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Shelley & Jessica head to Marchosias's island.
Shelly and Jessica head to Marchosias’s island once again, but will he remain helpful or turn on them? What will Water’s Demesne be like now that Varun is no longer controlling the surf?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Chapter 08
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Whose Side are You On?

“Shelly, Jessica, wake up!”

Years of training and instinct kicked in. Shelly moved before her eyes were open. She rolled off the bed and hit the floor, looking for the source of the threat. Brooke stood at the foot of the bed and was the one who spoke. Bridgette stood by the door, a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other.

“What’s going on?” Jessica asked with a yawn as she sat up, stretching her arms. Shelly watched as she blinked sleep from her eyes and looked around. Neither woman had redressed after their tryst last night. Jessica’s breasts stood perfect on her chest, her nipples hard and proud in the cool underground air, except for a hickey or two that belied what had happened. The blanket they’d used to sleep with puddled around her waist, hiding the hickeys lower down. Shelly wondered if they shouldn’t have been healed afterwards, but knew there were more important things to worry about.

“Erwin was missing when we got up this morning,” Brooke said with a cautious tone. “He didn’t leave a note to explain his absence and I don’t trust his agreeing to help us last night. He’s a wily man and tends to do things the way he wants. Sometimes I feel he’s more cat than human anymore.”

Shelly relaxed as Brooke spoke. If she had enough time to explain this much, they weren’t in immediate danger. She searched for and found her shirt on the floor where it had been tossed. Her cheeks burned as she felt Brooke’s eyes on her. Brooke had never been one to be judgmental, but the simple fact that her step-mom knew what they’d done last night was mortifying. At least her half-sibling was in her female guise. Having Brock gawk at her would have been mortifying.

“So, you’re afraid he’s setting a trap for us?” Shelly asked to distract herself from her embarrassment.

“It’s no secret that most of those living here don’t like the Pillars, or some of their rules. It’s not too far of a stretch to think he—or some of those here—may have had something to do with Varun’s death.” Brooke joined her daughter at the door, giving them a modicum of privacy.

They dressed, the movement and action waking them up, if the worry about their situation hadn’t.

Brooke glanced into the room and saw that they were clothed. “Get your stuff, and we’ll get out of here. The sooner we’re away, the better I’ll feel.”

They didn’t have much to grab. Shelly hid a yawn behind her own hand, wondering what time it was. She shared a couple of red-cheeked glances with Jessica as they left Bridgette’s home. Her sibling was going to have to wash those sheets if she ever came back.

“Why don’t we leave via Bridgette’s room?” Jessica asked as they slinked down the well-lit streets. “She has that back door entrance under the water, doesn’t she?”

Shelly felt her cheeks burn hotter as her girlfriend mentioned, “back door.” She shook herself to get rid of the thought. She was thinking like Sheldon, and that would only get them in trouble.

“It’s the most obvious way to leave,” Brooke said. She peeked around a corner, then waved them forward. Shelly suspected it was still early in the morning, too early for most people to be awake. “We’ll sneak out another route and swim to the border.”

“Swim?” Jessica asked as her face darkened. “I can’t hold my breath forever.”

“We only have to go underwater for a moment,” Bridgette stated. “Mom or I can pull you along, and then we can stay above the surface until we get to Marchosias’s island.”

Silence fell as they continued sneaking through the underground city. Bridgette’s mechanical legs made plenty of noise, but it didn’t carry far. Shelly worried about what Erwin Schrödinger might be doing right then. He hadn’t been the most pleasant host last night, and she knew his scruples weren’t the highest. The man had put a cat in a box and left it alone to starve in the name of science. Despite the tense situation, and her dark thoughts, Shelly giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Bridgette asked.

“Sorry,” Shelly felt her cheeks heat as Jessica smiled at her. “I just had the thought that until we know exactly what Erwin is doing, he’s both setting up a trap, and not setting a trap for us.”

Brooke shook her head, but Shelly noticed a smile touch her lips. Bridgette looked between them confused. “I don’t get it.”

Brooke leaned over and whispered in her ear low enough that Shelly couldn’t hear. Bridgette’s gray eyes grew wide, then a look of horror crossed her face. “Erwin did that to a cat? No wonder the fairy cursed him!”

No one else commented, and they moved to the edge of the floating island without incident. “Edge” was the perfect word to describe the drop-off to the water about five meters below. If there were waves in the water, Shelly couldn’t see them.

“What about your legs?” Shelly asked her half-sister. “Are they waterproof?”

Bridgette grinned as she patted her mechanical limbs. “Yeah, Dad thought of everything. It even has built in boosters, places to store weapons, and I can even fly for short distances.”

Shelly didn’t want to admit it, but she was a bit jealous. She understood that Dad hadn’t been able to spend as much time with Bridgette as he did his other children, because he could no longer change forms, but Shelly had never received such a gift from her father. She wouldn’t give up a moment of the time she’d spent with him, but she couldn’t smother the spark of jealousy that her sister had something so cool.

“Is it safe to jump?” Jessica asked while looking over the edge.

“There are no jagged rocks and the water is plenty deep.” Brooke stripped off her clothes as she spoke. “The water will be cold, though not as cold as last time. Shelly, Jessica, let us go first. Give us a couple seconds to get out of the way, then come down.”

The two women nodded. A second later, Brooke and Bridgette leapt over the edge. There was no wind to carry sound, but Shelly barely heard them splash when they hit.

“You ready for this?” Jessica asked as she gripped Shelly’s hand. Shelly smiled before leaning in and giving her girlfriend a soft peck on the lips. Jessica returned her smile as Shelly pulled away.

“I’m glad you’re here with me,” Shelly admitted before she knew the words were out of her mouth. Jessica’s eyes widened at her admission, and she thought to pull them back, but knew that they were true. Rarely had she ever gone into a dangerous situation with someone other than her brother. Sheldon could be foolish and brash at times, but he was brave and Shelly trusted him implicitly. Jessica was also brave and knew how to fight. Jessica was on a very short list of people that Shelly trusted at her back, or to wield her. Last night’s confession about her past only solidified Shelly’s trust.

Shelly saw tears form in Jessica’s eyes, but she didn’t understand what would have caused them.

“Thank you,” Jessica’s voice was full of suppressed emotion. Before Shelly could react, Jessica pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged back, not sure her words warranted this much reaction, but enjoying the contact anyway.

“Come on!” Bridgette’s voice reached them a moment later, and Shelly realized they were holding up the mission. “We said wait a few seconds, not all day!”

“We’d better get going,” she said, pulling away a bit but grabbing the other woman’s hand.

“Um, yeah,” Jessica nodded and tucked a strand of her black hair behind one ear. She glanced over the edge again. “Do we really need to get naked again?”

Shelly took a moment to consider. She kept her grip on Jessica’s hand as she came to a decision. Jessica gasped as Shelly changed form, taking on the shape of her favorite swimsuit. She slid under the other woman’s clothes, hugging her body tightly.

It only took a moment to shift most of her mass away and form the one-piece swimsuit. She enjoyed the intimacy this afforded her as she was able to snuggle her entire body around Jessica. Just for fun, Shelly allowed her fabric body to ripple across the other woman’s skin.

“Oh, this could get naughty,” Jessica giggled.

“I think Brooke stripped so that her clothes didn’t interfere with her becoming a mermaid. You’d better jump before she gets upset,” Shelly laughed as she made her thin form vibrate to make noise.

“I’m not going to be able to do much thinking when you talk,” Jessica replied, pinching Shelly’s fabric between her fingers. She stood next to the edge and looked down.

“Perhaps I should just hum then,” Shelly laughed as Jessica shivered. She started humming, and realized that she was really having an effect on her girlfriend when Jessica started growing moist. Before she could comment, Jessica leapt off the ledge and they were weightless for a moment. If Shelly still had a stomach, it would have been in her throat at the unexpected launch. As promised, the water was cold when they struck, though not as cold as it could have been. She felt Jessica’s body stiffen against the low temperature, and thickened her form to offer as much warmth as possible.

“I could get used to having clothing like this,” Jessica thanked her.

“About time you two showed up,” Bridgette commented. Shelly wondered how her half-sister knew that she was already here and not still up above.

“We’ve got a long way to go,” Brooke piped up before Shelly could ask. “With Bridgette’s booster powered legs, I recommend we all grab on and save our energy.”

She followed suit with her own words, and Jessica gripped the hard metal on Bridgette’s opposite side, which hovered just above the water.

“Do I really need to say the words?” Bridgette moaned before they started moving.

“It was your dad’s idea,” Brooke replied. “He was the one that helped program them. Just say them and we can be on our way.”

“Fine.” Bridgette heaved a hearty sigh that even Shelly had to admit did wonderful things for her chest. “Go, go, Gadget Boosters.”

Shelly didn’t understand what Bridgette meant, but before she could even think to wonder, the water around them bubbled as they were propelled forward at a powerful rate. This trip was going to be shorter than she’d originally thought at the pace they were cutting through the water. The only difficult part came when they had to travel underwater through a cave, but it lasted less than a minute before they powered back up and continued on their way.

* * * *

Despite the speed at which they cut through the water, it took them hours to reach Marchosias’s island. By the time they stopped, Shelly had a headache from the sound of Bridgette’s rockets and the water constantly beating at her cloth body. She never knew a swimsuit could get a headache, but her mood was foul when Jessica walked onto land and Shelly changed back with all her own clothes intact.

“What other fun things can you become?” Jessica whispered in Shelly’s ear.

“Be good, and maybe I’ll show you,” Shelly forced a smile and gave her a peck on the cheek.

She looked around and saw that Brooke and Bridgette were knee deep in the waves, bent over something.

“Thank you,” Brooke said to whatever was in the water. “If you learn anything else, please get word to me, but don’t get in trouble with Poseidon. He’s got a big heart, but he also has a terrible anger.”

Shelly made out tentacles as it flipped and dove under the water when she approached them. Brooke looked up and from the look on her face, Shelly didn’t think she’d received good news.

“It seems not everyone is happy with Poseidon taking over. There’s been a fair amount of infighting.”

“You mean there’s civil war?” Shelly asked, aghast at the very notion. One of the best things about living in the Shadow World was the absence of war, with the exception of the Chaos War before she was born. Oh, there were fights and skirmishes between the elemental borders from time to time, but the genius in the landscape of the Shadow World kept those down to a minimum. While not every faction or race got along, they knew better than to battle amongst themselves. Even Aeacus didn’t actively fight against the Pillar of Fire, though he’d made his hatred of her clear over the last couple decades. Wars were a human thing. The idea of a civil war in the Shadow World was… unthinkable!

“A civil war implies only two sides,” Brooke shook her head. “This sounds more like complete chaos. No one seems to know who really killed Varun, but they’re blaming each other. Poseidon has the largest power base, but he’s nowhere near in control of his realm.”

“Are we going to leave him in power?” Jessica asked with a frown. “Didn’t he try to kill us? I’ll bet he’s the one that killed Varun. Didn’t he say he was next in line to take over? My guess is he grew impatient and offed the stupid seahorse. With us having been there, it offered him an opportunity I’ll bet he couldn’t pass up.”

Shelly watched a series of emotions play across Brooke’s pretty features before she settled on anger. “Varun may have had his problems, but he was worthy of respect. I won’t have you disrespecting him.”

Jessica looked like she’d been slapped. Shelly saw her recover quickly and straighten her shoulders as she faced off against the assassin turned supermodel.

“Why would you defend him? Didn’t he kidnap you twice and have you tortured? Didn’t he try to kill your husband? Why would you defend a monster like that?” Jessica demanded.

Shelly didn’t see Brooke move. One moment the mermaid was standing in the water, the next she was standing over Jessica’s prone form with one of her shimmering blue blades at Jessica’s neck.

“Yes, he did all that, but he wasn’t to blame for most of it,” Brooke snarled at the prone woman.

“Wasn’t to blame?” Jessica tried to ask, but Brooke talked over her.

“When he had me taken and tortured the first time, he was under the Outsider’s influence. I love Lyden for all I’m worth, but my husband grievously wounded and insulted Varun. Can you really blame the previous Pillar of Water for wanting revenge? Before the Chaos war, Varun was one of the wisest among the Pillars. Creatures from every realm came to him for advice. Calling him a seahorse would be like calling a human an ape. No, I didn’t love Varun for what he did to me, but I don’t blame him either. This world is weaker now because of his death. Three of the six Pillars are relatively new to their power. The other three have to shoulder that extra weight until Lysa, Angela, and now Poseidon can completely control their strength. This world is on the verge of crumbling. You heard what Gloria told us about the Firsts. Whoever, or whatever killed Varun has placed us all in danger.”

Shelly saw tears drip from Brooke’s eyes onto Jessica’s cheeks. Jessica’s throat swallowed, but she didn’t blink as she met Brooke’s glare.

“Maybe it should crumble,” Jessica said, shocking them all. “How much trouble and misunderstanding has occurred because the two worlds were separate? Both sides won’t get along until they’re forced to.”

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” Shelly said through numb lips.

“What you’re talking about is the death of thousands on both sides by the time it settled down, if it ever did,” Brooke spoke next. “Tensions are already thick between both worlds. How many innocents would die? How many children would lose their lives or their parents, because you’re not happy with the way things are?”

“It wouldn’t go that far,” Jessica said, though she’d lost some of her heat. “You and… your husband, or Shelly and her brother would stop them before it got that far.”

“What do you think we’re trying to do?” Brooke demanded. She hesitated another moment, then pushed herself away from Jessica. “We’re trying to stop the violence now, before it gets that far. If the two worlds combine, there will be no stopping the violence. That’s hoping that the worlds don’t collapse altogether, killing us all. The original six Pillars separated this world from Earth, but they’re still tied together. Collapse one, and they both might fall.”

Jessica didn’t get up right away. She touched her throat where a trickle of blood seeped from a shallow cut.

Shelly was torn. On the one hand, she wanted to run to her girlfriend and comfort her. On the other hand, she agreed with Brooke, if not necessarily her methods. No matter how much Brooke might have respected Varun, there was no reason for her to attack Jessica like that. She chose to comfort her girlfriend, but Jessica glared at her, and Shelly stepped back instead. She knew she should have backed Jessica up from the beginning, but the thought of the two worlds crumbling sent a shiver of terror through her.

“Has anyone else noticed that it’s not raining?” Bridgette spoke into the tense silence.

Shelly blinked a couple times as she tried to understand what Bridgette was getting at. Why was she talking about the rain? There were more important things to worry about. A moment later, her heart sunk as she realized what the lack of rain meant. It always rained in the Pillar of Water’s demesne. Looking up, Shelly saw that there were clouds in the sky, but they were white and fluffy. What did this mean?

Silence fell as they all looked at one another. Did the lack of rain mean that Poseidon hadn’t taken over as the Pillar of Water? Or was he changing things up now that he was in charge? Or was he too occupied with fighting for his position to properly manage his realm?

“I don’t think now is the time to sit here and argue,” Shelly said. All eyes turned on her and she wished she’d kept her mouth shut.

Jessica grimaced as though swallowing something sour, then dropped her head. “You’re right. We have other things to worry about.”

Brooke looked out over the water before walking over to her daughter. “We’ll go see what we can find out. You two go talk to Marchosias and see what he has to say. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you, but he can be dangerous. Watch yourselves around him.”

“We’ve dealt with him before,” Jessica said in a derisive tone. “I think we can handle him.”

Shelly saw Brooke’s eyebrow rise in a way that she knew meant danger. No matter how Brooke might look on the outside, or what most of the world saw her as, Shelly knew she was a dangerous woman. She moved to her girlfriend. “We’ll be careful,” she said in a rush. “If we’re lucky, he’ll only be an illusion again. If not… well, we’ll be careful no matter what.”

“See that you do.” Brooke turned her back on them. Shelly felt Jessica tense next to her and she reached down to grab the other woman’s hand. Jessica looked at her for a moment before pulling her hand away and walking up the beach.

Shelly moved to follow, but Brooke’s voice stopped her. “Watch her, Shelly. I can see what she means to you, but there’s a darkness inside her. I won’t tell you whom to care for, but be careful with her.”

“Then don’t tell me,” Shelly spat before she could think better of it. When she saw the shock and anger on the assassin’s face, she moderated her tone. “She told me how she was treated by her own mother. I can’t say I understand what she went through, but I know we can trust her. She’s saved our lives more than once, and helped rescue you.”

“Don’t talk to my mom that way,” Bridgette—no, now it was Brock in the mechanical legs—stated as he stepped forward. “She’s not the one that wants to destroy our world.”

“Jessica doesn’t want that either,” Shelly spun to face her half-brother. “Not really. She’s just been hurt and doesn’t know how to deal with a family that loves and cares for each other.”

“I think there is more to it than that,” Brooke told her in even tones. “All I’m telling you is: be careful. You haven’t known her that long.”

Shelly felt her anger boil up from her stomach and she wanted to scream. How could Brooke understand? Brooke knew Shelly’s dad for most of his life. Lyden Snow had had a hard childhood—partially due to Brooke’s actions—but he came out all right. Shelly had no doubt the woman loved her father, but she couldn’t understand the pain and torment Jessica had gone through with her mother. It was nothing like what Lyden had gone through. She couldn’t understand the feelings Shelly held for the other woman. She wouldn’t call it love, but she cared deeply for Jessica.

Brooke continued to look at her, waiting. What was she waiting for? Did she expect Shelly to leave her girlfriend? Did she expect Shelly to blow up and throw a tantrum? Shelly was well beyond that stage in her life….

Or was she? Wasn’t she in a small way throwing a tantrum internally instead of exploding outward? Why was she getting so defensive? Brooke hadn’t asked her to leave Jessica, but to be careful.

“Did your dad ever tell you about when I followed Angela and him into this world?” Brooke asked and Shelly shook her head. “I suspected what Angela was. Of course, this is before she became the Pillar of Fire. I loved your father even then, though I’d never told him. All I knew about Angela was that she was a succubus. Like Jessica, I didn’t trust her kind. She was a soul sucking demonic creature aligned with Fire, and she was in the company of the man I’d spent my whole life protecting. I followed them into this world, sure that Angela was luring him here to kill him. I almost killed Angela that day.”

Brooke paused, and when she didn’t continue, Shelly asked, “What does that have to do with me or Jessica? She’s already promised to give the succubae a chance like you did with Angela.”

Brooke frowned. Shelly realized her tone was a bit inappropriate, but she refused to apologize.

“I didn’t tell you that story for Jessica’s benefit.” Brooke’s green eyes flashed with irritation as she spoke. “I mentioned it because things aren’t always what you think they are. You of all people should understand that, living in this world and with your ability to change shapes. You’re right that Jessica has helped us. Yes, she helped save me from Varun’s prison. But what do you really know about her? Why did she do those things? Our family has a stake in protecting both worlds. What’s her cause?”

Shelly opened her mouth to argue, but realized she had nothing to say. The truth was, she didn’t know a whole lot about Jessica. Jessica wasn’t a bad person, she was sure of that. Her own words and thoughts from when she’d first met Jessica came back to her. She’d gotten between Sheldon and Jessica because she didn’t trust the woman. But Jessica had proven herself since then. Just as Angela had proven herself to Brooke.

“Help her,” Brooke said in tones that were softer than Shelly expected after her earlier comments. She straightened her shoulders and turned to her son. “Come on, Brock. We have a ways to go yet, and a lot of people to talk to.”

Brock met her eyes before turning to follow his mother. Shelly watched them go and disappear beneath the waves. After a few moments passed, she realized she was staring at the calm surface of the water. She’d never seen the Pillar of Water’s demesne so calm. Of course, this hadn’t been her favorite tourist destination in the past either. If Poseidon kept things this way, it might become a favored destination for tourists, assuming no one tried to see Marchosias or the Cyclopes.

In her mind, she saw towels set out on the dry sand as a human child built a sandcastle with the help of a grindylow. Out in the water, a merman served patrons at a floating bar. Orcs and goblins played volleyball while a centaur refereed. She added Jessica and herself lying back under an umbrella, sipping some frozen drink and enjoying the peaceful scene.

The image popped and shattered as she heard someone approach from behind. A sense of loss swept over her as she realized the picture would never become reality. Even if the Pillar of Water allowed humans to come to this beach, it was too dangerous with the Cyclopes nearby. That’s assuming any of the races she’d pictured actually got along with each other when this was all over.

“It’s beautiful,” Jessica said next to her. For a moment, Shelly thought she was reading her mind. Then she saw Jessica looking out over the water with—were those tears in her eyes? Jessica blinked and faced her. “I’m sorry about my outburst earlier. It’s just… It’s just that everyone thinks this world is so great that they forget about the bad stuff. The Pillars rule with an iron fist. If you go against them, you die, or get locked away. They don’t understand what it’s like to be one of us. How could they with all that power?”

Shelly almost pointed out that Angela hadn’t always had that kind of power, but buried the thought. No sense in starting another argument centered on a succubus. Instead, she took another tact. “What about all the death and chaos that would result if the two worlds collided, instead of being destroyed?” She was careful to keep her voice calm as she spoke.

Jessica was silent for a long moment before she finally responded. “It would be bad for a while. I won’t deny that, but it would force everyone to get along. Those from this world would see that humans aren’t so dangerous, and vice versa.”

This time it was Shelly that remained silent. Humans were dangerous, and so were a great many creatures from here. Hadn’t she killed her fair share of ogres, mer-people, myrmidons, and others? Her vision of a peaceful beach seemed further away than ever before.

“Come on,” Shelly said as she turned and headed up the beach. “We still need to talk to Marchosias and see if he knows what’s going on.”

She sensed, more than saw, Jessica follow after her as they headed for the cave that acted as the long way to Marchosias’s home.

“Are you mad at me?” Jessica asked in sullen tones as they stepped into the dimly lit cave.

Shelly searched her feelings before answering. “I’m not mad,” she said with all honesty. “I’m just confused.”

“About?” Jessica asked when Shelly didn’t continue. The black haired woman reached for Shelly’s hand, and she decided to accept the touch.

“This world is my home. I grew up here. I understand that what you went through was terrible, but you have to see that it’s not all bad. Like that goblin girl you played with the first time you escaped. The humans think all goblins are bad—and I’ll admit that many of them can be—but that girl was your friend. Look at the friends you’ve made since you escaped the last time.”

“You mean your brother?” Jessica asked with a touch of acid. “I thought he was a decent guy, but ever since he got with that harlot, nothing I say or do is good enough for him. Brooke seems to have something shoved up her ass whenever I talk. Bridgette—or Brock, depending on whichever identity crisis is in control at the time—hangs on her mother’s apron strings like a lifeline. You’re the only good thing that’s happened to me since I met you, and even you were cruel to me at first.”

Jessica’s words sent Shelly into turmoil. On the one hand, if Jessica had treated Gloria better from the beginning, then Sheldon wouldn’t struggle so much with her. It didn’t help that Jessica had walked away from him, hurting his ego. That was partially Shelly’s fault also, adding guilt to her defensive emotions. She was also defensive for her half-sibling. Her half-brother/sister couldn’t help the fact that he was dependent on his mother. Hated by both worlds for being a half-breed, Brooke was his/her only comfort. At least Sheldon and Shelly had each other. She felt guilty for the way she’d mistrusted Jessica at first, but also elated that Jessica thought she was one of the good things in this world.

In short, she was a mess and she knew it. She didn’t have an answer for Jessica, and kept her mouth shut as they walked. Her throbbing headache didn’t add to her mood in a positive way.

As they passed the Cyclopes, the thought occurred to Shelly that she ought to see what she could do about getting a sample from one of them. Sheldon had his ogre form, but that was dangerous to anyone else around. Would a Cyclops be any safer? They were supposed to be much smarter, if not quite as strong. She imagined her brother’s strong hands gripping her as a sword or a spear, his powerful grip holding her body as he wielded her in whatever form. His fingers caressing her metal blade or—

Her cheeks burned as she realized where those thoughts were going. What was wrong with her? Sheldon was her brother! Ever since escaping from Poseidon though, she’d seen him in a different light, and she didn’t like it. Maybe it was time for them to move apart and live their own lives. She wasn’t completely useless on her own, and besides, she had Jessica with her now. She squeezed the other woman’s hand as they moved deeper into the cave.

The first sign that things weren’t as they should be was the flickering globes of light that Marchosias also used as traps. The last time they walked this path, the globes had hung in the air, lighting their way with a soft glow. Now they lay on the rock floor, flickering as though they were losing power and about to go out. The second sign was more ominous. Marchosias’s door hung open on its hinges.

Shelly changed into her sword form, shifting most of her mass outward. Jessica carried her into the room, point first.

The place was a disaster. Shelly remembered it being stuffy and somewhat clustered before, but now it looked light a tornado had come through. The chairs were on their sides, and the previously organized stacks of items were spread everywhere. The lights in here flickered as they had in the cave, and Marchosias was nowhere to be found.

“What happened?” Jessica asked as she walked around the room.

“I’m not sure,” Shelly vibrated to speak. Jessica almost dropped her in shock, but tightened her grip before it was too late. “I don’t see any blood and nothing looks broken. Did whatever it was that killed Varun attack Marchosias?”

“I doubt it,” Jessica replied. She walked to the doorway that led to the long closet where the potions had resided earlier. “Whatever was big enough to tear Varun apart couldn’t fit inside this area.”

“That’s assuming that what killed the previous Pillar of Water was big,” a baritone voice stated behind them. Jessica spun around and pointed Shelly at the demon Marchosias in his human form.

If she was in a form that breathed, her lungs would have halted at the sight of the man. He was gorgeous! No, he was beyond gorgeous. With his long brown hair flowing across his broad shoulders, and his dark, deep set eyes set within his chiseled face, he was the embodiment of beauty. He had something in his arms, but Shelly had a hard time taking her attention away from his face. Shelly couldn’t remember being this affected by him the last time they were here, and she suspected that it was because the last time, he hadn’t really been here. It had been an illusion.

“Do… do you know what killed him?” Jessica asked. By the tremor in her voice, Shelly suspected that she was being affected by the demon’s charisma as well.

“No,” he stated in a flat tone as his brows drew together. “What I do know is that I let your gang borrow a couple potions, you went down to rescue that damned mermaid, and the fucking Pillar of Water was torn apart.”

“You think we had anything to do with that?” Shelly demanded, shock at the accusation and his vulgarity pulling her from the stupor his perfection put her in. No man or creature had a right to be that… flawless!

“I did,” he continued to look at them. Shelly finally noticed what was in his hands. Marchosias held a sword with a dull gray blade. She thought she should know about that sword, but couldn’t think of how. If only his beauty and her headache weren’t such a distraction. “Then I listened to your little conversation on the beach.”

“I thought you knew everything that happened in your area,” Jessica said. Shelly realized she was backing up to the door. She changed back into her normal form. She was more vulnerable this way, but if Marchosias had intended to attack, he could have done so before notifying them of his presence.

“Precisely,” Marchosias hissed. “Under the waves isn’t my area. If it happens on my island, I know. What did happen while you were down there?”

Shelly faced the beautiful man. His lips looked so kissable! She had to shake that thought away before she could speak. “We went down to rescue Brooke like we said, and—“

“Yes, yes. I figured that much out when I saw the tart standing on my beach. I mean what happened to Varun?”

“We don’t know!” Shelly almost shouted. “Poseidon attacked us, and we fled. It was chaotic, and I can’t remember very much after Gloria made us leave. She stayed behind to shield us. When we woke back up on Earth, Gloria was with us.”

“Lily wouldn’t do something like that,” Marchosias spat. “She couldn’t. She’s not strong enough, and she knows better. Think, girl! What else happened? You had to have seen something.”

Shelly remembered him calling Gloria, Lily, before, and wondered how old her brother’s girlfriend was.

“How do you know Gloria didn’t do it, if you couldn’t see what happened?” Jessica asked. Shelly noted a steely look in her eyes. The same look she always got when attacking the succubae race.

“I already told you. She couldn’t and wouldn’t do it. I’ve known her a long time. Longer than I’ve known any of you. Now quit acting like you don’t know what’s going on and answer my questions!”

Shelly realized the demon was furious and forced herself to take a step away. Even in his anger, he was breathtaking. In a one on two fight, she knew they would lose.

“We don’t know what’s going on!” She protested. She knew that Gloria was once Aphrodite, and very powerful in her own right. If what Marchosias said was true, and she wasn’t strong enough to kill Varun, what had?

Marchosias’s dark eyes bore into her and she took another step back. It took more effort than she cared to admit, but she broke the gaze first and looked around for anything that could help them. The room was still a disaster, but nothing looked promising. Obviously Marchosias wasn’t hurt, so he probably wasn’t attacked. Why was the area in such disarray? “You’re moving.” The words were out of her mouth before she knew they were in her head.

“I’m not moving. I’m being evicted!” His mouth twisted as he spoke, lengthening as his teeth grew larger. “Poseidon thinks I had something to do with Varun’s death. Since he’s the new Pillar of Water, I have a choice: fight him, or leave. I have no intention of killing the new Pillar, so I’m going. I won’t add more chaos to whatever is going on down there.”

Shelly wondered if the demon was really strong enough to take on a Pillar, even a new one, in his own domain. Something told her now wasn’t the time to ask or test him.

“We didn’t kill the Pillar,” Shelly said in as calm a voice as she could muster. “We don’t know who did. We’re trying to find out.”

He was in full wolf form now, with a snake for a tail. The sword was gone, but she noted a dull gray sheen to his pelt. Whatever it was about that sword that tugged at her memory told her to be extra careful.

“I’m terribly sorry to hear that,” the wolf demon grinned at them. At least she was no longer distracted by his beauty. “I’m sure if I offer your two corpses up to Poseidon, he’ll allow me to stay. It’s nothing personal, you understand, but I have grown accustomed to this home over the centuries, and I was loathe to start imbuing a new place with my power.”

Shelly felt Jessica’s hand grab the back of her shirt, and she shifted back into a sword. Marchosias leaped at them. Shelly felt disoriented for a moment as Jessica swung her at the demon’s head. Marchosias twisted in midair somehow, avoiding the blow, and landed back on his feet. The snake tail hissed at them, snapping in their direction, but was too far away to be dangerous.

The wolf’s yellow eyes watched them as it started to pace. Drool dripped from its bared gray fangs as it growled. Jessica turned to keep Shelly between them. Shelly didn’t know how powerful Marchosias was, only that her father respected him. If he was confident enough to think he could best Poseidon, then the two women were in trouble. Was her father the answer to getting them safely out of here?

Before she could ask, Jessica spoke as though reading her mind. “I’m sure Ambassador Snow wouldn’t appreciate you killing his daughter. I thought the two of you had a truce?”

Marchosias’s tongue licked out around his sharp teeth before he answered in a voice that was much deeper and rougher than his humanoid voice had been. “Ha! Your father isn’t the man he once was.” Shelly knew Marchosias was talking directly to her. He stopped pacing and sat on his haunches, eyes wary, but otherwise seeming relaxed. “Oh, I know his secret. He couldn’t hide that from me when he came to visit after his resurrection. Without the sword he stole from me, he can’t hurt me. He might whine to Gaia, but I’m perfectly within my rights to kill you. After all, I didn’t invite you in here. You just walked in. You’re intruders. And after I deliver you to Poseidon, I’ll be free to stay. I respect your father, but he is no threat to me.”

Shelly realized that Jessica had dropped her guard a bit as the demon spoke. She was about to warn her girlfriend, when the demon launched himself at them again. Jessica tried to get Shelly’s sword form up in time, but Marchosias was faster. They were knocked to the ground under the wolf’s weight. Jessica managed to get Shelly between the monster’s teeth before they bit down on her throat.

Shelly felt the demon’s tongue lick across her blade, lathering her metallic surface in saliva. A few minutes earlier the thought of his tongue on her would have made her shiver in delight. Now she was holding back panic.

He pressed harder against them and Shelly felt her edge bite into his flesh. As his blood seeped around her, Shelly’s world shattered.

* * * *

“Hey young lady.” Shelly didn’t recognize the voice that spoke. “Hey! You want to wake up now? You’re cute and all, but this is my space. I don’t appreciate door-to-door salesmen or freeloaders.”

Shelly opened her eyes and saw an attractive older man leaning over her. His long gray hair hung from his head, and familiar gray eyes seemed to pierce her to her core.

“Where am I?” she asked. She had to roll to her side before she could sit up. They were on a small island with a hut and a palm tree leaning over it. Waves lapped against the sandy beach beneath an ivory white sky. It wasn’t the island she’d been on a few moments before.

“How is it that an attractive young woman shows up on my doorstep, literally out in the middle of nowhere, and she doesn’t know where she is?”

Shelly tried to think, but her head felt like it had been used as a bowling ball by a couple of golems. “Jessica!” she yelled as the thought came to her. She was in trouble.

“Your name is Jessica?” The old man asked. “No need to shout, I’m right here. Nice to meet you, Jessica. I’m—“

“No,” she interrupted as she got to her feet. “My name is Shelly. I’m… Jessica is my girlfriend. She was in trouble.”

“Girlfriend?” The man arched one eyebrow with a lecherous grin. “Nice! Lesbians!” he paused and looked at her with a shrewd look. “I hope you’re into men, because it’s been a long time… and did I mention how attractive you are?”

“I’m not—you did, but… I… wait, what? No.” The old man was confusing her. She needed to get back to Jessica, but she didn’t know where she was or how she’d gotten here.

“No?” he asked with a pout.

“Aah!” Shelly threw her hands in the air and walked away from the man. She saw dolphins jumping out in the water. She had to be in Water’s domain still, but she didn’t recognize this island. Could she convince one of those dolphins to take her back to Marchosias’s island? Was it already too late? If only she had her brother’s ability, she could change into a dolphin, or something else that could swim. Of course, then she would also need to know where she was in order to get back to Marchosias’s island.

“Wow. The youth today have changed since I was alive. There’s no more respect for the elderly.”

The man’s voice stopped her in her tracks. Since he was alive? Was she dead? This didn’t seem like either Heaven or Hell to her, but she’d never really believed in either anyway. Was the man undead? There was sunlight, so he couldn’t be a vampire. Unfortunately, vampires weren’t the only creatures that were undead, and many of them didn’t fear sunlight.

She spun around to face him. There was still something about him that was familiar, but she couldn’t place it. She was sure she’d never met him before. She decided to keep a careful eye on him.

“My girlfriend is in danger. I need to get back to her.” She tried to keep her voice calm, but she didn’t like the way he leered when she said girlfriend. “Do you know how I can get off this island and get back to her? The demon, Marchosias, was trying to kill us, and suddenly I wound up here.”

At the demon’s name, the old man grew serious. “That old demon? Why would he want to kill you?”

“You know who he is?” she asked with rising hope in her voice, though it shouldn’t surprise her. If the old man had lived here long, then he would know of the powerful demon that shared Water’s domain. Shelly wished she knew of any other islands in Varun’s—no, it was Poseidon’s—demesne.

“I know him all right.” The man shook his shaggy head. “He’s usually a good guy, but if he’s trying to kill your friend, then she’s in trouble. Did you say she was as good looking as you?”

Shelly got the impression that this man’s mind only worked down one track, and he wasn’t her type. She could play along though, if it got her off this island.

“Better looking. She’s the daughter of a succubus, and absolutely stunning.” Jessica wouldn’t appreciate her giving away that secret, but Shelly would deal with that later.

“A succubus, huh?” the man’s grin showed pearly white teeth. “Been a very long time since I’ve been with one of them.” His gray eyes grew distant for a while, then focused back on her. “Well? What are you waiting around here for? You need to get back to that woman!”

Shelly opened her mouth to retort, but her stomach cramped hard enough to double her over. Her insides felt as though they were twisting into knots. She realized she was face first in the sand and the old man was talking to her, but she couldn’t think or hear past the pain.

Something large grabbed her feet and yanked. She was ripped through the air as the island disappeared below her. The old man stared in astonishment. Everything grew dark as the world vanished.

* * * *

“Shelly, wake up!” She felt something warm and moist press against her lips. “Please! I need you to be okay. I… I need you, Shelly. Don’t leave me.”

Shelly groaned as she opened her eyes. Her body felt stiff, but at least the pain was gone. It took her a moment to focus on the woman leaning over her. Tears dripped from Jessica’s blue eyes onto Shelly’s face.

“What…?” she started to ask. Memories crashed into her with the force of a tidal wave. She sat up too fast, slamming her head into Jessica’s and making them both cry out. Shelly dropped back to the floor and rolled onto her side, holding her forehead. “Marchosias?” she gasped past her sudden renewed headache.

“He fled, I think,” Jessica moaned next to her.

Shelly sat back up—with a lot more care this time—and looked at her girlfriend. “Fled? Why would he flee?”

Jessica returned her look with bloodshot eyes. She was silent for a moment, making Shelly wonder if she was going to answer. When she did, it wasn’t what Shelly expected to hear. “When he bit down on you, I got worried. I saw blood, and thought it was yours. It was stupid, I know. You were a sword, so how could you bleed?” Jessica shook her head, then groaned. Shelly saw a large lump already formed on her head. “I don’t know why, but he pulled away after that, and vanished. I… I don’t know where he went.”

Shelly moved to Jessica’s side and hugged her. “Sorry about your head,” she whispered, not sure of what else to say. “I’m glad you’re all right. I was so worried about you.”

“You were worried about me?” Jessica laughed as she hugged Shelly back. “I thought for sure that I’d lost you. After Marchosias left, you changed back, but wouldn’t wake up. Your heartbeat was weak, and you were barely breathing. What happened?”

Shelly felt her eyes brimming with tears as she tried to think of an answer. That island felt like a dream now. The details grew foggy as she tried to recall them. “I don’t know,” she admitted after a few seconds. “I went far away… somehow… but now I’m back. I don’t know what happened.”

“You, um, changed shapes right before he ran away.” Jessica sounded hesitant as she spoke. “You became a different sword. I—I dropped you because I wasn’t expecting it. I was afraid I’d hurt you.”

A different sword? Why would she become a different sword? There were plenty that she could become, though only a couple forms she used regularly. She recalled the blade Marchosias had held in his human form, and how his coat had taken on a dull sheen when he’d transformed. She’d never changed without meaning to in the past, so what happened?

“What did I look like in the other form?” She asked, almost afraid of the answer. “The other sword, I mean.”

Jessica pulled back and looked into Shelly’s eyes. “It looked old. Not as pretty as you are now.” Jessica cracked a half smile.

“Flatterer,” Shelly accused, though she couldn’t hide her smile at the compliment.

“Your blade was dull gray and thin. It was curved like an old Japanese blade. In the hilt was a round pearl.”

“A round pearl?” Shelly asked, feeling snarky for some reason. Something tickled her memory, but she still couldn’t place it. As far as she knew, she’d never heard of a sword with a dull gray blade. “Are you sure it wasn’t square like most pearls?”

“If you’re feeling good enough to make jokes, then you’re feeling good enough to give me a kiss for saving your life,” Jessica teased back.

“I thought you were already kissing me when I woke up.” Shelly winked at her girlfriend, feeling a lot lighter. Something still bothered her, but for that moment, they were safe. Except… “Shouldn’t we get out of here? Won’t Marchosias come back?”

“The way he high-tailed it out of here?” Jessica shook her head and her smile widened. “You didn’t see his face before he vanished with his snake-tail between his legs. I doubt he’ll be back any time soon. You scared him good with whatever it was you did to him.”

Shelly didn’t think she’d done anything to scare him away, but she glowed inside, thinking that Jessica found her important.

“I’m still waiting on that kiss,” Jessica smirked.

“Get over here,” Shelly grinned and sat up enough to pull Jessica down and into a kiss.

* * * *
* * * *

Lyden stood waiting with his wife, Becky, at his side. Gaia’s waiting area was different from the first time he’d come here. It always was, depending on who was waiting. There was no opening to the outside to let a dragon in, and only two rooms off the entrance. One for each of them.

This was Gaia’s realm, and her home, and it was under her complete control. A lesson he wouldn’t forget. Gaia was an ally, but she was also the Pillar of Earth. He couldn’t allow himself to forget that she had her own agenda.

“Are we going to talk about what you almost did?” Becky asked him. He knew from her tone that she was still upset with him. Not that he could blame her, but what was he supposed to do? His children were dying!

“No,” he told her in a soft voice. “Not here.” He knew Gaia was listening to everything they said. He knew he would have to talk with her about it eventually, but was surprised she’d waited this long to bring it up.

“It’s not like I don’t understand,” she told him, though he wondered if that were true. They didn’t have any kids together. Not living at any rate. Instead, Becky tended to look after all his kids as though she were a secondary mother. He knew she loved them all, but… well, they weren’t her’s. She refused to try again, after.… No! He wouldn’t think of them. It hurt too much to remember their deaths.

He didn’t respond, so she continued. “They were hurt. I get that, but sometimes I think you act too fast. There were other options.”

“I’m worried about everything else going on right now,” he told her, trying to change the subject. He really didn’t want to think about the twins, bleeding and hurt, or what they had to do to recover. It was one thing for him to do it, but his kids? Sure, they were old enough to do adult things, but it didn’t mean he wanted to think about it, much less be in the same area.

“Who could kill a Pillar?” Becky responded, though she gave him a look that let him know she knew what he was doing.

“As far as I know, either an Outsider, or me before I died.”

Becky shuddered next to him. “I hope another one of those beasts haven’t come here.”

“What if—?” Lyden began, but Becky cut him off.

“No. You killed it, my love. You need to stop worrying about that.”

Lyden wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe that every bit of the Outsider had been pulled into him before he was shot through the heart, killing them both. What if something escaped? What if he missed a small part of it? They could all be in serious danger.

“I’m glad to see the twins have found someone to care about.” Now it was Becky changing the subject, but Lyden wasn’t going to argue. He didn’t like worrying about the Outsiders. “Gloria seems like a decent sort, and seems to really care for Sheldon.”

“I worry that she may be too old for him,” Lyden replied, then felt his cheeks burn as Becky scoffed.

“Too old? Angela is over two-hundred, and Brooke is over a hundred-fifty. Not to mention Gaia, who is as old as the Earth.”

“Fine, you’ve proved your point,” he conceded. He really didn’t have room to talk, though Gaia and he weren’t really a thing. In fact, they hadn’t been together since his resurrection, but there were reasons for that.

“And Jessica seems nice enough, once you get past her dislike of succubae.”

“Dislike?” he arched one eyebrow at her. “I don’t think ‘dislike’ is the right word.” He paused as he considered his daughter’s girlfriend. There was something about her that bothered him. He figured it was her hatred of the succubae, while he still loved Angela. He wasn’t able to be with the Pillar of Fire as much as he’d like. He felt bad, but with his duties between both worlds, none of his wives got the attention they deserved. Neither did his kids, but he still tried when he could.

“I’m not as old as the Earth,” Gaia stated as she rose up out of the ground. “I’m older than dirt.”

Lyden struggled to hold back his chuckle as Becky’s cheeks grew heated.

“Thank you for seeing us,” Lyden stated, aware that he wasn’t able to hide his mirth from his tone. Becky’s jab to his side let him know that she noticed. The truth was that they’d waited hours for Gaia to show. It was about time she presented herself.

“I apologize for the wait,” she smirked at him. “You should have refreshed yourselves while you waited.”

Lyden glanced at the two rooms adjoining this one. One had his name above the door, and the other one had Becky’s. He knew why she wanted him to go in there. Only the owner of the room could enter, and it would have separated the pair. Of course, Gaia could enter also, and he knew she would try to seduce him. Despite being older than dirt, she was an attractive woman. Dark, earthy skin, wide hips, and a healthy bust added to her sex appeal. Even as he looked at her, he felt himself growing hard in his pants.

“I’m afraid the reason we’re here is most urgent,” Lyden said though his throat had gone dry.

“Varun’s murder,” Gaia stated with a small frown. “The strain of supporting this world is becoming worse.”

“Lysa and Angela are trying their best,” Becky said in defense of the other Pillars.

“I didn’t say they weren’t,” Gaia rebuked Becky. “They were the best choice we had at the time, but it may take centuries before they’re strong enough to pull their full weight.”

“Is it that, or because they’re not a First?” Lyden said, stepping between Gaia and Becky. They were in the Orange Bubble when Gloria told them about the Firsts. It was a gamble bringing that up with Gaia, but he needed to know. By the look on the Pillar of Earth’s face, she hadn’t known that they knew.

Gaia regarded them for a long moment before she spoke. “How do you know that term?”

Lyden thought it was a good sign that she didn’t deny it. Or kill them outright. Or did it mean she was going to destroy them after this conversation?

“It doesn’t matter,” Lyden held his ground—no pun intended—despite Gaia’s glare. “There are bigger concerns. Besides, you know we can keep your secrets.”

Gaia’s thick lips thinned as she regarded them. “But you don’t trust me with all of your secrets.”

“Are you implying that we have all of yours?” Lyden shot back. Becky gripped his arm in warning. Gaia was arguably the most powerful of the Pillars, and here he was provoking her.

Gaia burst out laughing a second later, and Lyden relaxed. “No, Lyden Snow. You will never have all of a woman’s secrets.” For some reason, he suspected she was looking past him at Becky. “So, you know of the Firsts. Yes, I am one, among others. It may be that your daughter and wife will never be strong enough to match who they replaced. Poseidon was powerful before he took up the mantle of Water, but the other two are doing a better job of supporting their realm than he is. I wasn’t lying when I said that it may take them centuries to master their respective mantles. I believe they can do it, or I wouldn’t have let Angela remain, much less chosen your daughter for Air.”

Lyden shuddered at the finality in her tone. He had no doubt that she could destroy either one if she chose.

“Do you know who killed Varun?” Becky spoke up, coming to stand by Lyden’s side.

“If I knew that, they would be dead,” Gaia said with that same note of finality. Lyden noticed the strain in the corners of her eyes. Half the Pillars were relatively new, and the original half had to pick up their slack in holding this world together.

“We’re sorry to have bothered you,” Lyden said, realizing that coming here had been a waste of time. Gaia could see everything that touched the Earth if she chose to focus on it. If it floated in the water, or up in the air, however, she was blind to it. It had been foolish to think Gaia might have seen Varun’s murderer.

“It was no bother,” Gaia grinned. Lyden didn’t like the hunger behind that grin.

“If there is anything you know—” Becky began, but Lyden cut her off.

“I can see you’re busy. We won’t take up any more of your concentration.” He really didn’t like that gleam in Gaia’s brown eyes. Except… her eyes dimmed as she melted into the ground.

“There’s no need to rush,” Gaia said as Lyden felt her arms wrap around his chest from behind. Where was Becky? Her voice was soft and sultry as she spoke into his ear. “Why don’t you stay and rest?” She didn’t hold him tight, but there was no doubt that Lyden wasn’t getting away from her. Her finger tips stroked his chest as she continued to speak. “It’s been a long time, Generator. I could use a recharge.”

“I—I’m no longer a Generator,” He told her. Despite his worry and concern, he could feel his arousal rising. Angela may control the fires of passion, but Mother Earth could control earthy desires. He needed to get out of here before it was too late.

“Hmm? That’s too bad. No one has been able to power me up like you used to.” Despite her words, she didn’t let go.

“Pardon me, Pillar,” Becky came to his rescue, “but if you don’t know who killed Varun, then we should get going. We need to find out who did it, and put a stop to them.”

“Becky… Dear, Becky. I haven’t forgotten about my favored apprentice.” Lyden turned his head to look at his wife. Love and pride flooded him as he noticed no fear in her gaze as she looked back at him. He saw concern etch the lines around her eyes, but she wasn’t afraid. As he looked at her, a clone, or copy, of Gaia formed behind Becky and enfolded her in the Pillar’s arms. “Do you remember the spell I taught you that will drive a man wild with lust?” Becky nodded but didn’t speak. By the increased worry in her eyes, Lyden knew he was in trouble. Gaia placed her hands on Becky’s cheek and turned her face. “Remember how powerless you were to stop me when I used it on you?”

“Why are you doing this?” Becky gasped. The gasp turned into a moan as Gaia kissed her. To his horror, Lyden watched as Becky tried to fight against the kiss for a couple seconds, before melting into the Pillar’s embrace and kissing her back.

“There’s no point in resisting.” Gaia’s warm breath tickled his neck. Lyden hadn’t known that the Pillar of Earth could make multiple copies of herself. Unfortunately, with the way she started to nibble on his neck, he began to wonder what it would be like to screw duplicates of her. Would she feel each copy differently, or would everything be multiplied? He knew firsthand how talented she was in bed. Duplicate that, and…. He felt her hands dip into his pants, freeing his cock. It used to change size and shape according to whomever he was with, but that had changed after his death. It was still a member to make him proud as it pointed towards his wife and Gaia-clone.

“I can’t… I don’t…” Lyden tried to think through the lust haze that was crowding his thoughts. They were here for something important. “I’m not…” Gaia’s fingers stroked his length. She knew how to use her hands and he couldn’t stop the moan that escaped him at her expert touch. “Not… Generator… Ahh. I, um… Oh, yeah. That feels… No. Can’t power you.” His words were only slightly less jumbled than his thoughts.

“I know,” Gaia whispered as she walked around to face him. She never let go of his manhood, but Lyden knew he couldn’t escape her even if she had. “But it has been too loooong since I’ve had this fine specimen between my thighs, or between my lips. I miss your taste, your feel, your excitement.” As she drawled the word ‘long’ she stroked him faster, making him whimper with need and delight. “I’ve had many lovers over the millennia, Lyden Snow, but far too few that were as talented as you, and none within a couple centuries.” She dropped to her knees in front of him, but kept her eyes locked on his. He couldn’t look away from those beautiful, lust-filled brown orbs, but he knew when her clothes evaporated. “I’m sorry to resort to this, but I need a break from the stress. You have no idea how hard it can be to control and support this world with three new Pillars. I had hoped you would come to me willingly. Your wives didn’t need to know. I hope you’ll be able to forgive me, but I need this more than you can know.” Her fingertips grazed his sensitive flesh making him need more contact. “I think that your wife needs a bit also.”

Before he had a chance to process her words or even respond, she leaned forward and took his girth between her lips. His knees would have buckled at the bliss her tongue delivered as she bathed the rim of his rod, if they hadn’t been locked. Her eyes were still riveted on his, adding an air of lewdness as she took his cock deeper into her mouth and down her throat.

Movement to his left drew his attention, allowing him to break eye contact with the Earth vixen making him moan in pleasure. The Gaia-clone led a completely nude Becky over to him. His Gaia moved over to his right as the other two dropped to their knees with Becky in the middle. His Gaia released him from her moist mouth and licked along his length. The three women began to share his member between them, with Becky swallowing the tip, his Gaia licking his rod, and the Gaia-clone bathing his scrotum with her talented tongue.

The bliss was too much and he felt himself careening towards his culmination. Instead, he cried out in shock when the Gaia on his right pinched him off at the base and pulled him away from the other two.

“I have uses for this,” Gaia told him. “You want to please me, don’t you?” Lyden nodded. His libido was in overdrive. He would do whatever she wanted, if it meant more of that exquisite ecstasy. He knew that this wasn’t what he wanted a moment ago, but couldn’t figure out why. There was something he needed to hide. What was it? It was important, but it couldn’t be as important as pleasing these three women. Could it?

Gaia stood and used his prick to guide him over to a couch. She had him lie down, then straddled his waist. The Gaia-clone and Becky followed after, the former planting her wet coochy on his face. She tasted like a fresh mountain stream, the soft grass that made up her pubic hair tickled his chin. The two Gaia’s faced each other, while Becky got on all fours between them. Her tongue joined his as he licked and nibbled the clone’s clit.

He felt Gaia’s weight settle around his hips as he slipped inside her tight canal. Becky moaned into Gaia-clone’s cunt, making Lyden suspect that Original-Gaia was licking her sweet pussy.

Gaia-clone rocked her hips against the two sucking and licking mouths, moaning loudly. They were rewarded with a warm gush of water a moment later as she came. Lyden continued to drive his tongue into her hole while he let Becky work her clit, lengthening the duration of her climax.

“Enough,” Gaia-clone groaned and pulled away from them.

Lyden noticed the clone melting back into the floor before Becky grabbed his face and shoved her tongue into his mouth. She kissed him frantically, her moans reaching a fevered pitch as Original-Gaia continued to munch on her box and ride his stiff prick.

Lyden brought one hand to Becky’s over-large nipple, thumbing it and making her squeal. His other hand moved to Gaia’s hip, picking up her pace as his cock turned her insides into a frothy mess. Gaia’s poon was tight and warm as she rocked her body on top of him. His thick hardness bumped against her deepest recesses, making them both shudder and moan in heaven.

Once again he felt himself getting close, but Becky and Gaia reached theirs first. Becky had to move her lips away from his, leaving his mouth feeling empty and naked. Her lips were next to his ear, though, and he enjoyed the sounds of her cumming.

Gaia’s sweet cunny gripped him as his crotch was soaked in her juices. He wanted to fire off deep inside, to fill her womb with his seed, but she pulled off him before he could.

Becky’s weight settled on him, and he felt Gaia’s hand guide him into her wet and ready hole. He pumped with abandon, both of them grunting and panting as he tried to reach his climax. He was so close. His entire world centered on the explosion that was being prepared in his balls.

“I’ve adjusted her monthly cycle, Lyden,” Gaia’s words whispered into his brain. “She’s fertile right now. Don’t you want to get her pregnant? I know she wants to carry your child. She hides it well, but I know what’s in her heart. She’s afraid, but I won’t let this child be harmed. She’s suffered enough. Fill her with your seed, Lyden. Sow her womb with your cum, and plant a new child within her.”

The words soaked into him, but he knew he shouldn’t. Becky was afraid to have any more children with him. He’d already lost two children. He couldn’t do that to her again. He wouldn’t!

“Oh Lyden! You’re making me cum again. Fuck me, Lyden. Fuck me!”

Before he could do more than moan, he felt Becky’s tiny twat tighten around him. His toes curled as electricity flooded his nervous system. He tried to lift her off him, but his muscles couldn’t function beyond the joy wracking his body and mind. He filled her insides with his potent seed, no longer capable of choosing when to procreate. He had no doubts that Gaia was right, and Becky would end up pregnant from this.

“Rest and sleep, you two,” Gaia muttered to them. “You’ll need it. When you wake up, I’ll have someone help you with your mission. I know just the one.” Becky was already snoring softly on top of him, his softening prick still ensconced within her. “Thank you for the stress relief, Lyden.”

He sensed, more than saw, Gaia moving away from him as a deep lethargy overtook him.

“I don’t know who is trying to kill the Pillars this time, but I know you can find them before it’s too late.” She moved away from him before turning to face him with a serious look in her eyes. “You should have trusted me with your secret. Get your rest. Eldon needs you right now. He’s dying.”

Before Lyden could think to respond, the heavy weight of sleep overtook him.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-12 11:10:30
Oh and just read the next, god please not her, she was my favorite of them all :(
Please tell me that somehow she isnt gone.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-08-11 01:32:10
Awesome as always thankyou for the next update :)))

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