly and Tara were discussing, “I can’t believe you touched his dick. He’s probably watching that porn site and jacking off right now. Do you think we can talk him into doing it to us? I’ll do it if you will. In fact, since he’s my grandpa, I get first dibs… okay?”

“He’s known you all your life; probably even changed your diapers. I kinda doubt he’ll screw his baby granddaughter. We have to figure out a plan. Maybe we can sneak into his room tonight and get a peek at his thing. Let’s check out XNXX.COM. That seems to be his favorite site; maybe we can get some ideas. Wait a minute while I lock the door; I’m gettin’ horny and need to masturbate.”

“No, wait… I have an idea. Leave it unlocked; find a video with lesbians in it. I want to see what your pussy tastes like. Maybe if Grandpa walks in and sees us, he’ll get some ideas of his own.”

The volume on Shelly’s computer was turned up loud enough to be heard, plainly, in the hallway. Don stopped at the door and turned the knob. Tara was on her back with her head on the edge of the bed. Shelly’s knees were on the bed, her bare ass high in the air, with her pussy in Tara’s face. It was the classic 69 and the girls were glancing at the same scene on Shelly’s laptop, at the foot of the bed.

It was the last straw… Don stripped his shorts and t-shirt and stepped, quickly, to his bedroom. The tube of K-Y Jelly was nearly full and he applied a liberal coating to his rock hard shaft.
Easing back into the other room, he was spotted by Tara. Placing his finger to his puckered lips, he indicated for her to stay silent.
Her smile meant she understood….

Shelly mistook the slick finger to be Tara’s. It rubbed her cuntal opening and slipped inside a few times. Don positioned his cock and pushed hard. The girl’s head turned; temporarily forgetting Tara’s pussy, as the entrance had been somewhat painful. She was shocked to see Don behind her. Before she could speak, his second thrust broke her barrier and seated his manhood deep inside.

Her scream was cut short by his third plunge, “It’s alright now, baby. I’ll be still for a minute while you get used to the feel. Let me know when some of the pain eases.”

It was a struggle, however, for Don to remain still. Tara had decided to take advantage of checking out the taste of his balls, which were dangling on her face. She licked, at first, then began sucking on them; one at a time. His wife had been good at giving head, but this was a brand new experience for him… and he liked the shit out of it.

“Better yet, baby?”

Wearing a few small tears on her face, Shelly nodded and managed a slight smile. She had wanted to be first… and Grandpa was granting her wish. She didn’t realize it would hurt so much, but from watching the porn videos, she knew there would be many years of tremendous pleasure ahead.

He began moving slowly, letting her get used to the fullness of Ol’ Fat Boy being inside her. Within a couple minutes, she became acclimated to the feel and tried to adjust her position to be more comfortable. For a little while, it felt like Don’s dick was bumping something on the inside, but another adjustment made the feeling better… like it was sliding past and probing deeper.

With all the movement, Tara was forced to release Don’s balls and her tongue returned to Shelly’s hooded button. The combined effort caused Shelly to groan, then moan, then a growl began to rise from somewhere in her lungs, “Rrrrrrrrrr… arrrrrrrrr… ommmm… Ggggggh… oh, God… oh GOD… OH GOD! OOOOOOOH, MY GODDDD!!! AHHHHHH!!!... AHHHHHH! … Ahhhhh… ahhhhh… uh, uh, uh… ooooh, shit! Oh, keep fucking meeee… pleeeease…”

Don had no problem complying with her request. His hips pounded her ass… her ass pounded his hips. She had another, smaller orgasm at the same time he was finishing pumping his white, creamy juice into her. Tara giggled as her poor face took a tsunami of cum, blood and Shelly’s pussy juice.

The shower was full with all three cleaning up at the same time. Shelly and Don were in disbelief with what had just happened; Tara just wanted to examine his nakedness, stroke his cock, and wanted to know when he could take her virginity, too, “I’m ready, Grandpa. You can take me anyway you want, anytime you want. Just let me know when this guy gets hard again… I’m ready.”

“Shelly’s gonna be sore in the morning. If Fat Boy can handle it, we can have sex and she can watch.” He kissed both his little vixens and helped them bathe their tits, asses and pussies. “If I go to Hell tomorrow, at least I was in Heaven today.”

Don awoke in the middle of the night. His bed was full of nude girls and it took him a few seconds to remember why. He crawled over Tara and made his way to the bathroom to relieve his piss hard. While shaking the last of the ‘dew’ off his ‘lily’, he thought back to what had happened earlier. His shaking changed to squeezing and pulling… yep, his boner soon returned.

He shook Tara, awakened her and led her sleepy, luscious body to the other bedroom, “I know you need sleep, but I have a stiff dick that could sure use some of your sweet, sweet pussy right now. Lay back here, baby, I’d like to eat you first. Thirty seconds of Don’s experienced mouth brought the girl to life. She was so hot that her first orgasm had her moaning her pleasure in two minutes. Don enjoyed it so much that he just kept his tongue and lips licking, kissing, sucking.

Ecstacy hit again and again, until Tara was pleading, “No more… please… God you’ll kill me. I can’t breathe.”
He lay beside her and trailed his hand up and down her body. Once she had calmed down, he moved his hand to the red hair on her mound and asked her if she was ready for Fat Boy.

She scooted her feet apart and spread her knees, “I want it this way, Don… I mean Grandpa. Fuck me the way my mom and dad do it, please.”

Don aimed to please. No lube was needed this time. Between her secretions and his saliva, she was plenty slick, but Tara remembered something, “Wait, Grandpa. We bought some condoms at drug store. I don’t want to get pregnant.”

He shoved his dick in her and said, “Nothing to worry about, Sugar, I had a vasectomy years ago.” His next push tore her cherry and sank to the hilt. She made a slight whimper, but grabbed his ass cheeks and held him tight as he started pumping. Unlike with Shelly, he didn’t wait for Tara to get used to the feeling… but she was already feeling what she had been wanting for a long time; she was really getting fucked…

The exclamations of pleasure woke Shelly. When she realized the bed was empty, except for her, she felt a slight stab of jealousy. Grandpa was fucking her best friend… she knew he was loving it, too. She eased out of bed, taking note of her sore pussy and something inside. Even though it hurt, she smiled as she thought, “I did it. I lost my virginity. If I’d known it would make me cum like that, I would have started when I was ten or twelve; like some of our friends did. I wonder what Grandpa’s dick would have felt like back then.”

She watched from the open door as Don hammered his rod in and out of Tara. Because of fucking Shelly earlier, it was taking longer to reach his peak… not Tara, though. It seemed as if she were hitting a new high every few seconds. Shelly could see scratches and ‘claw’ marks on Don’s back and ass.
Her hands sought her own pussy and tits. As Don and Tara reached a, hard fought, final climax, Shelly slipped to the floor and finished rubbing herself into one.

Exhausted, all three slept until nearly noon. Tara woke up with one thing on her mind; more sex. Shelly woke up and wrapped her arms around her wonderful Grandpa, “I think I love you even more than Mom and Dad; definitely more than Danny and Eddie. I wish I could live here, with you, and have sex all the time. As soon as I get my own car, I’ll come see you every weekend and as often as I can.” She kissed his lips, running her tongue in and out, between his teeth, “I’ll bring Tara, too, when she can come.”

Don smiled at his girl, “Believe me, Honey, Tara can cum… and cum, and cum, and cum. I’ve fucked a few ladies in my time, but she has enough pussy for six men. You, on the other hand; someday you’ll find a young man who’ll make you feel even better than your ol’ Grandpa. You’ll probably be true to him for as long as you live. But if you ever feel the need for this here Ol’ Fat Boy, just come help your self.
“And in case you want some of him soon after you go back home, I’m gonna give you your Granny’s car. It’s even still in warranty for a couple more years, and I have plenty of insurance. You and Tara can come see me
“Let’s clean up a little and get something to eat; I have a feeling this two weeks will be over before I’m anywhere near ready to give you two back to your parents.”

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2020-04-20 20:48:01
my grandpa showed me how to make love, i think experienced men should show young girls the pleasures they can and should have....


2020-03-31 02:04:52
If only every young woman would have the experiences these two have losing their virginity. So many have the not so nice experience of a quick back seat fuck. Wonderful story.

Matt wincoteReport 

2015-07-31 16:25:33
Very good story

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